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In-vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata extracts: Effect on inducible NOS, COX-1, COX-2 and their products in J774A.1 murine macrophages

  • University of Vigo. Biomedical Research Center (CINBIO)

Abstract and Figures

Extracts of the plant species Pinus sylvestris L. and Plantago lanceolata L. have been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of certain respiratory diseases, but little is known about their precise effects and mechanisms of action. In this study, we investigated the effect of these plant extracts on the production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E(2), NO synthase (NOS) type II, cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and COX-2 mRNA expression in the murine macrophage cell line J774A.1. We found that Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata extracts inhibited NO production in a concentration-dependent manner in this cell line, without obvious cytotoxic effects as tested by MTT assay. The Plantago lanceolata extract at all doses used, and the Pinus sylvestris extract at high doses, showed significant scavenging of NO radicals released by the NO donor PAPA-NONOate. Our data also show that pre-treatment with these extracts significantly inhibits inducible NOS (iNOS) mRNA production in this cell line, without affecting COX-1 mRNA expression. COX-2 mRNA levels and PGE(2) levels induced by lipopolysaccharide/interferon-gamma were not modified upon pre-treatment with the extracts. Thus, our results suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata extracts may reflect decreased NO production, possibly due to inhibitory effects on iNOS gene expression or to NO-scavenging activity.
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JPP 2005, 57: 383–391
ß 2005 The Authors
Received June 15, 2004
Accepted November 29, 2004
DOI 10.1211/0022357055605
ISSN 0022-3573
Department of Physiology,
School of Medicine, University of
Santiago de Compostela, 15782
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
E. Vigo, A. Cepeda,
R. Perez-Fernandez
Laboratorio de Investigacio´n4,
Area de Docencia e
Investigacio´ n, Hospital Clı´nico
Universitario, 15782 Santiago
de Compostela, Spain
O. Gualillo
Correspondence: R. Perez-
Fernandez, Departamento de
Fisiologı´a, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad de Santiago de
Compostela, 15782
Santiago de Compostela,
Spain. E-mail:
Funding: This work was
supported in part by a I þ D
research grant (2000/CE535)
from Bioserum Laboratorios,
S.L. Oreste Gualillo is a recipient
of a research contract 00/3051
from the Instituto de Salud
Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad
y Consumo, Spain.
In-vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Pinus sylvestris
and Plantago lanceolata extracts: effect on inducible
NOS, COX-1, COX-2 and their products in J774A.1
murine macrophages
E. Vigo, A. Cepeda, O. Gualillo and R. Perez-Fernandez
Extracts of the plant species Pinus sylvestris L. and Plantago lanceolata L. have been used in tradi-
tional medicine for the treatment of certain respiratory diseases, but little is known about their
precise effects and mechanisms o f action. In this study, we investigated the effect of these plant
extracts on the production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E
, NO synthase (NOS) type II,
cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and COX-2 mRNA expression in the murine macrophage cell line J774A.1.
We found that Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata extracts inhibited NO production in a
concentration-dependent manner in this cell line, without obvious cytotoxic effects as tested by
MTT assay. The Plantago lanceolata extract at all doses u sed, and the Pinus sylvestris extract at high
doses, showed significant scavenging of NO radicals released by the NO donor PAPA-NONOate. Our
data also show that pre-treatment with these extracts significantly inhibits inducible NOS (iNOS)
mRNA production in this cell line, without affecting COX-1 mRNA expression. COX-2 mRNA levels
and PGE
levels induced by lipopolysaccharide/interferon- were not modified upon pre-treatment
with the extracts. Thus, our results suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of Pinus sylvestris
and Plantago lanceolata extracts may reflect decreased NO production, possibly due to inhibitory
effects on iNOS gene expression or to NO-scavenging activity.
Inflammation is a complex process characterized by the contribution of various
mediators, including prostaglandins and nitric oxide (NO) (Higgs et al 1984; Nathan
1997). Cyclooxygenase (COX) is one of the main enzymes involved in the metabolism
of arachidonic acid, catalysing the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane
(Smith et al 1991). COX exists in two isoforms: COX-1 is a ubiquitously and consti-
tutively expressed isoform that is postulated to have housekeeping functions; COX-2 is
an inducible isoform that has been implicated in inflammatory responses and the
regulation of cell growth and differentiation (Smith et al 1996). Specifically, COX-2
is thought to be the primary generator of the prostanoids that contribute to inflam-
mation, acting in both the inflammation initiation and resolution phases (Gilroy et al
1999). However, several studies have shown that prostanoids formed via COX-1 are
also involved in inflammation processes (Langenbach et al 1995; Wallace et al 1998).
The pivotal role of nitric oxide (NO) as a messenger and effector molecule has been
demonstrated in a variety of tissues (Palmer et al 1988; Lowenstein et al 1996). NO has
been identified as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and a potent
physiological vasorelaxant that regulates blood pressure by modulating muscular
tone (Hibbs et al 1987; Moncada et al 1991). NO is also an important molecule in
inflammation and sepsis (Wheeler & Bernard 1999). Exposure to bacterial surface
molecules, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipoteicholic acid (LTA), stimulates
cellular inflammatory responses and induces release of pro-inflammatory factors,
including NO, prostaglandin E
), cytokines, tumour necrosis factor- and
eicosanoid mediators. At least three types of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoform
have been identified in cells. Both the endothelial nitric
oxide synthase (eNOS) and neural nitric oxide synthase
(nNOS) isoforms are constitutive (cNOS), in that NO
produced by cNOS contributes to maintaining the normal
active state of vasodilatation through a Ca
dependent pathway, and acts as a neurotransmitter in
neuron signal transmission. NOS in macrophages and
hepatocytes is inducible (the iNOS isoform), and its acti-
vation is Ca
/calmodulin-independent. Exposure to
endogenous and exogenous stimulators induces iNOS in
various cells, such as macrophages, smooth muscle cells
and hepatocytes, triggering various detrimental cellular
responses and potentially causing disease, including
inflammation, sepsis and stroke (Marletta et al 1988;
Nathan 1992; Marletta 1993; Duval et al 1996). NO pro-
duction induced by iNOS may thus reflect the degree of
inflammation, and provides a useful way of assessing the
effect of drugs on the inflammatory process. Conversely,
inhibition of NO accumulation induced by inflammatory
stimuli could be a useful strategy for treatment of inflam-
matory diseases (Hobbs et al 1999).
Pinus sylvestris L. and Plantago lanceolata L. extracts
have been used in traditional medicine as anti-inflamma-
tory treatments in bronchitis, asthma and other respira-
tory diseases (Matev et al 1982; Peris et al 1995;
Blumenthal 1998). It has recently been demonstrated
that bioflavonoids extracted from the bark of Pinus mar-
itima inhibit the expression of the pro-inflammatory cyto-
kine interleukin-1 (IL-1) by regulating redox-sensitive
transcription factors, namely nuclear factor-B (NF-B)
and activating protein-1 (AP-1), in LPS-stimulated RAW
264.7 murine monocyte macrophages (Cho et al 2000).
Pinus maritima bark extract is also a powerful scavenger
of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (Virgili et al 1998).
It has additionally been demonstrated that a hexane
extract of Plantago major (ursolic acid) inhibits COX-2;
this would thus explain the anti-inflammatory effects of
Plantago major extracts (Ringbom et al 1998) and is in
accordance with previous results indicating that Plantago
lanceolata (probably phenylethanoid components thereof)
inhibits arachidonic-acid-induced mouse ear oedema
(Murai et al 1995). In this study, to further characterize
the anti-inflammatory properties of Pinus sylvestris and
Plantago lanceolata extracts, we investigated their effects
at different doses on cell viability, NO production, scaven-
ging activity, iNOS mRNA expression, COX-1 and -2
mRNA expression and PGE
levels in the murine macro-
phage line J774A.1.
Materials and Methods
The Pinus sylvestris extract and the Plantago lanceolata
extract were obtained from Bioserum Laboratorios S.L.
(Malaga, Spain). The Pinus sylvestris extract was prepared
as follows. Leaf buds were subjected to steam distillation for
extraction of essential oils, which were set aside. The same
leaf buds were then percolated in ethanol–water (45:55) at
C for 10 h, then concentrated in a vacuum concentrator.
The essential oils and the percolation concentrate were
pooled to give the final extract, to a total essential oils
concentration of 1% w/w pinene equivalent and a total
flavonoids concentration of 0.3% w/w rutin equivalent.
Total essential oils were determined by gas/liquid chroma-
tography (GLC) (Shimazu model GC-14A; 30-cm SP-5
column; detection temp 200
C, injection temp. 200
C; col-
umn temp. first 50
C, then linear gradient of 5
C; nitrogen carrier 2 kg cm
; injection volume 3 mL;
FID detection). Total flavonoids were determined by
reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) (Hewlett Packard model HP1050; 150 3.20 mm
Prodigy 5 mm ODS(3) 100A column; mobile phase metha-
nol–phosphate buffer 5 m
M, pH 7 (40:60, v/v); injection
volume 2 mL; flow rate 1 mL min
; detection at 365 nm).
Finally, the extract was dried by atomization.
The Plantago lanceolata extract was prepared as fol-
lows. Whole plants (leaves, flowers and roots) were per-
colated in ethanol–water (45:55) at 40
C for 10 h, then
concentrated in a vacuum concentrator to give the final
extract. Tannin concentration in the extract, determined
spectrophotometrically at 715 nm in a Beckman DU-40
apparatus, was standardized to 2% w/w. Again, the
extract was dried by atomization.
For experiments, the powdered extracts of Pinus syl-
vestris and Plantago lanceolata were dissolved in ethanol–
water (1:24). Both extracts were used at a stock concen-
tration of 1.68 gmL
. For control experiments only the
ethanol–water vehicle was used.
The J774.1 cell line was obtained from the European
Collection of Cell Cultures (Salisbury, UK). Dulbecco’s
Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) was obtained from
Gibco-BRL (NY). LPS (E. coli 0111:B4), interferon-
(IFN-), dexamethasone, indometacin and PAPA-
NONOate were obtained from Sigma (St Louis, MO).
3-(4,5 Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bro-
mide (MTT, 5 mg mL
) was purchased from Roche
Diagnostics Corporation (Indianapolis, USA). All
reagents were of analytical grade. Absorbance was mea-
sured using a microplate reader (BioRad 550; Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Hercules, CA).
Cell culture and stimulation of macrophages
with LPS and IFN-g
The J774A.1 cell line was maintained in DMEM contain-
ing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 2 m
100 U mL
penicillin, 100 gmL
streptomycin and
130 gmL
sodium pyruvate, at 37
C under 5% CO
humidified air. Cells were harvested by gentle scraping
and passaged every 3–6 days by 1:6 dilution. For stimula-
tion with LPS and IFN-, cells were seeded into 24-well
plates at a density of 1 10
cells/well and allowed to
adhere for 12 h at 37
C under 5% CO
Culture medium was then replaced with fresh medium
without FBS for 5 h, then replaced again with fresh med-
ium containing 10% FBS, 1 gmL
LPS and 15 ng mL
IFN- in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Doses of LPS
384 E. Vigo et al
and IFN- were chosen on the basis of preliminary find-
ings indicating that they give optimal induction of induci-
ble nitric oxide synthesis in J774A.1 cells. To evaluate the
effects of the extracts, cells were first incubated for 5 h
with the Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract
(8.5, 16.8, 50.4 or 84 gmL
), then for 24 h with LPS
plus IFN- as above. As reference controls, assays were
also performed with the anti-inflammatory steroid dexa-
methasone (0.01, 0.1 or 1
M) and the non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug indometacin (0.01, 0.1 or 0.25 m
Measurement of nitrite production
As an indicator of NO production, we determined the
nitrite concentration in the culture medium by the Griess
reaction (Dirsch et al 1998). One hundred microlitres of
each culture supernatant, assayed in triplicate, was reacted
with an equal volume of Griess reagent (1% sulfanilamide
and 0.1% naphthylethylenediamine HCl in 2.5% phospho-
ric acid) at room temperature for 10 min. Absorbance was
then measured at 540 nm, and nitrite concentration deter-
mined using sodium nitrite as standard.
MTT assay for cell viability
Cell viability was assessed by the mitochondrial-respira-
tion-dependent 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-
tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction method. Cells
(1 10
cells/well) in 96-well plates were incubated with
increasing doses of test compound (8.5, 16.8, 50.4 or
84 gmL
of Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata
extract; 0.01, 0.1 or 1
M of dexamethasone; or 0.01, 0.1
or 0.25 m
M of indometacin) at 37
for 24 h.
After treatment, 10 L of MTT solution was added to
each well. After incubation for 4 h at 37
C, the formazan
crystals in viable cells were solubilized with 100 L of lysis
buffer (10% sodium dodecyl sulfate in 0.01
M HCl) for
12 h. The absorbance of each well was then read at
540 nm. The optical density of formazan formed in control
(untreated) cells was taken as 100% viability.
Assay of scavenging of NO radicals released
The plant extracts (8.5, 16.8, 50.4 or 84 gmL
of Pinus
sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract) were dissolved in
PBS to a total volume of 250 L and incubated with
250 L of PAPA-NONOate dissolved in PBS (pH 7.68,
C for 3 h. After incubation, the concentration
of nitrite was measured by the Griess method as described
Assay of iNOS, COX-1 and COX-2 mRNA expression:
isolation and reverse transcription-polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification
The J774A.1 macrophage cell line (1 10
cells) was
grown in a 90-mm petri dish as described above. The
cells were treated with the plant extracts (84 gmL
Pinus sylvestris L. and Plantago lanceolata L.) and 5 h
later LPS plus IFN- (1 gmL
and 15 ng mL
, respec-
tively) was added. Total RNA was isolated with TRIzol
reagent (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, UK) as previously
described (Gil-Puig et al 2002). RNA concentration and
purity were determined by spectrophotometry. cDNA
synthesis and PCR amplification of GADPH and iNOS
were performed as previously described (Vigo et al 2004).
For PCR amplification of COX-1 and COX-2, samples
were denatured at 94
C for 1 min, annealed at 55
C for
1 min and extended at 72
C for 1 min, for 28 cycles, with
an extension step of 10 min at 72
C in the last cycle.
To determine the relative amounts of iNOS, COX-1
and COX-2 mRNAs in each sample, iNOS, COX-1 and
COX-2 mRNA amounts were standardized with respect
to GADPH mRNA amounts. Specifically, PCR products
were separated on 2% agarose gel, stained with ethidium
bromide, visualized with UV light and quantified using
the Gel Doc 1000 Documentation System (Bio-Rad
Laboratories, CA).
Primer sequences for PCR amplification of iNOS were
as follows: primer A (5
was a 17-mer corresponding to residues 1213–1230 of the
rat coding sequence, and primer B (5
) was an antisense 17-mer corresponding
to residues 1696–1712 of the coding sequence. The PCR
product obtained was 499 bp in length. Primer sequences
for COX-1 were as follows: the forward primer 5
, corresponding to
residues 411–431 of the rat coding sequence, and the reverse
primer 5
, corres-
ponding to residues 774–793 of the coding sequence. The
PCR product obtained was 382 bp in length. Primer
sequences for COX-2 were as follows: the forward primer
, corresponding to resi-
dues 498–515 of the rat coding sequence, and the reverse
primer 5
, corresponding
to residues 725–742 of the coding sequence. The PCR pro-
duct obtained was 245 bp in length. Primer sequences for rat
GADPH were as follows: the forward primer 5
, corresponding to
residues 758–782 of the rat coding sequence, and the reverse
primer 5
ponding to residues 974–997 of the coding sequence. The
PCR product obtained was 309 bp in length.
The culture medium of control and treated cells was col-
lected, centrifuged and stored at 70
level of PGE
released into culture medium was quantified
using a specific enzyme immunoassay (EIA) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions (Amersham Biosciences, UK).
Statistical analysis
Each experiment was performed at least three times with
at least 3 replicates: the minimum total number of repli-
cates was 12 (3 experiments 4 replicates). All values
are expressed as means s.d. Means were compared by
Anti-inflammatory effect of Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata 385
one-way analysis of variance with the Dunnet’s multiple
comparison test for post-hoc comparisons. Statistical sig-
nificance is taken to be indicated by P < 0.05.
Effect of dexamethasone, indometacin, Pinus
sylvestris extract and Plantago lanceolata
extract on NO production by LPS/IFN-g -stimulated
J774.1 cells
Incubation of the cells with LPS plus IFN- resulted in an
increase in NO concentration in culture medium ranging
from 4.7 to 5.8
M after 24 h incubation, versus no detect-
able NO in non-treated cultures. These values (controls)
were considered as the maximal increase in NO, for calcu-
lation of the reduction in NO release by LPS/IFN--sti-
mulated cells following pre-treatment with Pinus sylvestris
extract, Plantago lanceolata extract, dexamethasone or
indometacin (Table 1).
Pre-treatment with dexamethasone at 0.1
M or higher
induced a significant reduction (P < 0.001) in NO produc-
tion. From this concentration up, the observed effect was
dose dependent (Table 1). Pre-treatment with indometacin
induced a significant reduction (P < 0.001) in NO produc-
tion at concentrations of 0.1 m
M or higher (Table 1).
Pre-treatment with the Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lan-
ceolata extracts (8.5–84 gmL
) in all cases significantly
reduced NO production, and the effect of both extracts
was dose dependent (Table 1).
Effect of dexamethasone, indometacin, Pinus
sylvestris extract and Plantago lanceolata
extract on cell viability
To rule out possible cytotoxic effects of the Pinus sylvestris
and Plantago lanceolata extracts in the absence of
LPS þ IFN-, we used an MTT assay. Both the Pinus
sylvestris and the Plantago lanceolata extracts significantly
reduced cell viability at the low and intermediate concen-
trations tested (8.5, 16.8 and 50.4 gmL
) (Table 1);
however, no significant reduction was caused by the high-
est concentration tested (84 gmL
). Dexamethasone
significantly reduced cell viability at the higher concentra-
tions tested (0.1 and 1
M), while indometacin had no
significant effect, except at the highest concentration
tested (0.25 m
Scavenging of NO by the Pinus sylvestris and
Plantago lanceolata extracts
As noted, pre-treatment of LPS/IFN--stimulated cells
with the Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extracts
led to a significant reduction in nitrite levels in the med-
ium. To assess whether this reduction was due to NO
scavenging, we performed assays of scavenging activity
using PAPA-NONOate for NO generation. The
Plantago lanceolata extract, at all doses tested, had signi-
ficant NO-scavenging activity, whereas the Pinus sylvestris
extract showed NO-scavenging activity only at the highest
concentration tested (84 gmL
) (Table 1).
Effect of the Pinus sylvestris and Plantago
lanceolata extracts and dexamethasone
on iNOS mRNA levels
To investigate whether Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lan-
ceolata extracts affect iNOS gene expression, RT-PCR
was carried out using specific primers for the iNOS and
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
genes. PCR amplification of cDNA from J774A.1 cells
yielded a 499-bp product corresponding to mouse iNOS
and a 309-bp product corresponding to mouse GAPDH
(Figure 1C). Non-stimulated J774A.1 cells showed barely
detectable iNOS mRNA levels (0.15 0.08, relative
iNOS/GAPDH value; Figure 1C, lane 3). Cells incubated
for 24 h with LPS and IFN- showed markedly and sig-
nificantly higher levels (0.80 0.13, P < 0.001 with
respect to non-stimulated cells). Pre-treatment of cells
with the Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract
(84 gmL
) significantly reduced (P < 0.05) iNOS
mRNA levels with respect to the cells treated with LPS
and IFN- only (0.62 0.07 and 0.7 0.03, respectively;
Figure 1C, lanes 5 and 6, and Figure 1D). Dexamethasone
treatment likewise significantly reduced (P < 0.05) iNOS
Table 1 Effects of Pinus sylvestris extract, Plantago lanceolata
extract, dexamethasone and indometacin on NO production, cell
viability and (plant extracts only) NO-scavenging activity
Cell viability
NO scavenging
Pinus sylvestris L.
Control 5.20 0.38 0.430 0.777 0.0120 0.0077
8.5 gmL
2.30 0.52*** 0.320 0.027*** 0.0100 0.0068
16 gmL
2.20 0.68*** 0.330 0.033*** 0.0090 0.0061
50.4 gmL
1.60 0.41*** 0.360 0.041* 0.0090 0.0061
84 gmL
1.10 0.64*** 0.380 0.041 0.0080 0.0051*
Plantago lanceolata L.
Control 4.70 1.21 0.420 0.064 0.0100 0.0066
8.5 gmL
2.70 0.70*** 0.310 0.059*** 0.0100 0.0062*
16 gmL
2.60 0.83*** 0.360 0.058*** 0.0090 0.0061**
50.4 gmL
2.10 0.64*** 0.380 0.065* 0.0090 0.0058**
84 gmL
2.10 0.90*** 0.390 0.064 0.0080 0.0050**
Control 5.80 0.43 0.52 0.24
M 5.20 0.48 0.50 0.22
M 4.70 1.10*** 0.49 0.19*
M 2.90 1.58*** 0.47 0.19***
Control 5.30 0.56 0.65 0.12
0.01 m
M 4.10 0.18 0.600 0.099
0.1 m
M 3.10 0.64*** 0.620 0.046
0.25 m
M 1.90 0.65*** 0.580 0.082*
***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05 with respect to control.
386 E. Vigo et al
mRNA levels with respect to cells treated with LPS and
IFN- only (Figure 1A, B).
Effect of the Pinus sylvestris and Plantago
lanceolata extracts on COX-1 and COX-2
mRNA levels
To investigate whether Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceo-
lata extracts affect COX-1 or COX-2 gene expression, RT-
PCR was carried out using specific primers for the COX-1,
COX-2 and GAPDH genes. PCR amplification of cDNA
from J774A.1 cells yielded a 382-bp product corresponding
to mouse COX-1, a 245-bp product corresponding to
mouse COX-2 and a 309-bp product corresponding
to mouse GAPDH (Figure 2A, C). Non-stimulated
J774A.1 cells showed detectable COX-1 mRNA levels
(0.55 0.14, relative COX-1/GAPDH value; Figure 2A,
lane 1). Pre-treatment of cells with the Pinus sylvestris or
Plantago lanceolata extract (84 gmL
) reduced COX-1
mRNA levels with respect to the control cells (0.4 0.11
and 0.41 0.08, respectively; Figure 1A, lanes 2 and 3, and
Figure 1B), though these reductions were not statistically
significant. Non-stimulated J774A.1 cells showed detectable
COX-2 mRNA levels (0.48 0.27, relative COX-2/
GADPH value). Cells incubated for 24 h with LPS and
IFN- showed a significant increase in COX-2 levels
Relative iNOS/GAPDH values
Control LPS +
0.01 0.1 1
DXM (µ M)
Relative iNOS/GAPDH values
Control Pinus s. Plantago l.
84 µ g mL
723 45 6
12 3 4 5 6
Figure 1 RT-PCR analysis of iNOS mRNA expression and GAPDH mRNA expression in activated J774A.1 macrophages following pre-
treatment with Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract. A. Lane 1, molecular weight markers (1000-bp DNA ladder); lane 2, negative
control of PCR; lane 3, non-stimulated cells; lane 4, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells; lanes 5–7, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells pre-treated with 0.01,
0.1 or 1
M of dexamethasone, respectively. B. Relative iNOS mRNA levels (iNOS/GADPH) in non-treated cells, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells
and dexamethasone (DXM)-pre-treated LPS/IFN--stimulated cells. C. Lanes 1–4, as for A; lane 5, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells pre-treated
with 84 gmL
of Pinus sylvestris extract; lane 6, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells pre-treated with 84 gmL
of Plantago lanceolata extract.
D. Relative iNOS mRNA levels (iNOS/GADPH) in non-treated cells, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells and Pinus sylvestris-orPlantago lanceolata-
pretreated LPS/IFN--stimulated cells (*P < 0.05 with respect to cells treated with LPS and IFN- only).
Anti-inflammatory effect of Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata 387
Relative COX-1/GAPDH values
Relative COX-2/GAPDH values
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Control Pinus s. Plantago l.
Control LPS +
Pinus s. Plantago l.
84 µ g mL
84 µ g mL
Control LPS +
Pinus s. Plantago l.
84 µ g mL
Figure 2 RT-PCR analysis of COX-1 and COX-2 mRNA levels and GAPDH mRNA levels in activated (COX-2) or non-activated (COX-1)
J774A.1 macrophages following pre-treatment with Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract. A. COX-1 RT-PCR: Lane 1, non-
stimulated cells; lane 2, cells treated with 84 gmL
of Pinus sylvestris extract; lane 3, cells treated with 84 gmL
of Plantago lanceolata
extract; lane 4, negative control of PCR; lane 5, molecular weight markers (1000-bp DNA ladder). GAPDH RT-PCR: lanes 6, 7, 8 and 9, as for
4, 1, 2 and 3, respectively. B. Relative COX-1 mRNA levels (COX-1/GADPH) in non-treated cells (control) and cells pre-treated with Pinus
sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract. C. COX-2 RT-PCR: lane 1, non-stimulated cells; lane 2, LPS/IFN--stimulated cells; lanes 3 and 4,
LPS/IFN--stimulated cells pre-treated with 84 gmL
of Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract. GAPDH RT-PCR: lanes 6, 7, 8 and
9, as for lanes 1, 2, 3 and 4. D. Relative COX-2 mRNA levels (COX-2/GADPH) in non-treated cells (control), in LPS/IFN--stimulated cells
and in LPS/IFN--stimulated cells pre-treated with Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract. E. Effects of the Pinus sylvestris or Plantago
lanceolata extract on LPS/IFN--induced PGE
in J774A.1 macrophages (*P < 0.05 with respect to control cells).
388 E. Vigo et al
(0.87 0.3, P < 0.05, with respect to non-stimulated cells).
Pre-treatment of LPS/IFN--stimulated cells with the Pinus
sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract (84 gmL
nificantly increased (P < 0.05) COX-2 mRNA levels with
respect to the control cells (0.94 0.28 and 0.94 0.27,
respectively; Figure 2C, lanes 3 and 4, and Figure 2D),
but not with respect to LPS/IFN--stimulated cells.
Effect of the Pinus sylvestris and Plantago
lanceolata extracts on PGE
Treatment of J774A.1 macrophages with LPS and IFN-
caused a significant accumulation of PGE
(6.82 0.72
pg/well), compared with the release by unstimulated cells
(3.45 1.57 pg/well) (Figure 2E). Pre-treatment of LPS/
IFN--stimulated cells with the Pinus sylvestris or Plantago
lanceolata extract (84 gmL
) did not significantly affect
production with respect to LPS/IFN--stimulated
cells (6.2 1.65 pg/well and 6.5 0.86 pg/well, respectively).
In this work, it is demonstrated that the enhanced produc-
tionofNOinducedbyLPSandinterferon- in a murine
macrophage cell line, J774A.1, is significantly and dose-
dependently inhibited by the previous administration of
Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extract. In MTT
assays of effects on cell viability, we rather surprisingly
found that both the Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata
extracts reduced cell viability at low and intermediate
concentrations but not at higher concentrations; this was
confirmed by replicate assays. Regardless of possible
explanations for these apparent dual effects, these results
indicate that the observed inhibition of NO production by
the extracts cannot be attributed at least at high concen-
trations to cytotoxicity. Furthermore, both extracts (at
least at high concentrations) showed scavenging of NO
radicals released by the NO generator PAPA-NONOate.
Our results also indicate that pre-treatment with Pinus
sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extracts inhibits iNOS
mRNA expression without affecting COX-1 mRNA levels.
In addition, neither the Pinus sylvestris nor the Plantago
lanceolata extracts decreased COX-2 mRNA expression or
levels in LPS/IFN--stimulated macrophages.
The anti-inflammatory steroid drug dexamethasone
and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indometa-
cin, used as reference controls, significantly inhibited NO
production by LPS/IFN--stimulated cells, without
affecting (at least at the low dose tested) cell viability.
These results for dexamethasone and indometacin are in
accordance with previously published data (Di Rosa et al
1990; Ogawa et al 2000).
It is well known that some chemical constituents of
medicinal plants show biological activity affecting differ-
ent aspects of the inflammation process. Many flavonoids
and phenylethanoids are antioxidants (Rice-Evans et al
1996; Xiong et al 2000) and some of these compounds
are also known to show free-radical scavenging activity
(Kandaswami & Middleton 1994; Xiong et al 2000). In
this study, the Plantago lanceolata extract showed NO
scavenging activity at all the doses tested, whereas the
Pinus sylvestris extract only showed NO scavenging activ-
ity at the highest concentration. This could be due to the
fact that the scavenging activity of phenolic compounds
requires a large number of phenol groups per molecule
(Wang et al 1996; Xiong et al 1996). For example,
Plantago asiatica, a member of the same genus family as
Plantago lanceolata, does not show scavenging activity,
but significantly inhibits both NO production and iNOS
mRNA expression (Tezuka et al 2001). NO production by
macrophages depends on iNOS, which can be activated by
various agents, including interferons, tumour necrosis fac-
tor- (TNF-) and LPS (Moncada et al 1991). The onset
of the NO production cascade induced by LPS or cyto-
kines requires a number of steps, including the activation
of nuclear factor NF-B and subsequent iNOS mRNA
expression. Some flavonoids decrease iNOS protein levels
and activity and NO production by reducing the expres-
sion of iNOS mRNA, and this reduction may occur
through prevention of the binding of NF-B to the
iNOS promoter, thereby inhibiting the induction of
iNOS transcription (Lin & Lin 1997). Thus, we cannot
rule out the possibility that the observed inhibition of
transcription of the iNOS gene in LPS/IFN--stimulated
J774A.1 macrophages following pre-treatment with Pinus
sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extracts may be mediated
by inhibition of, or interference with, NF-B. Similar
findings have been obtained for dexamethasone, which
decreases the activity of the iNOS promoter and reduces
the formation of cytokine-induced NF-B complexes that
bind to the NF-B site in the human iNOS promoter
(Kleinert et al 1996).
Macrophage activation by LPS leads to a functionally
diverse series of responses, including the activation of
phospholipase A
leading to the production of lipid meta-
bolites of arachidonic acid (such as prostaglandins). COX
is a rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of arachidonic
acid to PGH
, the precursor of a large group of biologi-
cally active mediators, such as PGE
, prostacyclin and
thromboxane B
). COX-1 is constitutively
expressed in many tissues and predominates, for example,
in gastric mucosa. Inhibition of COX-1, which reduces the
basal production of cytoprotective PGE
and PGI
in the
stomach, may contribute to gastric ulceration. In this
study, we did not observe a significant decrease in COX-1
mRNA levels in J774A.1 macrophages pre-treated with
Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extracts, suggesting
that neither extract inhibits COX-1 expression. Pre-treat-
ment with Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extracts
did not decrease the significantly increased COX-2
mRNA expression or PGE
levels observed in macro-
phages after LPS/IFN- challenge. It has been reported
previously (Liang et al 1999) that different flavonoids
affect iNOS and COX-2 expression in different ways:
apigenin reduced both iNOS and COX-2 expression,
whereas flavonoids, such as quercetin, reduced iNOS
expression but enhanced COX-2 expression. These results
suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of Pinus
Anti-inflammatory effect of Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata 389
sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata extracts are related to an
inhibition of NO via reduced iNOS mRNA production or
via their NO scavenging activity, not via reduced COX-2
mRNA production. The fact that pre-treatment with these
extracts did not decrease COX-1 mRNA levels suggests
that these extracts will not cause gastric pathologies.
This study has demonstrated that pre-treatment with
Pinus sylvestris or Plantago lanceolata extracts inhibits
NO production and iNOS mRNA expression by LPS/
IFN--stimulated murine macrophages of the J774A.1
cell line. Pre-treatment with these extracts did not modify
COX-1 mRNA production or decrease the high levels of
COX-2 and PGE
induced by LPS/IFN- challenge, sug-
gesting that the observed anti-inflammatory properties of
Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata extracts may be
related to the inhibition of NO, not to reduced prosta-
glandin production.
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Anti-inflammatory effect of Pinus sylvestris and Plantago lanceolata 391
... For in vitro studies, various cell models are used, but not all of them are related to the airways. To induce the inflammatory conditions, LPS is usually applied, while other stimuli, such as histamine, INF-γ or SARS-CoV-2 are scarce (Li et al., 2018;Papies et al., 2021;Vigo et al., 2005). ...
... Accordingly, plantamajoside decreased the PGE 2 levels in the human gingival fibroblasts, stimulated by LPS (Liu et al., 2019). On the other hand, no effects of the Plantago lanceolata extract on the elevated COX-2 mRNA and the PGE 2 levels were detected in the LPS/INF-γ stimulated murine macrophages (Vigo et al., 2005). Interestingly, Althaea rosea flower extract upregulated the expression of COX-2 and iNOS in the RAW264.6 cells, and these effects were interpreted as immunostimulation (Kim, Lee & Seol, 2017). ...
... Three secondary metabolites of Marrubium vulgare had similar effects (Shaheen et al., 2014). The antioxidant activity of Plantago lanceolata is also hypothesized to be mediated by NO-scavenging or by the inhibition of the iNOS gene expression (Vigo et al., 2005). The effects of glabridin, isoflavan from the licorice root were mediated by the elevated expressions of various genes involved in the response to the oxidative stress. ...
Various medicinal plants find their use in cough treatment, based on traditions and long-term experience. Pharmacological principles of their action, however, are much less known. Herbal drugs usually contain a mixture of potentially active compounds, which can manifest diverse effects. Expectorant or antitussive effects, which can be accompanied by others, such as anti-inflammatory or antibacterial, are probably the most important in the treatment of coughs. The aim of this review is to summarize the current state of knowledge of the effects of medicinal plants or their constituents on cough, based on reliable pharmacological studies. First, a comprehensive description of each effect is provided in order to explain the possible mechanism of action in detail. Next, the results related to individual plants and substances are summarized and critically discussed based on pharmacological in vivo and in vitro investigation.
... In addition, massage reduces muscle tension, enhancing the effect of reduced pain and discomfort. Moreover, essential oils positively influence regeneration of periarticular tissues [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. To summarize, due to its unique properties, Perskindol gel is an effective and safe alternative to topically applied non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). ...
... Perskindol gel, due to the topical application of essential oils such as levomenthol, wintergreen oil, or Scots pine oil, has a multidirectional impact on tissues [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. ...
... Pine oil and other oils such as bergamot oil, lavender oil, citrus oil, orange peel or rosemary oil also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties [24][25][26][27][28][29]35]. ...
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Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common causes of pain in the musculoskeletal system leading to disability. The basic principle of the therapy is the simultaneous use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of galvanic and iontophoresis treatments with Perskindol Active Classic Gel (Perskindol) in patients with OA of the knee joints. Moreover, a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the application was performed depending on the selection of the active electrode. Material and methods: The study included 100 patients with gonarthrosis, treated at the Rehabilitation Clinic of the Białystok University Hospital. Three groups were randomly selected: in group I (n = 33), anodic galvanic treatment was applied, group II (n = 33) received iontophoresis with Perskindol gel from the negative pole ("-" iontophoresis), and group III (n = 34) received iontophoresis with Perskindol gel from the positive pole ("+" iontophoresis). The VAS, the Laitinen questionnaire, the Lequesne Index, the Lysholm questionnaire, and the SF-36v2 health survey were used for the clinical evaluation of the patients. Results: In the group of patients who underwent iontophoresis with the use of Perskindol gel introduced from the positive pole, a statistically significant improvement was shown in all the assessed parameters in comparison to the patients who underwent anodic galvanic treatment. Conclusions: The most favorable effect of iontophoresis was observed in the case of iontophoresis with Perskindol gel introduced from the positive pole.
... There is a shred of indicator that suggests a close connection between coagulation and the inflammation process, highlighting their significant influence on each other [42]. Systemic inflammation typically triggers the activation of the coagulation system; conversely, components of the coagulation system can substantially impact the inflammatory response [43]. Nitric oxide and prostaglandins, characterized as contribution mediators, define the Inflammation process. ...
... Several members of the Plantago genus are used in traditional medicine thanks to the wide span of biological activities provided by the richness in secondary metabolites, especially polyphenols (Gonçalves and Romano 2016). According to different extraction protocol and Plantago spp, most scientific reports have evidenced biological properties connected to human health, among these: antioxidant activity (Hussan et al. 2015); anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic (Vigo et al. 2005;Tinkov et al. 2014); immunomodulatory with reduction of immunosuppressive effects of anticancer drugs (Shepeleva and Nezhinskaya 2008); antiviral (Chiang et al. 2002); anti-candidal (Holetz et al. 2002) and several others such as wound healing, analgesic, anti-ulcerogenic and antihypertensive (Samuelsen 2000;Nyunt et al. 2007). ...
In this study, we assessed the larvicidal activity of aqueous extracts obtained from the leaves and roots of Plantago major L. and Plantago lagopus L. on fourth instar Culex pipiens L. larvae. Plant material was collected from two regions in Tunisia, Beja and Bizerte. The resulting extracts were prepared at concentrations of 10, 20, 50 and 100 ppm. The toxicity of the extracts was monitored over a 24-hour period. Our findings indicated that leaf extracts from Plantago lagopus L. collected in Bizerte exhibited higher toxicity compared to those collected in Beja up to 12 h, although these differences became insignificant at the 24-hour mark. Furthermore, extracts from the roots of Plantago lagopus L. from Bizerte demonstrated higher toxicity than those from Beja. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences (P = 0.056) in the toxicity of leaf extracts at 100 ppm between the two species after 24 h of exposure. The root extracts exhibited lower toxicity, resulting in mortality rates ranging from 40 to 70% after 24 h. Specifically, the leaf extracts of Plantago major L. from Bizerte yielded a median lethal concentration (LC50) of 16.068 ppm ± 8.440. Additionally, the quantification of total polyphenols and flavonoids revealed distinct variations between species, plant organs, and geographical origins. Root and leaf extracts from Plantago major L. collected in Beja exhibited higher concentrations compared to those from Bizerte. Conversely, root extracts from Plantago lagopus L. collected in Bizerte displayed the highest concentrations. These preliminary findings provide a foundation for the development of a novel natural biocide for mosquito control, utilizing the distinct larvicidal properties of Plantago species extracts.
... [5] It has high antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms and also has good antiinflammatory properties. [6] Currently, silver nanoparticles are widely used in shampoos, soaps, detergents, cosmetics, toothpaste and pharmaceutical products. [7] Various methods are used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles like chemical, thermal, electrochemical and radiation methods. ...
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Silver nanoparticles were synthesized from aqueous leaf extract of Medinilla beddomei C B Clarke and evaluated its antimicrobial activity against different bacterial and fungal strains. Here silver nanoparticles were synthesized through green route using leaves of M. beddomei, confirmed by color change and UV-visible spectroscopy. The silver nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. The antimicrobial activity of the silver nanoparticles was evaluated by agar well diffusion method against four bacterial strains and two fungal strains. The formation of silver nanoparticles after treatment was confirmed by the colour change of the aqueous leaf extract into dark brown. TEM and XRD studies revealed that the synthesized silver nanoparticles are almost spherical, with an average size of 18.88 nm. The silver nanoparticles synthesized from M. beddomei showed high antimicrobial activity for 50 and 100 μg/mL concentrations. The highest antimicrobial activity was found against Aspergillus niger. The zone of inhibition of fungal strain shown by A. niger (36.00 ± 1.50 mm) at 100 μg/mL was higher than that of ciprofloxacin (28.00 ± 1.57 mm) at 200 mg/mL, the positive control. The silver nanoparticles synthesized from the aqueous leaf extract of M. beddomei possess high antimicrobial efficacy against pathogenic bacterial and fungal strains. It can be exploited well in the pharmaceutical industry and for nanomedicine also.
... While α-pinene, β-pinene, β-caryophyllene, and germacrene D were found as the main components in the essential oil of Black pine, α-pinene, camphene, and β-pinene were detected in scot pine. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, and analgesic activities of these pines have already been studied [219][220][221][222]. On the other hand, bark extracts of these two pines were also studied and phenolic compounds such as catechin, ferulic acid and taxifolin were determined. ...
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This study is aimed at determining some of the plants traditionally used in the treatment of diseases by the local people living in Kastamonu province center and surrounding villages. A face-to-face questionnaire was applied and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 52 informants, 34 women and 18 men. Identification of 92 plants belonging to 41 families has been confirmed and their medicinal uses have been recorded. The most used families were Rosaceae (13 taxa), Asteraceae (11), and Lamiaceae (11). The most preferred folk recipes of medicinal plants was decoction (55 taxa) and in preparations and applications, the most used were the leaves (45 taxa). According to the International Classification of Primary Care categories, plants were the most used for digestive disorders (37 taxa), respiratory disorders (27 taxa), and urological disorders (24 taxa). The highest use-value was recorded for Urtica dioica (0.519), and highest relative frequency citation was recorded for Tilia rubra subsp. caucasica (0.231). Male genital diseases had the highest informant consensus factor value (0.83). New areas of use were also determined for Pilosella leucopsilon subsp. pilisquama, Galium palustre, and Astragalus nitens. With this study, new information for folkloric medicines is presented and the usage of herbal drugs in the study area are enhanced.
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Blood clotting has become one of the most dangerous side effects associated with Corona virus, as well as the high level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, it has become necessary to use medicinal plants that are biologically safe and containing anti-clotting compound. Feijoa sellowiana represents a prolific source diverse compounds that may have thrombolytic activity. Therefore, the main research point is the production and scaling up of a target contents that have anticoagulants by using biotechnological techniques; calli production, and bioreactors and assessed their activity through in-vivo study. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium enriched with varying concentrations of benzyl adenine (BA) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) was used to cultivate calli and cell suspension cultures from F. sellowiana seeds. Bioreactors were employed to boost active constituent's production. Moreover, the bioreactor physical factors such as effect of controlled or uncontrolled pH medium were investigated. The leaves of the main plant were extracted by ethanol 70% and polar and non-polar extracts were also prepared. The ethanol extract of calli and cells resulting from bioreactors were also prepared. All prepared extracts were subjected to chemical analysis by HPLC, in-vitro antioxidant assays, in-vivo anticoagulant activity and histopathological examination. Calli and cell suspension cultures were produced by using MS medium fortified with 1 mg/L BA+ 0.1 mg/L NAA. It was found that culturing of cell cultures in a bioreactor with uncontrolled pH and aeration at the value of 0.5 l/min gave the maximum and economical fresh and dry weights of the plants. After evaluation of all extracts; it was found that the calli ethanol extract for each plant was the highest value of total phenolic and total flavonoid contents either quantitatively or qualitatively. All extracts of Feijoa had antioxidant activity. The IC50 of the DPPH of Feijoa calli extract was 13.45 µg/mL, it was also confirmed by FRAP and ABTs values. Feijoa calli extract decreased platelet aggregation by suppression of thrombin, extended aPTT, PT, bleeding, and clotting times. It was safer than warfarin medication. From these findings the authors can conclude that Feijoa had highly anticoagulant activity and the calli production achieved the goal of the enhancement of the phenolic constituent and thus their activity.
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The medicinal benefits of P. lanceolata L. have been acknowledged worldwide for hundreds of years. The plant is now distributed worldwide, especially in temperate zones. This review gives an overview of ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities, and other potential application of P. lanceolate L. Several effective chemical constituents such as polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, iridoid glycosides, fatty acids, and polysaccharides are found in P. lanceolata L., which contribute to its exerting specific therapeutic effects. Correspondingly, studies have found that P. lanceolata L. has different biological activities, including antioxidant, antibacterial, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, and antiulcerogenic activity. The plant also treats various diseases related to the skin, respiratory organs, digestive organs, reproduction, circulation, cancer, pain relief, and infections. The plant has many applications in cosmetics such as lotion and creams; it is also used as an excellent indicator to know the presence and absence of heavy metals and the accumulation in industrial and urban areas. The plant suppresses soil nitrogen mineralization in agriculture due to allelochemicals such as aucubin. The biological activities, medicinal properties, and industrial application of P. lanceolata mainly depend on the activities of the responsible, active chemical constituents. However, this field still needs more study to determine the exact mechanisms and the main bioactive compound activity accountable for these activities. Also, most of the studies have been performed in vitro, so further in vivo studies are recommended for the future.
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Silver nanoparticles (Ag. NPs) have shown a biological activity range, synthesized under different environment-friendly approaches. Ag. NPs were synthesized using aqueous crude extract (ACE) isolated from Plantago lanceolata. The ACE and Ag. NPs were characterized and assessed their biological and antioxidant activities. The existence of nanoparticles (NPs) was confirmed by color shift, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and UV-Vis's spectroscopy. The FT-IR analysis indicated the association of biomolecules (phenolic acid and flavonoids) to reduce silver (Ag +) ions. The SEM study demonstrated a sphere-shaped and mean size in the range of 30 ± 4 nm. The EDX spectrum revealed that the Ag. NPs were composed of 54.87% Ag with 20 nm size as identified by SEM and TEM. AFM has ended up being exceptionally useful in deciding morphological elements and the distance across of Ag. NPs in the scope of 23-30 nm. The TEM image showed aggregations of NPs and physical interaction. Ag. NPs formation also confirmed by XPS, DRS and BET studies. Ag. NPs showed efficient activity as compared to ACE, and finally, the bacterial growth was impaired by biogenic NPs. The lethal dose (LD 50) of Ag. NPs against Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli were 45.66%, 139.71%, 332.87%, and 45.54%, with IC50 (08.02 ± 0.68), (55.78 ± 1.01), (12.34 ± 1.35) and (11.68 ± 1.42) respectively, suppressing the growth as compared to ACE. The antioxidant capacity, i.e., 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) of Ag. NPs were assayed. ACE and Ag. NPs achieved a peak antioxidant capacity of 62.43 ± 2.4 and 16.85 ± 0.4 μg mL −1 , compared to standard (69.60 ± 1.1 at 100 μg mL −1) with IC 50 (369.5 ± 13.42 and 159.5 ± 10.52 respectively). Finally, the Ag. NPs synthesized by P. lanceolata extract have an excellent source of bioactive natural products (NP). Outstanding antioxidant, antibacterial activities have been shown by NPs and can be used in various biological techniques in future research. OPEN
Nitric oxide (NO) released by vascular endothelial cells accounts for the relaxation of strips of vascular tissue1 and for the inhibition of platelet aggregation2 and platelet adhesion3 attributed to endothelium-derived relaxing factor4. We now demonstrate that NO can be synthesized from L-arginine by porcine aortic endothelial cells in culture. Nitric oxide was detected by bioassay5, chemiluminescence1 or by mass spectrometry. Release of NO from the endothelial cells induced by bradykinin and the calcium ionophore A23187 was reversibly enhanced by infusions of L-arginine and L-citrulline, but not D-arginine or other close structural analogues. Mass spectrometry studies using 15N-labelled L-arginine indicated that this enhancement was due to the formation of NO from the terminal guanidino nitrogen atom(s) of L-arginine. The strict substrate specificity of this reaction suggests that L-arginine is the precursor for NO synthesis in vascular endothelial cells.
GH expression in mammary tumors has been related to the increase and spreading of cell proliferation. Using the MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line, it has been demonstrated that autocrine GH-stimulated mammary carcinoma cell proliferation decreased the apoptosis rate and enhanced cell spreading. Surprisingly, no data are available about the presence of Pit-1 (the main pituitary regulator of GH) or GH expression in this cell line. Using RT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry, we have demonstrated the presence of both mRNA coding Pit-1 and GH as well as Pit-1 and GH protein in the MCF-7 cell line. These data could imply that Pit-1 may be an adequate target to inhibit breast cell proliferation.
Evolution has resorted to nitric oxide (NO), a tiny, reactive radical gas, to mediate both servoregulatory and cytotoxic functions. This article reviews how different forms of nitric oxide synthase help confer specificity and diversity on the effects of this remarkable signaling molecule.
The effect of glucocorticoids on the production of NO2- and NO by the macrophage cell line J774 was investigated. Stimulation of the cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) resulted in a time-dependent accumulation of NO2- in the medium, reaching a plateau after 48h. Concomitant incubation of the cells for 24h with dexamethasone (0.001-1.0 microM) or hydrocortisone (0.01-10.0 microM) caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of NO2- formation. The cytosol of J774 cells stimulated with LPS and IFN-gamma produced a time-dependent increase in the release of NO. This was blocked in a concentration-dependent manner by dexamethasone and hydrocortisone, but not progesterone, administered concomitantly with the immunological stimulus. None of these compounds had any effect on the release of NO once the enzyme had been induced. The inhibitory effect of hydrocortisone on NO formation was blocked by cortexolone. These data suggest that part of the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions of glucocorticoids is due to their inhibition of the induction of the NO synthase.