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Genetic determinants of the metabolic syndrome


Abstract and Figures

The metabolic syndrome is a commonly encountered clinical phenotype presenting as concurrent metabolic abnormalities, including central obesity, dysglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Several definitions exist, and it is debated whether or not the clustered risk factors impart a higher cardiovascular risk than the simple sum of the individual components. Nevertheless, the concept of a metabolic syndrome has proven helpful in emphasizing the importance of obesity, insulin resistance and related traits in relation to cardiovascular disease risk. Furthermore, the metabolic syndrome as defined by the National Cholesterol Education Program appears to have a component of heritability, which suggests a genetic basis. Indeed, patients with certain rare single-gene disorders express clusters of abnormalities commonly seen in the metabolic syndrome. Moreover, studies indicate that common genetic variants are associated with the development of this syndrome, although the associations are quite weak and replication of findings has been poor. As with most complex traits, it is premature to propose molecular genetic testing for diagnosis, treatment or both. Unresolved issues include the roles of gene-environment interactions, ethnicity, and sex. In this review, we look at the currently available evidence for common genes that predispose to the development of the metabolic syndrome.
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Genetic determinants of the metabolic syndrome
Rebecca L Pollex and Robert A Hegele*
Over the past 5 years the metabolic syndrome
has attracted considerable interest and been
the subject of much debate as researchers and
clinicians have weighed its validity and poten-
tial to identify individuals at risk of diabetes,
cardio vascular disease (CVD), or both.
metabolic syndrome is defined as the clustering
of multiple metabolic abnormalities, including
abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia (elevated
serum triglyceride and depressed serum HDL-
cholesterol levels), dysglycemia (elevated blood
glucose levels), and hypertension. Overall,
the etiology of the metabolic syndrome is
complex, and is determined by the interplay
between genetic and environmental factors
and their influence on the development of
obesity, insulin resistance and various inflam-
matory processes.
Although often overlooked
and poorly understood, genetic susceptibility
is starting to be investigated, albeit by using
the current imperfect phenotypic definitions
of the metabolic syndrome. We review here
the existing evidence for common genes that
predispose individuals to the development of
the metabolic syndrome.
At least five different phenotypic definitions have
been put forward for the metabolic syndrome,
including those proposed by the WHO, the US
National Cholesterol Education Program Adult
Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III), and, most
recently, the International Diabetes Federation
(Table 1).
Each definition attempts to
provide a list of simple clinical markers that
can be used to identify individuals with the
metabolic, pro inflammatory and prothrom-
botic disturbances that are not routinely
measured but which are possibly pathogenic
in CVD.
The current International Diabetes
Federation definition prioritizes abdominal
obesity as the most important factor in the
metabolic syndrome,
making only individuals
The metabolic syndrome is a commonly encountered clinical phenotype
presenting as concurrent metabolic abnormalities, including central
obesity, dysglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Several definitions
exist, and it is debated whether or not the clustered risk factors impart
a higher cardiovascular risk than the simple sum of the individual
components. Nevertheless, the concept of a metabolic syndrome has
proven helpful in emphasizing the importance of obesity, insulin resistance
and related traits in relation to cardiovascular disease risk. Furthermore,
the metabolic syndrome as defined by the National Cholesterol Education
Program appears to have a component of heritability, which suggests
a genetic basis. Indeed, patients with certain rare single-gene disorders
express clusters of abnormalities commonly seen in the metabolic
syndrome. Moreover, studies indicate that common genetic variants
are associated with the development of this syndrome, although the
associations are quite weak and replication of findings has been poor. As
with most complex traits, it is premature to propose molecular genetic
testing for diagnosis, treatment or both. Unresolved issues include the roles
of gene–environment interactions, ethnicity, and sex. In this review, we
look at the currently available evidence for common genes that predispose
to the development of the metabolic syndrome.
KEYWORDS association studies, genetics, metabolic syndrome,
single-nucleotide polymorphisms
RL Pollex is a research assistant in the Vascular Biology Group and
RA Hegele is Director of the Blackburn Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory,
Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada.
*Blackburn Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory, Robarts Research Institute, 100 Perth Drive,
Room 406, London, ON N6A 5K8, Canada
Received 25 December 2005 Accepted 22 May 2006
We searched PubMed for all available publications between 2002 and January
2006, using the following terms: metabolic syndrome”, “insulin resistance
syndrome, polymorphism, and genetic association. All relevant identified
articles were English-language papers.
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with increased waist girth eligible for subse-
quent assessment of the additional criteria. As
increased waist circumference is frequently a
predominant feature of the syndrome in most
populations, similar subgroups will be identi-
fied as being at risk with this definition as with
the other methods.
Regardless of the definition used, the meta-
bolic syndrome is widespread, affecting approx-
imately 25% of people in North America and
many other subpopulations worldwide.
Furthermore, in the NCEP ATP III defini-
tion, the metabolic syndrome has empirical
value clinically as a prospective determinant of
disease risk, since it has been associated with a
moderate increase in the development of CVD
and also more strongly associates with diabetes
The predominant underlying risk factors for the
metabolic syndrome are abdominal obesity and
insulin resistance. Associated conditions that
have an important role include chronic inflam-
mation and physical inactivity.
The initial under-
standing of the metabolic syndrome stemmed
from the observation that insulin resistance and
hyperinsulinemia were closely associated with
the clustering of disturbed metabolic symp-
This aggregation was often referred to
as the insulin-resistance syndrome. Visceral fat
accumulation, often caused by overnutrition and
physical inactivity, results in an unusually high
release of free fatty acids, causing lipotoxic effects
and insulin resistance and leading eventually to a
state of hyperglycemia.
In addition, visceral fat
Table 1 Comparison of metabolic syndrome definitions.
Glucose/insulin abnormality Obesity/central
Dyslipidemia Hypertension
(with or without
Other Minimum
criteria for
Type 2 diabetes, impaired
fasting glucose (FBG
6.1 mmol/l), impaired
glucose tolerance (2 h PPG
7.8 mmol/l), or lowest 25% for
hyperinsulinemic euglycemic
clamp-glucose uptake
Waist-to-hip ratio
>0.9 (M) or >0.85 (F)
and/or BMI >30 kg/m
1.7 mmol/l
and/or HDL-C
<0.9 mmol/l (M)
or <1.0 mmol/l (F)
140/90 mmHg
(20 μg/min
albumin excretion
rate or albumin:
creatinine ratio
30 mg/g)
plus two
Insulin resistance:
hyperinsulinemia (nondiabetic
fasting insulin in top 25%)
and impaired fasting glucose
(FBG 6.1 mmol/l)
Waist circumference
94 cm (M) or
80 cm (F)
>2 mmol/l and/or
HDL-C <1.0 mmol/l
140/90 mmHg
plus two
Impaired fasting glucose (FBG
6.1 mmol/l)
Waist circumference
>102 cm (M) or
>88 cm (F)
1.69 mmol/l, HDL-C
<1.04 mmol/l (M) or
<1.29 mmol/l (F)
130/85 mmHg
Any three
Glucose intolerance (FBG
6.1 mmol/l or 2 h PPG
>7.8 mmol/l)
BMI 25 kg/m
1.69 mmol/l, HDL-C
<1.04 mmol/l (M) or
<1.29 mmol/l (F)
130/85 mmHg
Family history
of or high-risk
ethnic group for
type 2 diabetes,
hypertension or
CVD; polycystic
ovarian syndrome;
sedentary lifestyle;
advancing age
based on
all features
Glucose intolerance (FBG
5.6 mmol/l) or pre-existing
Waist circumference:
European 94 cm (M)
or 80 cm (F); South
Asian and Chinese
90 cm (M) or 80 cm
(F); Japanese 85 cm
(M) or 90 cm (F)
1.7 mmol/l, HDL-C
<1.0 mmol/l (M) or
<1.3 mmol/l (F)
130/85 mmHg
plus two
Individuals without diabetes only.
Without medication only. Abbreviations: AACE, the American College of Endocrinology; BP, blood pressure;
CVD, cardiovascular disease; EGIR, European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance; F, female; FBG, fasting blood glucose; HDL-C, HDL cholesterol;
IDF, International Diabetes Federation; M, male; NCEP ATP III, National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III; PPG, postprandial glucose.
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accumulation results in dysregulation of adipo-
cytokine secretion, including hyposecretion of
adiponectin and hypersecretion of leptin, tumor
necrosis factor and interleukin 6, each of which
might also mediate many of the changes in the
metabolic syndrome.
Thus, from environmental
factors to obesity, inflammation and insulin resis-
tance, the unraveling of the metabolic syndrome
so far indicates the dynamic interplay between a
number of contributing factors.
Debate over the meaning of the metabolic
syndrome phenotype
Arguments have been put forward that the
risk-factor cluster represented by the metabolic
syndrome label does not necessarily impart a
higher CVD liability than the simple sum of the
individual risk-factor components.
This position
has support from studies in which, after adjust-
ment for the individual component risks, the
metabolic syndrome as a whole was no longer
a significant predictor, or its impact was greatly
In addition, the practical utility of
the metabolic syndrome as a predictor of CVD
risk has been questioned, as its evaluation, in
comparison with the traditional Framingham risk
prediction model for CVD, has demonstrated no
convincingly increased predictive ability for such
For example, in the San Antonio Heart
which followed 2,570 individuals over
approximately 8 years, the Framingham risk
score seemed to be a better predictor of CVD
than the presence of the metabolic syndrome: the
hazard ratios were 7.9 (95% CI 5.3–11.7) and 1.5
(95% CI 1.0–2.2), respectively.
The definition
of the metabolic syndrome in that study did not,
however, include such potent risk factors as age,
smoking and total cholesterol, which contribute
largely to the predictive value of the Framingham
score. In this context, the metabolic syndrome
phenotype could be seen as complementary to
the Framingham score. Furthermore, neither
approach to risk stratification currently includes
novel biomarkers, such as C-reactive protein or
adiponectin, which could further improve predic-
although the evidence for their clinical
utility remains questionable.
Despite these
shortcomings, however, the dissemination of the
concept of the metabolic syndrome phenotype
has proven to be critical in directing the atten-
tion of both clinicians and researchers towards
the importance of obesity, insulin resistance and
related traits as contributors to CVD risk.
Genetic mechanisms
Genes could influence the development of the
metabolic syndrome in multiple ways.
of the syndromes key components—obesity,
dyslipidemia, dysglycemia and high blood pres-
sure—has a genetic basis, for which candidate
genes have been identified. Such associations
might facilitate or enable the development of
the syndrome. For example, visceral obesity
has been associated with variation in ADIPOQ,
which encodes adiponectin.
In addition, blood
pressure has been associated with variations in
AGT, which encodes angiotensinogen,
plasma lipid concentrations have been associ-
ated with variations in the APOE and APOC3
genes encoding apolipoproteins E and C-III,
Thus, variants associated with
the individual components of the metabolic
syndrome phenotype could underlie association
with the entire syndrome.
Furthermore, some candidate gene prod-
ucts might act within a common pathway that
affects more than one syndrome component,
and possible single-gene associations have
been identified. For example, NR3C1, which
encodes the glucocorticoid receptor, has been
associated with obesity, hypertension, and
insulin resistance.
ADIPOQ has been associ-
ated with diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipid-
GNB3, which encodes the β3 subunit
of G protein, has been associated with hyper-
tension and obesity.
Variations in genes
encoding certain transcription factors such as
FOXC2 and SREBP1 have been associated with
insulin sensitivity and plasma concentrations of
These genes might, therefore,
be candidates for association studies with the
whole metabolic syndrome phenotype.
Findings from twin and family studies suggest a
heritable contribution in the clustering of meta-
bolic syndrome factors.
For instance, among
2,508 male twin pairs in the US, clustering of
hypertension, diabetes, and obesity was reported
in 31.6% of monozygotic pairs but only 6.3% of
dizygotic pairs.
Similar evidence for heritable
factors was found in a twin study of female pairs.
In a study of 432 individuals from 68 Japanese
American families, significant genetic influences
were noted on all metabolic syndrome compo-
nents, especially dyslipidemia, of which around
50% of the variance was attributable to genetic
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The evidence suggesting causative
genes underlying the metabolic syndrome has
encouraged investigators to study both the rare
monogenic forms of the syndrome and also the
common trait by various approaches, including
genetic linkage and association analysis.
Single-gene human models
Study of monogenic forms of the metabolic
syndrome, which are seen in a few patients with
certain single-gene disorders,
might help us
to understand the common form. For instance,
individuals with familial partial lipodystrophy
due to mutations in either LMNA, which encodes
lamin A/C, a nuclear envelope protein, or PPARG,
which encodes peroxisome proliferative acti-
vated receptor γ, display the defining features
of the metabolic syndrome, including insulin
resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension.
Furthermore, these individuals, especially
women, have markedly increased CVD risk.
Close phenotypic evaluation of these
patients has revealed distinct stages of disease
For instance, in familial partial lipo-
dystrophy, the initial metabolic disturbance is
insulin resistance, followed closely by the develop-
ment of dyslipidemia, with hypertension and
diabetes occurring later in disease evolution,
and CVD occurring later still.
The clarified
progression of abnormal phenotypes in familial
partial lipodystrophy has suggested a rational,
staged treatment regimen that might modulate
the natural history and development of the CVD
endpoints. Furthermore, understanding these
stages of disease progression might have value
not only for patients with this rare condition,
but perhaps also for patients with the common
metabolic syndrome phenotype.
Genome-wide linkage scanning
The strategy of interrogating the entire human
genome to detect chromosomal segments that
are linked with complex phenotypes has been
applied to the metabolic syndrome. At least four
genome-wide linkage scans have attempted to lay
the foundation for finding genes. For instance, a
study of 2,209 individuals from 507 US families
showed links between the metabolic syndrome
and chromosome loci 3q27 and 17p12. The
quantitative trait locus 3q27 was strongly linked
to six relevant traits: weight, waist circumference,
leptin, insulin, insulin-to-glucose ratio, and hip
The 17p12 locus was linked
primarily with plasma leptin. A second study of
261 individuals without diabetes from 27 Mexican
American families showed significant linkage for
the metabolic syndrome with two unique regions
on chromosome 6 (D6S403 and D6S264) and a
region on chromosome 7 (D7S479–D7S471).
A third study of US families found evidence for
linkage on several chromosomal regions (1p34.1,
1q41, 2p22.3, 7q31.3, 9p13.1, 9q21.1, 10p11.2,
and 19q13.4).
A key finding of this study
was the observation of ethnic-group-specific
linkages. Finally, a study of Hispanic families
reported that the q23–q31 region of chromo-
some 1 harbored at least one gene related to the
metabolic syndrome.
Importantly, no specific
gene or mutation has been found as a result of
any of these studies. Some of these chromosomal
regions have been previously linked with CVD
and diabetes risk factors, and, therefore, they
could harbor potential candidate genes for the
metabolic syndrome. The results must, however,
be interpreted in light of the caveats for all gene
linkage studies involving complex traits.
Genetic association studies
Despite suggestions of a genetic component
underlying the metabolic syndrome, the iden-
tification of associated genes has been chal-
lenging and few associations have been reported
so far. Since 2002, at least 20 genetic association
studies with the metabolic syndrome have been
including 13 positive associations
(Tables 2 and 3). These studies typically involve
single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variants
in candidate genes. In general, the reported associ-
ations are weak and lack supportive evidence
across multiple study samples. Conflicting associ-
ations have been reported between the metabolic
syndrome and polymorphisms in genes encoding
angiotensinogen-I-converting enzyme (ACE),
fatty-acid-binding protein 2 (FABP2),
and G
protein β3 subunit (GNB3).
By contrast, posi-
tive associations of the metabolic syndrome with
common SNPs in APOC3
were replicated in more than one study sample.
Rare dysfunctional mutations in LMNA are
causative in familial partial lipodystrophy.
In a study of Amish participants, the common
LMNA 1908C
>T polymorphism (trivial name
p.H566H), located near the lamin A and lamin C
transcript splice site, had a significant association
with the metabolic syndrome defined according
to the NCEP ATP III guidelines (odds ratio 1.4,
P = 0.017).
In Canadian aboriginal people, this
same variant was associated with high BMI, the
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ratio of waist-to-hip circumference, leptin, and
percentage of body fat.
Another genetic association with the meta-
bolic syndrome according to NCEP ATP III was
reported for the gene encoding the β2-adrenergic
receptor (ADRB2) in a study of 1,195 French
men and women.
Two common SNPs change
the amino acid sequence at codons 16 and 27
(trivial names p.G16R and p.D27E). Both SNPs
were associated with the metabolic syndrome
in men (P = 0.005 and P = 0.040, respectively)
but not in women. This difference suggests that
genetic susceptibility in this instance is influ-
enced by sex. Similarly, a large-scale association
study examining 110 candidate genes for the
metabolic syndrome among patients with coro-
nary artery disease, found several associations
that were significantly sex-dependent.
Apolipoprotein C-III is a protein constit-
uent of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles
that inhibits the action of lipoprotein lipase.
Historically, APOC3 has been one of the most
studied genes in lipoprotein metabolism.
SNPs within the APOC3 promoter have been
previously associated with elevated plasma
tri glycerides. APOC3 promoter SNPs have
now also been associated with the metabolic
syndrome in South Asian men and women
and aboriginal Canadian women.
Another candidate gene for the metabolic
syndrome is PPARG, which encodes a ligand-
activated transcription factor that is involved in
many biological processes ranging from lipid
and glucose metabolism to fatty-acid trans-
port to adipocyte differentiation. Two studies,
each involving more than 1,000 participants,
have reported positive associations for SNPs in
PPARG. Frederiksen et al.
showed a decreased
risk of developing the metabolic syndrome as
defined by the European Group for the Study
of Insulin Resistance in homozygotes for the
A12 allele of the common PPARG p.P12A poly-
morphism. While Meirhaeghe et al.
found no
association between the metabolic syndrome
and the same SNP genotype in a French sample,
haplotypes that were constructed using three
Table 2 Genetic studies showing associations with the metabolic syndrome.
Gene Polymorphism name P value Comments Definition of
Number in sample
I/D (intron 16) 0.003 WHO 1,461 (Chinese)
Association found in
men only
NCEP ATP III 1,195 (French)
T174M 0.018 Women only NCEP ATP III 515 (Oji-Cree)
–455T>C 0.029 Women only NCEP ATP III 515 (Oji-Cree)
–455T>C, –482C>T NS NCEP ATP III 180 (Indian)
APOC3/FABP2 combined
NCEP ATP III 180 (Indian)
825C>T 0.0056 Women only NCEP ATP III 515 (Oji-Cree)
Promoter haplotype <0.01 WHO 2,828 (Danish)
Silent SNP, exon 13 0.008 NCEP ATP III 762 (US [white], with
coronary artery disease)
H566H 0.017 NCEP ATPIII 971 (US [Amish])
Silent SNP, exon 5 0.0003 Women only NCEP ATP III 762 (US [white], with
coronary artery disease)
1132T>C 0.0022 Hypertensive only NCEP ATP III 199 (Spanish)
Haplotype (–681C>G,
–689C>T, P12A, 1431C>T)
1,155 (French)
P12A 0.02 EGIR 2,245 (Danish)
Abbreviations: EGIR, European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance; NCEP ATP III, National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III;
NS, not significant; SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism.
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other PPARG SNPs showed an association with
NCEP-defined metabolic syndrome.
Difficulties in translating genetic
associations into practice
As with any experimental approach, genetic asso-
ciation studies between the metabolic syndrome
and SNPs in human samples have strengths and
The potential strengths of this
type of study include the simplicity of the study
design, reliability and cost-effectiveness of geno-
typing, uncomplicated statistical analysis, and the
potential for both clear interpretation and rele-
vance to human health and disease. Experience
has shown, however, that many factors conspire
to undermine the validity of association studies.
The initial publication of a positive association is
frequently followed by reports of non replication
or refutation, as is already the case with studies
in the metabolic syndrome. While there might
be some good reasons for nonreplication, this
pattern is frequent, familiar and disconcerting.
An index of the tenuous nature of genetic asso-
ciations in CVD is provided by the fact that
few, if any, DNA markers—typically SNPs—
are currently used routinely in the clinic, for
instance, as part of risk stratification proto-
cols; this feature is also true for the metabolic
syndrome. This reality is a reflection of the
current technologies, which are limited in their
ability to investigate the great amount of varia-
tion in the human genome. Newer technologies,
such as the use of high-density SNP genotyping
microarrays, that allow the interrogation of
thousands of such polymorphisms might allow
for the identification of DNA markers that will
be truly useful diagnostically.
The concept of the metabolic syndrome pheno-
type has represented a fundamental advance by
focusing clinical attention on the importance
of abdominal obesity as a CVD risk factor.
Somewhat paradoxically, however, the meta-
bolic syndrome does not yet have one clini-
cally operative definition, and its existence as
a distinct clinical entity has even been called
into question. Although the latter viewpoint is
somewhat extreme, the metabolic syndrome is
clearly a complex trait with numerous features.
Furthermore, the disorder probably results
from the interaction of environmental factors,
such as caloric excess and physical inactivity,
with underlying genetic susceptibility factors.
Table 3 Genetic studies showing no association with the metabolic syndrome.
Gene Polymorphism name P value Definition of
metabolic syndrome
Number in sample
I/D (intron16) N/A WHO 643 (Brazilian)
W64A 0.50 EGIR 2,117 (Danish)
A54T 0.095 NCEP ATPIII 414 (European)
L72M 0.50 NCEP ATPIII 2,413 (Danish)
825C>T N/A WHO 7,518 (Danish)
825C>T 0.36 NCEP ATPIII 1,134 (French)
5' UTR +19G>A 0.84 NCEP ATPIII 1,134 (French)
T60N 0.37
WHO 3,036 (Danish)
L162V 0.84 NCEP ATPIII 632 (French Canadian)
NCEP ATPIII modified 253 (Korean)
G482S 0.74 NCEP ATPIII 2,349 (Danish)
intron 8 +48G>A 0.81 NCEP ATPIII 1,134 (French)
–308G>A 0.12 NCEP ATPIII 1,134 (French)
–55C>T 0.95 NCEP ATPIII 1,134 (French)
All participants had type 2 diabetes mellitus.
All participants had coronary heart disease.
P = 0.03 for one or more
components of the metabolic syndrome.
Men only.
Women only. Abbreviations: EGIR, European Group for the Study of
Insulin Resistance; NCEP ATP III, National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III; N/A, not available.
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While evidence for genetic determinants exists
from observations in twins and families, genetic
linkage and association studies have not yet
identified genomic DNA markers that have
even remote potential for clinical use. Context-
dependent factors, such as ethnicity, diet and
also strongly influence the pathogenesis of
the metabolic syndrome. This complexity makes
extremely difficult the identification of replicable
genetic associations that might one day form
the basis of clinical predictive tests of suscep-
tibility to, development of complications from,
and response to interventions for the metabolic
syndrome, or a combination of these.
The metabolic syndrome is a common
phenotype that imparts increased risk
of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
A single clinically operative definition of the
metabolic syndrome is not yet available, but
is evolving
The metabolic syndrome is defined by cut-
off points applied to abdominal obesity,
blood pressure, blood glucose, and
plasma triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol
Genetic studies on the metabolic syndrome
have been attempted and a genetic
contribution appears to exist
No consistent or replicated genetic test is
currently available that can be used clinically
in the diagnosis, treatment, or both of the
metabolic syndrome
Environmental factors and complex gene–
environment interactions also play an important
part in metabolic syndrome expression
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Support has been provided
by the Jacob J Wolfe
Distinguished Medical
Research Chair, the Edith
Schulich Vinet Canada
Research Chair (Tier I) in
Human Genetics, a Career
Investigator award from
the Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Ontario,
and operating grants from
the Canadian Institutes for
Health Research, the Heart
and Stroke Foundation
of Ontario, the Ontario
Research and Development
Challenge Fund (Project
#0507) and by Genome
Competing interests
The authors declared
they have no competing
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... A role of genetics is likely: several studies have observed familial aggregation of CVD [10,11] and T2D [12], obesity [13,14], and MetS [15][16][17], while cardiometabolic traits, such as blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, and total cholesterol, were shown to be heritable [18][19][20]. Some evidence exists that different cardiometabolic disorders co-aggregate within families, i.e., a family history of a specific cardiometabolic disorder associates with elevated risk of another cardiometabolic disorder [21][22][23][24]. ...
... Familial aggregation is evidence for a role of shared genetics and shared environment within a family in the occurrence of complex disorders. Positive familial aggregation of cardiometabolic disorders has been suggested by previous studies [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]21]. Consistent with the literature, our study also found positive familial aggregation between first-degree relatives although of somewhat lower magnitude. ...
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Background It is unclear to what extent genetics explain the familial clustering and the co-occurrence of distinct cardiometabolic disorders in the general population. We therefore aimed to quantify the familial (co-)aggregation of various cardiometabolic disorders and to estimate the heritability of cardiometabolic traits and their genetic correlations using the large, multi-generational Lifelines Cohort Study. Methods We used baseline data of 162,416 participants from Lifelines. Cardiometabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes (T2D), cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and metabolic syndrome (MetS), were defined in adult participants. Fifteen additional cardiometabolic traits indexing obesity, blood pressure, inflammation, glucose regulation, and lipid levels were measured in all included participants. Recurrence risk ratios (λR) for first-degree relatives (FDR) indexed familial (co-)aggregation of cardiometabolic disorders using modified conditional Cox proportional hazards models and were compared to those of spouses. Heritability (h²), shared environment, and genetic correlation (rg) were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood variance decomposition methods, adjusted for age, age², and sex. Results Individuals with a first-degree relative with a cardiometabolic disorder had a higher risk of the same disorder, ranging from λFDR of 1.23 (95% CI 1.20–1.25) for hypertension to λFDR of 2.48 (95% CI 2.15–2.86) for T2D. Most of these were higher than in spouses (λSpouses < λFDR), except for obesity which was slightly higher in spouses. We found moderate heritability for cardiometabolic traits (from h²CRP: 0.26 to h²HDL: 0.50). Cardiometabolic disorders showed positive familial co-aggregation, particularly between T2D, MetS, and obesity (from λFDR obesity-MetS: 1.28 (95% CI 1.24–1.32) to λFDR MetS-T2D: 1.61 (95% CI 1.52–1.70)), consistent with the genetic correlations between continuous intermediate traits (ranging from rg HDL-Triglycerides: − 0.53 to rg LDL-Apolipoprotein B: 0.94). Conclusions There is positive familial (co-)aggregation of cardiometabolic disorder, moderate heritability of intermediate traits, and moderate genetic correlations between traits. These results indicate that shared genetics and common genetic architecture contribute to cardiometabolic disease.
... In a study that examined patients from North America, Pollex et al. [107] identified several chromosomal regions (1p34.1, 1q41, 2p22.3, ...
... 9p13.1, 9q21.1, 10p11.2, and 19q13.4) related to the occurrence of MetS [107]. ...
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Atherogenic dyslipidemia plays a critical role in the development of metabolic syndrome (MetS), being one of its major components, along with central obesity, insulin resistance, and hypertension. In recent years, the development of molecular genetics techniques and extended analysis at the genome or exome level has led to important progress in the identification of genetic factors (heritability) involved in lipid metabolism disorders associated with MetS. In this review, we have proposed to present the current knowledge related to the genetic etiology of atherogenic dyslipidemia, but also possible challenges for future studies. Data from the literature provided by candidate gene-based association studies or extended studies, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and whole exome sequencing (WES,) have revealed that atherogenic dyslipidemia presents a marked genetic heterogeneity (monogenic or complex, multifactorial). Despite sustained efforts, many of the genetic factors still remain unidentified (missing heritability). In the future, the identification of new genes and the molecular mechanisms by which they intervene in lipid disorders will allow the development of innovative therapies that act on specific targets. In addition, the use of polygenic risk scores (PRS) or specific biomarkers to identify individuals at increased risk of atherogenic dyslipidemia and/or other components of MetS will allow effective preventive measures and personalized therapy.
... Genes also will influence the development of MS in multiple ways. 13,14 One of these ways is extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 (ERK-1) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 (ERK-2). ERK-1 and ERK-2 play an important role in transmitting signals from the cell surface into the cell and are involved in many cell processes, including cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, and differentiation and maintenance of the cell cycle. ...
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Across the globe, metabolic syndrome, hyperuric acid, and their related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and insulin resistance, are increasing in incidence due to metabolic imbalances. Due to the pathogenesis, women are more prone to these diseases than men. As estrogen levels decrease after menopause, obesity and metabolic disorders are more likely to occur. Men are also affected by hyperuric acid. To provide ideas for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome and hyperuricemia, this article reviews and analyzes the relationship between estrogen receptors, metabolic syndrome, and hyperuricemia.
... Genetics could effect the development of MetS in multiple ways, but the mechanisms involved are not yet been fully understood. Each of the key components of MetS-obesity, dyslipidemia, dysglycemia, and high blood pressure-have a genetic basis and candidate genes have been identified [6]. ...
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Objectives: Our study determined the genetic effect of Apolipoprotein A-V (APOA5) gene polymorphisms on lipid parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods: 160 patients with MetS and 144 healthy individuals were selected for the case and control groups, respectively. APOA5 gene polymorphisms (-1131T>C, IVS3+476G>A, c.1177C>T, c.1259T>C) were genotyped using PCR-RFLP. Results: Serum levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride were higher in the MetS group than the control group (p=0.028, p<0.001), while high density lipoprotein levels was lower in the MetS group than the control group (p=0.048). The -1131C allele frequency was higher in the MetS group than the control group (p=0.048). Results of regression analysis showed that APOA5−1131C carriers had increased incidences of MetS (OR=1.87, p=0.010). The frequency of the haplotype C-A-T-C was higher in the MetS group than the control group (p=0.027). In the MetS group, the triglyceride level was significantly higher in the minor allele carriers of -1131T>C, IVS3+476G>A, c.1177C>T. Conclusion: Our results suggest that, among the APOA5 SNPs, the C allele of -1131T>C polymorphism is a risk factor for MetS.
... Stress can also be a contributing factor. The most important factors are genetics, [5] [6][7] [8] aging, diet (particularly sugar-sweetened beverage consumption), [9] sedentary behavior [10] or low physical activity, [11] [12] disrupted chronobiology/sleep, [13] mood disorders/psychotropic medication use, [14] [15] and excessive alcohol use. [16] There is debate regarding whether obesity or insulin resistance is the cause of the metabolic syndrome or if they are consequences of a more far-reaching metabolic derangement. ...
... Genome-wide association studies have found that glycaemic genetic variations are responsible for T2DM, although they only account for 10% of overall phenotypic variance [9]. People of various ethnic backgrounds may have distinct phenotypes that enhance the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, such as hypertension, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia [10]. Chronic hyperglycemia may also be responsible for growth problems and make you more susceptible to infections. ...
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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is the globe’s common leading disease which is caused by high consumption of glucose. DM compiles groups of metabolic disorders which are characterized by inadequate secretion of insulin from pancreas, resulting in hyperglycemia condition. Many enzymes play a vital role in the metabolism of carbohydrate known as α-amylase and α-glucosidase which is calcium metalloenzyme that leads to breakdown of complex polysaccharides into glucose. To tackle this problem, search for newer antidiabetic drugs is the utmost need for the treatment and/or management of increasing diabetic burden. The inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase is one of the effective therapeutic approaches for the development of antidiabetic therapeutics. The exhaustive literature survey has shown the importance of medicinally privileged triazole specifically 1,2,3‐triazol and 1,2,4‐triazoles scaffold tethered, fused and/or clubbed with other heterocyclic rings structures as promising agents for designing and development of novel antidiabetic therapeutics. Molecular hybrids namely pyridazine-triazole, pyrazoline-triazole, benzothiazole-triazole, benzimidazole‐triazole, curcumin-triazole, (bis)coumarin-triazole, acridine-9-carboxamide linked triazole, quinazolinone-triazole, xanthone-triazole, thiazolo-triazole, thiosemicarbazide-triazole, and indole clubbed-triazole are few examples which have shown promising antidiabetic activity by inhibiting α-amylase and/or α-glucosidase. The present review summarizes the structure–activity relationship (SAR), enzyme inhibitory activity including IC50 values, percentage inhibition, kinetic studies, molecular docking studies, and patents filed of the both scaffolds as alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, which may be used for further development of potent inhibitors against both enzymes.
... The pathogenesis of MetS is however, not completely recognized [3]. Apart from insulin resistance (IR) and visceral obesity [3,4], MetS is also identified with strong genetic predisposition [5][6][7]. Approximately 24% of the MetS cases are associated with genetic factors [8]. ...
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Purpose Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by visceral obesity, elevated blood pressure and fasting blood glucose, increased triglycerides, and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. MetS related with intricate gene-environment interactions. FTO and RETN variants were linked to the occurrence of MetS, but inconsistent results were reported. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the potential role of FTO rs9939609 and RETN rs1862513 polymorphisms and their susceptibility risk to MetS among resettled indigenous or Orang Asli (OA) of Temiar subtribe under resettlement scheme by the Malaysia government. Methods A cross sectional study was performed involving 123 Temiar volunteers located in Gua Musang, Kelantan. MetS was identified using modified NCEP-ATP III. DNA extraction was done using peripheral blood. Polymerase Chain Reaction–Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) was employed to genotype FTO rs9939609 and RETN rs1862513 polymorphisms. Susceptibility risk of the polymorphisms ( FTO rs9939609 and RETN rs1862513) with MetS was determined by binary logistic regression analysis and odds ratios (ORs). Results FTO rs9939609 and RETN rs1862513 were associated with risk of MetS susceptibility among the Temiar subtribe with estimated OR 19.9 ( P < 0.001) and 20.7 ( P = 0.006) for heterozygous (T/A) and homozygous (A/A) genotype at FTO rs9939609 locus, respectively; OR 222.5 ( P < 0.001) and 26.2 ( P = 0.005) for heterozygous (C/G) and homozygous (G/G) genotype at RETN rs1862513 locus, respectively. Conclusion The genetic polymorphisms of FTO rs9939609 and RETN rs1862513 were associated with the risk of MetS among the Temiar subtribe. The findings contribute toward the fundamental prevention plan to decrease the probability of MetS development.
... Stress can also be a contributing factor. The most important risk factors are diet (particularly sugar sweetened beverage consumption) [3] , genetics [4] , aging, sedentary behaviour [5] or low physical activity, disrupted sleep, mood disorders and excessive alcohol use. ...
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The whole philosophy of Ayurveda is based on achieving, maintaining and promoting positive health. The equilibrium of various structural and functional units of the body named as Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni and more important the mind results in health and disequilibrium causes disease. This era is of industrialization, stress during the work, dietary habits, lack of exercise and various varieties among the daily diet results into the disturbance of Agni or metabolism and ultimately leads to clinical entity known as Dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is not a single but a range of disorders with a variety of genetic and environmental determinants. It is a condition in which the levels of lipoproteins; that is; cholesterol, triglycerides or both are altered in plasma. A cluster of other metabolic risk factors are found with the dyslipidemia including obesity, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and hypertension. Agni is responsible for all the metabolic activities of body. As per modern medicine the dyslipidemia is mainly because of the disturbances in the metabolism. Agni is involved in the metabolism at macro and micro circulation of body on the some way or the other. Many theories have been put forward with many new hypotheses describing this disorder in Ayurveda as well as in modern science; still there is enough scope to work out on its aetiopathology and management aspects; as in modern science its management aspect remains symptomatic with troublesome side effects. Until pathology is clear, treatment part remains difficult. Hence the management of this disease is merely insufficient in other systems of medicine and patients are continuously looking with a hope towards Ayurveda to overcome this challenge.
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Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a multifactorial disorder characterized by the aggregation of various metabolic disorders, including obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypoHDLemia and hypertension. In addition to environmental influences, genetic factors can play a major role in the development of MetS. Objective: The present bibliographic review aims to examine the contribution of candidate gene polymorphisms to MetS susceptibility in North African populations. Methods: A systematic review search was conducted to identify pertinent articles published on Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science from their inception to August 2, 2023 to obtain all reported genetic data related to MetS in North African populations. Results: According to the literature search strategy, 785 articles were initially obtained from the cited databases, and 15 more papers were found utilizing other sources. Following the filtering procedure, 25 papers totalising 3925 cases and 4431 controls were included, from which only 13 were eligible for meta-analysis. The meta-analysis results suggest that the genetic cumulative risk of developing MetS was substantially influenced by four polymorphisms, including APOA5 (rs3135506 and rs662799), APOC3 (rs5128), and FTO (rs9939609), while the vaspin polymorphism (rs2236242) was reported to play a protective role from MetS. Furthermore, no significant association was observed between rs1169288, rs2464196, and rs735396 polymorphisms at HNF1A gene and MetS development. A narrative synthesis of association studies revealed that a multitude of candidate genes is associated with MetS components. In all included studies, 14 polymorphisms were linked to obesity, and 13 polymorphisms were associated with hyperglycemia. The association of hypertension with polymorphisms represents the lowest number, with only seven polymorphisms associated with this MetS component. In the other hand, studies about MetS in North Africa considering the genetic association of candidate genes with dyslipidemia component represents the highest number with 20 polymorphisms in approximately 14 genes. Conclusion: The present meta-analysis suggests that four polymorphisms, namely rs3135506 and rs662799 at APOA5 gene, rs5128 at APOC3 and rs9939609 at FTO, contributed significantly to the MetS risk susceptibility, via their association with some MetS components as dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, obesity, and hypertension. Nevertheless, we can state that genetic association and genetic susceptibility studies to MetS in North African populations are still lacking, requiring additional well-designed epidemiogenetic studies.
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Background and objectives: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that happens together and acts as a pre- dictor for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. This study was designed to identify the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Erbil City. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. It was performed at Consulting Surgical Clinics on patients searching for medical advice between January- August 2012 in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Two hundred patients were recruited and special questionnaire was designed for the study. History taking and physi- cal examination were performed by a trained clinician and nurses. Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the International Diabetes Federation. Results: Thirty-two percent were male. The mean age of participants was 42.12 years, 50% were obese, 89% were illiterate or at primary school level and 71.5% were living in urban area. 47.5% had family history of diabetes mellitus and 31.7% had family history of cardiovascular disease. According to the International Diabetes Federation classification 62 (31%) participants had metabolic syndrome. The mean age of those with metabolic syndrome was 46 years. Smoking, eating fatty food, family history of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease were independent risk factors and strongly associated with metabolic syndrome while sex, civil state, education, residency and occupation were not associated with prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in our country. The risk factors for metabolic syndrome are smoking, eating fatty food, obesity and family history of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.
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Hypertension is a common disorder of multifactorial origin that constitutes a major risk factor for cardiovascular events such as stroke and myocardial infarction. Previous studies demonstrated an enhanced signal transduction via pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins in lymphoblasts and fibroblasts from selected patients with essential hypertension. We have detected a novel polymorphism (C825T) in exon 10 of the gene encoding the beta3 subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins (GNB3). The T allele is associated with the occurrence of a splice variant, GNB3-s (encoding G beta3-s), in which the nucleotides 498-620 of exon 9 are deleted. This in-frame deletion causes the loss of 41 amino acids and one WD repeat domain of the G beta subunit. By western-blot analysis, G beta3-s appears to be predominantly expressed in cells from individuals carrying the T allele. Significant enhancement of stimulated GTPgammaS binding to Sf9 insect cells expressing G beta3-s together with G alpha(i)2 and G gamma5 indicates that this splice variant is biologically active. Genotype analysis of 427 normotensive and 426 hypertensive subjects suggests a significant association of the T allele with essential hypertension.
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Patients with Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD) are born with normal fat distribution, but after puberty experience regional and progressive adipocyte degeneration, often associated with profound insulin resistance and diabetes. Recently, the FPLD gene was mapped to chromosome 1q21–22, which harbours the LMNA gene encoding nuclear lamins A and C. Mutations in LMNA were shown to underlie autosomal dominant Emery – Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD-AD), which is characterized by regional and progressive skeletal muscle wasting and cardiac effects. We hypothesized that the analogy between the regional muscle wasting in EDMD-AD and the regional adipocyte degeneration in FPLD, in addition to its chromosomal localization, made LMNA a good candidate gene for FPLD. DNA sequencing of LMNA in five Canadian FPLD probands indicated that each had a novel missense mutation, R482Q, which co-segregated with the FPLD phenotype and was absent from 2000 normal alleles ( P &equals; 1.1 × 10–13). This is the first report of a mutation underlying a degenerative disorder of adipose tissue and suggests that LMNA mutations could underlie other diseases characterized by tissue type- and anatomical site-specific cellular degeneration.
We discovered that rare mutations in LMNA, which encodes lamins A and C, underlie autosomal dominant Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy. Because familial partial lipodystrophy is an extreme example of genetically disturbed adipocyte differentiation, it is possible that common variation in LMNA is associated with obesity-related phenotypes. We subsequently discovered a common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in LMNA, namely 1908C/T, which was associated with obesity-related traits in Canadian Oji-Cree. We now report association of this LMNA SNP with anthropometric indexes in 186 nondiabetic Canadian Inuit. We found that physical indexes of obesity, such as body mass index, waist circumference, waist to hip circumference ratio, subscapular skinfold thickness, and subscapular to triceps skinfold thickness ratio were each significantly higher among Inuit subjects with the LMNA 1908T allele than in subjects with the 1908C/1908C genotype. For each significantly associated obesity-related trait, the LMNA 1908C/T SNP genotype accounted for between approximately 10–100% of the attributable variation. The results indicate that common genetic variation in LMNA is an important determinant of obesity-related quantitative traits. We discovered that rare mutations in LMNA, which encodes lamins A and C, underlie autosomal dominant Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy. Because familial partial lipodystrophy is an extreme example of genetically disturbed adipocyte differentiation, it is possible that common variation in LMNA is associated with obesity-related phenotypes. We subsequently discovered a common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in LMNA, namely 1908C/T, which was associated with obesity-related traits in Canadian Oji-Cree. We now report association of this LMNA SNP with anthropometric indexes in 186 nondiabetic Canadian Inuit. We found that physical indexes of obesity, such as body mass index, waist circumference, waist to hip circumference ratio, subscapular skinfold thickness, and subscapular to triceps skinfold thickness ratio were each significantly higher among Inuit subjects with the LMNA 1908T allele than in subjects with the 1908C/1908C genotype. For each significantly associated obesity-related trait, the LMNA 1908C/T SNP genotype accounted for between approximately 10–100% of the attributable variation. The results indicate that common genetic variation in LMNA is an important determinant of obesity-related quantitative traits.
Background The term ‘metabolic syndrome’ refers to a clustering of specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors whose underlying pathophysiology is thought to be related to insulin resistance. Methods Since the term is widely used in research and clinical practice, we undertook an extensive review of the literature in relation to the syndrome’s definition, underlying pathogenesis, association with cardiovascular disease and to the goals and impact of treatment. Discussion While there is no question that certain CVD risk factors are prone to cluster, we found that the metabolic syndrome has been imprecisely defined, there is a lack of certainty regarding its pathogenesis, and there is considerable doubt regarding its value as a CVD risk marker. Our analysis indicates that too much critically important information is missing to warrant its designation as a ‘syndrome’. Conclusion Until much-needed research is completed, clinicians should evaluate and treat all CVD risk factors without regard to whether a patient meets the criteria for diagnosis of the ‘metabolic syndrome’.
The insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) is characterized by a combination of interrelated coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors, including low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, obesity and increases in triglyceride (TG), blood pressure, small low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL), and both fasting and postload plasma insulin and glucose. Using factor analysis, we previously identified 3 uncorrelated factors that explained 66% of the variance among these variables, based on data from women participating in examination 2 of the Kaiser Permanente Women Twins Study in Oakland. CA during 1989–1990. The factors were interpreted as: 1) body mass/fat distribution, 2) insulin/glucose, and 3) lipids: TG, HDL-C, LDL peak particle diameter. In this analysis, heritability of each of the factors was estimated based on data from 140 monozygotic and 96 dizygotic pairs of non-diabetic women twins. Heritability estimates were calculated using the classical approach, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) approach, and the maximum likelihood approach. For the body mass/fat distribution factor heritability estimates suggest moderate genetic influences: 0.61 (P < 0.001), 0.14 (P > 0.05), and 0.71 (P < 0.001), respectively. The insulin/glucose factor appeared to be highly heritable, with estimates of 0.87,0.92, and 0.57 (all P < 0.001), respectively. The heritability estimates for the lipid factor were moderate and consistent across methods: 0.25 (P < 0.10), 0.32 (P < 0.05), and 0.30 (P < 0.05), respectively. These results are consistent with genetic influences on each of the 3 “factors,” and suggest that both genetic and environmental effects are involved in the clustering of IRS risk factors. Genet. Epidemiol. 14:241–253,1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
LR: 20061115; JID: 7501160; 0 (Antilipemic Agents); 0 (Cholesterol, HDL); 0 (Cholesterol, LDL); 57-88-5 (Cholesterol); CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2401; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712930; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2400-1; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712929; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2400; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712928; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2400; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712927; CIN: JAMA. 2001 May 16;285(19):2508-9. PMID: 11368705; CIN: JAMA. 2003 Apr 16;289(15):1928; author reply 1929. PMID: 12697793; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Aug 1;286(5):533-5. PMID: 11476650; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2401-2. PMID: 11712931; ppublish
Essential hypertension is a common human disease believed to result from the interplay of multiple genetic and environmental determinants. In genetic studies of two large panels of hypertensive sibships from widely separated geographical areas, we obtained evidence of genetic linkage between the angiotensinogen gene (AGT) and hypertension, demonstrated association of AGT molecular variants with the disease, and found significant differences in plasma concentrations of angiotensinogen among hypertensive subjects with different AGT genotypes. The corroboration and replication afforded by these results support the interpretation that molecular variants of AGT constitute inherited predispositions to essential hypertension in humans.
The ability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake can vary substantially in non-obese individuals with no apparent disease (10). In addition, differences in either degree of obesity or level of habitual physical activity can also modulate in vivo insulin action (18,24). In an apparent attempt to maintain glucose homeostasis, the compensatory response to a decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose up take is an increase in plasma insulin concentration. A defect in the ability of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake has also been demonstrated (21) in patients with either impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). It has been suggested that the degree to which glucose tolerance deteriorates in these individuals is a function of the level of compensatory hyperinsulinemia that they can maintain, and the appearance of severe fasting hyperglycemia marks the failure of the pancreatic beta cell to sustain the necessary increase in insulin secretory response (21).