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Admixture mapping is an old concept that has only now been applied with markers across the entire genome. Such a study scanning an African American population identified two chromosomal regions affecting susceptibility to hypertension.
118 VOLUME 37
to phosphorylate itself and its downstream
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to generic double-strand breaks will initiate
a mutually productive period of interaction
between the fields of DNA repair and telo-
mere biology, as the roles for telomeric fac-
tors in the choreography of repair come into
the spotlight.
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The beauty of admixture
Ariel Darvasi & Sagiv Shifman
Admixture mapping is an old concept that has only now been applied with markers across the entire genome.
Such a study scanning an African American population identified two chromosomal regions affecting
susceptibility to hypertension.
Anecdotally, children of parents of mixed
ethnicities are exotically beautiful. More sci-
entifically established is the merit of admixed
populations for gene mapping purposes. The
potential value of admixed populations was
suggested more than half a century ago
Substantial theoretical and practical aspects
have been developed since then (reviewed
by McKeigue
). A genome scan to identify
genes affecting a complex trait is now pre-
sented for the first time to our knowledge
by Xiaofeng Zhu and colleagues on page 177
of this issue
The admixed population
The concept behind admixture mapping is
simple (Fig. 1). In essence, admixture map-
ping is most similar to linkage analysis in
experimental crosses with inbred strains,
with specific similarity to advanced inter-
cross lines
. An advanced intercross line is a
population derived from two inbred strains
that were randomly intercrossed for several
generations. An advanced intercross line
constitutes the ideal admixed population: all
variations can be identified in one of the two
progenitors, the mean ancestral composition
is 50% for each progenitor, allele frequencies
in the progenitor populations are either 1 or
0, and random mating is followed after a sin-
gle generation of intercrossing the progeni-
tors. In a human admixed population, these
ideal conditions will never be met, resulting
in decreased power for mapping purposes.
Except for gene effect, which has a strong
influence on power, the parameter that mostly
affects power, specifically in admixture map-
ping, is the extent of difference in allele fre-
quency between the ancestral populations
Ariel Darvasi is in The Life Sciences Institute,
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel.
Sagiv Shifman is in the Wellcome Trust Centre
for Human Genetics, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. e-
Case Control
Population 1
Population 2
Disease gene location
Figure 1 Schematic of one chromosome pair from each of several individuals in an admixed population.
A group of cases (for a given disease) and a group of controls are separately presented at the bottom left
and the bottom right, respectively. For one of the control individuals (arrow), a schematic presentation of
all its ancestors in the last four generations is shown in the upper part of the figure. Admixture mapping
can be ideally applied if population 1 (blue) and population 2 (red) carry a different allele at the disease
locus (dashed line). Whole-genome scanning under the admixture mapping strategy consists of scanning
the genome and identifying the regions with an excess of ‘red’ ancestry in the cases versus the controls,
assuming that the ‘red’ population carries the predisposition allele. The size of the blocks from different
ancestors will depend on the number of generations since the populations were mixed.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
FEBRUARY 2005 119
For example, in the extreme case where the
allele affecting a disease has the same fre-
quency in both ancestral populations, admix-
ture mapping cannot be efficiently applied. In
contrast, the power of admixture mapping
will be only mildly affected by the percentage
contributed by each population to the admix-
ture, as long as that proportion is between
20% and 80% (ref. 5).
Genome scan for hypertension
In an effort to identify chromosomal regions
affecting hypertension, Zhu et al.
carried out
a genome scan with 269 microsatellite mark-
ers and a total of 737 cases (hypertensives)
and 573 controls (normotensives). Cases
and controls were selected from the African
American population. African Americans are
an admixed population with 75% African
ancestry and 25% European ancestry
are thus appropriate for admixture mapping.
All individuals were sampled from three net-
works (GenNet, GENOA and HyperGEN) in
geographically distinct locations participat-
ing in the Family Blood Pressure Program.
Zhu et al.
initially explored hyperten-
sive cases only, independently in the three
networks, and found an excess of African
ancestry in more than one network on chro-
mosomes 4, 6 and 21. In particular, two
markers around 6q24 showed an excess of
African ancestry in all three populations.
To validate the significance of these results,
they compared the excess of African ances-
try found in the cases with that found in
controls. The excess of African ancestry was
shifted upwards in cases relative to controls.
The entire shift can be attributed to two chro-
mosomal regions at 6q24 and 21q21 where
the excess of African ancestry was signifi-
cant in cases but not in controls. Therefore,
these findings suggest that the chromosomal
regions 6q24 and 21q21 contain genes affect-
ing predisposition to hypertension. Support
for the chromosome 6q24 findings can be
drawn from previous linkage studies that
found evidence for linkage between this
chromosomal region and hypertension
or related traits
. The large size of this
chromosomal region (37 cM, including all
markers with Z score >2.5) may suggest that
more than one gene affecting hypertension is
present. This is not unexpected, as cis-acting
linked genes will behave as a single gene with
a larger effect (the combined effect of the two
genes) in an admixture mapping experiment,
hence having greater power of being picked
up in a genome scan. The 21q21 region needs
further replication to establish its validity, as
this region has not previously been suggested
to be associated with hypertension.
A complementary approach
Two main approaches have been used to
search for genes affecting complex traits:
linkage analysis and association analysis
Linkage analysis has two key disadvantages:
relatively low statistical power for detecting
modest effects
, and low mapping resolution,
which prevents gene identification even after
a region has been detected
. Association anal-
ysis also has two key disadvantages. Because
this approach is based on linkage disequilib-
rium or on testing the potential functional
polymorphisms, the number of polymor-
phisms that need to be scanned in the entire
genome is painfully high (>100,000)
. The
second disadvantage is the diminishing power
that occurs with high genetic heterogene-
. Admixture mapping is a strategy that
falls between linkage analysis and association
analysis in many respects (Table 1).
Although admixture mapping has a sub-
stantially lower mapping resolution than
association analysis, as long as genotyping
costs are a limiting factor, admixture map-
ping will be a good approach for the initial
genome scan. Admixture mapping is particu-
larly appropriate for traits for which there is a
large difference in the phenotypic prevalence
in the ancestral populations of the admix-
ture. Nevertheless, admixture mapping is
not limited to those traits and will still work
if the allele frequencies of the disease locus
are different in the ancestors of the admixed
population. This is more likely to occur when
the disease prevalence varies in the ancestral
Given the advantages of admixture map-
ping, it is notable that this experiment has
only now been done. One reason for this
might be the notion (which might be cor-
rect) that more markers are required for an
adequate whole-genome scan with admix-
ture mapping
than were used in the current
experiment. In addition, admixture mapping
is efficient only if the allele frequencies of
the markers are substantially different in the
ancestral populations. In that respect, it now
seems that microsatellite panels might be
more informative than originally thought
Consequently, a standard panel of markers,
normally used in linkage experiments, suc-
cessfully served Zhu et al.
in their admix-
ture mapping study. A word of caution is
appropriate, though. The unexpected success
might be due to the specific constellations
particular to the current experiment, includ-
ing chance. Therefore, the study of Zhu et
, which applied admixture mapping to
hypertension and concluded with success-
ful and robust results, will still require some
replications in other traits and with other
samples before its generality can be estab-
lished. The current results, however, are
undoubtedly promising enough to encour-
age the scientific community to carry out
these essential replications.
1. Rife, D.C. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 6, 26–33 (1954).
2. McKeigue, P.M. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 76, 1–7
3. Zhu, X. et al. Nat. Genet. 37, 177–181 (2005).
4. Darvasi, A. & Soller, M. Genetics 141, 1199–1207
5. Patterson, N. et al. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 74, 979–
1000 (2004).
6. Destro-Bisol, G. et al. Hum. Genet. 104, 149–157
7. Krushkal, J. et al. Circulation 99, 1407–1410
8. Arya, R. et al. Diabetes 51, 841–847 (2002).
9. Lander, E.S. & Schork, N.J. Science 265, 2037–
2048 (1994).
10. Risch, N. & Merikangas, K. Science 273, 1516–1517
11. Risch, N.J. Nature 405, 847–856 (2000).
12. Weiss, K.M. & Terwilliger, J.D. Nat Genet. 26, 151–
157 (2000).
13. Tang, H. et al. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (in the press).
Table 1 Main characteristics of mapping strategies
Linkage analysis Admixture mapping Association analysis
Statistical power Low High
Number of SNPs required for whole
genome scan
Low Low High
Sensitivity to genetic heterogeneity Low Moderate High
Mapping resolution Poor Intermediate Good
*Power diminishes to zero with equal allele frequencies in the ancestral population.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
... L"utilisation de populations en « admixture » chez l"humain a permis d"identifier plusieurs locus liés à la prédisposition à certaines maladies (Seldin 2007). Chez l"humain, le DL s"étend sur une dizaine de Kb (Reich, Cargill et al. 2001) Darvasi and Shifman (2005). Un groupe atteint (pour une maladie donnée) et un groupe sain sont représentés séparément en bas du schéma. ...
... As a consequence, cherry type tomatoes have higher level of genetic diversity than S. l. esculentum and higher phenotypic diversity than S. pimpinellifolium offering interesting properties for association mapping. Admixture mapping concept was previously used in human genetics to increase LD (Darvasi and Shifman 2005). In tomato, such strategy draws advantage for LD mapping. ...
... If disease prevalence also differs across the subpopulations, then the proportions of cases and controls sampled from each subpopulation will tend to differ, as well as the allele frequencies between cases and controls at any locus at which the subpopulation differ. For example, if the cases of population A disproportionately represent a genetic subgroup, then any genetic variant with higher allele proportions than the control group will be falsely associated with the case status [3]. ...
... The funding had no role in the design of the study, collection of research materials, analysis and interpretation of the data and in writing the manuscript. 3 Departamento de Genómica Computacional, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico. 4 ...
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Background Association studies are useful to unravel the genetic basis of common human diseases. However, the presence of undetected population structure can lead to both false positive results and failures to detect genuine associations. Even when most of the approaches to deal with population stratification require genome-wide data, the use of a well-selected panel of ancestry informative markers (AIMs) may appropriately correct for population stratification. Few panels of AIMs have been developed for Latino populations and most contain a high number of markers (> 100 AIMs). For some association studies such as candidate gene approaches, it may be unfeasible to genotype a numerous set of markers to avoid false positive results. In such cases, methods that use fewer AIMs may be appropriate. Results We validated an accurate and cost-effective panel of AIMs, for use in population stratification correction of association studies and global ancestry estimation in Mexicans, as well as in populations having large proportions of both European and Native American ancestries. Based on genome-wide data from 1953 Mexican individuals, we performed a PCA and SNP weights were calculated to select subsets of unlinked AIMs within percentiles 0.10 and 0.90, ensuring that all chromosomes were represented. Correlations between PC1 calculated using genome-wide data versus each subset of AIMs (16, 32, 48 and 64) were r² = 0.923, 0.959, 0.972 and 0.978, respectively. When evaluating PCs performance as population stratification adjustment covariates, no correlation was found between P values obtained from uncorrected and genome-wide corrected association analyses (r² = 0.141), highlighting that population stratification correction is compulsory for association analyses in admixed populations. In contrast, high correlations were found when adjusting for both PC1 and PC2 for either subset of AIMs (r² > 0.900). After multiple validations, including an independent sample, we selected a minimal panel of 32 AIMs, which are highly informative of the major ancestral components of Mexican mestizos, namely European and Native American ancestries. Finally, the correlation between the global ancestry proportions calculated using genome-wide data and our panel of 32 AIMs was r² = 0.972. Conclusions Our panel of 32 AIMs accurately estimated global ancestry and corrected for population stratification in association studies in Mexican individuals. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12863-018-0707-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... It is plausible that the accuracy of simulating AGs will vary across populations (with distinct demographic histories that will, in turn, lead to distinct distributions of allele frequencies and LD). Admixed populations, with long-range LD due to admixture, are expected to have di↵erent patterns of LD [55] relative to homogeneous populations. Ongoing attempts to genotype large numbers of individuals across diverse populations will lead to large numbers of samples needed to train population-specific models based on HCLT. ...
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Population genetic studies often rely on artificial genomes (AGs) simulated by generative models of genetic data. In recent years, unsupervised learning models, based on hidden Markov models, deep generative adversarial networks, restricted Boltzmann machines, and variational autoencoders, have gained popularity due to their ability to generate AGs closely resembling empirical data. These models, however, present a tradeoff between expressivity and tractability. Here, we propose to use hidden Chow-Liu trees (HCLTs) and their representation as probabilistic circuits (PCs) as a solution to this tradeoff. We first learn an HCLT structure that captures the long-range dependencies among SNPs in the training data set. We then convert the HCLT to its equivalent PC as a means of supporting tractable and efficient probabilistic inference. The parameters in these PCs are inferred with an expectation-maximization algorithm using the training data. Compared to other models for generating AGs, HCLT obtains the largest log-likelihood on test genomes across SNPs chosen across the genome and from a contiguous genomic region. Moreover, the AGs generated by HCLT more accurately resemble the source data set in their patterns of allele frequencies, linkage disequilibrium, pairwise haplotype distances, and population structure. This work not only presents a new and robust AG simulator but also manifests the potential of PCs in population genetics.
... Admixture mapping can be used to map susceptibility loci for disorders with different prevalence among founder populations that became recently admixed (39). Given that neuroblastoma is more frequent in European compared with African populations, we estimated the local proportions of African and European admixture along the autosomal genome in the AA cohort, and looked for regions that showed an increase in European ancestry among cases compared with controls and thus may harbor neuroblastoma risk loci. ...
Background: Neuroblastoma is rarer in African American (AA) children compared to American children of European descent. AA children affected with neuroblastoma, however, more frequently develop the high-risk form of the disease. Methods: We have genotyped an AA cohort of 629 neuroblastoma cases (254 high-risk) and 2,990 controls to investigate genetic susceptibility to neuroblastoma in AAs. Results: We confirmed the known neuroblastoma susceptibility gene BARD1 at genome-wide significance in the subset of high-risk cases. We also estimated local admixture across the autosomal genome in the AA cases and controls and detected a signal at 4q31.22 where cases show an increase in European ancestry. A region at 17p13.1 showed increased African ancestry in the subgroup of high-risk cases with respect to intermediate- and low-risk cases. Using results from our published European-American (EA) GWAS, we found that a polygenic score that included all independent SNPs showed a highly significant association (p-value = 1.8 x 10-73) and explained 19% of disease risk variance in an independent EA cohort. In contrast, the best fit polygenic score (p-value = 3.2 x 10-11) in AA included only 22 independent SNPs with association p-value < 2.75 x 10-6 in the EA GWAS, and explained 2% of neuroblastoma risk variance. The significance of the polygenic score dropped rapidly with inclusion of additional SNPs. Conclusions: These findings suggest that several common variants contribute to risk of neuroblastoma in an ancestry specific fashion. Impact: This work supports the need for GWAS to be performed in populations of all races and ethnicities.
... This methodology was first proposed by Rife (1953), but its implementation has been technically possible only in the last decades (McKeigue, 2005). AMS is based on the gene flow processes between continental populations occurring in the last centuries, producing particular chromosome configurations in the resulting admixed populations, showing a mosaic of ancestry segments (Darvasi and Shifman, 2005). When a disease has substantial despair prevalence among parental populations, the risk allele locus will show an over-representation ancestry of the high risk population in the admixed population. ...
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Genome-wide association studies focused on searching genes responsible for several diseases. Admixture mapping studies proposed a more efficient alternative capable of detecting polymorphisms contributing with a small effect on the disease risk. This method focuses on the higher values of linkage disequilibrium in admixed populations. To test this, we analyzed 10 genomic regions previously defined as related with colorectal cancer among nine populations and studied the variation pattern of haplotypic structures and heterozygosity values on seven categories of SNPs. Both analyses showed differences among chromosomal regions and studied populations. Admixed Latin-American samples generally show intermediate values. Heterozygosity of the SNPs grouped in categories varies more in each gene than in each population. African related populations have more blocks per chromosomal region, coherently with their antiquity. In sum, some similarities were found among Latin American populations, but each chromosomal region showed a particular behavior, despite the fact that the study refers to genes and regions related with one particular complex disease. This study strongly suggests the necessity of developing statistical methods to deal with di- or tri-hybrid populations, as well as to carefully analyze the different historic and demographic scenarios, and the different characteristics of particular chromosomal regions and evolutionary forces.
... In fact, their genomes are a mosaic of different ancestral origins, as the beginnings and destinations of these populations have depended on the time and reasons for their migration. Admixture mapping, an approach to studying the association between local genetic ancestry and disease risk in the genome, may also facilitate the discovery of loci associated with traits [37]. ...
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The successful implementation of personalized medicine will rely on the integration of information obtained at the level of populations with the specific biological, genetic, and clinical characteristics of an individual. However, because genome-wide association studies tend to focus on populations of European descent, there is a wide gap to bridge between Caucasian and non-Caucasian populations before personalized medicine can be fully implemented, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not an exception. In this review, we discuss advances in our understanding of genetic determinants of RA risk among global populations, with a focus on the Latin American population. Geographically restricted genetic diversity may have important implications for health and disease that will remain unknown until genetic association studies have been extended to include Latin American and other currently under-represented ancestries. The next few years will witness many breakthroughs in personalized medicine, including applications for common diseases and risk stratification instruments for targeted prevention/intervention strategies. Not all of these applications may be extrapolated from the Caucasian experience to Latin American or other under-represented populations.
... It is a method based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) that is used to detect the relationship between phenotypic variation and genetic polymorphisms. Association analysis complements traditional linkage analysis in understanding the genetic basis of complex traits [5,6] and offers several advantages over linkage analysis such as much higher mapping resolution; greater allele number and broader reference population; and less research time in establishing an association [7,8]. However, population structure may cause false positives in association analysis, to overcome this problem computing models such as general linear models (GLMs), mixed linear models using population structure, kinship or other factors as concomitant variants to reduce errors [9,10]. ...
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Association mapping is an efficient approach for dissecting the genetic architecture of yield-related traits using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in maize. The present study was carried out with a set of 93 diverse maize accessions with the objectives of analysing the population structure and conducting association mapping between SNP markers and yield-related traits viz. number of kernel rows per ear (NKR), number of kernel columns per ear (NKC), 100 grain weight (HGW) and grain yield (GY). Illumina golden gate assay containing 1536 SNPs distributed in all the chromosomes were used for genotyping 93 maize accessions. The population structure studies depicted the presence of five subpopulations, named ZM1, ZM2, ZM3, ZM4 and ZM5, contained 21, 16, 19, 12 and 25 accessions, respectively. Association mapping analysis carried out using mixed linear model (MLM), which is identified 36 marker-trait associations (MTAs) in the two years. Of these, 26 MTAs were detected either nearby or flanking the regions where the genomic regions have been reported. While, remaining10 MTAs were detected in the novel genomic region. The number of markers associated with each trait ranged from 6 (NKC) to 13 (HGW). We also found that one trait was associated with many markers (e.g., HGW with 13 markers), and single marker was also associated with multiple traits (eg. PZB00114_1 associated with HGW and GY). Our results provide good information for genetic architecture of yield-related traits and associated SNP markers could be valuable in implementing marker assisted selection (MAS) in maize breeding programs.
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The transcriptome sequencing approach RNA-seq represents a powerful tool for transcriptional analysis and development of SSR markers for nonmodel crop. In the Perilla crop, analysis of the distribution of different repeat motifs showed that dinucleotide repeats were the most abundant (62.0%) type, followed by trinucleotide repeats (35.3%), with the two together comprising 97.3% of the eSSR repeats. In this study, we developed 39 new SSR primer sets by the transcriptome sequencing approach RNA-sEq. A total of 130 alleles were detected segregating in nine Perilla accessions with an average of 3.3 alleles per locus, ranging from 125 to 360 bp. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to six. To detect SSR markers associated with morphological characteristics of Perilla crop, a total of 40 individuals from the F 2 population of Perilla were selected for association analysis based on their leaf- and plant-related characteristics. In an association analysis of 37 SSR markers and 9 leaf- and plant-related traits in the 40 individuals of the F 2 population, we identified 12 and 11 SSR markers associated with leaf-related traits and plant-related traits, respectively. Therefore, the new Perilla SSR primers described in this study could be helpful in identifying genetic diversity and genetic mapping, designating important genes/QTLs for Perilla crop breeding programs, and allowing Perilla breeders to improve leaf and plant quality through marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding programs.
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Risk of disease is multifactorial and can be shaped by socio-economic, demographic, cultural, environmental and genetic factors. Our understanding of the genetic determinants of disease risk has greatly advanced with the advent of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which detect associations between genetic variants and complex traits or diseases by comparing populations of cases and controls. However, much of this discovery has occurred through GWAS of individuals of European ancestry, with limited representation of other populations, including from Africa, The Americas, Asia and Oceania. Population demography, genetic drift and adaptation to environments over thousands of years have led globally to the diversification of populations. This global genomic diversity can provide new opportunities for discovery and translation into therapies, as well as a better understanding of population disease risk. Large-scale multi-ethnic and representative biobanks and population health resources provide unprecedented opportunities to understand the genetic determinants of disease on a global scale. Global genomic diversity can provide new opportunities for discovery and translation into therapies, as well as a better understanding of population disease risks. This Review considers the value of examining diverse populations to better understand genetic contributors to disease risk and trait variation.
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An advanced intercrossed line (AIL) is an experimental population that can provide more accurate estimates of quantitative trait loci (QTL) map location than conventional mapping populations. An AIL is produced by randomly and sequentially intercrossing a population that initially originated from a cross between two inbred lines or some variant thereof. This provides increasing probability of recombination between any two loci. Consequently, the genetic length of the entire genome is stretched, providing increased mapping resolution. In this way, for example, with the same population size and QTL effect, a 95% confidence interval of QTL map location of 20 cM in the F2 is reduced fivefold after eight additional random mating generations (F10). Simulation results showed that to obtain the anticipated reduction in the confidence interval, breeding population size of the AIL in all generations should comprise an effective number of > or = 100 individuals. It is proposed that AILs derived from crosses between known inbred lines may be a useful resource for fine genetic mapping.
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Insulin resistance syndrome (IRS)-related phenotypes, such as hyperinsulinemia, obesity-related traits, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, tend to cluster into factors. We attempted to identify loci influencing the factors of IRS-related phenotypes using phenotypic data from 261 nondiabetic subjects distributed across 27 low-income Mexican-American extended families. Principal component factor analyses were performed using eight IRS-related phenotypes: fasting glucose (FG), fasting specific insulin (FSI), BMI, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), HDL cholesterol, ln triglycerides (ln TGs), and leptin (LEP). The factor analysis yielded three factors: factor 1 (BMI, LEP, and FSI), factor 2 (DBP and SBP), and factor 3 (HDL and ln TG). We conducted multipoint variance components linkage analyses on these factors with the program SOLAR using a 10--15 cM map. We found significant evidence for linkage of factor 1 to two regions on chromosome 6 near markers D6S403 (logarithm of odds [LOD] = 4.2) and D6S264 (LOD = 4.9). We also found strong evidence for linkage of factor 3 to a genetic location on chromosome 7 between markers D7S479 and D7S471 (LOD = 3.2). In conclusion, we found substantial evidence for susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6 and 7 that appear to influence the factors representing the IRS-related phenotypes in Mexican-Americans.
Admixture mapping extends to human populations the principles that underlie linkage analysis of an experimental cross. For detecting genes that contribute to ethnic variation in disease risk, admixture mapping has greater statistical power than family-linkage studies. In comparison with association studies, admixture mapping requires far fewer markers to search the genome and is less affected by allelic heterogeneity. Statistical-analysis programs for admixture mapping are now available, and a genomewide panel of markers for admixture mapping in populations formed by West African-European admixture has been assembled. Some of the remaining technical challenges include the ability to ensure that the statistical methods are robust and to develop marker panels for other admixed populations. Where admixed populations and panels of markers informative for ancestry are available, admixture mapping can be applied to localize genes that contribute to ethnic variation in any measurable trait.
Medical genetics was revolutionized during the 1980s by the application of genetic mapping to locate the genes responsible for simple Mendelian diseases. Most diseases and traits, however, do not follow simple inheritance patterns. Genetics have thus begun taking up the even greater challenge of the genetic dissection of complex traits. Four major approaches have been developed: linkage analysis, allele-sharing methods, association studies, and polygenic analysis of experimental crosses. This article synthesizes the current state of the genetic dissection of complex traits--describing the methods, limitations, and recent applications to biological problems.
The identification of the genetic basis of complex human diseases such as schizophrenia and diabetes has proven difficult. In their Perspective, Risch and Merikangas propose that we can best accomplish this goal by combining the power of the human genome project with association studies, a method for determining the basis of a genetic disease.
Elevated blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal diseases. Complex mechanisms of blood pressure regulation pose a challenge to identifying genetic factors that influence interindividual blood pressure variation in the population at large. We performed a genome-wide linkage analysis of systolic blood pressure in humans using an efficient, highly discordant, full-sibling design. We identified 4 regions of the human genome that show statistical significant linkage to genes that influence interindividual systolic blood pressure variation (2p22.1 to 2p21, 5q33.3 to 5q34, 6q23.1 to 6q24.1, and 15q25.1 to 15q26.1). These regions contain a number of candidate genes that are involved in physiological mechanisms of blood pressure regulation. These results provide both novel information about genome regions in humans that influence interindividual blood pressure variation and a basis for identifying the contributing genes. Identification of the functional mutations in these genes may uncover novel mechanisms for blood pressure regulation and suggest new therapies and prevention strategies.
We have analyzed 10 unlinked microsatellites and a linked Alu deletion polymorphism at the CD4 locus in an African American population sample from Chicago (USA). Heterozygosity estimates at the microsatellite loci range from 0.727+/-0.025 (D3S1358) to 0.873+/-0.017 (D18S51), with an average of 0.794+/-0.016. These values are comparable to or higher than those reported for Europeans, with only one exception (D3S1358). The CD4/Alu haplotypic diversity (0.887+/-0.012) is comparable to diversity levels observed in sub-Saharan African populations and is higher than the diversity levels reported in European populations. No consistent pattern of within, between, or multi-locus deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations is observed, suggesting a low sub-heterogeneity within the sampled population. We have applied a maximum likelihood method and estimated the proportion of European admixture to the African American gene pool to be 0.26+/-0.02. The narrow confidence interval indicates that allele frequency data from multiple microsatellite loci, whether analyzed independently or as haplotypes, are particularly useful for estimating genetic admixture.
Human genetics is now at a critical juncture. The molecular methods used successfully to identify the genes underlying rare mendelian syndromes are failing to find the numerous genes causing more common, familial, non-mendelian diseases. With the human genome sequence nearing completion, new opportunities are being presented for unravelling the complex genetic basis of non-mendelian disorders based on large-scale genome-wide studies. Considerable debate has arisen regarding the best approach to take. In this review I discuss these issues, together with suggestions for optimal post-genome strategies.