Romas Lazutka

Romas Lazutka
Vilnius University · Department of Theoretical Economics


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Publications (18)
The article examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on population income and employment in Lithuania as well as on social policy and its implementation. Although the majority of anti-pandemic policies were short-term, long-term policy trends which contribute to the welfare state goals – such as the orientation to provide social support by univ...
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This chapter aims to discuss the link between migration and welfare in Lithuania. We start with presentation of the main characteristics of the Lithuanian welfare system emphasizing the access to social benefits for resident nationals, non-national residents, and non-resident nationals. Later we examine key developments of population migration to a...
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Prevention against social risks through investment in human capital serves as the main focus of social investment. The social investment perspective suggests that social protection benefits should ensure adequate income maintenance over the life course. The goal of the current study is twofold: to analyze the role of social benefits that protect ag...
The economic crisis of 2008–2010 revealed the extreme vulnerability of Lithuania to global financial shocks. However, instead of reforming Lithuanian capitalism, the domestic political and business elites chose to write off the enormous social and economic costs incurred during the 2008–2010 crisis as an expense of continuing doing business in a wa...
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This study investigates the split of national income between labour and capital in Lithuania and its distributional implications. It shows that the neoliberal economic development model embraced by Lithuania since regaining independence in 1991 produced significant economic growth. However, this growth was based on suppressing wages, keeping taxes...
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The aim of this paper was to analyse distributional implications of the economic development reflected at the macro level in the Baltics. We demonstrated how the concepts of income and its measurement at macro and micro levels can be reconciled using data recorded in the EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and National Accounts. We...
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Despite the fact that stability of labor share in national income is a key foundation in macroeconomic models, scientists acknowledge, that in the last three decades it has been declining around the world. The Baltic countries are not an exception; they follow similar patters to large economies, thus the research aims at determining economic factor...
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Straipsnyje analizuojama jaunimo dalyvavimą politikoje lemianti institucinė struktūra. Darbo tikslas – pateikti jaunimo dalyvavimą politikoje lemiančių institucijų aprašą. Institucijos yra suprantamos racionalaus pasirinkimo neoinstitucionalizmo teorijos perspektyvoje. Jaunimo dalyvavimą politikoje lemianti institucinė struktūra yra analizuojama re...
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of cash social benefits on work incentives across the income distribution and among selected model family types in Lithuania. The analysis of work incentives was carried out for 2005–2013 based on a combination of measures estimated using the EUROMOD tax–benefit microsimulation model. The analysis rev...
Conference Paper
In this paper we aim to cover the gap in analysis of functional distribution of National income at the macroeconomic level and personal income distribution at the microlevel. We compare the information provided in the National Accounts and in the EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for the three Baltic states and in a wider EU conte...
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Santrauka Long-term stability of relative shares of production factors – labor and capital – was an implied fact for a long time. However, recently empirical data have become available, and several authors have presented a conclusive evidence showing a worldwide decline in labor share, which is especially manifested in Continental Europe. Despite...
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The article reviews the current social assistance scheme in Lithuania and its recent reform. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the scheme in three dimensions: coverage of poor people, adequacy of benefit amounts, and social assistance reconciliation with work incentives. The analysis of the minimum income protection reform is based mainly on the...
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Profesorius socialinių mokslų daktaras (ekonomika) Vilniaus universiteto Socialinio darbo katedra Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius El. paštas: tel. 8 614 53248 Socialinio darbo magistrė Vilniaus universiteto Socialinio darbo katedra Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius El. paštas: dovilė tel. 268 7191...
This article is one of the few attempts to assess some of the social justice aspects of higher education in Lithuania. The first part provides an analysis of social justice in higher education from the perspective of political philosophy and sociological theories. Results of an empirical study on the access to and distribution of higher education b...
This paper is aimed to report the results of a research on social guarantees for academics in Lithuania. Two main approaches were used: secondary analysis of statistical data and the questioning of academics. Results of the research have shown that the most important social guarantees for Lithuanian academics are salaries, pensions and time hire la...
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Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama prieš penkerius metus pradėta Lietuvos socialinio draudimo senatvės pensijų struktūrinė reforma, kurios metu dalis socialinio draudimo įmokų pervedama į gyventojų pasirinktus privačius pensijų fondus. Šio straipsnio tikslas - apžvelgti reformos pradžioje jai keltus tikslus, įvertinti jų pagrįstumą socialinės apsaugos...
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Straipsnyje aptariamos tarptautinės patirties taikymo sudarant Lietuvos skurdo žemėlapį galimybės. Pirmoje straipsnio dalis yra skirta skurdo žemėlapių konceptualizavimui. Pristatomos pagrindinės skurdo rodiklių grupės, skurdo žemėlapio rodiklių lygmenys, sudarymo metodai ir veiksniai, tarptautinių organizacijų taikomi socialinę padėtį charakterizu...


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