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Diet during pregnancy in relation to maternal weight gain and birth size


Abstract and Figures

Maternal weight gain has been consistently linked to birth weight but, beyond maternal energy intake, no macronutrient has been associated with either of them. We have examined whether maternal energy-adjusted intake of macronutrients is associated with either maternal weight gain or birth-size parameters. Cohort study. University hospital in Boston, USA. A total of 224 pregnant women coming for their first routine prenatal visit. The women were followed through delivery. None. Pregnant women's dietary intake during the second trimester was ascertained at the 27th week of pregnancy through a food frequency questionnaire. Intake of neither energy nor any of the energy-generating nutrients was significantly associated with birth size. In contrast, maternal weight gain by the end of the second trimester of pregnancy was significantly associated with energy intake (+0.9 kg/s.d. of intake; P approximately 0.006) as well as energy-adjusted intake of protein (+3.1 kg/s.d. of intake; P<10(-4)), lipids of animal origin (+2.6 kg/s.d. of intake; P<10(-4)) and carbohydrates (-5.2 kg/s.d. of intake; P<10(-4)). Although maternal weight gain is strongly associated with birth size, the indicated nutritional associations with weight gain are not reflected in similar associations with birth-size parameters. The pattern is reminiscent of the sequence linking diet to coronary heart disease (CHD) through cholesterol: diet has been conclusively linked to blood cholesterol levels and cholesterol levels are conclusively linked to this disease, even though the association of diet with CHD has been inconclusive and controversial.
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Diet during pregnancy in relation to maternal weight
gain and birth size
P Lagiou
, RM Tamimi
, LA Mucci
, H-O Adami
, C-C Hsieh
and D Trichopoulos
Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece;
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard
School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA;
Department of Medical Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; and
University of Massachusetts Cancer Center, Worcester, MA, USA
Objective: Maternal weight gain has been consistently linked to birth weight but, beyond maternal energy intake, no
macronutrient has been associated with either of them. We have examined whether maternal energy-adjusted intake of
macronutrients is associated with either maternal weight gain or birth-size parameters.
Design: Cohort study.
Setting: University hospital in Boston, USA.
Subjects: A total of 224 pregnant women coming for their first routine prenatal visit. The women were followed through
Interventions: None. Pregnant women’s dietary intake during the second trimester was ascertained at the 27th week of
pregnancy through a food frequency questionnaire.
Results: Intake of neither energy nor any of the energy-generating nutrients was significantly associated with birth size. In
contrast, maternal weight gain by the end of the second trimester of pregnancy was significantly associated with energy intake
( þ 0.9 kg/s.d. of intake; PB0.006) as well as energy-adjusted intake of protein ( þ 3.1 kg/s.d. of intake; Po10
), lipids of animal
origin ( þ 2.6 kg/s.d. of intake; Po10
) and carbohydrates (5.2 kg/s.d. of intake; Po10
Conclusions: Although maternal weight gain is strongly associated with birth size, the indicated nutritional associations with
weight gain are not reflected in similar associations with birth-size parameters. The pattern is reminiscent of the sequence linking
diet to coronary heart disease (CHD) through cholesterol: diet has been conclusively linked to blood cholesterol levels and
cholesterol levels are conclusively linked to this disease, even though the association of diet with CHD has been inconclusive and
Sponsorship: This study was supported in part by Grant No. CA54220 from the National Institutes of Health
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2004) 58, 231–237. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601771
Keywords: diet; pregnancy; birth weight; maternal weight gain
Birth weight is an important correlate of neonatal and infant
health and has been recently associated with adult onset
diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (Rich-Edwards
et al, 1997), non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (Rich-
Edwards et al, 1999) and breast cancer (Potischman & Troisi,
1999). Several studies have examined sociodemographic,
reproductive and anthropometric factors in relation to birth-
size parameters. In particular, birth weight is higher among
offspring of women 17–35 y old in comparison to younger
and older women (Lee et al, 1988), among multiparae in
comparison to primiparae (Magnus et al, 1985) and among
women of higher rather than lower socioeconomic status
(Spencer et al, 1999). In contrast, smoking (England et al,
2001) and coffee consumption (Eskenazi et al, 1999) during
pregnancy have been linked to lower birth weight. Although
maternal weight gain has been consistently linked to birth
Received 5 February 2003; revised 20 March 2003;accepted 26 March
*Correspondence: D Trichopoulos, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard
School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Guarantor: D Trichopoulos.
Contributors: The study was executed by PL, RMT and LAM. The
original international study was conceived by H-OA, DT and CcH,
who also provided input in the analysis. All authors contributed to
the interpretation of the results and the preparation of the manu-
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2004) 58, 231237
2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0954-3007/04 $
weight (Abrams & Selvin, 1995; Zhou & Olsen, 1997;
Thorsdottir & Birgisdottir, 1998; Shapiro et al, 2000; Lagiou
et al, 2003), the relation of energy-generating nutrients with
birth size after controlling for energy-intake has not been
adequately investigated. Indeed, the sequence from maternal
nutrition to maternal weight gain to birth weight is not
sustained by available data, except under extreme nutri-
tional deprivation (Susser, 1991). Notwithstanding findings
indicating that the consumption of marine omega-3 fatty
acids (Olsen, 1993) and monounsaturated lipids from olive
oil (Petridou et al, 1998) may be positively associated with
birth weight, the prevailing view is that qualitative aspects of
diet in developed countries are unlikely to be strongly
related to birth weight (Mathews et al, 1999).
We have examined the relation of the intake of energy and
energy-generating nutrients with maternal weight gain until
the 27th gestational week and with birth-size parameters in a
cohort of nonpre-eclamptic pregnant Caucasian women who
had singleton births after gestation lasting from 37 to 42
weeks, inclusive, in a major university hospital in Boston
USA from 1994 to 1995. We have restricted our study to this
group of women and newborns, because there would be too
few pre-eclamptic women or premature/overmature babies
to allow evaluation of possible subtle and complex interac-
tions. The hypothesis under investigation is that one or more
energy-generating nutrients may have differential effects on
birth weight, possibly mediated through differential effects
on maternal weight gain.
Materials and methods
Study subjects
The present investigation was undertaken using data from an
international prospective study on predictors of pregnancy
hormones among women in Boston, USA and Shanghai,
China (Lipworth et al, 1999). Since we have an inadequate
nutrient database for the Chinese diet at this time, we
present here data on dietary factors in relation to maternal
weight gain and birth-size variables for the US women only.
Between March 1994 and October 1995, 402 eligible
pregnant women were identified at the Beth Israel Hospital
in Boston. To be able to participate in the study, women had
to be Caucasian, less than 40-y old and have a parity of no
more than two. Women were not eligible if they had taken
any kind of hormonal medication during the index preg-
nancy, if they had a prior diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or
thyroid disease, or if the fetus had a known major anomaly.
A trained health professional met all pregnant women
coming for their first routine prenatal visit to the collaborat-
ing maternity clinic, ascertained whether the woman was
eligible to participate, explained to her the objectives of the
study and the requirements for participation, and obtained
informed consent. The procedures followed were in accor-
dance with the ethical standards for human experimentation
established by the Institutional Review Board at the Harvard
School of Public Health and Beth Israel Hospital.
Of 402 eligible women, 77 refused to participate, nine
were subsequently excluded because the index pregnancy
was terminated through a spontaneous or induced
abortion, two were excluded because of twin birth and
10 were lost to follow-up after the initial meeting. For
the present analysis, we excluded 23 women because they
had a pregnancy that lasted less than 37 or more than 42
weeks, 16 women because they had missing data for one or
more of the sociodemographic or reproductive factors
evaluated in this analysis and an additional 14 women
who developed pre-eclampsia. Of the remaining 251 women,
224 who had adequately completed the food frequency
questionnaire, so as to allow calculation of energy and
macronutrient intake, were eventually included in the
present study.
Information concerning the nondietary aspects of the
standard questionnaire administered and medical record
reviewing has been given in the earlier publication
(Lipworth et al, 1999). Dietary information was collected
through a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire
covering an extensive list of foods and beverages, as well
as information on vitamin or multivitamin supplements.
This questionnaire was identical to the one used and
validated in the Nurses’ Health Study (Willett et al, 1985).
The questionnaire was mailed to the women 1 week prior
to their second routine visit to the maternity clinic,
which was around the 27th gestational week. It required
information on their dietary patterns during the second
trimester of pregnancy and it was checked for completeness
by trained interviewers during the women’s second visit.
Birth weight, height and head circumference were
measured at delivery by study collaborators, whereas mater-
nal weight gain was calculated as the difference between
weight measured at the 27th gestational week and prepreg-
nancy weight.
Statistical analysis
The statistical analyses were conducted using SAS Software
version 8.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Following simple
cross-tabulations, the data were modeled through multiple
linear regression with dependent variables, alternatively,
birth weight, birth height, head circumference and maternal
weight gain until the 27th gestational age. Main exposure
variables were intake of energy and energy-generating
nutrients, and they were calculated from the dietary data
using the standard software used in the Nurses’ Health Study
(Romieu et al, 1990). Increments equal to 1 s.d. were used for
the nutritional variables to allow comparability among effect
estimates of these variables, which have different levels and
ranges of intake.
In studying the association of dietary intakes with
weight gain and pregnancy outcomes, several variables
with confounding potential were controlled for, namely
maternal age (categorically), maternal education (categori-
cally), parity (categorically), maternal height (continuously),
Diet, maternal weight gain and birth weight
P Lagiou et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) (continuously), preg-
ravid oral contraceptive (OC) use (categorically), smoking
during pregnancy (categorically), exact gestational age at
delivery (continuously) and gender of the baby (categori-
cally). Only six women reported alcohol intake and this
referred only to low frequencies and quantities; thus, alcohol
intake was not a possible confounder in these data. For all
women, gestational age at delivery was estimated as the
exact difference between the first day of last menstruation
and the date of delivery.
Table 1 shows birth weight, length and head circumference
according to maternal characteristics and gender of off-
spring. Maternal characteristics were evaluated as possible
confounders of the association of energy and energy-
generating nutrients with birth-size characteristics. We
found positive associations of maternal height, prepreg-
nancy BMI, maternal weight gain and male gender with
birth-size parameters. Pregravid OC use was also positively
associated with birth-size parameters in this data set, whereas
Table 1 Birth weight, birth length and head circumference of babies born to 224 nonpre-eclamptic Caucasian women
in Boston USA (1994–1995)
after gestation lasting from 37 to 42 weeks, inclusive, according to maternal characteristics
Birth weight (g) Birth length (cm) Head circumference (cm)
Maternal characteristics N Mean (s.e.) N Mean (s.e.) N Mean (s.e.)
Maternal age (y)
18–24 5 3570 (1 6 0) 5 49.60 (1.54) 5 34.90 (0.29)
25–29 62 3478 (62) 62 50.19 (0.29) 62 34.35 (0.20)
30–34 138 3614 (39) 138 50.92 (0.20) 135 34.74 (0.15)
35+ 19 3489 (117) 19 50.15 (0.49) 19 34.11 (0.33)
Maternal education
High school graduate 36 3583 (77) 36 50.30 (0.42) 36 34.66 (0.24)
College graduate 92 3635 (48) 92 51.05 (0.24) 90 34.70 (0.16)
Higher 94 3490 (49) 94 50.32 (0.23) 93 34.46 (0.19)
1 138 3569 (40) 138 50.67 (0.20) 135 34.68 (0.13)
2 86 3558 (50) 86 50.56 (0.25) 86 34.44 (0.20)
Height (cm)
159 50 3473 (71) 50 50.26 (0.31) 50 34.18 (0.19)
160–164 53 3526 (71) 53 50.53 (0.28) 52 34.53 (0.20)
165–169 63 3599 (54) 63 50.70 (0.33) 62 34.70 (0.18)
170+ 56 3646 (58) 56 50.94 (0.32) 55 34.75 (0.30)
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m
18 26 3468 (72) 26 50.30 (0.39) 26 34.07 (0.24)
19–21 109 3530 (45) 109 50.39 (0.23) 109 34.48 (0.18)
22–24 59 3681 (60) 59 51.41 (0.30) 59 35.01 (0.19)
25 30 3549 (102) 30 50.19 (0.41) 30 34.60 (0.27)
Weight gain up to 27th gestational week (kg)
7 42 3451 (66) 42 50.36 (0.33) 42 34.25 (0.22)
8–11 97 3514 (44) 97 50.50 (0.22) 96 34.46 (0.18)
12–14 34 3614 (67) 34 50.38 (0.38) 34 34.78 (0.28)
15+ 34 3787 (102) 34 51.49 (0.48) 32 35.28 (0.25)
Previous oral contraceptive use
Yes 172 3602 (37) 172 50.80 (0.18) 169 34.69 (0.13)
No 52 3438 (57) 52 50.00 (0.26) 52 34.23 (0.21)
Smoking in pregnancy
Yes 11 3555 (192) 11 49.55 (1.11) 11 33.82 (0.41)
No 211 3566 (32) 211 50.67 (0.15) 208 34.64 (0.11)
Gender of offspring
Male 114 3629 (40) 114 51.14 (0.22) 112 34.74 (0.17)
Female 110 3498 (48) 110 50.07 (0.21) 109 34.42 (0.14)
The numbers do not always add up because of missing values.
Diet, maternal weight gain and birth weight
P Lagiou et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
no consistent effects were evident with respect to parity,
smoking during pregnancy, maternal age and educational
In Table 2, pregnant women were distributed in quartiles
by intakes, alternatively, of energy, animal lipids, vegetable
lipids, carbohydrates and protein. Subsequently, we calcu-
lated mean differences (and standard errors) in birth weight,
birth length and head circumference between the first
quartile, taken as referent, and each of the subsequent
quartiles. Univariate regression-derived P-values for trend by
quartile groups were obtained. With respect to birth weight
and birth length, no substantial or significant trend with
intake of either energy or any of the energy-generating
nutrients was observed. In contrast, positive associations
were apparent between head circumference and intake of
either energy or any of the energy-generating nutrients. The
associations were significant with respect to intake of energy
or protein, but they were irregular and suggestive of possible
threshold effects. Interpretation of the apparent associations
and their irregularities is hindered by the fact that intake of
energy and energy-generating nutrients are highly corre-
In Table 3, the association of maternal intake of energy
and energy-generating nutrients with birth-size parameters is
examined. After adjustment for the possible confounders
indicated in Table 1, neither energy intake nor intake of any
of the energy-generating nutrients (after adjustment for
energy intake) was associated with any of the birth-size
parameters examined.
For Table 4, complete data for 207 pairs of mothers and
newborn were available, but their distributions by the
variables indicated in Table 1 were similar to the distribu-
tions given in Table 1. Again, pregnant women were
distributed in quartiles by intakes, alternatively, of energy,
animal lipids, vegetable lipids, carbohydrates and protein.
Subsequently, mean differences (and standard errors) in
maternal weight gain between the first quartile, taken as
referent, and each of the subsequent quartiles were calcu-
lated. Univariate regression-derived P-values for trend by
quartile groups were obtained. With the exception of
carbohydrates, significant positive associations with weight
gain were evident, but the possibility of confounding, either
mutual among the nutritional factors or by the nonnutri-
tional factors indicated in Table 1, cannot be excluded.
Table 5 shows the association of maternal intake of energy
and energy-generating nutrients with maternal weight gain.
After adjustment for the possible confounders indicated in
the footnote of the table, energy intake and energy-adjusted
intake of animal lipids and protein were significantly
positively associated with maternal weight gain, whereas a
significant inverse association was evident with respect to
carbohydrates. In an alternative model, we introduced
simultaneously the four energy-generating nutrients, but
we excluded energy intake to avoid collinearity. The
association of maternal weight gain with intake of carbohy-
drates (inverse) and with animal lipids and protein (positive)
persisted, although the partial regression coefficients were all
reduced (in absolute terms).
Table 2 Mean change and standard error (s.e.) in birth weight, birth length and head circumference by quartile
of intake of energy and energy-
generating nutrients
Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Mean change s.e. Mean change s.e. Mean change s.e. P-value trend
Birth weight(g)
Energy REF +149.0 87.9 17.1 87.9 +165.1 87.9 0.24
Animal lipids REF +132.3 88.4 4.9 88.4 +131.3 88.4 0.36
Vegetable lipids REF +65.1 88.9 4.2 88.9 +105.4 88.9 0.38
Carbohydrates REF +181.4 88.2 +51.3 88.2 +160.6 88.2 0.21
Protein REF +11.1 89.0 +79.7 89.0 +88.3 89.0 0.24
Birth length (cm)
Energy REF +0.15 0.44 0.40 0.44 +0.54 0.44 0.45
Animal lipids REF 0.01 0.44 0.46 0.44 +0.22 0.44 0.87
Vegetable lipids REF 0.20 0.44 0.11 0.44 +0.17 0.44 0.66
Carbohydrates REF +0.24 0.44 +0.16 0.44 +0.30 0.44 0.56
Protein REF 0.66 0.44 0.47 0.44 +0.26 0.44 0.49
Head circumference (cm)
Energy REF +0.53 0.31 +0.14 0.31 +0.92 0.31 0.02
Animal lipids REF +0.73 0.31 +0.33 0.31 +0.68 0.31 0.10
Vegetable lipids REF +0.10 0.32 0.03 0.32 +0.48 0.31 0.18
Carbohydrates REF +0.75 0.31 +0.47 0.31 +0.71 0.31 0.06
Protein REF +0.05 0.31 +0.31 0.31 +0.67 0.31 0.02
The 25th, 50th and 75th centiles were for energy 6386, 8345 and 10146 kJ, for animal lipids 27.4, 35.1 and 47.2 g, for vegetable lipids 16.9, 22.8 and 29.6 g, for
carbohydrates 208.2, 271.8 and 345.5 g and for protein 67.2, 86.3, and 113.4 g, respectively.
Data from 224 nonpre-eclamptic pregnancies lasting from 37 to 42 weeks, inclusive, in Boston USA, 1994–1995.
Diet, maternal weight gain and birth weight
P Lagiou et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
In an earlier paper (Lagiou et al, in press), examining non-
nutritional factors in relation to birth weight, we found, as
others have (Abrams & Selvin, 1995; Zhou & Olsen, 1997;
Thorsdottir & Birgisdottir, 1998; Shapiro et al, 2000), that
maternal weight gain is positively associated with birth
weight. Among Caucasian women, an increase in maternal
weight gain by 2 kg was associated with an increase of 37.1 g
(standard error 13.2 g) in birth weight, after adjustment for
possible confounding variables (Lagiou et al, in press). In the
present paper, we found that neither energy intake nor the
energy-adjusted intake of any of the energy-generating
nutrients, as ascertained at the end of the second trimester
of pregnancy, is significantly associated with any of the
studied birth-size parameters after adjustment for confound-
ing variables. In contrast, energy intake was significantly
positively associated with maternal weight gain through the
end of the second trimester of pregnancy and, after
controlling for energy intake, protein and lipids of animal
origin were also significantly positively associated with
Table 3 Partial regression coefficients showing changes in birth weight (g), birth length (cm) and head circumference (cm) per increments of one
standard deviation (s.d.)
of intake of energy and energy generating nutrients
Birth weight
change (g)
s.e. P-value
Adjusted birth weight
change (g)
s.e. P-value
Energy (per s.d.) +51.2 31.3 0.10 +7.8 28.8 0.79
Animal lipids (per s.d.) +6.5 48.3 0.89 +24.8 44. 5 0.58
Vegetable lipids (per s.d.) +55.1 46.7 0.24 6.9 42.2 0.87
Carbohydrates (per s.d.) 42.1 83.6 0.62 38.6 77.0 0.62
Protein (per s.d.) +3.5 68.8 0.96 +32.2 62.7 0.61
Birth length
change (cm)
s.e. P-value
Adjusted birth length
change (cm)
s.e. P-value
Energy (per s.d.) +0.15 0.16 0.34 0.06 0.14 0.66
Animal lipids (per s.d.) 0.002 0.24 0.99 +0.16 0.22 0.46
Vegetable lipids (per s.d.) +0.08 0.23 0.74 0.22 0.21 0.30
Carbohydrates (per s.d.) 0.11 0.42 0.79 0.20 0.38 0.61
Protein (per s.d.) +0.16 0.34 0.65 +0.32 0.31 0.31
Head circumference
change (cm)
s.e. P-value
Adjusted head circumference
change (cm)
s.e. P-value
Energy (per s.d.) +0.29 0.11 0.01 +0.15 0.11 0.16
Animal lipids (per s.d.) +0.01 0.17 0.95 +0.07 0.16 0.65
Vegetable lipids (per s.d.) +0.12 0.16 0.45 0.04 0.15 0.79
Carbohydrates (per s.d.) 0.13 0.29 0.65 0.16 0.28 0.56
Protein (per s.d.) +0.05 0.24 0.84 +0.16 0.23 0.47
s.d. for energy 3371.9 kJ/day, for animal lipids 19.6 g/day, for vegetable lipids 10.8 g/day, for carbohydrates 127.3 g/day and for protein 40.7 g/day
Total of 224 singleton, nonpre-eclamptic pregnancies, lasting from 37 to 42 weeks inclusive. Boston, USA, 1994–1995.
Adjusted for energy intake only (except for energy).
Adjusted for energy intake (except for energy), maternal age, maternal education, parity, maternal height, prepregnancy BMI, pregravid OC use, smoking during
pregnancy, exact gestational age at delivery and gender of the baby.
Table 4 Mean change and s.e. in maternal weight gain by quartile of intake of energy and energy-generating nutrients
Weight gain (kg)
Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Mean change s.e. Mean change s.e. Mean change s.e. P-value trend
Energy REF +0.79 0.97 0.12 0.95 +2.46 0.96 0.04
Animal lipids REF 0.18 0.96 +0.29 0.95 +2.82 0.94 0.003
Vegetable lipids REF 0.00 0.96 0.17 0.96 +2.80 0.96 0.007
Carbohydrates REF +0.62 0.98 0.007 0.98 +1.03 0.96 0.40
Protein REF 0.14 0.96 +0.51 0.98 +1.90 0.95 0.03
Data from 207 nonpre-eclamptic pregnancies lasting from 37 to 42 weeks, inclusive, in Boston USA, 1994–1995.
Diet, maternal weight gain and birth weight
P Lagiou et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
maternal weight gain, whereas carbohydrates were signifi-
cantly inversely associated with it.
The strong associations between four of the five studied
nutritional variables and maternal weight gain, in combina-
tion with the strong positive association of the latter variable
with birth weight (and, indeed, birth length and birth head
circumferenceFTable 1) would have led to the prediction of
significant associations between the nutritional variables
and birth-size parameters. The absence of such associations is
intriguing. There is a biological precedent, however,
although in a different time scale. The relation of diet to
coronary heart disease (CHD) has been weak in most
epidemiological investigations, even though cholesterol
levels (both high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol)
are powerful predictors of CHD and are clearly associated
with diet (Willett, 1998). It appears that the effects of
nutritional variables are diluted by those of other determi-
nants of birth-size parameters, so that they might only be
detected in very large studies. Nevertheless, such effects are
likely to exist and, if they are dose-dependent and exposures
are extreme, they could even have physiological implica-
There have been earlier studies indicating that maternal
protein intake is positively associated with pregnancy weight
gain (Scholl et al, 1991; Kramer, 2000a) with birth weight
(Weigel et al, 1991; Godfrey et al, 1997) or both (Kramer,
2000b). Other studies indicate that maternal intake of fat
(Weigel et al, 1991) and carbohydrates (Godfrey et al, 1997)
is, respectively, positively and inversely associated with birth
weight. A study in rats showed that protein intake during
pregnancy is positively associated with pregnancy weight
gain and birth weight (Levy & Jackson, 1993). Finally, there
have been many reports indicating that overt malnutrition
and reduction in maternal energy intake are associated with
reduced pregnancy weight gain and birth weight (Susser,
1991; Alexy et al, 1997; Bergmann et al, 1997; Rondo &
Tomkins, 1999; Rush, 2001). Thus, the existing collective
evidence is not incompatible with our findings, which,
however, present a more integrated perspective.
Among the advantages of our study are its prospective
nature and its reliance on a validated food frequency
questionnaire. Weaknesses of the study include the moderate
size and the focus on pregnancy weight gain during the first
two trimesters. However, several reports have indicated that
maternal weight gain in the first and second trimester may
be stronger determinants of newborn size than weight gain
in the third trimester of pregnancy (Abrams & Selvin, 1995;
Brown et al, 2002; Guihard-Costa et al, 2002). In any case,
even if weight gain during the third trimester has its own
determinants and consequences, this does not affect the
findings of the present study. Prepregnancy weight was self-
reported, but there is evidence in the literature (Yu & Nagey,
1992) that self-reported prepregnancy weight is highly
correlated (rB0.9) with the objective measurement. A high
proportion of women were excluded, but most of these
exclusions were imposed by technical or administrative
reasons that were unlikely to have introduced selection bias.
The study group was not representative of the American
population, but representativeness is not a prerequisite for
validity in prospective cohort studies, the strength of which
stems from the lack of association between errors in exposure
and outcome ascertainment.
In conclusion, we have found evidence that, after adjust-
ment for energy intake, intake of protein and lipids of
animal origin is positively associated with weight gain
through the end of the second trimester of pregnancy,
whereas intake of carbohydrates is inversely associated with
it. Although weight gain is strongly associated with birth-size
parameters, the indicated nutritional associations are not
reflected in similar associations with birth-size variables. The
pattern is reminiscent of the sequence linking diet to CHD
through cholesterol and may be explained by the operation
of non-nutritional determinants of birth size.
Abrams B & Selvin S (1995): Maternal weight gain pattern and birth
weight. Obstet. Gynecol. 86,163–169.
Alexy B, Nichols B, Heverly MA & Garzon L (1997): Prenatal factors
and birth outcomes in the public health service: a rural/urban
comparison. Res. Nurs. Health 20, 61–70.
Bergmann MM, Flagg EW, Miracle-McMahill HL & Boeing H (1997):
Energy intake and net weight gain in pregnant women according
Table 5 Partial regression coefficients showing changes in maternal weight gain (kg) by the 27th gestational week per increments of 1 s.d. of intake of
energy and energy-generating nutrients
Weight gain
(kg) s.e. P-value trend
Adjusted weight gain
(kg) s.e. P-value trend
Energy (per s.d.) +1.29 0.33 0.0001 +0.91 0.33 0.006
Animal lipids (per s.d.) +3.01 0.46 o0.0001 +2.56 0.47 o0.0001
Vegetable lipids (per s.d.) +1.02 0.49 0.04 +0.77 0.48 0.11
Carbohydrates (per s.d.) 5.94 0.77 o0.0001 5.22 0.80 o0.0001
Protein (per s.d.) +3.58 0.72 o0.0001 +3.11 0.71 o0.0001
A total of 207 singleton, nonpre-eclamptic pregnancies, lasting from 37 to 42 weeks inclusive. Boston, USA, 1994–1995.
Adjusted for energy intake only (except for energy).
Adjusted for energy intake (except for energy), maternal age, maternal education, parity, maternal height, prepregnancy BMI, pregravid OC use, smoking during
pregnancy, exact gestational age at delivery and gender of the baby.
Diet, maternal weight gain and birth weight
P Lagiou et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
to body mass index (BMI) status. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord.
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Diet, maternal weight gain and birth weight
P Lagiou et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
... An additional three relevant full-texts were found by scanning the reference lists of the located articles. This left 17 articles [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] for inclusion in this review ( Figure 1). ...
... Out of the 17 included studies, there were four (23.5%) studies from the United Kingdom [17][18][19]30], three (17.6%) studies from the United States [20,25,28], two (11.7%) studies from Japan [32,33], and one each (5.9%) from Australia [21], Tunisia [22], Jordan [23], New Zealand [24], Germany [26], Sri Lanka [27], Malawi [29], and Spain [31]. ...
... studies from Japan [32,33], and one each (5.9%) from Australia [21], Tunisia [22], Jordan [23], New Zealand [24], Germany [26], Sri Lanka [27], Malawi [29], and Spain [31]. Of the total, 13 studies (76.5%) utilized cohort designs [17][18][19][20][21][24][25][26][27][28]30,32,33], while the remaining studies followed cross-sectional [23,29] and case-control [22,31] designs (Table S1). ...
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Glucose is a vital fuel for fetal growth, and carbohydrates are the primary source of glucose in the diet. The effects of carbohydrate intake during pregnancy on neonatal birth weight have not been fully investigated or systematically reviewed. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to collate the available evidence to determine whether carbohydrate intake during pregnancy impacts newborn birth weight. A literature search was performed from inception to March 2022 in Embase, Medline, and PsycInfo. Articles published in English were independently screened for the title and abstracts, and then for full texts. Out of 17 studies included, a significant relationship between the intake of maternal carbohydrate or its subcomponents and neonatal birth weight was reported in six studies. Of them, one study reported that higher carbohydrate intake in early pregnancy was associated with lower birth weight. The two other studies reported a positive correlation between maternal carbohydrate intake and neonatal birth weight regarding first- and second-trimester intake. Maternal carbohydrate intake may have an impact on birth weight, as suggested by the included studies in this systematic review. However, the overall review indicates contradictory findings concerning the relationship between carbohydrate intake and neonatal birth weight. Studies assessing the type of carbohydrate and the amount consumed with improved methodological quality are recommended.
... Maternal weight during pregnancy is considered a good predictor of birth by several scholars [21,31,12,13,32,14]. Most of these studies detected a strong relationship between birth weight and the nutritional status of mothers, as measured by anthropometry. ...
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Objectives To determine the longitudinal growth and weight of tribal infants in Northeast India and compare their growth with CDC/NCHS growth standards. Materials and methods Basic data were obtained for 219 infant (114 boys and 105 girls) and maternal pairs belonging to the Paite ethnic group of Manipur, Northeast India. The data for the present study were collected from November 2010 to February 2012 from hospitals and maternity clinics. The required formal consent was obtained from mothers who were willing to participate in the study as well as from the authorities of the hospitals and maternity clinics. The ethical issues of concern were considered, and the study was approved by the Department of Anthropology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. The mothers included in the study were those who achieved full- term pregnancy. Maternal weights were measured after admission to the hospital before delivery. The newborns were measured within 24 hours of birth. All the measurements were handled independently by the researcher. Thereafter, each infant was measured at monthly intervals up to the age of 12 months, with strict adherence to ± 3 days at each age, by paying house visits. Results The mean weights of the babies at birth were 3.14 kg (girls) and 3.24 kg (boys), and at the 12th month, the mean birth weights for girls and boys were 9.40 kg and 9.94 kg, respectively. The mean weights of boys were significantly greater than those of girls throughout the study period. The maximum increase in mean weight was observed from birth to 1 month in both sexes. A comparison of correlation values at birth and 12 months revealed a greater number of correlations between mothers’ and infants’ anthropometric measurements at birth than at 12 months of age. Compared with those of the CDC/NCHS, the weight growth of the Paite infants fared slightly below the international standards. Conclusion Body growth was much more rapid during the first 6 months than during the latter half of life. Furthermore, maternal weight gain in the 9th month of pregnancy had a strong and significant influence on the growth of infants throughout the first year of life. Since mother-infant pairs are extremely beautifully and naturally entwined, close monitoring of mothers during pregnancy can aid in the overall growth and development of a child throughout his or her entire life.
... We attempted to adjust for EI during pregnancy using maternal weight at baseline, weight gain, and change in MUAC from baseline to 36 wk pregnancy as proxy variables. Maternal weight gain and change in MUAC during pregnancy are associated with EI [26][27][28][29][30]. Furthermore, to assess if we were including a variable on the causal pathway between maternal AF exposure and birth size, we considered HIV status and MUAC gain rate. ...
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Background: Aflatoxin (AF) exposure is associated with child growth faltering in cross-sectional studies, with limited findings from longitudinal studies. Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between maternal AF B1-lysine adduct concentration, child AF B1-lysine adduct concentration, and child growth in the first 30 mo of life. Methods: AF B1-lysine adduct was measured in mother-child dyad plasma samples using isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Using linear regression, we assessed the relationship between AF B1-lysine adduct concentration and child weight, height, and head and mid-upper arm circumferences at 1 wk, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 mo of age. Results: In adjusted models, maternal prenatal AF B1-lysine adduct (pg/μL) was positively associated with newborn anthropometric outcomes; largest beta coefficients for associations between standardized values were for newborn weight-for-age z-score [β = 0.13; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.02, 0.24; P < 0.05 and β = 0.11; 95% CI: 0.00, 0.22; P < 0.05 for second and third trimester AF, respectively]. Child AF B1-lysine adduct (pg/μL) at 6 mo was negatively associated with head circumference-for-age z-score at 6, 18, 24, and 30 mo, with beta coefficients ranging from β = -0.15; 95% CI: -0.28, -0.02 to β = -0.17; 95% CI: -0.31, -0.03; P < 0.05); 18-mo AF was negatively associated with anthropometric outcomes at 18, 24, and 30 mo, most consistently with length-for-age z-score (β = -0.18; 95% CI: -0.32, -0.04, β = -0.21; 95% CI: -0.35, -0.07, β = -0.18; 95% CI: -0.32, -0.03 at 18, 24 and 30 mo, respectively). Conclusions: Child AF exposure was associated with impaired child growth, but maternal AF exposure was not. Exposure during infancy was linked to persistent deficit in head circumference, implying reduced brain size lasting beyond the age of 2 years. Exposure at 18 mo was linked to persistent linear growth deficit. Further research should elucidate mechanisms through which AF affects child growth.
... In 2018, 43% of Iranian pregnant women had excessive GWG, defined based on the Institute of Medicine recommendations [7]. Maternal diet is a prominent modifiable risk factor for inappr opriate GWG [8,9]. A recent systematic review exploring the association of dietary intake with GWG suggested that energy intake and macronutrient composition of the diet may be associated with the magnitude of weight gain during pregnancy [10]. ...
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Background/objectives Plant-based dietary patterns are becoming more popular worldwide. We aimed to examine the relationship between plant-based dietary patterns and the risk of inadequate or excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) in Iranian pregnant women. Methods We prospectively followed 657 pregnant women in Iran. Adherence to the plant-based diet, represented by plant-based (PDI), healthy (hPDI) and unhealthy plant-based (uPDI) dietary indexes was evaluated by applying a 90-item food frequency questionnaire during the first trimester of pregnancy. Multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional-hazards regression model was used to compute hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) across quartiles of plant-based diet scores. Results Over 25,562 person-weeks of follow-up, we documented 106 and 294 participants with inadequate and excessive GWG, respectively. We found a strong inverse association between adherence to the PDI and inadequate GWG after adjustment for demographic and confounding variables. Women in the highest quartile of the PDI had 50% lower risk of inadequate GWG than those in the lowest quartile (adjusted HR: 0.50; 95%CI 0.29, 0.89; P = 0.02). No significant association was found between hPDI and uPDI and inadequate GWG. There was no association between PDI, hPDI, and uPDI and the risk of excessive GWG. Conclusions Greater adherence to a plant-based diet during the first trimester of pregnancy may be associated with a lower risk of inadequate GWG. This finding needs to be confirmed in larger cohort studies, considering other pregnancy outcomes such as birth weight and the potential changes across the trimester in terms of food types and quantity.
... Past studies examining the associations between diet quality assessed via HEI and gestational weight gain have been conflicting. Several studies that were limited to crosssectional data or small sample sizes [12,13,[25][26][27] found no link between diet quality and GWG. However, most of these studies did not examine the prospective association between diet quality and subsequent GWG. ...
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Meeting the Institute of Medicine (IOM) gestational weight gain (GWG) guidelines is associated with a reduced risk of adverse perinatal outcomes. Overall diet quality comprehensively assesses dietary components and accounts for interactions between them. While GWG is influenced by maternal diet, its association with overall diet quality—measured by various dietary quality indices—is not well-defined. We prospectively estimated the relationship between four established dietary quality indices and the risk of GWG rate above (excessive) or below (inadequate) IOM guidelines in a multi-racial and ethnic cohort of 2914 pregnant people from the Pregnancy Environment and Lifestyle Study (2014–2019). We assessed diet quality using the Healthy Eating Index 2010 (HEI-2010), alternate Mediterranean Diet (aMED), Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), and Empirical Dietary Inflammatory Index (EDIP). Following the first trimester, 56% of the cohort had excessive GWG, and 14% had inadequate GWG. Poor diet quality (below the 75th percentile), measured by HEI-2010, was associated with a higher risk of excessive GWG in the second and third trimesters [RR = 1.03 (1.00, 1.06)]. Effect modification of this relationship by race and ethnicity and pre-pregnancy BMI was assessed. We found poor diet quality to be associated with elevated risk of excessive GWG among Black participants [RR = 1.14 (1.02, 1.28)] and White participants [RR 1.07 (1.01, 1.12)]. This was also the case for participants with pre-pregnancy BMI < 25.0 [RR 1.05 (1.00, 1.10)]. These results suggest that diet quality measured by the HEI-2010 is associated with excessive GWG, and the associations appear to be stronger among pregnant people without overweight or obesity and pregnant people who identify as Black or White race and ethnicity.
Background: Maternal exposure to metals may pose a risk to the health of newborns, however, the underlying mechanisms remain ambiguous. Herein, we aimed to investigate the influence of metals exposure on birth outcomes and reveal the importance of metabolites in the exposure-outcomes association by using metabolomics methods. Methods: In our study, 292 mother-pairs were included who were recruited from the affiliated hospitals of Nanjing Medical University between 2006 and 2011. We measured fifteen metals (mercury, lead, vanadium, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, rubidium, copper, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, strontium, thallium, magnesium and calcium) and metabolites in maternal second trimester serums by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography high resolution accurate mass spectrometry, respectively. A multi-step statistical analysis strategy including exposome-wide association study (ExWAS) model, variable selection models and multiple-exposure models were performed to systematically appraise the associations of individual and mixed metals exposure with birth outcomes. Furthermore, differential metabolites that associated with metals exposure and birth outcomes were identified using linear regression models. Results: Metal's levels in maternal serums ranged from 0.05 μg/L to 1864.76 μg/L. In the ExWAS model, maternal exposure to arsenic was negatively associated with birth weight (β = 188.83; 95% CI: -368.27, -9.39), while maternal mercury exposure showed a positive association (β = 533.65; 95%CI: 179.40, 887.90) with birth weight. Moreover, each unit increase in mercury (1 ng/mL-log transformed) was associated with a 1.82 week-increase (95%CI: 0.85, 2.79) in gestational age. These findings were subsequently validated by variable selection models and multiple exposure models. Metabolomic analysis further revealed the significant role of 3-methyladenine in the relationship between arsenic exposure and birth weight. Conclusion: This study provides new epidemiological evidence indicating the associations of metals exposure and neonatal birth outcomes, and emphasizes the potential role of metabolite biomarkers and their importance in monitoring adverse birth outcomes.
Fetal macrosomia is associated with a number of health complications for both mother and infant in the immediate, short, and long-term. Maternal obesity and excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) have long been associated with fetal macrosomia, however the impact of maternal lifestyle factors such as dietary intake and energy balance, in combination with the timing and composition of weight gain, have been less studied. It is also clear that although maternal obesity and excessive GWG increase the risk of fetal macrosomia independently, the risk is magnified with the presence of both risk factors, suggesting that interventions to control GWG may be particularly important for obese women. Association studies examining the relationship between fetal nutrient availability, epigenetic modifications, and infant anthropometrics are also required. This review provides an overview of the current evidence examining the role of maternal lifestyle factors on the prevalence of fetal macrosomia and identifies areas where further research is required in order to inform the design of appropriate intervention strategies.
Background: The current study aimed to assess the association between low maternal protein intake during pregnancy and child developmental delay at age 3 years. Methods: This research used data obtained from the Japan Environment and Children's Study. In total, we analyzed 77,237 mother-child pairs. Dietary intake was assessed using the Food Frequency Questionnaire. Developmental outcomes at age 3 years were evaluated with the Japanese version of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the association between maternal protein intake during pregnancy and child development delays at age 3 years. Results: Based on the protein-to-total energy intake ratio during early pregnancy, the participants were categorized into three groups: <9.39% (>2 standard deviation below the mean), the severely low protein (SLP) group; 9.39-<13%, the low protein group; and ≥13%, the normal protein group. After adjusting for potential confounding factors, SLP intake was found to be significantly correlated with a higher risk of developmental delay according to the communication, fine motor and problem-solving skill domains. Conclusions: SLP intake caused by inadequate diet during early pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of child developmental delay at age 3 years. Impact: Animal studies have shown that maternal protein restriction during pregnancy and lactation causes abnormal brain development among offspring. Birth cohort studies to date have not assessed the effects of maternal low protein exposure during pregnancy on child development. Severely low protein intake during early pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of child developmental delay at age 3 years. Since nutritional imbalance in early pregnancy affects not only fetal growth but also postnatal neurodevelopment, nutritional management before pregnancy is considered important.
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To examine the association between birth weight and non-fatal adult cardiovascular disease while controlling for potential confounders such as socioeconomic group and adult lifestyle. Retrospective self report of birth weight in an ongoing longitudinal cohort of nurses followed up by postal questionnaire every two years. Nurses' health study, a cohort of 121700 women followed up since 1976. Non-fatal cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction, coronary revascularisation, and stroke. Among the 70297 women free of cardiovascular disease at baseline who reported birth weight in the 1992 questionnaire there were 1309 first cases of non-fatal cardiovascular disease. Increasing birth weight was associated with decreasing risk of non-fatal cardiovascular disease. There were 1216 first cases of non-fatal cardiovascular disease among women who were singletons and had been born full term; their relative risks adjusted for several cardiovascular risk factors were 1.49 (95% confidence interval 1.05 to 2.10) for birth weight < 2268 g (< 5 lb 0 oz); 1.25 (0.98 to 1.61) for birth weight 2268-2495 g (5 lb 0 oz to 5 lb 8 oz); 1.12 (0.98 to 1.27) for birth weight > 2495-3175 g (> 5 lb 8 oz to 7 lb 0 oz); 1.00 (referent) for birth weight > 3175-3856 g (> 7 lb 0 oz to 8 lb 8 oz); 0.96 (0.80 to 1.15) for birth weight > 3856-4536 g (> 8 lb 8 oz to 10 lb 0 oz); and 0.68 (0.46 to 1.00) for birth weight > 4536 g (> 10 lb 0 oz) (P value for trend = 0.0004). The inverse trend was apparent for both coronary heart disease and stroke. These data provide strong evidence of an association between birth weight and adult coronary heart disease and stroke.
According to the classic "diet-heart" hypothesis, high intake of saturated fats and cholesterol and low intake of polyunsaturated fats increase the level of serum cholesterol, which leads to the development of atheromatous plaques. Accumulation of these plaques narrows the coronary arteries, reduces blood flow to the heart muscle, and finally leads to myocardial infarction. This chapter examines the epidemiologic evidence addressing this hypothesis and considers additional hypotheses relating diet to heart disease. Abundant evidence has shown that specific dietary fatty acids play important roles in coronary heart disease. Nevertheless, the dose-response relationships between specific fatty acids and cholesterol intake and rates of coronary heart disease (CHD) are not clearly defined. Modest reductions in CHD rates by further decreases in saturated fat and cholesterol intake are possible if saturated fat is replaced by unsaturated fat, but little or no benefit is likely if saturated fat is replaced by carbohydrate.
Background: Previous reports have suggested an association between birthweight and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: To investigate the association between birthweight and type 2 diabetes in a large cohort of adult women, taking into account potential explanatory factors in childhood and adult life. Design: Cohort study. Birthweight was ascertained at the end of follow-up. Setting: The Nurses' Health Study, a cohort of 121 701 U.S. women born from 1921 to 1946 who have been followed since 1976. Participants: 69 526 women in the Nurses' Health Study who were free of diabetes at baseline and reported their own birthweight on the 1992 questionnaire. Measurement: 2123 cases of confirmed type 2 diabetes diagnosed from 1976 to 1992. Results: Low birthweight was associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Age-adjusted relative risks suggested a reverse J-shape association between birthweight and risk for type 2 diabetes. However, after adjustment for adult body mass index and maternal history of diabetes, an inverse association across the entire range of birthweight became apparent; compared with the reference group, relative risks by ascending birthweight category were 1.83 (95% Cl, 1.55 to 2.16) for birthweight less than 5.0 lb, 1.76 (Cl, 1.49 to 2.07) for birthweight 5.0 to 5.5 lb, 1.23 (Cl, 1.11 to 1.37) for birthweight 5.6 to 7.0 lb, 0.95 (Cl, 0.82 to 1.10) for birthweight 8.6 to 10.0 Ib, and 0.83 (Cl, 0.63 to 1.07) for birthweight of more than 10 lb (P for trend < 0.001). Adjustment for ethnicity, childhood socioeconomic status, and adult lifestyle factors did not substantially alter this association. The association between birthweight and risk for type 2 diabetes was strongest among women whose mothers had no history of diabetes. Conclusions: Birthweight is inversely associated with risk for type 2 diabetes during adulthood. Examination of prenatal nutrition and other potential in utero determinants of both birthweight and risk for type 2 diabetes may yield new means to prevent type 2 diabetes.
The simple relationship between maternal macro-nutrient status and perinatal survival (increased ma-cronutrient intake → increased maternal weight and/or weight gain → increased fetal growth → improved survival) that is usually posited is no longer defensible. First, maternal weight and weight gain are remarkably resistant to either dietary advice or supplementation; further, increased birth weight attributable to maternal nutrition does not necessarily increase perinatal survival (because prepregnant weight is positively associated with both birth weight and higher perinatal mortality). Finally, whereas dietary supplements during pregnancy may have a modest effect on birth weight in nonfamine conditions (by contrast with a large effect in famine or near-famine conditions), their impact is not mediated by maternal energy deposition. Rather, the component of maternal weight gain associated with accelerated fetal growth is maternal water (presumably plasma) volume.
In response to a hypothesis by Trichopoulos that risk of adult breast cancer is related to high estrogen exposure in utero, studies have been undertaken using proxy indicators of prenatal estrogens. The epidemiologic studies addressing these early factors will be reviewed, consistency with proposed biologic mechanisms will be addressed and recommendations for future research will be presented. All studies identified in the literature addressing these in utero and early life factors related to adult breast cancer will be included in the review. The study results will be summarized by risk factor, followed by commentary on the findings. Review of epidemiologic studies suggests strong risks related to having been born of a twin pregnancy and reduced risks from a preeclamptic or eclamptic pregnancy. Birthweights greater than 4,000 grams have been associated with relative risks of 1.5-1.7 for breast cancer compared with normal birthweights (2,500-2,999 grams). Having been breastfed as an infant has been associated with a 20-35% reduction in risk of premenopausal breast cancer in four of six studies evaluating this factor. Some studies suggest an influence of older maternal age, perhaps only for firstborn offspring, but the data are not consistent. Smoking during the pregnancy does not seem to impart any risk for the daughter, severe nausea for two or three trimesters may be related to increased risk, and results are inconsistent for birth length, placental weight and gestational age. Although the results from epidemiologic studies assessing prenatal exposures are consistent with the hypothesis concerning estrogen exposure, the specific biologic mechanisms remain largely unknown. Relatively few epidemiologic studies have been published addressing these novel hypotheses; more studies with innovative research methods and analytic approaches are warranted to evaluate these exposures in the distant past.
Self-reported pregravid weight is a commonly used baseline indicator of nutritional status in prenatal weight gain studies. This study assesses the validity of self-reported pregravid weight in 1591 gravidas who entered into prenatal care within the first trimester of pregnancy from 1986 to 1988 at the University of Maryland Medical Systems. A significant difference of 4.3 lb (t = 25.56, P < 0.001) was found between self-reported pregravid weight and estimated pregravid weight. Limits of agreement (interval within which 95% of the differences between the self-reported and measured weights) were constructed by population characteristics. Multiple linear regression models with estimated pregravid weight as the dependent variable were estimated by self-reported pregravid weight, body weight, height, age, race, education, insurance status, and marital status groups. A model with self-reported pregravid weight as the sole independent variable was found to explain 88% of the variance in estimated pregravid weight. Results of this study suggest that the validity of self-report pregravid weight varies with sociodemographic and anthropometric factors. Adjustment by a simple regression equation can minimize error in self-reported pregravid weight.
A nutritional survey was conducted in an urban public maternity hospital, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Isidro Ayora (HGOIA), located in Quito, Ecuador. Seventy-four primiparas in the third trimester of pregnancy were recruited to assess the influence of sociedemographic factors on food patterns and nutrient intake, and the interrelationship between prenatal nutrient intake, maternal weight gain and pregnancy outcome. Results of the regression analysis indicated that maternal education was the factor most strongly associated with nutrient intake, followed by monthly per capita income. Maternal nutrient intake was next analyzed and compared with the WHO (1974, 1985) and NRC (1980) recommended daily allowances. Results also indicated the average daily intake of energy, protein, phosphorus, vitamins C and A, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin met or exceeded the recommended daily allowances. Dietary calcium and iron intake, however, were below recommendations. Sodium and fat intake were both relatively high. Higher dietary fat intake was associated with increased birth weight, while lower protein intake was associated with increased risk of delivering a low-birth weight baby. Maternal weight gain during the third trimester predicted baby birth weight and height but not head circumference.
Inadequate weight gain during pregnancy is an important risk factor for low birth weight (LBW), but the contribution of diet to weight gain is uncertain. Pregnancy weight gains were examined at 4-week intervals from 12 to 36 weeks' gestation, as well as total gain for gestation, in a cohort of over 2000 young pregnant women, aged less than or equal to 18 at entry to prenatal care. The effect of diet was studied in a 15% random sample of the cohort, using a 24-hour dietary recall obtained at entry to prenatal care (averaging 17 weeks' gestation). As early as 16 weeks' gestation, gains below the lower limit of a clinical standard were associated with a decrement in birth weight at delivery of more than -85 g (p less than 0.01), and after 24 weeks of approximately -180 g (p less than 0.001). After adjusting for potential confounding variables, teenagers who went on to develop inadequate total weight gain for gestation had consumed 1878 kcal vs 2232 for teenagers with adequate total gain (p less than 0.05). There were significant deficits in protein (p less than 0.05) and carbohydrate intake (p less than 0.05) associated with inadequate gain. However, there was no direct effect of nutrient intake on birth weight, LBW, or preterm delivery. This suggests that the relationship between nutrient intake during pregnancy and birth weight may be indirect and moderated by weight gain during pregnancy.
The causal sequence maternal nutrition----maternal weight gain----infant birth weight is not sustained by available evidence except under extreme nutritional deprivation. For maternal weight change, diet effects of near starvation are unequivocal. With chronic undernutrition or social deprivation, diet effects are inapparent or modest (conditional on pregnancy stage, diet supplement, and prepregnancy weight). For birth-weight change, diet effects of near starvation are likewise unequivocal and modest with chronic undernutrition or social deprivation. The complete causal sequence has been demonstrated only below a famine threshold. Outside famine, effects are modest (conditional on baseline nutrition, timing, and content of diets, possibly also on infant sex and energy expenditure). High-protein concentrations have produced adverse effects. Micronutrients and consequent fluid retention could have favorable effects. Diet effects on birth weight apparently bypass maternal weight change. Hence, to enhance birth weight, maternal diet appears to deserve more attention than does weight gain.
Nutrient intakes from a food frequency questionnaire are usually calculated as the product of frequency of intake and nutrient composition of the food, summed over the food items. This involves assumptions about the accuracy of recording, food composition data, stability during storage and preparation, and bioavailability. This usual method of calculation was compared with one using empirical weights derived by multivariate linear regression. Food intakes reported on a food frequency questionnaire by Boston, Massachusetts, area subjects in 1982-1985 were used to predict plasma levels of beta-carotene among 370 male and female nonsmokers and plasma levels of alpha-tocopherol among 339 male and female nonusers of vitamin supplements. Nutrient intake computed using empirical weights yielded a significant correlation with plasma beta-carotene (r = 0.43, p = 0.0001), similar to the correlation using nutrient intake calculated from food composition tables (r = 0.38, p = 0.0001). However, the use of empirical weights significantly improved the correlation of vitamin E intake with plasma alpha-tocopherol levels (r = 0.32, p = 0.0001), compared with the weak correlation obtained using the food composition table method to calculate intake (r = 0.16). The results support the validity of published food composition data used to compute carotenoid intake and illustrate the potential utility of empirically derived weights for foods to predict plasma levels of some nutrients.