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Temporal profile and amplitude of human masseter muscle activity is adapted to food properties during individual chewing cycles


Abstract and Figures

Jaw actions adapt to the changing properties of food that occur during a masticatory sequence. In the present study, we investigated how the time-varying activation profile of the masseter muscle changes during natural chewing in humans and how food hardness affects the profile. We recorded surface electromyography (EMG) of the masseter muscle together with the movement of the lower jaw in 14 healthy young adults (mean age 22) when chewing gelatin-based model food of two different hardness. The muscle activity and the jaw kinematics were analysed for different phases of the chewing cycles. The increase in the excitatory drive of the masseter muscle was biphasic during the jaw-closing phase showing early and late components. The transition between these components occurred approximately at the time of tooth–food contact. During the masticatory sequence, when the food was particularised, the size of the early component as well as the peak amplitude of the EMG significantly decreased along with a reduction in the duration of the jaw-closing phase. Except for amplitude scaling, food hardness did not appreciably affect the muscle's activation profile. In conclusion, when chewing food during natural conditions, masseter muscle activation adapted throughout the masticatory sequence, principally during the jaw-closing phase and influenced both early and late muscle activation components. Furthermore, the adaptation of jaw actions to food hardness was affected by amplitude scaling of the magnitude of the muscle activity throughout the masticatory sequence.
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Temporal profile and amplitude of human masseter muscle
activity is adapted to food properties during individual
chewing cycles
& M. TRULSSON* *Department of Dental Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, and
Department of Integrative Medical Biology, Ume
a University, Ume
a, Sweden
SUMMARY Jaw actions adapt to the changing
properties of food that occur during a masticatory
sequence. In the present study, we investigated how
the time-varying activation profile of the masseter
muscle changes during natural chewing in humans
and how food hardness affects the profile. We
recorded surface electromyography (EMG) of the
masseter muscle together with the movement of
the lower jaw in 14 healthy young adults (mean age
22) when chewing gelatin-based model food of two
different hardness. The muscle activity and the jaw
kinematics were analysed for different phases of the
chewing cycles. The increase in the excitatory drive
of the masseter muscle was biphasic during the jaw-
closing phase showing early and late components.
The transition between these components occurred
approximately at the time of toothfood contact.
During the masticatory sequence, when the food
was particularised, the size of the early component
as well as the peak amplitude of the EMG
significantly decreased along with a reduction in the
duration of the jaw-closing phase. Except for
amplitude scaling, food hardness did not
appreciably affect the muscle’s activation profile. In
conclusion, when chewing food during natural
conditions, masseter muscle activation adapted
throughout the masticatory sequence, principally
during the jaw-closing phase and influenced both
early and late muscle activation components.
Furthermore, the adaptation of jaw actions to food
hardness was affected by amplitude scaling of the
magnitude of the muscle activity throughout the
masticatory sequence.
KEYWORDS: electromyography, food, kinematics,
masseter muscle, mastication, neurophysiology
Accepted for publication 6 February 2014
During mastication, rhythmical jaw movements break
down the food to a bolus that can be easily swal-
lowed. A central pattern generator located in the
brain stem accounts for the basic rhythm and coordi-
nation of jaw muscle commands during mastication
(1, 2). However, the final output to the jaw muscles
is modulated by various factors, including sensory
inputs signalling the properties of the food (3, 4). In
human studies, while chewing on elastic model food
with controlled hardness, it has been observed that
the muscle activity adapt to food hardness and the
changing properties of the food that occur during a
masticatory sequence (57). Although, several differ-
ent types of mechanoreceptors in oro-facial tissues
contribute to this sensorimotor regulation (8), the
muscle spindles in the jaw-closing muscles and the
periodontal mechanoreceptors are considered prime
contributors (911).
Studies in humans performing simulated chewing
movements indicated that a fraction of the observed
muscle activity was needed to move the jaw, whereas
most of the activity referred as ‘additional muscle
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd doi: 10.1111/joor.12155
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2014
Journal o f Oral Rehabilitation
activity (AMA)’, was used to overcome the resistance
of food (12, 13). These studies also suggested that the
nervous system uses two parallel strategies to regu-
late AMA. A feed-forward strategy contributes to
scale the intensity of the muscle commands based on
prediction of food resistance, and a feedback process
was used to adjust muscle activity based on informa-
tion about the mechanical properties of the food
obtained from periodontal mechanoreceptors and
muscle spindles in jaw-closing muscles. While akin
control strategies have been observed in experiments
on anaesthetised rabbits during cortically induced
chewing (14, 15), they have not been demonstrated
in humans during natural chewing. The present
study addresses, for the first time, these issues during
natural chewing in humans by examining the time-
varying activation profile of the masseter muscle dur-
ing individual chewing cycles and its changes during
masticatory sequences carried out with food of differ-
ent hardness.
Materials and methods
The study included 14 healthy participants (nine
females) with natural dentition and at least 28 perma-
nent teeth (age range 2226 years). None of the par-
ticipants had any known dental pathology and none
indicated problems or dysfunctions with eating.
Recording equipment and experimental protocol
Apparatus and general experimental procedures have
previously been described (5). Briefly, seated partici-
pants chewed and swallowed three soft and three hard
visco-elastic model types of food while we recorded
the three-dimensional movements of the lower jaw
(Fig. 1a). The jaw movement was measured with a
frame attached to the head and equipped with an array
of magnetic sensors (accuracy: 01 mm; bandwidth:
DC 100 Hz) that tracked a magnet (10 9595 mm)
that was attached on the mandibular incisors. The food
samples were based on gelatin of two different grades
(one for soft and one for hard food) and had a cylindri-
cal shape (diameter: 20 mm; height: 10 mm). We per-
formed duplicate measurements of the mechanical
properties of samples from each batch of model food
using a compressing machine (Autograph control/mea-
suring unit*) to verify the visco-elastic properties. The
order of food presentation, hard or soft samples was
unpredictable and counter-balanced across the partici-
pants. Surface EMG-signals were recorded from the
centre of the masseter muscle located on the preferred
chewing side, which was determined before the exper-
iment by asking participants which side they preferred
to chew if they had to make a choice. Bipolar surface
electrodes (2 mm in diameter and 12 mm apart) were
used. Shielded differential pre-amplifiers (bandwidth
6Hz25 kHz) were located on the skin directly above
the integrated surface electrodes. All signals recorded
were stored and analysed using the SC/ZOOM micro-
computer-based data acquisition and analysis system
(SC/ZOOM, v.3.1.02, Ume
a University, Physiology
). The EMG signals were sampled at 32 kHz,
and the vertical position of the lower jaw was sampled
at 800 Hz.
Data analysis
Analysis was focused on three segments of each mas-
ticatory sequence that represented its beginning, mid-
dle and end, and each segment was represented by
three consecutive cycles across which data were aver-
aged (5) (Fig. 1b). We defined a chewing cycle, con-
sisting of an opening phase followed by a closing
phase and occlusal phase (Fig. 1c). In addition, for
each chewing cycle, we measured the duration of
each of the three phases together with the peak verti-
cal amplitude and peak closing velocity of the jaw
movements during chewing. To make EMG data
comparable across participants, we normalised the
time-varying EMG signal by dividing it by the mean
activity averaged across all chewing cycles for each
participant (5). To preserve temporal phase informa-
tion during averaging of the time varying data across
chewing cycles, for each cycle we normalised the time
base by scaling each phase to the mean duration of
that phase computed across all relevant cycles for all
participants (Fig. 1d). The transition between the
early and late component was empirically defined as
the first point after the start of the jaw-closing phase
where the second derivate of the EMG signal reached
300 normalised units s
(NU s
*AG-G Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan.
IMB, Ume
a, Sweden.
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Point estimates of jaw movement and EMG data
averaged within subjects were subjected to repeated
measures ANOVAs with segment of the masticatory
sequence (beginning, middle and end) and type of
food (hard and soft) as fixed effects. A P-value <005
was considered statistically significant.
In agreement with previous findings, the participants
used a larger number of chewing cycles with hard food
(270139) than with soft food (21095;
mean SD, N=14) and longer sequence durations
with harder food (21374 s) compared to soft food
(16466 s) (3, 5, 7). Furthermore, the vertical
amplitude of jaw movement was greater with the hard
food than with soft (F
=3424; P<0001; Fig. 2a),
and it decreased during the progression of the mastica-
tory sequence (F
=266; P<0001; Fig. 2a).
Duration of chewing cycles was not appreciably
affected by the type of food (hard, soft) and their
position in the masticatory sequence (beginning, mid-
dle and end). However, duration of the various phases
of the chewing cycles (opening, closing and occlusal
Masseter EMG
Vertical position
0·5 mV
10 mm
5 s
One cycle
position (mm)
Single chewing
Normalized cycles
0 200–200–400
Single cycles,
time normalized
0 200–200–400 0 200–200–400
Time (ms)
Fig. 1. Jaw movements and muscular activity during chewing of model foods. (a) Electromyographic (EMG) activity recorded from
the centre of the masseter muscle using bipolar surface electrodes (2 mm in diameter and 12 mm apart; bandwidth 6 Hz25 kHz).
Jaw movements were recorded by means of a small permanent magnet attached to the labial surfaces of the lower incisors, whose
position was tracked with magnetic sensors attached to the head via a lightweight head mounted frame (accuracy: 01 mm; band-
width: DC 100 Hz). (b) Vertical position of the mandible and EMG activity (root-mean-square processed) during an exemplar masti-
catory sequence. Grey boxes indicate segments of the masticatory sequence representing its beginning (B), middle (M) and end
(E). (c) Close-up of the middle segment with the opening, closing and occlusal phase demarcated for the central chewing cycle. Jaw-
opening phase began when the jaw was opened from the occlusal state by 1 mm and ended at peak jaw opening and was followed by
the closing phase that ended when the jaw reached the same vertical position as where the opening phase began. The occlusal phase
started at the end of the closing phase and ended at the beginning of the opening phase of the subsequent chewing cycle. (d) Time
normalisation of nine chewing cycles (3 cycles 93 sequences) collected at the beginning of the masticatory sequence from one partic-
ipant chewing hard food. The recorded cycles, aligned at the onset of the occlusion phase (left panel), were normalised to the mean
duration of each of the phases (middle panel) and averaged (right panel; mean SE).
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
phases) changed during the masticatory sequence
(Fig. 2b). The duration of opening and closing phases
decreased (F
=54; P=001 and F
P<0001), whereas duration of the occlusal phase
increased (F
=92; P<0001). Food hardness had
no main effect on the duration of any of the phases
but food and segment interacted on the duration of
the opening phase (F
=55; P=001). In essence,
only hard food changed the duration of the opening
phase during the masticatory sequence. Interestingly,
the period during which jaw-closing muscles were
active, corresponded to the duration of the closing
and the occlusal phases together (see further below).
Neither were significantly affected by food
=30; P=011) nor the position of the chewing
cycle in the masticatory sequence (F
Figure 3a illustrates changes during the masticatory
sequence in vertical jaw movements and masseter
EMG when participants chewed hard food. As the food
was particularised, the masseter EMG activity inte-
grated over the whole chewing cycle gradually
decreased during the masticatory sequence
=409; P<0001). Similarly, the peak EMG was
also reduced during the masticatory sequence
=38; P<005). Moreover, the time of peak
EMG activity, with reference to the onset of the occlu-
sal phase, gradually shifted during the sequence
=52; P<005). In its beginning and middle, the
peak preceded the onset of the occlusal phase on aver-
age by 159132 ms and 13867 ms, respec-
tively, whereas at the end it lagged the onset by
20365 ms (mean SEM, N=14). Accordingly,
EMG activity integrated over the jaw-closing phase
gradually decreased during the sequence (F
P<0001), whereas the activity integrated over the
occlusal phase did not significantly change (F
The temporal profile of EMG activity during the
jaw-closing phase suggested that the increase in the
excitatory drive of masseter muscle was biphasic,
showing an early and a later component. Figure 3b
highlights the biphasic nature of the muscle drive by
showing the first time differential of the EMG signals
shown in Fig. 3a.
Interestingly, during the first segment of the masti-
catory sequence, the estimated transition between the
early and late component (see arrowheads in Fig. 3a,
b) occurred when the jaw opened around 11 mm,
corresponding to the size of the model food. This sug-
gests that the transition occurred around the time of
food contact. In accordance with a gradual reduction
in the size of the food particles, the transition
occurred at smaller jaw openings in subsequent seg-
ments (F
=423; P<0001; Fig. 3c).
As can be seen in Fig. 3b, the rate of increase for
the early EMG component gradually declined during
the masticatory sequence (F
=539; P<0001).
The peak was 10624, 5619 and 2812
NU s
in the beginning, middle and end, respec-
tively, suggesting that muscle activity, reflected by the
early EMG component, accelerated the mandible
Amplitude of vertical
jaw movement (mm)
Hard food
Soft food
0·2 0·2 0·2
0·3 0·3 0·3
0·4 0·4 0·4
Segment of masticatory sequence
Opening Occlusal
Phase duration (s)
Hard food
Soft food
Fig. 2. Jaw movement variables during the masticatory sequences. (a) Vertical amplitude during the three segments (beginning,
middle and end) of the masticatory sequence when chewing hard and soft food. (b) Duration of opening, closing and occlusal phases
of chewing cycles at the beginning, middle and end of the masticatory sequence performed with hard and soft food. Data averaged
across all participants. Vertical bars indicate unilaterally 1 s.d. and 1 s.e.m. (N=14).
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
before food contact. Indeed, peak jaw-closing velocity
was highest at the beginning and gradually declined
during the masticatory sequence (F
Figure 4 illustrates the effect of food hardness on the
temporal activation profile of the masseter muscle.
Both food type and segment of the masticatory
sequence had their main effects on peak amplitude of
the masseter EMG (F
=502; P<0001 and
=35; P<005, respectively). Chewing soft food
was associated with lower peak amplitude of the mas-
seter EMG compared to chewing hard food, and as
addressed above, the activity declined during the
masticatory sequence. Overall, our results suggest a
proportional scaling of EMG amplitude to food type
during the masticatory sequence. This was verified by
an interaction between food and segment that
approached significance (F
=32; P=0059) and
that the temporal profile was similar for hard and soft
food throughout the masticatory sequence (see inset in
Fig. 4ac). Furthermore, food hardness did not affect
time of peak of EMG activity with reference to the
onset of the occlusal phase in any segment of the mas-
ticatory sequence (P>005 in each case). Finally, an
early and a late component of EMG increase during the
jaw-closing phase could be discerned with soft food
In agreement with previous studies, we found that
the activity in jaw-closing muscles adapted to food
hardness and to changing properties of the food
during a masticatory sequence (57). One central
finding in this study was that the temporal profile of
muscle activity was virtually identical when humans
naturally chewed hard and soft food, implying that
the principal effect of food hardness was due to scal-
ing in the magnitude of activity. A second advance
was the demonstration that during natural chewing
Rate of change of EMG activity
100 ms
Beginning Middle End
Vertical amplitude (mm)
Vertical amplitude (mm)
Time (ms)
EMG activity (NU)
–400 –200–600 200
Fig. 3. Vertical jaw movements and masseter electromyography (EMG) calibrated in normalised units (NU) during single chewing
cycles when participants chewed hard food. (a) Data was averaged across all participants and chewing cycles in the beginning, middle
and end segment of the masticatory sequence after the time base had been normalised by scaling each phase of each chewing cycle to
the mean duration of that phase across all participants. Data temporally aligned at the start of the occlusal phase (dashed vertical line
at time =0) and curves give mean values and grey zones indicate s.e. (N=14). The vertical lines to the left and right show the
time of peak jaw opening indicating the start of the closing phase and the end of the occlusal phase respectively, for data representing
the beginning, middle and the end of the masticatory sequence. Arrowheads indicate the transition from the early to the late compo-
nents of the increase of EMG activity during the closing phase. (b) Rate of change as a function of time of the averaged EMG signals
shown in (a). Arrowheads indicates the transition between the early to late EMG components. (c) Vertical amplitude of the mandible
movement at the transition-point between the early and late EMG components during the beginning, middle and end of the mastica-
tory sequence. Symbols indicate mean values across all participants and bars unilaterally 1 SD and 1 SEM (N=14).
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
the muscle drive in the jaw-closing phase had an
early and a late component. The early component,
which started just before the jaw-closing phase,
appeared to drive the mandible up to the point when
the teeth of the upper jaw were brought in contact
with the food and bite forces were generated. The
initiation of this early muscle activity would thus
determine the start of the jaw-closing phase. Presum-
ably, knowledge about the current properties of the
food, such as particle sizes and rheological properties,
acquired during previous chewing cycles was used to
adapt predictively this muscle activity during the mas-
ticatory sequence. Indeed, the start of the jaw-closing
phase occurred at gradually smaller jaw openings dur-
ing the progression of the masticatory sequence and
the food were gradually more particularised. Likewise,
the rate of increase in muscle activation during the
early component declined during the masticatory
sequence, which matched the gradually smaller accel-
eration of the mandible during jaw closing.
A third central finding in this study was that the
decrease in jaw muscle activity during the masticatory
sequence occurred essentially during the jaw-closing
phase and involved adaptation of both early and late
components. During the masticatory sequence, the
duration of the jaw-closing phase decreased. At the
same time, the rate of EMG increase of the early com-
ponent and the peak EMG of the late component
The transition between the early and the late com-
ponent of muscle activation during the jaw-closing
phase appeared to occur around the time that the
teeth began to apply forces onto the food. Given their
high sensitivity at low contact forces (9, 16, 17), sig-
nals from periodontal mechanoreceptors could have
contributed to the initiation of the late component.
Regarding its regulation, studies in humans perform-
ing simulated chewing movements suggest that two
parallel control strategies regulate muscle activity gen-
erated to overcome the resistance of food during
chewing (12, 13): The underlying muscle commands
were partly parameterised in advance using prediction
of food resistance based on sensory experiences dur-
ing preceding chewing cycles and partly modulated
online by direct feedback information from oral me-
chanoreceptors. Regarding the latter, animal studies
have suggested that signals from muscle spindles were
most important during the early phases of force gen-
eration, whereas inputs from both muscle spindles
and periodontal mechanoreceptors were important for
the later part (14, 15, 1820).
Taken together, predictions of food properties based
on information obtained during previous chewing
cycles plays an essential role in regulating, in a
parametric manner, both the early and the late
components of jaw muscle activation during the
Vertical amplitude (mm)
Vertical amplitude (mm)
Vertical amplitude (mm)
–400–600 200
Time (ms)
Hard food
Soft food
Hard food
Soft food
Soft food
Hard food
Hard food
Soft food
Hard food
Soft food
Soft food
Hard food
Soft food
Hard food
Hard food
Soft food
Hard food
Soft food
Fig. 4. Vertical jaw position and masseter EMG activity when
chewing hard (solid curves) and soft food (dashed curves). (ac)
refers to the beginning, middle and end of the masticatory
sequence. Format and details as in Fig. 3a. The inset in the
lower left corner of each panel illustrates the mean muscle
activity for hard and soft foods after normalisation to peak
amplitude. EMG, electromyography.
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
jaw-closing phase to the changing mechanical proper-
ties of the food during natural mastication. Since peri-
odontal afferents are particularly suited to convey
detailed information about the contact state between
food and dentition during biting and chewing (9, 16,
17, 21, 22), these afferents presumably play a pivotal
role in providing information about the mechanical
properties of food used for control of subsequent
mandibular actions. Indeed, people with implant-sup-
ported bridges, who lack periodontal mechanorecep-
tors, show an impaired capacity to adapt chewing
behaviour to food hardness (5).
The study was approved by the local ethical commit-
tee. This work was funded by the Strategic Research
Program in Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institutet,
the Swedish Dental Society, King Gustaf V’s and
Queen Victoria’s Freemason Foundation, American
Dental Society of Sweden and Stockholm County
Council. The authors declare that they have no con-
flict of interests. We thank A. B
om, G. Westling
and M.
Aberg for their technical support.
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Correspondence: Anastasios Grigoriadis, Department of Dental
Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, PO Box 4064, SE-141 04 Huddinge,
Sweden. Email:
©2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
... These techniques allow quantification of disharmony in pathological conditions as well as the outcome of given therapies [2]. Some studies involved simultaneous recordings of both kinds of signals [1,[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] but only a few achieve synchronization [1,[3][4][5]15]. To synchronize signals from different acquisition systems is a challenging task, and the methodology employed by researchers is not always clearly reported. ...
... The study of functional movements through analysis of kinematics and m activity is widely approached in various disciplines [32], including dentistry [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]11,13,14,16,33], which reveals the importance of analyzing these complex moveme various methods that complement each other. ...
... The study of functional movements through analysis of kinematics and muscle activity is widely approached in various disciplines [32], including dentistry [1][2][3]5,[7][8][9]11,13,14,16,33], which reveals the importance of analyzing these complex movements by various methods that complement each other. ...
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Background. The aim of this study was to propose and establish the proof of concept of an approach to synchronize 3D Electromagnetic Articulography (3D-EMA) with Surface Electromyography (SEMG) based on the standard components of this equipment. Methods. The appropriate equipment and instruments were selected according to specifications stablished for this study. Once the necessary equipment was gathered, the proper conditions to synchronize the signals were created. Thus, we selected a SEMG with a switch module incorporated to be able to achieve synchronization of the signals. After the system setup was stablished, chewing tasks were recorded on a healthy volunteer, collecting a proof-of-concept database. The variability among recordings of the database were analyzed in terms of its standard deviation in order to detect possible interferences. Results. The analysis of the chewing task recordings obtained with the synchronized 3D EMA and SEMG signals in the present study did not reveal significant distortions, and all values were within those that had been given by the manufacturers of both of the systems. The method presented the advantage of using only components that are already included with the equipment employed. Conclusion. The method of analysis described in this paper is an effective tool that facilitates the investigation of mandibular movements synchronized in two domains: articulatory movements and electromyographic activity. Thus, it seems promising that it can be applied in different clinical situations to improve the analysis of the complexity of masticatory activity in addition to being able to generate new insights on this topic.
... In terms of muscle activities for closing and opening the jaw, the process of bolus formation is adjusted along with the changing textures of food as it is broken down and softened by saliva during the mastication process [14]. During the initial mastication sequence, it was reported that the chewing cycle was higher for harder foods [8,15]. This obviously affects the overall duration of bolus formation. ...
... However, food hardness has no effect on the total chewing time required to completely swallow the food (STi). These results confirm the findings of the previous studies [8,15]. The manipulation of hard food involved a slower process at the beginning of the chewing sequence to overcome food resistance. ...
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Aims: This study aimed to determine the patterns of chewing and swallowing in healthy subjects with different food textures. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 75 subjects who were asked to video record themselves while chewing different food samples of varying textures, including sweet and salty food. The food samples were coco jelly, gummy jelly, biscuit, potato crisp, and roasted nuts. A texture profile analysis test was used to measure the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of the food samples. Chewing patterns were investigated by measuring the chewing cycle prior to the first swallow (CS1), the chewing cycle until the last swallow (CS2), and the accumulation of chewing time from the first chewing to the last swallowing (STi). Swallowing patterns were evaluated by calculating the swallowing threshold, which is the chewing time/duration prior to the first swallow (STh). The number of swallows for each food sample was also recorded. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the CS2 of potato crisps, as well as the STi of coco jelly, gummy jelly, and biscuits between male and female subjects. A significant positive correlation was found between hardness and STh. There was a significant negative correlation between gumminess and all chewing and swallowing parameters, as well as chewiness and CS1. This study also found s significant positive correlation between dental pain, CS1, CS2, and STh of gummy jelly, as well as dental pain and CS1 of biscuits. Conclusions: Females require longer chewing time for harder foods. Food hardness is positively related to the chewing duration prior to the first swallow (swallowing threshold/STh). Food chewiness has a negative correlation with the chewing cycle prior to the first swallow (CS1). Food gumminess is inversely related to all the chewing and swallowing parameters. Dental pain is associated with an increased chewing cycle and swallowing time of hard foods.
... It is through the articulation of the temporomandibular joint that the body of the mandible works as a cantilever, while both joints move in an intricate and coordinated three-dimensional (3D) manner. Normal masticatory and speech functions result in frequent loading of the mandible with variable amplitude and force (Grigoriadis et al., 2014). The complexity of the mandibular movements results in the deformation of its structure. ...
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The mandible (lower jaw) bone is aesthetically responsible for shaping the lower face, physiologically in charge of the masticatory movements, and phonetically accountable for the articulation of different phonemes. Thus, pathologies that result in great damage to the mandible severely impact the lives of patients. Mandibular reconstruction techniques are mainly based on the use of flaps, most notably free vascularized fibula flaps. However, the mandible is a craniofacial bone with unique characteristics. Its morphogenesis, morphology, physiology, biomechanics, genetic profile, and osteoimmune environment are different from any other non-craniofacial bone. This fact is especially important to consider during mandibular reconstruction, as all these differences result in unique clinical traits of the mandible that can impact the results of jaw reconstructions. Furthermore, overall changes in the mandible and the flap post-reconstruction may be dissimilar, and the replacement process of the bone graft tissue during healing can take years, which in some cases can result in postsurgical complications. Therefore, the present review highlights the uniqueness of the jaw and how this factor can influence the outcome of its reconstruction while using an exemplary clinical case of pseudoarthrosis in a free vascularized fibula flap.
... Moreover, many studies have demonstrated the effects of differences in the size and hardness of foods on masticatory movements (e.g. Yoshida et al. 2009;Grigoriadis et al. 2014). This complexity could influence the patterns of dental microwear and thus, the shape of the striae should be considered for ungulates but not for primates. ...
Dental microwear is a common and well-established technique which allows the short-term reconstruction of the dietary behaviour in extinct and extant vertebrates, allowing inferences about daily, seasonal, or regional variations in diets. However, the use of this method may be limited because taphonomic processes can affect enamel surfaces and modify or obliterate dietary microwear features. Considering the substantial number of agents which can impact the archaeological record, dental microwear alteration processes are poorly known, producing a potential bias in dietary interpretations. In this study, the effect of trampling on dental occlusal surfaces, one of the most common processes recorded in archaeological assemblages, has been experimentally investigated for the first time. The results allowed us to (1) distinguish taphonomic and dietary marks; (2) assess the impacts of trampling on occlusal surfaces; and (3) infer the agents which modified the dental microwear from the teeth obtained from the archaeological sites. The importance of this work lies in the specific guidelines it offers to discriminate trampling marks from microwear features, improving the reliability of dietary interpretations.
... Besides, several sensory receptors in the periodontium, jaw muscle, temporomandibular joint, etc. contribute to the "fine-tuning" of masticatory movements. It has been shown that periodontal mechanoreceptors in particular play a central role in the regulation of biting forces and jaw movements (7)(8)(9) by providing temporal, spatial, and intensive information about tooth loads (4,10,11). In addition, recently, it was suggested that about 20% of the jaw muscle activity during the jaw-closing phase is dependent on the inputs from the periodontal mechanoreceptors (12). ...
Background: People perform poorly in masticatory function tests despite well-functioning prostheses. However, it is unclear whether there is an agreement between subjective and objective measures of mastication. Objectives: To investigate the association between subjective and objective measures of masticatory function in patients with bimaxillary implant-supported prostheses. Materials and methods: An experimental group (n=25, age=70.6 ±7.5 years, 8 women) with bimaxillary implant-supported fixed prostheses and a control group (n=25, age=69.0 ±5.3, 13 women) with natural dentition were recruited. The participants in the experimental group were included if they had been using the prosthesis for at least a year and had no obvious complaints with their prostheses. The control group was people with natural dentition and without any prostheses or complaints related to the masticatory system. The masticatory function was evaluated objectively with food comminution and mixing ability tests, and subjectively with jaw function limitation scale (JLFS) and oral health impact profile (OHIP). Results: The experimental group performed poorly in both objective tests (P<.001). However, there was no significant differences between the two groups in total JFLS (P=0.114) and OHIP (P=0.312) scores. Though, there were certain positive correlations between the food comminution test and JFLS subdomains in the control group, and a positive correlation between food comminution test and specific subdomains of OHIP in the experimental group indicating poor correlation between the subjective and objective measures. Conclusion: Although patients with implant prostheses show poor masticatory performance, there is no agreement in the objective and subjective measures of mastication.
Background Oral frailty, characterised by reduced oral function, is associated with systemic health issues in older adults. Although the criteria for diminished oral function often focus on motor and secretory abilities, texture perception also plays a crucial role in health due to its impact on food intake and palatability. Objective This study aimed to explore the relationship between thickness discrimination ability (TDA) and oral motor and secretory functions in healthy young individuals. Methods Twenty‐eight adults were assessed for texture perception using eight concentrations of aqueous xanthan gum solutions to determine TDA scores. Measurements of occlusal force, masticatory performance, tongue pressure, stimulated salivary flow rate and tongue–lip motor function were conducted. Spearman's correlation analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between TDA scores and oral functions. Participants were divided into high‐sensitivity and low‐sensitivity groups based on their TDA scores to compare oral function test results. Results The TDA scores varied among the participants, with higher scores correlating with higher masticatory performance ( r = 0.41, p < .05). Masticatory performance in the high‐sensitivity group was significantly higher than in the low‐sensitivity group (211.9 ± 59.2 mg/dL vs. 157.9 ± 43.0 mg/dL, p = .013), with no significant differences in other oral functions. Conclusion Masticatory performance was correlated with TDA, suggesting a link between the selection function of mastication and thickness discrimination. These findings highlight the potential relevance of texture perception in oral function and indicate the need for further exploration, particularly in older adults with declining oral health.
The oral cavity is the place where the food is manipulated and disrupted by teeth during mastication to form a food bolus ready for swallowing. The human masticatory system is an integrated functional unit with a highly complex organisation, and its functioning depends on a set of organs and tissues whose activities are entirely linked to each other. When a solid food is placed in the mouth, it is immediately subjected to several concomitant operations: Mastication is central, helped by the action of saliva, tongue movements and inputs from other oral elements which ensure the sensorimotor control of these combined functions. During this set of combined and dynamic activities, many sensory attributes, pertaining to texture, aroma and taste, can be perceived and in turn sensory information is relayed to the central nervous system, which can adjust the motor command. This chapter covers a description of the main oral elements and their activity during the food oral processing dealing with mastication and formation of a food bolus. Mastication is obviously the main oral activity in food oral processing but it is helped in this task by the action of the other oral elements, all working in coordination and not as unitary operations.
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Background: Mastication is an important one of oral functions. It is involved with teeth occlusion contact areas and masticatory muscle strength. For older adults, when the chewing ability deliminsh, it is restricting food selection, and many increase the risk of malnutrition. We investigated the chewing function in community-dwelling older adults with different occlusion status using the standardized food products. Methods: In this study, convenience sampling was used to recruit participants from a senior citizen-activity center in Kaohsiung city. A total of 65 older adults were included and assigned to 3 groups (A, B, and C) using Eichner Index, based on the posterior occlusion support areas (POSAs). The participants’ bite force and dentition were recorded. All of them were also tested the chewing time for 2 different textures of chicken breast (10 g each) under blind test. Results: Most participants were women (83.1%) and approximately 34.37 % of the participants were aged ≧75 years. Older adults with 4 antagonistic occlusal contacts in POSAs (Group A) had the best total bite force 485.04±365.40 N than those in the other 2 groups (p <0.0001) and the total bite force decreased significantly with occlusal contact areas in POSAs (p for trend = 0.0012). After adjusting for confounding factors, participants with no occlusal contacts in POSAs (group C) had a decreased bite force of 316.75±109.46 N than those in Group A. Overall, older adults spent less time chewing food with the minced and moist texture than regular texture (p =0.0013) and Group Aparticipants spend significantly less time in the occlusal contact subgrouping. However, chewing time was not significantly different among the 3 groups. Conclusion: Participants in group C had the worst bite force than those in the other 2 groups, even under denture wearing. Moreover, significantly less chewing time was spent on the minced and moist-textured chicken than the regular-textured chicken.
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Introduction Masticatory function is often impaired in patients with painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) therefore more detailed studies on comminution and mixing ability are warranted in well-defined TMD patients with chronic myalgia. Moreover, there is a need to explore the correlation between any changes in perceived pain or fatigue in such patients and the masticatory function. Materials and methods Self-assessments using questionnaires regarding pain, oral health, jaw function, masticatory ability, fear of movement and psychosocial signs were answered by all the participants. A series of chewing tasks involving viscoelastic food and two-colored gum was performed. Optical imaging and analyzing was conducted. Bite force as well as characteristics of pain and fatigue were assessed. Results In patients, the fragmented soft candy particles were less in number and had larger median of area and minimum Feret's diameter after standardized chewing compared to healthy individuals ( P = 0.02). Surprisingly, the two-colored Hue-Check gum was less mixed by the healthy controls since they displayed a greater variance of the hue ( P = 0.04). There were significant differences between the patients and the healthy controls in the self-assessed masticatory ability mainly regarding pain-related variables. Conclusions Objectively, TMD patients with chronic myalgia exhibited an impaired masticatory performance with less efficiency in comminuting soft viscoelastic food compared to the pain-free healthy control group. There was an agreement between the patients' self-assessed masticatory ability and the efficiency of their masticatory function.
Background: It has not yet been clarified how the type of the chewing task affects related muscle activity and how the suprahyoid muscles contribute to masticatory function in humans. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the difference in the suprahyoid muscle activity between the freely and unilaterally chewing tasks and between the working and non-working sides during chewing. Materials and methods: Twenty healthy volunteers were instructed to chew peanuts and two different types of rice crackers in two ways; freely and unilaterally while surface electromyograms of the masseter and suprahyoid muscles were recorded. The chewing duration, number of chewing cycles and chewing rate were compared between the tasks. Further, the masseter and suprahyoid muscle activities per chewing cycle were compared between the sides. Results: The chewing duration was significantly longer and the chewing rate was significantly higher during unilaterally chewing than freely chewing. The chewing duration differed significantly among the different foods; the harder the food, the longer the duration. Chewing rate was significantly higher during soft rice cracker chewing as well as suprahyoid activity per chewing cycle. Masseter activity was higher on the chewing side than on the non-chewing side while there was no difference in suprahyoid activity between the sides. Conclusion: The current results demonstrate a difference in the masticatory efficacy between the chewing tasks and a functional role of the suprahyoid muscles during chewing, which does not differ between the chewing and non-chewing sides.
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Microneurography has been used to analyze the functional properties of human periodontal mechanoreceptors. Signals were recorded from single afferents in the inferior alveolar nerve while controlled forces were applied to the teeth. We have found that all periodontal afferents adapt slowly to maintained loads. Most afferents are tuned broadly to direction of force application, and about half respond to forces applied to teeth adjacent to the one to which the afferent distributes. Populations of periodontal afferents, nevertheless, reliably encode information about both the teeth stimulated and the direction of forces applied to the individual teeth. Information about the magnitude of steady forces is made available in the mean firing-rate response of periodontal afferents. Most afferents exhibit a marked “hyperbolic” relationship between the static discharge rate and the force amplitude; the highest sensitivity to changes in static force is observed at forces below 1 N. Similarly, the dynamic sensitivity is highest at low forces. These afferents efficiently encode food contact during biting and continuously discharge while food is held between the incisors. Subjects spontaneously exert low contact forces matched to the sensitivity characteristics of these periodontal afferents when holding food substances between the incisors. If periodontal afferent information is not available, the control of the hold forces is severely impaired. Moreover, since only a few afferents encode information about the rapid and strong force increase employed to bite through food, we conclude that subjects rely on signals from periodontal afferents to regulate the jaw muscles primarily when they first contact, manipulate and hold food substances between the teeth. A potential role for periodontal afferents in the spatio-intensive control of jaw actions is discussed. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
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Mastication is a vital function that ensures that ingested food is broken down into pieces and prepared for digestion. This review outlines the masticatory behavior in terms of the muscle activation patterns and jaw movements and gives an overview of the organization and function of the trigeminal neuronal circuits that are known to take part in the generation and control of oro-facial motor functions. The basic pattern of rhythmic jaw movements produced during mastication is generated by a Central Pattern Generator (CPG) located in the pons and medulla. Neurons within the CPG have intrinsic properties that produce a rhythmic activity, but the output of these neurons is modified by inputs that descend from the higher centers of the brain, and by feedback from sensory receptors, in order to constantly adapt the movement to the food properties.
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We aimed to determine whether people with implant-supported bridges in both jaws, thus lacking periodontal receptors, adjust jaw muscle activity to food hardness during mastication. Thirteen participants with implant-supported bridges in both jaws and 13 with natural dentition chewed and swallowed soft and hard gelatine-based model foods, while electromyographic (EMG) activity of the masseter and temporal muscles was recorded bilaterally together with the position of the mandible. Data were compared by using a mixed-design anova model and a P-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant. The number of chewing cycles and the duration of the masticatory sequence increased with food hardness in both groups, whereas vertical and lateral amplitude of the jaw movements, and the jaw-opening velocity, increased significantly with food hardness only for the dentate group. Although both groups adapted the EMG activity to the hardness of the food, the implant participants showed a significantly weaker increase in EMG activity with increased food hardness early during the masticatory sequence than the dentate participants did. In addition, the implant group showed significantly less reduction of muscle activity during the progression of the masticatory sequence than the dentate group. People with implant-supported bridges show an impaired adaptation of the muscle activity to food hardness during mastication. We suggest that a lack of sensory signals from periodontal mechanoreceptors accounts for the impairment.
Sensory information provided by the periodontal mechanoreceptors (PMRs) is used by the nervous system to optimize the positioning of food, force levels, and force vectors involved in biting. The aim of this study was to describe motor performance during a novel manipulation-and-split task and to assess the extent to which control of this performance involves information from the PMRs. A total of 10 subjects with natural teeth, 10 with bimaxillary tooth-supported fixed prostheses (TSP) and 10 with bimaxillary implant-supported fixed prostheses (ISP) (61–83 [mean 69] years of age) were asked to perform an intraoral manipulation-and-split task that involved positioning a spherical chocolate dragée between the front teeth and then splitting it into two parts of equal size. The vertical jaw movement, sound of food cracking and masseter muscle activity were monitored during this task and the accuracy of the split was evaluated. The group with natural teeth was significantly better than the other groups at splitting the candy with high precision. The jaw movements were similar between groups, but the contact phase prior to the split was significantly longer for those with natural dentition. The present findings support the conclusion that the nervous system collects rich information about contact between the teeth and food from the PMRs prior to powerful jaw action. Impairment (TSP) or absence (ISP) of this information alters motor behavior and impairs performance during the natural biting task employed here.
The purpose of the study was to analyze how increases in the bite force, during the splitting of food morsels of different hardness, are modulated, and to evaluate the role of periodontal mechanoreceptors in this control. Fifteen subjects were instructed to hold and split food morsels of different hardness (peanuts and biscuits) between a pair of opposing central incisors before and during anesthesia of the teeth. The split occurred at an average bite force of 9 N for biscuits and at an average bite force of 18 N for peanuts. The duration of the split phase was longer, and the split force rate higher, for peanuts compared with biscuits. Furthermore, a steeper force trajectory was observed for the peanut. During anesthesia of the teeth, the duration of the split phase increased and the mean split force rate decreased for peanuts. Force trajectories for peanuts and biscuits were indistinguishable during anesthesia. The present results show that when higher bite forces are needed to split a morsel, both the duration and the rate of the bite force produced is increased. Furthermore, adaptation of the bite force rate to the hardness of the food is dependent on information from periodontal mechanoreceptors.
1. During chewing, a small part of the observed muscle activity is needed for the basic open-close movements of the mandible, and much additional muscle activity (AMA) is needed to overcome the resistance of the food. In chewing cycles in which a counteracting force is expected, the AMA is mainly generated by peripheral induction with a latency of approximately 23 ms. It was investigated whether an open-loop or closed-loop mechanism is involved in the control of the AMA in these cycles. 2. Subjects made rhythmic open-close movements at their natural chewing frequency controlled by a metronome. Food resistance was simulated by an external force, acting on the jaw in a downward direction during part of the closing movement. Sequences of cycles with a force were unexpectedly alternated with sequences of cycles with a different force. The force changed from 19 to 0 N and vice versa, and from 25 to 6 N and vice versa. Jaw movement and surface electromyogram of the masseter, temporalis, and suprahyoid muscles on both sides were recorded during cycles before and after the transition from one force condition to another. 3. The movement trajectory and AMA of the second and following cycles with a new force appeared to be similar. Thus adaptation to the changed circumstances occurred within two open-close cycles. 4. In the first cycle with 0 or 6 N in the 19----0 N and 25----6 N experiments respectively, a large part of the AMA had disappeared. The AMA in this cycle started to differ from the AMA in the previous cycle approximately 23 ms after the moment the force in this cycle started to differ from the previous cycle. 5. In the first cycle with 19 or 25 N in the reverse experiments, the AMA increased 120-136 ms after the moment the force in this cycle started to differ from the previous cycle. 6. During the closing phase of each open-close cycle, no muscle activity of the suprahyoid muscles was observed; thus co-contraction with the elevator muscles did not occur. 7. It was concluded that the AMA is under control of a closed-loop mechanism with a latency of approximately 23 ms. However, the reflex output has a maximum, depending on information about the food resistance gained in previous cycles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
1. During chewing, little muscle activity is required to make open-close movements with the mandible, and much additional muscle activity (AMA) of the closing muscles is needed to overcome the resistance of food. The neuromuscular control of the AMA was investigated. 2. Subjects made rhythmic open-close movements at their natural chewing frequency controlled by a metronome. Food resistance was simulated by an external force, acting on the jaw in a downward direction during part of the closing movement. Sequences of cycles with a force were unexpectedly alternated with sequences of cycles without a force. Jaw movement, and surface electromyograph (EMG) of the masseter, temporalis, and digastric muscles on both sides were recorded during cycles before and after the transition from force to no force (Disappear experiment) and vice versa (Appear experiment). 3. The movement trajectory of the second and following cycles after the transition from force to no force or vice versa were similar. Thus adaptation to the changed circumstances occurred in both types of experiments within two open-close cycles. 4. In the first cycle with force in the Appear experiments, the AMA started, on average, 129 ms after the onset of the force. In all other cycles with force, the AMA started, on average, 70 ms before the onset of the force at a low level and steeply increased 23 ms after the onset of the force. 5. In the first cycle without force in the Disappear experiments, the AMA started, on average, 69 ms before the moment at which the force would have started. However, the large contribution to the AMA had disappeared.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This review describes the patterns of mandibular movements that make up the whole sequence from ingestion to swallowing food, including the basic types of cycles and their phases. The roles of epithelial, periodontal, articular, and muscular receptors in the control of the movements are discussed. This is followed by a summary of our knowledge of the brain stem neurons that generate the basic pattern of mastication. It is suggested that the production of the rhythm, and of the opener and closer motoneuron bursts, are independent processes that are carried out by different groups of cells. After commenting on the relevant properties of the trigeminal and hypoglossal motoneurons, and of internuerons on the cortico-bulbar and reflex pathways, the way in which the pattern generating neurons modify sensory feedback is discussed.
Bilateral trigeminal deafferentation was performed in the rabbit in order to assess the role of orofacial inputs in regulation of the pattern of jaw movements during chewing. After bilateral combined section of the maxillary and inferior alveolar nerves, the animals did not eat food by themselves in the first postoperative week. However, they could chew and swallow when food was inserted into the mouth by an experimenter. The pattern of jaw movements and associated EMG activities of masticatory muscles during chewing were modulated remarkably by deafferentation. These modifications include 1) decrease in the horizontal excursions of the mandible at the power phase, 2) decrease in the maximum gape, 3) insufficient occlusion at the power phase (or increase in the minimum gape), 4) irregular patterns of jaw movements, 5) facilitation of the chewing rate, 6) increase in the number of chewing cycles in a masticatory sequence (the process from acceptance of food to swallowing), and 7) decrease in jaw-closing muscle activities. The findings indicate that deafferentation of the trigeminal sensory branches reduced masticatory force. On the other hand, no significant change was seen in the animals with disruption of cutaneous sensations of the face due to bilateral section of the infraorbital and mental nerves. Intraoral sensations rather than extraoral sensations may thus be important for regulation of masticatory force and jaw movements during chewing. Jaw movements during chewing were also analyzed in the animals with either bilateral ablation of the cortical masticatory area (CMA) or bilateral lesion of the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM) of the thalamus in order to examine whether profound effects of trigeminal deafferentation are produced via the transcortical loop. The animals with lesion of either the CMA or VPM demonstrated disturbances in feeding behavior, including the dropping of ingested food from the mouth, elongation of a masticatory process, reduction in the chewing efficiency, etc. However, the pattern of jaw movements during chewing were essentially similar to that in the preoperative period. These results do not necessarily deny a contribution of the CMA to regulation of jaw movements but suggest that the transcortical feedback loop via the CMA and thalamic VPM nucleus would not primarily be responsible for pattern formation of jaw movements during chewing in the rabbit. Probably, the sensory feedback via the transcortical loop may indirectly facilitate activities of the brain stem CPG, which facilitates the chewing rhythm or enables masticatory sequences to be conducted smoothly.
The role of oral and facial sensory receptors in the control of masticatory muscle activities was assessed from the effect of acute deafferentiation on cortically induced rhythmic jaw movements (CRJMs) in anesthetized rabbits. When a thin polyurethane-foam strip (1.5, 2.5 or 3.5 mm thick) was placed between opposing molars during CRJMs, masseteric activities were facilitated in association with an increase in the medial excursion of the mandible during the power phase. The effects varied with the pattern of CRJMs, and the rate of facilitation was greater for small circular movements than for the crescent-shaped movements. Furthermore, the response of the masseter muscle was greater in the anterior half of the muscle, where muscle spindles are most dense, than in its posterior half. It was also demonstrated that the response increased with an increase in the thickness of the test strip. In contrast, the activities of the jaw-opening muscle were not affected significantly. The duration of masseteric bursts increased during application of the test strip and the chewing rhythm tended to slow down. However, the latter effect was not significant. After locally anesthetizing the maxillary and inferior alveolar nerves, the facilitative responses of the masseter muscle to the test strip was greatly reduced but not completely abolished. Lesioning of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Mes V) where the primary ganglion cells of muscle spindle afferents from jaw-closing muscles and some periodontal afferents are located, also reduced the facilitative effects. Similar results were obtained in the animals with the kainic acid injections into the Mes V 1 week before electrical lesioning of this nucleus. In these animals the effects of electrical lesioning of the Mes V could be attributed to the loss of muscle receptor afferents since the neurons in the vicinity of the Mes V were destroyed and replaced by glial cells, whereas the Mes V neurons are resistant to kainic acid. When electrical lesioning of the Mes V and sectioning of the maxillary and inferior alveolar nerves were combined in animals with a kainic acid injection into the Mes V, the response of the masseter muscle to application of the strip was almost completely abolished. From these findings, we conclude that both periodontal receptors and muscle spindles are primarily responsible for the facilitation of jaw-closing muscle activities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)