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Due to availability of powerful image processing software and improvement of human computer knowledge, it becomes easy to tamper images. Manipulation of digital images in different fields like court of law and medical imaging create a serious problem nowadays. Copy-move forgery is one of the most common types of forgery which copies some part of the image and pastes it to another part of the same image to cover an important scene. In this paper, a copy-move forgery detection method proposed based on Fourier transform to detect forgeries. Firstly, image is divided to same size blocks and Fourier transform is performed on each block. Similarity in the Fourier transform between different blocks provides an indication of the copy-move operation. The experimental results prove that the proposed method works on reasonable time and works well for gray scale and colour images. Computational complexity reduced by using Fourier transform in this method.
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Efficient Copy-Move Forgery Detection for
Digital Images
Somayeh Sadeghi, Hamid A. Jalab, and Sajjad Dadkhah
Abstract—Due to availability of powerful image processing soft-
ware and improvement of human computer knowledge, it becomes
easy to tamper images. Manipulation of digital images in different
fields like court of law and medical imaging create a serious problem
nowadays. Copy-move forgery is one of the most common types
of forgery which copies some part of the image and pastes it to
another part of the same image to cover an important scene. In
this paper, a copy-move forgery detection method proposed based
on Fourier transform to detect forgeries. Firstly, image is divided to
same size blocks and Fourier transform is performed on each block.
Similarity in the Fourier transform between different blocks provides
an indication of the copy-move operation. The experimental results
prove that the proposed method works on reasonable time and works
well for gray scale and colour images. Computational complexity
reduced by using Fourier transform in this method.
Keywords—Copy-Move forgery, Digital Forensics, Image Forgery.
IMAGE as a communication media became very popular
immediately after invention of photography and plays crit-
ical role in real life, but from time to time image does not
tell the truth. With the entrance of digital data in current years
and improvement of human computer knowledge, expansion
of digital images increased and validity of digital data faces a
big problem [1]. Availability of the digital image processing
tools such as Photoshop or GIMP which are available free
makes it easy to change features of images which are flexible
to manipulation; these powerfultools caused suspicions on the
integrity of digital images that we face every day in our life
[2]. Consequently, digital image forgery invented to find out
the integrity of the image, and it became an important issue as
people tried to change the content of the image and present the
forged image as original one to achieve their illegal purposes.
Digital image forgery is important because of the usage of
digital images in many social areas like courts when they are
used as evidence, or in medical field to help physician makes
decisions base on digital images. Digital Image Forensics can
be subdivided into three branches as image source identifica-
tion; Computer generated image recognition and Image forgery
detection, and base on latest technology, digital image forgery
categorized in three groups; Copy-Move, Image splicing and
S. Sadeghi is with the Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (email:
H.A Jalab is with the Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (email:
S.Dadkhah is with the Faculty of Computer Science and Information
System, University Technology Malaysia 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Image retouching. Copy-Move forgery or Region-Duplication
forgery is the most important type of forgery, in Copy-Move
some part of the image copies and pastes into another part of
the same image to create a new thing or to hide an important
scene [2]. Image splicing is the procedure of creating a
fake image by cutting one part of an image and paste it to
another image. It works on combining few images to create
one tampered image. One of the problems is that, when the
backgrounds in the images are different the objects in result
may appear unclear [3]. Image Retouching doesnt obviously
change the image, so it can be considered as the less corrupting
type of digital image forgery, it just enhance some features of
image. It is famous among magazine photo editors and most
of magazine covers use this technique to change some features
of an image but it is ethically wrong [3].
With the creation of digital image forgery,many researchers
developed different techniques to detect forgery, detection of
Copy-Move forgery is difficult compare to other forgeries
because the source and destination of forgery is same image,
also the original image segment and the pasted one have same
important properties such as dynamic range, noise component
and colour palette. An example for this type of forgery can
be seen in Fig.1, where (a) shows the original image and (b)
shows the tampered image [4].
Fig. 1: Sample of Image Forgery
In this paper,we proposea novelmethod for identifyingthe
location of copy-move tampering and authenticating an image
by applying Fourier transform. The image is first converted
to gray scale image and reduced in size based on the resize
criterion value. Fourier transform applied on image to perform
correlation, and correlation can be used to locate features
within an image, and finally it helps to find similar correlations
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 71 2012
values in image and convert the result value to a matrix of real
numbers and shows location of matched blocks.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In next section,
the related work is reviewed. In section 3, the details of the
proposed method are presented with the general flowchart of
the program. Section 4 presents the experimental results and
discussion. Final conclusions are drawn in last section.
Copy-move forgery is a very general and important type
of forgeries because the source and destination of the forged
image is same. In this type of forgery, some part of the image
copies and pasts on other part of the same image to cover
and important scene for illegal purposes [5]. Consequently
detection of copy-move forgery invented to search the copied
regions and their pasted ones, but detection may vary base
on whether there has been any post-processing on copied
part before paste it to another part. Usually attackers will do
some operations such as rotation, filtering, JPEG compression,
resizing and noise addition to the original part before pasting,
and these operations make it difficult to detect copy-move
forgery, therefore forgery detector should be robust to all
manipulations [2].
To accomplish this task severalcopy-move forgery detection
techniques have been proposed. Fridrich, Soukal, and Jan Luk
in [5] described Copy-Move forgery base on similarity. They
believed there is a relationship between the original image
parts and pasted one, and this relationship can be used for a
successful detection of copy-move. Since the tampered image
will possibly be saved in the JPEG format, the image parts
might match approximately not accurately. As a result, they
found there are some requirements for detection algorithm,
which are: 1. Algorithm must permit for an approximate match
of small image parts. 2. When there is possibility of false
positive, it should work in a reasonable time. 3. Another thing
is that the forged parts should be a connected component rather
than a collection of individual pixels.
Accordingly, they have developed a technique for detection
based on exact match, and it works to find segments in
the image which match exactly. This technique is useful
for forensic analysis, but its applicability is limited [5]. In
2003, Fridrich analyzed the exhaustive search and proposed
a block matching detecting method based on discrete cosine
transform (DCT) and lexicographic sort used for detecting the
forged areas [5]. Mahdian and Stanislav in [6] proposed a
method based on blur moment invariant which is robust to all
manipulations but the main disadvantage of this method was
detection time which takes 45 minutes for a 256x256 pixel
image to detect which area has been duplicated.
An efficient non-intrusive method is proposed in [7], in this
method image is divided into sub blocks and a separate noise
image is created by using noise pattern of each sub blocks,
these noise images are used to approximate the overall noise
of the image which is useful later to guess the noise pattern of
different blocks. Finally blocks with similar noise histogram
are suspected to duplicated area. This method can segment
an image into complete objects more accurately compare to
previous methods but it cant work on different images as
detection can happen only if the background of the image is
simple. Detection based on DCT was proposed by Jie, Huax-
iong, Gao and Hai (2011), in this method Fridrichs method
based on DCT has improved by reducing false matching rate.
This method works by comparing image block features and
find out if number of matched blocks in certain region is
more than threshold. In order to improve the accuracy of
matching a lexicographicalsorting algorithm based on distance
proposed. It is robust to post image processing like adding
noise and blurring, but it is not robust to rotation [8]. Reference
[7] shows a new solution proposed based on dyadic wavelet
transform usage. It is robustto post processingbut this method
also has its drawbacks, it works only on images with simple
According to XiaoBing KANG and ShengMin WEI [9] ,
in proposes detection based on Singular value decomposition
(SVD) can be done easily even when tamperer does some
manipulations such as additional noise, scaling or rotation to
image part before pasting to another part, and it works well for
lossy format such as JPEG, detection based on SVD happens
by dividing image into overlapping blocks and apply SVD on
each block base on SVD formula in (1) where A is image
matrix and U is a (m x m) orthogonal matrix, V is an (n x n)
orthogonal matrix and S is an (m x n) diagonal matrix with
singular values on the diagonal.
From SVD, singular values will extract and arranged in a
matrix, then it needs to change features in each block into k-d
tree and search for similar blocks for each query using (2)
where u and v are values of orthogonal matrixes.
At this time, blocks similarity matching will be done to find
similar blocks. The main idea of this step is that a duplicated
region consists of many neighbouring duplicated blocks. If
two similar blocks can be fined in the analyzed space and
if their neighbourhoods are also similar to each other, there
is a high probability that they are duplicated and they are
tagged as duplication area, then the output of the method is a
duplicated regions map which showing the image regions that
are expected duplicated. Based on their experimental results,
their proposed method gives robustness against post processing
like blur filtering, Gaussian noise addition, etc. Detection time
for this method for a 256 x 256 colour image is 120 second
which is better compare to existed method in [6].
In this paper, we propose a detection algorithm based on
Fourier transform to extract transformed image matrix, and
find location of similar blocks in the image using inverse
Fourier transform.
When a forgery occurs in a digital image, it shows that
statistical characteristics of image have changed; therefore it
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 71 2012
is obvious that statistical characteristics of forged area are
different from original area. For detecting forged area, the
statistical characteristics of each small sections of the image
calculated and compared with each other. Fig. 2 shows the
general procedures of detecting copy-move forgery in digital
images [10].
Fig. 2: Copy-move forgery detection procedure
Most of detection techniques focused on block matching,
and the procedure is common by dividingimage into same size
blocks and extracting image features by different techniques,
afterwards searching for similar block to find which region
is duplicated base on block matching, this is happen if many
similar blocks in a specific distance can be fined, and these
suspected blocks are connected to each other to identify
tampered area. The proposed method works by resizing image
to specific resize scale and convert the input image to gray
scale image if it is colour to reduce time of detection. We
have defined block size as a square with K x K pixels and
assumed to be smaller than the size of the duplicated regions
which have to be detected. Here we have defined block size
20 by default to divide image based on block size to same size
overlapping blocks, and number of blocks calculated from (M
x K + 1)(N x K + 1) where (M, N) are image pixels and
K is the size of the block we have defined before. Fourier
transform applied on image to extract features of each blocks,
when Fourier transform of the image calculated, a function is
created with the intensity signal across the image, and function
is decomposed into a sum of orthogonal basis functions by
using Fourier transform. f (m, n) is a function of two discrete
spatial variables m and n, and the two-dimensional Fourier
transform of f (m, n) is defined by the relationship in (3)
f(m, n)e1me2n(3)
The variables ω1andω2 are frequency variables, and F
(ω1, ω2) is frequency-domain representation of f (m, n). F
(ω1,ω2) is a complex-valued function that is periodic both
in ω1andω2, with period 2πand period range πω1,
ω2π. Fourier transform applied on image blocks to
perform correlation, subsequently the correlation of the blocks
computed to locate features within image, then correlation
are sorted in a lexicographically order because it can make
matching more effective, and sorted correlation stored in a
matrix named Q with the size of (M - K + 1) x (N - K + 1) x
K2. After all blocks sorted properly, the algorithm continues
into the matching step by testing each pair of blocks whether
they are matching. For each row in matrix Q, correlations
values are computed for the block matching to current row
with the blocks matching to rows around the current row, if the
computed maximum correlation value exceeds threshold which
is block-matching threshold, then two blocks are duplicated.
When similar blocks detected then the inverse of a transform
is performed on a transformed image to produce the original
image, and the inverse of two-dimensional Fourier transform
of the image is done by (4)
F(m, n)= 1
Where ω1andω2 are frequency variables, and and F (ω1,
ω2) is frequency-domain representation of f (m, n).
The proposed method has been implemented using Matlab
7.9. Experimental environment is on a personal computer of
2.00GHz processors with 1GB memory. The block size is 20 x
20 pixels. Tests have been performed on various images with
different size of duplication region and different formats. In
the first experiment, several copy-move tampered images have
been examined with proposed algorithm.
Fig.3 demonstrates an ordinary forgery, in Fig.3 (b) tam-
pered image shown in which some part of the leaves copied
and pasted on the trunk to cover it, and result of detection
Fig. 3: (a) Original Image, (b) Tampered Image, (c) Detection Result
Lena gray scale image tampered and Fig.4(b) illustrates the
tampered image where some part of the hair has been copied
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 71 2012
and pasted on the hat to cover some part of the hat, and
Fig.4(c) shows the detection map.
Fig. 4: (a) Original Image, (b) Tampered Image, (c) Detection Result
Fig.5 shows another forgery which is obvious, original
image is tampered by hiding the man in the image and created
tampered image in Fig.5 (b) along with detection result in
Fig. 5: (a) Original Image, (b) Tampered Image, (c) Detection Result
In time performance, the complexity time of the proposed
algorithm is better compared with existing methods [6]. Kang
and Wei explained in their experimental results [6] they have
tested a gray scale image with dimension 256 x 256 and block
size 20, the detection time was 60 seconds, and compare
with our algorithm for the same image detection time is 8
seconds. Another image has been test, based on Kang and
Wei algorithm, the average runtime of the their algorithm for
one colour channel of a 256x256 image when block size B=20,
is approximately 120 seconds, and compare to our algorithm
for the same size of colour image it takes 11 seconds to find
duplicated areas.
With the rapid progress of image processing technology,
detection of digital image forgery is an interesting research
topic in forensics science. In this paper, a specific type of
forgery which is Copy-move forgery investigated and an effi-
cient detection method proposed based on Fourier transform.
The procedure of detection starts by dividing image into same
size overlapped blocks and apply Fourier transform on each
block, finally demonstrate the location of similar blocks by
using inverse Fourier transform. Proposed method is able to
locate duplicated areas in reasonable time compare to existing
methods, and computational complexity reduced. Our future
work is to enhance our method to detect duplicated area more
accurately and improve it to be able to detect another kind of
forgery which is image splicing.
The authors would like to thank University of Malaya for
their educational and financial support.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 71 2012
... The process of passive image tamper detection includes various steps like, essential pre-processing 4 Tatkare and Devare/ ICCIP-2019 techniques for an image, Feature can be extracted from an image, matching of feature vectors, filtering as per the requirement and post-processing [8]. There is a general processing pipeline to detect tampering in an image which is shown in Fig.5. ...
... Feature extraction is known as dimensional reduction, which is classified into block based and key point based [8]. The focus is on high entropy points of an image in key-point approach. ...
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The digital images from various sources are ubiquitous due to easy availability of high bandwidth Internet. Digital images are easy to tamper with good or bad intentions. Non-availability of pre-embedded information in digital images makes the tampering detection process more difficult in case of digital forensics. Thus, passive image tampering is difficult to detect. There are various algorithms available for detecting image tampering. However, these algorithms have some drawbacks, due to which all types of tampering cannot be detected. In this paper researchers intend to present the types of image tampering and its detection techniques with example based approach. This paper also illustrates insights into the various existing algorithms and tries to find out efficient algorithm out of them.
... Copy-move attacks, as their name implies, copy some part of the multimedia data and then paste it into another part of the same data. This kind of attack is difficult to detect, as the source and destination of the tampered area are the same and, as a result, the similarity of their statistical characteristics makes it difficult to detect tampered regions [39]. ...
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During the past few decades, research on digital media watermarking –initially designed for digital images with the envisioned applications of copyright protection or copy control– has significantly evolved with respect to other covers (i.e., video, audio, speech) and many more potential applications, including tamper detection, broadcast monitoring, and, more recently, fake news detection. As a result, various surveys have tried to summarize certain aspects of this research field as it has grown. This has led to more than 130 survey papers being written at different points in time, describing various parts of the scientific efforts focused on digital media watermarking. Considering the above, the aim of this paper is twofold. First, we conduct a meta-survey based on 64 selected research works, in order to summarize the most notable survey papers in this field, which allows us to “draw a map” of this research area. Second, we focus on providing the requirements for digital watermarking techniques when applied to their most recent application: detecting fake news in multimedia content. Finally, an outline of the approach taken within the DISSIMILAR (Detection of fake newS on SocIal MedIa pLAtfoRms) project for the detection of disinformation is presented.
... Another Fourier transform-based approach to spot forgeries was put out by Sadeghi et al. [23], in which the picture is changed to a grayscale version. Based on the resize requirement, the size was reduced. ...
... Digital Image Forensics can be subdivided into three branches as-1) image source identification; 2) Computer generated image recognition and 3) Image forgery detection. Further, digital image forgery categorized in three groups [4]-Copy-Move, Image splicing and Image retouching. Copy-Move forgery or Region-Duplication forgery is the most important type of forgery, in Copy-Move some part of the image copies and pastes into another part of the same image to create a new thing or to hide an important scene. ...
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This paper reveals basics of Digital (Image) Forensics. The paper describes the ways to manipulate image, namely, copy-move forgery (copy region in image & paste into another region in same image), image splicing (copy region in image & paste into another image) and image retouching. The paper mainly focuses on copy move forgery detection methods that are classified mainly into two broad approaches-block-based and key-point. Methodology (generalized as well as approach specific) of copy move forgery detection is presented in detail. Copied region is not directly pasted but manipulated (scale, rotation, adding Gaussian noise or combining these transformations) before pasting. The method for detection should robust to these transformations. The paper also presents methodology for reconstruction (if possible) of forged image based on detection result.
... Digital image forgery can be done by manipulating image in three ways [3]-1) Copy-Move, 2) Image splicing and 3) Image retouching. Copy-Move forgery or Region-Duplication forgery is the most important type of forgery, in which some part of the image copied and pasted into another part of the same image to create or highlight a new thing or to hide an important scene. ...
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Use of digital images has been increased tremendously in today's internet and mobile world. Images are used not only as evidences in court of law but in education, media and science field. In such a scenario, it is essential to check whether image is authentic against various forgeries such as copy-move forgery, image splicing etc. Forgeries make illegal changes in image in order to damage or change the meaning. This paper presents methodology to detect copy-move forgery and then reconstruct an image. Forgery detection has 3 steps: feature extraction, key-point matching and clustering. Geometric transformation is estimated using RANSAC algorithm. Duplicated region is identified using correlation. In case of single forgery, reconstruction can be done (if possible) using region properties. In other words, it is an anti-forgery tool. Image splicing can also be detected by checking image noise level.
... A method is introduced to see the zone of duplicate move and to modify an image with the Fourier transform. To perceive a shaped region, the exact qualities of every single parts of the image chosen, and separated from each other (Sadeghi et al., 2012). Murali et al. has presented the comparative analysis of forgery detection techniques for images. ...
Abstract: Biomedical industries produce an enormous amount of medical data day by day which requires a huge storage space and processing power. Cloud computing provides enough space to store this huge amount of data. Cloud computing technology offers the required scalability with computing power through cloud service providers. In this scenario, medical data sharing in the form of images securely is very important in bio-medical industries. The cloud facilitates a better platform for sharing crucial data between the physicians and patients. Hence, data integrity and authenticity are a challenging issue today in cloud while sharing these medical images through the Internet. For overcoming these issues, we propose a modified digital signature scheme that ensures data integrity and authenticity of the biomedical image. Here, the third-party auditor checks the shared medical image whether it is damaged or modified by applying the proposed digital signature scheme. Moreover, an existing Adler32 hash function is used for creating a digital signature with 8 bits and the proposed digital signature scheme provides 16 bits of output signature which is better than the existing digital signatures. Finally, the proposed scheme proved its efficiency by conducting various experiments.
... A method is introduced to see the zone of duplicate move and to modify an image with the Fourier transform. To perceive a shaped region, the exact qualities of every single parts of the image chosen, and separated from each other (Sadeghi et al., 2012). Murali et al. has presented the comparative analysis of forgery detection techniques for images. ...
Nowadays, medical imaging techniques are not just only used for diagnosis and prognosis of diseases but can also be used as evidence in court. Medical imaging in forensics is a very specialized field in which radiological techniques are used to aid pathologists to determine the cause of death or to identify the remains. Recently, due to tremendous free images and videos, altering programs on the Internet have made altering images and recordings very simple. Approving the trustworthiness of images or recordings and identifying any endeavor of fabrication without utilization of dynamic legal procedure is a very challenging task nowadays. Therefore security and forensics in medical imaging are coming into sight, which is a major challenge to the researchers. With the development in the field of advanced imaging, a few security and protection issues have been highlighted. Therefore this chapter discusses the validity of the advanced imaging, clarifies the existence cycle of the digital images and furthermore different activities that can be performed on it. Right off the bat, we present types of imaging modalities, tools for proving image authenticity, and the application of digital imaging techniques to several forensic subdisciplines is discussed. At last, we recognize and examine a few essential open research difficulties as future research challenges.
In modern technologies, digital image processing is an essential field with various applications. Over the past few years, the multidisciplinary field of real-time image processing has undergone an explosion. Scientists are looking for advanced processing tools such as embedded and special hardware systems such as Raspberry Pi for big data processing in real-time every day. Raspberry Pi is a credit card affordable computer with an open-source platform. Raspberry Pi is a very useful and promising tool for image processing applications that provide the advantages of portability, parallelism, low cost, and low power consumption. Since the computational time in image processing applications is a critical factor, clusters can achieve real-time execution in image processing applications. When it comes to constructing massive supercomputing clusters, power consumption has become an increasingly important metric. Low-power embedded processors are one way to reduce power consumption in large clusters instead of the standard CPUs. As a result, it will be helpful to use a Raspberry Pi cluster for image processing applications that take a long time to execute, as the portable cluster can be configured to continue to operate even if a number of its nodes fail. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of Raspberry Pi utilization in various parallel image processing applications in different fields.
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A new approach to efficient blind image splicing detection is proposed in this paper. Image splicing is the process of making a composite picture by cutting and joining two or more photographs. The spliced image may introduce a number of sharp transitions such as lines, edges and corners. Phase congruency has been known as a sensitive measure of these sharp transitions and hence been proposed as features for splicing detection. In addition to the phase information, the magnitude information is also used for splicing detection. Specifically, statistical moments of characteristic functions of wavelet subbands have been examined to catch the difference between the authentic images and spliced images. Consequently, the proposed scheme extracts image features from moments of wavelet characteristic functions and 2-D phase congruency for image splicing detection. The experiments have demonstrated that the proposed approach can achieve a higher detection rate as compared with the state-of-the-art.
Conference Paper
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The issue of the verification of the authenticity and integrity of digital images is increasingly being important. Copy move forgery is one type of tempering that is commonly used for manipulating the digital contents, in this case, a part of an image is copied and is pasted on another region of the image. The non-intrusive approach for this problem is becoming attractive because it does not need any embedded information, but it is still far from being satisfactory. In this paper, an efficient non-intrusive method for copy-move forgery detection is presented. This method is based on image segmentation and similarity detection using dyadic wavelet transform (DyWT). Copied and pasted regions are structurally similar and this structural similarity is detected using DyWT and statistical measures. The results show that the proposed method outperforms the stat-of-the-art methods.
Now digital images are widely used in many fields. Making image forgeries with digital media editing tools is very easy, and these image forgeries are undetectable by human eyes. Copy-move forgery is common image tampering where a part of the image is copied and pasted on another parts. Up to now the useful way to detect copy-move forgeries is block matching technique. This paper firstly analyzes and summarizes block matching technique, then introduces a copy-move forgery detecting method based on local invariant feature matching. It locates copied and pasted regions by matching feature points. It detects feature points and extracts local feature using Scale Invariant Transform algorithm. Matching local features is based on k-d tree and Best-Bin-First method. Through analysis we learn computational complexity of the proposed method is similar to existing block-matching methods, but has better locating accuracy. Experiments show that this method can detect copied and pasted regions successively, even when these regions are operated by some process, such as JPEG compression, Gaussian blurring, rotation and scale.
As a technique for digital image tampering, copy- move forgery is frequently used. In this paper, an improved lexicographical sort algorithm based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) is developed to detect copy-move forgery. Firstly, the image is split into 8*8 blocks, and the image data undergoes a DCT. Then the DCT coefficients were grouped to reduce the dimension according to the frequency property. Finally, the distance of eigenvectors, instead of the DCT coefficients, was taken as the eigenvalue to fulfill the block matching. Experiments results showed that the false matching ratio of the proposed algorithm was reduced while the detecting ability was maintained.
Conference Paper
The presence of duplicated regions in the image can be considered as a tell-tale sign for image forgery, which belongs to the research field of digital image forensics. In this paper, a blind forensics approach based on DWT (discrete wavelet transform) and SVD (singular value decomposition) is proposed to detect the specific artifact. Firstly, DWT is applied to the image, and SVD is used on fixed-size blocks of low-frequency component in wavelet sub-band to yield a reduced dimension representation. Then the SV vectors are then lexicographically sorted and duplicated image blocks will be close in the sorted list, and therefore will be compared during the detection steps. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can not only decrease computational complexity, but also localize the duplicated regions accurately even when the image was highly compressed or edge processed.
Conference Paper
Detecting tampered regions and proving the authenticity and integrity of a digital image becomes increasingly important in digital forensics and multimedia security. In this paper we propose a novel framework for identifying the location of copy-move image tampering by applying the singular value decomposition(SVD). In the proposed passive techniques, SVD served to produce algebraic and geometric invariant and feature vectors. Experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach to tampered images undergone some attacks like Gaussian blur filtering, Gaussian white noise contamination, lossy JPEG compression, etc.
Conference Paper
With the huge increasing use of digital photography, and the advent of high-performance commodity hardware and the presence of low-cost image editing softwares over the past few years, finding a credible method to detect digital imagepsilas authenticity and getting the result that which method the tampered image was applied to becomes a very valuable topic. In this paper, associating with the common forge methods, we propose the process of passive-blue detection of digital imagepsilas forging method, and then review the latest development of the passive-blind detection of image forging method, mainly include the detection of copy.move forgery, detection of blur forgery and detection of re-sample forgery.
Conference Paper
A new hybrid image authentication watermark obtained as a combination of a fragile and a robust watermark is presented. The fragile watermark has good localization and security properties but cannot be used to distinguish malicious changes, such as feature adding or removal, from innocent image processing operations. The hybrid watermark can be used to accurately pinpoint changes as well as distinguish malicious tamper from innocent operations. The authentication can be done without accessing any information about the original image. Examples of tamper detection on real imagery are given. Powerful publicly available image processing software packages such as Adobe PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro make digital forgeries a reality. Feathered cropping enables replacing or adding features without causing detectable edges. It is also possible to carefully cut out portions of several images and combine them together while leaving barely detectable traces. Thus, the classical forensic techniques are not readily applicable to digital imagery
The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive overview of current steganographic techniques for tamper detection and authent ication of visual information. Fragile, semifragile, robust watermarks, and selfembedding are discussed as a means for detecting both malicious and inadvertent changes to digital imagery. Some attacks and security gaps are discussed. 1.1 Keywords Authentication, tamper detection, fragile watermarks, semi-fragile watermarks, self-embedding, hybrid watermarks, feature authentication 2. Introduction Image authentication using steganography is quite di fferent from authentication using cryptography. In cryptographic authentication, the intention is to protect the communication channel and make sure that the message received is authentic. It is typically done by appending the image hash (image digest) to the image and encrypting the result. Once the image is decrypted and stored on the hard disk, its integrity is not protected anymore. Steganograp...