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Study on Integrity and Privacy Requirements of Distributed Ledger Technologies


Abstract and Figures

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) allows multiple organizations to share transaction data while protecting data integrity without the need for a central authority. However, there is a strong need to protect the privacy of transactions from parties that are not stakeholders of each transaction. Since DLT is a technology for sharing replicas of the same ledger data across multiple parties, protecting confidentiality and data privacy is essentially difficult. In this paper, we first define the properties of integrity and privacy requirements and discuss the requirements in typical use cases. Finally, we review how the requirements are addressed in existing implementations.
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Study on Integrity and Privacy Requirements
of Distributed Ledger Technologies
Sachiko Yoshihama
IBM Research – Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Shin Saito
IBM Research – Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Abstract Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) allows
multiple organizations to share transaction data while protecting
data integrity without the need for a central authority. However,
there is a strong need to protect the privacy of transactions from
parties that are not stakeholders of each transaction. Since DLT is
a technology for sharing replicas of the same ledger data across
multiple parties, protecting confidentiality and data privacy is
essentially difficult. In this paper, we first define the properties of
integrity and privacy requirements and discuss the requirements
in typical use cases. Finally, we review how the requirements are
addressed in existing implementations.
Keywords—Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology,
Transaction Systems, Security, Privacy
In 2008, an author known as Satoshi Nakamoto published a
paper [5] on a cryptographic protocol that realizes a virtual
currency without the need for a central authority. The proposal
has been implemented and operated as a cryptocurrency called
Bitcoin, which has gained wider attention in industries and
academia. The baseline technology that enables Bitcoin is called
blockchain, or distributed ledger technology (DLT), and it has
been applied to a wider range of business use cases not only in
financial industries but also in others.
Privacy protection is one of the major concerns when
applying DLT in business use cases. The key concept of DLT is
that multiple participants share a replica of the same ledger, and
they keep adding records to the ledger by reaching a consensus
among each other. In DLT, participants share a logically
identical ledger in its replicated form so that any falsification of
one of the replicas may be easily detected by comparing the
replicas. Therefore, DLT is often called a tamper resistant
technology because the technology is designed to protect the
integrity of ledgers when not all participants can be trusted. To
successfully tamper with a ledger, a large enough number of
participants have to collude, depending on the consensus
algorithm. However, it is essentially difficult to protect the
confidentiality and privacy of a ledger due to the nature of the
shared replications.
In this paper, we first define the functional components of
DLT. Then, we define the integrity and privacy properties and
assess examples of requirements in real-life use cases. Finally,
we make observations on several typical DLT implementations
and discuss how they satisfy the requirements.
A.Data Structure
In DLT, data is shared among participants of a network. The
structure of shared data can be categorized into two types: blocks
and states.
Each block is a chunk of data that includes a list of ordered
transaction records. The cryptographic hash value of each block
is calculated and included in the next block so that modification
of any of the past transaction records can be easily detected by
comparing the hash value of the latest block. This data
structure—having data blocks linked with a cryptographic hash
chain—is the origin of the name of the technology blockchain.
A state is a kind of database that manages the latest state of
assets or any information transacted on DLT as the result of the
execution of transactions.
For example, in a typical design, if one develops a simple
payment application, each payment transaction is recorded in a
block, whereas the latest account balance is recorded in a state.
DLT platforms have either blocks, states, or both.
B.Transaction Processing Methods
There are two types of transaction processing methods:
UTXO and smart contract.
UTXO (unspent transaction output) is a method adopted by
Bitcoin and many other DLT systems. In the case of Bitcoin,
the ownership of a coin is transferred from a sender to a receiver
in a transaction that refers to a past transaction as the input and
the receiver’s public key as the output. UTXO can also be
extended to represent tangible or intangible assets or to attach
any metadata, so non-currency use cases can be handled on
DLT. For example, UTXO has been used for asset transfer or
more complicated financial trading.
2)Smart Contract
Smart contract is a technology that makes it possible to
flexibly define the logic of a transaction in detail. Ethereum [3]
and Hyperledger Fabric [2] are the two most popular
implementations that support smart contracts that allow
application logic to be encoded in a Turing complete
programming language, and such logic can query or update
states and take arbitrary actions, including data manipulation
and complicated computations.
2018 IEEE Confs on Internet of Things, Green Computing and Communications, Cyber, Physical and Social Computing,
Smart Data, Blockchain, Computer and Information Technology, Congress on Cybermatics
978-1-5386-7975-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/Cybermatics_2018.2018.00276
A smart contract is often used to perform state transition by
updating states on the basis of logic. However, some
implementations (such as Corda [11]) use smart contracts in
combination with UTXO to add rules in the case of making a
decision when transferring asset ownership.
In DTL, to maintain consistency and soundness among the
nodes that participate in a network, the nodes have to come to
an agreement. In this paper, we use the term consensus to refer
to such activities. Consensus methods can be classified into two
types: proof-of-work and its variations and distributed
consensus algorithms.
1)Proof-of-Work and its Variations
Simply put, proof-of-work (PoW) is a kind of computation
competition among nodes, the goal of which is to find one of the
correct values that meets a required condition. The node that
finds a correct value has the right to add a new block, approve a
set of transactions in the block, and then receive a virtual
currency as a reward. With Bitcoin, the nodes try to find a nonce,
where the cryptographic hash value of the nonce, hash of
transactions in a block, and the hash of the previous block
become smaller than a pre-agreed on target value. A
cryptographic hash is a one-way function that has no effective
way to estimate the input from a given output. Therefore, each
node has to perform brute-force try-and-error computations to
find a correct nonce in a process known as mining. Thus, a node
or a set of collaborating nodes with larger computing resources
can have a higher probability of winning a mining competition.
There are variations of PoW, such as proof-of-stake (PoS) or
proof-of-importance (PoI), that change the probability of a win
with not only computation power but with other properties, such
as the amount of the virtual currency of each node or importance
of a node as judged from the amount of transactions it
participates in.
Well-known shortcomings of PoW include insufficient
safety and a lack of finality. In this context, safety refers to
resistance to attacks made by adversaries in a blockchain
network, such as an attempt to approve illegal transactions. Such
attackers may win a mining competition at some point, add an
illegal, e.g., double-spending, transaction to a block, and
disseminate the block to other nodes in the network. The Bitcoin
paper [5] claims that safety will increase over time as many
blocks are added to the chain because the probability that an
attacker will continuously win in the mining is small, and other
correct nodes will reject blocks that contain illegal transactions.
However, if multiple participants collude and own more than
50% of the computation power in the network, they can approve
arbitrary transactions.
Finality is a concept used in the financial industry. It means
that once a settlement or money transfer is completed, it is
“irrevocable and unconditional”[4]. PoW and its variations
cannot guarantee finality because even if a node succeeds in
mining and then adds a block to the ledger, another node may
succeed in mining and add a different block before the first block
is well propagated in the network. In such a case, two or more
versions of the ledger may co-exist in the network, creating a
fork in the chain of blocks. If a fork occurs, a longer branch will
eventually be deemed correct, and a shorter branch will be
rejected because a branch that is supported by more mining
nodes will have a better chance of adding new blocks and
growing faster. Therefore, transactions that were recorded only
in the shorter branch will be cancelled, and thus, finality is not
guaranteed. Some attacks, such as the eclipse attack [12],
attempt to isolate some nodes by polarizing the P2P network so
that those nodes cannot receive the latest block, resulting in a
fork. PoW and its variations are good mechanisms for reaching
a consensus in a public blockchain network with anonymous
nodes, and they are tolerant against some attackers or Byzantine
fault nodes. However, the lack of safety and finality is deemed
a critical issue when using DLT in real-world businesses.
2)Distributed Consensus Algorithm
While DLT is being tested and considered in business use
cases, there has been increasing attention given to
permissioned DLT technologies, where participants are
authenticated and authorized. In a permissioned DLT, the
number of nodes and their identities can be controlled, so it is
possible to use traditional distributed consensus algorithms
that are based on message exchange. Paxos [13],
Viewstamped Replication (VSR)[14], Raft [15], and Practical
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)[6] are well known classic
algorithms that were developed for state machine replications.
These distributed consensus algorithms assume asynchronous
message communication called the eventual-synchrony
network model. Typically, after some messages are
broadcasted in a network, a consensus is reached, and
messages are then delivered to the correct nodes. When a
consensus mechanism satisfies the following properties, it is
called atomic broadcast [9].
Validity: If a correct node p broadcasts a message m,
p eventually delivers m.
Agreement: If a message m is delivered by some
correct node, m is eventually delivered by every
correct node.
Integrity: No correct node delivers the same message
more than once.
Total Order: Suppose p and q are two correct nodes
that deliver messages m1 and m2 respectively; then,
p delivers m1 before m2 if and only if q delivers m1
before m2.
One of the characteristics that differentiates DLT from
classic state replication is its assumption on the environment.
DLT assumes that network participants span across multiple
entities and organizations that have a conflict of interest and
potentially include hostile entities. An advantage of DLT is that
it can guarantee the integrity of data in such an environment
because each of multiple participants owns an identical copy of
the ledger, and thus, the tampering of adversaries can be detected
by comparing replicas of correct nodes. When a Byzantine fault
tolerant consensus mechanism is used even when some of the
participants behave maliciously the network can keep
functioning correctly.
A Byzantine fault tolerant consensus algorithm typically
defines a safety property such that, in a network where
independent N nodes participate in reaching a consensus, a
consensus can be reached as long as f nodes or fewer are in
Byzantine failure.
However, since the ledger is shared among nodes, protecting
the privacy of the ledger is essentially difficult . This is
problematic in some use cases, e.g., in equity trading, because it
is a common requirement that the details of a trade be shared
only between the counterparties of the trade, i.e., seller and
buyer, and not visible to other third parties.
To overcome the privacy issue, some algorithms reach
consensus not for all the nodes in a network but only between
Ncp counterparties, e.g., Ncp =2 when the counterparties are only
a seller and a buyer, and thus, the data has to be shared only
between counterparties. However, if one of the two parties
becomes Byzantine faulty when the data is shared only between
two parties, protecting integrity is difficult. Intuitively, as the
number of parties involved in the consensus increases, the
integrity protection will strengthen and vice versa.
In this section, we define several properties of integrity as
well as confidentiality and privacy requirements.
Let n1, n2, …, nN be the independent nodes in a DLT network,
and each node ni keeps a copy of the ledger Li. The ledger Li
owned by a node ni is expressed as follows.
Li = ([h(txi1), h(txi2), …, h(txim)], [txi1, txi2, …, txim ])
Here, txij is the jth transaction in ni’s ledger, and h(txij) is the
cryptographic hash value of it. Now, in addition to the properties
of the atomic broadcast described in the previous section, there
are possible integrity requirements as follows.
I1. Agreement on Transaction Validity: This is a property for
which only a legitimate transaction can be recorded in the ledger,
depending on the transaction semantics. For instance, a double-
spending transaction or remittance that result in a negative
account balance are examples of invalid transactions that should
be rejected. A decision on the validity of such transactions should
be consistent among N-f or more nodes, where f is the utmost
number of faulty nodes. In other words, for independent correct
nodes ni and nj, let validi(txp) and validj(txp) be the decision made
by node ni and nj, respectively, whether transaction txp is valid
or not. Then, transaction validity is guaranteed iff i Pcorrect
tx Li, valid(tx), where Pcorrect refers to all correct nodes.
I2. Tamper Evidence: It is often required that the ledger be not
tampered with and consistent among participants. If replicas of
the ledger owned by some of the nodes are illegally modified,
that should be detectable. To detect the tampering of a
transaction, one needs to check and compare only the hash value
of transaction h(txi) and does not need to see txi itself. We define
DLT as being tamper evident if a node can compare the
transaction hash value with other nodes to detect tampering.
I3. Finality: As described in the previous section, finality refers
to a property for which no transaction will be rejected after it is
approved and recorded in the ledger. In other words, for any of
the correct nodes ni, the DLT guarantees finality iff for all txij in
Li at time t, so this is the same as txij in Li at t' if t < t'.
Note that when finality is not guaranteed, the content of a ledger may
change over time, i.e., an agreement on transaction validity that is
satisfied at some point in time may be overthrown later.
B.Confidentiality and Privacy
For the sake of simplicity, in this section, we model the
privacy properties in bilateral transactions. Let n1, n2, …, nN be
the nodes in a DLT network, and let there be an arbitrary number
of subjects S={s1, s2, …}, e.g., a subject can be a human user in
a business entity, that trade with each other. Subjects access
DLT via nodes. When two subjects sp, sq transact via nodes ni,
nj, respectively, and m is the message, each transaction tx can be
represented as (sp, sq, ni, nj, m). We also assume that subject sp,
sq can be anonymized, and the real identity of each subject is
represented as IDp, IDq respectively. There are possible privacy
properties as follows.
C1. Anonymity to Third Parties: The identities of the trading
subjects are not visible to parties other than the counterparties of
the trade, i.e., each of ni, nj, sp, sq, can see the true identity of
subjects such as spIDp and sq
IDq. However, no third party
srsp, sq, can see the true identity of subjects.
C2. Anonymity between Counterparties: In addition to C1,
the identities of trading subjects are not visible even between the
counterparties. That is, neither ni nor sp see sq
IDq, and neither
nj nor sq see sp
IDp. A typical example that has this property is
remittance to an anonymous identity in a virtual currency.
C3. Confidentiality of Transaction Content: We refer to the
details of a trade as the transaction content, such as the name of
the asset or amount to be traded. The confidentiality property of
the content can be defined as follows. For any transaction tx=(sp,
sq, ni, nj, m), third party subject srsp, sq or third party nodes nk
ni, nj can see the content of tx. However, sr and nk may see the
transaction hash value h(tx) because the value does not disclose
the transaction details.
C4. Confidentiality about Existence of Transaction: This is a
property that ensures that the fact that a transaction tx occurred
is not visible to a third party subject srsp, sq or a third party
node nk, where nkni, nj.
C5. Confidentiality of State. As described earlier, state refers
to the latest state of assets that is the result of transaction
invocations. The confidentiality of a state can be defined as
follows. When a subject sp has a state variable v that it would
like to share only with subject sq and nodes ni and nj, no subject
srsp, sq or third party nodes nkni , nj should be able to see v.
In this section, we review several real-world DLT use cases
and discuss their integrity and privacy protection mechanisms.
A.Virtual Currency
Virtual currencies are the most typical use cases of DLT.
Starting from Bitcoin, there are hundreds of virtual currency
implementations on DLT. As an attempt to reproduce cash in
the digital world, use cases are focused on the transfer of
simple values, i.e., coins, in a public network. For historical
reasons, most implementations use UTXO and reach
consensus with PoW or its variations.
The integrity requirements of virtual currencies typically
include transaction validity (I1) and tamper resistance (I2). As
the use case is essentially the same as a financial settlement,
finality (I3) should also be a latent requirement. However,
because most virtual currencies are PoW-based
implementations, finality cannot be guaranteed. Risk of no-
finality is mitigated by operational customs, such as waiting
for long enough after a transaction is recorded in a block and
several new blocks are added after it.
Privacy requirements for anonymity (C1 and C2) are
satisfied because each subject is represented by an anonymous
address derived from an arbitrary cryptographic public key.
However, since all nodes perform a transaction validity check in
PoW, transaction content (C3) or its existence (C4) are disclosed
to all parties. Most virtual currencies do not have states, so the
confidentiality of a state (C5) is not applicable. However, if an
implementation has states, protecting its confidentiality is
difficult as long as the DLT is operated as a public network.
B.Asset Management
Some DLT use cases address asset management. For
example, ownership of tangible assets, e.g., vehicles and real-
estate, or intangible assets, e.g., digital content, is recorded in
the ledger and traded on it [16]. In a typical implementation,
an asset is represented as a token, and ownership of the token
is transferred by using UTXO. In asset management, integrity
properties such as transaction validity (I1), tamper resistance
(I2), and finality (I3) are required.
Privacy requirements will depend on the type of asset
being managed. For example, in Japan, real estate registration
is made public, and anybody can obtain a copy if he or she
requests [17]. In such a case, all privacy properties C1–C5 will
not be required, except the privacy of an individual asset
C.Post-Trade Processes in Equity Trading
In financial markets, post-trade processes refer to the
processes of clearing and settlement after sell and buy orders
are matched and a trade is executed. Several proof-of-concept
trials have been conducted to assess the technical feasibility of
transforming these processes by using DLT [7]. Post-trade
processes need to handle complicated state transitions of
equities and funds that span across multiple asynchronous
external events.
One of the strong requirements of the post-trade process is
delivery-versus-payment (DVP), which is a common practice
in the settlement of an equity trade. DVP ensures that, for each
trade, the settlements of both equity and funds have to be
completed. If the settlement of a fund fails, that of equity should
fail too and vice versa. In addition, the post-trade process also
has to perform complicated calculations, such as the netting of
multiple settlements between two parties, i.e., bi-literal netting,
or across multiple parties, i.e., multi-lateral netting.
Therefore, to properly implement post-trade processes on
DLT, smart contracts and states are necessary functions
because UTXO is too simple for implementing the
aforementioned complicated processes. Since this use case
typically handle a large volume of funds or equities, transaction
validity (I1) and tamper resistance (I2) are quite important. In
addition, as is the nature of financial systems, there is a very
strong requirement for finality guarantee (I3).
Since financial markets are a highly regulated industry, we
can assume that (at least in the foreseeable future) DLT will be
used in a permissioned network among authorized financial
institutions, such as banks and clearing organizations. In such a
case, it should be acceptable that only a small number of nodes
(such as only Ncp counterparties) participate in consensus,
minimizing the exposure of the transaction content or state to
third parties that are not involved in each transaction.
To check the validity of a transaction, some information
flow has to occur with third parties other than trading
counterparties. For example, if a subject sp is transacting via ni
and bilaterally trading with each of multiple parties such as sq
and sr that are transacting via nj and nk, respectively. Then, the
account balance of sp has to be checked across counterparties.
This is because the account balance of sp may change as it trades
in each of the bilateral relations; e.g., let us say that sp has 10
shares of equity in its account and sells 8 shares to sq and then
3 to sr. In the first trade, nodes ni and nj check the transaction
validity to ensure that sp has enough shares in the account, and
the transaction then transfers ownership of 8 shares to sq. Then,
after the trade between sp and sq is completed, the new account
balance (10−8=2) has to be informed to nk so that both ni and nk
can check the transaction validity for the second trade that
attempts to transfer 3 shares from sp to sr. Then, there is the
information flow from the first trade to the second trade, which
allows nk to infer some part of the transaction content of the first
trade, to which nk is a third party.
Therefore, even if the trust assumption does not require all
parties to own all of the accounts’ states, the system requires
the accounts’ data to be shared across parties, beyond each
transaction’s counterparties.
In financial trading, regulatory requirements on privacy
protection are quite strong. In particular, when two financial
institutions are trading with each other, the content of the trade
and the fact of the trade occurring need to be concealed. For
example, in equity trading, the price of equity may change
significantly if the trade information is leaked in advance. One
may also take advantage of such information to make a profit
by estimating the equity price. Therefore, anonymity to the
third party (C1), transaction content confidentiality (C3), and
state confidentiality (C5) are strong requirements in this use
case. However, satisfying C5 is difficult if an account balance
has to be shared across parties.
Since the counterparties are often known and identified
financial institutions, the anonymity of counterparties (C2) can
be excluded from the requirements. However, an individual
investor’s information should be protected if it is ever recorded
in a ledger. It is also desirable to conceal the transaction
existence (C4), but it should be acceptable as long as K-
anonymity is held for a large enough K
D.Derivative Contract
A derivative contract or securitized financial products are a
kind of financial contract that can be implemented on a smart
contract. Let us take the Equity Linked Note (ELN) as an
example, which is a securitized financial product of which
terms and conditions are linked to the price of a pre-defined
equity and a financial derivative called an option. ELN is issued
at a discount price to the principal amount of the corresponding
equity. On a pre-agreed on valuation date, if the equity’s price
is above or equal to the strike price, the investor will then
receive the principal amount at the maturity date. Otherwise,
the investor is exposed to the equity’s negative performance.
Such derivatives do not trade the actual equities, but rather, a
set of contract terms and conditions are pre-agreed on, and the
settlement amount and conditions change on the basis of
external events such as equity price changes. Such a use case
requires that trade logic be encoded and executed as a smart
contract while maintaining the states.
In a financial contract, transaction validity (I1) and tamper
resistance (I2) are very important, and as a financial system,
there is a strong requirement for finality (I3).
As a derivative contract is essentially a contract between the
buyer and seller, it is acceptable that consensus is reached only
between the trading counterparties. In addition, unlike the
settlement of equities, there is no need to manage account
balances, and thus, it is ok that the data is shared only between
trading counterparties. However, other parties may need to
access the data in the case of an audit or dispute resolution. As
for the privacy requirements, the same set of properties as
equity trading, i.e., C1, C3, C4, and C5, will be required.
In this section, we review several popular DLT
implementations and observe how each of them can satisfy the
integrity and privacy properties. A summary is shown in .
With Bitcoin [5], the only data in the ledger is blocks, and
transactions are processed with UTXO. Consensus is reached
by using PoW, and thus, the integrity of an instance of the
ledger cannot be guaranteed at some point in time. Due to the
nature of PoW, Byzantine fault tolerance can be expressed not
by the number of faulty nodes but in the amount of computation
power in the DLT network. As long as the total computation
power of faulty nodes f is f<2N, the probability of the integrity
of the ledger being assured will increase as time elapses, but
finality cannot be guaranteed.
As for privacy requirements, since each subject transacts by
using an address derived from an anonymous public key,
privacy requirements C1 and C2 will be satisfied. However,
since the content of the ledger will be visible for all nodes,
Bitcoin cannot guarantee other privacy requirements, such as
C3, C4, and C5.
Ethereum [3] manages ledger data as blocks and states.
Transactions are processed in smart contracts, and transaction
validity is checked by using application logic implemented in a
Turing complete language called Solidity. Consensus is reached
by using PoW; therefore, the same as Bitcoin, integrity
requirements are satisfied only probabilistically, and finality is
not guaranteed. As long as anonymous addresses are used for
subject identities, privacy requirements C1 and C2 will be
satisfied, but other privacy requirements will not be satisfied
the same as Bitcoin.
In late 2017, a new privacy preserved currency called Zcash
[19] was announced. It is an open source implementation of
Zerocash [20] built on a type of zero-knowledge proof
technology known as Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-
Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARK)[21].
Although zk-SNARK has the potential to protect the privacy of
a wide variety of smart contracts, the current system is not
practical because of drawbacks, such as complexity in key
management and expensive transaction fees, i.e., gas, for
setting up a secret for each smart contract.
Quorum [10] is a permissioned DLT based on Ethereum but
modified to address the needs of business use cases. For
instance, Quorum uses a voting-based consensus mechanism to
replace PoW and added privacy protection capabilities. In
Quorum, in addition to ordinary nodes called quorum nodes,
each participant will have a transaction manager node that
forms a constellation, a peer-to-peer encrypted message
exchange for private transactions. Public transactions are
processed similarly to public Ethereum and disseminated to all
nodes. However, private transactions are encrypted and sent
from a quorum node to the transaction manager and shared only
between the transaction managers that are entitled to access the
content of a private transaction. Quorum nodes only share the
hash values of private transactions and not their content. When
processing a private transaction, only entitled participants
decrypt the transactions and execute a smart contract on
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to check the validity of the
Quorum supports two consensus algorithms, QuorumChain
and Raft [15]. For the sake of simplicity, this paper is focused
on the former. In QuorumChain, each node may have up to two
roles: a voter and a maker. A maker node can create a new
block, while a voter can cast a vote on it. A node with no roles
is deemed a passive observer.
A new block is created in the following steps.
1)A maker creates a new block, signs it, and disseminates
it to other nodes by using the P2P protocol. Each block
contains a list of transactions and votes on the previous
2)Upon the receipt of a block, each voter verifies whether
the block was sent from a legitimate maker and executes
the smart contract to process the transaction. Then, the
voter calculates the hash value of the state that is the
result of transaction execution and verifies that it is
consistent with the hash value of its own state.
3)After verification is completed, the voter casts a vote by
invoking a vote transaction in a special smart contract
called BlockVoting. Since the vote itself is processed as a
transaction, the result of consensus will be determined at
the time that the next block is created.
4)If there are more votes than a necessary threshold before
timeout, the maker decides that the block is successfully
created. Otherwise, the maker retries voting by repeating
the process from steps 1 to 3.
There has to be at least one maker in a network. If there are
multiple makers, each maker waits for a random duration so
that each maker a new block at a different timing without
causing conflict.
Each voter casts a vote as long as it succeeds with block
verification. Due to the possibility of a retry, each voter may
cast more than one vote for the blocks with the same block
number. Then, when a block has more votes than the required
threshold, each node accepts the block and adds it to its own
ledger. If there are multiple blocks with the same block number,
the block with the most votes will be chosen.
In QuorumChain, if there is only a single maker, it could be
a single point of failure. If there are multiple makers, the chain
might fork if some makers are in Byzantine failure. If there is a
relatively large communication delay between makers, multiple
makers may create blocks with the same block number, and
thus, finality cannot be guaranteed.
In the case of private transactions, transaction validity is
checked by a set of nodes that are authorized to access the
content of private transactions. However, nodes that are not
authorized to access a private transaction can still participate in
integrity verification because they have transaction hash values.
Therefore, the integrity is tolerant to up to fnodes, where f<2/N.
Since private transactions are encrypted, privacy
requirements C1 and C3 can be satisfied. However, trading
counterparties can identify each other, and thus, C2 is not
satisfied. In addition, any third party nodes will receive the hash
of each transaction, and thus, C4 is not satisfied either. Since
only counterparties can decrypt a transaction and store the
resulting state, requirement C5 is satisfied.
D.R3 Corda
Corda [11] does not have blocks, and states are atomic units
of information. Each state represents an asset being traded and
can be either spent or unspent. In addition, each state may have
additional attachment files.
Transactions are processed in an extension of UTXO. Each
transaction specifies input states, output states, and notaries.
States can also be associated with logic defined in Java
bytecode, which will be executed as a smart contract that
checks the validity of a transaction.
Notary is a special node that verifies whether all input states
are unspent, and thus, there is no illegal double spending. Each
transaction can consume only the input states that belong to the
same notary, and thus, a single specified notary can verify all
input states. There is also a special transaction to change the
notary of a state, so a transaction that spans across multiple
notaries can be processed. A complicated transaction, which is
performed in multiple steps by multiple parties, is encoded in a
state machine called flow, for which a state transition is handled
asynchronously through multiple events.
Each transaction is not broadcasted to all nodes but sent to
the nodes that need to refer to the transaction in order to validate
transactions. In addition, since there are no blocks, the total
order of transactions is not defined. Only the partial order of
dependent transactions is defined, where each partial order is
guaranteed by a notary. Notaries do not depend on a specific
consensus protocol. A notary can be a single node that performs
the role of a trusted centralized service or multiple nodes that
reach consensus by using protocols such as Raft or BFT-
With Corda, the parties involved in consensus are notary
and trading counterparties, i.e., Ncp nodes, and the DLT is not
tolerant to Byzantine failure of these nodes. In particular, if the
notary is a single node, it can become a single point of failure
and create a fork if it is in Byzantine failure.
Privacy is addressed by avoiding global broadcasts, but
there are still some uncertainties, i.e., when validating a
transaction, each node will access dependent transactions.
Therefore, each transaction should be seen only by nodes that
are related. However, if a transaction has complicated
dependencies on other transactions, reasoning about which
nodes may see the transactions is difficult, even though it is still
possible to protect anonymity by using anonymous signature
keys [11].
E.Hyperledger Fabric V0.6
Hyperledger Fabric [2] (Fabric, in short) is an open source
DLT platform that focuses on permissioned networks. Fabric
V0.6 is an experimental version released in 2016. Each node in
Fabric V0.6 has both blocks and states. Transactions are
processed by using a smart contract, which is defined in Turing
complete programming languages such as Golang. The
consensus mechanism is designed to be pluggable, but PBFT
[6] (Figure 1) is the supported implementation. Because of the
safety property of PBFT, it is tolerant to up to f nodes in
Byzantine failure, where f
(N-1)/3. Under the same condition,
integrity requirements I1 and I2 are satisfied, and PBFT
guarantees I3. However, the implementation reaches consensus
only before executing a smart contract, and no consensus is
reached on the result of smart contract execution. Therefore,
Fabric V0.6 depends on the assumption that each smart contract
is completely deterministic.
Figure 1 Hyperledger Fabric V0.6 Consensus Flow
All participants (including users and nodes) are
authenticated by using digital certificates called ECerts
(enrollment certificates). However, the anonymity of subjects
in a transaction is protected by using anonymous, one-time
certificates called TCerts (transaction certificates). Therefore,
anonymity requirements (C1 and C2) can be protected, unless
user identifies are included in the transaction content.
Optionally, content and state DB can be encrypted to protect
privacy, but a malicious system administrator may steal the
encryption key to decrypt the data. Therefore, to protect the
privacy of the transaction content (C3) and states (C5), all
nodes have to be under the control of a trusted administrator or
protected in a trusted execution environment. For example, by
using hardware-level security mechanisms, we can use secure
boot to run a node in a specific controlled configuration in a
secure container, which prevents OS users from logging-in to
the system to run arbitrary OS-level commands. Likewise,
cryptographic keys can be protected by using hardware security
modules. Privacy regarding the existence of transactions (C4)
cannot be satisfied as the ledgers are shared across all
F.Hyperledger Fabric V1.0
Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 is a new version that underwent
significant architecture changes to overcome shortcomings
identified in Fabric V0.6. Similar to Fabric V0.6, both blocks
and states are shared across nodes. In Fabric V1.0, nodes have
multiple roles; a node that manages ledgers is called a peer, and
a node that orders transactions is called an orderer. A peer that
executes a smart contract is called an endorsing peer or
Consensus is reached in the following process (Figure 2).
First, a client application sends a transaction proposal to one or
more endorsing peers. Each endorsing peer executes a smart
contract to process the transaction and derives the execution
result as a read-write set, i.e., the keys and data in the states
being read and written as the result of smart contract execution.
The read-write set and corresponding transaction content is
signed by the peers to represent its endorsement and sent back
to the client. The process is repeated (of course, it can run in
parallel) until the client receives a sufficient enough number of
endorsements as defined in the endorsement policy. Then, the
client submits the transaction to an orderer, along with the
endorsements from the peers. The orderer determines the total
order of transactions and delivers a block of ordered
transactions to the peers. Finally, each peer verifies the
transactions, records them into the blocks, and updates the state
according to the read-write sets. Each peer’s verification
includes the validation of the endorsements’ signatures and
whether each transaction has enough endorsements as defined
in the endorsement policy. In addition, peers conduct multi-
version concurrency control (MVCC) checks to make sure that
no transactions override the write set of other transactions.
Each peer belongs to an organization and proves it by
having a certificate that is issued by the root CA of the
organization or by any intermediary CAs that can be traced
back to the root CA. An atomic component in an endorsement
policy is an organization, and a policy is defined by using an m-
out-of-n rule. For example, a policy may state that a transaction
requires at least two endorsements from three organizations {A,
B, C}. The policy can be cascaded to give weights to each
organization, e.g., a policy may state that a transaction always
needs an endorsement from organization A and one of {B, C}.
Figure 2 Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 Consensus Flow
Depending on the endorsement policy, Fabric V1.0 is
tolerant to the Byzantine fault of up to f endorsing peers, where
f<N/2. However, since a policy is defined on the basis of an
organization unit, it has to be assumed that all peers in each
organization have the same level of trust. In other words, when
N is the number of organizations in a network, DLT is tolerant
to up to the failure of f organizations, where f<N/2, where a
failure of an organization is defined as the failure of any of the
peers that belong to the organization. If N is big, there is a
negative impact on performance from requiring endorsements
from peers from many organizations because of the overhead
of signature verification by peers. Therefore, in reality, a policy
has to be defined by assuming a smaller number of failed
In Fabric V1.0, the orderers are implemented by using
Apache Kafka, which can be clustered into multiple nodes to
enable crash tolerance but not Byzantine fault tolerance. For a
future version of Fabric, there are plans to implement a
Byzantine-fault-tolerant ordering service that uses BFT-based
Fabric V1.0 has a multichannel mechanism that makes it
possible to create a private channel for a subset of peers in a
network. The entirety of an information flow is confined within
the channel, including shared data (blocks and state) and
consensus reaching. Therefore, integrity and privacy
requirements can be satisfied differently, depending on the use
of channels.
First, let us focus on peers that belong to a single channel.
Assuming that an endorsement policy is satisfied and an orderer
is not in Byzantine failure, integrity requirements I1, I2, and I3
can be satisfied. However, the system is not tolerant to the
Byzantine failure of orderers. As for the privacy requirements,
since TCert is not supported in Fabric V1.0, transaction
anonymity (C1 and C2) is not supported. Other privacy
requirements C3, C4, and C5 can be satisfied under the same
condition as Fabric V0.6.
If we set up a channel for each set of trading counterparties,
transaction data and ledger data are isolated per each channel,
and thus, privacy requirements C1–C5 are satisfied. Integrity
requirements are satisfied the same as in the single-channel
case, but care has to be taken when defining the endorsement
policy so that the required f
N/2 or less holds per each
Table 1 Summary of DLT Implementations
*1: Not satisfied if special nodes, e.g., maker, notary, or orderer, are in
Byzantine failure.
*2: Anonymity by TCert. If subject identity is included in transaction content,
same condition as *3 is required.
*3: Under assumption that DLT platform is securely managed and safe from
malicious system administrators.
Distributed consensus algorithms have been studied for decades
in the context of state machine replication [6][8][13][14][15].
Recently, research areas regarding DLT or Blockchain have
been gaining attention, especially because of the emergence of
permissioned DLT networks. For example, Cachin and Vukolic
[8] analyzed consensus protocols and assessed their tolerance
to failures. Angelis et al. proposed proof-of-authority (PoA)
[18] as an extension of PBFT, specifically aiming at use on
Blockchain. Research on the security and privacy aspects of
Blockchain has been gaining attention [1], and the privacy
issues of virtual currencies are well studied [23]. This paper
contributes by identifying general integrity and privacy
requirements from real-world use cases and defining their
properties in a formal manner.
In this paper, we defined security requirements for DLT as
a set of integrity and privacy properties and assessed these
requirements in four real-life DLT use cases. In addition, we
reviewed representative DLT implementations to determine the
satisfiability of these properties. As of writing of this paper,
most DLT use cases are still in experimental stages, except for
virtual currencies. However, as DLT is being adopted for real
businesses, stricter and more comprehensive analysis and
evaluation of safety will be needed. For many DLT
implementations, especially proprietary code, there is a lack of
published technical details or source code, so rigid technical
assessment is difficult. For DLT to be widely adopted and used,
safety properties and evaluation criteria have to be clearly
defined to foster open discussion on the safety of DLT.
The authors would like to thank Atsushi Santo, Masafumi
Kondo, Go Kondo, and Nobushige Doi from the Fitnech Lab at
the Japan Exchange Group (JPX), as well as members of IBM
Research – Tokyo for their valuable insights and active
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[6]M. Kastro, B.Liskov, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Proceedings of
the Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation
(OSDI), 1999.
[7]A. Santo, I. Minowa, G. Hosaka, S. Hayakawa, M. Kondo, S. Ichiki, Y.
Kaneko, Applicability of Distributed Ledger Technology to Capital
Market Infrastructure, JPX Working Paper Vol.15, Aug 30, 2016. URL:
[8]C. Dwork, N.Lynch, and L.Stockmeyer. Consensus in the presence of
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[9]C. Cachin and M. Vukolić, Blockchain Consensus Protocols in the Wild,
[11]M. Hearn, “Corda: A distributed ledger”, Version 0.5, Nov. 29, 2016.
[12]E.Heilman, A.Kendler, A.Zohar, S.Goldberg, “Eclipse Attacks on
Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network”, proceedings of the 24th USENIX
Security Symposium, Washington, DC., August 2015.
[13]L. Lamport. The Part-Time Parliament, ACM Transactions on Computer
Systems, 16, 2 (May 1998), 133-169.
[14]B.M.Oki and B. Liskov. Viewstamped replication: Anew primary copy
method to support highly- available distributed systems. In Proc. 7th
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8–17, 1988.
[15]D. Ongaro and J. K. Ousterhout. In search of an understandable consensus
algorithm. In Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, pages 305–
319, 2014.
[16] Laura Shin, The First Government To Secure Land Titles On The Bitcoin
Blockchain Expands Project, Feb 7, 2017, Forbes.
[17]Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportaiton and Turism, Japan. Real
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[18]S.D. Angelis, L. Aniello, R. Baldoni, F. Lombardi, A. Margheri, and V.
Sassone, PBFT vs Proof-of-Authority: Applying the CAP Theorem to
Permissioned Blockchain, Italian Conference on Cybersecurity, Venice,
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& Virza, M. (2014). Zerocash: Decentralized anonymous payments from
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[22] Halpin, H., & Piekarska, M. (2017). Introduction to security and privacy
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[23]Conti, M., E, S. K., Lal, C., & Ruj, S. (2017). A Survey on Security and
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... Furthermore, a consensus protocol must be in place that allows maintaining ledger consistency. Recently, Yoshihama and Saito [21] listed and described integrity and confidentiality requirements. The integrity requirements are (for full definitions, see Reference [21]): ...
... Recently, Yoshihama and Saito [21] listed and described integrity and confidentiality requirements. The integrity requirements are (for full definitions, see Reference [21]): ...
... The blockchain used in the BEIM must meet the above three requirements. Additionally, it must be possible to implement the following privacy (confidentiality) requirements (for full definitions, see Reference [21]): ...
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(1) Background: Large eHealth systems should have a mechanism to detect unauthorized changes in patients’ medical documentation, access permissions, and logs. This is due to the fact that modern eHealth systems are connected with many healthcare providers and sites. (2) Methods: Design-science methodology was used to create an integrity-protection service model based on blockchain technology. Based on the problem of transactional transparency, requirements were specified and a model was designed. After that, the model’s security and performance were evaluated. (3) Results: a blockchain-based eHealth integrity model for ensuring information integrity in eHealth systems that uses a permissioned blockchain with off-chain information storage was created. In contrast to existing solutions, the proposed model allows information removal, which in many countries’ eHealth systems is a legal requirement, and is based on a blockchain using the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant algorithm. (4) Conclusion: A blockchain can be used to store medical data or only security-related data. In the proposed model, a blockchain is mainly used to implement a data-integrity service. This service can be implemented using other mechanisms, but a blockchain provides a solution that does not require trusted third parties, works in a distributed eHealth environment, and supports document removal.
... One of the main drawbacks of solutions mentioned above is that PoW consensus do not fulfil one of the integrity requirements, i.e. Finality property [12] . The Finality property states that no transaction will be rejected after it is approved and recorded in the ledger. ...
... That property in PoW consensus is called Probabilistic Finality property. In Probabilistic Finality , the risk that a transaction is rejected is mitigated by operational actions, e.g., waiting for some time after a transaction is recorded in a block and several new blocks are added after it [12] . ...
... They assumed that cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Namecoin is a permanent, public ledger into which information can be inserted. Because these cryptocurrencies are based on PoW consensus, as mentioned above and described in details in [12] cannot fulfil all integrity requirements, i.e. Finality property. ...
Digitally signed documents must remain stored for many years. In this paper, a scheme that would allow maintaining signature validity without the necessity to use timestamps from trusted third parties is proposed. According to the scheme, after inserting data into a blockchain, a user can store a signed document in his storage without the need to perform any maintenance actions in the future. The Round-based Blockchain Time-stamping Scheme is proposed that is scalable, i.e., it requires embedding a constant number of bytes into a blockchain independent from a number of input documents. The scheme allows to prove that a document existed not only before a certain date, but after a certain date as well. Moreover, the purpose of the scheme is to meet non-repudiation requirements for digitally signed documents. The scheme allows verifying signature validity using a chain model and under some conditions using a modified shell model.
... Bitcoin [1] is a cryptocurrency designed to implement the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) on a global scale. The DLT aims to store valuable data in a decentralized network so that data is not stored centrally (in specific locations) [2], [3]. Today, cryptocurrencies have found a special place in public and specialized circles, and the culture of paying with cryptocurrencies is spreading. ...
... This paper proposes four sub-characteristics for cryptocurrencies' core optimization: (1) green computation, (2) green data management, (3) green data communication, and (4) green efficiency awareness. The first three sub-characteristics overcome the green efficiency issues at the computation, communication, and storage levels of the core of the cryptocurrency. ...
... In a blockchain-based DLT system, each modification to a piece of data is recorded as an immutable transaction, ensuring that the data cannot be tampered with without breaking the chain and being noticed. However, while the blockchain guarantees data integrity, it is not completely impervious to attacks or vulnerabilities [61]. Therefore, further research is required to establish a method to integrate the DLT with our framework. ...
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Smart metering systems (SMSs) have been widely used by industrial users and residential customers for purposes such as real-time tracking, outage notification, quality monitoring, load forecasting, etc. However, the consumption data it generates can violate customers’ privacy through absence detection or behavior recognition. Homomorphic encryption (HE) has emerged as one of the most promising methods to protect data privacy based on its security guarantees and computability over encrypted data. However, SMSs have various application scenarios in practice. Consequently, we used the concept of trust boundaries to help design HE solutions for privacy protection under these different scenarios of SMSs. This paper proposes a privacy-preserving framework as a systematic privacy protection solution for SMSs by implementing HE with trust boundaries for various SMS scenarios. To show the feasibility of the proposed HE framework, we evaluated its performance on two computation metrics, summation and variance, which are often used for billing, usage predictions, and other related tasks. The security parameter set was chosen to provide a security level of 128 bits. In terms of performance, the aforementioned metrics could be computed in 58,235 ms for summation and 127,423 ms for variance, given a sample size of 100 households. These results indicate that the proposed HE framework can protect customer privacy under varying trust boundary scenarios in SMS. The computational overhead is acceptable from a cost–benefit perspective while ensuring data privacy.
... In the context of securities trading, the creation of a blockchain consists of four key elements (OECD 2018), including the trade; a record of the trade (via the shared ledger); a process of verification (via algorithmic and cryptographic consensus); and a method for storing the transaction (via encryption). Shared data structure is described as blocks, a chunk of data that includes a list of ordered transaction records (Yoshihama & Saito 2018). ...
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Background: The adoption of and improvements in new technology in the South African capital market historically led to increased trade capacity and liquidity, which may be linked to the growth in market size. Aim: In this study the aim is to investigate factors that will influence the adoption of blockchain technology in the South African clearing and settlement industry. Methods: In this study semi-structured interviews to collect data among stakeholders in the clearing and settlement cycle/process of securities in the South African capital market are employed. Participants were identified through a combination of purposive, snowball sampling and targeted sampling using social media. Data were analysed using thematic data analysis with the aid of Atlas.ti software. Setting: The South African capital market, with specific focus on the clearing and settlement of equity. Results: This study identifies People, Organisation, Technology, Industry and Country (POTIC) as factors important in influencing blockchain technology adoption in South Africa. The study expands and contributes to traditional frameworks for adopting blockchain technology in the South African clearing and settlement industry by adding five factors: trust, load shedding, unemployment/layoffs, current infrastructure, useful life and educational campaigns. Conclusion: The POTIC framework will be beneficial to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and Shares Transactions Totally Electronic (STRATE) when considering the adoption of blockchain technology for the integration of trade, execution and post-trade services to reduce the settlement cycle. In addition, when regulators need to formulate new regulations they will benefit from considering the POTIC framework.
... INTRODUCTION [1] is a whitepaper for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) electronic cash system as a universal cryptocurrency, called Bitcoin, in 2008 which implemented Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) with blockchain. DLT aims to save data as a value in decentralized network without using the centralized database [2], [3]. After over ten years, cryptocurrency gradually becomes an important payment system in the world. ...
... Smart contract is a digital contract, in which terms of the contract are preprogrammed with self-execution and self-enforcement features [36]. Smart contract is a set of logical rules that define the procedure for reaching an agreement [61]. It enables autonomous trade and business operation between two participants without involving a third party intermediary. ...
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Prosumer concept and digitilization offer the exciting potential of microgrid transactive energy systems at distribution level for reducing transmission losses, decreasing electric infrastructure expenditure, improving reliability, enhancing local energy use, and minimizing customers' electricity bills. Distributed energy resources, demand response, distributed ledger technologies, and local energy markets are integral parts of transaction energy system for emergence of decentralized smart grid system. Hence, this paper discusses transactive energy concept and proposes seven functional layers architecture for designing transactive energy system. The proposed architecture is compared with practical case study of Brooklyn microgrid. Moreover, this paper reviews the existing architectures and explains the widely known distributed ledger technologies (blockchain, directed acyclic graph, hashgraph, holochain, and tempo) alongwith their advantages and challenges. The local energy market concept is presented and critically analyzed for energy trade within a transactive energy system. This paper also reviews the potential and challenges of peer-to-peer and community-based energy markets. Proposed architecture and analytical review of distributed ledger technologies and local energy markets pave the way for advanced research and industrialization of transactive energy systems.
Bitcoin is a popular "cryptocurrency" that records all transactions in an distributed append-only public ledger called "blockchain". The security of Bitcoin heavily relies on the incentive-compatible distributed consensus protocol which is run by participants called "miners". In exchange of the incentive, the miners are expected to honestly maintain the blockchain. Since its launch in 2009, Bitcoin economy has grown at an enormous rate is now worth about 40 billions of dollars. This exponential growth in the market value of Bitcoin motivates adversaries to exploit weaknesses for profit, and researchers to identify vulnerabilities in the system, propose countermeasures, and predict upcoming trends. In this paper, we present a systematic survey on security and privacy aspects of Bitcoin. We start by presenting an overview of the Bitcoin protocol and discuss its major components with their functionality and interactions. We review the existing vulnerabilities in Bitcoin which leads to the execution of various security threats in Bitcoin system. We discuss the feasibility and robustness of the state-of-the-art security solutions. We present privacy and anonymity considerations, and discuss the threats to enabling user privacy along with the analysis of existing privacy preserving solutions. Finally, we summarize the critical open challenges, and suggest directions for future research towards provisioning stringent security and privacy techniques for Bitcoin.
Conference Paper
We introduce a new characterization of the NP complexity class, called Quadratic Span Programs (QSPs), which is a natural extension of span programs defined by Karchmer and Wigderson. Our main motivation is the quick construction of succinct, easily verified arguments for NP statements. To achieve this goal, QSPs use a new approach to the well-known technique of arithmetization of Boolean circuits. Our new approach yields dramatic performance improvements. Using QSPs, we construct a NIZK argument - in the CRS model - for Circuit-SAT consisting of just 7 group elements. The CRS size and prover computation are quasi-linear, making our scheme seemingly quite practical, a result supported by our implementation. Indeed, our NIZK argument attains the shortest proof, most efficient prover, and most efficient verifier of any known technique. We also present a variant of QSPs, called Quadratic Arithmetic Programs (QAPs), that “naturally” compute arithmetic circuits over large fields, along with succinct NIZK constructions that use QAPs. Finally, we show how QSPs and QAPs can be used to efficiently and publicly verify outsourced computations, where a client asks a server to compute F(x) for a given function F and must verify the result provided by the server in considerably less time than it would take to compute F from scratch. The resulting schemes are the most efficient, general purpose publicly verifiable computation schemes.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
therefore be of some interest to computer scientists. I present here a short history of the Paxos Parliament's protocol, followed by an even shorter discussion of its relevance for distributed systems. Author's address: Systems Research, Digital Equipment Corporation, 130 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301. Permission to make digital / hard copy of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication, and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and / or a fee. 1998 ACM 0734-2071/98/0500--0133 $5.00 1 It should not be confused with the Ionian island of Paxoi, whose name is sometimes corrupted to Paxos. ACM Transact
The concept of partial synchrony in a distributed system is introduced. Partial synchrony lies between the cases of a synchronous system and an asynchronous system. In a synchronous system, there is a known fixed upper bound /X on the time required for a message to be sent from one processor to another and a known fixed upper bound on the relative speeds of different processors.- asynchronous system, no fixed upper bounds /X and exist. In one version of partial synchrony, fixed bounds/X and exist but they are not known a priori. The problem is to design protocols which work correctly in the partially synchronous system regardless of the actual values of the bounds/X and . In another version of partial synchrony, the bounds are known but they are only guaranteed to hold starting at some unknown time T, and protocols must be designed to work correctly regardless of when the time T occurs. Fault tolerant consensus protocols are given for various cases of partial synchrony and various fault models. Lower bounds are also given which show in many cases that our protocols are optimal with respect to the number of faults tolerated. Our consensus protocols for partially synchronous processors use new protocols for fault-tolerant "distributed clocks" which allow partially synchronous processors to reach some approximately common notion of time.