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Smart Water Solution for Monitoring of Water Usage Based on Weather Condition


Abstract and Figures

Conservation of water in urban areas is an ongoing challenge in which technology like IoT and WSN is playing a very crucial role. Studies show that 54% of India is facing absolute water scarcity or high economic water stress. To address this challenge the forecasting and monitoring of water consumption along with effective management and distribution are important. This paper implements the seasonal threshold constraint on water distribution which conserves a significant amount of water loss over uniform supply around the year by considering end-user behavior changes according to the season. The results have been confirmed through simulation of the proposed algorithm Weather-based Smart Water Monitoring (WSWM). This extensive study only suggests a possible alternative approach to design the water distribution system to conserve water. However, more work is required for achieving an optimized approach for sustainable urban water management.
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Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
Conservation of water in urban areas is an ongoing challenge
in which technology like IoT and WSN is playing a very
crucial role. Studies show that 54% of India is facing absolute
water scarcity or high economic water stress. To address this
challenge the forecasting and monitoring of water
consumption along with effective management and
distribution are important. This paper implements the
seasonal threshold constraint on water distribution which
conserves a significant amount of water loss over uniform
supply around the year by considering end-user behavior
changes according to the season. The results have been
confirmed through simulation of the proposed algorithm
Weather-based Smart Water Monitoring (WSWM). This
extensive study only suggests a possible alternative approach
to design the water distribution system to conserve water.
However, more work is required for achieving an optimized
approach for sustainable urban water management.
Key words: Smart Water, Wireless Sensor Network, Water
Sustainability, Water Grid.
Water is a resource that is essential for the survival of
mankind. Though 70 per-cent of Earth surface is covered with
water, availability for human use is very less [1-2]. Drastic
climatic change and explosive population growth has led us to
critical problems like water scarcity and water pollution.
Approximately 2.7 billion people are living in water shortage
already [2-4]. The increasing water demand and depleting
water resources gives rise to challenges such as sustainable
smart water management systems [5-6].
1.1. Water Consumption Scenario in India
India which is home to 16 percent of the world population has
only 2.5 percent of landmass and only 4 percent of water
resources. Though an approximate of 4,000 trillion liters of
precipitation is received every year only 1,869 trillion liters
are retained by the inland water bodies and man-made
reservoir [7-8]. Out of the total amount of water available
1,122 trillion liters can be exploited due to topological
constraint and inefficient distribution networks. In 2010
consumption of the country was 581 trillion liters out of
which the domestic demand is around 41 trillion liters [9-10].
With the growth of population and an increase in demand the
per capita availability of water has come down and is likely to
decrease further in the future [11-12]. By 2025 it is expected
to lower by 36 percent and by 2050 the forecast is a decrease of
60 percent in per capita water availability. While water
scarcity is ever increasing, a huge amount of water is lost in
the process of distribution in India [13-14]. These scenarios
further justify the need for an effective water management
system that monitors consumption and achieves proper
distribution which can be attained through IoT and ICT
1.2. IoT and ICT
IoT is the concept where everything that is network-enabled
be connected to form a network. The information collected
from a network are needed to be converted, stored, protected,
processed, transmitted and retrieved [17-18]. The technology
involved in this information processing is ICT. The
application of these technologies is extensive and plays an
important role in the planning of smart cities [19-20]. The
various applications of IoT and ICT in designing smart cities
Smart Water Solution for Monitoring of Water Usage Based
on Weather Condition
Sefali Surabhi Rout1, Hitesh Mohapatra2*, Rudra Kalyan Nayak3, Ramamani Tripathy4, Dhiraj Bhise5,
S.P.Patil6, Amiya Kumar Rath7
1,2*,7 Department of CS&E, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Sambalpur-768018, OD, India
2*,3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation,
Vaddeswaram-522502, Guntur, AP, India,*
4Dept.of Master of Computer Application, United School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar, OD, India
5Department of Information Technology, SVKM’s NMIMS, Shirpur, MH, India
6Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VTU, Belagavi-590018
ISSN 2347 - 3983
Volume 8. No. 9, September 2020
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Available Online at
Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
are shown in Figure 1.This paper focuses on the improvement
of an energy-efficient clustering algorithm by extending the
existing algorithms LEACH and SEP. For our work, we have
considered homogeneous energy level among sensor nodes
and the nature of sensor nodes are static [21-22]. Our
proposed algorithm is a mimic of the chameleon attack which
executes in two phases. The first phase implemented the
calculation of residual energy of SNs and sorting them in
descending order. From the sorted value, the top 10% of High
residual energy-based nodes clubbed in a set called CH-set.
And the second part of execution is responsible for cluster
formation by measuring the INN gap which is based on
nature-inspired phenomena [23-25] . Our proposed procedure
advocates against the adopted sub-operations by our existing
traditional algorithms LEACH and SEP. The simulation and
evaluation of REACH are compared against the above said
traditional algorithms individually. In our clustering process,
we also paid the same level of attention to the energy-saving
scheme [26-27].
Figure 1: Application of IoT and ICT in Smart Cities
1.3. Household Water Consumption
Water consumption of a household is always affected by
various factors like the size of the family, topology, income,
etc. Season is also one of the factors affecting household water
consumption [28-29]. An average Indian uses about 150 liters
of water a day but water requirement may vary from 48 to 74
liters per person per day in winter to 66 to 104 liters per
person per day in summer. Figure 2 represents the domestic
water consumption per household and capita per day of major
cities in India [30-31].
Figure 2: Water Consumption Rate Per Capita
Smart water management is one of the many challenges of a
Smart City plan that can be solved through ICT based
technology. Figure 3 shows various problems that are needed
to be addressed to achieve an effective smart water
management system. However, water consumption
monitoring is the prime focus of this study as consumption
monitoring can help the inefficient use of water and
conservation [32-33]. Information collected about water
consumption of a household from the smart water meter can
be used for consumption monitoring [34-35].
Figure 3: Components of a Smart Water Management
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; Section 2,
discusses the recent developments in the field of smart water
management using IoT or ICT briefly. Section 3, shows the
proposed model for water consumption monitoring and
supply distribution to conserve water. Section 4, discusses the
algorithm for threshold detection and the results of the
simulation. Section 5 concludes the paper and highlights
some of the future issues that are to be addressed.
Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
Optimization at the water distribution stage is considered as
an important step for saving water and capital in the urban
water cycle. Some studies show early leak detection [36] and
determination of peak demand for pumping schedules [37]
can achieve this goal. The methodology followed in this study
starts with the installation of a high-resolution Smart water
meter. The end-use consumption patterns are developed by
analyzing data collected from the Smart water meter and
normalization of these patterns is done for each end-use.
Estimation of indoor and out-door consumption of water
splits is carried out leading to the development of final AD
patterns and peak demand curves. Some studies also show
that understanding customer demand can achieve better water
efficiency [38] and making the customer aware of their
consumption can help in water-saving [39]. Most of these
studies are paper-based interventions like leak notification
letters, feedback postcards, In-home displays, and online
portals [40] and suggest customer’s awareness as a key factor
in sustainable management of water [41]. However, the
domestic water consumption is influenced by various weather
conditions, economic and socio-demographic factors [42].
Water consumption varies significantly with variation in
temperature. Higher temperature results to increase in water
consumption [43]. Precipitation also affect the water
consumption. Water demand forecast with various
explanatory variables of consumption [44]. Re-engineering of
some traditional urban water management processes by
application of smart water meter[45] and advanced data
analytic tools was also suggested and use of a software tool
that automatically dis-aggregates and synthesizes higher
consumption rate water end-use data of costumer into reports
using a hybrid combination of data mining techniques and
pattern recognition algorithms for better water use
monitoring has also been proposed [46]. Optimization of pipe
network modeling, Improvisation in water demand forecast,
and development of more targeted conservation programs
during the time of water scarcity can be achieved by the use
the pro-posed software [47]. Along with the Smart metering
technology, this software can lead to better detection of leaks,
reduction of peak demand, pumping schedule optimization,
and improvisation in the management of wastewater. for
water management has been attempted by researchers [47].
Some researchers have used weather conditions in the
construction of water demand models using a non-linear
climatic effect based on monthly time series and annual
After an extensive study, it was found that it is necessary to
supply water to consumers based on the seasonal threshold. A
model is proposed to implement it effectively. This model
suggests the collection of consumption data from the user and
calculates the threshold for each season. Water is supplied
based on the threshold.
3.1 Protocol Architecture
The first step towards designing an efficient monitoring
algorithm is protocol de-sign which chalks out the overall
study flow and highlights the requirements for the algorithm.
Data about water consumption behavior collected from
various sources used to set an approximate threshold for every
season. The algorithm WSWM is designed based on the
architecture model shown in Figure 4. The purpose of the
algorithm is to monitor water consumption and to keep a
check on excess water supplies. The realization of the
architecture and WSWM is achieved by simulation along
with the data evaluation after seasonal channelization to show
that water can be conserved by following this model. Figure.4
shows the protocol architecture of the proposed model.
Figure 4: Protocol Architecture
Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
3.2 System Model
Each node in the network is a smart water meter along with a
data logger or sensor which sends data to the cluster head
[34-36]. The cluster head sends accumulated in-formation to
the base station. The base station maintains a log table that is
accessed by the WUC (Water Utility Centre). The log table
contains an identifier for each node and water consumed at
that node per month is updated. The WUC fixes the threshold
for water uses and has the authority to change it based on
weather and availability. The node where the reading of the
meter exceeds the predetermined threshold is charged with an
extra amount or the supply is stopped. Figure 4 shows the
proposed system model. It is a combaination of 4 phases such
as; protocol design, intital data accumulation, architecture
design and water flow management. The water flow
management unit is assisted by data analysis section. This
section monitors water usages during the different times of a
year. These collected data from several monitoring sections,
forwarded for further evaluation. The analysis on same
collected data, helps to bring a clear picture for efficient
decision making process. The decisions like tariff plans,
water consumption monitoring, water supply monitoring,
generation of water wastage and water usage reort.
Figure 5: System Model
Weather based Smart Water Monitoring (WSWM)
The algorithm which is used here to determine the threshold
for each season and the action that is to be taken with
variation in weather is named Weather-based Smart Water
Monitoring (WSWM) algorithm.
Algorithm: WSWM
Per head Water consumption (wp)
Member in a family (n)
Per family Water consumption (wf) = wp × n
Threshold Water consumption (Thw)
1. Initialize Water supply from Utility Centre (U.C.)
2. Initialize Thw based on weather
3. Initialize Calendar
4. Check(month) & fix (Thw)
5. Compute(wp) & Compute(wf)
6. If (wf Thw × n)
Stop (Water supply from U.C.)
Go to (Extra water demand phase)
Apply (Extra Charges)
Abort (Water Supply)
7. Repeat Steps (1- 6) for each day at each node (where each
node represents a house).
8. Return (water consumption statistics)
9. Stop
1. Monitoring water consumption
2. Reduce excess water consumption
3. Generating revenue
Sub-Algorithm: Extra Water Demand Phase
Input: Data (Water monitoring sensor data from each node)
Initialize: Excess water demand from costumer end.
Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
1. SN (data)=> BS
2. BS(Information)=> UC
3. UC (Decisive Operation)
Output: Decisive Action
Where, the per head water consumption is (wp), number of
members in a family is (n) and threshold (Thw) are taken as
inputs Weather based Smart Water Monitoring (WSWM).
Every day threshold for a household is calculated by
multiplying the number of members with the predetermined
threshold. The total consumption of a household is denoted as
wf. The value of the Thw varies according to the season as
Thws for summer, Thwr for rainy and Thw for winter. The per
family water consumption (wf) is compared to threshold. If wf
exceeds the household threshold decisive action is taken by
the utility center either in the form of extra charge or abortion
of water supply depending upon the availability.
4.1. Results and Discussion
The simulation is done using CupCarbon U-one 3.8.2. A
cluster of 40 sensor nodes along with a base station is
deployed and a homogeneous family structure of 4 members
along with uniform water usage patterns are considered here.
The threshold for each season is set at each node. When the
supply from the base station exceeds the seasonal threshold,
the node sends a signal to the base station to stop the supply.
Figure 6 shows the deployment of sensor nodes and base
stations for a single cluster. Here 40 sensor nodes along with a
sink node are deployed over an area of Sambalpur (Ref:
Figure 6: Deployment of SN
Figure 7:(a) Simulation for Summer
Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
Figure 7: (b) Simulation for Rainy Season
Figure 7:(c) Simulation for Winter
Figure 7(a) shows the simulation for the summer season
where the temperature is 36.89-degree Celsius and the
threshold is set to 540 liters per day per node. Figure 7(b)
shows the simulation for the rainy season where the
temperature is 24.44 degrees Celsius and the threshold is set
to 462 liters per day per node. Figure 7(c) shows the
simulation for the summer season where the temperature is
14.89-degree Celsius and the threshold is set to 400 liters per
day per node.
Figure 9 represents the comparison between uniform supply
throughout the year and supply based on the seasonal
threshold. The blue curve and the red curve represent the
uniform water supply around the year and supply based on
seasonal threshold respectively, whereas the green curve
represents the amount of water that can be saved per month in
liters. The water supply can lower to 6828.24 kl from 8760 kl
in a year. An approximate of 1931.76 kl of water can be
conserved in this cluster in a year.
Figure 8: (a). Average daily water requirement per person
based on the 12-months
Sefali Surabhi Rout et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), September 2020, 5335 – 5343
Figure 8 :(b). District Wise Water Monitoring Statistics
Figure 9: Uniform and seasonal supply comparison
Figure.10 illustrates the water consumption statistics based
on summer and winter season. During this study data of 30
districts of Odisha state has been used. From the graph it can
be clearly understandable that the water consumption during
summer is comparatively hiogher then winter.
Figure 10: Season wise water consumption within 30
Water is the driving force for the survival of life on Earth. The
gap between supply and demand is gradually increasing
which, is an alarming issue for survival. The uncontrolled
supply and uses are the main cause of water loss. The existing
system fails to monitor and control the wastage of water. The
proposed WSWM model regulates the water supply based on
weather conditions which save a substantial amount of water
from wastage. The deployment of smart water is a long term
and gradually evolved process. The adoption of the threshold
factor gives two major advantages such as regulated water
consumption and revenue generation. In our result, we
illustrated the clear difference in water consumption by
weather conditions. The possible future direction of
investigation is a consideration of floating water demands
from the end-user.
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... Ultrasonic sensors retrieved the related data, while machine learning algorithms forecasted daily water requirements and leaking pipes. Rout et al. [58] developed an IoT protocol architecture including sensors and algorithms to monitor, analyze, and forecast water consumption and loss at a household level. The adopted methodology took into consideration weather data to provide a seasonal analysis. ...
... The algorithm was tested on two highly differentiated use cases in two European countries with meaningful results. Amini et al. [49] Antzoulatos et al. [16] Castrillo and García [52] Chen and Han [51] Christodoulou et al. [46] Comboul and Ghanem [47] Devasena et al. [38] Farah et al. [43] Farah and Shahrour [44] Farah and Shahrour [45] Gautam et al. [57] Geng et al. [42] Gong et al. [39] Howell et al. [56] Howell et al. [33] Kalimuthu et al. [59] Kofinas et al. [60] Legin et al. [53] Levinas et al. [32] Llausàs et al. [50] Nie et al. [55] Oberascher et al. [48] Ramos et al. [41] Rout et al. [58] Slaný et al. [17] Stephens et al. [40] Level ...
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As projections highlight that half of the global population will be living in regions facing severe water scarcity by 2050, sustainable water management policies and practices are more imperative than ever. Following the Sustainable Development Goals for equitable water access and prudent use of natural resources, emerging digital technologies may foster efficient monitoring, control, optimization, and forecasting of freshwater consumption and pollution. Indicatively, the use of sensors, Internet of Things, machine learning, and big data analytics has been catalyzing smart water management. With two-thirds of the global population to be living in urban areas by 2050, this research focuses on the impact of digitization on sustainable urban water management. More specifically, existing scientific literature studies were explored for providing meaningful insights on smart water technologies implemented in urban contexts, emphasizing supply and distribution networks. The review analysis outcomes were classified according to three main pillars identified: (i) level of analysis (i.e., municipal or residential/industrial); (ii) technology used (e.g., sensors, algorithms); and (iii) research scope/focus (e.g., monitoring, optimization), with the use of a systematic approach. Overall, this study is expected to act as a methodological tool and guiding map of the most pertinent state-of-the-art research efforts to integrate digitalization in the field of water stewardship and improve urban sustainability.
... The need for water for households will change with the seasons. (Rout et al., 2020) proposed a weather-based smart water monitoring (WSWM) algorithm which studies seasonal variation of water requirement for the households and implements a seasonal threshold. Further, it was suggested that smart metering water can be used to monitor the water consumption of households (Rathi et al. 2020), and they can be charged if they cross the threshold limit. ...
Conference Paper
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Smart cities have become a topic of significant interest as cities continue to grow, face increasing demand for resources, and experience new challenges related to sustainability and resilience. These cities use cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics to analyze data for intelligent choices. In this paper, three components namely water management, intelligent transportation system, and structural health are considered for study in detail. The first component highlights the importance of efficient water management and focuses on sustainable and technology-based approaches to optimize water usage. The second component focuses on advanced transportation systems, such as digital mapping, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent transportation networks, and their future benefits, such as decreasing traffic congestion and enhancing air quality. Last component emphasizes the importance of monitoring the health and safety of structures, highlighting the use of various techniques to detect potential issues early and prevent further damage to the structures. Based on the detailed literature survey, it is observed that no study has considered all the three components together for collective system. Therefore, this study mainly focuses on the review of various challenges involved in these components and the opportunities for achieving a sustainable smart city.
... In order to collect the data, the authors used ultrasonic sensors, while for the processing and analysis of data in terms of forecasting daily consumption and detecting leaks, the authors used machine learning algorithms [10]. A new perspective is presented in [11], where the authors outlined an IoT solution based on smart sensors to collect data and used algorithms to analyze them. The solution provides a forecast of water consumption and leaks that may occur in a household. ...
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Water resource management represents a fundamental aspect of a modern society. Urban areas present multiple challenges requiring complex solutions, which include multidomain approaches related to the integration of advanced technologies. Water consumption monitoring applications play a significant role in increasing awareness, while machine learning has been proven for the design of intelligent solutions in this field. This paper presents an approach for monitoring and predicting water consumption from the most important water outlets in a household based on a proposed IoT solution. Data processing pipelines were defined, including K-means clustering and evaluation metrics, extracting consumption events, and training classification methods for predicting consumption sources. Continuous water consumption monitoring offers multiple benefits toward improving decision support by combining modern processing techniques, algorithms, and methods.
... In general, the sensors are working for a long time with the given stipulated energy both in harsh and hostile environments [6]. In such scenarios the replacement or recharging of the battery is quite impossible hence, this stipulated energy has to be used very efficiently [7]. The deployed sensors of the target zone monitor the surrounding and communicate that collected data with the base station (BS) [8,9]. ...
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The energy management problem is an inevitable issue with the wireless sensor network (WSN). There is always a need for an energy-conscious model for WSN that will prolong the network lifetime during system execution. Commonly the WSN is distributed in nature as it is used for several applications like localization, surveillance, and object tracking. In such a scenario, energy management is even more critical. In this regard, we propose an energy-efficient topological localization technique called CLOCK- Localization Approach (CLA) that ensures a long lifetime of WSN by eliminating recurrent reclustering and iterative cluster head (CH) selection. CLA follows a CLOCK pattern-based sensor deployment strategy where the selected CHs play a dual role of CH and Vice-CH. It helps to reduce energy consumption and overhead issue. The simulation result shows that the outperformance of the CLA algorithm in comparison to low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy-centralized (LEACH-C) and base station controlled dynamic clustering protocol (BCDCP).
... [20], wireless sensor network [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28], computer language [29,30], neural network [31], routing [32] making the products more intelligent and self-healing based. The smart city applications like smart water, smart grid, smart parking, smart resource management, etc. are based on IoT and IoE [33,34,35,36,37] technologies. We have the development available to us to enable the organization of our consistently lives and the sharing of significant information with our associates, families and others. ...
Face Recognition is a currently developing technology with multiple real- life applications. The goal of this Thesis is to develop a complete Face Recognition system. The system uses Convolutional Neural Networks in order to extract relevant facial features. These features allow to compare faces between them in an efficient way. The system can be trained to recognize a set of people, and to learn in an on-line way, by integrating the new people. Face recognition system is one of the biometric information process its applicability is easier and working range is larger than others .The face recognition is live acquired images without any application field in mind .process utilized in the system are White Balance correction ,skin like region segmentation .facial feature extraction and face image extraction on a face Candidate .The face one of the easiest ways to distinguish the individual identify each other .Face recognition is a personal identification system that uses personal characteristics of a person to identify the person’s identify. KEYWORDS:-Face Recognition, Facial Attendance, Automatic Attendance, Face Detection.
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Smart cities are becoming a topic of significant interest as cities are continuously growing, facing numerous challenges in different sectors such as Environmental, Water Resources, Transportation, Structural aspects and others. Cities are facing increasing demand for resources and experiences new challenges related to sustainability, reliability and resilience in all the domains. Thus, smart cities concept is considered as an emerging way to urbanization and other challenges worldwide, using technology like the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, mining and artificial intelligence (AI), etc. to analyse data for intelligent choices to improve urban life and sustainability. In this study, six innovative components of smart cities are defined and critical review of all the components i.e. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Water management (WM), Sustainable Environment (SE), Green Infrastructure (GI), Structure health monitoring (SHM) and Governance and Citizens Participation are provided. Many studies are focused to define the city to be smart but still there are many consensuses are there to define the term “Smart City”. The focus of the study is to discuss the challenges and opportunities inwater distribution systems (WDS), one of the crucial components of water supply systems Also, to highlights the recommended solutions to the growing challenges in WDSs.
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This work aims to perform the unified management of various departments engaged in smart city construction by big data, establish a synthetic data collection and sharing system, and provide fast and convenient big data services for smart applications in various fields. A new electricity demand prediction model based on back propagation neural network (BPNN) is proposed for China?s electricity industry according to the smart city?s big data characteristics. This model integrates meteorological, geographic, demographic, corporate, and economic information to form a big intelligent database. Moreover, the K-means clustering algorithm mines and analyzes the data to optimize the power consumers? information. The BPNN model is used to extract features for prediction. Users with weak daily correlation obtained by the K-means clustering algorithm only input the historical load of adjacent moments into the BPNN model for prediction. Finally, the electricity market is evaluated by exploring the data correlation in-depth to verify the proposed model?s effectiveness. The results indicate that the K-mean algorithm can significantly improve the segmentation accuracy of power consumers, with a maximum accuracy of 85.25% and average accuracy of 83.72%. The electricity consumption of different regions is separated, and the electricity consumption is classified. The electricity demand prediction model can enhance prediction accuracy, with an average error rate of 3.27%. The model?s training significantly speeds up by adding the momentum factor, and the average error rate is 2.13%. Therefore, the electricity demand prediction model achieves high accuracy and training efficiency. The findings can provide a theoretical and practical foundation for electricity demand prediction, personalized marketing, and the development planning of the power industry.
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Purpose This paper aims to identify the role of internet of things (IoT) in water supply chain management and helps to understand its future path from the junction of computer science and resource management. Design/methodology/approach The current research was studied through bibliometric review and content analysis, and various contributors and linkages were found. Also, the possible directions and implications of the field were analyzed. Findings The paper’s key findings include the role of modern computer science in water resource management through sensor technology, big data analytics, IoT, machine learning and cloud computing. This, in turn, helps in understanding future implications of IoT resource management. Research limitations/implications A more extensive database can add up to more combinations of linkages and ideas about the future direction. The implications and understanding gained by the research can be used by governments and firms dealing with water management of smart cities. It can also help find ways for optimizing water resources using IoT and modern-day computer science. Originality/value This study is one of the very few investigations that highlighted IoT’s role in water supply management. Thus, this study helps to assess the scope and the trend of the case area.
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The role of a sensor is to sense and gather the information from both remote and domestic zones. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is still emerging to exploit its uses in new extents, though, a lot of works have been done such as habitat monitoring, health care, agriculture, seismic effects, etc. This work focuses on prolonging the lifetime of the WSN through optimizing its energy consumption. The miniature size of the sensor leads to the restrictions with power, lifetime, and memory. In traditional approaches, energy management has been done at the sensor node level whereas, in this work, we focus on cluster-level for energy management. The proposed algorithm named as Residual Energy Adaptive Cluster Head Selection Algorithm (REACH) is a simplified cluster formation process. REACH focuses on uniform energy-based cluster formation for the efficient energy management. The simulation results shows the outperformance of REACH over heterogeneous Stable Election Protocol (SEP) and homogeneous Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) in terms of life time and dead node ratio.
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The study aims to understand the various types of fault-tolerant clustering algorithms from the existing literature. Clustering is one of the proven models for efficient energy management in a wireless sensor network (WSN). The resource-constrained architecture of WSN demands efficient protocols that can save energy when the WSN explicitly deployed in a harsh and hostile zone. The several considered factors for clustering are cluster count, size and density, location awareness, node deployment, heterogeneity of nodes, message count, and selection of cluster head, etc. Here, we present a short review of existing clustering algorithms based on probabilistic and non-probabilistic factors. During the review process, we have considered a few explicit factors to differentiate among the considered well-known clustering approaches.
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The wireless sensor network (WSN) is one the most convenient and easily adoptable ad-hoc technique for data transmission. With many flexibilities of WSN there are many loop holes. The decentralized architecture of WSN invites many types of attacks like man-in-the-middle (MITM) and black holes etc. In this paper, we propose a MITM-Intrusion Detection System (MITM-IDS) model for detection, isolation of attack and reconfiguration for attacked nodes. The IDS technique helps to train the nodes with the possible attacks. The simulation shows the rate of 89.147%, of productivity in way to perform MITM attacks. This work aims to develop an attack tolerant IDS.
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Aim The existing cluster-based energy-efficient models such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) and Stable Election Protocol (SEP) are fails in the distribution of sensor nodes uniformly during cluster formation. The non-uniform cluster distribution structure leads to rapid energy depletion and high energy consumption. So, this paper aims to create uniform loadbased cluster formation. Background This proposed idea motivated with a famous saying "If a Fault is Handling Fault Then That's not a Fault". Designing of energy-efficient and fault-tolerant model is indeed in wireless sensor network deployments. The involvement of WSN's is not only limited to domestic purpose but also applied in a harsh and hostile environment. Objective In this paper, we focus on energy depletion-based fault occurrence and its tolerance. Here we propose a Uniform Load Distribution Function (ULDF) with two objectives. The first one is to form equilibrium energy level clusters, and the second one is to avoid the frequent involvement of SNs in cluster formation. The proposed function is compared against the performance of both homogeneous LEACH and heterogeneous SEP protocols. Methods Efficient clustering through equal distribution of SNs based on their current residual energy. Results Our analysis concludes with results where the proposed ULDF performing better than LEACH and SEP and reduces SNs involvement in cluster formation, which indirectly implies minimum energy consumption. Conclusion Energy saving through uniform load distribution.
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On-going research on remote communication and sensing essentially made accessible the flexible technology called ‘wireless sensor network (WSN)’, which is independent, self-organising and self-healing in nature. The WSN comprises an extensive number of homogeneous or heterogeneous sensor nodes that may be deployed in a uniform or non-uniform manner in a targeted zone. The organisation of WSN can be stretched out from residential to a harsh and hostile environment. The manageability of WSN is very subjective to an efficient adaptation to the failure situations. In this line of thought, clustering has been proven as an efficient strategy for prolonging the sensor network lifetime and selecting the correct topological structure for the sensor network. The authors’ first present a survey of existing survey works from 2002 to 2019 and then present a tutorial on existing fault-tolerant protocols with a comparative analysis. The target audience of this work is novice researchers in the field of WSN to get a preliminary idea about clustering and its objective.
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Pipelines are undoubtedly the most blue-chip concept in Windows PowerShell (PS). It creates a significant difference between PowerShell and DOS. The working process of the pipeline is based on several inputs and single outputs. It means that the output of one sub-part becomes the input to the other. Pipeline successively refines the data through several stages for final filtered output. In this paper, we have studied the details of the pipeline and presented a tutorial by considering all the capacities of pipeline in the context of the shell.
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have grown considerably in recent years and have a significant potential in different applications including health, environment, and military. Despite their powerful capabilities, the successful development of WSN is still a challenging task. In current real-world WSN deployments, several programming approaches have been proposed, which focus on low-level system issues. In order to simplify the design of the WSN and abstract from technical low-level details, high-level approaches have been recognized and several solutions have been proposed. In particular, the model-driven engineering (MDE) approach is becoming a promising solution. In this paper, we present a survey of existing programming methodologies and model-based approaches for the development of sensor networks. We recall and classify existing related WSN development approaches. The main objective of our research is to investigate the feasibility and the application of high-level-based approaches to ease WSN design. We concentrate on a set of criteria to highlight the shortcomings of the relevant approaches. Finally, we present our future directions to cope with the limits of existing solutions.
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Advancements in Wireless and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices empowered a vast variety of wearable wireless sensors to be used for Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs). With technological changes WBANs are most capable approaches for allowing remote patient monitoring, improving the quality life and other Medicare applications. In this paper a Reliable, Energy Aware and Stable Topology (REAST) is proposed for WBSNs. For deployment of heterogeneous bio-sensors on patient body this topology is employed. We used direct and indirect communication for real-time and normal data delivery respectively. With indirect communication, any node can be elected as forwarder node, which can gather information from bio-sensors and then aggregating it for further transmission to the sink. Temperature and cost function of the bio-sensor node is considered for selection of node as a forwarder. The proposed algorithm to be simulated by considering parameters such as network lifetime, path loss and packet delivery. These parameters
Over the last decade, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has gained considerable attention in various real-time applications. Since WSN works with battery operated nodes, utilization and optimization of node energy is one the primary challenge. For effectively handling and controlling the energy consumption problem in WSN, cross-layer optimization is one of the important methods. For a researcher working in the domain of WSN, energy constraint is a huge challenge to deal with. MAC layer is one of the major source of energy consumption so, an innovative energy efficient MAC protocol using a cross-layer approach in the heterogeneous wireless sensor network is proposed. In this protocol, first, packet retransmission by reducing packet loss is addressed by considering buffer space, channel state and remaining energy. Second, the synchronization scheme for a global schedule is implemented by deliberating adaptive listening using the length of the transmission queue. Finally, sleep time issue is worked out to reduce energy consumption. In this scenario, the nodes will be in sleep mode unless it has some packets to send or receive. The proposed protocol is implemented in Network Simulation (NS2). The simulation results show that the heterogeneous wireless network performs better in terms of energy consumption, packet data rate and energy buffer state while implementing through the proposed protocol.
There are different conditions where SPP play a vital role. However, there are various conditions, where we have to face with uncertain parameters such as variation of cost, time and so on. So to remove this uncertainty, Yang et al. [1] “[Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 32(1), 197-205”] have proposed the fuzzy reliable shortest path problem under mixed fuzzy environment and claimed that it is better to use their proposed method as compared to the existing method i.e., “[Hassanzadeh et al.; A genetic algorithm for solving fuzzy shortest path problems with mixed fuzzy arc lengths, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 57(2013) 84-99” [2]]. The aim of this note is, to highlight the shortcoming that is carried out in Yang et al. [1] article. They have used some mathematical incorrect assumptions under the mixed fuzzy domain, which is not true in a fuzzy environment.