Robert Boizel

Robert Boizel



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Robert Boizel is currently an independent medical expert. He was working at Grenoble University Hospital France, dptmt of Endocrinology (1985-2010) as MD, and as Medical Affairs Manager at Roche Diabetes Care France (2004-2017). Research interests are Endocrinology Diabetology, Atherosclerosis and Medical Technology.


Publications (45)
Introduction Le web social (communautés, forums en ligne et réseaux) est un nouvel outil pour réaliser des enquêtes et connaitre les moyens utilisés par des patients pour gérer leur diabète. Patients et méthodes Questionnaire en ligne du 2 au 21 juillet 2014 sur le site Carenity, communauté de 59 000 personnes concernées par des maladies chronique...
Rationnel Le web social (communautés, forums en ligne et réseaux) est un nouveau moyen pour réaliser des enquêtes qui permettent d’élargir la connaissance des pratiques et des attentes des patients. Patients et méthodes Questionnaire en ligne du 2 au 21 juillet 2014 sur le site Carenity, communauté de 59 000 personnes concernées par des maladies c...
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Objectif Le web social (communautés, forums en ligne et réseaux) est un nou-veau moyen pour réaliser des enquêtes qui permettent d’élargir la connaissance de l’opinion des patients, et du rôle des acteurs de santé. Patients et méthodes Carenity est une communauté de 59 000 personnes concernées par des maladies chroniques dont 2 700 DT1 et 5600 DT2...
Aims HbA1c only partially predicts vascular risk in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and a role for blood glucose variability (BGV) is a matter of debate. For this reason, this study investigated the impact of an educational programme of flexible insulin therapy (FIT) on BGV and oxidative stress. Methods Tests were conducted on 30 adult T1D pa...
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Background Current insulin pumps now feature advanced functions for calculating insulin dosages, delivering insulin and analyzing data, however, the perceived usefulness of these functions in clinical settings has not been well studied. We assessed the use and patient perceptions of an insulin delivery system (Accu-Chek ® Combo, Roche Diagnostics,...
Introduction Les pompes pour insulinothérapie présentent un nombre croissant de fonctions depuis plusieurs années mais très peu de données sont disponibles sur leur utilisation en pratique clinique. Évaluation française de l’utilisation du système Accu-Chek® Combo (ACC– Roche Diagnostics France) qui associe une pompe et un lecteur de glycémie téléc...
Objectif Évaluation clinique d’Accu-Chek® Mobile (ACM), nouveau système d’autosurveillance glycémique (ASG) destiné aux patients (pts) traités par insuline. Il associe un lecteur fonctionnant avec des cassettes de 50 tests et un autopiqueur à barillets de 6 lancettes (Roche Diagnostics France). Patients et méthodes : Évaluation par 179 pts (questi...
Accu-Chek® FastClix (ACFC) est un nouvel autopiqueur pour autosurveillance glycémique (ASG) qui sera prochainement commercialisé en France (Roche Diagnostics France, Meylan). Il conserve la cartouche de 6 lancettes et la technologie Clixmotion® d’Accu-Chek® Multiclix (MC) en bénéficiant d’améliorations ergonomiques, particulièrement pression unique...
Introduction Étude observationnelle visant à évaluer la faisabilité et l’intérêt d’un co-dépistage du diabète et des maladies rénales en pharmacie d’officine, en terme de prévalence et de prise en charge des patients dépistés. Matériels et méthodes Étude nationale, d’octobre 2008 à février 2009, 3 568 patients ont été inclus par 291 officines part...
Basal insulin dose (BID) determination is the key to successful flexible insulin therapy (FIT). As our hypothesis was that BID changes over time, the primary objective of the present study was to determine the changes in BID 1 year after a therapeutic educational programme on FIT. This single-centre retrospective study recruited the first 40 type 1...
No recent clinical data on the incidence of catheter-related adverse events under insulin pump therapy have been reported. This was a prospective, two-period, observational, multicenter study in 45 diabetes outpatients (mean continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion [CSII] use, 6 years; mean hemoglobin A1c, 7.7%, at baseline). During the initial 1-m...
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Trial registration NCT00324792 Funding This work was supported by a grant from the University Hospital of Grenoble, France (Direction Régionale de la Recherche Clinique).
L’objectif de cette étude prospective observationnelle multicentrique était d’évaluer la fréquence des incidents de cathéters de perfusion continue sous-cutanée d’insuline et l’effet d’un nouveau modèle de cathéter sur leur survenue.Matériels et Méthodes50 patients diabétiques ambulatoires, traités par pompe depuis une durée moyenne de 6,3 ans ayan...
Introduction Des lecteurs de glycemie professionnels associes a une base de donnees avec acces securise sur Intranet permettent d’ameliorer la qualite des mesures de glycemie capillaire [GC] (controles qualites, tracabilite). Nous avons precedemment rapporte que la mise en place du systeme Accu-Chek Inform-cobas IT 1000 (I-IT1000 Roche Diagnostics)...
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Measurement of thyroglobulin in the washout of lymph node (LN) fine needle aspirates is recommended in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). The significance of low fine needle aspirates thyroglobin (FNATg) levels remains a question, which we addressed. Prospective study comparing FNATg with FNA cytology. Exploration o...
Objectif La détermination des besoins en insuline basale (BIB) est un élément clé du succès d’une approche d’insulinothérapie fonctionnelle (IF). La dérive de cette dose dans le temps avec surestimation des BIB par rapport aux besoins prandiaux est une cause fréquente d’hyperglycémie post-prandiale précoce et d’hypoglycémie post-prandiale tardive....
To assess the prognostic impact of a therapeutic program based on bioclinical risk-stratification and myocardial-perfusion-imaging (MPI) data on survival and the occurrence of coronary events (CE=death+myocardial infarction) in asymptomatic patients with diabetes. Five hundred twenty one consecutive asymptomatic diabetic outpatients were prospectiv...
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The prognostic impact of a myocardial ischemia-based therapeutic program in asymptomatic diabetic patients remains controversial. We prospectively assessed the benefit of a stratification algorithm based upon clinical and myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) data on cardiovascular events in such patients in a non-randomized register. Method: 701 cons...
Conventional follow-up of type 1 diabetic patients treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) was compared with intensive coaching using the Web and the cellular phone network for retrospective data transmission and short message service (SMS). Thirty poorly controlled patients (HbA1c 7.5-10%) were enrolled in a bicenter, open-lab...
Diabetes mellitus is associated with inflammatory state and increased cardiovascular mortality. Leukotrienes are arachidonic acid metabolites derived from the 5-lipoxygenase pathway that possess vasoactive, chemotactic and proinflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate (1) the urinary excretion of leukotriene E4 (LTE4) in type 1...
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To study the influence of position changes on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in normotensive or mildly hypertensive normoalbuminuric patients with type 1 diabetes. A cross-sectional evaluation of patients was staged according to the duration of diabetes (DD) and the presence of microangiopathy. We recruited 37 patients (30 men and 7 women), a...
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In patients with type 2 diabetes, a normal HDL cholesterol level does not rule out that LDL particles may be small. Although techniques for analyzing LDL subfractions are not likely to be used in clinical practice, a prediction of LDL size based on a regular lipid profile may be useful for assessment of cardiovascular risk. Sixty patients with type...
The prevalence of lipid abnormalities is very high in patients with impaired renal function and after transplantation. Coronary heart disease (CHD) morbidity and mortality are impressive in these patients. No prevention study using lipid lowering agents is available in this population. Thus recommendations are still based on pathophysiological data...
Conference Paper
The prevalence of lipid abnormalities is very high in patients with impaired renal function and after transplantation. Coronary heart disease (CHD) morbidity and mortality are impressive in these patients. No prevention study using lipid lowering agents is available in this population. Thus recommendations are still based on pathophysiological data...
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Chronic hyperglycaemia stands with diabetes duration as the main predicting factor for the development of nephropathy in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). In contrast, nephropathy in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) presents with a different natural history and, as well as atherosclerosis, can precede diabetes diagnosis and...
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To compare 24-h ABP in normotensive type 1 diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria. The study was a retrospective comparison of cases and matched control subjects. The first phase included 35 type 1 diabetic patients, normotensive by OMS criteria. The 23 patients with normoalbuminuria (< 15 micrograms/min) were compared with 12 patients...
Objective: To describe the medical care and outcome of diabetic pregnancy and gestational diabetes in France and study their associations with glycemic control. Research Design and Methods: We performed a multicenter prospective survey with systematic collection of clinical and biological data (HbA(1c) analysis in a central laboratory) at five succ...
Unlabelled: We studied GH secretion in a patient with acromegaly and a bronchial carcinoid tumor before and again after surgical removal of this tumor. Before removal of the carcinoid tumor, plasma GH increased slightly after glucose loading (OGTT) and markedly after TRH (650%) and insulin (440%) treatment. Plasma GH did not change after GH-releas...
The aim of this study was to determine whether patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) have impaired adrenal cortical function. Plasma levels of cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), pregnenolone sulphate (PS) and DHA sulphate (DHAS) were measured during and 8 h ACTH infusion in six controls and two patients with homozygous F...
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Services d'endocrinologie-diabétologie-nutrition et de néphrologie, Hopital Michallon, CHU de Grenoble L'athérosclérose est une entité clairement définie alors que l'artériosclérose des petits vaisseaux est une entité qu'il convient de préciser. Nous verrons que leurs causes sont en partie com-munes et que la place des lipides est bien établie en m...


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