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Importance of functional foods in the Mediterranean diet



Analyse the importance of components of Mediterranean diet in functional feeding. We have based the study in a bibliographic review. Many of the characteristic components of the traditional Mediterranean diet (MD) are known to have positive effects on health, capacity and well-being, and can be used to design functional foods. Vegetables, fruits and nuts are all rich in phenols, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, phytosterols and phytic acid--essential bioactive compounds providing health benefits. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish effectively regulate haemostatic factors, protect against cardiac arrhythmias, cancer and hypertension, and play a vital role in the maintenance of neural functions and the prevention of certain psychiatric disorders. Accumulating evidence suggests that olive oil, an integral component of the MD, may have health benefits, including the reduction of the risk of coronary heart disease, the prevention of several types of cancer and the modification of the immune and inflammatory responses. Olive oil is known for its high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and is a good source of phytochemicals, such as polyphenolic compounds, squalene and alpha-tocopherol. In the context of the MD, the benefits associated with the consumption of several functional components may be intensified by certain forms of food preparation. In addition, the practice of more physical activity (once common among Mediterranean populations) and the following of other healthy lifestyle habits may have additive effects. The identification of the active constituents of the MD is crucial in the formulation of appropriate dietary guidelines. Research into the pharmacological properties of the minor components of this diet (vitamins, sterols, polyphenols, etc.) is very active and could lead to the formulation of functional foods and nutraceuticals.
Importance of functional foods in the Mediterranean diet
RM Ortega*
Departamento de Nutricio
n, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, 28040-Madrid (Spain)
Submitted 18 April 2006: Accepted 26 November 2006
Objective: Analyse the importance of components of Mediterranean diet in functional
Design: We have based the study in a bibliographic review.
Results: Many of the characteristic components of the traditional Mediterranean diet
(MD) are known to have positive effects on health, capacity and well-being, and can be
used to design functional foods. Vegetables, fruits and nuts are all rich in phenols,
flavonoids, isoflavonoids, phytosterols and phytic acid—essential bioactive com-
pounds providing health benefits. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish
effectively regulate haemostatic factors, protect against cardiac arrhythmias, cancer
and hypertension, and play a vital role in the maintenance of neural functions and the
prevention of certain psychiatric disorders. Accumulating evidence suggests that olive
oil, an integral component of the MD, may have health benefits, including the reduction
of the risk of coronary heart disease, the prevention of several types of cancer and the
modification of the immune and inflammatory responses. Olive oil is known for its high
levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and is a good source of phytochemicals, such as
polyphenolic compounds, squalene and a-tocopherol. In the context of the MD, the
benefits associated with the consumption of several functional components may be
intensified by certain forms of food preparation. In addition, the practice of more
physical activity (once common among Mediterranean populations) and the following
of other healthy lifestyle habits may have additive effects.
Conclusions: The identification of the active constituents of the MD is crucial in the
formulation of appropriate dietary guidelines. Research into the pharmacological
properties of the minor components of this diet (vitamins, sterols, polyphenols, etc.) is
very active and could lead to the formulation of functional foods and nutraceuticals.
Functional foods
Mediterranean diet
Cardiovascular disease
Degenerative diseases
Antioxidant capacity
The Mediterranean diet (MD), a dietary pattern detected in
the olive-growing areas of the Mediterranean (mainly
Greece, Spain, Italy and France) in the late 1950s and early
1960s, is a very healthy dietary model. Numerous
epidemiological studies have shown that the people of
Mediterranean countries have a longer life expectancy and
a lower risk of suffering certain chronic diseases
including cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and
certain types of cancer
. Many authors have underlined
the beneficial role of the MD on lipid metabolism, blood
, body mass index
, inflammation and
Importance of functional components in the
Mediterranean diet
The traditional MD is characterised by an abundance of
vegetable foods, such as bread, pasta, vegetables,
legumes, fruits and nuts. Olive oil is the main source of
fat, and the intake of fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs
is moderate. In addition, variable amounts of wine are
usually consumed with meals
. Many of the characteristic
components of the MD are functional components with
positive effects on health, capacity and well-being; these
may be responsible for the advantages associated with this
10 13
. Nuts in particular are rich in phenols, flavonoids,
isoflavonoids, phytosterols and phytic acid, and have
been linked to reductions in plasma lipids and
protection against cardiovascular disease
. Vegetables are the most important sources of phenolic
compounds in the MD. Flavonoids in particular are
thought to be essential bioactive compounds that
provide health benefits
. Several carefully studied Mediterranean and Asian
populations, whose traditional diets consist largely of
foods of vegetable origin, show low incidences of
certain chronic diseases and enjoy long life expec-
. Many case-control and prospective studies
have provided evidence that a high consumption of
plant foods confers numerous health benefits. There
*Corresponding author: Email q The Author 2006
Public Health Nutrition: 9(8A), 1136–1140
DOI: 10.1017/S1368980007668530
is evidence to support links between increased
vegetable, fruit and fibre consumption and a lower
incidence of certain cancers, coronary heart disease,
neural tube defects and cataracts. Although the
mechanisms are not fully understood, carotenoids,
folic acid and fibre, all of which are abundant in the
MD, appear to play important roles in the prevention
of coronary artery disease
. Vegetables are also an important source of phytosterols,
the intake of which is associated with a reduction in
serum cholesterol levels and of cardiovascular risk. This
could be of great importance in developed societies in
which cardiovascular disease is the main cause of
. Fruits also provide fibre, as well as vitamins, minerals,
flavonoids and terpenes, many of which provide
protection against oxidative processes
. Due to the
phytoestrogenic substances they contain, an increased
consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and
pulses (common in the MD) may offer an alternative to
hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women.
In the intestine, these compounds turn into oestrogen
and help counteract the hormonal deprivation suffered
at menopause. Several types of flavone and isoflavone
purified from habitually consumed Mediterranean
vegetables have been shown to possess this oestrogenic
. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish (eicosa-
pentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) effectively
regulate haemostatic factors, and provide protection
against cardiac arrhythmias, cancer and hypertension.
They also play a vital role in the maintenance of neural
functions and the prevention of certain psychiatric
. Accumulating evidence suggests that olive oil, an
integral component of the MD, may have health
benefits, including the reduction of coronary heart
disease risk, the prevention of several types of cancers
and the modification of the immune and inflammatory
. It also appears to have a role in bone
mineralisation (thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis).
Olive oil is known for its high levels of monounsatu-
rated fatty acids and it is a good source of
phytochemicals, such as polyphenolic compounds,
squalene and a-tocopherol. This food therefore has
several components t hat contribute to its overall
protective effect
. Phenolic compounds have been shown to inhibit LDL
oxidation in vitro and ex vivo
. In a dietary intervention
involving volunteers, foods rich in phenolic compounds
affected LDL composition. No changes were observed
in the short term, but after 1 week of olive oil
consumption and following the MD, changes in the LDL
composition became apparent
. The dairy products characteristic of the MD, such as
cheese and yoghurt, are better tolerated by lactose-
intolerant individuals. In addition, lactic acid bacteria
confer probiotic benefits, including improvements in
gastrointestinal health and of the immune response
The consumption of yoghurt might induce favourable
changes in the faecal bacterial flora and have a positive
effect on colon cancer risk indices. It may also help
regulate mouth to caecum transit time
. Garlic, onions, herbs and spices are used as
condiments in the MD, and may increa se the
nutritional value of food. Some also contain large
quantities of flavonoids (fennel, chives, etc.) or allicin
(raw garlic and onion); the latter may have
cardiovascular benefits and help improve cognitive
. The caper, Capparis spinosa L., which is
found al l over the Me di terr ane a n basin and i s
consumed in salads or on pizzas, etc. has been used
in traditional medicine for its diuretic and anti-
hypertensive effects, and to treat certain conditions
related to uncontrolled lipid peroxidation
. Caper
extract contains flavonoids (kaempferol and quercetin
derivatives) and hydrocinnamic acids with known
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Panico
et al.
concluded capers to have a chondroprotective
effect; they might therefore be of use in the
management of cartilage damage during the inflam-
matory phase.
. Some of the beneficial effects of the MD with respect
to human disease have been attributed to the
polyphenols in red wine. The antioxidant activity of
these compounds may also be responsible for the
cytoprotective action of red wine reported in some
. Wine exerts its protective effect via the
induction of changes in the lipoprotein profile,
coagulation and fibrinolytic cascades, platelet aggre-
gation, oxidative mechanisms and endothelial func-
tion. The endothelium regulates vascular tone by
delicately balancing vasorelaxation (nitric oxide, NO)
and vasoconstriction (endothelins) factors (produced
by the endothelium itself) in response to different
stimuli. Wine and other grape derivatives exert an
endothelium-dependent vasorelaxatory effect via the
NO-stimulating activity of their polyphenol com-
ponents. Under experimental conditions, reservatrol
(a stilbene polyphenol) was found to protect the heart
and the kidneys from ischaemia-reperfusion injury via
its antioxidant activity and the upregulation of NO
production. Red wine, dealcoholised wine extract and
even purple grape juice have all been reported to
have positive effects on endothelial function
likely that regular and prolonged moderate wine
drinking positively affects endothelial function. The
beneficial effects of wine on cardiovascular health
would, of course, be greater if associated with a
healthy diet. The most recent nutritional and
epidemiological studies show that the ideal diet
closely resembles the MD
Functional foods in Mediterranean diet 1137
Health benefits of Mediterranean diet
Greater adherence to the MD has been associated with a
lower incidence of degenerative disease, in particular
cardiovascular disease and cancer
. Pitsavos et al.
studied the effect of the MD on total antioxidant capacity
(TAC) in 3042 subjects who had no clinical evidence of
cardiovascular disease. Adherence to the MD was found to
be positively correlated with TAC. The subjects in the
highest dietary score tertile had, on average, 11% higher
TAC levels than those in the lowest tertile, even after
adjustment for confounding factors. Additional analysis
showed that TAC was positively correlated with the
consumption of olive oil, and of fruit and vegetables, and
inversely associated with the consumption of red meat
In another study, a nutritional intervention programme
promoting the MD food pattern was effective in modifying
the food habits of healthy women, and after 6 weeks
resulted in small but significant benefits with respect to
certain cardiovascular risks (lower total cholesterol and
apolipoprotein B levels, and lower body mass index)
Several unmodified MD foods with functional proper-
ties may protect against type 2 diabetes, includ ing
polyunsaturated fat products, vegetables, fruit, whole-
grain foods and low glycaemic index starchy foods
Obesity and excess body weight are frequ ently
addressed with diets that reduce calorie intake but which
are unbalanced. Usually, these diets involve increasing the
consumption of fats and proteins and reducing the intake
of carbohydrates
. Approximating the diet to the MD
profile could, however, help in weight control as well as
provide nutritional and health improvements
Recurrent myocardial infarction, total cardiovascular
events, and cardiac and overall death are significantly
reduced in patients recovering from myocardial infarction,
who habitually follow the MD. It is also known that fruits
and legumes (which have a pivotal role in the MD), reduce
serum homocysteine concentrations (tHcy) in men
, and
consequently the risk of coronary events, especially in
high-risk individuals. Dedoussis et al.
report, however,
that the effect of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
geneMD interaction on tHcy concentrations is indepen-
dent of fruit and vegetable consumption. This implies that
other foods in the MD may play a role in tHcy reduction.
Adherence to the MD is inversely associated with both
systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Vegetables, fruit and
olive oil (which induce a high ratio of monounsaturated to
saturated lipids) appear to be chiefly responsible for the
apparent protection offered by the MD against hyperten-
sion. Plant foods have high potassium, magnesium and
calcium contents which tend to reduce arterial blood
pressure. The high antioxidant content of plant foods and
olive oil may also contribute to the health of the vascular
system. In addition, the relatively high intake of fish and
seafood in the MD is associated with reduced systolic
blood pressure
Some components of the MD diet may also help
improve cognitive function and mood. In particular, some
flavonoids (which are frequently found in vegetables and
fruits) have anti-depressant activity
The effect of preparation methods
How the components of the MD diet are prepared may be
important from a health and functional point of view. For
example, the addition of olive oil to tomatoes during
cooking greatly increases the absorption of lycopene (a
carotenoid that reduces the risk of certain cancers and
heart disease)
The results highlight the importance of cuisine (i.e. how
a food is prepared and consumed) in determining the
bioavailability of dietary carotenoids, such as lycopene
Ninfali et al. investigated the antioxidant capacity of
different salads, and salads to which aromatic herbs had
been added. Lemon balm and marjoram at a concentration
of 1.5% (w/w) increased the antioxidant capacity of salad
portions by 150 and 200%, respectively. Olive oils and
wine or apple vinegars were the salad dressings that
afforded the greatest increase in antioxidant capacity
Importance of monitoring the whole diet
Recently, Martı
lez and Estruch
underlined the
need for randomised trials that investigate the whole diet
rather than its components or supplements when
evaluating the role of the diet in human health. In a
recent review, Martı
lez and Sanchez-Villegas
indicated that not all components of the MD are protective,
or at least may not provide equal levels of protection.
Thus, since food items and nutrients could have a
synergistic and antagonistic effect on health outcomes, the
study of overall dietary patter ns rather than single
nutrients would appear appropriate. In a recent editorial,
Trichopoulos and Lagiou
suggested that the evaluation of
whole-diet patterns and the use of dietary scores would
capture the extremes of dietary habits, pre-empt
nutritional confounding, and avoid bias. Many of the
health benefits associated with the intake of several MD
functional foods are greater if these components are part
of a healthy diet
Importance of physical exercise
Finally, the original description of the MD involved the
idea of extensive physical activity (mainly related to work
and outdoor leisure activities)—something quite common
among Mediterranean populations until the 1960s.
Recovering a higher level of physical activity may provide
benefits in addition to those associated with the regular
consumption of functional ingredients
RM Ortega1138
In conclusion, adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet
affords protection from degenerative diseases such as
cardiovascular disorders and cancer. The identification of
the active constituents of the MD is crucial to the
formulation of appropriate dietary guidelines. Research
into the pharmacological properties of the minor
components of this diet (vitamins, sterols, polyphenols,
etc.) is very active and might lead to the formulation of
functional foods and nutraceuticals
. To achieve nutri-
tional and health improvements in a population, it would
seem a priority to improve the global diet, approximating
it to the theoretical ideal of the MD. This should be
coupled with an increase in physical activity. The foods
showing the biggest gaps in terms of habitual and
recommended intake (e.g. the intake of vegetables and
whole-grain foods) deserve special correctional attention.
The author had no conflicts of interest to report.
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RM Ortega1140
... Dietary intervention encompasses a banting diet, a ketogenic diet, and a Mediterranean diet [98][99][100]. The Banting diet is characterized by high protein intake, whereas the ketogenic diet focuses on low carbohydrates, high fat, and adequate protein, and the Mediterranean diet emphasizes a higher consumption of vegetables [98,100,101]. ...
... Dietary intervention encompasses a banting diet, a ketogenic diet, and a Mediterranean diet [98][99][100]. The Banting diet is characterized by high protein intake, whereas the ketogenic diet focuses on low carbohydrates, high fat, and adequate protein, and the Mediterranean diet emphasizes a higher consumption of vegetables [98,100,101]. To achieve long-term weight loss, factors such as meal timing and macronutrient composition must counteract compensatory changes in hunger, cravings, and ghrelin suppression mechanisms. ...
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: Intermittent fasting has drawn significant interest in the clinical research community due to its potential to address metabolic complications such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Various intermittent fasting regimens include alternate-day fasting (24 hours of fasting followed by 24 hours of eating), time-restricted fasting (fasting for 14 hours and eating within a 10-hour window), and the 5:2 diet (fasting for two days and eating normally for the other five days). Intermittent fasting is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus-related complications and can slow their progression. The increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus highlights the importance of early management. Since prediabetes is a precursor to type 2 diabetes mellitus, understanding its progression is essential. However, the long-term effects of intermittent fasting on prediabetes are not yet well understood. Therefore, this review aims to comprehensively compile existing knowledge on the therapeutic effects of intermittent fasting in managing type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes.
... Legumes play an important role in human nutrition, particularly in developing countries and have been described as "poor man's meat" due to their high protein content and also being a good source of slow release carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins [3]. Grain legumes also account for a substantial proportion of total protein intake in individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet and are an important component of traditional Mediterranean diets, which have been linked to a range of health benefits including a lower incidence of chronic and degenerative diseases including type-2 diabetes, certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, dementia and obesity [3][4][5]. ...
... Relevant publications were identified through an initial search of the literature with Web of Science using two search terms: "*rhizobium" and "inocula*". The search terms were combined with Boolean logic (AND) and with truncation (*) in order to find all 4 contrasting interventions and participants for this study. There were no language restrictions, all papers in different languages were included, and translation of papers was done by colleagues and/or using Google translate. ...
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Variable and sometimes contrasting effects of using artificial rhizobium inocula to increase grain legume performance have been reported. The objectives of this systematic review and meta-analysis were therefore to (i) estimate the overall effect of rhizobium inocula on grain yield and protein content and (ii) identify potential confounding factors that explain the observed variation. A web of Science database literature search was carried out in 2016. Data from all field experiments, greenhouse and pot experiments that compared grain yields and protein contents in Rhizobium/Bradyrhizobium-inoculated with non-inoculated control crops were extracted and analyzed using previously described unweighted and weighted meta-analysis protocols. GRADE assessments of the strength of evidence of results from the weighted meta-analyses were carried which included an assessment of the risk of publication bias. Results: For unweighted meta-analyses we identified eligible data in 236 and 36 studies for grain yield and protein content respectively. For weighted meta-analyses we identified eligible data in 92 and 8 studies for grain yield and protein content respectively. Rhizobium inoculation was found to (i) significantly increase grain yield in both the unweighted (mean percent difference: 41%, 95%CI 36,46, p<0.0001) and weighted meta-analysis (Standardized mean difference: 1.56, 95%CI 1.26,1.87, p<0.0001) and (ii) significantly increase protein content in the unweighted meta-analysis (mean percent difference: 11%, 95%CI 5,18, p<0.0001), but not the weighed meta-analyses which only detected a trend (0.1>p>0.05) towards higher protein content in inoculated grain legume crops. Multi-level model-based weighted meta-analyses suggest that the (i) type of experiment, (ii) type of fertilizer used in experiments, (iii) grain legume type/species and (iv) the country in which experiments were carried out, were confounding factors. The main limitation of the evidence is that a large number of publications did not report measures of variation and could therefore not be included in the more scientifically sound weighted meta-analyses. However based on the large evidence-base available for grain yield it can be concluded that overall Bradyrhizobium/Rhizobium seed inoculation results can increase grain yield by ~40% compared with non-inoculated grain legume crops.
... Fonksiyonel gıdalar, özellikle Asya'daki insanların vücut ve zihin sağlıklarını korumak veya iyileştirmek için günlük beslenmelerinin vazgeçilmez bir parçası ve kültürüdür. Bazı çalışmalarda, geleneksel beslenmeleri büyük ölçüde sebze kökenli gıdalardan oluşan, Akdenizlilerde ve Asyalılarda belirli kronik hastalıkların görülme sıklığının düşük ve ömür beklentilerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir(Ortega, 2006).1991 yılında Japonya Çalışma, Sağlık ve Kalkınma Bakanlığı tarafından"Foods for Speficied Health Uses -Belirli Sağlık Kullanımı için Gıdalar"(FOSHU) adı verilen fonksiyonel gıda yönetmeliği yayınlanmıştır. ...
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In this thesis, it is aimed to determine the knowledge levels and approaches of consumers in the East Mediterranean Region towards organic and functional foods, to determine whether there is a relationship between consumers' demographic characteristics and their approaches towards organic and functional foods, and to examine their purchasing behaviors. Within the scope of the research, an online survey was conducted with 384 people from the provinces of Adana, Osmaniye, Kahramanmaraş and Hatay. Various statistical analyzes were carried out using the SPSS program with the primary data obtained. According to the results of the research, the most preferred news sources of consumers who state that they are aware of functional foods are the internet and social media. In addition, it was found that the most consumed organic food products by the participants were organic tomato paste and organic olive oil, while functional foods were Turkish coffee, pickles and mineral water. The expression “Organic foods are produced by environmentally friendly methods”, which is under the factor of “Ecological Awareness”, has the highest average value among the statements in the scale regarding the approaches of consumers towards organic foods. On the other hand, the highest average value in the scale regarding consumers' approaches to functional foods belongs to the statement "I can protect my health by consuming functional foods" included in the "Reward" factor. It is important to be informed by various institutions in order to increase the level of knowledge of consumers about functional foods and to warn them about possible health risks in case of excessive consumption. In addition, it will be very useful to inform consumers in detail about organic agriculture and organic foods by the relevant ministries and universities through various activities, in order to increase the awareness of consumers on this issue. Keywords: Organic Food, Functional Food, Consumer Approaches, East Mediterranean Region
... The relatively small effect of using P and K fertilizers on yields and the lack of a measurable effect of fungicide applications on foliar disease severity indicate that the use of these inputs in conventional faba beans may not be economical. Results also suggest that the yield gap between organic and conventional faba bean production is significant, but smaller than for other field crops. of the Mediterranean diet, which is linked to a range of health benefits including a lower incidence of major chronic and degenerative diseases such as obesity, type-2 diabetes, certain cancers, and cardiovascular diseases [2][3][4]. ...
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Faba beans are one of the most suitable grain legume crop for colder, maritime climates. However, there is limited information on the effect of changing from conventional to organic production methods and potential impacts of global warming on the health and performance of faba bean crops in Northern Europe. We therefore assessed the performance of faba beans grown with contrasting crop protection (with and without pesticides) and fertilization (with and without P and K fertilizer input) regimes used in organic and conventional production in seven growing seasons. Conventional crop protection and fertilization regimes had no effect on foliar disease severity, but resulted in small, but significant increases in faba bean yields. The overall yield gap between organic and conventional production regimes was relatively small (~10%), but there was substantial variation in yields between growing seasons/years. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that climate explanatory variables/drivers explained the largest proportion of the variation in crop performance and identified strong positive associations between (i) temperature and both straw and grain yield and (ii) precipitation and foliar disease severity. However, RDA also identified crop protection and variety as significant explanatory variables for faba bean performance. The relatively small effect of using P and K fertilizers on yields and the lack of a measurable effect of fungicide applications on foliar disease severity indicate that the use of these inputs in conventional faba beans may not be economical. Results also suggest that the yield gap between organic and conventional faba bean production is significant, but smaller than for other field crops.
... A fundamental prerogative of these foods is to help preserve or improve health status and/or reduce the risk of occurrence of diet-related diseases. Mediterranean diet, already known for its numerous beneficial properties, is rich in these functional foods since bioactive components are naturally present in the plant species under discussion [53]. These foods, although they differ from each other, share a common goal: to provide nutritious, healthy benefits. ...
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The Mediterranean diet features plant-based foods renowned for their health benefits derived from bioactive compounds. This review aims to provide an overview of the bioactive molecules present in some representative Mediterranean diet plants, examining their human nutrigenomic effects and health benefits as well as the environmental advantages and sustainability derived from their cultivation. Additionally, it explores the facilitation of producing fortified foods aided by soil and plant microbiota properties. Well-studied examples, such as extra virgin olive oil and citrus fruits, have demonstrated significant health advantages, including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. Other less renowned plants are presented in the scientific literature with their beneficial traits on human health highlighted. Prickly pear’s indicaxanthin exhibits antioxidant properties and potential anticancer traits, while capers kaempferol and quercetin support cardiovascular health and prevent cancer. Oregano and thyme, containing terpenoids like carvacrol and γ-terpinene, exhibit antimicrobial effects. Besides their nutrigenomic effects, these plants thrive in arid environments, offering benefits associated with their cultivation. Their microbiota, particularly Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) microorganisms, enhance plant growth and stress tolerance, offering biotechnological opportunities for sustainable agriculture. In conclusion, leveraging plant microbiota could revolutionize agricultural practices and increase sustainability as climate change threatens biodiversity. These edible plant species may have crucial importance, not only as healthy products but also for increasing the sustainability of agricultural systems.
... The nutritional composition of aquatic food products is remarkable, encompassing essential micronutrients such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), vitamins (A, B, and D), and trace minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, and selenium). These nutrients support optimal bodily functions and well-being (Ortega 2006). Regular consumption of aquatic food products, typically 1-2 times per week, can provide an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids. ...
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The global rise in seafood consumption has increased the incidence of aquatic food-associated bacterial infections, with Salmonella spp. being of great concern. While numerous Salmonella serotypes exist, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis have garnered significant attention as foodborne pathogens. The pathogenicity of Salmonella is attributed to its ability to express a wide array of virulence factors. These factors aid Salmonella's colonization, invasion, and survival in aquatic environments and the human gastrointestinal tracts. In addition, the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella strains isolated from aquatic food is a significant challenge for the seafood industry. Given the increasing evidence of Salmonella's prevalence, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance isolated from various types of aquatic food, it is crucial to address this issue to safeguard public health. Comprehensive surveillance programs, implementation of good aquaculture and hygiene practices, and adherence to strict food safety regulations are essential in preventing and controlling Salmonella contamination in aquatic food. This review emphasized the occurrence, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance observed in Salmonella strains obtained from different varieties of aquatic food products.
... These benefits have been attributed to the unique variety of foods and bioactive nutrients present in the Mediterranean dietary pattern which act synergistically towards the prevention and/or resolution of atherogenic dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, chronic low-grade inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and thrombosis [11]. These include a wide variety of plantbased foods, such as minimally processed grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, all rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and several other anti-oxidant compounds (e.g., phenols, flavonoids, phytosterols and phytoestrogens) [36]; extra virgin olive oil, the principal source of lipids of the Mediterranean-style diet, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant compounds (e.g., polyphenols, squalene and a-tocopherol) [37]; fish, especially small fatty ones, characterized by a high concentration of polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids with strong hypotriglyceridemic, antiarrhythmic, anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic properties [38]; wine, consumed in moderation, which incorporates several micro-constituents (e.g., resveratrol, quercetin and gallic acid) that can improve glucose/lipid metabolism and endothelial function [39]; and fermented dairy products, i.e., yogurt and cheese, which can improve gastrointestinal health and the immune response due to the lactic acid bacteria they contain [40]. ...
Background and aims: Only few studies have assessed longitudinal dietary trends in relation to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. We aimed to evaluate the association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet, both baseline and longitudinal, and 20-year CVD incidence. Methods and results: This was a prospective study among 1988 Greek adults (50% men, age: 45 ± 14years). Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was evaluated at baseline and 10 years through the MedDietScore, based on which longitudinal Mediterranean diet trajectories were identified. CVD incidence was recorded at 20 years. Each one-unit increase in baseline MedDietScore was associated with an 8% reduction in 20-year CVD incidence. Compared to subjects in the lowest tertile of baseline MedDietScore, those in the highest exhibited a 44% lower 20-year CVD risk (relative risk: 0.56, 95% confidence interval: 0.32, 0.97) adjusted for age, sex, baseline body mass index, smoking, physical activity, presence of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, and family history of CVD; further adjustment for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, uric acid and estimated glomerular filtration rate attenuated this association. Results were similar in models adjusted for longitudinal changes in body weight, physical activity and smoking, and 10-year medical status. Mediterranean diet trajectory analysis revealed that 24.7%, 8.6%, 45.8% and 20.9% of participants longitudinally sustained a low adherence, moved closer, moved away or sustained a high adherence, respectively; among those, the corresponding CVD incidence was 63.3%, 65.5%, 28.1% and 9.4% (p-value<0.001). Conclusion: The Mediterranean diet offers long-term protection against CVD, part of which is mediated by inflammation, uricemia and renal function.
... Plantbased components of the Mediterranean diet, such as tomato and olive, are good candidates for designing health-promoting snack foods. 2 Tomato with its ascorbic acid and phenolic content is a highly nutritious Mediterranean product. Olive is another important Mediterranean product containing high amounts of oil and unsaturated fatty acids. ...
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BACKGROUND Tomato is an indispensable ingredient of the Mediterranean diet. Reformulation of traditional Mediterranean products to increase the adherence of consumers is becoming popular. In this study, a tomato snack bar enriched with olive powder and pea protein was developed by using microwave‐vacuum drying. Formulations also included tomato powder (TP) and low‐methoxylated pectin (LMP) as a structuring agent. RESULTS The moisture content of microwave‐vacuum‐dried samples varied in the range 13.6–19.8% and water activity (aw) values were ~0.6. LMP and TP concentrations affected the color of microwave‐vacuum‐dried samples. However, the color mainly changed in conventionally dried samples due to browning. In microwave‐vacuum‐dried samples, lycopene content decreased with increasing LMP, but increased with increasing TP. Textural properties of microwave‐vacuum‐dried snack bars increased with increasing LMP and TP. CONCLUSION Both texture and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results indicated that there was a network formation due to the contribution of protein and pectin; however, the type of interaction was highly dependent on the drying mechanism. Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry data showed that microwave‐vacuum‐dried samples had a more uniform water distribution. Besides its time and energy efficiency, microwave‐vacuum drying improved the color and textural properties of tomato snack bars compared to conventionally dried ones. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
... Among adults, a Mediterranean diet has been associated with improved arterial stiffness in adult populations [40]. It is thought that the high fruit, vegetable, nut, fish and olive oil content of the Mediterranean diet improves vascular measures due to their antioxidant effect, thus reducing oxidative stress [41,42]. Further studies in children are required to determine the potential effect of healthy dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, on arterial stiffness in the pediatric population. ...
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Arterial stiffness is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease that is affected by diet. However, research understanding how these dietary risk factors are related to arterial stiffness during childhood is limited. The purpose of this review was to determine whether various dietary factors were associated with arterial stiffness in the pediatric population. Five databases were systematically searched. Intervention studies, cross-sectional and cohort studies were included that investigated nutrient or food intake and outcomes of arterial stiffness, primarily measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AIx), in the pediatric population (aged 0-18 years). A final 19 studies (six intervention and 13 observational) were included. Only two intervention studies, including a vitamin D and omega-3 supplementation trial, found protective effects on PWV and AIx in adolescents. Findings from observational studies were overall inconsistent and varied. There was limited evidence to indicate a protective effect of a healthy dietary pattern on arterial stiffness and an adverse effect of total fat intake, sodium intake and fast-food consumption. Overall, results indicated that some dietary factors may be associated with arterial stiffness in pediatric populations; however, inconsistencies were observed across all study designs. Further longitudinal and intervention studies are warranted to confirm the potential associations found in this review.
... More than 90 % of them were produced in the Mediterranean region, mainly in Spain (25 %), Tunisia (13 %), Italy (11 %), Morocco (10 %), and Greece (9 %) (Fraga et al., 2021) (Azzam et al., 2004;Galanakis, 2017). Olive oil consumption is increasing rapidly worldwide (Oreopoulou and Russ, 2007) due to population growth and the increased awareness of the health benefits of olive oil (Ortega, 2006). Olive tree growing area is expanding annually by $ 5 %, generating a massive amount of waste (Mili, 2019) and increasing oil production annually by 3.5 -4 % (Najla et al., 2022). ...
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Global olive oil demand is rising; hence production has been expanding, resulting in a considerable liquid waste known as olive mill wastewater (OMW) or Zibar, which has an adverse environmental impact as it contains a variety of pollutants. Proper control and treatment before disposal are essential. This study reviews the availability of international legislation and alternative techniques implemented worldwide to ensure safe OMW disposal and its applicability in hot climatic regions. Safe OMW disposal provides sustainable waste management throughout the entire chain of olive oil production. Three alternative techniques derived from legislations from high olive oil-producing countries have been evaluated using the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis by evaluating internal factors and investigating external factors to derive valuable strategies using Jordan as a case study. Those alternatives are switching to a two-phase continuous centrifugation system, land spreading, and lime pretreatment. The SWOT analyses yielded that shifting towards using a two-phase system would be a viable option for attracting funding agencies; the land spreading option can be applied if the risk of groundwater contamination is minimal, such as in the southern region of Jordan. Finally, before the evaporation ponds, lime pretreatment is a good option if the produced OMW is enormous such as the case in the northern region of Jordan, which has the highest mills number and produces a massive amount of OMW of about 66.3% of the total amount generated in Jordan.
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Background: Greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet has been associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Objective: We studied the effect of the Mediterranean diet on total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in 3042 participants who had no clinical evidence of cardiovascular disease. Design: During 2001–2002, a random sample of 1514 men and 1528 women aged 18–89 y from the Attica area of Greece was selected. TAC was measured with an immune-diagnostic assay. Food consumption was evaluated with a validated food-frequency questionnaire, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet was assessed on the basis of a diet score that incorporated the inherent characteristics of this diet. Results: TAC was positively correlated with diet score. The participants in the highest tertile of the diet score had, on average, 11% higher TAC levels than did the participants in the lowest tertile, even after adjustment for relevant confounders (P < 0.01). On the other hand, the participants in the highest tertile of the diet score had, on average, 19% lower oxidized LDL-cholesterol concentrations than did the participants in the lowest tertile (P < 0.01). An additional analysis showed that TAC was positively correlated with the consumption of olive oil (ρ = 0.54,P = 0.002) and of fruit and vegetables (ρ = 0.34 and ρ = 0.31, respectively; P < 0.001 for both), whereas it was inversely associated with the consumption of red meat (ρ = −0.35, P = 0.02). Conclusion: Greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with elevated TAC levels and low oxidized LDL-cholesterol concentrations, which may explain the beneficial role of this diet on the cardiovascular system.
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Objectives We studied the effect of the Mediterranean diet on plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell counts, interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, amyloid A, fibrinogen, and homocysteine.
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As a result of the Seven Countries Study, the Mediterranean diet has been popularized as a healthy diet. Nevertheless, it has not replaced the prudent diet commonly prescribed to coronary patients. Recently, we completed a secondary, randomized, prospective prevention trial in 605 patients recovering from myocardial infarction in which we compared an adaptation of the Cretan Mediterranean diet with the usual prescribed diet. After a mean follow-up period of 27 mo, recurrent myocardial infarction, all cardiovascular events, and cardiac and total death were significantly decreased by > 70% in the group consuming the Mediterranean diet. These protective effects were not related to serum concentrations of total, low-density-lipoprotein (LDL), or high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. In contrast, protective effects were related to changes observed in plasma fatty acids: an increase in n-3 fatty acids and oleic acid and a decrease in linoleic acid that resulted from higher intakes of linolenic and oleic acids, but lower intakes of saturated fatty acids and linoleic acid. In addition, higher plasma concentrations of antioxidant vitamins C and E were observed. We conclude that a Cretan Mediterranean diet adapted to a Western population protected against coronary heart disease much more efficiently than did the prudent diet. Thus, it appears that the favorable life expectancy of the Cretans could be largely due to their diet.
Background: Diet has been reported to influence arterial blood pressure, and evidence indicates that the Mediterranean diet reduces cardiovascular mortality. Objective: The objective was to examine whether the Mediterranean diet, as an entity, and olive oil, in particular, reduce arterial blood pressure. Design: Arterial blood pressure and several sociodemographic, anthropometric, dietary, physical activity, and clinical variables were recorded at enrollment among participants in the Greek arm of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Of these participants, 20 343 had never received a diagnosis of hypertension and were included in an analysis in which systolic and diastolic blood pressure were regressed on the indicated possible predictors, including a 10-point score that reflects adherence to the Mediterranean diet and, alternatively, the score's individual components and olive oil. Results: The Mediterranean diet score was significantly inversely associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Intakes of olive oil, vegetables, and fruit were significantly inversely associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, whereas cereals, meat and meat products, and ethanol intake were positively associated with arterial blood pressure. Mutual adjustment between olive oil and vegetables, which are frequently consumed together, indicated that olive oil has the dominant beneficial effect on arterial blood pressure in this population. Conclusions: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is inversely associated with arterial blood pressure, even though a beneficial component of the Mediterranean diet score—cereal intake—is positively associated with arterial blood pressure. Olive oil intake, per se, is inversely associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Fruit and vegetable consumption is inversely associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of supplementation with dehydrated juice concentrates from mixed fruit and vegetables on selected plasma vitamins and antioxidant status. We assessed CHD risk by measuring the concentrations of homocysteine, lipids, lipoproteins, glucose and insulin. Men were recruited to participate in a randomized double-blind, crossover trial with 2 periods of 6 wk, separated by a 3-wk wash-out period. Supplementation with the encapsulated mixed extract (Juice Plus) was compared with physically similar placebo capsules. Thirty-two men (13 smokers, 19 nonsmokers) completed the study with a mean compliance of 88%. Compared with placebo, supplementation increased the concentrations of plasma β-carotene (0.24 ± 0.15 vs. 1.12 ± 0.70 μmol/L; mean ± SD; P < 0.0001), retinol (1.87 ± 0.33 vs. 2.00 ± 0.43 μmol/L; P < 0.05), α-tocopherol (16.8 ± 7.3 vs. 19.3 ± 6.8 μmol/L; P < 0.01), ascorbic acid (72.1 ± 19.4 vs. 84.1 ± 13.5 μmol/L; P < 0.002) and folic acid (24.5 ± 10.0 vs. 44.9 ± 16.9 nmol/L; P < 0.0001). Plasma homocysteine was reduced (8.2 ± 1.5 vs. 7.6 ± 1.1; P < 0.05) and inversely related (r = −0.40, P < 0.001) with serum folate concentrations. Plasma vitamin C was positively correlated with the resistance of LDL to oxidation (r = 0.26, P < 0.05) and the plasma ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) tended to be greater after supplementation than after the placebo period (1125.5 ± 144.1 vs. 1180.3 ± 158.1 μmol/L; P < 0.065). Plasma glucose, insulin and lipid concentrations were unaffected. Responses of smokers and nonsmokers did not differ. In the absence of dietary modification, supplementation with a fruit and vegetable concentrate produced responses consistent with a reduction in CHD risk.
Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide at the turn of the XXI century [1]. Although it has been projected that by 2020, 71% of deaths due to ischaemic heart disease (IHD), will occur in developing countries [2], developed countries currently continue to exhibit unacceptable high absolute rates of cardiovascular mortality. Interestingly, IHD has a surprisingly low incidence in some developed countries such as France, Spain, Greece, Italy or Portugal, leading to a higher life expectancy in Mediterranean areas as compared with Northern European countries or the USA [3]. Diet and lifestylerelated factors may be responsible for this advantage. The role of diet on IHD has been studied during almost a century, and substantial evidence about the protection by some nutrients and food items is cur
Several carefully studied populations in Mediterranean countries and in some areas in Asia where traditional diets consisted largely of foods of plant origin exhibit low rates of many chronic diseases and long life expectancies. Many case-control and prospective studies have provided further evidence that high consumption of plant foods confers numerous health benefits. Investigations support links between increased vegetable, fruit, and fiber consumption, and lower rates of several cancers, coronary heart disease (CHD), neural tube defects, and cataracts. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, carotenoids, folic acid, and fiber, all abundant in the Mediterranean diet, appear to play important roles in prevention of these diseases. In contrast, much evidence suggests that high consumption of full-fat dairy products is likely to increase CHD risk. Epidemiologic studies have not provided evidence that high dairy product consumption by adults prevents fractures; in fact, the results of several studies suggest positive associations. Thus, the abundant fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, and the low to moderate intake of dairy products in traditional Mediterranean diets are likely to have contributed to the low rates of numerous chronic diseases observed in these populations.