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Performance Evaluation of Control Method to Guarantee Throughput Based on Media Access Control SP-MAC over WLAN

  • WS Solutions Incorporated


Wireless local area networks (WLANs) based onIEEE802.11 usually uses CSMA/CA for a media access control. In the CSMA/CA, it is known that data frame collisions often occur if the number of wireless terminals increases. This issue causes the degradation of the total throughput of terminals connected to the same Access Point (AP). To solve this problem, a media access control method based on synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators (SP-MAC) has been proposed. SP-MAC can avoid data frame collisions drastically and improve the throughput compared with CSMA/CA. Additionally, we have proposed a control method to guarantee throughput based on SP-MAC. However, because the previous study evaluated only the basic performance, the evaluation of the control method was not sufficient. Thus, this study evaluates the control method to guarantee throughput based on SP-MAC considering the propagation delay. From the simulation results, we found that the control method can secure the throughput if the propagation delay is less than 100 ms.
Performance Evaluation of Control Method to
Guarantee Throughput based on Media Access
Control SP-MAC over WLAN
Yuuki Yamamoto, Ryo Hamamoto, Hiroyasu Obata, Chisa Takano, and Kenji Ishida
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University,
3-4-1 Ozuka-Higashi, Asa-Minami-Ku, Hiroshima, 731-3194 Japan
Email: {,, obata@, takano@, ishida@}
Abstract—Wireless local area networks (WLANs) based on
IEEE802.11 usually uses CSMA/CA for a media access control. In
the CSMA/CA, it is known that data frame collisions often occur
if the number of wireless terminals increases. This issue causes
the degradation of the total throughput of terminals connected
to the same Access Point (AP). To solve this problem, a media
access control method based on synchronization phenomena
of coupled oscillators (SP-MAC) has been proposed. SP-MAC
can avoid data frame collisions drastically and improve the
throughput compared with CSMA/CA. Additionally, we have
proposed a control method to guarantee throughput based on
SP-MAC. However, because the previous study evaluated only
the basic performance, the evaluation of the control method
was not sucient. Thus, this study evaluates the control method
to guarantee throughput based on SP-MAC considering the
propagation delay. From the simulation results, we found that
the control method can secure the throughput if the propagation
delay is less than 100 ms.
Index Terms—WLAN, Media access control, Guaranteeing
throughput, Synchronization phenomena of Coupled oscillators
I. Introduction
Because wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) based
on IEEE802.11 standard [1] have become popular, the num-
ber of WLAN users is increasing rapidly. WLAN based on
IEEE802.11 uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Avoidance (CSMA/CA) for a Media Access Control (MAC).
In CSMA/CA, however, a total throughput of all wireless
terminals connected to the same Access Point (AP) drastically
decreases when a lot of users connect the same AP [2]. This
is because that the number of data frame collisions increases
in this situation. To address this issue, we have proposed a
media access control method based on the synchronization
phenomena of coupled scillators (SP-MAC) [3]. SP-MAC is an
extension of CSMA/CA and it calculates a back-otime using
the synchronized phase with phase shifting based on the syn-
chronization phenomena of coupled oscillators obtained from
Kuramoto model [4] instead of using the random integer in
CSMA/CA. The previous evaluation [5] shows that SP-MAC
can decrease data frame collisions drastically and improve the
total throughput of all terminals compared with CSMA/CA.
Moreover, [5] shows that SP-MAC can solve the unfairness
problem of throughput [6] among TCP flows.
Here in the current Internet services, a lot of users have
portable wireless devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs.
In this situation, the streaming applications such as video chat
and video streaming are often used. However, because the
bandwidth of WLAN usually dynamically changes, a QoS con-
trol for WLAN has become one of important issues. To solve
this issue, various QoS control methods [7]–[10] for WLAN
environment have been proposed. Note that this paper focuses
on the throughput as a QoS metric same as previous studies
[7]–[10]. The previous QoS control methods decreases the
total throughput by collisions when the number of terminals
increases. On the other hand, because SP-MAC can drastically
avoid collisions, we assumed that a QoS control based on SP-
MAC can obtain higher total throughput. Therefore, we have
proposed a control method to guarantee throughput based on
SP-MAC [11]. The control method uses the target throughput
required by applications and the number of total terminals
connected to the AP in order to secure the throughput. Then,
we have confirmed that the control method can guarantee the
terminal’s throughput without decreasing the total throughput.
Here the previous study [11] only evaluates the performance
over the environment when the number of terminals changes.
However, in the real environment, the propagation delay also
changes according to a path between the sender and receiver.
Especially, because TCP needs to wait for acknowledgements
from the receiver, it is assumed that securing the throughput
becomes dicult when the propagation delay increases. Thus,
this study evaluates the throughput guarantee method based
on SP-MAC considering the propagation delay.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sect.II
explains related works of this paper. Next, Sect.III and Sect.IV
explain SP-MAC and the throughput guarantee method based
on SP-MAC. Then we evaluate the throughput guarantee
method considering propagation delay in Sect.V. Finally,
Sect.VI summarizes this paper.
2015 Third International Symposium on Computing and Networking
2379-1896/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CANDAR.2015.80
II. Related works
This section explains CSMA/CA and the synchronization
phenomena of coupled oscillators.
In IEEE 802.11 WLAN networks, a wireless terminal uses
CSMA/CA as MAC and sends data frames autonomously.
Thus, each wireless terminal determines data transmission
timing individually. In CSMA/CA, if the channel becomes idle
when a data frame arrives in the transmission queue, it defers
to DCF inter frame space (DIFS) time. Then, if the channel
remains idle after DIFS, CSMA/CA waits for the back-o
time, which is randomly calculated using a contention window
(CW). Subsequently, if the channel remains idle after the back-
otime, the terminal sends the data frame. The back-otime
is determined using Eq.(1), which is independently calculated
by each terminal.
Backoff=Random() ×SlotTime (1)
In Eq.(1), Random() and SlotTime indicate a random integer
derived from a discrete uniform distribution [0,CW] and the
slot time interval specified in IEEE 802.11, respectively. At
this point, the initial CW is set to CWmin. If a collision causes
the data frame transmission to fail, then the terminal again
sets the back-otime using Eq.(1). In this case, the CW
becomes twice the previous value, and the upper bound is
CWmax. If the retransmission exceeds the maximum retry limit
(usually seven), the terminal discards the data frame. Here in
CSMA/CA, all wireless terminals have equal priority.
B. Synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators
Synchronization indicates that the phenomena caused by
multiple oscillators with dierent periods transform incoherent
rhythms into synchronized rhythms with each interaction. This
is also observed in nature, such as the synchronous flashing of
fireflies [12] and synchronization of metronomes [13]. These
synchronized oscillators are called coupled oscillators. During
synchronization, the phase dierences and frequencies of all
coupled oscillators converge at certain values.
One of typical models of synchronization phenomena is the
Kuramoto model [4]. SP-MAC uses the synchronization of N
coupled oscillators of the Kuramoto model. In the Kuramoto
model, the i-th oscillator runs independently at its own natural
frequency ωiand interacts with all others. Then, the i-th
oscillator’s phase θi(0 2π) is calculated using Eq.(2).
sin(θjθi)(i=1,2,··· ,N) (2)
In Eq.(2), K(>0) indicates coupling strength. The second term
is an interaction term, which is standardized by K/Nto be
independent of system size N.
III. SP-MAC: Media access control method based on the
synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators
SP-MAC uses the synchronized phase with phase shifting
(see Fig.1) based on Eq. (2) to set the back-otime instead of
Fig. 1. Time change of synchronized cosine value with phase shifting (the
number of oscillators Nis 2).
using a random integer, thereby avoiding overlap of the back-
otime among terminals. Furthermore, SP-MAC is based on
the original CSMA/CA (i.e., only the calculation of the back-
otime is dierent); thus, it can be used in an environment in
which SP-MAC and CSMA/CA terminals coexist. Note that
the SP-MAC method sets the following preconditions.
The number of wireless terminals does not change after
data transmission has begun.
The AP and all wireless terminals do not move.
The AP and all wireless terminals employ SP-MAC.
The AP and all wireless terminals do not use the
RTS /CTS function.
In SP-MAC, an AP determines the natural frequency ωiand
coupling strength Kthat satisfy the synchronizing condition
according to Nprior to starting transmission (iis the ID).
To satisfy the condition that each oscillator synchronizes with
phase shifting, SP-MAC adopts a dierent ωifor each wireless
terminal (i.e., no overlap occurs among all ωi). Next, the AP
sets an ID i(1 iN) for each wireless terminal and applies
ωiand an initial phase θi(0) to the i-th wireless terminal. Each
initial phase θi(0) has a dierent value to avoid collision at
the beginning of the data transmission. Then, using a beacon,
the AP sends the control parameters i,θi(0), ωi,K, a control
interval Δt, and Nfor all wireless terminals.
After receiving the beacon, each wireless terminal im-
mediately begins calculation of the phase using the control
parameters. Next, the wireless terminal calculates the phase
θi(t) for all ID iusing Eq.(2) for every Δt. The calculation of
the phase continues while the terminal connects to the AP even
if no data exists for transmission. When the wireless terminal
wants to send a data frame at time t, it calculates the back-
otime (Backo) using Eq.(3) and phase θi(0) for each ID i.
Then, the wireless terminal sends the data frame in the same
manner as CSMA/CA.
Backoff=((|cos θi(t)α) mod N)×SlotTime (3)
In Eq.(3), slot time and αshow the slot time interval specified
in IEEE 802.11 and a coecient for obtaining the normalized
phase, respectively. In this study, we set αequal to 100 [3],
[5]. If the wireless terminal detects data frame collisions, it
 
Fig. 2. Communication timing when both terminals use same amplitude
(original SP-MAC).
 
Fig. 3. Communication timing when each terminal uses dierent amplitude
(throughput control method).
calculates the new back-otime using Eq.(3) and the phase
when a collision is detected again.
IV. Control method to guarantee throughput based on
This section explains the control method to guarantee
throughput based on SP-MAC which is proposed by [11]. We
refer to this control method based on SP-MAC as a throughput
control method in this paper.
In order to control the throughput, the throughput control
method changes the range of the back-otime of SP-MAC
(the amplitude of the cosine wave) using the method in [14].
In [14], the range of back-otime (amplitude) of AP is only
changed. On the other hand, the throughput control method
changes the range of back-otime for each terminal. For
example, Fig.2 and Fig.3 show the cosine values and com-
munication timings of two terminals. Fig.2 and Fig.3 indicate
the case when both terminals use same amplitude (original SP-
MAC) and each terminal uses dierent amplitude (throughput
control method), respectively. In these figures, each arrowed
line shows the communication timing when each terminal
can send a data frame because the back-otime depends on
the cosine value. From Fig.2, if both terminals have same
amplitude (original SP-MAC), each terminal can obtain fair
communication timing. In contrast, from Fig.3, if terminal
A has smaller amplitude than terminal B (the throughput
control method), terminal A can obtain communication timing
frequently compared with terminal B.
 !
 
Fig. 4. Simulation model.
Thus, the throughput control method can control the
throughput of each terminal by using amplitude. Therefore,
in the throughput control method, the back-ois obtained by
Backoff=Ai×((|cos θi(t)α) mod N)×SlotTime (4)
In Eq.(4), Aiindicates the amplitude. If Aiis less than 1, the
terminal can send a data frame preferentially than a terminal
with Ai1. In this study, we refer to the terminal with shorter
Ai(1) as a priority terminal. Also, we refer to the other
terminal (Ai=1) as a non-priority terminal. Furthermore,
in order to set appropriate Aifor the target throughput Thr
required from applications, the throughput control method
calculates Aiby using the number of total terminals connected
to the AP NTand Thr. Note that this equation is obtained by
the preliminary evaluations in [11].
Ai=Thr ·NT0.8
Thus, Eq.(5) is used for setting Aiof the priority terminal.
V. S imulation experiments
This section evaluates the throughput control method con-
sidering propagation delay by using network simulator NS2
A. Simulation settings
Figure 4 shows a network model for the simulation. In
this model, IEEE802.11g (PHY) is used for the WLAN
environment. The number of priority terminals (Ai<1) and
non-priority terminals (Ai=1) are 1 and NT1, respectively.
Moreover, all wireless terminal implement SP-MAC and each
wireless terminal (Sender) generate 180 seconds of trac
(each wireless terminal generates one flow). In addition, the
propagation delay between AP and Router DAR is set equal to
{10,40,100,150,200}ms. This study uses UDP and CUBIC-
TCP (the standard TCP for Linux and Android OS) [16] for the
transport protocol and the segment size is 1000 Byte. More-
over, CBR (30 Mbps) and FTP are used for the application
of UDP and TCP, respectively. The buer size of AP and all
wireless terminal are 500 and 250 packets, respectively.
 
    
Fig. 5. Target throughput vs. achievement ratio (UDP, NT=20).
For SP-MAC, we set the control parameters as follows
by considering the synchronization condition. First, the ini-
tial phase θi(0) and natural frequency ωiwere set to non-
overlapped values in the ranges (0,1) and [0,2], respectively.
Then, we set the coupling strength Kto 5.0. Also, we set the
parameter Nin Eq.(3) and Eq.(4) equal to 100. The simulation
results showed the averages obtained from 5 trials. In the
evaluations, the number of wireless terminals does not change
and all wireless terminal do not move.
B. Simulation results
To begin with, we show the results of UDP when NT=20.
Figure 5 shows the relationship between the target throughput
and the achievement ratio of the priority terminal for each DAR.
Note that the achievement ratio is obtained by the throughput
of priority terminal and the target throughput (Eq.(6)).
Achievement Ratio =priority terminal’s throughput
Thr ×100[%]
From Fig. 5, the throughput control method can guarantee the
priority terminal’s throughput even if DAR becomes larger in
case of UDP.
Next, we discuss the result of CUBIC-TCP. Figure 6 de-
scribes the relationship between the target throughput and
the achievement ratio of the priority terminal for each DAR.
From Fig. 6, the throughput control method cannot guarantee
the throughput of the priority terminal when DAR increases.
Thus, when CUBIC-TCP is used for the transport protocol,
the performance of the throughput control method is deeply
aected by DAR. This result is caused by the window control
of TCP. Here Figs. 7 and 8 show the time change of the
window size of the priority terminal and non-priority terminals
when DAR is 10 ms and 100 ms, respectively. From Figs. 7
and 8, the window size of the priority terminal increases
quickly compared to the ones of the non-priority terminals.
However, the time to reach the upper limit becomes longer
if DAR changes from 10 ms to 100 ms. As a result, the
 
    
Fig. 6. Target throughput vs. achievement ratio (CUBIC-TCP, NT=20).
        
 
 
Fig. 7. Time change of window size of the priority terminal and non-priority
terminals (NT=20, DAR =10 ms).
throughput decreases when the propagation delay increases.
Here Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) is known as a suitable
upper limit of window size. BDP is obtained by Eq.(7). In
Eq.(7), TRand Bshow the round trip time between sender and
receiver and the bandwidth of the bottleneck link, respectively.
packet size (7)
In Fig. 6, however, the upper limit of window size is fixed
value 128 (standard for Linux OS) regardless of DAR.Asa
result, the throughput control method cannot guarantee the
throughput of the priority terminal. Therefore, in the next
evaluation, we use BDP for the upper limit of window size.
Figure 9 shows the achievement ratio of priority terminal’s
throughput for each DAR (CUBIC-TCP) when the upper limit
of window size is set equal to BDP. From Fig. 9, the
achievement ratio improves compared with the one in Fig. 6
by modifying the upper limit of window size. However, the
achievement ratio decreases when DAR >100 ms. Here Fig. 10
and Fig. 11 represent the time change of the window size
of the priority terminal and non-priority terminals when the
upper limit of window size is set equal to BDP. Figure 10 and
Fig. 11 show the result of DAR =10 ms and DAR =100 ms,
respectively. From Fig. 10, the window size of priority terminal
        
 
 
Fig. 8. Time change of window size of the priority terminal and non-priority
terminals (NT=20, DAR =100 ms).
 
   
Fig. 9. Target throughput vs. achievement ratio (CUBIC-TCP, NT=20, the
upper limit of window size is set equal to BDP).
has almost stable. On the other hand, from Fig. 11, the window
size drastically changes when the propagation delay increases.
Here BDP of DAR =10 ms and DAR =100 ms are 193 packets
and 1066 packets, respectively. On the other hand, the buer
size of the wireless terminal is 250 packets. Thus, BDP is
greater than the buer size when DAR is 100 ms. As a result,
the buer overflow occurs in MAC layer of wireless terminals
because a lot of data segments are sent from TCP layer. Then,
the window size decreases by congestion control.
From above resuls, we found that the unstable window size
is caused by buer overflow. To address this issue, we set
all wireless terminal’s buer size equal to 2×BDP. Figure 12
shows the achievement ratio of priority terminal’s throughput
for each DAR (CUBIC-TCP) when the upper limit of window
size and buer size are set equal to BDP and 2×BDP,
respectively. From Fig. 12, if both the upper limit of window
size and the buer size of the sender are modified when
DAR 100 ms, the throughput control method can guarantee
the priority terminal’s throughput. However, if DAR >100 ms,
it cannot secure the throughput. This is because that the
waiting time of TCP-ACK becomes larger by increasing DAR.
As a result, the priority terminal cannnot obtain the sucient
        
 
 
Fig. 10. Time change of window size for the priority terminal and non-priority
terminals (NT=20, DAR =10 ms, the upper limit of window size is set equal
to BDP).
     
   
Fig. 11. Time change of window size for the priority terminal and non-priority
terminals (NT=20, DAR =100 ms, the upper limit of window size is set
equal to BDP).
throughput. Here, Fig. 13 plots the time change of the priority
terminal’s throughput for each DAR when the target throughput
Thr is 15 Mbps. From Fig. 13, when DAR is 10 ms and 100 ms,
it takes about 4 sec and 30 sec until the throughput exceeds
Thr, respectively. That is, the time when the window size
increases the sucient size to satisfy Thr increases as DAR
increases. As a result, the throughput control method cannot
obtain Thr.
From simulation results, when the propagation delay is
less than 100 ms (e.g. between Japan and U.S.A. [17]) in
case of TCP, the throughput control method can guarantee
Thr. However, if the propagation delay becomes larger than
100 ms (e.g. satellite communication system), it is dicult to
guarantee the throughput of the priority terminal. In order to
obtain sucient throughput in long deay environment, we have
to consider new TCP congestion control for the throughput
guarantee method.
VI. Conclusion
In this study, we evaluated a control method to guarantee
throughput based on SP-MAC considering the propagation
delay. As a result, we found that the throughput control method
can control the terminal s throughput even if the propagation
delay changes when UDP is used for the transport protocol. On
the other hand, when TCP is used for the transport protocol,
 
  
Fig. 12. Target throughput vs. achievement ratio (CUBIC-TCP, NT=20, the
upper limit of window size and buer size are set equal to BDP and 2×BDP,
     
 
Fig. 13. Time change of throughput for each propagation delay (NT=20,
Thr =15 Mbps, the upper limit of window size and buer size are set equal
to BDP and 2×BDP, respectively).
the throughput control method can secure the throughput if
the propagation delay is less than 100 ms.
The followings could be studied in future:
Evaluation of the proposal in other network environments
and comparative evaluation using other QoS mechanisms
such as IEEE802.11e
Consider multiple priority control such as EDCA of
This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers 26420367, 26280032, 15K00431, 15H02688, and
Project Research Grants of the Graduate School of Information
Sciences, Hiroshima City University.
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... • Detailed evaluation when the uplink flow coexists with the downlink flow [171,172] • Extension of SP-MAC to support QoS control method [173,174] • Evaluation using SP-MAC implementation in a real environment Chapter 8 ...
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Doctoral thesis: In recent times, with the wide spread proliferation of wireless Local Area Networks (wireless LANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, Internet connections through wireless LANs have become more common. Moreover, with rapid advancements in mobile terminals such as smartphones, tablets, and mobile access points (APs), the domain available for accessing the Internet has grown. However, several issues of wireless LAN technology have emerged. For instance, in ad hoc networks, both power saving and load balancing are important requirements for prolonging the life of networks. In addition, securing communication reachability for each terminal is an important issue. Further, in infrastructure networks, the AP placement problem and AP selection problem are important considerations in network design. Moreover, media access control methods are actively studied in order to improve the QoS of networks. This thesis describes solutions to the aforementioned problems inspired by natural world. Specifically, this thesis focuses on two technologies as solutions to the issues in ad hoc networks. First, this thesis focuses on autonomous decentralized clustering based on local interaction. For the clustering mechanism of a MANET, an autonomous decentralized structure formation method based on the local interaction of terminals (referred to as the back-diffusion method) has already been proposed in a previous study; the method can be used to create an autonomous decentralized clustering of MANETs. However, one issue of the clustering method is that the number of clusters decreases with temporal evolution. Power saving and load balancing through hierarchical management of the network cannot be achieved owing to this problem. This thesis proposes a method that maintains the number of clusters (guarantees stability). Furthermore, the back-diffusion method can be used to configure clusters that reflect a network condition such as the residual battery power and the degree of each node. However, the effect of clusters that reflect a network condition has not been evaluated. This thesis configures clusters using the back-diffusion method and a bio-inspired method, which is a type of autonomous decentralized clustering method that is unable to reflect a network condition. Then, this thesis also clarifies the importance of a clustering method that reflects a network condition, with regard to power consumption and data transfer efficiency. Second, this thesis focuses on a method for designing the radio transmission range considering a target problem. In general, terminals in an ad hoc network are operated by battery powered systems. Thus, extending a network's lifespan through power saving at each terminal is an important issue in an ad hoc network. To address this issue, one solution is to reduce the power consumption of each terminal by suppressing the radio transmission range of each terminal; however, this solution causes degradation of reachability of user data at each terminal. That is, the reachability of each terminal decreases drastically. This thesis proposes a method for designing the radio transmission range considering a target problem in order to improve both power saving and a terminal's reachability in an ad hoc network. For infrastructure networks, this thesis proposes and evaluates an acceleration of throughput prediction method for the AP considering the distribution of the terminals. In previous studies, the throughput of the AP in a multi-rate environment was estimated by the harmonic average of terminal's transmission rate. Thus, the complexity is linear order computation. By using the proposal, the calculation cost of the existing method can be reduced to a constant. Moreover, this thesis proposes an AP selection method, where mobile APs move cooperatively in addition to user mobility to avoid performance anomalies in an IEEE 802.11 multi-rate wireless LAN environment. Note that performance anomaly is an issue that it decreases the throughput of an AP when the APs are connected to terminals whose transmission rates are extremely low. Furthermore, wireless LANs based on the IEEE802.11 standard usually use carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for media access control. However, in CSMA/CA, if the number of wireless terminals increases, the back-off time derived by the initial contention window (CW) tends to conflict among wireless terminals. Consequently, data frame collisions often occur, which sometimes results in degradation of the total throughput in the transport layer protocols. In order to improve the total throughput of all terminals, this thesis proposes a new media access control method, SP-MAC, which is based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators. Moreover, it is demonstrated in this thesis that SP-MAC drastically decreases the data frame collision probability and improves the total throughput compared with the original CSMA/CA method.
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IEEE 802.11規格に基づく無線LANの普及に伴って,家庭や会社など様々な場所で無線LANを用いた通信機会が増加している.一般的にIEEE 802.11準拠の無線LANではメディアアクセス制御にCSMA/CAが利用される.しかし,これまでの研究から,CSMA/CAは同一のアクセスポイントに接続している端末数の増加に伴って,端末が送信するフレームの衝突が頻発してしまい,端末の通信効率が大幅に低下することが知られている.筆者らはこの問題を回避するために,これまで結合振動子の同期現象に基づいたメディアアクセス制御方式(以下SP-MAC)を提案,評価してきた.これまでの評価から,ある特定の環境下において,SP-MACはCSMA/CAよりも大きくスループットを獲得可能なことが示されている.しかし,異なる環境下におけるSP-MACの通信性能に関する考察は不十分であった.そこで本論文では,無線端末数,トラヒックパターン,及びリアルタイム通信へのSP-MACの適用性について考察する.
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Wireless local area networks (WLAN) based on IEEE 802.11 usually employ carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for media access control. In the CSMA/CA mechanism, data frame collisions often occur if the number of wireless terminals increases. This problem decreases the total throughput of terminals connected to the same access point. To address this problem, a media access control method based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators (SP-MAC) has been proposed. Previous studies have confirmed that SP-MAC can significantly decrease the number of data frame collisions and improve total throughput compared to CSMA/CA. However, the previous studies did not consider a QoS control based on SP-MAC. This study focuses on throughput as a QoS metric. This study proposes a control method to guarantee throughput based on SP-MAC. Furthermore, this study evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed method through simulation experiments. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can control the throughput of each terminal without decreasing total throughput. Furthermore, this study shows that the proposed method can guarantee throughput for a specified terminal.
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Wireless local area networks (LANs) based on the IEEE802.11 standard usually use carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for media access control. However, in CSMA/CA, if the number of wireless terminals increases, the back-off time derived by the initial contention window (CW) tends to conflict among wireless terminals. Consequently, a data frame collision often occurs, which sometimes causes the degradation of the total throughput in the transport layer protocols. In this study, to improve the total throughput, we propose a new media access control method, SP-MAC, which is based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators. Moreover, this study shows that SP-MAC drastically decreases the data frame collision probability and improves the total throughput when compared with the original CSMA/CA method. © Copyright 2015 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
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Wireless local area networks, based on the distributed coordination function of the IEEE802.11 standard, usually use carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for media access control. In the CSMA/CA method, if the number of wireless terminals increases, data frame collision often occurs among wireless terminals, which results in a decrease in the total throughput. Therefore, to improve the total throughput, a media access control method based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators, which we refer to as SP-MAC, is proposed. However, the performance of terminals based on SP-MAC, which coexist with CSMA/CA terminals, has not been sufficiently evaluated. Therefore, in this study, we evaluate the throughput performance in detail when terminals based on SP-MAC coexist with those based on CSMA/CA.
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We present a measurement study of TCPW BBE (Bandwidth and Buffer Estimations) [5] and associated path characteristics estimation techniques over large pipes. Our study addresses the accuracy of our inline estimation methods used in TCPW BBE. Buffer size, capacity, and achieved rate estimation are used in TCPW BBE. We shed some light on the accuracy and speed of these estimates, and on the efficiency and friendliness resulting from using them in TCPW BBE. The results show that TCPW BBE alone is more efficient than Reno in that it provides much higher utilization of link bandwidth, while TCPW BBE is also shown to be friendly when co-existing with Reno.
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In wireless LAN environments, the frequency of handover has been increased by the rapid spread of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. In such environments, streaming applications such as video feeds, are quite common and have high bandwidth (throughput) requirements. Here, QoS is an important metric for assurance of network quality. QoS-TCP has been proposed as one of the techniques for guaranteeing the throughput, it controls only the terminal. In this study, we treat TCP-AV as one of the typical QoS-TCPs. However, TCP-AV was originally developed for wired networks. It has difficulty in guaranteeing adequate throughput in a wireless LAN environment because it does not consider handover. Given the frequency of handover in wireless LAN environments, (1) we modify the parameters of TCP-AV, and (2) we propose advertise window size control by an access point (AP). Simulation results show that the method proposed herein, which uses both (1) and (2), can attain the necessary throughput, unlike the original TCP-AV approach.
Conference Paper
It is important and difficult for wireless LANs with the ability of flow-based QoS control. However, the existing IEEE802.11 MAC scheme can not provide the QoS for high priority traffics, and it can not satisfy the requirements of high priority traffics with small delay, low lost-rate of packets and high throughput. To solve the problem, this paper proposed a scheme to let IEEE802.11 MAC to have the QoS ability for the high priority traffics by revising current MAC protocol. In the proposed scheme, the access points (APs) use the ACK mechanism to promise the QoS of high priority traffics, and it can guarantee the wireless bandwidth of high priority traffics, and let the lower priority flow not to compete the band-width with high priority flows by ACK dropping. The NS-2 simulations verified the performance of the proposed QoS-MAC scheme to be very effective.
Synchronization is a common phenomenon in physical and biological systems. We examine the synchronization of two (and more) metronomes placed on a freely moving base. The small motion of the base couples the pendulums causing synchronization. The synchronization is generally in-phase, with antiphase synchronization occurring only under special conditions. The metronome system provides a mechanical realization of the popular Kuramoto model for synchronization of biological oscillators, and is excellent for classroom demonstrations and an undergraduate physics lab.