Conference PaperPDF Available

Design and Implementation of a Safe Medical Box to Maintain Insulin Pens in Good Conditions

  • Université La Sagesse
Design and Implementation of a Safe Medical Box to Maintain
Insulin Pens in Good Conditions
Roy ABI ZEID DAOU1,2, Elie BOUTROS1, Tony YOUSSEF1, Ali HAYEK3, Josef BOERCSOEK3 and Jose Javier
1 Lebanese German Unviersity, Faculty of Public Health, Biomedical Technologies Department, Sahel Alma, Lebanon – email:
2 MART Learning, Education and Research Center, Chananiir, Lebanon – email:
3 Department of Computer Architecture and System Programming, University of Kassel Kassel, Germany -email:{ali.hayek ;
j.boercsoek} @ uni-kassel
4 Lab of Bioinstrumentation and Nanomedicine, Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain -
Abstract Diabetes is becoming one of the most relevant medical
problems in today’s world. The insulin pen is a largely used
medication to limit the effects of this disease. However, this tool must
be reserved in good conditions in order to maintain its efficiency. A
very important parameter is the ambient temperature where the
insulin pen is placed. The below system provides a solution to
monitor and to control the temperature of the insulin pen. It consists
of creating a portable medical box with two chambers where new and
in-use pens are placed. Based on the temperature of these chambers,
a control unit acts to heat up or to cool down the chamber
temperature, therefore, the insulin pen reaches again the desirable
temperature range. Concerning the applied tools, temperature and
object detector sensors have been used to detect the presence of the
insulin pen whereas a Peltier device was used to heat up/cool down
the chamber temperature. Polystyrene was also implemented in the
design of the chamber to create more isolation to the system. In order
to increase electrical safety and system accuracy, some components’
redundancy has been applied, mainly at the level of the processing
unit and the temperature sensor. The system was tested for several
hours while phone application notifications were registered when the
chamber temperature was outside the acceptable range. Regarding
the control process, tests have shown that the system works well and
is very accurate.
Keywords— Insulin Pen; Isolation; Electrical Safety; Diabetes
Illness; Temperature Monitoring and Control; Phone Application
Diabetes is one of the most frequent medical
problems that about ninth of the population face
nowadays. A projection for 2040 shows that this
percentage may rise to reach tenth of the population as
proposed by the International Diabetes Federation [1]. In
the last few years, diabetes was considered one of the
most dangerous diseases according to the world health
organization as 8.5% of adults aged 18 years and older
had diabetes in 2014. It was also the direct cause of 1.6
million deaths in 2016 and high blood glucose was the
cause of another 2.2 million deaths in 2012 [2].
As for the medication, a big percentage of the patients
use insulin pens in order to control the sugar blood level.
This pen must be maintained in a well reserved place
along with a pre-defined temperature level. Failure to
comply with this specification leads, on several
occasions, to the medication distortion; if consumed, this
may risk the life of the diabetic patient [3].
Regarding the temperature environment range where
the insulin pen must be stored, Kongmalai et al. showed
that in use insulin pens must be preserved in a
temperature between 24°C and 30°C [4] while non-used
pens must be kept in an area where the temperature
varies between 2°C and 8°C as shown by Romito [5]; A
domestic fridge may vary its temperature in a broader
rage, even between zero and 15ºC since.
Concerning engineering tools developed for diabetes
patients, Sezdi et al. proposed, in 2016, a new insulin pen
that can control the time and the dosage of insulin to be
delivered to the patient. This system was developed using
electronic components and it was mainly used to help old
persons and the ones with vision or mental problems to
take their medication in the correct way [6].
In the same year, another system was also proposed
by Ugar et al. in order to help blind patients taking the
right dose of their insulin medication. The system
consists of developing an electro-sensing system capable
of setting the exact dose [7].
Therefore, the main objective of this work is to
propose a system that handles insulin pens and acts in a
way to reserve them in the required temperature ranges
without changing the usual pen that the patients use.
Thus, the novelty of this work is to develop a low
cost, reliable and portable system that can hold more than
one pen, and most importantly, that allows to insert new
and already in use pens. As the system deals with
patients’ health, the electrical safety is also considered in
the design in order to limit errors and to increase
This paper is divided as follow: section II proposes
the block diagram of the whole system. Section III
presents the hardware tools used to design and implement
the system. In section IV, the phone applications and the
alarm system are proposed. At the end, section V shows
the results of this system, a conclusion and will propose
some future works that may enrich this work.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the system.
There are two containers to insert the in-use and the new
insulin pens. For each container, there is a controller that
can heat or cool the chamber. Both containers are
separated using well isolating material. In addition, the
whole system is isolated too in order to decrease the
energy consumed for heating and cooling it.
A processing unit is responsible to monitor and
control the temperature of these containers as well as to
transmit data, via a Bluetooth module, to the phone
application for monitoring.
The portable system is also equipped with two types
of alarms: an audible alarm and a visual one that are
turned on whenever the battery is low or the containers’
temperatures are not in the required ranges for several
As for the communication protocol between the
system and the mobile, a Bluetooth connection was used
as the insulin box must be with the patient when going
outside. However, switching to other communication
protocols as WiFi or GSM is still an option that does not
require of much modification.
Concerning the duplications, the main system failures
were detected at the level of the power supply, the
processing unit, the accuracy of the temperature sensor
and the alarms. Thus, we have opted to use a good
quality power supply and to duplicate the other
components to limit errors and to increase system
Regarding the choice of sensors, actuators and
processing units, they will be presented in detail in the
next section.
Insulen Pen Container
Sensor (2 sensors
per container)
Control signal
Cooler Device
Power Supply
Alarm System
(audible and
Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed system
This section will present all hardware-related
components applied for the design and the
implementation of the proposed system. The choice of
the different modules was made referring to their cost,
accuracy, power consumption, and size.
A. Sensors
To ensure the main objectives of the proposed system,
two measurements are needed: temperature and object
Concerning the temperature monitoring, DHT11
sensor was used to measure the temperature of the two
containers where the insulin pens are placed. This sensor
has a thermistor based on 4 pins to power up the system
and to deliver data. Its temperature measurement range is
between 0°C and 50°C, and its accuracy is ±1.0°C. It
needs low energy to power up, and its size is compatible
with the system. This sensor delivers an 8-bit analog
output ranging between 0V and 5V with a conversion
ratio of 0.1V/°C [8].
As for the detection of the insulin pens in the
container, the infrared sensor was used. The module
detects an object within a distance range between 2cm
and 30cm. This sensor generates a digital output where a
low voltage corresponds to the presence of the insulin
pen. This module requires an input voltage of 5V and a
current of less than 50mA. It operates between -10°C and
50°C [9]. Thus, an IR sensor was placed in each
container to check the presence of the insulin pens.
Whenever they are present, the algorithm to regulate the
temperature within each container is initiated. In case of
their absence, no heating or cooling to the container is
B. Actuators
The actuators were used to control the temperature of
the two containers. The desired average temperature of
the in-use insulin pen’s chamber is 27°C, whereas, for the
new pens, the temperature chamber is 6°C. In order to
reach this objective, a heating/cooling system, based on
the thermoelectric cooler also known as peltier cooler,
was applied. This module is a semiconductor-based
electronic component.
As for its functioning, when applying a low DC
voltage, the heat will be moved from one side to the other
side through the semiconductor, leading the module face
to be cooled while the opposite one will be heated
simultaneously. This phenomenon will be reversed by
reversing the polarity of applied power.
The thermoelectric cooler consists of two or more
semiconductor material elements that are connected
electrically in series and thermally in parallel. These
thermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnects
typically are mounted between two ceramic substrates.
The substrates serve to hold the overall structure together
mechanically and to insulate the individual elements
electrically from one another and from external mounting
surfaces. After integrating the various component parts
into a module, thermoelectric modules size typically
40mm x 40mm x 3.75mm [10] [11].
As for its features, it can have a temperature
difference of 70°C between both sides whereas its
working environment temperature ranges between -55°C
and 83°C. Concerning its power consumption, it needs a
supply voltage of 12V and can handle a maximum
current of 5.8A.
Alarms system
The alarms of the system were implemented at two
levels: internal alarms in the insulin medical box and
external alarms via the phone applications (this latter will
be described in the next section).
Concerning the internal alarms, three leds were used:
the first one blinking when the battery level becomes low
whereas the two others are green whenever the
temperatures in the containers are wihtin the required
values, although they switch to red light when the actual
temperature is outside the targeted range. A beeper is
added to generate an audible alarm if one of the situations
described above occurs.
Added to that, a beeper is added to generate an
audible alarm if one of the occurences prescibed above
Communication protocol
The main objective of this module is to send the
temperature values of the two chambers from the
processing unit to the phone for monitoring. Bluetooth
communication was used and the HC-06 module was
connected to the main processing unit. It will be paired
with the Bluetooth module of the mobile phone in order
to send and receive data.
Power supply
Concerning the sensors and the control unit, they
need 5V with a very low current consumption. The total
current is lower than few tenth of milliamps. However,
the main energy consumption device is the Peltier
thermo electrical heat conditioner as it may need 5.8A
and a supply voltage not lower than 12V.
Thus, a 12V/50.800 mAh portable car jump starter
pack battery was used to run the device. It weighs about
350g and can run the system continuously for about 60
minutes, which is more than needed thanks to the
implemented isolation system [12].
Isolation Technique
Polystyrene is a waterproof thermoplastic foam
which is an excellent temperature insulation material
[13]. It is FDA approved and can be used in contact with
food [14]. Added to that, it is of low cost and low weight
material. It can be found easily in the market as boards
of 3cm or 5cm sick within different dimensions. In the
proposed system, a 3cm sickness material was used to
reduce the volume.
Processing Unit
In order to control and monitor the above sensors, a
control unit is a must. Thus, two Arduino Uno
microcontrollers were used as they are low cost
components, easy to program, and open source, contains
the needed analog and digital pins and can handle
wireless connection module [15].
Figure 2 shows the connection between the modules
and one of the Arduino microcontrollers pins. As for the
second one, it has the same connectivity but it is not
connected to Bluetooth. However, both controllers
communicate together to compare their processing
outputs before sharing the results to the phone application
via this Bluetooth module.
Figure 2. Connections between the sensors and main Arduino
Figure 3 shows the flowchart of the algorithm
running on the main microcontroller. Once initialized, the
system tests first the battery level as well as the presence
of insulin pens in each container. If the battery level is
below 20% (value also confirmed from the second
microcontroller), an alarm is generated within the system
and is also sent to the phone application. In addition,
whenever an insulin pen is present in the appropriate
container, if the temperature range of the chambers is
outside the acceptable ranges, other alarms are also
generated (as discussed in the above paragraphs) and the
control process is initialized to heat up/cool the chamber
So, before generating the alarms, the main
microcontroller reads the values computed by the
secondary microcontroller. If the same outputs are
obtained, data is sent to the phone application and alarms
are turned on if required.
Figure 3. Flowchart of the main microcontroller code
In more details, figure 4 shows the flowchart applied
for the control of the in-use insulin pens container. We
have decided to specify the temperature between 25°C
and 29°C which is wihtin the range already specified in
the first section of this paper (24~30°C).
Added to that, one can notice that the peltier is turned
on, for both cooler and heater modes, for few seconds.
This time is enough to get the required temperature. If
the system can’t reach the required range within two
minutes, an alarm is sent to the phone application and is
displayed on the box itself. This can explain that the
used batteries can last for more than one day.
Figure 4. Flowchart of the temperature control of the in-use insulin pen
In this section, the mobile application will be
presented. This application allows the patient to monitor
and, when necessary, to be alerted of the temperature of
the chambers where the insulin pens are placed.
The MIT app inventor was used to develop this
application. It displays, via Bluetooth connectivity
between the insulin pen microcontroller and the mobile
phone, the temperature of each chamber, the presence of
the insulin pens in the chambers and the battery voltage.
If the temperature of any chamber is out of range for
at least two minutes, the application sends a voice
message to the user and a text will be displayed on the
screen every two minutes until the temperature value is
back to the acceptable range. In addition, if the device's
voltage is lower than 20% of its total energy capacity, a
voice and a text message are sent.
Figure 5 shows the display of the phone application
along with all its functionalities as already presented.
Figure 5. Main view of the mobile application
This system was implemented, assembled and tested.
Each module was tested alone in first place, and
afterwards the whole system was tested to measure its
accuracy and the battery lifetime. Figure 6 shows some
photos of the implemented systems.
Concerning the results, the whole system was tested
for about 36 hours in different environments where the
ambient temperature was fluctuating. Three pens were
inserted in the box (one in-use insulin pen and two new
pens as was displayed previously in the phone
application). The containers temperature got outside the
required ranges 17 times for the in-use insulin pens and
36 times for the new insulin pens. The peltier was turned
on for an average 35 seconds each time. After the trial,
the application showed that there is still about 31% of the
battery life.
Figure 6. Some photos of the insulin medical box
As a conclusion, the proposed system is able to
monitor and control the temperature, and to detect the
presence of the insulin pens in two different containers.
The phone application was designed to display to the user
the current parameters values and the battery level
percentage. Added to that, notifying the user in case of
low battery level or if the temperature is out of range is
an additional feature found integrated within the system
itself and within the phone application.
The testing of this system has shown good results
especially concerning the temperature monitoring and
controlling, the battery voltage level, the detection of the
pens in the chambers, the communication between
application and microcontroller and the peltier control.
Concerning the cost of this system, it was about 130$
compared to 20$, the cost of a single insulin pen. One
can get a lower system cost by using smaller batteries, as
the cost of the battery constitutes about 40% of the total
system cost.
As for the future works, the proposed system can be
improved in many ways. Here below, some of the ideas
are listed
With a higher budget, these basic sensors can be
replaced with higher quality sensors that will allow
more accurate data recording;
Developing a server dedicated to the application thus
all the monitoring results will be saved so the user
could check them when needed;
Using a better and slimmer isolation material to get
more efficiency and reduce the devices size;
Using a photovoltaic boards to recharge the battery to
enhance the usage time.
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Full-text available
Conference Paper
Full-text available
In this study, an electronic insulin pen was designed for diabetic patients dependent on insulin use in order to prevent wrong timing and wrong dosage caused from old age, vision or mental illness. The insulin pen that can be used electronically for routine dose injections, and that is called as bilensulin, was designed to be able to used manually in the emergency. It is aimed that the patient can set the dose easily by using the fairly simple menu of the device. Additionally, the device was not designed as disposable, the device was designed as reusable by changing the insulin tube. Because the tube chamber was designed to be suitable for all types of insulin, it can be used by changing tube without using different pen. Dose accuracy was adjusted with low error by performing insulin dose measurements on a sensitive balance. Patent was attempted for the designed electronic insulin pen, and the studies on the device are continuing.
Full-text available
We propose a new system for image recorder server from IP camera. The system consists of 2 parts, Server and viewer. Server is software running on PC with ability to capture image from IP camera and save to disk like an image server. The second part is the viewer. A user be able to monitor and view the saved image on the server via a web-based application from everywhere with password protection. Live and history image can be show to user to check the status of area or investigate the history event. Further more. The server can connect to IP camera to collect image or connect a web cam directly to the server for cost reduction. Finally, the user can view the image by using browser on the PC or Windows mobile phone.
Background Improper storage of insulin could decrease its potency. Manufacturers recommend that in-use insulin pens should be kept at between 25–30°C, but room temperature in tropical countries often exceeds this range. This study investigates the effect of temperature on the stability of basal insulin in cartridges 28 days after opening. Methods Four different basal insulins were evaluated. Five opened pens of each insulin type were included for each of three storage conditions and 5 unopened insulin pens of each type were stored in the refrigerator as a control. The opened pens were stored for 28 days in either a refrigerator (2–8 °C), at room temperature, or in an incubator (37 °C). Each day insulin pens were mixed 20 times and 2 units were discarded to mimic daily usage. Insulin quantity was evaluated using an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography assay. Results The average room temperature during the study period was 29.7 °C. After 28 days, the percentage amount of insulin stored at refrigerator, room temperature or incubator, compared with control was 99.0, 99.7, 101.1% for long-acting insulin; 97.4, 97.2, 99.0% for NPH-1; 101.4, 101.5, 100.7% for NPH-2; and 98.7, 97.8, 98.5% for NPH-3. There were no statistically significant differences. However, we observed a trend toward different stability between clear insulin analog and turbid NPH insulin. Conclusions Temperature as high as 37°C and cyclic temperature,had no effect on the stability of in-use insulin pen.
Background: Improper storage of in use insulin could decrease its potency. Temperature has been shown to have an effect on the stability of insulin. Therefore, the manufacturers recommend to keep an in use insulin at the room temperature (RT), not exceeding 25-30 ๐C. However, The RT in tropical countries are higher than that. Thus far, there are few studies evaluate the effect of temperature on insulin stability, especially insulin pens which are widely used nowadays. Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the stability of basal insulin after opening for 28 days. Methods: There are four different commercial basal insulin pens, including long and intermediate acting insulin were evaluated (N=5 each). They were opened and stored at 3 different conditions, including: refrigerated (2-8 ๐C), RT and incubator (37 ๐C) for 28 days. An unopened insulin pens from the same batches were stored under standard condition as control (CON). During the study period, the insulin pens were well-mixed and discarded 2 units every day to mimic the daily usage of diabetes patient. The temperature logger was used to record the hourly temperature in RT. After 28 days, the amount of insulin was evaluated using the Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography assay. Results: Average RT throughout the study period was 29.7 ± 2.8 ๐C. The percentage amount of insulin (mean ± SD) stored at 4oC, RT or 37oC, compared with CON was as follows: 99.0 ± 0.8%, 99.7 ± 2.5%, 101.1 ± 1.2% for long-acting insulin; 97.4 ± 0.7%, 97.2 ± 1.6%, 99.0 ± 1.2% for NPH-1; 101.4 ± 1.1%, 101.5 ± 2.5%, 100.7 ± 2.3% for NPH-2; and 98.7 ± 1.5%, 97.8 ± 1.1%, 98.5 ± 1.7% for NPH-3. There was no statistically significant in the difference. However, there was a trend toward different in AUC between long acting and NPH insulin. Conclusion: Temperature, as high as 37 ๐C, cyclic temperature and the variability of temperature range from 4 ๐C to room temperature had no effect on the stability of in use insulin pen. We observed the trend toward different in stability between clear insulin analog and turbid NPH insulin. Disclosure T. Kongmalai: None. L. Preechasuk: None. S. Junnu: None. S. Manocheewa: None. C. Srisawat: None. A. Sriwijitkamol: None.
Conference Paper
Today, diabetes mellitus (diabetes) emerges as an increasingly important health problem because of the problems and frequency that it cause all over the world. Especially type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly in all of the developed and developing society with the rapid changes in lifestyle. As of the year 2013, the number of the diabetes patients are 382 million. And this number is expected to reach 592 million increased by %55 in 2035. The main reason of this population growth due to the obesity and physical inactivity is increasing beacuse of urbanization and aging. In our country, according to result of the studies of Turkey diabetes apidemiology (TURDEP-I), type 2 diabetes mellitus %7.2 frequency of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) %6.7 was found. In the studies of TURDEP-II that is published recently has been seen significantly increase of 2 type diabetes mellitus at age of 20 and over. Uncontrolled diabetes leading to hypoglycemia causes development of complications that affect all systems of the body. (cardiovascular system-eyes-kidney-nervous system) The risk of lower extremity amputation in diabetes patients is 25 times higher than without diabetes. Especaially in developed countries, the most common cause is visual loss and blindness. Under the light of these information, the form of insulin pen was designed that can be used more comfortable for visually handicapped people and blinds.
Arduino KY-032 Obstacle avoidance sensor module
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TkkrLab, "Arduino KY-032 Obstacle avoidance sensor module," TkkrLab, 08 January 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 06 May 2019].
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Thermal Insulation Material and Processes
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H.-P. Halvorsen, "Introduction on Arduino.," University College of Southeast Norway, Norway.