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Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies: Imaging Protocols and Spectra of Appearances


Abstract and Figures

Recent technologic advances in cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have resulted in images with high spatial and temporal resolution and excellent myocardial tissue characterization. Cardiac MR is a valuable imaging technique for detection and assessment of the morphology and functional characteristics of the nonischemic cardiomyopathy. It has gained acceptance as a standalone imaging modality that can provide further information beyond the capabilities of traditional modalities such as echocardiography and angiography. Black-blood fast spin-echo MR images allow morphologic assessment of the heart with high spatial resolution, while T2-weighted MR images can depict acute myocardial edema. Contrast material-enhanced images can depict and be used to quantify myocardial edema, infiltration, and fibrosis. This review presents recommended cardiac MR protocols for and the spectrum of imaging appearances of the nonischemic cardiomyopathies.
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Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 403
1 From the Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 (D.H.O.);
Cardiac MR-PET-CT Program, Center for Integration of
Medicine and Innovative Technology , Boston, Mass (S.A.,
V.C., K.Y.); Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass (S.A., K.Y.);
Department of Radiology, Baptist (Miami) Cardiac and Vascular
Institute, Miami, Fla (R.C.C.); and Cardiac CT and MR imaging
Program, St Vincent’s University Hospital and University
College, Dublin, Ireland (R.P.K., R.M., D.K., J.D.D.). Received
March 6, 2010; revision requested April 12; revision received
June 16, accepted July 6; fi nal version accepted July 14.
Final review by J.D.D. October 18, 2011. Address
correspondence to J.D.D. (e-mail: ).
q RSNA, 2012
David H. O’Donnell , MD
Suhny Abbara , MD
Vithaya Chaithiraphan , MD
Kibar Yared , MD
Ronan P. Killeen , MD
Ramon Martos , MD
David Keane , PhD
Ricardo C. Cury , MD
Jonathan D. Dodd , MD
Cardiac MR Imaging of
Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies:
Imaging Protocols and Spectra of
Recent technologic advances in cardiac magnetic reso-
nance (MR) imaging have resulted in images with high
spatial and temporal resolution and excellent myocardial
tissue characterization. Cardiac MR is a valuable imag-
ing technique for detection and assessment of the mor-
phology and functional characteristics of the nonischemic
cardiomyopathy. It has gained acceptance as a standalone
imaging modality that can provide further information
beyond the capabilities of traditional modalities such as
echocardiography and angiography. Black-blood fast spin-
echo MR images allow morphologic assessment of the
heart with high spatial resolution, while T2-weighted MR
images can depict acute myocardial edema. Contrast
material–enhanced images can depict and be used to
quantify myocardial edema, infi ltration, and fi brosis. This
review presents recommended cardiac MR protocols for
and the spectrum of imaging appearances of the nonis-
chemic cardiomyopathies.
q RSNA, 2012
Supplemental material:
Learning Objectives:
n Review the standard cardiac MR imaging protocol required
to assess for the presence of cardiomyopathy
n Recognize specifi c additional MR sequences that may
increase the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac MR imaging in
certain specifi c nonischemic cardiomyopathies
n Identify the spectrum of MR imaging appearances of
nonischemic cardiomyopathies
Accreditation and Designation Statement
The RSNA is accredited by the Accreditation Council or
Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing
medical education for physicians. The RSNA designates this
journal-based activity for a maximum of 1.0. AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit ™. Physicians should claim only the credit
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the
Disclosure Statement
The ACCME requires that the RSNA, as an accredited
provider of CME, obtain signed disclosure statements from
the authors, editors, and reviewers for this activity. For this
journal-based CME activity, author disclosures are listed at
the end of this article.
Online CME
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
404 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
Recent technical advances have al-
lowed cardiac magnetic resonance
(MR) imaging to enter mainstream
cardiology imaging practice for cardio-
myopathy assessment ( 1 ). The devel-
opment of increasing magnetic eld
strengths and surface coil channels, rapid
k-space sampling, postprocessing tech-
niques, and sophisticated sequences for
myocardial characterization have made
cardiac MR a powerful tool in the work-
up of many complex cardiomyopathies
( 2 ). Consensus statements from several
international cardiac associations include
cardiac MR as a primary imaging tech-
nique ( 1 , 3 , 4 ). In this review, we will out-
line the cardiac MR protocols that allow
optimal characterization of nonischemic
cardiomyopathy and illustrate the spec-
trum of their appearances on cardiac
MR imaging studies.
The prevalence of cardiomyopathy
in the United States is approximately
one in 5439 people, or 0.02% of the
population ( Table 1 ). Prevalence varies
between the most common type, dilated
cardiomyopathy, to the least common,
restrictive cardiomyopathy. It is esti-
mated that cardiomyopathy causes ap-
proximately 25 000 deaths each year in
Published online
10.1148/radiol.11100284 Content codes:
Radiology 2012; 262:403– 422
ARVD = arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia
HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
LV = left ventricle
RV = right ventricle
SSFP = steady-state free precession
Potential confl icts of interest are list at the end
of this article.
Cardiac MR is a valuable non- n
invasive imaging technique for
detection and assessment of the
morphologic, functional, and
myocardial contrast-enhancement
characteristics of nonischemic
cardiomyopathy and has become
the noninvasive imaging test of
choice for measuring chamber
size and function.
Cardiac MR complements and n
furthers the information acquired
with traditional modalities such
as echocardiography in nonisch-
emic cardiomyopathy assessment
and in many cases allows accu-
rate determination of their prog-
nostic implications.
Contrast-enhanced MR images n
may depict and help quantify
myocardial infl ammation, infi ltra-
tion, and fi brosis.
the United States and follows coronary
arterial heart disease as the common-
est cause of sudden death ( 5 ). Trans-
thoracic echocardiography remains the
mainstay imaging modality for cardio-
myopathy. It allows accurate assessment
of chamber dynamics, valvular motion,
and real-time Doppler interrogation of
intracardiac blood fl ow and its practical
aspects, such as widespread availability
and portability, make it a valuable im-
aging method for cardiomyopathy eval-
uation ( 6 ). Nevertheless, the accuracy
of transthoracic echocardiography can
be reduced by factors that cause subop-
timal acoustic windows, such as chest
wall or rib deformities , obesity, and ob-
structive lung disease. Transesophageal
echocardiography resolves this by imag-
ing through the esophagus, with often-
improved visualization of the posterior
aspect of the heart, which is sometimes
not possible via the transthoracic win-
dow. Disadvantages are associated with
its invasive nature: Intubation of the
esophagus is required, and there is an
attendant small but documented risk of
esophageal perforation, bleeding, and
aspiration ( 7 ). The patient may also re-
quire care by an anesthesiologist.
Cardiac MR is a noninvasive test
with excellent spatial and myocardial
tissue resolution ( 2 ). A combination of
sequences allows the detection, locali-
zation, and quantifi cation of many path-
ologic myocardial processes. It has be-
come the reference standard test for
accurate quantifi cation of chamber size
and function ( 8 ). In this article, we will
describe the cardiac MR protocols that
allow optimum imaging and provide the
spectrum of appearances of nonisch-
emic cardiomyopathies.
Classifi cation of Cardiomyopathy
An increased understanding of cardio-
myopathy prompted a revision of the
1995 World Health Organization/Inter-
national Society and Federation of Car-
diology Task Force on the Defi nition and
Classifi cation of Cardiomyopathy with
the inclusion of new subgroups of myo-
cardial diseases ( 9 ). This contempo-
rary consensus report revised the def-
inition of cardiomyopathy to include
“mechanical or electrical dysfunction that
usually exhibit inappropriate ventricu-
lar hypertrophy and dilatation due to a
variety of causes that frequently are
genetic.” Under the classifi cation system,
the division of cardiomyopathy is split
into primary and secondary causes
( Ta bl es 2 , 3 ). Primary cardiomyopathies
are those dis ease processes that are
uniquely intrinsic to the myocardium.
They may be genetic, acquired, or mixed
and represent a minority of cardiomy-
opathies. Secondary cardiomyopathies
have multiorgan involvement and are
responsible for the majority of cases.
There are other classifi cation systems
such as the classifi cation by Elliott et al
( 11 ) published by the European Soci-
ety of Cardiology Working Group on
Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases,
which places an emphasis on pheno-
typic classifi cation.
Basic Cardiac MR Protocols for
Cardiomyopathy Assessment
The cardiac MR imaging protocol used
in cases of cardiomyopathy should be
tailored specifi cally to the suspected
type of cardiomyopathy. In this regard,
it is important that the radiologist be
present to review the images, so that
subsequent additional sequences can
be determined. There is a tremendous
degree of diversity in cardiac MR se-
quences, but all follow a basic generic
protocol ( Table 4 ) ( 11 ). Specifi c addi-
tional sequences may be added, de-
pending on the cardiomyopathy. Table 4
outlines the general basic set of car-
diac MR imaging sequences for car-
diomyopathy evaluation (see also Fig E1
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 405
Scout images (axial, coronal, sagit-
tal) are useful, particularly sagittal scout
images, which represent an underuti-
lized and valuable opportunity to ensure
that the heart is positioned at the cen-
ter of the surface coils, which improves
signal to noise. A stack of axial sections
of the thorax (most commonly, half-
Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxa-
tion enhancement or SSFP sequences)
is acquired next, to depict major non-
cardiac pathologic processes and to
provide planning information for the sub-
sequent sequences (Fig E1a [online]).
Typically, a set of cine SSFP sections
are acquired next in the vertical long axis
(so named because this imaging plane
depicts the atrium and ventricle; Fig E1b
[online], Movie 1a [online]) and hori-
zontal long axis (so named because it
depicts all four cardiac chambers; Fig
E1c [online], Movie 1b [online]) planes.
These and all subsequent sequences
are acquired by using cardiac gating.
This is an essential component to over-
come image blurring secondary to car-
diac contraction. The optimal method
is to use electrocardiographic gating, in
which image acquisition is triggered
from the QRS complex of a three-lead
electrocardiogram. For cine SSFP sec-
tions, portions of k-space data that
compose the image are acquired at the
same time point of the QRS complex over
several heartbeats, which eliminates im-
age blurring. These sequences usually
require a breath hold of 8–12 seconds
and, typically, acquisition of two paral-
lel sections (because one may be of sub-
optimal image quality or miss the ideal
image plane). These are followed by a
stack of short-axis sections from the
annulus to the apex (Fig E1d [online],
Movie 1c [online]). These are used to al-
low quantifi cation of chamber volumes
and myocardial function. It is prudent
to plan to acquire the rst section of the
stack on the atrial side of the annulus,
because the annulus of the heart con-
tracts toward the apex during systole.
Once acquired, the stack of short-axis
sections can be interrogated with spe-
cifi c software programs to enable accu-
rate measurements of end diastolic and
systolic volumes and record functional
cardiac parameters, such as left and
right ventricular end-systolic and dia-
stolic volumes, cardiac mass, stroke vol-
ume and ejection fraction. A qualitative
analysis of global and regional ventricu-
lar function may be provided using a
ve-point scale (score of 1 for normal;
2 for mild hypokinesia, 3 for severe
hypokinesia, 4 for akinesia, 5 for
dyskinesia) ( 12 ). Although chamber vol-
umes are more meaningful, we also con-
sider it useful to supply an end-diastolic
diameter of the LV in our reports, which
we measure at the midventricular level.
This should mea sure a mean of 50.2 mm
(upper bound of 95% confi dence inter-
val, 58.5 mm) for men and 45.6 mm
(upper bound, 51.1 mm) for women
( 13 ).
For all cine acquisitions, parallel im-
aging techniques can be used to shorten
the breath hold. In brief, parallel imag-
ing incorporates the signal and its loca-
tion from multiple independent cardiac
receiver coils to encode multiple MR
echoes simultaneously, which speeds up
image acquisition ( 14 ).
Several additional sequences can
be performed at this point, depending
on the cardiomyopathy in question.
These are described below in more
detail for each cardiomyopathy. After
these sequences have been performed,
late-gadolinium-enhanced images are
acquired. The optimum time for late-
enhancement image acquisition is usu-
ally 10–30 minutes after contrast agent
injection ( 15 ). For late-enhancement im-
ages, optimal contrast differentiation
between viable and nonviable myocar-
dium is individually evaluated for each
patient by determining the exact time
the signal of the normal myocardium is
nulled or black (Fig E1e [online]). The
inversion time will vary considerably
from patient to patient and must be de-
termined on an individual basis. If the
myocardium has a confl uent gray ap-
pearance, then the inversion time is
usually too early (Fig E1f); if it has a
mixed appearance, then it is usually too
late (Fig E1g). Normal inversion times
vary but generally are between 200 and
350 msec, depending on the manufac-
turer of the MR unit, the cardiac out-
put, the time of image acquisition after
contrast agent injection, and the dose
of contrast agent administered ( 15 ). In
contrast-enhanced imaging, inversion
time is adjusted as the examination pro-
gresses, to allow for contrast agent wash-
out from the myocardium (nulling time
will change as this is happening). In-
creasing the time by 10–20 mse c every
one to three sections is usually suffi cient.
The correct inversion time is very im-
portant for accurate image interpreta-
tion and to prevent polarity artifacts. A
useful alternative is acquisition of phase-
sensitive images by using an inversion-
recovery spoiled-gradient-echo or SSFP
sequence (Fig E1h) ( 16 ). This minimizes
polarity artifacts over a wider range of
inversion times than the traditional mag-
nitude sequence, thus resulting in more
consistent image quality. However, in our
experience it is not as sensitive for de-
tection of small areas of enhancement.
The myocardium is evaluated for the
presence, location, and extent of en-
hancement. A useful method of refer-
ence for localization uses the American
Heart Association 17-segment model,
in which the ventricle is divided into
three levels: six basal segments, six
middle segments, and four apical seg-
ments, with the apex being the last seg-
ment ( 17 ). A useful method of reference
for extent of myocardial enhancement
uses a ve-point scale for each segment:
score of 0 for no late enhancement, 1 =
1%–25% of the affected segment en-
hanced, 2 for 26%–50% of the affected
segment enhanced, 3 for 51%–75% of
the affected segment enhanced, and 4
for 76%–100% of the affected segment
enhanced ( 18 ). Global late-enhancement
extent as a percentage of LV myocar-
dium may be calculated by summing the
segments with late enhancement (each
weighted by the midpoint of enhance-
ment for the segmental score). The
contrast-to-noise ratio is also often pro-
vided for the late-enhancement sequence.
This can be calculated (parallel imaging
should be not be used for this calcu-
lation) as (SI
N , where
LE is mean signal intensity of late-
enhancing segments, SI
RM is mean sig-
nal intensity of remote myocardium,
and SD
N is the standard deviation of
noise . Finally, it is important to em-
phasize the overall distribution of the
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
406 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
Table 2
Primary Cardiomyopathies Predominantly Involving the Heart
* Mixed Acquired
HCM Dilated cardiomyopathy Infl ammatory (myocarditis)
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia Restrictive cardiomyopathy Stress provoked (takotsubo)
Left ventricular noncompaction Peripartum
Glycogen storage diseases (PRKAG 2, Danon) Tachycardia induced
Conduction defects Infants of diabetic mothers
Mitochondrial myopathies
Ion channel disorders (LQTS, Brugada, SQTS,
* CVPT = catecholaminergic ventricular polymorphic tachycardia, IDDM = insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, LQTS = long Q-T
syndrome, SQTS = short Q-T syndrome, SUNDS = sudden unexplained death syndrome.
Table 1
Known Prevalence Estimates of Cardiomyopathy in the United States
* Prevalence Estimate
All cardiomyopathies 1 in 5439 ( 8 )
HCM 1 in 500 ( 8 )
Arrthymogenic RV dysplasia 1 in 5000 ( 8 )
LV noncompaction Unknown
Dilated cardiomyopathy 1 in 2500 ( 8 )
Restrictive cardiomyopathy Unknown
Myocarditis Rare, , 1 in 200 000
Peripartum Unknown
Takotsubo 0.7% ( 103 )
Amyloidosis Unknown
Cardiac sarcoidosis Unknown
Siderotic Unknown
Scleroderma Unknown
* HCM= hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, LV = left ventricle, RV = right ventricle.
Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers .
enhancement and whether it is in a
predominantly subepicardial, midwall,
or subendocardial distribution.
The use of contrast agents in car-
diac MR imaging is an important aspect
of the utility of cardiac MR for charac-
terizing nonischemic cardiomyopathies.
We use a commercially available gado-
linium-based contrast agent (gadopen-
tetate dimeglumine) in our protocol.
The contrast agent is injected as a bolus
(0.2 mmol per kilogram of body weight)
via an arm vein, preferably in the ante-
cubital fossa. It may be administered
by means of hand injection or infusion
pump. This should be followed by a 20–
40-mL saline bolus chaser. Gadolinium-
based contrast agents are not recom-
mended in patients with renal failure
and a glomerular ltration rate of less
than 30 mL/kg/min because of the risk
of nephrogenic systemic fi brosis .
Primary Cardiomyopathy
Genetic Cardiomyopathies
HCM.— HCM is classifi ed as a pri-
mary genetic cardiomyopathy that phe-
notypically is characterized by LV and
sometimes RV (approximately 17%)
muscular hypertrophy and impaired di-
astolic function associated with a non-
dilated cavity in the absence of another
cardiac or systemic disease that could
produce the magnitude of hypertrophy
( Fig 1 ) ( 19 , 20 ). It may be associated
with LV outfl ow tract obstruction and
increased risk of sudden death. HCM is
genetically transmitted in an autosomal
dominant pattern with variable pene-
trance and expression ( 9 ). It is typically
associated with hypertrophy of the
muscle t o 15 mm or thicker. HCM has
an estimated incidence of one in 500 of
the general population ( 21 ) and has a
bimodal pattern of incidence. Symptoms
range from asymptomatic to progressive
dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmal noc-
turnal dyspnea, and sudden death, which
is particularly common in adolescents,
usually secondary to ventricular fi brilla-
tion. The risk of sudden death in children
may be as high as 4%–6% per year.
At histologic examination, areas of
hypertrophy show a pattern of myofi -
brillar disarray with focal areas of ne-
crosis, predominantly in the midmyo-
cardium, with subsequent myocardial
brosis ( 22 ). Characteristic imaging
ndings include LV wall hypertrophy
resulting in a small LV cavity that may
be obliterated in severe cases, diastolic
dysfunction with reduced LV compli-
ance, and relatively preserved systolic
function (LV ejection fraction is usually
normal at the time of diagnosis). Biopsy
has a low diagnostic yield and is not
generally performed in routine prac-
tice ( 23 ). Concomitant mitral regurgi-
tation due to a morphologically abnor-
mal mitral valve apparatus is commonly
identifi ed on cardiac MR images. Clas-
sic fi ndings in HCM with obstructive
features include asymmetric septal hy-
pertrophy and systolic anterior motion
of the anterior mitral leafl et.
Important MR sequences in HCM.—
Cardiac MR imaging has played an
increasing role in assessing patients with
HCM and is now considered the nonin-
vasive imaging test of choice for depict-
ing the morphology of the ventricle ( Fig 1 ,
Movie 2 [online]) ( 24 ). The morphologic
and functional characteristics are clearly
demonstrated and quantifi ed by using
cine SSFP sequences in the short axis.
Cardiac MR imaging can help accurately
assess the degree of systolic obstruc-
tion by systolic anterior motion on a
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 407
Table 3
Secondary Cardiomyopathies Characterized by Multiorgan Involvement
Type of Cardiomyopathy Diseases
Infi ltrative Amyloidosis, Gaucher disease, Hurler disease, Hunter disease
Storage Hemochromatosis, Fabry disease, glycogen-storage disease (type II, Pompe),
Niemann-Pick disease
Toxicity Drugs, heavy metals, chemical agents
Endomyocardial Endomyocardial fi brosis, hypereosinophilic syndrome (Loeffl er endocarditis)
Infl ammatory Sarcoidosis
Endocrine Diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism,
pheochromocytoma, acromegaly
or neurologic
Friedreich ataxia, Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss
muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy, neurofi bromatosis,
tuberous sclerosis
Nutritional Beriberi, pellagra, scurvy, selenium, carnitine
Autoimmune Systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis,
scleroderma, polyarteritis nodosa
Electrolyte imbalance Potassium, phosphate, magnesium defi ciencies; anorexia nervosa;
laxative abuse
Cancer therapy Anthracylines (doxorubicin), cyclophosphamide, radiation
three-chamber view (Movie 3[online]),
which depicts the left atrium and LV,
the mitral and aortic valves, and the
proximal ascending aorta ( Table 4 ) by
using planimetry and phase-velocity
encoding sequences of the LV outfl ow
tract ( 25 ). Myocardial tagging can be
used to depict detailed myocardial ab-
normalities in HCM, such as a reduc-
tion in posterior rotation, reduced
radial displacement and reduced three-
dimensional myocardial shortening, al-
though this sequence application has
not entered into mainstream imaging
practice as yet.
HCM should be distinguished from
LV hypertrophy caused by increased af-
terload, such as in cases of hypertension,
aortic stenosis, or athlete’s heart in
which the LV wall thickness can measure
up to 15 mm. Petersen et al ( 26 ) found
that that the most useful parameter to
enable distinction between HCM and
physiologic causes such as athlete’s
heart was the ratio of end-diastolic wall
thickness to end-diastolic volume. Use
of a cutoff value of 0.15 mm/mL/m
yields positive and negative predictive
values of 95% and 94%, respectively.
When evaluating for HCM, it is im-
portant to be aware of several morpho-
logic variants from the classic form, in
which the mid or apical ventricular
levels may be predominantly affected
( Fig 1 , Movie 4 [online]). A minority
of patients (5%) demonstrate circum-
ferential symmetric hypertrophy.
Late gadolinium enhancement on
cardiac MR images in patients with
HCM is signifi cantly associated with
traditional risk factors for sudden death
in HCM ( Fig 1 ) ( 27 ). More recently,
even in asymptomatic or mildly symp-
tomatic patients with HCM, the pres-
ence of late enhancement has been
associated with the development of ar-
rhythmias ( 28 ). Large HCM cohort stud-
ies ( 29 , 30 ) have now shown a strong
independent association between late
enhancement and surrogate markers
of arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death,
and implantable cardioverter defi brilla-
tor discharge. Finally, with its absence
of radiation exposure, serial cardiac
MR imaging seems to be an ideal tool
for screening relatives of patients with
HCM (Fig 1) ( 31 ).
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
dysplasia.— Arrhythmogenic right ven-
tricular dysplasia (ARVD) is a rare genetic
disorder characterized by progressive
loss of myocytes with fi brofatty replace-
ment of RV and, less commonly, LV
myocardium. Patients may have ventric-
ular arrhythmias and left bundle branch
block at the time of presentation, syn-
cope, or sudden cardiac death. ARVD
may be responsible for up to 5% of
sudden deaths in young athletes ( 32 ) but
has a higher prevalence in other coun-
tries such as Italy (25% of sudden
deaths in young adults) ( 33 ). Because
of the subtlety of the phenotype, con-
sensus criteria were developed on the
basis of structural, functional, and elec-
trocardiographic manifestations. In 1994,
the task force of the Working Group on
Myocardial and Pericardial Disease of
the European Society of Cardiology and
the task force of the Scientifi c Council
on Cardiomyopathy of the World Heart
Federation proposed diagnostic criteria
based on the presence of major and mi-
nor criteria that involve structural, his-
tologic, electrocardiographic, genetic,
and arrhyth mic factors ( 34 ). To fulfi ll the
criteria for ARVD, the patient’s condi-
tion had to meet two major criteria, one
major criterion and two minor criteria,
or four minor criteria. These criteria
have since been modifi ed in 2010 by the
task force ( 35 ). In the modifi ed criteria,
tis sue characterization depicted on car-
diac MR images, such as fatty infi ltration,
have been removed, and more empha-
sis has been placed on wall motion, vol-
ume, and ejection fraction abnormalities
( Table 5 ).
Pat hologic de scripti ons includ e bro-
fatty replacement of myocardial tis-
sue, focal RV wall thinning and/or aneu-
rysm, RV outfl ow tract enlargement, and
RV dilatation ( 36 ). RV biopsy has a low
diagnostic yield because of the patchy
distribution of fi brofatty infi ltration and
the predominantly epicardial dis tribution
( 23 ). Cardiac MR assessment of ARVD
is now based primarily on functional
and volume abnormalities of the RV
( 35
). Many centers still provide tissue-
characterization imaging of the RV. (a)
Morphologic abnormalities include in-
tramyocardial fat deposits ( Fig 2a, 2b ),
focal wall thinning ( , 2 mm), wall hy-
pertrophy ( . 6 mm), moderator band
hypertrophy, and trabeculation thicken-
ing and disarray. (b) Functional abnor-
malities include focal or global RV wall
hypokinesis, focal or global RV dilata-
tion, and focal aneurysms in severe
cases ( Fig 2c , Movie 5 [online]). The
site of involvement of these abnormal-
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
408 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
Table 4
Basic Cardiac MR Protocol for Imaging of Cardiomyopathy
Sequence Imaging Plane
Repetition Time (msec)/
Echo Time (msec) Flip Angle (degrees) No. of Sections
Thickness (mm) Intersection Gap (%) Other Parameters
Localizers Coronal, axial, sagittal
Half-Fourier RARE Axial sections of thorax 1000/27 160 Typically 16–20 8–10 20
Vertical long axis Perpendicular to mitral annulus
and apex of ventricle
3.96/1.12 60 2 6–8 20 Breath hold
Horizontal long axis Parallel to mitral annulus and
middle of interventricular
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-long-axis
Short axis Perpendicular to interventricular
septum, through both ventricles
(and sometimes atria)
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-
Typically 6–12 Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-
Similar to vertical-long-axis
T2 weighted Similar to short-axis plane 2 R-R intervals/100 10–12 30–50 Breath hold, black blood,
double inversion
recovery, fat saturation
Late gadolinium enhanced
T1-weighted scout
23.49/1/12 50 1 repeated
25–30 times
8 Acquired 10–30 minutes
after contrast agent
Formal late-enhancement
2D double-inversion
gradient echo
25 Typically 6–12 6–8 0–20 Enhancing areas often
confi rmed by acquiring
vertical-long-axis or
4-chamber oblique image
through any abnormal region
* RARE = rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement , SSFP = steady-state free precession, 2D = two-dimensional.
Allows determination of optimal inversion time.
Trigger delay set to image in middiastole . .
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 409
Figure 1: (a, b) HCM in a 52-year-old woman. (a) Short-axis SSFP MR image shows mild asymmetric hypertrophy (16 mm thick) of interventricular septum (solid
arrows), as compared with 9-mm-thick lateral free wall (open arrow). Note RV dilatation. (b) Short-axis late-gadolinium-enhanced MR image shows enhancement in
hypertrophied segment (arrow), consistent with scar. (c, d) HCM in her 16-year-old son. (c) Short-axis SSFP image shows asymmetric hypertrophy of inferoseptal
segment (arrow). (d) Short-axis late-enhancement MR image shows enhancement (arrow) in hypertrophied segment, consistent with scar. (e, f) Apical-variant HCM in
a 45-year-old man. (e) Vertical-long-axis SSFP MR image shows asymmetric apical hypertrophy, a variant of HCM that occurs in 5%–10% of cases. (f) Vertical-long-
axis late-enhancement image shows scar in hypertrophied segments (arrow).
Figure 1
ities is characteristically found in the
inferior subtricuspid area, the RV apex,
and the RV infundibulum—the so-called
triangle of dysplasia. Depiction of mor-
phologic and functional abnormalities
together improves the specifi city of
ARVD diagnosis ( 37 ). The major treat-
ment implication when ARVD is sus-
pected is the decision to insert an im-
plantable defi brillator.
Important cardiac MR sequences in
ARVD.— In our experience, ARVD im-
aging remains one of the most chal-
lenging applications in cardiac MR
imaging in terms of sequence perfor-
mance, time requirements, and image
interpretation. Along with the basic im-
aging protocol outlined above, cardiac
MR focuses particular attention on the
RV and RV outfl ow tract (RVOT). Some
centers image patients in the prone po-
sition to minimize chest wall breath ing
artifacts. Most centers use a thinner
section thickness and intersection gap
for this protocol (5–6-mm contiguous
sections are typical). Spin-echo or fast
spin-echo T1-weighted images (spin-echo
studies can be acquired in systole with
most MR units, making RV myocardial
fat infi ltration ea sier to see, but fast spin -
echo studies are less affected by arti-
fact) can be acquired in an axial oblique
and short-axis stack to evaluate for myo-
cardial fat infi ltration (fast spin-echo se-
quences should use double inversion).
A double-inversion pulse sequence with
a short echo time (30 msec), short echo
train length of 28–30, and thin (5-mm)
sections is optimum ( 36 ). Fat infi ltration
may be confi rmed by repeating the se-
quence with fat-saturation and demon-
strating myocardial signal dropout ( Fig
2a, 2b ). Note that with the new modifi ed
criteria these particular sequences will
not be required, but we mention them
for completeness ( 35 ). Saturation bands
above and below the heart also help im-
prove image quality by reducing fl ow arti-
facts related to slow-infl owing blood. A
small fi eld of view targeted to the RV
helps improve the spatial resolution fur-
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
410 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
Table 5
Modifi ed Major and Minor Criteria for Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia
Type of Criterion and Modality Criteria
Global or Regional Dysfunction and Structural Abnormalities
2D echocardiography Regional RV akinesia, dyskinesia, or aneurysm AND one of the following (end diastole)
PLAX RVOT ! 32 mm (corrected for body size: [PLAX/BSA] ! 19 mm/m
2 )
PSAX RVOT ! 36 mm (corrected for body size: [PSAX/BSA] ! 21 mm/m
2 )
Fractional area change " 33%
Cardiac MR imaging Regional RV akinesia or dyskinesia or dyssynchronous RV contraction AND one of the following:
Ratio of RV end-diastolic volume to BSA ! 110 (males) or ! 100 mL/m
2 (females)
RV ejection fraction " 40%
RV angiography Regional RV akinesia, dyskinesia, or aneurysm
2D echocardiography Regional RV akinesia or dyskinesia AND one of the following
PLAX RVOT ! 29 mm to , 32 mm (corrected for body size [PLAX/BSA] ! 16 to , 19 mm/m
2 )
PSAX RVOT ! 32 mm to , 36 mm (corrected for body size [PSAX/BSA] ! 18 to , 21 mm/m
2 )
Fractional area change . 33% to " 40%
Cardiac MR imaging Regional RV akinesia or dyskinesia or dyssynchronous RV contraction AND one of the following:
Ratio of RV end-diastolic volume to BSA ! 100 to , 110 mL/m
2 (male) or ! 90 to , 100 mL/m
2 (female)
RV ejection fraction . 40% to 45%
Myocardial Characterization
Major Residual myocytes , 60% at morphometric analysis ( , 50% if estimated), with fi brous replacement of RV free wall myocardium
in one or more samples, with or without fatty replacement of tissue at endomyocardial biopsy
Minor Residual myocytes 60%–75% at morphometric analysis (50%–65% if estimated), with fi brous replacement of RV free wall
myocardium in one or more samples, with or without fatty replacement of tissue at endomyocardial biopsy
Repolarization Abnormality
Major Inverted T waves in right precordial leads (V
1 R, V
2 R, V
3 R) or beyond in individuals . 14 y old (in absence of complete right
bundle-branch block QRS ! 120 msec)
Minor Inverted T waves in leads V
1 and V
2 in individuals . 14 y old (in absence of complete right bundle-branch block) or in V
4 , V
5 , or V
Inverted T waves in leads V
1 , V
2 , V
3 , and V
4 in individuals . 14 y old in presence of complete right bundle-branch block
Depolarization or Conduction Abnormality
Major Epsilon wave (reproducible low-amplitude signals between end of QRS complex to onset of T wave) in right precordial
leads (V
1 R, V
2 R, V
3 R)
Minor Late potentials on signal-averaged ECG in one or more of three parameters in absence of QRS duration ! 110 msec
on standard ECG
Filtered QRS duration ! 114 msec
Duration of terminal QRS , 40 m V (low-amplitude signal duration) ! 38 msec
Root mean square voltage of terminal 40 msec " 20 m V
Terminal activation duration of QRS ! 55 msec measured from nadir of S wave to end of QRS, including R 9 , in V
1 , V
2 , or V
3 , in
absence of complete right bundle-branch block
Major Nonsustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia of RV outfl ow confi guration, left bundle-branch block morphology
with inferior axis (positive QRS in leads II, III, and aVF and negative in aVL), or of unknown axis
Minor . 500 ventricular extra systoles per 24 h (Holter)
Family History
Major ARVC/D confi rmed in fi rst-degree relative who meets current task force criteria
ARVC/D confi rmed pathologically at autopsy or surgery in fi rst-degree relative
Identifi cation of pathogenic mutation categorized as associated or probably associated with ARVC/D in patient being evaluated
Table 5 (Continues)
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 411
Type of Criterion and Modality Criteria
Minor History of ARVC/D in fi rst-degree relative in whom it is not possible or practical to determine whether the family member meets
current task force criteria
Premature sudden death ( , 35 y old) due to possible ARVC/D in fi rst-degree relative
ARVC/D confi rmed pathologically or per current task force criteria in second-degree relative
Note.—Adapted and reprinted, with permission, from reference 35. Diagnostic terminology: for defi nite diagnosis, two major OR one major and two minor OR four minor criteria from different
categories; for borderline diagnosis, one major and one minor OR three minor criteria from different categories; for possible diagnosis, one major OR two minor criteria from different categories.
ARVC/D = arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy/dysplasia, BSA = body surface area, ECG = electrocardiogram, PLAX = parasternal long-axis view, PSAX = parasternal short-axis view, RVOT = RV
outfl ow tract, 2D = two-dimensional.
* A pathogenic mutation is a DNA alteration associated with ARVC/D that alters or is expected to alter the encoded protein, that is not observed or is rare in a large control population without ARVC/D,
and that either alters or is predicted to alter the structure or function of the protein or has a demonstrated linkage to the disease phenotype in a conclusive pedigree.
Table 5 (Continued)
Modifi ed Major and Minor Criteria for Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia
Figure 2
Figure 2: ARVD in a 38-year-old woman.
(a) Horizontal-long-axis T1-weighted fast spin-
echo MR image without fat saturation shows ex-
tensive fat infi ltration in RV free wall (arrows). Note
similar signal intensity characteristics to epicardial
fat. (b) Horizontal-long-axis T1-weighted spin-
echo MR image with fat saturation shows signal
drop-out in RV wall, confi rming intramyocardial fat
(arrows). (c) Horizontal-long-axis SSFP MR image
from a more caudal level shows focal aneurysms
(arrow) in RV free wall.
ther at the cost of decreased signal-to-
noise ratio. Careful attention should be
given to the LV, which may be involved
in the cardiomyopathy, on images from
all sequences if possible ( 38 ). Note that
the recent modifi ed task force criteria
emphasize global or regional dysfunc-
tion and structural alterations (Movie 5
[online]). Relatively recently, myocar-
dial LE has been used to demonstrate
scarring of the RV wall. The extent of
late enhancement has shown an excel-
lent correlation with histopathologic
ndings and is predictive of inducible
ventricular tachycardia ( 39 ).
Cardiac MR imaging for ARVD carries
a high sensitivity but low specifi city
when compared with traditional task
force criteria ( 40 ).This high sensitivity
may in part be attributed to the rigor-
ous limitations of the task force guide-
lines, which easily demonstrate the overt
forms of the disease. Because the task
force criteria have been suggested to be
relatively insensitive to less overt forms
of the disease ( 41 ), modifi ed criteria have
been proposed, such that the presence
of any minor criterion in a fi rst-degree
relative of a patient with proved ARVD
is regarded as clinical disease expres-
sion ( 35 ). When cardiac MR images
are assessed by using these modifi ed
criteria, they frequently show abnormal
ndings, which suggests a role in depict-
ing initial manifestations of disease
( 35 , 41 ). In one study ( 41 ), cardiac
MR imaging had 96% sensitivity and
78% specifi city in a genotyped subset
of patients, only 46% of whom had
satisfi ed the task force criteria. In that
study, the addition of the cardiac MR
results would have enabled diagnosis
in a further 30% of proved gene car-
riers and in 75% of patients who pro-
spectively satisfi ed the modifi ed criteria
only. That said, such an approach would
lead to an increased number of false-
positive cases in patients who subse-
quently turn out to be genotype negative.
Risk stratifi cation in asymptomatic gene
carrier relatives of an index case has
not been fully elucidated.
It is important when interpreting
cardiac MR images for ARVD to be
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
412 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
Figure 3: LV noncompaction in a 46-year-old
woman. (a) Vertical-long-axis SSFP MR image
shows marked increase in the noncompacted layer
of myocardium (arrow), such that the ratio of com-
pacted to noncompacted myocardium at the apical
level was greater than 2.3, consistent with LV non-
compaction. (b) Vertical-long-axis late-gadolinium-
enhanced MR image demonstrates enhancement in
the LV trabeculae, an appearance associated with a
more advanced stage of disease.
Figure 3
aware that fatty infi ltration of the RV
free wall has been found in healthy sub-
jects, elderly patients, obese individuals,
long-term steroid users, and in cases of
idiopathic RV outfl ow tract tachycardia
( 42 ). Furthermore, RV myocardial late
enhancement has been described in
chronic right-sided myocarditis, sarcoid-
osis, Chagas disease, and Enterobacter
infection ( 37 ). We emphasize that the
interpretation of cardiac MR imaging
abnormalities should be made with cau-
tion and should not lead to a diagnosis
of ARVD on the basis of cardiac MR nd-
ings alone. At our center, we recom-
mend a multidisciplinary approach that
involves family history, electrocardio-
gram and Holter fi ndings, imaging, and
results from histopathologic and genetic
analyses before making a diagnosis of
ARVD ( 35 , 37 ).
LV no nco mpac tion .— LV non comp ac -
tion is currently classifi ed as a primary
genetic cardiomyopathy ( 9 ). It is char-
acterized by the presence of an exten-
sive noncompacted myocardial layer
lining the cavity of the LV and impaired
LV systolic function. Many patients
are asymptomatic and have normal LV
systolic function, but others develop
cardiac failure, thromboembolism, and
malignant arrhythmias ( 43 , 44 ). The
compaction ratio can be quanti tatively
analyzed by measuring the thickness (in
millimeters) of the noncompacted myo-
cardium, as compared with the com-
pacted myocardium. This can be done
on a myocardial segmental basis by
using the standard 17-segment Ameri-
can Heart Association model ( 17 ). A
noncompacted-to-compacted ratio greater
than 2.3 on cardiac MR images is con-
sidered diagnostic of LV noncompaction
( 45 ). The apical antero- and inferolat-
eral segments of the LV are the most
commonly affected. RV involvement has
also been reported ( 46 ).
Important cardiac MR sequences in
LV noncompaction.— SSFP sequences
can clearly demonstrate noncompaction
features, which appear as a loose net-
work of interwoven trabeculae associ-
ated with deep myocardial recesses
( Fig 3 , Movie 6 [online]). This noncom-
pacted trabecular layer may demon-
strate perfusion defects after gadolinium
chelate injection, suggesting micro-
circulatory abnormalities ( 47 ). Late-
gadolinium-enhancement sequences may
depict trabecular late enhancement, which
appears to improve the correlation be-
tween cardiac MR ndings and progres-
sive clinical stages of disease ( Fig 3 )
( 48 ). An advantage of cardiac MR im-
aging is the ability to acquire images in
any obliquity. In our experience, radial
vertical-long-axis projections ensure
that each section acquired passes through
the center of the ventricle and the apex,
minimizing the potential to overesti-
mate the ratio of compacted to non-
compacted myocardium.
Mixed Cardiomyopathies
Dilated cardiomyopathy.— Dilated
car diomyopathy is characterized by di-
latation of the cardiac chambers cou-
pled with impaired contraction of the
ventricles. The ventricular chambers
exhibit increased diastolic and systolic
volume and a low ejection fraction ( 49 ).
There are many causes, but the ma-
jority (50%) are idiopathic ( 50 ). Idio-
pathic dilated cardiomyopathy is the most
common cause of heart failure in the
young, with an estimated prevalence of
at least 36.5 per 100 000 persons in the
United States. The symp toms and signs
at presentation are progressive dysp-
nea and orthopnea in the majority of
patients. Arrhythmias and sudden death
may also occur.
Histopathologic features demon-
strate interstitial fi brosis and a nu-
meric decrease in myocyte units. Al-
terations in the genetic expression of
proteins that regulate cardiac muscle
contraction have been detected ( 51 ).
Such abnormalities may be patchy, re-
sulting in a low diagnostic yield from
myocardial biopsy. Echocardiography
remains the principal examination for
dilated cardiomyopathy, but cardiac
MR imaging provides an optimal as-
sessment of chamber size and systolic
dysfunction. Systolic dysfunction is
the most important independent pre-
dictor of outcome in dilated cardio-
myopathy, and evaluation of diastolic
lling allows further identifi cation of
subgroups with divergent long-term
prognoses ( 52 ).
Important cardiac MR sequences
in dilated cardiomyopathy.— Late-
enhancement sequences have value in
the examination of patients suspected
of having dilated cardiomyopathy ( Fig 4 ,
Movie 7 [online]). Late-enhancement
MR images may demonstrate areas of
brosis within the myocardium, char-
acteristically in the mid- or subepicar-
dial myocardium, allowing differentiation
from ischemic cardiomyopathy ( 52 ). A
subgroup of patients with dilated car-
diomyopathy will have fi brosis in a pre-
dominantly subendocardial distribution,
characteristic of infarction (it has been
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 413
Figure 4: Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in
a 28-year-old woman with shortness of breath.
(a) Four-chamber SSFP MR image shows marked
dilation of LV, which measures 68 mm. Note black
jet (arrow) from mitral regurgitation, a common
nding in dilated cardiomyopathy. (b) Short-axis
late-gadolinium-enhanced MR image shows en-
hancement indicative of scar in midmyocardium of
interventricular septum (arrows). Such a fi nding
indicates a poorer prognosis in dilated
Figure 4
suggested that these may represent
coronary emboli–induced ischemic car-
diomyopathy cases or ruptured coronary
plaques that have subsequently recana-
lized) ( 53 ). The presence of midwall fi -
brosis on cardiac MR images has been
shown to have prognostic implications
in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
as an independent predictor of the
combined endpoint of mortality from
all causes and cardiovascular hospitali-
zation and of the development of ven-
tricular tachycardias ( 54 ).
Restrictive cardiomyopathy.— This
condition is characterized by ventric-
ular diastolic dysfunction and resultant
biatrial enlargement with relatively nor-
mal ventricular size and systolic func-
tion ( 55 ). The pathophysiologic changes
are due to reduced myocardial compli-
ance, which elevates ventricular pres-
sures with small increases in volume
causing decreased fi lling in diastole, re-
sulting in diastolic heart failure with
preservation of systolic function ( 56 , 57 ).
Symptoms range from increasing dysp-
nea and exercise intolerance to palpita-
tions, syncopal attacks and conduction
Cases may be divided into myocar-
dial or endomyocardial ( 23 ). The myo-
cardial causes may be subdivided into
noninfi ltrative, infi ltrative and storage
disease and the endomyocardial sub-
group are made up of a number of un-
derlying causes including endomyocar-
dial brosis, drugs, anthracyclines and
carcinoid ( 56 ). Clinically, restrictive
cardiomyopathy is frequently diffi cult to
distinguish from constrictive pericardi-
tis ( 58 ). Identifying pericardial thicken-
ing and nonbreakage of myocardial tag
lines across the pericardium helps dis-
tinguish these conditions ( 59 , 60 ). En-
domyocardial biopsy may also be help-
ful in distinguishing restrictive from
constrictive cardiomyopathy, particu-
larly if entities such as amyloidosis or
hemochromatosis are suspected clini-
cally ( 23 ). However, if pericardial thick-
ening or CMR features of restrictive
cardiomyopathy are identifi ed and are
compatible with the clinical and echo-
cardiographic picture of constrictive or
restrictive physiology then biopsy may
be obviated.
Important cardiac MR sequences
for restrictive cardiomyopathy.— Con-
sensus statements have clarifi ed several
indexes used to measure diastolic heart
failure ( 61 ). SSFP images typically show
the heart with biatrial enlargement and
normal ventricular size ( Fig 5 , Movie 8
[online]). Several parameters of ven-
tricular relaxation can be calculated from
the short-axis SSFP stack, including time
to peak lling, ear ly diastoli c lling time,
and rate of peak fi lling ( 62 ), which are
altered in restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Studies have also shown the feasibility
of using phase-velocity–encoding se-
quences to mea sure mitral infl ow (the
E/A ratio) with good correlations with
echocardiographic fi ndings ( 63 ). The
E/A ratio is a transmitral fl ow measure-
ment of peak fl ow velocity in early
diastole (E wave) and during atrial con-
traction (A wave). In diastolic dysfunc-
tion, a greater portion of end-diastolic
volume results from late lling rather
than early lling because of the stiffness
of the ventricle, therefore reducing the
E/A ratio.
A further useful sequence in restric-
tive cardiomyopathy is the application
of myocardial tags. This technique pro-
vides detailed quantitative assessment
of myocardial strain or deformation
seen in diastolic dysfunction ( 64
Acquired Cardiomyopathies
Infl ammatory (myocarditis).— Myo-
cardial infl ammation is a nonspecifi c
response to various insults such as vi-
ral or bacterial infection, cardiotoxic
agents, catecholamines, infarction, or
mechanical injury ( 9 ). In North America
and Europe, viral infection remains the
commonest cause. Several viruses have
been associated with myocarditis, based
on the detection of viral genome within
cardiac tissue. The commonest include
Coxsackie B virus, non-Coxsackie en-
teroviruses, certain strains of adeno-
virus, parvovirus B19, and Epstein-Barr
virus ( 65 ). The sequela of severe viral
myocarditis is dilated cardiomyopathy,
which is thought to occur in up to 10%
of cases ( 66 ). Myocarditis may manifest
with a variety of symptoms, including
chest pain, recent onset of heart fail-
ure, atrial or ventricular arrhythmias,
cardiogenic shock, or even sud den
Endomyocardial biopsy results are
considered the reference standard in
diagnosis ( 67 ). The 1987 Dallas crite-
ria require lymphocytic infi ltration as-
sociated with myocyte injury in the ab-
sence of ischemia. Such criteria are
very specifi c but have a low sensitivity,
related to sampling error caused by
patchy involvement of the myocardium
( 68 ), and high interobserver variability
in interpretation ( 69 ).
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
414 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
Important cardiac MR sequences in
myocarditis.— T2-weighted fast spin-echo
MR imaging has been found to be useful
in cases of acute myocarditis, because it
depicts edema ( 70 ). The sequence is a
breath-hold black-blood T2-weighted
triple inversion-recovery sequence (rep-
etition time/echo time msec/inversion
time msec, two R-R intervals/65/140);
typically, three to four short-axis sec-
tions (8–12-mm thick, echo train length
of 32, 256 3 256 matrix) are acquired
( Fig 6 ). An edema ratio, which is a quan-
titative measure of active infl ammation ,
can be calculated based on the ratio of
abnormal to normal myocardial signal
intensity, with values greater than or
equal to 2 being considered abnormal.
To calculate the edema ratio from T2-
weighted images, a region of interest
encompassing the entire LV myocar-
dium and a second region of interest
encompassing the entire visible right
erector spinae or latissimus dorsi muscle
(skeletal muscle), depending on the ho-
mogeneity of the muscle signal inten-
sity, are recorded on the same section.
The mean myocardial signal intensity
myo ) is related to the mean skeletal
muscle signal intensity (SI
skm ) by using
the equation ER = SI
myo /SI
skm , where ER
is the edema ratio. An ER greater than
or equal to 2 is used to determine the
presence of active infl ammation ( 70 ). It
should be noted that several problems
exist with T2-weighted sequences for
cardiac MR imaging: (a) Phased-array
coils cause regional myocardial signal
variation; (b) slow-fl owing blood in
the trabeculae results in high signal
intensity adjacent to the endocardium,
which can make subendocardial abnor-
malities diffi c ult to interpret ; (c) through-
plane motion reduces cardiac signal
intensity; and (d) qualitative analysis is
subjective. Thus, when calculating the
edema ratio care must be taken that an
effi cient coil intensity-correction algo-
rithm is implemented, and quantitative
analysis is recommended ( 71 ).
A useful second sequence for myo-
carditis makes use of T1-weighted spin-
echo or fast spin-echo sequences (R-R
interval/21, echo train length of four,
350–400-mm eld of view, 512 3 512
matrix) performed with a body coil be-
fore and about 15 seconds after intrave-
nous injection of contrast material to
obtain ve identical axial sections en-
compassing the myocardium ( Fig 6 )
( 72 ). A saturation band may be posi-
tioned across the atria to reduce the
signal from slow-fl owing atrial blood. A
global enhancement ratio of myocardial
enhancement to skeletal muscle en-
hancement can be calculated, with
values greater than or equal to 4 being
considered abnormal. To calculate the
global enhancement ratio, regions of in-
terest that include both the entire LV
Figure 5: Diastolic heart failure in a 52-year-old
man. Horizontal-long-axis SSFP MR image shows
biatrial dilatation characteristic of diastolic heart
failure, with a regurgitant jet (arrow) consistent with
tricuspid regurgitation.
Figure 5
Figure 6: Acute myocarditis in a 28-year-old man. (a) Short-axis T2-weighted MR image shows increased
signal intensity in inferolateral segment (arrows) (edema ratio, 2.7). (b, c) Axial T1-weighted MR images
obtained (b) before and (c) immediately after gadolinium enhancement show increased myocardial global
enhancement relative to skeletal muscle. Global enhancement ratio, a quantitative measure of the difference
in signal intensity before and after contrast administration, was 4.2 (score . 4 is considered abnormal).
Note saturation band across the atria to null signal from slow-fl owing blood. (d) Horizontal-long-axis late-
gadolinium-enhancement MR image shows enhancement that indicates myocardial edema and necrosis in
inferolateral segment, characteristic of acute myocarditis (straight arrow). Note two smaller foci of enhance-
ment in anterior segment (curved arrow).
Figure 6
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 415
Figure 7: Peripartum cardiomyopathy 6 days after
delivery in a 27-year-old woman. Her pregnancy
was complicated by preeclampsia at 33 weeks for
which she underwent emergency caesarian section.
She developed progressive dyspnea postpartum.
Computed tomographic pulmonary angiogram
(not shown) was negative for pulmonary embolism.
Short-axis SSFP MR images at (a) diastole and
(b) systole show akinesis of lateral segments (arrow)
during systole. LV ejection fraction was 42%.
Figure 7
ure, and (c) absence of demonstrable
heart disease before the last month of
pregnancy. Cardiac MR imaging is a
useful tool to confi rm the presence of
cardiomyopathy ( 76 ). Risk factors for
peripartum cardiomyopathy include ad-
vanced maternal age, multiparity, Afri-
can race, twins, gestational hypertension,
and tocolysis ( 77 ). Cardiac MR is also a
useful tool for follow-up, with only half
of patients recovering full function
( 78 ).
Important cardiac MR sequences
for peripartum cardiomyopathy.— Spe-
cifi c cardiac MR imaging appearances
have been relatively recently described
in patients with peripartum cardiomy-
opathy ( Fig 7 , Movie 9 [online]) ( 78 , 79 ).
Cine SSFP sequences allow an excellent
assessment of LV function ( 79 ). Late
gadolinium enhancement may demon-
strate late enhancement predominately
in the midmyocardium, involving the
anterior and anterolateral segments
( 80 ). These abnormalities may regress
over time, corresponding to an improve-
ment in LV function.
Gadolinium-based contrast agents
should be used with caution during
pregnancy. Although there are no docu-
mented teratogenic effects, evidence in
the literature is scarce and predomi-
nantly relies on animal data and limited
case series. Gadopentetate dimeglumine
inadvertently administered in three cases
at 1, 3, and 5 months gestation and in
another 11 women at 16–37 weeks ges-
tation were not associated with subse-
quent fetal abnormality ( 81 , 82 ), Gado-
pentetate dimeglumine (0.1 mmol/kg)
used to image the placenta was not as-
sociated with adverse effects on the fe-
tus. Similarly, no negative outcomes were
experienced in a study of 27 women
who were administered gadolinium in
the fi rst trimester of pregnancy ( 83 ).
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.— Takot-
subo cardiomyopathy is a relative recently
described cardiomyopathy provoked by
emotional stress and is most commonly
seen in postmenopausal women ( 84 ).
The clinical manifestation is similar to
that of acute myocardial infarction with
acute onset of congestive heart failure
and typical electrocardiogram changes
in the anterior leads, with absence of
signifi cant coronary artery disease at
coronary angiogrpahy. Takotsubo car-
diomyopathy is characterized by an acute
temporary stunning of the apical myo-
cardium resulting in a transient apical
ballooning with bulging out of the LV
apex and a hypercontractile LV base. It
is likely that there are multiple causa-
tive factors, including vasospasm and
an abnormal response to catechol-
amines. Histopathologic analysis has
revealed that in the acute phase, vacu-
oles of different sizes induce cellular
hypertrophy along with increased in-
tracellular glycogen ( 85 ). Abnormal-
myocardium and the skeletal muscle at
the same level are mapped on unen-
hanced T1-weighted images and are
copied to the contrast-enhanced im-
ages. The average signal intensities of
the myocardium and skeletal muscles be-
fore and after contrast enhancement are
measured according to the following:
postmyo 2 SI
premyo )/SI
premyo and (SI
2 SI
preskm )/SI
preskm , where SI
postmyo and
premyo are myocardial signal intensity
after and before contrast enhancement,
respectively, and SI
postskm and SI
are skeletal muscle signal intensity after
and before enhancement, respectively.
Finally, late-enhancement sequences
may demonstrate late enhancement in
patients with acute myocarditis, which
is most characteristically depicted in
the inferolateral segment of the LV
( Fig 6 ), although changes in the septal
segments are also well described. Gen-
erally, when evaluating for myocarditis,
a combination of sequences is used,
with the highest diagnostic accuracy
being obtained when two of three are
positive (sensitivity, 76%; specifi city,
95.5%; overall diagnostic accuracy,
85%) ( 70 , 73 ). Cardiac MR has particu-
lar clinical utility in the acute setting
because patients with acute myocarditis
often have an acute coronary syndrome
at presentation, and it may be diffi cult
to differentiate myocarditis from myo-
cardial infarction on the basis of clinical
Peripartum cardiomyopathy.— Peri-
partum cardiomyopathy is a rare car-
diomyopathy that occurs in previously
healthy women who develop symptoms
of heart failure during the peripartum
period ( 74 ). The cause of peripartum
cardiomyopathy is unknown, although it
is thought to originate from two broad
categories of disease, infl ammatory and
noninfl ammatory. Of the infl ammatory
causes, viral myocarditis is the most
common, whereas for noninfl ammatory
causes several factors are hypothesized
to play a role, including malnutrition, ge-
netics, hormone function, and increased
adrenergic tone ( 75 ). The diagnostic
criteria are (a) onset of heart failure in
the last month of pregnancy or in the
rst 5 postpartum months, (b) absence
of a determinable cause of cardiac fail-
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
416 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
ities in contractile and cytoskeletal
proteins have been noted. Oncotic and
apoptotic cell death are not characteris-
tic. After functional recovery, these his-
topathologic abnormalities show complete
reversibility. The clinical corollary is that
if the patient survives the initial mani-
festation, the disease tends to resolve
with improved LV function within a few
days (a small subgroup may have a longer
recovery period) ( 86 ).
Important cardiac MR sequences in
takotsubo cardiomyopathy.— Cine SSFP
sequences in vertical-long-axis and
short-axis views allow a detailed assess-
ment of LV function, size, and regional
wall motion abnormalities in this car-
diomyopathy ( Fig 8 , Movie 10 [online]).
Two useful sequences for imaging takot-
subo cardiomyopathy are T2-weighted
and late-enhancement sequences. Find-
ings from both are characteristically
negative in this disease ( Fig 8 ). Thus,
cardiac MR is likely to play an increasing
role in helping to distinguish between
acute myocardial infarction and takot-
subo cardiomyopathy ( 87 ).
Secondary Cardiomyopathy
Cardiac Amyloidosis
Amyloidosis is classifi ed into many dif-
ferent forms on the basis of the amy-
loid precursor protein: immunoglobu-
lin light chain (AL) derived–amyloidosis,
reactive (secondary) AA amyloidosis,
transthyretin (ATTR)-related heredi-
tary amyloidosis, and b 2-microglobulin
(Abeta2M)-derived dialysis-related am-
yloidosis ( 88 ). Primary systemic amy-
loidosis (immunoglobulin light chain)
and hereditary transthyretin (TTR) types
cause cardiomyopathies that result in
restrictive ventricular lling and, usu-
ally, a poor prognosis ( 89 ). Cardiac ac-
cumulation of these various proteins in
the insoluble brillar amyloid confor-
mation occurs principally in the myo-
cardial interstitium. There often is as-
sociated endomyocardial brosis leading
to diastolic dysfunction.
Important cardiac MR sequences in
amyloidosis.— A diffuse decrease in sig-
nal intensity on T1-weighted fast spin-
echo images may be found in cardiac
amyloid, although this requires formal
measurement in a region of interest
( 90 , 91 ). Ventricular myocardial thick-
ening affects the right and left ventri-
cles, and a useful distinguishing feature
from HCM is that it generally results in
a diffuse rather than a focal pattern of
hypertrophy ( Fig 9 , Movie 11 [online]).
Thickening ( . 6 mm) of the interatrial
septum and posterior right atrial wall is
also suggestive of cardiac amyloidosis
( 63 ). Marked thickening of the LV wall
is associated with a survival time of less
than 6 months ( 64 ). Aside from the fast
spin-echo sequences, late-enhancement
sequences have been found to demon-
strate diffuse or subendocardial late en-
hancement ( Fig 9 ) ( 89 , 92 ). It can be
challenging to depict these areas on
cardiac MR images, because the total
amyloid protein load results in rapid
washout of gadolinium-based contrast
material from the myocardium. Thus, it
Figure 8
Figure 8: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in a
73-year-old woman admitted with collapse and
chest pain after a road traffi c accident. (a) Four-
chamber SSFP MR image shows apical ballooning
(arrows). (b) SSFP image during systole shows
severe apical hypokinesis (arrows) . (c) Late-
gadolinium-enhanced four-chamber MR image
shows absence of scar, which effectively excludes
diagnosis of myocardial infarction.
can be diffi cult to determine the opti-
mal inversion time to null normal myo-
cardium, because it may be unclear
which myocardial areas are normal
( 93 ). Typically, a short-axis image will
be acquired by using multiple inversion
times. The time at which remote myo-
cardium passes through the null point
should be used to render normal myo-
cardium as black regions and areas of
amyloid disposition as bright regions.
The time to commence imaging for late
enhancement is shorter than that for
other cardiomyopathies and should be-
gin early (5 minutes after contrast agent
injection). Focal enhancement corre-
lates signifi cantly with areas of regional
hypokinesis or akinesis ( 92 ). When
compared with the diagnostic test of
choice of endomyocardial biopsy, car-
diac MR imaging provides good sensi-
tivity (80%) and high specifi city (94%)
( 93 ). The authors of one study ( 94 )
showed that the abnormal gadolinium
kinetics, specifi cally the 2-minute post-
gadolinium intramyocardial inversion
time difference between subepicardium
and subendocardium at a threshold
value of 23 msec, predicted mortality
with 85% accuracy.
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 417
Figure 9: Biopsy-proved amyloidosis in a
78-year-old man admitted with progressive dysp-
nea. (a) Horizontal-long-axis SSFP MR image shows
marked hypertrophy of LV, particularly the septum
(). Also note diffuse hypertrophy of RV free wall
(straight arrows) and thickening of interatrial septum
(curved arrow). (b) Late-gadolinium-enhanced
short-axis MR image shows extensive enhancement
in predominantly subendocardial distribution (ar-
rows), although it is almost transmural in certain
segments, such is the extent of the infi ltration. Note
absence of conformation to any vascular territory.
Figure 9
Figure 10: Short-axis MR images in a 43-year-old
woman with palpitations and sudden loss of con-
sciousness and known history of mediastinal sar-
coidosis. (a) T2-weighted image shows
high-signal-intensity foci in midmyocardium, in the
interventricular septum and lateral wall (arrows),
indicative of acute myocardial edema. (b) Late-
gadolinium-enhanced image shows extensive infi l-
tration of LV myocardium in a nonvascular territory
Figure 10
Cardiac Sarcoidosis
Cardiac abnormalities are caused by
infi ltration of sarcoid granulomas ( 95 ).
The classic clinical manifestation is
heart block; however, other clinical fea-
tures of sarcoid heart disease include
congestive heart failure, cor pulmonale,
supraventricular and ventricular ar-
rhythmias, conduction disturbances, ven-
tricular aneurysms, pericardial effu-
sion, and sudden death. About 7% of
patients with sarcoidosis develop car-
diac symptoms, but postmortem stud-
ies have revealed cardiac involvement
in 20%–50% of patients ( 96 ). Accurate
diagnosis relies on endomyocardial bi-
opsy ndings for noncaseating granu-
lomas or on a positive biopsy result
from noncardiac tissue and cardiac ab-
normalities for which other possible
causes have been excluded ( 95 ).
Important cardiac MR sequences in
sarcoidosis.— T2-weighted fast spin-
echo images (usually short axis) may
depict sarcoid lesions as patchy hyper-
intense areas in myocardium, which
may be transmural and characteristi-
cally causes LV wall thinning ( Fig 10 ,
Movie 12 [online]) ( 97 ). Late gadolin-
ium enhancement may also demon-
strate sarcoid lesions ( 96 ). Such lesions
are characteristically patchy and usually
appear in the midwall and subepicar-
dium but may involve any layer of ven-
tricular myocardium and can mimic
coronary artery disease ( 98 ). Careful
attention should be paid to the RV myo-
cardium and RVOT, which can also
show enhancement. If a tissue diagno-
sis is required, cardiac MR imaging may
provide optimal guidance for endomyo-
cardial biopsy ( 99 ). Improvement in
cardiac symptoms and MR fi ndings has
been observed after steroid therapy
( 97 , 100 ).
Siderotic Cardiomyopathy
Cardiac iron overload is a common
problem worldwide affecting patients
with b -thalassemia major ( 101 ). A mu-
tation in the b -globin gene causes de-
fective erythropoiesis that, in its homo-
zygous form, results in severe anemia.
Over 70% of these patients die of heart
failure. Measurement of myocardial iron
by using biopsy specimens is invasive
is likely to prevent the mortality seen
in patients with established ventricu-
lar dysfunction. The conventional treat-
ment for severe myocardial disease with
heart failure is long-term, continuous,
high-dose intravenous deferoxamine. Pre-
liminary evidence suggests that this ap-
proach is effective and may result in a
reversal of diastolic heart failure.
Important cardiac MR sequences in
iron overload.— Short-axis SSFP images
provide an accurate assessment of global
ventricular function that may be af-
fected in iron overload cardiomyopathy
and diffi cult to use for monitoring. Myo-
cardial iron content cannot be predicted
on the basis of serum ferritin or liver
iron levels, and conventional assess-
ments of cardiac function can only dem-
onstrate those with advanced disease.
Severe LV systolic dysfunction and heart
failure are signs of advanced cardiac si-
derosis, which usually does not respond
as well to chelation therapy as do ear-
lier disease stages. Early diagnosis and
treatment of myocardial iron overload
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
418 n Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012
(Movie 13 [online]). Furthermore, sev-
eral studies have now proved the utility
of specifi c T2*-weighted sequences for
noninvasive quantifi cation of ventric-
ular iron deposition ( 102 ). The sequence
can be performed by acquiring a single
10-mm-thick short-axis midventricu-
lar section of the LV at 8–10 echo times
(2.6–16.7 msec at 2.02-msec increments)
with standard shimming in a single breath
hold and a fl ip angle of 20°, a matrix of
128 3 128 pixels, a eld-of-view of ap-
proximately 40 cm, and a sampling
bandwidth of 1950 Hz/pixel ( Fig 11a ).
A delay of 0 msec after the R-wave trigger
is usually chosen to obtain a high-quality
image when blood ow and myocar-
dial wall motion artifacts are minimized.
A homogeneous full-thickness region of
interest is placed in the LV septum en-
compassing both epicardial and endo-
cardial regions. The signal intensity of
this region is measured for each image
and plotted against echo time to form
an exponential decay curve ( Fig 11b ).
To derive mean T2*, an exponential
trend line is tted with an equation in
the form y = K
e 2 TE/T2*, where K
e is
a constant, TE is echo time, and y is the
signal intensity on the image ( Fig 11c ).
Several studies have shown a clear rela-
tionship between reduced myocardial
T2* ( , 20 msec), indicating iron over-
load, and LV dysfunction. Cardiac MR
imaging has been used to evaluate dif-
ferent chelation regimes specifi cally for
their action on the myocardium, and
myocardial T2* increase correlates well
with the recovery of LV function after
intravenous iron chelation ( 101 , 102 ). The
sequence is also useful for other causes
of myocardial iron overload such as he-
mochromatosis, sickle cell disease, and
in cases where multiple blood transfu-
sions are required (eg, certain myelo-
Scleroderma is a connective tissue
disorder characterized by vascular
and brotic lesions. It predominates
in the skin but can also be found in
the lungs, kidneys, and heart ( 103 ).
Myocardial fi brosis has been docu-
mented to be a common nding in pa-
thology and autopsy studies ( 104 ).
Figure 11
Figure 11: Iron overload cardiomyopathy
in an 83-year-old woman with a history of
multiple blood transfusions for myelodys-
plasia. (a) Short-axis T2*-weighted MR
image with region of interest (red) placed
in the septum. Note low signal intensity of
the liver, representing elevated hepatic iron
content. (b) Graph shows exponential
decay in T2* values echo time increases.
(c) Mean T2* is calculated by an exponen-
tial trend line fi tted to the graph in b . In
this case, the mean T2* measured 12.7,
indicating severe myocardial iron overload.
The exact prevalence is diffi cult to as-
sess because patients often have oc-
cult disease, and autopsy studies are
biased toward those with the most se-
vere disease. The development of clin-
ical symptoms and signs is generally a
poor prognostic indicator, with a
5-year survival rate of 30%. The rea-
sons for this poorer prognosis include
the development of progressive RV
and LV failure, ventricular arrhyth-
mias, coronary artery disease, and
pericardial disease ( 105 ).
Important cardiac MR sequences in
scleroderma.— Specifi c cardiac MR ap-
pearances have been relatively recently
described for late-enhancement se-
quences ( Fig 12 , Movie 14 [online])
( 106 ). Late-enhancing myocardial seg-
ments may be identifi ed in up to 66% of
patients, with a characteristic linear
midmyocardial distribution predomi-
nantly affecting the basal and midven-
tricular levels. Its presence is associated
with development of arrhythmias.
Unknown Cardiomyopathy: A Practical
When a patient is referred for cardiac
MR imaging, an important initial task is
to rst gain as much clinical informa-
tion about the suspected diagnosis Ob-
taining electrocardiographic and echo-
cardiographic fi ndings is very valuable,
as well. Do not acquire or report on
cardiac MR images in a clinical vacu-
um—discuss the case with the refer-
ring doctor if possible. A practical im-
aging approach is to perform (after
acquisition of the appropriate localiz-
ers) a set of axial sequences through
REVIEW: Cardiac MR Imaging of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies O’Donnell et al
Radiology: Volume 262: Number 2—February 2012 n 419
the thorax to obtain a general view of
the anatomy of the heart and mediasti-
num followed by SSFP images in the
vertical-long-axis, horizontal-long-axis,
and short-axis image planes to assess
myocardial morphology and function.
If myocardial hypertrophy is identi-
ed, specifi c sequences for hypertro-
phic, amyloid, or other infi ltrative car-
diomyopathy should be acquired. If
myocardial thinning is identifi ed, spe-
cifi c sequences for dilated cardiomy-
opathy or chronic myocardial infarction
should be performed. If biatrial enlarge-
ment is identifi ed, specifi c sequences
for a restrictive cardiomyopathy should
be performed. If there is a clinical sus-
picion of an acute myocardial process
such as acute myocardial infarction or
myocarditis, a stack of T2-weighted
images is also important. Further spe-
cifi c sequences can be added, depend-
ing on the clinical question being asked.
Cardiac MR is an excellent imaging tech-
nique for assessing the morphologic
and functional characteristics of cardio-
myopathy. The use of late-enhancement
sequences has had an important effect
on the ability to characterize the myo-
cardium and also aids in improving clin-
ical risk stratifi cation. Finally, the lack
of ionizing radiation makes cardiac MR
Figure 12: Short-axis late-gadolinium-enhanced
MR image in a 48-year-old man with a long history
of scleroderma and progressive dyspnea shows
extensive enhancement in anterior and inferior RV
insertion points (arrows).
Figure 12 imaging an important tool in screening
and serial assessment of progressive
myocardial diseases.
Disclosures of Potential Confl icts of Interest:
D.H.O. No potential confl icts of interest to dis-
close. S.A. Financial activities related to the pre-
sent article: none to disclose. Financial activities
not related to the present article: is a consultant
for Perceptive Informatics; has received a grant
or has a grant pending from Bracco. Other rela-
tionships: none to disclose. V.C. No potential
confl icts of interest to disclose. K.Y. No potential
confl icts of interest to disclose. R.P.K. No poten-
tial confl icts of interest to disclose. R.M. No po-
tential confl icts of interest to disclose. D.K. No
potential confl icts of interest to disclose. R.C.C.
Financial activities related to the present article:
none to disclose. Financial activities not related
to the present article: is a consultant for Astellas
and GE Healthcare; has received grants or has
grants pending from Astellas and GE Healthcare.
Other relationships: none to disclose. J.D.D. No
potential confl icts of interest to disclose.
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... a coronary artery distribution. [12,13] In our study, 13 patients showed no abnormal LGE. Three patients showed a mid-myocardial LGE pattern, indicative of mid-wall fibrosis, and 1 patient showed both mid-myocardial and subepicardial LGE. ...
... These may either represent cases of coronary emboli-induced ischaemic cardiomyopathy, or recanalisation after an occlusive coronary event. [12,14] One possible application of CMR is to assess the prognosis of patients with DCM. ...
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Background Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is an excellent non-invasive imaging tool in the assessment of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Few studies have analysed the findings in primary (idiopathic) DCM. Objectives To study the CMR features in primary DCM. Methods We conducted a descriptive observational study on 20 adult patients with suspected or confirmed primary DCM. Each patient underwent a dedicated 3-Tesla CMR scan, and the findings were evaluated. Results Seventeen patients had systolic dysfunction with a reduced ejection fraction and elevated end-diastolic volume, 19 patients had contractile dysfunction in the form of global left ventricular hypokinesia, 13 patients showed no abnormal delayed contrast enhancement with gadolinium administration, and 7 patients showed abnormal late gadolinium enhancement patterns. Conclusion In patients with primary DCM, CMR is a powerful diagnostic tool that can definitively establish the diagnosis, assess the severity of the disease, predict the risk of future adverse cardiovascular outcomes, check for complications, and assist in future follow-ups. Study synopsis What the study adds. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is an excellent non-invasive imaging tool in the assessment of patients with primary dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Findings include global ventricular enlargement, systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction <40%), and elevated end-diastolic (≥140 mL) and end-systolic volumes. Global abnormal wall contractility is often seen. In DCM there is either no abnormal gadolinium enhancement or curvilinear mid-myocardial or subepicardial late gadolinium enhancement, unrelated to a coronary artery distribution. Implications of the findings. In patients with primary DCM, CMR provides powerful diagnostic and prognostic information. Enhanced awareness and understanding of this relatively uncommon condition among clinicians and radiologists would be of benefit in patient management and treatment.
... В магнитно-резонансната томография на сърце съществува голям набор от секвенции, като някои от тях съставят общоприет протокол, приложим при повечето пациенти. Към този протокол, в зависимост от съответната индикация, допълнително могат да се добавят измервания, които да допълнят необходимата за клиничната ситуация информация [9]. Основният протокол включва следните техники: ...
... In cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, there is a wide variety of sequences, some of which represent a generally accepted protocol applicable to most patients. Depending on the indication, additional measurements can be added to the protocol to further expand the information required for the clinical situation [9]. The basic protocol includes the following techniques: ...
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In recent decades, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) has been established as a valuable tool in the diagnosis of patients with or at risk of heart failure. With its ability to characterize tissue changes in the myocardium, CMR can provide detailed and clinically useful information about the type and severity of cardiac damage. The method is not only important for differentiation of ischemic from non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, but also contributes to the correct diagnosis of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy subtypes. It is also widely accepted as a reference standard for the quantification of myocardial mass, volumes and ejection fraction. The purpose of this article is to review the role of CMR in the diagnosis and treatment of non-ischemic cardiomyopathies.
... [47] Numerous causes for DCM have been elucidated in the past, including idiopathic, ischemic, familial, infective, autoimmune, toxins, and metabolic pathologies. [48][49][50] Common genes associated with DCM include LMNA, TNNT2, BAG3 and RBM20. [50][51][52][53] DCM can also be broadly categorized into familial and nonfamilial forms. ...
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Imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis, management, and prognosis of cardiac conditions. Over the last three decades, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has established itself as a promising imaging tool in the assessment of patients with various cardiac ailments. CMR is now being considered as a one-stop-shop diagnostic test because of its ability to comprehensively assess the heart. The greatest strength of CMR is its ability to characterize the myocardium noninvasively aiding in the diagnosis of patients. Despite its growing use worldwide, the adoption of the modality in India has been relatively slow. One major reason for this is the lack of expertise and resources to perform CMR. Another reason for the slow adoption of CMR in India is the limited understanding of practicing clinicians on how the modality works and what the various clinical applications of CMR are. In this review, we aimed to address these shortcomings by outlining some basics of CMR and its utility in day-to-day practice with a special focus on myocardial tissue characterization.
Purpose To determine the reliability of the cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) as a simple method to assess the cardiac size and function in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM). Methods In a sample of 91 patients (66 patients with diagnosed non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and 25 controls) we calculated the CTR on a posteroanterior chest radiograph and ventricular and atrial size based on accepted CMR values. Left and right ventricular ejection fraction was also calculated. The CTR and cardiac chamber size were compared between patients with NICM and healthy individuals. The distinction between normal and increased cardiac chamber size was made using published normal CMR reference values stratified by age and gender. Results CTR values were higher in the NICM group (50.7±5.5% Vs. 45.3±4.7%, p<0.001). Likewise, LVEDVi, LV indexed mass, LA indexed volume, LA indexed area, and RA indexed area were higher, and LVEF and RVEF were lower in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (p<0.05). In patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, the greatest correlation between CTR and CMR values was with LVEDVi (ρ=0.4, p<0.001), LA indexed volume (ρ=0.5, p<0.001), LA indexed area (ρ=0.5, p<0.001) and RA indexed area (ρ=0.4, p<0.001). However, the correlation strength was only moderate. Conclusion Despite patients with NICM had higher CTR values than the control group, a substantial proportion of these patients showed normal CTRs (<50%). This fact limits the usefulness of CTR to reliably predict NICM. Correlation between CTR and heart chamber dilation on CMR was only weak to moderate.
Cardiac MRI plays an important role in the evaluation of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, congenital disease, pericardial disease, and masses. Large multicenter trials have shown the positive impact of MRI-based management on outcomes in several CVDs. These results have made MRI an indispensable technique in the evaluation of these diseases, and cardiac MRI has an important role in multisociety guidelines. MRI is the reference standard for quantification of ventricular volumes and function. Flow imaging enables accurate quantification of flow and velocities through valves, shunts, and surgical conduits or baffles. Late gadolinium enhancement and parametric mapping techniques enable tissue characterization and yield prognostic information. In the past decade, cardiac MRI technology has seen rapid advances in both hardware and sequences. Multiple novel sequences, such as parametric mapping and four-dimensional flow, are increasingly being incorporated into routine clinical practice. Acceleration strategies have matured, allowing faster acquisition of cardiac MRI sequences in patients with arrhythmia and poor breath holding. Challenges of cardiac MRI at high-field-strength magnets and in patients with indwelling cardiac devices or severe renal dysfunction have been mitigated. Artificial intelligence techniques are decreasing the complexity of MRI acquisition and postprocessing. This article reviews the current state of the art and emerging techniques in cardiac MRI.
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Background: The cardiomyopathies are defined as “heterogenous group of diseases of the myocardium associated with mechanical or electrical dysfunction that usually (but not invariably) exhibit inappropriate ventricular hypertrophy or dilatation and are due to variety of causes that frequently are genetic. Methods: The cross sectional hospital based study was conducted in the Department of Radiodiagnosis in patients with heart failure with LVEF (Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction) of <45% without RWM (Regional Wall Motion) abnormality on echocardiography evaluated in department of cardiology at IGMC, Shimla over a period of one year. Demographics: Demographics Overall Group Male Female Mean Age (year ) ± SD 53.86 ± 16.34 54.45 ± 19.41 53.94 ± 16.36 Gender (n) 38 17 (44.73%) 21(55.26%) Results: Myocardial fibrosis was seen in 4 (100%) patients of ischemic cardiomyopathy and 3 (18.75%) patients of non ischemic cardiomyopathy with significant P value of 0.01 and odd ratio of 1.67. The subendocardial myocardial fibrosis was seen in 3 (75%) patients of ischemic cardiomyopathy while it was not seen in non ischemic cardiomyopathy with significant P value of < 0.01 and odd ratio of 3.59. Conclusion: Cardiac MRI has important role in dilated cardiomyopathies for distinguishing ischemic and non ischemic types as well as in evaluation of various etiological types. Keywords: MRI, Myocardial, Cardiomyopathies
We aimed to test the diagnostic accuracy of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging in distinguishing pathological left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) from lesser degrees of trabecular layering seen in healthy volunteers and, in those with cardiomyopathies and concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, potential differential diagnoses. We hypothesized that pathological trabeculation could be distinguished by determining the ratio of non-compacted to compacted myocardium (NC/C ratio). Left ventricular non-compaction is characterized by a non-compacted myocardial layer in the left ventricle. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance images this layer with unprecedented quality, particularly in the ventricular apex, where echocardiography has inherent difficulties. We analyzed magnetic resonance cine images, using the 17-segment model in 45 healthy volunteers, 25 athletes, 39 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 14 with dilated cardiomyopathy, 17 with hypertensive heart disease, and 30 with aortic stenosis, as well as images from 7 patients previously diagnosed with LVNC whose diagnoses were supported by additional features. Areas of non-compaction were common and occurred more frequently in all groups studied in apical and lateral, rather than in basal or septal, segments. A NC/C ratio of >2.3 in diastole distinguished pathological non-compaction, with values for sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictions of 86%, 99%, 75%, and 99%, respectively. Left ventricular non-compaction is diagnosed accurately with CMR using the NC/C ratio in diastole.
Background: Cardiac amyloidosis can be diagnostically challenging. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can assess abnormal myocardial interstitium. Methods and results: Late gadolinium enhancement CMR was performed in 30 patients with cardiac amyloidosis. In 22 of these, myocardial gadolinium kinetics with T1 mapping was compared with that in 16 hypertensive controls. One patient had CMR and autopsy only. Subendocardial T1 in amyloid patients was shorter than in controls (at 4 minutes: 427+/-73 versus 579+/-75 ms; P<0.01), was shorter than subepicardium T1 for the first 8 minutes (P< or =0.01), and was correlated with markers of increased myocardial amyloid load, as follows: left ventricular (LV) mass (r=-0.51, P=0.013); wall thickness (r=-0.54 to -0.63, P<0.04); interatrial septal thickness (r=-0.52, P=0.001); and diastolic function (r=-0.42, P=0.025). Global subendocardial late gadolinium enhancement was found in 20 amyloid patients (69%); these patients had greater LV mass (126+/-30 versus 93+/-25 g/m2; P=0.009) than unenhanced patients. Histological quantification showed substantial interstitial expansion with amyloid (30.5%) but only minor fibrosis (1.3%). Amyloid was dominantly subendocardial (42%) compared with midwall (29%) and subepicardium (18%). There was 97% concordance in diagnosis of cardiac amyloid by combining the presence of late gadolinium enhancement and an optimized T1 threshold (191 ms at 4 minutes) between myocardium and blood. Conclusions: In cardiac amyloidosis, CMR shows a characteristic pattern of global subendocardial late enhancement coupled with abnormal myocardial and blood-pool gadolinium kinetics. The findings agree with the transmural histological distribution of amyloid protein and the cardiac amyloid load and may prove to have value in diagnosis and treatment follow-up.
Background— Two-dimensional echocardiography is currently the standard test for the clinical diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The present study was undertaken to determine whether cardiac MRI (CMR) affords greater accuracy than echocardiography in establishing the diagnosis and assessing the magnitude of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy in HCM. Methods and Results— Forty-eight patients (age 34±16 years) suspected of having HCM (or with a confirmed diagnosis) were imaged by both echocardiography and CMR to assess LV wall thickness in 8 anatomic segments (total n=384 segments) and compared in a blinded fashion. Maximum LV thickness was similar by echocardiography (21.7±9.1 mm) and CMR (22.5±9.6 mm; P=0.21). However, in 3 (6%) of the 48 patients, echocardiography did not demonstrate LV hypertrophy, and CMR identified otherwise undetected areas of wall thickening in the anterolateral LV free wall (17 to 20 mm), which resulted in a new diagnosis of HCM. In the overall study group, compared with CMR, echocardiography also underestimated the magnitude of hypertrophy in the basal anterolateral free wall (by 20±6%; P=0.001), as well as the presence of extreme LV wall thickness (≥30 mm) in 10% of patients (P<0.05). Conclusions— CMR is capable of identifying regions of LV hypertrophy not readily recognized by echocardiography and was solely responsible for diagnosis of the HCM phenotype in an important minority of patients. CMR enhances the assessment of LV hypertrophy, particularly in the anterolateral LV free wall, and represents a powerful supplemental imaging test with distinct diagnostic advantages for selected HCM patients.
Nuclear cardiology, echocardiography, cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), cardiac computed tomography (CT), positron emission computed tomography (PET), and coronary angiography are imaging modalities that have been used to measure myocardial perfusion, left ventricular function, and coronary anatomy for clinical management and research. Although there are technical differences between these modalities, all of them image the myocardium and the adjacent cavity. However, the orientation of the heart, angle selection for cardiac planes, number of segments, slice display and thickness, nomenclature for segments, and assignment of segments to coronary arterial territories have evolved independently within each field. This evolution has been based on the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the technique and the practical clinical application of these modalities as they are used for patient management. This independent evolution has resulted in a lack of standardization and has made accurate intra- and cross-modality comparisons for clinical patient management and research very difficult, if not, at times, impossible. Attempts to standardize these options for all cardiac imaging modalities should be based on the sound principles that have evolved from cardiac anatomy and clinical needs.1–3⇓⇓ Selection of standardized methods must be based on the following criteria: An earlier special report from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and Society of Nuclear Medicine4 defined standards for plane selection and display orientation for serial …
Preamble......1688 Introduction......1688 General Considerations and Perspectives......1688 Nomenclature, Definitions, and Clinical Diagnosis......1689 Obstruction to LV Outflow......1689 Genetics and Molecular Diagnosis......1690 General Considerations for Natural History and Clinical Course
OBJECTIVES: This study analyzed the accuracy of gadolinium-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) for the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis (CS). BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of CS was made according to the guidelines of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (1993); CMR has not been incorporated into the guidelines, and the diagnostic accuracy of CMR for the diagnosis of CS has not yet been evaluated. METHODS: We performed an analysis of 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs), 24-h ambulatory ECGs, echocardiograms, thallium scintigrams, and gadolinium-enhanced CMR studies in 58 biopsy-proven pulmonary sarcoidosis patients assessed for CS. The diagnostic accuracy of CMR for CS was determined using modified Japanese guidelines as the gold standard. RESULTS: The diagnosis of CS was made in 12 of 58 patients (21%); CMR revealed late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), mostly involving basal and lateral segments (73%), in 19 patients. In 8 of the 19 patients, scintigraphy was normal, while patchy LGE was present. The sensitivity and specificity of CMR were 100% (95% confidence interval, 78% to 100%) and 78% (95% confidence interval, 64% to 89%), and the positive and negative predictive values were 55% and 100%, respectively, with an overall accuracy of 83%. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with sarcoidosis, CMR is a useful diagnostic tool to determine cardiac involvement. New diagnostic guidelines should include CMR.