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Exploring the Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on Smart Cities: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Prospects



The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to revolutionize smart cities. This paper explores the impact of IoT on smart cities, focusing on the opportunities, challenges, and future prospects. It highlights the diverse applications of IoT in smart cities, including transportation, energy management, waste management, and public services. The paper discusses case studies and examples of successful IoT implementation in cities such as Barcelona, Singapore, Amsterdam, Songdo, and Copenhagen. The opportunities presented by IoT in smart cities are vast. IoT technologies enable cities to optimize resource allocation, improve efficiency, enhance sustainability, and promote citizen engagement. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning with IoT opens doors to predictive analytics and smarter decision-making. The deployment of 5G networks and edge computing further enhances the potential for real-time data transmission and low-latency applications. However, challenges must be addressed to fully realize the benefits of IoT in smart cities. Security and privacy concerns, interoperability issues, infrastructure requirements, and citizen acceptance are among the key challenges. The paper emphasizes the need for proactive solutions and collaboration between various stakeholders, including governments, private sectors, and citizens. Looking ahead, the future prospects and trends in IoT-enabled smart cities are promising. The rise of autonomous vehicles, the application of blockchain for security, the emergence of IoT as a Service (IoTaaS), and the focus on environmental sustainability and citizen-centric services are among the notable trends. These trends will shape the future landscape of smart cities, enabling more efficient, sustainable, and inclusive urban environments. Introduction:
Exploring the Impact of Internet of Things (IoT)
on Smart Cities: Opportunities, Challenges, and
Future Prospects
Date: 20th January, 2023
Mike Stephen, Kaledio P, Saleh Mohamed
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative technology with the
potential to revolutionize smart cities. This paper explores the impact of IoT on smart
cities, focusing on the opportunities, challenges, and future prospects. It highlights the
diverse applications of IoT in smart cities, including transportation, energy management,
waste management, and public services. The paper discusses case studies and examples
of successful IoT implementation in cities such as Barcelona, Singapore, Amsterdam,
Songdo, and Copenhagen.
The opportunities presented by IoT in smart cities are vast. IoT technologies enable cities
to optimize resource allocation, improve efficiency, enhance sustainability, and promote
citizen engagement. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning with
IoT opens doors to predictive analytics and smarter decision-making. The deployment of
5G networks and edge computing further enhances the potential for real-time data
transmission and low-latency applications.
However, challenges must be addressed to fully realize the benefits of IoT in smart cities.
Security and privacy concerns, interoperability issues, infrastructure requirements, and
citizen acceptance are among the key challenges. The paper emphasizes the need for
proactive solutions and collaboration between various stakeholders, including
governments, private sectors, and citizens.
Looking ahead, the future prospects and trends in IoT-enabled smart cities are promising.
The rise of autonomous vehicles, the application of blockchain for security, the
emergence of IoT as a Service (IoTaaS), and the focus on environmental sustainability
and citizen-centric services are among the notable trends. These trends will shape the
future landscape of smart cities, enabling more efficient, sustainable, and inclusive urban
The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the way we live, work, and
interact with our surroundings. One significant development in recent years is the
emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to the network of interconnected
devices embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity that enables them to collect
and exchange data. The IoT has the potential to revolutionize various industries, and one
area where its impact is particularly noteworthy is in the development of smart cities.
A smart city can be defined as an urban environment that utilizes IoT technologies to
enhance the quality of life for its residents, improve the efficiency of infrastructure and
services, and promote sustainable development. By integrating IoT devices and systems
into various aspects of urban life, smart cities aim to create a seamless network that
optimizes resource utilization, enhances safety and security, and provides personalized
experiences to citizens.
This paper aims to explore the impact of IoT on smart cities, focusing on the
opportunities, challenges, and future prospects that arise from this technological
paradigm shift. The potential benefits of IoT-enabled smart cities are vast and encompass
various domains, including transportation, energy management, healthcare, public safety,
and environmental sustainability.
One of the key opportunities offered by IoT in smart cities is the ability to gather and
analyze vast amounts of data in real-time. IoT devices deployed throughout the urban
landscape, such as sensors embedded in infrastructure, vehicles, and public spaces,
generate a wealth of information that can be leveraged to make informed decisions and
optimize resource allocation. For instance, real-time data on traffic patterns can be used
to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, while environmental sensors can monitor
air quality and enable proactive measures to combat pollution.
However, the implementation of IoT in smart cities also presents several challenges that
need to be addressed. One of the primary concerns is ensuring the security and privacy of
the data collected by IoT devices. With the proliferation of interconnected devices, there
is an increased risk of cyber threats and unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Robust security measures, encryption protocols, and data anonymization techniques are
essential to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data.
In addition, the integration of diverse IoT devices and systems from different vendors
poses interoperability challenges. Standardization efforts and the development of open
platforms are crucial to ensure seamless communication and collaboration between
various components of a smart city ecosystem. Furthermore, the scalability and
sustainability of IoT infrastructure, including power supply, connectivity, and
maintenance, are critical factors that need to be considered for long-term success.
Looking ahead, the future prospects of IoT-enabled smart cities are promising. As
technology continues to advance, the potential applications of IoT in urban environments
are likely to expand. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms
can be integrated with IoT systems to enable predictive analytics and autonomous
decision-making, leading to even more efficient and responsive cities.
Moreover, the increasing availability of 5G networks will provide the necessary
infrastructure to support the massive data transfer and low-latency requirements of IoT
devices. This will unlock new possibilities for real-time monitoring, remote control, and
enhanced connectivity in smart cities.
II. Opportunities created by IoT in smart cities:
The integration of IoT technologies in smart cities opens up a wide range of opportunities
across various domains. Here are some key opportunities created by IoT in smart cities:
Enhanced Infrastructure Management: IoT enables smart cities to monitor and manage
their infrastructure more efficiently. Sensors embedded in bridges, roads, buildings, and
utility systems can provide real-time data on their condition, allowing for proactive
maintenance and reduced downtime. This leads to cost savings, improved asset
management, and increased longevity of infrastructure.
Efficient Transportation Systems: IoT plays a crucial role in optimizing transportation in
smart cities. Connected vehicles, traffic sensors, and intelligent transportation systems
can collect and analyze data on traffic flow, parking availability, and public transportation
usage. This information can be used to develop smarter routes, reduce congestion,
enhance public transportation services, and improve overall mobility for citizens.
Energy Management and Sustainability: IoT enables better energy management in smart
cities. Smart grids and energy monitoring systems can track energy consumption patterns,
optimize energy distribution, and detect and respond to power outages more quickly. This
leads to reduced energy waste, increased energy efficiency, and improved sustainability.
Improved Public Safety: IoT applications enhance public safety in smart cities.
Surveillance cameras, sensors, and connected devices can detect and respond to
emergencies, monitor crime hotspots, and provide real-time alerts to law enforcement
agencies. This helps in crime prevention, early detection of incidents, and effective
emergency response.
Healthcare and Well-being: IoT has the potential to revolutionize healthcare services in
smart cities. Wearable devices, medical sensors, and remote monitoring systems can
collect and transmit health data, enabling personalized healthcare, early detection of
diseases, and proactive interventions. IoT also facilitates telemedicine, allowing patients
to receive medical consultations remotely.
Environmental Monitoring and Sustainability: IoT can help monitor and address
environmental challenges in smart cities. Sensors and devices can measure air quality,
noise levels, waste management, and water quality. This data can be used to implement
targeted measures to reduce pollution, conserve resources, and promote sustainable
Citizen Engagement and Participation: IoT fosters citizen engagement and participation
in the decision-making processes of smart cities. Through mobile applications, smart
devices, and social platforms, citizens can access information, provide feedback, and
actively contribute to urban planning, resource management, and community initiatives.
Economic Growth and Innovation: The implementation of IoT in smart cities creates
opportunities for economic growth and innovation. It encourages the development of IoT-
related industries, startups, and entrepreneurship. Smart city projects attract investments,
create jobs, and drive technological advancements, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of
innovation and economic prosperity.
These opportunities illustrate the transformative potential of IoT in smart cities. By
leveraging IoT technologies, cities can optimize resource utilization, improve services,
enhance sustainability, and ultimately create a better quality of life for their citizens.
However, realizing these opportunities requires addressing the challenges associated with
IoT implementation in smart cities, as discussed in the previous section.
II. Opportunities created by IoT in smart cities:
The implementation of IoT in smart cities brings forth numerous opportunities that can
positively impact urban environments and the lives of their residents. Some of the key
opportunities created by IoT in smart cities are:
1. Enhanced Efficiency and Resource Optimization: IoT enables the collection of real-
time data from various sources, such as sensors embedded in infrastructure, vehicles, and
public spaces. This data can be used to optimize resource allocation, improve operational
efficiency, and enhance service delivery. For example, smart grids can dynamically adjust
energy distribution based on demand patterns, reducing energy wastage and promoting
2. Improved Transportation and Mobility: IoT can revolutionize transportation systems in
smart cities. Connected vehicles equipped with IoT devices can communicate with each
other and with infrastructure, enabling real-time traffic monitoring, congestion
management, and intelligent transportation systems. This can lead to reduced traffic
congestion, improved road safety, and more efficient public transportation networks.
3. Enhanced Public Safety and Security: IoT technologies can enhance public safety and
security in smart cities. Surveillance cameras, sensors, and wearable devices can monitor
public spaces, detect anomalies, and provide early warning systems for emergencies. IoT-
enabled systems can also facilitate quick response times and enable effective disaster
4. Better Environmental Sustainability: IoT can play a crucial role in promoting
environmental sustainability in smart cities. Sensors can monitor air quality, water levels,
and energy consumption, enabling proactive measures to reduce pollution, conserve
resources, and promote sustainable practices. Smart waste management systems can
optimize waste collection routes, leading to reduced carbon emissions and improved
waste management efficiency.
5. Citizen Engagement and Personalized Services: IoT enables personalized services and
citizen engagement in smart cities. Mobile applications and smart devices can provide
citizens with real-time information, personalized recommendations, and interactive
platforms to engage with municipal services. This fosters a sense of community
participation and empowerment.
6. Economic Opportunities and Innovation: The implementation of IoT in smart cities
creates new economic opportunities and fosters innovation. It stimulates the growth of
IoT-related industries, such as sensor manufacturing, data analytics, and IoT platform
development. It also attracts investment, promotes entrepreneurship, and drives job
creation in the technology sector.
In summary, IoT offers a wide range of opportunities in smart cities, including enhanced
efficiency, improved transportation, increased safety and security, environmental
sustainability, citizen engagement, and economic growth. By leveraging these
opportunities, smart cities can create more livable, sustainable, and technologically
advanced urban environments.
III. Challenges and obstacles in implementing IoT in smart cities:
While the implementation of IoT in smart cities presents numerous opportunities, it also
faces several challenges and obstacles that must be addressed. Some of the key
challenges include:
1. Security and Privacy Concerns: The interconnected nature of IoT devices increases the
vulnerability to cyber threats and unauthorized access. Ensuring robust security measures,
encryption protocols, and data privacy protection is crucial to safeguard sensitive
information and maintain public trust.
2. Interoperability and Standardization: The integration of diverse IoT devices and
systems from different vendors poses challenges in terms of interoperability and
standardization. Developing common protocols and open platforms that enable seamless
communication and collaboration between different components of a smart city
ecosystem is essential.
3. Scalability and Infrastructure Requirements: Implementing IoT in smart cities requires
a scalable and robust infrastructure. This includes reliable power supply, high-speed
connectivity, and efficient maintenance systems. Adequate investment and planning are
necessary to support the growing number of IoT devices and the increasing data traffic
they generate.
4. Data Management and Analytics: The massive amounts of data generated by IoT
devices require effective data management and analytics capabilities. Smart cities need to
develop the necessary infrastructure and expertise to collect, store, analyze, and interpret
data in real-time to derive actionable insights and make informed decisions.
5. Citizen Acceptance and Adoption: The success of IoT in smart cities depends on
citizen acceptance and adoption. Raising awareness, addressing concerns about privacy
and security, and ensuring inclusivity and accessibility are crucial for citizen engagement
and participation in IoT-enabled services.
6. Regulatory and Legal Frameworks: The implementation of IoT in smart cities raises
legal and regulatory challenges. Issues such as data ownership, liability, and compliance
with privacy laws need to be addressed through appropriate regulations and policies.
7. Cost and Return on Investment: The deployment of IoT infrastructure and systems in
smart cities can involve significant costs. Ensuring a favorable return on investment and
identifying sustainable business models are essential for long-term viability and
Addressing these challenges requires collaboration between governments, private sectors,
technology providers, and citizens. It necessitates strategic planning, stakeholder
engagement, and continuous monitoring and adaptation to evolving technologies and
societal needs.
In conclusion, while IoT presents immense potential in transforming smart cities,
challenges related to security, interoperability, scalability, data management, citizen
acceptance, and regulatory frameworks need to be effectively addressed to ensure the
successful implementation of IoT in smart city environments.
IV. Case studies and examples of IoT implementation in smart cities:
Numerous cities around the world have embraced IoT technologies to transform
themselves into smart cities. Here are a few notable case studies and examples that
highlight the implementation of IoT in smart cities:
1. Barcelona, Spain - Smart City Platform:
Barcelona implemented a comprehensive smart city platform called "CityOS" to enhance
various aspects of urban living. The platform integrates data from multiple sources,
including IoT sensors, to improve services such as transportation, waste management,
and energy efficiency. For example, the city uses IoT sensors to monitor parking spaces,
optimizing parking availability and reducing congestion. Barcelona's smart city initiatives
have improved energy efficiency by 30% and reduced water consumption by 25%.
2. Singapore - Smart Nation Initiative:
Singapore has embarked on its Smart Nation Initiative, which leverages IoT technologies
to create a highly connected and efficient city. The city-state has implemented various
IoT applications, including smart traffic management, smart lighting systems, and smart
waste management. For instance, Singapore uses sensors to monitor waste levels in bins,
optimizing waste collection routes and reducing operational costs. The city has also
introduced a national sensor network called "Smart Nation Sensor Platform" to collect
and analyze data for better decision-making.
3. Amsterdam, Netherlands - Smart Mobility:
Amsterdam has implemented IoT solutions to improve its transportation systems and
promote sustainable mobility. The city utilizes IoT-enabled sensors and traffic
management systems to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance public
transportation services. Amsterdam's smart mobility initiatives include smart parking
systems, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and real-time traffic information apps,
all aimed at improving the efficiency and sustainability of urban transportation.
4. Songdo, South Korea - Smart City Infrastructure:
Songdo is a planned smart city built from scratch near Seoul, South Korea. The city
incorporates IoT technologies into its infrastructure to enhance sustainability and quality
of life. Songdo utilizes IoT sensors for energy-efficient buildings, waste management
systems, and intelligent transportation networks. For example, the city has an automated
waste collection system that uses pneumatic tubes to transport waste from buildings to a
central waste management facility, reducing the need for traditional garbage trucks.
5. Copenhagen, Denmark - Smart Lighting:
Copenhagen has implemented an IoT-based smart lighting system to enhance energy
efficiency and improve the quality of public lighting. The city uses sensors to detect
human presence and adjust lighting levels accordingly, saving energy when areas are
unoccupied. The system also includes real-time monitoring and maintenance capabilities,
enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
These case studies demonstrate the diverse applications of IoT in smart cities, ranging
from transportation and energy management to waste management and public lighting.
By leveraging IoT technologies, these cities have achieved improvements in efficiency,
sustainability, and quality of life for their residents. These examples serve as inspiration
for other cities looking to implement IoT solutions and become smarter and more
connected urban environments.
V. Future prospects and trends in IoT-enabled smart cities:
The future of IoT-enabled smart cities holds immense potential for further advancements
and transformative impacts. Here are some key future prospects and trends in IoT-enabled
smart cities:
1. 5G and Edge Computing: The deployment of 5G networks will enable faster and more
reliable connectivity, facilitating the widespread adoption of IoT devices in smart cities.
This will support real-time data transmission, low-latency applications, and enable the
growth of edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the source. Edge
computing reduces latency and improves the efficiency of IoT systems, enabling faster
response times and enhanced scalability.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The integration of artificial intelligence
(AI) and machine learning (ML) with IoT technologies will unlock new possibilities for
smart cities. AI and ML algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data collected by IoT
devices, providing valuable insights and enabling predictive analytics. These technologies
can optimize resource allocation, improve decision-making processes, and enhance the
overall efficiency and effectiveness of smart city operations.
3. Autonomous Vehicles and Mobility: The rise of autonomous vehicles will
revolutionize transportation in smart cities. IoT-enabled sensors, connected infrastructure,
and AI algorithms will facilitate safe and efficient autonomous transportation systems.
This includes autonomous cars, buses, and delivery drones that can communicate with
each other and with smart city infrastructure, optimizing traffic flow, reducing congestion,
and enhancing mobility options.
4. Blockchain for Security and Data Integrity: Blockchain technology holds promise for
enhancing security and data integrity in IoT-enabled smart cities. Blockchain's
decentralized and tamper-proof nature can enhance trust, enable secure transactions, and
protect data privacy. It can be used for secure authentication, data sharing, and managing
smart contracts in various domains, such as energy trading, digital identity, and supply
chain management.
5. Internet of Things as a Service (IoTaaS): As IoT adoption increases, the concept of IoT
as a Service (IoTaaS) is gaining traction. IoTaaS allows cities to access and utilize IoT
infrastructure, platforms, and applications on a subscription basis, reducing the barriers to
entry and minimizing upfront costs. This model enables scalability, flexibility, and cost-
effectiveness, making IoT implementation more accessible for cities of all sizes.
6. Environmental Sustainability and Resilience: Future smart cities will focus on
achieving greater environmental sustainability and resilience. IoT technologies will play a
critical role in monitoring and managing critical resources, such as energy, water, and
waste. Smart grids, water management systems, and sensor networks will enable more
efficient resource utilization, reduced emissions, and improved resilience in the face of
environmental challenges.
7. Citizen-Centric Services and Participation: Smart cities of the future will prioritize
citizen-centric services and active citizen participation. IoT technologies will enable
personalized services, real-time information access, and enhanced citizen engagement
platforms. Citizens will have a greater say in decision-making processes, enabling more
inclusive and participatory governance models.
8. Integration of Multiple IoT Platforms: As the number of IoT devices and platforms
increases, there will be a need for greater interoperability and integration. Efforts will be
made to develop common standards, protocols, and frameworks that enable seamless
communication and collaboration between different IoT platforms. This integration will
support the development of a holistic and interconnected smart city ecosystem.
These future prospects and trends highlight the ongoing evolution and potential of IoT-
enabled smart cities. By embracing these trends, cities can harness the power of IoT
technologies to create more sustainable, efficient, and livable urban environments for
their residents. However, it is crucial to address the associated challenges and ensure
ethical, secure, and inclusive implementation of IoT in smart cities.
VI. Conclusion:
The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on smart cities is significant and far-reaching.
IoT technologies offer a plethora of opportunities to transform urban environments into
more efficient, sustainable, and livable spaces. By leveraging IoT, smart cities can
enhance resource optimization, improve transportation and mobility, enhance public
safety and security, promote environmental sustainability, foster citizen engagement, and
drive economic growth.
However, the implementation of IoT in smart cities also poses challenges and obstacles
that must be addressed. Security and privacy concerns, interoperability and
standardization issues, scalability and infrastructure requirements, data management and
analytics capabilities, citizen acceptance and adoption, and regulatory and legal
frameworks all need careful consideration and proactive solutions.
Looking ahead, the future prospects and trends in IoT-enabled smart cities are promising.
The deployment of 5G networks, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine
learning, the rise of autonomous vehicles, the application of blockchain for security, the
emergence of IoT as a Service (IoTaaS), the focus on environmental sustainability and
resilience, the emphasis on citizen-centric services and participation, and the integration
of multiple IoT platforms all shape the future landscape of smart cities.
To fully realize the potential of IoT in smart cities, collaboration between governments,
private sectors, technology providers, and citizens is essential. Strategic planning,
stakeholder engagement, and continuous monitoring and adaptation to evolving
technologies and societal needs are critical for successful IoT implementation.
In conclusion, the impact of IoT on smart cities is profound, offering numerous
opportunities for advancement. By addressing the challenges, embracing future trends,
and ensuring ethical and inclusive deployment, smart cities can harness the
transformative power of IoT to create more sustainable, efficient, and inclusive urban
environments. Through ongoing innovation and collaboration, the vision of truly smart
and connected cities can become a reality.
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In the last few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has achieved a notable momentum that, if harnessed appropriately, may deliver the best of expectations over many application sectors across the field. For this to occur shortly in Machine Learning, the entire community stands in front of the barrier of explainability, an inherent problem of the latest techniques brought by sub-symbolism (e.g. ensembles or Deep Neural Networks) that were not present in the last hype of AI (namely, expert systems and rule based models). Paradigms underlying this problem fall within the so-called eXplainable AI (XAI) field, which is widely acknowledged as a crucial feature for the practical deployment of AI models. The overview presented in this article examines the existing literature and contributions already done in the field of XAI, including a prospect toward what is yet to be reached. For this purpose we summarize previous efforts made to define explainability in Machine Learning, establishing a novel definition of explainable Machine Learning that covers such prior conceptual propositions with a major focus on the audience for which the explainability is sought. Departing from this definition, we propose and discuss about a taxonomy of recent contributions related to the explainability of different Machine Learning models, including those aimed at explaining Deep Learning methods for which a second dedicated taxonomy is built and examined in detail. This critical literature analysis serves as the motivating background for a series of challenges faced by XAI, such as the interesting crossroads of data fusion and explainability. Our prospects lead toward the concept of Responsible Artificial Intelligence , namely, a methodology for the large-scale implementation of AI methods in real organizations with fairness, model explainability and accountability at its core. Our ultimate goal is to provide newcomers to the field of XAI with a thorough taxonomy that can serve as reference material in order to stimulate future research advances, but also to encourage experts and professionals from other disciplines to embrace the benefits of AI in their activity sectors, without any prior bias for its lack of interpretability.
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At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, we are witnessing a fast and widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our daily life, which contributes to accelerating the shift towards a more algorithmic society. However, even with such unprecedented advancements, a key impediment to the use of AI-based systems is that they often lack transparency. Indeed, the black box nature of these systems allows powerful predictions, but it cannot be directly explained. This issue has triggered a new debate on Explainable Artificial Intelligence. A research field that holds substantial promise for improving trust and transparency of AI-based systems. It is recognized as the sine qua non for AI to continue making steady progress without disruption. This survey provides an entry point for interested researchers and practitioners to learn key aspects of the young and rapidly growing body of research related to explainable AI. Through the lens of literature, we review existing approaches regarding the topic, we discuss trends surrounding its sphere and we present major research trajectories.
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to provide more transparency to their algorithms. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that, if these techniques are to succeed, the explanations they generate should have a structure that humans accept. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a `good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a general term that implies the use of a computer to model intelligent behaviour with minimal human intervention. AI is generally accepted as having started with the invention of robots. The term derives from the Czech word robota, meaning biosynthetic machines used as forced labour. In this field, Leonardo Da Vinci's lasting heritage is today's burgeoning use of robotic-assisted surgery, named after him, for complex urologic and gynecologic procedures. Da Vinci's sketchbooks of robots helped set the stage for this innovation. AI, described as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, was officially born in 1956. The term is applicable to a broad range of items in medicine such as robotics, medical diagnosis, medical statistics, and human biology—up to and including today's “omics”. AI in medicine, which is the focus of this review, has two main branches: virtual and physical. The virtual branch includes informatics approaches from deep learning information management to control of health management systems, including electronic health records, and active guidance of physicians in their treatment decisions. The physical branch is best represented by robots used to assist the elderly patient or the attending surgeon. Also embodied in this branch are targeted nanorobots, a unique new drug delivery system. The societal and ethical complexities of these applications require further reflection, proof of their medical utility, economic value, and development of interdisciplinary strategies for their wider application.
The use of artificial intelligence, and the deep-learning subtype in particular, has been enabled by the use of labeled big data, along with markedly enhanced computing power and cloud storage, across all sectors. In medicine, this is beginning to have an impact at three levels: for clinicians, predominantly via rapid, accurate image interpretation; for health systems, by improving workflow and the potential for reducing medical errors; and for patients, by enabling them to process their own data to promote health. The current limitations, including bias, privacy and security, and lack of transparency, along with the future directions of these applications will be discussed in this article. Over time, marked improvements in accuracy, productivity, and workflow will likely be actualized, but whether that will be used to improve the patient–doctor relationship or facilitate its erosion remains to be seen.
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, particularly deep learning, have demonstrated remarkable progress in image-recognition tasks. Methods ranging from convolutional neural networks to variational autoencoders have found myriad applications in the medical image analysis field, propelling it forward at a rapid pace. Historically, in radiology practice, trained physicians visually assessed medical images for the detection, characterization and monitoring of diseases. AI methods excel at automatically recognizing complex patterns in imaging data and providing quantitative, rather than qualitative, assessments of radiographic characteristics. In this Opinion article, we establish a general understanding of AI methods, particularly those pertaining to image-based tasks. We explore how these methods could impact multiple facets of radiology, with a general focus on applications in oncology, and demonstrate ways in which these methods are advancing the field. Finally, we discuss the challenges facing clinical implementation and provide our perspective on how the domain could be advanced. Full text:
How can a machine learn from experience? Probabilistic modelling provides a framework for understanding what learning is, and has therefore emerged as one of the principal theoretical and practical approaches for designing machines that learn from data acquired through experience. The probabilistic framework, which describes how to represent and manipulate uncertainty about models and predictions, has a central role in scientific data analysis, machine learning, robotics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. This Review provides an introduction to this framework, and discusses some of the state-of-the-art advances in the field, namely, probabilistic programming, Bayesian optimization, data compression and automatic model discovery.