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The Influence of Footwear Type on Barbell Back Squat Using 50, 70 and 90% of 1RM


Abstract and Figures

The effect of footwear type was investigated during the barbell back squat using 3D motion analysis and ground reaction force data. Nine male participants (mean age = 26.4 ± 5.4 years, height = 1.79 ± .08 m, mass = 84.7 ± 16.1 kg) completed 2 experimental testing sessions wearing 2 different forms of training footwear: i) standard sports trainers (RS); and ii) specialized weightlifting shoes (WS). On each test day participants completed a sequence of 5, 3 and 1 repetitions of a barbell back squat using 50, 70 and 90% respectively of their 1RM load in each of the shoe conditions. Shoe order, which was initially randomly assigned for test day 1, was reversed on test day 2. Significant main effects were found for peak dorsiflexion of both left (p <0.001) and right (p < 0.001) ankles. Pairwise post-hoc comparisons showed that the RS condition exhibited significantly more dorsiflexion compared to the WS condition in both the left and right ankles. There was also a significant main effect of load (%1RM) within the left ankle (p < 0.01) with post-hoc comparisons showing that there was a significant increase in peak dorsiflexion angle from 50% to 90% (p < 0.05) and 70% to 90% of 1RM (p < 0.05) but no difference between 50% and 70% of 1RM (p = 1.000). These findings indicate that further investigation is necessary in order to substantiate claims regarding the benefits of wearing weightlifting shoes during resistance training exercises targeting the squat movement.
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School of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia
Whitting, JW, Meir, RA, Crowley-McHattan, ZJ, and
Holding, RC. Influence of footwear type on barbell back squat
using 50, 70, and 90% of one repetition maximum: a bio-
mechanical analysis. J Strength Cond Res 30(4): 1085–1092,
2016—The effect of footwear type was investigated during the
barbell back squat using three-dimensional motion analysis and
ground reaction force data. Nine male participants (mean
age = 26.4 65.4 years, height = 1.79 60.08 m, and mass =
84.7 616.1 kg) completed 2 experimental testing sessions
wearing 2 different forms of training footwear: (a) standard
sports trainers (running shoes [RS]) and (b) specialized
weightlifting shoes (WS). On each test day, participants com-
pleted a sequence of 5, 3, and 1 repetitions of a barbell back
squat using 50, 70, and 90%, respectively, of their 1 repetition
maximum (1RM) load in each of the shoe conditions. Shoe
order, which was initially randomly assigned for test day 1,
was reversed on test day 2. Significant main effects were found
for peak dorsiflexion of both left (p,0.001) and right (p,
0.001) ankles. Pairwise post hoc comparisons showed that the
RS condition exhibited significantly more dorsiflexion com-
pared with the WS condition in both left and right ankles. There
was also a significant main effect of load (%1RM) within the left
ankle (p,0.01) with post hoc comparisons showing that there
was a significant increase in peak dorsiflexion angle from 50 to
90% (p#0.05) and 70–90% of 1RM (p#0.05) but no
difference between 50 and 70% of 1RM (p= 1.000). These
findings indicate that further investigation is necessary to sub-
stantiate claims regarding the benefits of wearing WS during
resistance training exercises targeting the squat movement.
KEY WORDS squat technique, footwear, 3D motion analysis,
ground reaction force
Squat movements have direct relevance to a range of
functional movement patterns observed both in
sport and daily life (4,16). The barbell back squat
is a primary exercise used in many athletic training
programs to develop lower body strength and power (16,24).
Its use, however, is not just limited to athletic populations but
also used extensively in rehabilitation (1). As the squat in-
volves a closed-chain weight-bearing stance, the hamstring
muscles are activated to oppose anterior tibial translation
forces caused by the quadriceps muscles. This results in less
strain being placed on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
(19). Therefore, this makes the squat exercise a superior ACL
rehabilitation exercise to the leg extension exercise (24).
Depending on the objective of the exercise, squats may be
performed as a body weight only movement or “loaded” with
additional weight. Regardless, acute and chronic training
effects are generally most pronounced on the neuromuscular
components and associated connective tissues of the knee, hip,
and lower back (7,10). The squat movement can be performed
under many variations of technique. Squat depth is one aspect
of technique that can vary greatly and is typically prescribed
based on the objectives of training. Strength and conditioning
coaches typically categorize squats into 3 basic groupings
based on depth. These are (a) partial squats represented by
knee flexion of 408, (b) half squats indicated by knee flexion
of 70–1008, and (c) deep squats represented by knee flexion of
greater than 1008. A bodyweight squat at or below 908of
flexion can be used as a simple measure of total body move-
ment efficiency (16). Poor ankle mobility and a lack of flexi-
bility at the hips are also factors that can affect technique by
resulting in the lifter adopting a more pronounced forward
lean at the hips. This is often cited as a common technique
error (6,8), and it has been speculated that adopting such
a position may lead to injury by increasing compressive and
shear forces in the lumbar spine (11,14,25). Interestingly,
despite the increase in lumbar loading associated with exces-
sive trunk lean, as cited by a number of authors in recent years,
the National Strength and Conditioning Association position
paper on the squat exercise (3) suggests that lifters restrict the
forward movement of their knees, which can, in turn, cause
the lifter to lean further forward with the trunk (11,18).
Address correspondence to Rudi Meir,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2016 | 1085
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The barbell back squat is a primary exercise in the training
programs of athletes who compete in International Weightlift-
ing Federation (IWF) and International Powerlifting Federa-
tion (IPF) competitions. Furthermore, the barbell back squat is
also one of the 3 competition lifts used in IPF events. Each of
these organizations has rules related to competition judging
and the use of equipment by participants. One such rule
relates to competitors having to wear specified footwear. In
the case of the sport of weightlifting, Rule 4.2.1 of the IWF
Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations states that
“athletes must wear footwear (weightlifting shoes [WS] or
boots) to protect their feet and provide stability and a firm
stance on the competition platform” ((15), p. 31).
To satisfy the mandate of the IWF, WS are designed with
a stiff noncompressible flat sole and a raised heel (approx-
imately 2.5 cm). A metatarsal strap is also used to increase
lateral stability by lifting and supporting the transverse arch
of the foot. It is suggested that such a design is beneficial to
the lifter by limiting flexion and torsion of the sole when
under load, without compromising ankle range of motion,
thus increasing stability (21). The elevated heel is said to
function by allowing lifters to keep their knees forward with-
out being affected by a limited ankle dorsiflexion range of
motion, thus making it easier for the lifter to maintain a more
upright trunk to minimize external torque and subsequent
compressive and shear forces in the lumbar spine (22). Not-
withstanding these proposed benefits, the recreational lifter
and competitive athlete, who use resistance training to help
enhance their performance, typically wear standard sports
shoes or other forms of footwear when undertaking resis-
tance training (22). These types of footwear do not have the
design characteristics of the WS as described above and
would likely provide less stability when under load.
Sato et al. (22) has conducted a preliminary investigation
that supports the use of a specialized WS. These researchers
used a basic two-dimensional kinematic analysis of three dis-
placement variables to compare the use of WS with standard
sports shoes while performing the barbell back squat (60% of
1 repetition maximum [1RM]). Two-dimensional kinematic
information is inherently problematic due to errors of per-
spective, not to mention its inability to comprehensively
answer questions regarding multiplanar kinematic and kinetic
between-shoe differences (7). Therefore, this study used
a more sophisticated three-dimensional (3D) motion capture
system to compare the use of WS to standard running shoes
(RS) while performing the barbell back squat. Ground reac-
tion force data were also used to track motion of the center of
pressure (COP) for each participant. Loads of 50, 70, and 90%
of 1RM were prescribed to determine whether any significant
differences in key kinematic variables were observed. It was
hypothesized that the use of specialized weightlifting foot-
wear would positively influence the selected biomechanical
variables being investigated during all barbell back squats.
Specifically, it was hypothesized that barbell back squats
under all loads would result in less ankle dorsiflexion, less
forward trunk lean, and less movement (more stability) of
the COP in the WS condition versus the RS condition.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
A within-subject, counter-balanced experimental design was
used to determine the impact of the 2 different types of
footwear (WS = adipower weightlifting shoe; RS = adidas
Response Cushion 22.0) on barbell back squat technique
under different %1RM loads (independent variables). Joint
kinematics and COP data (dependent variables) were re-
corded to determine whether there were technique benefits
(e.g., optimization of joint kinematics and increased stability).
Participants completed 5, 3, and 1 repetition, representing 3
sets, of a barbell back squat pattern using 50, 70, and 90% of
their predetermined 1RM, respectively, while wearing each
type of footwear (experimental condition). All shoes in this
study were new and only used by participants with the same
shoe size during this study. A total of 6 sets of the exercise
were completed on each of 2 separate testing occasions.
Nine male participants (mean age = 26.4 65.4 years, age
range = 18–33 years, height = 1.79 60.08 m, and mass =
84.7 616.1 kg) volunteered to participate in this study. Using
a priori power analysis (G*power 3, version 3.1.2) (9) with
an effect size of 0.5, power of 0.80, and alevel of 0.05,
the predicted minimum number of participants would be
8 for detecting within-factor differences using a repeated-
measures analysis of variance. All participants were actively
engaged in regular weekly resistance training at the time
of their participation in this study. Participants also had
a minimum of 3 years experience using the barbell back squat
in their own training. Participants were informed of the bene-
fits and risks of the investigation before signing an institution-
ally approved informed consent document to participate in
this study. Participants were advised that they could withdraw
their consent at any time. All procedures were approved by
the Southern Cross University Human Research Ethics Com-
mittee (approval number: ECN-13–210).
All testing sessions were conducted at the same time of day
(between 1.00 and 4.00 PM) and in the same location. All
participants were asked to attend a familiarization session
1 week before testing. At this session, test procedures were
demonstrated, and potential experimental risks were identi-
fied (e.g., injury). An information sheet detailing the purpose
of the study and the nature of participants’ involvement was
provided. On expressing a willingness to participate in this
project, participants were asked to sign informed consent
and complete a standard preparticipation health screening
questionnaire. Before the first data collection session (test
session 2), participants returned at a mutually agreed time
(between 1:00 and 4.00 PM) and day to have their baseline
measures collected. This required the recording of basic
Footwear Effects During a Barbell Back Squat
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
anatomical measures and completion of their 1RM barbell
back squat test (test session 1). The 1RM squat test was
completed while wearing normal training footwear, as per
the procedure outlined by Harman and Garhammer (13).
Squat technique, using an unloaded Olympic bar, was
initially assessed by a Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist before each participant completing their 1RM test;
this same coach supervised all subsequent tests during data
collection involving the different shoe conditions. Partic-
ipants presented using a range of depths (from bottom of
hamstrings parallel to floor to hamstrings touching the back
of the lower leg) at which they normally identified the
bottom of their squat movement in their regular training.
Notwithstanding the within-subject design nature of this
study, squat depth was determined visually and standardized
for each participant for the 1RM test and under each of the
subsequent shoe conditions. All 1RM tests were conducted
in a power rack with depth of squat visually determined as
being when the top of the thighs was parallel with the floor
and hip crease in line with or slightly below the knee.
Before all test occasions, participants were instructed not to
complete any lower body training in the 24 hours immedi-
ately before their testing session. Participants were also
advised to abstain from consuming a heavy meal or any
caffeine-based drinks in the 2 hours before each of the 3
testing sessions and to consume 500 ml of water in the
30 minutes before testing. Participants had to be free from any
form of injury and illness to participate in each testing session.
Each testing session was separated by a minimum of 48 hours.
On arrival at test session 2, participants were assigned
(counterbalanced design) the first pair of shoes (experimental
condition) to be worn in that session; the order of shoe was
reversed for each participant on the third and last test occasion.
Participants were then prepared for testing by the placement of
27 retro-reflective markers on the barbell, head, trunk, pelvis,
lower limbs, and feet to define a 10-segment model (modified
Plug-In-Gait). Markers identifying the foot segment were
placed on the shoes (Figure 1). The 3D coordinates of these
markers were captured using 10 high-speed (100 Hz) cameras
(Vicon T40-S, Oxford, United Kingdom) and using Nexus
software (version 1.8.4, 2013).
A Butterworth fourth-order
low-pass filter was used to filter
marker trajectories (f
(12), and 3D marker coordinates
were used to calculate the fol-
lowing kinematic variables for
each squat in the sagittal plane:
peak left and right ankle dorsi-
flexion angles; minimum left and
right knee flexion angles (thigh
relative to shank); minimum left
and right hip flexion angles (pel-
vis relative to thigh); minimum
left and right thigh inclination
angles (thigh relative to the horizontal—determinant of squat
depth); and peak forward trunk lean angle (trunk relative to the
Ground reaction force data were captured (1,000 Hz)
during each trial as participants stood with both feet on
a single Kistler force plate (Type 9287; Winterthur, Switzer-
land). The same Nexus software was used for data processing,
and ground reaction forces were also filtered (f
a Butterworth fourth-order low-pass filter. The filtered data
were used to calculate COP peak displacements in anterior–
posterior (A-P) and medio–lateral (M-L) directions.
Squatting Sequence
After participant preparation, each test occasion started with
participants completing their normal resistance training
session warm-up. They were then required to complete
the following sequence of squats: (a) a set of 5 body weight
only (i.e., no load) squats followed by 60 seconds rest; (b)
a set of 5 squats with an unloaded Olympic bar followed by
2 minutes rest; (c) a set of 5 squats using a load equivalent to
50% of their 1RM followed by a 2–3 minutes rest; (d) a set of
3 squats using a load equivalent to 70% of their 1RM fol-
lowed by 4 minutes rest; and (e) 1 squat using a load equiv-
alent to 90% of their 1RM. A 5 minute rest period followed
this first sequence and was used to allow participants to
change into their assigned alternate shoes for the second
series of squats. The second series of squats started with
the completion of the set of 5 unloaded Olympic bar squats
and then continued in the same order as described for the
first squat sequence. The bar was located in the high bar
position (6) for all repetitions and by all participants.
Verbal feedback was given when participants reached the
required squat depth as described above. To standardize
squat repetition speed, thereby minimizing unwanted accel-
erations and variations (23), participants were instructed to
squat in time with a digital metronome. In doing so, they
executed each full squat movement approximating a tempo
equivalent to 1 second down and 1 second up (1-0-1). At the
shoe changeover from the first series of squats and after
the second and final series, each participant was asked to
Figure 1. Placement of retro-reflective markers to identify foot segment.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2016 | 1087
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
rate the perceived stability and comfort of each type of shoe.
This was performed with the participant sitting on their own
and indicating their responses for each shoe by placing
a “cross” on a 100 mm visual analog scale. The statement
“least comfortable (or stable) shoes I have ever worn” rep-
resenting the absolute zero point and the statement “most
comfortable (or stable) shoes I have ever worn” being the
maximum value possible for each question. A similar analog
scale was also used for perceived shoe stability.
Statistical Analyses
For each variable of interest, a two-factor (shoe 3load)
repeated-measures general linear model was then used to
determine whether there were main effects of shoe condition
(WS and RS) or load condition (50, 70, and 90% 1RM) and
whether there were any shoe 3load interactions. If any
main effects or interactions were detected, then post hoc
analysis with Bonferroni adjustment was conducted to iden-
tify the significant difference between mean values. Effect
sizes using Pearson correlation rwere also calculated for
all comparisons. Comparisons between shoe comfort and
stability were determined using a paired t-test. All statistical
analyses were conducted using SPSS version 20 for
Windows with an alevel set at 0.05.
Initial data analysis involved a day 3shoe 3load repeated-
measures general linear model assessment as data collection
procedures were repeated twice. All variables showed no
main effect of day and no interactions with day (day 3shoe,
day 3load, or day 3shoe 3load). Subsequent paired t-tests
for all variables were then conducted, and no differences
were found between days again for all variables of interest.
Therefore, the 2 days were collapsed into 1 session.
Peak Ankle Dorsiflexion Angle
There were no shoe 3load interactions found in either the
left (p= 0.447, r= 0.22) or right (p= 0.921, r= 0.07) ankles.
Significant main effects for shoe were found for peak dorsi-
flexion of both left (p,0.001; r= 0.88) and right (p,0.001;
r= 0.85) ankles (Figure 2 and Table 1). Pairwise post hoc
comparisons showed that the RS condition exhibited signif-
icantly higher dorsiflexion compared to the WS condition in
both left and right ankles. There was also a significant main
effect of load (%1RM) within the left ankle (p= 0.004; r=
0.53) with post hoc comparisons showing that there was
a significant increase in peak dorsiflexion angle from 50 to
90% (p= 0.037) and 70–90% of 1RM (p= 0.034) but no
difference between 50 and 70% of 1RM (p= 1.000). Load
main effect analysis for the right ankle showed no signifi-
cance (p= 0.071; r= 0.41).
Minimum Knee Flexion Angle
There were no significant shoe 3load interaction effects in
either the left (p= 0.527; r= 0.18) or right (p= 0.512; r=
0.18) minimum knee flexion angles (Table 1). Main effects
analysis of shoe showed no significance for either the left
(p= 0.125; r= 0.36) or right (p= 0.750; r= 0.08), and also no
significant effect of load in either the left (p= 0.468; r= 0.19)
or right (p= 0.135; r= 0.35) minimum knee flexion angles.
Minimum Thigh Inclination Angle
Shoe x load analysis revealed that there were no significant
interactions for either the left (p=0.465;r= 0.21) or right (p=
0.976; r= 0.03) minimum thigh angles (Table 1). Main effect
analysis of shoe indicated no sig-
nificance for both the left (p=
0.978; r=0.008)andright(p=
0.862; r= 0.04) minimum thigh
inclination angles. Load main
effect analysis showed a signifi-
cant effect for both the left (p=
0.020; r= 0.48) and right thigh
analysis of the left minimum
thigh angle revealed that there
were no differences when com-
paring 50–70% (p= 0.100) and
50–90% (p=0.094);however,
there was a significant increase
from 70 to 90% (p=0.035).
For the right minimum thigh
angle, post hoc analysis revealed
that there were no differences
when comparing any of the 3
load conditions (50–70%, p=
0.100; 50–90%, p=0.133;and
70–90%, p=0.162).
Figure 2. Mean (6SD) shoe main effects for peak dorsiflexion angles of the left and right ankles (N=9).
*Indicates a significant difference between shoes (p#0.05).
Footwear Effects During a Barbell Back Squat
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Mean (6SD) of recorded variables displayed for each shoe (WS and RS) and each load (50, 70, and 90% 1RM) condition (N= 9).*
50% 1RM 70% 1RM 90% 1RM
Left Right Left Right Left Right
Peak ankle
angle (8)z§
25.2 (4.2) 29.3 (3.5) 25.1 (6.8) 31.0 (4.6) 24.9 (4.5) 29.7 (3.4) 25.0 (6.7) 30.8 (4.3) 26.0 (4.5) 31.1 (4.0) 26.0 (6.8) 31.7 (5.1)
Minimum knee
angle (8)
54.6 (10.9) 56.9 (11.0) 53.1 (12.4) 54.3 (11.8) 55.5 (10.8) 56.4 (9.6) 54.3 (12.2) 54.5 (10.4) 56.1 (11.7) 57.6 (11.9) 55.8 (13.8) 55.7 (12.7)
angle (8)k
16.8 (10.2) 16.5 (10.1) 16.7 (9.6) 16.5 (9.6) 17.0 (11.2) 16.6 (10.4) 16.7 (9.6) 16.7 (10.0) 17.8 (10.1) 18.4 (10.8) 18.2 (10.4) 18.1 (10.7)
Minimum hip
angle (8)
61.8 (9.3) 61.7 (10.4) 61.2 (8.2) 60.9 (9.6) 63.2 (10.0) 62.3 (9.1) 62.4 (8.6) 62.0 (8.1) 64.9 (10.5) 64.8 (12.9) 64.2 (11.7) 64.1 (10.9)
Peak trunk lean angle (8)¶# 38.0 (6.7) 38.2 (6.4) 38.9 (6.5) 39.7 (6.8) 41.5 (6.8) 41.3 (6.5)
COP deviation (A-P) (mm)**†† 148.3 (38.8) 144.0 (28.1) 162.6 (61.0) 141.3 (37.1) 136.2 (56.7) 118.4 (41.1)
COP deviation (M-L) (mm) 135.7 (60.0) 120.8 (45.2) 143.1 (107.3) 151.9 (96.5) 122.0 (95.7) 139.8 (92.5)
*1RM = 1 repetition maximum; RS = running shoes; WS = weightlifting shoes; COP = center of pressure; A-P = anterior–posterior; M-L = medio–lateral.
Significant shoe main effect (p,0.001)—increased dorsiflexion RS vs. WS.
zSignificant load main effect—post hoc comparison showing higher left ankle dorsiflexion angle for 50 vs. 70% 1RM (p,0.037).
§Significant load main effect—post hoc comparison showing higher left ankle dorsiflexion angle for 70 vs. 90% 1RM (p,0.034).
kSignificant load main effect—post hoc comparison showing an increase in minimum thigh angle for 70 vs. 90% 1RM (p,0.035).
Significant load main effect—post hoc comparison showing an increase in peak trunk lean angle for 50 vs. 90% 1RM (p,0.022).
#Significant load main effect—post hoc comparison showing an increase in peak trunk lean angle for 70 vs. 90% 1RM (p,0.016).
**Significant shoe main effect (p,0.010)—larger peak COP (A-P) movement WS vs. RS.
††Significant load main effect—post hoc comparison showing reduction in peak COP (A-P) from 70 to 90% 1RM (p,0.049).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2016 | 1089
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Minimum Hip Flexion Angle
There were no significant shoe 3load interactions for
either the left (p=0.735;r= 0.11) or right (p=0.90;r=
0.05) minimum hip flexion angles (Table 1). Analysis of
shoe main effect indicated no significance for both the left
(p=0.662;r= 0.11) and right (p=0.788;r= 0.06) minimum
hip flexion angles. Load main effect analysis showed a sig-
nificant effect for the left hip (p= 0.019; r=0.50)but
not for the right hip (p=0.068;r= 0.44). However, post
revealed that there were no specific between-load differ-
ences (50–70%, p= 0.334; 50–90%, p=0.059;and
70–90%, p=0.103).
Peak Trunk Lean Angle
There was no significant shoe 3load interaction for the
peak trunk lean angle (p= 0.308; r= 0.26). Shoe main effect
analysis indicated no significance for the peak trunk lean
angle (p= 0.502; r= 0.16). However, a significant load main
effect was found (p= 0.006; r= 0.58) (Table 1). Post hoc
analyses for the peak trunk lean angle found no difference
between 50 and 70% (p= 0.213), but there was a significant
increase from 50 to 90% (p= 0.022) and from 70 to 90% of
1RM (p= 0.016).
Peak Center of Pressure Deviations
Analysis of peak COP (A-P) deviation showed no significant
interaction (p= 0.344; r= 0.25); however, there was a signif-
icant main effect of shoe (p= 0.010; r= 0.57; Figure 3) and
load (p= 0.038; r= 0.42). Post hoc analyses revealed a sig-
nificantly larger peak COP (A-P) movement in the WS con-
dition compared with the RS condition (p= 0.010). Analysis
of the effect of load showed
that there were no differences
between 50 and 70% (p=
1.000) or 50 and 90% of 1RM
(p= 0.273); however, there was
a significant reduction in peak
COP (A-P) from 70 to 90% of
1RM (p= 0.049). Analysis of
peak COP (M-L) deviation
showed no significant interac-
tion (p= 0.452; r= 0.20) and
no main effects of shoe (p=
0.623; r= 0.12; Figure 3) or
load (p= 0.437; r= 0.22)
(Table 1).
Perceived Shoe Comfort
and Stability
Paired t-tests indicated that par-
ticipants perceived the RS to be
significantly more comfortable
(p,0.032; mean rating = 80.4
611.9) than the WS (mean
rating = 70.2 614.9), whereas
the WS were perceived to be significantly more stable (p,
0.000; mean rating = 89.5 67.6) than the RS (mean rating =
65.9 615.5).
This project aimed to establish whether specific WS
significantly affect technique during a barbell back squat
when compared with a standard sport RS under different %
1RM loads. Although limited research has been conducted
previously (22), this study used more sophisticated method-
ology (3D motion capture) to determine differences in key
kinematic measures. It also used ground reaction force data
to determine displacement measures as indicators of stability
in A-P and M-L directions.
Confirming our hypothesis, this research revealed a signif-
icant main effect for shoe in peak left and right dorsiflexion
angles with the heel-elevated WS exhibiting significantly
lower dorsiflexion angles compared with the RS. Because of
the solid construction of the elevated heel and the absence of
a soft midsole in the WS, this finding is not surprising.
However, unlike previously reported findings (22), our anal-
yses revealed no other effect of shoe condition on any of the
selected key kinematic variables. Consequently, our hypoth-
esis that any reduction in peak dorsiflexion in the WS would
also lead to a reduction in peak forward trunk lean was not
It must be noted that Sato et al. (22) did not directly assess
trunk lean, and that their conclusions regarding the effect of
shoes on dorsiflexion and trunk lean are limited by this.
Nonetheless, it is reasonable to postulate that by simple
geometry, their measures of A-P bar and hip displacement
Figure 3. Mean (6SD) shoe main effects for peak center of pressure (COP) deviation (mm) in anterior–posterior
(A-P) and medio–lateral (M-L) directions (N= 9). *Indicates a significant difference between shoes (p#0.05).
Footwear Effects During a Barbell Back Squat
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
could be deemed to reflect trunk lean, which is what
informed our original hypothesis. Another possible reason
for not observing an effect of shoe on trunk lean in this study
may be that participants had sufficient ankle dorsiflexion
range of motion to cope with the RS condition (as reflected
by the increase in peak dorsiflexion). This may have enabled
them to maintain a forward-knees position, a technique
advised by Fry et al. (11) and List et al. (18), to keep the
load displacing vertically over their base of support (4) with-
out needing to increase hip flexion or forward trunk lean.
Although knee position relative to the feet was not calcu-
lated in this study, it is reasonable to postulate that the
greater peak dorsiflexion angle was likely to compensate
for a lower and softer heel wedge in the RS condition to
result in a similar knee position. Furthermore, the similarities
in the kinematic measures further up the chain indicate some
between-shoe consistency in squat technique, at least in sag-
ittal kinematic minima and maxima. Future studies, however,
should investigate the impact of dorsiflexion capacity on
technique during squats in different footwear.
Our analyses have also shown that peak COP displace-
ments, typical indicators of stability and balance (17,20), dif-
fered between shoe conditions for these participants with
a significantly larger COP (A-P) displacement in the WS
condition compared to the RS condition. Even though there
was no between-shoe difference in peak M-L COP devia-
tion, these findings mean that the hypothesis that the WS
condition would lead to less overall COP movement (greater
stability) was rejected. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that
this finding was not supported by the perception of the study
participants. The results of the visual analog scale assess-
ments on both days showed that the cohort rated the WS
condition as significantly more stable than the RS condition.
One reason for this may be the assumption that reduced
amplitude of displacement in the COP is not necessarily
an indicator of greater balance, stability, or control. In fact,
researchers are now starting to postulate that these gross
measures of COP excursion fail to provide temporal infor-
mation that can help to explain strategy and control (2). It
may be that participants, who perceived the WS condition as
more stable, were more confident and therefore allowed
themselves to translate more in the A-P direction to manip-
ulate the location of the load in relation to the base of sup-
port. For instance, Croft et al. (5) demonstrated that COP
displacement was more constrained in standing balance
tasks where participants were on compliant (unstable) vs.
solid surfaces. Any future investigations of balance or stabil-
ity effects of footwear in squatting movements should there-
fore incorporate nonlinear approaches that quantify
temporal motor control strategies and responses (2).
Although there were no hypotheses developed for this
analysis, it is interesting that a load effect was observed for
COP deviations in this study. Although there was no
significant difference in peak COP (A-P) displacement between
50 and 70 and between 50 and 90% 1RM, there was
a significant reduction in peak COP (A-P) displacement from
70 to 90% of 1RM. It is reasonable to postulate that a feed-
forward mechanism was used by participants to constrain
movement in the most difficult load condition and perhaps
there is a load threshold, yet to be elucidated, that alters this.
Overall, there were no significant shoe effects in all key
selected kinematic measures, except for peak ankle dorsiflex-
ion angles. Although peak trunk lean was consistent between
shoe conditions, conclusions regarding potential lumbar
loading remain tenuous as no joint kinetics were measured
or calculated to provide more direct evidence. Future studies
should, therefore, incorporate a kinetic analysis. Nonetheless,
links between kinematics and kinetics are well established
during squatting and lifting tasks (10,11,14,24), and so the
findings of this study certainly provide a sound basis for more
work. It is also worth considering that greater peak displace-
ment in COP (A-P) deviation in the WS condition, albeit
while constraining peak angular displacements, may be an
indication that the temporal between-shoe movement pat-
terns were different. As a result, future work with the current
data set may be warranted, using more comprehensive tech-
niques such as principal component and support vector
machine analyses. Such an approach may highlight more sub-
tle shoe effects that are easily missed by traditional discrete
variable analyses such as this study. It must also be acknowl-
edged that conclusions in this study are limited by a cohort of
9 participants. However, statistical findings and inferences
were strengthened by the study design that incorporated
a repeat of measures across 2 days and across 3 load condi-
tions. Having no effect of day, for instance, enabled the data to
be collapsed into a shoe 3load design, effectively doubling
the size of the data set.
This research has been driven by practices observed in the
training environment regarding the use of different types of
footwear. To date, there is limited evidence for support of
this practice and any potential beneficial effects on lifting
performance or reducing injury risk. As is evident by the
discussion of findings in this study, the scope for studying the
effects of footwear on squat movements should be expanded
substantially. Athletes, coaches, patients, and therapists
undertake squats for many reasons and by using varying
techniques and footwear. However, it is our contention that
the results of this study question the notion that overall
technique, and therefore injury risk, may be substantially
affected by footwear typically used in weightlifting environ-
ments. Notwithstanding this, it is important that further
studies, such as those suggested in this article, are under-
taken to provide a clearer understanding of the benefits, or
otherwise, of this type of footwear to users.
The authors acknowledge the support of Adidas (a.i.t) who
provided the shoes used in this study.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2016 | 1091
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Footwear Effects During a Barbell Back Squat
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Weightlifting shoes are designed with a 13mm elevation between the fore foot and the heel; this parameter has been defined by the international Weightlifting Federation and the value is sufficient to promote a more vertical trunk po sition, greater roM in the knee joint, and better sta bility during back squat [12,13]. While these inves tigations suggest technical positive adaptations with weightlifting shoes, more recent research has been un able to verify benefits of squatting with raised heel, since similar kinematics were observed when partici pants squatted barefoot [14,15]. Additionally, general practitioners include other training methods on regular routines, like postactivation potential, being more practical with using running shoes than weightlifting shoes. ...
... Some previous research did not reveal adaptations in trunk inclination as described earlier by elevating the heels [14,15]. We believe, however, that methodo logical differences between our and their investigations can account for the divergent results. ...
... We believe, however, that methodo logical differences between our and their investigations can account for the divergent results. For instance, Lee et al. [14] analysed women, implemented a load of 80% of onerepetition maximum, and did not instruct par ticipants to squat as deep as possible; in turn, Whit ting et al. [15] also analysed loaded conditions (50%, 70%, and 90% of onerepetition maximum). consider ing that there are significant differences in kinemat ics between sexes [25] and that loading affects move ment kinematics [15] during back squat, we propose that these differences might explain the distinct out comes between our analyses. ...
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Purpose Back squat (BS) is a popular exercise owing to its capacity to develop lower limb strength. During BS, trunk inclination and knee range of motion (RoM) are relevant aspects of a proper technique, and these movement kinematics parameters can be positively altered with official weightlifting shoes lifting the heel 13 mm above the ground. Wedges are a low-cost alternative to lifting the heel to different heights, but movement kinematics adaptations with higher elevations, above 25 mm, are not well described in the literature. Thus, we compared the effect of different heights of heel wedges on BS kinematics. Methods Fifteen experienced recreational weightlifters (22 ± 5.4 years; 83 ± 11 kg; 179 ± 6 cm; 5 ± 2.1 years of BS experience) were conveniently selected. Three randomized conditions were applied: barefoot (B), 25-mm (W25), and 50-mm wedges (W50). BS movement was assessed by kinematic analysis with an optoelectronic camera system. Results After ANOVA, the post-hoc indicated significant RoM differences in reducing trunk (F = 27.27; p < 0.01) and increasing knee (F = 16.87; p < 0.01) flexions between conditions. Post-hoc analysis verified decreasing trunk inclination (B > W25 > W50; p < 0.05) and increasing knee (B < W25 < W50; p < 0.05) RoM with increasing wedge height. Conclusions Higher wedges allowed positive adaptations by promoting a more upright trunk position and greater BS depth. Using a heel wedge can be a low-cost and viable strategy to optimize BS technique in a variety of training settings and contexts.
... Several studies (3,12,17,19,21,25) have investigated the impact of footwear on barbell back squat movement dynamics, with significant differences reported in both joint kinematics and kinetics between footwear conditions. For example, squatting with a raised heel resulted in significantly less peak trunk flexion (3,12,17,21) and hip flexion (3,21) while displaying increased knee flexion (3,12,19,21) and dorsiflexion (12,21,25). ...
... Several studies (3,12,17,19,21,25) have investigated the impact of footwear on barbell back squat movement dynamics, with significant differences reported in both joint kinematics and kinetics between footwear conditions. For example, squatting with a raised heel resulted in significantly less peak trunk flexion (3,12,17,21) and hip flexion (3,21) while displaying increased knee flexion (3,12,19,21) and dorsiflexion (12,21,25). The increase in knee ROM that a raised heel elicits may be beneficial as previous work has found that greater knee ROM during squatting increases knee-extensor musculature activity, allowing for greater training stimuli (7). ...
... It is commonly believed that using a raised heel results in a reduction in trunk and lumbopelvic flexion (12,17). Our findings support the growing amount of evidence that conflicts with this (11,19,21,25). However, it should be noted that rasied-heel footwear may have other benefits that were not examined in this study or the studies of others. ...
Brice, SM, Doma, K, and Spratford, W. Effect of footwear on the biomechanics of loaded back squats to volitional exhaustion in skilled lifters. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2021-This study examined whether footwear influences the movement dynamics of barbell back squats to volitional exhaustion in experienced lifters. Eleven men (1 repetition maximum [1RM] = 138 ± 19 kg; 1RM % body mass = 168 ± 18%) performed 3 sets (5-12 ± 4 repetitions per set) of loaded barbell back squats to volitional exhaustion using raised-heel and flat-heel footwear. Barbell motion as well as moments, angles, angular velocity, and power in the sagittal plane at the ankle, knee, hip, and lumbopelvis were examined during the second repetition of the first set (Tsecond) and the final repetition of the third set (Tfinal). There were significant reductions (p < 0.05) in lower-limb concentric angular velocity and power output for both footwear conditions. For the raised-heel condition at Tfinal, hip and knee concentric angular velocities were significantly slower (p < 0.05), and knee concentric power output was significantly less (p < 0.05) compared with the flat-heel condition. A reduction in barbell velocity was not observed for the raised-heel condition despite there being reduction in hip and knee angular velocities. Furthermore, no differences were identified in lower-limb joint moments or any of the biomechanical characteristics of the lumbopelvis between the footwear conditions. The findings of this study suggest that neither type of footwear reduced joint loading or improved joint range-of-motion.
... In biomechanics parlance, the inward collapsing of the knee is termed valgus movement while the outward roll of the ankle is called eversion. A higher ankle eversion, reflected as increased xCoP medial shift, is known to be the cause of chronic lower limb injuries (Lee et al., 2010;Whitting et al., 2016;Pangan and Leineweber, 2021). Hence, the metabolic energy expenditure might have increased with greater outward roll of the ankle because it is a non-optimal squatting strategy associated with the risk of injury. ...
... The squat movements are facilitated by ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, which maintain postural stability and limit inversion and eversion at the foot (Schoenfeld, 2010). A higher ankle eversion (indicated by the movement of the CoP towards the medial direction) has been associated with the etiology of chronic lower limb injuries (Lee et al., 2010;Whitting et al., 2016;Pangan and Leineweber, 2021). Eversion causes the ankle to collapse inward during the squat. ...
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Introduction: Recent studies found that wearable exoskeletons can reduce physical effort and fatigue during squatting. In particular, subject-specific assistance helped to significantly reduce physical effort, shown by reduced metabolic cost, using human-in-the-loop optimization of the exoskeleton parameters. However, measuring metabolic cost using respiratory data has limitations, such as long estimation times, presence of noise, and user discomfort. A recent study suggests that foot contact forces can address those challenges and be used as an alternative metric to the metabolic cost to personalize wearable robot assistance during walking. Methods: In this study, we propose that foot center of pressure (CoP) features can be used to estimate the metabolic cost of squatting using a machine learning method. Five subjects’ foot pressure and metabolic cost data were collected as they performed squats with an ankle exoskeleton at different assistance conditions in our prior study. In this study, we extracted statistical features from the CoP squat trajectories and fed them as input to a random forest model, with the metabolic cost as the output. Results: The model predicted the metabolic cost with a mean error of 0.55 W/kg on unseen test data, with a high correlation (r = 0.89, p < 0.01) between the true and predicted cost. The features of the CoP trajectory in the medial-lateral direction of the foot (xCoP), which relate to ankle eversion-inversion, were found to be important and highly correlated with metabolic cost. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that increased ankle eversion (outward roll of the ankle), which reflects a suboptimal squatting strategy, results in higher metabolic cost. Higher ankle eversion has been linked with the etiology of chronic lower limb injuries. Hence, a CoP-based cost function in human-in-the-loop optimization could offer several advantages, such as reduced estimation time, injury risk mitigation, and better user comfort.
... However, addressing anomalies in results, stemming from individualistic data, is crucial. Variations arise from the assumption of consistent movement patterns, not always holding true due to external factors like footwear, as demonstrated in prior research (38). Acknowledging and dissecting these intricacies are crucial steps in refining the application of these techniques for clinical biomechanics assessments, aligning with our overarching goals. ...
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In recent years the healthcare industry has had increased difficulty seeing all low-risk patients, including but not limited to suspected osteoarthritis (OA) patients. To help address the increased waiting lists and shortages of staff, we propose a novel method of automated biomarker identification and quantification for the monitoring of treatment or disease progression through the analysis of clinical motion data captured from a standard RGB video camera. The proposed method allows for the measurement of biomechanics information and analysis of their clinical significance, in both a cheap and sensitive alternative to the traditional motion capture techniques. These methods and results validate the capabilities of standard RGB cameras in clinical environments to capture clinically relevant motion data. Our method focuses on generating 3D human shape and pose from 2D video data via adversarial training in a deep neural network with a self-attention mechanism to encode both spatial and temporal information. Biomarker identification using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) allows the production of representative features from motion data and uses these to generate a clinical report automatically. These new biomarkers can then be used to assess the success of treatment and track the progress of rehabilitation or to monitor the progression of the disease. These methods have been validated with a small clinical study, by administering a local anaesthetic to a small population with knee pain, this allows these new representative biomarkers to be validated as statistically significant (p-value < 0.05). These significant biomarkers include the cumulative acceleration of elbow flexion/extension in a sit-to-stand, as well as the smoothness of the knee and elbow flexion/extension in both a squat and sit-to-stand.
... Similarly, in Wushu competition, jumping performance can also be considered as the decisive factor of physical fitness requirements. 1 It is reported that as a test of Wushu athletes, the height of squat jump and deep jump can reach 48.4 cm and 74.8 cm respectively. In addition, for muscles or muscle tissues that appropriately increase strength, acceleration and speed are the key to improve martial arts skills, such as the peak value and direction change ability of jumping and running. 2 Based on the current research, this paper puts forward the maximum strength test of deep squat and half squat for Wushu athletes. ...
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Introduction Aerobic and anaerobic skills are essential characteristics in Kung Fu competitions. Research concerning their repercussions on athletes’ body composition has gained emphasis due to increased sports competitiveness. Squat training is used in martial arts, but there are no reports about the results in kung fu practitioners. Objective Investigate the effects of squat training on lower limb strength in Kung Fu athletes. Methods 18 martial arts athletes were randomly divided into dynamic preparation activities with stretching (control), squat and half-squat exercises. Results The paired T-test result of the control subjects was P=0.578, and the paired squat test result, relative to the control group, before and after the experiment was P=0.164. The power gain in the body posture trained with squat was 24.14 z 9.81KG, and in the half squat was 23.10±11.75KG. The strength gain in the body posture with half squat is 29.75±10.79KG versus 20.59±12.59KG in the squat test. Conclusion After six weeks of training, both the squat and half squat groups significantly improved the maximum results of the lower limb strength tests. The muscular strength of athletes is improved throughout the range of motion, reducing the injury risk on the athletes. Evidence Level II; Therapeutic Studies - Investigating the result. Resistance Training; Martial Arts; Muscle Strength
... The barbell squat is a form of weight-bearing, starting from the standing position to lower the hips and then standing up again. The barbell back squat is one of the most frequently used exercises in training and rehabilitation (Schoenfeld, 2010;Whitting et al., 2016;Lee et al., 2019;Lu et al., 2020;Corradi et al., 2021). If performed properly, injuries are uncommon (Dempster et al., 2021), but the wrong technique might lead to serious maladies (Schoenfeld, 2010). ...
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Background Barbell squats are commonly used in daily training and rehabilitation. Injuries are not common when the posture is standard, but the wrong posture can lead to injuries. Rearfoot valgus is a common foot abnormality that may increase the risk of injury during sports. The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanics of lower limbs in normal foot and valgus patients during barbell squat. Methods In this study, 10 participants with normal foot shape and 10 participants with rearfoot valgus were enrolled. The joint angle, joint moment, and range of motion of hip, knee, and ankle joints were collected under 0, 30, and 70% one-repetition maximum (RM) load, where discrete data are statistically analyzed using the independent sample t -test, and continuous data are statistically analyzed using one-dimensional parameter statistical mapping. Results In barbell squats, the range of motion and the joint moment of the hip, knee, and ankle in the rearfoot valgus participants were significantly larger than those in normal foot participants ( p < 0.05). The participants with rearfoot valgus had a more significant knee valgus angle when squatting to the deepest ( p < 0.05). In addition, with the increase in load, the participants with rearfoot valgus showed greater standardized medial knee contact force ( p < 0.05). In the process of barbell squats, the participants with rearfoot valgus showed no significant difference in the foot valgus angle when compared with the normal foot shape ( p > 0.05). Conclusions The valgus population showed a greater range of joint motion when performing barbell squats and showed genu valgus and greater medial knee contact force, which may increase the risk of musculoskeletal and soft tissue damage such as meniscus wear. In addition, there was no significant difference in the rearfoot valgus angle between people with rearfoot valgus and people with normal foot shape during squatting, so barbell squatting may correct valgus to a certain extent.
BACKGROUND: The barbell back squat is one of the most performed exercises, being important for the strengthening of lower limbs and trunk. Recently, it has become popular to train under different conditions of footwear or without it, and some investigations have analyzed the changes that this brings, with some contradictions in this regard. The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variations under different shoe conditions (running shoes, barefoot and barefoot with heel raised) in the back squat in female university athletes. METHODS: Fifteen athletes in the three conditions with a load equal to 70% of their one-maximum repetition (1RM), were recorded and analyzed to determine the angles of the ankle, knee, hip and trunk by five movements in each condition. RESULTS: The use of enhancement significantly increased (P<0.05) the dorsal flexion angle of the ankle, against the footwear condition and barefoot without enhancement (109.6±11.1° vs. 99.1±9.0° vs. 101.3±11.5°). No significant differences were observed in any of the other variables. CONCLUSIONS: An optimal squat technique is important for preventing injuries, optimal rehabilitation and for improving sports performance. Increased dorsal ankle flexion angle may protect distal tibiofibular joint. KEY WORDS: Biomechanical phenomena; Foot orthoses; Exercise
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The three most fundamental variations of the barbell squat with the bar placed on the shoulders are the high-bar back squat (HBBS), the low-bar back squat (LBBS), and the front squat (FS). There are significant kinematic, kinetic, and biomechanical distinctions between these variations that should be considered in the exercise selection. In comparison to the high-bar variations, the LBBS results in a greater hip joint torque and greater activation of the hip extensor muscles. In contrast, during the FS, the m. quadriceps is utilized more compared to the other two variations due to an increased torque in the knee joint. Regarding the relation between hip and knee joint torques, the HBBS is an intermediate and more balanced exercise variation than the LBBS and the FS. The HBBS is a fundamental exercise in athletic conditioning and a suitable starting point for novices, whereas the LBBS is preferred when the primary objective is to maximize weightlifting performance. The FS is crucial for athletes performing the clean and its derivates since it trains the required body position for a successful catch and might be the biomechanically advantageous variation if the goal is to target the knee extensor muscles. However, the differences in terms of knee extensor demands, muscle activation and kinematics between the HBBS and FS seem to be minimal, as the literature indicates similar results when comparing the FS to the HBBS. As far as analysis methods are concerned, even though 3D movement analysis is regarded as the gold standard for motion capture and analyzing kinematics, 2D models seem to serve as a valid initial guide in order to understand the kinematics and biomechanics of different squat variations.
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The effect of heel elevation on the barbell squat remains controversial, and further exploration of muscle activity might help find additional evidence. Therefore, 20 healthy adult participants (10 males and 10 females) were recruited for this study to analyze the effects of heel height on lower extremity kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activity using the OpenSim individualized musculoskeletal model. One-way repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The results showed that when the heel was raised, the participant’s ankle dorsiflexion angle significantly decreased, and the percentage of ankle work was increased (p < 0.05). In addition, there was a significant increase in activation of the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, and gastrocnemius muscles and a decrease in muscle activation of the anterior tibialis muscle (p < 0.05). An increase in knee moments and work done and a reduction in hip work were observed in male subjects (p < 0.05). In conclusion, heel raises affect lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during the barbell squat and alter the distribution of muscle activation and biomechanical loading of the joints in the lower extremity of participants to some extent, and there were gender differences in the results.
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Background: Females with different practice experience may show different body postures and movement patterns while squatting in different depths, which may lead to changes of biomechanical loadings and increase the risks of injuries. Methods: Sixteen novice female participants without squat training experience participated in this study. A 3D motion capture system was used to collect the marker trajectory and ground reaction force data during bodyweight squatting in different depths. The participants' kinematic data and joint moment were calculated using OpenSim's inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics algorithm. In this study, authors adapted a model especially developed for squatting and customized the knee joint with extra Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) in the coronal and horizontal plane with adduction/abduction and internal/external rotation. A paired-sample t-test was used to analyze the difference of joint range of motions (ROM) and peak moments between full-squat (F-SQ) and half-squat (H-SQ). One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM1D) is used to analyze the difference of joint angle and moment between the process of squatting F-SQ and H-SQ. Results: (1) Compared with H-SQ, F-SQ showed larger ROM in sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes (p < 0.05). (2) SPM1D found that the difference in joint angles and joint moments between F-SQ and H-SQ was mainly concentrated in the mid-stance during squatting, which suggested the difference is greatly pronounced during deeper squat. (3) Peak hip extension moment, knee extension moment, hip adduction moment, and plantar flexion moment of F-SQ were significantly higher than H-SQ (p < 0.05). (4) Difference of hip and knee extension moments and rotation moments between the F-SQ and H-SQ were exhibited during descending and ascending. Conclusions: The study found that novice women had larger range of joint motion during the F-SQ than H-SQ group, and knee valgus was observed during squatting to the deepest point. Greater joint moment was found during F-SQ and reached a peak during ascending after squatting to the deepest point. Novice women may have better movement control during H-SQ. The findings may provide implications for the selection of lower limb strength training programs, assist the scientific development of training movements, and provide reference for squat movement correction, thus reducing the risk of injury for novice women in squatting practice.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of weight distribution (WtD) asymmetry on the biomechanics of a barbell back squat. This study included 2 groups of trained individuals who were separated based on a WtD test (n = 14 in each group). They performed the barbell back squats with 2 resistance levels (60 and 75% of 1 repetition maximum) to measure vertical ground reaction force (GRF), tilting, and rotational angular bar displacements. A symmetry index (SI) score of the vertical GRF and the 2 bar displacements were examined to identify the group difference. Results showed that the unequal WtD group displayed a higher vertical GRF SI score (p < 0.05) and greater degrees of the tilting (p < 0.05) and rotational (p < 0.05) angular bar displacements. The 2 resistances did not influence the magnitude of the dependent variables, and no interactions were found. The unequal WtD captured at the WtD test carried over to the SI score during the back squat test. The unequal WtD was also a partial factor of displaying greater bar displacements. The lack of postural control to distribute body weight evenly should be treated properly to gain levelness before participating in high volume of resistance training, and coaches should be conscious of moving in a symmetrical fashion with minimal bar displacements in tilting and rotational manner.
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The purpose of this study was to validate a higher degree of foot segment angle by wearing the weightlifting (WL) shoes and to determine the kinematic differences between WL shoes and running shoes during the barbell back squat. College-aged individuals volunteered to participate in this study (N = 25). After warm-up, subjects performed 60% of 1RM barbell back squat. Reflective markers were placed on lower extremity joints and end of the bar to create segments to analyze kinematics of the barbell back squat from a 2-dimensional view. Three separate repeated measure analyses of variance were used at p = 0.05. Results showed that there was a difference between the footwear conditions; foot segment angle of 3.5° (p < 0.05) and trunk lean of 22 mm (p < 0.05) were captured when wearing WL shoes. However, thigh segment peak flexion angle was not statistically different (p = 0.37). Wearing WL shoes seems to be beneficial in reducing the overall trunk lean, because this position is believed to reduce the amount of shear stress in the lower back area. Back squat with WL shoes also increased foot segment angle and possibly contributes to greater muscle excitation in knee extensors. Weightlifting shoes did not help reach thigh segment closer to horizontal as compared with the running shoe condition. It is recommended that WL shoes be used by those who are prone to displaying a forward trunk lean and who aim to increase knee extensor activation.
G*Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, 1996) was designed as a general stand-alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral research. G*Power 3 is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous versions. It runs on widely used computer platforms (i.e., Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.4) and covers many different statistical tests of the t, F, and chi2 test families. In addition, it includes power analyses for z tests and some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphic options, supports both distribution-based and design-based input modes, and offers all types of power analyses in which users might be interested. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of increased barbell loads on barbell and body kinematics of the snatch lifts at 60, 80, and 100% of 1 repetition maximum and to evaluate the biomechanics of snatch technique. The study was performed on 7 elite male weightlifters of the Turkish national team. Four cameras operating at 50 fields per second were used to record the lifts. For 3D kinematic analysis of center of gravity (CG) and barbell movement, the points on the body and the barbell were digitized by using an Ariel Performance Analysis System. There were significant differences between the vertical work values (p < 0.05). The power values of the 3 snatch lifts were also found to be significantly different (p < 0.05). Another significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed between maximum vertical displacement of the barbell, maximum vertical velocity of the barbell, maximum vertical displacement of CG, the vertical velocity of CG during the turnover under the barbell. The results demonstrated that vertical and horizontal kinematics of the barbell and body decreased at the pull phase of the snatch technique as the barbell load increased. The power output during the second pull increased although the work done did not change, whereas work and power output increased during the first pull phase depending on the increase in the barbell weight. The finding of this study suggested that weightlifters had to perform the turnover under the barbell and the catch phase faster, because when the barbell weight was increased at snatch lift, vertical kinematics of the barbell decreased.
The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanics of the traditional squat with 2 popular exercise variations commonly referred to as the powerlifting squat and box squat. Twelve male powerlifters performed the exercises with 30, 50, and 70% of their measured 1 repetition maximum (1RM), with instruction to lift the loads as fast as possible. Inverse dynamics and spatial tracking of the external resistance were used to quantify biomechanical variables. A range of significant kinematic and kinetic differences (p < 0.05) emerged between the exercises. The traditional squat was performed with a narrow stance, whereas the powerlifting squat and box squat were performed with similar wide stances (48.3 ± 3.8, 89.6 ± 4.9, 92.1 ± 5.1 cm, respectively). During the eccentric phase of the traditional squat, the knee traveled past the toes resulting in anterior displacement of the system center of mass (COM). In contrast, during the powerlifting squat and box squat, a more vertical shin position was maintained, resulting in posterior displacements of the system COM. These differences in linear displacements had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on a number of peak joint moments, with the greatest effects measured at the spine and ankle. For both joints, the largest peak moment was produced during the traditional squat, followed by the powerlifting squat, then box squat. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were also noted at the hip joint where the largest moment in all 3 planes were produced during the powerlifting squat. Coaches and athletes should be aware of the biomechanical differences between the squatting variations and select according to the kinematic and kinetic profile that best match the training goals.