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Do we Really Know What we are Building? Raising Awareness of Potential Sustainability Effects of Software Systems in Requirements Engineering

Do we really know what we are building? Raising awareness of potential
Sustainability Effects of Software Systems in Requirements Engineering
Leticia Duboc
La Salle
University Ramon Llull
Barcelona, Spain
Sedef Akinli Kocak
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Toronto, Canada
Jari Porras
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Lappeenranta, Finland
Stefanie Betz
Hochschule Furtwangen University
Furtwangen, Germany
Ruzanna Chitchyan
University of Bristol
Bristol, UK
Norbert Seyff
Birgit Penzenstadler
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden
Ola Leifler
opings Universitet
oping, Sweden
Colin C. Venters
University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield, UK
Abstract—Integrating novel software systems in our society,
economy, and environment can have far-reaching effects. As a
result, software systems should be designed in such a way
as to maintain or improve the sustainability of the socio-
technical system of their destination. However, a paradigm
shift is required to raise awareness of software professionals on
the potential sustainability effects of software systems. While
Requirements Engineering is considered the key to driving this
change, requirements engineers lack the knowledge, experience
and methodological support for doing so. This paper presents
a question-based framework for raising awareness of the po-
tential effects of software systems on sustainability, as the first
step towards enabling the required paradigm shift. A feasibility
study of the framework was carried out with two groups of
computer science students. The results of the study indicate
that the framework helps enable discussions about potential
effects that software systems could have on sustainability.
Keywords: sustainability, software, socio-technical systems, re-
quirements engineering
1. Introduction
Software underpins all aspects of societal life from com-
merce, communication, education, to energy, entertainment,
finance, governance and defence etc. As a cornerstone of
various socio-technical systems, the software is also a key
driver in their sustainability: their capacity to endure within
the current economic, environmental, social, technical,
and individual settings. These are commonly referred to
as the five dimensions of sustainability [24]. As a result,
the sustainability of a socio-technical system should become
a prime concern for the Software Engineering discipline. To
demonstrate how software can affect the sustainability of a
social system within which it is placed, let us look at the
example of the Airbnb platform in New York.
Motivating Example: Airbnb offers a peer-to-peer
short-term accommodation booking platform [1]. It allows
property owners to rent out homes or rooms to visitors.
Recent research [32] shows that in New York, homeowners
who rent their house frequently can earn 55% more than
the median long-term rental in the same neighbourhood
(affecting the individuals and the economy). As a conse-
quence, it is estimated that Airbnb has removed between
7,000 and 13,000 units of housing in New York from the
long-term rental market, leading to an increase of 1.4% in
the median long-term rent (affecting the society and the
economy). Research has also shown that in New York, 72%
of the population in the neighbourhoods at the highest risk
of Airbnb-induced gentrification are non-white, increasing
the race separations across the city (affecting the society).
The main reason for developing the Airbnb platform was
to provide an immediate benefit to travellers and property
owners through a direct software function. Over time, the
system offers additional benefits to owners (more earnings)
and travellers (cheaper accommodation, authentic local ex-
perience). It has also led to economic and social impacts
which were not considered at the time of its deployment.
Usually, these types of effects are only noticed in hindsight
and considering such possibilities ahead of software deploy-
ment is considered to be an expensive undertaking.
This paper advocates that as major drivers of change
within society, software systems must be designed to main-
tain the sustainability [3] of the wider socio-technical system
in which they are integrated. As such, it is the responsibility
of requirements engineers to analyse the sustainability im-
pacts of the software across all dimensions and inform the
software design process of the potential (un-)desired con-
sequences. This requires a paradigm shift in requirements
engineering practice, in which software and requirements
engineers take explicit responsibility for the technological
solutions that they introduce into society. For that, they can
draw upon the lessons of tackling wicked problems from
a holistic perspective of systems thinking [9] instead of
insisting on the narrow computational thinking mindset of
“solving a problem for a customer” [14].
Systems Requirements Engineering (RE) is the key to
this change of paradigm [3] and must start by raising
awareness of the relationships between a software system
and sustainability. As such, our key contributions are:
1) A question-based “Sustainability Awareness Frame-
work” for raising awareness of the impacts that a
software system could have upon sustainability.
2) An evaluation of the proposed question-based
framework based on two instances of its application
as part of a teaching curriculum.
The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 ex-
plains sustainability-related concepts; Section 3 describes
our framework; Section 4 outlines the study design; Section
5 presents its results; Section 6 summarises the related work;
finally Section 7 examines of the study.
2. Sustainability and Related Concepts
Modern society’s reliance on software systems has re-
sulted in the emergence of sustainability as a growing area of
interest in the field of software and requirements engineer-
ing [31]. In the context of this paper, sustainability is defined
as the capacity of a socio-technical system to endure [3].
Two closely related concepts are sustainable use and
sustainable development. Hilty and Aebischer [16] define
sustainable use of a system Swith regard to a function
Fand a time horizon T, which in essence means to “use
Sin a way that does not compromise its ability to fulfil
Ffor a period of T”. As a result, the concept of sus-
tainable use is relative as it is dependent on how S,F
and Tare defined in context. The Brundtland Commission
defined sustainable development [7] as ”meeting the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs”. The word ‘need’ is
central to this definition and includes a dimension of time:
present and future, as well as acknowledging the concept of
changing stakeholder requirements. While it may appear that
sustainable development is a special case of sustainable use,
it has an element of distributive justice where “the essential
needs of the world’s poor are given overriding priority.
It is argued that the controversy around how sustain-
ability is defined [30] is the result of how people think
about the different perspectives of systems Sand functions
Fto be sustained over different time horizons Tby not
explicitly declaring them in the discourse of designing a
technological artifact [16]. To address this, it is suggested
that any actions referring to sustainability should answer the
following questions: What is to be sustained? For whom?
For how long? And at what cost?
The Karlskrona Manifesto [5] provides a focal point
for establishing a common ground for the requirements
engineering community to engage with sustainability by
advocating a set of fundamental principles and commit-
ments that underpin sustainability design. It includes the
importance of recognising that sustainability is an explicit
consideration, even if the primary focus of the system under
design is not sustainability. It also advocates that sustainabil-
ity must be viewed as a construct across five dimensions -
environmental, economic, individual, social and technical -
and consider the potential long term effects of systems.
3. Sustainability Awareness Framework
The sustainability awareness framework is composed of
a diagram and five-question sets for guiding semi-structured
interviews, as discussed below.
3.1. Sustainability Awareness Diagram
To visualise the effects that a software system could have
on the sustainability of its socio-technical environment, we
use an adapted radar chart (in line with [3]), which we
refer to as the Sustainability Awareness Diagram (SusAD).
The diagram is a visualisation tool which breaks down the
radar chart graph into the five interrelated dimensions of
sustainability. Each dimension is further divided into three
order of effects, denoting the effect that a software system
can cause across time; These are: immediate (i.e., caused
by the direct function of the system or its development),
enabling (i.e., arising from the application of a system over
time), or structural (i.e., referring to persistent changes
that can be observed at the macro level) [16]. These are
illustrated starting with the immediate effect in the centre,
the enabling in the middle, and the structural at the external
layer of the diagram (see Figure 1).
Let us exemplify the use of the diagram through the
Airbnb example presented in Section 1, and now illustrated
in Figure 1. As its immediate technical use effect, Airbnb
allows property owners to rent out their homes or rooms.
As a result of persistent rental via Airbnb, homeowners earn
55% more than the median long-term renting, which is an
enabling effect upon individuals. Increased median long-
term rent due to reduced long-term rental accommodation
stock is a structural economic effect of this platform. Fi-
nally, the gentrification of primarily non-white localities and
increased race separation is its’ structural social effect.
A SusAD diagram would normally have several chain-
of-effects, showing how one aspect of the software system
use (e.g., renting rooms out) causes other consequences
(e.g., removal of non-white communities and deepened
social segregation). Filling the diagram out without any
Figure 1. Simplified SusAD diagram for AirBnB system
guidance, however, can be a daunting task, as it is not easy
to elicit the required information. This is especially the case
as the requirements engineers are not trained to consider
sustainability issues [11]. The question-based framework
proposed below aims to facilitate SuSAD diagram construc-
tion and use to further discussions of sustainability-related
impacts between socio-technical system stakeholders.
3.2. Questions Framework
1) Instructions for the interviewer detailing the in-
terview process, e.g., consent to record and collect
data, need to consider chains-of-effects, etc.
2) Questions sheets for each sustainability dimension,
containing questions in plain text, examples, re-
minders and checkboxes. The sheet also suggests
prompts to encourage the interviewee to think fur-
ther, and examples to clarify some of the questions.
E.g. prompt is: “You mention how the system gives
the same treatment to people, what about taking
actions to ensure the outcome for each person
is comparable?”. A clarifying example would be:
“Systems sometimes enable the co-creation or co-
destruction of value when a customer interacts with
the business. For example, [...] when a customer
cannot self-serve as expected, her experience is
affected [...]. Does the system enables this kind of
co-creation or co-destruction of value?”
3) One note-taking form per dimension for the in-
terviewer to capture and record key effects and
dependencies throughout the conversation.
4) Questions for the interviewee, to help respondents
to follow the interview process (same as asked by
the interviewer, but without prompts).
When creating the questions sheets, we did not aim to
have an exhaustive list of topics or questions to address
every aspect of sustainability (which is quite impossible).
Instead, we aimed to give requirements engineers a starting
point for discussing possible sustainability effects. Thus, we
chose to cover only five topics for each dimension, although
additional (system and domain-specific) topics could well
arise for each dimension as the interview progresses. Our
starting sample of topics is listed in the Table 1.
Social (1) Sense of Community; (2) Trust; (3) Inclusiveness and
Diversity; (4) Equality; (5) Participation and Communica-
Individual (1) Health; (2) Lifelong learning; (3) Privacy; (4) Safety;
(5) Agency;
Environmental (1) Material and Resources; (2) Soil, Atmospheric and Water
Pollution; (3) Energy; (4) Biodiversity and Land Use; (5)
Logistics and Transportation;
Economic (1) Value; (2) Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
(3) Supply chain; (4) Governance and Processes; (5) Inno-
vation and R&D;
Technical (1) Maintainability; (2) Usability; (3) Extensibility and
Adaptability; (4) Security; (5) Scalability;
Figure 2 exemplifies the questions for social dimensions
. The forms can be found in [13].
3.3. Extreme Scenarios and Chains of Effects
The questions (exemplified in Figure 2) are intended to
help uncover possible immediate and longer-term effects. In
order to encourage identification of such impacts, the frame-
work complements questions with a simple note-taking form
(shown in Figure 3) which explicitly draws the attention of
the interviewer to noting down the chains-of-effects.
Yet, interviewees might not consider long-term, com-
pounded impacts. To foster this, the framework suggests
posing an imaginary “extreme” scenario, where the intended
software system is accepted and used by millions of people
worldwide for a long period of time. The interviewee is
then invited to reflect on the impact that such a wide-
spread, long-term use of the system may have. For example,
“Imagine that many people worldwide are using this system
for decades. Think about how one thing may lead to another.
We call this a chain of effects. If people feel closer to their
neighbours, they may choose to buy from local shops or
choose proximity products, which can then foment local
businesses, and finally better distribute wealth.
4. Research Methodology
This section describes how we have designed the Sus-
tainability Awareness Framework and evaluated the feasibil-
ity of its use. The emphasis is on the clarity and utility of
the question sets for eliciting potential effects of software
systems on sustainability. For this, the following research
questions were addressed:
RQ1: Does the framework encourage insightful dis-
cussions about the potential effects of software
systems on sustainability?
Figure 2. Front page of the question sheet for the social dimension
Figure 3. Extract of the notes taking form
RQ2: Does the framework help to identify the po-
tential chains-of-effects of software systems on
RQ3: How practical is the proposed approach?
4.1. Design of Question Sets
To elicit the question sets, we used an adaptation of
the Delphi method [17], [22]. Here, the members of the
Karlskrona Alliance on Sustainability Design [4] acted as
the panel of experts, as they have worked on topics of sus-
tainability for over six years, focusing on various domains,
ranging from social sustainability to energy, and impacts of
technology transfer.
The facilitator (first author of this paper) set out an
online document and invited panel members to contribute
views on factors that affect the five dimensions of sustain-
ability, and questions that a requirements engineer should
consider regarding these factors. Two example software
systems – Airbnb and a procurement system – were used
to ground the discussions. Airbnb was chosen as it is a
generally well known and commonly used system, whereas
the procurement system was studied by the panel of experts
in a previously reported work [3]. The panel then worked
through three rounds of activities to converge on the final
question sets: The first (contribution) round started with the
panel members providing their views by directly editing a
document and populating questions. In this round of ques-
tion elicitation, the panel members were asked to write down
their own contributions, without any other concern. The
facilitator closed this round when all the contributors felt
they had listed the most important issues. She then reviewed
all the questions, removed repetitions and rephrased the
questions for better readability. She also consulted selected
literature (previously suggested by the panel) to refine the
questions. These materials then constituted the result of the
first round.
At the second (review) round, the panel was requested to
review and comment on all of the results of the first round.
Two weeks were allocated for this round, enabling panel
members to contribute their views asynchronously. This re-
sulted in a number of issues raised with regards to previously
expressed views/proposed questions (e.g., noting unclear
statements, pointing out further implications of the noted
event/question, restating leading questions, disagreements
with the questions, etc.). The facilitator closed this round
when all panel members stated that they had completed their
The third (consensus) round in the question elicitation
process started by the panellists reflecting on the feedback
given by others, and reviewing their views in this light. The
process continued with the clarifications and resolution of
the issues raised. This round was carried out through online
small group meetings, where two to four panellists met to
discuss the raised concerns. The round terminated when all
raised issues were resolved, and all panel members were
satisfied with the derived questions set.
4.2. Research Design for Question Evaluation
The feasibility study consisted of using the Sustainability
Awareness Framework with two groups of students from
different universities and countries in the spring of 2019. At
both universities, the students were provided with the same
sets of instructions, question sheets, and surveys.
Set Task: Students were instructed to carry out at least
one interview per sustainability dimension, for a software
system of their choice (i.e., whichever system they may
wish to select from their own environment). They were
to follow the process and use the material described in
Section 3.2 and also to fill out a SusAD diagram with the
most interesting (in their view) chain-of-effects. We note
that (i) since there are five sustainability dimensions, at
least five interviews are to be carried out by each student
group; (ii) we generally expect that each dimension would
be represented by a different (at least one) stakeholder.
Upon interview completion, the feedback was collected from
each interviewee, as well as from the interviewer about the
question-set for that specific dimension.
At the California State University, Long Beach
(CSULB), thirty-one students worked in nine groups, in a
writing-intensive third-year course on ICT for Sustainability.
Of these, thirty students were studying computer science
and one environmental management and engineering. The
assignment was introduced in class and explained with a
number of example diagrams as well as a mock interview
with a research assistant.
At Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), six-
teen students worked in nine 1-2 person teams. The task was
carried out as part of an MSc level course on Sustainability
and IT. Here all students had an IT background. The task
was introduced in class and explained with several examples
on the topic.
In both settings, the students had two weeks to carry
out the interviews, create a summary SusAD diagram and
to write a report, aggregating the information from their
interviews and discussing their reflections. This work was
carried out by the students independently, and they could
approach the researchers in case of questions.
4.2.1. Data Collection. We collected data from the feasi-
bility study by means of two surveys. The first one was
answered after each interview and contained the feedback
of the interviewer and the interviewee about the questions.
To collect the impression of the interviewee, students were
instructed to ask two additional questions at the end of
the interview and to summarise their answers in the online
survey. Since the student groups had to carry out at least
one interview per dimension, we received 57 responses: 23
from CSULB and 34 from LUT.
The second survey was answered after the group filled
out the SusAD diagram; it was meant to gather the collective
feedback of the group regarding the SusAD framework.
It was expected that each group would submit a single
response, but some students preferred to submit individual
responses. In total, 26 responses were received: 18 from
CSULB and 8 from LUT.
The students were also required to deliver a SusAD for
what they considered to be the most interesting chains-of-
effects and a textual list of the remaining ones.
All surveys were collected via Google forms. The dia-
grams and reports were collected via Dropbox at CSULB
and Moodle (a learning management system) at LUT. The
survey data was anonymous but reported on the system that
the group had been working on. Since the groups were
working on a different system, we were able to relate the
survey responses to the group work submission.
4.2.2. Data Analysis. We start with an explanation of (a)
how survey questions are mapped to Research Questions,
then we describe (b) how the quantitative values have been
calculated, followed by an explanation of (c) how the qual-
itative data was used in the analysis.
Mapping survey questions to RQ: The two surveys [13]
contained 35 questions in total. After most questions, stu-
dents were asked to provide free text explanations of their
choices. We grouped the survey questions in two categories:
the first one is composed of questions that directly contribute
to answering the RQs. These are shown in Table 2 and
mapped to the RQs in Table 3. The second group contained
qualifying questions that helped us to interpret the answers
to the first category. Due to space constraints, these are not
listed but are discussed in Section 5. For clearer traceability,
each survey question was mapped only to the RQs that it
most contributed to.
Note that the questions come from two surveys: (i) con-
ducted after the interview and (ii) conducted after depicting
the SuSAD. This allows us to have three data points for
drawing conclusions on some of the questions: the feedback
of interviewees, interviewers and the group as a whole.
(a) After each interview Type (b) After the SusAD Type
Interviewer Group
a.1 Have you understood the questions? Likert b.1 Did you get access to the right stakeholders? [1
per dimension]
a.2 Has the interviewee had difficulties in answering
the questions?
(Likert) b.2 Have the questions helped to identify possible
a.3 Did the questions enable discussions with the in-
Likert b.3 How did you like the process of asking the ques-
tions, noting down the key points and sowing them
back to the interviewee?
a.4 Did you get insightful answers using the questions
in this particular domain?
Likert b.4 Did the questions help to fill out the SusAD? Likert
a.5 Have the interviewees been able to think of chains
of effects for the extreme scenario?
Likert b.5 Was the resulting SusAD readable? Likert
(a) Interviewee
a.6 Were the questions easy to understand? text
a.7 Have the questions been useful for triggering relevant discussions on the possible effects of software systems? Why? text
Research question Survey ques-
RQ1: Does the framework encourage insightful discussions about
the potential effects of software systems on sustainability?
Aim: see if questions help to uncover new, previously unconsid-
ered info.
a.3, a.4, a.7
RQ2: Does the framework help to identify potential chain of
effects of software systems on sustainability?
Aim: see if questions provide sufficient informaiton for chains of
effects and SuSAD diagram.
b.2, a.5
RQ3: How practical is the proposed approach?
Aim: look into the phrasing, access to expertise, the structure,
and the process of the proposed approach
a.1, a.2, a.6,
b.1, b.3, b.4,
Calculating quantitative results: We used three types of
closed-questions in the surveys: binary (yes/no), tertiary
(yes/no/partially) and a 5-points Likert scale. In order to
analyse them and define their contribution to the RQs,
we mapped responses to numerical values, calculating the
averaged and normalising on a scale from 1 to 5 as follows:
Binary responses (y/n) were re-scaled as averages
over a 5-point scale: yes mapped to 5, no mapped
to 1.
Tertiary responses (y/n/p) were normalised to 3 point
range in the range 1 - 5 , where No maps to 1,
Partially maps to 3, and Yes maps to 5.
The 5-points Likert scale questions had two cases:
some were asked with a “positive phrasing” (e.g.
“Have you understood the questions?”), meaning
that a higher value would support RQ. These were
simply mapped from 1 to 5. Others were asked with
a “negative phrasing” (e.g. “Has the interviewee had
difficulties in answering the questions?”), meaning
that a higher value would oppose the RQ. To calcu-
lated the contribution of a negative question, we have
used the six-complement (i.e. a ”2” would become
a ”4”). In order to differentiate them, “negatively-
phrased”, the type of this questions are marked with
brackets; for example “(Likert)”.
For answering the research questions, we mapped av-
erage values from survey questions to a scale of support
to the Research Questions (RQs). There are five points
in the scale to which the values are mapped (using equal
Scale Value range
Strongly oppose (SO) 1 - 1.7
Oppose (O) 1.8 - 2.5
Inconclusive (I) 2.6 - 3.3
Support (S) 3.4 - 4.1
Strongly support (SS) 4.2 - 5
intervals): Strongly Oppose (SO), Oppose (O), Inconclusive
(I), Support (S), and Strongly Support (SS) — see Table 4.
Analysing qualitative results: Since nearly every survey
question also asked to provide free text explanations for
the choice of the scale value, a substantial amount of text
was also collected for qualitative analysis. This text was
coded using a set of codes defined for each survey question,
following the qualitative content analysis approach [18].
Two researchers created the codebook, and collabora-
tively analysed the free-text responses from CSULB, af-
ter which the coding was validated by two additional re-
searchers. The codebook was reused for analysis of survey
data from LUT. Double-coding was used if a given free-text
response related to several code categories. For example,
the answer “I would need to interview more people with
different expertise” would be coded as “more interviews”
and “different expertise”.
Table 5 shows an extract from the codebook, which
contains the RQ it refers to, the survey question, whether the
contribution of the code towards the question is “positive” or
“negative”, the code, and the number of occurrences for both
universities. This qualitative data was used for interpreting
the respondents’ choices.
RQ SQ cont. codes occur.
RQ1 a.7
pos. useful to expand on topic 10 12
neg. useful some not relevant for system 2 3
pos. useful for future 2 5
pos. useful because detailed 2 2
neg. useful insufficient expertise 1 2
pos. useful because vague 1 1
pos. useful to take action 0 1
pos. useful 0 4
pos. useful privacy 1 0
4.3. Threats to validity
Threats to validity hamper the ability to draw conclu-
sions from the evidence [33]. For the Delphi study, the
main risks come from the fact that the members of the
panel were drawn from the same collaboration group. Thus,
the breadth of the views to be represented in the question
sets is biased towards the group’s own view. Furthermore,
the anonymity of the panel members was not preserved
(as they know each other). This could cause a number of
additional biases, where attitudes towards the individuals
could have influenced the agreement or disagreement with
their provided views. In the future, this might be mitigated
by integrating input from experts from outside the group
and validating the question set through wider participation.
For the feasibility study, one of the main risks is the re-
active bias, as the students might answer the questionnaire
positively to meet the expectations of their teachers (i.e.
halo effect). Additionally, there are several confounding
factors which may affect the outcome that was not taken
into account, such as differences in knowledge regarding
sustainability issues of the students and the level of expertise
of the interviewees. Since we worked with two different
groups of students from two different universities, these
factors cannot be ruled out completely. However, we en-
deavour to ensure a similar perspective on sustainability
and knowledge of the questions and the SuSAD method by
delivering the same introductory sessions and instructions to
both groups. Another main risk is the possible bias caused
by result interpretation. We applied researcher triangulation
and mixed qualitative and quantitative methods to minimise
this risk. Finally, we do not attempt to generalise the findings
from these two application cases; we only demonstrate the
feasibility of using the SuSAD for relating requirements
engineering process to topics of sustainability.
5. Results
RQs data Int‘ers Int‘ees Group
a.3 a.4 a.7 -
a.5 b2
a.1 a.6 a.2 Soc. Ind. Eco. Env. Tec. b.3 b.4 b.5
This section provides the results of our data analysis and
how they answer the RQs. Table 6 summarises the extent to
which the different surveys provided evidence for answering
our RQs based on the quantitative data and based on the
normalised answers to the survey questions. Next, we detail
the answer to each research question. Average quantitative
results that led us to the final conclusions about the support
to a given concept are shown in brackets.
RQ1: Does the framework encourage insightful dis-
cussions about the potential effects of software systems
on sustainability?
Three survey questions contributed to this RQ; the an-
swers we received are summarised below. The first survey
question asked whether the SusAD questions enabled dis-
cussions with the interviewee (a.3) and subjects supported
(3.76) this notion, with strong support from CSULB and
inconclusive support from LUT. Analysing the qualitative
codes for that question (shown with occurrences in paren-
thesis), we observed that some students stated that the ques-
tions led to more questions (17%, “lead to more questions”
A=7 B=3), and helped to elaborate the answers (10%,
“elaboration” A=2 B=4), e.g. one respondent said: “They
enabled,[...] the interviewee could direct the direction of
topic and voice his personal opinions without influence from
us”. Furthermore, the questions were reported to be a good
support (9%, “good support from questions” A=7 B=3),
and to encourage an interviewee who is knowledgeable
(12% “knowledgeable interviewee” A=2 B=3) or passionate
(5% “enable passionate interviewee” A=2 B=1) intervie-
wee, e.g. “This topic is something the interviewee was
very passionate about”. We note a difference in the textual
answers received from two universities, which could be due
to the cultural difference in communication in California
vs Finland: while in CSULB only one interviewee was
described as terse, in the LUT, six interviewees and one
interviewer received such description. This could also be
observed in the difference in the number of codes generated
for the data from these two universities. (Due to space
constraints, we will no longer show the codes and occur-
rences related to qualitative findings, but all explanations to
students’ choices have been analysed in the same way as
The second survey question asked whether insightful
answers (a.4) had emerged using the questions in this
particular domain. Again, the students supported (3.84)
this notion, with strong support by CSULB and LUT. The
most cited reason for getting good insights was the inter-
viewee opening new perspectives about the domain (14%),
followed by having a lot to discuss (7%): “The questions
explored areas I would not have thought of on my own.
The questions focused on the key concepts of a system.
and “The applicable questions where very insightful and
invoked lots of back and forth discussion.The most fre-
quent reason for not getting much insight was insufficient
domain knowledge (7%). Students got the best insights into
the individual dimension, followed by environmental and
technical. No dimension was particularly problematic. To
get more information on insights, we also asked students
whether anything unexpected came up. Only 26% reported
unexpected occurrences, the most common being new per-
spectives (8%) and effects of the system (8%).
Finally, the third survey question asked the interviewees
perceptions on whether the questions had been useful for
triggering relevant discussions on the possible effects of
software system (a.7). Interviewees from both universities
strongly supported (5.0) this notion. E.g. one student
mentioned “Yes, we discussed many topics triggered by the
questions asked.. A majority of students confirmed that the
interviewees found the questions helpful to expand on the
topic, to think towards the future, and to discuss in more
detail. Helpful pointers towards exploring environmental as-
pects and privacy were mentioned. The reasons for reporting
less usefulness were that some questions were not relevant
for that particular system (9%) and that the interviewees did
not consider themselves sufficiently knowledgeable (5%).
Students from LUT often focused on discussing the future,
while group A answered more diversely and made more use
of the proposed questions.
Intermediate conclusion: The answers suggest that
these two studies support (4.07) RQ1. That is, that the ques-
tions enabled relevant discussions, both for the interviewers
and interviewees, and led to insightful findings.
RQ2: Does the framework help to identify the poten-
tial chain of effects of software systems on sustainability?
Two survey questions contributed to this RQ. We sum-
marize their answers below, adding insights from comple-
mentary questions to contextualize the answers.
The first survey question asked whether the SusAD ques-
tions helped to identify possible effects (b.2), students for
both universities supported (4.01) this notion, 35% stating
that the questions helped very much, 46% that the helped,
and 19% that helped a little bit1. Students from LUT had
more difficulty than students from CSULB. In order to get
more information, we asked how easy it was to identify the
effects of each dimension separately. The most problematic
one was the economic dimension, followed by the social,
environmental, individual and technical, in this order. We
also asked what else would have helped to identify possi-
ble effects. The two primary responses were around using
additional research outside of the interviews, such as online
sources (15%), and more interviewees (12%). Furthermore,
side conversations, data trends, and more knowledgeable
interviewees would have helped individual respondents.
When asked whether interviewees had been able to think
of chains of effects for the extreme scenario (a.5), the over-
all answer was inconclusive (supported by LUT students but
inconclusive for CSULB). To explore this further, students
were asked for how many topics (in Table 1) interviewers
were able to think of chains-of-effect: 78% thought of chains
of effect for up to three key topics, 8.5% for 4 - 5 topics,
and only 3.5% for more than five topics.
To see if the extreme scenario helped interviewees to
think of chains-of-effect, we asked whether the students
had encouraged the interviewee to think about the extreme
scenario and about effects across dimensions. We observe
that those with difficulties in identifying chains-of-effect
were less encouraged to think about the extreme scenario
and cross-dimensional effects. The opposite is also true,
as shown in Table 7. In addition, the more the intervie-
1. For historical reasons (to allow a comparison with a previous work
outside of the scope of this paper) this question allowed a yes/no answer
and was complemented to get the degree to which the questions helped.
For this reason, the calculation of the results was slightly different, with a
“no”=1, “a little bit”=3”, “helped”=4 and a “very much”=5.
wee was encouraged to think of an extreme scenario and
across dimensions, the greater the number of topics (s)he
identified chains-of-effect for. This correlation is shown in
Table 8. These suggest that the extreme scenario and the
encouragement given by the interviewee are indeed useful
to identify chains-of-effect. Finally, we also asked for how
many topics (in Table 1) interviewers were able to think of
chains-of-effect. 78% of the interviewees thought of chains
of effect for up to three key topics, 8.5% for four-five topics,
and only 3.5% for more than five topics. Interestingly, the
more the interviewee was encouraged to think of an extreme
scenario and across dimensions, the greater the number of
topics he or she identified chains-of-effect to. This was
also observed by students, who stated that “Giving them
to consider of chains of effects allows for their thought
process to expand past just one dimension” and “All these
things are interrelated and are necessary to examine when
researching a topic like this.” Finally, around 30% of the
students admitted to not having asked the interviewee to
consider the extreme scenario. The primary reasons for not
doing so varied greatly. The most cited were that it was that
is was difficult to include the questions (5%) and that the
extreme scenario was not relevant for the system (5%).
Ability to think of
Encouraged to think about
the extreme scenario
Encouraged cross di-
mensional thinking
1 - 2 2.39 1.78
4 - 5 4.03 3.19
Normalized number
of topics
Encouraged to think about
the extreme scenario
Encouraged cross di-
mensional thinking
1 2.8 2.1
2 3.4 2.7
3 4.2 3.7
4 5.0 4.4
Intermediate conclusion: The answers suggest that
these two studies support (3.76) RQ2. That is, the questions
help to identify effects and chains-of-effects, highlighting
the importance of the extreme scenario and the encourage-
ment to think across dimensions.
RQ3: How practical is the proposed approach?
Seven survey questions contributed to this RQ.
The first survey question refers to whether the intervie-
wee understood the questions (a.1). Students from both
universities supported (4.08) this idea. However, about 1/4
of the students pointed out that there were questions with
unclear definitions, which points out the need to review
and refine the questions. The questions that caused greater
confusion were about the supply chain (23%) and agency
(11%). No dimension was particularly problematic. Also,
10% of the students felt that some questions were not rele-
vant to the system at hand. This was expected; in creating
a general framework, we knew we could neither be specific
to a domain nor comprehensive.
The second survey question refers to interviewee’s view
on whether the questions were easy to understand (a.2).
Interviewees from both universities supported (3.64) this
notion. One interviewee mentioned “Yes, the questions got
me thinking about change and the decisions we have to make
for a sustainable future.Furthermore, responses indicate
that some questions were perceived as vague (12%), again
showing the need for reviewing and refining the sheets.
Other interviewees felt that some questions were not relevant
for the system under analysis (9%), or they needed time to
be interpreted (7%).
The third survey question refers to the interviewer’s
perceptions on whether the interviewee could understand
the questions (a.6). The answer to this question was in-
conclusive (-2.76), with the data showing that the students
from LUT opposed the notion while no conclusion could
be drawn for CSULB. One possible contributor to the
worse perception in LUT was that the students received
the questions in English, but conducted the interviews in
Finnish. It is also interesting to note the following dif-
ferences: interviewees themselves felt they understood the
questions, while interviewers thought otherwise. The greater
difficulties reported by students were that some questions
had no relation with the system (15%); e.g. one student said
“Difficult to get a conversation going about the topic, the
interviewee did not consider there to be much to discuss”.
Other reported difficulties were lack of knowledge of the
interviewee (10%) and the wording of the questions (9%).
To get a deeper understanding of their answers, we asked
whether students had interviewed an expert or a surrogate.
Overall, about 70% of the interviewees were surrogates,
and 30% had knowledge or expertise on the topic. We
found little correlation between the level of expertise and
the observed difficulty in understanding the questions.
The fourth survey question refers to whether the students
felt that they got access to the right stakeholders (b.1).
The overall result was inconclusive (3.3), with a ‘support’
from CSULB and an ‘inconclusive’ from LUT. Of the five
dimensions, both groups found it easiest to get access to
relevant stakeholders for the individual and technical dimen-
sions. Experts for the economic dimension proved hardest
to obtain for both groups.
The fifth survey question refers to whether the students
liked the process of asking the questions (b.3), noting down
the key points and showing them back to the interviewee.
Data was inconclusive (2.83), with students from CSULB
opposed to the practice and LUT supporting it. The reasons
why subjects liked and disliked the process varied greatly.
The reasons for positive ratings were that subjects liked
interviewing (12%) and found it to be a good practice (8%),
while the main reason for disliking it was that they felt it
was redundant (12%). In order to put these answers into
context, we should note that 34% of the students in CSULB
and 50% of the students in LUT had not used the form at all
as they did not find it useful (12%), had forgotten to bring
it (8%), or had made their own sheet (8%). Using the form
could also have contributed to the number of chains-of-effect
that the interviewee was able to think of since the students
were expected to show the form back to the interviewer in
order to ask them about the extreme scenario.
The sixth survey question asks about whether the SusAD
questions helped to fill out the Sustainability Awareness
Diagram (b.4). Both universities supported this notion.
Some students found the questions helpful for the diagram
(9%) and to extract key points (7%): “Answers were straight
forward, so the points were easy to establish on the SusAD.
Only two respondents mentioned a negative impact in that
certain questions could lead to bias (2%) and that they were
too direct (2%).
The last survey question asks whether the resulting
SusAD was readable (b.5). Students from both universities
supported this idea (3.92). The three main explanations
were that the diagram was readable (23%), the students
decided only to include key points (15%), and that they
were able to make links (12%).
Finally, the last point worth commenting is the time
of the interviews. Most of them took between 15 and 30
minutes (52%), followed by 30 to 60 minutes (27%), and
by less than 15 minutes (12%). Even though the interviewees
who identified most chains-of-effect had also talked for
longer, no clear correlation was found between the time of
the interview and the number of chains-off-effect identified.
Intermediate conclusion: The answers suggest that
these two studies support (3.42) RQ3. That is, on their own
perceptions, both interviewers and interviewees understood
the questions, thought they helped to fill out the SusAD,
and that the latter was readable.
Overall, the feasibility studies support the three research
questions. Questions can be understood, enable discussion
and interesting insights, help to identify chains-of-effect
(especially when the extreme scenario is used), and finally
are reasonably practical in terms of time, the wording of the
questions and the resulting diagram. Yet, there is still room
for improvement in the process and on some questions.
6. Related work
While traditional RE methods and tools do not explicitly
facilitate the discussion of sustainability-related concerns,
research suggests that existing RE techniques, approaches
and methods can serve as a starting point for practitioners
to integrate sustainability into their practice [8]. Chitchyan
et al., [12] identified several techniques that help to support
sustainability in RE and demonstrated the application of
some of these techniques using two case studies. Similarly,
Mireles et al., [20] proposed a conceptual framework for the
classification of sustainability-aware requirements methods
to support practitioners in the selection of an appropriate
method to address stakeholders’ needs.
A number of studies have attempted to integrate sus-
tainability into specific methods and techniques. Seyff et
al., [28] extended the WinWin Negotiation Model to con-
sider the impact of requirements on sustainability. The
results of the study suggested that while the approach
stimulated the discussion on the multiple dimensions of
sustainability, stakeholders found it challenging to identify
the impacts of a given requirement on sustainability and
were not able to identify the long-term effects. Cabot et
al., [8] proposed using i* for modelling early requirements
as a way to visualise the impact of alternative options on
sustainability goals and to analyse the conflicts between
sustainability and other problem-specific objectives. Simi-
larly, Mussbacher and Nuttall [21] argue that goal models
are an ideal candidate to model the assessment of alter-
natives for sustainability as they express the hierarchy of
needs from high-level goals to specific activities for various
stakeholders,also allowing reasoning about alternatives and
their impact on high-level goals. In contrast to Cabot et
al. [8], they proposed a method to combine Goal-oriented
Requirement Language (GRL) because of its support for
indicators with a quantitative sustainability assessment ap-
proach based on time cost that would be applicable to a
broad range of development projects. However, no formal
evaluation of either method was conducted to demonstrate
their efficacy.
Brito et al., [6] proposed a concern-oriented require-
ments approach that allows both the modelling of sustain-
ability concepts and their relationships and the management
of conflicting situations triggered by impacts among sus-
tainability dimensions or between those and other system
concerns. In contrast to the previous studies, Penzenstadler
et al. [23] explored how the concept of leverage points could
be used to make sustainability issues more tangible in sys-
tem design in a public transportation system [29]. However,
both approaches do not discuss the role of requirements
engineering for sustainability engineering.
In addition, a number of alternative approaches have
been proposed, including the use of a recommender system
to overcome the barriers of incorporating sustainability into
the software engineering process [25], the application of a
sustainability requirement pattern to guide the specification
of sustainability requirements [26], a tool for requirement
engineers to analyse the requirements’ impacts on system
sustainability [2], and a meta-model which integrates sus-
tainability dimensions with the other quality attributes [27].
7. Discussion and Conclusions
This paper highlights that the software developed today
does not exist in isolation but forms part of the socio-
technical system within which it gets used. Thus, the paper
advocates that requirements engineers must tackle concerns
of sustainability of such socio-technical systems, starting
from the time when software requirements are elicited and
specified. A number of issues have implicitly motivated this
work and remain topics for an open discussion:
SusAD as a Systems Thinking activity: The proposed
Sustainability Awareness framework, essentially, incorpo-
rates simplified elements of Systems Thinking [19] activities
into the RE process. Like the systems thinking disciplines,
our work advocates consideration of the holistic system
within which the software-to-be will function, attending not
only to the functional and non-functional properties of the
software system but also to the indirect, longer-term impacts
that its use could cause and considering the risks and uncer-
tainties that this may engender. However, we are also well
aware that the discipline of software engineering already
suffers from high costs and late delivery problems, and ad-
ditional “whole systems” analysis could prove too costly and
complex to be useful. In truth, this very problem stifles the
use of techniques such as Soft Systems [10] methodology or
Critical Systems Thinking [15] in the software engineering
domain. To avoid both unbounded complexity and cost, our
approach supports the exploration of potential sustainability
impacts through both simple guiding question sets and im-
pact recording tools and an elicitation scenario. This allows
to keep the focus on identification of sustainability effects
across three orders of effect, yet provides a boundary to the
otherwise potentially overwhelming systems thinking and
analysis task.
Systems vs Software Requirements Engineering: It has
long been recognised that any systems engineering project
requires a requirements engineering activity. Indeed, require-
ments engineers working within the systems engineering
domains (such as construction, and chemical process en-
gineering) are well attuned to the systemic impact analysis.
Yet, this is too often amiss within SE, where RE has too
often limited itself to software requirements engineering,
disregarding the wider implications that the software could
cause. We hope that this paper has motivated sufficiently
clearly (using the Airbnb platform example) the need to
tackle such disregard of the socio-technical impacts of soft-
ware systems. In this paper, we provide a simple framework
to take the first steps in addressing this omission.
Requirements Engineers as leads for Sustainability En-
gineering: Researchers have previously argued [3] that re-
quirements shape the software systems, which, in turn, shape
the socio-technical systems within which they reside. As
such, if so engineered, software systems could become
the drivers towards sustainable societal, environmental, and
economic settings. Thus, the present work endeavours to
support requirements engineers in taking on the role of
sustainability engineers, through timely consideration and
fostering informed choices in tackling the challenge of the
socio-technical systems requirements engineering.
In conclusion, we found evidence that the Sustainability
Awareness Framework presented in this paper provides a
simple and accessible framework to elicit awareness of the
impacts that software systems could have. I.e., it could
be used by students independently and without previous
knowledge. Carver argues that students are a close enough
representation for practitioners [?]. Having evaluated the
questions that guide such awareness-building activity with
two sets of student groups, we find sufficient evidence that
the questions and elicitation scenario provide the desired
support. Yet, much work remains to be done, including
improving the clarity of the questions, supporting impact
visualisation (currently done manually), and considering
the specialisation of the questions per relevant application
domains, studying the framework across different cultures,
The authors would like to acknowledge EPSRC grant
EP/R007373/1, Digitaldialog 21 funded by the Ministry for
Science, Research and Art Baden-Wrttemberg. Each named
author made a significant contribution both in terms of ideas,
discussions, evolution, and physical writing to be named
on the paper. All authors participated in the design and
development of the framework applied in the study. The
authors would also like to thank Dr. Christoph Becker for
insights that led us to change the focus from an analytic to
an awareness framework, and Ms. Nanae Aubry for helping
with part of the coding of the feedback forms.
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... This step maintained those papers that, after a careful review of the full text, satisfy the inclusion criteria and do not meet the exclusion criteria. The results include 6 papers [4,10,14,17,18,19] for analysis. ...
... It is worth noting that all studies were accepted because their quality scores were above 70%. The six papers were maintained [4,10,14,17,18,19]. 6. ...
... In this section, we present the results and analysis of the selected studies, which include [4,7,9,10,14,17,18,20]. ...
... According to Duboc et al. (2019), software systems have permeated various aspects of our everyday life, encompassing domains such as commerce, communication, education, energy, entertainment, finance, governance, and defence. Consequently, argue that software products and services are interwoven with both socioeconomic systems and natural systems, although these interdependencies may not be immediately evident at first glance. ...
... Hence, participants are supported by scenarios to consider not only the immediate characteristics and impacts of their product or service but also their medium-to-long-term interconnected chain of effects (see tables 1 and 2). Using the Sustainability Awareness Diagram (SusAD), a radar chart, we can to map out the positive and negative chains of effects (Duboc et al., 2019), that AI software could potentially have based on the five sustainability dimensions (see figures 1, 2 and 3). Finally, as mentioned earlier, the SusAF process is straightforward and already designed as a workshop. ...
... from 0 to 38 years of experience (average: 5.4 years) supported by scenarios to consider not only the immediate characteristics and impacts of software but also their longer-term aggregate and cumulative impacts (see Table 2). Following, these affects and chains of effects are visualized by using SusAD (Duboc et al., 2019). ...
Full-text available
Software systems have become deeply intertwined with both our personal lives and our professional lives, blurring the demarcation between the colloquially referred ‘real world’ and ‘digital world’. Consequently, software systems wield unintended influences on nontechnical systems, encompassing the social, environmental, and economic dimensions. These three dimensions are commonly subsumed under the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), which serves as a conceptualisation of the term ‘sustainability’. Sustainability is not a passing trend but an elementary requirement for today’s and tomorrow’s society that confronts software practitioners with a new spectrum of tasks and responsibilities. This dissertation is aimed at bridging the gap between academia and industry within software sustainability design. A comparison of these two sides reveals different levels of awareness regarding the impacts of software products and services, as well as a different level of theoretical knowledge and practical approaches to set and achieve sustainability goals. To fill this gap, particular reference was made to the preliminary work of the signatories of the Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design, who developed the Sustainability Awareness Framework (SusAF). The SusAF is a tool that supports software practitioners in identifying the multi-dimensional impacts of software so that they can be considered requirements during the design phase. Employing the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM), this dissertation extends the SusAF, tailoring it to the specific needs of software companies. Through a sequence of iterative case studies, an artefact named the Business-oriented Extension of the Sustainability Awareness Framework (BE-SusAF) has emerged. The BE-SusAF contributes mainly through embedding four principles into industrial software design approaches, summarised as the four Is: 1) Interface positions for the orchestration of the artefact, 2) Integration of external stakeholders in the requirements elicitation process, 3) Implementation of the SusAF results within business design models, and 4) Incorporation of organisational conditions. While the artefact enables software companies to meet sustainability challenges, the research around it contributes in general to the transfer from academia to industry within software sustainability, a nexus that is gaining significance due to the progressing digital transformation.
... That is to say, the environmental, social, and individual aspects are typically ignored [22]. Sustainability should be the primary focus of the SE discipline since it affects all facets of society life, including business, finance, education, environment, and governance [23]. ...
... Considering the importance of sustainability in planning and implementation across all fields of activity, it is recommended to enhance the inclusion of sustainability knowledge in the curriculum of software practitioner education, as already suggested in previous studies (e.g., [20] and [21]). ...
Conference Paper
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While the topic of software sustainability is gaining increasing significance in academia, there is a need to explore its implementation in industrial practice. In this paper, we investigate how software practitioners assess sustainability as a topic within their profession. We conducted a survey study with 104 software practitioners, and the data provides evidence that companies assign moderate importance to sustainability. Different occupational roles indicate varying perceptions and levels of responsibility regarding the development of sustainable software products and services. Notably, technology-oriented roles (e.g., Software Engineers) exhibit lower valuation and responsibility of sustainability aspects compared to management-oriented roles (e.g., Project Managers). The motivation to engage with sustainability shows a connection to business factors such as profitability, competitive opportunities, and risk mitigation. Consequently, researchers should give greater consideration to the circumstances and requirements of businesses, incorporating them into practical approaches to contribute to sustainability.
... Frameworks, such as the Sustainability Awareness Framework [15,35] and taxonomies, such as the one by Bischoff et al. [13], help engineers understand the sustainability impacts of systems in all relevant sustainability dimensions. However, even state-of-the-art frameworks fall short of quantifying sustainability and providing actionable insights into sustainability shortcomings. ...
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The perception of the value and propriety of modern engineered systems is changing. In addition to their functional and extra-functional properties, nowadays’ systems are also evaluated by their sustainability properties. The next generation of systems will be characterized by an overall elevated sustainability—including their post-life, driven by efficient value retention mechanisms. Current systems engineering practices fall short of supporting these ambitions and need to be revised appropriately. In this paper, we introduce the concept of circular systems engineering, a novel paradigm for systems sustainability, and define two principles to successfully implement it: end-to-end sustainability and bipartite sustainability. We outline typical organizational evolution patterns that lead to the implementation and adoption of circularity principles, and outline key challenges and research opportunities.
[Context and Motivation] To foster a sustainable society within a sustainable environment, we must dramatically reshape our work and consumption activities, most of which are facilitated through software. Yet, most software engineers hardly consider the effects on the sustainability of the IT products and services they deliver. This issue is exacerbated by a lack of methods and tools for this purpose. [Question/Problem] Despite the practical need for methods and tools that explicitly support consideration of the effects that IT products and services have on the sustainability of their intended environments, such methods and tools remain largely unavailable. Thus, urgent research is needed to understand how to design such tools for the IT community properly. [Principal Ideas/Results] In this paper, we describe our experience using design science to create the Sustainability Awareness Framework (SusAF), which supports software engineers in anticipating and mitigating the potential sustainability effects during system development. More specifically, we identify and present the challenges faced during this process. [Contribution] The challenges that we have faced and addressed in the development of the SusAF are likely to be relevant to others who aim to create methods and tools to integrate sustainability analysis into their IT Products and Service development. Thus, the lessons learned in SusAF development are shared for the benefit of researchers and other professionals who design tools for that end.
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Requirements articulating the needs of stakeholders are critical to successful system development and key to influencing their long-term effects. As the concept of sustainability has entered the discourse of a number of software-related computing fields, so has the term ‘sustainability requirement’. However, it is unclear whether sustainability requirements are and should be different from how we already understand software requirements. This paper presents the results of a corpusassisted discourse analysis study that explored the concept of sustainability requirements in order to understand how the term is being used in software and requirements engineering and related fields. The results of this study reveal that the term ‘sustainability requirement’ is generally used ambiguously and reveals significant segmentation across different fields. Our detailed analysis of selected influential papers highlights the segmented use of the term and suggests key focus questions that need to be addressed to establish a shared operative understanding of the term.
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Airbnb and other short-term rental services are a topic of increasing interest and concern for urban researchers, policymakers and activists, because of the fear that short-term rentals are facilitating gentrification. This article presents a framework for analyzing the relationship between short-term rentals and gentrification, an exploratory case study of New York City, and an agenda for future research. We argue that Airbnb has introduced a new potential revenue flow into housing markets which is systematic but geographically uneven, creating a new form of rent gap in culturally desirable and internationally recognizable neighbourhoods. This rent gap can emerge quickly—in advance of any declining property income— and requires minimal new capital to be exploited by a range of different housing actors, from developers to landlords, tenants and homeowners. Performing spatial analysis on three years of Airbnb activity in New York City, we measure new capital flows into the short- term rental market, identify neighbourhoods whose housing markets have already been significantly impacted by short-term, identify neighbourhoods which are increasingly under threat of Airbnb-induced gentrification, and measure the amount of rental housing lost to Airbnb. Finally, we conclude by offering a research agenda on gentrification and the sharing economy.
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Sustainability is usually treated as an after-thought in software engineering practice. The software engineers tend to focus more on the technical dimension rather than the entire sustainability dimension. Designing software sustainability is a big challenge in current software engineering practices due to the lack of well-defined guidelines that provide tangible decomposition of sustainability aspect. Thus, we propose a framework to analyze the sustainability dimension and structure it into software requirements. Moreover, the research goal of this paper is to develop a methodology that determine sustainability requirements. The proposed meta model integrates four sustainability dimensions with the other quality attributes such as performance and usability. The contribution of this work is to help the requirements engineer to incorporate sustainability concern into software system design.
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Sustainability has emerged as a broad concern for society. Many engineering disciplines have been grappling with challenges in how we sustain technical, social and ecological systems. In the software engineering community, for example, maintainability has been a concern for a long time. But too often, these issues are treated in isolation from one another. Misperceptions among practitioners and research communities persist, rooted in a lack of coherent understanding of sustain- ability, and how it relates to software systems research and practice. This article presents a cross-disciplinary initiative to create a common ground and a point of reference for the global community of research and practice in software and sustainability, to be used for effectively communicating key issues, goals, values and principles of sustainability design for software-intensive systems. The centrepiece of this effort is the Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design, a vehicle for a much needed conversation about sustainability within and beyond the software community, and an articulation of the fundamental principles underpinning design choices that affect sustainability. We describe the motivation for developing this manifesto, including some considerations of the genre of the manifesto as well as the dynamics of its creation. We illustrate the collaborative reflective writing process and present the current edition of the manifesto itself. We assess immediate implications and applications of the articulated principles, compare these to current practice, and suggest future steps.
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The development of sustainable software has been identified as one of the key challenges in the field of computational science and engineering. However, there is currently no agreed definition of the concept. Current definitions range from a composite, non-functional requirement to simply an emergent property. This lack of clarity leads to confusion, and potentially to ineffective and inefficient efforts to develop sustainable software systems. The aim of this paper is to explore the emerging definitions of software sustainability from the field of software engineering in order to contribute to the question, what is software sustainability? The preliminary analysis suggests that the concept of software sustainability is complex and multifaceted with any consensus towards a shared definition within the field of software engineering yet to be achieved.
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Requirements Engineering (RE) plays a critical role in software system development and is argued to be the key leverage point for practitioners who want to design sustainable software-intensive systems. However, existing RE methods and tools do not explicitly facilitate the discussion and negotiation of sustainability-related concerns. This leads to insufficient or onedimensional perceptions of sustainability. In this paper, we discuss our understanding of sustainability and its relationship with requirements. Based on the outcomes of this discussion, we have extended the WinWin Negotiation Model by incorporating sustainability concepts so that the negotiation also includes the ability to consider the impact of requirements on sustainability. Applying this negotiation method in an exploratory industrial case study, we have learned that this approach stimulates the discussion on sustainability and its multiple dimensions. It also allows practitioners to reflect on requirements and their effects on sustainability. However, we have also observed that further in-depth requirements analysis is needed to analyse the long-term effects of requirements regarding sustainability.
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The paper presents a SuSoftPro tool for requirement engineers to analyse the requirements' impacts on system sustainability. To perform the analysis of system sustainability, the tool provides quantitative questionnaires for rating high- level requirements within sustainability dimensions via a Fuzzy Rating Scale method. Stakeholders' responses are analysed by applying Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution. The tool presents sustainability as a five-star rating label, a visualisation of the degree for sustainability dimensions, and a bar graph that illustrates the sustainability level.
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Sustainability and sustainable development has become a concern worldwide, hence introduced in roadmaps and strategies of public and private organizations. This trend has not been neglected by the computer science community, who is increasingly considering sustainability as a first class entity in software development. To properly address sustainability, its various dimensions need to be reasoned about and their impact on each other and on other system concerns studied from the very early stages of software development. To this purpose, we present a concern-oriented requirements approach that allows both, modeling sustainability concepts and their relationships, and managing conflicting situations triggered by impacts among sustainability dimensions or between those and other system concerns. To tackle the complexity of conflict management, a rigorous trade-off analysis technique based on multi-criteria decision making methods is used to rank, stakeholders and effects between concerns’ responsibilies.We use a real project to validate our proposal, discuss the results obtained and synthesize major points that require further research.
We as software engineers are responsible for the long-term consequences of the systems we design - including impacts on the wider environmental and societal sustainability. However, field lacks analytical tools for understanding these potential impacts while designing a system, nor for identifying opportunities for how to use software to bring about broader societal transformations. In this article we explore how the concept of leverage points can be used to make sustainability issues more tangible in systems design. Using the example of software for transportation systems, we illustrate how leverage points can help software engineers map out and investigate the wider system in which the software resides, such that we can use software as an effective tool for engineering a more sustainable world.