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Comparison Among Manual Facial Approximations Conducted by Two Methodological Approaches of Face Prediction


Abstract and Figures

This study verified the difference between two methods of forensic facial approximation (FFA) regarding recognition and resemblance rates. Three-dimensional models of skulls were obtained from computerized tomography (CT) scans of two subjects (targets). Two manual FFAs were performed for each target, by applying two different guidelines for the facial structures (what we called "American method" (AM) and "Combined method" (CM)). Unfamiliar assessors evaluated the sculptures by recognition and resemblance tests. The AM was that which allowed more correct responses of recognition and higher resemblance's scores for the male target (p < 0.001). Regarding guidelines for modeling characteristics of the face, the ones that are practical and easily performed for sculptures, such as the length of the anterior nasal spine multiplied by 3 for nose prediction, may offer better results in terms of resemblance.
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Lara Maria Herrera,
M.Sc.; Ra
ıssa Ananda Paim Strapasson,
M.Sc.; Alice Aquino Zanin,
Jorge Vicente Lopes da Silva,
Ph.D.; and Rodolfo Francisco Haltenhoff Melani,
Comparison Among Manual Facial
Approximations Conducted by Two
Methodological Approaches of Face Prediction
ABSTRACT: This study verified the difference between two methods of forensic facial approximation (FFA) regarding recognition and
resemblance rates. Three-dimensional models of skulls were obtained from computerized tomography (CT) scans of two subjects (targets). Two
manual FFAs were performed for each target, by applying two different guidelines for the facial structures (what we called American method
(AM) and Combined method(CM)). Unfamiliar assessors evaluated the sculptures by recognition and resemblance tests. The AM was that
which allowed more correct responses of recognition and higher resemblances scores for the male target (p<0.001). Regarding guidelines for
modeling characteristics of the face, the ones that are practical and easily performed for sculptures, such as the length of the anterior nasal spine
multiplied by 3 for nose prediction, may offer better results in terms of resemblance.
KEYWORDS: forensic science, forensic anthropology, forensic dentistry, skull, face, forensic facial reconstruction, forensic facial approxi-
mation, sculpture
Forensic facial approximation (FFA) is a technique that uses
the analysis of the skull and specific guidelines to estimate the
most likely face of an unknown individual.
The literature often distinguishes the technique according to
the space (two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D)), the
tool (pencils, modeling clay, or computer), and the method
adopted. The latter refers to the three different schools of FFA:
American, Russian (or anatomical method), and British (also
called combined, mixed, or Manchesters method).
The American method, created by Krogman, relies on facial
soft tissue thickness (FSTT) tables. Once the skull is positioned
in the Frankfurt horizontal plane (FHP), markers with FSTT
average values are glued onto the skull at specific landmarks.
Therefore, they can act as guides for the deposition of the mod-
eling material (1,2).
The Russian method, which was developed by Mikhail
Gerasimov, consists of modeling the muscles of the face and the
neck one by one, considering signs or traces on the skull.
Besides this, Gerasimov believed that facial components such as
eyes, nose, mouth, and ears could be predicted from specific
areas of the skull (1,2).
In the U.K., Richard Neave created the combined method,
which is a fusion of the American and the Russian methods. In
this method, Neave used the knowledge of facial muscle anat-
omy and the FSTT mean values (24).
Some authors dispute the conception of these schools. There
are records showing that Gerasimov documented the Russian
technique with drawings without soft tissue depth indicators (2).
On the other hand, researchers (58) point out that the Russian
method is not solely based on the anatomical knowledge of the
face. They say Gerasimov obtained FSTT data from five land-
marks and used them in some of his sculptures. These data were
not references at isolated sites but lines of the profile,built
with strips of clay onto the skull. The interpretation of these
authors is that the Russian method would follow the same prin-
ciple as the combined method. Ullrich and Stephan (6) also
report that Gerasimov considered the determination of the areas
of insertion of the muscles to be questionable and that it was
unusual to represent the muscles in his sculptures, except for the
temporal and the masseter (6).
Stephan (5,8) also questions the American method by claim-
ing that it would have emerged in Germany and that it would
follow the principle of the combined method as Krogman has
stated anatomical knowledge and notions of facial proportions to
be necessary to achieve a good result in the approximation.
Despite these controversies, studies usually designate one of
the three methods to conduct FFAs (see references [917]).
Guidelines for predicting eyes, nose, mouth, and earsstruc-
tures that carry important information for the process of recogni-
tioncomplement the methods. A variety of guidelines are
Department of Community Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of
ao Paulo, Avenida Professor Lineu Prestes, 2227, S~
ao Paulo, SP 05508-
000, Brazil.
Department of Community Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Araraquara,
ao Paulo State University (UNESP), Rua Humait!
a, 1680, Araraquara, SP
14801-903, Brazil.
Three-dimensional Technologies Division, Renato Archer Information
Technology Center, Rodovia Dom Pedro I, km 143.6, Jardim Santa M^
Campinas, SP 13069-901, Brazil.
Received 8 July 2016; and in revised form 23 Nov. 2016; accepted 29
Nov. 2016.
1©2017 American Academy of Forensic Sciences
J Forensic Sci, 2017
doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13435
Available online at:
available, developed from the observation of the relationship
between soft and hard tissues in different populations. Some of
these subjective guidelines were assessed in photographs and
CTs, demonstrating uncertainty regarding morphology and
dimensions (4,1820).
The comparison among individuals and their FAs has been
widely used to evaluate the accuracy of the technique. However,
studies evaluating different methodologies applied on the skull,
especially regarding the three aforementioned schools and differ-
ent guidelines of facial features, received little attention (21).
Due to the lack of studies comparing methods for face predic-
tion through manual FA assessments and the lack of studies with
Brazilian subjects, this study aimed to verify whether there is
difference between two methods of FA regarding recognition
and resemblance rates and which one best helps in the process
of recognition.
Materials and Methods
Two Brazilian individualsone female and one male, aged
4560 and 1830, respectivelywith normal nutritional status,
living in the city of S~
ao Paulo, donated copies of their CT scans.
Photographs of their faces were obtained in frontal and profile
views as suggested by authors (2224). These two individuals
were the targets of the study.
At the Renato Archer Information Technology Center (CTI),
CT scans were used to print full-size prototypes of the targets
skulls. A recent study by the authors has described the acquisi-
tion and the accuracy of those replicas (25).
At the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Forensic
Dentistry (School of Dentistry, University of S~
ao Paulo), each
replica was fixed at a base with a vertical stem and positioned in
the FHP. The first author, who performed the FAs, was unaware
of the identities of the targets, but had access to information
related to their biological profile.
For each replica, two manual FAs were conducted: one
with the Americanmethod (AM) and another with the
combinedmethod (CM). FSTT data obtained from living
individuals by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (26) were
used according to authors (17) considering sex and normal
nutritional status. The FSTT for trichionlandmark was not
used, as it is an anatomical landmark in soft tissue with no
corresponding site on the underlying bone. Markers were
obtained with vinyl cylinders, cut to different thicknesses with
the aid of a digital caliper, and glued to their respective land-
marks on the replicas.
Both FAs (AM and CM, respectively) were initially conducted
for the female target (FA1 and FA2) and then for the male target
(FA3 and FA4). We decided to switch methods so that the
researchers practice would not influence them. The first author
has been previously trained for this research by attending a
forty-hour workshop in the field.
Table 1 shows the parameters we used to compose each
TABLE 1–– Guidelines used to make FAs.
Structure American Method (AM) Combined Method (CM)
Filling Clay strips were used for the filling of the face respecting the
thicknesses given by each marker. Filling began across the front
part, followed by the masseter muscle region and chin area (27)
The main muscles of the face were sculpted, based on the origins and
insertions on bone tissue: temporalis, orbicularis oculi, orbicularis
oris, masseter, buccinator, frontalis, corrugator, procerus, compressor
naris, levator labii alaeque nasi, levator labii, levator anguli oris,
zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, risorius, mentalis, depressor
labii, and depressor anguli oris
Eyes Artificial eyes (eyeball of 25 mm diameter and 12 mm iris, according
to the findings of Woff and Tian et al. (cited in [28]) positioned
according to Krogman and Gatliff: In frontal view, the top of the
cornea was placed on the junction of two linesone designed from
the medial margin to the lateral margin of the orbit and the other
forming a bisector, leaving the top edge toward the bottom; in
lateral view, the tip of the cornea was at the center of a line drawn
between the top and lower margins of the orbit, so that to form a
tangent projected 2 mm (27)
Artificial eyes (eyeball of 25 mm diameter and 12 mm iris, according
to the findings of Woff and Tian et al. (cited in [28]) positioned
according to Whitnall (29): closer to the lateral and to the top
margins of the orbit in a front view. The eyeball protrusion relative
to the orbit was 4 mm (28)
Mouth The depth of lips was determined by the infradentaletissue depth
marker; height was obtained by measuring the distance between the
cementumenamel junction lines of upper and lower central incisors;
the mouth width was determined by measuring the distance between
the distal surfaces of the canine teeth (measured in arc). Finally, the
parting line was performed with a marking at the midpoint of the
vertical thickness of lips (27)
The intercanine distance is three-fourths of the total mouth width
(30). The parting line of the lips was located in a middle line
on the crowns of upper teeth according to Angel (cited in
Nose In frontal view, the nasal aperture was measured at its widest point
and this value was added of 10 mm for Caucasoids (5 mm for each
side) and 16 mm for Negroids (8 mm for each side). In lateral view,
for obtaining the nasal projection, the length of the anterior nasal
spine was measured and multiplied by 3. This value was added to
the depth of the tissue depth marker P5MidPhiltrum.The
direction and morphology of the anterior nasal spine were also used
to sculpture the shape of the nose (27)
The nose was sculpted according to formulas of Rynn et al. (31)
according to them, the method restricts the subjectivity of the
method of two tangents of Gerasimov and takes into account the
anatomical variations of the nasal region. The linear distances X, Y,
and Z were obtained, and regression formulas used were as follows:
(i) 0.83 Y !3.5 (mm); (ii) 0.9 X !2 (mm); (iii) 0.93 Y !6 (mm)
Ears Ears were constructed according to the study of Krogman and Iscan
(cited in [20,27]): The length is approximately 50 mm, positioned
behind the mandibular branch, with a slope of 15 degrees
Ears were sculpted and positioned according to Gerasimov (cited in
[20]), who proposes the height corresponding to the distance
between glabella and subnasale points added of 2 mm. The author
also proposes the width as approximately half the length, and also
says that the ear axis is parallel to the jaw branch axis. The format
and positioning were also based on information found in the mastoid
process, which indicated the degree of protrusion of the ear and
whether the lobe was united or free
For both methods, the neck was modeled with soft clay sup-
ported on the support rod. A thin layer of clay was applied on
the face to cover the markers without interfering with the face
shape or the tissues depth. A sponge was used to create the
pores of the skin. Eyebrows were also sculpted (32), and a stan-
dard hairstyle for females and another for males were adopted
regardless of methods. When each sculpture was finished, pho-
tographs were taken in front and profile standards.
Sixteen other volunteers (eight females and eight males) acted
as false targetsby providing photographs of their faces for
comparison with FAs. These volunteers presented similar biolog-
ical profiles to the targets (e.g., sex, age, and nutritional status).
Forty adult volunteers were invited to assess FAs. No assessor
was familiar with the targets and the false targets, as described
by Stephan e Cicolini (33).
The assessments were conducted by recognition and resem-
blance tests, as performed by the authors in a recent study (25):
for the recognition test, each FA (FA1, FA2, FA3, and FA4)
was presented to examiners along with a pool of pictures (eight
false targets and the target individual) and assessors performed
the recognition by pointing out the one they believed to belong
to the FA (they also could choose none of the individuals); for
the resemblance test, the pictures of the FAs and their respective
targets were presented together, side by side and examiners had
to point out the level of resemblance among faces (1 =no
resemblance, 2 =slight resemblance, 3 =approximate resem-
blance, 4 =close resemblance, or 5 =great resemblance). Given
the lowest attributed similarity (score 2), the examiner indicated
the most similar characteristics among those listed: face shape,
eyes, nose, mouth, and/or ears. In addition, FAs were presented
with pictures of two false targets to compose a fake test. Evalua-
tions were conducted on-site (printed survey at the Laboratory of
Anthropology and Forensic Dentistry (OFLab), School of Den-
tistry, University of S~
ao Paulo) and using an online survey, pre-
pared with the exact same characteristics as the on-site
For each FA (FA1, FA2, FA3, and FA4), the absolute (n) and
relative frequencies (%) of faces identified by the assessors as a
target (none or from 1 to 9) were obtained, as well as the fre-
quencies of correct recognition (success). A binomial model for
generalized estimating equations (GEE) (34) with a logistic func-
tion (generalized linear logistic model) was employed to com-
pare the proportions of successes between methods.
For resemblance assessments, frequencies of responses in each
category and measures of central tendency and position were
obtained. For the cases evaluated with any degree of resem-
blance (score >1), the frequencies of the regions of the face of
greatest resemblance were also obtained.
For each FA, three resemblances were evaluated by the same
assessors, one for the target and two others for the false targets.
Thus, the scores among these three evaluations were compared
by the nonparametric Friedman test (35). In addition, to consider
the dependence among observations of the same assessor and
check whether there is effect of method on resemblance propor-
tions, a nonparametric analysis of ordinal data for repeated mea-
sures (36) was made. The level of significance was 5%; that is,
significant differences were considered when the test descriptive
level (p-value) was less than 0.05. Cases in which p-values are
greater than 0.05 and smaller than 0.10 should also be consid-
ered, suggesting a difference with weaker evidence.
SPSS software (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) ver-
sion 19, R version 3.1.1, Macro Excel on: http://www.ime.usp.b
r/~jmsinger/, Microsoft Excel and Word were used.
All participants in this study provided informed and written
consent, and the research was approved by the Research Ethics
Committee (CEP) of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of S~
Paulo (protocol number 37709314.0.0000.0075).
Figure 1 shows FAs of the two targets with the AM (FA1 and
FA3) and CM (FA2 and FA4). Approximately fourteen hours
was needed to make each sculpture.
Descriptive statistics of recognition frequencies are shown in
Table 2. When evaluating the behavior of the differences
between proportions of success by both methods, considering
the dependence of observations, the GEE model showed effect
of method in the proportions of success only for male target, the
AM being that which allowed more correct responses in this
case (female target: Wald statistic =1.05, degrees of free-
dom =1, p-value =0.305; male target: Wald statistic =78.78,
degrees of freedom =1, p-value =<0.001).
More than a half of assessors considered FAs to have some
resemblance (at least slight resemblance) with the targets as seen
in Table 3. When FAs were compared with false targets, more
than a half of assessors also pointed at least a slight resemblance
in most cases.
Difference between proportions of at least some resemblance
(score 2) for the AM and CM (Fig. 2) was not significant for
the female target (p=0.47), while for the male target, the differ-
ence between proportions was significant (p<0.001). A more
detailed analysis of differences among the similarity scores for
the targets in relation to both methods considering the depen-
dence of observations showed effect of method for the male tar-
get, in which the AM allowed higher resemblances scores
(female target: Wald statistic =0.06, degrees of freedom =1, p-
value =0.807; male target: Wald statistic =33.64, degrees of
freedom =1, p-value =<0.001).
The frequencies of the facial regions considered by assessors
to be of great resemblance were obtained only for cases where
there was at least a slight resemblance (Table 4).
3D manual FA has been the most popular approximation
method used in Forensics (15). High rates of success in recogni-
tion, although controversial, have been achieved by this method
(3,9,27). Authors (21,37) have stated that 3D manual methods
are superior to others because they provide a more detailed and
closer appearance, even requiring longer working time. They
have also argued that computerized methods produce facial
images that are unacceptable for identificationdue to their
inanimate appearance, lifeless and limited details.On the other
hand, other researchers (3840) have criticized the manual
method, claiming that it is highly subjective, requiring artistic
ability of the practitioner.
Performed either manually or by computer, advantages and
disadvantages are inherent in both procedures. The metric com-
parison between manual and computerized FA with the face of
the target individual conducted by Decker et al. (41) enabled
viewing areas of greater and lesser accuracy. A comparative
method as such used by the authors does not evaluate the capac-
ity of a face to be recognized or its similarity to the target and
only quantifies morphological details. The authors found that
both techniques (manual and computerized) had areas of inaccu-
racy. The present study used 3D manual methods to predict
faces, as computerized methods represent mimicry of the tradi-
tional ones but in another work environment and with other
Overall, the results suggested that the AM allows greater pro-
portion of correct recognition and higher rates of some resem-
blance compared to the CM. But, at this point, we have no
explanation for the significant results found only for the male
target from the GEE model and from the nonparametric analysis
of ordinal data for repeated measures. Stephan and Hennenberg
(21) verified higher frequencies of recognition by their AM
compared to the their CM, also significant for just one target.
The authors stated that a method can be better than another
depending on the characteristics of the skull. However, they do
not expose which characteristics they refer to and how the char-
acteristics could help choose one method of FA. We think it is
important to mention that recognition is a subjective process and
assessors may respond differently to the same survey of recogni-
tion at different times.
Regarding scores, medians were smaller than 3, indicating that
at least half of the evaluations did not exceed the approximate
TABLE 2–– Frequency of responses using recognition test to assess FAs.
Female Male
FA1 (AM) FA2 (CM) FA3 (AM) FA4 (CM)
0 (none) 2 5.0 8 20.0 4 10.0 5 12.5
1 6 15.0 4 10.0 0 0.0 1 2.5
2 5 12.5 14 35.0 4 10.0 1 2.5
3 9 22.5 0 0.0 1 2.5 2 5.0
4 1 2.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
5 1 2.5 2 5.0 2 5.0 1 2.5
6 3 7.5 3 7.5 14 35.0 717.5
7820.0 410.0 7 17.5 9 22.5
8 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 20.0 13 32.5
9 5 12.5 5 12.5 0 0.0 1 2.5
Total 40 100.0 40 100.0 40 100.0 40 100.0
Highlighted values represent correct recognitions (targets).
TABLE 3–– Descriptive statistics of scores of the rating scale for resem-
blance assessment and p-value from comparison tests among suspects.
1st. Quartile Median 3rd. Quartile p-Value*
FA1A 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.760
FA1B 1.00 2.00 3.00
FA1C 2.00 2.00 3.00
1.00 1.00 2.00 <0.001
1.00 2.00 2.00
2.00 2.00 3.00
2.00 3.00 4.00 <0.001
1.00 2.00 2.75
2.00 2.00 3.00
FA4A 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.334
FA4B 1.00 1.00 2.00
FA4C 1.00 2.00 2.75
*Friedman test.
Shows higher significant values than
Bold values represent the targets.
FIG. 1–– FAs of the targets. FA1: American method (female); FA2: combined method (female); FA3: American method (male); FA4: combined method
(male); T1: female target; T2: male target. Source: adapted from Herrera et al. (25).
resemblance, showing low resemblance, even in relation to the
targets, for both methods. Assessments have already indicated
that targets do not obtain higher scores compared to false targets
and that approximations made morphologically differently
obtained similar scores by the resemblance tests (10). Maybe this
has happened because FA is a technique that estimates faces
including characteristics that cannot even be predicted solely
from the skull, and assessors may expect portraits. Moreover, in
FFA, professionals deal with a lot of techniques and general
rules developed for specific populations to predict facial appear-
ance (nose, mouth, and so on), which does not mean they will
fit to any skull.
So, we have attributed different techniques for prediction to
each method (AM and CM) for the structures of the face.
Despite the low resemblances pointed to by assessors for com-
pleted faces, it was possible to assess each characteristic alone.
We observed that the overall shape of the face of the FAs was
considered more similar to the face of the targets regardless of
the methods (Table 4). The shape of the face is a very important
parameter for facial assessments, mainly considered by unfamil-
iar assessors (22). The fact that CM has worked better for the
male target than for the female one may be explained by the
FIG. 2–– Frequencies of at least some resemblance (score 2). Letter B (female) and letter A (male) represent the targets.
TABLE 4–– Frequencies of the regions of the face of greatest resemblance.
Methods Regions of the Face
Target Male Target
American Face shape 18 72.00 25 67.57
Nose 15 60.00 29 78.38
Eyes 12 48.00 15 40.54
Mouth 6 24.00 10 27.03
Ears 1 4.00 2 5.41
Combined Face shape 8 27.59 15 68.18
Nose 17 58.62 5 22.73
Eyes 16 55.17 8 36.36
Mouth 9 31.03 4 18.18
Ears 1 3.45 0 0.00
presence of stronger muscles in men, which may have facilitated
configuration of the male face as anatomic principles predomi-
nate in such a method.
Among all the other structures of the face, the nose showed the
highest frequencies of at least some resemblance with the nose of
the targets (Table 4), especially those constructed with the method
of the length of the anterior nasal spine multiplied by 3 (27). This
technique was considered for underestimating the nasal projection
for men and women in a study using radiographs (19), and the
authors stated that it could perform better if applied directly to
skulls. In this paper, the method may have overestimated the nasal
projection, especially for male FA (Fig. 1), but this finding has not
been quantified. Furthermore, it was easily employed, which may
have facilitated the modeling process. The method of linear regres-
sion equations of Rynn et al. (31) is quite objective, coming from
quantitative assessments. However, with regard to practicality, it
has not run easily in 3D manual FAs, presenting great potential for
2D techniques. Recently, a method to predict the nose projection
has been proposed to facilitate sculpting methods (42). It would be
interesting to test other techniques by assessing them by recogni-
tion and resemblance tests.
The ears and mouth were the structures less pointed with some
resemblance. Usually, ears contribute less to identification, except
for cases in which the person has very atypical ears (20). In a
study conducted by Decker et al. (41), a quantitative comparative
analysis (metric comparison) by overlapping manual and computer-
ized FAs to the real face (CT) of a male individual showed that
the areas of lower accuracy in both manual and computerized FAs
were as follows: chin, ears, and nose, especially shape and orienta-
tion of the ears and chin shape. Wilkinson (14) states that the
mouth is the most difficult region to determine the morphology
and heavily relies on the artistic interpretation. Lee et al. (16), after
quantitative analyses of FA accuracy, also reported that the mouth
morphology is quite uncertain to estimate. This factor may have
influenced, even minimally, the final appearance of lips.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to assess
different techniques of FA by means of recognition and resem-
blance tests. However, this study presents some limitations. The
first is the small sample of targets and assessors, which may not
represent real findings. Another limitation refers to the choice of
the different techniques to predict facial components. For this
study, we decided to choose just one set of comparisons (one
that we called AM and another entirely differentthe CM) and
this choice was arbitrary. A future approach could involve the
comparison of a set of methods formed by different combina-
tions of techniques. So, by analyzing all the possible combina-
tionsfor this study, for example, we would have 32 FAsit
would be possible to point the best combination for FA. As
there are many other techniques to predict facial structures avail-
able in the literature, more combinations could be addressed,
although a bit impracticable.
The AM and the CM required approximately the same time to
be conducted, but the first author experienced less difficulty in
using the AM. As mentioned above in this section, methods
noted as more objectives are easier to be applied to 2D FAs.
Maybe facial structures (such as nose, mouth, and ears) could be
generated by those techniques and 3D printed for attachment to
manual reconstructions.
The authors thank the participation of all research volunteers.
They also thank the entire staff of the Renato Archer
Information Technology Center (CTI), Campinas-S~
ao Paulo,
Brazil, for the production of 3D prototypes used in this work.
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Additional information and reprint requests:
Lara Maria Herrera, M.Sc.
Department of Community Dentistry
Araraquara School of Dentistry
ao Paulo State University
Rua Humait!
a, 1680
SP 14801-903
... Recognition tests for facial approximations, constructed using historical methods of soft tissue prediction, have consistently displayed varied (hit-and-miss) results under controlled test conditions [15,[172][173][174][175][176][177]. Even when faces are correctly recognised at rates above chance, they continue to be low (typically <35%) [15,[172][173][174][175][176][177] and are well below the ceiling levels (e.g. ...
... Recognition tests for facial approximations, constructed using historical methods of soft tissue prediction, have consistently displayed varied (hit-and-miss) results under controlled test conditions [15,[172][173][174][175][176][177]. Even when faces are correctly recognised at rates above chance, they continue to be low (typically <35%) [15,[172][173][174][175][176][177] and are well below the ceiling levels (e.g. 90-100% or higher) [174]. ...
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Facial imaging is a term used to describe methods that use facial images to assist or facilitate human identification. This pertains to two craniofacial identification procedures that use skulls and faces—facial approximation and photographic superimposition—as well as face-only methods for age progression/regression, the construction of facial graphics from eyewitness memory (including composites and artistic sketches), facial depiction, face mapping and newly emerging methods of molecular photofitting. Given the breadth of these facial imaging techniques, it is not surprising that a broad array of subject-matter experts participate in and/or contribute to the formulation and implementation of these methods (including forensic odontologists, forensic artists, police officers, electrical engineers, anatomists, geneticists, medical image specialists, psychologists, computer graphic programmers and software developers). As they are concerned with the physical characteristics of humans, each of these facial imaging areas also falls in the domain of physical anthropology, although not all of them have been traditionally regarded as such. This too offers useful opportunities to adapt established methods in one domain to others more traditionally held to be disciplines within physical anthropology (e.g. facial approximation, craniofacial superimposition and face photo-comparison). It is important to note that most facial imaging methods are not currently used for identification but serve to assist authorities in narrowing or directing investigations such that other, more potent, methods of identification can be used (e.g. DNA). Few, if any, facial imaging approaches can be considered honed end-stage scientific methods, with major opportunities for physical anthropologists to make meaningful contributions. Some facial imaging methods have considerably stronger scientific underpinnings than others (e.g. facial approximation versus face mapping), some currently lie entirely within the artistic sphere (facial depiction), and yet others are so aspirational that realistic capacity to obtain their aims has strongly been questioned despite highly advanced technical approaches (molecular photofitting). All this makes for a broad-ranging, dynamic and energetic field that is in a constant state of flux. This manuscript provides a theoretical snapshot of the purposes of these methods, the state of science as it pertains to them, and their latest research developments.
... A RFF é uma técnica projetada para reconstruir manualmente ou digitalmente a face de um sujeito, a partir de crânios secos não identificados. Seu principal objetivo é levar ao reconhecimento de cadáveres que precisam ter sua identidade estabelecida (Fernandes, 2010;Fernandes et al., 2013;Jones, 2014;Haresh et al., 2015;Herrera et al., 2017). Desse modo, quando o indivíduo não foi previamente identificado pelos métodos tradicionais, esta técnica pode ser o último recurso utilizado pelos profissionais (Evison et al., 1998;Fernandes et al., 2013). ...
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Indivíduos que se caracterizam por identificação forte e persistente com o sexo oposto (disforia de gênero) frequentemente procuram cirurgiões para se submeterem a cirurgia de redesignação sexual e/ou para acentuar características faciais específicas de gênero, modificando cirurgicamente as características da face, na busca de serem aceitos na sociedade como parte do sexo antagônico. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos que têm como objetivo modificar e reconstruir as características ósseas faciais, tal como dos tecidos moles, estão sendo realizados para tornar os rostos de mulheres trans mais femininos (cirurgia de feminização facial) e de homens trans mais masculinos (masculinização facial). Estes procedimentos podem trazer consequências forenses, devido a dificuldades na estimativa do sexo, no que diz respeito à necessidade de reconhecimento do indivíduo por meio de Reconstrução Facial Forense, e consequentemente, em identificar pessoas submetidas a esse tipo de cirurgia. Tais consequências, embora importantes, são pouco consideradas em estudos científicos. Com isso, este estudo traz uma abordagem teórica e reflexiva sobre os aspectos e considerações forenses no reconhecimento e identificação humana, de indivíduos transexuais submetidos a cirurgias de feminização e de masculinização facial.
... The multiple accounts of Gerasimov's authentic plastic facial reconstruction methods in the scientific literature (Gerasimov 1949, Gerasimov 1955, Ullrich 1958, Ullrich 1966, and recent English summaries (Stephan 2006, Ullrich and Stephan 2011, Ullrich and Stephan 2016, now mandate correct reporting in the future. The popular description of facial reconstruction methods being comprised of two main approaches, American and Russian ( Gibson 2008, Prag and Neave 1997, Stephan and Henneberg 2001, Taylor 2001, Vermeulen 2012, Verzé 2009, Wilkinson 2004, are wholly obsolete and should be cited -even if used as recently as last year (Evison et al. 2016, Herrera et al. 2017, Johnson 2016, Sever 2017. ...
Objective Prediction of human skull shape from head is a complex and challenging engineering task for the development of a computer-aided vision system. Skull-to-face generation has been commonly performed in forensic facial reconstruction. Classical statistical approaches were usually used. However, the head-to-skull relationship is still misunderstood. Recently, novel deep learning (DL) models have showed their efficiency and robustness for a large range of applications. The present study aimed to develop a novel approach based on deep learning models to reconstruct the human skull shape from head. Material and methods A head-to-skull generation workflow was developed and evaluated. A database of computed tomography (CT) images of 209 subjects was established for training and testing purposes. Three-dimension (3-D) head and skull geometries were reconstructed and then their respective descriptors (head/skull volumes, sampling feature points and point-to-center distances, head-skull thickness, Gaussian curvatures) were extracted. Two deep learning models (regression neural network and long-short term memory (LSTM)) were implemented and evaluated with different learning configurations. A 10-fold cross-validation was performed. Finally, the best and worst predicted cases were analyzed and discussed. Results The mean errors from 10-fold cross-validation showed a better accuracy level for the regression neural network model according to the long short-term memory model. The mean error between the DL-predicted skull shapes and CT-based skull shapes ranges from 1.67 mm to 3.99 mm by using the regression deep learning model and the best learning configuration. The volume deviation between predicted skull shapes and CT-based skull shapes is smaller than 5%. Conclusions The present study suggested that regression deep learning model allows human skull to be predicted from a given head with a good level of accuracy. This opens new avenues for the rapid generation of human skull shape from visual sensors (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) toward a computer-aided vision system for facial mimic rehabilitation. As perspectives, muscle network will be incorporated into the present workflow. Then, facial mimic movements will be tracked and animated to evaluate and optimize the rehabilitation movements and exercises.
Craniofacial reconstruction is applied to identify human remains in the absence of determination data (e.g., fingerprinting, dental records, radiological materials, or DNA), by predicting the likeness of the unidentified remains based on the internal relationship between the skull and face. Conventional 3D methods are usually based on statistical models with poor capacity, which limit the description of such complex relationship. Moreover, the required high-quality data are difficult to collect. In this study, we present a novel craniofacial reconstruction paradigm that synthesize craniofacial images from 2D computed tomography scan of skull data. The key idea is to recast craniofacial reconstruction as an image translation task, with the goal of generating corresponding craniofacial images from 2D skull images. To this end, we design an automatic skull-to-face transformation system based on deep generative adversarial nets. The system was trained on 4,551 paired skull-face images obtained from 1,780 CT head scans of the Han Chinese population. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only database of this magnitude in the literature. Finally, to accurately evaluate the performance of the model, a face recognition task employing five existing deep learning algorithms, —FaceNet, —SphereFace, —CosFace, —ArcFace, and —MagFace, was tested on 102 reconstruction cases in a face pool composed of 1,744 CT-scan face images. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can be used as an effective forensic tool.
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The supposed relics of “Mary-Magdalene” are preserved in Provence (France) in an ancient tradition. They consist of a dry skull and a lock of hair. For the first time, they were officially subjected to an extensive medico-surgical examination by photogrammetry, high-magnification binocular lenses, scanning electron microscope, and energy-dispersive X-ray elemental analysis, to propose a full computer-aided facial reconstruction. The preliminary results are presented here.
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Accuracy is the most important factor supporting the reliability of forensic facial reconstruction (FFR) comparing to the corresponding actual face. A number of methods have been employed to evaluate objective accuracy of FFR. Recently, it has been attempted that the degree of resemblance between computer-generated FFR and actual face is measured by geometric surface comparison method. In this study, three FFRs were produced employing live adult Korean subjects and three-dimensional computerized modeling software. The deviations of the facial surfaces between the FFR and the head scan CT of the corresponding subject were analyzed in reverse modeling software. The results were compared with those from a previous study which applied the same methodology as this study except average facial soft tissue depth dataset. Three FFRs of this study that applied updated dataset demonstrated lesser deviation errors between the facial surfaces of the FFR and corresponding subject than those from the previous study. The results proposed that appropriate average tissue depth data are important to increase quantitative accuracy of FFR. © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Facial soft tissue thicknesses (FSTT) are important guidelines for modeling faces from skull. Amid so many FSTT data, Forensic artists have to make a subjective choice of a dataset that best meets their needs. This study investigated the performance of four FSTT datasets in the recognition and resemblance of Brazilian living individuals and the performance of assessors in recognizing people, according to sex and knowledge on Human Anatomy and Forensic Dentistry. Sixteen manual facial approximations (FAs) were constructed using three-dimensional (3D) prototypes of skulls (targets). The American method was chosen for the construction of the faces. One hundred and twenty participants evaluated all FAs by means of recognition and resemblance tests. This study showed higher proportions of recognition by FAs conducted with FSTT data from cadavers compared with those conducted with medical imaging data. Targets were also considered more similar to FAs conducted with FSTT data from cadavers. Nose and face shape, respectively, were considered the most similar regions to targets. The sex of assessors (male and female) and the knowledge on Human Anatomy and Forensic Dentistry did not play a determinant role to reach greater recognition rates. It was possible to conclude that FSTT data obtained from imaging may not facilitate recognition and establish acceptable level of resemblance. Grouping FSTT data by regions of the face, as proposed in this paper, may contribute to more accurate FAs.
Facial approximation was first proposed as a synonym for facial reconstruction in 1987 due to dissatisfaction with the connotations the latter label held. Since its debut, facial approximation's identity has morphed as anomalies in face prediction have accumulated. Now underpinned by differences in what problems are thought to count as legitimate, facial approximation can no longer be considered a synonym for, or subclass of, facial reconstruction. Instead, two competing paradigms of face prediction have emerged, namely: facial approximation and facial reconstruction. This paper shines a Kuhnian lens across the discipline of face prediction to comprehensively review these developments and outlines the distinguishing features between the two paradigms. © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Facial approximations (whether clay sculptures, sketches, or computer-generated) can be presented to the public in a variety of layouts, but there are currently no clear indicators as to what style of presentation is most effective at eliciting recognition. The primary purpose of this study is to determine which of five presentation methods produces the most favorable recognition results. A secondary goal of the research is to evaluate a new method for assessing the accuracy of facial approximations. Previous studies have evaluated facial approximation effectiveness using standards similar to studies of eyewitness identification in which a single, definitive choice must be made by the research participant. These criteria seem inappropriate given that facial approximation is strictly an investigative tool to help narrow the search for potential matching candidates in the process of identification. Results from the study showed a higher performance for methods utilizing more than one image of the approximation, but which specific method performed best varied among approximation subjects. Also, results for all five presentation methods showed that, when given the opportunity to select more than one approximation, participants were consistently better at identifying the correct approximation as one of a few possible matches to the missing person than they were at singling out the correct approximation. This suggests that facial approximations have perhaps been undervalued as investigative tools in previous research.
The Foundation Introduction to Forensic Art and Illustration A History of Forensic Art The Human Face Drawing the Human Face Finding and Identifying the Living The Interview Composite Imagery Age Progression: Growth Age Progression: Aging Image Assessment and Modification Identifying the Dead Postmortem Drawing Skull Protection and Preparation for Reconstruction Two-Dimensional Facial Reconstruction from the Skull Three-Dimensional Facial Reconstruction on the Skull Methods of Superimposition Additional Responsibilities Professional Ethics and Conduct Printing and Graphics Reproduction Dealing with the News Media The Forensic Artist in Court Summary Index