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Geometric limits of coherent III-V core/shell nanowires


Abstract and Figures

We demonstrate the application of a simple equilibrium model based on elasticity theory to estimate the geometric limits of dislocation-free core/shell nanowires (NWs). According to these calculations, in a coherent core/shell structure, tangential strain is the dominant component in the shell region and it decreases quickly away from the heterointerface, while axial strain is the dominant component in the core and is independent of the radial position. These strain distributions energetically favour the initial relief of axial strain in agreement with the experimental appearance of only edge dislocations with line directions perpendicular to the NW growth axis at the core/shell interfaces. Such dislocations were observed for wurtzite InAs/InP and zincblende GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs with dimensions above the coherency limits predicted by the model. Good agreement of the model was also found for experimental results previously reported for GaAs/InAs and GaAs/GaSb core/shell NWs.
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Geometric limits of coherent III-V core/shell nanowires
O. Salehzadeh, K. L. Kavanagh, and S. P. Watkins
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4816460
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Geometric limits of coherent III-V core/shell nanowires
O. Salehzadeh, K. L. Kavanagh, and S. P. Watkins
Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada
(Received 26 May 2013; accepted 8 July 2013; published online 1 August 2013)
We demonstrate the application of a simple equilibrium model based on elasticity theory to estimate
the geometric limits of dislocation-free core/shell nanowires (NWs). According to these calculations,
in a coherent core/shell structure, tangential strain is the dominant component in the shell region and
it decreases quickly away from the heterointerface, while axial strain is the dominant component in
the core and is independent of the radial position. These strain distributions energetically favour the
initial relief of axial strain in agreement with the experimental appearance of only edge dislocations
with line directions perpendicular to the NW growth axis at the core/shell interfaces. Such
dislocations were observed for wurtzite InAs/InP and zincblende GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs with
dimensions above the coherency limits predicted by the model. Good agreement of the model was
also found for experimental results previously reported for GaAs/InAs and GaAs/GaSb core/shell
NWs. V
C2013 AIP Publishing LLC.[]
The nanowire (NW) geometry is expected to facilitate
the growth of dislocation free axial and radial heterostruc-
tures with dimensions above the critical thicknesses known
for thin films. This characteristic of the semiconductor
NWs has opened a new window to design and fabricate
core/shell NW based-devices.
The rational design of
these devices requires the knowledge of the coherency lim-
its in core/shell NWs. Otherwise, dislocation formation
will degrade the device performance.
Several groups have
attempted to determine the coherency limit and/or strain
distribution in core/shell NWs using elasticity theory
via finite-element analysis,
variational methods,
or an an-
alytical approach.
Using the variational approach,
Raychaudhuri and Yu
determined the total strain energy
of a core/shell structure numerically with the assumption
that the strain components are position-independent in the
core and shell regions. Then, they estimated the critical
dimensions by numerically determining the shell thickness,
for a given core radius, for which it became energetically
favorable to include a dislocation. Haapamaki et al. deter-
mined the total strain energy analytically considering the
strain components to be position-dependent.
Then they
obtained the critical dimension of InAs/Al
As core/
shell NWs by determining the geometric limits at which
the total strain energy exceeded the dislocation energy.
Both of these models predicted an increase in the critical
shell thickness with decreasing core radius and the pres-
ence of a critical core radius under which the critical shell
thickness tended to infinity.
However, comparison of
predicted results with experimental data for core/shell
NWs is rather limited to a specific material system and a
limited geometric range.
In this work, we have grown zincblende (ZB) and wurt-
zite (WZ) III-V core/shell NWs and calculated the expected
strain distribution and the geometric limits of the coherent
radial heterostructure NWs. We considered the strain compo-
nents to be position-dependent, similar to Ref. 6, and
determined the total strain energy and strain components
numerically, similar to Ref. 5. Our numerical results are in
agreement with our experimental results found for wurtzite
InAs/InP and zincblende GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs and
results reported in the literature.
The NWs were grown via the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS)
mechanism. A 0.2 nm Au layer was deposited on a (111)B
Si-doped GaAs substrate by thermal evaporation. The Au-
coated wafer was then annealed for 10 min (at 460 C under
(3 standard liters per minute) and tertiarybutylarsine
(TBAs) overpressure) in a vertical metalorganic vapor phase
epitaxy (MOVPE) reactor operating at a pressure of 50 Torr.
This resulted in Au nanoparticles with sizes in the range of
15 nm–110 nm. Trimethylindium (TMIn) (flow rate
9.9 lmol/min) and TBAs (flow rate 66 lmol/min) were used
as the group III and V precursors to grow the InAs core NWs
for 400 s. The growth of the InP shell was achieved by
switching off the TBAs and switching on the tertiarybutyl-
phosphine (TBP) (flow rate 960 lmol/min) for 250 s. The
V/III ratio was 6.6 and 97 for the growth of the InAs core
and InP shell, respectively. The sample was then cooled
under TBP/H
. Both InAs core and InP shell materials were
grown at 460 C. To grow GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs, the
GaAs core was grown using trimethylgallium (TMGa, flow
rate of 21.4 lmol/min) and TBAs (flow rate 164 lmol/min).
The growth of the GaP shell was achieved by switching off
the TMGa and TBAs and switching on the TEGa (flow rate
15.1 lmol/min) and TBP (flow rate 960 lmol/min) for
200–400 s. The V/III ratio was 7.6 and 63.7 for the growth of
the GaAs core and GaP shell, respectively. The sample was
then cooled under TBP/H
. Both the GaAs core and GaP
shell materials were grown at 410 C.
Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)
(operated at 200 kV) were used for structural and energy dis-
persive spectroscopy (EDS) analyses.
0021-8979/2013/114(5)/054301/8/$30.00 V
C2013 AIP Publishing LLC114, 054301-1
Wurtzite core/shell NWs
In this model, we ignored the faceting of the NW and
considered two coaxial cylinders with a core radius of r
a shell thickness of tas shown in Fig. 1. A cylindrical coordi-
nate system was defined at the core/shell interface (defined
by unit vectors e
). The magnitude and distribution of
the strain components (e
(r), where istands for either core
(c) or shell (s) and k¼r, h,z) in the core and shell regions
are mainly determined by the constraints that (1) coherency
has to be maintained at the core/shell interface and (2) the
total strain energy in the system has to be a minimum. The
interfacial strain components at the hetero-interface are
defined as follows:
where a
and a
are, respectively, the strained and relaxed
lattice constants in the k¼z, hdirections and i¼cor sfor
core or shell, respectively.
In general, strain components can be determined from
the components of the displacement vector (~
þuzðzÞez) as follows:
where u
and u
are the components of the displacement vec-
tor along the e
and e
directions, respectively. We should
note that the NW symmetry in the azimuthal direction results
in u
(2p)¼0). The displacement compo-
nents can be determined using the equilibrium equations of
where r
is the stress along the kth direction and normal to a
plane whose outward normal is along the kth direction
(i¼c,s stands for core and shell). The values of r
related to the stiffness constants (c
Substituting Eqs. (4a)(4c) in Eqs. (3a) and (3b) leads to the
following partial differential equations:
Equations (5a) and (5b) have the following general
The coefficients in Eqs. (6a) and (6b) can be determined by
imposing the following boundary conditions:
1. u
is finite as rapproaches zero. Therefore, b
2. u
(z ¼0) ¼0 which results in u
3. ec
4. ec
5. Coherency at the core/shell interface results in
FIG. 1. Schematic of the core/shell NW geometry with a core radius of r
shell thickness of t, and length of L. The dashed loop represents an edge dis-
location loop with Burger’s vector along the NW growth direction.
054301-2 Salehzadeh, Kavanagh, and Watkins J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013)
6. Stress normal to the free surface is zero
Using these boundary conditions, we determined the coeffi-
cients in Eqs. (6a) and (6b) as a function of c
and t. For a given r
and t, the values of f
were deter-
mined numerically by minimizing the total strain energy in
the core/shell structure which is given by
where Lis the length of the NW and sums over the repeated
indices were assumed.
Partial relaxation of the heterostructure can happen by
insertion of a dislocation at the interface. The actual misfit
dislocation formation mechanism and configuration for core-
shell NWs may be complicated and, in general, depends on
the NW dimensions and the misfit between core and shell
Here, we only consider the case of a pure edge
dislocation loop of radius r
with a Burger’s vector of magni-
tude balong the NW growth direction (Fig. 1). Similar to
other reports, we found only dislocations with such an edge
component experimentally and their formation mechanism
whether by glide or climb processes
remain to be con-
firmed. In wurtzite semiconductors, a dislocation loop
around the core has energy equal to
2Kb2rcln 32rc
c13 þc13Þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
c13 c13Þ
c13 þc13 þ2c44Þ
c13 ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The critical dimensions can be estimated for a given core radius
by numerically determining the critical shell thickness at which
(Eq. (8)) exceeds U
(Eq. (9)), under the assumption
that there is no energy barrier for dislocation nucleation.
Zincblende core/shell NWs
The above approach could be modified for zincblende
core/shell NWs. Equations (4a)(4c) change to
Also, the dislocation loop energy changes to
2ð1Þrcln 32rc
where land are the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio,
respectively. The values of l,, and c
are summarized in
Table I. To determine the stiffness constants for the wurtzite
structure, Martin’s transformations were employed.
Figure 2shows the strain components as a function of
radial distance from the center of a wurtzite InAs/InP core/
shell NW (solid lines) with core radius of 20 nm and shell
thickness of 10 nm. This graph was generated numerically
by minimizing the total strain energy in Eq. (8) and using
Eqs. (2a)(2c) and (7a) and (7b). The InAs core, which has a
larger lattice constant than the InP shell, is under compres-
sive strain (negative value) in all directions and the strain
components are position independent. Also, the radial and
tangential strains are equal in the core regions, similar to the
case of thin film heterostructures, as expected due to symme-
try considerations. The shell region is under tensile strain in
the e
and e
directions, while it is compressed in the radial
direction. The radial compression in the shell is a direct
result of the 6th boundary condition listed above. In the shell
region, the strain components in the e
and e
directions are
position dependent, while the strain is position independent
in the e
direction. In the case of a wurtzite InP/InAs core/
shell NW (dashed lines), the signs of the strain components
are opposite to the ones in the InAs/InP core/shell NW. The
strain accommodation in the InP core (InAs shell) of the InP/
InAs NW is slightly lower (higher) than the strain in the
InAs core (InP shell) of the InAs/InP NW. Qualitatively,
similar results were obtained for zincblende NWs. These
results are in qualitative agreement with the results reported
in Ref. 7for Si/Ge NWs; however, there is a clear discrep-
ancy between our results and those of Ref. 6where it was
reported that the core with the larger lattice constant is under
tensile strain, and the shell with the smaller lattice constant
is under compressive strain, in the e
and e
Figure 3(a) shows the calculated interfacial axial and
tangential strain components (at r¼r
) of an InAs core with
a radius of 20 nm and InP shell with thickness varying in the
TABLE I. Summary of reported values of the shear modulus, l; the
Poisson’s ratio, ; and the stiffness constants, c
for selected compound
semiconductors with ZB structure and calculated c
for WZ structure.
(GPa) C
(GPa) C
(GPa) l(GPa)
GaAs (ZB)
119 53.8 59.5 32.8 0.31
GaP (ZB)
140.5 62.1 70.3 39.2 0.31
GaSb (ZB)
88.3 40.2 43.2 24.0 0.31
InAs (ZB)
83.3 45.3 39.6 19.0 0.35
InP (ZB)
101.1 56.1 45.6 22.5 0.36
InSb (ZB)
66.0 38.0 30.0 15.1 0.35
GaAs (WZ) 142.0 48.7 35.9 154.9 38.4
InAs (WZ) 100.3 42.1 31.6 110.8 23.0
InP (WZ) 120.3 52.3 40.7 131.9 27.1
054301-3 Salehzadeh, Kavanagh, and Watkins J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013)
range of 1 nm–50 nm. With increasing shell thickness, the
interfacial axial strain in the InP shell decreases continuously
from 0.029 to 0.002, while the interfacial axial strain in the
InAs core increases from 0.004 to 0.029. A similar trend
with much smaller gradient was observed in the case of the tan-
gential strains in the core/shell interface. However, it is clear
that the interfacial tangential strain in the shell remains sub-
stantially larger than that in the core region. These numerical
results indicate that, for thick shells, the interfacial tangential
strain concentrates in the shell region, while the axial strain
concentrates in the core. The tangential strain in the shell is
position-dependent and drops quickly away from the core/shell
interface, while it is position-independent in the core.
Therefore, energetically, it is more favourable for the shell to
accommodate the tangential strain to minimize the total strain
energy. On the other hand, the axial strain is position-
independent in both core and shell regions. For thin shells,
axial strain can be accommodated by the shell, while for
thicker shells, axial strain must be accommodated by the core
in order to lower the total strain energy. This partitioning of the
strain fields in core/shell NWs should therefore result in critical
shell thicknesses above the known values for thin films.
The total strain energy of the core/shell NW and the dis-
location energy per unit length are plotted as a function of
shell thickness in Fig. 3(b). Strain energy increases with
increasing shell thickness and exceeds the dislocation energy
for shell thicknesses larger than 45 nm. Therefore, the critical
shell thickness for a NW with radius of 20 nm is 45 nm. The
saturation of strain energy for thick shells is due to the fact
that tangential strain in the shell drops away from the inter-
face (see Fig. 2) and the axial strain in the core reaches its
maximum limit (see Fig. 3). In the core region, axial strain is
the dominant component and therefore the formation of dis-
location loops with line direction perpendicular to the NW
axis can most effectively relieve the axial strain, significantly
lowering the total strain energy.
Figure 4(a) shows the change in the axial and tangential
strain components at the interface of a core/shell NW with a
fixed shell thickness of 14 nm and varying core radius in the
range of 5 nm–85 nm. The axial strain in the core decreases
with increasing core radius, while it increases in the shell
region. Weaker effects were observed for tangential strains.
These results confirm that a thinner core can accommodate a
higher degree of strain compared with a thicker one and
therefore the critical shell thickness should be larger for a
thinner core. The strain and dislocation energies are plotted
in Fig. 4(b) as a function of shell thickness which intersect at
¼63 nm, meaning that the critical shell thickness of an
InAs/InP core/shell NW with radius of 63 nm is 14 nm.
FIG. 2. Plot of the strain components
as a function of radial distance from
the center of the core. Solid lines and
dashed lines correspond to wurtzite
InAs/InP and InP/InAs core/shell
NWs, respectively, with core radius of
20 nm and shell thickness of 10 nm.
The vertical dotted line represents the
core/shell interface.
FIG. 3. (a) Plot of the change in the interfacial strain components (at r¼r
and (b) elastic strain and dislocation energies per unit length as a function of
shell thickness of wurtzite InAs/InP core/shell NWs with a fixed core radius
of 20 nm.
054301-4 Salehzadeh, Kavanagh, and Watkins J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013)
Figure 5shows the dependence of critical shell thickness
on the core radius of wurtzite InAs/InP and zincblende
GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs. Consistent with previous
the critical shell thickness tends to infinity for
NWs with core radii smaller than a critical core radius. For
NWs with core radii larger than the critical core radius, the
shell thickness must be below a certain value to maintain
coherency at the hetero-interface. The square and circle data
points are experimental results which will be discussed later.
For NWs with core radii larger than 100 nm, the critical shell
thickness is independent of the core radius. The plot of the
calculated critical core radius (r
) and critical shell thick-
ness for zincblende core/shell NWs with a particular core ra-
dius of 100 nm (t
) as function of lattice mismatch between
core and shell materials (f
) is shown in Fig. 6.r
is 21 nm
for zincblende InAs/InP core/shell NWs (mismatch of 3.2%)
and drops to 2.9 nm for zincblende InAs/GaAs core/shell
NWs (mismatch of 7.2%). Similarly, t
drops from 15.1 nm
to 2.4 nm by increasing the mismatch from 3.2% to 7.2%.
The graphs in Fig. 6are fairly linear indicating the power
law dependence of r
and t
on f
. The fits to the points
were obtained by r
¼310 f
and t
¼130 f
should note that r
and t
of a wurtzite InAs/InP core/shell
NWs are 18.2 nm and 13.4 nm, respectively, which are
smaller than the values obtained for zincblende (r
¼21 nm
and t
¼15.2 nm) InAs/InP core/shell NWs. Similarly, in
the case of wurtzite InAs/GaAs NWs, r
and t
are 2.3 nm
and 2.2 nm, respectively, which are smaller than the corre-
sponding values for zincblende structures.
Experimental results: Comparison with model
Figure 7(a) shows a bright field (BF) TEM image of an
InAs/InP core/shell NW with a core radius of 17 nm and
shell thickness of 20 nm. Energy dispersive X-ray spectros-
copy analyses were carried out on these NWs and the shell
formation and its thickness were verified. The shell thickness
is uniform along the NW growth direction, except for the
tapered neck region which consists of InP formed during the
shell growth via the VLS mechanism. Dark field (DF) TEM
images taken using (0002) and (2110) diffracted spots are
shown in Figs. 7(b) and 7(c), respectively. These images
clearly indicate that the NW is free of stacking faults and dis-
locations. The corresponding selected area diffraction (SAD)
pattern, along the [0110] direction, from the middle part of
the core/shell structure is shown in Fig. 7(d). The observed
single set of spots indicate that the structure is coherent. A
high resolution (HR) TEM image of the InAs/InP interface is
shown in Fig. 7(e) confirming that the structure is free of dis-
locations. The wurtzite structure of this NW can be inferred
from the ABAB, stacking sequence along the [0001] growth
direction. EDS analyses were performed (not shown here)
FIG. 4. (a) Plot of the change in the interfacial strain components (at r¼r
and (b) elastic strain and dislocation energies per unit length as a function of
shell thickness of InAs/InP core/shell NWs with fixed shell thickness of
14 nm.
FIG. 5. Plot of the calculated critical shell thickness as a function of core ra-
dius for wurtzite InAs/InP (solid line) and zincblende GaAs/GaP (dashed
line) core/shell NWs. The open and solid data points are the experimental
results for NWs with and without dislocations detected, respectively. The
squares are for InAs/InP core/shell NWs, while the circles are for GaAs/GaP
NWs. The coherency is maintained for thicknesses below the curves.
FIG. 6. Plot of the critical core radius as a function of lattice mismatch
between core and shell materials with zincblende structure (left). The critical
shell thicknesses of core/shell NWs with a particular core radius of 100 nm
are plotted on the right.
054301-5 Salehzadeh, Kavanagh, and Watkins J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013)
and the formation of an InP shell around InAs core NWs was
Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show BF and (0002) DF TEM
images of an InAs/InP core/shell NW with a core radius of
30 nm and shell thickness of 25 nm. The shell thickness of
25 nm is larger than the predicted critical shell thickness of
19 nm for a NW with this core radius (see Fig. 5). The corre-
sponding SAD pattern, indicating a (0110) sample orienta-
tion, is shown in Fig. 8(c). In all TEM images shown in Figs.
7and 8, the incident electron beam is perpendicular to the
NW growth axis. The observed contrast in Figs. 8(a) and
8(b) corresponds to the presence of edge dislocations at the
core/shell interface perpendicular to the NW growth direc-
tion. Another example of a dislocation is shown in Fig. 8(d)
for a NW with core radius of 37 nm and shell thickness of
22 nm and the corresponding SAD pattern is shown in Fig.
8(e). A HRTEM image of the region indicated by a white
square in Fig. 8(d) is shown in Fig. 8(f) indicating the inser-
tion of an extra plane in the InP shell. The dislocations have
Burger’s vectors along the NW growth direction. The con-
trast observed between misfit dislocation pairs in these NWs
may be related to a complete dislocation loop or other defect,
such as a stacking fault from partial dislocations. The
observed contrast in Figs. 8(a),8(b) and 8(d) should not be
confused with pre-existing basal plane {0001} stacking
faults. In the case of a core/shell NW with stacking faults,
the stacking faults propagate from the core into the shell. An
example of a core/shell NW with stacking faults (core radius
of 15 nm and shell thickness of 22 nm) is shown in Fig. 8(g).
The strong parallel contrast is due to stacking faults that do
not stop at the core/shell interface but propagate into the
shell to the outer surface.
The observed dislocations in Fig. 8have an average
spacing (D
)of4067 nm. These edge dislocations relax the
axial strain with respect to the lattice mismatch strain, 0.032,
by a percentage given by 1
De, where bis the size of the
Burger’s vector equal to a/2, or 0.35 nm, equivalent to
(28 64)%. This magnitude of axial strain relaxation, 0.009,
is too small to be detectable in SAD patterns. No evidence of
relaxation in other directions was detected either from
images or SAD patterns.
The solid and open square data points plotted in Fig. 5
correspond to NWs free of dislocations and with disloca-
tions, respectively, as a function of their shell thickness and
core radius. These experimental results are consistent with
our numerical predictions for the critical geometries (solid
and dotted lines). Our TEM results indicate that an InP shell
with a thickness of 35 nm could be grown coherently on an
InAs NW with a radius of 10 nm. Recently reported coherent
InAs/InP core/shell NWs with core radius of 20 nm and shell
thickness of 20 nm are consistent with our numerical
Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show a BF TEM image and corre-
sponding SAD pattern (near a h112isample orientation) of a
zincblende GaAs/GaP core/shell NW with a core radius of
25 nm and a shell thickness of 13 nm. The shell thickness of
FIG. 7. (a) Bright field and dark field TEM images of an InAs/InP core/shell
NW taken by (b) (0002) and (c) (2110) diffracted spots, (d) selected area dif-
fraction pattern of the middle of the core/shell NW, and (e) a high resolution
TEM image of the InAs/InP interface. The arrow in (e) shows the InAs/InP
FIG. 8. Examples of TEM investiga-
tions of strain relaxed wurtzite InAs/
InP core/shell NWs (a) BF and (b)
(0002) DF TEM images for a NW with
a core radius of 30 nm and shell thick-
ness of 25 nm with a corresponding
SAD pattern in (c). (d) (2110) DF
TEM image of another NW with a core
radius of 37 nm and shell thickness of
22 nm with a corresponding SAD pat-
tern in (e) and HRTEM in (f). (g)
(0002) DF TEM image of a NW with a
core radius of 15 nm and a shell thick-
ness of 22 nm. The observed contrasts
in (a), (b), and (d) are perhaps due to
the formation of loop dislocations,
while the contrast in (g) is due to the
formation of stacking faults.
054301-6 Salehzadeh, Kavanagh, and Watkins J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013)
13 nm is larger than the predicted critical shell thickness
(10 nm) for a NW with this core radius (see Fig. 5). The
HRTEM image shown in Fig. 9(c) clearly indicates the inser-
tion of an extra plane in the GaP shell. The observed disloca-
tions have Burger’s vectors along the NW growth direction
and line directions perpendicular to the [111] growth direc-
tion. The average spacing of the observed edge dislocations
is 45 64 nm giving an average relaxation of 23 62%.
The solid and open circle data points plotted in Fig. 5
correspond to NWs free of dislocations and with disloca-
tions, respectively, as a function of their shell thickness and
core radius. According to the TEM analysis, the GaAs/GaP
core/shell NWs with core radii in the range of 25 nm–45 nm
and shell thicknesses larger than 10 nm were relaxed. The
thinner shells of 5–6 nm were found to grow coherently on
GaAs NWs with radii of 22–25 nm. These experimental
results are consistent with our numerical predictions. The
previously reported GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs with core ra-
dius of 25 nm and shell thickness of 25 nm
should have
relaxed according to our numerical predictions. Even though
detailed TEM investigations were not carried out on the
reported GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs, the presence of Moir
fringes in their BF TEM image
clearly indicates that the
structure was partially relaxed.
In a previous work, we found zincblende GaAs/GaSb
core/shell NWs with core radii larger than 10 nm and shell
thicknesses larger than 4 nm to relax via the formation of
periodic edge dislocations (Burger’s vectors along [111]
direction), while the shells with thicknesses below 2 nm
grew coherently on the GaAs core.
These results, summar-
ized in Fig. 10, are consistent with our model. In another
work, wurtzite and zincblende InAs/GaAs core/shell NWs
with core radii larger than 10 nm and shell thicknesses larger
than 2.5 nm were reported to relax
in agreement with our
numerical calculations (data also shown in Fig. 10).
Finally, the level of agreement between theory and
experiment is remarkable considering that we have assumed
no energy barrier for dislocation nucleation and motion via
glide or climb processes. In addition, we have neglected any
effect of facets on the strain distribution. The effects of these
factors appear to be too small to be detectable. However,
they may play an important role in the dislocation formation
We should note that, dislocation pairs or loops
were not observed in zincblende GaAs/GaP and GaAs/GaSb
core/shell NWs
where dislocation formation by glide proc-
esses on oblique {111} planes have been reported in Si/Ge
NWs with dimensions above the coherency limits.
In conclusion, a model to estimate the critical dimen-
sions of core/shell NWs based on elasticity theory was pre-
sented. The numerical calculations were carried out for
various III-V core/shell NWs. The theory was found to be
consistent with experimental results previously reported for
GaAs/GaSb and InAs/GaAs core/shell NWs and to the TEM
results found in this work for wurtzite InAs/InP and zinc-
blende GaAs/GaP core/shell NWs. All core/shell NWs stud-
ied here with dimensions above the coherency limits,
predicted by the model, relax axially via the formation of
FIG. 9. (a) BF TEM image and (b) cor-
responding SAD pattern of a GaAs/
GaP core/shell NW with a core radius
of 25 nm and shell thickness of 13 nm.
(c) HRTEM image of the core/shell
interface, indicating the presence of an
edge dislocation inside the white
FIG. 10. Plot of the calculated critical shell thickness as a function of core
radius for zincblende GaAs/GaSb (dashed-dotted curve), zincblende InAs/
GaAs (dotted curve), and wurtzite InAs/GaAs (dashed curve) core/shell
NWs. The open and solid data points are the experimental results for NWs
with and without dislocations detected, respectively. The experimental
results for InAs/GaAs core/shell NWs are from Ref. 3.
054301-7 Salehzadeh, Kavanagh, and Watkins J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054301 (2013)
edge dislocations at the core/shell interface with line direc-
tion perpendicular to the NW growth direction. Numerical
results indicate that a uniform axial strain is the dominant
component in the core region, while tangential strain that
decreases quickly away from the heterointerface is the domi-
nant component in the shell. This distribution of strain in a
cylindrical geometry favours relaxation via edge dislocations
(line directions perpendicular to the growth direction) for
NWs of large core radius, relieving axial strain first.
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... Warwick and Clyne [170], extending the calculation of Mikata and Taya [171], developed an analytical model for a set of coaxial fibers subjected to thermal expansion or to external forces, in the assumption of transverse elastic isotropy. Trammel et al. [172] axis [173][174][175][176], where transverse isotropy holds exactly, and adapted for isotropic NWs and for transversely isotropic ZB NWs about [001] and [111] axes [174,176]. However, in these cases, the transverse isotropy is only an approximation. ...
... Warwick and Clyne [170], extending the calculation of Mikata and Taya [171], developed an analytical model for a set of coaxial fibers subjected to thermal expansion or to external forces, in the assumption of transverse elastic isotropy. Trammel et al. [172] axis [173][174][175][176], where transverse isotropy holds exactly, and adapted for isotropic NWs and for transversely isotropic ZB NWs about [001] and [111] axes [174,176]. However, in these cases, the transverse isotropy is only an approximation. ...
... Although the actual processes of plastic strain relaxation in core/shell structures are fairly complex [182,[201][202][203][204], in principle the strain can be relieved by forming two simple types of dislocation [110,173,174,186,205]. They are namely a dislocation loop, lying in the plane normal to the growth axis ( The partial relaxation of a core/shell system by the introduction of a dislocation loop has already been studied [173,175,176,179,186,201]. The theoretical and experimental results of Salehzadeh et al. [176] indicated that loops should appear first. ...
III-V semiconductor nanowires are highly promising building blocks for various applications. However, the full potential of nanowire-based devices will only be realized if the nanowire physical properties can be precisely tailored. This study concentrates on self-catalyzed GaAs and GaP nanowires grown on a Si substrate by molecular beam epitaxy, in the Vapor-Liquid-Solid mode. We address experimental and theoretical issues related to the precise control of the diameter of a nanowire, in particular its deterministic modification during growth. We first study the dynamics of the consumption of a Ga apical catalyst droplet under exposure to a phosphorous flux. Combining experiments and modelling, we establish the mechanisms that contribute to the decrease of the droplet volume and calculate analytically the corresponding material currents. Implementing this model allows us to modulate locally the nanowire diameter in a controllable fashion. We thus manage to form a thinner or a thicker nanowire segment with a stable diameter on top of a stem of the same material. The second part of our work is devoted to core-shell nanowires involving lattice-mismatched materials. We compute the geometrical limits for core radius and shell thickness, above which the formation of a first interfacial dislocation is energetically favorable We then grow GaAs/GaP core/shell nanowires in a wide range of core radii and shell thicknesses and determine for each geometry if dislocations form or not. The comparison of our theoretical and experimental determinations of the critical dimensions for plastic relaxation shows the possibility to grow much thicker defect-free shells than predicted by theory.
... Since the early 2000s, the first theoretical studies of misfit strains and mechanisms of their relaxation through generation of various defects in axially- [16][17][18][19][20][21][22] and radially-inhomogeneous (core-shell) [13,14, composite NWs have been published. A large part of these works was done within various continuum approaches [21,23,24,[26][27][28][29]31,32,34,37,[44][45][46][48][49][50]53,55,58,[61][62][63] and aimed at the calculation of critical conditions of relaxation by defect generation. Referenced theoretical models can be divided into two groups. ...
... For both groups, the authors have used the energetic approach, considering the energy change due to the formation of the defects. To the first group we include the models, considering the nucleation of a final configuration of the defects, such as dislocations [23,27,45,49], dislocation dipoles [32], dislocation loops [26,27,29,31,34,37,44,63]; to the second group we include the models, considering the energy barriers for nucleation and evolution of the defect configuration, such as dislocations and their dipoles [61], and dislocation loops [46,48,58,[60][61][62]]. ...
... The critical conditions for the formation of circular prismatic dislocation loops (PDLs) in core-shell NWs were analyzed in a number of works [26,27,29,31,34,37,44,50,63]. Some authors operated with their own original [26,28,29,31,63] or already known [34,50] strict solutions for circular PDLs in elastic cylinders, while the others dealt with approximate formulas for strain energies of PDLs [27,37,44]. ...
... Studies of strain relaxation in core-shell NW heterostructures disclose that plastic relaxation is suppressed compared to their planar counterparts. 14,[19][20][21] Nonetheless, the formation of mist dislocations, 21,22 QDs, [23][24][25][26] and shell surface roughening [27][28][29] has been demonstrated for very high mismatch. ...
... Studies of strain relaxation in core-shell NW heterostructures disclose that plastic relaxation is suppressed compared to their planar counterparts. 14,[19][20][21] Nonetheless, the formation of mist dislocations, 21,22 QDs, [23][24][25][26] and shell surface roughening [27][28][29] has been demonstrated for very high mismatch. ...
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In this work we demonstrate a two-fold selectivity control of InAs shells grown on crystal phase and morphology engineered GaAs nanowire (NW) core templates. This selectivity occurs driven by differences in surface energies of the NW core facets. The occurrence of the different facets itself is controlled by either forming different crystal phases or additional tuning of the core NW morphology. First, in order to study the crystal phase selectivity, GaAs NW cores with an engineered crystal phase in the axial direction were employed. A crystal phase selective growth of InAs on GaAs was found for high growth rates and short growth times. Secondly, the facet-dependant selectivity of InAs growth was studied on crystal phase controlled GaAs cores which were additionally morphology-tuned by homoepitaxial overgrowth. Following this route, the original hexagonal cores with {110} sidewalls were converted into triangular truncated NWs with ridges and predominantly {112}B facets. By precisely tuning the growth parameters, the growth of InAs is promoted over the ridges and reduced over the {112}B facets with indications of also preserving the crystal phase selectivity. In all cases (different crystal phase and facet termination), selectivity is lost for extended growth times, thus, limiting the total thickness of the shell grown under selective conditions. To overcome this issue we propose a 2-step growth approach, combining a high growth rate step followed by a low growth rate step. The control over the thickness of the InAs shells while maintaining the selectivity is demonstrated by means of a detailed transmission electron microscopy analysis. This proposed 2-step growth approach enables new functionalities in 1-D structures formed by using bottom-up techniques, with a high degree of control over shell thickness and deposition selectivity.
... In the case of radial HS NWs, the core material acts as substrate and the shell as a grown material. A coherency limit exists between core and shell materials, which is closely related to the lattice-mismatch between core and shell material, the diameter of the core and the shell thickness [78]. ...
... It is well known that electronic and optical properties of semiconductor heterostructures are affected by the presence of strain fields arising from lattice Self-catalyzed and catalyst-free III-V semiconductor NWs grown by CBE Chapter 3: Growth protocol and strain relaxation mechanisms of InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dual-shell NWs 29 mismatch between the combined materials [130,131]. Pseudomorphic growth of NWs in a CS geometry implies a coherency limit in the core diameter and the shell thickness that depend on the lattice mismatch between the two materials [77,78,132]. For a given NW core diameter, the shell material will grow coherently strained only below a critical thickness, while above this it is energetically favoured to produce misfit dislocations that degrade device performance [133]. ...
In this thesis, the growth dynamics and mechanisms of III-V semiconductor nanowires (NWs) and their heterostructures are studied. III-V NWs are realized by self-catalyzed and catalyst-free growth methods on Si (111) substrates by means of chemical beam epitaxy. The Au-free growth approach is particularly important for the integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon toward a CMOS-compatible electronics. The morphological and structural properties of the grown NWs are investigated by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These NWs exhibit very high aspect ratio and good material quality, which makes them useful to be employed for fundamental studies as well as for application in electronics and optoelectronics. The first part of the thesis is focused on the growth of InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dual-shell (CDS) NWs. Detailed morphological, structural, and compositional analyses of the NWs as a function of growth parameters are carried out by SEM, TEM, and by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Furthermore, by combining the scanning transmission electron microscopy-Moiré technique with geometric phase analysis, we studied the residual strain and the relaxation mechanisms in this system. We found that InP shell facets are well-developed along the crystallographic <110> and <112> directions only when the nominal thickness is above 1 nm, suggesting an island-growth mode. Moreover, the crystallographic analysis indicates that both InP and GaAsSb shells grow almost coherently to the InAs core along the ⟨112⟩ direction and elastically compressed along the ⟨110⟩ direction. For an InP shell thickness above 8 nm, some dislocations and roughening occur at the interface. This study provides useful general guidelines for the fabrication of high-quality devices based on these CDS NWs. Indeed, we investigated the tunnel coupling between the outer p-type GaAsSb shell and the n-type InAs core in InAs/InP/GaAsSb CDS NWs. Low-temperature (4.2 K) transport measurements in the shell-shell configuration in CDS NWs with 5 nm-thick InP barrier reveal a weak negative differential resistance. Differently, when the InP barrier thickness is increased to 10 nm, this negative differential resistance is fully quenched. The electrical resistance between the InAs core and the GaAsSb shell, measured in core-shell configuration, is significantly higher with respect to the resistance of the InAs core and of the GaAsSb shell. The field effect, applied via a back-gate, has an opposite impact on the electrical transport in the core and in the shell portions. Our results show that electron and hole free carriers populate the InAs and GaAsSb regions respectively and indicate InAs/InP/GaAsSb CDS NWs as an ideal system for the investigation of the physics of interacting electrons and holes at the nanoscale. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the growth of self-catalyzed InAs/InSb axial heterostructures. The growth mechanisms of these heterostructures are thoroughly investigated as a function of the In and Sb line pressures, and growth time. Some interesting phenomena are observed and analysed. In particular, the presence of an In droplet on top of the InSb segment is shown to be essential to form axial heterostructures in the self-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid mode. Axial versus radial growth rates of InSb segments are investigated under different growth conditions and described within a dedicated model containing no free parameters. It is shown that a widening of the InSb segment with respect to the InAs stem is caused by the vapor-solid growth on the nanowire sidewalls rather than by the droplet swelling. The In droplet can even shrink smaller than the nanowire facet under Sb-rich conditions. The third part of the thesis is focused on the realization of self-catalyzed InSb quantum dot (QD) embedded into InAs NW. A systematic study on the influence of the growth parameters on the morphology of such NWs is performed. Radial and axial growth rates are studied as a function of growth parameters in order to realize InSb QD NW with controlled morphology. In particular, we have explored different growth conditions to minimize the InAs shell around the InSb QD. We found that the shell thickness around the InSb QD decreases with increasing growth temperature while it increases with an increase of the As line pressure. Furthermore, from the high resolution-TEM analysis, we observed that InAs-stem and InAs-top segment have a wurtzite (WZ) crystal structure with several defects such as stacking faults and twins perpendicular to the growth direction. It is commonly observed that the InAs NWs grown by catalyst-free and self-catalyzed growth methods show highly defective (or mixed WZ/ZB) crystal structure. By contrast, here the InSb QD shows a defect-free zincblende (ZB) crystal structure without any stacking faults, consistently with the energetically preferred cubic structure of the InSb crystals generally attributed to the low ionicity of group III to Sb bonds. This study gives useful information for the realization of InSb QDs with controlled morphology and optimized quality embedded in InAs NWs in the self-catalyzed regime.
... Understanding and prediction of the strain relaxation mechanism is crucial for the development of novel and the improvement of the quality of existing hetero-NW based devices. Therefore, a significant number of papers is dedicated to the study of strain distribution within core-shell NWs [13,[21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. ...
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Crystal orientation and strain mapping of an individual curved and asymmetrical core-shell hetero-nanowire is performed based on transmission electron microscopy. It relies on a comprehensive analysis of scanning nanobeam electron diffraction data obtained for 1.3 nm electron probe size. The proposed approach also handles the problem of appearing twinning defects on diffraction patterns and allows for the investigation of materials with high defect densities. Based on the experimental maps and their comparison with finite element simulations, the entire core-shell geometry including full three-dimensional strain distribution within the curved core-shell nanowire are obtained. Our approach represents, therefore, a low-dose quasi-tomography of the strain field within a nanoobject using only a single zone axis diffraction experiment. Our approach is applicable also for electron beam-sensitive materials for which performing conventional tomography is a difficult task.
... Strain relaxation in core-shell nanowires has been thoroughly investigated in recent years, revealing higher sustainability of elastic strain compared to planar heterostructures [11,12]. Above a critical lattice mismatch between the core and shell materials, the misfit strain can relax via the formation of misfit dislocations [13,14], quantum dots [15,16] and stress-driven surface roughening [17,18]. ...
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We investigate the strain evolution and relaxation process as function of increasing lattice mismatch between the GaAs core and surrounding InxGa1-xAs shell in core-shell nanowire heterostructures grown on Si(111) substrates. The dimensions of the core and shell are kept constant. Measuring the 224 ̅ and 22 ̅0 in-plane Bragg reflections normal to the nanowire side edges and side facets, we observe a transition from elastic to plastic strain release for a shell indium content x > 0.5. Above the onset of plastic strain relaxation, indium rich mounds and an indium poor coherent shell grow simultaneously around the GaAs core. Mound formation was observed for indium contents x = 0.5 and 0.6 by scanning electron microscopy. Considering both the measured radial reflections and the axial 111 Bragg reflection, the 3D strain variation was extracted separately for the core and the InxGa1-xAs shell.
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Crystal orientation and strain mapping of an individual curved and asymmetrical core-shell hetero-nanowire is performed based on transmission electron microscopy. It relies on a comprehensive analysis of scanning nanobeam electron diffraction data obtained for 1.3 nm electron probe size. The proposed approach handles also the problem of appearing twinning defects on diffraction patterns and allows for investigation of materials with high defect densities. On the basis of the experimental maps and their comparison to finite element simulations, a hidden core-shell geometry and full three-dimensional strain distribution within the curved core-shell nanowire are obtained. As effect, a low-dose quasi-tomography data using only single zone axis diffraction experiment is received. Our approach is applicable also for electron beam sensitive materials for which performing conventional tomography is a difficult task.
InGaAs quantum wells embedded in GaAs nanowires can serve as compact near-infrared emitters for direct integration onto Si complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology. While the core-shell geometry in principle allows for a greater tuning of composition and emission, especially farther into the infrared, the practical limits of elastic strain accommodation in quantum wells on multifaceted nanowires have not been established. One barrier to progress is the difficulty of directly comparing the emission characteristics and the precise microstructure of a single nanowire. Here we report an approach to correlating quantum well morphology, strain, defects, and emission to understand the limits of elastic strain accommodation in nanowire quantum wells specific to their geometry. We realize full 3D Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) of intact quantum wells on vertically oriented epitaxial nanowires, which enables direct correlation with single-nanowire photoluminescence. By growing In0.2Ga0.8As quantum wells of distinct thicknesses on different facets of the same nanowire, we identified the critical thickness at which defects are nucleated. A correlation with a traditional transmission electron microscopy analysis confirms that BCDI can image the extended structure of defects. Finite element simulations of electron and hole states explain the emission characteristics arising from strained and partially relaxed regions. This approach, imaging the 3D strain and microstructure of intact nanowire core-shell structures with application-relevant dimensions, can aid the development of predictive models that enable the design of new compact infrared emitters.
This paper presents for the first time an analytical solution to the boundary-value problem in the theory of elasticity for a circular prismatic dislocation loop (PDL) coaxial to a hollow cylindrical channel in an elastically isotropic infinite matrix. The stress fields and energy of the PDL are calculated and analyzed in detail. Based on the solution, a theoretical model for the misfit stress relaxation through the formation of a misfit PDL around a misfitting nanotube embedded in an infinite matrix is suggested. The critical radii of the embedded nanotube are found and discussed. It is shown that, for thin nanotubes prepared by nanolayer growth on the initial channel surface, there are two critical inner radii of the nanotube, between which the formation of a misfit PDL is energetically favorable.
Certain results of the theory of dislocations in isotropic materials are extended to the case of a dislocation lying in the basal plane of a hexagonal crystal. Expressions are found for the energy of a circular loop and for the line tension of a dislocation. Numerical results are presented for graphite.
We report on the growth of GaSb shells on Au-catalyzed GaAs or GaP nanowires (NWs) using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. The large lattice mismatch between GaSb and GaAs (GaP), 7.8% (11.8%), results in surface roughening and GaSb island formation via the Stranski-Krastanov (S-K) growth mode. Based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, coherent GaSb islands on GaAs NWs could be grown up to a thickness of 1.8 nm for a core diameter of 34 ± 5 nm. For greater shell thickness of 9 ± 3 nm, equal axial and radial strain relaxation occurred increasing from 74% ± 3% for GaAs/GaSb NWs and 91% ± 2% for GaP/GaSb NWs to 100% with increasing core diameter from 15 ± 2 nm to 55 ± 3 nm. Axial strain is relieved by periodic misfit dislocations with edge components parallel to the growth direction. Tangential relaxation is presumed to occur partially by roughening via the S-K growth mode but dislocations with edge components perpendicular to the growth direction were not detected. Raman scattering measurements were performed on ensembles of NWs and the absolute residual strain in the core and shell were determined from the shift of the zone-center phonon modes. Raman results were consistent with the TEM analysis. It was found that the residual strain is higher in GaAs/GaSb NWs (7.3%) compared to GaP/GaSb NWs (1.7%).
InAs nanowires with AlxIn1−xP or AlxIn1−xAs shells were grown on GaAs substrates by the Au-assisted vapour-liquid-solid method in a gas source molecular beam epitaxy system. Core diameters and shell thicknesses were measured by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These measurements were then related to selected area diffraction patterns to verify either interface coherency or relaxation through misfit dislocations. A theoretical strain model is presented to determine the critical shell thickness for given core diameters. Zincblende stiffness parameters are transformed to their wurtzite counterparts via a well known tensor transformation. An energy criterion is then given to determine the shell thickness, at which coherency is lost and dislocations become favourable. Our model only considers axial strain relieved by edge dislocations since they were the only type of dislocation observed directly by TEM.
In order to continue the performance enhancement of Si-based semiconductor devices, the number of devices on a chip as well as the performance of those devices must continue to improve. One method for improving device functionality is the incorporation of strained Si–Ge heterostructures. While such heterostructures have been the focus of much research in planar Si processing, only recently has the fabrication of such heterostructures in nanoscale semiconductors been addressed. In particular, the fabrication of a Si–Ge radial nanowire heterostructure requires a consideration of the epitaxial stability of the shell on the underlying core nanowire. This work develops a model for the strain state of a radial nanowire heterostructure, focusing on the particular example of Si–Ge. The behavior of the radial nanowire heterostructure is compared to that of a planar heterostructure, and we find that much higher strains can be achieved in the nanowire geometry.
p-Si/n-CdS radial heterojunction nanowires have been grown by pulse laser deposition of CdS on vertically aligned Si nanowires fabricated using a room temperature wafer-scale etching of p-type Si. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence characteristics have been studied in detail in the blue–green–red regions from these p-Si/n-CdS core–shell nanowires. The photocurrent spectra of the nanowire heterojunctions have been investigated at room temperature to study the spectral responsivity and detectivity of the core–shell nanowire diodes. The peak responsivity (1.37 A/W) and detectivity (4.39 × 1011 cm Hz1/2/W) at −1 V show the potential of the nanoscaled devices for the high efficiency photodetectors in the visible–near-infrared spectrum.
THE SELF STRESS field and self energy are estimated for a planar 3D dislocation loop emanating from a half- plane crack tip. While the problem is of greatest interest for analysis of shear loops nucleating from the crack tip in the concentrated stress field there due to applied loadings, it is addressed here in the interest of tractability for 3D prismatic loops lying in the same plane as the crack. Exact elastic calculations for that case are based on recent developments of 3D crack weight function theory and specific results are given for induced stress fields, intensity factors and energy of semicircular and rectangular prismatic dislocation loops. Also, self stresses and energy expressions are derived for the 2D case of a line dislocation lying parallel to the crack for arbitrary Burgers vector type and general orientation of the dislocated plane relative to the crack plane, and those results are used together with the 3D prismatic loop results to estimate approximately the self energy for 3D shear dislocation loops emanating from the tip on planes inclined to the crack plane. Energy results are given in terms of a correction factor m to the usual estimate of energy for an emergent crack tip loop as half the energy of a full loop (identified as the emergent loop and its image relative to the crack tip) in an untracked solid. That is, if the energy of a full circular loop of radius Y in an untracked solid is 2arA, In (Sr/e*rJ, with r,, = core cut-off and A,, = energy factor, then the energy of a semicircular loop of radius r emerging from the crack tip is shown to take the form nrAO In @mr/e'r,) and the constant m is calculated here as 2.2 for a prismatic loop ahead of a crack and estimated approximately to range from about 1.2 to 1.9 for representative shear loops inclined to the crack plane. The self energy exceeds the half-full-loop value, corresponding to m = 1, and it is observed that this effect increases by fi the predicted loads to nucleate a dislocation loop of the assumed shape from a crack tip.
By means of an acoustical method, the elastic constants of this compound were measured. At room temperature they are: C11=(6.6±0.3)×1011, C12=(3.8±0.2)×1011, C44=(3.0±0.1)×1011 dynes/cm2.
We employ a methodology, based on established approaches for determining the critical thickness for strain relaxation in planar films, to determine critical dimensions for coherently strained coaxial nanowire heterostructures. The model is developed and executed for various specific core-shell heterostructures in [111] zinc blende and [0001] wurtzite geometries. These calculations reveal that critical dimensions in such heterostructures can be quantified by a unique critical core radius and a critical shell thickness, which is dependent on the core radius. It is anticipated that this work will serve as a guide to determine the feasibility of specific coherently strained nanowire heterostructure designs.
Measurements have been made of the transit times of pulses of 30-MHz longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic waves in sulfur-doped n-type single crystals of GaSb and GaP down to 4.2 K. Length-versus-temperature measurements have been made for GaP between 80 and 300 K using a silica dilatometer. Values are presented for the elastic constants Cij at various temperatures. The Cij for GaP below room temperature are the first ever reported. From the low-temperature elastic constants are deduced elastic Debye temperatures of 269.4 K for GaSb and 443.8 K for GaP. Martin's relation between the elastic constants is found to be satisfied no better when the "harmonic" elastic constants rather than room-temperature data are used in it. The temperature dependence of each Cij of GaSb and GaP can be fitted in most of our temperature range by a function having the form suggested by Leibfried and Ludwig to account for lattice anharmonicities. The function contains the average energy of a harmonic lattice oscillator multiplied by a factor Kij whose value is chosen to yield agreement with data at 240 and 4.2 K. For GaSb the value of K12 is accounted for mainly by a term containing the thermal expansion, the pressure derivative of C12, and the bulk modulus; whereas K11 and K44 each has a much larger value than can be attributed to the thermal-expansion term. Data on other semiconductors are reviewed and it is found that K12>K11>K44 for all III-V semiconductors for which sufficient data are available.