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Early AGEing and metabolic diseases: is perinatal exposure to glycotoxins programming for adult-life metabolic syndrome?


Abstract and Figures

Perinatal early nutritional disorders are critical for the developmental origins of health and disease. Glycotoxins, or advanced glycation end-products, and their precursors such as the methylglyoxal, which are formed endogenously and commonly found in processed foods and infant formulas, may be associated with acute and long-term metabolic disorders. Besides general aspects of glycotoxins, such as their endogenous production, exogenous sources, and their role in the development of metabolic syndrome, we discuss in this review the sources of perinatal exposure to glycotoxins and their involvement in metabolic programming mechanisms. The role of perinatal glycotoxin exposure in the onset of insulin resistance, central nervous system development, cardiovascular diseases, and early aging also are discussed, as are possible interventions that may prevent or reduce such effects.
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Lead Article
Early AGEing and metabolic diseases: is perinatal exposure to
glycotoxins programming for adult-life metabolic syndrome?
avio A. Francisco*, Lucas P.J. Saavedra*, Marcos D.F. Junior ,C
atia Barra, Paulo Matafome,
Paulo C.F. Mathias, and Rodrigo M. Gomes
Perinatal early nutritional disorders are critical for the developmental origins of
health and disease. Glycotoxins, or advanced glycation end-products, and their pre-
cursors such as the methylglyoxal, which are formed endogenously and commonly
found in processed foods and infant formulas, may be associated with acute and
long-term metabolic disorders. Besides general aspects of glycotoxins, such as their
endogenous production, exogenous sources, and their role in the development of
metabolic syndrome, we discuss in this review the sources of perinatal exposure to
glycotoxins and their involvement in metabolic programming mechanisms. The
role of perinatal glycotoxin exposure in the onset of insulin resistance, central ner-
vous system development, cardiovascular diseases, and early aging also are dis-
cussed, as are possible interventions that may prevent or reduce such effects.
The developmental origins of health and disease con-
cept focuses on the potential associations between a
suboptimal fetal and/or postnatal environment and
several pathologies in the offspring, such as the meta-
bolic syndrome. Several animal models have been de-
veloped to explore the pathophysiology and
mechanisms of developmental programming of the
metabolic syndrome. Features of cardiometabolic dis-
eases have been found in the offspring of diabetic
rodents, as well as in the offspring of rodents fed a
high-fat diet or fructose-enriched diet.
High sugar
intake is associated with harmful effects, such as car-
diovascular diseases, obesity, insulin resistance, and
diabetes. In this way, hyperglycemia is related to in-
creased levels of advanced glycation end-products
(AGEs), and these glycotoxins are closely associated
with the development and progression of diabetes and
its complications.
AGEs also are involved in the
deterioration of metabolic homeostasis in obesity,
namely the development of insulin resistance–associ-
ated pathologies such as cardio- and cerebrovascular
diseases, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and central ner-
vous system disorders, including dementia, in adult
and pediatric patients.
Vascular aging due to
AGEs exposure, or vascular AGEing, is related to oxi-
dative stress due to increased generation of reactive
species of oxygen and nitrogen,
endothelial dys-
and changes in the extracellular matrix
and in inflammatory factors.
Infant formulas are
used worldwide as a substitute for breast milk; previ-
ous studies have reported high AGE content in breast
Thus, infants’ exposure to these nutritional
Affiliation: F.A. Francisco, L.P.J. Saavedra, and P.C.F. Mathias are with the Department of Biotechnology, Genetics, and Cellular Biology,
State University of Maringa, Maringa, PR, Brazil. M.D.F. Junior and R.M. Gomes are with the Department of Physiological Sciences, Federal
University of Goi
as, Goi^
ania, GO, Brazil. C. Barra and P. Matafome are with the Institute of Physiology and Coimbra Institute of Clinical and
Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, and the Center for Innovative Biotechnology and Biomedicine, University of Coimbra; and the
Clinical Academic Center of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
*These authors contributed equally.
Correspondence: R.M. Gomes, Department of Physiological Sciences, Biological Sciences Institute 2, room 101, Federal University of Goi
Esperanc¸a Ave s/n, 74690-900 Goi^
ania, GO, Brazil. Email:
Key words: advanced glycation end products (AGEs), glycotoxins, metabolic programming, metabolic syndrome, methylglyoxal.
CThe Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuaa074
Nutrition Reviews
Vol. 0(0):1–12 1
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contaminants early in life may contribute to the develop-
ment of cardiometabolic disorders at adulthood.
In this review, we provide an overview of the cur-
rent knowledge about the contribution of perinatal
glycotoxin exposure to metabolic programming and
the development of metabolic syndrome–related pa-
thologies. Evidence of increased glycotoxin exposure
of the fetus or newborn, due to maternal or infant di-
etary AGE consumption, in addition to infant for-
mula feeding, on developmental programming of
metabolic syndrome are discussed, as are interven-
tions to prevent the consequences of perinatal expo-
sure to AGEs. Figure 1 provides an overview of main
sources and potential mechanisms of the develop-
ment of cardiometabolic disease development during
adult life, due to the exposure to glycotoxins during
perinatal life.
Pregnancy is a critical period for the health of both the
fetus and the mother and is very sensitive to environ-
mental disturbances. Several studies established a rela-
tionship between disturbances in the pregnancy and
diseases in offspring throughout life.
The magni-
tude of such effects depends on the stage of gestation in
which the fetus was exposed and the nature of the ag-
gressive agent.
It is well established that tobacco, alco-
hol, distress, nutritional unbalances, and other
metabolic disruptors affect the proper development of
the fetus during intrauterine life.
One of the
most common gestational disorders is gestational diabe-
tes mellitus (GDM), which is associated with pregesta-
tional overweight and has been implicated in adverse
perinatal outcomes such as increased weight gain dur-
ing the gestational period and high sugar consump-
Fetal development is very susceptible to
diabetes, given that this condition can promote severe
changes in tissues and organs, with cardiovascular and
neural tube defects being the most frequent malforma-
Mothers with pregestational diabetes mellitus
(PGDM) and a poorly controlled hyperglycemia during
the first trimester have a 5% to 10% higher risk of hav-
ing newborns with a major birth defect and a 15% to
20% higher risk of spontaneous abortion.
On the
other hand, GDM is associated more with pregnancy
complications, such as macrosomia, and pre- and peri-
natal mortality, than with congenital anomalies.
offspring of mothers with PGDM have increased adi-
posity and overweight resulting from transplacental
passage of maternal glucose and induction of fetal
Pregnant women with GDM have
an increased risk of delivering large-for-gestational-age
(LGA) newborns, who have an higher risk of being
obese at childhood.
Diet composition before and during pregnancy
may influence the metabolic profile of both the
mother and the newborn, and may affect the new-
born’s size at birth.
Nutritional changes may lead
to impairment of fetal growth and intrauterine
growth restriction, as well as fetal adiposity, insulin
resistance, and pancreatic b-cell dysfunction.
In a
case-control study, Amezcua-Prieto et al
suggest the
increased consumption during pregnancy of industrial
bakery products, pastries, and products containing re-
fined sugar is associated with a higher risk of having
a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborn. In con-
trast, higher consumption of whole-grain cereal and
bread is related to a lower risk of delivering an SGA
According to another cohort study, the daily
consumption of artificially sweetened beverages dur-
ing pregnancy induces a 2-fold higher risk of having
a child with overweight at the child’s first year.
Ornoy et al
showed that the offspring of mothers
with GDM have a high frequency of overweight, as
do babies who are breastfed by mothers with diabe-
tes. Palatianou et al
found an increased association
of the LGA condition with nondiabetic obesity com-
pared with type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, LGA
infants from mothers with diabetes (either GDM or
PGDM) are above the 90th percentile in height and
weight and have increased weight gain in the first 4
months of life.
A meta-analysis performed by
Schellong et al
revealed a predisposition to adult-
hood overweight in LGA newborns but not in SGA
newborns. However, both the LGA and SGA condi-
tions have a similar risk for development of adult-
hood diabetes, with the risk that following a U-
shaped and not a linear relationship.
Children who
are SGA born to mothers with PGDM and associated
nephropathy are more susceptible to prematurity, re-
duced growth at age 3 years and body weight and
height below the 50th percentile when compared with
children of mothers with PGDM without complica-
tions. As well, SGA individuals who gained a sub-
stantial amount of weight in early childhood
exhibited higher risk of developing hypertension and
diabetes and also higher coronary heart disease mor-
tality in adulthood compared with their age-matched
Thus, maternal obesity and type 2 diabetes affect
birth weight, and both the SGA and LGA conditions
are associated with increased risk of metabolic impair-
ment and related complications in the adult life.
Moreover, the presence of diabetic complications in the
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mother is apparently related to an increased risk to the
Metabolic effects of glycotoxins on metabolic
One of the main glycotoxins is methylglyoxal (MG),
which may change cell behavior through modification
of biomolecules, such as proteins and DNA, and conse-
quent formation of AGEs.
Modification of arginine
residues by MG leads to the formation of Nd-(5-hydro-
5-methyl-4-imidazolon-2-yl)-ornithine (MG-H1) and
argpyrimidine from the imidazolones family, whereas
lysine modification leads to the formation of methyl-
glyoxal lysine dimer and (carboxyethyl)lysine.
Modification of amino acid residues by MG affects in-
tracellular (i.e., transcription factors and cytoplasmic
proteins, including the proteasome and stress-response
pathways), circulating (ie, hemoglobin, albumin, or lip-
oproteins), and extracellular matrix proteins, changing
cell behavior and activating inflammatory and death
Indeed, MG modifies proteasome sub-
units and protein quality-control pathways (namely,
Hsc70, Hsp90, and Hsp27), causing endoplasmic reticu-
lum stress and impaired degradation of misfolded pro-
teins, in turn leading to a vicious circle of progressive
accumulation of misfolded proteins and impaired acti-
vation of detoxification systems.
Besides directly
modifying protein structure through modification of
amino acid residues, MG also increases oxidative stress,
namely, the formation of superoxide anion,
gen peroxide, and peroxynitrite
in different types
of cells, including endothelial cells,
rat kidney mesan-
gial cells,
rat hepatocytes,
blood cells,
and in rat and mouse neurons.
MG also
induces the depletion of antioxidant defenses, predis-
posing cells for oxidative damage.
Given that
MG detoxification systems, namely the glyoxalase sys-
tem, are glutathione dependent, such mechanisms lead
to a self-perpetuating circle of reactive oxygen species
and AGEs formation and mitochondrial dysfunction.
Extracellular AGEs may change cell behavior
through activation of membrane receptors, such as
RAGE, which recognizes 2 major types of ligands: imi-
dazolones (MG-derived) and Ne-(carboxymethyl)lysine
(CML) adducts.
Upon activation, RAGE triggers in-
tracellular signaling pathways such as NF-jB, involved
in activation of inflammatory and proliferation or stress
signals, as well as generation of oxidative stress.
Inhibition of RAGE or expression of soluble RAGE iso-
forms with the ability to scavenge AGEs prevented vas-
cular disease in several animal models.
MG-induced changes in cell behavior involve several
mechanisms, namely the modification of biomolecules,
accumulation of misfolded proteins, activation of mem-
brane receptors, generation of oxidative stress, changes
in transcription factors, and activation of inflammatory
or stress pathways.
MG has been implicated in the development of dia-
betes complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy,
and peripheral neuropathy, given that its levels are in-
creased in patients with diabetes patients, and insulin-
independent cells like endothelial cells, podocytes, and
neurons are more susceptible to hyperglycemia-driven
MG formation.
Several studies have addressed the in-
volvement of MG in the mechanisms governing the de-
velopment of such pathologies, namely endothelial cell
senescence and angiogenesis impairment,
podocyte effacement and death,
glomerular fibro-
apoptosis of retinal pericytes and retinal
pigmented cells,
and changes in the nociception
and pain stimuli (hyperalgesia).
Moreover, MG is
involved in the pathophysiology of cardio- and cerebro-
vascular diseases. MG causes structural changes in the
blood-brain barrier
and is involved in other neu-
rodegenerative disorders, such as increased neurotoxic-
b-amyloid protein neurotoxic effects,
and loss of dopaminergic neurons.
In the cardio-
vascular system, MG impairs calcium handling between
sarcoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasm of cardiomyo-
and also affects survival and apoptotic pathways
during ischemia,
and angiogenic deficits.
Features of endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and
atherosclerosis have also been reported, such as oxida-
tive stress and stiffness of the aorta, impaired elasticity,
acetylcholine-dependent relaxation, nitric oxide bio-
activation of the renin-angiotensin
increased glycoxidation of low-density li-
poprotein particles
and increased risk of throm-
bosis and atherosclerosis through platelet
hyperaggregation and RAGE activation.
Besides being implicated in the development of dia-
betic complications or associated diseases, MG also con-
tributes to the process of loss of metabolic homeostasis
itself, namely in the development of b-cell dysfunction
and insulin resistance. MG transiently activates insulin
secretion due to b-cell depolarization,
but it hampers
b-cell survival and long-term insulin synthesis and se-
In insulin signaling, MG causes a redox-
independent inhibition of the insulin-receptor pathway
and GLUT4 translocation in muscle cells and 3T3 adi-
In vivo, MG caused insulin resistance in
several animal models,
but only when supra-
physiological doses were used.
Other studies did not
show MG-induced insulin resistance, which was only
observed in obese animal models.
Several stud-
ies have also shown AGE-induced overexpression of in-
flammatory mediators in the liver,
but again,
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hepatic insulin resistance was only observed in obese
Such results suggest that glycation may have
an impact in obesity-associated insulin resistance, possi-
bly through increased depletion of antioxidant and de-
toxifying mechanisms, but has a less dramatic effect in
lean models. In humans, elevated MG and AGE levels
have been reported in patients with diabetes and in met-
abolically unhealthy, obese patients, but no correlation
was found between AGE levels and impaired glucose
Nevertheless, AGE-restricted diets
improve insulin sensitivity in normal and overweight
individuals, as well as patients with metabolic syndrome
and type 2 diabetes.
Reports have shown the im-
pact of oral AGE restriction in the improvement of in-
sulin resistance, even in patients with metabolic
syndrome, which may reduce the risk of progression
from metabolically unhealthy and obese and having
metabolic syndrome to type 2 diabetes.
In summary, MG and MG-derived AGEs are in-
volved in several pathologies associated with metabolic
syndrome and diabetes, but their progressive accumula-
tion in biological systems may be also associated with
impaired lipid handling and increased susceptibility to
oxidative damage, which may contribute to the develop-
ment of insulin resistance in adipose tissue and liver in
obesity and predispose to the metabolically unhealthy,
obese phenotype. Together with increased b-cell dam-
age, such mechanisms are likely to contribute to the
progressive deterioration of metabolic homeostasis and
development of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Importantly, the impact of early glycotoxin exposure
since the perinatal period is unknown, although recent
evidence suggests such exposure may increase the risk
of metabolic dysregulation and development of
diabetes-like complications in adult life.
Sources of perinatal glycotoxins exposure
In utero exposure to AGEs during embryonic
development. Similar to the other types of diabetes,
GDM-related hyperglycemia increases serum levels of
MG and AGEs, such as CML.
Increased serum
AGE levels are associated with insulin resistance, oxida-
tive stress, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes comor-
bidities in normal individuals and pregnant
In addition to hyperglycemia, mater-
nal AGEs may also derive from dietary absorption,
given that industrialized foods are rich in AGEs
given their possible transfer to the embryo through the
Accordingly, Konishi et al
reported the
impairment of implantation and placental growth and
function by the accumulation of AGEs through RAGE
activation, oxidative stress, low human chorionic go-
nadotropin levels, and apoptosis in human first-
trimester trophoblasts. Similarly, Hao et al
Haucke et al
reported the adverse effects of GDM
through raised AGEs levels during embryonic develop-
ment, which promote RAGE activation, inflammation,
and AGE accumulation in the embryo. This environ-
mental stress may collaborate to cause embryo resorp-
tion, fetus malformation, or preterm birth.
On the
other hand, knockout of soluble RAGE in pregnant dia-
betic rats prevents embryonic dysmorphogenesis,
and the administration of the soluble form of RAGE
during pregnancy reduces NF-jB activity in rat fetal
Elevated sugar-sweetened soft beverages and re-
fined carbohydrates consumption during pregnancy
offspring congenital heart defects, SGA newborns, and
increased risk of offspring overweight.
These data reinforce the role of AGE exposure on the
diabetic embryopathy and its implications for proper
fetus development, which are widely related to devel-
opmental origins of diseases at later stages of life.
However, data regarding the mechanisms involved in
AGEs passage through the placenta are not currently
available, to our knowledge, and studies are necessary
in this field.
Glycotoxin exposure during lactation period through
breast milk and infant formula. The lactation period is
essential to the proper development and maturation of
different organs and systems of the newborn, because
breast milk is to supply this nutritional demand. Given
the abundance of evidence regarding the importance of
breastfeeding in infant health, the World Health
Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until
6 months of life and complementary until age 2 years.
Breastfeeding prevents diseases such as diabetes, multi-
ple sclerosis, and celiac disease.
More than just a
source of calories, breast milk is an important source of
bioactive molecules such as antibodies, oligosacchar-
ides, and hormones, which exert beneficial effects for
the healthy development of newborns.
may be found in breast milk and plays an important
role in the process of gut maturation, decreasing perme-
ability to macromolecules.
The milk composition depends on the maternal
metabolic status and there is evidence that breast milk
may also be a source of glycotoxins during lactation.
Human studies have shown that the neonatal intake of
breast milk from mothers with diabetes was related to
overweight and glucose intolerance.
Mericq et al
found a correlation between blood AGE levels of lactat-
ing mothers and their infants, raising the question of
whether maternal diet during lactation influences infant
glycoxidative stress. Even in other diseases, such as
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beriberi, when an accumulation of glucose metabolites
such as MG occurs, there is an increased concentration
of these substances in breast milk.
Infants whose
mothers smoked during pregnancy and/or lactation
have increased accumulation of AGEs in their skin, in-
dicating that the transmission of glycotoxins from
mother to child may also occur through breast milk.
Altered composition of breast milk from obese dams,
caused by high-sugar consumption, programs rat off-
spring to develop obesity due to the impairment of mel-
anocortin system.
Other studies have demonstrated that the levels
and effects of breast-milk AGEs may also originate in
maternal diet. Cows fed a diet high in AGEs had in-
creased glycated compounds in their milk, such as MG-
On the other hand, a diet low in AGEs during
pregnancy and the neonatal period prevented the devel-
opment of type 1 diabetes in the offspring of NOD
In this regard, it was previously demonstrated
that oral administration of MG to lactating rats in-
creased the content of the glycation intermediary fruc-
tosamine in their milk, which was related to the
development of a diabetic phenotype in the offspring
during adult life.
Such observations are in line with
evidence that AGE levels in the blood could be derived
from the diet and not just produced endogenously. In
fact, a strong correlation between intake of AGEs and
AGE levels in the plasma has been demonstrated.
Similarly, evidence from human studies have shown
that dietary restriction of AGEs decreases their concen-
tration in plasma and their renal excretion.
animals fed a
C-labelled, AGE-rich diet, as in humans,
10% of dietary AGEs are absorbed.
Indeed, the
glycation compound pirralyne, as well as major AGEs
such as CML, (carboxyethyl)lysine, and MG-H1, are
absorbed in the form of dipeptides via PEPT1 trans-
porter in intestinal cells.
Another source of glycotoxins during the perinatal
period are infant formulas, which commonly contain
high levels of AGEs, reaching almost a 35-fold higher
concentration of CML than breast milk of healthy
AGEs are formed in heat-treated foods,
as a product from Maillard reaction, or nonenzymatic
browning. In fact, traditional methods of cooking that
use high temperature (100C–250C), such as frying,
baking, and grilling, contribute to a higher grade of
AGE formation, because foods rich in reducing sugars
and proteins are more prone to the formation of these
For instance, grilled beef has 5 times
higher AGE levels (5963 kU/100 g) than boiled beef
(1124 kU/100 g).
Also, infant formulas are rich in
sugars and proteins, and their industrial production
includes heat treatment. Hence, it was demonstrated
that hydrolysate infant formulas, rich in whey, have
higher concentrations of CML because whey proteins
are subjected to great heat treatment during
manufacturing of infant formula.
A positive correlation between formula-derived
AGEs, increased AGE circulating levels, and their uri-
nary excretion was found in newborns, indicating its
In an animal model of intrauterine
growth restriction, animals fed a high-AGE formula
during suckling had CML accumulation in renal tubu-
lar cells that was associated with increased protein oxi-
dation and expression of pro-inflammatory and
apoptotic factors.
Similarly, intrauterine growth re-
stricted piglets fed a high-AGE formula during suckling
have increased liver oxidative stress at adulthood, due
to impaired antioxidant activity.
Some authors sug-
gest high consumption of glycation compounds through
infant formulas during early life may predispose to the
development of oxidative stress and diseases later in
life, such as diabetes.
It was observed that increased
maternal AGE levels were correlated with the infant
AGE levels, which may precondition the young to high
oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance.
A more recent investigation observed decreased insulin
sensitivity in infants fed AGE-rich formula compared
with those fed only breast milk, although the specific
AGE contribution to decreased insulin sensitivity was
not clear, because no differences were observed in
infants fed a low-AGE formula.
In this context, it was shown that glycation of
dairy protein by MG or glyoxal may decrease the pro-
tein digestibility by proteases, mainly due to cross-
linked AGEs.
On the other hand, noncross-linked
are more prone to be absorbed by intestinal epithelial
High-molecular-weight AGEs are harder to di-
gest and absorb, so they are more able to advance in
the intestinal tract and interact with the colonic micro-
In fact, dietary AGEs may influence the
microbiota composition. In rats, dietary AGEs reduced
the diversity of microbiota, decreasing short-chain
fatty acid–producing bacteria and damaging the co-
lonic epithelial barrier.
Human studies also report
the interaction between dietary AGEs and changes in
gut microbiota composition, highlighting the impor-
tance of this interaction to human health.
However, little is known about the mechanisms of
AGE absorption in the neonatal gut. The newborn gut
is not totally mature, and the epithelial gut barrier of
newborns is still permeable to the passage of macro-
molecules, such as hormones, carbohydrates, and pep-
Thus, the newborn gut may be more
complacent to the passage of glycotoxins, making the
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rat pup more susceptible to the absorption and accu-
mulation of AGEs and their precursors. Newborn rats
are more susceptible to the toxic effects of orally deliv-
ered MG, because the lethal dose is almost 4 times
lower than that for an adult male rat (531 mg/kg vs
1990 mg/kg).
In short, exposure to increased AGE
levels by infant formulas or via breast milk are detri-
mental to health and proper development of the infant.
In general, the mechanisms of AGE absorption, diges-
tion, and interaction with the microbiota are not well
understood, and less is known about these mecha-
nisms in infancy; thus, more studies are necessary to
clarify them.
Although several studies have reported high perinatal
exposure to AGEs during embryonic development and
lactation, little is known about their effects in metabolic
programming and in increasing the risk of development
of noncommunicable diseases in adulthood. Moreover,
the consumption of AGEs through milk or infant for-
mulas disturbs metabolic homeostasis in newborns and
is associated with pancreatic dysfunction and cardiovas-
cular and central nervous system diseases. Exposure of
lactating rats to high dietary levels of sucrose or high-
fructose corn syrup was observed to lead to increased
free fatty acid levels, adiposity, and liver fat in the off-
spring at weaning.
Accordingly, Csongov
have shown increased predisposition for weight gain
and insulin resistance in the progeny of females fed an
AGE-rich diet during pregnancy, and Francisco et al
have shown a similar impact of increased maternal ex-
posure to MG during lactation leading to an impaired
lipid profile and adiposity in the offspring. The authors
also reported decreased b-cell function in the off-
Accordingly, using type 1 diabetic NOD
mice, 2 different studies have shown the impact of peri-
natal AGE exposure on b-cell function. Peppa et al
have shown that low-glycotoxin fetal and neonatal envi-
ronments, through maternal AGE dietary restriction,
decreased T-cell inflammatory activity in the pancreas,
resulting in lower glycemia and increased survival.
Accordingly, Borg et al
have shown deteriorated b-
cell function in the progeny of NOD females exposed to
increased dietary AGE levels during pregnancy and
The impact of perinatal AGEs exposure to other
pathologies is less studied, although a few studies have
implicated perinatal AGEing in the development of car-
diovascular diseases and central nervous system
disorders. Vascular diseases in adult life are associated
with increased glycoxidative stress, and increased pre-
natal AGE exposure also resulted in early cardiac
changes. Embryos of diabetic female rats accumulated
higher levels of CML, which was associated with lower
vascular endothelial growth factor levels.
As well,
AGE levels were increased in the heart of newborns of
streptozotocin-induced diabetic dams and were associ-
ated with increased oxidative stress and inflammatory
Recent reports have suggested impairment of the
AGE-RAGE axis in preterm birth. Chiavaroli et al
have shown decreased levels of soluble RAGE and en-
dogenous secretory RAGE in overweight prepubertal
children who were LGA or SGA, and these were corre-
lated with insulin resistance. In the central nervous sys-
tem, increased hippocampal RAGE expression was
observed in the offspring of streptozotocin-induced dia-
betic female rats, which was associated with increased
excitability and behavioral changes.
Increased glyca-
tion during gestational diabetes has been implicated in
impaired neural development, namely, in the decrease
of cortical neural precursor cells.
Authors have
shown that glyoxalase pathway disruption during em-
bryonic development leads to premature neurogenesis,
depletion of cortical neural precursor cells, and behav-
ioral changes, which were found in the offspring of dia-
betic murine mothers.
Thus, high AGE levels in mothers can predispose
their progeny to impaired metabolic homeostasis, and
recent data suggest defining cutoff values for maternal
glycated albumin levels during pregnancy to prevent
neonatal complications.
As previously described, exposure to glycotoxins during
perinatal life may occur in utero, because AGEs can
cross the placental barrier and impair fetal develop-
ment, activating the RAGE axis and increasing oxida-
tive stress, which may underlie the embryopathy related
to GDM. Furthermore, the exposure during lactation
may occur via breast milk, because maternal circulating
AGE levels may influence AGE concentration in the
milk. It is well established that uncontrolled glycemia in
GDM increases MG and AGE circulating levels, to
which the embryo is exposed. Thus, the first approach
to prevent MG and AGE exposure should be a proper
glycemic control. Metformin was suggested as an effi-
cient and safe drug for GDM treatment.
Besides im-
proving insulin sensitivity and decreasing hepatic
gluconeogenesis, metformin may directly react with
and scavenge MG, preventing the formation of MG-
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derived AGEs such as MG-H1.
During lactation,
the same interventions may be administered to treat
maternal diabetes, thus preventing the transmission of
glycotoxins from mother to the infant through breast
As previously described, the diet is one of the main
sources of external glycotoxins. Because maternal AGEs
may be transmitted to the infant via placenta or breast
milk, the consumption of ultraprocessed or high-
temperature cooked food should be discouraged or con-
trolled, because they present high levels of AGEs. The
intake of fresh foods should be encouraged, such as in
natura vegetables and fruits as part of balanced diet.
Attention should be taken in the cooking process,
avoiding high temperature methods such as frying and
grilling, opting for low-temperature methods such as
AGEs are largely found in infant formulas, contrib-
uting to increase the pool of AGEs in the infant. As rec-
ommended by the World Health Organization,
breastfeeding must be exclusive during the first
6 months of life.
In this sense, infant formula must be
implemented only when breast milk was not available,
thus avoiding unnecessary use. As mentioned, the in-
dustrial process to obtain whey protein leads to a higher
degree of AGE formation; therefore, the addition of
whey protein should be avoided. The use of milk from
different animals, such as goat, should be encouraged,
because their amino acidic profile is more similar to the
human milk, making the addition of whey protein un-
necessary, thus reducing the amount of AGEs in the fi-
nal product.
Thus, some interventions may be taken to prevent
AGE exposure during perinatal life, including proper
glycemic control in mothers with diabetes and the
adoption of a balanced diet low in ultraprocessed food.
Quitting smoking may also be an important interven-
tion, because smoking during lactation may increase
AGE levels in breast milk.
Infant formulas should be
prescribed with caution, and industry should be en-
couraged to develop infant formulas with low AGE
More studies are needed to understand the mechanisms
underlying the effects of perinatal, neonatal, and in-
fancy exposure to glycotoxins to prevent the metabolic
programming of diseases due to the embryo and infant
exposure to AGEs. In clinical practice, the advice to
Figure 1 Main sources and potential mechanisms by which exposure to glycotoxins during perinatal life (eg, gestation, lactation)
may potentially program cardiometabolic disease development during adult life. Abbreviations: AGE, advanced glycation end product;
MG, methylglyoxal.
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pregnant and lactating women about the importance of
the diet and glycemic control is essential. To study the
long-term effects of intrauterine and postnatal exposure
to glycotoxins in humans, a long follow-up of the off-
spring and mother is required, given that studies about
this issue are currently scarce.
Author contributions. F.A.F., P.M., and R.M.G. outlined
and drafted the manuscript. All the authors contributed
to the writing of the manuscript. P.M., P.C.F.M., and
R.M.G. supervised the work. All the authors revised and
approved the manuscript for publication.
Funding. Financial support was received from the fol-
lowing Brazilian funding agencies: Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico and
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento Pessoal de N
Superior. None of the funding agencies were involved
with the conception, design, performance, or approval
of this study.
Declaration of interest. None.
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... A high fructose intake is related to AGE accumulation in different tissues, which leads to insulin resistance and dyslipidemia [10]. Studies have reported that perinatal exposure to AGEs during pregnancy and lactation is one of the factors causing metabolic programming, increasing the risk of developing NCDs in adulthood [11]. ...
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Obesity and the intake of high-sugar diets have dramatically increased in recent decades. However, it is still uncertain how sugar intake during the critical development phase affects the long-term health of children. In this context, the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept established a correlation between early life environment and the development of cardiometabolic diseases in adulthood. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the consequences of sugar intake during the critical development phase for the onset of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). We found evidence that increased sugar intake during pregnancy contributes to maternal obesity and many cardiometabolic dysfunctions in the offspring. Furthermore, dietary sugar during the suckling period provokes the obese phenotype in adulthood. Finally, high-sugar diet intake during childhood induces metabolic syndrome and depressive-like behavior.
... Maternal hyperglycaemia during pregnancy has been shown to increase MG and AGEs circulation levels, which induces premature hippocampal neurogenesis and depletion of neuronal cells in the prefrontal cortex [9], due to its passage from the placenta, contributing to behavioural alterations in early adulthood [7]. Additionally, MG treatment in lactating mothers contributes to offspring adiposity and overweight, glucose intolerance and impaired beta-cell function, increasing the susceptibility to develop metabolic syndrome at adulthood [13]. ...
Aim: Lactation is an important programming window for metabolic disease and neuronal alterations later in life. We aimed to study the effect of maternal glycation during lactation on offspring neurodevelopment and behaviour, assessing possible sex differences and underpinning molecular players. Methods: Female Wistar rats were treated with the Glyoxalase-1 inhibitor S-p-Bromobenzylguthione cyclopentyl diester (BBGC 5 mg/kg). A control and vehicle group treated with dimethyl sulfoxide were considered. Male and female offspring were tested at infancy for neurodevelopment hallmarks. After weaning, triglycerides and total antioxidant capacity were measured in breast milk. At adolescence, offspring were tested for locomotor ability, anxious-like behaviour, and recognition memory. Metabolic parameters were assessed, and the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex were collected for molecular analysis. Key findings: Maternal glycation reduced triglycerides and total antioxidant capacity levels in breast milk. At infancy, both male and female offspring presented an anticipation on the achievement of neurodevelopmental milestones. At adolescence, male offspring exposed to maternal glycation presented hyperlocomotion, whereas offspring of both sexes presented a risk-taking phenotype, accompanied by GABAA receptor upregulation in the hippocampus. Females also demonstrated GABAA and PSD-95 changes in prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, lower levels of GLO1 and consequently higher accumulation of AGES were also observed in both male and female offspring hippocampus. Significance: Early exposure to maternal glycation induces changes in milk composition leading to neurodevelopment changes at infancy, and sex-specific behavioural and neurometabolic changes at adolescence, further evidencing that lactation period is a critical metabolic programming window and in sculpting behaviour.
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Background & Aims High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing is a non-thermal method proposed as an alternative to Holder pasteurization (HoP) for the treatment of human milk. HHP preserves numerous milk bioactive components that are degraded by HoP, but no data are available for milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) or the formation of Maillard reaction products, which may be deleterious for preterm newborns. Methods We evaluated the impact of HHP processing of human milk on 22 HMOs measured by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and on furosine, lactuloselysine, carboxymethyllysine (CML) and carboxyethyllysine (CEL) measured by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS), four established indicators of the Maillard reaction. Human raw milk was sterilized by HoP (62.5°C for 30 min) or processed by HHP (350 MPa at 38°C). Results Neither HHP nor HoP processing affected the concentration of HMOs, but HoP significantly increased furosine, lactuloselysine, CML and CEL levels in milk. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that HPP treatment preserves HMOs and avoids formation of Maillard reaction products. Our study confirms and extends previous findings that HHP treatment of human milk provides safe milk, with fewer detrimental effects on the biochemically active milk components than HoP.
Background Prenatal stress is associated with increased susceptibility to psychiatric and metabolic disorders later in life. Prenatal exposure to stress mediators may have sex-dependent effects on offspring brain and metabolic function, promoting a sex-specific vulnerability to psychopathology and metabolic alterations at adulthood. In this work, the impact of prenatal stress on glucose homeostasis and peripheral metabolism of male and female offspring was investigated in a chronic anxiety animal model. Methods Pregnant Wistar rats were injected with saline or glucocorticoid (dexamethasone: 1 mg/kg, subcutaneous) at gestational days 18 and 19. Male and female offspring weight was monitored, and anxious-like behavior and peripheral insulin sensitive tissues were analyzed at adulthood. Results At birth, females and males prenatally exposed to stress presented decreased body weight which remained low in females. At adulthood a morphological disorganization of the Langerhans islets was observed in both sexes prenatally exposed to stress, yet not changes in insulin levels were detected. Also, prenatal stress increased glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4) levels in female and male adipose tissue, and decreased insulin receptor levels in the liver and skeleton muscle but only in females. Conclusions Exposure to stress mediators in critical periods of development negatively affects behavior and metabolism. Prenatal stress programs offspring peripheral metabolism in a sex-specific manner, emphasizing that the response to stress in critical periods of development may be sex-specific having each sex different vulnerabilities to psychiatric and metabolic disorders. Considering sex-specificities may provide critical clues for the design of preventive strategies and for early therapeutic intervention.
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is caused by excessive liver lipid accumulation, but insulin resistance is specifically associated with impaired lipid saturation, oxidation, and storage (esterification), besides increased de novo lipogenesis. We hypothesized that dietary glycotoxins could impair hepatic lipid metabolism in obesity contributing to lipotoxicity-driven insulin resistance and thus to the onset of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In diet-induced obese rats with methylglyoxal-induced glycation, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography were used to assess liver composition in fatty acyl chains and phospholipids. High-fat diet-induced obesity increased liver lipid fraction and suppressed de novo lipogenesis but did not change fatty acid esterification and saturation or insulin sensitivity. Despite a similar increase in total lipid fraction when supplementing the high-fat diet with dietary glycotoxins, impairment in the suppression of de novo lipogenesis and decreased fatty acid unsaturation and esterification were observed. Moreover, glycotoxins also decreased polyunsaturated cardiolipins and caused oxidative stress, portal inflammation, and insulin resistance in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. Dietary glycated products do not change total lipid levels in the liver of obese rats but dramatically modify the lipidemic profile, leading to oxidative stress, hepatic lipotoxicity, and insulin resistance in obesity and thus contribute to the onset of NASH.
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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), an important public health problem that affects mothers and offspring, is a common metabolic disorder. We evaluated the effect of the pre-pregnancy Mediterranean diet (MD) level of exposure on the odds of GDM development. A case-control study (291 GDM cases and 1175 controls without GDM) was conducted in pregnant women. Pre-pregnancy dietary intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire to calculate an MD adherence index (range score 0–9: low ≤ 2; middle 3–4; high 5–6; very high ≥ 7). Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using multivariable logistic regression models including age, BMI, family history of diabetes mellitus, previous GDM, miscarriages, and gravidity. Overall, middle-high MD adherence was 216/291 (74.2%) and very high adherence was 17/291 (5.8%) in cases. In controls the corresponding figures were 900/1175 (76.6%) and 73/1175 (6.2%), respectively. Compared to low adherence, high MD adherence was associated with GDM reduction (aOR 0.61, 95% CI 0.39,0.94; p = 0.028), and very high MD adherence was even more strongly associated (aOR 0.33, 95% CI 0.15, 0.72; p = 0.005). The protective effect of adherence to the MD prior to pregnancy should be considered as a preventive tool against the development of GDM.
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Background/Objective Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common pregnancy complication, with complex disease mechanisms, and several risk factors may contribute to its onset. We performed an umbrella review to summarize the evidence from meta-analyses of observational studies on risk factors associated with GDM, evaluate whether there are indications of biases in this literature and identify which of the previously reported associations are supported by convincing evidence. Methods We searched PubMed and ISI Web of Science from inception to December 2018 to identify meta-analyses examining associations between putative risk factors for GDM. For each meta-analysis we estimated the summary effect size, the 95% confidence interval, the 95% prediction interval, the between-study heterogeneity, evidence of small-study effects, and evidence of excess-significance bias. Results Thirty eligible meta-analyses were identified, providing data on 61 associations. Fifty (82%) associations had nominally statistically significant findings (P<0.05), while only 15 (25%) were significant at P<10⁻⁶ under the random-effects model. Only four risk factors presented convincing evidence:, low vs. normal BMI (cohort studies), BMI ~30–35 kg/m2 vs. normal BMI, BMI >35 kg/m2 vs. normal BMI, and hypothyroidism. Conclusions The compilation of results from synthesis of observational studies suggests that increased BMI and hypothyroidism show the strongest consistent evidence for an association with GDM. Diet and lifestyle modifications in pregnancy should be tested in large randomized trials. Our findings suggest that women with known thyroid disease may be offered screening for GDM earlier in pregnancy.
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The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between consumption of different types of carbohydrates (CHO) during pregnancy and the risk of having a small for gestational age (SGA) newborn. A retrospective matched case–control design was carried out with a total of 518 mother-offspring pairs. A total of 137 validated items were included in the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Conditional logistic regression models were used to calculate crude odds ratios (cORs) and adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Having more than 75 g/day of brown bread showed an inverse association with SGA (aOR = 0.64, CI 0.43–0.96). In contrast, an intake of industrial sweets more than once a day (aOR = 2.70, CI 1.42–5.13), or even 2–6 times a week (aOR = 1.84, CI 1.20–2.82), increased the odds of having a SGA newborn. During pregnancy, the higher the increase of wholegrain cereal and bread, the lower the possibility of having a SGA newborn, but the opposite occurred with refined sugar products—just consuming industrial bakery products or pastries twice a week increased the odds of having an SGA infant. Case–control studies cannot verify causality and only show associations, which may reflect residual confusion due to the presence of unknown factors. It is possible that a high consumption of sugary foods is a marker of a generally poor lifestyle.
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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is commonly regarded as a disease originating from lifestyle-related factors and typically occurring after the age of 40. There is, however, consistent experimental and epidemiological data evidencing that the risk for developing T2D may largely depend on conditions early in life. In particular, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) induced by poor or unbalanced nutrient intake can impair fetal growth and also cause fetal adipose tissue and pancreatic β -cell dysfunction. On account of these processes, persisting adaptive changes can occur in the glucose-insulin metabolism. These changes can include reduced ability for insulin secretion and insulin resistance, and they may result in an improved capacity to store fat, thereby predisposing to the development of T2D and obesity in adulthood. Accumulating research findings indicate that epigenetic regulation of gene expression plays a critical role in linking prenatal malnutrition to the risk of later-life metabolic disorders including T2D. In animal models of IUGR, changes in both DNA methylation and expression levels of key metabolic genes were repeatedly found which persisted until adulthood. The causal link between epigenetic disturbances during development and the risk for T2D was also confirmed in several human studies. In this review, the conceptual models and empirical data are summarized and discussed regarding the contribution of epigenetic mechanisms in developmental nutritional programming of T2D.
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Background Cardiovascular complications of pregnancy present an opportunity to assess risk for subsequent cardiovascular disease. We sought to determine whether peripartum cardiomyopathy and hypertensive disorder of pregnancy subtypes predict future myocardial infarction, heart failure or stroke independent of one another and of other risks such as gestational diabetes, preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction. Methods and results The California Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project database was used to identify all hospitalised pregnancies from 2005 to 2009, with follow-up through 2011, for a retrospective cohort study. Pregnancies, exposures, covariates and outcomes were defined by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision codes. Among 1.6 million pregnancies (mean age 28 years; median follow-up time to event excluding censoring 2.7 years), 558 cases of peripartum cardiomyopathy, 123 603 hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, 107 636 cases of gestational diabetes, 116 768 preterm births and 23 504 cases of intrauterine growth restriction were observed. Using multivariable Cox proportional hazards models, peripartum cardiomyopathy was independently associated with a 39.2-fold increase in heart failure (95% CI 30.0 to 51.9), resulting in ~1 additional hospitalisation per 1000 person-years. There was a 13.0-fold increase in myocardial infarction (95% CI 4.1 to 40.9) and a 7.7-fold increase in stroke (95% CI 2.4 to 24.0). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were associated with 1.4-fold (95% CI 1.0 to 2.0) to 7.6-fold (95% CI 5.4 to 10.7) higher risk of myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke, resulting in a maximum of ~1 additional event per 1000 person-years. Gestational diabetes, preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction had more modest associations. Conclusion These findings support close monitoring of women with cardiovascular pregnancy complications for prevention of early cardiovascular events and study of mechanisms underlying their development.
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The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in foods is accelerated with heat treatment, particularly within foods that are cooked at high temperatures for long periods of time using dry heat. The modern processed diet is replete with AGEs, and excessive AGE consumption is thought to be associated with a number of negative health effects. Many dietary AGEs have high molecular weight and are not absorbed in the intestine, and instead pass through to the colon, where they are available for metabolism by the colonic bacteria. Recent studies have been conducted to explore the effects of AGEs on the composition of the gut microbiota as well as the production of beneficial microbial metabolites, in particular, short-chain fatty acids. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding the impact of dietary AGEs on gut microbiota reshaping, which may be due, in part, to the formation of alternate compounds during the thermal treatment of foods. This review summarises the current evidence regarding dietary sources of AGEs, their gastrointestinal absorption and role in gut microbiota reshaping, provides a brief overview of the health implications of dietary AGEs and highlights knowledge gaps and avenues for future study.
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Studies report increased risk of congenital heart defects (CHD) in the offspring of mothers with diabetes, where high blood glucose levels might confer the risk. We explored the association between intake of sucrose-sweetened soft beverages during pregnancy and risk of CHD. Prospective cohort data with 88,514 pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study was linked with information on infant CHD diagnoses from national health registers and the Cardiovascular Diseases in Norway Project. Risk ratios were estimated by fitting generalized linear models and generalized additive models. The prevalence of children with CHD was 12/1000 in this cohort (1049/88,514). Among these, 201 had severe and 848 had non-severe CHD (patent ductus arteriosus; valvular pulmonary stenosis; ventricular septal defect; atrial septal defect). Only non-severe CHD was associated with sucrose-sweetened soft beverages. The adjusted risk ratios (aRR) for non-severe CHD was 1.30 (95% CI 1.07–1.58) for women who consumed 25–70 ml/day and 1.27 (95% CI 1.06–1.52) for women who consumed ≥ 70 ml/day when compared to those drinking ≤ 25 ml/day. Dose–response analyses revealed an association between the risk of non-severe CHD and the increasing exposure to sucrose-sweetened soft beverages, especially for septal defects with aRR = 1.26 (95% CI 1.07–1.47) per tenfold increase in daily intake dose. The findings persisted after adjustment for maternal diabetes or after excluding mothers with diabetes (n = 19). Fruit juices, cordial beverages and artificial sweeteners showed no associations with CHD. The findings suggest that sucrose-sweetened soft beverages may affect the CHD risk in offspring.
Background and aims: Previous studies suggest that psychological distress during pregnancy may lead to fetal developmental adaptations, which programme cardio-metabolic disease of the offspring. We examined the associations of maternal overall psychological distress, depression and anxiety during pregnancy with cardio-metabolic risk factors in 10-year-old children and explore potential sex-specific differences. Methods and results: In a population-based prospective cohort study among 4,088 mothers and their children, information about overall psychological distress, including depression and anxiety was obtained through the Brief Symptom Inventory during pregnancy. We measured child blood pressure and heart rate and insulin, glucose, serum lipids and C-reactive protein blood concentrations at 10 years. Analyses were performed in the total group and in boys and girls separately. Psychological distress during pregnancy was associated with higher childhood heart rate among boys only (differences 0.34 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.18, 0.50) standard deviation scores (SDS), 0.22 (95% CI 0.06, 0.38) SDS, 0.33 (95% CI 0.19, 0.48) SDS, for overall psychological distress, depression and anxiety, respectively). Maternal anxiety during pregnancy was associated with higher childhood triglycerides among girls (difference 0.35 (95% CI 0.17, 0.53) SDS). Maternal psychological distress was not associated with childhood blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin, glucose and C-reactive protein concentrations. Conclusions: Maternal psychological distress may influence their offspring heart rate and triglycerides concentrations. Further studies are needed to replicate these findings and assess the long-term cardio-metabolic consequences of maternal psychological distress.
Aims:: To investigate if oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) associates with changes in maternal symptoms (ie, flushing, sweating), blood nonenzymatic advanced glycation end products (AGE), acute-phase reactive inflammatory markers, and oxidative stress. Methods:: Prospective case-control study of patients screened for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). One hundred nonfasting, second-trimester consecutive pregnant women allocated to either 50 g OGTT or water. Five women who had a 3-hour fasting 100 g OGTT also enrolled. Maternal serum glucose, AGE, soluble receptor for AGE (sRAGE), interleukin (IL)-6, and C-reactive protein (CRP) were immunoassayed. Total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP) estimated with antioxidant capacity-peroxyl assay. Data corrected for gestational age and maternal body mass index. Results:: During 50 g OGTT there was a decrease in systolic blood pressure not accompanied by the onset of adverse clinical symptoms. There was a decrease in serum glucose levels 1 hour after water ( P = .019) but not glucose ingestion. Serum CRP ( P = .001) but not IL-6 was increased. The AGE, sRAGE, and TRAP levels remained unchanged. Similar results were seen during 100 g OGTT, except serum glucose was significantly elevated after 1 hour. Conclusion:: Results suggest screening tools for gestational diabetes are safe and clinically well tolerated during pregnancy. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT03029546.