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Clinical Applications of Transcranial Doppler Sonography



Transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) is used to assess cerebral blood flow velocity in basal cerebral arteries and is a common tool for the diagnosis and follow-up of cerebrovascular disease. With more than 200 clinical studies using TCD published annually, indications for its use are expanding. The current article critically reviews standard and recent clinical applications for TCD including delayed vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, sickle cell disease, atherosclerosis of cranial vessels, ischemic stroke, brain trauma, brain death, carotid artery disease, cerebral venous thrombosis, intraoperative TCD monitoring, arteriovenous malformations, cardiac shunts and preeclampsia.
Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2007, 2, 49-57 49
1574-8871/07 $50.00+.00 © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Clinical Applications of Transcranial Doppler Sonography
Bawarjan Schatlo and Ryszard M. Pluta*
Surgical Neurology Branch, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Abstract: Transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) is used to assess cerebral blood flow velocity in basal cerebral arteries
and is a common tool for the diagnosis and follow-up of cerebrovascular disease. With more than 200 clinical studies
using TCD published annually, indications for its use are expanding. The current article critically reviews standard and
recent clinical applications for TCD including delayed vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, sickle cell disease,
atherosclerosis of cranial vessels, ischemic stroke, brain trauma, brain death, carotid artery disease, cerebral venous
thrombosis, intraoperative TCD monitoring, arteriovenous malformations, cardiac shunts and preeclampsia.
Keywords: Autoregulation, Cerebral blood flow, Cerebrovascular disease, Chemoregulation, Transcranial Doppler
sonography, Stroke.
Transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) was first used in
1981 when Aaslid and coworkers assessed middle cerebral
artery (MCA) cerebral blood flow velocity (CBF-V) in
patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) [1]. The main
difference between Aaslid’s “Ur-Doppler” and other,
conventional Doppler ultrasound devices at the time was that
the bidirectional probe was pulsed with a lower frequency of
2 MHz in order to sufficiently penetrate the temporal bone
window. Its main advantages compared to most other
neuroimaging methods are convenience, mobility, low cost,
non-invasiveness, and lack of side-effects. However, the
results of a TCD examination depend on the experience and
diligence of the examiner. More than 200 indexed clinical
studies published annually clearly show that applications for
TCD are rapidly expanding. Clinicians need to follow these
developments but should also beware of their often
somewhat limited practical value. To assess the usefulness of
TCD, it is impracticable or simply not applicable to perform
blinded, randomized or placebo-controlled studies. Yet,
guidance for using TCD should be obtained from prospective
studies with sufficiently large patient samples and with a
reasonably simple and reproducible technique. The TCD
report of the American Academy of Neurology attributed the
highest class rating to prospective studies fulfilling the
criteria of (1) broad study population, (2) validation of TCD
by comparison to the “gold standard”, (3) blinded evaluation
of the data and (4) statistically dependable diagnostic or
prognostic value [2]. The current paper reviews established
and pending clinically relevant indications for non-imaging
TCD and discusses the limitations of this diagnostic tool.
Specific reviews are available on applications for the not yet
universally established transcranial-color-coded sonography
[3, 4].
*Address correspondence to this author at the Surgical Neurology Branch,
NINDS, National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Drive, Room 5D37,
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA; Tel: 301-594-8117; Fax: 301-402-0380;
In addition to the medical indication to perform TCD,
subjects need a sufficiently thin temporal bone window to
enable penetration of the 2 MHz waves. The temporal
window is suitable for insonation in more than 90% of
patients [5], but may become more difficult to penetrate in
older patients, which prompted the development of a 1 MHz
probe [6]. TCD permits evaluation of the MCA, anterior
cerebral artery (ACA), posterior cerebral artery (PCA) and
terminal internal carotid artery (ICA). The suboccipital
(“transforaminal”) insonation can be performed on a supine
or sitting patient and yields good accessibility of the basilar
artery (BA) and possibly the vertebral arteries (VA). A trans-
orbital approach can be used to insonate the ICA in the
carotid siphon and the ophthalmic artery. Unless stated
otherwise, CBF-V indicates mean flow velocity in this
review. Ample reference values for CBF-V, proper angle and
depth of insonation are provided for healthy subjects [7],
including stratifications for age and sex [1, 8, 9]. CBF-V
obtained by TCD devices is a result of a spectrum of waves
reflected by erythrocytes, and thus depends particularly on
hematorheological conditions. In patients with very low
hematocrit (<30%), CBF-V is increased due to a decrease in
viscosity. Thus, TCD interpretation in patients with
abnormal blood viscosity requires caution. An insonation of
all accessible arteries can help distinguish between a
systemic cause of increased CBF-V (fever, hematocrit) or a
focal increase suggesting a local abnormality. Moreover,
sufficient time to perform a thorough examination and
experience are key factors contributing to its accuracy [10,
11]. Proper supervision and instruction of those new to the
technique is mandatory.
A recent report showed that careful routine adjustment of
CBF-V for sex and age can significantly increase the
predictive value of TCD to detect vasospasm [12]. It is
possible that “fixed reference values” may thus be replaced
by individually adjusted thresholds. However, because
confirming this type of adjusted threshold will require
prospective studies on very large patient samples with wide
50 Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1 Schatlo and Pluta
distribution of strata, the available thresholds backed up by
current statistical conventions remain the reference.
Aside from CBF-V, TCD also detects inhomogeneities in
flow; for example when a solid thrombus passes through an
insonated part of a vessel. This causes a scattering and
deflection of the Doppler beam and results in a “high-
intensity transient signal”. As discussed in more detail
below, TCD microembolus detection is routinely used in
cerebrovascular disease [13]. Different types of emboli have
characteristic physical properties, and their characterization
by TCD as well as an industry standard for their detection is
still subject to development [14-16].
There still seems to be confusion among clinicians using
TCD and there are still studies published stating the
misconception that TCD reflects CBF [17]. Volume flow (Q)
in a rigid pipe system equals velocity (V) times the cross-
sectional area of the pipe (A) (Q = V · A). In peripheral
artery systems, the cross-sectional area of an artery can be
measured by super-imposing standard ultrasound on the
Doppler image. Thus, volume flow can be routinely
calculated to estimate blood supply to a certain organ or
extremity. However, using TCD, the diameter of the
insonated artery remains unknown and the following
simplified formula describes the relationship between CBF-
V and CBF:
[18, 19]. CBF stands for
regional CBF measured in ml/l00g/min, α is the cosine of the
insonation angle, K is a constant, A is the cross-sectional area
of the vessel in cm
, T is the territory of vessel supply in l00g
of brain tissue and CBF-V is expressed in cm/sec. This
suggests a linear relationship between CBF and CBF-V only
if (1), vessel diameter remains constant, (2) the artery’s supply
territory remains constant, and (3) the angle of insonation is
less than 10 degrees (cosine > 0.985) [20]. Thus, because of
present regulatory mechanisms, e.g. in subjects with intact
autoregulation, CBF correlates poorly with CBF-V [21, 22].
Merely the percent changes in CBF-V and CBF correlate
during specific hypercapnic challenge tests in healthy
volunteers [23]. Data on a strong correlation of TCD with
absolute values of CBF are available for blood pressure
levels below autoregulation [22]. It can be assumed that
because of exhausted vasomotor motility, such as ischemic
vasoparalysis, TCD should reflect CBF [24]. This concept
may equally be applied to vasoparalysis following cerebral
ischemia, such as in transient ischemic attacks, carotid
endarterectomy or after resection of arteriovenous
malformations (AVM). However, robust evidence with the
necessary simultaneous assessment of CBF and TCD [25]
remains elusive [26]. Moreover, vessel diameter must be
known to calculate absolute CBF, which still represents a
technical difficulty. Color-coded duplex TCD may routinely
provide the possibility to measure vessel diameter of the
insonated artery. For further reading, the software
“Transcranial Doppler” by Rune Aaslid contains helpful
illustrations, equations and explanations concerning CBF
assessment by TCD [27].
TCD Indices
In addition to absolute values of systolic, diastolic and
mean CBF-V, the TCD waveform contains additional
information about vessel condition. Many variables and
measures have been developed for TCD, but their value is
often limited to a special application. The following
summary presents a few of these basic indices often
discussed in TCD studies.
Today’s TCD devices generate Gosling’s pulsatility
index (PI) automatically from the equation:
Vsystolic V diastolic
()( )
, where V = CBF-V as obtained by
[28]. In the cerebral vasculature, PI can indicate higher
peripheral vessel resistance concomitant with increased
intracranial pressure (ICP). A rise in ICP affects the TCD
waveform, indicated by a rise in PI and later on, as ICP
continues to suppress perfusion, a subsequent decrease in
CBF-V. In a pooled neuro-intensive care unit (ICU) study
population, there was a strong correlation of PI and ICP
independent of cerebral pathology (r>0.9, p<0.0001) [29],
but sensitivity and specificity remain to be determined. PI is
further influenced by respiration, hemorheology and vessel
properties, and can also be increased in ketoacidotic
vasoparalysis [30] or angiopathy as in diabetes [31].
The simplest way to assess vasomotor reactivity (VMR)
of the cerebral vasculature is TCD recording during
breathholding for a few seconds. The duration of
breathholding (t) as well as the V
at the end of the
maneuver are recorded. A breath holding index (BHI) can be
calculated as
Vbreathholding V baseline
V base
100 ( ) ( )
( lline)
[32]. BHI
was found to correlate with standard CO
maneuvers and can be recommended to quickly obtain
information on VMR [33]. A plethora of other indices have
been developed to characterize VMR depending on
autoregulation [34], coherence of CBF-V changes [35] as
well as normalized VMR [36]. Rune Aaslid recently
dedicated an extensive review to the topic of VMR indices
The spectral waveform contains not only data about the
frequency of the reflected beam and thus the velocity of the
erythrocytes to or from the probe, but also with what
intensity a certain frequency is returned. This prompted the
establishment of a flow index (FI) as the product of the
returned Doppler frequencies and their respective signal
intensity. FI should tentatively correlate with the blood flow
passing through the insonated vessel. Analogous to the basic
relationship between flow (Q), velocity (V) and cross-
sectional vessel area (A) with Q = V · A A = Q / V, the
area index (AI) was defined as AI = FI / V
. Changes in
this area index were indeed found to indicate vessel diameter
changes [38].
Cerebral circulation time is defined as the time that a
bolus of echo-contrast agent requires for one pass through
the cerebral circulation. It is measured as the time difference
of TCD registration between ICA and the jugular vein after
injection of a contrast bolus [39, 40]. Recent studies suggest
that in patients with intracranial AVMs, circulation time is
Clinical Applications of Transcranial Doppler Sonogragphy Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1 51
dramatically decreased. Predictive values and thresholds are
not yet available because of the small studied populations,
but recent results with sensitivities of 1 and a specificity of
>0.9 support its potential usefulness [41]. Interestingly, in
patients with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease,
cerebral circulation time as assessed by TCD is significantly
increased [42].
The spasm index (SI) was introduced by Jakobsen and
colleagues and CBF-V/CBF. SI is associated with severity of
vasospasm, clinical condition and a high arteriovenous
oxygen difference [43]. The index is used on occasion to
express the relationship of CBF-V and CBF in study
populations, but is not standard of care because of the lack of
a simple method to measure absolute CBF.
The difference between a right artery compared to the
respective left artery was expressed in the asymmetry index
V(right) V(left)
[44] and used to
characterize impairments in flow symmetry in stroke [45].
Crutchfield and coworkers have recently developed a
theoretical model for a comprehensive multifactorial
assessment of a patient’s hemodynamics using TCD [46].
After a TCD examination, this dynamic vascular analysis
(DVA) method performs an analysis of CBF-V, flow
acceleration and PI of all vessels. This should represent the
complex vascular status of a given patient and can be
compared to a large hemodynamic database. Future studies
will reveal the clinical usefulness of this interesting
Delayed Cerebral Vasospasm After SAH
Delayed cerebral vasospasm occurs mostly between days
3 and 13 after SAH and accounts for over 7% of deaths and
6% of disabilities [47]. With its delayed onset after a defined
delayed vasospasm represents a potentially preventable
complication of SAH. The narrowing of the affected artery
segment is best visualized using digital subtraction
angiography [48]. On TCD, localized proximal vasospasm
leads to a focal acceleration of CBF-V [1], which
corresponded with angiographic vasospasm in most, but not
all studies [49]. For repetitive routine monitoring of SAH
patients, TCD as a non-invasive technique seems safer, but
has a lower sensitivity when a single examination is
compared to angiography [49]. Daily exams should be
performed and compared over time. A rise in CBF-V over
time is easier to appreciate and more sensitive than a single-
timepoint scan [50]. Current treatment modalities for SAH,
such as hemodilution, hypertension and hypervolemia
(triple-H therapy) may induce a rise in CBF-V, while the
occasionally routinely applied nimodipine for vasospasm
prevention induces peripheral vasodilation. These regimens
vary among centers, and recommendations and thresholds
given below are given regardless of the therapeutic
MCA vasospasm can be diagnosed when mean
>200 cm/sec, while mean V
<120 cm/sec rules out
spasm [2, 48]. Additional extracranial flow velocimetry of
the ICA yields the Lindegaard-Index (V
), with
values >6 suggesting severe MCA narrowing [51]. For ACA
and PCA vasospasm, no thresholds or indices have been
proven sufficient to reliably diagnose vasospasm [2, 52].
Although the Lindegaard-Index is widely used, recent
studies question its usefulness because (1) it does not
improve the predictive value of TCD for the diagnosis of
vasospasm [48] and (2) it does not aid in the prediction of
delayed neurologic deficits [53]. For the posterior window
concerning the understudied BA vasospasm after SAH, the
index V
extracranial VA
was established by Soustiel and
colleagues [54] and evaluated by others [55] in analogy to
the Lindegaard index. The preliminary result was promising
with good prognostic value for TCD to detect BA
vasospasm. Namely, V
>85 cm/sec and a V
extracranial VA
ratio of >3 had a 92% sensitivity and 97% specificity to
detect a BA narrowing of >50%. A recent large prospective
large study successfully used a CBF-V threshold of 115
cm/sec to diagnose BA vasospasm which seems to be
independently associated with posterior circulation infarcts
Despite conflicting evidence on the degree of decreased
-reactivity after SAH [57], VMR testing in patients after
SAH may contribute valuable information on vessel
condition. Frontera and colleagues recently showed that the
risk of vasospasm can be detected before its onset using
repeated CO
challenge at the bedside [58]. Although their
study was small (n=20) and only defined as a pilot study,
decreased CO
-reactivity was 100% sensitive for vasospasm
(p=0.011), with a specificity of 55%. Further prospective
studies using this diagnostic paradigm are expected.
While TCD is helpful to detect angiographic vasospasm
of the MCA, there are suggestions [59], some evidence [60]
but no coherent proof [2] confirming that detection of
vasospasm using TCD improves patient outcome. This
controversy may partly be due to the lack of available
therapy against vasospasm, but also because some delayed
neurological deficits after SAH may be evoked by other
factors than vasospasm, such as cortical spreading ischemia
[61], reperfusion injury, acute hydrocephalus or blood brain
barrier opening. In a recent retrospective analysis, cerebral
infarction was associated with clinical symptoms as well as
abnormal TCD or angiography findings. While the positive
predictive value for detection of angiographic MCA spasm
lies above 95% [49], the positive predictive value for TCD to
indicate the development of cerebral infarction was
reportedly insufficient even when combined with CT [62]. In
a prospective study by Unterberg and colleagues, the
specificity for TCD to diagnose delayed neurological deficits
was only 0.63 [63]. Moreover, a positron emission
tomography-assisted study suggested that TCD indices
obtained from patients with delayed neurological deficits do
not correlate with absolute CBF, indicating that TCD alone
cannot detect possible low-perfusion states after SAH [64].
Finally, as many as 57% of patients after SAH may have
velocities in the “indeterminate range” between 120 to 200
cm/sec, in which even angiographic vasospasm may remain
undiagnosed by TCD alone [48].
Although TCD is useful to detect proximal vasospasm of
the MCA, its use to predict clinical outcome or even prevent
infarctions in the anterior circulation remains doubtful [50].
52 Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1 Schatlo and Pluta
Sickle Cell Disease
Previously, patients with homozygous sickle cell disease
had a risk of 11% to suffer an ischemic stroke before the age
of 20 years [65]. TCD monitoring of children with sickle cell
disease performed every 6-12 months reliably detects those
at risk and guides transfusion therapy [66]. On TCD
examination, children are classified regarding the averaged
maximum CBF-V values (TAMMX). TAMMX should be
measured bilaterally in the MCA, its bifurcation, ICA, ACA,
PCA and BA. If all arteries have a TAMMX of ≤ 170
cm/sec, the examination is normal, while any TAMMX ≥
200 cm/sec indicates an abnormality which should prompt
transfusion treatment [67]. After introduction of preventive
practice guidelines, admissions of young sickle cell patients
for a first stroke have declined [68].
Despite the success in children, the thresholds for TCD
monitoring of adult patients with sickle cell disease remain
inconclusive because the CBF-V is lower than in children,
but higher than in the normal population. Thus, age-adjusted
TCD evaluation may be necessary to establish future
guidelines [69].
Intracranial Artery Stenosis
Atheromas of cerebral arteries represent an important risk
factor for stroke and contribute to more than 10% of cerebral
ischemic events [70]. To date, catheter angiography, e.g.
using CT, remains the gold standard for detection of cerebral
atherosclerosis and follow-up of patients with vascular risk
factors, among which a stenosis of over 70% is the most
important [71, 72]. Stenosis can be detected through an
increase or a severe decrease in mean CBF-V in the ICA,
ACA, MCA, PCA, BA and VA. Reference TCD criteria for
stenosis of over 50% in these patients are peak velocities of
≥155 cm/sec for the ACA, ≥220 cm/sec for MCA, ≥145
cm/sec for the PCA, ≥140 cm/sec for the BA and ≥120
cm/sec for the VA [73]. Moreover, a progression of CBF-V
over time suggests a higher risk of ischemic events [74].
However, strict operating guidelines with positive and
negative predictive values are still missing [2], and a trial is
underway to develop diagnostic thresholds and therapeutic
guidelines using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
TCD [75].
Acute Ischemic Stroke
Depending on the center, patients with a clinical
diagnosis of stroke obtain either a cranial computed
tomography (CT) scan or MRI to exclude hemorrhage and
assess the extent an ischemic event [76]. MRI and CT
angiography represent the gold standard to locate the
affected vascular system. TCD can detect MCA occlusions
present on angiography with a sensitivity of 85% to 96%
[44, 73, 77-79]. In the case of MCA occlusion, the ratio of
ipsi- to contralateral mean CBF-V (V
MCA, occluded side
/ V
contralateral side
) was suggested to (1) identify MCA occlusion if
the ratio was ≥ 0.6 and (2) to have a possible predictive value
on stroke severity, but limitations like the small size of the
study limit its usefulness [80]. Furthermore, TCD detected
occlusions of the ICA siphon, the VA and BA with
sensitivities ranging above 70% [81]. Clinical outcome
seems to be predicted by the presence of a pathological
finding on TCD examination of the anterior circulation [78,
82, 83].
Compared to CT and MRI, TCD has the unique
advantage that it can be applied repeatedly and, when fixed
to a patient’s head, continuously. Akopov and Whitman
advocated a superiority of multiple TCD recordings over a
single MRI angiography to monitor stroke patients [45]. It is
possible that with repeated recordings, TCD may obtain a
cumulative higher sensitivity to detect reocclusion than MRI.
Unfortunately, the study focused on occlusions of the MCA,
which narrows the suggested use of TCD to a subset of
patients and thus will not suffice to replace angiography.
For patients receiving thrombolytic tissue-plasminogen-
activator (tPA) therapy, TCD has recently been proposed as
a most promising monitoring and therapy-enhancing
measure [84]. TCD can be used to identify the exact location
of a partial or complete vessel occlusion [81]. The criteria to
identify the lesion site are based on the characteristic
“thombolysis in brain ischemia” (TIBI) spectral pattern [85]
and signs of collateral flow [86, 87]. Other changes
suggesting focal stenosis or thrombi include altered PI and
CBF-V indicative of stenosis, and microembolic signals
occurring focally [88, 89]. With a reported accuracy greater
than 90% (again for MCA and ICA only), the Doppler probe
can be fixed in place and kept focused on the lesion. There, it
serves as a monitor of CBF-V and, interestingly, as a catalyst
for re-canalization. In the “Combined Lysis of Thrombus in
Brain ischemia using transcranial Ultrasound and Systemic
tPA” (CLOTBUST) trial, continued application of the 2
MHz TCD beam dramatically improved re-canalization but
failed to produce significantly better outcome at three
months [90, 91].
In summary, TCD is a necessary part of a stroke unit [92]
and can detect occlusions, but with a high variability among
vessel systems in patient with acute ischemic stroke. Thus,
CT and MRI remain the imaging modalities of choice for
first admission. Regular TCD follow-up examinations are
recommended, although their effect on patient outcome
remains to be determined. Finally, further long term
evaluation the promising effect of TCD on acute occlusions
is expected.
Cerebral Vein Thrombosis
Despite reports of technical feasibility and the association
of increased venous flow velocities with the clinical picture,
the findings of correct TCD-based diagnoses such as sinus
thrombosis remain incidental [93]. TCD can access and
measure flow velocities in the straight sinus and possibly
deep cerebral veins, but has no diagnostic power for cerebral
venous afflictions [94].
Head Trauma
The use of TCD helped characterize the classic sequence
of changes in cerebral perfusion after severe head injury.
Directly after injury, V
remains stable (56.7±2.9 cm/sec)
but increases gradually around days 1-3 (86±3.7 cm/sec) in
the “hyperemic phase”. V
may increase further around
days 4-15 (96.7±6.3 cm/sec) [95]. Vasospasm is most likely
to occur around day 3 after head trauma with diagnostic
criteria similar to those applied to detect vasospasm after
Clinical Applications of Transcranial Doppler Sonogragphy Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1 53
SAH [96]. Moreover, the PI as an indicator for increased ICP
is useful to detect brain swelling secondary to trauma.
Following decompressive craniectomy after trauma, TCD
confirms a decrease in intracranial pressure by rising CBF-V
and decreasing PI. Although these parameters fail to
correlate with recovery 6 months after injury, the cited study
was fairly small with only 19 patients [24]. Thus, large
prospective trials have yet to provide a stable diagnostic
threshold for TCD-guided therapy and to predict longterm
outcome based on CBF-V assessement.
Brain Death
Brain death is a clinical entity and includes the definition
of deep, unresponsive coma with absence of brain stem
reflexes. In light of ethical considerations evolving around
declaration of death and organ transplantation, additional
tests are suggested to confirm the diagnosis technically [97,
98]. In a series of 40 patients, Poularas and colleagues
confirmed a 100% agreement between the previous gold
standard of cerebral arteriography with TCD in the diagnosis
of brain death [99]. The TCD criteria of brain death are thus:
(1) brief systolic forward flow or systolic spikes and
diastolic reversed flow, (2) brief systolic forward flow or
systolic spikes and no diastolic reversed flow, or (3) no flow
in a patient in which flow had been documented on a
previous examination.
Extracranial ICA Stenosis
A recent meta-analysis revealed that the degree of an
ICA stenosis is best assessed using MRI angiography [100].
However, because extracranial ICA atherosclerosis can have
an impact on CBF hemodynamics, TCD should be used to
characterize its severity. On repeated examinations, TCD has
up to 95% sensitivity and 42% specificity to detect severe
ICA stenosis [101]. A lumen decrease of >70% is associated
with (1) ophthalmic and (2) ACA flow reversal, (3) low
MCA flow acceleration and (4) low PI. One of the
repercussions of chronic ICA disease is the decreased
cerebral VMR in response to CO
challenge, likely due to
continuous low perfusion and distal cerebrovascular dilation.
Patients with asymptomatic ICA disease and with an
impaired VMR seem to have a higher likelihood of
developing ischemic events [102].
Surgical TCD Monitoring
Intraoperative monitoring by TCD is justified when a
surgical intervention may release microemboli or influence
cerebral perfusion [103]. Because intraoperative TCD is
practicable, and fixation of the probe to the patient’s head is
easy to achieve, its clinical usefulness has been suggested
despite lack of large-scale evidence [2].
Coronary bypass graft surgery is associated with a high
risk of cerebrovascular complications, and TCD is both an
intraoperative CBF-V monitor as well as a tool in the
development of surgical approaches to minimize embolic
events [104, 105].
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is associated with a 5%
overall risk of peri- and postoperative mortality and stroke
[106] and TCD aids in reducing the incidence of stroke [107-
109]. CEA-related intraoperative stroke was found to be
associated with (1) TCD-detected microemboli, (2) a ≥90%
decrease in V
at cross-clamping, and (3) a ≥100%
increase in PI at clamp release [107]. Thus, continuous TCD
assessment is useful and can prompt an immediate
therapeutic increase in blood pressure [2]. Complementary to
TCD, intraoperative electroencephalography to detect
slowing of potentials may further improve monitoring [110].
Follow-up TCD assessment is similar to the management of
patients with ICA disease described above. CEA should
result in a normalization of CBF-V in the anterior
circulation, attenuation of flow asymmetry as well as
improvement of VMR [102].
Intracranial AVMs
Intracranial AVMs are complex vascular anomalies, and
angiography is necessary for their diagnosis and anatomical
delineation. Because AVMs are devoid of the small
resistance vessels and thus cannot modulate their vascular
tone, negative VMR testing by TCD can detect vessels
supplying an AVM (“feeders”) [111, 112]. Feeders seem to
have higher flow velocity and lower PI compared to healthy
vessels, facilitating their detection [113]. However, the
ability of TCD to detect feeders in small AVMs is limited
and has reportedly been low [94]. The therapeutic approach
to AVMs is complex, and the information obtained by TCD
can be valuable for the individual patient. More data is
necessary to issue definitive recommendations, but large
studies in AVM patients will remain scarce. The use of TCD
is thus recommended in addition to angiography, mostly
because it aids classification and detects flow direction in an
AVM [114]. The recently proposed TCD-index of “cerebral
circulation time” may further improve the management of
patients with AVM in the future, but remains investigational
[39, 40].
Thus, TCD should be used where surgical therapy is
advocated. The large-scale impact of the use of TCD on
outcome is difficult to assess. Although it has been suggested
that TCD may predict the risk of hemorrhage of an AVM,
the evidence has been classified as insufficient [94].
Moreover, clinically, TCD measures of AVM feeder showed
no relationship with the risk of stroke [115].
Normalization of flow dynamics after AVM resection
should lead to a normalization of CBF-V in former feeding
arteries [116]. In rare cases, patients may develop “perfusion
pressure breakthrough” [117]. Due to a loss of
autoregulation in the brain region neighboring the AVM,
CBF becomes pressure-passive. Consequently, edema and
hemorrhage can occur. Because of this vasoparalysis, TCD
values may be in close correlation with CBF and continuous
TCD monitoring may prove useful to monitor treatment in
the future.
Cardiac Shunts
Patency of the foramen ovale (PFO) with right-to-left
shunt (RLS) can solicit a thrombembolic event originating
from the right atrium [118]. In case of a RLS, right
intravenous injection of echo contrast such as agitated saline
or preferably specific ultrasound contrast like Echovist
[119], should lead to a shunt penetration of a certain amount
of microbubbles into the systemic circulation. Visualization
of bubbles in the left heart circulation on trans-esophageal
sonography allows for the diagnosis of RLS. Repeated
54 Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1 Schatlo and Pluta
injections are suggested using Valsalva maneuvers and
patient position changes to avoid false-negatives [120].
Compared to transesophageal sonography, TCD
assessment of RLS by detecting contrast in the MCA using
standardized criteria has the same sensitivity [121], but is
more convenient and safer for the patient because of its non-
invasiveness. Maximum accuracy can be obtained using 10
ml of contrast medium and performing a Valsalva maneuver
at 5 seconds after injection in supine position [122, 123].
However, transesophageal sonography additionally provides
information on a patient’s anatomy and may be preferable in
case the cardiac pathology still needs to be characterized.
The risk for a second cerebrovascular incident due to
RLS at four years is 2.3% and increases to 15.2% for
patients with PFO and an atrial septal aneurysm [118].
Because the size of a PFO was suggested to correlate with
the risk of stroke [124] TCD-based risk stratification for
patients with a first stroke due to right-left-shunt was
developed. If more than 10 microbubbles were detected
during saline-enhanced TCD testing, suggesting a large atrial
shunt, patients had a higher risk of recurrent stroke [125].
This cutoff may prove highly useful in the future, but an
impact on guiding therapeutic measures has not yet been
Preeclampsia is defined as a new onset of elevated blood
pressure and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation [126].
An increase in CBF-V, possibly due to constriction of basal
arteries [127, 128] or because of distal arteriolar vasodilation
[129] is a regular finding in these patients [130]. Initially,
autoregulation [131] and chemoregulation [129] may still be
preserved. However, with increasing systemic blood
pressure, barotrauma may damage the reactively constricted
vasculature, leading to disruption of the blood brain barrier
[132] and a picture of hypertensive encephalopathy, seizures,
cerebral hemorrhage and death.
Still speculatively, there may be hemodynamic
repercussions heralding the onset of preeclampsia, and TCD
may be useful if the risk or onset could be assessed before
clinical manifestation. In an analysis of 40 pregnancies, 20
of which were complicated by preeclampsia, TCD changes
indicated increased vessel resistance at 28 to 32 weeks of
gestation [133]. The authors reported that the “time taken to
systole parameter” was changed significantly in the
preeclampsia group, but no changes were found in CBF-V or
PI to antedate preeclampsia. In order to make any statement
on future applications for TCD, this and other possible
methods needs to be evaluated further by prospective
Developed over 20 years ago, TCD has now become part
of the standard care in neuro-ICUs. TCD is of critical value
managing patients with sickle cell disease, thromboembolic
occlusion of a large conductance vessel, and cerebral
vasospasm of any etiology. Also, TCD is established for the
supportive diagnosis of brain death.
Staff performing TCD measurements should be trained
thoroughly to understand its limitations. TCD examination
should be performed in all accessible systems when possible.
While pathologies concerning the MCA and distal ICA are
well characterized, the ACA and vessels in the posterior
circulation, despite fair accessibility in most of the cases,
remain understudied.
summary, TCD is invaluable for daily neuromonitoring
of patients at risk of cerebrovascular accidents and more
indications for its use are to be expected with the next
technical assessment report of the American Academy of
Neurology. Further development of color-coded duplex TCD
devices will additionally enhance bedside monitoring of
CBF but will require wider distribution of the equipment and
more prospective data.
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Received: August 14, 2006 Revised: September 15, 2006 Accepted: September 27, 2006
... Transcranial Doppler ultrasound or sonography (TCD) is main evaluation method of vertebrobasilar system and circle of Willis in pediatric patients before closing anterior and posterior fontanelles (1,2). Both color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) and spectral Doppler examinations can be performed transcranially (3,4). Normal CDUS characteristics and spectral Doppler waveforms of many intracranial vascular structures such as common, internal/external carotid arteries, vertebral arteries and intracerebral arteries etc. were previously defined (5)(6)(7). ...
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Aim: Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is a widely used method for the evaluation of vertebrobasilar system. There is not neither a consensus nor significant number of publications about normal spectral Doppler waveform and resistance index (RI), peak systolic velocity (PSV), and end diastolic velocity (EDV) values of basilar artery (BA). We aim to define normal PSV, EDV, RI values of BA via TCD in healthy infants. Material and Method: BA was evaluated from anterior fontanelle by creating sagittal and coronal images. Color doppler ultrasonography (CDUS) and spectral Doppler examinations were performed by placing the cursor in the middle portion of BA. PSV, EDV, and RI values were recorded. Patients were divided into 4 subgroups to analyze the change of normal values according to age groups: (1) 0-120 days, (2) 121-180 days, (3) 181-270 days, (4) >271 days. Results: 115 healthy infants were included into the study. A weak positive correlation was found between PSV, EDV values and age; meanwhile a weak but significant negative correlation was present between age and RI values. We cannot find any correlation between sex and CDUS parameters. Conclusion: BA PSV, EDV and RI values change by age. No correlation is present between CDUS characteristics and sex. BA pathologies are rare in pediatric population, nevertheless knowing normal CDUS characteristics can help radiologists for an appropriate assessment.
... Among the possible factors may be the age of the study sample, the maleto-female ratio, differences in mean arterial pressure, and differences in pCO 2 . 68,69 Analysis of changes in V mean as a function of treatment results helped determine levels in the third quartile of the normal reference range in the FG and in the first quartile of the normal reference range in the UG. Furthermore, the rate of increase in the V mean levels that define the UG was 1.4 times greater than that observed in the FG: V mean_UG = 0.21 cm/s/h and V mean _ FG = 0.15 cm/s/h. ...
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This study evaluates the applicability of S100B levels, mean maximum velocity (Vmean) over time, pulsatility index (PI), intracranial pressure (ICP), and body temperature (T) for the prediction of the treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Sixty patients defined by the Glasgow Coma Scale score ≤ 8 were stratified using the Glasgow Coma Scale into 2 groups: favorable (FG: Glasgow Outcome Scale ≥ 4) and unfavorable (UG: Glasgow Outcome Scale < 4). The S100B concentration was at the time of hospital admission. Vmean was measured using transcranial Doppler. PI was derived from a transcranial Doppler examination. T was measured in the temporal artery. The differences in mean between FG and UG were tested using a bootstrap test of 10,000 repetitions with replacement. Changes in S100B, Vmean, PI, ICP, and T levels stratified by the group were calculated using the one-way aligned rank transform for nonparametric factorial analysis of variance. The reference ranges for the levels of S100B, Vmean, and PI were 0.05 to 0.23 µg/L, 30.8 to 73.17 cm/s, and 0.62 to 1.13, respectively. Both groups were defined by an increase in Vmean, a decrease in S100B, PI, and ICP levels; and a virtually constant T. The unfavorable outcome is defined by significantly higher levels of all parameters, except T. A favorable outcome is defined by S100B < 3 mg/L, PI < 2.86, ICP > 25 mm Hg, and Vmean > 40 cm/s. The relationships provided may serve as indicators of the results of the TBI treatment.
... In situations where there are no cardiovascular pathologies and where there is no change in the diameter of the studied vessel, this index can be used to indirectly assess the integrity of the distal vascular bed and provide information on the microvascular brain resistance. It is calculated by the formula: Sv-Dv/Mv; its acceptable value ranges from 0.6 to 1.19 [53]. In stenosis or proximal occlusions, there may be a reduction in PI due to downstream arteriolar vasodilation. ...
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In the last decades, the development of new noninvasive technologies in critical care allowed physicians to continuously monitor clinical parameters, aggregating important information that has been previously inaccessible or restricted due to the invasiveness of the existing techniques. The aim of this chapter is to present noninvasive methods in use on intensive care units (ICU) for brain injured patients monitoring, collaborating to the diagnosis and follow-up, aiding medical teams to achieve better outcomes.
... An integrated and comprehensive imaging assessment of intracranial vessels, including luminal stenosis, vessel wall, and blood flow conditions, is expected to be valuable for neurovascular disease diagnosis and to advance research. [1][2][3][4] MRI sequences are used to assess different aspects of vessel structure and blood flow. However, most existing sequences address only a single aspect of the conditions of intracranial vessels, and multiple sequences need to be performed to achieve a comprehensive assessment, which leads to prolonged total acquisition time and limits clinical application. ...
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Purpose To propose a highly time‐efficient imaging technique named improved simultaneous noncontrast angiography and intraplaque hemorrhage (iSNAP) for simultaneous assessment of lumen, vessel wall, and blood flow in intracranial arteries. Methods iSNAP consists of pulsed arterial spin labeling preparations and 3D golden angle radial acquisition. Images were reconstructed by k‐space weighted image contrast (KWIC) method with optimized data‐sharing strategies. Dynamic MRA for blood flow assessment was obtained from iSNAP by reconstruction at multiple inversion times and image subtraction, static MRA by both image subtraction approach and phase‐sensitive inversion recovery technique, and vessel wall images by both reconstruction at zero‐crossing time‐point of blood and phase‐sensitive inversion recovery. A T1‐weighted brain MRI was also reconstructed from iSNAP. Preliminary comparison of iSNAP against the dedicated dynamic MRA sequence 4D‐TRANCE, MRA/vessel wall imaging sequence SNAP, and vessel wall imaging sequence T1‐weighted VISTA was performed in healthy volunteers and patients. Results iSNAP has whole‐brain coverage and takes ~6.5 min. The dedicated reconstruction strategies are feasible for each iSNAP image contrast and beneficial for image SNR. iSNAP‐dynamic MRA yields similar dynamic flow information as 4D‐TRANCE and allows more flexible temporal resolution. The 2 types of iSNAP static MRA images complement each other in characterizing both proximal large arteries and distal small arteries. Depiction of vessel wall lesions in iSNAP vessel wall images is better than SNAP and may be similar to T1‐weighted VISTA, although the images are slightly blurred. Conclusion iSNAP provides a time‐efficient evaluation of intracranial arteries and may have great potential for comprehensive assessment of intracranial vascular conditions using a single sequence.
Besides intensive care applications, transcranial Doppler (TCD) is also useful in the neurosurgical operating room setting. Surgeries where it may be more useful would be: (1) intraventricular neuroendoscopies (e.g., endoscopic third ventriculostomy) to monitor CBF drops during navigation; (2) neurosurgeries in the sitting position (e.g., posterior fossa tumors), where TCD means an alternative to screen for a possible patent foramen ovale (bubbling technique), and may also help to detect a possible venous air embolism; (3) carotid artery surgeries to detect possible emboli.However, intraoperative use of TCD has two main limitations: a poor acoustic window in 10–20% of patients and the difficulty of keeping the probe fixed to obtain an uninterrupted signal registration. The use of robotic probes may turn it into a routine monitor in the near future.
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Oxygen is the vital substrate for the maintenance of tissue and cellular homeostasis and brain requests a high demand for oxygen and glucose continuously. Insufficient delivery or reduced cellular utilization of oxygen results in failure of aerobic metabolism and glycolysis. This fact results in the reduction of energy generation and increases the production of by-products like hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide, and lactate, which can lead to cerebral ischemia. Cardiac output and systolic volume are influenced by preload, afterload, and contractility. Adequate assessment of volume status and cardiac output usually assists the rational use of fluids. The aim of treatment should be normotension and euvolemia, to seek for physiological parameters, considering evolutionary parameters and fluid responsiveness. Treatment should aim goal to avoid secondary brain injury and the interruption of the inflammatory cascade, treating early as possible neurosurgical lesions, each with its particularities. Most of the available evidence to date comes from traumatic brain injury studies, but often ends up being extrapolated to other acute brain injuries. Using multimodal monitoring, individualizing neurointensive care to avoid secondary injury and neurological deficit, one can reduce morbidity and mortality in neurocritical patients. Thus, it is important to measure cerebral perfusion pressure and intracranial pressure in acute severe brain injuries, ideally with evaluation of cerebral autoregulation measures. Hemodynamic management may include the use of crystalloids and vasoactive and inotropic drugs. Multimodal monitoring is essential to define the need for the use of this armamentarium in a rational and appropriate manner, without adding morbidity to the neurocritical patient.
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is a noninvasive method used for hemodynamic brain assessment. It has vast applicability in neurology, neurosurgery, and intensive care, enabling the diagnosis and monitoring of cerebral blood flow impairment secondary to different diseases. This exam uses a low-frequency probe positioned on the skull and obtains the blood flow velocity spectra of some brain arteries. Thus, it becomes a great tool in the functional assessment of intracranial circulation in ischemic cerebrovascular disease with and without intra- and extracranial arterial disease, monitoring of diseases that can lead to intracranial hypertension, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), measurement of hemodynamic repercussions in systemic diseases (sepsis and liver failure), complementary diagnosis of brain death and follow-up in sickle cell anemia, among other entities. This chapter will cover the basic principles of TCD and its main clinical applications.
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A Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is an inexpensive noninvasive ultrasonography technique that helps provide a rapid real time measure of blood flow from the basal intracerebral vessels, which may be used for the diagnosis and follow-up of cerebrovascular disease. By placing the ultrasound probe on the scalp; it utilizes low frequency sound waves to record cerebral blood flow velocity, and its change in multiple conditions. Technology offers several diagnostic tests available in the evaluation and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). Transcranial ultrasonography may represent a valuable tool for patients with CVD in neurocritical care unit. However due to geographic, financial or patient tolerance of procedures, physicians may be limited to the tools they can utilize.
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A Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is an inexpensive noninvasive ultrasonography technique that helps provide a rapid real time measure of blood flow from the basal intracerebral vessels, which may be used for the diagnosis and follow-up of cerebrovascular disease. By placing the ultrasound probe on the scalp; it utilizes low frequency soundwaves to record cerebral blood flow velocity, and its change in multiple conditions. Technology offers several diagnostic tests available in the evaluation and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). Transcranial ultrasonography may represent a valuable tool for patients with CVD in neurocritical care unit. However due to geographic, financial or patient tolerance of procedures, physicians may be limited to the tools they can utilize.
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Blood flow velocities were measured in both middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) of 36 healthy subjects using transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Measurements were first made using a hand-held probe. Velocities were then studied bilaterally with fixed probes under resting conditions and during simultaneous regional CBF (rCBF) measurements. A significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation was found between MCA flow velocities and rCBF in the estimated perfusion territory of this artery. The correlation coefficient was highest when the measurements were performed simultaneously (p < 0.001) or when velocities recorded with a hand-held probe were adjusted to take into account the significant velocity increase induced by the CBF study situation. The increased velocities during CBF measurements cannot be fully explained by the moderate but significant PCO2 increase. Other possible mechanisms are increased blood flow due to mental activation or MCA vasoconstriction secondary to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. The effect of mental activation and PCO2 differences should therefore be considered when comparing the results of repeated velocity and CBF measurements.
There is no information about the optimal position of a patient for the performance of a transcranial Doppler (TCD) examination to detect patent foramen ovale (PFO). Such information is important to improving the sensitivity of the test in comparison to the gold standard of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Thirty-four patients with TEE-proved PFO were examined by contrast TCD. Examinations were done in both the sitting and supine positions in random order. Eight hundred ninety-two microemboli were recorded. Patients' positions and the sequence of testing did not affect the number of microemboli detected. Yet for each individual, 1 of the 2 positions was more sensitive. To improve the sensitivity of TCD in the detection of PFO, it is recommended, in the case of a first negative test, to change the patient's position for a repeated TCD examination.
Background and Purpose. There is no information about the optimal position of a patient for the performance of a transcranial Doppler (TCD) examination to detect patent foramen ovale (PFO). Such information is important to improving the sensitivity of the test in comparison to the gold standard of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Methods. Thirty-four patients with TEE-proved PFO were examined by contrast TCD. Examinations were done in both the sitting and supine positions in random order. Results. Eight hundred ninety-two microemboli were recorded. Patients'positions and the sequence of testing did not affect the number of microemboli detected. Yet for each individual, 1 of the 2 positions was more sensitive. Conclusions. To improve the sensitivity of TCD in the detection of PFO, it is recommended, in the case of a first negative test, to change the patient's position for a repeated TCD examination.
The pathophysiology of acute neurological complications of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children and adolescents is not completely understood. We sought to establish whether transcranial Doppler (TCD) was able to monitor the changes of cerebral blood flow regulatory mechanisms, as measured by cerebral blood velocities (CBF-V), Gosling's pulsatility index (PI), and cerebral vascular reactivity (VR), prior to and during treatment of DKA. The increased values of PI suggested an increase of intracranial pressure (ICP) due to the existence of cerebral vasoparalysis, based on the low values of VR prior to treatment and 6 hours after initiation of treatment. At 24 hours, the correction of hematocrit and pH was associated with a significant decrease of PI, suggesting a decrease of ICP, likely due to a return of vascular tone in response to the low PaCO2. This was further supported by an increase of VR in all patients. At 48 hours, when PaCO2 returned to normal, the PI remained low and the VR increased further, suggesting a complete reversal of vasoparalysis and a return of cerebral blood flow regulatory mechanisms. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A proportion of individuals with carotid artery stenosis show a reduced cerebrovascular reserve as measured by a reduced cerebral arterial vasodilatory response to carbon dioxide. Two methods of quantifying this vasodilatory response, using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, have been in general use: the total range of vasodilation between hypocapnia, induced by hyperventilation, and hypercapnia induced by breathing carbon dioxide, and the response to breathing a fixed concentration of 5% carbon dioxide. We studied whether it is possible to use the rise in carbon dioxide occurring during breath-holding as the vasodilatory stimulus. Using transcranial Doppler, cerebral reactivity to carbon dioxide was measured in 23 subjects undergoing intravenous digital subtraction angiography of their carotid arteries for symptoms of cerebrovascular disease. A breath-holding method was compared with the two previous methods, which required administration of carbon dioxide. All three methods gave results that correlated highly significantly with the degree of carotid stenosis, although the correlation was highest when the full vasodilatory range was measured. This method was adopted as the gold standard, and the other methods were compared with it. The breath-holding method correlated at least as well (rho = 0.67) as the 5% CO2 method (rho = 0.64). It identified a similar group of low reactors to our gold standard method, whereas the 5% CO2 method gave some discrepant results. The breath-holding method offers potential as a convenient, well-tolerated screening method of assessing carbon dioxide reactivity not requiring the administration of carbon dioxide, although further validation against more established methods of measuring cerebrovascular reserve is first required.
Analysis of the blood flow velocities in the middle cerebral artery by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography was performed in 158 healthy volunteers (aged 14-70 years; 82 men and 76 women). In a subgroup of 38 men and 21 women the end-tidal [CO2] was also measured. The influence of biological factors such as age, sex, end-tidal [CO2], and pulsatility and resistance indices on the mean blood flow velocity in normal ageing was investigated by multiple regression analysis. In both sex groups the measured mean blood flow velocity decreased significantly with age (P values less than 0.0003 for women and less than 0.0001 for men). Women had significantly higher blood flow velocities than men (P = 0.008) and the age-corrected sex difference of 5.2 cm s-1 did not significantly depend on age (P = 0.93). The age-related linear decline of the mean blood flow velocity could not be explained by a concomitant decrease of the end-tidal [CO2]. In a group of subjects older than 50 years, the decrease of the mean blood flow velocity was significantly related to the increase of the pulsatility or resistance index.
We studied cerebrovascular anatomy using intra-arterial digital angiography, and blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) using transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography in 42 patients with acute hemispheric ischemic brain infarction. We compared angiography with TCD and the clinical findings within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms. The location and extent of the chronic ischemic brain damage was assessed by CT performed 1 to 3 months after the ictus. Abnormal TCD, as manifested by either an unobtainable MCA flow signal or a significantly depressed MCA flow velocity, was highly associated with proximal MCA occlusions demonstrated by angiography. Abnormal TCD predicted both larger chronic CT lesions and more extensive ischemic change within the MCA territory. These data demonstrate that early TCD conveys useful information concerning cerebral tissue prognosis following hemispheric ischemia.