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Comparative Study within Scrum, Kanban, XP Focused on Their Practices



There are quite a few up-to-date and every so habitually used Agile style but among those Serum, Kanban and XP (Extreme Programming) are generally the most mutual. On instance, organizations use typically tools and techniques from any but rather a lot they use roughly of the amalgamations of those approaches. Devouring in cognizance that those approaches are just a framework they allow firms to adapt it for their particular tasks as well as for other limits. Serum, Kanban, and XP frameworks manage and deal with the advancement of Software Development. These frameworks are utilized in various circumstances and work processes. Subsequently, they are compelling for various Agile collaborators and tasks in different circumstances. However, the utilization of a wrong approach or practice prompts Software System Development procedures that are unbendable and inefficient, affecting the association and instigating wasteful advancement. Incorporators of Serum, Kanban, XP trust that the erroneous performs of these frameworks remain hazardous and in this manner, Agile workmates ought to be aided in their basic leadership. The idea of this paper is to decide the fundamental variables to ruminate amid the determination of Serum, XP and Kanban frameworks. The recognizable proof of elements was directed over a top to bottom audit of the essential task, subsequently, the documents scrutiny was utilized in the investigation concerning information. By way of finding, system recommendation, people, and tasks, adoption phase, team capacity, group stature, prioritizing of requirements, functionality scope, prime interval, operational observes, budget and eminence were the primary aspects that lead Agile coworkers in preference Serum, XP or Kanban and in accumulation their practices. This paper portrays a strategy to perform inspections on Agile approaches, in view of an arrangement of important highlights and characteristics.
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 7-9 February, 2019
978-1-5386-9111-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
Comparative Study within Scrum, Kanban, XP
Focused on Their Practices
Sabbir M. Saleh
Department of Computer Science and
City University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Syed Maruful Huq
Department of Electrical and Computer
Presidency University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
M. Ashikur Rahman
Department of Computer Science and
University of South Asia
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract— There are quite a few up-to-date and every so
habitually used Agile style but among those Scrum, Kanban
and XP (Extreme Programming) are generally the most
mutual. On instance, organizations use typically tools and
techniques from any but rather a lot they use roughly of the
amalgamations of those approaches. Devouring in cognizance
that those approaches are just a framework they allow firms to
adapt it for their particular tasks as well as for other limits.
Scrum, Kanban, and XP frameworks manage and deal with
the advancement of Software Development. These frameworks
are utilized in various circumstances and work processes.
Subsequently, they are compelling for various Agile
collaborators and tasks in different circumstances. However,
the utilization of a wrong approach or practice prompts
Software System Development procedures that are unbendable
and inefficient, affecting the association and instigating
wasteful advancement. Incorporators of Scrum, Kanban, XP
trust that the erroneous performs of these frameworks remain
hazardous and in this manner, Agile workmates ought to be
aided in their basic leadership. The idea of this paper is to
decide the fundamental variables to ruminate amid the
determination of Scrum, XP and Kanban frameworks. The
recognizable proof of elements was directed over a top to
bottom audit of the essential task, subsequently, the documents
scrutiny was utilized in the investigation concerning
information. By way of found, system recommendation, people,
and tasks, adoption phase, team capacity, group stature,
prioritizing of requirements, functionality scope, prime
interval, operational observes, budget, and eminence were the
primary aspects that lead Agile coworkers in preference
Scrum, XP or Kanban and in accumulation their practices.
This paper portrays a strategy to perform inspections on Agile
approaches, in view of an arrangement of important highlights
and characteristics.
Keywords— Comparative Study, Scrum, Kanban, XP, Agile
I. I
Agile technique is the fundamental idea because a
gathering of developing a software strategy that relate to
standards of the Agile Manifesto. The three techniques –
Scrum, Kanban, XP are created in light of these qualities and
standards. The qualities underscore on: "people and
communications, working software, client cooperation, and
reacting to change". Collusion refines the qualities caught in
their statement into 12 standards, following are some of the
standards [1]:
i. Our most noteworthy need is to fulfill the client
through right on time and constant conveyance of
cherished software.
ii. Welcome evolving necessities, even late being
developed. Agile procedures bridle change for the
client's upper hand.
iii. Often provide workable software with a tendency to
a short time from a little time to several months.
The former depend on the Agile Manifesto [1]. A scope
of practices has been produced to use on Scrum, XP and
Kanban strategies to cross and accomplish the qualities and
these standards. This paper exhibits a method to analyze and
order Agile Frameworks, utilizing as criteria an arrangement
of chose properties. The procedure expects to be a
commitment for the making of a manual for help developers
and Agile coworkers on the choice of the product
advancement strategy (concentrating on Agile strategies) that
best fits a given improvement setting.
A few overview results certified the prevalence of Agile
techniques with deference over viability and accomplishment
instead of the customary strategies [2-4]. Scrum is among the
original Agile techniques [5, 7]. It is between the splendidly
chosen Agile strategies when managements change to Agile
pattern [6, 8-10, 13, 14, 15]. In the interim, Kanban is the
instant-age Agile techniques [3, 7]. This strategy is
prevalently utilized by associations universally [11, 12]. The
other most well-known Agile pattern is Extreme
Programming (XP) [18]. XP comprises in IV stages:
Designing, Writing in code, Projecting, and Testing. XP can
adjust modifications whenever [18]. These techniques have
been utilized by a large number of firms the world over [16].
In any case, Agile coworkers concur that single strategy does
not meet at all [11, 17], neither Scrum nor Kanban or XP is
appropriate for completely undertakings [11]. Consequently,
a correlation must require for thrice of them center around
software design and development direction.
Scrum is an immaterial group of patterns used broadly
inside the business [8] equally portrayed near the Scrum
Alliance. The three sections of a Scrum assemble are the
Scrum Master (SM), Product Owner (PO), and a
Development Team [19, 20]. In Scrum, from each one
gathering deals their assignments by the strategy for four
collectibles: a Product Backlog, a Sprint Backlog, a Product
Increase, and Definition of Done [21]. The Scrum gather is
required to execute five actions to attain its destinations.
These actions are Backlog Elaboration, Sprint Planning,
Daily Scrum Meeting, Sprint Reviews, plus Sprint
Retrospective. Scrum is in this manner saw as a prescriptive
procedure [21].
Interestingly with Scrum, the Kanban strategy is in all
actuality less unequivocal to the extent its required patterns
and norms; Kanban is to a lesser extent unbending
conversely with Scrum [3, 5]. Regardless, Kanban is seen as
an earth-shattering method acting as of this procedure can
manage the challenges that the past systems couldn't [8] and
winds up being all the more intense for bunches in passing
on business regard additive [8]. In the execution of Kanban,
typically, the essential patterns that engage system
improvement are; imagining the work procedure by applying
Kanban board, confining act ahead of time by abridging the
amount of characteristics to be realized, administer and
evaluate stream, build techniques unequivocal, completing
feedback finally surrounding plus upgrading agreeably and
reliably [22]. Like Scrum, Kanban is extremely subject to
self-dealt with gatherings. The system moreover requires the
irregular condition of relationship of expert really taking
shape of various practices, which encourage the Agile use in
the affiliation.
Other than these, in 1990, Beck contemplated that
correspondence, ease, visit feedback and quality are the key
characteristics for upgrading the system of Software change
[24]. In light of these characteristics, XP was suggested in
1999 [29] to calm the issues induced by broad stretches of
headway less evaluation from the customer that was till by
and so (plus even) essential in various Software wanders. To
achieve this point, XP suggests a course of action of 12
patterns that should be used in computer programming
wanders [25], [26]. XP advises a course of action of patterns
and thoughts that assistance the resolution, the evocation and
the examination of the necessities (i.e., examination time of
the presence cycle, and importance of the customer stories)
[27]. Regardless, picking the right system will choose the
accomplishment of an item headway [23].
Consequently, this research basically directs to ascertain
the modules that assist the affiliates from the Agile groups in
foremost from Scrum, Kanban, plus XP or by utilizing these
approaches together in the use of different problems,
considering the methods' tendency and obstructions with the
objective that productive outcome can be developed.
Laterally, these methods are considered first to gain data
on their practices, norms, complexities, and likenesses, while
thinking the authorization of assurance aspects.
Particular segments must be considered while picking the
sensible Agile system [28] or scaling Agile strategies [29].
To ensure productive Software wanders, partners of any
affiliation must be stressed over endeavor organization [21].
In such way, Kanban, Scrum and XP systems are fitting in
managing the assignments and making them adequately [30].
This method study of the present inspection establishes that
the determination to pick the Scrum or Kanban or the XP
system or develop a blend methodology for these requires an
insight of the components influencing the assurance. It is in
like manner indispensable to alter the characteristics of each
procedure according to the estimation of system
arrangement, parts and commitments, choice time, aggregate
measure, bunch gauge, essentials priorities, functionality
measure, time interval, specific patterns, price and caliber as
this would aid the gathering in picking whether to habit a one
corresponding methodology or grasping a creamer [30].
Such area talks about a concise foundation of Scrum,
Kanban, and XP techniques when they began to develop and
also every one of their fundamental parts, patterns, and
A. Scrum
Scrum alludes to a structure that empowers the Agile
colleagues to make and keep up composite items and it is
esteemed to be the strategy portrayed aside
straightforwardness and whippersnapper. In any case, the
technique is as yet difficult to completely acquire and
actualize [19]. Furthermore, Scrum empowers the colleagues
to utilize diverse procedures and techniques [19]. Scrum is
attached by decides that articulate the occasions, parts, plus
antiquities, oversee connections plus associations amid them.
It puts weight on the self-association of groups that are not
repelled by outside individuals. Besides, Agile individuals
utilizing Scrum need to involve a group that is sufficiently
little to stay adaptable however sufficiently expansive to
accomplish extensive work in a run. All the more
particularly, five to eleven colleagues in a group, on the
consideration of the Product Owner plus Scrum Master, is
thought to be the fairest size towards the advancement group
Differentiating to Kanban, Scrum sets down different
parts [12, 32, 33]. For example, the item proprietor is
basically in charge of the administration of item build-up, the
advancement group is in charge of conveying a releasable
addition of the item after each dash, while the Scrum ace is
in charge of ensuring that Scrum technique is fathomed by
all and is viably utilized [19, 32]. The Scrum Master is a
worker pioneer of the individuals from the advancement
group. Table 1 displays the Scrum strategy works on
including a concise meaning of every one.
As to characterization, the broke down techniques are
fundamentally the same as, both XP and Scrum relate an
offered need to every one of the evoked necessities in view
of the business esteem that every prerequisite has for the
customer, which may now and again uncover to be a
shortsighted priorities framework. Also, Scrum does not
propose systems for discovery and goals of contentions
within software prerequisites [27].
Rehearses Explanation
Product Backlog
(PBL) [19]
Product Backlog is depicted as the rundown of
the whole highlights and necessities that should
be executed [19, 33, 34]. The debut and support
of the Backlog of Product dwell the custody of
the item proprietor, plus on everything/highlight
in the item overabundance, a need plus assessed
exertion are reserved [19, 36].
Sprint Backlog
(SBL) [19]
A Backlog of Sprint is depicted by means of an
arrangement of exercises that need doing all
through a Sprint [19, 33, 34]. Each movement or
adjust exercises remains a portrayal of a thing of
PBL that must remain incorporated into the
following discharge, to be presented after the
present Sprint closes [19, 33].
Sprint Burn down
Chart [19]
This outline speaks to the rest of the Sprint
Backlog work that must be every day refreshed,
inside which the appraisal of the advancement is
evaluated against the cycle objectives [19, 15].
Specialists by and large need to evaluate the
achievement of the rest of the
assignments/stories for each Sprint Backlog [19].
Effort Estimation
The whole individuals that comprise the group
utilizing Scrum strategies build utilization of
trouble neck and neck and exertion layer for
function approximation [19, 33]. Exertion
topping, a preoccupied system of measurement,
is likewise utilized [19].
Sprint [19] Within the core of Scrum dwells Sprint, which is
alluded to while a period package of poly
calendar month or fewer, plus inside a term, a
finished, usable and releasable item addition is
created [19, 35]. Based on this exact research,
the discoveries demonstrated that larger part of
sources that connected Scrum remained inside a
fourteen-day length Sprint [19]. Be that as it
may, it very well may be a four or half year's
Sprint [33, 20]. Besides, changes can't be made
after the group settles on the Sprint to be taken
after however in a few occasions, the item
proprietor can drop the said Sprint despite the
fact that it might bring about assets [19].
Sprint Planning [19] Sprint Planning principally expects to achieve a
choice with respect to what can be conveyed in
the present 2 to about a month Sprint and the
manner in which the work will be accomplished
to convey the augmentation [19, 20].
Daily Stan
Meetings [19]
This mirrors the meetings that are held day by
day for around 15 minutes with the point
towards breaking down the venture advance,
with positive and negative criticism [19].
Additionally, in the gathering, the sudden issues
that could postpone the venture are raised,
alongside the work to be directed preceding the
following gathering [19, 35, 17]. For expansive
groups, every day Scrum won't give the normal
incentive to the colleagues [19, 37].
Sprint Review [19] After each Sprint, the individuals from the group
including the client, hold a survey meeting that
is gone to by the whole partners, amid which
every one of the highlights of the new discharge
is exhibited [19, 33]. It was demonstrated that
client input amid the Sprint audit meeting
expanded the nature of each Sprint [32]. Thus,
client inclinations and criticism are required [38,
Sprint Retrospective
A Sprint Retrospective means to advance talks
among the coworkers concerning the issues that
they experience and how they can be dealt with
later on Sprints [19, 35]. This empowers
designers to sharpen their adequacy through
conduct change in view of the conditions
experienced [19, 35, 32].
B. Kanban
Taiichi Onho created KANBAN in the late 1940s to
control production among forms and to actualize Just-in-
Time (JIT) producing at Toyota fabricating plants in Japan.
In Agile, the Kanban technique was presented by David
J. Anderson on 2003/2004 when he was endeavoring to help
a little Microsoft group of coming up short [12]. Be that as it
may, Anderson just sent the subtle elements of Kanban to
Developing of a Software following 6 years, in 2010 [22,
31]. Kanban basically means to defend the group from the
unending errands appropriated by an administration, with an
endeavor to acknowledge progressing improvement pace
with adaption like other Agile strategies, where almost no
protection from change emerges [31, 41]. All the more
particularly, Kanban technique has its premise on the Just-in-
Time (JIT) preface, especially when it manages Software
Development, demonstrating that the group should abstain
from the advancement of Software highlights before their
interest. At the end of the day, the group isn't upheld to
create or convey highlights that are not required keeping in
mind the end goal to relieve squander and keep up the same
to be more like zero [42].
The Kanban strategy makes utilization of visual Kanban
board to enhance Software Development through the
showcase of various periods of the procedure of
advancement. It isn't as prescriptive as Scrum in that it
doesn't have characterized jobs, no accentuation on
gatherings and no ancient rarities [4]. The significant
standards of Kanban are work process representation through
the board of Kanban, restricting entity advance by limiting
the amount of highlights to represent executed,
administration with estimation of a stream, clarifying
arrangements, actualizing input, circling and improving
coordinated effort in a ceaseless way [22]. The patterns plus
meaning for Kanban are exhibited in the following table 2 as
takes after.
Rehearses Explanation
Visualize the
workflow [22]
Visualizing the work process involves making the work
required to be noticeable for the whole coworkers as
undetectable work adds to the danger of undertaking
usage. Through the Kanban board, the work process
can be plainly visualized [32, 30].
Limit work in
progress [22]
This is the primary practice in Kanban that alludes to
restricting the measure of work in progress (WIP) or
diminishing the WIP highlights [32, 43]. In such a
manner, it was confirmed that when the measure of
performing multiple tasks is decreased, an opportunity
to convey the highlights is additionally diminished [7,
Manage and
measure flow
Flow management team fundamentally expects to
complete the product in a method that individually
state in the work process is checked and detailed in
what is known as estimating stream. In this manner, the
development will be convenient and smooth, making
opportune esteem, alleviating hazard and maintaining a
strategic distance from the expense of postponement
Make explicit
policies [22]
The larger part of associations has certain arrangements
considering the different work composes to be dealt
with. Kanban groups set out the strategies expressly for
their predictable application [7, 32, 30].
n [22]
Kanban needs criticism circles to work and in that
capacity [32, 43], it utilizes the standup meeting,
benefit conveyance audit, activities survey and hazard
survey to empower the correlation between expected
results and real results and to make the compulsory
changes [32].
The cleared up and shared the understanding in regards
to work speculations, workflow, process, and hazard
help the coworkers to build up a common
comprehension of an issue and to propose
improvements that can be concurred on consistently
[32]. The group should utilize a mind called Kaizen
[29, 44] that esteemed to remain a noteworthy piece of
viable utilization in Kanban.
Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the famous Agile
Practices. It has just been set up to be exceptionally
successful at numerous associations of every extraordinary
size and preparations worldwide [40].
XP is a trifling plan technique created through Kent
Beck, Ward Cunningham, and others. After prominent
successes, XP has been producing gigantic intrigue, and no
little measure of debate. A significant part of the intrigue
originates from XP's realistic way to deal with improvement.
Key practices incorporate combine programming, composing
tests forthright, visit refactoring and revamp constant joining
and testing. Key standards incremental and iterative
improvement, working with the most straightforward
arrangement, removing superfluous documentation, and
aggregate code possession [45].
XP is actualized with 12 practice. In [46] these are
known as the hover of life. They are the soul of extreme
programming. Each practice all by itself can be portrayed as
far as their adherence to the 4 estimations of XP. They
likewise cooperate to shape an entire that is substantially
more noteworthy than the total of the parts. The practices and
meaning of XP are exhibited in table 3 as takes after.
Rehearses Explanation
Releases [47]
Get the framework into generation apace. This is a key
factor in aiming input on the real programming [47].
See how the entire framework functions. It is similar
critical for the client to comprehend the representation
side the software en
ineers [47].
design [47]
One from the central qualities is straightforwardness.
The framework ought to exist intended on behalf of the
highlights that follow executed today. Let the futurity
direct how the framework develops to that degree, don't
attempt or foresee the imminent, you’ll likely not be
right [47].
Testing [47] Criticism is additionally the another key quality.
Testing incorporates unit tests, which developers
compose, acknowledgment tests, which clients
compose. Test is the pointer of fruition [47].
Refactor [48] Developers are in charge of enhancing the plan of
existing programming without changing its conduct.
Refactoring is a piece of the software engineer's regular
exercises [47].
Functioning with an accomplice remains a prerequisite
during writing the implementation code [47].
Anybody on the group can change any piece of the
framework [47].
Developers incorporate and assemble the product all
the time [47].
hours [47]
A superior name is a work until tired. Be that as it may,
know about the drawbacks of working an excessive
number of hours numerous weeks in succession [47].
On-site client
The client is in the group, accessible to response
inquiries in time. The client is likewise in charge of
ment tests [47].
Correspondence is a key esteem. Receiving coding
models enhances correspondence in light of the fact
that the code is
redictable from class-to-class [47].
These studies are mainly carried out to examine and
determine the suitability of Scrum, Kanban and Extreme
Programming frameworks. A review was thus conducted to
assess the relevant and accessible studies in the description
of methodological standards. These frameworks then
highlight the divergences and resemblances. This study also
examines the elements affecting the choice of these methods.
The critique was based on keywords, the type of study, the
language and publishing year. We have used keywords for
searching for papers in English from the year 1997 and
review on-
Review on the approaches of Scrum, Kanban, and XP.
Review on the comparison between miscellaneous
approaches of Scrum, Kanban, and XP.
Review on the patterns, parts, and duties on the
approaches in Scrum, Kanban, and XP.
Review on the chosen arguments from the approaches in
Scrum, Kanban, and XP.
In this research, we are going to consider about which
method to choose between Scrum, Kanban, and XP for the
best practice by the team members to deliver the quality
software to the customer. This study selected the publications
as early as 1997. In 1997, it was when Refactoring was
followed by the programmers and later a practice in XP [48],
though XP was proposed in 1999 by Kent Beck [47]. In
2001, the Agile strategies turned into the theme of
enthusiasm inside the analysis network and organizations
after the publishing of AGILE Manifesto [2]. The qualitative
study was executed on the chosen contextual analyses, with
regards to this investigation, the detections involve the
comparisons and correlations of Scrum, Kanban, and XP and
also the components indicating the determination of these
strategies. The research aspire wants to find out the gains and
restrictions of practicing Agile frameworks in software
industries. In this paper, we develop further research queries
for exploration.
RQ1: In the implementation of software practices, what
factors should be addressed?
RQ2: What are the main features of the factors chosen?
RQ3: How can the team members help with these
We aim to classify with RQ1, the main components
linked with the development of software teams want to
benefit from agile methodologies. We intend to classify the
main elements that will impact the Agile working place. RQ2
plan to inquire the proper definitions, characterizations, and
explanations of those elements. On the basis of qualifying
practices, we try to develop an policy in order to help the
developers take advantage of Agile procedures by using
In light of this audit, it was discovered that the Scrum
technique has been broadly received more than Kanban or
XP [8-10, 58]. The contrasts between these strategies as
featured in writing are specified in Table IV beneath.
The comparative study between these that the previous is
a recommended strategy with unmistakable jobs and
obligations regarding the improvement group [19, 3, 4]. In
addition, the group size is more adjustable in Kanban and XP
than in Scrum, whereas the WIP size of Scrum is one, two or
one month in the sprint, but the estimate of Kanban and XP
WIP is relatively low (it very well may be as little as hourly
cluster) [5, 56]. In connection to this, Kanban permit
organized prerequisites day by day and XP permits organized
necessities continually, while prerequisites must be
organized based upon the length in the run while adopting
Scrum [5, 59, 49]. Furthermore, in Kanban the component
extent is little compared to that of Scrum and XP[ 7, 57], but
one industry is halved when moving from Scrum to Kanban
[7] in timeframes between proposing another element and
building a requirement and sending it on its customer site.
In addition, writing shows that evaluations and time
boxes that are not precise given longer lead times are
squandering [31]. Likewise, Kanban is more expensive than
Scrum’s [10] focal points especially for activities [11], but
XP relies more on the simplicity of expense revision[ 57].
Kanban and XP also focus more on improving quality
software [11, 31, 57]. Both Scrum and Kanban have no
specialized practices in terms of their comparability,
although XP has specialized practices [55, 56]. In view of
our third research question RQ3, Agile software
development workers have difficulty in receiving Scrum and
Kanban techniques. Agile coworkers believe that they are
trying to select Scrum over Kanban, or Scrum over XP, or
Kanban over Scrum, or Kanban over XP, or XP over
Kanban, or XP over Scrum, or these three strategies in a mix
when they are updating a given undertaking. In determining
the Scrum, Kanban and XP strategies, consideration must be
given to the choice of elements. Agile collaborators should
be helped by this important decision. In this analysis, an
internal and external survey of the letter was conducted to
inspect the elements of choice for those systems. They can
all work a couple. However, the main factors that can help
Agile employees identify themselves for a large number of
purposes are the jobs, duties, acceptance times, team
measurement, WIP size, requirement arrangements, size
features, time, methodologic preparation, budget and
software quality. These factors lead to limited waste and the
probability that project delays will occur.
RQ1 Scrum Kanban XP
Jobs & Duties Predefined jobs and duties regarding each
colleague, including Product Owner, Scrum Master,
and others [19, 5, 51, 17, 44]
No predefined jobs and duties [4,
5, 51, 17, 44]
Predefined jobs and duties including
customer, programmer, coach, and
others [54, 55]
Snags facing major change might be expert [7]. In
any case, the majority of the links receive Scrum
efore Kanban [11]
Less hard change [7], mainly
when groups that keep up and
leaders need to move from [11]
Effect possibly littler if the group
effectively received with SCRUM
With consideration of Scrum Master and Product
Owner, a team contains 5-11 members [19, 36]. On
the off chance that the group is wide, it will be
difficult to offer some benefit to all Agile
coworkers [36]. So, for huge groups, Kanban is
erior to Scrum [53]
Kanban has greater adaptability
when contrasted with Scrum [53],
in that group can have under 5
colleagues [52], or it very well
may be more than 11 (up to 14
Team size should be 5 or less people
[57], XP groups exist tiny. Some of
the time they are even single
individual group. Be that as it may,
they can play out the hardest software
actions [54].
WIP Size Substantial clump measure (short of what multi-
month Sprint) is thought to be enormous
particularly when managing consistent changes [5,
11]. The group should focus on conveying runs on
time [5, 51, 17]
It must have little groups with
little measure of WIP [4, 7, 11,
51]. This shows day by day/hourly
carriage of vital kits should be
possible [5]. Duty isn't obligatory
[5, 51, 17]
Small batch size (less than two weeks
sprint) is considered, normally one
week [56]
The requisites require listing based on the length of
the run, each two, three or a month [5, 44]
The listing of basics is done
always, which can be every
[5, 44]
The listing of prerequisites is done
always [26, 49]
Features size It is portrayed by little component measure [7, 11] It can be classified into little
pieces, which can show helpful
when the expert group needs
uicker criticism [7, 11]
Acmes to be created are organized by
the client. Much the same as Scrum,
XP centers around business esteem
Principal time Scrum abstains from cutting principal time
dissimilar to Kanban [21]
Kanban cuts principal time by
avoiding performing various tasks
and restricting the WIP highlights
[11, 13, 22, 17]
XP is an approach that was calm
mostly to bear the major trials of
group inside the most partial events of
time [54].
There has no adept drills in Scrum [24, 44] There has no specialized uses in
Kanban [25, 44]
XP has specialized practices [55, 56]
Budget Not at all like Kanban, Scrum keeps away from cost
sparing yet it focuses more on info, skill and basic
control in li
ht of what is known [11]
Spotlights on slicing cost when
contrasted with Scrum [11],
for activities [11]
XP always follow the ease way to
amended the cost in a reasonable way
The Sprint evaluation gathering represents the main
technique for quality improvement in the Scrum
framework [26]
When we want to compare with
Scrum, it fixates mostly on
performance improvement in
Kanban [11, 21]
The more test, the more be adept and
viable in their accent tasks [57]
Project managers and other leaders constantly find it
difficult to select the most reasonable agile framework for a
especial project. When choosing an Agile framework, a
range of choice elements should be deliberated. A
Systematic Literature Review must be adopted to help
project managers to make this critical choice, so that the
most definite Agile Strategies are identified by the essential
Agile frameworks have a few downsides as well, we are
arranging in our future work to propose an advanced
framework based on the Agile technique for espousing it
better by the Agile Team members.
[1] Agile Alliance, "Agile Manifesto," Online at <http://www.>, vol. 6, 2001.
[2] S. W. Ambler, “The Non-Existent Software Crisis: Debunking the
Chaos Report,” Available: <
11 September, 2014.
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... Five essential processes-Backlog re nement, Sprint planning, Daily Scrum meetings, Sprint reviews, and Sprint retrospectives-are jointly carried out by these three components. Scrum has a reputation for being a prescriptive process due to its well-de ned roles, artifacts, and events that offer a systematic approach to project management and the persistent pursuit of project objectives [3,4]. 4. Kanban [1,3]: The two primary principles of Kanban are to visualize work on a board and to maintain a constant ow of operations throughout different phases. ...
... Scrum has a reputation for being a prescriptive process due to its well-de ned roles, artifacts, and events that offer a systematic approach to project management and the persistent pursuit of project objectives [3,4]. 4. Kanban [1,3]: The two primary principles of Kanban are to visualize work on a board and to maintain a constant ow of operations throughout different phases. It does not follow xed iterations like Scrum does. ...
... While Kanban maintains a more exible approach, Scrum meticulously de nes various components and roles, such as the product owner overseeing product development, the development team responsible for delivering release-ready increments post-sprint, and the Scrum master ensuring thorough understanding and effective application of the Scrum methodology. This distinction highlights the adaptability of Kanban, enabling teams to customize their work ow and procedures according to their particular needs while highlighting constant ow and decreasing limitations [3]. 5. Iterative [2]: Projects are divided into smaller, more manageable cycles known as iterations using the well-known software development process known as Iterative development. ...
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This study presents a comprehensive comparison of software quality assurance techniques across several software development methodologies. It addresses critical knowledge gaps by examining the application of quality assurance processes, associated challenges, and outcomes in diverse software development contexts. The study covers a wide spectrum of development approaches, including classical Waterfall procedures and Agile alternatives such as Scrum, Kanban, Iterative, and Extreme Programming. The research delves into the responsibilities, experiences, and domains of experts involved in these approaches, providing valuable insights into the realm of software development approaches. Key findings of the study underscore the pervasive use of core testing approaches such as regression testing, unit testing, integration testing, performance testing, and security testing. The study also emphasizes the importance of guaranteeing requirement traceability, as well as providing insights on the technologies utilized for this purpose. Moreover, the research highlights the critical importance of achieving comprehensive test coverage and provides insights into a range of techniques for accomplishing this goal. The paper discusses the challenges encountered while testing complicated or interconnected software systems and offers practical solutions such as shift-left testing and exploratory testing to mitigate them. Notably, it highlights the substantial financial benefits derived from effective quality assurance processes, including reduced defect-fixing costs, minimized rework, optimized resource utilization, and heightened customer retention. Moreover, the paper delves into cost-effective quality assurance solutions and assesses the impact of quality assurance practices on user experience and customer satisfaction.
... Comparative study within Scrum, Kanban, XP focused on their practices [21] 2019 This article determines the core variables to ruminate on when determining Scrum, XP, and Kanban methods. It presents a strategy for performing inspections on agile approaches, with a view to an arrangement of highlights and important characteristics. ...
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Selecting the most suitable agile software development method is a challenging task due to the variety of available methods, each with its strengths and weaknesses. To achieve project goals effectively, factors such as project needs, team size, complexity, and customer involvement should be carefully evaluated. Choosing the appropriate agile method is crucial for achieving high client satisfaction and effective team management, but it can be a challenging task for project managers and higher-level management officials.This paper presents a solution aiming to help them in selecting the most suitable software development method for their project. In this regard, this solution includes a pre-project management approach model and a decision tree that considers the unique requirements of the project. In the proposed solution results, Scrum was found to be suitable for both small and large projects, on the condition that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and that the approach is people-centric. Furthermore, high-risk mitigation measures should be added for small projects. To facilitate the use of our model, a software application has been developed which implements the decision-making tree.
... First of all a list is compiled and then categorized according to compare the frequency of occurrence in SLR. Table 12 depicts the various issue categories related to the estimation process in agile projects; along with associated paper ID/ [3,4,5,6,8,12,15,17,18,19,20,24,25,28,29,30,32,35,37,40,41,42,49,56,63,70,71,76,79,80] 30 34.88% ...
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Context: Effort estimation based on user stories plays a pivotal role in agile software development, where accurate predictions of project efforts are vital for success. While various supervised ML tools attempt to estimate effort, the prevalence of estimation errors presents significant challenges , as evidenced by the CHAOS report by the Standish Group, which highlights incorrect estimations contributing to a substantial percentage of failed agile projects. Objectives: This research delves into the domain of user story-based effort estimation in agile software development, aiming to explore the issues arising from inaccurate estimations. The primary goal is to uncover these issues comprehensively and propose potential solutions, thus enhancing the efficacy of the user story-based estimation method. Methods: To achieve the research objectives, a systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted, surveying a wide range of sources to gather insights into issues surrounding user story-based effort estimation. The review encompasses diverse estimation methods, user story attributes, and the array of challenges that can result from inaccurate estimations. Results: The SLR reveals a spectrum of issues undermining the accuracy of user story-based effort estimation. It identifies internal factors like communication, team expertise, and composition as crucial determinants of estimation reliability. Consistency in user stories, technical complexities, and task engineering practices also emerge as significant contributors to estimation inaccuracies. The study underscores the interconnectedness of these issues, emphasizing the need for a standardized protocol to minimize inaccuracies and enhance estimation precision. Conclusion: In light of the findings, it becomes evident that addressing the multi-dimensional factors influencing user story-based effort estimation is imperative for successful agile software development. The study underscores the interplay of various aspects, such as team dynamics, task
... Sprint Review is a survey meeting that involves the customer and team members and includes a product demo that was built during the sprint. During a Sprint Retrospective, colleagues talk about the issues they ran across in the previous sprint and how to prevent them in future ones [13]. ...
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Painting the picture of the future of a business is determined by understanding and answering three basic questions-The Why, The How, and The What, a common denominator here is business agility. This article delves into the pervasive influence of agility in contemporary business, extending beyond use in software development to reshape operations in sectors such as cleantech, health tech, consulting, Pharma etc. The discussion tells the story of the evolution of agile methodologies, examining their impact on enterprises and their applicability across diverse industries. From a theoretical exploration to real-world application, the article investigates how agile methodologies enhance customer satisfaction in today's fast-paced environment. Furthermore, in the dynamic realm of project management (every business is a project), Agile methodology unfolds as a revolutionary lens, shifting focus from rigid plans to adaptive collaboration. It introduces a perspective where change is embraced, and iterative progress takes precedence over exhaustive upfront planning. Agile aims to grow a culture of continuous improvement, empowering teams to respond quickly to evolving requirements and deliver value incrementally, thus, projects become an exciting process, with flexibility, collaboration, and client satisfaction on the front burner.
... As a result, they are appealing to a wide range of Agile collaborators and tasks in a wide range of situations. In this regard, XP used for organized prerequisites all of the time, and Scrum to organized prerequisites based on the length of the run for the career mapping model as shown in Fig. 1 [10]. In contrast to new graduates, experienced employees who were laid off involuntarily required additional elements in career mapping processing, such as a role assessment prior to job loss. ...
Conference Paper
The purpose of this study is to propose the Design Science Research (DSR)’s phases of problem identification and solution development for the development of a mobile application for career transition assistance. The application aims to connect dismissed employees to potential transitional careers. As a result, the requirements are gathered through interviews with an Outplacement & Career Transition consultant, a downsizing employer, and an impacted employee using Qualitative Research Methodology. The mobile application could help outplaced people by identifying their current skill sets, listing potential careers ranked by skill gaps, and connecting them to resources to close those gaps. Contributing to the body of knowledge within a pragmatic research paradigm by developing a set of designed career transition principles. Researchers will benefit from the established model of career transition requirements, whereas practitioners, such as software developers, will be able to apply these findings to further develop the mobile application. Employers, employees, and consulting firms will all benefit from this identified requirement once the application is developed appropriately.
... There are severalagile methodologies, among the most used are Scrum, Kanban and XP, responsible for managing software development as determined by the Agile manifesto, all three consider important aspects such as people and communication, functional software, cooperation with the client and reaction to change (Saleh, 2019), however, XP is a programming methodology that also allows to develop applications in a short time guaranteeing a joint creation process that allows to identify failures in previous stages (Astucuri, 2021), and always seeking customer satisfaction, better software quality and efficient project management, it is important to note that it is ideal for working in small teams. . It is a dynamic software development model, i.e. the continuous discussion and integration of new features and ideas is the cornerstone of this model (Shrivastava et al., 2021). ...
The need for companies to have systems that can automate the different processes that are carried out is increasingly high, even more so, from the COVID-19 pandemic that evidenced great automation shortcomings in a large part of the commercial sector. The implementation of a web application focused on automating financial processes in the automotive company R.A.L.E will allow payments, collections, order requests and control of the different administrative and operational processes to be carried out in a controlled and efficient manner. For the development of the application, the XP methodology is used, Power Designer for data modeling, Laravel as a development framework and MySQL as the database engine. To evaluate the response time in the different processes, the ISO/IEC 25010 standard was applied, taking time for both the current process and the automated process. The results show that payment, collections and orders processes significantly decreased execution times. Ingeneral terms, based on terms of performance efficiency, the web application is rated as VERY GOOD, resulting in a weighted rating of 75% which is the result of the temporary behavior and use of system resources.
... Agile methodology started to be widely used because it offers more flexibility and responsiveness to change; it offers support to continuous changes and delivery, even if it has its own downsides (Brown, 2013). SCRUM, XP (Extreme Programming), and FDD (Feature Driven Development) methodologies imposed themselves and are analyzed and compared in different papers (Akhtar et al., 2022;Saleh et al., 2019). ...
Conference Paper
To offer a perspective from large versus small companies’ adoption of Agile Methodologies we performed a study in which we discussed and analyzed the answers of 31 interviewees from 14 companies. We carefully se�lected the data set to be representative for all the actors in the market from the company’s size, business model, role balance, and gender balance. We found out that most of the companies adopted the Agile methodologies in a more or less extensive manner. By far, the most used ceremony was daily meetings, other ceremonies were sometimes merged or removed from the methodology implementation. We also investigate how compa�nies adopted the Agile mindset by analyzing how the Agile Manifesto was implemented in these companies, even if it was not in the scope of our study. From a scientific point of view, this study contributes from a methodological perspective to a better understanding of Agile adoption in different types of companies and of the challenges related to Agile practices and processes. For practitioners, the results presented in this paper offer evaluation means and solutions for Agile adoption.
The internet of things (IoT) is revolutionizing industries by connecting physical objects to the internet through technologies like RFID and short-range wireless communications. To develop IoT solutions, various software development approaches have been adapted, including Scrum, Kanban, Large-Scale Scrum, and Scaled Agile Framework. However, these methodologies often lack flexibility and struggle to handle the unique challenges of IoT projects. This study aims to analyze and evaluate existing agile and IoT methodologies such as DSDM, DAD, Less, and ELDAMeth, comparing their capabilities, characteristics, and behaviors. By providing this comprehensive comparison, the goal is to assist in selecting the most suitable methodology for IoT projects and identify their respective advantages and limitations of each approach to suggest a new, approved IoT management methodology.
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Owing to a big deal of benefits that Agile process models offer to the software industry, they have been the center of attention for a couple of decades for researchers. Scrum has emerged as one of the most prevalent contemporary Agile approaches. It's adaptive and versatile nature makes it appropriate for adoption. Experts have been experimenting and tweaking the practices for last many years to enrich the Scrum. This paper is intended to provide the latest insightful understanding of how the Agile Scrum tailored and adapted in different areas for software process improvement that in turn lead to increased productivity and product quality. A research strategy has been designed to extract the literature since 2016, based on pragmatic transformations of Scrum, subsequently gaining the in-depth perception that is presented in the paper as a comprehensive review and the outcomes are discussed. This work will contribute a state-of-the-art objective summary from which advance research activities can be planned and carried out.
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In an unstable software development characterized by the turbulence of markets and the competitive pressures, the organization is forced to adopt new software development methodology to be survival. The agile methods have been introduced to maintain the organization endurance. New challenges await agile methods, when requirement prioritisation and re-prioritisation happened frequently, this leads to unstable and disorganize requirement prioritisation process in agile development environment. To improve its effectiveness and make the environment more systematic and organized, this study proposes an adoption of the lean manufacturing tool, which is 5S approach. The 5S approach improve the work environment as it’s designed to check the process and guaranty that issues are identified and get rid of issues. Consequently, this study aims to identify the issues that affect the requirement prioritisation process. Therefore, in-depth interviews have been carried by involving 18 agile practitioners from different agile software development companies. The data collected for this study were analyzed by using grounded theory techniques (Open, Axial and Selective coding). The results are proposed a process model that will allow an improvement of the process by applying a suitable “S” to overcome the issues that might lead to unsystematic and disorganize environment.
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The software development models, which are also known as Software Development Life Cycle. There are too many software development models now, mainly waterfall, spiral, Rapid Action Development etc.; now a days Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming are widely used, which are in Agile Family; by the software industries. These prototypes have advantages and disadvantages as well. In this paper we will discuss about waterfall, Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming; the main objective of this investigation is to symbolize different models of software developments and make a judgement amongst them to show the functionalities of each model separately and thoroughly. And we hope that this study will help the software industries to take the correct decisions about software development models before running a development for new software.
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Agile methods have become popular in recent years because the success rate of project development using Agile methods is better than structured design methods. Nevertheless, less than 50 percent of projects implemented using Agile methods are considered successful, and selecting the wrong Agile method is one of the reasons for project failure. Selecting the most appropriate Agile method is a challenging task because there are so many to choose from. In addition, potential adopters believe that migrating to an Agile method involves taking a drastic risk. Therefore, to assist project managers and other decision makers, this study aims to identify the key factors that should be considered when selecting an appropriate Agile method. A systematic literature review was performed to elicit these factors in an unbiased manner and then content analysis was used to analyze the resultant data. It was found that the nature of project, development team skills, project constraints, customer involvement and organizational culture are the key factors that should guide decision makers in the selection of an appropriate Agile method based on the value these factors have for different organizations and/or different projects.
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Knowledge management and reflection are important aspects in daily stand-up and retrospective meetings, which contribute to agile teams continuous improvement. Research in knowledge management in agile software development has shown knowledge classifications which do not seem closely related with agile practitioners and current research has not treated agile reflective practice in detail. This research, which will focus on daily stand-up and retrospective meetings, addresses two objectives: (i) to investigate specific knowledge types (i.e. product, project and process knowledge) in everyday agile practice and knowledge management strategies applied by agile teams; (ii) to explore the actual knowledge involved in the meetings, which helps agile teams to perform reflection and use that knowledge for reflection. Case studies will be applied for this research to analyse both meeting practices. It is expected that the research results will provide a framework for agile teams to manage knowledge and perform reflection, which would be useful for team and process improvement.
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Agile methods such as Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Extreme Programming (XP), SCRUM, Agile Modeling (AM) and Crystal Clear enable small teams to execute assigned task at their best. However, larger organizations aim at incorporating more Agile methods owing to the fact that its application is prevalently tailored for small teams. The scope in which large firms are interested will extend the original Agile methods to include larger teams, coordination, communication among teams and customers as well as oversight. Determining particular software method is always challenging for software companies especially when considering start-up, small to medium or large enterprises. Most of large organizations develop large-scale projects by teams of teams or teams of teams of teams. Therefore, most recognized Agile methods or first-generation methods such as XP and SCRUM need to be modified before they are employed in large organizations; which is not an easy task. Accomplishing said task would necessitate large organizations to pick and select from the scaling Agile methods in accommodating a single vision for large and multiple teams. Deciding the right choice requires wholesome understanding of the method including its strengths and weaknesses as well as when and how it makes sense. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to review the existing literature of the utilized scaling Agile methods by defining, discussing and comparing them. In-depth reviews on the literature were performed to juxtapose the methods in impartial manner. In addition, the content analysis was used to analyse the resultant data. The result indicated that the DAD, LeSS, LeSS huge, SAFe, Spotify, Nexus and RAGE are the adopted scaling Agile methods at large organizations. They seem to be similar but there are discrepancies among them that take the form of team size, training and certification, methods and practices adopted, technical practices required and organizational type.
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User requirements are in high demand due to advancements of technology and business needs. Therefore it is extremely difficult to achieve user requirements at one single time. Agile methods have been introduced to mitigate such issues by implementing user requirements incrementally and iteratively. The top significant aspect in agile development is selecting a group of prominent requirements to be implemented in iteration. This could be derived from continuous requirements prioritisation (RP). To assign which requirements should be selected by practitioners is considered one of the obstacles faced in the process of implementing the inter-iteration period. This study aimed to identify the RP elements and factors that should be considered through the RP process in agile software development. The elements and factors were identified through a review of previous studies and in-depth interviews involving 18 agile practitioners from different software development organizations in different countries (i.e., Malaysia and Jordan), over a period of 2 years. To get the best result, the data is analyzed by using grounded theory techniques (Open, Axial and Selective coding). The elements and factors from the RP process will guide practitioners to an effective RP process that can produce high quality requirements, which are expected to meet the needs of the intended users.
Software development plays a very major role in this industrial world. Previously organisations used to follow traditional software models but now there is a shift to agile methodologies. The principles and methodologies of Agile Software development have gained a lot of popularity in these recent times. In this paper, a comparison of six different agile methodologies has been made based on some characteristics. The objective of this paper is to provide a clear understanding and complete overview of Agile software development culture and practices. The main aim is to help the project managers or software engineers in choosing out the best agile methodology that suits their project based on their needs and requirements.
IT services such as software development, application maintenance, disaster recovery, help desk, network and operations are critical and highly demanded to better support the operations and management of organizations, especially in the government sector. The government sector faces various problems in providing IT services due to constraints or lack of knowledge, skills and expertise, human resource and technology. Thus, IT services need to be outsourced to overcome these problems. While the need for outsourcing has increased, reported weaknesses of the outsourcing activities are attributed to issues such as project rationale and the unclear role of the project team, lack of involvement of subject matter experts and users in the early stages, lack of control and lack of emphasis on quality. These issues indicate the low readiness level of the client’s organization to take up outsourcing activities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the contributing readiness factors that clients should comply with in order to ensure the success of outsourcing software projects. Systematic reviews and content analysis were employed in order to propose a conceptual model. There are 27 factors identified and classified into 9 dimensions. There are six internal dimensions were identified as contributing to the client’s readiness such as strategy, people, organization culture, process, technology and management whilst three other external dimensions include the government, market and people. The outcome of this study is a software outsourcing readiness model that will assist software practitioners in designing effective outsourcing software project strategies. The model is important since the agencies have difficulty in addressing their readiness level as part of the implementation plan and to avoid project failure.