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End to End Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface Development


Abstract and Figures

An application programming interface or an API can be interpreted as a black box performing a function. This black box is accessible to anyone permitted to give it an input, or in software terms, a request. A well developed API should return a response, regardless of the request. There has been a trend in the tech industry to break down complex software operations into simpler single step operations, and hence moving from one convoluted end to end software program performing a single convoluted operation, towards creating multiple, independent, API's, which perform a very specific task, and call each other sequentially as each task completes performing. Breaking down this complex software operation into multiple single API's has various benefits. An obvious one, is the reusability of each of these API's, as a step in multiple different complex operations. This paper discusses the overview and development of REST API's and the overarching steps involved in the development of an API, before it is finally deployed.
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© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 7 | ISSN: 2456-3315
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (
End to End Representational State Transfer Application
Programming Interface Development
Akilesh N S, Rohini S Hallikar
Electronics and Communication Department, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Abstract An application programming interface or an API can be interpreted as a black box performing a function. This
black box is accessible to anyone permitted to give it an input, or in software terms, a request. A well developed API
should return a response, regardless of the request. There has been a trend in the tech industry to break down complex
software operations into simpler single step operations, and hence moving from one convoluted end to end software
program performing a single convoluted operation, towards creating multiple, independent, API’s, which perform a very
specific task, and call each other sequentially as each task completes performing. Breaking down this complex software
operation into multiple single API’s has various benefits. An obvious one, is the reusability of each of these API’s, as a st ep
in multiple different complex operations. This paper discusses the overview and development of REST API’s and the
overarching steps involved in the development of an API, before it is finally deployed.
Keywords API, REST
An Application Programming Interface is a piece of software performing a function. This API can connect to other API’s or other
services on completion of execution. The internal working of the API is generally unknown to the user, and the only information
known to the user is the parameters expected for the request, and the parameters present in the API response. In this way, an API
is a useful tool for companies that want to keep their internal software confidential, while providing a client with the service.
Apart from this, an API is usually configured to perform only a single task. In this way, code can be successfully re used.
Figure 1 represents an example of the traditional software development approach. Steps such as Verifying the eligibility of the
user, validation of parameters, and returning the response in a user understandable format are used as functions within the
program. These steps, however, are common between both applications. It therefore makes sense to externalize these functions to
API’s. Similarly, the core function performed by Application 1 and 2 can also be externalized to API’s.
Figure 2 represents API externalization of functions, and hence effective code use between different applications. Similar to how
functions are used in local level applications to perform a certain functionality repeatedly and avoid code redundancy, API’s are
used to perform a certain common functionality, however, on an application level.
Figure 1: Traditional Software Development Approach
Each of the API’s perform a single function, and call each other sequentially, as they complete performing their functionalit y.
Figure 2: API Based Approach
© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 7 | ISSN: 2456-3315
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (
The development of any API follows a predefined architecture. Two of the most popular architectures are the REST
Representational State Transfer protocol and the SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol protocol. The REST protocol has
multiple benefits over the SOAP protocol REST has lower bandwidth requirements, supports more file formats.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses a step by step approach for developing, testing and deploying a
REST API. Section III discusses results supporting the efficacy of the REST architecture over SOAP. In section IV, the
conclusion and future work is discussed, followed by References in Section V.
The development of any API, can in general, be broken down into 4 stages:
i. Definition: The definition stage involves creating high level architectural models of the API, clearly defining the other
services or software interacting with it. It also involves defining the format of the request of the API, with all the
expected parameters from the user, and the format they can expect to receive back.
ii. Development: Development involves the local development of the software. API’s are usually developed in lightweight
languages such as JavaScript. Once locally developed, the API is uploaded and tested on cloud services, with sample
requests, to evaluate their working.
iii. Testing: After Development, the API is tested periodically for Quality Assurance. This is also known as QA testing. A
predefined request is sent to the API, and the response returned by the API is compared with the response expected. For
every mismatch in response, the report percentage of the code decreases. The API is also performance tested to
determine the number of requests it can handle simultaneously.
iv. Deployment: An API that has been developed and tested is then deployed. Deployment usually happens on a pipeline
that has additional checks such as code quality/code redundancy checks. Deployment allows the software developer to
continuously integrate changes to the code. The client or customer can update their version of the code, through the
single click of a button.
The steps further involved in each of the aforementioned stages are discussed henceforth.
A. Definition
The Definition of an API before development carries various purposes. It helps document the services and other software/API, the
API will require for its operation, through the use of a high level architecture diagram. Along with this the required parameters for
the request, along with a sample API request is documented. The response returned from the API and the parameters it returns are
documented as well.
1. High Level Definition
The High Level Definition of an API defines the other software/services required to interface with an API.
Figure 3: High Level API Architecture
Figure 3 represents a typical example of an API onboarded on to the Amazon Web Services Platform.
The Main API here, is the AWS Lambda tagged as API Function. However, as seen above, to interface with the API, it is
necessary to go through multiple services. This level of documentation, is necessary to understand the other services/API that will
have to be configured.
© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 7 | ISSN: 2456-3315
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (
2. Request/Response Definition
The parameters required by a request, for an API to work successfully are to be documented. The response parameters returned by
the API are documented as well. Services such as Postman, SwaggerHub or Redocly are used for this.
Along with just defining the parameters required, the schema and expected datatype of each parameter is defined as well.
Figure 4: Parameter Definition
An example of parameter definition for an API, is shown in figure 4. The parameter ‘User’ is an object, with the properties ‘ id’ of
type integer, and ‘name’ of type string.
B. Development
The development stage involves actually coding the API. The functionality and requirement of the API is understood and broken
down into functions. API’s for web applications are usually developed in JavaScript or TypeScript.The JSON/XML Request from
the client, is passed as an input parameter to the main function of the API. Necessary information from the request is parsed, and
the functionality of the API is decided based on these input parameters.Once developed locally, the API is tested on the cloud
service planned for deployment. Examples of such cloud services are Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform or
Microsoft Azure Cloud. API’s developed on the RESTful Architecture are usually deployed to asynchronous code execution
environments. ‘Lambdas’ are such a service available on AWS. Lambdas are asynchronously trigerred when an input JSON
request is given.It is crucial to test locally developed programs, on the cloud, as the API is ultimately going to reside on the cloud
after deployment. Time out errors due to performance constraints are common errors when local code is deployed to the cloud.
The runtime environment should be optimized to support code execution.
C. Testing
Testing of an API can be broken down into two components:
i. Quality Assurance(QA) Testing
ii. Performance Testing
1. Quality Assurance(QA) Testing
Quality Assurance or QA Testing are testcases designed to test all the possible scenarios an API can actually face when it is
deployed to clients. An example of a popular QA Automation suite is the Java-Selenium-Cucumber testing suite.Edge cases or
rare request types are also to be considered while creating test scenarios.Test Scenarios are commonly broken down into:
i. Positive Scenarios: These are scenarios designed with error free requests. That is, there is no issues with the request sent, and
the scenario is designed to test if the API provides an accurate response. The response expected from the API, is directly
compared with the response received. If the expected response matches the received response, the scenario succeeds.
ii. Negative Scenarios: Negative Scenarios test the error handling capabilities of an API. An intentionally erroneous request is
sent to the API. The API should successfully identify that the request is erroneous, and accurately return a response, stating why
the request is erroneous. This test scenario compares the message expected to be received from the API, with the actual message
received. If there is a match, the scenario succeeds.
Figure 5: Report Generated from a QA test suite
Figure 5 represents a report generated from the Java-Selenium suite. It has both positive and negative scenarios as discussed
previously, and passes 31 out of the 32 tests, rendering an Automation Percentage of 97 percent.
Only if all the positive and negative scenarios of a QA Automation test suite pass, a program can be deployed to clients.
2. Performance Testing
Performance testing, unlike QA testing, does not check the functionality of the program. The program is tested with varying
workloads for the stability and speed of the software.
© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 7 | ISSN: 2456-3315
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (
Performance bottlenecks are identified, and corrected.LoadNinja is a popular performance testing suite.
D. Deployment
A deployment pipeline follows the concept of CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment). In this principle, new
versions of the code are updated by the developer, to the pipeline, and the client can integrate or update the code by simply
clicking a button. This pipeline introduces automation into the software delivery stage.
Figure 6: CI/CD Concept
Figure 6 represents the CI/CD approach. The updated version of the code is built, tested and merged. When merged to the
repository, the pipeline can be trigerred to automatically update the release, when a change is made to the repository. This
deployment is then automatically available to the client.
The pipeline usually has multiple stages, each stage performing a certain task. The developer can decide the amount of quality
control they wish to perform on the pipeline.
The pipeline builds the code from scratch on a virtual machine, and runs unit test cases to measure code coverage and code quality,
every time it’s run. Only if all the stages in a pipeline pass, the newest version of the code is deployed.
Some of the most common tools used for CI/CD are the Jenkins or circleCI pipelines.
Figure 7: Jenkins Pipeline and stages
The pipeline represented in Figure 7, has 6 stages required to pass, for successful deployment.
The builds 16,17 have successfully deployed because they passed all stages, however, build 15 fails due to an error in the ‘test:load-
&-security’ stage.
The method proposed in the previous section provides an overview of how to design an API following the REST Architecture.
The REST Architecture has been found to have a multitude of benefits over the SOAP Architecture.
Some of these advantages are:
1. REST has lower bandwidth requirements due to compact request/response
2. REST permits use of different data formats for transmission
3. REST can work on an underlying SOAP protocol, but vice versa is not possible.
A study between REST and SOAP protocol, contrasting the time taken for the upload of an image, in the form of a byte array is
further discussed.
Test Setup: Byte Array’s of sizes varying from 10kb to 40kb are uploaded onto an Image Upload Webservice, using, REST, as
well as SOAP, and the time taken in milliseconds for the operations using both the protocols are compared.
Table 1: Image upload response times
Bytes Array(kb)
© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 7 | ISSN: 2456-3315
International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (
Figure 8: Response Time Comparison Plot
The upload time observed in REST for all the varying sizes of the Bytes Array is found to be lower than that of the SOAP
protocol. This reduction can be attributed to the lightweight nature of the REST Protocol.
The paper presented hence provides a template to create an API based on the REST Architecture. It walks through the steps and
stages usually involved in developing an API, from the code stage till the deployment stage. The objective of this paper is to
provide an overview, or an approach for end to end development. Further information of each of these tools can be found on their
website documentation. As cited in the results, the REST Architecture, is the ideal choice for quick, lightweight and responsive
applications, over applications that utilize the SOAP Protocol.Tech is evolving and so should the methods used to create software.
The QA Automation suite, and some of the tech discussed here are based on Java. These are established methods to perform the
task required, but nevertheless, slow. New software based on quick, lightweight, languages such as JavaScript or TypeScript are
in need. Further, new and improved cloud services and CI/CD protocols are nascent, but growing. The impact these services will
make are yet to be observed.
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Full-text available
Web Services are combination of open protocols and standards to allow communication between client and server. It provides an interoperability between contrasting applications. Representational state Transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) are the two main popular used web services now-a-days. REST is an architectural style based, whereas SOAP is a underlying protocol. Both services are used to handle the communication on the world wide web (www). Both services have some advantages and drawbacks and it is the decision of web developer to decide which service is best to use according to its requirements. The aim of this research work is to design a REST API and SOAP API by JAX-RS and JAX-WS, respectively and gives a comparative analysis of Application Programming Interface (API) features (in terms of response time, memory usage, execution speed and so on) of these services by using API testing tool like Postman. This gives insight view of which service is better to use as per requirements. The result of experiments shows that the response time of SOAP is approximate takes 4ms to 7ms more than REST. It has been observed that as number of API increases, SOAP takes approximate 1MB to 2MB more memory usage than REST.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Quickly and dominantly, REST APIs have spread over the Web and percolated into modern software development practice, especially in the Mobile Internet where they conveniently enable offloading data and computations onto cloud services. We analyze more than 78 GB of HTTP traffic collected by Italy’s biggest Mobile Internet provider over one full day and study how big the trend is in practice, how it changed the traffic that is generated by applications, and how REST APIs are implemented in practice. The analysis provides insight into the compliance of state-of-the-art APIs with theoretical Web engineering principles and guidelines, knowledge that affects how applications should be developed to be scalable and robust. The perspective is that of the Mobile Internet.
Comparing performance of web service interaction styles: Soap vs. rest
  • Pavan Potti
  • Kumar
Potti, Pavan Kumar, et al. "Comparing performance of web service interaction styles: Soap vs. rest." Proceedings of the conference on information systems applied research issn. Vol. 2167. 2012.
REST API design rulebook: designing consistent RESTful web service interfaces
  • Mark Masse
Masse, Mark. REST API design rulebook: designing consistent RESTful web service interfaces. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2011.
  • Fernando Doglio
Doglio, Fernando, Doglio, and Corrigan. REST API Development with Node. js. Vol. 331. Apress, 2018.
REST API modeling languages-a developer's perspective
  • Vijay Surwase
Surwase, Vijay. "REST API modeling languages-a developer's perspective." Int. J. Sci. Technol. Eng 2.10 (2016): 634-637.
RESTful API automated test case generation
  • Andrea Arcuri
Arcuri, Andrea. "RESTful API automated test case generation." 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). IEEE, 2017.