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The state of the art of discrete choice experiments in food research


Abstract and Figures

Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) have become an often-used research method in food research due to their ability to uncover trade-offs made when choosing among multiple alternatives, especially when dealing with credence attributes. Insights into the main elements of the consumers’ decision-making process are key to informing both public and private policies related to food production and consumption. However, DCEs are not confined to this field of study. This narrative methodological review sets out to provide a critical appraisal of the state of the art of DCEs in food research. We logically structure our review by comparing the field-independent state-of-the-art to its application in the specific food choice research domain. The comparison is presented for each of the steps required in implementing DCEs and allows for the identification of areas of improvement in best practice. We find that food research has adopted many of the methodological advances over the years, but further improvements are encouraged and outlined. Recommendations for future research are discussed.
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Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
Available online 7 July 2022
0950-3293/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
The state of the art of discrete choice experiments in food research
Sebastien Lizin
, Sandra Rousseau
, Roselinde Kessels
, Michel Meulders
Guido Pepermans
, Stijn Speelman
, Martina Vandebroek
, Goedele Van Den Broeck
, Ellen
J. Van Loo
, Wim Verbeke
UHasselt, research group Environmental Economics, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium
KU Leuven, Center for Economics and Corporate Sustainability (CEDON), Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Maastricht University, Department of Data Analytics and Digitalization, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
University of Antwerp, Department of Economics, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
KU Leuven, Research Centre for Operations Research and Statistics (ORSTAT), Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Ghent University, Department of Agricultural Economics, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
KU Leuven, Research Centre for Operations Research and Statistics (ORSTAT), Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
UCLouvain, Earth and Life Institute, Croix du Sud 2/L7.05.15, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Wageningen University & Research, Marketing and Consumer Behavior group, PO BOX 8130, 6700EW Wageningen, The Netherlands
Food choice
Methodological review
Best practice
Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) have become an often-used research method in food research due to their
ability to uncover trade-offs made when choosing among multiple alternatives, especially when dealing with
credence attributes. Insights into the main elements of the consumers decision-making process are key to
informing both public and private policies related to food production and consumption. However, DCEs are not
conned to this eld of study. This narrative methodological review sets out to provide a critical appraisal of the
state of the art of DCEs in food research. We logically structure our review by comparing the eld-independent
state-of-the-art to its application in the specic food choice research domain. The comparison is presented for
each of the steps required in implementing DCEs and allows for the identication of areas of improvement in best
practice. We nd that food research has adopted many of the methodological advances over the years, but further
improvements are encouraged and outlined. Recommendations for future research are discussed.
1. Introduction
1.1. Why food DCEs
Billions of people make dozens of food purchasing and consumption
decisions every day. While one part of those decisions might be merely
habitual, based on routines informed by favorable past experience and
satisfaction or simply guided by low involvement, other food choices
may require at least some kind of active reasoning or deliberation (e.g.,
Bublitz et al., 2010; Gorton & Barjolle, 2013; Nardi et al., 2019). People
make food choices in a multitude of choice contexts, combining different
moments, occasions, situations, and types of company, and they do so
while having heterogeneous sets of personal characteristics, knowledge,
beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, and motivations (e.g., Steptoe et al.,
1995; Gorton & Barjolle, 2013; Nardi et al., 2019). In contexts where
choice is available, alternatives are often plentiful and each alternative
food option combines multiple tangible and intangible characteristics or
attributes. Since food attributes can have positive or negative utility
impacts and can be seen as being more or less important, trade-offs are
needed. Moreover, food choices not only have an impact on a persons
nutritional and health status and on his/her overall well-being, they also
have an impact on our living environment, on social interactions and on
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Lizin).
Sebastien Lizin and Sandra Rousseau share rst authorship.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Food Quality and Preference
journal homepage:
Received 13 July 2021; Received in revised form 7 April 2022; Accepted 3 July 2022
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
society as a whole (e.g., Reisch et al., 2013). As food choices entail
personal and societal risks and raise ethical issues, food consumption
and production as well as individuals responsibility therein have
become increasingly debated during the past decades (e.g. Dieterle,
2022). This triggers an interest in better understanding peoples food
choices in a particular context as the key to informing public and private
policies (e.g. Reisch et al., 2013; Van Loo et al., 2020). These initiatives
range from institutional and governmental policies to private manage-
rial policies and marketing strategies of actors involved in food supply
chains, and at scales that extend from local to global. Therefore, it is
unsurprising that food choice has emerged as an important application
eld in the research domain of discrete choice experiments (DCEs).
A DCE is a method of identifying the attributes that drive the pref-
erences of food producers and consumers with respect to a variety of
issues described above. Several steps have been identied in the
implementation of a DCE (e.g., Ryan et al., 2008; Holmes et al., 2017).
These include problem denition, identication of the attributes and
attribute levels, development of the experimental design, survey
development, survey implementation, and model estimation, until the
interpretation of the results. The latter are utility coefcients that may
consequently be converted into other metrics such as choice probabili-
ties, elasticities, or (marginal) willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates. To
obtain these outputs, respondents are given a choice context (such as
buying groceries in a supermarket) and asked to choose their preferred
alternative or prole out of at least two alternatives, which may be
labeled or unlabeled, in a series of choice sets in which the attributes
levels are deliberately varied according to an experimental design. Un-
labeled DCEs are typically used to quantify utility coefcients and WTP
estimates, whereas labeled DCEs
may also be used to derive market
shares and elasticities (Louviere et al., 2000). DCEs assume that in-
dividuals derive utility from the attributes of the available food options
and that individuals preferences are revealed through their choices
(Thurstone, 1931; Lancaster, 1966). DCEs make it possible to infer the
value of an attribute from stated or revealed choices, even though the
individual may not be aware of this value. This makes a DCE a valuable
tool to assess the factors that inuence food choices, which are often the
results of habits, heuristics, and low involvement decisions.
Next to DCEs, there are other value elicitation methods which can be
used in an experimental setting to study consumers preferences and
WTP for food products. Examples are multiple price lists
(Asioli et al.
2021), experimental auctions (Canavari et al., 2019), or open-ended
choice experiments (Corrigan et al., 2009). We focus on DCEs as it
provides a choice setting mimicking the choice situation that consumers
generally face in real life (e.g., Louviere et al., 2000). In DCEs, partici-
pants are asked to consider several products and select the preferred one.
Similarly, when shopping for food in grocery stores or choosing dishes in
a restaurant setting, consumers are confronted with a set of possible food
options, which vary in attribute levels, and select their preferred option.
DCEs therefore allow us to understand current behavior and predict
future choices. These features contribute to explaining why the currently
available valuation literature in the Web of Science on food valuation is
still dominated by DCEs. We refer the reader interested in a more
detailed comparison across food valuation methods to recent
publications such as Alphonce and Alfnes (2017), Shi et al. (2018), and
Asioli et al. (2021). In sum, comparisons reveal that, even in real-
contexts, the WTP estimates resulting from a comparative, choice-
based elicitation mechanism such as a DCE tend to differ from WTP
estimates elicited using non-comparative bids such as resulting from
1.2. The evolution of the food choice literature
Louviere (1984) was the rst to use choice experiments and logit
choice models to predict the proportion of consumers willing to try new
food products in a fast food restaurant. After that, it took almost two
decades before the use of DCEs really took off in the food choice liter-
ature. The number of papers reporting on DCEs in food evolved from a
single paper in each of 2001 and 2002 to fewer than 10 papers per year
until 2008. Since 2009, this number increased slowly to 30 by 2014 and
then at a greater pace to reach almost 100 by 2019 and 2020 (see Suppl.
Mat.: Fig. 1). This evolution reects the growing interest in using and
reporting DCEs in the food choice domain over the past 20 years, as
supported by a growing diversity of journals publishing papers with that
type of methodology indexed in the Web of Science (WoS).
Overall, the largest number of DCE papers on food choice addressed
topics dealing with food safety or safety risks (n =188), followed by
origin or traceability (n =172), health or nutrition (n =129),
biotechnology or genetic modication (n =68) and animal welfare (n =
62). In terms of product categories, the main interest has been in con-
sumer preferences for meat (beef, pork, poultry, processed meat prod-
ucts and, more recently, also for alternatives to conventional meat) (n =
202), followed by organic foods (n =161), and functional foods or foods
with nutrition or health claims (n =57). Some of the less covered food
categories were wine, olive oil, eggs and vegetables. It should be noted
that the reported topics and product categorizations are not mutually
exclusive, since many studies cover more than one topic and/or product
With respect to focal themes, the number of DCE studies on organic
production or organic foods has been growing steadily (Fig. 1). Whereas
organic production was previously typically considered as the healthier
and safer alternative for conventional production, the contextualization
changed to organic as the provider of environmental rather than merely
health and safety benets; that is, studying the potential of organic as a
more sustainable choice. The evolution of DCE studies on meat shows a
more irregular evolution. In 2018, for example, a substantial number of
publications focused on safety issues in a Chinese context on one hand,
and/or on meat and its eventually more sustainable alternatives on the
other hand (e.g. Lai et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018a). With respect to
meat, a gradual shift over time was observed from a focus on meat safety
and country-of-origin in the early periods (e.g. Enneking, 2004; Loureiro
& Umberger, 2007) to contrasting conventional meat, with more sus-
tainable meat alternatives, more recently (e.g. Slade, 2018; Van Loo
Within the food DCE literature, we only found limited examples of appli-
cations of labeled DCEs. Some noteworthy exceptions are the work of Enneking
et al. (2007), who combined food DCEs with sensory testing; Nguyen et al.
(2015), who investigated preferences for labeled seafoods; and Van Loo et al.
(2020), who analyzed consumer preferences for meat and meat alternatives.
Ballco and Gracia (2020) provided an overview of previous research that
combined intrinsic and extrinsic attributes using conjoint analysis, experi-
mental auctions and DCEs. Note that we have not considered brand choice
models, which are typically estimated on scanner panel data, to be DCEs.
Also known as ‘payment cards, a specic elicitation format used for
contingent valuation.
The main journals publishing DCEs were identied using the Web of Science
by performing an unrestricted search on TS=(choice experiment$ AND
food). This provided 1393 hits on 28 February 2022. This dataset was
inspected and the most commonly recurring journals (with 15 or more publi-
cations) were then tabulated: Food Quality and Preference (5.46 percent), Sus-
tainability (3.81 percent), Food Policy (3.45 percent), British Food Journal (2.94
percent), Appetite (2.15 percent), Agribusiness (1.94 percent), Journal of Agri-
cultural Economics (1.87 percent), European Review of Agricultural Economics,
Journal of Cleaner Production, Plos One, American Journal of Agricultural Eco-
nomics, Agricultural Economics, Ecological Economics, Canadian Journal of Agri-
cultural Economics - Revue Canadienne dagroeconomie, Foods, and Nutrients. A
similar search in Scopus using the query (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("choice experiment
$" AND food)) - yielded 1311 results with mainly similar journals. Still the
following journals with 15 or more publications can be added based on the
Scopus search: Oecologia, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, International
Food and Agribusiness Management Review and Meat Science.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
et al., 2020). Despite a similar total number of Web of Science published
papers using DCEs, fewer papers dealt specically with biotechnology or
animal welfare in 2020 compared to 2019, suggesting a decreasing
topicality of these themes most recently. In turn, specic sustainability-
related themes, such as food waste reduction and food packaging
characteristics, emerged (e.g. Gracia and G´
omez, 2020; Wensing et al.,
1.3. The trigger for food choice DCEs
Food production methods are credence attributes that cannot be
objectively veried or experienced by consumers (Darby & Karni, 1973).
Consumers have to rely on information cues provided, which they may
value in case they believe the information and its source are truthful and
trustworthy. Efforts to provide food products with such credence
attributes are often met with uncertainty and even resistance as the
benets of transforming production processes are uncertain. On one
hand, such a transformation often involves the use of new food tech-
nologies, unfamiliar ingredients or processing techniques, and is typi-
cally more costly than conventional production methods. On the other
hand, proving the truth and reliability of production-related claims such
as GMO-free production is challenging and can rarely be done with
complete certainty. This implies that producers may not reap the ben-
ets from their efforts and that policymakers have difculty monitoring
compliance and measuring the achievement of policy targets. Therefore,
it is crucial to understand consumersreactions to food characteristics
and production-related claims or information provisioning and this
justies the interest in assessing willingness-to-accept and willingness-
to-pay. Exemplary cases include those of organic production, the pres-
ence or absence of GMOs, efforts to improve and signal animal welfare
Fig. 1. Number of publications in Web of Science indexed journals using DCEs and focusing on genetically modied organisms or biotechnology, animal welfare or
organic as main themes, 20012020.
Fig. 2. Structure of the DCE process and paper outline.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
or a products nutritional value and healthiness, strategies to reduce
safety risks and provide related reassurance of guarantees, and novel
food production and processing technologies, all of which are commu-
nicated to consumers as information alongside the core product or
through labels on packaging (e.g., Peschel et al., 2019; Van Loo et al.,
1.4. The contribution and remainder of this paper
The importance of generating valid and reliable insights from DCE
studies is an overarching concern. While DCEs can be seen as a exible
and attractive valuation method, their reliability and validity have been
questioned; that is, whether they give consistent results across different
survey designs that might be used to measure the same quantity (reli-
ability) and whether they measure what they are intended to (validity)
(e.g., Bateman et al., 2002; Rakotonarivo et al., 2016; Bishop & Boyle,
2019; Mariel et al., 2021).
In this narrative review we provide an overview of how DCEs are
currently used to gain insight into food choices and compare this to
general best practice in DCE research. Such initiative can be considered
a methodological literature review
, being a contribution that formally
or informally reviews the existing literature regarding practices about
methodological issues, summarizes the literature, and provides recom-
mendations for improved practice(Aguinis et al., 2020: p2). The latter
authors ascribe three potential merits to such papers. First, they may
help and guide researchers, including students, doctoral researchers and
scholars, to improve their methodological skills. Second, they may
contribute to identifying knowledge gaps and research needs. Third,
they may be prescriptive in nature and as such describe how to do
things right as such mitigating questionable research practices. This
paper envisages addressing especially the former two as our main goal is
to assess where the food DCE subeld leads DCE best-practice and where
it is following or lagging. It contributes to science and good practice
therein as the exchange of best-practice across elds facilitates the
adoption and creation of new knowledge (e.g. Sun & Latora, 2020),
which is critical given the sharp rise in food-related research and pub-
lications applying DCEs. This contribution provides a synthesis of DCE
best-practice across the sequence of steps that compose the DCE meth-
odology and across research elds in view of deriving recommendations
related to food choice research.
Consequently, this manuscript is logically structured following the
order in which a DCE is respectively designed, conducted, and analyzed.
The full sequence of steps is visualized in Fig. 2. After a brief denition of
each consecutive step in a DCE, each of the following sections presents
the state of the art in general and in food research specically. We then
highlight how the design, implementation, and analysis affects reli-
ability and validity in section 9. We end by formulating methodological
recommendations that will extend the best-practice of DCEs for studying
food choices.
2. Attribute and level development
It has been argued that a good DCE is one that has a sufciently rich
set of attributes and choice contexts, together with enough variation in
the attribute levels necessary to produce meaningful behavioral re-
sponses in the context of the strategies under study(Ryan et al., 2008,
p17). Therefore, the choice of alternatives and their attributes to be
considered in the experiment is crucial (e.g., Caussade et al., 2005;
Johnston et al., 2017). The alternativesattributes that are included in
the design (see also section 3) explain the observable or systematic part
of total utility, whereas unobservable attributes affecting choice are an
important cause of unobserved or random variation in preferences.
Therefore, the more attributes included in the design, the better the
researcher will be able to explain the choices, but the higher the
cognitive burden becomes for the respondents (e.g., DeShazo & Fermo,
2002). Hence, the researcher is required to select a limited number of
attributes (Green, 1974). However, ignoring important attributes or
ambiguously describing them may render them useless for informing
policy (e.g., Lancsar & Louviere, 2008; Johnston et al., 2012; Rolfe &
Windle, 2015). Hence, the validity of DCEs depends on how complex
information about food policies or interventions is transformed into a
limited number of relevant attributes.
Attribute and level development is a multi-stage process (Fig. 3).
Given the choice context,
a careful selection of core attributes needs to
be made before attribute levels are devised that allow the researcher to
create an operable DCE. To develop attributes and levels, practitioners
have recommended performing a qualitative study based on the results
of a (systematic) literature review, an observational study and/or a focus
group discussion (e.g., Klojgaard et al., 2012; Helter & Boehler, 2016).
This exploratory phase is equally important when the DCE is designed in
response to a policy question, as it improves the DCEs content validity
(Coast et al., 2012). For a description with regards to how such attribute
and level development may be performed, we refer to the Suppl.
Looking at the food related DCE literature, not a single publication
that dealt primarily with attribute and level development was identied
based on the queries in the Web of Science (see Suppl. Mat.). Hence, the
attention devoted to this particular phase in the research set-up has been
limited in food research. Moreover, including a description of the pro-
cess of attribute and level development is given little attention in the
more cited literature
. Nonetheless, qualitative tools for attribute (level)
development have been mentioned more frequently in recent studies.
Fig. 3. Attribute and level development as a multi-stage process embedded
within setting up DCEs.
Our literature review approach consisted of the following steps. The exact
keywords used in the Web of Science queries that allowed us to retrieve the
majority of the food choice literature mentioned in the remainder of the text is
provided in the Suppl. Mat.. After each query, the resulting papers abstracts
were read to verify whether an individual study warranted inclusion. Abstracts
were inspected until saturation occurred on a given topic that is, a specic
step in the methodological process of carrying out a DCE after which the set of
literature was synthesized and consequently contrasted with general best
practice. As a robustness check we also performed similar searches in Scopus
and the results are also reported in the Suppl. Mat..
Decision mapping can be used to identify distinct choices; see Michaels-
Igbokwe et al. (2014).
This does not automatically mean that authors have neglected attribute and
level development. It may simply have been omitted due to space limitations
and focus on the main research objective(s). Worse than neglect is when in-
terviews and focus groups are mentioned, but give the impression that more
was done than what actually occurred.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
Hence, the process of attribute selection in the food DCE literature has
scope for improvement. The identied lack of attention for an elaborate
attribute and level development process in food DCEs may result from
respondentsgeneral familiarity with the investigated foods, which are
often the more popular and widely available products on the market.
However, attribute selection becomes more important when the food
products are unfamiliar to a larger group of consumers as the econo-
metric estimation also becomes more challenging (e.g., Czajkowski
et al., 2015; Heidenreich et al., 2018). However, a search of recent DCE
studies on insect-based food products as an example of an unfamiliar
product category reveals large differences between studies as Videbæk
and Grunert (2020) did not provide any information of the attribute
selection process, while Alemu et al. (2017) explicitly mentioned an
extensive literature review, focus group discussion, and the requirement
that the DCE should be credible, realistic, and easy to understand for all
participants. Moreover, when applying DCEs in developing countries
(see Suppl. Mat.), a number of specic challenges (e.g., Bennett and
Birol, 2010) may arise, such as the possible use of alternatives to mon-
etary payment vehicles in low-cash contexts (e.g., Gibson et al., 2016;
Vondolia & Navrud, 2019) or the need to keep the choice task simple
due to lower education levels (e.g., Gelaw et al., 2016).
3. Experimental design
After selecting attributes and attribute levels, the experimental
design, i.e. the selection of proles into choice sets, is the next focal
point of the researcher. To a large extent, the DCE design drives the
power of statistical inference and is therefore key in planning a DCE
(Hoyos, 2010). Early theoretical design development for DCEs made use
of orthogonal level-balanced factorial designs that are commonly asso-
ciated with linear models. However, most discrete choice models are
nonlinear in the parameters, implying that design quality depends on
unknown parameters (S´
andor & Wedel, 2001). Consequently, re-
searchers need to utilize a priori knowledge about the values for the
parameters to generate an efcient design (e.g., Kessels et al., 2008;
Bliemer & Collins, 2016; De Marchi et al., 2016).
3.1. Design options
A rst possible approach consists of orthogonal factorial designs
which assume zero parameter values as prior, meaning that people have
no prior preference for any of the attribute levels, which is often not
realistic. Still, because these designs are historically rooted in the gen-
eral design literature (for industrial and agricultural experiments) and
well documented in catalogs they are frequently used (e.g., Louviere
et al., 2000; Kuhfeld & Tobias, 2005; Street & Burgess, 2007).
Nowadays, thanks to modern technology, a second approach called
Bayesian D-optimal design has been developed to t the choice design
problem and is increasingly considered state of the art for DCEs.
Bayesian D-optimal designs have most often been generated to precisely
estimate the multinomial logit (MNL) model, because they are imple-
mented in statistical software (e.g., Ngene, JMP and the R package
idex) and also perform relatively well in terms of estimating the panel
mixed logit (MIXL) model (Bliemer & Rose, 2010). This is convenient
because Bayesian D-optimal designs for the MIXL model take longer to
generate due to the complexity of the calculations (e.g., Bliemer & Rose,
2010; Traets et al., 2020). More information on generating MNL and
MIXL designs can be found in the Suppl. Mat..
Another important category of Bayesian D-optimal designs have
been generated based on the no-choice nested logit model. The choice
sets in these designs include not only the proles or real-choice options,
but also an opt-out, status-quo or no-choice option (Rousseau, 2015).
Such choice sets are particularly valuable if one wants to estimate
market shares. Bayesian D-optimal designs involving a no-choice option
have been developed for both full proles (Vermeulen et al., 2008; Goos
et al., 2010) and partial proles (Kessels et al., 2017). They have proven
to be more informative for estimating the no-choice nested logit model
than the traditional approach of adding a no-choice option to each
choice set of a Bayesian D-optimal MNL design that is constructed
ignoring the no-choice option. Also worthy of mentioning is the recent
introduction of Bayesian D- and I-optimal mixture designs for DCEs,
where food products are described as mixtures of ingredients (e.g.,
Ruseckaite et al., 2017; Goos & Hamidouche, 2019; Becerra & Goos,
2021). These designs are optimized for mixture-choice models where
e mixture models (Scheff´
e, 1963) replace the systematic utilities
of the choice models for these food products.
DCEs on food choices (see Suppl. Mat.) as with many application
elds of DCEs are gradually adopting a Bayesian D-optimal design
approach for the MNL model (e.g., Czine et al., 2020; Paffarini et al.,
2021). Its use is often preceded by a pilot survey based on an orthogonal
factorial design to obtain the priors for the Bayesian main design (e.g.,
Scarpa et al., 2013; Zanoli et al., 2013; De Marchi et al., 2016). Such a
sequential design strategy is a safe approach, but is not required since
one can specify an uninformative prior distribution, like the uniform
distribution, for the parameters. Apart from the upsurge of Bayesian D-
optimal designs, orthogonal factorial designs are still frequently used (e.
g., Caputo et al., 2013; Palma et al., 2018).
3.2. Choice complexity
The validity of a DCE depends not only on its statistical quality as
ensured by the experimental design, but also on the choice task
complexity (e.g., Johnson et al., 2013). The overall design quality de-
pends on both statistical and response qualities. Out of all the design
dimensions that is, the number of choice sets and proles in a choice
set, the number of attributes and attribute levels, and the range of those
levels the number of attributes has the greatest inuence on the error
variance (Caussade et al., 2005). Similarly, Meyerhoff et al. (2015)
revealed that design dimensions may inuence error variance. Re-
spondents can process only a limited number of attributes depending on
the application (Green, 1974). To investigate larger numbers of attri-
butes, the levels of only a subset of the attributes in a choice set are
varied in so-called partial prole designs (see Suppl. Mat.); these designs
contrast with the traditional full-prole designs that allow the levels of
all attributes to vary (Green, 1974; Kessels et al., 2011, 2015).
4. Survey mode and sample frame
Obtaining unbiased and consistent DCE results depends heavily on
the way the survey is administered and distributed to respondents and
how respondents are sampled from the target population (e.g. Brace,
2018). Apart from question formulation, survey length, and the in-
centives for participation, survey mode and data collection methods are
especially worth mentioning. The sample selection procedure has
important consequences regarding the representativeness and general-
izability of the DCE ndings, as well as the cost associated with sampling
and data collection. Representativeness is crucial when the researcher
wants to provide useful advice to policy makers, organizations, or
businesses. A representative dataset can be created by a sufciently
large probabilistic sample (see power calculations, e.g., Dupont &
Plummer, 1990, or de Bekker-Grob et al., 2015, specically for DCE),
while a non-probabilistic quota sampling method can generate a dataset
that is representative of predetermined, observable characteristics of the
target population. However, if these characteristics are not correlated
with unobservable preferences, this method will not lead to a repre-
sentative sample.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
There is a range of survey modes to implement a DCE and to assess
respondentspreferences (see Suppl. Mat.). Since the 2010 s, internet/e-
based technologies have emerged as the most common survey mode,
including surveys on online platforms or via e-mail
(Lindhjem & Nav-
rud, 2011; Angeliki et al., 2016). Compared to face-to-face interviews
and postal/telephone surveys, internet/e-based surveys have the
advantage of a relatively low implementation cost and a relatively quick
data collection (Olsen, 2009; Windle & Rolfe, 2011). In addition, self-
registered web surveys might be less exposed to social desirability bias
(see Section 5.2) than interviewer-registered surveys (Kreuter et al.,
2008). Within web surveys, the type of device that respondents use (for
example, desktop/laptop or mobile devices, such as tablets and smart-
phones) might inuence the results. However, Liebe et al. (2015) found,
for a case study of German citizens preferences for renewable energy,
that the use of mobile devices did not affect the tendency to choose the
status-quo option nor the scale compared to the use of a desktop/laptop.
An important concern that has arisen with the increased use of
internet/e-based surveys is the representativeness of the sample (Boyle
et al., 2016). Representation error might occur when the sample frame is
not representative of the targeted population, due to under-coverage,
lower response rates, and more protest bidders (Angeliki et al., 2016).
Most of these issues can be mitigated by using well-recruited internet
panel samples or sending out personal invitations, if possible coupled
with a reward for the respondent (usually some kind of voucher) (Olsen,
2009). However, many studies found similar welfare estimates across
different types of survey modes, suggesting that when correctly
implemented - the survey mode does not inuence the results of a choice
experiment (e.g., Olsen, 2009; Lindhjem & Navrud, 2011; Windle &
Rolfe, 2011). For a thorough overview of a correct implementation of
stated preference valuation web surveys, we refer to the study by
Angeliki et al. (2016).
No papers were retrieved based on the used query that specically
focused on survey mode and sample frame in the context of food-related
DCEs. Szolnoki and Hoffmann (2013) compared different survey modes
in wine consumption in Germany, but without using a DCE. They found
that face-to-face and telephone surveys resulted in the most represen-
tative sample, but that web-based surveys (especially in case of snowball
sampling) should be corrected using population weights unless a
representative sample from a recruitment agency or market research
rm is used. Recently, Le et al. (2018) studied food allergies and found
consistent results from a web-based and paper-based survey (without
DCE). Similar to the trend in general DCE research, the use of online
surveys through a representative panel is increasing, although face-to-
face interviews with respondents who are randomly selected at stores
are still in use as well. However, approximately half of these studies do
not discuss the representativeness of the sample nor report the response
rate. This practice has been more commonly applied in more recent
studies. Irrespective of which survey mode is applied, the Suppl. Mat.
includes some general guidelines that help researchers to obtain unbi-
ased results while ensuring ethical practices.
5. Biases: origin and mitigation
While using a survey is often the only way to learn more about
preferences for specic food or policy characteristics, it comes with its
own challenges related to the external validity. Several biases can occur
and need to be addressed in this context. The impact of biases on food
consumption has been studied extensively, so there is abundant research
focusing on biases in food-related DCE studies. A search in the Web of
Science (see Suppl. Mat.) for publications dealing with these topics
yielded more than 100 results. All of these studies were published from
2005 onwards and several of them are referred to below.
5.1. Hypothetical bias
One of the major shortcomings when using surveys to elicit prefer-
ences is hypothetical bias (e.g., Hensher, 2010) as individuals might
behave inconsistently, when they do not have to back up their choices
with real commitments. Respondents may not reveal their true prefer-
ences without real commitments as a DCE is not incentive compatible
(Lusk & Schroeder, 2004). Thus, DCEs are said to suffer from non-
consequentialism, which may lead to overestimation of WTP values
and market shares and may undermine the external validity of DCEs.
Meta-analyses have found that the stated WTP can be two to three times
higher, on average, than the revealed WTP (e.g., List & Gallet, 2001;
Little & Berrens, 2004; Murphy et al., 2005). For a recent, in-depth
overview of the sources, measures, and controls of hypothetical bias in
stated preference methods, we refer to Haghani et al. (2021a; 2021b).
To mitigate hypothetical bias, several approaches have been used to
make DCEs more realistic and to attach consequences to choices people
make. Ex-ante survey design strategies, incentive-compatible DCEs, as
well as ex-post techniques, can be used to minimize or eliminate hypo-
thetical bias (e.g., Loomis, 2014; Johnston et al., 2017; Zawojska &
Czajkowski, 2017; Haghani et al., 2021a; 2021b).
An easy ex-ante option is to use cheap talk scripts, honesty oaths, or
training (e.g., List & Gallet, 2001; Johnston et al., 2017). Cheap talk
scripts rely on reminding respondents of the hypothetical nature of
scenarios and the tendency of respondents to inate value estimates, but
they are not always effective (e.g., Carlsson et al., 2005; Murphy et al.,
2005; Champ et al., 2009). Jacquemet et al. (2013) used an oath that
participants signed and promised to tell the truth and provide honest
answers and found that the solemn oath outperformed cheap talk in
reducing hypothetical bias. Rather than using a cheap talk script, de-
Magistris et al. (2013) used an implicit honesty priming task to activate
honesty among primary shoppers resulting in a reduction of hypothet-
ical bias. Recently, Drichoutis et al. (2017) used a between-sample
approach to compare the impact of using no script, a cheap talk script,
a consequentiality script, and a cheap talk plus consequentiality script to
investigate consumers preferences for a fair labor certicate for
strawberries. They found no statistically signicant effect of the scripts
on the responses reecting consumers stated values for fair labor.
Moreover, as mentioned by Johnston et al. (2017), these ex-ante
methods may have implications for framing and priming and can thus
introduce new biases into the results. Alternatively, visualization of al-
ternatives in a choice set may impact the resulting WTP estimates. Dy-
namic visual presentation formats such as video, virtual reality (VR), or
immersive virtual reality may lead to signicantly lower error variance
and signicantly differing preference and WTP estimates compared to
the traditional matrix-based textual format (Mokas et al., 2021). VR
technology can offer several benets when used in retail contexts to
study purchase decisions as it can provide a more emotionally engaging
customer experience and more natural user interactions such as gestures
(e.g., Burke, 2018; Meissner et al., 2020). High-immersive VR shopping
has potential as a tool to understand and predict consumer behavior in
physical stores (e.g., Siegrist et al., 2019).
A second, generally more effective, option is to use real choice ex-
(RCEs), wherein the tasks are incentivized by randomly
choosing one of the choice tasks as binding after the respondent has
completed all of the choice tasks (for a recent overview see Haghani
et al., 2021a; 2021b). The use of real products, and making participants
buy the chosen product in the randomly selected binding choice task
Face-to-face interviews are still the dominant survey mode in low- and
middle-income countries (Bennet & Birol, 2010). Especially when collecting
data in a remote area setting, face-to-face interviews might be the only option
(Liebe et al., 2020).
See supplemental information for a note on its original inception. RCEs (aka
as consequential DCE) are not to be mistaken with revealed choice modeling as
the choices are still being made in an experimental setting.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
unless they select the no-buy option, makes respondentschoices more
similar to real purchasing behavior (e.g., Moser et al., 2014; Liebe et al.,
2019; Ballco & Gracia, 2020). For example, Chang et al. (2009) studied
the ability of three preference elicitation methods (hypothetical choices,
non-hypothetical choices, and non hypothetical rankings) to predict
actual retail shopping behavior in three different product categories
(ground beef, wheat our, and dishwashing liquid). Overall, they found
a high level of external validity. Their results suggest that the non-
hypothetical elicitation approaches, especially the non-hypothetical
ranking method, outperformed the hypothetical choice experiment in
predicting retail sales. Among other studies, the RCE approach has also
been applied to assess preferences for beef steak (Lusk & Schroeder,
2004), salmon in Norway (Alfnes et al., 2006), canola oil in Canada
(Volinskiy et al., 2009), almonds in Spain (de-Magistris and Gracia,
2014), applesauce in Italy (Bazzani et al., 2017), and yoghurt in the
United States (Fang et al., 2019). Recently, RCEs have also been com-
bined with sensory testing, which has made it possible to incorporate the
effects of sensory or intrinsic attributes into the study. This enables the
researcher to expand the scope of the study to repurchases rather than
being limited to initial purchases. In other words, it considers search,
credence, as well as experience characteristics and, as such, provides
more complete and realistic information about consumer behavior in
real-life. Ballco and Gracia (2020) found that after experiencing the real
taste of a product, preferences change signicantly compared to the
initial purchase. A disadvantage of RCEs is that the products need to be
Another option is to actually work in a real-life setting such as a
supermarket and make choices tangible. For example, Vlaeminck et al.
(2014) designed an experimental food market in a natural consumer
environment to investigate the impact of the new ecolabel for fruit,
vegetables, and protein in Belgium. In an Australian supermarket
experiment, Vanclay et al. (2011) found that sales increased by 4 percent
after labeling for products with a green light carbon label. In such a
framed eld experiment, real products, and actual cash are transacted;
this makes the experimental market both non-hypothetical and incen-
tive compatible, which increases the external validity of the observed
behavior (Lusk & Shogren, 2007). Recently, Wuepper et al. (2019)
studied preferences for a water savings label related to coffee in a real
online shop and in a hypothetical setting with cheap talk script. They
found no signicant preferences for the water label in the real online
shop. However, the more likely respondents were to care about their
appearance and the lower their self-control, the more likely they were to
express a signicant WTP for the water label in the hypothetical setting.
Finally, it is also possible to mitigate hypothetical bias at the data
analysis phase by means of procedures that screen the data for
implausible responses. This may be based on respondents stated in-
formation about their cut-off points (Swait, 2001) that is, minimum or
maximum WTP for the good in question (Ding et al., 2012). Alterna-
tively, respondents can be asked how certain they are about their choice
and how closely they feel it mirrors their preferences (Ready et al.,
2010). Note that respondentsstated certainty may be inuenced by the
complexity of the choice task, learning, and fatigue (Beck et al., 2016).
Results of ex-post approaches generally conclude that hypothetical bias
exists and that follow-up questions can be used to improve WTP esti-
mates, although an incorrect calibration of the responses may produce
more biased results than doing nothing at all (Beck et al., 2016).
Recently, Colombo et al. (2022) compared the relative performance
of ex-ante and ex-post measures that both mitigate hypothetical bias.
Specically, they tested whether ex-ante cheap talk, a reminder of the
projects relative spatial extent, or a combination of both affected stated
WTP. They also veried the impact on WTP estimates of an ex-post
treatment wherein respondents were given the opportunity to revise
choices that were identied as being inconsistent. Using a DCE on the
environmental and social impacts of organic olive oil production they
found that WTP estimates of treatments related to ex-ante mitigation
strategies did not differ signicantly from those obtained from a control
treatment with standard budget constraint reminder. However, the ex-
post approach resulted in a signicant reduction in mean WTP
5.2. Social desirability bias
Individuals typically know when they take part in a research study
and therefore often behave to please the researcher, avoid embarrass-
ment, or look good (e.g., Costanigro et al., 2011; Norwood & Lusk,
2011). In addition, ticking the socially desirable box in a survey implies
the same cost to the respondent and may give rise to a warm glow
effect (Andreoni, 1990). In so doing, respondents misrepresent their true
preferences and may systematically misreport socially sensitive
behavior or attitudes (e.g., Zaller & Feldman, 1992), resulting in social
desirability bias (SDB).
Several approaches have been adopted to deal with SDB: using
scales, inferred valuation, or consequential valuation techniques (e.g.,
King & Bruner, 2000; Larson, 2019; Horiuchi et al., 2020; Haghani et al.,
2021a; 2021b). Firstly, the most widely used approach to detect and
control for SDB in the analysis and interpretation of the survey results
are SDB scales, which are constructed by asking a series of questions
designed to determine whether respondents say they engage in an ac-
tivity that is socially desirable, but that is thought to rarely be acted on
(e.g., Larson, 2019). An example of a scale that can be used to measure
SDB is the impression management scale in the Balanced Inventory of
Desirable Responding Short Form (BIDR-16, Hart et al., 2015). Sec-
ondly, rather than asking someone what choices they would make,
inferred valuation entails asking what choices someone believes another
person would make. To illustrate, Lusk and Norwood (2010) showed
that only 16 percent of Americans agreed with the statement, low meat
prices are more important than the well-being of farm animals,while
68 percent agreed that, the average American thinks that low meat
prices are more important than the well-being of farm animals.Thirdly,
making a DCE consequential (see Section 5.1) is likely to counteract
SDB. Finally, it is important to note that SDB is an artifact of any study
that participants are aware of, such as a survey study, and is generally
absent in normal, everyday shopping experiences.
5.3. Information bias
It is well established in the stated preference literature that the in-
formation provision inuences the responses given by survey re-
spondents (e.g., Ajzen et al., 1996; Teisl et al., 2002; Yeh et al., 2018;
Mariel et al., 2021). Essentially, an appropriate amount of information
should be provided such that respondents have a clear denition of the
good that they are valuing. However, providing information about a
product can be viewed as persuasive communication and is likely to
change the respondentsattitudes and intentions. Priming typically oc-
curs before the respondents are asked to complete a DCE (Harris et al.,
2009; Bronnmann & Asche, 2017), while framing is part of the DCE.
Framing that is, the manner in which the good or choice scenario is
described can affect the respondentsmean WTP as well as their WTP
variance (e.g., Hoevenagel & van der Linden, 1993; Rousseau &
Vranken, 2013; Vecchio et al., 2016; Yeh et al., 2018). (See Suppl. Mat.
for more information.).
5.4. Other biases
Several other biases can inuence consumers intentions and be-
haviors (see Suppl. Mat. for additional information). Status quo bias is
evident when people prefer things to stay the same by doing nothing or
by sticking to a decision they made previously (Samuelson & Zeck-
hauser, 1988). Oehlmann et al. (2017) showed that the frequency of
status quo choices is inuenced by the design dimensions of the exper-
iment (number of tasks, alternatives, attributes, levels and level range)
and by the choice task complexity. The halo effect is a well-documented
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
social-psychology phenomenon that causes people to be biased in their
judgments by transferring their feelings about one attribute to other,
unrelated attributes (Thorndike, 1920; S¨
orqvist et al., 2015; Prada et al.,
2019). The country-of-origin effect (COO), also known as the nationality
bias, is a psychological effect describing how consumers attitudes,
perceptions, and purchasing decisions are inuenced by productsCOO
labeling (Nagashima, 1970; Shimp & Sharma, 1987; Yeh et al., 2018).
Ethnocentrism is the term that has often been applied to the home
country bias portion of the COO effect (Balabanis & Diamantopoulos,
2004). In conclusion, psychological and behavioral research has
observed a plethora of consumer biases, many of which are relevant
when making food-related choices.
6. Choice models and their estimation
Based on the respondentschoices, one can estimate the parameters
of a discrete choice model. These parameters are often called part-
worths; that is, the values that people attach to the different attribute
levels. This knowledge can then be used to optimize products, to predict
market shares and, if cost is among the attributes, to compute the WTP
for changes in the attribute levels (e.g., Lenk et al., 1996; Green & Sri-
nivasan, 1990; Train, 2009).
The majority of choice models have adopted a decision rule based on
random utility maximization (RUM). RUM models assume that decision
makers assign a utility to each alternative in the choice set and choose
the alternative with the highest utility. The utility of an alternative is
traditionally modeled as the sum of a linear function of the attribute
levels and an error term that represents the unobserved part of utility (e.
g., Train, 2009).
Estimation is typically done by maximizing the likelihood (the fre-
quentist approach) or by simulating from the posterior distribution of
the parameters (the Hierarchical Bayesian approach) (e.g., Train, 2009).
The computation time of both approaches depends on a number of
characteristics, such as the type of heterogeneity distribution, the
number of draws, the model specication, the number of xed and
random parameters, making it impossible to predict which method is
most efcient in a specic case (Train, 2001).
6.1. Multinomial logit model
The simplest model, the multinomial logit model (MNL),
cludes only one set of part-worths, which can be interpreted as the
average preference in the population (e.g., Alberini et al., 2006). By
including interaction terms between alternative-specic and individual-
specic attributes, one can capture systematic heterogeneity in these
models. The parameter values that maximize the likelihood function
that is, the probability of obtaining the choices observed in the sample
are the maximum likelihood estimates. All popular software packages,
such as SAS, SPSS and STATA, but also dedicated software like NLogit,
and many R packages such as mlogit and multinom, can calculate the
parameter estimates of the MNL model, together with their asymptotic
standard errors and goodness-of-t measures.
6.2. Random heterogeneity models
Nowadays, it is much more common to model random heterogeneity
in the population. A direct, bottom-up approach that does not impose
any a priori population distribution on the part-worths is the Firth
penalized maximum likelihood approach (Firth, 1993; 1995) for esti-
mating the MNL model using individual data (Kessels et al., 2019). In
contrast, top-down approaches make use of distributional assumptions
pooling the data from different respondents. Two broad top-down model
classes are currently often used: MIXL models where the distribution of
the part-worths is assumed to be continuous (also called the random
parameter logit (RPL) model), and latent class (LC) models, which as-
sume discrete part-worth values describing the different segments in the
6.2.1. Mixed logit models
Note that tting a MIXL model will yield the parameters of the het-
erogeneity distribution (called the hyperparameters) and potentially
also the estimated individual part-worths. The likelihood of MIXL
models involves a multivariate integral as the probabilities have to be
integrated over the heterogeneity distribution. The type of distribution
has to be chosen by the user and most software packages allow users to
choose from a large range of distributions. Maximizing the likelihood
with respect to the hyperparameters again yields maximum likelihood
estimates, but as there is no closed form expression for the multivariate
integral, the maximization problem is considerably more complex (e.g.,
Hole, 2007).
With the simulated likelihood approach (see Suppl. Mat.), estimates
are computed for the hyperparameters, but the method does not yield
individual parameters. Bayestheorem can then be used to obtain the
posterior distribution of individual part-worths, conditional on the
observed sequence of choices of that respondent and using the simulated
likelihood estimates for the hyperparameters (see, for instance, Train,
The optimization problem in the (simulated) maximum likelihood
approach can be very difcult (Train, 2009) and can give rise to
convergence problems. Even if the algorithm converges, there is no
guarantee that the global maximum has been obtained, and the pro-
cedure should be rerun from different starting values to check whether a
better result can be found. In the Hierarchical Bayesian approach (see
Suppl. Mat.), the hyperparameters and the individual part-worths are
estimated simultaneously.
Computing the WTP, or more generally, computing the marginal rate
of substitution based on MIXL models, can lead to computational
problems. If the parameter in the denominator is small, this gives rise to
numerical problems and the distribution of a ratio of distributions is not
always a proper distribution. Therefore, it is recommended to estimate
the model in WTP space, meaning that the model is reparametrized such
that the parameters of the model are the WTP values instead of the part-
worths, if WTP values are the focus of the study (see, e.g., Vermeulen
et al., 2011; Scarpa et al., 2008).
Also in the food literature, as retrieved based on the query in Suppl.
Mat., the MIXL model has become the established model (see, e.g.,
Onozaka & McFadden, 2011; Van Loo et al., 2011; 2014; Janssen &
Hamm, 2012; Aprile et al., 2012; Scarpa et al., 2013), as is the case in
many other disciplines. These models are mainly estimated using
NLOGIT software, occasionally using STATA or Latent Gold. This ex-
plains why only results of simulated likelihood estimation can be found
Although the terms Conditional Logit model and Multinomial Logit model
are often considered to be interchangeable, strictly speaking they are not.
Multinomial models have alternative-specic parameters and use the charac-
teristics of the decision maker to explain choice behavior. Conditional logit
models use generic parameters to explain choice behavior by the characteristics
of the alternatives. Because generic parameters are independent of the alter-
native, variables that have the same value for all the alternatives in a choice set
(such as individual-specic variables) cannot be included as such in a condi-
tional logit model because they would drop from the likelihood function. To
include such variables, one must include interaction terms between these var-
iables and the attribute levels (see, for instance, Hoffman & Duncan, 1988).
Logit models that assume Extreme Value Type I error distributions for the
utility are much easier to handle than probit models that assume normally
distributed errors. Logit models have closed-form expressions for the proba-
bilities and, as a result, they are much easier to interpret and to use than probit
models (Train, 2009). Moreover, McFadden and Train (2000) proved that the
MIXL model (that is, MNL with random parameters) can approximate any
choice model to any degree of accuracy with appropriate choice of variables
and mixing distribution. Therefore, a MIXL model can approximate any
multinomial probit model, but the reverse is not true.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
in this literature, as this is the only method that is implemented in these
software packages
. Hierarchical Bayesian estimation, as well as use of
the many free R packages, seems to be completely absent in the litera-
ture on DCEs for food.
6.2.2. Latent class models
LC logit models assume that the population can be divided in seg-
ments that have their own part-worths (e.g., Boxall & Adamowicz, 2002;
Greene & Hensher, 2002). Estimation of the model yields the class
specic part-worths, the size of each segment and the individual prob-
abilities of belonging to each segment. The relation of the class mem-
bership to socio-demographic or other respondent-related variables can
be estimated simultaneously (e.g., Jarvis et al., 2010; Nguyen et al.,
2015; Rousseau, 2015).
Also for LC models, maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian
estimation have been implemented, as well as the expect-
ationmaximization method, which iteratively computes the class
memberships given the parameters, and maximizes the likelihood with
respect to the parameters, given the class memberships (e.g., Train,
2008). These methods can also be used in combination with each other;
that is, starting with a few iterations of the EM algorithm and using these
results as starting values for the maximum likelihood approach (e.g.,
Meulders, 2013; Vermunt & Magidson, 2005). This can be combined
with some priors on the parameters to prevent boundary solutions. The
number of classes has to be specied by the user who typically ts
models with different number of classes and then selects the appropriate
number based on t statistics, which have a penalty for the complexity
of the model such as Akaikes information criterion (AIC) or the
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and variants thereof.
LC models can suffer from identication problems (Vermunt, 2003),
meaning that several parameter values yield the same likelihood value.
Running the algorithm from different starting values is a simple method
to detect the problem. On the other hand, weak identication means that
the data is not informative enough to obtain stable results. This is
apparent from large standard errors and/or slow convergence.
Systematic heterogeneity, modelled by interactions between
alternative-specic and individual-specic attributes, and random het-
erogeneity, which is modeled by random parameters, have also been
combined (e.g., Asioli et al., 2016a). Furthermore, individual level part-
worths resulting from a mixed logit model, as well as class-level part-
worths resulting from a latent class model, have subsequently been
investigated to detect systematic differences by regression, PCA, cluster
analysis and other statistical methods (e.g., Asioli et al. 2016b, 2018;
Greene & Hensher, 2003). Collecting such information is important to
explain (part of) participants preference heterogeneity (Bechtold &
Abdulai, 2014). To this end, hybrid choice models with latent variables
measuring consumersattitudes are also increasingly used (e.g., Walker
& Ben-Akiva, 2002; Mariel et al., 2021). For example, Palma et al.
(2018) compare three approaches to consider preference heterogeneity
in a DCE: (i) systematic preference variations based on socio-
demographic characteristics; (ii) latent classes; and (iii) hybrid choice
models with latent variables measuring consumersattitudes. Based on
an example measuring wine preferences in Chile, they conclude that the
most appropriate approach depends on the research objectives. Addi-
tionally, to account for the correlation between alternatives, the mixed
logit with an error component may be used, as proposed by Scarpa et al.
(2005), and put to use in food DCEs, as done, for example, in Caputo
et al. (2013) and Scarpa et al. (2013).
7. Random regret models as an alternative to random utility
In the past decade, discrete choice models based on random regret
minimization (RRM) have been introduced as an alternative to random
utility models (Chorus et al., 2008; Chorus, 2010). Instead of the com-
mon assumption that respondents maximize their utility, RRM models
assume that decision makers try to minimize so-called anticipated regret
(e.g., Zeelenberg & Pieters, 2007) which emerges if the considered
alternative is outperformed by one or more competing alternatives on
some attribute level(s) (e.g., Chorus et al., 2008). The systematic regret
associated with an alternative is then obtained by summing the attribute
level regrets generated by all competing alternatives across all attributes
(e.g., Chorus et al., 2008; Chorus, 2010, 2012). Similar to RUM models,
RRM models assume that the total random regret associated with an
alternative is the sum of a systematic component and a random error
term. Assuming an Extreme Value Type-I distribution for the negative of
the errors, RRM models also feature a Multinomial Logit formulation for
the choice probabilities (e.g., Chorus, 2010, 2012). For more informa-
tion, see Suppl. Mat.
In an overview of the empirical RRM literature, Chorus et al. (2014)
concluded that the RRM decision framework performs better when
explaining choices that are considered difcult or important, or when
the choice outcome will also be evaluated by others. As many food de-
cisions are habitual (e.g., Adamovicz & Swait, 2012; van‘t Riet et al.,
2011), this helps explain why the RUM model is still the dominant model
used when explaining decision-making in the food domain. However,
regret-based models can be more appropriate when food decisions are
important and/or will be evaluated by others - such as buying food for a
special occasion (e.g., Biondi et al., 2019) - or when food safety is an
issue - such as making a food decision after a food recall (e.g., Dennis
et al., 2020).
7.1. Comparison of RUM and RRM approaches
A comparison of papers that apply both RUM and RRM models
(Chorus et al., 2014) shows that differences in model t and out-of-
sample performance are usually small, and that neither of the models
can generally be regarded as superior. However, there is some evidence
that RRM models may be more appropriate for choices that are regarded
as difcult to make, or important, or in which one needs to justify the
choice made to others. For instance, Wang et al. (2017) and Wang et al.
(2018b) found that RRM models t much better than RUM models on
choices in an emergency context. Furthermore, Hess et al. (2014)
showed that the inclusion of a none of theseopt-out has a detrimental
effect on the t of RRM models (but not on RUM), whereas the opposite
holds when an I am indifferentopt-out is included. Moreover, differ-
ences in model t between RUM and RRM may also be more pronounced
when the model includes a more complex model specication (such as
nested logit or mixed logit). Although differences in t between RUM
and RRM are often small, the predictions made by both types of models
can differ substantially, leading to different market share forecasts,
different attribute elasticities (e.g., Hensher et al., 2013), and different
managerial or policy implications (e.g., Chorus et al., 2014; van Cra-
nenburgh & Chorus, 2018).
Finally, only two papers were found that used the RRM model to
model consumer choice in the food domain. Biondi et al. (2019)
observed that food choice decisions are sometimes perceived as more
difcult or important and look into the question of what framework
governs the decision-making process. Their conclusions conrm the
results found in other domains, that the RRM model returns coherent
estimates of anticipated regret and is not inferior to the RUM model in
terms of goodness of t and prediction. Dennis et al. (2020) used a DCE
to study consumersfood decisions when purchasing beef after a food
Without being exhaustive, we list some software packages for the models
and methods described in Section 7.2: the R packages mlogit, gmnl, Apollo, and
ChoiceModelR can be used for simulated maximum likelihood estimation of
MIXL models (among many other models); the R packages bayesm, RSGHB, and
Apollo for Hierarchical Bayesian estimation of (among other models) MIXL
models; and the R packages gmnl and BayesLCA estimate LC models with
simulated maximum likelihood and Hierarchical Bayes estimation, respectively.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
recall. Using an LC model, they identied 40 percent of the consumers as
utility maximizers and 60 percent as regret minimizers, indicating that
using RRM is more appropriate for modelling risky choices. They also
found substantially different price discounts of a food recall using RRM
and RUM, which shows the importance of selecting an appropriate de-
cision rule.
8. Heuristics
We typically assume that respondents assess and make a trade-off
between all attributes describing the alternatives in a fully compensa-
tory way (e.g., Chorus, 2014). This assumes that respondents attend to
the complete set of information and consider all attributes/attribute
levels and all alternatives presented when choosing their preferred
alternative. However, respondents may not process all information
presented in a rational way. This can occur due to the cognitive burden
and the task complexity, especially when facing a large amount of in-
formation in choice tasks with many attributes and attribute levels
(Simon, 1955; Payne, 1976). As a result, respondents may not behave
fully rationally, and instead use simplifying decision rules, also named
heuristics, to reduce cognitive effort and to help make choices (Shah &
Oppenheimer, 2008). There is growing empirical evidence that choice
behavior is not always fully compensatory, so we can no longer assume
that all attributes, attribute levels, and alternatives are fully processed
(e.g. Hensher et al., 2005; Campbell et al., 2011). Two popular heuristics
in the CE literature are attribute-non-attendance (ANA, Hensher et al.,
2005; Kragt, 2013) and consideration-set screening (CSS, e.g. Hauser,
8.1. Attribute non-attendance
ANA refers to the lexicographic decision heuristic in which re-
spondents ignore some of the attributes in a choice task. Hensher (2006,
2014) mentioned that not only does task complexity induce ANA, but
also the relevance of the information counts, with less relevant attributes
being more likely to be ignored (relevance simplication rule). How-
ever, Weller et al. (2014) reported only a weak relation between ANA
and design dimensions such as number of attributes and attributes level.
Alemu et al. (2013) identied behavioral reasons that cause ANA, such
as low preference for or importance of the attribute or a disinterest in the
attribute, design-related issues such as the complexity and cognitive
demand associated with the choice task, as well as unrealistic attribute
levels. Empirical evidence demonstrates that accounting for ANA has
implications for key outputs such as the marginal WTP estimates (e.g.,
Hensher et al., 2005; Hensher, 2006), predicted probabilities, and
market share predictions (e.g., Scarpa et al., 2013).
There are two general approaches to examine and account for ANA in
DCE (Hensher, 2014). Firstly, stated ANA relies on self-reported atten-
dance by asking respondents follow-up questions on attributes they have
ignored, either after each choice task (choice task stated ANA) (Puckett
& Hensher, 2008; Scarpa et al., 2010) or after the whole sequence of
choice tasks (serial stated ANA) (Hensher et al., 2005; Alemu et al.,
2013). Secondly, ANA can be inferred ex-post based on the observed
choices (inferred ANA) (Caputo et al., 2018; Scarpa et al., 2013). Caputo
et al. (2018) and Hess and Hensher (2010) reported that stated and
inferred attribute processing are not always consistent, so both ap-
proaches may be complementary. For more information, see Suppl. Mat.
In addition to ANA, which assumes that certain attributes are ignored,
Erdem et al. (2015) suggested accounting for attribute-level non-atten-
dance as their empirical evidence shows that attribute processing differs
across the attribute levels.
Most of the research contributions on ANA in DCE come from the
elds of transportation (e.g., Hensher et al., 2005), health economics (e.
g., Erdem et al., 2015), and environmental economics (e.g., Campbell
et al., 2011). However, more recently, ANA has been studied in the eld
of food economics (e.g., Caputo et al., 2018; Scarpa et al. 2013). When
evaluating the main journals publishing food-related DCEs as retrieved
with the queries specied in Suppl. Mat., over 30 articles were identied
that cover the topic of ANA. Most publications dealt with inferred ANA
often combined with stated ANA, while only a small fraction addressed
only stated ANA. When evaluating the type of inferred methods applied,
the use of equality constrained latent class (ECLC) models is the most
common inferred method, followed by the Hess and Hensher method.
Scarpa et al. (2013) concluded that the use of ECLC better aligns with the
stated ANA as compared to the Hess and Hensher approach. Future
research may investigate strategies to reduce ANA in the context of food
choices. Bello and Abdulai (2016) found that honesty priming can help
reduce the rate of ANA among respondents. Some recent studies on food
choice have shown how ECLC can be used to infer the probability that
respondents belong to a latent class where choices are made randomly
(Caputo et al., 2018). Therefore, this class consists of inattentive re-
spondents (Malone & Lusk, 2018) and is a novel way to deal with data
quality problems (measurement error) caused by respondents inatten-
tiveness and random choices.
8.2. Consideration-set screening
CSS implies that respondents only consider part of the alternatives in
the choice set when making a choice (Payne, 1976). That is, when faced
with many alternatives to choose from, respondents may resort to a
consider then choose decision process. In a rst screening stage, re-
spondents may use heuristics (e.g., Hauser, 2014) or apply relevant
constraints (e.g., Swait & Ben-Akiva, 1987) to identify a smaller
consideration-set of (feasible) alternatives that need further evaluation,
and in a second stage they may adopt a standard compensatory model to
choose from the consideration-set (e.g., Bettman et al., 1998). Research
has shown that accounting for CSS often leads to models that t the data
better, have better predictive power, and provide a more realistic
description of the choice process (e.g., Chorus, 2014; Leong & Hensher,
Many heuristic decision rules for CSS have been described in the
literature, especially in marketing and transportation (for a review, see
Hauser, 2014, Leong & Hensher, 2012). For instance, elimination by
aspects (e.g., Gilbride & Allenby, 2006; Erdem et al., 2014) means that
respondents eliminate alternatives with unacceptable attribute levels
until one alternative remains. Satiscing (Simon, 1955, Gonz´
& Ortúzar, 2018) implies that respondents evaluate alternatives
sequentially and choose the rst alternative that has an acceptable
utility level. Lexicographic choice (e.g., Jedidi & Kohli, 2008; Kohli &
Jedidi, 2007) means that respondents systematically select the alterna-
tive that scores best on one attribute and ignore all other attributes (for
example, always choosing the product with the lowest price).
Conjunctive screening occurs when respondents only consider alterna-
tives for which all attributes have an acceptable level, whereas
disjunctive screening implies that alternatives are in the consideration
set if at least one attribute has an acceptable level (e.g., Gilbride &
Allenby, 2004; Cantillo & Ortúzar, 2005). Subset-conjunctive screening
means that an alternative is considered if at least k (out of m) attributes
have an acceptable level (Jedidi & Kohli, 2005; Kohli & Jedidi, 2005).
Finally, using disjunctions of conjunctions (Hauser et al., 2010), an
alternative is in the consideration set if at least one of multiple
conjunctive criteria is satised (for example, either Attributes A and B
have acceptable levels or Attributes C and D have acceptable levels).
8.3. Integration of CSS heuristics into choice models
Several modeling strategies have been used to integrate CSS heu-
ristics into choice models with the two-stage model of Manski (1977)
being an especially popular approach. As the assumption that all par-
ticipants use the same type of heuristic decision rule is increasingly seen
as being unrealistic, more recent research has focused on modelling
heterogenous decision rules (e.g. Adamowics & Swait, 2012; Gonz´
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
es & Raveau, 2018). More information on this topic is provided in
the Suppl. Mat.
In sum, several papers have indicated that models including heu-
ristics may provide a more realistic analysis of food choices, with more
accurate choice predictions and welfare estimates (e.g. Scheibehenne
et al., 2007; Sawada et al. 2014; Peschel et al., 2016; Sandorf &
Campbell, 2019). However, a search in Web of Science indicates that
most papers still rely on standard MNL or MIXL models. A Web of Sci-
ence search as specied in the Suppl. Mat. in food journals or food-
related journals for papers that include a choice-experiment yielded
only ten papers that also include keywords related to choice heuristics.
Consequently, developing new models to understand heuristics that
affect food choice, and investigating how individual differences in de-
cision making affect food choices, remain important directions of future
research in sensory and consumer science (Jaeger et al., 2017).
9. Reliability and validity of food-related DCEs
Several criteria can be used to assess the quality of DCEs and their
outcomes. Researchers often aim to make correct inferences, both about
what is actually studied (internal validity) and about what the results
generalize to (external validity) (Persson & Wallin, 2015). Recently,
Bishop and Boyle (2019) discussed reliability as well as three aspects of
validity content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity as
criteria for considering the accuracy of value estimates obtained from
non-market valuation surveys.
As a rst criterion, reliability describes the extent to which a
particular test, such as a survey, will produce similar results in different
circumstances assuming nothing else has changed (Roberts & Priest,
2006). Typical valuation studies such as DCEs only involve one mea-
surement point, such as a single survey, so nothing can be said about
their reliability as a method to derive estimates of welfare change
related to food choices. Testretest studies are the main tool used to
assess the reliability of survey-based measurements (Liebe et al., 2012;
Mørkbak & Olsen, 2015; Foerde et al., 2018). Participants are asked to
complete the same DCE at more than one point in time and hence pro-
vide independent observations. This retesting can be done with the same
subjects (within-subject testretest) or with a different sample from the
same population (between-subject testretest) (Zeller & Carmines,
1980). An interesting discussion and application of a testretest study
for consumer preferences for beef produced via traditional or innovative
production processes can be found in Rigby et al. (2016). Besides testing
the quality of the research, testretesting can also be informative when
studying repeat purchase decisions, as Williamson et al. (2016, 2017)
did for wine (repeat) purchases in China. They used the testretest
setting to disentangle the effects of search characteristics such as country
of origin and experience characteristics such as taste.
As a second set of criteria, validity focuses on the closeness of what
we believe we are measuring to what we intended to measure (Roberts &
Priest, 2006). Following Zeller and Carmines (1980), Bishop and Boyle
(2019) distinguished three subcategories when looking into the validity
of valuation methods. Firstly, content validity focuses on the extent to
which the different components and procedural steps of a DCE survey
allow the researchers to measure the true preferences (Bishop & Boyle,
2019). Secondly, construct validity focuses on the value estimates and
how the validity of these might be assessed in the absence of knowledge
about the true values (Bishop & Boyle, 2019). A key element of construct
validity is the so-called expectation-based validity (Mariel et al., 2021).
An analyst will often have some prior expectations of the values and how
they relate to other variables. Sources of such expectations can be eco-
nomic theory, intuition, or past empirical evidence. For example, Mariel
et al. (2021) noted that, based on the economic law of demand, the most
crucial validity test that any DCE survey has to pass is that increasing the
cost of an alternative should decrease the probability of choosing that
alternative, keeping everything else constant. Thirdly, criterion validity
involves comparing results from two valuation methods (Bishop &
Boyle, 2019). For example, comparing the WTP estimates obtained in a
new DCE survey to previously obtained highly valid WTP estimates for
the same good such as market prices, simulated markets or incentive-
compatible eld or lab experiments (Mariel et al., 2021).
Clearly, many of the factors presented in the previous sections have
an impact on the reliability and validity of food-related DCEs. However,
this topic has not yet been studied extensively.
An interesting method
to increase ones insights into the reliability and validity of DCE studies
is the meta-analysis. A meta-analysis is a statistical method used to
combine results from the relevant studies, and the resulting larger
sample size can provide greater reliability (precision) of the estimates of
any treatment effect (Møller & Myles, 2016). The use of a meta-analysis
can be an interesting tool to assess the quality of DCEs. For example, the
meta-analyses of Little and Berrens (2004) and Murphy et al. (2005)
allowed us to learn more about the hypothetical bias of stated preference
methods. The value of a meta-analysis depends heavily on the quantity,
quality, and heterogeneity of the included studies, as well as a clear and
detailed methodology. The PRISMA guidelines provide an overview of
all essential elements of systematic reviews and meta-analyses (Moher
et al., 2009). We were only able to nd a limited number of meta-ana-
lyses related to food choice and stated choices. We could only nd three
studies published before 2015: Lusk et al. (2005) and Dannenberg
(2009) studied genetically modied food valuation studies, while Tully
and Winer (2014) investigated the role of the beneciary in estimating
WTP values of socially responsible products (including food products).
More recent meta-analyses have dealt with health claims (Kaur et al.,
2017; Dolgopolova & Teuber, 2018), biofortied foods (De Steur et al.,
2016), credence characteristics of livestock products (Yang, & Renwick,
2019), food safety in China (Yang & Fang, 2020), local food production
(Printezis et al., 2019) and sustainable food (Bastounis et al., 2021; Li &
Kallas, 2021).
10. Conclusion and recommendations
Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) have been the most used valu-
ation method to uncover preferences and elicit willingness to pay (WTP)
or willingness to accept (WTA) for foodstuffs, in particular for meat,
organic foods, and functional foods or foods with nutrition or health
claims. Unlike other valuation methods, a DCE mimics the architecture
of a consumers buying decision taking place in stores, shops or res-
taurants as it allows a comparison across alternatives. Yet, DCE meth-
odology is not limited to food-related preferences or food choice. Hence,
we set out to compare common practice in food research to general DCE
best-practice in order to promote knowledge discovery, particularly for
junior researchers and scholars, and knowledge creation through
recombination. We nd that over recent decades, the use of DCEs in food
has covered a wide breadth of applications and has shown signicant
methodological progress. Yet, several useful methodological in-
novations did not get adopted equally across research elds. Below, we
highlight those innovations that are particularly useful for food DCEs in
view of increasing their reliability and validity.
Food DCEs have tended to focus on familiar food products and their
credence attributes. More recently, unfamiliar food products, such as
novel proteins, insect-based food products or cultured meat have come
to the forefront. This evolution calls for increased attention to the
reporting of the ndings of a qualitative exploratory phase as this may
improve the DCEs content validity. The process of attribute selection in
the food DCE literature was found to still have scope for improvement as
Carlsson et al. (2005) investigated the impact of cheap talk scripts on the
hypothetical bias (see Section 5.2.1) associated with DCEs measuring prefer-
ences for chicken and ground beef in Sweden. More recently, Lagerkvist et al.
(2014) studied the reliability and validity of DCEs to measure the impact of
country of origin on beef consumption decisions in Sweden using the R-index to
detect transitivity and dominance in choices.
S. Lizin et al.
Food Quality and Preference 102 (2022) 104678
the development process of attributes and attribute levels is often given
little attention and tends to be poorly documented. Yet, the number of
attributes and attribute levels has a signicant impact on the ease of
understanding the choice question by study participants. Investigating
insights from previous studies, organizing expert interviews and focus
group discussions will provide key information on the participants
decision process in a given context. A qualitative pre-phase ensures the
relevance of what is being measured, helps in targeting the right re-
spondents and choice context, and feeds the experimental design the
design dimensions it needs to compute the statistical efciency while
taking respondent efciency into account.
With regards to computing the statistical efciency of an experi-
mental design, the Bayesian D-optimal design approach is increasingly
being implemented and considered state of the art for food-related DCEs.
Consequently, the eld is moving away from orthogonal designs, which
are most suited for estimating linear models. Yet, there is still room for
further methodological innovation, e.g. concerning the adoption of de-
signs involving a no-choice option.
Compared to other elds, food DCEs have the advantage of being
more easily amenable to settings that resemble the actual decision-
making environment such as a virtual, mock online or actual store.
They owe this feature to the fact that foodstuffs are actually being sold
on markets and in (online) stores, unlike human health and environ-
mental quality, for example. This may explain why we found that ap-
plications of non-hypothetical or real choice experiments (RCEs) have
almost exclusively emerged in DCEs targeting food choice. This is not to
say that such an application is straightforward as the researcher is still
bound to abiding ethical considerations with regards to the claims that
are explicitly being made regarding the attributes of the goods under
study. Moreover, to avoid deception, the good needs to be available at
the time of study. As an additional plus, RCEs are compatible with
sensory (taste, smell, appearance) testing which provides more complete
and realistic information about consumer behavior in real-life. Addi-
tionally, randomly choosing one of the choice tasks as binding after the
respondent has completed all of the choice tasks is expected to also
reduce social desirability bias.
Finally, the goal of a food valuation study is to estimate preferences
and their derived outcomes such as the willingness to pay (WTP).
Inspired by the qualitative phase or pilot study the researcher may
already have developed a sense of the decision rule(s) and heuristics
respondents use while choosing. Model t may provide further evidence
of the decision rule that was used after estimation. We nd food research
to have adopted random utility based mixed (multinomial) logit models
(MIXL) estimated by maximizing the simulated likelihood as the state of
the art. Yet, Hierarchical Bayesian estimation can be used to avoid local
optima and convergence problems that are inherent to simulated
maximum likelihood estimation. To date, this analytical approach is
rarely implemented in food choice analysis despite (free) software being
available. Moreover, regret-minimization based models are also rarely
estimated despite estimation routines being available, although such
models may provide a better description of food choices than utility-
maximization based models when food decisions are important and/or
will be evaluated by others, or when food safety is an issue. In turn,
being freely available cannot be said for software (packages) that in-
corporates heuristics other than attribute non-attendance, whereas
several food choice papers have shown such estimation to result in more
accurate choice predictions and welfare estimates.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Sebastien Lizin: Conceptualization, Investigation, Supervision,
Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Sandra Rousseau:
Conceptualization, Investigation, Supervision, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing. Roselinde Kessels: Investigation, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing. Michel Meulders: Investi-
gation, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Guido
Pepermans: Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing review &
editing. Stijn Speelman: Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing. Martina Vandebroek: Investigation, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing. Goedele Van Den Broeck:
Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Ellen
J. Van Loo: Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing review &
editing. Wim Verbeke: Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the research
foundation Flanders (FWO) that enabled the creation of the scientic
research network (WOG Empirische en methodologische uitdagingen in
keuze-experimenten W001517N) that led to this work.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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S. Lizin et al.
... Numerous study areas, such as marketing science [10], energy prices [11,12] infection contact tracing in healthcare [13], healthcare drug administration [14,15], sustainable agriculture [16,17], tourism development [18,19], sustainable investment from private investors [19], food research [20], human resource policy intervention [21], and transportation infrastructure management [8], have found use for discrete choice experiments. More particularly in this study, the use of DCE is centered on telecoms, with a summary of studies presented in Table 1 below. ...
... Numerous study areas, such as marketing science [10], energy prices [11,12] infection contact tracing in healthcare [13], healthcare drug administration [14,15], sustainable agriculture [16,17], tourism development [18,19], sustainable investment from private investors [19], food research [20], human resource policy intervention [21], and transportation infrastructure management [8], have found use for discrete choice experiments. More particularly in this study, the use of DCE is centered on telecoms, with a summary of studies presented in Table 1 below. ...
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A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was used to investigate students’ preferences for mobile phone plans at a South African university. Upon obtaining the data, this study compares the predictive performance of two machine-learning models for discrete choice analysis and makes recommendations for model selection. Using concepts from blocked fractional factorial designs, a locally optimal DCE was created for the choice sets. This contrasts with alternative ways that, in practice, could be more difficult, especially when there is a large number of attributes. The call rate, data speed, customer service, premiums, and network coverage were the features considered. A total of 180 respondents were chosen from the student population using a two-stage sample approach, and data were gathered through face-to-face interviews. In this study, two deep-learning models are examined to analyze the data, which are the artificial neural network (ANN) and the extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) models. Root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) are used to assess the model fitness, while accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score were used to compare the models’ performance. The results showed that XGBoost performs better compared to ANN in model fitness and prediction. Thus, the use of the XGBoost deep-learning model in choice preference modeling is therefore encouraged.
... DCEs artificially replicate the natural decision-making environment of consumers: Respondents are asked to select their preferred alternative from at least two options in a series of choice sets, wherein the levels of attributes are systematically varied based on an experimental design. In this way, DCEs enable the inference of attribute values from respondents' stated choices, even when they may not be consciously aware of these values (Lizin et al., 2022). This methodology has been extensively applied in food research (Lizin et al., 2022), proving especially useful when assessing those products that are not yet available on the market, and/or those with limited presence. ...
... In this way, DCEs enable the inference of attribute values from respondents' stated choices, even when they may not be consciously aware of these values (Lizin et al., 2022). This methodology has been extensively applied in food research (Lizin et al., 2022), proving especially useful when assessing those products that are not yet available on the market, and/or those with limited presence. ...
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This study explores the emerging field of 3D food printing, specifically examining consumer preferences for 3D-printed chocolate bars. While 3D printing has revolutionized various industries, the consumer acceptance of 3D-printed food remains a relatively underexplored topic. A discrete choice experiment was conducted to investigate consumer preferences and willingness to pay for 3D-printed chocolate bars in the UK. Key attributes included in the study were price, chocolate type, and the use of 3D printing technology. Using a mixed logit model, preference heterogeneity was assessed, revealing a general inclination towards 3D-printed chocolates, with an estimated increase in willingness to pay of £0.21 per 100 g. Furthermore, the influence of individual (partici-pants') characteristics, such as age, gender, prior knowledge of 3D food printing, and food technology neophobia, on perceived benefits associated with this technology and willingness to pay was also explored, using a structural equation modeling analysis. The results indicated that only perceived hedonic benefits, such as improved texture, positively impacted the willingness to pay, while food technology neophobia acted as a significant barrier. The results of this study therefore contribute valuable insights into the consumer acceptance of 3D-printed foods, specifically chocolates, highlighting potential avenues for market adoption and emphasizing the importance of effective communication in shaping consumer attitudes toward novel food processing technologies.
... A DCE and treatment-control design were employed to answer research questions 2, 3, and 4. DCE is a quantitative approach to assess the weight individuals assign to various factors when making decisions, which has risen to prominence as a common survey methodology for investigating a wide range of subjects, including marketing, environmental economics, and healthcare economics (Aizaki et al., 2014;de Bekker-Grob et al., 2019;Szinay et al., 2021;Lizin et al., 2022). Respondents are presented with choice sets containing multiple choices with varying levels of attributes and are asked to choose one of them or none if they do not find any choice attractive (i.e., opt-out option). ...
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Plastic pollution is a global issue that endangers both human health and the ecosystem. Although interest in sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics has grown, their adoption has been insufficient, and menstrual products are no exception. Disposable menstrual products, such as sanitary napkins, continue to dominate over sustainable options like menstrual cups (MCs). Although studies on women's perceptions and attitudes toward menstrual hygiene management have abounded, there is a lack of research on the development of promotional strategies for sustainable menstrual products. This study aims to fill this research gap by investigating consumers' decision-making process in the face of a real-life option regarding menstruation products. In this comparative study, we conducted a labeled discrete choice experiment on consumers in Japan (n = 1,929), Indonesia (n = 2,031), and France (n = 2,067) to reveal their preferences for sanitary napkins, tampons, and MCs. The respondents from each country were divided into three groups (one control group and two treatment groups with information provided). The results showed that in all countries, the information regarding the cost-effectiveness of MCs (i.e., per-use cost) was unequivocally significant, whereas information about their health and environmental benefits was not. Access to free MCs can contribute to their adoption and alleviation of period poverty in all countries, with a relatively moderate acceptance in Japan. The results also showed variations across countries in consumer characteristics (attitude toward menstruation, innovation-friendliness, and green consumption) and the use and perceptions of MCs. Hence, tailored promotional strategies should be considered for each market.
... The results are presented in Tables A4 and A5. Second, we tested the robustness of our model to possible attribute non-attendance (ANA), a scenario in which farmers do not consider all feed-related sustainability attributes when making their feed choices (Caputo et al., 2018;Lizin et al., 2022). The results are presented in Tables A6 and A7 (see Appendix 3 for methodological details). ...
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There is scope for improving the sustainability of intensive dairy farms through the uptake of sustainable production practices such as more grass‐based feeding systems. Such feeding systems can reduce feed‐food competition and the environmental impacts of feed production, among other farm‐level and societal benefits. However, empirical research on how farmers' feed choices mis(align) with sustainability transitions and the associated drivers is limited. This paper explores the trade‐offs that farmers make between the environmental, social and economic sustainability impacts of grass‐based feeding systems based on data from Swedish dairy farmers. Using an identity‐based utility framework and a hybrid latent class model, we find substantial heterogeneity in dairy farmers' trade‐offs between feed‐related sustainability attributes: greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, animal welfare, feed self‐sufficiency, feed cost and milk yield. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that farmers who are strongly interested in the environmental and social sustainability impacts of their dairy feeding systems, beyond economic gains, are motivated mainly by their pro‐environmental and pro‐social identities. Overall, our findings imply that identity‐enhancing interventions are promising policy instruments for encouraging the uptake of more grass‐based feeding systems.
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Background. Food choices are influenced by habits, experiences, as well as various socioeconomic factors. Understanding these drivers can mitigate negative effects of poor nutrition and yield societal benefits. Preference elicitation methods like discrete choice experiments help understand people’s food preferences revealing factors influencing choices the most, such as nutritional content or cost of a meal. This information can be helpful in developing tailored meal-based interventions and informing food policies. Universities, as anchor institutions, are increasingly concerned with health, wellbeing, and sustainability of their students and staff. Yet, there is limited evidence on food preferences in university settings. This paper outlines a discrete choice experiment protocol to compare lunch preferences among university staff and students across six European countries, aiming to inform campus food policies. Methods. Attributes and levels were derived from a systematic literature review of preference-based studies focused on the drivers of meal choices and validated in the focus group with students and staff from participating universities. The attributes in the discrete choice experiment include nutritional content, price, time to access a meal, sensory properties of a meal, naturalness of the ingredients, and meal size. The survey was piloted in think-aloud interviews with students and staff in participating universities. We will collect preference data, along with data on participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, food-related behaviour, opinions about food, experience of food insecurity, physical activity, and body composition, using an online survey. Preference data will be analysed using random parameter logit and latent class models. Discussion. This study will be the first to investigate lunch preferences of university students and staff across six European countries, informing campus food policies. While campus food systems may not always align with students’ and staff preferences, incorporating them into policy-making can enhance satisfaction and well-being. Strengths include an international focus, inclusion of complementary variables, and involvement of potential respondents in all phases of developing this research. Acknowledging limitations, such as varying lunch habits, the study aims to provide valuable insights for improving university food policies and overall community well-being.
Purpose Food service establishments and online food delivery companies use a revenue share model based on a commission rate. Because of the asymmetry of bargaining power, many food service establishments are vulnerable to a high commission rate. What is missing in the ongoing discussion about the revenue share model is the perspective of food consumers, who are the third party in the multi-sided market. Design/methodology/approach Within a willingness-to-pay (WTP) framework, we study if food consumers have preferences for the commission rate charged by food delivery companies to food service establishments. With 456 random consumers in the United States, we conduct a controlled experiment in which information is used as treatment in two groups. In the first group, the provided information only relates to the revenue share model (i.e. economic). In the second group, participants also received information about price control initiatives (i.e. economic and political). Findings Based on WTP-space mixed logit model results, there is a significant effect of information on preferences for the commission rate. While participants in the control group exhibited no aversion to the commission rate, participants who received treatment had a significant and negative WTP. The magnitude of the effect is estimated at -$1.08 for participants in the first treatment and -$2.28 for participants in the second treatment. Originality/value To date there is no applied research on the preferences of consumers in the online food order and delivery industry with respect to upstream conditions (i.e. commission rates).
Understanding consumer choice behavior for seafood is important for the efficient and sustainable use of marine resources and the improvement of human health. This study aims to identify the information content that effectively motivates Japanese consumers to purchase fresh fish products. Group interviews with 12 consumers were conducted in September 2021 to collect qualitative information on consumer evaluations of the presentation of package labels for freshness, taste, and serving suggestion. Subsequently, data were collected through a web-based survey, administered to 3651 consumers in the Kanto area, Japan from October to November 2021. A latent class logit model was applied to the data to estimate the influence of product attributes and personal characteristics on the choice and willingness-to-pay for each product attribute. The consumers gave the highest rating to freshness labels. The taste label was evaluated highly by consumers in one class. The group interview showed that when the serving suggestion label recommending meunière use was presented, consumers associated it with the recommendation to heat the fish because of less freshness. The results of the choice experiment also showed that the “meunière” label was evaluated negatively. The consumer segment characterized by a high income and frequent purchases of fish tended to respond to all types of labels.
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Bias related to the hypothetical setting remains controversial regarding the reliability and validity of value estimates from discrete choice experiments (DCEs). This has motivated a large body of literature to investigate approaches for mitigating hypothetical and strategic bias. Our study provides further evidence to inform this debate by testing whether a combination of ex‐ante or ex‐post mitigation strategies might be effective in reducing bias in DCEs. Specifically, we employ individual and multiple ex‐ante reminders alongside an ex‐post data treatment and analyse how their individual or joint use affects willingness to pay (WTP) estimates. The econometric analysis makes use of innovative semi‐parametric logit‐mixed logit in addition to the state‐of‐the‐art mixed logit model. The empirical case study focuses on preferences for the environmental and social impacts of organic olive production. By comparing the three experimental treatments with a control treatment, we test whether ex‐ante cheap talk, a reminder of the project's relative spatial extent, or a combination of both affect stated WTP. In addition, we use an ex‐post data treatment to correct WTP estimates. WTP estimates of treatments related to ex‐ante mitigation strategies did not differ significantly from those obtained from a control treatment with standard budget constraint reminders. However, the ex‐post approach results in a significant reduction in mean WTP estimates and is used to investigate whether the observed choice inconsistencies are due to unintentional errors or strategic behaviour. We argue that ex‐post mechanisms deserve greater attention and highlight the need to distinguish strategic behaviour from other sources of hypothetical bias.
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Ethical consumerism is the thesis that we should let our values determine our consumer purchases. We should purchase items that accord with our values and refrain from buying those that do not. The end goal, for ethical consumerism, is to transform the market through consumer demand. The arm of this movement associated with food choice embraces the slogan “Vote with Your Fork!” As in the more general movement, the idea is that we should let our values dictate our choices. In this paper, I offer a critique of the Vote with Your Fork campaign (hereafter VWYF) that focuses on the agency of individuals. For VWYF to be effective, minimally, individuals must act intentionally when making food choices. In the ideal case, individuals adopt and endorse the values implicit in VWYF and exhibit autonomous agency when they purchase and consume food. The problem, though, is that a number of things can go wrong along the way. I argue that very few of us are in the position to exhibit autonomous agency with respect to our food choices. Because of this, VWYF could very well undermine its own goals.
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The importance of pulse cultivation and consumption is recognized by the scientific community in terms of human nutrition, food security, biodiversity and a valid substitute for animal protein. In some marginal areas, pulse cultivation represents also a protection against the abandonment of agricultural land, the preservation of traditional landscape and the maintenance of natural environments, besides contributing to the safeguard of traditional gastronomy and culture. This study explores how some characteristics connected with rural sustainability, like the preservation of the traditional rural landscape, production area in a Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI) and EU quality labels (PDO and PGI), might influence organic consumers’ choice of lentils. Data were collected in the Umbria region (Italy) in 2014 by interviewing 213 consumers’ members of Organic Solidarity Purchase Groups (O-SPGs). The Discrete Choice Experiment methodology was used, and three different models (Multinomial Logit Model (MNL), Mixed Logit Model (RPL) and Endogenous Attribute Attendance (EAA)) were applied to verify the reliability of the estimates. Attribute non-attendance (ANA) behaviour was taken into account. Results reveal that the presence of ANA had an impact on both the relative importance of the estimated attributes and the magnitude of the estimated mean WTP. Therefore, this study suggests that WTP mean estimates should be considered with caution for marketing purposes if ANA is not considered. Looking at pulses, the results help to understand the importance in monetary terms of the relationship between lentil choice and rural sustainability.
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Food production is a major contributor to environmental damage. More environmentally sustainable foods could incur higher costs for consumers. In this review, we explore whether consumers are willing to pay (WTP) more for foods with environmental sustainability labels (‘ecolabels’). Six electronic databases were searched for experiments on consumers’ willingness to pay for ecolabelled food. Monetary values were converted to Purchasing Power Parity dollars and adjusted for country-specific inflation. Studies were meta-analysed and effect sizes with confidence intervals were calculated for the whole sample and for pre-specified subgroups defined as meat-dairy, seafood, and fruits-vegetables-nuts. Meta-regressions tested the role of label attributes and demographic characteristics on participants’ WTP. Forty-three discrete choice experiments (DCEs) with 41,777 participants were eligible for inclusion. Thirty-five DCEs (n = 35,725) had usable data for the meta-analysis. Participants were willing to pay a premium of 3.79 PPP$/kg (95%CI 2.7, 4.89, p ≤ 0.001) for ecolabelled foods. WTP was higher for organic labels compared to other labels. Women and people with lower levels of education expressed higher WTP. Ecolabels may increase consumers’ willingness to pay more for environmentally sustainable products and could be part of a strategy to encourage a transition to more sustainable diets.
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Discrete choice experiments are frequently used to quantify consumer preferences by having respondents choose between different alternatives. Choice experiments involving mixtures of ingredients have been largely overlooked in the literature, even though many products and services can be described as mixtures of ingredients. As a consequence, little research has been done on the optimal design of choice experiments involving mixtures. The only existing research has focused on D-optimal designs, which means that an estimation-based approach was adopted. However, in experiments with mixtures, it is crucial to obtain models that yield precise predictions for any combination of ingredient proportions. This is because the goal of mixture experiments generally is to find the mixture that optimizes the respondents’ utility. As a result, the I-optimality criterion is more suitable for designing choice experiments with mixtures than the D-optimality criterion because the I-optimality criterion focuses on getting precise predictions with the estimated statistical model. In this paper, we study Bayesian I-optimal designs, compare them with their Bayesian D-optimal counterparts, and show that the former designs perform substantially better than the latter in terms of the variance of the predicted utility.
The notion of hypothetical bias (HB) constitutes, arguably, the most fundamental issue in relation to the use of hypothetical survey methods. Whether or to what extent choices of survey participants and subsequent inferred estimates translate to real-world settings continues to be debated. While HB has been extensively studied in the broader context of contingent valuation, it is much less understood in relation to choice experiments (CE). While the number of CE studies has rapidly increased, the critical issue of HB has been studied in only a small fraction of CE studies. This paper provides macro-scale insights into the literature of CE and reviews the empirical evidence for HB in CE in various fields of applied economics as well as experimental psychology and behavioural neuroscience. Results suggest mixed evidence on the prevalence, extent and direction of HB as well as considerable context and measurement dependency. While HB is found to be an undeniable issue when conducting CEs, the empirical evidence on HB does not render CEs unable to represent real-world preferences. While health-related choice experiments often find negligible degrees of HB, experiments in consumer behaviour and transport domains suggest significant degrees of HB. Environmental valuation studies provide mixed evidence. Also, across these disciplines many studies display HB in their total willingness to pay estimates and opt-in rates but not in their hypothetical marginal rates of substitution (subject to scale correction). Further, recent findings in psychology and brain imaging studies identify neurocognitive mechanisms underlying HB that may explain some of the discrepancies and unexpected findings in the mainstream CE literature.
How can we elicit honest responses in surveys? Conjoint analysis has become a popular tool to address social desirability bias (SDB), or systematic survey misreporting on sensitive topics. However, there has been no direct evidence showing its suitability for this purpose. We propose a novel experimental design to identify conjoint analysis’s ability to mitigate SDB. Specifically, we compare a standard, fully randomized conjoint design against a partially randomized design where only the sensitive attribute is varied between the two profiles in each task. We also include a control condition to remove confounding due to the increased attention to the varying attribute under the partially randomized design. We implement this empirical strategy in two studies on attitudes about environmental conservation and preferences about congressional candidates. In both studies, our estimates indicate that the fully randomized conjoint design could reduce SDB for the average marginal component effect (AMCE) of the sensitive attribute by about two-thirds of the AMCE itself. Although encouraging, we caution that our results are exploratory and exhibit some sensitivity to alternative model specifications, suggesting the need for additional confirmatory evidence based on the proposed design.
This paper follows the review of empirical evidence on the existence of hypothetical bias (HB) in choice experiments (CEs) presented in Part I of this study. It observes how the variation in operational definitions of HB has prohibited consistent measurement of HB in CE. It offers a unifying definition of HB and presents an integrative framework of how HB relates to but is also distinct from external validity (EV), with HB representing one component of the wider concept of EV. The paper further identifies major sources of HB and discusses explanations as well as possible moderating factors of HB. The paper reviews methods of HB mitigation identified in the literature and the empirical evidence of their effectiveness. The review includes both ex-ante and ex-post bias mitigation methods. Ex-ante bias mitigation methods include cheap talk, real talk, consequentiality scripts, solemn oath scripts, opt-out reminders, budget reminders, honesty priming, induced truth telling, indirect questioning, time to think and pivot designs. Ex-post methods include follow-up certainty calibration scales, respondent perceived consequentiality scales, and revealed-preference-assisted estimation. It is observed that the mitigation methods and their preferred use vary markedly across different sectors of applied economics. The existing empirical evidence points to the overall effectiveness of mitigation strategies in reducing HB, although there is some variation. The paper further discusses how each mitigation method can counter a certain subset of HB sources. Considering the prevalence of HB in CEs and the effectiveness of bias mitigation methods, it is recommended that implementation of at least one bias mitigation method (or a suitable combination where possible) becomes standard practice in conducting CEs to ensure that inferences and subsequent policy decisions are as much as possible free of HB.
Stated preference methods such as discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are used to elicit respondents' preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental goods or services whose value cannot be observed in actual markets. However, DCEs may deliver biased estimates because of respondents' unfamiliarity with the hypothetical scenarios to be valued. There is evidence that visualization techniques can enhance respondents' cognitive ability and improve the evaluation and interpretation of complex information. We leverage recent technological advances to create an immersive virtual reality environment delivered to respondents via a head-mounted display in order to conduct a split split-sample experiment on the value of urban greenery (i.e., trees, bio-retention planters) using three different presentation formats (text only; video; virtual reality). We find that (i) respondent certainty can be increased by employing more immersive visualization techniques such as virtual reality, and that (ii) the presentation format has a significant impact on WTP estimates for different types of urban green and can change respondents’ rank order for the urban green options considered in the study.
This article is the first to investigate respondents' ease of understanding and answering valuation questions related to the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) and multiple price list (MPL) mechanisms. Using a between-subjects design, we elicit willingness to pay (WTP) for healthy snack bars using two mechanisms, ask questions about ease of understanding and answering the valuation questions, and record the response times to the valuation questions. We do not find significant differences in estimated WTP and response times between the two methods. However, the respondents in the MPL sessions found it easier to understand this mechanism and decide on a response than those in the BDM sessions. As a result of our findings, we recommend that MPL is adopted over BDM when there is limited opportunity to explain or learn the method prior to the valuation or when one is concerned that a complicated design can affect the willingness to participate and thereby create selection bias. Both concerns will often apply when small and medium size agribusinesses conduct market testing of their products in stores or field markets.