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The structural basis of modularity in ECF-type ABC transporters


Abstract and Figures

Energy coupling factor (ECF) transporters are used for the uptake of vitamins in Prokarya. They consist of an integral membrane protein that confers substrate specificity (the S-component) and an energizing module that is related to ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. S-components for different substrates often do not share detectable sequence similarity but interact with the same energizing module. Here we present the crystal structure of the thiamine-specific S-component ThiT from Lactococcus lactis at 2.0 Å. Extensive protein-substrate interactions explain its high binding affinity for thiamine (K(d) ~10(-10) M). ThiT has a fold similar to that of the riboflavin-specific S-component RibU, with which it shares only 14% sequence identity. Two alanines in a conserved motif (AxxxA) located on the membrane-embedded surface of the S-components mediate the interaction with the energizing module. Based on these findings, we propose a general transport mechanism for ECF transporters.
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nAture structurAl & moleculAr biologyVOLUME 18 NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 755
ABC transporters catalyze the translocation of diverse compounds
across membranes and constitute one of the largest superfamilies of
proteins1. They consist of two integral membrane domains that form
a translocation pore and two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs)
that drive transport by hydrolyzing ATP. The conserved NBDs are the
hallmark of ABC transporters, whereas the transmembrane regions
show a large variation in sequence and folds (Fig. 1a). Classical
ABC importers require additional extracellular or periplasmic
substrate-binding domains or substrate-binding proteins (SBPs) to
capture substrates, but the recently discovered ECF transporters use
S-components for substrate recognition. S-components associate with
an energizing module consisting of the membrane protein EcfT and
two identical or homologous NBDs (EcfA and EcfA)2.
ECF-type transporters are found in Prokarya only and mediate
the uptake of vitamins and other nutrients needed in trace amounts
(such as Ni2+ or Co2+ ions)2. ECF-type ABC transporters fall into
two groups3. In group I the energizing module is used by a single
S-component (‘dedicated’ energizing modules). The biotin trans-
porter BioMNY from Rhodobacter capsulatus is the best-characterized
member of this group4. In ECF transporters of group II, the same
energizing module is shared by several different S-components with
different substrate specificities. These S-components are 20–25 kDa
in size and predicted to have 4–6 hydrophobic membrane-spanning
segments, but they are unrelated at the sequence level, and it is not
known whether they are evolutionary related. A crystal structure
(at 3.6-Å resolution) is available only for the riboflavin-specific
S-component RibU from Staphylococcus aureus (PDB 3P5N)5.
The group II proteins are particularly abundant in Gram-positive
organisms. For example, in Lactococcus lactis eight different
S-components interact with the same energizing module6, allowing
the ECF complexes to transport a wide variety of chemically dif-
ferent substrates. These complexes have a 1:1:1:1 subunit stoichio-
metry (S-component:EcfT:EcfA:EcfA; Fig. 1a), indicating that the
S-components are integral parts of the translocating complex, rather
than peripherally associated substrate binding proteins6. Early in vivo
transport experiments in Lactobacillus casei showed that different
S-components dynamically compete for association with the energiz-
ing module7. The molecular basis for the dynamic interaction between
different S-components and the energizing module is unknown.
ThiT is the S-component involved in thiamine (vitamin B1)
transport8. It can bind thiamine with very high affinity (Kd = 120 pM)
and related compounds with nanomolar affinity. High-affinity
binding has been observed for other S-components9–11 and is most
likely important for their biological function. To understand the
molecular basis for high-affinity binding and the mechanism of trans-
port by ECF transporters, we determined the high-resolution crystal
structure of ThiT from L. lactis and present the work in the light of
previous and new biochemical data.
Structure determination of ThiT
We produced ThiT in L. lactis NZ9000, which has proven to be a suit-
able host for membrane protein production with properties comple-
mentary to those of Escherichia coli12. The crystal structure of ThiT
is the first of a polytopic membrane protein produced in L. lactis. We
purified ThiT bound to thiamine using the detergent n-nonyl-β--
glucopyranoside. Crystals of the native protein were formed in
space group C2 and diffracted to 2.0-Å resolution. We solved the
1University of Groningen, Groningen Biomolecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. 2University of Groningen, Zernike Institute for
Advanced Materials, Groningen, The Netherlands. Correspondence should be addressed to D.J.S. (
Received 12 January; accepted 21 April; published online 26 June 2011; doi:10.1038/nsmb.2073
The structural basis of modularity in ECF-type
ABC transporters
Guus B Erkens1,2, Ronnie P-A Berntsson1,2, Faizah Fulyani1,2, Maria Majsnerowska1,2, Andreja Vujičić-Žagar1,2,
Josy ter Beek1,2, Bert Poolman1,2 & Dirk Jan Slotboom1,2
Energy coupling factor (ECF) transporters are used for the uptake of vitamins in Prokarya. They consist of an integral membrane 
protein that confers substrate specificity (the S-component) and an energizing module that is related to ATP-binding cassette 
(ABC) transporters. S-components for different substrates often do not share detectable sequence similarity but interact with 
the same energizing module. Here we present the crystal structure of the thiamine-specific S-component ThiT from Lactococcus
lactis at 2.0 Å. Extensive protein-substrate interactions explain its high binding affinity for thiamine (Kd ~10−10 M). ThiT has a 
fold similar to that of the riboflavin-specific S-component RibU, with which it shares only 14% sequence identity. Two alanines 
in a conserved motif (AxxxA) located on the membrane-embedded surface of the S-components mediate the interaction with the 
energizing module. Based on these findings, we propose a general transport mechanism for ECF transporters.
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75 6 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 nAture structurAl & moleculAr biology
structure (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 1) by multi-wavelength anom-
alous dispersion (MAD) phasing, using crystals of selenomethionine
(SeMet)-substituted protein (Table 1). The asymmetric unit contained
two copies of ThiT that were virtually identical (r.m.s. deviation = 0.2 Å,
Fig. 1c). The entire ThiT sequence could be fitted in the electron
density, with the exception of the N-terminal His tag and the subse-
quent five or six residues (difference between the two copies of ThiT
in the asymmetric unit), which apparently were disordered in the
crystals. Almost all residues (98%) were in the preferred regions of
the Ramachandran plot, and the remaining 2% were in the addition-
ally allowed regions. The Rwork and Rfree val-
ues after refinement were 20.4% and 23.2%,
respectively. The orientation of the two ThiT
molecules in the asymmetric unit is incom-
patible with the formation of a continuous
lipid bilayer, because the membrane plane
would have to be rotated ~145° at the dimer
interface (Fig. 1c), which is highly improb-
able. Therefore, we believe that the functional
unit of ThiT is a monomer in the absence of
the energizing module, consistent with previ-
ous light-scattering experiments8.
Well-defined non-protein electron density
became visible during refinement that could
be assigned unambiguously to thiamine
(discussed below). In addition, we found elec-
tron density that fitted acyl chains surround-
ing the hydrophobic parts of the protein. In
six cases, there was connected electron density
that could fit the headgroup of the detergent
n-nonyl-β--glucopyranoside, and in these
cases, we modeled the entire detergent mol-
ecule. In the remaining six cases, it was not
clear whether the acyl chains belonged to
the detergent or to copurified lipids. In these
cases, we modeled the acyl chains from the
detergent in the electron density.
Overall fold of ThiT and S-components
The overall fold of ThiT from L. lactis
is similar to that of RibU from S. aureus
(r.m.s. deviation = 3.5 Å for 145 Cα atoms),
ABC importers
EcfA EcfA
ABC exporters ECF transporters
L2 L4 C terminus
N terminus
L3 Outside L5
H4 H5
Cytoplasm N
ab c
Figure 1 The structure of ThiT. (a) Architecture of ABC and ECF
transporters. The three types of ABC transporters are SBD-dependent
ABC-type importers (left), ABC exporters (center) and the recently
discovered ECF transporters (right). The NBDs (blue) are conserved
among all ABC transporters; the TMDs (various colors) are different.
Substrates are indicated as black dots. (b) Surface (left) and
secondary structure ribbon representation (right) of ThiT. In the
surface model, hydrophobic residues are gray and hydrophilic residues are
green; positively charged residues are blue and negatively charged residues
are red (the latter are not visible in this orientation). The ribbon is colored from N-terminal blue to
C-terminal red. The bar indicates the approximate position of the lipid membrane (35 Å). The membrane
topology for ThiT is depicted below and colored as in the ribbon model. H1–H6, helices 1–6; L1–L5, loops 1–5.
(c) The dimer of ThiT in the asymmetric unit. One monomer is colored purple, the second gray and bound
thiamine in black. The dashed lines indicate the position of the membrane for both monomers. (d) The unusual structure of helix 4, colored green;
the rest of ThiT is depicted in gray. The lines indicate the vertical position of the secondary structure elements.
Table 1 Data collection, phasing and refinement statistics
Native SeMet-labeled ThiT (Se-MAD)
Data collection
Space group C2C2
Cell dimensions
a, b, c (Å) 61.4, 84.3, 127.0 65.2, 83.7, 128.5
(°) 90.0, 95.7, 90.0 90.0, 95.9, 90.0
Peak Inflection Remote
Resolution (Å) 47.5–2.0 48.9–2.9 48.9–2.9 48.9–2.9
Rsym 6.6 (48.6) 6.9 (27.3) 5.1 (12.7) 4.4 (7.2)
I / σI8.4 (2.1) 15.7 (6.0) 21.2 (10.2) 26.7 (15.5)
Completeness (%) 99.0 (96.6) 99.9 (99.9) 99.9 (100) 99.9 (100)
Redundancy 3.7 6.9 6.9 6.9
Resolution (Å) 47.5–2.0
No. reflections 41,123
Rwork / Rfree 20.4 / 23.2
No. atoms
Protein 2,748
Thiamine 36
Water 73
Protein 41
Thiamine 36
Water 51
R.m.s. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.018
Bond angles (°) 1.68
Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell.
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nAture structurAl & moleculAr biologyVOLUME 18 NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 757
although at the sequence level the two proteins are unrelated (14%
sequence identity). In the past few years, a growing number of mem-
brane protein structures have been determined that share a related
fold without being related in sequence (for example, the LeuT and
the aquaporin folds13,14). These observations raise noteworthy
questions about the evolution of membrane proteins and the rela-
tion between primary and tertiary structures. The lack of sequence
conservation between S-components of the ECF transporters is all
the more unexpected, because these proteins interact with a common
partner, the shared ECF energizing module.
ThiT contains six hydrophobic helical segments that cross the
membrane (Fig. 1b). A part of the L1 loop is also embedded in the
lipid bilayer, which is necessary because helix 2 is too short to span
the entire thickness of the membrane. The position of L1 may play an
important mechanistic role in the translocation of thiamine across the
membrane (see Discussion). The structure of helix 4 is highly irregu-
lar. It starts with the backbone hydrogen-bond pattern of a regular
α-helix, then turns into a π-helix15, returns to an α-helical confor-
mation, and finally continues as a long (seven residues) 310-helix16
(Fig. 1d, helix in green). This unusual combination of structural fea-
tures has not been observed in any other membrane protein structure.
For example, in the RibU structure, helix 4 is a regular transmembrane
α-helix. The π-bulge irregularity is important for ligand binding and
will be discussed in more detail below. The 310-helical segment allows
a very tight packing of transmembrane segment 4 with helices 2 and 3,
and—to a lesser extent—helix 5. This close packing is further facili-
tated by the presence of numerous conserved glycines in helices 3, 4
and 5 and in loop L2 (Supplementar y Fig. 2).
Structural basis of high-affinity thiamine binding
The thiamine-binding site is located in a pocket near the extracellular
side of the membrane and lined by helices 4, 5 and 6 and the loops L1
and L5. The thiamine molecule was modeled in clear electron density
(Fig. 2a) and has a conformation that is different from the catalytic
V-shaped conformation observed in enzymes that use thiamine pyrophos-
phate as a cofactor17. A large number of interactions shape the binding site
and account for the high binding affinity (Fig. 2b and Supplementary
Fig. 3). Glu84 in helix 4 stabilizes the positively charged N2 of the
thiazole ring, and the adjacent residue Tyr85 forms a hydrogen bond
with the hydroxyl group of thiamine. Both residues are located in helix 4,
and their favorable orientation is dependent on the π-bulge irregular-
ity in this helix. Hydrogen bonds are formed by Tyr146 (through an
ordered water molecule) and Asn151 in helix 6 with the N1 and N3 of
the pyrimidine ring, respectively. Trp34 in L1 and His125 (helix 5) are
involved in aromatic π-stacking on opposite sides of the thiazole ring,
and Trp133 in L5 stacks with the pyrimidine ring. Gly129 allows the
pyrimidine ring to pack closely against the C-terminal end of helix 5.
The side chains that interact directly with the substrate are held in place
by an intricate network of hydrogen bonds and aromatic interactions
with other binding residues. In addition, more distant residues that are
not directly involved in substrate coordination contribute to this net-
work (Supplementary Table 1). The structure of the thiamine-binding
site is in excellent agreement with previous mutagenesis studies8:
mutations of Trp133, Gly129, Asn151 and Tyr146 to alanine reduced
the binding affinity by a factor of between 20 and 1,000. In contrast,
the W34A mutant still bound thiamine with wild-type affinity. Trp34
acts as a lid on the binding site, and its removal apparently has little
effect on the rest of the binding site.
The hydroxyl group of thiamine is accessible from the extracellu-
lar environment through a narrow opening expanding into a cavity
(Fig. 2c). The cavity does not allow the substrate to enter but provides
sufficient space to accommodate the phosphate moieties of thiamine
monophosphate and thiamine pyrophosphate (TMP and TPP), which
also bind with high affinity to ThiT8. Entrance of thiamine into the
binding site from the external side of the membrane would require
conformational changes of loops L1, L3 and L5, which form a cage of
aromatic side chains on top of the substrate.
Substrate transport by ThiT requires the energizing module
The residues involved in thiamine binding are highly conserved among
ThiT orthologs (Supplementary Fig. 2). In Figure 2c, the degree of
conservation is projected on the ThiT structure. In addition to the bind-
ing site residues, a few other amino acids are also strongly conserved
(for example, Pro43 at the beginning of helix 2 and several glycines in
L2, helix 3 and the 310 part of helix 4). These residues are likely to have
a structural role (causing close packing of helices 3 and 4 and capping
the short helix 2). We do not observe an obvious translocation path
lined with conserved amino acids within ThiT, in contrast to what has
been suggested for RibU5 (see Discussion). The absence of a transloca-
tion path is consistent with thiamine-transport assays (Fig. 3). When
expressed in E. coli, ThiT alone did not support thiamine transport,
but coexpression of the energizing module (EcfAAT) and ThiT led to
robust thiamine uptake. Overexpression of ThiT in L. lactis resulted in
Degree of conservation
Low High
His125 Asn151
Figure 2 The high-affinity thiamine-binding site. (a) Electron density
for thiamine shown in gray mesh (2FoFc map contoured at 1.5σ),
with the modeled thiamine molecule. (b) Residues forming hydrogen
bonds and aromatic interactions with thiamine. Carbon atoms of the
thiamine molecule and side chains of the binding residues are shown in
green and blue, respectively. Hydrogen bonds are indicated by the red
dashes. Tyr146 interacts with thiamine through a water molecule (black
asterisk). (c) Ribbon and sliced-surface models of the ThiT structure with
the conserved amino acids in ThiT homologs colored according to their
conservation score. The arrow indicates the access to the cavity that can
accommodate phosphate moieties of TMP and TPP.
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75 8 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 nAture structurAl & moleculAr biology
increased levels of thiamine binding to the cells but not in increased
transport rates. In L. lactis the energizing module is constitutively
expressed from the chromosomal copy of the ecfAA
T genes, and the
results show that thiamine transport in L. lactis is limited by the amount
of EcfAAT rather than by the amount of ThiT. These experiments,
together with previous data8, show that ThiT binds thiamine but does
not translocate the vitamin in the absence of the energizing module.
Interaction with the EcfT subunit
The lack of sequence similarity between ThiT and RibU is unusual,
because both proteins interact with ECF energizing modules, but as
the two proteins are from different organisms, they do not interact
with the same energizing module. However, ThiT and RibU proteins
from the same organism are also unrelated in sequence (for example,
in L. lactis there is only 16% identity between them). Because of the
absence of detectable sequence conservation between the two different
S-components, we searched for structural motifs that could be the dock-
ing sites for the energizing module. Interaction with the hydrophobic
EcfT subunit is expected to take place within the hydrophobic core of the
lipid bilayer. A superposition of the ThiT and RibU structures (Fig. 4a)
revealed that helices 1, 2, 3—and to a lesser extent helix 6—align well,
but that helices 4 and 5 adopt very different conformations. The struc-
tural variability in the latter region is required for correct positioning of
the side chains that create the binding sites for either thiamine or ribofla-
vin, and this makes it unlikely that the EcfT component interacts here.
In contrast, the surface formed by helices 1, 2, 3 and 6 is very simi-
lar in RibU and ThiT. Prompted by this observation, we searched for
patterns of sequence conservation in this region that might have been
overlooked previously. Sequence comparison of all eight S-components
from L. lactis revealed that there is a shared alanine motif (AxxxA,
where x can be any amino acid) on the exposed face of helix 1 (Fig. 4b,
Supplementary Fig. 4). Such tetrad repeats of small amino acids are well
known to promote helix-helix interactions between membrane proteins
in the lipid bilayer18–20. To test whether the alanine motif was involved
in the interaction with EcfT, we separately mutated the two alanines
into tryptophan residues and coexpressed the ThiT mutants with the
energizing module in E. coli. Both mutations (A15W and A19W) lead
to a complete loss of transport activity (Fig. 4c), even though the ThiT
mutants were expressed to at least the same level as the wild type (Fig. 4c,
inset). Notably, the integrity and thiamine-binding capacity of the ThiT
a b c d
Lipid bilayer interface
Interaction with
energizing module
L1 loop
H]Thiamine uptake (pmol (D
600 nm
0 10 20 30 40
Time (min)
Figure 4 Interaction of ThiT with the energizing module. (a) Superposition of the RibU structure in gray (PDB 3P5N)5 on the ThiT structure (colored as
in Fig. 1b). The dashed line indicates the proposed interface with the energizing module. The helices are numbered from N terminus to C terminus as
in Figure 1b. (b) The ThiT structure as seen from the interface with the energizing module. The surface of the L1 loop region is highlighted in blue and
indicated by the dashed circle. Rearrangement of the L1 loop would expose the bound thiamine (black sticks) to the lateral EcfT interface. The alanine
motif in helix 1 that is shared by all S-components in L. lactis is colored red. (c) Thiamine uptake by recombinant E. coli cells coexpressing EcfAAT with wild-
type ThiT (), A15W ThiT (n) or A19W ThiT (). Thiamine uptake by a control strain harboring an empty plasmid is indicated by the black circles ().
The error bars indicate the upper and lower measured values. The inset shows western blot analyses of the expression levels of His-tagged EcfT (using
antibodies directed against the His tag) and Strep-tagged ThiT (using antibodies against the Strep tag). (d) Pull-out experiment. EcfAAT with a His
tag on EcfT was coexpressed with Strep-tagged wild-type ThiT, or variants A15W or A19W in E. coli as in c. Membranes were solubilized and the
complexes were purified using nickel-affinity chromatography. The elution fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by western-blot analysis
using antibodies against ThiT-strep.
a b
1.0 3.5
[3H]Thiamine uptake (pmol (D600–1)
[3H]Thiamine uptake (pmol (D600–1)
0 10 20 30 40
Time (min) Time (min)
Figure 3 Transport of [3H]thiamine in E. coli and L. lactis cells.
(a) Thiamine uptake by recombinant E. coli cells. E. coli cells
expressing ThiT and EcfAAT from L. lactis () or ThiT alone (),
and control cells containing an empty expression plasmid (), were
assayed for thiamine uptake. All cells were energized with glucose.
(b) Thiamine uptake by recombinant L. lactis cells. De-energized
control cells (harboring an empty plasmid but containing chromosomal
copies of the genes thiT (also known as llmg_0334) and ecfAA
T (cbiO,
cbiO, cbiQ2) (), de-energized cells expressing ThiT from a plasmid (),
energized control cells () and energized cells expressing ThiT () were
assayed for thiamine uptake. Thiamine binding, rather than transport,
was observed in the de-energized cells. The levels of binding depended
on the expression levels of ThiT. In the energized cells harboring the
empty plasmid, rapid thiamine uptake was observed. In energized cells
overexpressing ThiT, the offset on the y axis—indicative of binding—
increased, rather than the uptake rate. All experiments were conducted
at least in duplicate. The error bars indicate the range (a) or s.d. (b).
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nAture structurAl & moleculAr biologyVOLUME 18 NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 759
mutants were unaffected by the mutations: the solitary ThiT mutants
(in the absence of the energizing module) could be overexpressed and
purified in similar amounts as the wild-type ThiT and bound thiamine
with high affinity (Supplementary Fig. 5). We conclude that the muta-
tions in the alanine motif disrupt the functional interaction between
ThiT and the energizing module.
To show that the mutations not only affected the functional inter-
action between the energizing module and ThiT but also affected
complex formation, we conducted a pull-out experiment. We pre-
viously showed that the entire complex (EcfAAT–ThiT) could be
pulled out by nickel-affinity chromatography using a His tag on EcfT6.
Here we show that in contrast to wild-type ThiT, the mutants A15W
and A19W were not enriched together with EcfT (Fig. 4d), indicating
that the interaction between ThiT and the energizing module had
indeed been disrupted by the single amino acid substitutions.
Interaction with the energizing module
GxxxG and AxxxA motifs are frequently found in membrane proteins
and are often involved in helix-helix interactions18–20. The results
presented here show that the conserved alanine motif (AxxxA) on the
exposed, membrane-embedded face of helix 1 in ThiT mediates the
interaction with the EcfT protein. Our observation that a single amino
acid substitution (either A15W or A19W) is sufficient to disrupt the
functional and physical interaction between ThiT and the energizing
module provides a first clue about the mechanism of interaction.
It will require mapping the complete interface to gain a full under-
standing of the forces driving the association in the complex.
Interaction with the nucleotide binding domains
The free energy required for the transport of thiamine comes from
the hydrolysis of ATP in the EcfA subunits. In all ABC transporters
for which crystal structures are available, each NBD contains a groove
that binds to a cytoplasmic segment of the membrane domain. The
structural elements in the membrane domains that fit in these grooves
are short helical segments named coupling helices. The interaction by
means of coupling helices allows ATP hydrolysis to be linked to trans-
port21,22. Because EcfA and EcfA possess all the sequence motifs that
are mechanistically important in NBDs associated with ABC trans-
porters22–28 (Supplementary Fig. 6), it is reasonable to assume that the
two proteins also communicate with the membrane subunits by means
of coupling helices, but neither ThiT nor RibU has an obvious coupling
helix. To explain this paradox, we propose that the EcfT subunit of the
energizing module may contain two coupling helices. EcfT proteins
are predicted to have a long and conserved cytoplasmic loop with two
moderately hydrophobic helical segments3,29 (Supplementary Fig. 7).
The size of this cytoplasmic domain (109 amino acids) allows the pres-
ence of two rather than one coupling helix for interaction with both
EcfA and EcfA (Fig. 5a). The free energy released by ATP hydrolysis
is then transferred through the EcfT subunit to the S-components.
This hypothesis is supported by mutagenesis studies showing that two
conserved motifs (30–40 amino acids apart) in the cytoplasmic loops
of different EcfT proteins are important for stabilizing the energizing
module–S-component complexes29. The absence of a coupling helix in
the S-components might facilitate their exchange from complexes with
the shared energizing module. Such a dynamic interaction was already
suggested in the 1970s, as a result of in vivo transport experiments7.
Based on the RibU structure5, it has been suggested that clusters of
positively charged amino acids in the cytoplasmic loops of ThiT and
RibU might mediate the interaction with the EcfA subunit. However,
we suspect that the clustering of arginines and lysines in cytoplas-
mic loops is more likely a manifestation of the ‘positive inside rule’:
membrane proteins are usually enriched for these residues in their
cytoplasmic loops, and this bias predicts the membrane topology30,31.
The substrate translocation path
We do not observe an obvious translocation path for thiamine within the
ThiT molecule. The substrate binding site is located near the extracel-
lular side of the membrane, and the tight helix packing does not allow a
substrate to pass through the interior of the protein. Although the same
is true for the RibU structure, some researchers speculate on a trans-
port path for riboflavin through the core of the cylinder-shaped RibU
molecule5 that would be opened by a conformational change and that is
lined with moderately conserved amino acids. In the ThiT structure, we
do not see a similar arrangement of conserved residues. Furthermore, a
number of amino acids in RibU that were classified as conserved on the
basis of a multiple sequence alignment with 12 orthologs are not well
conserved when a much larger set of RibU sequences is used, whereas
the binding site residues are still conserved.
The absence of an intramolecular translocation path in ThiT is
consistent with the lack of thiamine transport activity in the absence
of the energizing module (Fig. 3). Similarly, for riboflavin trans-
port by RibU from S. aureus, the energizing module was required5
as well. We hypothesize that instead of using an intramolecular
translocation path within the S-components, the substrates are
translocated at the interface between the S-component and EcfT,
in line with the mechanism that classical ABC transporters use to
import substrates1. Contrary to ThiT and RibU, the biotin-specific
S-component BioY from R. capsulatus has been proposed to have a
homo-oligomeric quaternary structure in vivo32 and may facilitate
biotin transport in the absence of the energizing module5.
Interaction of ThiT with the EcfT subunit on the surface formed by heli-
ces 1, 2, 3 and 6 (Fig. 4a) immediately suggests a mechanism for substrate
transport to the cytoplasm. Rearrangement of the membrane-embedded
L1 loop, instigated by ATP binding and hydrolysis in the NBDs, could open
a lateral gate for thiamine, facing the EcfT subunit (Fig. 4b). Furthermore,
the L1 loop interacts intimately with three regions (helices 5 and 6 and L3)
that contain substrate-binding residues (Fig. 5b). Repositioning of L1 will
disrupt these interactions and perturb the binding site, thereby reducing
the binding affinity and allowing thiamine to leave.
Symmetry of the membrane domains
All available crystal structures of ABC transporters show structural sym-
metry between the two transmembrane subunits22–28. The symmetry is
Coupling helices
L1 loop
a b
Figure 5 Working model for substrate translocation and interaction with
EcfA. (a) Model for coupling helix interaction in ECF transporters. The
S-component is colored red, EcfT is orange and the EcfA subunits are
blue. (b) Specific interactions between the L1 loop and helices 5 and 6.
Glu38 in L1 forms a salt bridge with Lys121 in helix 5 and a hydrogen
bond with Tyr122; the side chains of Ser154 and Thr158 in helix 6 form
hydrogen bonds with backbone NH groups in loop L1. In addition, Trp34
in L1 makes an aromatic interaction with Tyr74 in L3 (not shown).
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
76 0 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 nAture structurAl & moleculAr biology
most obvious when the two subunits are identical but is also present in
the case of heterodimers, where the folds are related . We were not able to
detect sequence similarity between the S-components and EcfT, but we
cannot exclude the possibility that these proteins are structurally similar
but their sequences have diverged beyond recognition . However, the
predicted topology and structural organization of EcfT proteins are dif-
ferent from those of the S-components29. Together with our hypothesis
that the EcfT component may contain two coupling helices for interac-
tion with the EcfA subunits, these data suggest that ECF transporters are
less likely to be symmetrical than classical ABC transporters .
The high-resolution structural data presented here, together with the
RibU structure, provide the first glimpse of the transport mechanism
of ECF transporters. Further structural and biochemical studies of the
complete complexes will now be necessary for full understanding. ECF
transporters are exclusively prokaryotic and numerous human patho-
gens are dependent on the uptake of ECF substrates for survival33,34.
For example, ThiT from the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes
has proven to be essential for intracellular replication35. Structural
and mechanistic understanding of ECF transporters may enable the
development of new antibiotics that target these proteins.
Methods and any associated references are available in the online
version of the paper at
Accession codes. The coordinates of the ThiT structure have been
deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession code 3RLB.
Note: Supplementary information is available on the Nature Structural
Biology website.
We thank the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility and Swiss Light Source
for providing excellent beamline facilities. We thank R. Duurkens for conducting
transport experiments, D. Colpa for assistance with the pull-out experiments and
A.-M. Thunnissen for critically reading the manuscript. This research was supported
by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (Vidi and ALW Open
Programma grants to D.J.S., TOP subsidy grant 700.56.302 to B.P. and Top Talent
grant to J.t.B.) and by the European Union European Drug Initiative on Channels and
Transporters (EDICT) program.
G.B.E., R.P.-A.B. and D.J.S. designed the experiments. G.B.E., R.P.-A.B., F.F., M.M.,
A.V.-Z. and J.t.B. conducted the experiments. G.B.E., R.P.-A.B., B.P. and D.J.S.
analyzed the data. G.B.E., B.P. and D.J.S. wrote the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Published online at
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© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
nAture structurAl & moleculAr biology
Protein overexpression. Native ThiT containing an N-terminal His8 tag
(ThiT-nHis) was overexpressed in L. lactis strain NZ9000 (ref. 36). The cells were
grown semi-anaerobically in GLS medium (2% (w/v) Gistex (Brenntag), 2.5% (w/v)
glucose, 100 mM KH2PO4, 110 mM K2HPO4 and 5 µg ml−1 chloramphenicol).
The initial pH was 6.8 and decreased during cell growth. At D600 nm of 1.5 (at this
point the pH was 6.5), expression was induced by the addition of 0.1% (v/v) of
culture supernatant from the nisin A–producing strain NZ9700 (ref. 36). The cells
were induced for 2 h and reached a final D600 nm of 4–5. The preparation of mem-
brane vesicles was carried out as previously described8. Expression of SeMet (Acros
Organics)-substituted ThiT was done in L. lactis as previously described37.
Purification of thiamine-bound ThiT-nHis. ThiT-nHis was purified as pre-
viously described8 with the following modifications: during solubilization,
100 µM thiamine-HCl (Sigma) was added to ensure saturation of all binding sites
with thiamine. Membrane vesicles from L. lactis NZ9000, expressing ThiT, were
solubilized in 1.0% (w/v) n-dodecyl-β--maltopyranoside (DDM, Anatrace),
but in all subsequent steps, this detergent was replaced by 0.35% n-nonyl-β-
-glucopyranoside (NG, Anatrace). Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) was
done on a Superdex-200 column (GE Healthcare) in 20 mM HEPES buffer,
150 mM NaCl and 0.35% NG (pH 7.0, adjusted with NaOH). The peak frac-
tions after SEC were concentrated on a Vivaspin 30-kDa molecular weight cutoff
(MWCO) concentrator (VWR International) to 6–8 mg ml−1. Concentrated ThiT
was used directly to set up crystallization trials.
Crystallization. Initial crystals of ThiT were obtained under several conditions
by screening commercially available crystallization conditions with ThiT puri-
fied in n-octyl-β--glucopyranoside (OG, Anatrace), using a dispensing robot
(mosquito, TTP Labtech). These crystals were small and diffracted only to ~50 Å.
Optimization of the crystallization conditions gradually improved the diffrac-
tion properties and finally yielded crystals diffracting to 7–8 Å. Rescreening
with the detergent n-octyl-β--thioglucopyranoside (OTG, Anatrace) resulted
in bigger crystals that diffracted up to 5–6 Å. A major improvement was obtained
with ThiT purified in NG. Crystals ranging in size from 50 to 300 µm could be
grown at 5 °C from a solution containing 15–20% (w/v) PEG 3350 (Hampton
Research) and 0.1–0.3 M NH4NO3. The crystals appeared within 1 week, grew
to full size in 3–4 weeks and diffracted to ~2 Å. For cryoprotection, a solution
of 40% (w/v) PEG 3350 was prepared with the same concentration of NH4NO3
as for the crystallization condition. Replacing PEG 3350 by PEGs with a higher
or lower molecular weight resulted in crystals in most cases, but the best
diffraction properties were obtained with PEG 3350. SeMet-substituted ThiT-nHis
could be purified and crystallized under conditions identical to those for the
native protein.
Structure determination. Diffraction data were collected at the ESRF and
SLS beamline facilities. Multi-wavelength Anomalous Dispersion (MAD) data
on SeMet-ThiT to 2.9 Å were collected at 100 K on ID29 at ESRF around the
K-absorption edge of selenium with wavelengths for remote of 0.9768 Å, for
inflection of 0.9793 Å and for peak of 0.9791 Å, in that order. Native data to 2.0 Å
were collected at 100 K and 1.0723 Å on ID23-1. Data processing and reduction
were carried out using XDS38 and programs from the CCP4 suite39. Relevant
statistics for the data collection, phasing and model refinement can be found in
Table 1. Initial phase information was found and the initial model built using
Phenix AutoSol40 and Resolve (within Phenix). Four selenium sites were found
within the asymmetric unit, corresponding to two SeMet substitutions per protein
molecule (Met17 and Met68). All SeMet peaks were above 25σ (Supplementary
Fig. 8a). The full model was built in ARP/wARP41, using the native data. A few
cycles of refinement in Refmac5 (ref. 42), including noncrystallographic symme-
try with loose restraints, interspersed with manual model building using Coot43,
were necessary to complete the model (Supplementary Fig. 8b). The final protein
model contains residues 7–182 for chain A and 6–182 for chain B; thus, only
the initial five or six residues and the His tag are missing. Water molecules were
automatically placed in FoFc Fourier difference maps at a 3σ cutoff level and
validated to ensure correct coordination geometries, using Coot. All structure
figures were prepared with PyMOL (
Transport of [3H]thiamine in L. lactis and E. coli. Transport experiments with
L. lactis cells were conducted as previously described8. To de-energize the cells,
we added 20 mM N-methyl-α--glucopyranoside instead of glucose. The cells
were grown in chemically defined medium without thiamine. The scarcity of
thiamine in the growth medium induces the expression of the chromosomal thiT
gene. The energizing module (EcfAAT) was expressed constitutively from the
chromosomal copies of the genes.
E. coli MC1061 cells containing plasmids for expression of ThiT alone or both
EcfAAT and ThiT6 were grown on LB medium with 100 µg ml−1 ampicillin. At
an D600 nm of ~0.5, expression was induced by adding 10−3% (w/v) -arabinose.
After 2 h of induction, the cells were harvested, washed and resuspended in ice-
cold buffer (50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5) to a final D600 nm of 5 and kept
on ice. For the transport assays, the cells were energized with 10 mM glucose for
15 min at 30 °C. Subsequently, [3H]thiamine (American Radiolabeled Chemicals)
was added to a final concentration of 25 nM, and at the indicated time points,
200-µl samples were taken and mixed with 2 ml stop buffer (ice-cold 50 mM
potassium phosphate, pH 7.5). The suspension was rapidly filtered over a BA-85
nitrocellulose filter, which was subsequently washed once with 2 ml stop buffer.
Filters were dried for 1 h at 80 °C, and 2 ml of Emulsifier-Scintillator Plus liquid
(PerkinElmer) was added. The levels of radioactivity were determined with a
PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 2800 TR isotope counter. For time point zero, 200 µl of
cell suspension was added to 2 ml stop buffer containing radioactive thiamine,
and this mixture was directly filtered.
Purification of EcfAAT–ThiT. The experiments were conducted as previously
described6 with wild-type ThiT, ThiT A15W and ThiT A19W coexpressed with
the energizing module. The ThiT mutants were prepared using standard clon-
ing techniques.
36. Kuipers, O.P., de Ruyter, P.G.G.A., Kleerebezem, M. & de Vos, W.M. Quorum sensing-
controlled gene expression in lactic acid bacteria. J. Biotechnol. 64, 15–21
37. Berntsson, R.P. et al. Selenomethionine incorporation in proteins expressed in
Lactococcus lactis. Protein Sci. 18, 1121–1127 (2009).
38. Kabsch, W. Automatic processing of rotation diffraction data from crystals of initially
unknown symmetry and cell constants. J. Appl. Cryst. 26, 795–800 (1993).
39. Collaborative Computational Project Number 4. The CCP4 suite: programs for protein
crystallography. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 50, 760–763 (1994).
40. Adams, P.D. et al. PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular
structure solution. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 66, 213–221 (2010).
41. Langer, G., Cohen, S.X., Lamzin, V.S. & Perrakis, A. Automated macromolecular
model building for X-ray crystallography using ARP/wARP version 7. Nat. Protoc. 3,
1171–1179 (2008).
42. Murshudov, G.N., Vagin, A.A. & Dodson, E.J. Refinement of macromolecular
structures by the maximum-likelihood method. Acta Crystallogr. 53, 240–255
43. Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B., Scott, W.G. & Cowtan, K. Features and development of
Coot. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 66, 486–501 (2010).
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
... The expression levels in L. lactis was around 1-2% (Table 2; [45]). Mutagenesis studies allowed for the determination of some amino acids interacting with the energizing module, necessary for vitamin translocation [114]. EPR performed on purified ThiT and molecular dynamic studies allowed for a detailed description of the conformational changes of the protein during binding and coupling with the energizing module [83]. ...
... Then, the structure of ThiT was obtained, with both the wild-type and a selenomethionine-labeled protein. This crystal structure has been obtained at an expression level of 2% of TMPs [114,130]. One year after that, the same group resolved the structure of BioY, another L. lactis MP from the ECF family involved in biotin transport [59]. ...
Full-text available
Membrane proteins play key roles in most crucial cellular processes, ranging from cell-to-cell communication to signaling processes. Despite recent improvements, the expression of functionally folded membrane proteins in sufficient amounts for functional and structural characterization remains a challenge. Indeed, it is still difficult to predict whether a protein can be overproduced in a functional state in some expression system(s), though studies of high-throughput screens have been published in recent years. Prokaryotic expression systems present several advantages over eukaryotic ones. Among them, Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) has emerged in the last two decades as a good alternative expression system to E. coli. The purpose of this chapter is to describe L. lactis and its tightly inducible system, NICE, for the effective expression of membrane proteins from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic origins.
... This motif is responsible for the tight association of the S-component with the scaffold protein of the ECF module (EcfT). Mutation of either alanine prevented the S-component ThiT to interact with the ECF module, and cause a complete loss of transport ability 70 . This typifying motif in helix 1 is absent from MreDs and SHKs (Fig. 5b). ...
Full-text available
The processes of nutrient uptake and signal sensing are crucial for microbial survival and adaptation. Membrane-embedded proteins involved in these functions (transporters and receptors) are commonly regarded as unrelated in terms of sequence, structure, mechanism of action and evolutionary history. Here, we analyze the protein structural universe using recently developed artificial intelligence-based structure prediction tools, and find an unexpected link between prominent groups of microbial transporters and receptors. The so-called S-components of Energy-Coupling Factor (ECF) transporters, and the membrane domains of sensor histidine kinases of the 5TMR cluster share a structural fold. The discovery of their relatedness manifests a widespread case of prokaryotic “transceptors” (related proteins with transport or receptor function), showcases how artificial intelligence-based structure predictions reveal unchartered evolutionary connections between proteins, and provides new avenues for engineering transport and signaling functions in bacteria.
... This motif is responsible for the tight association of the S-component with the scaffold protein of the ECF module (EcfT). Mutation of either alanine prevented the S-component ThiT to interact with the ECF module, and cause a complete loss of transport ability.67 This typifying motif in helix 1 is absent from MreDs and SHKs (Figure 5B). ...
Full-text available
The processes of nutrient uptake and signal sensing are crucial for microbial survival and adaptation. Membrane-embedded proteins involved in these functions (transporters and receptors) are commonly regarded as unrelated in terms of sequence, structure, mechanism of action and evolutionary history. Here, we analyze the protein structural universe using recently developed artificial intelligence-based structure prediction tools, and find an unexpected link between prominent groups of microbial transporters and receptors. The so-called S-components of energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporters, and the membrane domains of sensor histidine kinases of the 5TMR cluster share a structural fold. The discovery of their relatedness manifests a widespread case of prokaryotic transceptors (related proteins with transport or receptor function), showcases how artificial intelligence-based structure predictions reveal unchartered evolutionary connections between proteins, and provides new avenues for engineering transport and signaling functions in bacteria.
... Structural information on ECF transporters is sparse. Only structures of the substrate-bound conformation of solitary S-components 4,[15][16][17][18][19] , the isolated water-soluble ATPase subunits (EcfAA') 12,14 , and the inward-facing postsubstrate-release state of full ECF transporter complexes [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] , have been determined to date. Based on these fragmented structural insights, a model for the transport mechanism has been proposed in which a substrate-free solitary S-component with an outward-facing binding site topples within the membrane upon substrate acquisition, associates with the ECF module, and exposes the binding site to the cytosol 4,12 , thereby moving the substrate across the membrane. ...
Full-text available
Energy-coupling factor (ECF)-type transporters mediate the uptake of micro-nutrients in many bacteria. They consist of a substrate-translocating subunit (S-component) and an ATP-hydrolysing motor (ECF module) Previous data indicate that the S-component topples within the membrane to alternately expose the binding site to either side of the membrane. In many ECF transporters , the substrate-free S-component can be expelled from the ECF module. Here we study this enigmatic expulsion step by cryogenic electron microscopy and reveal that ATP induces a concave-to-convex shape change of two long helices in the motor, thereby destroying the S-component's docking site and allowing for its dissociation. We show that adaptation of the membrane morphology to the conformational state of the motor may favour expulsion of the substrate-free S-component when ATP is bound and docking of the substrate-loaded S-component after hydrolysis. Our work provides a picture of bilayer-assisted chemo-mechanical coupling in the transport cycle of ECF transporters.
... ECF importers typically require two ATPase subunits (ECF-A and ECF-A9) for transporter function. As some bacteria use the same ATPase subunits to engage multiple ECF transport systems, we reasoned that the ATPases that function in the RibU ECF transporter flavin import system might also participate in FAD secretion (30,31). To test this hypothesis, we generated a DecfA/DecfA9 strain that lacked both of the previously characterized RibU ATPases (19). ...
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Bacteria import vitamins and other essential compounds from their surroundings but also traffic related compounds from the cytosol to the cell envelope where they serve various functions. Studying the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes , we find that the modular use of subunits from a prominent class of bacterial transporters enables the import of environmental vitamin B 2 cofactors and the extracytosolic trafficking of a vitamin B 2 -derived cofactor that facilitates redox reactions in the cell envelope.
... Once in the periplasmic space, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) and tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporters can accomplish the active transport of fluorinated pesticides, by relying on protein chaperones for substrate binding and cross-membrane translocation ( Figure 1) [40]. Being voided of an outer-membrane, Gram-positive bacteria are also expected to recruit substrate-binding protein transporters, such as ABC transporters, for the uptake of hydrophobic xenobiotics such as fluorinated pesticides [41]. All these transport systems are often integrated into operons belonging to the catabolic repertoire of bacteria, as their recruitment can occur simultaneously with the catabolic enzymes that convert the transported substrates. ...
Fluorine-based agrochemicals have been benchmarked as the golden standard in pesticide development, prompting their widespread use in agriculture. As a result, fluorinated pesticides can now be found in the environment, entailing serious ecological implications due to their harmfulness and persistence. Microbial degradation might be an option to mitigate these impacts, though environmental microorganisms are not expected to easily cope with these fluoroaromatics due to their recalcitrance. Here, we provide an outlook on the microbial metabolism of fluorinated pesticides by analyzing the degradation pathways and biochemical processes involved, while also highlighting the central role of enzymatic defluorination in their productive metabolism. Finally, the potential contribution of these microbial processes for the dissipation of fluorinated pesticides from the environment is also discussed.
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It is important to search for cytostatic compounds in order to fight cancer. One of them could be 2′-methylthiamine, which is a thiamine antimetabolite with an additional methyl group at the C-2 carbon of thiazole. So far, the cytostatic potential of 2′-methylthiamine has not been studied. We have come forward with a simplified method of synthesis using commercially available substrates and presented a comparison of its effects, as boosted by oxythiamine, on normal skin fibroblasts and HeLa cancer cells, having adopted in vitro culture techniques. Oxythiamine has been found to inhibit the growth and metabolism of cancer cells significantly better than 2′-methylthiamine (GI50 36 and 107 µM, respectively), while 2′-methylthiamine is more selective for cancer cells than oxythiamine (SI = 180 and 153, respectively). Docking analyses have revealed that 2′-methylthiamine (ΔG −8.2 kcal/mol) demonstrates a better affinity with thiamine pyrophosphokinase than thiamine (ΔG −7.5 kcal/mol ) and oxythiamine (ΔG −7.0 kcal/mol), which includes 2′-methylthiamine as a potential cytostatic. Our results suggest that the limited effect of 2′-methylthiamine on HeLa arises from the related arduous transport as compared to oxythiamine. Given that 2′-methylthiamine may possibly inhibit thiamine pyrophosphokinase, it could once again be considered a potential cytostatic. Thus, research should be carried out in order to find the best way to improve the transport of 2′-methylthiamine into cells, which may trigger its cytostatic properties.
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The energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporters are a family of transmembrane proteins involved in the uptake of vitamins in a wide range of bacteria. Inhibition of the activity of these proteins could reduce the viability of pathogens that depend on vitamin uptake. The central role of vitamin transport in the metabolism of bacteria and absence from humans make the ECF transporters an attractive target for inhibition with selective chemical probes. Here, we report on the identification of a promising class of inhibitors of the ECF transporters. We used coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations on Lactobacillus delbrueckii ECF-FolT2 and ECF-PanT to profile the binding mode and mechanism of inhibition of this novel chemotype. The results corroborate the postulated mechanism of transport and pave the way for further drug-discovery efforts.
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The present study describes a detailed procedure for expressing and purifying the integral membrane protein RseP using the pSIP system and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum as an expression host. RseP is a membrane-bound site-2-protease and a known antibacterial target in multiple human pathogens. In the present study, we screened five RseP orthologs from Gram-positive bacteria and found RseP from Enterococcus faecium (EfmRseP) to yield the highest protein levels. The production conditions were optimized and EfmRseP was purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography followed by size-exclusion chromatography. The purification resulted in an overall yield of approximately 1 mg of pure protein per 3 g of wet-weight cell pellet. The structural integrity of the purified protein was confirmed using circular dichroism. We further assessed the expression and purification of RseP from E. faecium in the Gram-negative Escherichia coli. Detection of soluble protein failed in two of the three E. coli strains tested. Purification of EfmRseP expressed in E. coli C43(DE3) resulted in a protein with lower purity compared to EfmRseP expressed in L. plantarum. To our knowledge, this is the first time L. plantarum and the pSIP expression system have been applied for the production of membrane proteins.
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are one of the largest families of membrane proteins in prokaryotic organisms. Much is now understood about the structure of these transporters and many reviews have been written on that subject. In contrast, less has been written on the assembly of ABC transporter complexes and this will be a major focus of this book chapter. The complexes are formed from two cytoplasmic subunits that are highly conserved (in terms of their primary and three-dimensional structures) across the whole family. These ATP-binding subunits give rise to the name of the family. They must assemble with two transmembrane subunits that will typically form the permease component of the transporter. The transmembrane subunits have been found to be surprisingly diverse in structure when the whole family is examined, with seven distinct folds identified so far. Hence nucleotide-binding subunits appear to have been bolted on to a variety of transmembrane platforms during evolution, leading to a greater variety in function. Furthermore, many importers within the family utilise a further external substrate-binding component to trap scarce substrates and deliver them to the correct permease components. In this chapter, we will discuss whether assembly of the various ABC transporter subunits occurs with high fidelity within the crowded cellular environment and whether promiscuity in assembly of transmembrane and cytoplasmic components can occur. We also discuss the new AlphaFold protein structure prediction tool which predicts a new type of transmembrane domain fold within the ABC transporters that is associated with cation exporters of bacteria and plants.
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ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters mediate transport of diverse substrates across membranes. We have determined the quaternary structure and functional unit of the recently discovered ECF-type (energy coupling factor) of ABC transporters, which is widespread among prokaryotes. ECF transporters are protein complexes consisting of a conserved energizing module (two peripheral ATPases and the integral membrane protein EcfT) and a non-conserved integral membrane protein responsible for substrate specificity (S-component). S-components for different substrates are often unrelated in amino acid sequence but may associate with the same energizing module. Here, the energizing module from Lactococcus lactis was shown to form stable complexes with each of the eight predicted S-components found in the organism. The quaternary structures of three of these complexes were determined by light scattering. EcfT, the two ATPases (EcfA and EcfA′), and the S-components were found to be present in a 1:1:1:1 ratio. The complexes were reconstituted in proteoliposomes and shown to mediate ATP-dependent transport. ECF-type transporters are the smallest known ABC transporters.
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Structures of three potassium channels of the six-transmembrane (TM) helix type, a ligand-gated channel, and two voltage-gated channels were solved recently by x-ray crystallography ([Long et al., 2005a][1],[b][2], [2007][3]; [Clayton et al., 2008][4]). In all three channel structures, the fourth TM
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The energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporters, responsible for vitamin uptake in prokaryotes, are a unique family of membrane transporters. Each ECF transporter contains a membrane-embedded, substrate-binding protein (known as the S component), an energy-coupling module that comprises two ATP-binding proteins (known as the A and A' components) and a transmembrane protein (known as the T component). The structure and transport mechanism of the ECF family remain unknown. Here we report the crystal structure of RibU, the S component of the ECF-type riboflavin transporter from Staphylococcus aureus at 3.6-Å resolution. RibU contains six transmembrane segments, adopts a previously unreported transporter fold and contains a riboflavin molecule bound to the L1 loop and the periplasmic portion of transmembrane segments 4-6. Structural analysis reveals the essential ligand-binding residues, identifies the putative transport path and, with sequence alignment, uncovers conserved structural features and suggests potential mechanisms of action among the ECF transporters.
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BioMNY, a bacterial high-affinity biotin transporter, is a member of the recently defined class of ECF (energy-coupling factor) transporters. These systems are composed of ABC (ATP-binding-cassette) ATPases (represented by BioM in the case of the biotin transporter), a universally conserved transmembrane protein (BioN) and a core transporter component (BioY), in unknown stoichiometry. The quaternary structure of BioY, which functions as a low-affinity biotin transporter in the absence of BioMN, and of BioMNY was investigated by a FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer) approach using living recombinant Escherichia coli cells. To this end, the donor-acceptor pair, of Cerulean and yellow fluorescent protein respectively, were fused to BioM, BioN and BioY. The fusion proteins were stable and the protein tags did not interfere with transport and ATPase activities. Specific donor-acceptor interactions were characterized by lifetime-based FRET spectroscopy. The results suggest an oligomeric structure for the solitary BioY core transporter and oligomeric forms of BioM and BioY in BioMNY complexes. We surmise that oligomers of BioY are the functional units of the low- and high-affinity biotin transporter in the living cell. Beyond its relevance for clarifying the supramolecular organization of ECF transporters, the results demonstrate the general applicability of lifetime-based FRET studies in living bacteria.
The ABC transporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that couple adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis to the translocation of diverse substrates across cell membranes. Clinically relevant examples are associated with cystic fibrosis and with multidrug resistance of pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells. Here, we report the crystal structure at 3.2 angstrom resolution of the Escherichia coli BtuCD protein, an ABC transporter mediating vitamin B_(12) uptake. The two ATP-binding cassettes (BtuD) are in close contact with each other, as are the two membrane-spanning subunits (BtuC); this arrangement is distinct from that observed for the E. coli lipid flippase MsbA. The BtuC subunits provide 20 transmembrane helices grouped around a translocation pathway that is closed to the cytoplasm by a gate region whereas the dimer arrangement of the BtuD subunits resembles the ATP-bound form of the Rad50 DNA repair enzyme. A prominent cytoplasmic loop of BtuC forms the contact region with the ATP-binding cassette and appears to represent a conserved motif among the ABC transporters.
The CCP4 (Collaborative Computational Project, number 4) program suite is a collection of programs and associated data and subroutine libraries which can be used for macromolecular structure determination by X-ray crystallography. The suite is designed to be flexible, allowing users a number of methods of achieving their aims and so there may be more than one program to cover each function. The programs are written mainly in standard Fortran77. They are from a wide variety of sources but are connected by standard data file formats. The package has been ported to all the major platforms under both Unix and VMS. The suite is distributed by anonymous ftp from Daresbury Laboratory and is widely used throughout the world.
P-glycoprotein (Pgp) detoxifies cells by exporting hundreds of chemically unrelated toxins but causes multidrug resistance in the treatment of cancers. Substrate promiscuity is a hallmark of Pgp activity, thus a structural description of polyspecific drug-binding is vital for the rational design of anticancer drugs and MDR inhibitors. The x-ray structure of apo-Pgp at 3.8 A reveals an internal cavity of ∼6,000 A3 with a 30 A separation of the two nucleotide binding domains (NBD). Two additional Pgp structures with novel cyclic peptide inhibitors demonstrate distinct drug binding sites in the internal cavity capable of stereo-selectivity that is based on hydrophobic and aromatic interactions. Apo- and drug-bound Pgp structures have portals open to the cytoplasm and the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer for drug entry. The inward-facing conformation represents an initial stage of the transport cycle that is competent for drug binding.
While several reports have suggested a role for helix-helix interactions in membrane protein oligomerization, there are few direct biochemical data bearing on this subject. Here, using mutational analysis, we show that dimerization of the transmembrane alpha-helix of glycophorin A in a detergent environment is spontaneous and highly specific. Very subtle changes in the side-chain structure at certain sensitive positions disrupt the helix-helix association. These sensitive positions occur at approximately every 3.9 residues along the helix, consistent with their comprising the interface of a closely fit transmembranous supercoil of alpha-helices. By contrast with other reported cases of interactions between transmembrane helices, the set of interfacial residues in this case contains no highly polar groups. Amino acids with aliphatic side chains define much of the interface, indicating that precise packing interactions between the helices may provide much of the energy for association. These data highlight the potential general importance of specific interactions between the hydrophobic anchors of integral membrane proteins.
Quorum sensing in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) involves peptides that are directly sensed by membrane-located histidine kinases, after which the signal is transmitted to an intracellular response regulator. This regulator in turn activates transcription of target genes, that commonly include the structural gene for the inducer molecule. The two-component signal-transduction machinery has proven to be indispensable for transcription activation and production of several autoinducers found in LAB, which are predominantly bacteriocins or bacteriocin-like peptides. In the nisin autoregulation process in Lactococcus lactis the NisK protein acts as the sensor for nisin and the NisR protein as the response regulator, activating transcription of target genes. The cis-acting elements for NisR were identified as the nisA and nisF promoter fragments and these were further analysed for inducibility. Based on this knowledge efficient nisin-controlled expression (NICE) systems were developed for several different lactic acid bacteria. A promising application of the NICE system is the development of autolytic starter lactococci, which will lyse in an early stage during cheese ripening thereby facilitating the release of intracellular enzymes which can contribute to flavour formation.
Since their discovery in the 1960s as 'osmotic shock-sensitive' transporters, a plethora of so-called binding protein-dependent (canonical) ATP-binding cassette (ABC) importers has been identified in bacteria and archaea. Their cellular functions go far beyond the uptake of nutrients. Canonical ABC importers play important roles in the maintenance of cell integrity, responses to environmental stresses, cell-to-cell communication and cell differentiation and in pathogenicity. A new class of abundant micronutrient importers, the 'energy-coupling factor' (ECF) transporters, was originally identified by functional genomics. ABC ATPases are an integral part of both canonical ABC and ECF importers. Fundamental differences include the modular architecture and the independence of ECF systems of extracytoplasmic solute-binding proteins. This review describes the roles of both types of transporters in diverse physiological processes including pathogenesis, points to the differences in modular assembly and depicts their common traits.