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Forensic Analysis of an IoT ARP Spoofing Attack


Abstract and Figures

The Internet of Things (IoT) creates numerous attack opportunities. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing (or cache poisoning) attacks allow hackers to impersonate a PC and steal traffic. This attack is commonly used in spy movies and increasingly in IoT environments. To show the procedure of an IoT forensic analysis to an ARP spoofing attack, we simulate an IoT environment using Arduinos (UNO Rev2, NANO 33 IoT) and sensors (keypad module, motion sensor) acting as IoT devices in the network. This is the basis for the presented fictitious case scenario (based on an actual case), in which a former insider helps a hacking group to breach a corporate network and spy on company secrets to sell them to the competition (industrial espionage). This attack scenario increasingly used and possible by novel IoT attack paths damages customers' trust in the company and leads to the loss of secret documents, directly causing significant financial loss for the company. The case scenario shows that forensic analysis can provide valuable evidence. It demonstrates the current danger of newly implemented IoT environments within companies and the dangerous use of standard IoT devices (devices available on the market and ones developed for pen-testing) as entry points for advanced attacks.
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Forensic Analysis of an IoT ARP Spoofing Attack
Sabrina Friedl
Chair of Information Systems
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany
unther Pernul
Chair of Information Systems
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany
Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) creates numerous
attack opportunities. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing
(or cache poisoning) attacks allow hackers to impersonate a
PC and steal traffic. This attack is commonly used in spy
movies and increasingly in IoT environments. To show the
procedure of an IoT forensic analysis to an ARP spoofing attack,
we simulate an IoT environment using Arduinos (UNO Rev2,
NANO 33 IoT) and sensors (keypad module, motion sensor)
acting as IoT devices in the network. This is the basis for
the presented fictitious case scenario (based on an actual case),
in which a former insider helps a hacking group to breach a
corporate network and spy on company secrets to sell them
to the competition (industrial espionage). This attack scenario
increasingly used and possible by novel IoT attack paths damages
customers’ trust in the company and leads to the loss of secret
documents, directly causing significant financial loss for the
company. The case scenario shows that forensic analysis can
provide valuable evidence. It demonstrates the current danger
of newly implemented IoT environments within companies and
the dangerous use of standard IoT devices (devices available on
the market and ones developed for pen-testing) as entry points
for advanced attacks.
Index Terms—Digital Forensics, IoT Forensics, Live Forensics,
ARP Spoofing, Attack Simulation
The term IoT refers to a network of interconnected comput-
ing devices [1]. While the widespread use of IoT in society
and the workplace is significant, it also presents security risks.
Global malware attacks have remained stagnant from 2020
to 2022, but this is not the case for IoT. A 2023 SonicWall
report highlights the vulnerability of IoT systems, showing
a significant increase in attacks, particularly between 2021
and 2022 [2]. Recent research [3], [4] attributes this to the
lack of software and hardware protection for IoT devices,
coupled with a lack of awareness, making them susceptible
to malicious activities.
ARP spoofing, a well-known network attack technique on
local area networks (LANs), involves sending spoofed ARP
messages to target hosts. This can lead to man-in-the-middle
(MITM) or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks [5]. ARP’s vulner-
ability arises from its lack of message authentication (RFC 826
[6], updated in RFC 5227 [7], 5494 [8]). Consequently, any
host can send an ARP request or response pretending to be
another host. Despite being known for nearly 25 years, longer
than modern threats like Ransomware, it continues to be of
interest in the security community investigating techniques to
detect and mitigate it [9], [10].
In wireless ad hoc networks, such as the IoT, ARP spoofing
is more prevalent due to host variability, easy medium access,
and a lack of security coordination, which can have devastating
effects [5], [11]. The best protection, hard-coding Media
Access Control (MAC) and IP pairs, is often impractical
as participating hosts are unknown beforehand. As ad hoc
networks, including sensor and IoT networks, become more
common, they may lack protections due to the focus on low-
cost, interoperable devices [12]. Despite ARP’s unsuitability
for ad hoc networks [13], it will likely continue being used in
many implementations.
To help mitigate IoT attacks and develop secure IoT en-
vironments, IoT forensics can provide deep insights into the
process and functionality of such attacks. Publicly available
actual case data is challenging to find. Therefore, we simulated
an ARP spoofing attack, along with a use case scenario
(inspired by a real case), to demonstrate the forensic analysis
and the evidence that could be extracted. Additionally, through
the fictitious case scenario, we aim to highlight the creative
use of IoT devices for sophisticated cyber attacks and the need
for companies to consider security measures in new areas. To
address network forensics and demonstrate the potential of
ARP spoofing in IoT, we offer the following contributions.
Contribution 1. We present a break-in attack scenario that
makes use of ARP spoofing enabled by newly implemented
IoT, drawing inspiration from a real case of industrial espi-
Contribution 2. We establish a testbed to replicate an IoT
environment using two Arduinos (UNO Rev2, NANO 33 IoT)
and two sensors (keypad module, motion sensor) functioning
as IoT devices in the network. This enables the replication of
an ARP spoofing attack on IoT.
Contribution 3. We conduct a forensic investigation and
analysis of the simulated ARP Spoofing attack, demonstrat-
ing the investigative process and identifying the extractable
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec. II
provides related work and motivation for this study. In Sec.
III, we briefly describe the case scenario. Sec. IV details the
setup used for the implementation. Thereafter, in Sec. V, we
present the ARP spoofing attack simulation. Subsequently, the979-8-3503-3036-6/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE
experimental results of the IoT forensic analysis are presented
and evaluated in Sec. VI. Finally, Sec. VII discusses and
summarizes the findings.
Early on Mangut [9] highlight, that various mitigation tech-
niques were developed, but none addressed the attack problem
from a forensic perspective. Thus they developed forensic tools
for mitigating ARP cache poisoning attacks. They validated
these tools by comparing evidence captured before and during
an attack. The mitigation technique involved enabling and
configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
snooping and Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) on a Cisco
switch, which proved effective in their experiments. Later on,
Brown [11] explored a new application of the ARP spoofing
attack that creates a routing loop in a target wireless ad
hoc network. This not only results in a DoS to the attacked
hosts but also causes them to waste energy and occupy the
channel, preventing its use by legitimate traffic. They provided
experimental results and suggestions on how to prevent, detect,
or mitigate the attack. The latest research by Sadineni [14] dis-
cussed the challenge of identifying and correlating artifacts in
network packets to reconstruct attack scenarios during forensic
investigations. They proposed a model called ProvNet-IoT that
uses provenance-based forensics to investigate network-level
attacks in IoT environments. The model, validated using two
publicly available labeled IoT datasets with different attacks,
performed well in identifying selective artifacts to produce
reliable evidence.
Although some efforts have been made to approach a
forensic analysis of an ARP spoofing attack, works within
IoT or wireless ad-hoc environments are scarce. Furthermore,
the proposals presented above provide frugal descriptions of
the forensic analysis procedure and none investigate it within
an industrial espionage scenario. Thus, we provide a novel
and detailed perspective to tackle this research gap and help
advance the field of IoT forensics.
The case scenario presented is a fictitious break-in attack to
perform industrial espionage based on a real case [15].
The managing director of electricAutomobiles has observed
an increase in break-ins at her company and wants to enhance
security to prevent future incidents. She aims to implement a
reporting system that detects movements after working hours
and alerts the security team, using an IoT network. Addition-
ally, she plans to implement a password-based login system
for authorized personnel, with centrally stored passwords that
are changed monthly. The passwords will be compared with
entries in a file at a central location for access. Although aware
of encryption methods, the managing director believes the
effort is not worthwhile as the security system installation itself
already enhances security. She sees encryption as unnecessary
for strengthening the security system.
Bob, a former employee of electricAutomobiles, recently
resigned from his role as a developer due to a disagreement
with his boss regarding salary, title, and position. Their re-
lationship had been strained for some time, and Bob felt
he was being treated unfairly. Seeking revenge, he aimed
to inflict maximum damage on the company. Bob overheard
discussions among employees about the new IoT-supported
intrusion detection system, noting their criticism of the lack of
encryption. Conveniently, he still had access to the company’s
WLAN. Using his private computer, he intercepted data traffic
on the LAN network, which also transmitted data from the IoT
network. After gathering the necessary information, he planned
to break in outside of working hours. With data collected
from the alarm system, he knew when and where people
were in the building. Additionally, he could use a password
obtained from the network traffic to gain entry. Bob intended
to steal confidential documents and sell them to the competitor
company futureAutomotives.
In this section we provide the testbed setup for the IoT
environment utilized to perform and analyze the ARP spoofing
A. IoT components
In this scenario, an Arduino UNO Rev2 [16] and an Arduino
NANO 33 IoT [17] function as IoT devices in the network. Pins
serve as connections that establish an interface to the modules.
AMembrane Keypad Module [18] serves as a password input
device attached to the Arduino UNO. It’s a 4x4 matrix module
controlled by eight pins connected to the Arduino, with four
pins for the rows and columns of the module. These occupy
digital pins of the Arduino from six to nine for the rows and
two to five for the columns. On the Arduino NANO, a HC-
SR501 PIR Motion Sensor Module [19] is connected. The right
pin of the sensor supplies power, connected to the Arduino’s
VCC pin (red wire), while the left pin closes the circuit by
connecting to the ground (blue wire). The middle pin, linked
to pin 8 of the Arduino, handles data transfer. A 3.3-volt
operating voltage suffices for the module. As a digital pin, it
transmits only the data ”0” (no movement) or ”1” (movement).
Additionally, a red diode, controlled by digital pin 2 (”on”=1
or ”off”=0), is implemented. It requires a 220Ω series resistor
to prevent excessive current-voltage. This setup allows for the
detection of movements through the glow of the diode. Fig.
1 illustrates the arrangement of the IoT device components,
including sensors.
B. Arduino IDE and Scripts
For programming the micro-controllers, the Arduino IDE
is used, which serves as a development platform [20]. The
code programs used for the motion sensor and the keypad
module are provided through a GitHub repository1. In each
case, the secrets.h file is adapted, and the IP address of the
broker is entered. To enable the upload of the programs, two
libraries are required in the board manager of the Arduino
IDE: the ArduinoMegaAVR library for the Arduino UNO WiFi
Fig. 1: IoT environment setup with the Arduino UNO Rev2 and
NANO 33 IoT (including sensors).
Rev2 and the Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-
M3) library for the Arduino NANO 33 IoT. They allow the
IDE to interact with the micro-controller. While uploading the
sketch, it is essential to choose the Arduino’s correct library
and the port to which the Arduino is connected under the
”Tools” tab. The results can be read in the serial monitor,
marked by a magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the
C. IoT Network Configurations
The IoT network is structured as follows. A virtual machine
(VM) with the same name, which is to simulate a physical
computer, is set up as the central node with the Windows 10
operating system, which also functions as a control device.
Data from the sensors is sent to this node via Message
Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), which is why this VM
is configured as a broker. The two Arduinos used simulate
the sensors with other modules. Actuators are not available.
According to the MQTT model, the Arduinos are utilized as
publishers, generating and sending data to the subscriber’s
central node, representing a star topology.
To set up the network, the installation of Oracle VM and a
VM with the Windows 10 operating system are required first.
The WiFi network adapter should be selected and connected
to a network bridge to act as an independent participant
in the network and get its own IP address. After Windows
10 is installed on the VM, port 8331 should be opened
in preparation for the broker. This is done by creating an
incoming rule in the advanced firewall settings that accepts
incoming messages on this port. To ensure that the VM can
receive and send the dates within the network, a ping command
(e.g., ping <IP address>) should be sent in the Windows
command line (CMD) to another machine as well as from
that machine to the VM. If packets arrive at the destination
in each case, this is a sign that the VM can send data on this
network. If not, you may need to check Oracle VM application
settings or create additional firewall rules. To make sure that
the firewall is not a problem, it can also be switched off
completely. Once the basic functionalities are given, the broker
is installed, whereby there are different providers. For this
scenario, Eclipse Mosquitto is used, which enables subscribe
and publish to perform data communication [21].
The ARP spoofing attack from a hacker perspective is
performed as follows on the basis of a VM network. Data
is sent from a physical device (Arduino) to the central node.
This attempt may not be feasible in a network without VMs.
A. Intruder Configuration
For this case scenario, a VM is created, named intruder,
and configured Kali Linux as the operating system (OS). The
WiFi network adapter should be selected in Oracle VM and
configured as a network bridge by default. ARP spoofing
is performed using the arpspoof command in Kali Linux.
Arpspoof is included in the dsniff package. By the Windows
CMD command arp -a, the cache of the central node can
be shown, which is present at the moment. At this point, the
central node’s ARP cache, which displays the IP address and
MAC address, as in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2: ARP cache development pre and during attack.
Note that in Fig. 2, the MAC address associated with
the router’s IP address ( is e0-60-66-c3-a4-f4.
Once the pre-configuration is complete, the Arduinos and the
MQTT-broker are started. It should be checked if the MQTT-
broker can receive the messages. The intruder knows the IP
address of the central node and the router’s IP address. This
can be found using tools such as Wireshark. Wireshark is then
started on the intruder to be able to read the messages.
B. MITM and ARP Spoofing Attack
The MITM attack is then carried out with ARP spoof-
ing on the intruder. Wireshark should first be started
on the intruder so that data can be read immediately.
Then we navigate to the program arpspoof (cd ...)
and execute the command arpspoof -i <interface> -t
<router IP><destination IP> in a terminal. -i stands
for the interface (network interface, e.g., eth0 or eth1),
and -t for the communication partners between which the
MITM attack is to be executed. Once the command is
executed correctly, after navigating to the program again
in a new terminal, the arpspoof -i <interface> -t
<target IP><router IP> command is executed. The dif-
ference from the execution before is the message to the
router that <destination IP> is now the IP address of the
intruder. Both commands should not be interrupted during the
attack. Now, any passwords or messages can be transmitted
to the MQTT broker. The MQTT broker also displays these.
However, with Wireshark on the Intruder, the attacker can
now read the message unencrypted since no encryption is per-
formed via MQTT, and this is indicated in Wireshark with the
filter command ip.addr == <host of MQTT-Explorer>.
Then, the message is forwarded to the central node and
displayed on the broker. During the attack, the cache of the
central node looks like in Fig. 2. Additionally, it shows that
the physical address is different compared to the pre-attack
cache under the same IP address. This MAC address is the
one of the Intruder. Fig. 3 shows the output the Intruder could
sniff and the sensors that can be mapped to the data.
Fig. 3: Sniffed output by intruder and mapping to sensors.
C. Promiscuous vs. Monitor Mode
As an alternative to this attack, the promiscuous mode can
be configured on the VM in the network adapter settings,
which allows the VM to read all data packets on the VM
network. In sniffing, there are two different modes; one is
promiscuous mode, and the other is monitor mode. According
to the promiscuous mode operation, all network data, regard-
less of its destination for a specific controller device (the
device on which the packet sniffer is executed), is captured
by the network interface controller (NIC) or wireless NIC in
the case of a Wi-Fi connection. In contrast, in monitor mode,
data is only forwarded to the device destined for a controller
via the MAC address. For other packets, no forwarding takes
place [22].
This sections provides the forensic analysis of the previously
performed ARP spoofing attack.
A. Suitable Tools for IoT Network Forensics
Tools are essential for identifying and evaluating hacking
attacks [23]. Packet sniffer or analyzer tools are computer
programs that can intercept incoming and outgoing traffic on a
network and decode the raw packet data as a data stream. This
can uncover details about the activities of devices connected to
the Internet on a LAN. Similarly, packet details can be stored
[22]. Two such suitable programs are Tcpdump and Wireshark.
Both applications are available by default in the Kali Linux
distribution. Due to the graphical interface and color coding of
Wireshark th application is more transparent than Tcpdump,
which in comparison neither labels nor interprets data. The
analysis with Tcpdump has to be done by the user since data
is only available in the raw version [22]. Wireshark is thus
used for the forensic investigation.
For more complex IoT environments additional tools or a
combination of different tools across the phases of the forensic
process can significantly support the forensic investigation.
An extended toolbox could be created using tools such as
Volatility, Encase, nmap, or X-Ways.
B. Experimental Results of IoT Forensic Investigation
Upon detecting the attack and Bob’s intrusion, the company
right away informs and activates the forensic investigation
team assuming the attacker is still on the network. The
team intervenes immediately to prevent the attacker from
removing themselves from the network. The investigation also
involves system administrators to help during the identification
phase. Additionally, an independent VM called ”forensic”
is implemented in the network. In Fig. 4 the investigation
process is visualized, including the steps (1) Identification,
(2) Collection, (3) Reduction, (4) Analysis, and (5) Report.
Following each process step is detailed.
Fig. 4: An overview of the investigative process (BPMN notation)
1) Identification: During this phase, the investigative team
aims to swiftly identify all equipment that can provide insight
into the incident [25]. Simultaneously, promiscuous mode
is enabled to access the traffic from all network machines.
Wireshark is utilized to pinpoint devices and record network
activity. After the recording process, which may take some
time, the team gains an overview of all network components
in the initial identification phase. The central node is given
priority for identification. The subsequent ARP responses
sent back to a network component (refer to Fig. 3) reveal
the IP addresses (MAC: 08:00:37:d4:54:50), (MAC: 78:21:84:7b:40:b0),
(MAC: 08:00:27:a4:0a:3f), and (MAC:
08:00:27:b5:a7:ef). The latter represents the forensic device’s
IP address, discovered through the ifconfig command in
the machine’s terminal. However, this VM is not the focus of
the current investigation. Two devices repeatedly send MQTT
messages to the same instance (IP:, MAC:
08:00:27:a4:0a:3f), indicating that this instance serves as the
central node.
Several broadcasts are observed using the ARP protocol
from the MAC address e0:60:66:c3:a4:f4 with the IP address Upon consulting the system administrators of the
company electricAutomobiles, it was confirmed that this MAC
address belongs to the router, responsible for managing ARP
responses within the network through ARP tables and receiv-
ing ARP responses when necessary (see Fig. 5). Additionally,
it is evident that two devices repeatedly send MQTT messages
to the central node, indicating that these devices are sen-
sors, Sensor 1: IP=, MAC= ec:62:60:81:11:98,
Sensor 2: IP=, MAC= 78:21:84:7b:40:b0. This
inference is supported by an analysis of the MQTT protocol
(see Fig. 3). Furthermore, it is possible to identify which
device serves as the motion sensor and which one functions
as the membrane keypad module.
Fig. 5: Extraction of the ARP table of the forensic device.
All evidence, such as the Wireshark records and ARP
caches, are backed up and documented. There are no intrusion
detection systems from electricAutomobiles, and the network
traffic monitoring system Wireshark is used to identify the
network components, and no supporting systems are available.
It is also possible to create a digital evidence map, which
provides an overview of the network and is beneficial, regard-
less of the network size (see Fig. 6). Except for IP address ”Unknown Device”, all devices are identified.
2) Data collection: Since the attacker may still be in the
system, router and network information are needed as soon
as possible, as well as other evidence from other network
interfaces. Since Wireshark has already been used in the
identification phase, the pcabng file created is also backed
up during data collection. Another source of information is
tracing data from the router. As with Wireshark, these are
initialized and then executed on the LAN network over a
certain period. The result is a pcab file that is safely stored.
Fig. 6: Evidence map.
Since the components are known, Firewall logs of the central
node can now be collected and stored. The creation of log
files should be made possible in advance. The sensors do not
have log files. Further, it is important to ensure that the log
files are saved with a timestamp, location, and metadata. Only
a live collection method of the network is possible here since
the data must be collected immediately, otherwise, it may be
challenging or impossible to retrieve relevant data.
3) Data reduction: Filters, mechanisms and classifications
to reduced data are not applied due to the small amount of
data in our case.
4) Data analysis: First, the pcab file of the router
is inspected. Filters such as ”mqtt”, ”tcp” (MQTT is
based on TCP and may be identified with this protocol),
””, ”” or ”” can
be used to restrict the display. Yet, none of these filters can
detect a message containing ”password” or ”movement”.
However, the file is preserved but documented and sufficiently
secured. The next step is to inspect the firewall log file. This
is relevant because it can provide a temporal reference. Data
is displayed in a raw format, so filter mechanisms are used.
For analysis purposes, several commands are listed one after
the other by so-called pipes and executed together. With the
compound command cat pfirewall- 3.1.log | grep
2023-07-14 | grep TCP | grep -v "" | grep | grep
1883 only the relevant data is displayed. Fig. 7 shows that
no records were obtained between 22:11 and 22:49. The
actual attack was performed between 22:12 and 22:19. This
suggests that no firewall entries occurred during the ARP
spoofing attack. This evidence can be used to answer the
question about the crime time supporting the investigative
Fig. 7: Log extraction of the firewall.
The final piece of evidence in this investigation are files
recorded with Wireshark. When filtering according to MQTT,
no evidence can be presented since either the IP and MAC
address of the keypad module or the motion sensor are named
as the source, and the destination address is the broker in
each case (ping requests and ping responses are disregarded).
When filtering by ARP protocol, the ARP tables are again
output. However, Wireshark displays a message in the Info
column stating that a duplicate use of the IP address of
the broker ( has occurred. Under the header
”Address Resolution Protocol” this packet can be specified in
more detail. Fig. 8 shows the information and the header. In
the header there are two yellow colored lines, indicating two
MAC addresses for the IP address and, again two
MAC addresses for the IP address From the
identification phase, it is known that the broker has the IP ad-
dress and the MAC address 08:00:27:a4:0a:3f.
Also known is the IP address ( and MAC address
(e0:60:66:c3:a4:f4) of the router. The other MAC address
(08:00:37:d4:54:50) is present in both headers and can be
assigned to the IP address This is the ”unkown
device” in the evidence map during the identification phase.
Fig. 8: ARP tables with headers.
Further evidence is provided by the ARP caches from Fig.
2, which were also created during the identification phase and
make it clear that the router’s MAC address has changed.
This evidence indicates that ARP spoofing was performed.
The attacker uses the IP address of the broker to falsely
tell the router that it has the IP address of the broker. The
broker, in turn, falsely said that the attacker had the router’s
IP address. Thus, traffic is routed through the attacker, who
can read the data. Through this realization, the functional
assignment, namely through ARP spoofing, has been clari-
fied. The relationship-oriented assignment is done with the
help of the questions ”Who”, ”What” and ”Where”. With
the knowledge about IP address and MAC address through
forensic analysis, the question of ”who” can be answered. The
attack led to the redirection of communication between the
broker and the router, which answers ”What” and ”Where”. A
temporal assignment is made by analyzing the firewall logs,
which answers the question of ”When”.
5) Results report: In the result report, all evaluation data
are presented and sufficiently explained, so that non-forensic
experts can understand how the attack happened. We pro-
vided the detailed description through the previous phases.
In conclusion, the attacker used ARP spoofing. The attacker
has the IP address and the MAC address
08:00:37:d4:54:50. He must have had access to the network.
The attacker may have logged into the WLAN with a password
indicating that he is an employee or former employee. This
information is forwarded to the appropriate authorities for
further investigation and to take actions.
6) Challenges: Several issues may arise during the execu-
tion of the case scenario. For example, the script may fail
to upload if the Arduino IDE is unable to locate a port. In
the event of such an error, we learned the board should be
disconnected from the computer and then reconnected before
attempting the upload again. Furthermore, it is possible for
one or both Arduinos to become disconnected from the broker
while the case scenario is running. If this happens, the scenario
should be executed again, and the sensors restarted. There may
also be a problem with the broker, in which case Mosquitto
should be restarted in the ”Services” program (on Windows).
If additional errors occur, it is advisable to review the network
The demonstrated case scenario emphasizes the importance
of a swift response following an attack. Without this, the foren-
sic investigative team would not have been able to identify the
evidence mentioned, making live forensics an essential proce-
dure for this type of attack. Mapping two MAC addresses to
one IP address in the Wireshark recording would not have been
possible if the attacker had already exited the network. The
significance of rapid intervention in such situations is evident.
In reality, there are more complex, diverse, and demanding
scenarios. For instance, in this case scenario, only two micro-
controllers were used. However, in practice, a significantly
larger number of sensors may be used, which would primarily
influence the identification phase. Consequently, the evidence
map can be considerably larger or even infeasible. If the attack
did not occur between the router and broker but between the
sensor and router, the effort for the investigative team would be
significantly higher because in a network with many sensors,
every communication connection would have to be checked.
Another issue arises when the sensors are located in a Body
Area Network (BAN). This case scenario only refers to a
LAN network. When communicating with several different
networks, they would have to be checked for relevance in the
identification phase. In our case, metadata from Arduino’s is
not required but also not created. The absence of these values
can lead to problems, this should already be addressed when
designing an IoT network to ensure that metadata is generated
and transferred to the broker.
To partly solve before mentioned challenges, in future work,
we want to investigate forensics-by-design methods and their
impact on forensic investigations in IoT systems. This enables
a certain level of readiness which can facilitate, ease and create
cost-efficient future investigations. Another research potential
lies in the acquisition of evidence that is located near or on a
person (BAN) in combination with IoT environments (e.g., in
a company). Due to the very flexible networks connections in
the IoT and the sometimes unclear locations at a certain point
in time (timeline creation), it can be hard to map personal
IoT to company IoT. We plan to further research this in
the area of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) as here similar
problems arise. In addition, the self-configured devices often
pose a higher security risk and gateway for attacks than the
company’s own hardware and software, which is managed and
configured by qualified IT personnel.
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Nowadays, cyber-attack is a severe criminal violation, and it is one of the most active fields of research. A Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is a type of cyber-attack in which an unauthorized third party secretly accesses the communication between two hosts in the same network to read/modify the transferred data between them. ARP spoofing-based MITM attack exploits ARP protocol weakness where the attacker associates its MAC address with the IP address of an intended legitimate host. Although there are many defense approaches for ARP spoofing based-MITM attacks, these methods are uncompleted or have a performance overhead since they modify the original ARP protocol. Also, some of these approaches depend on the centralized server, which is a single point of failure. This paper presents a detection scheme for ARP spoofing-based MITM attack called D-ARP, which is compatible with the original ARP protocol. The main idea of D-ARP is to send an ARP packet signed with a key in parallel with the original ARP packets to make a correlation between requests and replies. Each host records all types of signing ARP packets in a log file. Based on this correlation, D-ARP matches the injected key to detect ARP spoofing if there is a duplicate or conflict in the MAC address. For more reliability, D-ARP uses the DHCP server and the Nmap feature to detect the MAC addresses of MITM attackers. Moreover, this scheme also offers a module for Admin to create a trusted list of hosts. The experimental results show that D-ARP is highly effective for detecting and preventing ARP spoofing with zero false positives and zero false negative probabilities.
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Today is the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). The recent advances in hardware and information technology have accelerated the deployment of billions of interconnected, smart and adaptive devices, in critical infrastructures like health, transportation, environmental control and home automation. Transferring data over a network without requiring any kind of human-to-computer or human-to-human interaction, brings reliability and convenience to consumers, but also opens a new world of opportunity for intruders, and introduces a whole set of unique and complicated questions to the field of Digital Forensics. Although IoT data could be a rich source of evidence, forensics professionals cope with diverse problems, starting from the huge variety of IoT devices and non-standard formats, to the multi-tenant cloud infrastructure and the resulting multi-jurisdictional litigations. A further challenge is the end-to-end encryption which represents a trade-off between users’ right to privacy and the success of the forensics investigation. Due to its volatile nature, digital evidence has to be acquired and analysed using validated tools and techniques that ensure the maintenance of the Chain of Custody. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss the main issues involved in the complex process of IoT-based investigations, particularly all legal, privacy and cloud security challenges. Furthermore, this work provides an overview of the past and current theoretical models in the digital forensics science. Special attention is paid to frameworks that aim to extract data in a privacy-preserving manner or secure the evidence integrity using decentralized blockchain-based solutions. In addition, the present paper addresses the ongoing Forensics-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm, as well as some promising cross-cutting data reduction and forensics intelligence techniques. Finally, several other research trends and open issues are presented, with emphasis on the need for proactive Forensics Readiness strategies and generally agreed-upon standards.
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Internet of things (IoT) is realized by the idea of free flow of information amongst various low-power embedded devices that use the Internet to communicate with one another. It is predicted that the IoT will be widely deployed and will find applicability in various domains of life. Demands of IoT have lately attracted huge attention, and organizations are excited about the business value of the data that will be generated by deploying such networks. On the contrary, IoT has various security and privacy concerns for the end users that limit its proliferation. In this paper, we have identified, categorized, and discussed various security challenges and state-of-the-art efforts to resolve these challenges.
The address resolution protocol (ARP) is the fundamental method of data communication in which packets are sent across the network between client and server nodes. However, the lack of authentication on the node side can allow the attackers to spoof the communication and redirect the data, leading to an ARP poisoning attack. With increased network communication and data exchange comes the threat of increased cyberattacks. Different strategies for detection of an ARP spoofing attack at an individual and organizational level are proposed in this paper. We have placed an ARP spoof attack on the client machine and detected the packet traffic. Detection takes place using two different methods: Python algorithm and other software tools. Along with potential defenses against such attacks, methods for securing the computer in the case of ARP spoofing have been studied and highlighted.KeywordsAddress resolution protocol (ARP) spoofingIP addressNetworkWiresharkScapy
Internet of Things is rapidly changing the human lives to bring convenience in domestic, public and industrial environments spanning across multiple application domains. At the same time, increasing security attacks on these networks raised alarms for timely response by forensic investigators to avoid severe consequences of the attacks. Major network forensic approaches proposed so far for IoT are based on recording and analyzing the network traffic to produce suitable evidences. One of the greatest challenges in this process is the identification and correlation of suitable artifacts among volumes of network packets to reconstruct the attack scenarios during forensic investigation. To address this challenge, we propose ProvNet-IoT, a novel provenance based forensic model for investigating network level attacks in IoT environment. The interactions between different nodes at network layer are depicted using information, functional, and event modeling techniques. We use progressive network provenance to explain different events pertaining to various attack scenarios and to provide forensically sound evidences. ProvNet-IoT is validated using two publicly available labeled IoT datasets with a corpus of different attacks. Experimental results showed the benchmark performance of ProvNet-IoT in identifying selective artifacts to produce reliable evidences during forensic investigation.
The cosmic evolution of the Internet of things (IoTs) in par with its realization in all spheres of life undertakings, mandates continuous research pursuits in IoT and its associated components. While the rapid evolution of IoTs has facilitated monumental opportunities for humanity, it has also acted as a catalyst precipitating diverse security issues. Cybercrimes have been on the rise as criminals and hackers continue to take advantage of IoT's security loopholes and vulnerabilities. The enormity of the attacks has not only been damaging to the quality of life, but it poses a disservice and an unquantifiable risk to human safety. Thus, a timely and comprehensive review, analysis and investigation of the security of IoTs is crucial. Through a systematic literature review of over 200 articles, we set out the latest findings and trends to provide new insights into the security of IoTs, taking cognizant of its social, economic, technical and legal implications, which will be beneficial to researchers, manufacturers, individuals, organizations, and governments. Although many studies reviewing the state of IoT exist in the literature, no studies shape the area of its security well. Hence, there is currently no study that provides an in-depth survey of the emerging security concerns of IoT from diverse perspectives and in tandem with the current condition of the global world today. Compared to other related reviews on the security of IoTs, this survey encompasses much more technical angles to the security of IoT. It begins with the review of the concept of IoTs, the assessments of its industrial development trends, revolutionary paradigms and updated security of the IoT. Key challenges in the security of blockchain technology, a recent spike in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic are sensitive areas that have remained untouched by previous review works. Additionally, politics and security of electoral votes, forensic issues in the IoT era and much more are some of the new depths missing in the literature of IoT security. Thus, a huge divide in the total adoption and actualization of IoT in diverse areas of human endeavour. This review formalizes the IoT concept, illuminating deep insights into possible solutions to the heterogeneous nature of IoT's security challenges, emerging issues, gaps, opportunities, foresight, and recommendations.
Conference Paper
ARP spoofing is one of the most common attacks in the network and it has been around for quite some time. It is one of the simplest attacks to launch and most difficult to defend. The attacking simplicity is due to ARP stateless nature, i.e., lacks an ARP reply authentication for a subsequent request. Moreover, the attack is convenient because of the vast amount of free online spoofing tools. Many solutions have been developed to address this issue; however, most of them suffer from a single point of failure (SPOF), high-computational overhead and unsuitability for low-computational-power devices such as smartphones. In this paper, we propose a solution for protecting those devices from the ARP spoofing attacks. Our solution is lightweight, scalable and immune to SPOF. The solution is fundamentally based on the followed concept: a legitimate ARP cache mapping of a device is replicated and saved to a secure long-term application memory, then later it periodically checks against the ARP cache map to determine the alteration and alert the user, so that appropriate actions can be taken. The results of our experiment show that the proposed solution significantly prevents the ARP spoofing attacks with a low-computational overhead on mobile devices while consuming less than 0.60% and 7.83% memory and CPU usage respectively.