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Evaluating Listening and Speaking Skills in a Mobile Game-Based Learning Environment with Situational Contexts.


Abstract and Figures

Game-based learning activities that facilitate students’ listening and speaking skills were designed in this study. To participate in learning activities, students in the control group used traditional methods, while students in the experimental group used a mobile system. In our study, we looked into the feasibility of mobile game-based learning activities. One experiment was carried out and the results revealed that the experimental-group students significantly outperformed the control-group students on the verbal post-test. However, the performance of the two groups was equal on the listening post-test. Two variables (the average score for the interactive jigsaw game and the number of designed cards) were found to be the most important factors for influencing students’ performance in the verbal post-test. Furthermore, most students had positive perceptions toward learning activities that are supported by a mobile system. These results suggest that game-based learning activities can significantly improve students’ speaking skills if driven by a mobile system. Furthermore, these results suggest that learning activities with a mobile system foster students to (1) practice speaking English as a foreign language (EFL) more frequently as well as to reflect on their speech; (2) create meaningful sentences and speak with greater accuracy and confidence; and (3) practice speaking EFL in an authentic context.
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Evaluating listening and speaking skills in a mobile game-based
learning environment with situational contexts
Wu-Yuin Hwang
, Timothy K. Shih
, Zhao-Heng Ma
, Rustam Shadiev
Shu-Yu Chen
Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology, National Central University, Jungli, Taiwan;
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University,
Jhongli, Taiwan;
Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan
Game-based learning activities that facilitate students’ listening and speaking skills
were designed in this study. To participate in learning activities, students in the
control group used traditional methods, while students in the experimental group used
a mobile system. In our study, we looked into the feasibility of mobile game-based
learning activities. One experiment was carried out and the results revealed that the
experimental-group students significantly outperformed the control-group students on
the verbal post-test. However, the performance of the two groups was equal on the
listening post-test. Two variables (the average score for the interactive jigsaw game
and the number of designed cards) were found to be the most important factors for
influencing students’ performance in the verbal post-test. Furthermore, most students
had positive perceptions toward learning activities that are supported by a mobile
system. These results suggest that game-based learning activities can significantly
improve students’ speaking skills if driven by a mobile system. Furthermore, these
results suggest that learning activities with a mobile system foster students to (1)
practice speaking English as a foreign language (EFL) more frequently as well as to
reflect on their speech; (2) create meaningful sentences and speak with greater
accuracy and confidence; and (3) practice speaking EFL in an authentic context.
Keywords: mobile game-based learning; situational context; EFL listening and
1. Introduction
Research on teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL) suggests that lis-
tening and speaking are core elements of interaction and facilitate language acquisition
(Cohen, 2012; Ghoneim, 2013). However, there are limited opportunities to speak
English or listen to a speech in English in countries where the native language is not
English (Shadiev, Hwang, Huang, & Liu, 2015). According to Cheon (2003), Shadiev
et al. (2015), and Tsou (2005), some factors that lead to the lack of verbal and aural prac-
tice are the absence of an English context, deficiency of good spoken English examples,
and excessive dependence upon traditional teaching techniques.
To address this issue, related literature suggests constructing surroundings or envi-
ronments in which students have an opportunity to use the foreign language by com-
municating and practicing their EFL listening and speaking skills (Hwang & Chen,
2013). Furthermore, it is suggested that students’ EFL learning experiences can be
extended through the use of mobile (Crescente & Lee, 2011; Huang, Huang, Huang,
*Corresponding author. Email:
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& Lin et al., 2012) and digital game-based applications (Prensky, 2012). For example,
mobile technology and games provide opportunities for real communication, encour-
age student interaction and feedback, and engage students in collaborative learning
(Griva, Semoglou, & Geladari, 2010; Kinzie & Joseph, 2008). With mobile technol-
ogy, students may learn anywhere and anytime (Crescente & Lee, 2011), and learning
content can be adapted to the context a student finds himself/herself in (Norbrook &
Scott, 2003). On the other hand, digital games make learning fun and relaxing (Sand-
berg,Maris,&deGeus,2011) and increase students’ attention, interest, and effort in
the language learning process (Kinzie & Joseph, 2008;Liu&Chu,2010).
Our literature review shows that not much attention has been paid to relevant research
on improving EFL speaking and listening skills by using a combination of mobile- and
game-based applications. Therefore, some game-based and context-situated learning
activities to facilitate listening and speaking skills were designed in this study. Control-
group students learned and participated through traditional teaching methods, while
experimental-group students used a mobile system. This study tested how feasible
mobile-or game-based learning activities can be to enhance English learning.
2. Literature review
2.1 Foreign language learning theory and teaching methods
Various theories were proposed to explain how people learn a foreign language. Harmer
(2007) distinguished two functions of the language learning process: language input
when information is received (listening and reading) and language output when informa-
tion is applied (speaking and writing). Harmer (2007) further claimed that both meaning-
ful and comprehensible input and output are essential (if not sufficient) elements for
foreign language acquisition, and a balance should be kept between them.
Cohen (2012) has argued that communicative ability is an important factor in the target
language acquisition, and thus more focus should be given to it. Communicative ability
includes, among many other aptitudes, the ability to speak, listen, and interact. In order to
enhance communicative ability, various teaching methods have been proposed. One
approach is the communicative teaching method (Celce-Murcia, 2007), which is based on
the idea that learning a language successfully lies in knowing not only the structure and
forms of the language, but also its function and purposes. This approach emphasizes mean-
ing-based communication rather than practice of grammatical forms in isolation (Light-
bown & Spada, 2006). That is, when students are involved in real communication, their
natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn
how to use the language (Celce-Murcia, 2007). Therefore, to facilitate communicative abil-
ity, Harmer (2007) recommended that instructors design such learning tasks in which stu-
dents have an opportunity to use language as a vehicle for communication. Furthermore, a
situation in which the language is used needs to be realistic. That is, all words and senten-
ces must grow out of some real situation and the meanings of words should be tied up with
the situations in which they are used. Related literature suggests that different real situa-
tions can be created outside of the classroom, in surrounding contexts (i.e., the environ-
ment, the situation, and body of information that elicits the use of language). Hwang,
Chen, Shadiev, Huang, and Chen (2012) suggested that the surrounding learning context
should be rich for language usage and it should envelop students’ lives on a daily basis.
Learning activities based in surrounding contexts to enhance students’ communicative
abilities were designed in this study. In the learning activities, students created sentences,
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spoke them aloud, and listened to their own and peers’ sentences. The surrounding con-
text in this study was the school district; all students lived in the same school district. Stu-
dents could use this surrounding context to describe it in English, to create learning
material (i.e., game cards), to find clues when playing games, and to interact with that
context in English.
2.2 Mobile learning
Mobile technology provides various advantages for learning in terms of learning any-
where and anytime, while considering one’s preferences (Crescente & Lee, 2011;
Sandberg et al., 2011). Furthermore, mobile technology provides the possibility to adapt
learning content to the context in which a student finds himself (Norbrook & Scott,
2003). Therefore, mobile-assisted language learning has been successfully implemented
in many studies.
The HELLO learning environment was created by Liu (2009) to enhance students’
language abilities through their participation in various learning activities. Evaluation
results showed that the HELLO environment and associated learning activities improved
students’ EFL listening and speaking skills. The Ubiquitous English Vocabulary Learning
System was developed by Huang et al. (2012). This system aimed to help students experi-
ence a systematic vocabulary learning process. The Language-learning Outside the
Classroom with Handhelds environment was proposed by Ogata et al. (2008) for students
to integrate the knowledge acquired in the classroom with the real needs in their daily
lives. Using this environment, students ventured around town to fulfill tasks related to
typical daily activities and then shared their individual knowledge and experiences.
Hwang, Huang, Shadiev, Wu, and Chen (2014) designed learning activities supported by
the EngLearn mobile system to enhance elementary school students’ EFL listening and
speaking skills. Hwang and his colleagues examined the differences in students’ practice
methods and how these variances influenced their language proficiency.
Informed by previous research, this study utilized mobile technology to conduct lan-
guage learning via familiar surrounding contextual support. That is, mobile-based learning
methods enabled students to learn English in and make contact through a familiar context.
2.3 Digital game-based learning
Kinzie and Joseph (2008) defined a game as “a voluntary and enjoyable activity in which
a player pursues a challenging goal based on the game rules.” Prensky (2012) proposed a
term, “Digital Game-Based Learning,” to denote the use of computer games in delivering
educational content. Educational digital games came along with many advantages that
were highly recognized in previous studies. For example, gaming contexts are potentially
rich venues to deliver language learning (Belz & Reinhardt, 2004), and games provide
opportunities for real communication and encourage meaningful interaction and helpful
feedback among student participants (Thorne, Black, & Sykes, 2009; Shadiev, Hwang, &
Huang, in press). Reinhardt (2014), Shadiev et al. (2015), and Thorne et al. (2009) argued
that educational games bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world. Besides,
digital games are highly motivating; thus, they make learning fun and relaxing (Sandberg
et al., 2011).
A considerable amount of literature has discussed applications of digital game-based
language learning. Griva et al. (2010) focused on developing students’ EFL skills through
interactive and physical activities. Students played and interacted through games, and
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practiced new language patterns. Evaluation results indicated the positive effects of the
game on students’ EFL verbal skills development. Sandberg et al. (2011) studied the
added value of mobile technology for game-based EFL learning. Different game types
included a quiz, a memory game, and a jigsaw puzzle. Evaluation results showed that stu-
dents who used mobile applications improved the most. Liu and Chu (2010) examined
how high school students learn EFL and how digital games affect their learning achieve-
ment and motivation. Evaluation results showed that incorporating games into the EFL
learning process could assist in the achievement of better learning outcomes and motiva-
tion compared to merely using a non-gaming method.
According to Gardner (2010), learning motivation is an inner process, which can sus-
tain a certain behavior. If students’ learning motivation could be aroused, they may listen
more carefully in class and consciously review lessons after school to achieve better per-
formance. Therefore, learning motivation is considered as the most influential factor in
foreign language acquisition. Thus, maintaining motivation for longer periods of time
may develop students’ learning interests (Keller, 2010).
Game-based learning activities for EFL learning were designed in this study following
general recommendations of previous related research. This study utilized games to pro-
vide rich context for language learning, to enable students’ communication in the target
language, and to increase learning motivation.
3. Method
3.1 Participants and procedure
The experimental design was adopted in this study. A total of 40 female students from
one class in a girls’ senior high school were randomly assigned to control and experimen-
tal groups with 20 students in each. The experimental procedure is shown in Figure 1. All
students took a pre-test before the experiment. Four 30-minute EFL classes were con-
ducted weekly over a three-week period. During these classes, the same instructor taught
both groups the same learning content. The instructor provided both groups with direc-
tions and guidance to perform the learning activities. After class, both groups practiced
and applied what they learned during the class, but used different methods: the control
Figure 1. The experimental procedure.
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group used a paper-and-pen method, while the experimental group used a mobile system.
The students in the experimental group were trained to use a system before engaging in
the learning activities. After the experiment, all students took a post-test, while the exper-
imental group also completed a questionnaire survey and participated in one-on-one
semi-structured interviews.
3.2 Learning activities
3.2.1 Week 1 Individual learning. In the beginning, students learned new words. New vocabu-
lary terms along with definitions in English and Chinese and related pictures were dis-
played for students. Pronunciation of the new vocabulary words was practiced. After that,
a sentence was displayed and read out loud (e.g., “I often play basketball during summer
vacation”) and nine cards were displayed. Cards showed related and unrelated pictures of
the vocabulary words (Figure 2(a)). The students had to select the pictures that matched
the words they heard in a sentence. They then formed a sentence by assembling selected
cards (Figure 2(b)). “Jigsaw” game. In this game, students executed the same activity displayed during
individual learning. However, in the jigsaw game, a sentence was not displayed; students
were given a specific timeframe to complete the game, and their performance was scored.
3.2.2 Week 2 Interactive learning. Students were grouped in pairs and each pair was provided
with cards for the activity. Cards were pre-designed by the instructor; however, students
were allowed to design their own cards. Divided into pairs, Student A had to make a sen-
tence by assembling several cards and speak that sentence aloud to Student B. Student B
then had to identify words from the sentence, select cards that matched the words from
the sentence, and assemble cards together to form a sentence. Students swapped roles
after every spoken sentence.
Figure 2. Cards for the activity (a) and making a sentence with cards (b).
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What is very important in this activity is that students’ EFL learning experiences were
extended to a situational context. That is, students created their own cards with content
captured from real-life scenarios. Students used their own cards and surrounding context
to make sentences and to speak them aloud. Figure 3 shows that one student created the
sentence: “My aunt goes shopping once a week” by using her own cards (her aunt, a local
department store, and phrase “once a week”). Therefore, students were able to acquire the
language in the classroom as well as to apply it in daily life situations. “Interactive jigsaw”. In this game, what students did was similar to that carried
out during interactive learning sessions. However, in this interactive jigsaw game, a sen-
tence was not displayed, but spoken aloud, and yet students were given a specific time-
frame to complete game, and their performance was scored.
3.2.3 Week 3 Card design and game. Students created their own cards from a surrounding
context. In this game, students were asked questions that could be answered by assem-
bling cards to form a sentence. Then students spoke their answers aloud. Other students
tried to identify words from the sentence and selected their own cards to assemble the sen-
tence. The student who identified the most cards in sentences spoken by other students
was the winner.
To ensure participation in the above-mentioned learning activities, the instructor
employed a traditional method for the control group and a mobile system for the experi-
mental group. For example, during week 1, vocabulary terms and sentences were printed
out on a piece of paper and read out loud by the instructor for control students. Mean-
while, experimental students could see and hear the same learning material via the use of
a mobile system.
3.3 Mobile system
This study developed a mobile system by using Apache, PHP, and MYSQL. The client
platform ran on Android and a Linux-based open source operating system, and the server
platform ran on a WindowsÒServer 2003. Figure 4 depicts an interface of learning activi-
ties on the mobile system.
Figure 3. Created sentence with cards designed by a student.
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3.4 Data collection
EFL listening and speaking abilities were assessed before the experiment with a pre-test
and after the experiment with a post-test. The tests were developed by an experienced
senior high school teacher based on General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) guidelines
at the elementary level. Those who pass the elementary level of the GEPT have mastered
what the English textbooks of junior high schools teach (Shih, 2008), which is English
level equivalent to A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEFR). The items of the pre-test were similar to the items of the post-test, yet different
in content. The teacher considered the items’ difficulty levels for the tests’ designs and
developed test items with a similar difficulty index. The listening part of the test con-
tained three tasks all in multiple-choice question format: a picture description, a question
or statement response, and a short conversation. In the speaking part of the test, students
were asked to (1) listen to a sentence and then repeat it; (2) read aloud several sentences;
and (3) answer pre-recorded questions after they were broadcast twice. A sample of ques-
tions from the listening and speaking parts is provided in Appendix 1. The listening test
was scored on a 100-point scale and the speaking test was scored on a 21-point scale.
Three raters were involved in the marking process and big differences in the assessment
were resolved through discussions and obtaining a consensus. The teacher used the test
items in the same school for measuring the learning achievement of students of the same
age for several years, and the assessment results were consistent. Thus, this study suggests
that the test items were reliable under such conditions.
Experimental students’ learning behaviors and performances during the learning activi-
ties were recorded by the system. The following variables were derived from the data:
NWSL: the number of words a student listened to during the experiment
NSSL: the number of sentences a student listened to during the experiment
NSSP: the number of sentences students practiced in the jigsaw game
NJG: the number of times a student played the jigsaw game
ASJ: the average score for the jigsaw game
NSPI: the number of times a student played the interactive jigsaw game
ASIJ: the average score for the interactive jigsaw game
NOPRS: the number of original pictures on cards a student replaced by pictures
from the surrounding context
NC: the number of designed cards
As students in both groups could freely practice their skills after class outside of
school for two weeks, the data related to the duration of their practice was not available
for this study, but it is promising and useful information to be used in a future study.
The questionnaire survey (see Appendix 2) was developed by following the general
recommendations of Hwang, Shadiev, and Huang (2011), Keller (2010), and Shadiev
Figure 4. An interface of individual learning (a), the jigsaw game (b), and the interactive jigsaw (c).
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et al. (2014). The first part of the questionnaire included three dimensions, and it aimed to
explore experimental students’ perceptions and behavioral intentions:
Ease-of-Use (Items 111) using the system is free of physical and mental effort
Usefulness (Items 1221) the system is useful for learning
Behavioral Intention (Items 2225) involves two factors of how users perceive
the system: ease-of-use and usefulness (the behavioral intention is hypothesized to
be a major determinant of whether or not a student would continue to use the
The second part of the questionnaire focused on the learning motivation of the experi-
mental-group’s students, which included four dimensions (Keller, 2010):
Attention (Items 15) is aroused and sustained due to learning activities
Relevance (Items 610) of learning content to tasks
Confidence (Items 1115) to complete learning tasks
Satisfaction (Items 1618) about outcomes in an effort to complete learning tasks
This study aimed to explore how students perceived the mobile system and whether
their learning motivation levels were high in a mobile game-based learning environment
with situational context. Therefore, the questionnaire survey was administered to the
experimental-group students only.
A total of 20 valid answer sheets to the questionnaire were obtained from 20 students
in the experimental groups. To analyze the questionnaire, this study utilized a five-point
Likert scale, anchored by the end-points: “strongly disagree” (1) and “strongly agree” (5).
Cronbach ato assess the internal consistency of the survey was adopted and the values
exceeded 0.73 in all dimensions, which demonstrated a satisfactory level of the items’
One-on-one semi-structured interviews and subsequent data analyses were conducted
with all experimental-group students to explore their learning experiences with the sys-
tem, and to make relevant and logical inferences to the findings. During the interviews,
students were asked open-ended questions about how they felt learning to use the mobile
system. Each interview took approximately 30 minutes.
4. Results and discussion
An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare scores of the control and exper-
imental groups on the EFL speaking and listening pre-test and post-test. The mean scores,
standard deviations, and results of the t-test are illustrated in Table 1. Levene’s test con-
firmed the equality of variances of both groups’ scores on the listening (FD0.275, pD
0.603) and speaking (FD0.320, pD0.575) portions of the pre-test and on the speaking
(FD0.386, pD0.538) post-test portion. Given a violation of Levene’s test for the homo-
geneity of the scores’ variances on the listening post-test (FD5.169, pD0.029), a t-test
was calculated without assuming homogeneous variances.
There was no significant difference in scores of the control (MD6.15, SD D2.85)
and experimental (MD6.80, SD D2.12) groups on the verbal pre-test; t0.818, pD
0.418. This result suggests that two groups had equivalent EFL speaking abilities before
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the experiment. However, the experimental group (MD10.40, SD D3.33) significantly
outperformed the control group (MD7.60, SD D3.08) on the verbal post-test; tD
¡2.758, pD0.009. Similar results were observed when the level of learning gained in
speaking by the experimental group was compared to the control group by using an inde-
pendent-samples t-test. This result suggests that students who learned using the support
of the system showed more prominent improvement in EFL speaking abilities than those
who learned using only the support of traditional means. The traditional means that con-
trol students used for learning were more cumbersome to perform and to use in situational
contexts compared to the mobile system. Therefore, experimental-group students prac-
ticed and applied new knowledge in situational contexts more efficiently and frequently
than evidenced by the control-group students. The benefits of the mobile system to the
experimental-group students’ EFL acquisition are discussed in the following four parts.
The mobile system enabled students of the experimental group to learn and practice
new vocabulary, pronunciation, and example sentences, yet these students also applied
that new knowledge in daily life situations. When experimental-group students verbalized
vocabulary words and sentences, they could record their own voices and share audio-
recorded files with peers. Later, the experimental-group students listened to their own
recorded files to evaluate their own performance. These students listened to their peers’
recorded files to learn from them, to compare them with their own audios, and to identify
mistakes in their own recorded speech. After mistakes were identified, students could
modify, improve, and rerecord their audios. This learning process was based on the com-
municative teaching methods, and it enabled students to practice their speaking skills fre-
quently, to reflect on their own speaking abilities, and to improve them. Celce-Murcia
(2007) and Lightbown and Spada (2006) suggested that executing the key elements of the
communicative teaching method, such as practicing, imitating, contrasting, and conclud-
ing, facilitates language acquisition.
The mobile system enabled experimental-group students to share their audio-recorded
files with peers. Students knew that their peers and the instructor would listen to the shared
files; therefore, students tried to make grammatically correct, meaningful sentences and
verbalize them very clearly. In this way, peers could comprehend audio-recorded speech
easily and provide some feedback. Hwang et al. (2014) and Lightbown and Spada (2006)
suggested that EFL students try to speak to others as well as to make their speech and inter-
action patterns meaningful and understandable; such a process can aid language compre-
hension and promote its acquisition. Furthermore, Celce-Murcia (2007) and Lightbown and
Table 1. The results of the assessment and t-test for EFL speaking and listening abilities.
Control group
group (nD20) Sig.
Assessment Mean SD Mean SD FSig. t(two-tailed)
Pre-test 6.15 2.85 6.80 2.12 0.320 0.575 ¡0.818 0.418
Post-test 7.60 3.08 10.40 3.33 0.386 0.538 ¡2.758 0.009
Pre-test 70.95 12.83 69.30 13.67 0.275 0.603 0.394 0.696
Post-test 67.83 17.88 71.83 9.08 5.169 0.029
¡0.893 0.377
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Spada (2006) suggested that, according to the communicative language teaching method,
students need to focus not only on the structure and forms of a language, but also on the
function and purposes that a language serves in different communicative settings.
Because the mobile system was easy to carry to surrounding contexts, it enabled experi-
mental-group students to practice what they learned in the classroom setting and apply new
knowledge in real situations. Surrounding contexts helped experimental-group students to
create meaningful learning material (game cards). With such learning material, students
were willing to make more interesting sentences and to practice speaking more frequently.
Furthermore, the experimental-group students acquired new knowledge in the classroom
and later applied that new knowledge in real life scenarios outside of school. When stu-
dents played a game, clues from the surrounding context helped them to finish it. Such a
learning process was based on the situational language teaching method (Celce-Murcia,
2007). Students in the study of Hwang et al. (2011), Hwang and Chen (2013), and Hwang
et al. (2014) learned in a familiar context, and it helped students to reflect on what they
learned; students were exposed to that context more frequently. Moreover, when students
acquired knowledge in the contextual scenarios, they were more inclined to learn and, in
turn, applied that knowledge to solve daily life problems. In the study of Huang et al.
(2012), students in the contextual environment learned more effectively since they could
use contextual cues to define the meaning of new words and sentences.
Finally, the students’ levels of learning motivation were high during the learning activi-
ties due to elements of a game and surrounding context; thus, students kept practicing their
speaking skills (Gardner, 2010;Keller,2010). Such a learning process leads to more fre-
quent practicing of speaking skills, learning with meaningful contextual material, producing
comprehensive output, and surely to enhancing students’ speaking abilities. This finding is
consistent with other related studies. In the study of Huang et al. (2012), students’ perfor-
mance and interests were promoted through learning and practicing the target language by
using technology. Learning objects in a familiar context and using elements of a game, as
introduced in the study of Hwang et al. (2012) and Hwang et al. (2014), helped to maintain
students’ interest in situated learning scenarios, and inspired students to describe the target
objects clearly and thoroughly, which further enhanced performance.
There was no significant difference in scores of the students in the control (MD70.95,
SD D12.826) and experimental (MD69.30, SD D13.669) groups on the listening pre-
test; tD0.394, pD0.696. There was also no significant difference between the control
(MD67.83, SD D17.878) and experimental (MD71.83, SD D9.079) groups on scores
of the listening post-test; t0.893, pD0.377. Results of the t-test showed similar
results when the level of learning gained in listening was compared between the control
and experimental students. This result suggests that there was no difference in EFL listen-
ing abilities between the control and experimental groups before and after the experiment
and that no learning as gained. The main reason for such a finding is that students could
not easily identify words in sentences spoken aloud by peers without contextual support.
That is, without being told in what context cards were designed, students had no clues of
the context to help them finish a game. Our future study will address this issue. Particu-
larly, when students design cards, they will be instructed on how to make a related context
more explicit to peers. Furthermore, a multi-stage game will be designed in the future,
e.g., the first stage will take place in the classroom, the second stage will occur at the
entrance of the school building, and the third stage will be situated in the school’s court-
yard. Perhaps, students will identify the context more easily by using clues, and they can
therefore finish a game more successfully. In our future study, we will employ a smart
sensor, e.g., a global positioning system (GPS) (Huang et al., 2012; Ogata et al., 2008), to
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identify the surrounding context in which the learning material was created. Furthermore,
the mobile system may suggest pairing partners to play games, particularly individuals
who are close in location. The future mobile system may also suggest a game based on
players’ profiles and surrounding contexts.
According to the results, listening scores on the pre-test are higher, though not signifi-
cantly, compared to the listening scores on the post-test. Perhaps, this result is due to lim-
ited opportunity that control-group students had to practice their listening skills; they
could only practice in class and for a short time. Since the control-group students did not
practice enough, their scores on the listening post-test were lower compared to the scores
indicated on the pre-test.
Descriptive statistics of the experimental-group students’ learning behaviors during
learning activities are shown in Table 2.
A relationship between the independent research variables (i.e., NSSP, NJG, ASJ,
NSPI, ASIJ, NOPRS, and NC) and the verbal post-test scores was explored by employing
a Pearson product–moment correlation coefficient. According to the results (Table 3),
there was a correlation between the verbal post-test scores and two variables: the average
score for the interactive jigsaw game (rD0.597, pD0.005) and the number of designed
cards (rD0.511, pD.021). Furthermore, a Pearson product–moment correlation coeffi-
cient showed that only the number of designed cards had a significant correlation with the
learning gained in speaking, rD0.506, pD0.023.
Independent research variables were used in a stepwise multiple regression analysis to
predict verbal post-test scores. The correlation of the variables is shown in Table 4.In
step 1 of the analysis, the average score for interactive jigsaw game (ASIJ) was entered
into the regression equation, and was significantly related to the verbal post-test scores, F
(1, 18) D9.974, p<0.01. The multiple correlation coefficient was 0.59, indicating
Table 2. Means and standard deviations of experimental students’ learning behaviors.
Variable Mean SD
The number of words students listened to 280.70 295.57
The number of sentences students listened to 124.85 119.76
The number of sentences students practiced in the jigsaw game 138.85 90.21
The number of times students played the jigsaw game 13.25 7.71
The score for the jigsaw game 385.92 171.80
The number of times students played the interactive jigsaw game 12.80 5.03
The score for the interactive jigsaw game 170.84 78.48
The number of original pictures on cards replaced by pictures from
surrounding context
27.80 12.17
The number of designed cards 6.65 6.17
Table 3. The results of a Pearson productmoment correlation coefficient.
Speaking post-test scores Pearson .597 .511
Sig. (two-tailed) .005 .021
ASIJ: the average score for the interactive jigsaw game.
NC: the number of designed cards.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 11
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approximately 35.7% of the variance of verbal post-test scores could be accounted for by
ASIJ. Other variables did not enter into the equation in step 2 of the analysis. Thus, the
regression equation for predicting the verbal post-test scores was
Predicted verbal post-test scores D.025 £ASIJ ¡6.070.
The interactive nature of the jigsaw game could explain why ASIJ significantly corre-
lated with verbal post-test scores as well as why ASIJ was found as a predicting variable
for the verbal post-test scores. First, students could indirectly interact with one another. Stu-
dents created cards, made sentences, and spoke them aloud for peers so that peers could lis-
ten to recorded speaking and identify words in a sentence. Both the students who created
the learning material and the students who played a game tried their best; the former tried
to make the learning material more understandable, and the latter tried to successfully finish
a game. Second, during the interactive game, students interacted with the learning material
through the mobile system, particularly, with photos taken in daily life situations and ele-
ments of the surrounding context. Such interaction helped students to efficiently finish the
interactive jigsaw game and later to perform well on the verbal post-test.
The number of designed cards (NC) has a significant correlation with verbal post-test
scores as well as with speaking learning performance. The following is a possible expla-
nation of this finding. Students designed cards in advance; they interacted with real-life
scenarios and took pictures of the surrounding context for their cards. During the card-
designing process, students thought about how to describe pictures they had taken and
how to verbally verbalize these descriptions. Students tried to create more cards so that
later they used as many as they could for creating sentences and speaking aloud during
learning activities. Such a learning process created an opportunity for students to learn
actively and to practice EFL speaking more frequently. As a result, students could learn
and remember more vocabulary words, master their speaking skills, and become more
confident in their English-speaking skills. This finding is in line with other related studies.
In the study of Liu (2009) and Ogata et al. (2008), students who performed well usually
learned actively, took full responsibility for their learning, and engaged in metacognitive
processes. In the study of Hwang et al. (2012) and Hwang et al. (2014), students who
practiced more frequently and put effort into their practice sessions could easily apply
what they learned in class. They also performed very well on the exam.
Statistical analysis showed that although the average score for the interactive jigsaw
game was significantly correlated with the verbal post-test scores, it had no significant
correlation with the speaking improvement. On the other hand, the number of designed
cards significantly correlated with the verbal post-test scores and learning gained in
speaking. However, it could not predict speaking abilities on the post-test.
From interviews with the experimental students, it is implied that students’ prior
knowledge levels are the explanation for this finding. Students mentioned that typically
those who have higher prior knowledge levels are more likely to obtain high scores on
the interactive jigsaw game and on the post-test. However, not all students with high prior
knowledge levels exerted greater efforts to create more cards and to make more senten-
ces. Such learning behavior was not always helpful in attaining better learning outcomes.
Table 4. The results of stepwise multiple regression.
Model Predictive variable FSig. RR
9.974 .005 .597 .357 .025 .597 3.158 .005
ASIJ: the average score for the interactive jigsaw game.
12 W.-Y. Hwang et al.
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Students also mentioned that, on the other hand, those with lower levels of prior knowl-
edge usually do not perform well on the interactive jigsaw game and on the post-test.
However, those students attempted to design more cards and to make more sentences.
Such learning behavior helped students with low prior knowledge levels to enhance learn-
ing. Therefore, learning acquisition is a very important variable when it comes to consid-
ering students’ prior knowledge levels.
Appendix 2 shows the results of the questionnaire survey analysis. According to the
results, most students gave the items of Ease-of-Use, Usefulness, and Behavioral Inten-
tion high scores. It demonstrates that, in general, students perceived that the mobile sys-
tem was easy-to-use, and it was useful in learning; yet, most of the students responded
affirmatively to questions about using the system for learning in the future. Results of the
interviews’ data analysis also strengthened the findings of students’ high recognition for
the mobile learning system. The following content was abstracted from five interviews:
I can practice my listening and speaking skills by playing Interactive Jigsaw Game.
It’s easier to understand and remember new words if I take related to them photos.
Taking photos for designing cards in surrounding context is a nice way to learn in real life
Scenarios I used for designing cards could help me to recall sentences I made.
I think my English speaking ability has improved.
There were two items ranked the lowest: item 8, “Card design is easy for me” (MD
3.4, SD D0.80) and item 20, “Card design can help me understand words with context
and improve my ability of making sentence effectively” (MD3.40, SD D0.49). With
regard to item 8, in this study, after a student made a sentence by using cards, those
vocabulary cards could not be rearranged or replaced in a sentence. Students felt that the
system is not convenient, particularly when used in a situation when they wanted to revise
a sentence or add a more interesting and meaningful card. As for item 20, students could
not use the system for learning activities as long as they liked due to the time limit. There-
fore, some students learned or played less, and some students did not create cards at all.
We will address these issues in our future study. Particularly, the system functions will be
modified so that students will be able to edit cards or change the order in a sentence.
Learning activity design will also be improved to ensure that students have enough time
to learn by using the mobile system.
According to Appendix 2, most students gave high scores to the items related to their
motivation. This suggests that, in general, students had a high degree of motivation to learn
in a mobile game-based learning environment with a situational context. This finding was
confirmed by interview results. The following content was derived from four interviews:
It is interesting to learn by using tablet PC and this way to learn increases my interest in English.
It’s funny to play “Interactive Jigsaw Game,” it is like playing a real game; the game moti-
vates to play it and learn English.
Interactive Jigsaw Game” helps me to develop my confidence to speak in English.
I am happy to see that others can understand what I said and we can correct own mistakes.
Meanwhile, it was found that item 7, “I had enough time to learn on this system” was
ranked the lowest (MD3.25, SD D0.54). Students were asked to design cards and to
Computer Assisted Language Learning 13
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play interactive games after class time. Some students complained that there was a lot of
homework assigned to other subjects so that they had no time to go out and take pictures
for their cards. Another issue that some students brought up was Internet access. To play
interactive games with others, students needed access to the Internet; however, not many
places with access to the Internet were available. These issues will be addressed in our
future research. Perhaps, it will be effective if several Internet access points are created in
areas around the school community for students to use. In such cases, students could take
pictures, create cards, and play individual games wherever they please, and they could
use provided access points to play interactive games.
5. Conclusion
Game-based learning activities in situational contexts were designed in this study to facili-
tate students’ listening and speaking skills. In learning activities, students created sentences,
spoke them aloud, and listened to their own and their peers’ spoken sentences. More impor-
tantly, students used surrounding contexts to design meaningful learning material (game
cards). When playing games, students could find clues in surrounding contexts to help fin-
ish the games. Therefore, the proposed approach enabled students to acquire the language
not only in the classroom, but also outside of it, in the surrounding context. The feasibility
of game-based learning activities was investigated in this study. Evaluation results revealed
that there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the
listening post-test. However, the experimental group significantly outperformed the control
group in the verbal post-test. The average score for the interactive jigsaw game and the
number of designed cards were found as the most important variables in the relationship
with verbal post-test scores. Based on the results, this study concludes that game-based
learning activities in situational contexts, supported by the mobile system, effectively facili-
tated students speaking skills in the following ways: (1) students practiced EFL speaking
frequently and reflected on their speaking; (2) students created meaningful sentences and
spoke them aloud more correctly and comprehensibly; and (3) students practiced their
speaking skills in surrounding contexts. Finally, students’ learning motivation levels were
high and most students demonstrated positive perceptions toward the novel approach.
One may argue that many other studies (Huang et al., 2012; Hwang et al., 2014; Liu,
2009; Ogata et al., 2008) have also applied similar mobile technologies and obtained the
same results. This study differs from others in the way that mobile technology was
applied; this study utilized it to conduct game-based language learning. Apart from taking
pictures and describing them outside of school in a familiar surrounding context, our
application has also required playing, interacting in, and practicing the target language
through games. In contrast to other studies on game-based learning (Griva et al., 2010;
Liu & Chu, 2010; Sandberg et al., 2011), students in this study have designed their own
learning material for the game with content captured in a familiar surrounding context.
Such approach, coupled with elements of the game, resulted in increased students’ lan-
guage learning motivation.
This study made three main contributions. First, in order to make EFL learning more
meaningful and interesting, this study combined the communicative and situational lan-
guage teaching methods to foster learning through game-based learning activities with sit-
uational contexts in traditional and mobile learning environments. Second, this study
compared the differences in students’ performances with and without technology during
learning activities to explore the effectiveness and pedagogical potential of the novel
14 W.-Y. Hwang et al.
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approach. Third, several guidelines and suggestions for a future design and research were
provided in this study.
A few limitations need to be acknowledged about this study and addressed in the future.
The first limitation of this study was a relatively small sample size was used of only female
participants, which may limit the broad generalization of the results. The long-term impact
of the instruction in the traditional and mobile learning environments was not considered in
this study. In our future study, we will address these limitations as well as extend the capac-
ity of the system. For example, in our future study, students will be provided with feedback
so that they can immediately correct mistakes in the learning materials or output they con-
struct themselves. Locations in which learning materials were created will be recorded and
shared so that students will not be confused about the surrounding context during learning
activities and, perhaps, their listening skills will also be enhanced. Finally, adding new
vocabulary terms from surrounding contexts to learning activities and learning new gram-
mar rules by using the system will be considered in our future study.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This research is partially supported by the “International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence
Program” of NTNU and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Grant no.
NSC 103-2911-I-003-301, NSC 102-3113-P-006-019-, MOST 103-2511-S-006-007-MY3, and
MOST 103-2511-S-006-002-MY3.
Notes on contributors
Dr. Wu-Yuin Hwang is a distinguished professor at the Graduate Institute of Network Learning
Technology, National Central University, Taiwan. His research interests include computer assisted
language learning, HCI, and knowledge construction.
Dr. Timothy K. Shih is a professor at the National Central University, Taiwan. He was the dean of
College of Computer Science, Asia University, Taiwan and the Department Chair of the CSIE
Department at Tamkang University, Taiwan. He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and
Technology (IET). In addition, he is a senior member of ACM and a senior member of IEEE. Dr.
Shih also joined the Educational Activities Board of the Computer Society. His research interests
include e-learning systems, video processing, and interactive multimedia and music.
Zhao-Heng Ma is a doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engi-
neering, National Central University, Taiwan. His research interest includes e-learning and game-
based learning.
Dr. Rustam Shadiev is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Engineering Science,
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. His research interests include computer assisted lan-
guage learning, human-computer interaction for collaboration, and applications of speech to text
recognition for learning.
Shu-Yu Chen graduated from Master program of the Department of Computer Science and Infor-
mation Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan. Her research interest includes e-learning,
game-based learning, and learning English as a foreign language.
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Appendix 1
Sample questions from the test
Listening part
C. Short conversation
(Man) I have an appointment with Dr. Smith at two o’clock. My son Tim has a cold.
(Woman) Please have a seat.
Question: Where did this conversation take place?
Computer Assisted Language Learning 17
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Please select a correct answer:
A. In a concert.
B. In a market.
C. In a doctor’s office.
Speaking part
A. Listen to a sentence and then repeat it
My father has worked in a drug store for six years.
B. Read aloud several sentences
The post office is across from the train station.
C. Answer prerecorded questions after they are broadcasted twice.
What are you going to do today?
Appendix 2
A. Perceptions and behavioral intentions
No. Items Mean SD
1. The overall operation of the system is not difficult for me. 4.00 0.45
2. It’s easy to understand interactions of the system and it’s very clear. 3.95 0.59
The jigsaw game in learning mode is easy for me. 3.90 0.62
3. The jigsaw game in game mode is easy for me. 3.65 0.65
4. The interactive jigsaw game in offline mode is easy for me. 3.65 0.65
5. The interactive jigsaw game in online mode is easy for me. 3.45 0.74
6. “Cards Edit” is easy for me. 3.65 0.73
7. “Card Design” is easy for me. 3.40 0.80
8. “Vocabulary pronunciation” is easy for me. 3.55 0.59
9. “Sentence Pronunciation” is easy for me. 3.55 0.67
10. “Vocabulary Search” is easy for me. 4.10 0.70
11. The jigsaw game can help improve my English listening ability. 3.85 0.57
12. “Vocabulary Search” can help me learn other words. 3.95 0.50
13. The jigsaw game can help me remember words and sentences. 3.95 0.67
14. The jigsaw game can help improve my English listening ability. 3.95 0.59
15. The interactive jigsaw game can help improve EFL speaking ability. 3.95 0.50
16. The interactive jigsaw game can help me be brave to speak English. 4.00 0.55
17. The interactive jigsaw game can help me remember words and sentences. 3.75 0.54
18. “Cards Edit” can help me remember words and understand words more
3.55 0.50
19. “Card Design” can help me understand words with context and improve
my ability of making sentence effectively.
3.40 0.49
20. In general, the system improved my interest and confidence of learning
3.65 0.48
21. I would like to use this system to learn English. 3.70 0.46
22. I hope this system can be embedded into English learning course in
3.80 0.40
23. I would like to continue using the system for learning in the future. 3.70 0.46
24. In general, I feel satisfied with the system to learn English. 3.80 0.40
18 W.-Y. Hwang et al.
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B. Learning motivation
No. Items Mean SD
1. This system increases my learning interest. 3.75 0.54
2. Different features of this system can catch my learning attention. 3.80 0.40
3. The games of the system catch my attention. 3.85 0.48
4. The interface and icons of the system catch my attention. 3.70 0.56
5. Learning activities of the system catch my attention. 3.75 0.54
6. What I learned from this system was helpful to improve my English ability. 3.85 0.48
7. I had enough time to learn on this system. 3.25 0.54
8. I knew what to learn every time I used the system. 3.8 0.51
9. What I learned on this system is practical and closely linked to my daily life. 3.75 0.62
10. What I learned on this system will be helpful for me in the future. 3.70 0.64
11. The difficulty level of the system fit me well. 3.90 0.62
12. The scoring of the system was fair. 3.55 0.59
13. My good performance on this system was due to my hard work. 3.90 0.44
14. I had confidence to learn on this system. 3.65 0.48
15. I had confidence to perform better on this system. 3.60 0.49
16. I’m satisfied with what I learned on this system. 3.70 0.46
17. I actively learned on this system. 3.70 0.46
18. Learning on this system made me happy. 3.65 0.73
Computer Assisted Language Learning 19
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... This feeling may also enhance the students' motivation and lead to gains in incidental language learning (Liu & Chu, 2010). When students' motivation is boosted, the learning process is also accelerated and enhanced (Hwang, et al. 2016). Research shows that male participants typically play video games more than women, in relation to the relationship between gender and video games language results, which may promote better vocabulary learning for males than females. ...
Full-text available
Educational online games and educational videos are classroom methods that incorporate multimedia into language teaching. Previous studies have suggested that the use of online games and educational videos in language learning enhances student performance. However, no studies have been done using three different groups to examine whether online games or educational videos are more beneficial for language learning than conventional teaching, if at all. This study intended to fill the existing gap in research about vocabulary acquisition, using an experimental research design with a pre-test at the beginning of the program and a post-test at the end of the program. These tests were administered to 93 seventh grade EFL students. The participants were divided into three groups and taught using educational videos, online educational games, and conventional teaching respectively. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference among these three groups. The use of educational online games resulted in higher achievement than the educational videos and conventional teaching. These results suggest that multimedia learning has a significant effect on vocabulary enhancement.
... ATT is applied by Wanner et al. (2022) and describes a user's response to the use of AI technology. On the one hand, existing research indicates that ATT has a positive influence on BI (e.g., Chen, 2013;Hwang et al., 2016), as humans intend to engage in behaviors toward systems for which they hold a positive attitude ( Thomas et al. (2013). Therefore, the following hypotheses are used: H3: Attitude towards AI technology positively affects behavioral intention. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is transformin g enterprises and challenging established paradigms, reshaping the landscape of business operations, strategy, and employee engagement. This technology shift is not without its complexities. Human-centric barriers, such as black-box issues and technology-related anxiety, can impede AI acceptance, hindering long-term success and integration of AI-based systems in organizational settings. This study posits that embracing AI decision support systems presents unique challenges, which are critical factors in end-user acceptance. We analyzed the literature and identified such factors, and conducted a survey of 218 respondents in a low-stake scenario with a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model. Our findings suggest that human-centric barriers necessitate reevaluating and expanding existing acceptance models, as well as generating explanatory knowledge for a more comprehensive understanding of AI acceptance and adoption.
... Authentic learning can offer numerous educational benefits; it increases learners' affective factors such as motivation, engagement, and enjoyment of learning, and cognitive factors such as comprehension, memory and retention, thereby improving learning outcomes (Alioon & Delialioğlu, 2019;Hwang et al., 2022;Shadiev et al., 2017). It has also been shown to increase opportunities for communication and collaboration and improve speaking skills through practice in diverse real-life contexts (Hwang et al., 2016;Sirisrimangkorn, 2018). Especially in L2 speaking, the provision of authentic language input, authentic opportunities for interaction and language use, and students' active participation are crucial (Ahn & Lee, 2016;Brown & Lee, 2015;Saville-Troike & Barto, 2017). ...
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While traditional English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms often lack context and authenticity, immersive virtual reality (iVR) provides a valuable alternative opportunity to practice and acquire the target language in a replica of the real world. The present study used iVR (Immerse) for communicative tasks and investigated how iVR, as an authentic learning environment, promoted students’ speaking. For six weeks, Korean EFL university students (N = 19) participated in various communicative tasks in simulated real-life-like places in iVR. The study employed a qualitative research method and analyzed the students’ physical and verbal behaviors based on the recordings and their perceptions of learning in iVR through interviews. Analysis of the recordings revealed that the students engaged in authentic conversations in response to the surrounding virtual environments, manipulated virtual objects to engage in dynamic and contextualized conversations, and showed enjoyment and comfort. Triangulating the results of the recording analysis, the interviews confirmed the students’ preference for iVR over traditional teaching due to more realistic English-speaking contexts, more natural interactions, more opportunities to speak, and the connection of each scene to their own real-life experiences. Finally, pedagogical implications are proposed to integrate iVR to facilitate students’ authentic and meaningful learning.
... E-learning is a kind of online learning which has other name such as online learning, webbased learning, or distance learning [5], [6]. Along with this, schools are challenged to provide different learning methods to students who grow up in a digital technology environment that is more familiar with webbased learning, which is referred to as online learning, using widely distributed media, and connecting with the available new technology [7]- [9]. ...
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This study intends to determine the perceptions of the in-service Teacher profession education program (PPG) students towards Indonesian network learning system (SPADA) hybrid learning. This study employed a survey method with a qualitative approach. Subjects in this study were 82 of 87 PPG Daljab 1 Batch 1 students. The technique of collecting data was through the instruments of questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was used to obtain data about the quality of online content and the assessment of online learning that has been carried out. Interviews were conducted to confirm the results of the questionnaire data to see the compatibility between the two data. Data analysis techniques in this study were conducted qualitatively and quantitatively by considering to the research objectives. The results showed that online learning had sharp quality content, can be accepted and well understood, easy to operate and use, overcomes distance and time constraints, and has benefits that are in line with the objectives of PPG implementation.
... To measure MALL effectiveness, researchers often adopted experimental research methods using mobile technologies to develop FL learners' speaking skill, such as WhatsApp (Rezaee et al., 2019), WeChat (Mu, 2017) and mobile speaking systems (Hwang et al., 2014). In these studies, the experimental group was exposed to MALL technologies while the control group used traditional methods, including traditional pencil and paper instruction (e.g., Hwang, Shih, Ma, Shadiev, & Chen, 2016;Ko & Lim, 2022), traditional classroom instruction (e.g., Lan & Lin, 2016;Liakin, Cardoso, & Liakina, 2017), oral assignments at home (Sun et al., 2017) and non-game-based learning (e.g., Grimshaw & Cardoso, 2018;Liu & Chu, 2010), among others. Research into the use of MALL for FL speaking skill development is crucial, because in foreign language learning speaking is one of the most challenging skills for learners (Li, 2022a(Li, , 2022d. ...
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Despite the growing body of research regarding the effectiveness of MALL (mobile-assisted language learning) technologies on foreign language (FL) learners' speaking skill development, a comprehensively quantitative meta-analysis regarding the effect sizes of these studies is still lacking. To solve the problem, this study reported results based on a meta-analysis of 20 effect sizes among 932 participants from 18 experimental and quasi-experimental studies. The results showed that the overall effect size was significantly large, suggesting the use of MALL for FL learners' speaking skill development is more effective than traditional methods. Furthermore, learner-related, instruction-related and methodology-related moderator analysis results indicated that instructional approaches and intervention durations were significant moderators, while proficiency levels, educational levels, language types, intervention settings, software types, measured outcome types and duration intensity did not find a significant moderating effect. The results of the study provide some pedagogical implications into the use of MALL technologies for FL learners' speaking skill development.
Acquiring vocabulary in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) requires a significant and long-term undertaking, which many primary students often deem tedious and discouraging. This results in reduced motivation and diminished self-efficacy in vocabulary acquisition. To address these challenges, this chapter proposes an innovative method—digital role-playing game (RPG)-based vocabulary learning, developed with the user-friendly RPG Maker, and structured around the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. This method transforms vocabulary learning into an engaging gameplay process with a clear language learning purpose. As students engage in solo, collaborative, and competitive modes of RPG, their motivation for learning can be bolstered, fostering improved self-efficacy. Through interaction with Non-Player Characters (NPCs), students can gain substantial exposure to English vocabulary, bolstering their utilization of English words. Consequently, a digital RPG-based learning approach not only reduces the workload for EFL teachers but also enhances learner motivation and self-efficacy, ultimately increasing efficiency in EFL vocabulary learning among primary students.
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The technological revolution, particularly pertaining to smartphones, has revitalised the means by which educational methodologies were approached and implemented, most notably with respect to English language learning. This study explores the effectiveness of mobile applications in the improvement of English vocabulary acquisition among university students. The present study is about the perception and usage of mobile application patterns used in learning English vocabulary. It is based on a structured survey carried out on undergraduate students, of which the sample was selected from various disciplines at a private University. This paper outlines a survey on preferences for mobile apps against traditional methods of learning and finds out at what frequency, duration, and even perceived benefits of such tools in language learning. These indicate a strong preference for such apps to learn vocabulary, with overwhelming numbers of students in big schools, far and near, using these apps daily or at least weekly. The results put emphasis on the fact that mobile apps provide easy ways through which students can learn vocabulary flexibly and efficiently. The features of gamification and the required pronunciation help are most appreciated when built inside mobile applications. This shows that interactive elements with audio-visual effects are doing their work in learning engagement and effectiveness.
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This study aimed to identify the role of social studies teachers in promoting digital citizenship values in the Aqaba Governorate. The descriptive-analytical research approach was chosen, and a sample of 318 teachers of social studies was followed using a questionnaire tool. The results showed that social studies teachers play a crucial role in raising students' awareness of digital citizenship values. The findings also indicated a positive trend towards integrating digital media in the learning process. Utilizing the statistical analysis program SPSS, the results revealed that most teachers pay special attention to introducing students to digital citizenship concepts. Moreover, the results demonstrated statistically significant differences at a significance level of (α = 0.05) in the responses of teachers regarding the application of social studies teachers in promoting digital citizenship values attributed to the gender variable, while there were no differences for the variables of academic qualification and years of experience. The recommendations are based on evidence suggesting the importance of enhancing teacher-training programs and integrating digital citizenship concepts into school curricula. Additionally, promoting safe use of social media in education, fostering positive digital interaction, and garnering parental support are crucial for instilling digital citizenship values effectively.
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This study aimed to reveal the degree of using technological applications (TA) in teaching Arabic language from the point of view of secondary school teachers in Jordan, and the study relied on the analytical descriptive approach. The sample of the study consisted of (74) male and female Arabic language teachers who are teaching secondary stage in Ma’an Governorate ‎ in the scholastic year 2023/2024. The study used a questionnaire consisting of (30) items distributed into three domains, and the validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed. The results revealed that the degree of using TA in teaching Arabic language from the point of view of secondary school teachers is high, and there are no statistically significant differences in the estimates of Arabic language teachers for the degree of using TA in teaching Arabic language attributed to gender and years of experience. The researcher recommended enhancing technological infrastructure required for employing TA in teaching all subjects in secondary stage.
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This chapter relates issues of comprehensible input and comprehensible output to an increasingly prominent field: second-language pragmatics, where the intended meanings often go beyond the literal ones. The chapter will take a close look at what comprehensibility of language at the level of pragmatics actually entails. In looking at both the comprehension and production of pragmatic material, we will consider briefly the negotiation of meaning and conversational repairs—modifications made to the interactional structure of discourse and to words, sounds, and syntax for the purpose of communicating pragmatics. We will first look at what comprehensible input means with regard to pragmatics, whether through language (e.g. lexical items—words and phrases, syntax—e.g. verb tenses, or discourse), through gestures, or through silence. Then we will consider what comprehensible output entails in order that the addressees interpret the intended pragmatics correctly. Finally, we will reflect on the implications for both the learning and teaching of L2 pragmatics in lights of these comprehensibility issues.
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This study investigated three aspects: how project-based collaborative learning facilitates cross-cultural understanding; how students perceive project-based collaborative learning implementation in a collaborative cyber community (3C) online environment; and what types of communication among students are used. A qualitative case study approach was applied to explore these aspects using a variety of data sources. First, students’ reflections were evaluated to determine their level of cross-cultural understanding. Second, students’ messages on the discussion board were analysed to explore their cross-cultural learning process and types of communication. Third, interviews were conducted with the students and their instructor to investigate their experiences and perceptions with respect to project-based cross-cultural learning. Results of this study show that cross-cultural learning took place in the 3C online environment. Folk games, learning activities, were interesting, drew students’ attention, and stimulated their motivation. The students and the instructor positively perceived the 3C online environment as it created an authentic learning environment by connecting students from different cultures. Educational, technical, and communicative types of communication in the 3C environment were derived; however, only communication of the educational type could facilitate cross-cultural understanding. Based on the results, this study provides implications and suggestions for the teaching and research community in the field.
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p class="Abstract">This study designed learning activities supported by a mobile learning system for students to develop listening and speaking skills in English as a foreign language (EFL). How students perceive learning activities and a mobile learning system were examined in this study. Additionally, how different practices relate to students’ language proficiency was also explored. It was found that students had positive perceptions and intentions toward learning activities; thus, students were motivated to practice English skills more when using a mobile learning system. The results demonstrated how students’ speaking and listening skills practices using mobile devices had different correlations depending on their proficiency levels. For example, listening diversity, defined as the number of other classmates a student listened to, was found to have an inverse correlation with speaking and listening proficiency. This finding does not support previous research and indicates that students who carefully selected their listening partners performed better than those who did not. It was further found that the better students performed in English learning, the fewer partners they would choose. EFL instructors can use the insights of this study to design more effective language learning activities for students using mobile devices. </p
Games and play dynamics are proliferating in social, professional, and educational domains. This special issue brings together a collection of articles examining game and play activity in second language teaching and learning. Each addresses the topic from a unique perspective and represents game and play as part of complex ecologies of practice. The approaches include observation of out-of-school L2 gaming practices, adaptation of commercial, off-the-shelf games in the classroom, application of a game-based L2 learning environment, and the study of 'gameful' learning through play in social networks.
It is impossible to control another person's motivation. But much of the instructor's job involves stimulating learner motivation, and learning environments should ideally be designed toward this goal. Motivational Design for Learning and Performance introduces readers to the core concepts of motivation and motivational design and applies this knowledge to the design process in a systematic step-by-step format. The ARCS model-theoretically robust, rooted in best practices, and adaptable to a variety of practical uses-forms the basis of this problem-solving approach. Separate chapters cover each component of the model-attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction-and offer strategies for promoting each one in learners. From there, the motivational design process is explained in detail, supplemented by real-world examples and ready-to-use worksheets. The methods are applied to traditional and alternative settings, including gifted classes, elementary grades, self-directed learning, and corporate training. nd the book is geared toward the non-specialist reader, making it accessible to those without a psychology or teaching background. With this guide, the reader learns how to: Identify motivation problems and goals Decide whether the environment or the learners need changing Generate attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction in learners Integrate motivational design and instructional design Select, develop, and evaluate motivational materials Plus a wealth of tables, worksheets, measures, and other valuable tools aid in the design process Comprehensive and enlightening, Motivational Design for Learning and Performance furnishes an eminently practical body of knowledge to researchers and professionals in performance technology and instructional design as well as educational psychologists, teachers and trainers. © Springer Science-Business Media, LLC 2010. All rights reserved.
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This study applied speech-to-text recognition (STR) technology to assist non-native English-speaking participants to learn at a seminar given in English. How participants used transcripts generated by the STR technology for learning and their perceptions toward the STR were explored. Three main findings are presented in this study. Most participants perceived that transcripts were useful for learning. Nineteen learning strategies to use transcripts were discovered; transcripts were used to understand the topic presented, to find an answer to a question and to write summaries. Participants with different learning achievements demonstrated different learning behaviours when using transcripts. That is, some participants used transcripts effectively (i.e. studied them thoroughly and used the most important parts of them for summaries along with elaborating ideas) but some participants did not (i.e. studied transcripts superficially and employed the copy-and-paste method to complete summaries). Therefore, this study suggests how to teach participants to use transcripts by employing learning strategies meaningfully.
The current study focused on the problems which students encounter while listening to the English language, the mental processes they activate in listening comprehension, and the strategies they use in different phases of comprehension. Also, it aimed to find out whether there were any differences between advanced and intermediate students in their use of the listening strategies. Data was collected using the think aloud technique in which students (4th year English majors, Faculty of Education, Menoufia University) were asked to mention any problem they face during a listening comprehension activity and indicate what they were thinking to solve the problem. The findings indicated that advanced and intermediate participants encountered the same problems with different percentages, and activated three groups of processes. The advanced group students used top down strategies more than the intermediate ones.