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Human Adenoviruses 40/41 and Cytokines Response in Children with Diarrhoea



Background: One of the most significant etiologic factors in acute gastroenteritis in children is adenovirus types 40/41. Objective: The aim of this research was to diagnosis of adenovirus type 40/41 in children with diarrhoea in three Cities in Iraq; Babylon, AL-Najaf and Karbala, and evaluation of serum concentration of Interferon gamma (IFN-γ), Interleukin (IL) 6 and 10. Patients and methods: A total of 450 stool samples were collected from children with diarrhoea, age range from 1 to 36 month. Adenovirus 40/41 has been detected in stool using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. Serum concentration of IFN-γ, IL-6 and 10 have been measurement using Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) technique. Results: Out of 450 stool samples, there were 150 Children (33.3%) infected with adenovirus 40/41, the highest rate of infection was in the Karbala City with 73 infections (16.2%) followed by Najaf and Babylon were recorded 55 (12.2%) and 22 (4.8%) respectively. Cytokines profile revealed a significantly substantial rise in viral patients compared to controls. IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 levels in the age range of 1 to 36 months were higher than those in the control group at 69.5, 61.3 and 112.3 pg/ml respectively. Conclusions: There were high infections with adenovirus type 40/41 in Karbala City. Interferon-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 play an important role in infection which can be used in immunotherapy.
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (October 2022) Vol. 89 (2), Page 7025- 7030
Received: 09/07/2022
Accepted: 14/09/2022
Human Adenoviruses 40/41 and Cytokines Response in Children with Diarrhoea
Layla Maki AL-Nasrawy1*, Sahar Mohammed Jawad2, Waleed Dakil AL-Nasrawy3
1 The General Directorate of Education Al-Najaf, Almutafawiqat Students School,iraq
2 Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Nursing, Altoosi University College, Najaf, Iraq
3 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Kufa, Iraq
*Corresponding author: Layla Maki AL-Nasrawy, Mobile: 009647802424957, E-mail:
Background: One of the most significant etiologic factors in acute gastroenteritis in children is adenovirus types 40/41.
Objective: The aim of this research was to diagnosis of adenovirus type 40/41 in children with diarrhoea in three Cities
in Iraq; Babylon, AL-Najaf and Karbala, and evaluation of serum concentration of Interferon gamma (IFN-γ),
Interleukin (IL) 6 and 10. Patients and methods: A total of 450 stool samples were collected from children with
diarrhoea, age range from 1 to 36 month. Adenovirus 40/41 has been detected in stool using Polymerase Chain Reaction
(PCR) method. Serum concentration of IFN-γ, IL-6 and 10 have been measurement using Enzyme-linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) technique.
Results: Out of 450 stool samples, there were 150 Children (33.3%) infected with adenovirus 40/41, the highest rate of
infection was in the Karbala City with 73 infections (16.2%) followed by Najaf and Babylon were recorded 55 (12.2%)
and 22 (4.8%) respectively. Cytokines profile revealed a significantly substantial rise in viral patients compared to
controls. IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 levels in the age range of 1 to 36 months were higher than those in the control group at
69.5, 61.3 and 112.3 pg/ml respectively.
Conclusions: There were high infections with adenovirus type 40/41 in Karbala City. Interferon-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 play
an important role in infection which can be used in immunotherapy.
Keywords: Adenovirus, 40/41, PCR, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10, case control study, University of Kufa.
Adenovirus types 40 and 41, which cause 3.2 to
12.5% of all cases of acute diarrheal illnesses in children
and infants worldwide and have a higher detection rate
in underdeveloped nations, have been linked to acute
diarrheal diseases (1). Children under the age of two are
most commonly affected by adenovirus types 40 and 41,
which specifically infect the enterocytes of the small
intestine and produce chronic watery diarrhea that, if
ignored, can result in serious dehydration (2). In cell
culture, these viruses do not or do not grow well. By
virtue of their pathogen-associated molecular patterns
(PAMPs), such as capsid or DNA, adenovirus is well
known to activate innate immunity, which results in the
generation of IFN-γ and other cytokines such as IL-6
and IL-10 (3).
A cytokine with a variety of functions, IL-6 has
been demonstrated to be essential for the
immunological and host defense systems. In addition,
endogenous IL-6 has been demonstrated to work in
concert with other cytokines and growth factors to
prevent programmed cell death brought on by cytotoxic
drugs in viral infections (4,5).
One of the most powerful and promising
anticancer cytokines is IL-10. It is a heterodimeric
cytokine that is mostly generated by activated
macrophages and dendritic cells and is made up of two
distinct disulfide-linked subunits known as p35 and p40.
The production of interferon by natural killer cells, T
cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages is stimulated by
IL-12 (6,7). In the same way, it promotes T helper type 1
development and increases the cytolysis activity of
Natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes
(CTLs) (8). Children and infants who live in areas with
poor healthcare access are particularly vulnerable to
diarrheal disease and the growth faltering, impaired
neurocognitive development, and increased mortality
are linked to repeated episodes of moderate-to-severe
diarrhoea and high rates of enteric pathogen infection
lead to defect in immune system due to increase
cytokines production (9,10).
Therefore, the aim of this research was to diagnosis
of adenovirus type 40/41 in children with diarrhoea in
three Cities in Iraq; Babylon, AL-Najaf and Karbala,
and evaluation of serum concentration of Interferon-γ
(IFN-γ), Interleukin (IL) 6 and IL-10.
This case control study was performed in 3
cities; Babylon, AL-Najaf and Karbala during period
from 1st March 2021 to the end of August 2021. A total
of 450 stool samples were collected from children with
diarrhoea age range 1 to 36 month attending to the Al-
Jerahi Hospital (Babylon City), Al-Furat Al-Awsat
Hospital (AL-Najaf City) and AL-Zahra teaching
Hospital (Karbala City). In contrast, 60 healthy children
age range 1 to 36 month have been considered as control
group (11,12).
D i a g n o s i s o f a d e n o v i r u s :
Five gram of stool has been collected from each
children suffering from diarrhoea in disposable
containers (13,14). Monoplex PCR was done to detect
number of genes that encode for adenovirus type 40/41
to detect Penton base and Fiber genes (15,16) using
primers provided from (Bioneer Company /Korea)
which are listed in Table 1 and amplification conditions
of genes were used by PCR reactions (Table 2).
Table (1): Types of primers that were used in PCR for detected adenovirus type 40/41.
PCR product
Sequence (5'→ 3')
Table (2): Hexon gene and amplification conditions by PCR reactions.
Cytokines measurement:
Five ml of blood were collected from infected and
healthy children and left to clot at room temperature for
30 minutes to allow the clot to form, the clotted sample
were centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 20 minutes to obtain
serum and kept at deep freeze -20 C till used to
evaluation of concentration of IFN-γ, IL-6 and 10 using
ELISA technique (16,17). All kits provided from
Elabscience® ELISA Kit Germany.
Ethical considerations:
The study concept for human studies was
approved from Kufa University's College of Science
and AL-Kufa General Hospital by The Institutional
Ethics Committee. Additionally, before taking part
in the study, each individual gave written, informed
consent. This work has been carried out in
accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World
Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for
studies involving humans.
Statistical analysis
Data was collected and analysed by using SPSS
(Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20,
IBM, and Armonk, New York). Quantitative data was
summarized as mean and standard deviation.
Qualitative data were given as number (n) and
percentage (%). Correlations were determined by
Spearman correlation. P-value <0.05 was considered
Total diarrheal infections:
Table 3 showed there were 450 children infected
with diarrhoea during period from 1st March 2021 to the
last August 2021. Age group 29-36 month was the
highest infected with 159 cases (35.3%) followed by
age group 1-8 month with 139 cases (30.9%). Most
infections were in Karbala City with 180 cases (40%)
followed by AL-Najaf City with 170 cases (37.7%) and
Babylon City with 100 (22.3%).
Table (3): Total diarrheal infections in children from 1st March 2021 to the last August 2021.
Total (%)
100 (22.3)
170 (37.7)
180 (40)
Total (%)
139 (30.9)
71 (15.8)
159 (35.3)
450 (100)
Total adenovirus infections: Out of 450 stool samples have been tested with PCR technique, the results indicated that
there were 150 cases (33.33%) gave positive result with Penton base and fiber where were the sizes 1,253bp and 1,153bp,
respectively (Figures 1 and 2). Karbala City recorded 55 cases followed by AL-Najaf with 37 cases while, the lowest
infections were in Babylon City with 22 cases (Table 4).
No. of
94 for 5
94 for 1
56Cº for 50 sec.
72 for 50
72Cº for 1
Figure (1): PCR amplified products of Penton base gene of the adenovirus (Ad40 and Ad41) using specific primers
with expected size 1,253bp, DNA marker (100bp ladder).
Figure (2): PCR amplified products of fiber gene of the adenovirus (Ad40 and Ad41) using specific primers with
expected size 1,153bp, DNA marker (100bp ladder).
Table (4): Positive and negative infections in children with adenovirus from 1st March 2021 to the last August
Total (%)
Total (%)
Positive infections
Negative infections
100 (22.3)
170 (37.7)
180 (40)
Total (%)
150 (33.33)
300 (66.67)
450 (100)
Serum concentration of cytokines: The results showed there was significant increase (P<0.05) in serum concentration
of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 as compared with control. All age groups of children infected with adenovirus showed
significant increase (P<0.05) as compared with control, and the high concentration detected in (29-36) age group
(69.5pg/ml) as compared with control (48.3pg/ml) in IFN-γ (Figure 3) and (61.3 pg/ml) compared to healthy control
group (35.3 pg/ml) in IL-6 (Figure 4) and (112.3 pg/ml) compared with healthy control group (70.5 pg/ml) in IL-10
(Figure 5). All correlation between cytokines and age groups has been mentioned in table 5.
Figure (3): IFN-γ level (pg/ml) in children with adenovirus and control.
Penton base gene
fiber gene
Figure (4): IL-6 level (pg/ml) in children with adenovirus and control
Figure (5): IL-10 level (pg/ml) in children with adenovirus and control.
Table (5): Correlations between cytokines and age groups of children with adenovirus.
Age group
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Age group
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
In this study, the most children infected with
diarrhoea were in Karbala City with 180 cases (40%)
followed by AL-Najaf City with 170 cases (37.7%) and
Babylon City with 100 cases (22.3%). The risk of
diarrheal disease is especially high in children and
infants living in places where healthcare is inadequate
and growth falters, neurocognitive development is
impaired, and mortality is higher if repeated episodes of
moderate-to-severe diarrhoea occur. High rates of
enteric pathogen infections result in cytokines being
produced in excess, leading to immune system defects
(18,19). Polymerase Chain Reaction was used in this
study to diagnose adenoviruses by considering the many
advantages of this method. As we know, PCR is impor-
tant to diagnose viral DNA for high speed, sensitivity.
Adenoviral infections can also be diagnosed more
efficiently and effectively using PCR than commercial
kits. Only these two genes are detectable by primers
(Ad40 and Ad41). According to this study, out of 450
stool samples, it was found that enteric adenoviruses
caused only 150 cases (33.33%) of gastroenteritis in
children. It is higher than various studies such as Rezaei
et al.(20) and Kumthip et al. (21) where recorded (9% and
7.2%) respectively, it was evident in the present study
that types 40 and 41 adenovirus predominated. From
2003 to 2006, Banyai et al. (22) investigated diarrheic
patients of Hungry by PCR for adenovirus infection;
type Ad41 had been circulating all four years, but type
Ad40 had only been found in 2003 and 2004. The
incidence of adenovirus infection among gastroenteritis
patients has been attributable to both types 40 and 41 of
adenovirus, but recent investigations indicate that type
40 infection has declined and type Ad41 infection has
increased (23,24).
The current study concludes that the serum
concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 were
considerably higher in the children infected with
adenovirus than in the healthy control group. Strong
cellular immune responses, such as proliferative
responses and the release of Th1-type cytokines such as
IFN-γ following activation with certain viral antigens,
may be the cause of this adenovirus infections trigger
complicated immune reactions that involve both
humoral and cellular immune responses (25).
IFN-γ is known to increase the expression of
MHC class I and II on nucleated cells as well as
stimulate several effector actions in mononuclear
phagocytes. Its main purpose in living organisms seems
to be to stimulate macrophages to fight intracellular
infections like norovirus and adenovirus (26). Moreover,
several authors suggest that response to adenovirus
infections mainly involves IFN-γ secretion by CD4 Th1
T cells. Ponterio et al. (27) reported that patients
generate significant CD4 and CD8 IFN-γ responses to
specific adenovirus antigens during infection also these
observations suggest that an IFN-γ based detection
method could be used to diagnose individuals with
adenovirus infections.
In adenovirus infection, it has been shown that
IL-6 plays a central role in immune host defence, acute
phase reactions, and haematopoiesis in addition to
blocking programmed cell death induced by cytotoxic
agents and acting in cooperation with other growth
factors and cytokines, IL-6 plays a pleiotropic role. The
effect of IL-6 on cell-cell association, attachment, and
migration may also play a role in cell invasion and
metastases (5).
Thus, the role of IL-6 and IL-10 in several
malignancy pathophysiologies has clearly been
established and makes IL-6 a rationale target for
treatment of cancer explained increased pro
inflammatory cytokines IL-6 secretion with increased
adenovirus infection. In addition, IL-6 has been shown
to play an important role in several types of
malignancies (28).
Moreover, IL-10 has been shown to play an
important role in tumor-specific immunity. There is no
doubt that IL-6 is an essential cytokine for the immune
system and the host's defence system. In addition,
endogenous IL-6 has been shown to prevent
programmed cell death caused by cytotoxic drugs
during viral infections in conjunction with other
cytokines and growth factors (29). As a result of their
pathogen-associated molecular patterns, such as capsids
or DNA, adenoviruses activate the innate immune
system, which results in the release of IL-6 and IL-10
cytokines as well as IFN-γ.
In conclusion, there were high infections with
adenovirus type 40/41 in Karbala City. Interferon-γ, IL-
6 and IL-10 play an important role in infection which
can be used in immunotherapy.
Conflict of interest: There was no conflict of interest
in this study.
Funding: The funding by authors themselves
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... Correlation has been done between different allergens (10,11) . The correlations between different allergens have been measurement R= 0.4-0.6 considered as moderate correlation, R = > 0.7 considered as strong correlation, while P-value < 0.05 is considered as significant (12,13) . ...
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Background: The allergic diseases are considered as an abnormal immune system response to harmless environmental stimuli usually proteins. Objective: This study aimed to examine the allergen profile in Iraqi children age range 1 to 10 years old. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted during the period from January 2017 to February 2019. Allergic children age ranged from 1 to 10 years old. They were collected from many clinics in Al-Najaf City, Iraq. The pediatric penal kit Polycheck®-Diagnostics was used to reveal to the sensitivity of 20 different allergens. Results: The number and percentage of allergic children to each allergen were recorded. The inhalant allergens had higher percentage as follow: Mugwort pollen 52%, D. farinae 45%, both Birch and Timothy grass pollens 40%. While the higher percentages of ingested allergens were in Peanut and Apple allergens 31.67%, Carrot 26.67%, Potato's allergens 21.67%, Soya bean 20% and Wheat flour allergens 18.33%. While the egg white showed no allergic sensitivity in all samples of children but the allergic to egg yolk allergens were 8.33%. Conclusion: Approximately 93% of the children were allergic to at least one inhalant. Studying the rates of allergens in Iraqi environment and its related allergens is an important point in the planning for prevention and control of allergy.
... Normal distribution of variables was described as means and standard deviation (SD), and independent sample t-test was used for comparison between groups. P value ≤0.05 was considered to be statistically significant (19,20) . ...
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Background: Salmonellosis is enteric disease caused by Salmonella typhi (S.typhi). Humans are infected with it and it is transmitted through contaminated foods. Objective: The aim of the current study is to compare between two Interleukins (IL-1 and IL-2) levels in patients serum infected with S.typhi. Patients and methods: A case control was conducted in our university hospital. The study included 60 patients with Salmonellosis and 30 healthy individuals as controls. ELISA technique was used to determine the concentrations of IL-1 and IL-2 in the serum of all individuals with acute and chronic typhoid based on a positive blood culture and IgM/IgG test. Results: A total of 33 patients with acute infection and 27 with chronic infection have been diagnosed. IL-1 and IL-2 in acute and chronic infections were higher than in the control group (P values <0.0001 and <0.032, respectively). Conclusions: Humans with Salmonellosis have higher serum levels of IL-1 and IL-2 depending on the severity and duration of the illness and may be used as a diagnosis marker.
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Purpose Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) have always been suggested as one of the main causes of gastroenteritis in children. However, no comprehensive report on the global epidemiology of these viruses in pediatric gastroenteritis is available. Methods A systematic search was conducted to obtain published papers from 2003 to 2023 in three main databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Results The estimated global pooled prevalence of HAdV infection in children with gastroenteritis was 10% (95% CI: 9-11%), with a growing trend after 2010. The highest prevalence was observed in Africa (20%, 95% CI: 14–26%). The prevalence was higher in inpatients (11%; 95% CI: 8-13%) and patients aged 5 years old and younger (9%; 95% CI: 7-10%). However, no significant difference was observed between male and female patients (P = 0.63). The most prevalent species was found to be the species F (57%; 95% CI: 41-72%). The most common HAdVs observed in children with gastroenteritis were types 40/41, 38, and 2. Analysis of case-control studies showed an association between HAdV and gastroenteritis in children (OR: 2.28, 95% CI; 1.51–3.44). Conclusion This study provided valuable insights into the importance of HAdVs in children with gastroenteritis, especially in hospitalized and younger children. The results can be used in future preventive measurements and the development of effective vaccines.
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Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is still a global problem and serious epidemic disease and leads to a high death rate especially in developing countries, partially due to problematic ecological situation. The aim of this study to verifying the numbers and percentages of individuals infected with PTB in Iraqi Kurdistan Governorates 2019. A statistical-retrospective study was carried out to investigate the numbers and percentages of individuals infected with PTB in three provinces in Iraqi Kurdistan; Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Duhok from the 1st January to 31st December 2019. All essential details of annual data for PTB patients were obtained from the National Center of PTB in Baghdad Governorate, Iraq. A total of 639 cases were recorded in 2019; 295 male (46.1%) and 344 female (53.9%). Erbil Governorate had the highest number of infections with 302 cases (47.2%) followed by Sulaymaniyah and Duhok with 214 (33.5%) and 123 (19.3%) respectively, the most cases were recorded in 2nd quarter with 170 cases (26.6%). The highest frequency of PTB was recorded in age groups 65-80 with 123 cases (19.2%) while the lowest was 5-14 with 20 cases (3.1%). Pulmonary TB remains a threat in Iraqi Kurdistan and about half of cases have been recorded in Erbil Governorate. The highest frequency of PTB was in females than males and the older age groups were the most infected. Therefore, we need more precautionary measures to control this disease.
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Human adenovirus (HAdV) types F40/41 have long been recognized as major viral agents of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in children. Despite this, studies on HAdV molecular epidemiology are sparse, and their real impact is likely under-estimated. Thus, our goal was to investigate HAdV incidence, enteric and non-enteric types circulation, co-detections with rotavirus and norovirus and DNA shedding in stool samples from inpatients and outpatients from eleven Brazilian states. During the three-year study, 1012 AGE stool samples were analysed by TaqMan-based qPCR, to detect and quantify HAdV. Positive samples were genotyped by partial sequencing of the hexon gene followed by phylogenetic analysis. Co-detections were accessed by screening for rotavirus and norovirus. Overall, we detected HAdV in 24.5% of single-detected samples (n = 248), with a prevalence of type F41 (35.8%). We observed a higher incidence in children between 6 to 24 months, without marked seasonality. Additionally, we observed a statistically higher median viral load among single-detections between enteric and non-enteric types and a significantly lower HAdV viral load compared to rotavirus and norovirus in co-detections (p < 0.0001). Our study contributes to the knowledge of HAdV epidemiology and reinforces the need for the inclusion of enteric types F40/41 in molecular surveillance programs.
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Background : pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is one of the most global dangerous infectious diseases worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( Mtb ) is the most infectious agent that caused PTB transferred by air droplets from one person to other. In the present epidemiological study, we aimed to record the total numbers and percentages of patients infected with PTB caused by Mtb during 12 months in AL-Najaf Governorate, Iraq. Methods : This study has been done in 2019 from January to the end of December in the north and south region of AL-Najaf Governorate, Iraq. Sputum of PTB-patients has been stained by Ziehl–Neelsen to Mtb diagnosis according to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation. Results : We recorded 174 PTB-patients in AL-Najaf Governorate 2019; 89 male and 85 female; 101 and 73 in the north and south sections respectively. The age group 16-24 was the highest infected. Quarter two recorded the highest numbers of PTB-patients; 33 (60%) in the north section and 22 (40%) in the south section. Conclusion : There was low PTB incidence in AL-Najaf Governorate 2019 but the Youngers were the most susceptible to infection. Infection in the north section was higher than in the south section and there were no high differences between genders. Seasons have no high effect on the number of infections.
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Tear fluid cytokine levels may serve as biomarkers of innate immune system response against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Therefore, our aim was to analyze panel of selected inflammatory cytokines in tears of COVID-19 patients in relation to presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral load in conjunctival secretions. In this study concentrations of TNF-α, IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 p70, GM-CSF, and IFN-γ were determined by a magnetic bead assay in tear film collected from 232 symptomatic COVID-19 patients. SARS-CoV-2 ocular infection was confirmed based on positive conjunctival swab-based RT-PCR testing. Viral RNA in conjunctival sac was detected in 21 patients (9%). No relation between presence and the duration of ophthalmic symptoms and SARS-CoV-2 infection detected in conjunctival secretions was found. The tear film concentrations of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-5, IL-8 and GM-CSF were found to be significantly greater among patients with positive conjunctival swab results as compared to the group negative for SARS-CoV-2 in conjunctival sac. Our current data depict a group of inflammatory mediators in human tears, which may play a significant role in ocular pathology of SARS-CoV-2 conjunctival infection.
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Antimicrobial resistance is becoming an arising global issue. Until recent years, more than 50% of commercially available antibiotics were ß-lactam. Pathogenic bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics include all ß-lactams except for cephamycin and carbapenems. This study aimed to evaluate some ß-lactams and carbapenems antimicrobials resistance in Klebsiella oxytoca. In total, 177 urinary tract infection samples were collected for the purposes of the study. Isolates were identified using morphological features and routine biochemical testing. All isolates were tested for susceptibility to 11 antibiotics using the usual disc diffusion method. The result showed that 155 (87.57%) and 20 (11.29%) out of 177 collected urine samples were gramnegative bacterial isolates and gram-positive bacterial isolates, respectively. The findings also showed that there were two samples (1.12 %) with no growth. The results proved no susceptibility to Ampicillin, Cloxacillin, Ceftazidime, Penicillin, Piperacillin with a resistance rate of 100%.
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Most people around the world are infected with Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori); it can lead to duodenal ulcer (DU) and gastric cancer (GC). The main objective of this study is to determine the correlation between CD14 and CD163 in individuals with DU and GC infected with H.pylori. Sixty nine individuals were included in this work; 27 patients infected with H.pylori only (H.Pylori+), 22 patients infected with H.pylori with DU and 20 patients infected with H.pylori with GC. CD14 and CD163 were measured in all individuals' serum using the Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay (ELISA) test. The results proved there was negative correlation between CD14 and CD163 in H.pylori-positive patients (y= -0.0263x+1.4179). While, there was positive correlation in H.pylori-positive patients with DU (y= 0.0932x+1.6647) and with GC (y= 0.0607x + 1.9824). In conclusion: CD14 and CD163 have a synergistic protected effect in H.pylori-positive patients with DU and GC.
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Salmonella enterica serovar typhi (S.typhi) is one of the most important gram negative bacteria that cause enteric fever and stimulate the immune response in infected patients. This study aimed to compare the humoral and cellular immune responses in patients infected with S.typhi. For this, the concentration of three immunological markers viz., Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), Cluster of Differentiation 19 (CD19), and Interleukin 23 (IL-23) were measured by the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in the serum of 54 S.typhi infected patients, and 31 healthy individuals. The results demonstrated a significant increase (P =<0.05) in the serum concentration of MIF in patients infected with acute infection of S. typhi compared with healthy individuals but there were no significant differences in chronic infection. While there was a significant increase (P =<0.05) in serum concentration of CD19 and IL-23 in patients infected with acute and chronic infection of S.typhi as compared with healthy individuals. In conclusion, macrophage migration inhibitory factor plays a vital role in patients infected with acute infection of S. typhi and has no synergism with T-cell and B-cell in acute and chronic infection.
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Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the etiological agents most recovered from nosocomial infections. This opportunistic pathogen can produce one of the main virulence factors for a thick layer of biofilm that enables the bacterial to bind to living or abiotic surfaces that lead to drug resistance. A total of 283 urine samples (191 female and 92 male) were obtained from patients in Al-Sadr Hospital. The sample collection period was between May 2020 and December 2020.The diagnosis of isolates is focused on morphological characteristics and traditional biochemical tests; then the isolates were checked for resistance up to 14 identified antibiotics, depending on the standard disc diffusion method. The result proved that the antimicrobial resistance rate of the 74 isolates to amoxicillin was high (74 isolates 100%), while the bacterial isolates exhibit high susceptibility rate with imipenem (97.3%). RESUMEN. Klebsiella pneumoniae es uno de los agentes etiológicos más recuperados de las infecciones noso-comiales. Este patógeno oportunista puede producir uno de los principales factores de virulencia de una capa gruesa de biopelícula que permite que la bacteria se una a superficies vivas o abióticas que conducen a la resis-tencia a los medicamentos. Se obtuvieron un total de 283 muestras de orina (191 mujeres y 92 hombres) de pa-cientes del Hospital Al-Sadr. El período de recolección de la muestra fue entre mayo de 2020 y diciembre de 2020.El diagnóstico de los aislamientos se centra en las características morfológicas y las pruebas bioquímicas tradicionales; luego se verificó la resistencia de los aislamientos hasta 14 antibióticos identificados, según el método estándar de difusión en disco. El resultado demostró que la tasa de resistencia antimicrobiana de los 74 aislamientos a amoxicilina fue alta (74 aislamientos 100%), mientras que los aislamientos bacterianos exhibie-ron una alta tasa de susceptibilidad con imipenem (97,3%).
Preparation of Schiff bases compounds (A, B, and C) in absolute ethanol using concentrated phenyl hydrazine and various aromatic aldehydes such as (4-chlrobenzaldehyde aldehyde, 4-bromobenzaldehyde, N, N-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde). Melting point, FT, has been used to classify these compounds (A, B, and C). The reactions phases and series were studied using IR spectroscopy and thin layer chromatography (TLC) (ethyl acetate: toluene, 1:4). Three derivate compounds were used as antibacterial activity in this study. The results proved that all derivative compounds provided good inhibition zone against Staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa especially in concentration 300mg/ml of derivative compound C with diameter inhibition zone 21.433±0.676 and 625.33±0.796 respectively.
Replication-incompetent adenovirus (Ad) vectors have been widely used as gene delivery vehicles in both gene therapy studies and basic studies for gene function analysis due to their highly advantageous properties, which include high transduction efficiencies, relatively large capacities for transgenes, and high titer production. In addition, Ad vectors induce moderate levels of innate immunity and have relatively high thermostability, making them very attractive as potential vaccine vectors. Accordingly, it is anticipated that Ad vectors will be used in vaccines for the prevention of infectious diseases, including Ebola virus disease and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Much attention is currently focused on the potential use of an Ad vector vaccine for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In this review, we describe the basic properties of an Ad vector, Ad vector-induced innate immunity and immune responses to Ad vector-produced transgene products. Development of novel Ad vectors which can overcome the drawbacks of conventional Ad vector vaccines and clinical application of Ad vector vaccines to several infectious diseases are also discussed.
Nonhepatotropic viruses such as adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, flaviviruses, filoviruses, and human herpes virus, and bacteria such as Coxiella burnetii, can cause liver injury mimicking acute hepatitis. Most of these organisms cause a self-limited infection. However, in immunocompromised patients, they can cause severe hepatitis or in some cases fulminant hepatic failure requiring an urgent liver transplant. Hepatic dysfunction is also commonly seen in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection. Patients with preexisting liver diseases are likely at risk for severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and may be associated with poor outcomes.