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Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based meta-scheduler for Grid computing


Abstract and Figures

The growing interest in grids technologies for the solving of large-scale computational problems leads related framework improvement. One of the challenging problems in Grid computing is the efficient resources utilization and allocation of tasks, i.e. scheduling problem. Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems (FRBSs) have recently proved to be a competitive alternative for the development of scheduling systems, outperforming extensively used scheduling strategies such as EASY Backfilling or Greedy. However, FRBSs-based schedulers performance strongly depends on their data bases quality and a major effort is still required for the knowledge acquisition process improvement. This paper presents a fuzzy rule-based meta-scheduler incorporating a new genetic approach for the learning process. Concretely, the suggested learning strategy is inspired by classical rule evolution strategies, Pittsburgh and Michigan approaches. Experimental results show that further accuracy in the learning process of fuzzy meta-schedulers can be achieved without significantly increasing the associated computational effort.
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Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based Meta-Scheduler
for Grid Computing
R. P. Prado, S. García-Galán, A. J. Yuste, J. E. Muñoz Expósito and S. Bruque
Telecommunication Engineering Department.
University of Jaén. Alfonso X el Sabio, 28 Linares, Jaén. Spain.
Abstract—The growing interest in grids technologies for the
solving of large-scale computational problems leads related
framework improvement. One of the challenging problems in
Grid computing is the efficient resources utilization and allocation
of tasks, i.e. scheduling problem. Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
(FRBSs) have recently proved to be a competitive alternative for
the development of scheduling systems, outperforming extensively
used scheduling strategies such as EASY Backfilling or Greedy.
However, FRBSs-based schedulers performance strongly depends
on their data bases quality and a major effort is still required
for the knowledge acquisition process improvement. This paper
presents a fuzzy rule-based meta-scheduler incorporating a
new genetic approach for the learning process. Concretely, the
suggested learning strategy is inspired by classical rule evolution
strategies, Pittsburgh and Michigan approaches. Experimental
results show that further accuracy in the learning process of fuzzy
meta-schedulers can be achieved without significantly increasing
the associated computational effort.
Index Terms—Grid Computing, Scheduling, Fuzzy Rule-Based
Systems, Genetic Fuzzy Systems.
Grid computing is an emergent platform for the solving of
large-scale computational problems in wide range of science
and engineering fields [1]. It is characterized by the coopera-
tion of heterogeneous and geographically distributed resources
interconnected through high speed networks. Further, these
resources are located under different resources domains (RDs)
considering their own access and sharing policies [2]. One of
the main challenges facing Grid computing is given by the
efficient submission of tasks and resources management or
grid scheduling, which is known to be a NP-hard problem
[3]. Generally, the scheduling problem on grids is classified
into two categories attending to a two-level grid structure,
the meta-scheduling and local scheduling problem [4]. A
meta-scheduler is responsible for the tasks distribution to the
participating RDs, whereas local schedulers or Local Resource
Management Systems (LRMSs) carry out tasks allocation to
machines within its own domain. Concretely, in this work
we focus our attention on the improvement of grids meta-
scheduling systems based on Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
FRBSs are knowledge-based systems increasingly used in
the grid research community for the scheduling problem [5],
[6]. In the light of the high dependence of FRBSs performance
with theirs knowledge bases (KBs) quality, the knowledge
acquisition problem arises as a relevant issue. It is to be
noticed that the incorporation of expert knowledge is not
possible in the vast majority of application fields of FRBSs
and thus, an automatic learning of KBs is pursued. There
exist several learning strategies for the learning of fuzzy
rules. Genetics Algorithms (GAs) are evolutionary techniques
which have demonstrated its efficiency in the learning of KBs
[7], [8], [9]. Specifically, two successful strategies must be
pointed out, namely, Pittsburgh [10] and Michigan approach
[11], that mainly differentiate in the level of application of
the genetic operators. Pittsburgh approach considers a whole
rule set or rule base (RB) as an individual or chromosome.
In contrast, population in Michigan approach is made up of
rules as individuals. On the one hand Pittsburgh is known to
achieve more accurate results than Michigan approach. On the
other hand, Michigan approach requires much reducer com-
putational effort and has high search ability for finding good
rules than Pittsburgh approach [12]. However, considering the
learning process relevance for the whole scheduling strategy
performance, new approaches have been suggested [9].
In this work, a meta-scheduler for grid computing con-
sidering a novel strategy for the learning of fuzzy rules is
introduced. Concretely, the genetic strategy is inspired by the
dual consideration of RBs and rules as individuals, resulting
in a hybrid Pittsburgh-Michigan approach. The combination
of Pittsburgh and Michigan approaches has been addressed
before. Ishibuchi et al. [12], [13] proposed to harness the
advantages of each classical strategy by the incorporation
of a Michigan-style step at every generation of Pittsburgh
approach. However, in this work it is suggested to improve
Pittsburgh approach final accuracy by the analysis and modifi-
cation of rules as individuals, in a Michigan-style strategy, in a
way that no significant increment of the overall computational
cost is necessary. Thus, the proposed learning strategy do
not consider Pittsburgh approach alteration and deals with
the further examination of the obtained rules. Hence, the
approach in this work is to automatically finding high quality
RBs that allow optimums schedules in terms of response
time and resource utilization. Simulation results show that the
proposed schema is able to achieve a greater accuracy with
a reduced computational effort than the classical approaches.
Therein, this paper is a major effort of the authors towards
the development of new schemas allowing more efficient
scheduling strategies for grids [14], [15].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, Section
II deals with previous works on scheduling on grids and the
role of FRBSs within this platform. The proposed learning
Fourth International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems. Mieres, Spain, March 2010
978-1-4244-4622-3/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE
strategy for the fuzzy rule-based meta-scheduler is introduced
in Section III. In Section IV simulation results and comparative
results are presented. Finally, Section V concludes the paper.
Scheduling is a long-standing problem in grid computing.
From the point of view of scheduling, computational grids
can be considered a hierarchical structure considering two-
levels, the RD level and the Virtual Organization (VO) level
[4], [16]. The grid is made up of different RDs, making up a
global virtual entity or VO. Each RD comprises a given set of
heterogeneous resources and imposes its management policies.
Scheduling within a RD is performed by a local scheduler
which is responsible for the allocation of tasks within its
associated domain. On the other hand, it is the meta-scheduler
which distributes tasks among the different RDs and so drives
the whole VO scheduling process.
A wide range of heuristics have been suggested to improve
the scheduling process in high-demanding and distributed
environments such as grids. Typically, heuristics are classified
into dynamic and static [17]. These categories differ in the
number of tasks that are considered at every scheduling step
or the fixing of objective tasks set. Static heuristics for hetero-
geneous computing environment include OLB (Opportunistic
Load Balancing), MET (Minimum Execution Time) and MCT
[17], [18]. In contrast, some instances of dynamic heuristics
are Min-Min , Max-min, RR (Round Robin), DFPLTF (Dy-
namic FPLTF) and WQ (Work Queue) [19]. It is to be noted
that these strategies basically found their decisions on the
estimation of resources performance and tasks requirements.
However, given the changing and dynamic nature of grids,
more flexible strategies are pursued. In this sense, the role of
FRBSs must be pointed out.
FRBSs are expert systems that have recently attracted the
grid community for the solving of scheduling problems [20].
However, since the quality of the fuzzy rule-based scheduler
is subject to the quality of its KB, the automatic knowledge
acquisition is a relevant process. As stated before, GAs have
proved to be one of the best option for the evolution of
fuzzy knowledge, as it is the case of Pittsburgh and Michigan
approaches [7]. The main challenge for Michigan approach
is given by the Competition vs Cooperation Problem (CPP)
[21]. That is, within Michigan approach, rules are encoded
as individual that competes as to be selected for the next
generation. However, a rule success may also depends on the
cooperation with other rules, and thus, the process is driven
by a conflict of interests. In contrast, Pittsburgh approach
considers a whole RB as an individual and so competition is
exercised among RBs, that is, with independence of competi-
tors cooperation. However, crossover in Pittsburgh approach,
can dramatically affect the RB performance, since this operator
does not consider any dependence among rules within the
mixing of RBs. In fact, the little reinforcement informa-
tion in the Pittsburgh approach generally leads to a higher
computational cost. Thus, with the aim of benefiting both
from Pittsburgh and Michigan advantages, a hybrid strategy
<͗<ŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ ĂƐĞ
'ƌŝĚ hƐĞƌ ϭ
'ƌŝĚ hƐĞƌ Ϯ
'ƌŝĚ hƐĞƌ Ŷ
Figure 1. Fuzzy meta-scheduler structure within grid environment.
is suggested in this work. Concretely, attending to Genetic
Fuzzy Systems classification trends [22], the proposed learning
strategy can be categorized into Pittsburgh learning strategies
with a Cooperative-Competitive final stage.
The proposed meta-scheduler or resource broker structure
within the grid environment is shown in Figure 1. The classical
schema of Fuzzy Logic Systems can be distinguished for the
meta-scheduler; Fuzzification, Inference and Defuzzification
systems and its associated Knowledge base. The basic opera-
tion can be summarized as follows. At every scheduling step
the meta-scheduler analyze RD availability (i.e. as stated in
[23] a grid is a fully dynamic environment with uncertainty
where resources may fall down, become reserved, change their
access policies or join the system over time) update each
cooperating RD state information offered by their the local
schedulers and feature their conditions by means of limited
and normalized set of variables. The meta-scheduler initialize
the process of transforming the RD state into a resource
domain selector index it showing the suitability level for being
selected in the next schedule. First, the Fuzzification system is
responsible for obtaining a fuzzy value from the crisp value
obtained for each grid state variable in a way that the obtained
information is associated a linguistic label representing a
vagueness level of relevance. Then, in the Inference system a
fuzzy output is obtained through the application of the system
knowledge (rules) to finally derive a crisp value that represent
fuzzy RD selector in the Defuzzification system. Concretely,
“center of gravity” is selected as the defuzzification method.
This way, the distribution of tasks among RDs is faced on
the basis of the grid state and acquired knowledge. The grid
state, or VO state as mentioned before, is characterized though
seven dynamic inputs. They are described in Table I.
Note that the selected input variables contemplate both cur-
rent conditions (FPE and RE) and resource domain utilization
Feature Description
Number of free processing elements (FPE) Number of free processing element within RD
Previous Tardiness (PT) Sum of tardiness of all finished jobs.
Resource Makespan (RM) Current makespan for RD
Resource Tardiness (RT) Current tardiness of jobs within RD
Previous Score (PS) Previous deadline score of already finished jobs in RD
Resource Score (RS) Number of non delayed jobs so far in RD
Resources In Execution (RE) Number of resources currently executing jobs within RD
Table I
history (PT, RM, RT, PS and RS) in terms of processing
elements and resources state, tardiness, makespan and jobs
deadlines. The selection of this variables is founded on the
achievement of an adaptive scheduling [24]. As stated in [23]
any scheduling strategy aiming to offer a certain level of
QoS must consider a more or less precise environment. In
this sense adaptive scheduling suggest the consideration of
both current and past conditions and it has been taken into
account in the selection of the grid variables. Moreover, these
input features are considered to be enough representative to
describe the system state without requiring a high increment
in the search space complexity. Their associated membership
functions are depicted in Figure 2. Variables are represented
by three gaussian shaped sets corresponding to low, medium
and high levels.
Hence, rules in this work follow the Mamdani-type encod-
ing where the antecedent part is made up of seven features and
the consequent part consists of a single output or RD selector
factor. Also, the antecedents connector must be distinguished
and weight of the rule. Two possibilities are considered for
the connector: “1” represents AND and “2” represents OR
operators. A rule expression and its associated linguistic and
numeric encoding are represented as follows,
= if ω
is A
is A
then y is B
: w
... a
] (2)
where A
, B
, and/or, denote the fuzzy set for input
variable ω
, output set and associated connector, and a
, b
and c
represents its numeric encoding, respectively. Also, w
indicates rule i corresponding weight.
As stated before, a decisive factor for the fuzzy meta-
scheduler success is given by the quality of this fuzzy knowl-
edge. Thus, we seek to improve the RB quality by means of
a learning process. Concretely, the initial evolution of rules
is driven by a genetic process where RBs act as individuals
or chromosome. That is, we suggest the application of a
Pittsburgh based strategy for knowledge acquisition. How-
ever, since a Pittsburgh based strategy does not differentiate
individual contribution or cooperation of every rule within
a RB, it is suggested here to further enlarge the learning
process as to increase the accuracy of the obtained RB by
the considerations of rules as individuals. Thus, a Michigan-
approach style strategy is suggested to analyze a previous
evolved RB without a significant increment in the number of
RB evaluations. With this aim, a performance index must be
specified to evaluate each RB. In this work, we suggest the
utilization of Response Time (RT).
Hence, the learning strategy is divided into two phases.
Initially, a set of RB are generated randomly, in a way that no
previous knowledge is required, and evolution is achieved by
the application of genetic factors at the level of fuzzy RBs.
Once the Pittsburgh stage has concluded, the selected RB rules
undergo an analysis to test its role in its RB success. Firstly,
rules contribution to the scheduler output is obtained and those
rules presenting a significant relevance in the contribution,
given by index α, are subject to an increase in its weight,
if α
if α
Rules are modified individually and its cooperation with the
rest of original rules is examined. This way, if a relevant rule
weight it is increased and its interaction with the rest of rules
improves the response of the fuzzy system within the grid
environment, a positive influence is considered for the rule.
Analog reasoning can be followed for a deterioration in system
performance. This operation is repeated for all the relevant
rules as to infer its influence polarity. All the rules whose
weight increment derives in a performance improvement are
incorporated in the candidate RB preserving this modification.
If the overall contribution is favorable, rules keep their weight.
In other case, only the rule presenting the major contribution
preserves its modification,
if α
α, P I
and (PI
or P I
= PI
if α
where PI
, PI
, PI
and PI
represent the original
performance index for the RB, PI for the RB with simultane-
ous weight modification, best individual weight resulting RB
after a rule weight increment and RB
, respectively.
Secondly, those relevant rules deteriorating the RB per-
formance in the face of a weight increment are analyzed.
As stated before, these rules contribution to the scheduler
output is significant, but it is considered to be a negative
contribution. Hence, it is tested here whether the modification
of its consequent polarity contributes to a RB improvement.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Degree of membership
D/> ,/',
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Degree of membership
sZz>KtD/> ,/', sZz,/',>Kt
Z^ĞůĞĐƚŝŽŶ &ĂĐƚŽƌ
Figure 2. Membership functions for the meta-scheduler inputs and output.
Algorithm 1 Genetic learning strategy
Initialization. Pittsburgh-based stage.
1. Random generation of
rules bases.
1. Evaluate RB i generation.
2. RB Selection: Elitism(λ).
3. RB Crossover: Two point crossover.
4. Mutation. Decreasing exponential mutation. Eq 6.
While(stopping condition j N)
Select best individual: RB
Michigan-based stage.
1. Retrieve RB
rules contribution α
for (rules in RB
Increment i rule weight. Eq 3; RB
Evaluate RB
2. Evaluate overall weight increment result. Select best weight increment
behaviour. Eq 4.
3. Consequent inversion. Eq 5. RB
Return: Final Rule Base: RB
However, as in the weight increment process, these rules
behaviour are individually and jointly tested and the best
configuration is kept.
if α
α, P I
Note that the learning strategy does not only consider
rules weight adjustment but also the alteration of their con-
sequent polarity and thus it is classified into a Pittsburgh and
Competitive-Cooperative hybrid approach [22]. The learning
strategy is summarized in Algorithm 1. Note that tuning of
fuzzy sets is not considered here. Thus, rules interpretability
does not change through the whole process.
It is worth mentioning here, that the suggested Michigan-
style testing process computational effort is bounded to (2 ·
+2) RB evaluations, corresponding to the case when
all rules are relevant with a negative evaluation in the face of
a weight increment. It can be inferred that extra computational
effort is negligible in this process in comparison to the
Pittsburgh-based stage. Thus, the suggested learning strategy
for the learning of the fuzzy meta-scheduler it is intended
Cluster CPUs
clrlcgce01 112
clrlcgce02 84
clrlcgce03 186
iut15 38
obc 55
Table II
to further increase the accuracy of Pittsburgh process, in a
confined number of RB evaluations.
In order to test the proposed fuzzy-meta-scheduler, a grid
scenario based on GridSim toolkit is simulated [25]. GridSim
allows the utilization of traces and grid configuration from
existing installations obtained from the Grid Workload Archive
(GWA) [26]. Concretely, the proposed grid scenario is inspired
by AuverGrid. AuverGrid is a production grid platform made
up of five clusters situated in the Auvergne, France. The Au-
verGrid project represents a sub-project of the EGEE project
(Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe) that uses the LCG
(Large hadron collider Computing Grid project) middleware
as grid framework (being biomedical and high-energy physics
research its main application areas). Table II summarizes the
AuverGrid-based scenario where clusters consists of a set of
computing resources executing Scientific Linux (dual 3GHz
Pentium-IV Xeons). Also, workload is bounded to 3000 tasks
for this simulation.
Moreover, the learning strategy configuration is presented.
Initially, in the Pittsburgh-based learning stage, the candidate
population consists of 10 randomly generated RBs and the
maximum RB size is set to 10 rules. Also, two-point crossover
and elitist selection is considered with a selection rate λ of 0.8.
Further, mutation following a decreasing exponential function
is applied in a way that local minimums are avoided,
where M
represents the initial mutation (0.1), n is the
considered generation, N is the number of iterations set as
Results Average awrt (fitness) Improvement % (Michigan/Pittsburgh) Worst solution Best improvement Average Runtime
Pittsburgh-stage 3.7086e+004 - 3.7620974e+004 - 38199.62
Michigan-stage 3.6636e+004 1.21% 3.6599808e+004 2.71% 1991.91
Table III
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
x 10
Figure 3. Convergence behaviour of the learning strategy initial stage.
stopping condition (70) and c is a constant fixed to 5 in
this experiment. On the other hand, the Michigan-approach
learning stage is configured considering a relevance factor α
fixed to 0.8.
Figure 3 presents the convergence behaviour of the initial
learning stage for 40 experiments where fitness represent av-
erage weighted response time. It is shown that the Pittsburgh-
based stage reaches its final result in approximately 50 gener-
ations. This process is translated in (RB
· λ · 50) number
of RBs evaluations.
Table III shows simulation results for both strategies in
terms of the learning index and runtimes. The first column rep-
resent (Average awrt -fitness) the average final fitness obtained
though Pittsburgh and Michigan learning stages and the second
one (Improvement % -Michigan/Pittsburgh). It is observed,
that the second stage of the learning strategy improves the final
result of the Pittsburgh stage in 1.21%. Further, response time
is reduced in 2.71% in the most favorable simulation (worst
solution for Pittsburgh-based stage shown in third column of
Table III). Note this result is obtained in a reduced number
of RB evaluations, representing a maximum of 5.36% of
the whole computational effort in the presented simulations
(2· RB
+2) in front to (RB
· λ· N ). Average runtimes for
both Pittsburgh and Michigan strategies are presented in Table
III. Moreover, it must be pointed out, that an improvement over
the first learning stage is achieved in 96% of the experiments,
proving the strategy ability to differentiate rules role in the
RB success, reward positive contributions and conveniently
modify rules polarity.
Further, the fuzzy meta-scheduler is analyzed from both
the perspective of users and administrator QoS criteria. Con-
cretely, the scheduler performance is evaluated considering
average makespan, classic and machine usage, flow time,
tardiness, slowdown, average weighed slowdown (awsd) be-
sides average weighed response time (awrt) that was selected
as training index in this work. Figure IV shows the fuzzy
scheduler simulation results for a set of configurations for
the fuzzy scheduler. The first two columns present the fuzzy
scheduler results when considering the proposed hybrid learn-
ing approach and Pittsburgh approach, respectively, where
results are the average results of 40 experiments. Therein,
40 evolved RB are used with fuzzy scheduler to test its
efficiency in several criteria. It is observed that machine and
classic usage do not present any significant difference for both
configurations. This was expected since these criteria may
present conflicting interests with the selected learning index,
awrt. On contrary, it is observed that flow time and tardiness
are improved on average with the fuzzy scheduler with the
hybrid learning strategy.
Moreover, the best obtained RB with the proposed approach
is tested within the grid environment and results are presented
in Table IV. Also, results are compared with a widely extended
scheduling strategy in distributed system, Min-Min [19]. It
is shown that the fuzzy meta-scheduler outperforms Min-
Min strategy in 11.91% and 12.09% in awrt, on average
and considering the best RB, respectively. Despite, the fuzzy
scheduling strategy improving the classical approach in other
considered metrics such as flow time it is to be noted that the
fuzzy scheduler learning strategy is successful in providing
successful results in the training index. Furthermore, it is
observed that the considered approaches require approximately
the same time for its execution as shown by runtimes results.
This shows that the fuzzy scheduling strategy does not present
higher computational effort than other scheduling strategies
such as Min-Min.
V. C
Designing efficient scheduling strategies is critical for the
harnessing of the high potential of grids. Due to the inher-
ent distributed and changing environment of grids, dynamics
models are increasingly attracting grids researchers attention.
Concretely, in this work, a meta-scheduler based on dynamic
FRBSs has been suggested. In previous works [14] authors
have previously studied the efficiency of grid fuzzy schedulers
in comparison to widely used scheduling systems. Further,
the dependence with the learning process was analyzed and a
classical learning strategy, Pittsburgh approach was employed
as to evolute the scheduler knowledge. However, in the light
of the high dependence of the fuzzy system with the quality
of it RB, more efficient learning processes are required and
Metric/Strategy Hybrid Average Pittsburgh Average Hybrid Best Min-Min
Average Makespan 272691.015 272691.015 272691.015 273296.015
Classic Usage 6.05 5.77 5.77 5.75
Flow Time 1914.380 2337.983 1866.721 6515.479
Machine Usage 6.06 5.77 6.04 6.03
Tardiness 15.0232 326.7426 0.1016 4109.3788
Slowdown 1.2696 4.1166 1.0073 27.586
Awrt 36636.594 370861.086 36563.870 41591.697
Awsd 1.0258 1.2528 1.0003 3.4914
Runtime 35 39 34 38
Table IV
a novel strategy for the knowledge acquisition process of the
fuzzy scheduler has been presented in the work. Specifically,
the learning strategy takes advantage of both classical Pitts-
burgh and Michigan approaches strengths and improves the
classical rule evolution strategy, Pittsburgh approach, accuracy
in 1.12%. In spite of being a reduced improvement over
the genetic strategy, its relevance resides in the insignificant
increment of computational effort in comparison to the whole
learning strategy. Further, it is to highlighted here the simple
implementation of the Competitive-Cooperative stage. Hence,
this work contributes to the specification of more effective
scheduling strategies for the emerging Grid computing plat-
This work has been financially supported by the Andalusian
Government (Research Project P06-SEJ-01694).
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... Enhancing the software testing phase using AI has been an emerging field of research with numerous works done to achieve this target [4,8,[14][15][16][17][18][19]. In these works, researchers reported promising results obtained from applying AI techniques, such as genetic algorithms (GAs) to enhance the software engineering process. ...
... The main idea behind the development of the PSO is the general belief that information sharing among members of a population may result in evolutionary advantages. PSO is a member of the wide category of swarm intelligence methods [17], it was introduced as an optimization method in 1995 [18] to simulate social behavior. One great advantage of PSO is the fact that it is computationally inexpensive since its system requirements are low [17]. ...
... PSO is a member of the wide category of swarm intelligence methods [17], it was introduced as an optimization method in 1995 [18] to simulate social behavior. One great advantage of PSO is the fact that it is computationally inexpensive since its system requirements are low [17]. Furthermore, it was efficiently applied in a variety of general optimization problems [18] including training of neural networks as well as function optimization. ...
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The digital transformation revolution has been crawling toward almost all aspects of our lives. One form of the digital transformation revolution appears in the transformation of our routine everyday tasks into computer executable programs in the form of web, desktop and mobile applications. The vast field of software engineering that has witnessed a significant progress in the past years is responsible for this form of digital transformation. Software development as well as other branches of software engineering has been affected by this progress. Developing applications that run on top of mobile devices requires the software developer to consider the limited resources of these devices, which on one side give them their mobile advantages, however, on the other side, if an application is developed without the consideration of these limited resources then the mobile application will neither work properly nor allow the device to run smoothly. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid approach for program optimization. It succeeded in optimizing the search process for the optimal program transformation sequence that targets a specific optimization goal. In this research we targeted the program size, to reach the lowest possible decline rate of the number of Lines of Code (LoC) of a targeted program. The experimental results from applying the hybrid approach on synthetic program transformation problems show a significant improve in the optimized output on which the hybrid approach achieved an LoC decline rate of 50.51% over the application of basic genetic algorithm only where 17.34% LoC decline rate was reached.
... To compute the overall output of the fuzzy rulebase, the membership degree of every rule (real value ∈ [0, 1]) is used as weight for each rule's output scheduling decision. Examples for this kind of representation 28 are provided in several publications by Prado et al. 14,18,19 . As they assume a meta-scheduling model with a scheduler that schedules incoming jobs on independent computing sites, the authors describe their states as tuple of seven site-specific values. ...
... In addition, they present a concept for evolving rules with a Michigan approach 33 where single rules are evaluated with regard of their negative or positive influence on the scheduling performance. Those different approaches are then combined 14 to form a hybrid solution of updating the weights, that is, the influences of single rules. They use the Michigan approach for updating single rules and the Pittsburgh approach to update whole rulebases. ...
... 11 makespan/RT single domain offline synth. grid-scheduling Li et al. 13 prediction predicting RT and WT online real failure in local scheduling Fölling et al. 22 AWRT job negotiation online real Prado et al. 18 makespan meta-scheduling online real Prado et al. 14,19 AWRT meta-scheduling online real Farzi 24 makespan/RT single domain offline synth. grid-scheduling Abraham et al. 25 makespan/RT single domain offline synth. ...
Scheduling in computational grids addresses the allocation of computing jobs to globally distributed compute resources. In a frequently changing resource environment, scheduling decisions have to be made rapidly. Depending on both the job properties and the current state of the resources, those decisions are different. Thus, the performance of grid scheduling systems highly depends on their adaptivity and flexibility in changing environments. Under these conditions, methods from knowledge discovery yielded significant success to augment and substitute conventional grid scheduling techniques. This paper presents a survey on approaches to extract, represent, and utilize knowledge to improve the grid scheduling performance. It aims to give researchers insight into techniques used for knowledge‐supported scheduling in large‐scale distributed computing environments. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This article is categorized under: Application Areas > Science and Technology Technologies > Machine Learning Technologies > Prediction
... In computer science, the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) has been developed as a result of the general belief that information sharing among members of a bird flock creates intelligent behavior. The particle swarm optimization algorithm belongs to the wide category of swarm intelligence techniques (Prado et al. 2010). PSO was proposed in 1995 (Rakitianskaia and Engelbrecht 2014) as an optimization method to simulate social behavior of swarms, since then PSO was successfully applied in a variety of optimization problems such as function optimization and training of neural networks (Rakitianskaia and Engelbrecht 2014). ...
... PSO was proposed in 1995 (Rakitianskaia and Engelbrecht 2014) as an optimization method to simulate social behavior of swarms, since then PSO was successfully applied in a variety of optimization problems such as function optimization and training of neural networks (Rakitianskaia and Engelbrecht 2014). One of the PSO's greatest advantages is being computationally inexpensive as its system requirements are low (Prado et al. 2010). The PSO utilizes a population-based search technique to optimize a targeted objective function. ...
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Optimization problems can be found in many aspects of our lives. An optimization problem can be approached as searching problem where an algorithm is proposed to search for the value of one or more variables that minimizes or maximizes an optimization function depending on an optimization goal. Multi-objective optimization problems are also abundant in many aspects of our lives with various applications in different fields in applied science. To solve such problems, evolutionary algorithms have been utilized including genetic algorithms that can achieve decent search space exploration. Things became even harder for multi-objective optimization problems when the algorithm attempts to optimize more than one objective function. In this paper, we propose a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) that utilizes a genetic algorithm (GA) to perform a global search supported by the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) to perform a local search. The proposed HGA achieved the concept of rehabilitation of rejected individuals. The proposed HGA was supported by a modified selection mechanism based on the K-means clustering algorithm that succeeded to restrict the selection process to promising solutions only and assured a balanced distribution of both the selected to survive and selected for rehabilitation individuals. The proposed algorithm was tested against 4 benchmark multi-objective optimization functions where it succeeded to achieve maximum balance between search space exploration and search space exploitation. The algorithm also succeeded in improving the HGA’s overall performance by limiting the average number of iterations until convergence.
... Hence, a large number of input features can significantly increase the search space and enlarge the learning processes. In this work, grid features are selected following previous works in the design of fuzzy rule-based meta-schedulers [11,47]. Specifically, the following grid input features are considered which concern both actual resources state and performance evolution, Hence, the fuzzification interface addresses the task of converting the crisp input values characterizing the site state into fuzzy values to be used in the inference phase. ...
Nowadays, Grid computing is increasingly showing a service-oriented tendency and as a result, providing quality of service (QoS) has raised as a relevant issue in such highly dynamic and non-dedicated systems. In this sense, the role of scheduling strategies is critical and new proposals able to deal with the inherent uncertainty of the grid state are needed in a way that QoS can be offered. Fuzzy rule-based schedulers are emerging scheduling schemas in Grid computing based on the efficient management of grid resources imprecise state and expert knowledge application to achieve an efficient workload distribution. Given the diverse and usually conflicting nature of the scheduling optimization objectives in grids considering both users and administrators requirements, these strategies can benefit from multi-objective strategies in their knowledge acquisition process greatly. This work suggests the QoS provision in the grid scheduling level with fuzzy rule-based schedulers through multi-objective knowledge acquisition considering multiple optimization criteria. With this aim, a novel learning strategy for the evolution of fuzzy rules based on swarm intelligence, Knowledge Acquisition with a Swarm Intelligence Approach (KASIA) is adapted to the multi-objective evolution of an expert grid meta-scheduler founded on Pareto general optimization theory and its performance with respect to a well-known genetic strategy is analyzed. In addition, the fuzzy scheduler with multi-objective learning results are compared to those of classical scheduling strategies in Grid computing.
The burgeoning volume of data from the IoT applications and intelligent devices processed on the cloud data centers can lead to network congestion and transmission delay. Compared to cloud computing, fog computing focuses on ubiquitous connected heterogeneous devices and addresses the transmission latency by placing the fog nodes at the network edge. Concerning the limited resources of fog nodes enable the computationally intensive tasks to offload on the cloud resources. Scheduling of deadline-constrained workflows with minimum execution cost is challenging due to complex and uncertain computation offloading problems. Therefore, an intelligent fuzzy scheduler is designed to offload tasks characterized with uncertain parameters to the appropriate resources. A new salp swarm algorithm has been exploited to learn and optimize fuzzy task-resource allocation rules. In addition to this, to overcome the shortcomings of the salp swarm algorithm, it is employed with one of the best opposition methods named: Fitness-based quasi-reflection method. The inclusion of the opposition method enhances the proposed ISSS-FQR (Intelligent salp swarm scheduler with the fitness-based quasi-reflection method) approach and improves the learning process. Simulation studies on the benchmark workflows are carried out to demonstrate the efficacy of ISSS-FQR. ISSS-FQR has been compared with the classical algorithms, including chemical reaction optimization and ant colony optimization algorithms for workflow scheduling problems (CR-AC), Cost-Makespan aware scheduling ( Deadline-based CMaS), and Directional and non-local convergent particle swarm optimization (DNCPSO). From the analyzed result, ISSS-FQR outperforms the rest of the classical algorithms, which proves the effectiveness of ISSS-FQR.
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The process of optimization is approached as a searching problem, where an optimization algorithm attempts to find the best possible solution to a given objective function within a permissible search domain. Such problems are complicated since we attempt to find the best possible solution to a given objective function. The problem becomes harder when there is more than one objective function that can be defined as multi-objective optimization problems. In such problems, the algorithm attempts to optimize more than one objective function. Furthermore, the problem becomes worse when these objectives are contradicting. Evolutionary algorithms are used to solve such problems including genetic algorithms (GAs). Hybridizing genetic algorithms is also utilized to overcome the sub optimal solution tendency of basic genetic algorithms. In this paper, an enhanced hybrid genetic algorithm is introduced with an advanced selection operator mechanism based on the K-means clustering algorithm that is also supported by the initial centroid selection optimization to ensure the best possible selection process. The proposed algorithm was tested against 4 benchmark multi-objective optimization algorithms where it succeeded to maximize the balance between search space exploration performed by the GA and search space exploitation performed by the PSO, that was reflected in the optimization ability of the algorithm. The enhanced ICSO/K-means selection operator also succeeded to enhance the optimization ability of the proposed algorithm by assuring fair distribution of the selected individuals from each generation.
Conference Paper
Workflows from DNA sequencing applications have an extensive number of jobs which are reliant and that require parallel execution if high levels of performance are desired. In this work, a novel workflow broker based on expert systems is presented to accelerate workflows for DNA sequencing in cloud computing datacenters. The broker is based on the adaptation of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems (FRBSs), which are inspired by Fuzzy Logic (FL) and rule-based systems, and as shown by simulation results, it is able to accelerate the processing of genome sequencing more efficiently than a wide range of scheduling strategies.
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There exists a wide set of scheduling approaches in literature for grid computing. However, it is still necessary to make efforts to obtain scheduling strategies able to manage the inherent uncertainty and dynamism of grids in order to meet QoS requirements of both users and network administrators. In this regard, Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems are expert systems that are increasingly arising as an alternative for the development of grid scheduling systems, mainly due to their adaptability to environments dynamism and capability to cope with uncertainty in systems information. Nevertheless, bearing in mind that these systems performance is strongly related to the quality of their acquired knowledge, new learning strategies are sought. In this work, a collection of learning strategies for knowledge bases in grid computing scheduling systems are presented: strategies based on Genetic Algorithms, Differential Evolution and a novel strategy, Knowledge Acquisition with a Swarm Intelligence Approach founded on Particle Swarm Optimization. Also, simulation results illustrating the feasibility of these strategies in different grid scenarios are shown.
Fuzzy inference systems have found a very spread application field, especially in areas, which interact with humans. However, they lack any self-learning capabilities for design of their knowledge bases. Beside such means as neural networks and interpolation methods also genetic algorithms are used in this area. First of all the conventional approaches of genetic algorithms have found use in rule-based fuzzy inference systems. In addition, other approaches, as parts of a broader group of evolutionary algorithms, like particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing were applied for this area. Finally, various other promising approaches like fuzzy cognitive maps were adapted for fuzzy logic, too. Therefore, the structure of this chapter has three basic parts and it deals at first with adaptation and knowledge acquisition possibilities of fuzzy inference systems in general. Consecutively, methods of using genetic algorithms for the design of rule-based fuzzy inference systems are described. In the last part the scope of fuzzy cognitive maps is analysed and some adaptation approaches based on evolutionary algorithms are introduced.
Scheduling in computational grids addresses the allocation of computing jobs to globally distributed compute resources. In a frequently changing resource en-vironment, scheduling decisions have to be made rapidly. Depending on both the job properties and the current state of the resources, those decisions are different. Thus, the performance of grid scheduling systems highly depends on their adaptivity and flexibility in changing environments. Under these conditions, methods from knowledge discovery yielded significant success to augment and substitute conventional grid scheduling techniques. This paper presents a sur-vey on approaches to extract, represent, and utilize knowledge to improve the grid scheduling performance. It aims to give researchers insight into techniques used for knowledge-supported scheduling in large-scale distributed computing environments. C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems Evolutionary Computation Introduction to Genetic Fuzzy Systems Genetic Tuning Processes Learning with Genetic Algorithms Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems Based on the Michigan Approach Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems Based on the Pittsburgh Approach Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems Based on the lterative Rule Learning Approach Other Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based System Other Kinds of Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems Applications.
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Grid computing is a computational framework used to meet growing computational demands. This paper introduces a novel approach based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for scheduling jobs on computational grids. The representations of the position and velocity of the particles in conventional PSO is extended from the real vectors to fuzzy matrices. The proposed approach is to dynamically generate an optimal schedule so as to complete the tasks within a minimum period of time as well as utilizing the resources in an efficient way. We evaluate the performance of the proposed PSO algorithm with a Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) approach. Empirical results illustrate that an important advantage of the PSO algorithm is its speed of convergence and the ability to obtain faster and feasible schedules.
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The new paradigm of distributed computation, grid computing, has given rise to a large amount of research on resource scheduling. Unlike the distributed computation, grid computing uses heterogeneous resources, for what grid computing entails new challenges as the adaptation of parallel algorithms before developed for homogeneous resources cluster to the dynamic and heterogeneous resources. In this paper we present a dynamic-balanced scheduler for grid computing that solves two typical kinds of problems of grid computing, using for them the cycles of some resources of the grid. The first problem is based on iterative tasks that usually appear in optimization problems. The second problem is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) problem. Experimental results using dynamic-balanced scheduler show that it is possible to obtain an improved use of the resources in the grid. This strategy enables to adapt the length of a task to the computing capacity of each resource at any given moment. Furthermore, this scheduling strategy enables to execute all the tasks in a shorter time.
This work describes the application of the schedule-based ap-proach when dealing with the Grid scheduling problem. We present the advantages as well as the common problems related to this approach. In contrast to the classical queue-based approach, schedule-based approach is much more influenced by the natural dynamics and the uncertainty present in the Grid. Therefore, we propose some general techniques to overcome these problems while keeping the benefits of the schedule-based approach. These techniques use event-based scheduling approach which keeps the schedule up-to-date over the time according to the events ap-pearing due to the dynamically changing state of the Grid. This approach uses only limited re-scheduling keeping the algorithm's runtime reason-able while still preserving the benefits of the general schedule-based ap-proach as is demonstrated in the experimental evaluation.