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Innate Immunity and Pathogenesis of Biliary Atresia



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published: 25 February 2020
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00329
Frontiers in Immunology | 1February 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 329
Edited by:
Martin Herrmann,
University Hospital Erlangen, Germany
Reviewed by:
Kushagra Bansal,
Harvard Medical School,
United States
Paramananda Saikia,
Cleveland Clinic, United States
Sujit Kumar Mohanty
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Molecular Innate Immunity,
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Frontiers in Immunology
Received: 24 October 2019
Accepted: 10 February 2020
Published: 25 February 2020
Ortiz-Perez A, Donnelly B, Temple H,
Tiao G, Bansal R and Mohanty SK
(2020) Innate Immunity and
Pathogenesis of Biliary Atresia.
Front. Immunol. 11:329.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00329
Innate Immunity and Pathogenesis of
Biliary Atresia
Ana Ortiz-Perez 1, Bryan Donnelly 2, Haley Temple2, Greg Tiao 2, Ruchi Bansal 1and
Sujit Kumar Mohanty 2
1Department of Biomaterials Science and Technology, Technical Medical Centre, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 2Department of Pediatric and Thoracic Surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Biliary atresia (BA) is a devastating fibro-inflammatory disease characterized by the
obstruction of extrahepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts in infants that can have fatal
consequences, when not treated in a timely manner. It is the most common indication
of pediatric liver transplantation worldwide and the development of new therapies, to
alleviate the need of surgical intervention, has been hindered due to its complexity
and lack of understanding of the disease pathogenesis. For that reason, significant
efforts have been made toward the development of experimental models and strategies
to understand the etiology and disease mechanisms and to identify novel therapeutic
targets. The only characterized model of BA, using a Rhesus Rotavirus Type A infection
of newborn BALB/c mice, has enabled the identification of key cellular and molecular
targets involved in epithelial injury and duct obstruction. However, the establishment
of an unleashed chronic inflammation followed by a progressive pathological wound
healing process remains poorly understood. Like T cells, macrophages can adopt
different functional programs [pro-inflammatory (M1) and resolutive (M2) macrophages]
and influence the surrounding cytokine environment and the cell response to injury. In
this review, we provide an overview of the immunopathogenesis of BA, discuss the
implication of innate immunity in the disease pathogenesis and highlight their suitability
as therapeutic targets.
Keywords: biliary atresia, liver fibrosis, rotavirus, innate immunity, macrophages
Biliary atresia (BA) is a devastating obliterative cholangiopathy that affects exclusively infants and is
characterized by a progressive fibro-inflammatory obstruction of the extrahepatic and intrahepatic
bile ducts that can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure (14). BA occurs in 1 out of 15,000 births
in the US (5), affecting all ethnic groups, (6) and with a higher frequency in girls (7). Despite its
low incidence, BA is the most common cause of neonatal cholestasis (3), end-stage liver disease in
children and the number one indication of pediatric liver transplant worldwide (8,9). The first
disease symptoms include jaundice, alcoholic stools, dark urines (3), and high levels of serum
bilirubin (10). A conclusive diagnosis of BA is based on an exploratory surgery where obstruction
of the extrahepatic biliary tree can be observed and confirmed by a histological analysis of liver
or biliary tissue biopsy (3). At the time of diagnosis, about 60 days of life on average (4), the
obstructed extrahepatic remnants are removed and hepatoportoenterostomy (HPE, called Kasai) is
performed to restore the bile flow (11). However, even if the Kasai procedure is performed during
Ortiz-Perez et al. Immunopathogenesis of Biliary Atresia
the first month of life and the cholestasis is resolved, bile duct
proliferation, and fibrosis persist (9) resulting in the development
of variable degrees of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, portal hypertension,
or other severe hepatic complications (12). Notably, the long-
term survival of BA patients has extraordinarily improved in the
last decades—from 70% in the 1990s to 80–90% in 2009 (13)—but
the treatment still relies on surgery (HPE, transplantation), which
is palliative, thereby highlighting the necessity of developing
novel targeted therapies to prevent or reverse liver injury.
Traditionally, BA patients were divided into
“embryonic/developmental” BA (<20%) and
“perinatal/acquired” BA (>80%) depending on their onset
(1416). The former is believed to originate during the first
trimester of pregnancy and the accompanying clinical features
suggest a developmental origin (4), the latter is thought to appear
shortly after birth when the first symptoms become recognizable
(10). The presence of splenic malformations—polysplenia but
also asplenia—is characteristic of the Biliary Atresia Splenic
Malformation (BASM) syndrome, the most representative form
of embryonic BA (about 10%). The infants within this group were
found to have a worse prognosis than infants with isolated BA
(17). The remaining sub-group comprises patients with at least
one non-splenic malformation. This group is also often included
in the category of non-syndromic BA, since the presence of
the underlying defects does not necessarily worsen the disease
or implicates different mechanisms of pathogenesis (11,18).
Notably, BASM patients may also have another concomitant
defect, such as cardiovascular and laterality defects (17).
In 2012, Davenport proposed the latest reference classification
incorporating the cytomegalovirus (CMV)-associated and cystic
BA variants to the aforementioned non-syndromic BA and
BASM groups (19). CMV-associated BA refers to a subgroup of
infants whose liver biopsies stained positive for immunoglobulin
M (IgM) antibodies against CMV. The presence of these
antibodies has been linked to the poorest HPE outcome and
highest mortality, and the tissue biopsies revealed an exacerbated
pro-inflammatory response (20): the predominant cellular profile
observed in most of the BA patients (16). By contrast, cystic
BA, an anatomic variant in which a cyst is formed close to the
site of obstruction and a Th2-response is primed, was associated
with an improved drainage after HPE and a better long-term
outcome (21).
The etiology of BA is heterogeneous and has not been fully
elucidated yet. Diverse theories regarding the causes of
the disease have been formulated, including embryonic or
developmental abnormalities (17,21), exposure to exogenous
triggers such as viruses or toxins (16,22), immune immaturity
(11,23), immune dysregulation (24,25), and autoimmunity
(2629). Furthermore, numerous susceptibility factors—
such as genetic predisposition (30), maternal diabetes (17),
or microchimerism (31)—have also been implicated in the
pathogenesis of the disease. This complex cocktail of variables
and factors supports the claim that biliary atresia is not a disease
with a single etiology but a combination of different phenotypes
that share certain clinical features, such as the obliteration of the
biliary tree early in life (32).
Animal Models and Etiological Agents
The characteristic lesions of BA such as the obstruction of the
extrahepatic biliary tree and cholestasis, have been successfully
reproduced and investigated in several animal models—such
as lamb, calf, zebrafish, and mouse. The first three forms of
experimental BA in lamb, calf and zebrafish are induced through
toxins, while the murine models are achieved upon viral infection
One of the first observations of BA-like pathologies in animals
was reported in the Australian outbreak in 1964, 1988, and
2007 when lambs were born with cholestasis after pregnant
livestock was exposed to unidentified toxic environmental factors
in extreme drought conditions (1,22,35), which arose the
suspicion that the toxic effect could come from the grass. A
group of scientists from the university of Pennsylvania imported
a plant species characteristic of that area and used zebrafish
bioassays to identify the substance responsible: an isoflavonoid
that they named biliatresone (22). This toxic compound, capable
of inducing biliary atresia phenotype, is the basis of the theory
that implicates hepatotoxins as etiological agents.
The other leading theory about the origin of the disease
points toward a viral insult (16,36). The first implication of
an hepatotropic virus as causative factor in BA was suggested
by Benjamin Landing (37). Despite the initial contradictory
findings regarding the presence and role of reovirus in BA (38
41), numerous viruses have been implicated in the pathology
of the disease and evidence of preceding viral infection—MxA
proteins (Myxovirus resistance protein 1)—could be found even
in the absence of viral material (4244). Whether the virus is
the primary causative factor or an accidental secondary event
remains unclear (44,45).
Rhesus Rotavirus-Induced Murine Model
Among all viruses, rhesus rotavirus type A (RRV) is the gold
standard to model BA in mice. The use of this murine model
has facilitated the study of different aspects of the disease, such
as the underlying mechanisms of the pathogenesis (2628,46
50) or the identification of novel therapeutic targets (51). This
experimental form of BA uses BALB/c newborn mice that,
when challenged with RRV within the first hours of life (12–
48 h), can recapitulate many aspects of human BA (52) such
as time-restricted susceptibility to the viral infection, portal
tract infiltration of inflammatory cells and obstruction of both
extrahepatic and intrahepatic biliary tree (5,34). This in vivo
model allows for the comprehensive study of the early events
of the disease that cannot be explored directly in humans, since
they happen before the time of diagnosis. However, the RRV
model is not yet suitable to study the progression of the disease
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Ortiz-Perez et al. Immunopathogenesis of Biliary Atresia
after duct obstruction, due to the high mortality rate of the mice
before the development of liver fibrosis and related long-term
complications (5). Previous studies have examined the fibrogenic
response in RRV model and observed insufficient fibrosis (Ishak
score 1–2) when determined at 2 weeks’ time (Figure 1A) (53,
54). These limitations (e.g., high mortality and poor fibrogenic
responses), however, could be tackled by optimizing the model
induction using reassortant viruses. Recently, a novel RRV-
TUCH rotavirus reassortant (TUCH for Tulane University and
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital) could recapitulate an obstructive
jaundice phenotype with lower mortality rates when injected into
newborn mice (54). This new model recapitulates the late events
of the disease such as liver fibrosis (Ishak score 3–5) and showed
a unique resemblance to the human BA, significantly different
from CCl4and bile duct ligation models (54) (Figure 1B). This
model, therefore, not only improves our current understanding
about BA disease pathogenesis but will also contribute toward the
identification of new therapeutic targets.
Other Virus Induced Models
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) has also been used to recapitulate
BA in animal models (55). For instance, a regulatory T
cell (Treg)-depleted neonatal mouse, when infected with
low-dose CMV (LD-CMV) to study BA, induced extensive
inflammation, atresia of intrahepatic bile ducts and partial
obstruction of the extrahepatic bile ducts. Liver mononuclear
cells showed increased percentages of CD3/CD8 T cells and
serum autoantibodies (α-enolase) reactive to bile duct epithelial
proteins, suggesting the involvement of cellular and humoral
autoimmune responses in LD-CMV BA mouse model. There was
also an increased hepatic expression of Th1-related genes (tumor
necrosis factor α, TNF-α), interferon γ(IFN-γ)-activated genes
(signal transducer and activator of transcription 1, STAT-1) and
Th1 cytokines/chemokines (lymphotactin, interleukins IL-12p40
and macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha, MIP-1α).
Evidence of Viruses as a Causative Agent
of BA
As mentioned earlier, viruses have been proposed as etiological
agents in BA. These viruses activate pathways that might
predispose certain individuals to develop the disease. In the
animal model, the RRV Viral Protein 4 (VP4) gene has been
demonstrated to be the major determining factor required for
the pathogenesis of BA (49). Rotavirus strains with 87% or more
homology to RRV’s VP4 were capable of infecting murine bile
ducts and inducing the disease as well as activating mononuclear
cells, independent of viral titers (56). Further research led to
the identification of a key amino acid sequence “SRL” in VP4, a
sequence specific to those rotavirus strains that cause obstructive
cholangiopathy (57). This tripeptide “SRL” on RRV VP4 was
found to bind specifically to the cholangiocyte membrane
protein heat shock cognate 70 (Hsc70), defining a novel binding
site governing VP4 attachment (57). To gain insight into the
mechanisms involved upon VP4-mediated infection, a reverse
genetics system was developed to create a mutant of RRV with
a single amino acid change in the VP4 protein and compared
to that of wild-type RRV (where the arginine “R” in “SRL
region was replaced with glycine “G”) (58). The mutant virus,
when injected to mice, demonstrated reduced symptoms and
lower mortality in neonatal mice, resulting in an attenuated
form of biliary atresia indicating the importance of “SRL
region (57). This “SRL” peptide was also found either on the
capsid or the attachment protein of other viruses including
reovirus, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr
virus, bluetongue virus, polyomavirus, coronavirus, respiratory
syncytial virus, adenovirus, rodent paramyxovirus, and herpes
FIGURE 1 | Time line of events in the murine model of BA upon RRV challenging, depicting (A) the standard RRV model in comparison with (B) the modified model
using a novel viral reassortant [TR(VP2,VP4 )]; this virus reassortant was engineered by replacing the VP2 and VP4 gene of TUCH for the corresponding RRV’s VP2 and
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simplex virus 1. Several of these (cytomegalovirus, Epstein-
Barr virus, human papillomavirus, and reovirus) have been
detected in explanted livers of infants with BA (5963). Thus,
this sequence in the above-mentioned viruses might be involved
in cholangiocyte binding in a similar fashion to the RRV “SRL
peptide. Binding of these viruses to Hsc70 might activate the
innate immune system through different pathways. The role
of Hsc70 binding in human BA induction as a function of
these proteins and their influence in oxidative stress and cell
metabolism remain largely unexplored.
Cholangiocyte Immunobiology
Biliary epithelial cells (cholangiocytes) are not only a physical
barrier that drains the bile into the duodenum but they are also
immunocompetent cells involved in tissue homeostasis, capable
of recognizing microbial conserved motifs known as Pathogen
Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs) through pattern-
recognition receptors (PRRs) and initiating an inflammatory
response (6467). Four main families of PRRs have been
described, including toll-like receptors (TLRs), retinoic acid
inducible gene 1 (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs), nucleotide-
binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs),
and C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) (68).
From the ten types of TLRs that have been identified
in mammals, at least 5 of them have been described in
mice and human cholangiocytes (64). Among them, TLR-
4 is responsible for sensing lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and
TLR-3, 7, 8, and 9 are involved in recognition of viral and
bacterial RNA or DNA. Activation of these receptors triggers
an inflammatory response via Mitogen-activated protein kinases
(MAPK), interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and/or nuclear
factor κB (NF-κB) characterized by the production of type I
interferons (IFNs) and/or pro-inflammatory cytokines. MAPK
signaling is a multifunctional pathway that is pivotal in the
innate immune response and viral infection. Among the three
central members of the MAPK pathway, extracellular signal-
regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 and p38 activation play the most
important roles in RRV infection of cholangiocytes as they seem
to be involved in both viral replication and epithelial injury (69).
Further studies revealed that ERK phosphorylation and calcium
influx appear to be essential to RRV infection, and RRV’s viral
protein 6 (VP6) drives ERK phosphorylation (70).
TLRs depend on adaptor molecules– myeloid differentiation
primary response 88 (MyD88) or toll/interleukin-1 receptor
domain-containing adaptor protein (TRIF)—to effectively
initiate and transduce the downstream signal to the nuclei,
differentiating them into two main TLR signaling pathways
(Figure 2A) (68). In the MyD88-dependent pathway (associated
to TLR 1–5, except for TLR-3), the Interleukin-1 receptor-
associated kinase (IRAK)-1, 2 and 4 upregulate the
production of Type I IFNs and pro-inflammatory cytokines
(IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α) via MAPK, IRF3, and NF-κB pathways
(65,67,68). It has been demonstrated that the pathogenesis of
murine BA is independent of the MyD88 signaling pathway (71).
In MyD88/IRAK-M independent pathway, the activation of
TLR-3, 7/8 or 9, associated with the TRIF-dependent signaling,
results in the activation of NF-κB and IRF3 signaling cascades
(65,68). This different level of regulation could explain why
“endotoxin tolerance” to enteric bacteria can be induced in
cultured cholangiocytes by treating them with TLR-4 ligands
(like LPS) (72) but “viral tolerance” could not be achieved using
the same approach (73).
The RLR family (74) is comprised of cytosolic sensors,
including RIG-1 and melanoma differentiation-associated
protein 5 (MDA-5) that are capable of binding to dsRNA
(7577). This interaction triggers a conformational change
that exposes the two caspase activation and recruitment
domains (CARDs) at their N-terminus, which are responsible
to recruit the complementary protein mitochondrial antiviral-
signaling protein (MAVS) and transduce the signal to the
nuclei to produce type I interferons and pro-inflammatory
cytokines (Figure 2B) (75,78). NLRs (e.g., NLRP3), are also
cytosolic innate immune receptors that are activated upon
recognition of viral dsRNA. Rather than contributing to the
initial events of the acute inflammatory response, they amplify
the immune response, release late mediators (IL-1β, IL-18 and
high mobility group box 1, HMGB-1) and regulate pyroptosis
(pro-inflammatory programmed cell death) through the
formation of inflammasomes (Figure 2C) (79).
The last group of PRRs described are the large family of CLRs.
They are transmembrane receptors, with an immunoreceptor
tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) or an immunoreceptor
tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM), that are able to induce
a pro-inflammatory response or modulate it through a crosstalk
with other PRRs such as TLRs. CLRs play a crucial role in
maintaining immune homeostasis against pathogens and in
mounting a pro-inflammatory and/or antiviral response (80
82). Alterations of CLRs have been implicated in different
pathological conditions, including gastrointestinal cancers,
autoimmune disorders, or allergies (82). It is known that
cells from myeloid lineage such as dendritic cells (DCs) and
macrophages, as well as some endothelial and epithelial cells,
express CLRs; however, it has not been reported in biliary
epithelium yet.
Although cholangiocytes play a central role in initiating an
immune response upon exposure to the exogenous substances,
they are however not capable of mounting an inflammation that
is sufficient to induce chemotaxis and recapitulate the obstructing
phenotype of BA without the involvement of macrophages and
DCs (8386).
Mechanisms of Epithelial Injury and Duct
Upon viral infection, cholangiocytes, macrophages, and DCs
(RRV cellular targets) trigger the anti-viral response through
type I interferons in an autocrine and paracrine manner in
both infected and surrounding cells to prevent the virus from
spreading (5). In infected cells, type I IFNs promote biliary
apoptosis by upregulation of tumor necrosis factor related
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FIGURE 2 | Innate immune receptors present in cholangiocytes. (A) Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and schematic representation of the two main signaling pathways: the
MyD88 dependent pathway (characteristic of all toll-like receptors except TLR 3) and MYD88 independent pathway (characteristic of TLR3). (B) Cytosolic viral sensing
of Retinoic-acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors, capable of triggering a pro-inflammatory and antiviral response, and (C) nucleotide-binding oligomerization
domain (NOD)-like receptors that have the ability to perpetuate the immune response through the formation of inflammasomes, induction of cell death and release of
late mediators.
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FIGURE 3 | Mechanism of obstruction in biliary atresia. (A) RRV infection and activation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral response. (B) Innate immune cell
recruitment & tissue specific attack to epithelia. (C) Activation of adaptive immunity (D) Th1-primed polarization and alternatively (E) Th2 polarization.
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apoptosis ligand (TRAIL) (TNF receptor p55) and CD95
(Fas/Apo1 ligand) (87). In surrounding tissue, IFNs trigger the
production of antiviral proteins (Mx) that provide protection
against viral infection (Figure 3A) (88). The production of
pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines by cholangiocytes,
macrophages and DCs creates the favorable microenvironment
to recruit and activate inflammatory cells, and to promote an
immune effector tissue-specific attack (Figure 3B) (84,85,89).
Among the chemokines produced, the most relevant are IL-
8 and IL-15. IL-8, mostly produced by macrophages but also
by cholangiocytes (90), recruits and modulates the action of
neutrophils (85), basophils, monocytes, and T cells (64,67,90);
while IL-15, secreted primarily by DCs, attracts and regulates
the activity of natural killer (NK), natural killer T (NKT), and
gamma-delta cells (89). The recruited inflammatory effector
cells are engaged to target specifically the biliary epithelium
in a contact dependent manner (91), through IFN-γ-related
cytokines (48) and/or cytotoxic agents (perforins, granzymes)
(92). Recruited neutrophils produce reactive oxygen species
(ROS), leukotrienes, and neutrophil defensins (90). NK cells,
activated by DCs via IL-15 (89), induce cholangiocyte death
in a contact-dependent manner through Natural killer group
2d (Nkg2d) ligand that interacts with ribonucleic acid export
1 (RAE1) receptors, expressed in infected cells (91) and via
the secretion of IFN-γ, perforins, and granzymes (92). In
a similar fashion, the cytotoxic power of neonatal CD8+T
cells is exerted through cytotoxic agents (perforin, granzymes,
IFN-γ) (92) and in a contact-dependent manner by invading
the epithelium (27). Mechanistical studies using the RRV-
infected BALB/c murine model showed that depletion of NK
cells, blockage of the receptor Nkg2d or depletion of CD8+
T cells (with impairment of IFN-γmechanisms) reduced
cholangiocyte death, evaded rupture of the epithelium and
ultimately prevented the obstruction of the extrahepatic biliary
tree (27,91). Likewise, epithelial integrity was preserved by
depleting plasmacytoid DCs or blocking the IL-15 signaling,
responsible for NK cell activation (86,89). These results
highlight the specific role of DCs, NK, and CD8+T cells in
the model.
As the inflammation progresses without being resolved,
DCs and macrophages interact chiefly with helper CD4+
T cells (Th0) to promote their activation, oligoclonal
expansion (93) and differentiation into a specialized phenotype
depending on the predominant cytokine microenvironment
at the time (Figure 3C). In most of BA patients, this
microenvironment is pro-inflammatory (Th1), characterized
by IFN-γproduction and the activation of effector cells
(macrophages, CD8+T cells and B cells) to perpetuate the
tissue damage (Figure 3D) (11,16). In some cases, the infants
are not capable of mounting a Th1 response, therefore,
the polarization primed is Th2, with IL-13 [produced by
type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2)] as a predominant
cytokine, responsible for the tissue damage mediated by
ductal proliferation and activation of hepatic stellate cell
(HSCs) and portal fibroblasts. This is typically the case for
the aforementioned cystic variant of BA (94), as depicted
in Figure 3E.
Humoral Immunity
In contrast to T-cell polarization, very little is known about the
implication of humoral immunity in the pathogenesis of BA.
In the early stage of the disease, humoral-related genes (i.e.,
immunoglobulins) are transiently suppressed (95). However, B
lymphocytes seem to play a role as antigen presenting cells
for effector T cell activation as also shown in Figure 3C. An
evidence for the role of B lymphocytes has been proposed in
a study where the depletion of B-cells in experimental BA was
associated with impaired effector T-cell activation and protection
against biliary injury (96). Furthermore, humoral duct-specific
autoimmunity has been demonstrated in experimental BA (26)
but the role of B lymphocytes remains unclear in human BA.
Human-based studies regarding humoral activity in BA include
the description of immunoglobulins IgM and IgG deposits in the
biliary epithelium basement membrane (97) and the detection
of autoantibodies (28,29). Lu et al. (28) detected autoantibodies
against α-enolase in the RRV induced mouse model of BA and
in serum samples from patients, indicating a role of humoral
auto-immunity in disease pathogenesis. The cross-reactivity
between an anti-enolase antibody and RRV proteins indicates
that molecular mimicry might activate humoral autoimmunity in
BA patients. However, further investigation is needed to provide
more insight into the implication of humoral immunity in BA.
Immune Dysregulation
A subset of helper CD4+T cells known as regulatory T cells
(Tregs)—that expresses CD25 and forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)—
has a pivotal role in immunoregulation and induction of
peripheral tolerance. Neonatal Tregs (98,99) prevent the
activation of autoreactive T cells and inhibit the action of
several immunocompetent cells (B and T cells, macrophages,
dendritic cells, and natural killer cells) (50,98,100,101). In
neonatal mice, Tregs populate the spleen from day 3 of life
(102) which corresponds the susceptibility time window in the
RRV model (100,103). Moreover, adoptive transfer of Tregs
to pups before RRV infection prevented the obstruction of
the extrahepatic bile ducts (50,100,101). In infants with BA,
gene expression of regulatory cytokines (IL-10, transforming
growth factor β, TGF-β] and transcription factors (FOXP3) are
upregulated in the liver (100), but there is a deficit in number
of circulating Tregs in peripheral blood and their regulatory
function seems to be impaired (25,104). Even though the exact
underlying mechanisms of Treg malfunctioning and immune
dysregulation are not fully understood, epigenetic changes might
play a major role. For instance, hypomethylation of FOXP3
promoter was associated with improper functioning of Tregs
(25), while hypermethylation of DNA in lymphocytes elicited
them to promote an exacerbated inflammatory response (24).
After obstruction, regardless of the restoration of the bile
flow, the immune-mediated biliary damage persists (9) and the
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initial Th1-predominant milieu shifts toward a Th2 with the
simultaneous emergence of the Th17 subset (Figure 4).
On one hand, apoptotic and necrotic cells release endogenous
molecules known as damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs)—recognizable by PRRs—as excessive damage or
“danger signals” (68). One of these DAMPs is the interleukin
IL-33 that, when released by cholangiocytes and hepatocytes,
accumulates in the extracellular matrix (ECM) and promotes
inflammation and fibrosis. High levels of IL-33 has been
detected in serum and tissue biopsies in both patients and
experimental BA (105). In this context, IL-33 in the liver is
believed to engage with liver-resident innate helper cells (ILC2)
that express IL-33 receptor (ST2 or IL-1R4) to produce pro-
fibrotic Th2-related cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13)
(106). Among them, IL-13 upregulates the expression of TGF-β
and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9); activates HSCs via
IL-4Ra and STAT6, promoting fibrosis in a TGF-β1/SMAD-
independent mechanism (107); and stimulates collagen synthesis
by myofibroblasts (activated HSCs and portal fibroblasts).
Simultaneously, IL-33 was shown to drive duct proliferation in
both intra- and extra-hepatic ducts (105). This IL-33-ILC2-IL13
axis is depicted in Figure 4A.
On the other hand, damaged cholangiocytes are shown to
produce IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-23 (65). IL-1β, IL-6 are required for
Th17 commitment, and IL-23 is needed for the maintenance of
this phenotype (108). IL-17A is the representative cytokine of this
panel, which induces the production of several pro-inflammatory
cytokines and chemokines. Lages et al. identified Th17 cells as
the main source of IL-17A after the obstruction of the biliary
tree in experimental BA. In this study, a model of biliary
injury perpetuation was proposed in which IL-17A stimulated
cholangiocytes to produce C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2)
that recruited inflammatory macrophages expressing IL-17AR
to target the epithelium (51), as shown in Figure 4B. In this
model, depletion of Th17 cells or blockage of CCL2 prevented
bile duct paucity and the number of Th17 cells correlated with
the concentration of gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), a
biochemical marker of bile duct injury (51). In BA patients, the
presence of Th17 in the biliary tree and peripheral blood has
been confirmed, as well as Th17-related markers in liver tissue
FIGURE 4 | Disease progression mechanisms after bile duct obstruction. (A) IL-33-ILC2-IL-13 axis, implicated in fibrosis and duct proliferation and (B)
Th17-Macrophage axis, as a mechanism of chronic inflammation and damage perpetuation.
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[IL-17A and retinoic acid-related orphan receptor (ROR)-γt] and
serum IL-23. In addition, a high ratio between Th17 and Tregs
has been characterized in peripheral blood (109), a trend that
has also been observed in chronic liver diseases such as primary
biliary cirrhosis (108).
In addition, damaged or pro-apoptotic as well as
inflammatory cells (especially Kupffer cells and macrophages)
can express or produce hedgehog (Hh) ligands under
pathological conditions (110). Cholangiocytes stimulated
with Hh ligands (in an autocrine or paracrine manner) produce
a wide assortment of cytokines—including IL-6 and TGF-β
(111)—and chemokines that attract different populations of
inflammatory cells, including neutrophils, monocytes, and
lymphocytes (112). Inflammatory cells stimulated by Hh
ligands sustain inflammation, while activated HSCs continue
to proliferate in response to this stimulus (113). Abnormal
over-activation of the Hedgehog pathway has been observed in
the context of chronic inflammation-related fibrosis (114,115),
human cholangiopathies (116), and biliary atresia (117). A
characteristic Hh ligand in BA is osteopontin (OPN) that has
been correlated with severity of the disease (118).
Like T cells, macrophages can adopt different polarization states
depending on the surrounding tissue microenvironment (119).
Characterization of these functional programs is important since
they seem to have vast implications in the outcome of several
chronic auto-inflammatory and degenerative diseases (120).
Conventionally, they are divided into classically activated M1
(pro-inflammatory) and alternatively activated M2 (restorative)
macrophages (119). Polarization into M1 macrophages is driven
by activation of TLR signaling through LPS and IFN-γchallenge;
while stimulation with regulatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10) primes
a M2 polarization. Several reports have pointed that, in many
contexts, the dichotomy M1/M2 may not be sufficient to
describe a relevant macrophage population because of its
heterogeneity, the complexity of the activation stimuli, and
surrounding tissue microenvironment (121123). However, in
the context of fibrosis, two distinct macrophage population
have been described for its role in modulating the body
response to chronic injury: pro-fibroinflammatory and resolutive
macrophages, often associated with M1 and M2 features,
respectively. These polarizations have the ability to influence the
tissue microenvironment and with it, the net cellular response
and outcome of the disease. For instance, pro-inflammatory
macrophages, displaying high levels of inflammatory marker
lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C (Ly6C), are characterized
by a high production of chemokines (such as CCL2) that
attract inflammatory cells to the site of injury, pro-inflammatory
cytokines (such as TNF-αand IL-1β) that perpetuate hepatic
damage and TGF-βthat activates HSCs into ECM-producing
myofibroblasts. On the contrary, restorative macrophages,
displaying low levels of Ly6C, seem to be responsible for inducing
HSCs apoptosis (through TRAIL and MMP9), digesting the
excess of ECM and promoting clearance of the profibrotic
stimuli, thereby facilitating tissue regeneration (122125).
Both tissue-resident and monocyte-derived macrophages can
acquire these functional programs. However, the latter is the
predominant population during tissue injury (122), highlighting
the relevance of infiltration of inflammatory cells in the course of
the disease.
Pro-fibroinflammatory macrophages exhibit a wide
assortment of mechanisms that allow them to activate and
perpetuate inflammation and fibrosis in both TGFβ-dependent
and independent circuits. One way to modulate the surrounding
cellular response is by influencing the tissue microenvironment.
An important component of this microenvironment is the
level of oxidative stress, intimately linked to the Advanced
Glycation End-Products (AGE)-Receptor of AGEs (RAGE)
pathway (120,122). AGEs refer to a heterogeneous group of
toxic by-products that are a result of irreversible non-enzymatic
reactions between sugars and proteins as consequence of
elevated intra-cellular oxidative species. In normal physiological
conditions, AGEs are produced in small amounts, released into
the extracellular space, and cleared by specialized phagocytic
cells: principally macrophages through scavenger receptors
(Figure 5A). However, during chronic injury, under continuous
oxidative stress, the production of AGEs is higher than their
clearance and this leads to their accumulation in the extracellular
space, affecting surrounding cells. Interaction of AGEs (or/and
other RAGE ligands, such as S100 proteins and HMGB1) with
their receptor triggers a signal transduction cascade through
different pathways, resulting in numerous cellular responses
such as inflammation, fibrosis, or apoptosis (120,126,127), as
depicted in Figure 5B.
In the murine model, RRV has the ability to infect the
macrophages, resulting in their activation (85). Activated pro-
inflammatory macrophages are one of the main sources of
AGEs but damaged cholangiocytes and hepatocytes have also
been shown to produce several RAGE ligands in response
to injury. In patients with BA, the serum levels of soluble
RAGE has been correlated with the severity of the disease
(128). A recent network analysis study involving the three main
human cholangiopathies (including BA), identified a common
connectome in which AGE-RAGE pathways occupy central
nodes (129). Remarkably, we have observed an induction of
oxidative species and production of AGE-RAGE ligands in RRV-
infected cholangiocytes (unpublished work), which suggests
an involvement of oxidative stress circuits from the onset of
the disease.
The routine treatments of BA patients after HPE are
ursodeoxycholic acid, antibiotics, and fat-soluble vitamin
formulations that have not substantially improved the outcomes
of the disease. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
(START trial) corticosteroid administration within 3 days
of the HPE did not change the outcome of the BA cohort
while increased the risk of serious adverse effects as compared
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FIGURE 5 | Schematic representation of macrophages and tissue micro-environment: (A) Clearance of receptor of advanced glycation end products (RAGE) ligands
and Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) under physiological conditions and (B) accumulation of RAGE ligands and DAMPs and consequent
perpetuation of damage through the induction of oxidative stress, inflammation, and fibrosis.
to placebo controls (130). Although corticosteroids in BA
infants younger than 2 weeks of age did appear to improve
biliary drainage, with pending data on native liver survival
(131) suggesting a possibility of corticosteroids use on these
subsets of infants. In the future, the agents which are currently
being tested in cholestatic and fibrotic liver diseases in adults
(132) can also be investigated in BA, such as the farnesoid X
receptor (FXR) agonist, obeticholic acid, and the modified bile
acid norursodeoxycholic acid, which are also currently used
in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing
cholangitis (PSC) patients (133,134). Other agent such as apical
sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) inhibitor may
reduce bile acid burden in the liver. The two other agents
that are currently used in clinics for pediatric liver diseases—
bile acid sequestrants (cholestyramine or colesevelam) and
ursodeoxycholic acid—are yet to be thoroughly tested in clinical
trials in BA (135).
Due to the establishment of experimental models of BA,
especially the RRV murine model, some of the driving
mechanisms of epithelial injury and duct obstruction have been
elucidated, and the corresponding key cellular and molecular
targets have been identified. However, the real applicability
of these targets for therapy is hindered due to the lack of
early diagnosis and screening tools, and that many questions
regarding the etiology of the disease remain unanswered.
The molecular and cellular mechanisms in which the disease
progresses are still under investigation. Increasing evidence
suggests a deeper implication of intricated mechanisms of
the innate immunity from the onset of the disease: namely,
oxidative stress, altered metabolism, and induction of long-
term/abnormal epigenetic changes. Among them, AGE-RAGE
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pathway has attracted most of the attention since it encompasses
key circuits involved in the pathogenesis of several chronic
inflammatory and degenerative diseases, including biliary atresia.
Further investigation is needed to determine the extent of
implication of the AGE-RAGE pathway and its crosstalk with
other fibro-inflammatory circuits. Because macrophages are
one of the main drivers of AGE-RAGE and their functional
polarizations seem to occupy a central role in the modulation
of the tissue response and outcome in chronic conditions,
future research should interrogate these cell populations in
the context of biliary atresia. Imperatively, there is a need to
develop new or improve existing experimental platforms to
perform mechanistical studies of later events of the disease and
facilitate the identification and implication of cell populations
and pathways. In addition, deeper understanding of the model
induction through other viruses and/or toxins could shed some
light into the etiology of the disease and aid the development
of new therapies to manage BA patients without the need
of surgery.
AO-P drafted the manuscript. BD, HT, RB, GT, and SM
supported the writing of the manuscript, implemented it, and
ensured scientific quality. AO-P, RB, and SM designed the figures.
AO-P, RB, GT, and SM made the final corrections. All authors
corrected and approved the manuscript.
This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health
Grants R01 DK-091566 (to GT and SM).
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Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
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Frontiers in Immunology | 14 February 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 329
... Despite it has been revealed that genetic susceptibility, viral infection, or autoimmune disease might be related to BA, [9,21,22] the details remain to be elucidated. Accordingly, we expected to screen key genes potentially associated with the occurrence of BA. ...
... Many of the KEGG pathways were related to the immune response, which was consistent with some previous studies. [22,23] A recent study has demonstrated that IL-17A signaling pathway was probably involved in chronic inflammation of the bile duct in primary biliary cirrhosis, [24] in which, chronic inflammation was associated with biliary innate immune responses. [25] It seems to be linked to our study. ...
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Background: Biliary atresia (BA) is a devastating progressive fibro inflammatory disorder in infants. The exact etiology of BA is still unclear. This study aimed screen key genes potentially associated with the occurrence of BA. Methods: All BA data was obtained from GSE46960 dataset. The limma package in R language was used for differentially expressed gene (DEG) analyses. gene ontology and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes enrichment analysis were performed on the screened DEGs, using "clusterProfiler" package. protein-protein interaction network was built based on STRING Cytoscape software (Bethesda, Rockville, MD). The logistic regression model was constructed based on the selected DEGs. Results: There were totally 78 DEGs in BA samples compared with normal samples, which were significantly enriched in 200 biological process terms, 37 molecular function terms, 17 cellular component terms, and 18 Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathways. Among which, the top 10 genes with the highest importance in protein-protein interaction network were selected. Subsequently, on the basis of the stepwise regression method and 5-fold cross-validation, the logistic regression model constructed based on COL3A1, CXCL8, VCAN, THBS2, and COL1A2 was finally evidenced to predict the BA sample relatively reliably. Conclusions: In conclusion, COL3A1, CXCL8, VCAN, THBS2, and COL1A2 are potentially crucial genes in BA. The logistic regression model constructed based on them could predict the BA sample relatively reliably.
... Biliary atresia (BA) was one of the common causes of obstructive jaundice in infants [1]. Pathology showed that intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct had progressive destructive inflammatory reaction and lumen occlusion, leading to fibrosis of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct [2]. Currently, Kasai procedure was the first choice for the treatment of BA, which could effectively restore bile drainage and delay the development of cirrhosis. ...
... Cholangitis was diagnosed when the diagnostic criteria of (1), (2) and (3) were satisfied, or cholangitis was diagnosed when the diagnostic criteria of (1) and (4) were satisfied. Early cholangitis: cholangitis occurring within 1 month after Kasai operation. ...
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Objective To investigate the expression levels of CD4+ T cells, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-33 in liver tissue of BA, and the relationship with postoperative cholangitis, operative age and early jaundice clearance. Methods 45 cases of jaundice treated in the hospital from June 2018 to May 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. The expression and distribution of these factors were detected by HE staining and immunohistochemistry, the total bilirubin level and the incidence of cholangitis were recorded, and the relationship between liver inflammation level and the postoperative incidence of cholangitis, age of operation and early jaundice clearance were compared. Results Immunohistochemistry showed that the expression of CD4+ T cells, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-33 in the BA group were higher than those in the CBD group. ROC curve analysis showed the AUC of CD4+ T cells, IL-6 and IL-8 were 0.869, 0.886 and 0.838, respectively. The expression level of CD4+ T cells was negatively correlated with the decline rate of TBIL 3 months after operation, and the expressions of IL-8 and IL-33 were negatively correlated with the decline rate of TBIL 1 week after operation. Conclusion The high expression of CD4+ T cells, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-33 in the BA liver tissue may lead to cholangitis and can be used as a predictor of early jaundice clearance. The degree of liver inflammation infiltration had nothing to do with the age of operation and is not a risk factor for postoperative cholangitis.
... Patients with BA had a significant predominance of Th-1 and Th-17 cells infiltration in liver tissue compared to patients with cholestasis of similar age, and the degree of Th-17 cell infiltration was positively correlated with postoperative clinical outcomes [21]. The synergistic effect of inflammation and immunity may play an important role in bile duct injury [22]. Therefore, we speculate that the search for immune-and inflammation-related biomarkers may be beneficial for the early assessment of clinical outcomes after Kasai portoenterostomy, to develop individualized treatment strategy and communication protocols based on native liver survival time. ...
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Background Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index (SII), known as an easy, economical and useful marker, correlates with the balance of inflammation and immune response. However, the usefulness of SII in biliary atresia (BA) remains unclear. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship of SII level and postoperative clinical outcomes of BA. Methods Retrospective review of 168 patients with BA was conducted with assessments of demographic information, histological findings, laboratory parameters, and clinical outcomes. The LASSO logistic regression analysis was established using the “glmnet” software package to explore the influencing factors related to native liver survival time. Numerical variables were dichotomized based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and Youden index yielding the best performance of prediction. R software was used for statistical analysis. Results Overall, the 24 month native liver survival rate was 43.5% (73 cases) after Kasai portoenterostomy. LASSO logistic regression analysis show that preoperative malnutrition (OR = 0.032, 95%CI 0.001–0.424), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT, OR = 0.994, 95%CI 0.987–0.998), lymphocyte count (LY, OR = 2.426, 95%CI 1.467–4.604), SII (OR = 0.977, 95%CI 0.960–0.989), and liver fibrosis grading (LFG, reference: Grade 1, Grade 3, OR = 0.076, 95%CI 0.007–0.614) were the independent influencing factors for 24 month native liver survival. ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve of SII level (0.919) was larger than that of preoperative malnutrition (0.690), LFG (0.759), GGT (0.747), and Ly (0.773). A SII < 140.09 was found to be a significant marker in the prediction of 24-month native liver survival, with 90.41% sensitivity and 93.68% specificity. Furthermore, the rates of 24-month native liver survival (33.1% vs. 72.7%), jaundice clearance (46.8% vs. 75.0%), and good liver function recovery (46.8% vs. 65.9%) were lower in the SII ≥ 140.09 group than that in the SII < 140.09 group (all P < 0.05), but there was no difference in the occurrence of cholangitis (P > 0.05). Conclusion Preoperative malnutrition, GGT, Ly, SII, and LFG were independent influencing factors for postoperative 24-month native liver survival of BA. The SII level, as a routine haematological marker, has better universality and simplicity and is related to clinical outcomes after Kasai portoenterostomy.
... Biliary atresia (BA), a liver disease with a multifaceted pathogenesis, if not treated timely, affects a child's health with rapid progression to end-stage cirrhosis (1). BA is the leading cause of neonatal cholestasis and is characterized by periductular inflammation and fibrosis (2,3). Liver fibrosis is characterized by excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. ...
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Background Long non-coding RNA growth arrest-specific 5 (lncRNA GAS5) has been shown to inhibit liver fibrosis through serving as a competing endogenous RNA for microRNA-222 (miR-222). Progressive liver fibrosis is a typical characteristic of biliary atresia (BA). However, the role of GAS5/miR-222 and its underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown in BA. Methods The expression of GAS5 was determined in the liver and primary hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) of BA patients. Then, the effects of GAS5 on the activation and proliferation of HSCs were evaluated. Furthermore, the interaction between GAS5 and miR-222 was investigated by a luciferase gene report assay. Next, the effects of IGF1/AKT signaling were determined to clarify the downstream mechanism of GAS5. Finally, GAS5 administration was performed to explore its role in an experimental BA mouse model. Results GAS5 expression was decreased in liver tissues and HSCs of BA patients, and was inversely correlated with liver fibrosis in BA. Up-regulation of GAS5 in LX-2 cells significantly reduced smooth muscle α-actin (α-SMA) and collagen 1a1 (COL1A1) expression, inhibited cell proliferation and clone formation ability, induced S phase increase, and promoted cell apoptosis. Moreover, GAS5 was negatively regulated by miR-222, which promoted HSCs activation and proliferation, and was positively correlated with liver fibrosis in BA. Additionally, the expressions of IGF1, p-PI3K, and p-AKT were decreased when LX-2 cells over-expressed GAS5, whereas knockdown of IGF1 or AKT significantly decreased α-SMA and COL1A1 expression, suppressed cell proliferation, and enhanced cell apoptosis in LX-2 cells. Furthermore, GAS5 administration significantly increased apoptosis and reduced liver fibrosis, α-SMA and COL1A1 expressions in liver tissues of BA mice. Conclusions GAS5 inhibited liver fibrosis in BA by interacting with miR-222 and regulating IGF1/AKT signaling, which may be a therapeutic target to alleviate liver fibrosis in BA.
... Biliary atresia, known as "neonatal hepatitis", is the most prevalent cause of pediatrics liver transplanta-tion worldwide; also, it is a significant contributor to infant cholestasis [1]. It has been challenging to find novel treatments that would reduce the requirement for surgery due to the complexity of the problem [2]. Biliary atresia is a fatal condition that causes obstruction of the bile duct which can strike infants [3]. ...
... However, it is unknown how macrophages differ based on the etiology of cholestasis. Multiple studies demonstrate a role for macrophages in the well-established rhesus rotavirus (RRV)-induced murine model of biliary atresia [9][10][11][12] , however, a non-immune neonatal murine model of biliary obstruction is lacking. This gap in knowledge prevents mechanistic studies necessary to identify disease-specific immune modulatory therapeutic targets. ...
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Macrophages (MΦ) play a role in neonatal etiologies of obstructive cholestasis, however, the role for precise MΦ subsets remains poorly defined. We developed a neonatal murine model of bile duct ligation (BDL) to characterize etiology-specific differences in neonatal cholestatic MΦ polarization. Neonatal BDL surgery was performed on female BALB/c mice at 10 days of life (DOL) with sham laparotomy as controls. Comparison was made to the Rhesus Rotavirus (RRV)-induced murine model of biliary atresia (BA). Evaluation of changes at day 7 after surgery (BDL and sham groups) and murine BA (DOL14) included laboratory data, histology (H&E, anti-CD45 and anti-CK19 staining), flow cytometry of MΦ subsets by MHCII and Ly6c expression, and single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis. Neonatal BDL achieved a 90% survival rate; mice had elevated bile acids, bilirubin, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) versus controls (p < 0.05 for all). Histology demonstrated hepatocellular injury, CD45+ portal infiltrate, and CK19+ bile duct proliferation in neonatal BDL. Comparison to murine BA showed increased ALT in neonatal BDL despite no difference in histology Ishak score. Neonatal BDL had significantly lower MHCII-Ly6c+ MΦ versus murine BA, however, scRNA-seq identified greater etiology-specific MΦ heterogeneity with increased endocytosis in neonatal BDL MΦ versus cellular killing in murine BA MΦ. We generated an innovative murine model of neonatal obstructive cholestasis with low mortality. This model enabled comparison to murine BA to define etiology-specific cholestatic MΦ function. Further comparisons to human data may enable development of immune modulatory therapies to improve patient outcomes.
... Therefore, the disruption of bile acids and cholesterol metabolism can lead to pathological consequences. However, in contrast to patients with BA who develop progressive disease, lamprey was able to grow and develop normally without inflammation and fibrosis [12,13], indicating that lamprey underwent adaptive changes in bile acid and cholesterol metabolism in order to adapt to BA during the evolutionary process. Regarding the adaptive changes in bile acid metabolism, it has been reported that to avoid the large bile acid accumulation in the liver, lamprey decrease the expression of CYP7A1, the rate-limiting enzyme for bile acid synthesis, to reduce the level of bile acid synthesis during the transformation from larval to juvenile stage [14]. ...
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Lamprey underwent biliary atresia (BA) at its metamorphosis stage. In contrast to patients with BA who develop progressive disease, lamprey can grow and develop normally, suggesting that lamprey has several adaptations for BA. Here we show that adaptive changes in bile acid and cholesterol metabolism are produced after lamprey BA. Among 1102 differentially expressed genes (DGEs) after BA in lamprey, many are enriched in gene ontology (GO) terms and pathways related to steroid metabolism. We find that among the DGEs related to bile acids and cholesterol metabolism, the expression of cytochrome P450 family 7 subfamily A member 1 (CYP7A1), sodium-dependent taurine cotransport polypeptide (NTCP) are significantly downregulated, whereas nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR), multidrug resistance-associated protein 3 (MRP3), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR), sterol O-acyltransferase 1 (SOAT1), and ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 (ABCA1) are remarkably upregulated. The changes in expression level are also validated by RT-qPCR. Furthermore, the level of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) in juvenile serum is higher compared to larvae. Taken together, the findings collectively indicate that after BA, lamprey may maintain bile acids and cholesterol homeostasis in liver tissue by inhibiting bile acids synthesis and uptake, promoting its efflux back to circulation, and enhancing cholesterol esterification for storage as lipid droplets and its egress to form nascent HDL (nHDL). Understanding the possible molecular mechanisms of lamprey metabolic adaptation sheds new light on the understanding of the development and treatment of diseases caused by abnormal bile acid and cholesterol metabolism in humans.
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Because the human eye cannot visually detect the results of direct bilirubin test papers accurately and quantitatively, this study proposes four different highly collimated mini light-emitting diodes (HC mini-LEDs) as light sources for detection. First, different concentrations of bilirubin were oxidized to biliverdin by FeCl 3 on the test paper, and pictures were obtained with a smartphone. Next, the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels of the pictures were separated to average grayscale values, and their linear relationship with the direct bilirubin concentration was analyzed to detect bilirubin on the test paper noninvasively and quantitatively. The experimental results showed that when green HC mini-LEDs were used as the light sources and image analysis was performed using the G channel, for a direct bilirubin concentration range of 0.1–2 mg/dL, the G channel determination coefficient (R ² ) reached 0.9523 and limit of detection was 0.459 mg/dL. The detection method proposed herein has advantages such as rapid analysis, noninvasive detection, and digitization according to RGB grayscale changes in the images of the detection test paper.
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Biliary atresia (BA) is the most common indication for pediatric liver transplantation. We describe The BA variant: Kotb disease. Liver tissue in the Kotb disease BA is massively damaged by congenital aflatoxicosis resulting in inflammation, adhesions, fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, scarring, cholestasis, focal syncytial giant cell transformation, and typical immune response involving infiltration by CD4+, CD8+, CD68+, CD14+, neutrophil infiltration, neutrophil elastase spill, heavy loads of aflatoxin B1, accelerated cirrhosis, disruption of p53 and GSTPi, and have null glutathione S transferase M1 (GSTM1). All their mothers are heterozygous for GSTM1. This inability to detoxify aflatoxicosis results in progressive inflammatory adhesions and obliterative cholangiopathy early in life. The typical disruption of both p53 and GSTPi causes loss of fidelity of hepatic regeneration. Hence, regeneration in Kotb disease BA typically promotes accelerated cirrhosis. The immune response in Kotb disease BA is for damage control and initiation of regeneration, yet, this friendly fire incurs massive structural collateral damage. The Kotb disease BA is about actual ongoing hepatic entrapment of aflatoxins with lack of ability of safe disposal due to child detoxification-genomics disarray. The Kotb disease BA is a product of the interaction of persistent congenital aflatoxicosis, genetic lack of GSTM1 detoxification, ontogenically impaired activity of other hepatic detoxification, massive neutrophil-elastase, immune-induced damage, and disturbed regeneration. Ante-natal and neonatal screening for aflatoxicosis, avoiding cord milking, and stringent control of aflatoxicosis content of human, poultry and live-stock feeds might prove effective for prevention, prompt diagnosis and management based on our recent understanding of its patho-genomics.
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Objective: To investigate the expression levels of CD4+T cells, IL-6, IL-8,and IL-33 in liver tissue of BA, and the relationship with postoperative cholangitis, operative age and early jaundice clearance. Methods: 45 cases of jaundice treated in hospital from June 2018 to May 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. The expression and distribution of these factors were detected by HE staining and immunohistochemistry, the total bilirubin level and the incidence of cholangitis were recorded, and the relationship between liver inflammation level and the postoperative incidence of cholangitis, age of operation and early jaundice clearance were compared. Results: Immunohistochemistry showed that the expression of CD4+T cells, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-33 in BA group were higher than those in CBD group. ROC curve analysis showed the AUC of CD4+T cells, IL-6 and IL-8 were 0.869, 0.886 and 0.838, respectively. The expression level of CD4+T cells was negatively correlated with the decline rate of TBIL 3 months postoperatively, and the expressions of IL-8 and IL-33 were negatively correlated with the decline rate of TBIL 1 week postoperatively. Conclusion: The high expression of CD4+T cells, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-33 in the BA liver tissue may lead to cholangitis and can be used as a predictor of early jaundice clearance. The degree of liver inflammation infiltration had nothing to do with the age of operation and is not a risk factor for postoperative cholangitis.
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C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are powerful pattern-recognition receptors that discern 'self' and 'non-self' in our body and protect us from invasive pathogens by mediating immune recognition and response. The gastrointestinal tract is very important for the maintenance of homeostasis; it is the largest shelter for the billions of microorganisms in the body and CLRs play a crucial regulatory role in this system. This study focuses on several CLRs, including Dectin-1, Dectin-2, Dectin-3 and Mincle. We summarize the roles of CLRs in maintaining gastrointestinal immune-system homeostasis, especially their functions in mediating immune recognition and responses in the gut, discuss their relationships to some diseases, highlight the significance of CLR-mediated sensing of microbial and non-microbial compounds in the gut immune system and identify new therapeutic targets.
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Background and aims: Biliary atresia (BA) is a devastating neonatal cholangiopathy that progresses to fibrosis and end-stage liver disease by 2 years of age. Portoenterostomy may reestablish biliary drainage, but, despite drainage, virtually all afflicted patients develop fibrosis and progress to end-stage liver disease requiring liver transplantation for survival. Approach and results: In the murine model of BA, rhesus rotavirus (RRV) infection of newborn pups results in a cholangiopathy paralleling human BA and has been used to study mechanistic aspects of the disease. Unfortunately, nearly all RRV-infected pups succumb by day of life 14. Thus, in this study we generated an RRV-TUCH rotavirus reassortant (designated as TR(VP2,VP4) ) that when injected into newborn mice causes an obstructive jaundice phenotype with lower mortality rates. Of the mice that survived, 63% developed Ishak stage 3-5 fibrosis with histopathological signs of inflammation/fibrosis and bile duct obstruction. Conclusions: This model of rotavirus-induced neonatal fibrosis will provide an opportunity to study disease pathogenesis and has potential to be used in preclinical studies with an objective to identify therapeutic targets that may alter the course of BA.
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Myeloid C‐type lectin receptors (CLRs), which consist of an extracellular carbohydrate recognition domain and intracellular signal transducing motif such as the immunoreceptor tyrosine‐based activation motif (ITAM) or immunoreceptor tyrosine‐based inhibitory motif (ITIM), are innate immune receptors primarily expressed on myeloid lineage cells such as dendritic cells (DCs) and Mϕs. CLRs play important roles in host defense against infection by fungi and bacteria by recognizing specific carbohydrate components of these pathogens. However, these immune receptors also make important contributions to immune homeostasis of mucosa and skin in mammals by recognizing components of microbiota, as well as by recognizing self‐components such as alarmins from dead cells and noncanonical non‐carbohydrate ligands. CLR deficiency not only induces hypersensitivity to infection, but also causes dysregulation of muco‐cutaneous immune homeostasis, resulting in the development of allergy, inflammation, autoimmunity, and tumors. In this review, we introduce recent discoveries regarding the roles of myeloid CLRs in the immune system exposed to the environment, and discuss the roles of these lectin receptors in the development of colitis, asthma, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and cancer. Although some CLRs are suggested to be involved in the development of these diseases, the function of CLRs and their ligands still largely remain to be elucidated. Review of the roles of myeloid C‐type lectin receptors, which regulate immune responses in muco‐epithelium, skin, and tumors, in modulating the development of colitis, asthma, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and cancer.
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Biliary atresia (BA) is still an enigmatic disease of unknown etiology and cryptic pathomechanism. Despite the fact that BA is rated among rare diseases, it represents the most frequent indication for pediatric liver transplantation. Although every effort is made to elucidate the origin of the ongoing deterioration of liver function, no breakthrough has so far been achieved, which switches the surgical but symptomatic therapy to a cause-oriented approach. The nowadays leading hypothesis focuses on hepatotropic virus as a triggering agent for an autoimmunological self-limiting inflammatory process along the entire biliary tree. The present review highlights the current state of research on the factor “viruses in biliary atresia” in both patients undergoing the Kasai procedure and the virus-induced BA mouse model.
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C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are important pattern recognition receptors involved in recognition and induction of adaptive immunity to pathogens. Certain CLRs play an important role in viral infections as they efficiently interact with viruses. However, it has become clear that deadly viruses subvert the function of CLRs to escape antiviral immunity and promote infection. In particular, viruses target CLRs to suppress or modulate type I interferons that play a central role in the innate and adaptive defense against viruses. In this review, we discuss the function of CLRs in binding to enveloped viruses like HIV-1 and Dengue virus, and how uptake and signaling cascades have decisive effects on the outcome of infection.
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AIM To investigate the prevalence and clinical significance of autoimmune liver disease (ALD)-related autoantibodies in patients with biliary atresia (BA). METHODS Sera of 124 BA patients and 140 age-matched non-BA controls were assayed for detection of the following autoantibodies: ALD profile and specific anti-nuclear antibodies (ANAs), by line-blot assay; ANA and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA), by indirect immunofluorescence assay; specific ANCAs and anti-M2-3E, by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Associations of these autoantibodies with the clinical features of BA (i.e., cytomegalovirus infection, degree of liver fibrosis, and short-term prognosis of Kasai procedure) were evaluated by Spearman’s correlation coefficient. RESULTS The overall positive rate of serum autoantibodies in preoperative BA patients was 56.5%. ALD profile assay showed that the positive reaction to primary biliary cholangitis-related autoantibodies in BA patients was higher than that to autoimmune hepatitis-related autoantibodies. Among these autoantibodies, anti-BPO was detected more frequently in the BA patients than in the controls (14.8% vs 2.2%, P < 0.05). Accordingly, 32 (25.8%) of the 124 BA patients also showed a high positive reaction for anti-M2-3E. By comparison, the controls had a remarkably lower frequency of anti-M2-3E (P < 0.05), with 6/92 (8.6%) of patients with other liver diseases and 2/48 (4.2%) of healthy controls. The prevalence of ANA in BA patients was 11.3%, which was higher than that in disease controls (3.3%, P < 0.05), but the reactivity to specific ANAs was only 8.2%. The prevalence of ANCAs (ANCA or specific ANCAs) in BA patients was also remarkably higher than that in the healthy controls (37.9% vs 6.3%, P < 0.05), but showed no difference from that in patients with other cholestasis. ANCA positivity was closely associated with the occurrence of postoperative cholangitis (r = 0.61, P < 0.05), whereas none of the autoantibodies showed a correlation to cytomegalovirus infection or the stages of liver fibrosis. CONCLUSION High prevalence of autoantibodies in the BA developmental process strongly reveals the autoimmune-mediated pathogenesis. Serological ANCA positivity may be a useful predictive biomarker of postoperative cholangitis.
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Liver fibrosis is a wound healing response initiated by inflammation responding for different iterative parenchymal damages caused by diverse etiologies. Immune cells, which exert their ability of either inducing injury or promoting repair, have been regarded as crucial participants in the fibrogenic response. A characteristic feature of the fibrotic microenvironment associated with chronic liver injury is aberrant activation of hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway. Growing evidence from a number of different studies in vivo and in vitro has indicated that immune-mediated events involved in liver fibrogenesis are regulated by Hh signaling pathway. In this review, we emphasize the impacts of injury-activated Hh signaling on liver fibrogenesis through modulating repair-related inflammation and focus on the regulatory action of aberrant Hh signaling on repair-related inflammatory responses mediated by hepatic classical and non-classical immune cell populations in the progression of liver fibrosis. Moreover, we also assess the potentiality of Hh pathway inhibitors as good candidates for anti-fibrotic therapeutic agents because of their immune regulation actions for fibrogenic liver repair. The identification of immune-modulatory mechanisms of Hh signaling pathway underlying the fibrotic process of chronic liver diseases might provide a basis for Hh-centered therapeutic strategies for liver fibrosis.
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Given that the aetiology of biliary atresia (BA) is complex and that there is a multiplicity of possible pathogenic mechanisms then it is perhaps not surprising that the evidence for effect of a number of different agents is contradictory. Post-operative cholangitis for instance is common, bacterial in origin and various antibiotic regimens have been tested (although none in a randomized trial) but continuation beyond the early post-operative period does not appear to offer any greater protection. There is an inflammatory reaction in about 25–35% of cases of BA illustrated by abnormal expression of class II antigen and upregulation of ICAM, VCAM and E-selectin with an infiltrate of immune-activated T cells (predominantly CD4 + Th1 and Th17) and NK cells and a systemic surge in inflammatory cytokines (e.g. TNF-α, IL-2, IL-12). This has potential as a therapeutic target and is the main hypothesis behind the rationale use of steroids. The first report of steroids was published in 1985 by Karrer and Lilly as “blast” therapy to treat recalcitrant cholangitis, followed by a multiplicity of small-scale uncontrolled studies suggesting benefit. To date there has been one randomized placebo-controlled study with a low-dose (prednisolone 2 mg/kg/day) regimen (2007); one with a high-dose (IV prednisolone 4 mg/kg/day regimen) (2014); two prospective high-dose open-label studies (2013); a prospective comparison of low- and high-dose regimen and a large (380 infants) retrospective comparison. The most recent meta-analysis (2016) identified a significant difference in clearance of jaundice at 6 months (OR 1.59, 95% CI 1.03–2.45, P = 0.04), in patients treated with high-dose steroids, particularly if < 70 days at surgery. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) may increase choleresis or change the ratio of endogenous bile acids to a less hydrophobic and, therefore, less toxic millieu. UDCA may protect cholangiocyte membranes against damage and perhaps reduce the tendency to fibrogenesis. Biochemical benefit has been shown in a single crossover trial in older BA children who had cleared their jaundice. Other potential adjuvant therapies include immunoglobulin therapy, anti-viral agents and Chinese herbs although real evidence of benefit is lacking.
Risk of cancer especially of colon, breast, and pancreas is high in diabetic and obese patients, with potential involvement of augmented expression of RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products) and its ligands, namely AGEs (advanced glycation end products), HMGB1 (high-mobility group box 1 protein), and S100 group of proteins. Studies have reported the involvement of RAGE activation by its ligands in growth and survival of cancers, including metastasis and poor prognosis. We propose that this receptor-ligand axis provides the molecular link between certain pre-existing states as hypoxia, hyperglycemia, glycation, inflammation, oxidative stress, and onset of cancers. The chronic inflammatory, hyperglycemic milieu accompanied by glycoxidative stress as in diabetes and obesity, concomitant with the formation of RAGE ligands, instigates RAGE and cancer stem cells, leading to the oncogenic transformation of normal and pre-malignant tissues towards development of neoplasms. We have aimed to elucidate the complete signalling map initiated upon RAGE-ligand splicing, from oncogenesis to progression, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, invasion, cancer stem cell renewal, chemo-resistance, and cancer relapse. We have attributed the complex molecular functions of RAGE-ligand signalling cues to every aspect of cancer promotion, explaining the central network in bridging glycation, inflammation, oxidation, and the hallmarks of cancer. Underlining the substantial requisite for anti-neoplastic agents targeting RAGE and its ligands, we have explicitly discoursed RAGE and its allied components (AGEs, soluble RAGE, RAGE gene polymorphisms) as potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for prompt detection of cancers and implication in impending RAGE-ligand directed, novel combinatorial, and targeted onco-therapeutics.