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Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? – A systematic review


Abstract and Figures

Background: Neck pain is a common disabling worldwide health problem with a high socio-economic burden. Changes underlying the transition to, or the maintenance of a chronic state are still barely understood. Increasing evidence suggests that morphological muscle changes, including changes in cross-sectional area (CSA) or fatty infiltration, play a role in chronic neck pain. However, a structured overview of the current evidence of morphological changes is lacking. Objective: To systematically review the morphological muscle changes in patients with chronic neck pain, including those with whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) and chronic idiopathic neck pain. Study design & methods: A systematic review using the PRISMA-guidelines. Results: Fourteen of 395 papers were included after extensive screening. Most studies were of moderate methodological quality. A higher CSA was found in all flexor muscles in both patients with WAD and patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain, except for the deeper flexor muscles in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain. The cervical extensor muscles show an increased CSA at the highest cervical segments in patients with WAD, while most studies in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain report a decreased CSA in all extensor muscles. Fatty infiltration, which could be accountable for an increased CSA, of both cervical extensors and flexors seems to occur only in patients with WAD. Conclusion: Some evidence is available for changes in muscle morphology, however more high quality prospective and cross-sectional research is needed to confirm these changes and to identify potential underlying causes that need yet to be discovered.
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Systematic review
Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA
systematic review
R. De Pauw
, I. Coppieters, J. Kregel, K. De Meulemeester, L. Danneels, B. Cagnie
Ghent University, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, De Pintelaan 185 3B3, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
article info
Article history:
Received 6 May 2015
Received in revised form
23 November 2015
Accepted 29 November 2015
Neck pain
Muscle morphology
Fatty inltration
Cross-sectional area
Background: Neck pain is a common disabling worldwide health problem with a high socio-economic
burden. Changes underlying the transition to, or the maintenance of a chronic state are still barely
understood. Increasing evidence suggests that morphological muscle changes, including changes in
cross-sectional area (CSA) or fatty inltration, play a role in chronic neck pain. However, a structured
overview of the current evidence of morphological changes is lacking.
Objective: To systematically review the morphological muscle changes in patients with chronic neck
pain, including those with whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) and chronic idiopathic neck pain.
Study design &Methods: A systematic review using the PRISMA-guidelines.
Results: Fourteen of 395 papers were included after extensive screening. Most studies were of moderate
methodological quality. A higher CSA was found in all exor muscles in both patients with WAD and
patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain, except for the deeper exor muscles in patients with chronic
idiopathic neck pain. The cervical extensor muscles show an increased CSA at the highest cervical seg-
ments in patients with WAD, while most studies in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain report a
decreased CSA in all extensor muscles. Fatty inltration, which could be accountable for an increased
CSA, of both cervical extensors and exors seems to occur only in patients with WAD.
Conclusion: Some evidence is available for changes in muscle morphology, however more high quality
prospective and cross-sectional research is needed to conrm these changes and to identify potential
underlying causes that need yet to be discovered.
©2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Neck pain is a common disabling worldwide health problem,
with up to 70% of individuals experiencing an episode in their
lifetime (Fejer et al., 2006). The prevalence of chronic neck pain is
still increasing, which results in a growing socio-economic burden
(Hoy et al., 2010). A better understanding of the pathophysiology
underlying chronic neck pain may therefore be benecial to opti-
mize treatment options and to decrease the socio-economic costs.
Based on its etiology, chronic neck pain is often divided into
idiopathic and traumatic-induced neck pain. Patients who suffer
from trauma-induced neck pain are often referred to as patients
with whiplash associated disorders (WAD) (Spitzer et al., 1995).
Both are accompanied by a variety of symptoms, and persistence of
these symptoms might be associated with muscle modications.
An altered muscle function (Falla et al., 2004) as well as changes in
muscle properties (Weber et al., 1993; Sterling et al., 2011; Elliott
et al., 2014), which include cross-sectional area (CSA), and muscle
bre type, have been reported in both patient-groups. Recent evi-
dence, however, suggests that changes in muscle properties may
differ between patients with idiopathic neck pain compared to
patients with WAD, since the appearance of an increased fatty
inltration seems to be a unique feature seen in patients with WAD
(Sterling et al., 2011).
Measuring morphological features is possible using Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography. With both tech-
niques it is possible to measure CSA accurately and reliably (Hides
et al., 1995; Dupont et al., 20 01). However, quantitative measures of
fatty inltration are currently only possible using MRI, since this
technique may give an indication of the amount of fat by a
distinction of fat and soft-aqueous tissue signal intensities.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: þ32 9 332 12 19; fax: þ32 9 332 38 11.
E-mail addresses: (R. De Pauw), Iris.Coppieters@ (I. Coppieters), (J. Kregel), Kayleigh. (K. De Meulemeester),
(L. Danneels), (B. Cagnie).
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journal homepage:
1356-689X/©2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Manual Therapy xxx (2015) 1e8
Please cite this article in press as: De Pauw R, et al., Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA systematic review,
Manual Therapy (2015),
Although research on this topic is increasing, an overview of the
current existing evidence is lacking. The aims of this study are
therefore to synthesise and analyse research papers, which have
investigated the morphological muscle changes in patients with
chronic neck pain, together with analyzing the differences between
patients with idiopathic neck pain and WAD. Furthermore, this
study aims at dening the strength of evidence of each study to
make a conclusion on the appearance of these morphological
2. Materials and methods
This systematic review follows the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines
(Moher et al., 2009).
2.1. Eligibility criteria, information sources and search strategy
Potential eligible articles were identied by consulting
the electronic databases Cochrane Libarary (http://www., PubMed (
pubmed) and Web of Science (WoS) (
September 2014. The search request was executed by R.D.P. under
the supervision of B.C.
The search strategy was based on a combination of Mesh-terms
and free text words derived from the following PICO(S) (Patient,
intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Study Design) question:
participants (P) had to suffer from neck pain, neck injuries or WAD.
The intervention (I) had to include medical imaging techniques
such as MRI, and ultrasonography. The outcome (O) had to contain
morphological changes in the neck muscles such as CSA, fatty
inltration or muscle bres type. Where available, Mesh-terms
were entered with their respective free term. The fully entered
search strategy can be found in Table 1.
Articles had to meet the following inclusion criteria: (1) patients
had to suffer from non-specic idiopathic neck pain or WAD. Papers
reporting on participants suffering from specic pathologies
(e.g. metabolic syndromes, neurologic syndromes or bromyalgia)
were excluded. (2) Only structural medical imaging techniques
were included. Functional techniques such as functional MRI or
EMG were excluded. (3) The outcome measurement should only
consist of morphological properties of the neck muscles. (4) Only
Dutch, French, and English articles were allowed. (5) Case reports
were excluded. (6) Full-text articles of original research had to
be available. An article was excluded when one of the six
mentioned inclusion criteria was not fullled.
First, articles were screened for the inclusion criteria on title and
abstract. All possible eligible articles were retrieved and, secondly,
full-text was screened on meeting the inclusion-criteria.
2.2. Qualication of searchers/raters
Literature was searched and screened by R.D.P. and I.C., both
researchers at Ghent University. Risk of bias was assessed by two
researchers R.D.P., a researcher at Ghent University, and B.C., who
earned a PhD and has experience in the process of a systematic
2.3. Data items and collection
An evidence table was made in which each article was sum-
marized. The author's name, year of publication, patients' charac-
teristics, type of intervention, main results, and level of evidence
were extracted from the included articles.
2.4. Risk of bias in individual studies
Methodological quality was assessed by two independent,
blinded researchers (R.D.P. and B.C.) by a checklist that was derived
from the website of the Dutch Cochrane Centre (http://dcc. As all studies included in this review were
caseecontrol or cohort studies, those checklists were used. The six
items that were assessed for a caseecontrol study included de-
scriptions of the patient group and the control group, selection bias,
exposure, blinded measurement of exposure, and confounders. The
checklist for the assessment of cohort studies included the same six
items supplemented with follow-up period, and description of loss
to follow-up. After rating the selected articles, the results of the two
researchers were compared and differences were analysed. In case
of disagreement, the reviewers screened the paper a second time
and the disparities were discussed until consensus was met.
A level of evidence was given to every study. The highest level of
evidence with a greater strength of the results could be obtained
through systematic reviews/meta-analyses (Level A1) or prospec-
tive cohort trials of sufcient size and follow-up that have
adequately controlled for confounding, and selective follow-up is
sufciently excluded (Level A2). Cohort studies not meeting the
criteria of level A2 or caseecontrol studies are determined as level
Table 1
Search Strategy with according keywords. Boolean terms (AND and OR) were used to separate the different key words.
P(atients) I(ntervention) O(utcome)
Neck pain OR
Whiplash OR
Whiplash associated disorder OR
Neck injuries
AND Ultrasonography OR
Medical imaging OR
Computer tomography OR
Magnetic resonance imaging OR
AND Muscle atrophy OR
Fatty inltration OR
Fatty inltration OR
Morphology OR
Muscle inltration OR
Muscle morphology OR
Muscle bre type OR
Muscle changes OR
Neck muscles OR
Muscle hypertrophy OR
Adipose tissue OR
Muscle bres fast twitch OR
Muscle bres slow twitch OR
Anatomy OR
Histology OR
Cross-section OR
Muscle type OR
Muscle bre
R. De Pauw et al. / Manual Therapy xxx (2015) 1e82
Please cite this article in press as: De Pauw R, et al., Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA systematic review,
Manual Therapy (2015),
Table 2
Evidence table of the included studies.
Article Population Measurement technique Main results
Control (n) Patient (n)
Elliott et al. (2008b) 34 females
(age: 27.0 ±5.6 yr;
BMI: 23.0 ±4.44 kg/m
79 females (age: 29.7 ±7.7 yr;
BMI: 25.1 ±5.73 kg/m
WAD II -patients with
persisting symptoms
(3 monthse3 year)
MRI (1.5T LX GE &
Sonata 1.5T Magnet)
Multidus,Semispinalis capitus
and splenius capitis (C3):
WAD >controls.
Semispinalis cervicis (C3, C5, and C6),
and Semispinalis capitus (C6):
WAD <control.
Upper Trapezius or suboccipital
muscles:control ¼WAD.
Elliott et al. (2010)
31 females
(age: 27.0 ±5.47 yr;
BMI: 22.8 ±4.62 kg/m
78 females (age: 29.9 ±7.77 yr;
BMI: 25.2 ±5.74 kg/m
WAD II-patients with
persisting symptoms
(3 monthse3 year)
MRI (1.5 LX GE &
Sonata 1.5T Magnet)
Longus colli,capitis,and SCM:
WAD >control.
Elliott et al. (2014)
34 females
(age: 26.9 ±5.6 yr;
BMI: 23.0 ±4.4 kg/m
79 females with WAD II
(age: 29.8 ±7.8 yr;
BMI: 25.2 ±5.7 kg/m
23 females with non-traumatic
idiopathic neck pain
(age: 29.2 ±6.8 yr;
BMI: 23.3 ±4.8 kg/m
); patients
with persisting symptoms
(3 monthse3 year)
MRI (1.5 LX GE &
Sonata 1.5T Magnet)
CSA (adjusted for fatty inltration)
Multidus (C5eC6), Semispinalis
cervicus (C5eC6), Seminspinalis
capitis, Splenius Capitis (C5eC6),
RCPMaj, and RCPmin: INP <control.
Semispinalis cervicus (C5eC6),
Seminspinalis capitis (C5eC6),
Splenius Capitis (C5eC6), RCPMaj,
and RCPmin: WAD <control.
SCM (C5eC6): INP >WAD >control.
SCM (C2eC3): INP >control.
Multidus (C5eC6),and Splenius
Capitis (C5eC6):WAD >INP.
Semispinalis cervicus and capitis
(C2eC3):WAD <INP.
et al., 2008
20 females
(age: 34 ±5 yr;
body mass: 68.9 ±11.3 kg;
height: 172.5 ±4.2 cm);
20 females (age: 33 ±6;
body mass: 66.8 ±8.4 kg;
height: 170.1 ±6.2 cm);
INP >6 months
Ultrasound Imaging Multidus:
Patients <Controls
Javanshir et al. (2011) 20 (10 females, 10 males;
age: 30 ±6yr;
BMI: 23.8 ±2.7 kg/m
20 (10 females, 10 males;
age: 31 ±5yr;
BMI: 23.5 ±3.1 kg/m
Chronic non-traumatic
mechanical neck
pain >3 months
Ultrasonography Longus colli
Patients <controls (total &
Kristjansson (2004) 10 females (31.5 ±11.40 yr;
weight: 67.1 ±6.78 kg;
height: 1.69 ±5.48 m)
10 females (32.5 ±11.76 yr;
70.3 ±10.14 kg;
height: 1.68 ±4.95 m);
Chronic WAD II
Ultrasonography Multidus (C4)
WAD <control
Matsumoto et al. (2012) 60 (36 males, 25 females;
age: 36.7 ±12.5 yr;
BMI: 22.4 ±3.2 kg/m
23 (13 males, 10 females;
age: 39.4 ±14.4 yr;
BMI: 23.1 ±3.2 kg/m
WAD patients at 10 years
follow up
MRI (Signa 1.5 T) Splenius capitis (C4-5,C5-6,C3eC4):NS
Multidus:Initial &follow eup:
WAD >control
Seminispinalis cervicis and capitis
WAD >control
Rezasoltani et al. (2010) 10 females
(age: 32.6 ±6.4 yr;
BMI: 22.0 ±1.9 kg/m
10 females (age: 37.2 ±6.0 yr;
BMI: 25.4 ±2.0 kg/m
INP during the last year
Ultrasonography Semispinalis capitus
Patients <controls (total &
antero-posterior dimension
Rezasoltani et al. (2012) 10 females
(age: 32.6 ±6.4 yr;
BMI: 22.0 ±1.9 kg/m
10 females (age:37.2 ±6.0 yr;
BMI: 25.4 ±2.0 kg/m
INP >3 months
Ultrasonography Semispinalis capitus
Patients <controls (total &
antero-posterior dimension);
affected size <unaffected size
Ulbrich et al. (2012) None 90 (45 females, 42 males;
age: 37.1 ±14.8 yr;
BMI: 25.17 ±3.40 kg/m
WAD I or II; Acute (within 48 h
after injury), 3, and 6 months
MRI (Sonata
1.5 T Magnet)
SCM (C4):6m>Acute
RCPMaj,OCI,total dorsal cervical
extensor (C2,C5),semispinalis cervicus
þmultidus þinterspinales þspinales
Fatty inltration
Elliott et al., 2006 34 females
(age: 27.0 ±5.6 yr;
BMI: 23.0 ±4.44 kg/m
79 females (age: 29.7 ±7.7 yr;
BMI: 25.1 ±5.73 kg/m
INP (not specied); WAD II-
patients with persisting symptoms
(3 monthse3 year)
MRI (1.5 LX GE &
Sonata 1.5T Magnet)
semispinalis capitus and cervicis,and
splenius capitis
WAD >Control; C3 >>C7
(WAD and control)
Elliott et al. (2008a) 79 females suffering
from WAD
(age: 29.7 ±7.8 yr)
23 females (age: 29.2 ±6.9 yr);
INP >3 months
MRI Suboccipitals (RCPMaj and RCPmin),
multidus,semispinalis cervicis and
capitis,splenius capitis,and upper
(continued on next page)
R. De Pauw et al. / Manual Therapy xxx (2015) 1e83
Please cite this article in press as: De Pauw R, et al., Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA systematic review,
Manual Therapy (2015),
of evidence B. Since no expert opinions or non-controlled trials
were included, no studies qualied for a level of evidence lower
then B (level D and C respectively). As all studies were cohort
studies not meeting the criteria of level A2 or caseecontrol studies,
the level of evidence for all studies was determined as B.
A strength of conclusion (ranging from 1 to 4) was calculated for
each cluster of studies reecting one outcome parameter, and was
placed between brackets in the results section. A strength of
conclusion 1 is given for a study of level A1 or at least two inde-
pendently conducted studies of level A2. A strength of conclusion 2
is given when there are at least two independently conducted
studies of level B or one trial of level A2, and a strength of conclusion
3 when there is one study of level B or level C. If no level of
conclusion could be calculated due to inconsistent literature, this
was indicated by level of conclusion I.
3. Results
3.1. Study selection
The search ended in September, 2015 and resulted in a total of
395 (Cochrane: 30, PubMed: 260, and WoS: 105) references and no
additional articles were obtained after searching in the references
of the included articles. After deduplication and the two screening
phases based on the selection criteria, 14 studies remained. Full
details on the selection process are represented in Fig. 1.
3.2. Study characteristics
The study population varied between 11 and 113 subjects. Nine
studies only investigated females (Kristjansson, 2004; Elliott et al.,
2006; Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al., 2008; Elliott et al., 2008a,
2008b, 2010; Rezasoltani et al., 2010; Rezasoltani et al., 2012; Elliott
et al., 2014), whereas ve studies investigated both males and fe-
males (Hallgren et al., 1994; Elliott et al., 2011; Javanshir et al., 2011;
Ulbrich et al., 2012; Matsumoto et al., 2012). The CSA was assessed
in ten studies (Kristjansson, 2004; Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al.,
2008; Elliott et al., 2008b; Rezasoltani et al., 2010; Elliott et al.,
2010; Javanshir et al., 2011; Ulbrich et al., 2012; Rezasoltani et al.,
2012; Matsumoto et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014), while ve studies
investigated the amount of fatty inltration in the cervical muscles
(Hallgren et al., 1994; Elliott et al., 2006, 2008a, 2010, 2011). The
average age of each patient group varied between 26.9 and 42.0
years, and the average body mass index varied between 22.0 and
28.5 kg/m
3.3. Risk of bias within studies and level of evidence
Researchers agreed on 72 of 96 cases (75%). Differences were
discussed by both reviewers and consensus was met for all cases.
Scores ranged from 2 to a maximum of 7. Most methodological
decits were caused by an unclear description of the control group.
Additionally, not all studies described a blind assessment for the
outcome measurement. Most studies scored well on describing the
exposure, and the patient population. A detailed description on the
risk of bias can be found in appendix 1.
3.4. Synthesis of results
3.4.1. Changes in CSA of neck muscles in neck pain patients Flexor muscles. Four studies investigated the cervical exor
muscles in chronic neck pain patients (Elliott et al., 2010; Javanshir
et al., 2011; Ulbrich et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014). In patients with
WADmoderate evidence existsfor an increased CSA of the supercial
exor muscles (M. Sternocleidomastoideus) (level of conclusion 2)
(Elliott et al., 2010; Ulbrich et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014) and some
evidence for an increased CSA of the deep exor muscles (M. Longus
Colli, and M. Longus Capitis)(level of conclusion 3) (Elliott et al., 2010,
2014). In chronic idiopathic neck pain patients some evidence exists
for an increased CSA of the supercial exor muscles (level of evi-
dence 3) (Elliott et al., 2010, 2014), whereas some evidence exists for
a normal to decreased CSA of the deep exor muscles (level of
conclusion3) (Elliott et al., 2010; Javanshir et al., 2011). These changes
of CSA in patients with WADwere highly inuenced by the amount of
fatty inltration (Elliott et al., 2014)(Table 2). Extensor muscles. Six studies evaluated the morphology of
the extensor muscles (Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al., 2008; Elliott
et al., 2008b; Rezasoltani et al., 2010; Matsumoto et al., 2012;
Rezasoltani et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014). In chronic idio-
pathic neck pain patients some evidence exists for a decreased
CSA (level of conclusion 3) of the suboccipital muscles (M. Rectus
Capitis Maior, and M. Rectus Capitis minor) (Elliott et al., 2014)
and a normal to decreased CSA of the deep and supercial
Table 2 (continued )
Article Population Measurement technique Main results
Control (n) Patient (n)
Elliott et al. (2010)
31 females
(age: 27.0 ±5.47 yr;
BMI: 22.8 ±4.62 kg/m
78 females (age: 29.9 ±7.77 yr;
BMI: 25.2 ±5.74 kg/m
WAD II-patients with persisting
symptoms (3 monthse3 year)
MRI (1.5 LX GE &
Sonata 1.5T Magnet)
Longus colli,capitis,and SCM
WAD >control; WAD:
Deeper >supercial;
Elliott (2011) None 17 recovered (77.8% female;
age: 28.8 ±7.4 yr;
BMI: 25.1 ±4.5 kg/m
15 mild (68.8% female;
age: 36.7 ±9.7 yr;
BMI: 28.5 ±5.6 kg/m
12 moderate/severe (76.9% females;
age: 27.8 ±6.1 yr; BMI: 27.8 kg/m
WAD II epatients; Acute to 1-3-6 m
postinjury follow-up
MRI RCPmin,RCPMaj,multidi;
semispinalis cervicus and capitis,
splenius capitis,and upper trapezius
baseline: recovered ¼mild
¼moderate; 3m, and 6m:
moderate >mild ¼recovered
(moderate: 3 m, and 6 m >baseline)
Hallgren et al. (1994) 5 (3 men, 2 women;
age: 38 yr)
6 women (age: 42.1 yr). INP patients MRI (Signa 1.5T) RCPMaj,RCPmin
INP >control
Yr, years; BMI, Body Mass Index; ¼, equal; >, more than; <, less than; SCM, M. Sternocleidomastoideus; RCPMaj, M. Rectus Capitis Posterior Maior; RCPmin, M. Rectus Capitis
posterior minor.
The data of the study of Ulbrich et al. (2011) (Ulbrich et al., 2011) was included in their study of 2012 (Ulbrich et al., 2012), and therefore not mentioned separately.
Results from the same study of Elliott et al. (2010).
Only signicant values are given.
R. De Pauw et al. / Manual Therapy xxx (2015) 1e84
Please cite this article in press as: De Pauw R, et al., Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA systematic review,
Manual Therapy (2015),
extensor muscles (level of conclusion 3) (Fernandez-de-las-Penas
et al., 2008; Elliott et al., 2014). In patients with WAD some ev-
idence is available for a normal CSA of the sub-occipital muscles
(level of conclusion 3) (Elliott et al., 2008b, 2014) and a normal to
increased CSA of the supercial extensor muscles at higher cer-
vical levels, such as the M. Trapezius, M. Splenius Capitis, and M.
Splenius Cervicus (level of conclusion 3) (Elliott et al., 2008b;
Matsumoto et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014). In contrast, some
evidence exists for a normal to decreased CSA at lower cervical
levels (level of conclusion 3) (Elliott et al., 2008b; Matsumoto
et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014). One author additionally
described the CSA of the total extensor group, and found no
increased CSA (Ulbrich et al., 2012). As much inconsistency exists
between different research papers for the CSA of the M. Multi-
dus, for which most authors reported an increased CSA
(Matsumoto et al., 2012; Elliott et al., 2014), one ultrasonography-
based study found a decreased CSA (Kristjansson, 2004), and one
found no differences in CSA at the upper cervical levels (Elliott
et al., 2014), no level of conclusion was assigned (level of
conclusion I). In both chronic idiopathic neck pain patients and
patients with WAD a decreased CSA was reported in the sub-
occipital muscles after adjusting for the amount of fatty inltra-
tion (Elliott et al., 2014)(Table 2).
To summarise changes in CSA of neck muscles in neck pain
patients, moderate evidence is available for morphological changes
in the cervical exors of chronic neck pain patients. These changes
consist of a higher CSA of all exor muscles, except for the deeper
exor muscles of chronic idiopathic neck pain patients. Regarding
the extensor muscles, an increased CSA for all muscles at higher
cervical levels was seen in patients with WAD. This increase was
however reversed for the sub-occipital muscles after adjusting the
CSA for the amount of fat. In patients with chronic idiopathic neck
pain most studies reported a decreased CSA of almost all extensor
3.4.2. Fatty inltration in the neck muscles of chronic neck pain
Five studies investigated the amount of fatty inltration in the
cervical exors and/or extensors (Hallgren et al., 1994; Elliott et al.,
2006, 2008a, 2010, 2011). Two studies investigated fatty inltra-
tion in chronic idiopathic neck pain patients (Hallgren et al., 1994;
Elliott et al., 2008a), whereas two other studies evaluated this in
patients with WAD (Elliott et al., 2006, 2011). A higher amount of
fatty inltration was found in muscles of patients with WAD
(Elliott et al., 2008a). This increase was reported in the cervical
extensor muscles with a clear cephalocaudate decline that was
found in all extensor muscles, except for the M. Multidus (Elliott
et al., 2006). However, this increased fatty inltration was only
found in patients who developed long term moderate to severe
symptoms (Elliott et al., 2011). Another study also reported this
increase in the cervical exor muscles with a higher fat amount in
the deep exor muscles compared to the supercial exor muscles
(Elliott et al., 2010). In chronic idiopathic neck pain patients, in-
dications for an increased amount of fatty inltration in the sub-
occipital muscles was found (Hallgren et al., 1994). However,
recent research has only found an increased fatty inltration in
patients with WAD, and not in chronic idiopathic neck pain pa-
tients (Elliott et al., 2008a). In conclusion, there is some evidence
for an increased amount of fat in both exors and extensors of the
cervical spine (level of conclusion 3) (Table 2).
4. Discussion
The goal of the present systematic review was to evaluate
morphological changes in chronic neck pain patients in both
Fig. 1. Selection process.
R. De Pauw et al. / Manual Therapy xxx (2015) 1e85
Please cite this article in press as: De Pauw R, et al., Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA systematic review,
Manual Therapy (2015),
patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain and patients with WAD.
Furthermore, we looked at the existence of potential differences
between these groups of patients with neck pain.
4.1. Cross-sectional area
In patients with WAD a tendency for an increased CSA of the
cervical exors has been found, while evidence for changes of the
extensor muscles remains inconclusive. Preliminary evidence exists
for an increased CSA of the supercial extensor muscles at higher
cervical levels concomitantly with a normal to decreased CSA of the
lower supercial extensor muscles. The sub-occipital muscles only
have a decreased CSA after adjustment for the amount of fatty
inltration. Important to notice are the conicting results regarding
the CSA of the M. Multidus in patients with WAD: MRI-based
studies have reported an increased, whereas an ultrasound-based
study has demonstrated a decreased CSA (Kristjansson, 2004).
Differences may be assigned to potential differences in both tech-
niques. MRI is up until now still seen as golden standard for
measuring muscle size in vivo (Mitsiopoulos et al., 1998). Although
ultrasound-based studies have also been tested on validity in the
neck musculature, studies were mostly performed on healthy
subjects (Javanshir et al., 2010). Furthermore, making a distinction
between fat and muscle tissue is more delicate on ultrasound im-
ages due to image-similarities, which is in contrast with MRI, where
both tissues are easily distinguished (Hides et al., 1992; Javanshir
et al., 2010; Westbrook and Roth, 2011). Performing a comparison
between studies using ultrasonography and studies using MRI may
be thus affected by differences in detection of varying tissues
(Javanshir et al., 2010).
Many authors have proposed mechanisms for the increased
CSA seen in patients with WAD. A rst mechanism involves a
constant muscle contraction, which ensures the limitation of
greater neck movement and as a consequence may prevent from
neck pain (Ulbrich et al., 2011). The appearance of fatty inltration
has also been proposed as an explanatory mechanism for the
increased CSA. This mechanism is furthermore endorsed by the
reversibility of the CSA in neck muscles of patients with WAD after
factoring for fatty inltration (Elliott et al., 2014). A higher fat
content could alter and expand the myofascial border, leading to
the appearance of pseudohypertrophy (Lovitt et al., 2006; Elliott
et al., 2008b).
The higher CSA was most prominent at the uppermost cer-
vical segments, while a lower CSA was found at the lower seg-
ments. This phenomenon could be claried by two potential
mechanisms: the appearance of pseudohypertrophy or a higher
muscle activity of the upper cervical segments. A rst hypothesis
is that segments could be more prone to pseudohypertrophy
since a clear cephalocaudate decline of fatty inltration has been
reported in the cervical extensor muscles (Elliott et al., 2006).
Secondly, a relatively higher muscle activity at the upper cervical
segments compared to lower muscle activity at lower cervical
levels may also explain this cephalocaudate decline in CSA.
Muscle functional MRI studies have already demonstrated a
heightened activity of the cervical muscles at these higher levels
and a reduced activity at lower levels in patients with neck pain
compared to healthy controls (Cagnie et al., 2011; O'Leary et al.,
2011). The increased CSA does furthermore not occur immedi-
ately after the traumatic event, but occurs after a certain time
interval (Ulbrich et al., 2011). These changes do furthermore not
occur in all patients with WAD (Ulbrich et al., 2012), but exclu-
sively in those who suffer from moderate to severe disability
(Elliott et al., 2011).
In patients with idiopathic neck pain no increase in CSA has
been found. In fact, muscle atrophy seems to be the only
mechanism appearing in this patient group. Patients with neck pain
might exhibit avoidance behaviour and pain-related fear, which is
part of a maladaptive process (Landers et al., 2008). This could
contribute to muscle disuse, which may reect a protective strategy
that is in accordance to the pain adaptation model (Lund et al.,
1991). Atrophy was however not found in all muscles indicating
that the observed atrophy is potentially not only just part of general
disuse atrophy or psychological factors. Reex inhibition and
changes in recruitment patterns may also account for this selective
muscle degeneration in chronic neck pain. According to the theory
of Hodges and Tucker (2011), redistribution of activity within and
between muscles may take place as a maladaptive strategy to adapt
to pain (Hodges and Tucker, 2011). This may explain why an
increased activity (Falla, 2004) and CSA was found in the sterno-
cleidomastoid muscle.
4.2. Fatty inltration
Besides changes in CSA, some evidence is available for the
occurrence of fatty inltration, which is an indication of muscle
degeneration, in both cervical exor and extensor muscles. This
inltration does however only occur in muscles of patients with
WAD ( Elliott et al., 2014), and mainly in those patients who suffer
from moderate to severe complaints. However, only one study
investigated the appearance of fatty inltration in both patients
with WAD and idiopathic neck pain. This may suggest that the
traumatic-induced character of this neck pain type could be
responsible for the occurrence of fatty inltration. Similarly, this
feature also appears in other musculoskeletal injury-related
disorders, such as rotator cuff repair (Meyer et al., 2004;
Gerber et al., 2007). This corresponds with the results in this
study, as fatty inltration seems to only occur in trauma-induced
neck pain and not in idiopathic neck pain, which is not mediated
by a traumatic event. The amount of fatty inltration seems to
occur in a cephalocaudate decline, indicating muscles at higher
cervical levels may be more prone to the appearance of this
inltration. The underlying mechanisms for the appearance of
fatty inltration are however still unclear, and different causal
mechanisms have been proposed (Elliott, 2011). Disuse may be a
rst mechanism responsible for the occurrence of fatty inltra-
tion complementary to a decreased CSA (Hides et al., 1994).
Secondly, central mechanisms, such as chronic denervation
(Andary et al., 19 98; Dulor et al., 1998), motoneuron lesions (Ryan
et al., 2002), and minor injuries to the spinal cord (Gorgey and
Dudley, 2006; Elliott et al., 2012) and/or higher brain centres
(Ryan et al., 2002) have also been associated with fatty inltra-
tion and are known to alter pain perception (Bolay and
Moskowitz, 20 02). These alterations have furthermore been re-
ported in patients with WAD (Van Oosterwijck et al., 2013).
Nevertheless, evidence is currently lacking for the occurrence of
injuries to the central nervous system in patients with WAD
allez García et al., 2014). In addition, fatty inltration has been
found to be weakly associated with post-traumatic stress (Elliott
et al., 2009, 2011), which commonly occurs in patients with WAD
(Sullivan et al., 2009). The presence of elevated inammatory
biomarkers has also been postulated as a possible mechanism for
muscle degeneration, although recent ndings could not fully
conrm this hypothesis (Sterling et al., 2013).
Our results indicate that different mechanisms might be
responsible for the occurrence of fatty inltration in the deep
compared to the supercial neck exor muscles. This difference
may be related to the reported functional changes between these
muscles, which is reected in an increased activity of the su-
percial muscles and a decreased activity of the deeper cervical
muscles (Falla, 2004). Alternatively, the deeper muscles may be
R. De Pauw et al. / Manual Therapy xxx (2015) 1e86
Please cite this article in press as: De Pauw R, et al., Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? eA systematic review,
Manual Therapy (2015),
more prone to central mechanisms since these muscles do
possess a larger density of muscle spindles (Boyd-Clark et al.,
4.3. Muscle bre typing
To the best of our knowledge, no studies have analyzed differ-
ences in bre-typing, in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain
or patients with WAD. Only one study-group has reported an
ongoing transition from the oxidativetype I bres to the glyco-
lytictype II bres in post-surgery patients (Weber et al., 1993;
Uhlig et al., 1995).
4.4. Limitations and suggestion for further research
It is important to highlight some methodological limitations
of the current systematic review. Firstly, a meta-analysis was not
considered due to the low amount of studies that were found and
the variability in the used measurement techniques, outcome
measures and muscles investigated. Many of the included studies
were carried out by the same research group, which could be
considered as a limitation of this systematic review. To enhance
methodological quality, future studies should consider
mentioning a clear description of their control group, blinding
their analysis, and include important confounding factors like
age, BMI, and gender, as these factors may potentially inuence
the CSA and the amount of fatty inltration. Although ultraso-
nography and MRI are both valid methods for analysing CSA
(Hides et al., 1995; Dupont et al., 2001; Khoury et al., 2008),
comparing one to another should be done with precautions. As
proposed by Elliott et al. (2014) further research could focus on
3D-volume muscle changes (Elliott et al., 2014) and/or Diffusion
Tensor Imaging (DTI) (Elliott et al., 2012), since these techniques
might give us more details behind these morphological changes.
It might also be interesting to include a reference scan of other
muscles such as the calf-muscles or M. Quadriceps to exclude a
generic change in muscle morphology. Only one article has re-
ported the CSA of different muscles adjusted for the amount of
fatty inltration. Since some evidence exists for the appearance
of fatty inltration, certainly in patient with WAD, it seems
mandatory that future research tries to accommodate for this
problem, which would make comparison between different
studies easier.
5. Conclusion
Evidence exists for morphological changes in neck muscles of
chronic neck pain patients. The results of this study indicate a
differentiation in muscle morphology between chronic idiopathic
neck pain patients and patients with WAD. In chronic idiopathic
neck pain, a decreased CSA was found in most muscles, which may
reect gene ral disuse. In pat ients with WAD, an inc reased CSA was
found in the deep cervical muscles and in muscles at higher cer-
vical levels, which may probably be related to an increased
amount of fatty inltration. The factors responsible for the
occurrence of these changes and their association with clinical
symptoms are not clear. Further research on the association be-
tween the presence of fatty inltration, changes in CSA, and
clinical symptoms seems therefore mandatory. Furthermore,
cross-sectional studies should include a clear description of the
control group and blind their assessment, while cohort studies
should try to give more details on follow-up and correct for
possible confounders. Morphological changes may furthermore
have an important impact on the daily life of the patient, and
should be considered when treating neck pain patients.
Appendix 1
Risk of bias of CaseeControl studies
Patient group Control group Selection bias Exposure Blinded Confounders Score
Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al. (2008) 1 0 0 1 1 0 3/6
Rezasoltani et al. (2012) 1 0 1 1 0 0 3/6
Rezasoltani et al. (2010) 1 0 1 1 0 0 3/6
Javanshir et al. (2011) 1 0 0 1 1 0 3/6
Hallgren et al. (1994) 0 1 0 1 0 0 2/6
Elliott et al. (2006) 1 0 1 1 0 1 4/6
Elliott et al. (2008a) 1 1 1 1 0 1 5/6
Elliott et al. (2008b) 1 0 1 1 0 1 4/6
Elliott et al. (2010) 1 0 1 1 0 1 4/6
Elliott et al. (2014) 1 0 1 1 0 1 4/6
Kristjansson (2004) 1 1 1 1 0 1 5/6
Patient group, was the patient group adequately dened (eg. Pain free days, level of pain, pain region)?; Control group, was the control group adequately dened?; Selection
bias, Was selection bias adequately excluded (eg. Recruitment in the same population, clearly described in- and exclusion criteria)?; Exposure, Was there a clear description
of the exposure in the study; Blinded, was the assessor of the study blinded for the patient's condition?; Confounders, Were confounders adequately addressed (eg. Age,
Sex and BMI).
Risk of bias of Cohort studies
Population Selection bias Exposure Outcome Blinded Follow up Loss to follow up Confounders Score
Ulbrich et al. (2012) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 7/8
Matsumoto et al. (2012) 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 5/8
Elliott (2011) 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 6/8
Population, was the patient/control group adequately dened (eg. Pain free days, level of pain, pain region)?; Selection bias, Was selection bias adequately excluded (eg.
Recruitment in the same population, clearly described in- and exclusion criteria)?; Exposure, Was there a clear description of the exposure in the study; Outcome, Was the
outcome clearly described?; Blinded, was the assessor of the study blinded for the patient's condition?; Follow-up, Was the follow-up period sufcient to measure an effect?;
Loss to follow-up, Were drop-out cases clearly described? Confounders, Were confounders adequately addressed (eg. Age, Sex and BMI)?
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Manual Therapy (2015),
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Manual Therapy (2015),
... In patients with neck pain, there is reduced endurance in the neck flexor and extensor muscles and increased tone in superficial muscles [24,25]. Prolonged reduction in neck muscle endurance may lead to a decrease in the cross-sectional area (CSA) of these muscles [26]. Several studies have found reduced CSA in muscles such as multifidus, semispinalis, and longus coli in individuals with chronic neck pain [17,27,28]. ...
... In this sense, patients with neck pain for less than 3 months and low levels of disability may present decreased endurance of the neck flexor and extensor muscles, but the CSA may not be affected yet. It has been described that the reduction in DN endurance may lead to a decrease in the CSA when this situation is maintained over time [26]. A clear example in the literature is patients with chronic neck pain. ...
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Background: Neck pain (NP) is a frequent condition in women, characterized by exhibiting distinct clinical manifestations such as the presence of deep neck (DN) muscle weakness. Endurance and ultrasonography of the DN muscles, and patient-reported outcome measures, are commonly used outcomes in clinical practice. The aim of this study is to assess and correlate the endurance of the DN muscles and their morphological characteristics with pain intensity, neck disability and headache impact. Methods: An observational and correlational study was carried out. Eighty-two women were recruited, and endurance tests of neck flexor and extensor (chin tuck flexion test and neck extensor muscles endurance test), ultrasonography of the DN muscles, pain intensity, disability (neck disability index) and headache impact (HIT-6) were measured. Spearman’s rho was used to evaluate the correlation between the outcome variables, and a simple linear regression analysis was carried out to explain the model in detail. Results: Statistically significant negative correlations between the chin tuck neck flexion test and neck disability index (NDI) (r = −0.38; p < 0.001) and HIT-6 (r = −0.26; p = 0.02) were found. The neck extensor muscles endurance test showed a negative correlation with NDI (r = −0.27; p = 0.01) and HIT-6 (r = −0.26; p = 0.02). The simple linear regression analysis showed an R squared of 26.7% and was statistically significant (NDI: R squared= 0.267; F= 3.13; p = 0.004) for NDI. Conclusion: A negative correlation between deep neck muscle endurance test results and self-reported outcome measures in women with low cervical disability and neck pain were observed. This suggests that lower endurance in the deep neck muscles may be associated with poorer self-reported symptoms and functionality in these patients. The chin tuck neck flexion test and deep extensor muscles endurance test could predict self-perceived neck disability in women with low cervical disability and NP.
... Individuals experiencing neck pain may have disruptions in their sensory input [17][18][19], and abnormal muscle activity and muscle endurance in deep cervical muscles [20][21][22]. They may also suffer from alterations in the cervical structure, such as: fatty infiltration or muscle atrophy [23][24][25][26], modifications in head and eye movement regulation [17], limited range of motion [22], and compromised cervical kinesthesia [17,27]. These signs and symptoms manifest in the cervical spine, which features a highly intricate proprioceptive system that plays a pivotal role in the control of balance and correct posture [18]. ...
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Background Neck pain has been found to affect the somatosensory system, which can lead to impaired balance control. To assess the balance of patients with neck pain and other conditions, the balance error scoring system (BESS) is commonly used as a static balance measurement tool. However, this tool is seldom used in Thailand due to its English language format. Objective To translate and determine the content, convergent validity, and reliability of a Thai version of the BESS tool. Material and methods A process of cross-cultural adaptation was utilized to translate BESS into a Thai version, called BESS-TH. To assess content validity, five physical therapy lecturers specializing in the musculoskeletal field used BESS to measure balance in participants with neck pain. For the convergent validity process, 130 patients diagnosed with chronic non-specific neck pain (CNSNP) were randomly assessed using four static balance tests (BESS, Single-leg balance test (SLBT), Romberg test, and Tandem stance test). For reliability, two assessors with varying years of work experience independently assessed videos of the participants twice using the BESS-TH, with a minimum 7-day interval between assessments. Results The BESS-TH used to assess balance of patients with neck pain demonstrated acceptable content validity (index of item objective congruence (IOC) = 0.87). The Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient was calculated between the BESS-TH and three other measures: the SLBT with eyes open and eyes closed, the Romberg test with eyes open and eyes closed, and the Tandem stance test with eyes open and Tandem stance test with eyes closed. The values obtained were as follows: -0.672, -0.712, -0.367, -0.529, -0.570, and -0.738, respectively. The inter-rater and intra-rater reliability were 0.922 (95% CI = 0.864–0.956) and 0.971 (95% CI = 0.950–0.983), respectively. Minimum detectable change (MDC) for the total BESS score of inter-rater and intra-rater reliability were 7.16 and 4.34 points, respectively. Conclusion The BESS-Thai version was acceptable, reliable, and valid for evaluating balance performance in patients with CNSNP. This tool can be used and applied to clinically evaluate postural control in Thailand.
... Its anatomy and function have been extensively described in the literature, emphasizing its significance in segmental stabilization of the cervical spine [2]. which uses relative measures to estimate the percentage of fatty infiltration within a muscle in different populations [18,32,33]. ...
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The aim of this study was to analyze the differences in morphological and histological features of the cervical multifidus (CM) and longus colli (LC) muscles among patients with cervical disc bulging, protrusion, or extrusion. Fifteen patients with cervical disc bulging (20% male, mean age: 48.5, standard deviation (SD) 7.5 years), fifteen with cervical disc protrusion (6% male, mean age: 43, SD 7.8 years), and fifteen with cervical disc extrusion (40% male, mean age: 44, SD 8 years) diagnosed via clinical and imaging findings participated in this study. Additionally, fifteen asymptomatic controls (40% male, mean age: 40.4, SD 9.7 years) were also included. The following ultrasound measurements, cross-sectional area (CSA), anterior–posterior distance (APD), lateral dimension (LD), and mean echo-intensity (EI) of the CM and LC at C5-C6 level were examined by an assessor blinded to the subject’s condition. The results revealed no group ×side significant differences among the groups (p > 0. 00625). However, group effects were found for APD and MEI of the CM (p = 0.006 and p < 0.001, respectively) and CSA, APD and MEI of the LC (all, p < 0.001). The LD of the LC muscle and the APD and LD of the CM were negatively associated with related disability (p < 0.01; p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively), and pain intensity was negatively associated with LC APD and LD (both p < 0.05). These results suggest that US can be used to detect bilateral morphological changes in deep cervical flexors and extensors to discriminate patients with cervical disc alterations.
... Musculoskeletal disorders (MSd) in the cervical region contribute to the loss of strength and endurance of both flexors and extensors of the neck [1][2][3][4][5], which negatively affects head posture. Moreover, morphological changes occur in the muscles, e.g. the cross-sectional area increases in the neck flexor layer, and decreases in the extensor layer in patients with non-specific neck pain [6]. The muscle activation pattern is also changed. ...
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Introduction The objective of this study was to assess the muscle stiffness parameter in the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and upper trapezius (UT) in a group of office workers who did not attain the norm in the deep endurance flexor test (DEFT). Methods In this case-control study, the myotonometric muscle stiffness parameter (MyotonPro, Tallin, Estonia) was compared in the SCM and UT muscles in a group of female office workers who were unable to achieve the norm in the DEFT, i.e. the research group (RG), in comparison to the control group (CON) who attained the norm during the test. Subjects were matched in terms of their gender, age, BMI, nature and duration of their work, as well as the pain intensity and craniovertebral angle. Results Subjects in the RG had significantly higher stiffness of the UT (by 8.8%, 291.4 ± 36.5 in RG and 265.9 ± 25.6 in CON; p = 0.015, t = 2.29) and SCM (by 7.3%, 291.4 ± 36.5 in RG and 265.9 ± 25.6 in CON; p = 0.37, t = 1.85) myofascial tissue in comparison with the CON. The magnitude of the effects of the stiffness of the tested muscles on the results obtained by DEFT was stronger in the UT (Cohen’s d = 0.82, large effect size) than the SCM (Cohen’s d = 0.61, medium effect size). Conclusions The women who did not attain the norm in the DEFT had greater stiffness of the superficial UT and SCM muscles. Future studies should evaluate whether SCM and UT stiffness reduction therapy will improve the deep endurance flexor test results.
... Both the temporomandibular joint and all structures of the stomatognathic system (dental arches and periodontium) are therefore subjected to pressure stress, causing joint pain and muscle hypertonus [28][29][30]. This is because body posture is managed by the unconscious subcortical component of the central nervous system (CNS), which processes proprioceptive and exteroceptive inputs into output, stimulating neuromotors and muscle activity (hypertone) [31]. During sleep, the CNS perceives the absence of postural stability references (visual and plantar support) and, in case of altered center of gravity, it activates the postural stability compensation systems with tightening and general muscle hypertonus [32,33]. ...
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Background: Whiplash is associated with a wide variety of clinical manifestations, including headache, neck pain, cervical rigidity, shoulder and back pain, paresthesia, vertigo, and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Previous studies reported that TMDs are more common in individuals with chronic whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) than in the general population; however, the pathophysiology and mechanism of this relationship are still not well understood. Methods: A PubMed and Ovid EMBASE review was performed to identify all studies addressing the trauma related cause and effect relationship between WAD and TMDs from January 2003 to March 2023. Results: After screening for eligibility and inclusion criteria, a total of 16 articles met the selection criteria. The various included studies discussed different aspects of the association between WDA and TMDs, including changes in the coordination and amplitude of jaw opening, the severity of the associated symptoms/signs in cases of WAD, the degree of fatigue and psychological stress, difficulty in feeding, cervical and myofascial pain, changes in the MRI signal at various muscle points, muscle tenderness, and quality of life. Conclusions: In this review, we summarized the clinical evidence of any trauma related cause and effect relationship between whiplash and TMDs. An accurate screening of the previous literature showed that, in conclusion, the relationship between whiplash and TMDs is still unclear.
... There remain several mechanistic pathways for the occurrence of FI including, but not limited to ageing, disuses, direct injury, and denervation of skeletal muscle [12][13][14]. Current studies have focused mainly on the relationship between FI in the cervical multifidus and mechanical neck pain, including those with whiplashassociated disorders and chronic idiopathic neck pain [15,16]. The loss of muscle strength and spinal stability due to FI could increase the risk of mechanical neck pain [17]. ...
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Abstract Purpose Fat infiltration (FI) of the deep neck extensor muscles has been shown to be associated with poor outcomes in cervical injury, mechanical neck pain, and axial symptoms after cervical spine surgery. However, information is scarce on the severity of FI in cervical extensors associated with different clinical syndromes in patients with cervical spondylosis. Objective To investigate the relationship between the severity of FI in the cervical multifidus musculature and its clinical correlates in the syndromes and sagittal alignment of patients with cervical spondylosis. Methods This study was conducted as a retrospective study of twenty-eight healthy volunteers (HV) together with sixty-six patients who underwent cervical radiculopathy (CR), degenerative myelopathy (DM), and axial joint pain (AJP) from January 2020 to March 2022. MRI was used to measure the fat cross-sectional area (FCSA), functional muscle cross-sectional area (FMCSA), total muscle cross-sectional area (TMCSA), FI ratio of the cervical multifidus musculature at each cervical level from the C3 to C6 segments and the cervical lordosis angle in the included subjects. Results The difference in the FCSA and FI ratio in patient groups with cervical spondylosis was significantly greater than that of the HV group (P
... This corresponds to reduced muscle activity in the painful muscles, which shifts from the deep painful muscles to the superficial muscles and, thus, may interfere with normal proprioception [26]. Chronic neck pain has been reported to affect neck muscle size, thickness, strength, accuracy, acuity, endurance, range of motion, and cervical joint position errors [8,25,27]. These changes in the structure and function of the neck muscles can alter proprioceptive discharge, thereby affecting the afferent input and leading to proprioceptive abnormalities [28]. ...
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Background: There is little research in the literature comparing the efficacy of coblation nucleoplasty with conservative treatment in the treatment of cervical discogenic dizziness and reporting the achieved rate of minimal clinically important differences (MCID) and patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) after surgery. This retrospective study aims to explore the patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) following coblation nucleoplasty for cervical discogenic dizziness and to compare the therapeutic effect of coblation nucleoplasty with prolonged conservative treatment. Methods: Sixty-one patients with cervical discogenic dizziness and a positive intradiscal diagnostic test eligible for single-level cervical coblation nucleoplasty were included in the study. Among these 61 patients, 40 patients underwent cervical coblation nucleoplasty, while the remaining 21 patients refused surgery and received continued conservative treatment. The primary PROMs were the intensity and frequency of dizziness and secondary PROMs were related to the neck disability index (NDI) and visual analog scale (VAS) for neck pain (VAS-neck) during a 12-month follow-up period. Moreover, the achieved rate of MCID and PASS in both groups was assessed 12 months after surgery. Results: Dizziness intensity, dizziness frequency, VAS-neck score, and NDI score were significantly improved from the baseline at all follow-up time points in both treatment groups, except for showing no significant improvement in dizziness frequency in the conservative treatment group at 6 and 12 months after surgery. However, at each follow-up time point, the above indexes were lower in the surgery group than in the conservative treatment group. In addition, the achieved rates for PASS and MCID in all indexes in the surgery group were significantly higher than those in the conservative treatment group at 12 months after surgery. Conclusions: Cervical coblation nucleoplasty significantly improved the intensity and frequency of dizziness, neck pain, and NDI in patients with cervical discogenic dizziness, and the results were superior to those from prolonged conservative treatment. Meanwhile, cervical coblation nucleoplasty is a good choice for patients with chronic neck pain and refractory cervical discogenic dizziness who have not demonstrated the indications for open surgery and have not responded well to conservative treatment.
... As paraspinal muscle degeneration has been extensively investigated in low back pain and lumbar radiculopathy, it has been also recently explored in neck pain and cervical radiculopathy [6,25,26]. Fatty infiltration is considered a late stage of muscle degeneration, and it is clinically the most important sign of muscle degeneration correlated with clinical outcomes, rather than cross sectional area or volume [27]. In addition, fatty infiltration in the cervical extensor muscles is reportedly associated with clinical symptoms, such as neck pain, cervical functional disability, and postural instability, in several cervical disorders (e.g., whiplash associated disorder, cervical myelopathy) as well as cervical radiculopathy [3][4][5][6]28,29]. ...
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Background: Recent attention has been directed towards fatty infiltration in the cervical extensor muscles for predicting clinical outcomes in several cervical disorders. This study aimed to investigate the potential association between fatty infiltration in the cervical multifidus and treatment response following cervical interlaminar epidural steroid injection (CIESI) in patients with cervical radicular pain. Methods: The data of patients with cervical radicular pain who received CIESIs between March 2021 and June 2022 were reviewed. A responder was defined as a patient with a numerical rating scale decrease of ≥ 50% from the baseline to three months after the procedure. The presence of fatty infiltration in the cervical multifidus was assessed, along with patient characteristics, and cervical spine disease severity. To assess cervical sarcopenia, fatty infiltration in the bilateral multifidus muscles was evaluated at the C5-C6 level using the Goutallier classification. Results: Among 275 included patients, 113 (41.1%) and 162 (58.9%) were classified as non-responders and responders, respectively. The age, severity of disc degeneration, and grade of cervical multifidus fatty degeneration were significantly lower in responders. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that pre-procedural symptoms (radicular pain with neck pain, odd ratio [OR] = 0.527, P = 0.024) and high-grade cervical multifidus fatty degeneration (Goutallier grade 2.5-4, OR = 0.320, P = 0.005) were significantly associated with an unsuccessful response to CIESI. Conclusions: These results suggest high-grade cervical multifidus fatty infiltration is an independent predictor of poor response to CIESI in patients with cervical radicular pain.
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Introduction Neck-specific exercises (NSEs) are commonly used for the treatment of chronic non-specific neck pain (CNSNP). However, it remains unclear whether baseline features can predict the response to neck-specific exercise (NSE) in people with CNSNP. This systematic review aims to assess whether baseline features such as age, gender, muscle activity, fatigability, endurance and fear of movement can predict pain and disability reduction following a NSE intervention. Methods and analysis This systematic review and meta-analysis will be reported in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Protocols guidelines checklist. The Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL databases; key journals; and grey literature will be searched up until June 2023, including medical subject heading terms and keywords combinations. Included studies will investigate an association between the baseline features and pain and disability outcomes following NSE in people with CNSNP. Two independent reviewers will oversee the searching, screening, data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. The risk of bias will be assessed using the Risk Of Bias In Non-randomised Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) and Risk-Of-Bias tool for randomised trials 2 (ROB 2). The quality of evidence will be assessed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach (GRADE). Using standardised forms, details regarding study characteristics, baseline features (predictive factors), intervention, primary outcome and effect size (OR and 95% CI of each predictive factor and p value) will be extracted from included studies. Meta-analyses will be considered, if the studies are sufficiently homogeneous and if three or more studies investigate the same or comparable factors that predict the same response (pain intensity or disability). In the event that less than three studies investigated the same factors, a narrative synthesis will be conducted. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval will not be required as this review will be based on published studies. The results of this study will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal and presented at conferences. PROSPERO registration number CRD42023408332.
Objectives: The use of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) has been documented to be effective for improving pain and function, but it is unclear whether it helps improve muscle performance in musculoskeletal diseases. This study investigated the effects of IASTM combined with exercise therapy on muscle endurance and pain intensity in patients with chronic neck pain. Methods: Forty-eight individuals with chronic neck pain were randomly divided into exercise therapy (ET, n = 24) and combined therapy (CT, n = 24) groups. For 4 weeks, each group underwent exercise therapy 3 days a week for a total of 12 sessions. The ET group received exercise therapy only. The CT group received IASTM combined with exercise therapy twice per week for a total of 8 sessions. The muscle endurance of the participants was assessed with the Deep Neck Flexor Muscle Endurance (DNFE) test and pain intensity with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) at baseline and post-treatment. Results: While both groups showed significant improvement in pain intensity (p < 0.05), the CT group showed a greater effect size for pain (CT group: Cohen's d = 3.28; ET group: Cohen's d = 2.12). The CT group showed significant improvement for muscle endurance (p < 0.05), whereas the ET group did not (p > 0.05). Conclusion: In the current study, the IASTM intervention combined with ET improved pain and muscular endurance in participants with chronic neck pain compared to exercise therapy alone. As an alternative method, IASTM intervention before exercise seems to increase the short-term recovery effect in chronic neck pain conditions.
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Tissue damage or pathological alterations are not detectable in the majority of people with whiplash associated disorders (WAD). Widespread hyperalgisa, morphological muscle changes and psychological distress are common features of WAD. However little is known about the presence of inflammation and its association with symptom persistence or the clinical presentation of WAD. This study aimed to prospectively investigate changes in serum inflammatory biomarker levels from the acute (<3 weeks) to chronic (>3 months) stages of whiplash injury. It also aimed to determine relationships between biomarker levels and hyperalgesia, fatty muscle infiltrates of the cervical extensors identified on MRI and psychological factors. 40 volunteers with acute WAD and 18 healthy controls participated. Participants with WAD were classified at 3 months as recovered/mild disability or having moderate/severe disability using the Neck Disability Index. At baseline both WAD groups showed elevated serum levels of CRP but by 3 months levels remained elevated only in the moderate/severe group. The recovered/mild disability WAD group had higher levels of TNF-α at both time points than both the moderate/severe WAD group and healthy controls. There were no differences found in serum IL-1β. Moderate relationships were found between hyperalgesia and CRP at both time points and between hyperalgesia and IL-1β 3 months post injury. There was a moderate negative correlation between TNF-α and amount of fatty muscle infiltrate and pain intensity at 3 months. Only a weak relationship was found between CRP and pain catastrophising and no relationship between biomarker levels and posttraumatic stress symptoms. The results of the study indicate that inflammatory biomarkers may play a role in outcomes following whiplash injury as well as being associated with hyperalgesia and fatty muscle infiltrate in the cervical extensors.
Whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) describes a heterogeneous group of symptoms, which develops frequently after an unexpected rear-end car collision. In some of these patients, the symptoms persist for years. There is an ongoing scientific debate about the existence of tissue injury to support this disorder, due to the lack of findings with current diagnostic techniques and the prevalence of emotional traits as risk factors. The purpose of this chapter is to (1) overview the scientific data regarding the presence of an injury mechanism as a consequence of the whiplash trauma, (2) remark the unexpectedness of the accident as essential, and (3) present a new concept according to which WAD symptoms are the result of a mismatch between aberrant information from the cervical spinal cord and the information from the vestibular and visual systems, all of which are integrated in the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray and adjoining regions.
Study design: A population based cross-sectional study. Objective: To clarify relative constituents of viable muscle in 2-dimensional cross-sectional area (CSA) measures of ventral and dorsal cervical muscles in patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders (WAD), idiopathic neck pain, and healthy controls. Summary of background data: Previous data using T1-weighted magnetic resonance image demonstrated large amounts of neck muscle fat infiltration and increased neck muscle CSA in patients with chronic WAD but not in idiopathic neck pain or healthy controls. Methods: Magnetic resonance images were obtained for 14 cervical muscle regions in 136 females, including 79 with chronic whiplash, 23 with chronic idiopathic neck pain, and 34 healthy controls. Results: Without fat removed, relative CSA of 7 of 14 muscle regions in the participants with chronic WAD was larger, 3 of 14 smaller and 4 of 14 similar to healthy individuals. When T1-weighted signal representing the lipid content of these muscles was removed, 8 of 14 relative muscle CSA in patients with whiplash were similar, 5 of 14 were smaller and only 1 of 14 was larger than those observed in healthy controls. Removal of fat from the relative CSA measurement did not alter findings between participants with idiopathic neck pain and healthy controls. Conclusion: These findings clarify that previous reports of increased relative CSA in patients with chronic whiplash represent cervical muscle pseudohypertrophy. Relative muscle CSA measures reveal atrophy in several muscles in both patients with WAD and idiopathic neck pain, which supports inclusion of muscle conditioning in the total management of these patients. Level of evidence: 3.
Real-time ultrasound imaging of the lumbar multifidus muscle was performed in 48 normal subjects (21 males, 27 females) aged 18-35 years. Measurements of multifidus cross-sectional area (CSA) and shape were symmetrical between the right and left sides of the spine. Muscle shape differed between the males and females. Two measurements (linear dimensions) of the muscle cross-section were closely correlated with CSA in both groups (males r=0.98; females r=0.93), but this relationship needs to be determined in wasted muscles where changes in shape may occur. Correlations between CSA and height and weight differed between males and females/Measurements were repeatable between days (CV = 6%) and between scans (CV = 4.9%). The present study indicates that real-time ultrasound may be clinically useful for measuring multifidus muscle wasting, but larger scale studies are required to establish definitive reference ranges of data in different age groups of normal subjects. Documentation of changes in symmetry of multifidus muscle size and shape with back pain could then be performed.
Background and objectives: It has been suggested that sensitization of the central nervous system plays an important role in the development and maintenance of chronic (pain) complaints experienced by whiplash patients. According to the PRISMA guidelines, a systematic review was performed to screen and evaluate the existing clinical evidence for the presence of central sensitization in chronic whiplash. DATABASES AND DATA TREATMENT: Predefined keywords regarding central sensitization and chronic whiplash were combined in electronic search engines PubMed and Web of Science. Full text clinical reports addressing studies of central sensitization in human adults with chronic complaints due to a whiplash trauma were included and reviewed on methodological quality by two independent reviewers. Results: From the 99 articles that were identified, 24 met the inclusion criteria, and 22 articles achieved sufficient scores on methodological quality and were discussed. These studies evaluated the sensitivity to different types of stimuli (mechanical, thermal, electrical). Findings suggest that although different central mechanisms seem to be involved in sustaining the pain complaints in whiplash patients, hypersensitivity of the central nervous system plays a significant role. Persistent pain complaints, local and widespread hyperalgesia, referred pain and (thoracic) allodynia, decreased spinal reflex thresholds, inefficient diffuse noxious inhibitory controls activation and enhanced temporal summation of pain were established in chronic whiplash patients. Conclusions: Although the majority of the literature provides evidence for the presence of central sensitization in chronic whiplash, underlying mechanisms are still unclear and future studies with good methodological quality are necessary. In addition, international guidelines for the definition, clinical recognition, assessment and treatment of central sensitization are warranted.
Purpose: To investigate the role of the cervical spine muscles in whiplash injury. We hypothesized that (i) cervical muscle hypotrophy would be evident after a 6-month follow-up and, (ii) cervical muscle hypotrophy would correlate with symptom persistence probably related to pain or inactivity. Materials and methods: Ninety symptomatic patients (48 females) were recruited from our emergency department and examined within 48 h, and at 3, and 6 months after a motor vehicle accident. MRI cross-sectional muscle area (CSA) measurements were performed bilaterally of the cervical extensor and sternocleidomastoid muscles using transverse STIR (Short Tau inversion Recovery) sequences at the C2 (deep and total dorsal cervical extensor muscles), C4 (sternocleidomastoid muscles) and C5 (deep and total dorsal cervical extensor muscles) levels. Two blinded raters independently performed the measurements at each time point. First, CSA changes over time were analyzed and, second, CSAs were correlated with clinical outcomes (EuroQuol, Whiplash Disability Score, neck pain intensity [VAS], cervical spine mobility). Results: There was a high agreement of CSA measurements between the two raters. Women consistently had smaller CSAs than men. There were no significant changes of CSAs over time at any of the three levels. There were no consistent significant correlations of CSA values with the clinical scores at all time points except with the body mass index. Conclusion: Our results do not support a major role of cervical muscle volume in the genesis of symptoms after whiplash injury.
Purpose: To quantitatively compare the muscle cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the cervical muscles in symptomatic acute whiplash patients versus healthy controls. We hypothesized, that symptomatic whiplash patients have smaller cervical muscle CSAs than matched controls and that smaller cervical muscle CSAs in women might explain that women more frequently are symptomatic after whiplash injury than men. Materials and Methods: Prospective controlled study. Thirty-eight consecutive acute whiplash patients were examined within 48 h after a motor vehicle accident and 38 healthy age- and sex-matched controls, each half female, half male, were examined with the same protocol. MRI CSA measurements were performed of the deep and total cervical extensor muscles as well as the sternocleidomastoid muscles using transversal STIR (Short T1 Inversion Recovery) sequences on level C2, C4, and C5 by two blinded raters. Clinical symptoms were assessed with patient questionnaires (EuroQuol 5D, Specific Whiplash Questionnaire, head- and neck pain intensity [VAS]). Results: Agreement of measurements between the two raters was high (intraclass correlation 0.52 to 0.85 for the different levels). No significant difference in age and body mass index were seen between patients and controls and the distribution of genders across groups was identical. There were no significant differences between patients and controls for all CSAs. Women had consistently smaller CSAs than men. The CSAs showed no significant correlation with the pain intensity of neck pain and headache but a consistent tendency of less neck pain and more headache with greater CSAs. Conclusion: This small study provides no evidence that subjects with smaller CSAs of cervical extensor muscles have a higher risk in developing symptoms after a whiplash injury and confirms smaller CSA in women.
Long-term follow-up studies focusing on the posterior extensor muscles in patients suffering from whiplash injury are scarce. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the changes in the posterior extensor muscles 10 years after whiplash injury. Twenty-three patients who had suffered from whiplash injury in 1994-1996 and had undergone MRI using a 1.5-T superconductive imager participated in this follow-up study (13 males, 10 females, mean age 51.8 years, mean follow-up 11.5 years). In addition, 60 healthy volunteers who had undergone MRI in the same period were included as controls (36 males, 24 females, mean age 47.8 years, mean follow-up 11.1 years). All participants underwent follow-up MRI. The cross-sectional areas of the deep posterior muscles (CSA) including the multifidus, semispinalis cervicis, semispinalis capitis, and splenius capitis were digitally measured at C3-4, C4-5, and C5-6 using NIH image. The long-term changes in the CSA were compared between the two groups. In addition, correlations between the CSA and cervical spine-related symptoms were evaluated. The mean total CSA per patient (the sum of the area from C3-4 to C5-6) was 4811.6±878.4 mm(2) in the whiplash patients and 4494.9±1032.7 mm(2) in the controls at the initial investigation (p=0.20), and 5173.4±946.1 mm(2) and 4713.0±1065.3 mm(2) at the follow-up (p=0.07). The mean change in CSA over time was 361.8±804.9 mm(2) in the whiplash patients and 218.1±520.7 mm(2) in the controls (p=0.34). Ten whiplash patients (43.5%) had neck pain and 11 (47.8%) had shoulder stiffness. However, there was no difference in the change in CSA over time between the symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. There was no significant difference in the change in CSA between whiplash patients and healthy volunteers after a 10-year follow-up period. In both groups, the cross-sectional area slightly increased at follow-up. In addition, there was no association between the change in CSA and clinical symptoms such as neck and shoulder pain. These results suggest that whiplash injury is not associated with symptomatic atrophy of the posterior cervical muscles over the long term.