Rotaru Liliana

Rotaru Liliana
Moldova State University · Department of History



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January 2020 - present
Moldova State University
  • Managing Director
January 2019 - present
Moldova State University
  • Head of Department
September 2003 - present
Moldova State University
  • PhD


Publications (32)
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Sources and methods of Soviet policy research in the Higher Education from SSRM The investigation of the particularities of manifestation of the Soviet Communist regime in the SSRM focused, in particular, on the abuses and exaggerations manifested by this regime. We find that besides the concerns of the academic environment there are many other asp...
Conference Paper
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The present study analyzes the „adjustments” of the Soviet language policy in the context of the Khrushchevist school reform of the late 1950s - early 1960s. The „School Law”, including the one voted on April 19, 1959 by the Supreme Soviet of the Molda- vian SSR, which provided for the right of parents to decide „in which school with the languag...
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Students and the National Revival Movement in the Moldavian SSR: November 1989 The National Revival Movement at the end of the 1980s of the last century experienced episodes that deeply marked the subsequent development of events in the Moldavian SSR. One such episode is the event of November 7, 1989 and the one that naturally followed it on Novemb...
Faced with external and internal post-war challenges, the communist regime proposed a „new ideological mobilization” to Soviet society. The Soviet state showed increased attention to the higher school, since this was one of the most important institutions that formed the scientific, ideological and cultural orientations in society. Thus, the resoun...
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This research examines some attempts of the Russian Federation to interfere in the educational policy of the Republic of Moldova, in order to reverse the return to the Romanian national traditions in higher education. The inappropriate and insistent initiatives of the Russian authorities and their acolytes to open in the Republic of Moldova several...
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The context created by the premises and evolution of the national revival Movement and the delayed restructuring of the Soviet higher education stimulated the civic activism and the involvement of the „easily inflammable collective” of students in the events taking place in the MSSR in the second half of the 80s. Students from higher education inst...
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Indigenization of higher education in the Moldovan SSR: the regime’s intention and the „calculations” of the local intellectuals The fragility of Soviet power in the new national peripheries outlined after the end of the Soviet-German war, led the Empire of affirmative action (Terry Martin) to return (with some adjustments) to the policy of indigen...
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THE NATIONAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT IN THE MOLDAVIAN S.S.R.: THE CONTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS FROM HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS The context created by the energetic evolution of the national movement and the delayed restructuring of Soviet higher education stimulated the civic activism and involvement of the “easily inflammable collective” of students...
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Education and politics vs. politics and education in the "agrarian era" of the Republic of Moldova (1994-1998) Keywords: Republic of Moldova, Democratic Agrarian Party of Moldova (DAPM), agrarians, educational policy, education system, Romanian history, strike, crisis Abstract: In this study, the author analyzes the educational policies promoted by...
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Volumul conține 271 de documente de mărime și complexitate diferită, selectate din fondul administrativ al arhivei Serviciului de Informații și Securitate al Republicii Moldova (ASISRM): directive, instrucțiuni, ordine și indicaţii ale conducerii NKGB-MGB al RSS Moldovenești privind organizarea activităţii operaţionale a NKGB-MGB începând cu primăv...
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Bibliografia este destinată specialiștilor în domeniul istoriei regimurilor totalitare, istoriei RSS Moldovenești, istoriei învățământului și educației, specialiștilor în politici educaționale, personalului științifico-didactic din instituțiile învățământului superior și tuturor celor ce se interesează de mentalități, psihologie istorică, sociologi...
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Volumul de documente și materiale „Crearea și consolidarea sistemului de învățământ superior din RSSM” inserează documente inedite din arhivele de stat și de partid sovietice, care reflectă sub o multitudine de aspecte procesul de creare a învățământului superior sovietic în RSS Moldovenească în perioadele 1940-1941 și 1944-1946/47. Documentele, pu...
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Organization of pedagogical higher education in the Moldovan SSR. 1944–1945. The problem of the shortage of teachers for general education, declared compulsory and free by the Stalinist Constitution of 1936 and massified by the educational policies of the Soviet state, was a general dominant of the regime long after the end of the world war. his p...
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The social structure of the Soviet society was reflected in the Constitution of 1936, also called „the Stalinist Constitution” or „the Constitution of victorious socialism”. The fundamental law of the Soviet state prescribed the existence of two classes – the workers and the peasants, and of a „layer” outside the class system – the intellectuals/in...
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THE KHRUSHCHEV THAW AND THE "NATIONALIST REBELLION" OF PHILOLOGY STUDENTS FROM THE UNIVERSITY The physical disappearance of I.V. Stalin and Khrushchev's report to the 20th Congress of the CPSU reverberated throughout Soviet society and stimulated a tendency to challenge various aspects of political, social, and cultural life among the Soviet intell...
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The history of some pedagogical higher education institutions in the Moldavian SSR, re-established and/or created by the Soviets since the second half of the 1940s, is more or less known, or they were the predecessors of some universities in the Republic of Moldova. The shortage of teachers in the post-war period, generated by the expansion of the...
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The sinuous trajectory of the organization of agricultural education in Bessarabia at the end of the 19th century The study approaches the initiative of Bessarabian Zemstva, in the second half of the 19th century, of creating in the province three elementary agricultural schools on the estates of the monasteries dedicated to the Holy Places of the...
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“I think there is only one language!” Linguistic contradictions in the Chişinău Pedagogical Institute In this study, based on unpublished sources found in the National Archives of the Republic of Moldova, the author analyzes the linguistic dispute that erupted in the department of “Moldavian” language and literature of the Chişinău Pedagogical Inst...
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The problem of overcoming the famine phenomenon (1946-1947) by the urban population of the Moldovan SSR remained less studied compared to the famine of the rural population, where the phenomenon was carried out with an ostentatious drama. The present study reveals the policy of the Soviet authorities towards one of the least representative demograp...
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The incongruity between the declared national policy of the Soviet state, and the impetuosity and perseverance of the communist regime to build a higher education system in the Moldovan SSR in the absence of opportune conditions in the first years after the Second World War has led to the construction of an ethnically and socially hybridized and di...
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Conference Paper
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Abstract: The study focuses on the formation of the academic body of higher education institutions from Moldovan SSR in the first years after the Second World War, in the light of the paradox between the idea of a unitary Soviet state and the declaration of the rights to self-determination of the nations. This communist regime’s contradiction deter...
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În contextul deosebit de complex și dificil de după războiul sovieto-german, școlile superioare sovietice, create în termene mici pentru a reduce din susceptibilitățile naționale ale românilor basarabeni, aveau misiunea de a crea contextul pentru sovietizarea, rusificarea și rusianizarea RSS Moldovenească. Sovieticii mizau să exploateze tinerii rom...
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At the end of the 1980s, the Moldovan SSR higher School was included by the Soviet authorities in a process of radical transformation, which initially pursued the goal of professionalizing higher education to support economic perestroika. The crisis of the Soviet system and the success of the national movement involved the deideologization of highe...
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The article reflects the fighting process against „reactionary genetics” in higher education institutions from Moldovan SSR, a process initiated by the August 1948 Session of Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Soviet Union in the name of V.I. Lenin (VASHNIL). For various reasons, most of the teaching and scientific staff from the Moldovan uppe...
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THE POLICY OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF ACADEMIC STAFF IN HIGHER EDUCATION OF MSSR. 1944-1950 The human resource is the strategic capital of any higher education institutions and, in general, a judicious staff policy, but especially-a good policy of recruitment and selection of didactic and scientific staff makes possible to realize the higher...
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The article deals with the problems associated with the process of implementing the linguistic legislation (1989) in the higher education system of the MSSR / Republic of Moldova. At the first stage (1989-1993) the higher school managed to switch to the Latin alphabet and initiate an irreversible process of transition to teaching in the Romanian la...
