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Implementing Location-Based Cryptography on Mobile Application Design to Secure Data in Cloud Storage



This paper aims to identify security issues and existing solutions for cloud storage protection and to propose a mobile application design for securing data in cloud storage using the location-based cryptographic technique. In the proposed mobile application design, the user is required to perform the encryption before sending the data into the cloud storage. This paper provides a novel technique using location-based cryptography, secret keyword and hash function in order to further enhance the security of data in cloud storage that is currently only using either asymmetric or symmetric encryption algorithm. Asymmetric encryption’s has high security but due to the complexity in its computing, the performance rate is low while symmetric encryption’s performance is much faster as its implementation is easy. However, the attacker can still hack the data in cloud storage when either one of this encryption methods being used alone without any additional security layer. In this paper, location-based cryptography technique used consists of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm and location information which are longitude and latitude coordinates. Those coordinates will be employed in the encryption and decryption process as additional security mechanism on top of existing cryptography method by generating supplementary encryption key called geo-lock key. Dynamic Toleration Distance (DTD) protocol will also be implemented with those coordinates to improve its practicality before it will be converted into the geo-lock key. AES algorithm will handle encryption and decryption process using the geo-lock key while secret keyword which defined by the user before starting the process will be used to authenticate the upload and downloading process. Both geo-lock key and secret keyword will be hashed using Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA 2) and stored together with encrypted file in the cloud storage. The purpose of using location information is to ensure the encrypted file can be decrypted at intended location only while hash function is employed to protect the keys when they are stored in cloud storage. As a result, any unauthorized access to the file in cloud storage will not be allowed since each stored file was encrypted by the high performance of AES algorithm together with the decryption’s location restriction and the non-reversable hashed keys. The proposed mobile application design will serve an improvement in protecting stored data at cloud storage by using AES algorithm with location information as data encryption method and SHA 2 function for hashing the keys.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Implementing Location-Based Cryptography on Mobile Application
Design to Secure Data in Cloud Storage
To cite this article: Nur Syafiqah Mohd Shamsuddin and Sakinah Ali Pitchay 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1551 012008
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
Implementing Location-Based Cryptography on Mobile
Application Design to Secure Data in Cloud Storage
Nur Syafiqah Mohd Shamsuddin1, Sakinah Ali Pitchay*1,2
1Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai,
71800, Malaysia
2CyberSecurity and System Research Unit, Islamic Science Institute (ISI), Universiti
Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai, 71800, Malaysia
Abstract. This paper aims to identify security issues and existing solutions for cloud storage
protection and to propose a mobile application design for securing data in cloud storage using
the location-based cryptographic technique. In the proposed mobile application design, the user
is required to perform the encryption before sending the data into the cloud storage. This paper
provides a novel technique using location-based cryptography, secret keyword and hash
function in order to further enhance the security of data in cloud storage that is currently only
using either asymmetric or symmetric encryption algorithm. Asymmetric encryption’s has high
security but due to the complexity in its computing, the performance rate is low while
symmetric encryption’s performance is much faster as its implementation is easy. However,
the attacker can still hack the data in cloud storage when either one of this encryption methods
being used alone without any additional security layer. In this paper, location-based
cryptography technique used consists of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm and
location information which are longitude and latitude coordinates. Those coordinates will be
employed in the encryption and decryption process as additional security mechanism on top of
existing cryptography method by generating supplementary encryption key called geo-lock
key. Dynamic Toleration Distance (DTD) protocol will also be implemented with those
coordinates to improve its practicality before it will be converted into the geo-lock key. AES
algorithm will handle encryption and decryption process using the geo-lock key while secret
keyword which defined by the user before starting the process will be used to authenticate the
upload and downloading process. Both geo-lock key and secret keyword will be hashed using
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA 2) and stored together with encrypted file in the cloud storage.
The purpose of using location information is to ensure the encrypted file can be decrypted at
intended location only while hash function is employed to protect the keys when they are
stored in cloud storage. As a result, any unauthorized access to the file in cloud storage will not
be allowed since each stored file was encrypted by the high performance of AES algorithm
together with the decryption’s location restriction and the non-reversable hashed keys. The
proposed mobile application design will serve an improvement in protecting stored data at
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
cloud storage by using AES algorithm with location information as data encryption method
and SHA 2 function for hashing the keys.
Keywords Location-based cryptography; coordinates; AES; SHA2; secret keyword.
1. Introduction
Cloud computing emerge as one of the robust computing technologies due to its flexibility and cost
reduction [1]. Many companies are already migrated or in the process of migrating to cloud computing,
results surge on security issues due to the amassment of digital assets [2]. Cloud storage is the
keystone of cloud computing where security of data in cloud is the critical component including the
storage security and transmission security [3]. To secure the storage, cloud service protects user’s data
by implementing encryption with specific encryption key [4], [5]. Most service keep the encryption
key themselves and letting their system see and process user’s data [6], [7]. Conventional encryption
used keys that made up of random key-generate by particular algorithm technique. The random
generated key however has vulnerability towards some security attack such HTTP-focused brute-force
attack [7], [8]. Location-based cryptography is an enhancement of conventional encryption by adding
additional security layer which makes use of location information for generate the encryption key [9].
Thus, this paper proposes a mobile system design by implementing an additional layer of security for
protecting the data that going to be stored at cloud storage by encrypting the data before upload the file
into the cloud storage using user secret keyword and location information as the encryption key. The
encryption key will be hashed using secure hash algorithm and stored at the cloud with the encrypted
file. Encrypted file can only be decrypted if the hashed location information and secret keyword that
being key-in by the decrypter are matched with the hashed location information and secret keyword
from the cloud storage.
1.1 Security Issue Associated with Cloud Storage
There are a lot of incidents related to data security in cloud storage history. In March 2009, Google
spill of user Document and Spreadsheets with contacts who never have granted access to them [10].
December 2010, Honda customer’s sensitive information was stolen from their cloud service provider
[11]. 2012, Dropbox pushed a code change that eliminated the password authentication system. As
results, user’s stored data accessible to anyone who wanted to access it [12]. In 2013, more than one
billion Yahoo user account experienced data breech [13]. In August 2014, Jennifer Lawrence and other
bigger celebrity nude photos leaked online while they use iCloud Service as their personal storage [14].
In April 2016, 93 million voter registration records compromised during the National Electoral
Institute of Mexico due to a poorly configured database that made this confidential information
publicly available to anyone [13]. Recently issues in December 2017, PayPal customer details was
stolen from their subsidiary, TIO Network Inc by unauthorized access to the company’s networks [15].
Based on incidents from [9-12], these four issues are found as the most common challenges in
cloud storage that need to be emphasized:
1.1.1 Encryption
Poor implementation when many companies depend on the cloud provider for encrypting data which
means that, the cloud provider have control of the encryption key & the cloud provider have a full
access the data at any time.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
1.1.2 Key Management
Most companies store both encryption and decryption key on the same database where the data also
being stored. This is not a good practice which it can be detrimental for security.
1.1.3 Data Loss and Leakage
Data leakage increases when employees use their personal mobile devices to access and share
corporate documents via cloud storage services while all the data are not encrypted during stored at the
company cloud storage service. Using personal device can leads to data breech when user accidentally
shared the corporate data to outside of the corporate authorize community.
1.1.4 Multi-tenancy
An architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves to multiple customers or
tenants leads to security, capacity optimization, availability and service challenges [16]. Easier for a
hacker to steal the data of all business customers who share the same cloud database.
2. Existing Solution for Cloud Storage Data Protection
There are many studies has been carried out to improve data protection in cloud storage. A new
method of storing data in cloud storage has been proposed in [17] by partitioning the data into some
pieces and the pieces of data later been encrypt using AES and RSA algorithm. After being encrypted,
the data is sent to several servers. When the user wish to get back their data, encrypted partitioned data
will be downloaded and decrypt back using same technique.
Study in [5] has suggested a new technique to protect the data at cloud by implementing three
elements of cryptography which are AES encryption, RSA encryption and MD5 hash function. RSA
algorithm used to secure the communication, AES algorithm to secure the file encryption while MD5
used to hash the authentication password. The key is kept in the system database server together with
the hashed names of user account.
Work in [18] has proposed another technique of protecting the data in cloud storage by using AES
and RSA algorithm. For files encryption, they using AES algorithm while for keys encryption, RSA
algorithm has been used. The encrypted files are saved at cloud with both encryption and decryption
key in encrypted form.
A study by [19] has proposed a system concept for improving data protection in cloud computing
by enhancing the background process of the encryption and decryption. This paper proposed a system
which is implementing the combination of RSA and AES encryption in its encrypting process. This
system required the used of USB device during the encryption and decryption process. The files will
be encrypted right before the upload process to the cloud storage starts. A removable device is
required during download process by connecting the device into user's computer. The device then will
be used to decrypt the files.
Recent work in [20] has suggest new concept of technique to protect data by implementing the
encryption process on the file before it has been uploaded to the cloud. The data is being encrypted
using AES algorithm while the encryption key is hashed using MD5 hash function to hash. During
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
download process, server will hash the keyword and compare with hashed keyword for validation. If
the hashed keyword does not match, the decryption process will not be allowed.
Based on existing solutions by [13-16], encryption has been one of the most effectual way to protect
stored data in cloud as it store the unreadable form of data at the cloud storage. The reviewed studies
focused on implementing encryption technique on the data that going to be stored at the cloud server.
However, they are free to decrypt their encrypted data at any place without specific location restriction
to perform the decryption process. This will lead to data breeching if there are unauthorize user steal
the data from the cloud storage and perform a trial to decrypt the file at anywhere.
3. Location-based Cryptography
Cryptography is a secret of writing technique where it enables people to write, store and send sensitive
data or information in unreadable or non-understandable language form [20], [21]. Location-based
cryptography is a technique that provides an additional layer of security on available encryption
structure by implementing the location information into its process [22], [23] using the recipient
location information to generate the encryption key [24]. If there are any attempt to decrypt the data at
other location, the original information will not been revealed as the encrypted file only can be
decrypted if and only if the location of decryption is corresponding to the location that has been set by
the sender. Location information that is required for this location-based cryptography process is the
coordinate, which are longitude and latitude. Decryption coordinate will be provided by the sender
before the encryption process start and later will be converted into an encryption key called geo-lock
key through a process called as mapping function and bit-wise XOR.
Location-based cryptography also build fromconventional and established cryptographic algorithm
techniques either symmetric algorithm, asymmetric algorithm or both of it which also known as hybrid
algorithm [22].
3.1 Asymmetric Algorithm Technique (Public-key Cryptography)
Asymmetric algorithm which also known as public key cryptography is an algorithm technique that
use two type of key to encrypt and decrypt the data. One of the key called as public key is used to
encrypt the data which it can be shared with everyone, while the other key called secret key is used to
decrypt the encrypted data will be kept secret to the recipient only. [25]. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
Algorithm (RSA) was found as the strongest public key encryption method available in location-based
encryption and it is the most technique used by the researchers [17], [19], [26], [27]. The complexity
of factoring large prime number in public key encryption process results towards extra strength and
extra security of the algorithm [24].
3.2 Symmetric Algorithm Technique (Private-key Cryptography)
Symmetric algorithm which also known as private key cryptography is an algorithm technique that use
only one key called as secret key in both encryption and decryption process [5]. Data Encryption
Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are some of the private key algorithm that
widely used due to its fast performance [24], [28]. There were two reasons why symmetric algorithm
has a better performance compared to asymmetric algorithm which are speed and vulnerability [25].
Symmetric algorithm is 1000 times faster than asymmetric algorithm because it use a mutual key for
both of its encryption and decryption process [29].
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
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3.3 Hybrid Algorithm Technique
Hybrid algorithm technique is a combination of both asymmetric and symmetric technique in a single
approach of algorithm process [24]. In encryption, when it come to computational and implementation
of the algorithm, it was very fast when using symmetric algorithm to compute but slower when using
asymmetric algorithm due to its complexity in its computational [30]. However, symmetric algorithm
also has some issue which is how to exchange the secret key securely to each end and keep them
unshakeable after the exchange [31]. To encounter this issue, asymmetric algorithm is used to encrypt
the secret key and perform the key exchange to be sent the other end as asymmetric algorithm offers
very high security in its computation [32]. Therefore, a combination of symmetric and asymmetric
algorithm called as hybrid algorithm is used. The asymmetric algorithm is used to secure and distribute
session keys while the symmetric algorithm is used to encrypt the information.
3.4 Dynamic Toleration Distance (DTD)
Dynamic Toleration Distance was proposed by [33] to overcome the inaccuracy and inconsistent
issues in GPS receiver and to increase the practicality. A protocol that use dynamic location of mobile
node has been suggested. This protocol which is implemented into the cryptography technique also
contribute into very strong algorithm towards attack. The mobile node receiver registers a certain set
of coordinates with optional velocity for movement object to apply on the secret key with DTD and
estimate the next position. These parameters with type of movement makes this protocol more secure
than the static encryption where it is depends only on a position of static nodes and static toleration
distance (TD). To implement this protocol, harversine formula are used to calculate the great distance
between two points over the earth’s surface.
The calculation of harversine formula are shown as in equation (1).
φ is latitude
λ is longitude
R is earth’s radius, (mean radius = 6,371km)
*Note that angles need to be in radians to pass the trigonal functions
In this proposed mobile application design system, the symmetric algorithm will be employed using
AES encryption for encryption and decryption process of the original file due to it’s reputation as one
of the best encryption algorithm among other symmetric algorithm [4], while the use of DTD protocol
is important in the key geo-lock key implementation to increase its practicality in the interval of its
decryption of data. This is because, GPS retriever have problem in inaccuracy and inconsistent of
retrieving coordinate [33].
a = sin2 (Δφ/2) + cosφ1 · cosφ2 · sin2(Δλ/2)
c = 2 · atan2 (√a, √(1-a))
d = R · c
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
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4. Proposed system concept
This system proposes a new technique on how to secure file that store in the cloud storage by
recommending an additional layer of security in the encryption and decryption process using advance
encryption standard, AES [34] and secure hash algorithm 2, SHA 2 [35]. Location information which
are longitude and latitude coordinate will be used to generate the geo-lock key as the encryption and
decryption key. AES will be appoint as the encryption algorithm for encrypting the original file, while
SHA 2 hash function will be employed for hashing the secret keywords, encryption key and decryption
The idea of using location information for key generation is to ensure the decryption process will
only can be done at the intended location which have been specified before the encryption process. As
this system serves to single type of user, user have an ability to decide the location coordinate and the
range of toleration distance for decryption process. Therefore, if any trial of stealing the data by
unauthorized access on the cloud server will gain no advantages as they cannot decrypt the encrypted
data outside the intended location of decryption process. The secret keyword also secured at the user
site as it will not to be stored at the cloud server.
The best approach for protecting the data at cloud is to implement encryption before the uploading
process and before sending the data to the cloud server. This is to confirm that the file integrity is
remain secure and protected in the servers against any authorized access at all time. For the encryption
process to begin, the user is required to keyin input or auto retrieve his location coordinate to generate
the geo-lock key. For decryption process, the user is only allowed to auto retrieve his location before
the system process the retrieved location information into geo-lock key. The system then will hashing
the geo-lock key and compare it with the hashed geo-lock key which is saved in the cloud with the file.
If it is same, then the system will decrypt the file and allow the user to access the original file.
4.1 System Design Use Case Diagram
Figure 1 shows the use case diagram of user’s task to indicate the major task of proposed system. The
major tasks of the proposed system are, login into the system, manual key-in or auto retrieving the
location information and secret keyword, browsing and selecting files, upload encrypted file and
download file.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
Fig. 1 Use case diagram of the propose system design.
4.2 System Work Flow
The overall flow of proposes system structure is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the flow process
of the proposed mobile application system for uploading process.
Fig. 2 Overall proposed mobile application system design concept.
Create account
Create secret keyword
Hashing secret keyword using
Hashed secret keyword
Cloud storage
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
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Fig. 3 Proposed mobile application system flow concept for upload file process.
The proposed mobile application system will serve to single type of user. Thus, any user can easily
create their own account and use this mobile application system to store their private file securely in
the cloud storage. User can upload their files after they key-in their secret keyword and decryption
location information which is the coordinate for decryption process. User original file will be
encrypted using AES algorithm while their keys which are secret keyword and decryption coordinate
will be hashed using SHA 2 algorithm. The upload process will ask the user to key-in their intended
decryption coordinate and system will process the coordinate given into a geo-lock key before it will
be hashed using SHA 2 algorithm. System will encrypt the data based on the geo-lock key produced
by key generation process after user input.
Browse file
Select file
Enter decryption
Encrypt file using AES 256 bit
Hashing coordinate with SHA 2
Upload to cloud storage
Hashed coordinate and
encrypted file
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
The download and decryption process require the user to key-in their secret keyword and let the
mobile application system retrieve their current coordinate followed by process it into geo-loco key.
When user key-in their secret keyword, the system will hash the inserted keyword and compare it with
the saved hashed keyword in the cloud storage to check it similarity. If it is the same, then the system
will download the encrypted file from cloud storage.
Fig. 4 Proposed mobile application system flow concept for download file process.
Request for download
Retrieve coordinate and
enter secret keyword
Hashing coordinate & secret keyword
Compare hashed secret keyword with
hashed secret keyword in cloud
d failed
ad file
Compare hashed coordinate
with hashed coordinate in
downloaded file
n failed
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
After successfully download the encrypted file, system then will hash the geo-lock key from retrieved
coordinate and compare it with the saved hashed geo-lock key from cloud. If it is same, then the
system will decrypt the file and allow user to access their original file. Figure 4 shows the flow process
of the proposed mobile application system for uploading process.
4.3 System work flow steps
The designed system will contain five main sections as illustrated in Figure 1 use case diagram
from previous section which are the login process, location retrieving process, browsing and selecting
file, upload process and download process.
4.3.1: Login process: Every single user needs to create an account and login into the system
before using the application. the user must create an account by filling up their email and password.
Enter email
Enter password
4.3.2: Location retrieving and key-in secret keyword process: Each user needs to fill in the
location information for decryption purpose. User must confirm where they want to decrypt and
open up their stored data later and provide a secret keyword.
May select manually by drop down a pin on a map in the application, OR
Let the device retrieve current location, if user want to decrypt at current location later.
Key-in secret keyword
Hashing secret keyword
4.3.3: Browsing and selecting file:
Browsing file from device
Select file from device folder
4.3.4: Upload process:
Confirm the selected file
Confirm the decryption location information
Apply DTD on coordinates
Generate geo-lock key with geo-lock mapping
Hashing geo-lock key
Encrypt file
Upload to cloud server
4.3.5: Download process:
Browse file from cloud server and select file
Request to download
Key-in secret keyword
Hashing secret keyword
Hashed secret keyword will be compared with hashed secret keyword in cloud storage
If same, proceed to download file
Retrive current location using mobile device
System will apply DTD on retrieve location and compute geo-lock key
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1551 (2020) 012008
IOP Publishing
Hashing geo-lock key
Hashed geo-lock will be compare with hashed geo-lock key in cloud storage
If same, proceed to decrypt file
If not same, decryption is denied
5. Expected Results
By applying the proposed method which is using the location-based encryption technique, it can be
ensured that the data is more secured while it stored at the cloud servers. The data accessibility will be
limited only to the owners who have the required parameter which is the correct location information
to decrypt the data as the data was encrypted by the same owner. As a result, the proposed design will
participate in improving the protection of data at cloud storage by applying the encryption on every
file using a location information as the key for decrypting process since the encryption and decryption
process will be handled by the user which is the owner of the data. Each encrypted file will be
decrypted only by the same encryption and decryption geo-lock key based on the user intended
6. Conclusions
This paper highlights several security incidents related to cloud storage that have been occurred in
several years. It also describes existing solutions for protecting data in cloud storage. Based on the
reviewed studies, encryption has been one of the most effective methods to protect the data at the
cloud storage. However, attacker can still hack the data in cloud storage if they used the encryption
method only without any additonal layer of security mechanism. Thus, this paper recommends an
enhanced technique in the mobile application design which implementing location-based cryptography
for encrypt data before sending to the cloud storage, secret keyword on handling the upload and
download process while hash function for protecting the keys stored at cloud storage. The proposed
design using AES algorithm because of its high performance for encrypting and decrypting data
together with the location coordinates as supplementary encryption key called geo-lock key. The idea
of using location information for key generation is to ensure the decryption process will only can be
done at the intended location which have been specified before the encryption process start. This paper
is expecting that the proposed system will lead to improve the security and protecting the privacy of
cloud storage when the data are stored at the server is encrypted by the high performance of AES
algorithm with the decryption’s location restriction and secured encryption keys by non-reversable
hashed function. This will ensure the data is remain secured and protected in the server against any
unauthorized access at all time.
This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia under
research grant [USIM/FRGS/FST/055002/50217]. The authors would like to express their gratitude to
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) and MOHE for the support and facilities provided.
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... In [9], a security approach based on cryptography has been presented through examining the security issues in mobile devices and the available solutions. Also, it is mentioned that asymmetric cryptography is not a proper option for securing the resource-limited infrastructures such as IoT due to high complexity of the design and implementation. ...
... Q-link is defined as the link between a subset with smallest interface between two subsequent d i s in the chain of d 1 to d n . Q-link between two subsequent d i s with α %70 � 7 is International/public relations d 4 Financial d 5 Human resources/education d 6 Research and development d 7 Rules d 8 Management d 9 FAVA d 10 Standard d 11 Equipment d 12 Infrastructure d 13 Material C 1 Application C 2 eoretical basis C 3 Implementation C 4 Evaluation Table 6: e incidence matrix of the support indices' impact of the design steps of the cryptography algorithms with α � %70. ...
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The technology world is developing fast with the developments made in the hardware and software areas. Considering that privacy and security of telemedicine applications are among the main necessities of this industry, as a result, there is a need to use lightweight and practical algorithms to be used in applications in the field of telemedicine, while security have the least negative impact. The distinct and contradicting components in the design and implementation of the cryptography algorithm, to achieve various objectives in medicine-based applications, have made it a complicated system. It is natural that, without identifying the components, indices, and properties of each system component, the hardware and software resources are lost and a proper algorithm cannot be designed. Accordingly, this paper presents a leveled model of cryptography algorithms using the cybernetic method. First, the main objectives and measures in the design of the cryptography algorithms are extracted using the measure reduction methods, and some of the excess and overlapping measures are eliminated. Then, three general classes of the cryptography algorithm design and implementation measures, applications of cryptography algorithms, and cryptography implementation techniques are extracted. Since the complexity of the cryptography algorithm design is relatively high, the cybernetic methodology is used to present a supermodel to make the cryptography algorithm design objective. Such design prevents examining unnecessary details and establishes a bidirectional relationship between the main design and implementation process and the support process. This relationship provides the support requirements of the main process by the support process at each step. Finally, the Q-analysis tools are used to analyse the proposed method, and the efficiency results are represented.
Cloud computing security involves the procedures, technologies, and policies that protect data, applications, and resources in cloud computing environments. As communities increasingly rely on cloud services for computing requirements, protecting their data's security and privacy becomes critical to retain confidence and safeguard against possible attacks. Consequently, many researchers are interested in the security and privacy of computerised data. The present study aims to devise a protocol for data safety during its storage and dissemination. We developed a hybrid algorithm for data protection during the process. The highlights of the as-proposed approach include (1) Secured information input in the cloud; (2) Protected response to the information within such a manner that the data integrity is maintained. (3) Correct use and distribution of the public, private, and secret keys used in the encryption/decryption procedures. These keys consist of a public key, which may be used to encrypt data, a private key, which can be used for decrypting data, and a secret key, which can be used for authenticating users. The proposed solution can potentially speed up data transmission between the user and the cloud storage while preventing the unsolicited user from breaching the system.
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The emphasis on data protection is improved in particular with respect to the transmission protocols utilized. Different research on numerous data protection areas such as authentication, encryption, hiding of data and validation were performed. In addition, a cybersecurity standard, such as IP-SEC, and secure sockets layer (SSL), were introduced to solve privacy infringement problems by applying encryption, authorization and protection to data exchanged and data stored in the cloud. This study suggests a new steganography algorithm, a data protection tool used to conceal massive amounts of data from graphic and statistic attacks in color images. The proposed algorithm is a multi-level steganography modified deep hiding/extracting technique (MDHET), which implements a selected least signified bit (SLSB) for color picture dispersal of the information. In addition, an accurate pixel location randomization feature has been applied. After MDHET, the predicted results will effectively conceal data up to 6 bpp (bit per pixel) with high safety levels by improving the quality of images. In addition, MDHET can be useful for encoding a deep series of images into one in which the testing procedure is carried out using regular reference images used in color image processing and compression analysis from different institutions.
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The mobile instant messaging applications have become a famous wireless service in the world allowing a user to communicate with anyone in anywhere. Consequently, the manipulation of the user data creates a pressing need for securing the information and the associated technologies. The protection of these communications has become a paramount objective. The concept of cryptography has become a basic concept in communication and the exchange of messages within companies. This paper presents a hybrid security system allowing messages to be exchanged within a company in a secure manner. Our goal is to provide end-to-end encryption through the combination of asymmetric cryptography, signature, and integration of IMEI parameter. The confidentiality of the messages is ensured by the RSA algorithm, while the integrity of these messages and the sender authentication are ensured by the digital signature, that is carried out with the SHA-2 hash function.
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During the past few years, several investigations and efforts have undergone to achieve secure data in the cloud. On the other hand, few security problems that arise because of virtualization and multitenancies are communication, isolation, as well as resource management system. Practically, it becomes a troublesome task for the user to attain secure output. Therefore, in this article, a RSA cryptosystem using global mutation-based novel artificial immune network optimization algorithm is proposed. Here, an optimal key generation is achieved using a global mutation based novel artificial immune network optimization (GM-NAINO). In addition to this, the data integrity is achieved by enhancing secure data transmission. Finally, seven diverse test functions are employed in evaluating the efficiency of the proposed technique. The experimental analysis are performed and the evaluation results demonstrated that the performances of the proposed technique is better when comparison with other techniques.
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Boolean function plays a prominent role in building strong cryptography algorithm especially in symmetric block cipher. However, there may be some issues and conflicting criteria which prevent such a Boolean function to resist the algorithm to all known attacks. Within this work, the nonlinearity and correlation immunity issues of Boolean function is discussed followed by complementary counter measure against side channel attack especially differential power attack (DPA)
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Storing data via online increased rapidly and this massive data has become significant to be secured due to the data invasion. Hence, encryption to transmit data securely in open networks has been applied. However, this single layer of security is insufficient. Locationbased cryptographic technique is proposed by adding another layer of security on top of existing encryption method. It requires location information which are latitude and longitude coordinates, time and velocity. Those parameters used to generate an additional encryption and decryption keys for location-based encryption process. Therefore, protocols are required in cryptographic techniques to ensure the security and integrity of data while transit over a network connection. This paper discusses The Geo-encryption Algorithm, Location Dependent Encryption Algorithm (LDEA), Dynamic Toleration Distance (DTD) and Timed, Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication (TESLA) as the protocols for location-based cryptographic techniques. Its parameter used in that particular protocol and the roles in some applications such as location-based security in digital cinema distribution for sending large media file to multiple theatre locations and location-based authentication in bank cloud storage for accountant access at specific location and timeframe.
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This paper provides an enhanced technique for improving the security and protecting the privacy of the cloud computing users by encrypting the data before it reached to server's storage. Encrypting means the process of converting information or data into unreadable language to prevent unauthorized access. This paper will propose a mobile application design, which will allow the user to encrypt and decrypt the data hence maintaining security and privacy. In the proposed system design, the AES Algorithm will handle the encryption of the data using a keyword which will be defined by the user during the creation of the account. The encryption keyword will be hashed by the system using MD5 Algorithm. The keys will remain in encrypted form, while they are on the server side. Both encrypted data, encryption and decryption keys will be saved on the server in secured form. The idea behind hashing the encryption keys is to protect the keys while they are stored on the server, therefore, any unauthorized access to the server will gain no advantages since every bit of data on the server is encrypted including the private keys. The proposed system design will participate by improving the security and privacy of the users by giving them the capability to encrypt and decrypt data in enhanced way using AES as a data encryption method and MD5 hash algorithm for encrypting the encryption keys.
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In this paper, we propose a novel triple algorithm based on RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), and TwoFish in order to further improve the security of Bluetooth that is currently using only 128-bit AES for encryption in its latest versions (Bluetooth 4.0–5.0). Furthermore, older Bluetooth 1.0A–3.0+HS (High-Speed) devices use E0 stream cipher for encryption that has been shown to be weak by numerous researchers and thus it can be considered insufficient for high security purposes nowadays. In our novel approach, we first encrypt the message by using AES with 128-bit key and then further encrypt it by using TwoFish with the same 128-bit key. Finally, the 128-bit key generated in the beginning will be encrypted by using RSA with 1024 -bit key to protect its over-the-air transfer. In the receiving end, the decryption process goes in reverse order compared with encryption process. We will show with experimental figures that our novel algorithm significantly improves the security of Bluetooth encryption by eliminating all known weaknesses and thus making data exchange between Bluetooth devices secure.
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Cloud computing is emerging as one of the powerful computing technologies in the field of Information Technology due to its flexibility and cost reduction. This paper provides a detailed survey on security issues of the services provided by cloud computing and solutions to mitigate them. The main objective of this paper is to empower a new researcher to figure out the concepts of cloud computing, the services provided by them, and the security issues in the services. It also provides solutions to avoid or mitigate the different security issues which occur in the services provided by cloud computing. Additionally, it provides insight into the cloud computing model proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), data stages and data security basics in a multi-tenant environment. This paper explores the different security methods proposed by different researchers and analyzes them.
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Mobile cloud computing is a revolutionary computing paradigm for mobile applications, which enables storage and computation migration from mobile users to resource-rich and powerful cloud servers. This migration causes some privacy issues in providing secure data storage, fine-grained access control and anonymity of users. Attribute-based encryption is an endto- end public key encryption mechanism that ensures security of stored data in the cloud and provides fine-grained access control using defined policies and constraints. Location of a device is one of the contextual policies, which is used to improve data security, authenticate user and provide access to services and useful information. However, unlike other policies and attributes used in attribute-based encryption, location attribute is an intrinsic dynamic attribute. In this paper, we investigate providing Location-Based Services (LBSs) for attribute-based access control in mobile cloud. More specifically, we propose a multi-authority attribute-based access control scheme to support coexistence of authorities, provide anonymity of users and protect their identity against malicious authorities. The proposed scheme uses dynamic location of mobile users as contextual information about those users, employs location range constraints as a policy in attribute-based encryption and authorizes users with dynamic locations satisfying access policies. The proposed attribute-based encryption is integrated with proxy re-encryption to (a) transform secret information received from different authorities and protect users’ identities from disclosure to cloud server, and (b) outsource the computation to a cloud server with unlimited computational power. This results in achieving more efficiency and reducing the computation cost on resource-constrained mobile users.
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This paper presents a solution that provides high security for the fast transmission of images through Internet. To reach this goal, a chaos based cryptosystem is implemented using client side and server side technologies. The RSA key pair for encryption and decryption is generated and sent to the server which uses it to encrypt the initial condition and the parameters of the chaotic map. This approach allows us to encrypt the image with the public key and decrypt it only with the private key. Thus the problem of keys management that encounter the chaos-based symmetric cryptosystems is resolved. The proposed method is used to design a suitable web application and the results indicated that our approach provides a fast and secure process for the image transmission.