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Intelligence Stratum for IoT. Architecture Requirements and Functions


Abstract and Figures

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly pervasive and relevant in many different application areas. Researchers are putting a considerable effort to take full advantage of the power of AI, while trying to overcome the technical challenges that are intrinsically linked to almost any domain area of application, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the biggest problems related to the use of AI in IoT is related to the difficulty of coping with the wide variety of protocols and software technologies used, as well as with the heterogeneity of the hardware resources consuming the AI. The scattered IoT landscape accentuates the limitations on interoperability, especially visible in the deployment of AI, affecting the seamless AI life-cycle management as well. In this paper, it is discussed how to enable AI distribution in IoT by introducing a layered intelligence architecture that aims to face the undertaken challenges taking into account the special requirements of nowadays IoT networks. It describes the main characteristics of the new paradigm architecture, highlighting what are the implications of its adoption from use cases perspective and their requirements. Finally, a set of open technical and research challenges are enumerated to reach the full potential of the intelligence distribution's vision.
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Intelligence Stratum for IoT.
Architecture Requirements and Functions
Edgar Ramos
Ericsson Research, Finland
Roberto Morabito
Ericsson Research, Finland
Abstract—The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming
increasingly pervasive and relevant in many different application
areas. Researchers are putting a considerable effort to take
full advantage of the power of AI, while trying to overcome
the technical challenges that are intrinsically linked to almost
any domain area of application, such as the Internet of Things
(IoT). One of the biggest problems related to the use of AI
in IoT is related to the difficulty of coping with the wide
variety of protocols and software technologies used, as well as
with the heterogeneity of the hardware resources consuming
the AI. The scattered IoT landscape accentuates the limitations
on interoperability, especially visible in the deployment of AI,
affecting the seamless AI life-cycle management as well. In this
paper, it is discussed how to enable AI distribution in IoT
by introducing a layered intelligence architecture that aims to
face the undertaken challenges taking into account the special
requirements of nowadays IoT networks. It describes the main
characteristics of the new paradigm architecture, highlighting
what are the implications of its adoption from use cases perspec-
tive and their requirements. Finally, a set of open technical and
research challenges are enumerated to reach the full potential of
the intelligence distribution’s vision.
Index Terms—Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Distribution
Intelligence and smartness are considered the top value of
the Internet of Things (IoT) [1]. The main reason for connect-
ing things is that they enable the possibility of automation,
especially the type of automation that resembles intelligence.
There is an expected smart behavior from IoT systems or
applications even if the devices are not permanently connected.
The nature of such intelligence is as varied as the number of
applications in IoT. Thereby, producing intelligent functions
for IoT requires good knowledge in applications domains, the
deployment of the system, and the involved devices.
A framework proposal was presented in [2] to address
the growing complexity of intelligence application devel-
opment for IoT. The framework introduces an abstraction
of intelligence services to an intelligence layer that serves
the applications requesting intelligence. The main idea is to
decouple the implementation of intelligence functions from
the actual application code, thus enabling the possibility of
keeping independent Life Cycle Management (LCM) of each
intelligent function in one device. The framework explores the
possibility of provisioning intelligence functions directly to a
device. In contrast, commercially available approaches focus
on provisioning Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Fig. 1. Intelligent services decoupling.
for applications to access intelligent services from a cloud
In this article, first are identified the use cases and use
cases actors of the intelligence layer [2]. Next, the require-
ments of the intelligence layer are analysed based on the use
cases description and the interaction with the use-case actors.
Additionally, it is applied to the IoT context and high-level
architectural functions are formulated to address the intro-
duced requirements. The use cases are composed following the
methodology, notation and concepts specified for the Unified
Modeling Language (UML) by the Object Management Group
[3]. A UML use case is meant to capture useful systems
behavior by specifying the functionality performed by one
or more observed subjects to which the use case applies in
collaboration with one or more entities or actors.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
introduces the decoupling concept of the intelligence services
from the application layer. Section III describes the special
context that IoT introduces when considering distributing AI
to devices. Following section analyzes the requirements from
the different actors interacting with the intelligence layer’s use
cases. Section V presents and describes a high-level architec-
ture proposal of the intelligence layer based on the functions
decomposition identified to address the use case requirements.
Section VI lists additional aspects to be investigated. Finally,
This article has been accepted for publication in the 17th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2019) © 2019 IEEE.
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conclusions are drawn in the last section.
Intelligent applications and intelligent services are used as
interchangeable terms in many situations. In this article it
is made a distinction between both. They are distinctive of
each other because their end-aims are different. An intelligent
application makes use of one or several intelligent services
that allows to fulfill its task, which is closely related to a use
case. For example, a word processing application may use
a voice recognition service to fulfil the task of generating
documents for a user. In contrast, the goal of the speech
recognition intelligent service is to digitize the oral input
of natural language in a format that can be understood and
manipulated by other software component. In this example, the
software component utilizing the speech recognition service is
the word processing application.
Multiple intelligent services can be integrated and serve one
application. They may use the output, or part of the output of
one, or several other services to produce a new result. This
is referred to as service composition. The service composition
may be highly integrated in the implementation code of the
application, or loosely coupled in a modular fashion. The
intelligent services concept is more evident and visible when
the applications architecture is modular.
The intelligent services development is different than the
development of traditional applications. The programming
languages, the development process, the required support data
and the acceleration support differ on their requirements and
final result. If the intelligent services are directly integrated
into the applications, all these factors complicate the life cycle
management of the applications and makes their evolution
more difficult [4]. Figure 1 exemplifies a device’s architecture
stack with a layered and decoupled intelligence, in contrast to
the legacy application coupled intelligence.
It is possible to find highly decoupled intelligent services
from applications in specific domains such as object recogni-
tion [5]. Applications utilize REST APIs to access resources
in remote locations. The remote resources process input data
from the application and reply with information processed
by their intelligent algorithms in a format understandable by
applications following the API definition. Although there is
some degree of decoupling of the services from the applica-
tion, the main reason for the service break-up resides on the
need of offloading computational processing and reduction of
data transmission for training purposes. In consequence, the
intelligence services are mostly running in remote servers and
not directly in the devices where the applications are executed.
At the same time, the data required to train the models are
centrally collected, and in turn facilitating the training process
of the models used by the intelligent services [6].
IoT is a heterogeneous and diverse environment in terms
of topologies, protocols, use cases, business processes and
deployed technologies. The applications targeted for IoT are
also diverse and varied in their purpose, requirements and
processing characteristics. Intelligence services serving those
applications face similar challenges and require high degree
of versatility and adaptability. In some cases, the intelligent
services may need to be executed in relatively constrained en-
vironments with limitations in memory and processing power,
or their processing is offloaded to remote execution environ-
ments such as a cloud. The consolidation or aggregation of
data may also further restrict how the intelligence services are
being handled, including their inputs and outputs.
There are several aspects of intelligence distribution to
consider when understanding what Distribution of Artificial
Intelligence (D-AI) involves in practice, especially in the IoT
context. In first place, there is an intelligence functional distri-
bution. The intelligent services can be decomposed in smaller
components or functions with concatenated outputs that feed
another function – basically, a modular intelligence approach
distributing the intelligence service across modules. A second
aspect of D-AI is the inference execution distribution. The
intelligence service inference can be executed in different
domains according to the availability, needs and requirements
of the use case. This aspect is especially critical in the IoT
case with their heterogeneity of deployments. The domains
range from a processor unit or specialized hardware, to a
device, gateway or edge node, or a centralized data center.
The intelligence services execution domain can be adapted
in accordance to the real-time conditions experienced when
the service is required. The inference execution should not
be confused with the training execution distribution, even
when they relate to the same domain’s aspect. The training of
models is, in some cases, a very intensive CPU and memory
hungry procedure. In consequence, the parallelization of the
training process is today a common practice used to provide
shorter leading times and, in some cases, also for privacy
reasons [7]. A fourth aspect is the provisioning of models or
intelligence functions to their execution environments (either
for training or inference). Meanwhile the previous two aspects
are focused in the execution, the provisioning aspect focuses
in how to pack the intelligence (scripts, exchange formats,
virtual machines, containers, etc.) and expose the functionality
to applications making use of the local resources, following
local and remote set policies and enabling the intelligence
functions life cycle management. A final aspect to consider is
the agent functional distribution. Rational agents may interact
between themselves following their purpose in a individual and
isolated fashion, but also may follow cooperative behaviors
(for example in a hierarchical model, or a swarm model),
or even competitive approaches (adversarial models or game
theory based optimizations) [8]. The way how the intelligent
agents, which may make use of one or several intelligence
services, interact with other intelligent agents is also relevant
when looking at D-AI for IoT.
The intelligence layer concept introduced in [2] provides
services to several use cases’ actors that interact with such a
Fig. 2. Use Case Diagram for the Intelligence Layer Services
layer. Each of the actors has their own set of requirements and
interfacing with the intelligence layer of devices aiming for
optimal and sustainable operation (scalable, secure, resilient,
Figure 2 depicts the UML use case diagram for the intel-
ligence layer reflecting the services required of each of the
actors that interact with it. The actors correspond to the main
entities identified as ecosystem parties from the distributed
machine intelligence ecosystem in [2]. The LCM Intelligence
Broker, or simply Intelligence Broker in the context of this
article, corresponds to the Intelligence Market from the Ma-
chine Intelligence Ecosystem. This broker acts as mediator be-
tween the intelligence providers and the intelligent devices. It
provides the necessary capabilities and support to interactions
between the related actors. From the device perspective, the
intelligence layer provides a single point of contact with the
intelligence broker. The devices utilize their secure connection
with the broker to request intelligent services that later are
served by a selection of registered intelligence providers to
such broker.
The applications are the ”user” entities of the intelligence
services. Before they can use the services, it is necessary to
discover where to find them, if they are not already available
in the application’s device. In this situation, the broker is used
to navigate, filter and query – from the registered providers –
which intelligent services offered are suitable for the needs of
the device’s application. Once the suitable service is selected,
the intelligence provider service can be provisioned to the
device. The service realization may be of diverse nature, for
example, a virtual execution environment that can directly
serve the application, or a model that is executed in a AI-
runtime environment and exposed to the application as a
service, or even a call re-direction to a remote executed service
that implements the intelligent function.
Once the intelligent service has been provisioned and is
ready to be used by applications in the device, it may need
to locally be trained, and/or may use some additional data
for inference. The Intelligence Data Providers utilize either
the intelligence market services or communication channels
pre-established by the intelligence services provisioned to
deliver the required data. The Intelligence Data Provider
might even be the same entity than the Intelligence Provider,
but in this role the focus is on provisioning data instead
of intelligence models. The Intelligence Layer must support
the data provisioning by supplying storage, and processing
services, and mapping the data for inference and training pro-
cesses, including access control, confidentiality and integrity
Users of devices could be of different kind. Users that own
and take advantage of the device capabilities can be identified
as direct users straightforward. The ambiguity arises when the
users do not necessarily own the device and they may benefit
from one function or aspect of the device, or their services
are shared with other users, or the real user of the device is
another subsystem and not necessarily a human being. This is
the case of automated control systems, such as the assembling
robot of a factory, or the air-conditioning thermostat of an
intelligent house. For this kind of systems, there may have
been a human acting as machine operator, as well as humans
that benefit from some of the device operations (for example
the people in the room being air-conditioned). However, they
may not own the device and therefore is difficult to define
who the end-user of the device is. Nevertheless, the device
is in need of configuration, monitoring and operation of some
kind. We could then see this as the Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) or Operative System (OS) functions, that many devices
include in their systems. These functions effectively control
several aspects of the device and they provide interfaces with
the relevant entities or ”users” to steer the operation of devices.
In conclusion, the operation control can be modeled as an
actor generalization of the roles that a direct user and the
O&M/OS systems have with respect to managing devices.
The Operation Control actor requires access to the intelligence
layer to configure policies related to data handling, execution
and in many cases accessibility of the devices resources and
The Intelligent Service (Intelligence Actors) is itself an
actor in the use case context. The services may be simple
functions, named Atomic Intelligent Services (AIS), or Fine-
Grained Intelligent Services (FGIS) which are more complex
functions composed in many cases by multiple AIS together.
The later may even be combined with other FGIS or additional
AIS. The result is composition of Intelligence Actors that are
orchestrated with their inputs and outputs concatenated and
serve one or several applications with their intelligence ser-
vices. The life cycle management of intelligence would apply
not only to the intelligence actors but also to the orchestration
or composition of such actors, since the intelligence provider
may use different combination of actor concatenations without
updating the individual actors. For example, if the intelligence
provider to improve the processing efficiency then modifies
the order how some AIS are applied on the input data.
The intelligence layer must manage the updating of the
intelligence actors that have been provisioned and control
the dependencies created by the service composition. The
updating and modification of the actors have to be verified
and the changes authorized by the management policies. Also,
the actor’s execution environment must be considered and, in
some cases, the performance required by certain applications
cannot be satisfied by the local execution hardware or by
the connectivity characteristics linking to remote execution
environments. The conditions may vary according to load,
mobility state, concurrency, interference, and others, implying
that the intelligence layer may need to redeploy the execution
of actors in the best domains available for the specific function
that satisfies the performance metrics. In turn, this function is
related to the management of data processing according to the
policies that the operation control use case actor has provided,
because there may be restrictions of data leaving a device or
about being processed elsewhere to the device domain.
A. Requirements from Use Cases Actors
The use case actors’ requirements for the intelligence layer
can be determined once all the relevant use case actors and
their interactions have been identified. In Table I a list of
requirements has been compiled for the services that the
intelligence layer has to provide to all the use case actors.
The requirements have been proposed in line to the following
principles for D-AI value generation enablers from [2].
Technology providers
(Use) Proprietary and open models from generic or
specialized modules,
(operate on) local, remote , public and private infras-
tructure and
(employ) proprietary, 3rd party or local data sources.
Interoperability space
Standardized intelligence modelling and exposure to
Harmonized intelligence life cycle management and
provisioning discovery.
Devices and Execution
Open intelligence services platform.
Services or support to any hardware type.
Intelligence Functions
Mostly composition of generic solutions.
Peer-to-peer, multi-homing, stand-alone and client-
server applications.
In this section, it is described what are functions and
minimal requirements that the layered intelligence architecture
must embed in order to fully enable the envisioned ecosystem.
Figure 3 is referred to provide an high-level view. The term
”compass” is used to convey the idea that the intelligence layer
is the core element of this new intelligence paradigm, and
to emphasize the fact that its definition impacts almost every
single aspect of the whole ecosystem, both from technical and
business perspective.
High level functions can already be devised to address the
requirements to the intelligence layer services from Table I.
The functions are naturally defined based on their interactions
with the other actors and therefore realizing the functionality
that the interfaces exposes.
A. Intelligence Layer Compass
The intelligence layer is characterized by a set of func-
tional components forming its core and four distinct interfaces
(Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound at Figure
Northbound and Southbound interfaces resemble the typical
structure of regular IoT platforms. The main purpose of the
Northbound module is to interface with overlying applications
as well as user/system management engines. The Southbound
module acts as a sort of device manager, meaning that it
handles, selects and executes all hardware and supplemen-
tary libraries needed for ensuring the most suitable runtime
system for all the Intelligence Layer components running
on top of a given hardware platform. Furthermore, while
controlling the execution, it ensures that application’s QoS
and performance requirements are satisfied. Westbound and
Eastbound interfaces have been introduced along with the
intelligence services decoupling concept to fully enable this
new intelligence paradigm vision with its entire ecosystem.The
Westbound module is meant to take care of all the Life
Cycle management aspects, as well as provisioning, update
and discovery of intelligence. The Eastbound interface, in
contrast, is responsible for ensuring the remote and distributed
execution of intelligence services. From this perspective, the
eastbound interface owns the key role of guaranteeing an
efficient coupling with associated intelligence layers. This
latter task is not trivial as it must be ensured that multiple
intelligence layers can be associated according to specific
topology (e.g., master-slave, peer-to-peer, etc.). Furthermore,
such association requires trust management services to be
executed to discriminate legit from tampered instances and
prevent any potential attack. In this respect, securing the
entire data pipeline between the associated intelligence layers
becomes also a key task that such interface needs to cover.
The Northbound interface (NB) bridges the functionality
provided by the intelligence layer with the overlying appli-
cation running on top of it. It enables key processes such
as automatic setup and discovery of intelligent functions de-
pendencies, updates and redeployment of intelligent services,
access to intelligent functions chain, execution and inference
policies, etc. Consequently, there are multiple aspects that
needs to be handled by such interface and most of them relate
on the setup, management, and release of the APIs existing
between the application and intelligence layer. Additionally,
there are a set of policies and customization rules that must
be defined to handle the data flowing among application and
other interfaces.
Actor: Intelligence Broker. Actor: Intelligence Data Provider.
Use case:Intelligence Provision Discovery. Use case:Training and Inference Support Data Provisioning.
Trusted and secure communication to and from Intelligence Brokers.
Intelligence query and handshake initiation handling for intelligence
on-boarding and updates.
Multiple brokers accessibility.
Interoperable and secure data ingestion from third party providers to
Verification and certification of intelligence data origins.
Enforcing of device system policies for outbound processed data.
Data providers policies enforcement for data treatment in the device.
Actor: Intelligence Provider. Actor:Applications.
Use case: Intelligence Actors Life Cycle Management Use case: Intelligence Provision Discovery
Interoperable on-boarding, setup, updating, execution and
decommissioning of intelligent functions (actors) in a device.
Handling of intelligent actors from trained or untrained models using a
standard or open intelligence exchange format.
Training tools & methods support for untrained models.
Intelligent services composition (chaining atomic intelligent services
Verification and certification of intelligence functions origins.
Device capabilities reporting.
Automatic setup and discovery of intelligent functions dependencies from
Updates and redeployment of intelligent services.
Use case: Intelligence Services Provisioning and Execution
Access to intelligent functions chain according to access and execution
Execution and inference policies enforcing of application specific data.
Actor: Intelligent Actors (or intelligent services). Actor: Control Operators (end user or O&M system).
Use case: Intelligence Actors Life Cycle Management Use case: Data Execution and Access Policies Management
Versioning and re-deployments of actors and supporting of the whole
actors life cycle management.
Configuration and customization of execution, training and inference
polices of intelligence actor’s specific data in applications, execution
domains and intelligent services.
Monitoring services and a rule engine to match performance targets or
contingency actions during operation.
End-user agreements configuration for provisioned intelligent services
Use case: Functions and Processing Execution Distribution
Composition of intelligence actors in chains according to access and
execution policies.
Intelligence actor’s specific data, execution and inference policies.
Execution orchestration in multiple domains to maximize performance.
Use case: Target Adaptation
Interfacing between the device hardware environment and higher level
functions, specially for acceleration purposes
Configurable APIs are required to enable a flexible and
seamlessly interaction between the intelligence layer and ap-
plications. From this perspective, hypermedia can be consid-
ered a suitable technology to achieve such flexibility. Although
hypermedia is still not used to its fullest extent in the IoT
context, lately there have been several attempts to make sure
that web technologies can be also used in different deployment
environments [9]. The advantage brought by the potential use
of web applications (e.g. hyperlinks, forms, web media types)
strives by the possibility of making the system dynamically
adaptable to the changes without undermining usability and
compatibility between the two interfaced layers. Furthermore,
the NB must embed mechanism allowing the application to
semantically discover how to find and use the APIs when,
for example, intelligence layer and a specific application are
associated for the first time. The NB characteristics enable a
new way of writing intelligent applications, since developers
may not code the intelligence directly into the application, but
rather make sure that application’s APIs can fully interact with
the underlying layer and only fetching the intelligence services
from it.
Additionally, the NB provides support to the operation con-
trol for configuring policies and customization rules. They are
needed for managing how data flows through the intelligence
layer, by considering also supplementary aspects including
data confidentiality, privacy, data storage and data access, data
re-usability, data provenance, data ownership, etc. Further-
more, the policies govern the interactions of intelligence with
the resources available to it, such as, management of connec-
tivity, or the performance metrics to achieve a determined qual-
ity of service. These policies can be handled by a rule engine
that dynamically adjust the resource utilization and matching
intelligence model execution according to the applicable policy
that might restrict the execution domain or constrain how
much processing load, memory or power can be spared. In
order to validate the consistency of enforcing policies, the
actor management embeds watchdogs that constantly verify
whether there is compliance with respect to the established
rules. In reference to the compass, the Intelligence Services
Exposure is the functional entity exposing the APIs that allows
the association between the intelligent functions (intelligence
actors in the intelligence layer context) and the intelligent
applications, meanwhile the actors management functions are
performed by the Actors Engine. The Intelligence Actors life-
Fig. 3. Intelligence Layer Compass
cycle and association to applications is handled by the Actor
Repository, while the policies are handled by the Management
Engine, which has specific functions related to monitoring,
data and intelligence actors’ policies.
The Westbound interface (WB) plays a key role to fully re-
alize the intelligence layer-based ecosystem and make possible
carry on most of the envisioned use cases. The specialization
of the WB relies on maintaining the life-cycle management
of the intelligence services as well as managing the services
provisioning, by enabling the interactions with intelligence
providers and intelligence data providers as external entities.
The Intelligence LCM Exposure is the intelligence layer com-
ponent that realizes the WB interface providing access to the
internal components of the intelligence layer. It also ensures
that all the LCM management related tasks are executed,
as well as guarantees trusted and secure interactions with
intelligence providers and intelligence brokers (Figure 3).
It varies from case to case to what extent intelligence
data provider and intelligence provider are the same entity.
However, there are multiple cases in which these two entities
are different and therefore each of them needs a separate
API for interacting with the actors’ management. The in-
telligence data provider API must be designed in a way to
ensure data confidentiality – meaning that data are used only
for the purpose for which they are received –, but also to
make sure that the actors management can easily recognize
the correlation/correspondence to the AI model for which
the received data can be used. In this respect, semantic-
based solutions to describe data can be useful for simplifying
and make transparent this association, for example, labeling
as weather data a subset of temperatures values. From the
technical point of view, the WB APIs may be activated
bidirectionally and grants real-time or cached access both to
the actors engine and/or intelligence data provider. The API
between intelligence provider and intelligence layer can be
realized differently depending on whether the provider delivers
the intelligence by direct interaction with the intelligence
layer or, alternatively, by a mediator intelligence broker that
fetches the intelligence services through dedicated market or
similar entities. There are clearly different trust and security
implications in the two foreseen scenarios, which also depends
on the relation established between the parties. For each
case, additional policies need to be defined. In any case, it
is expected that a direct involvement is more suitable for
industrial use-cases where dedicated and stronger agreements
between providers and users are expected. Differently, for
general purpose and consumer cases is likely that a market-
based approach is preferred. In both cases though, there
are several design and implementation aspects that need to
be considered. For example, it is important to define an
interoperable, extensible, and open methodology that allows
applications to easily benefit from using a wide set of AI
models/frameworks, selected according of the different phases
of the intelligent application development (e.g. training or
inference) and of the additional system requirements (e.g. from
network architecture perspective) [10]. Integrity check and
certification of the services provided represent a key aspect
as well. To this extent, standardized mechanisms, similar as
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) software updates for
IoT [11] may be used to satisfy such requirements.
Returning to the role of the intelligence broker in the
discovery of intelligent services, a metadata-based approach
is advisable. Additional semantic annotations can be defined
to describe the appropriate level of detail needed to expose
the services. The handshake initiation for intelligence on-
boarding and updates must be defined effectively, to model the
interaction between providers, broker and intelligence layer.
In fact, additional mechanisms must be defined mainly for
mapping the supplier policies to the device policies (e.g. data
policies and actor policies). It is also important to understand,
how to effectively reuse existing protocols and networking
technologies. It is needed to optimize the intelligence hand-
shake taking in account the policies mechanisms and other
additional aspects also, such as, devices heterogeneity and their
The Southbound interface (SB) bridges intelligence layer
and the underlying hardware platform. In order to effectively
tailor the intelligence services to the hardware and software
capabilities of the platform, such interface receive and process
a relevant amount of information as it interacts – mainly
through the Device Manager – with several intelligence layer
functional blocks (i.e. management engine, actors engine). The
SB is responsible for transferring information to the device
manager about hardware discovery, software availability and
resource availability making in practice the intelligence layer
hardware and software agnostic. From hardware discovery
perspective, the intelligence layer must be able to determine
whether is interacting, for example, with a Graphics Process-
ing Unit (GPU) rather than a Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), a
Single-Board Computer (SBC), or a very constrained device.
This awareness of the available hardware resource of the
device limits what software can be executed in the device
itself. In terms of software capability, the interaction device-to-
device manager is mainly based on understanding whether the
device embeds already all the needed software components to
support the requested intelligence service. It is worth clarifying
that in this process also the WB can be also involved, as
the intelligence service may require an updated or newer AI
algorithm that is not stored or cached already in the device
and therefore needs to be requested and provisioned from an
intelligence provider. In both cases of software and hardware
capabilities discovery, an hypermedia-based approach can be
used for enabling it. However, taking into consideration the
IoT context, we also envision the use of Constrained RESTful
Application Language (CoRAL) [12] as one possibility of
enhancing discovery capabilities also in the device-constrained
space, and of the Lightweight M2M protocol (LWM2M) [13]
for reporting hardware and software capabilities.
To maintain a real-time overview of all the available device
resources and react to changes or variations of the environment
or resource utilization, dedicated HW and SW monitoring
capabilities – hosted and provided by the management engine
– are essential, for example, to act according to the type of
connectivity available, or power supply state – corresponding
to the management policies provided.
At last, the intelligence layer delegates on the Eastbound
interface (EB) to perform all the procedures connected to the
distributed execution of intelligence services. In this context,
distribution of execution means enabling a seamless inter-
action with other intelligence layer peers or complementary
intelligence-based domains, but also the issuing of parallel
execution among devices or the off-loading of intelligence
service execution to other peers. This function is offloaded
to the Intelligence Interpreter, who has to interact with the
Device Manager and the Capability Management to decide on
the best execution strategy for each of the intelligence actors
of an intelligent service.
The execution of intelligence services across multiple do-
mains, as well as the association between several intelligence
layers brings additional challenges that need to be addressed.
To this extent, the role played by the EB is important to ensure
seamless association and on-boarding mechanisms, continuous
trust management, secure data flow and data provenance, and
actor re-deployment (in the event that intelligence services
are offloaded). Referring to the case of association between
several intelligence layers, additional aspects are worth to be
clarified further respect the role of the EB. The first one
relates to the fact that in the association process, the EB
shall be capable to negotiate what kind of distribution model
must be established (e.g. master-slave or peer-to-peer) with the
associated intelligence layer(s). In this process, management
engine and device manager are also involved to ensure that the
association becomes feasible both from hardware and software
perspective. Then, the EB must be designed to support that the
associated intelligence interpreter receives all the necessary
information for exploiting the coupled intelligence. Finally,
the EB need to support the orchestration of the (distributed)
actor re-deployment. In this respect, existing solutions such
as [14] are useful, if considering additional several conceptual
and technological extensions (e.g. owning the characteristic
of being agnostic respect both applications’ programming
language and runtime execution environments).
The concept introduced in this paper defines a novel way
of exploiting the power of AI in a wide set scenarios with
special emphasis in IoT. Nonetheless, several technical areas
deserve further investigation to fulfill the views expressed and
progress towards the implementation of a first deployment.
First, the main goal must be to demonstrate the feasibility
of decoupling the intelligence from the application under-
standing the potential benefits deriving by the introduction
of the intelligence layer paradigm both from deployment and
business perspective. From a purely technical point of view,
there are several implementation practices that are worthwhile
to consider when building a prototype. In particular:
Provisioning of AI models and intelligence service com-
position in a layered intelligence architecture.
Determine the choices of protocols to use by and among
the different intelligence layer functions and interfaces.
Also, select between the different architectural styles (e.g.
REST vs. publish-subscribe) and interaction paradigms
(e.g. request-reply, callback, or notification based) ac-
cording to the different requirements.
Define Intelligence Services API discovery with semantic
Orchestrate Intelligent Actors in and between de-
Set up protected data pipelines (separation of concerns,
shared data access, semantic based security and privacy,
policy distribution and contextualization).
Further explore trust establishment and propagation to
data management in a device (e.g. through ledgering
Evaluate the suitability of widely-used OS (e.g. Linux
or Android) as underlying software platform for a full
realization of our concept – also hardware portability is
considered crucial.
Identify what monitoring and capability management
mechanisms for improving platform and device efficiency
are needed.
Linked to the above listed challenges, there are also a set of
non-extensive open research questions that are listed below.
How to do secure, private and protected interoperable
service composition?
What technologies can be used to harmonize and make
extensible the APIs enabling the interaction between
applications and intelligence layer?
How to evaluate the balance between complexity, perfor-
mance and efficiency of generic IoT AI models consid-
ering device available resources?
How to find the best suitable policy handling strategies
for data and intelligence execution?
What are additional enablers required for the distribution
ecosystem friction-less operation?
What are the mechanisms to handle the execution distri-
bution of intelligence services (both from hardware and
software perspective)?
It is expected that the above listed research questions and
technical challenges attract the interest both from researchers
and developers in working in the development of all these
different aspects.
In this paper, it is introduced and described a novel way
of realizing how to deploy AI, especially in the IoT domain.
It is based on the idea that intelligence services decoupling
from the applications enables a more flexible and open in-
telligence life-cycle management, and interoperability with
several additional benefits than coupled approaches. It is also
presented what are the technological-based grounds that can
bring forward the new paradigm, by highlighting also how new
use cases and opportunities are created from its technological
development. They have been turned on requirements that
are addressed for specific functions described in high-level
and mapped to components of the intelligence layer serving
applications in a device. In particular focus was the interaction
between the intelligence layer and external actors that utilize
its services. Also, in focus was its applicability in the specific
context of IoT, as one possible extreme case scenario in which
intelligence services must be handled effectively, by taking
into account the constraints due to the hardware, software,
and networking heterogeneity.
Finally, a list of critical technical challenges and promising
research areas have been drawn to provide specific guidelines
for future works to a wider research community. As a next
step, it is encouraged further developments towards the re-
alization of the intelligence service decoupling, studying its
practical feasibility and the ecosystem impact generated by it.
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... Currently, this coupling is one of the most challenging aspect of deploying AI in real-world applications. The high, and still increasing, level of coupling of AI solutions to the applications is discussed in detail in [2] and [3]. Coupling basically enforces the provision of one-of and tailor-made AI solutions that fits only or a small number of implementations. ...
... A device might execute one or multiple "intelligent" applications and the "perception" of their intelligence comes from how they are able to learn, or process data in a way that seems to resemble human-like reasoning. As it has been defined in [3], "An intelligent application makes use of one or several intelligent services that allows it to fulfill its task which is closely related to a use case". Therefore an application makes use of specific AI or ML models that can be abstracted as " s" (IS). ...
... Other steps have been taken to decouple AI from applications through using RESTful APIs to remotely execute models(e.g., [15] and [16]). However, [2] and [3] argued that for many IoT devices this approach does not suffice because API updates for the targeted devices will be heavily complicated due to compatibility issues. Also, the semantic tools outlined here does not target the particularities of the device heterogeneity and their context might only be restricted to very few domains of deployment or use case. ...
... Currently, this coupling is one of the most challenging aspect of deploying AI in real-world applications. The high, and still increasing, level of coupling of AI solutions to the applications is discussed in detail in [2] and [3]. Coupling basically enforces the provision of one-of and tailor-made AI solutions that fits only or a small number of implementations. ...
... A device might execute one or multiple "intelligent" applications and the "perception" of their intelligence comes from how they are able to learn, or process data in a way that seems to resemble human-like reasoning. As it has been defined in [3], "An intelligent application makes use of one or several intelligent services that allows it to fulfill its task which is closely related to a use case". Therefore an application makes use of specific AI or ML models that can be abstracted as " s" (IS). ...
... Other steps have been taken to decouple AI from applications through using RESTful APIs to remotely execute models(e.g., [15] and [16]). However, [2] and [3] argued that for many IoT devices this approach does not suffice because API updates for the targeted devices will be heavily complicated due to compatibility issues. Also, the semantic tools outlined here does not target the particularities of the device heterogeneity and their context might only be restricted to very few domains of deployment or use case. ...
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The exposure and discovery of intelligence especially for devices and autonomous systems have become an important area of research towards an all intelligent world. In this article, it is proposed a semantic description of functions used to provide intelligence services targeting mainly devices. The semantic descriptors aim to provide interoperability between multiple types of domain's vocabularies, data models, and ontologies, so applications in devices are able to deploy them once they are onboarded in the device or system platform. The semantic descriptors aims to support the discovery, onboarding, and updating of such services by providing descriptions of their execution environment, software dependencies, policies and data inputs required, as well as the outputs produced, to enable application decoupling from AI functions.
... AI system running as a virtual function) between multiple edge nodes, and between edge nodes and centralized monitoring and control systems is visualized. Intelligent AI services for IoT can be decoupled much like Network Function Virtualization (NFV) with the unique requirements of IoT and AI, as elaborated in [58]. AI system or service mobility, along with synchronizing the needed AI processing among multiple edge nodes [56], can be achieved through the novel technological development in communication and computing technologies such as SDN and MEC, as explained with examples in [59]. ...
The Internet of Things (IoT), hailed as the enabler of the next industrial revolution, will require ubiquitous connectivity, context-aware and dynamic service mobility, and extreme security through the wireless network infrastructure. Artificial Intelligence (AI), thus, will play a major role in the underlying network infrastructure. However, a number of challenges will surface while using the concepts, tools and algorithms of AI in wireless networks used by IoT. In this article, the main challenges in using AI in the wireless network infrastructure that facilitate end-to-end IoT communication are highlighted with potential generalized solution and future research directions.
... AI system running as a virtual function) between multiple edge nodes, and between edge nodes and centralized monitoring and control systems is visualized. Intelligent AI services for IoT can be decoupled much like Network Function Virtualization (NFV) with the unique requirements of IoT and AI, as elaborated in [58]. AI system or service mobility, along with synchronizing the needed AI processing among multiple edge nodes [56], can be achieved through the novel technological development in communication and computing technologies such as SDN and MEC, as explained with examples in [59]. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT), hailed as the enabler of the next industrial revolution, will require ubiquitous connec-tivity, context-aware and dynamic service mobility, and extreme security through the wireless network infrastructure. Artificial Intelligence (AI), thus, will play a major role in the underlying network infrastructure. However, a number of challenges will surface while using the concepts, tools and algorithms of AI in wireless networks used by IoT. In this article, the main challenges in using AI in the wireless network infrastructure that facilitate end-to-end IoT communication are highlighted with potential generalized solution and future research directions.
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Federated learning is a recent advance in privacy protection. In this context, a trusted curator aggregates parameters optimized in decentralized fashion by multiple clients. The resulting model is then distributed back to all clients, ultimately converging to a joint representative model without explicitly having to share the data. However, the protocol is vulnerable to differential attacks, which could originate from any party contributing during federated optimization. In such an attack, a client's contribution during training and information about their data set is revealed through analyzing the distributed model. We tackle this problem and propose an algorithm for client sided differential privacy preserving federated optimization. The aim is to hide clients' contributions during training, balancing the trade-off between privacy loss and model performance. Empirical studies suggest that given a sufficiently large number of participating clients, our proposed procedure can maintain client-level differential privacy at only a minor cost in model performance.
Conference Paper
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Traditionally, Deep Learning (DL) frameworks like Caffe, TensorFlow, and Cognitive Toolkit exploited GPUs to accelerate the training process. This has been primarily achieved by aggressive improvements in parallel hardware as well as through sophisticated software frameworks like cuDNN and cuBLAS. However, recent enhancements to CPU-based hardware and software has the potential to significantly enhance the performance of CPU-based DL training. In this paper, we provide a complete performance landscape of CPU- and GPU-based DNN training. We characterize performance of DNN training for AlexNet and ResNet-50 for a wide-range of CPU and GPU architectures including the latest Intel Xeon Phi (Knights Landing) processors and NVIDIA Pascal GPUs. We also present multi-node DNN training performance results for AlexNet and ResNet-50 using Intel Machine Learning Scaling (MLSL) Library and Intel-Caffe. In addition, we provide a CPU vs. GPU comparison for multi-node training using OSU-Caffe and Intel-Caffe. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that dives deeper into the performance of DNN training in a holistic manner yet provides an in-depth look at layer-wise performance for different DNNs. We provide multiple key insights: 1) Convolutions account for the majority of time (up to 83% time) consumed in DNN training, 2) GPU-based training continues to deliver excellent performance (up to 18% better than KNL) across generations of GPU hardware and software, and 3) Recent CPU-based optimizations like MKL-DNN and OpenMP-based thread parallelism leads to excellent speed-ups over under-optimized designs (up to 3.2X improvement for AlexNet training).
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Object-oriented system development is gaining wide attention both in research environments and in industry. A severe problem encountered, however, is the quickly increasing complexity of such systems and the lack of adequate criteria and guidelines for "good" designs. To cope with this problem, it is imperative to better understand the properties and characteristics of object-oriented systems. In this paper, we extend the concepts of coupling and cohesion developed initially for procedure-oriented systems to object-oriented systems. Coupling describes the interdependency between methods and between object classes, respectively. Cohesion describes the binding of the elements within one method and within one object class, respectively. We introduce a comprehensive taxonomy of coupling and cohesion properties of object-oriented systems and provide guidelines for improving these properties. CR Classification: D.1.5 [Software]: Object-Oriented Programming; D.2.3 [Soft- ware]: Coding -- sta...
Machine Intelligence (MI) technologies have revolutionized the design and applications of computational intelligence systems, by introducing remarkable scientific and technological enhancements across domains. MI can improve Internet of Things (IoT) in several ways, such as optimizing the management of large volumes of data or improving automation and transmission in large-scale IoT deployments. When considering MI in the IoT context, MI services deployment must account for the latency demands and network bandwidth requirements. To this extent, moving the intelligence towards the IoT end-device aims to address such requirements and introduces the notion of Distributed MI (D-MI) also in the IoT context. However, current D-MI deployments are limited by the lack of MI interoperability. Currently, the intelligence is tightly bound to the application that exploits it, limiting the provisioning of that specific intelligence service to additional applications. The objective of this article is to propose a novel approach to cope with such constraints. It focuses on decoupling the intelligence from the application by revising the traditional device's stack and introducing an intelligence layer that provides services to the overlying application layer. This paradigm aims to provide final users with more control and accessibility of intelligence services by boosting providers' incentives to develop solutions that could theoretically reach any device. Based on the definition of this emerging paradigm, we explore several aspects related to the intelligence distribution and its impact in the whole MI ecosystem.
November) Internet of things (iot) intelligence update 2017
  • L Columbus
L. Columbus. (2017, November) Internet of things (iot) intelligence update 2017. Accessed:2019-05-09. [On-
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited
  • S J Russell
  • P Norvig
S. J. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited,, 2016.
Semantic interoperability and hypermedia in iot
  • A Keränen
A. Keränen, "Semantic interoperability and hypermedia in iot," semantic-interoperability-and-hypermedia-in-iot, July 2017, accessed: 2019-05-4.