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Thermal acclimation of locomotor performance in tadpoles and adults of the aquatic frog Xenopus laevis


Abstract and Figures

Among amphibians, the ability to compensate for the effects of temperature on the locomotor system by thermal acclimation has only been reported in larvae of a single species of anuran. All other analyses have examined predominantly terrestrial adult life stages of amphibians and found no evidence of thermal acclimatory capacity. We examined the ability of both tadpoles and adults of the fully aquatic amphibian Xenopus laevis to acclimate their locomotor system to different temperatures. Tadpoles were acclimated to either 12 °C or 30 °C for 4 weeks and their burst swimming performance was assessed at four temperatures between 5 °C and 30 °C. Adult X. laevis were acclimated to either 10 °C or 25 °C for 6 weeks and their burst swimming performance and isolated muscle performance was determined at six temperatures between 5 °C and 30 °C. Maximum swimming performance of cold-acclimated X. laevis tadpoles was greater at cool temperatures and lower at the highest temperature in comparison with the warm-acclimated animals. At the test temperature of 12 °C, maximum swimming velocity of tadpoles acclimated to 12 °C was 38% higher than the 30 °C-acclimation group, while at 30 °C, maximum swimming velocity of the 30 °C-acclimation group was 41% faster than the 12 °C-acclimation group. Maximum swimming performance of adult X. laevis acclimated to 10 °C was also higher at the lower temperatures than the 25 °C acclimated animals, but there was no difference between the treatment groups at higher temperatures. When tested at 10 °C, maximum swimming velocity of the 10 °C-acclimation group was 67% faster than the 25 °C group. Isolated gastrocnemius muscle fibres from adult X. laevis acclimated to 10 °C produced higher relative tetanic tensions and decreased relaxation times at 10 °C in comparison with animals acclimated to 25 °C. This is only the second species of amphibian, and the first adult life stage, reported to have the capacity to thermally acclimate locomotor performance.
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R. S. Wilson á R. S. James á I. A. Johnston
Thermal acclimation of locomotor performance in tadpoles
and adults of the aquatic frog
Xenopus laevis
Accepted: 28 October 1999
Abstract Among amphibians, the ability to compensate
for the eects of temperature on the locomotor system
by thermal acclimation has only been reported in larvae
of a single species of anuran. All other analyses have
examined predominantly terrestrial adult life stages of
amphibians and found no evidence of thermal acclima-
tory capacity. We examined the ability of both tadpoles
and adults of the fully aquatic amphibian Xenopus laevis
to acclimate their locomotor system to dierent tem-
peratures. Tadpoles were acclimated to either 12 °Cor
30 °C for 4 weeks and their burst swimming perfor-
mance was assessed at four temperatures between 5 °C
and 30 °C. Adult X. laevis were acclimated to either
10 °Cor25°C for 6 weeks and their burst swimming
performance and isolated muscle performance was de-
termined at six temperatures between 5 °C and 30 °C.
Maximum swimming performance of cold-acclimated
X. laevis tadpoles was greater at cool temperatures and
lower at the highest temperature in comparison with the
warm-acclimated animals. At the test temperature of
12 °C, maximum swimming velocity of tadpoles accli-
mated to 12 °C was 38% higher than the 30 °C-accli-
mation group, while at 30 °C, maximum swimming
velocity of the 30 °C-acclimation group was 41% faster
than the 12 °C-acclimation group. Maximum swimming
performance of adul t X. laevis acclimated to 10 °C was
also higher at the lower temperatures than the 25 °C
acclimated animals, but there was no dierence between
the treatment groups at higher temperatures. When
tested at 10 °C, maximum swimming velocity of the
10 °C-acclimation group was 67% faster than the 25 °C
group. Isolated gastrocnemius muscle ®bres from adult
X. laevis acclimated to 10 °C produced higher relative
tetanic tensions and decreased relaxation times at 10 °C
in comparison with animals acclimated to 25 °C. This is
only the second species of amphibian, and the ®rst adult
life stage, reported to have the capac ity to thermally
acclimate locomotor performance.
Temperature in¯uences the reaction rates of most bio-
logical processes and can signi®cantly aec t the physio-
logical performance and ®tness of ectotherms (Christian
and Tracy 1981; Kingsolver and Watt 1983; Lynch and
Gabriel 198 7). An acute decrease in body temperature
reduces power output (Johnson and Johnston 1991), re-
laxation rates (Fleming et al. 1990), and the contraction
velocity (Johnston et al. 1985) of muscles and, conse-
quently locomotor performance (Christian and Tracy
1981; Bennett 1990). Short-term responses to a decrease
in temperature include the compression of motor neurone
recruitment, with fast muscles recruited at lower speeds
(Rome et al. 1984). Longer-term acclimatory responses
in ®sh include an increase in maximum speed for a ®xed
swimming period (Fry and Hart 1948) and improved
acceleration and higher maximum velocity during fast
starts (Johnson and Bennett 1995; Beddow et al. 1995).
The physiological mechan isms underlying such acclima-
tory changes in ®sh locomotion often include a major
restructuring of the muscle phenotype, although species
dier in their response (see Johnston 1993 for review).
For carp, changes in myosin heavy chain composition
(Imai et al. 1997), ratio of light to heavy chains (Crock-
ford and Johnston 1990) and myo®brillar ATPase
J Comp Physiol B (2000) 170: 117±124 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000
Communicated by I.D. Hume
R. S. Wilson (&)
Physiological Ecology Laboratory,
Department of Zoology and Entomology,
The University of Queensland, St. Lucia QLD 4072 Australia
Fax: +61-7-3365-1655
R. S. James
School of NES, Coventry University,
D Block, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB, UK
I. A. Johnston
Gatty Marine Laboratory,
School of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology,
University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews,
Fife, KY16 8LB, Scotland, UK
activity (Johnston et al. 1975) are associated with changes
in maximum tension and velocity of the muscle. A char-
acteristic feature of the ®sh acclimation response is the
long time period required (2±3 weeks; Heap et al. 1986).
Earlier studies of the thermal acclimatory capacity of
the amphibian locomotor system, both in terms of whole-
animal and muscle contractile properties (Putnam and
Bennett 1981; Renaud and Stevens 1983; Rome 1983;
Whitehead et al. 1989; Knowles and Weigl 1990) indi-
cated that the locomotor system of the predominantly
terrestrial adult amphibians shows limited phenotypic
plasticity to seasonal temperature change. In the ®rst
study of larval amphibians, Wilson and Franklin (1999)
found tadpoles of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes
peronii) could compensate for the rate-limiting eects of
low temperature on locomotor performance by thermal
acclimation. Thus, among the amphibians, the ability to
thermally acclimate locomotor performance may change
with life stage. However, ontogenetic shifts in thermal
physiology of ectotherms are usually associated with
changes in habitat. For example, newly emergent drag-
on¯ies (Libellula pulchella) have a lower lethal tempera-
ture and broader thermal range of ¯ight performance
than adults, which corresponds with dierences in habi-
tat and lower and more variable thoracic body temper-
ature of the younger dragon¯ies (Marden 1995; Marden
et al. 1996). Temple and Johnston (1998) found the
ability to thermally acclimate locomotor performance in
the ®sh Myoxocephalus scorpius was manifest following
the migration from inshore habitats to the deeper and
more thermally stable but seasonally ¯uctuating habitat.
For most amphibians, metamorphosis from the larval to
adult stage parallels a shift from an aquatic to a pre-
dominantly terrestrial lifestyle. Consistent with both this
pattern and data from previous amphibians studies is the
hypothesis that the capacity to thermally acclimate lo-
comotor perfo rmance among amphibians is possessed by
only the fully aquatic life stages.
In this study, we investigated the ability of both
tadpoles and adults of the fully aquatic African clawed
frog, Xenopus lae vis, to acclimate its locomotor system
to cool temperatures. Adult X. laevis usually inhabit
permanent bodies of water, and emergence onto land is
restricted to occasional migrations between adjacent
ponds during heavy rain. The distribution of X. laevis is
restricted to the temperate and sub-tropical regions of
southern Africa, with both the tadpoles and adults often
active over dierent seasons. We predicted that both life
stages of X. laevis would show improvements in loco-
motor and muscle performance following thermal ac-
climation because it is a fully aquatic amphibian that
experiences signi®cant dierences in environmental
temperature between summer and winter.
Materials and methods
African clawed frogs (X. laevis) were obtained from a breeding
colony in the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, Scotland.
The colony was maintained in aquaria kept at 25 °C and fed twice
weekly on beef heart and ®sh pellets.
Thermal acclimation of burst locomotor performance in tadpoles
Four pairs of X. laevis were induced to breed by injecting both
males and females with human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG).
Female X. laevis were injected with 0.35 ml and males with 0.15 ml
of a 500 U ml
solution of HCG. All fertilised eggs were trans-
ferred to well aerated aquaria and maintained at 25 °C until they
developed into free-swimming tadpoles. After approximately
4 weeks, tadpoles were divided randomly into two temperature-
acclimation groups; 12 °C and 30 °C. Tadpoles from all treatments
were maintained at high densities (15 animals per litre) to ensure
that development rate was slowed. It is well documented that
amphibian larvae kept at high densities have slower growth and
developmental rates (Newman 1987; Tejedo and Reques 1994).
Slow development ensured any dierences in growth rates between
larvae maintained at 12 °C and 30 °C did not result in any signi-
®cant body size dierences between treatment groups after 4 weeks.
Tadpoles were fed vegetable matter and ®sh pellets and exposed to
a 12 h light:12 h dark light regime.
Following an exposure period of at least 4 weeks, 12 individuals
from both acclimation groups were selected for measurement of
their burst swimming performance at four temperatures between
5 °C and 30 °C. The temperature of the tadpoles was changed at a
rate of 5 °Ch
. The burst swimming performance of both ex-
perimental groups was assessed in the order of 20 °C, 12 °C, 30 °C
and 5 °C, and then repeated at 20 °C. As there was no dierence in
swimming performance for any experimental group between the
initial and ®nal testing at 20 °C, it was concluded that the swim-
ming performance of the tadpoles did not change over the course of
the experiment due to fatigue, experience or some other in¯uence
and was not a confounding factor in the analysis. Moreover, a
positive correlation was observed between initial and ®nal measures
of burst swimming performance for tadpoles from each acclimation
group; although this correlation was non-signi®cant, more repli-
cates may have resulted in statistical signi®cance.
Burst swimming performance was measured by videotaping at
least ®ve `startle responses' for each individual at each temperature.
Startle responses were elicited in the tadpoles by touching them
with a ®ne wire on the front of the head. These burst swimming
sequences were videotaped in a 30 cm ´ 30 cm ´ 5 cm clear plastic
aquarium suspended in a temperature-controlled water bath
(0.5 °C). A silhouette of the tadpole was produced by underneath
illumination of the aquarium through frosted glass. Swimming
sequences were videotaped by recording the image on a mirror
suspended at an angle of 45° above the ®lming arena using a video
camera (Panasonic F10, Japan) at 50 frames s
. A U-matic video
recorder (Model CR-6600 E) was used to play back the recorded
sequences frame-by-frame, with the image projected onto a ®lm
motion analyser digitising tablet (NAC, Japan). The digitising
tablet was linked to the MOVIAS (NAC, Japan) ®lm analysis
software package which calculated the X,Y co-ordinates of the
animals every 20 ms. Velocity of the tadpoles was determined by
calculating the distance moved between each frame (i.e. 20 ms).
Each burst swimming sequence was analysed frame-by-frame to
determine the maximum velocity (U
), the time taken to reach
maximum velocity (T-U
) and the distance travelled during the
initial 200 ms (D
). The fastest of the swimming sequences ana-
lysed for each individual at each temperature was used as a measure
of their maximum burst swimming performance.
Thermal acclimation of burst locomotor performance in adults
Thirty-eight adult X. laevis were divided randomly into two tem-
perature-acclimation groups; 10 °C and 25 °C. Frogs were fed
twice weekly on beef heart and exposed to a 12:12 photoperiod.
After an exposure period of at least 6 weeks, the burst swimming
performance or isolated muscle performance of the frogs was as-
sessed at six dierent temperatures between 5 °C and 30 °C. Ten
frogs from each acclimation group were used for the swimming
performance experiments, while nine animals from each acclima-
tion group were used in the study of muscle mechanics.
Burst swimming performance
Burst swimming performance of the adults was measured by ®lm-
ing at least ®ve startle responses for each individual at each tem-
perature. Adults were stimulated to swim by tapping them lightly
on the urostyle. Only startle responses that produced swimming
along the bottom of the aquarium from a stationary position were
analysed. Burst swimming performance for both experimental
groups was assessed in the order of 20 °C, 25 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C,
30 °C and 5 °C, and retested again at 20 °C. As with the tadpoles,
there was no dierence in swimming performance for any experi-
mental group between the initial and ®nal testing at 20 °C. Fur-
thermore, a positive (but non-signi®cant) correlation was also
observed between initial and ®nal measures of burst swimming
performance for the adults from each acclimation group. Burst
swimming sequences were ®lmed in a 1.5 m ´ 0.5 m ´ 0.2 m
aquarium with underneath illumination provided by ®ve 75-W
¯uorescent strip lights through frosted glass. Filming and analysis
of adult swimming performance was done by using the same
methods outlined for the tadpoles. The temperature of the aquar-
ium was changed at a rate of 5 °Ch
Isolated muscle performance
Frogs were killed by a blow to the head, pithing and transection of
the spinal cord. The gastrocnemius muscle was removed from the
right hind-leg of each frog and a smaller bundle of ®bres (approx.
10% of the original muscle volume) was separated from the main
body of muscle. Dissection was carried out on a cooled microscope
stage (5 °C) in Ringer's solution with the following composition (in
mmol l
): NaCl, 115; KCL, 2.5; Na
, 2.15; NaH
, 0.85;
sodium pyruvate, 5.0; CaCl
, 1.8; pH 7.2 at 20 °C. Aluminium foil
clips were attached to the ends of the ®bre bundles and mounted on
stainless steel hooks, with one end attached to a force transducer
(AME 801, SenSonor, Norway; sensitivity of 0.5 mN V
). The
muscle preparation was mounted inside a temperature controlled
Perspex bath with circulating Ringers solution.
The muscle was stimulated via two parallel platinum wire
electrodes placed on each side of the muscle preparation. Stimu-
lation frequency was adjusted to maximise tetanus height (95±
120 Hz), while stimulation amplitude, pulse width and muscle
length were adjusted to produce a maximum twitch. Data were
collected and analysed using Labview software (National Instru-
ments). The order of temperatures was randomised for each muscle
preparation. Tetani were routinely repeated at the initial test tem-
perature during each experiment to monitor variation in each
muscle's ability to produce force over time. Any changes in per-
formance of each muscle throughout the experiment were corrected
for to ensure dierences in force were due to temperature alone. A
7- to 10-min recovery period was allowed between each tetanic
contraction. Maximum twitch (F
) and tetanic force (F
), time to
maximum twitch force (TPT), and the time from last stimulus to
50% tetanic relaxation (RT
) were all recorded.
Morphological measurements of each tadpole and adult were
recorded. All length measurements were made with Mitutoyo cal-
ipers (Japan; 0.1 mm) and mass was recorded using an analytical
balance (0.1 mg). For tadpoles, snout-vent, tail and total length,
and mass were recorded, while for the adults, snout-to-urostyle
length and mass were measured.
Statistical analyses
The eects of acute temperature change and acclimation eects on
all experimental variables following exposure to dierent temper-
ature regimes were analysed using Multivariate Analysis of Vari-
ance (MANOVA). The MANOVA was followed by a multiple
comparisons test to isolate the speci®c dierences in treatment
eects. Body size and developmental stage data, and Q
and R
values were compared between the treatment groups using Stu-
dent's t-tests or Mann-Whitney U-tests. Correlative analyses
between initial and ®nal measures of burst locomotor performance
for each individual from both tadpole and adult acclimation groups
were performed using least square regression techniques. As the
mass of each muscle preparation was not recorded, the isolated
muscle performance data were normalised and then arcsine trans-
formed to account for variation in size of muscle bundles used in
experiments. All results are presented as mean SE. Signi®cance
was taken at the level of P<0.05.
Thermal acclimation of burst locomotor performance
in tadpoles
Maximum swimming performance of cold-acclimated
X. laevis tadpoles was greater at cool temperatures and
lower at the highest temperature in comparison with the
warm-acclimated animals (Fig. 1). Tadpoles acclimated
to 30 °C did not exhibit a startle response at 5 °C; thus
Fig. 1 Eect of temperature on A maximum swimming velocity
), B time taken to reach maximum swimming velocity (T-U
and C the distance moved after the initial 200 ms (D
), in tadpoles of
the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) acclimated to either 12 °Cor
30 °C for a period of 4 weeks (n 12). An asterisk denotes a
statistically signi®cant dierence between acclimation groups at a
particular test temperature. Signi®cance level at P<0.05
all comparisons between the two experimental treat-
ments were made at the temperatures of 12 °C, 20 °C
and 30 °C. At the test tem perature of 12 °C, the U
12 °C-acclimated tadpoles was 38% higher than the
30 °C-acclimation group (P<0.01; Fig. 1A). There
was no dierence in T-U
between the two treatment
groups at 12 °C, but D
for the 12 °C-acclimation
group (2.81 0.18 cm) was 32% greater than the
30 °C-exposure group (2.13 0.20 cm; P<0.001;
Fig. 1C). At 20 °C, there were no signi®cant dierences
between the 12 °C- and 30 °C-acclimation groups for all
swimming performance parameters (Fig. 1A±C). How-
ever, at the test temperature of 30 °C, U
of the 30 °C-
acclimation group (5.96 0.60 m s
) was 41% faster
than the 12 °C-acclim ation group (4.80 0.30 m s
P<0.001). Similarly, at 30 °C, the 30 °C group
reached U
after 91.1 10.5 ms, while T-U
the 12 °C group was signi®cantly slower at 137 14 ms
(P<0.01). D
for the 30 °C group was
5.96 0.60 cm at 30 °C, which was 24% further than
the 12 °C group (P<0.01).
There was no signi®cant dierence in mass or total
body length between the 12 °C- (8.7 1.2 mg,
26.6 1.4 mm) and 30 °C-acclimation group
(9.1 1.5 mg, 28.0 1.6 mm). Furthermore, there
was no dierence in developmental stage between the
two acclimation groups.
The Q
and R
values for the swimming performance
parameters between the test temperatures of 12 °C and
30 °C were compared betwe en the acclimation groups
(Table 1). Only the Q
s for U
were signi®cantly dif-
ferent between the two acclimation groups , with a value
of 1.96 0.16 and 1.30 0.05 for the 30 °C- and
12 °C-acclimation groups, respectively (P<0.01).
Thermal acclimation of the adult locomotor system
The eect of temperature on burst locomotor perfor-
mance and isolated muscle performance was compared
between adult X. laevis acclimated to 10 °C and 25 °C.
Acute changes in tem perature aected all kinematic
variables of whole-animal performance and isolated
muscle performance in animals from both acclimation
groups (MANOVA; P<0.05). Body mass or snout-
vent length did not signi®cantly dier between the 10 °C
group (48.9 3.4 g, 75.9 1.4 mm) and the 25 °C
group (46.8 3.0 g, 76.6 1.3 mm) .
Burst swimming performance
Maximum swimming performance of adult X. laevis
acclimated to 10 °C was higher at the cooler tempera-
tures than the 25 °C acclimated animals (Fig. 2A±C).
However, there was no dierence in swimming perfor-
mance for any measured parameter between the two
acclimation groups when tested between 20 °C and
30 °C (Fig. 2A±C). At the test temperature of 10 °C,
of the 10 °C-acclimation group (0.98 0.05 m
) was 67% faster than the 25 °C group (P < 0.001)
(Fig. 2A). Similarly, the T-U
for the 25 °C group was
66% slower than the 10 °C group when tested at 10 °C
(P<0.001; Fig. 2b). D
for the 10 °C group was
14.5 0.80 cm, which was 96% further than the ani-
mals exposed to 25 °C for 6 weeks (P<0.01; Fig. 2c).
There was no signi®cant dierence in mass or snout-vent
length between the 10 °C- (26.8 1.9 g, 61.2
1.8 mm) and 25 °C-acclimation group (20.2 3.6 g,
55.5 3.8 mm).
The Q
and R
values for all kinematic parameters
between the test temperatures of 10 °Cand25°C were
signi®cantly dierent between the acclim ation groups
(Table 1). The Q
s for U
in the 10 °C- and 25 °C-
acclimation groups were 1.11 0.02 and 1.61 0.04,
respectively (P<0.001).
Isolated muscle performance
Acclimation of X. laevis adults to 10 °C for 6 weeks
increased the performance of several isolated muscle
Fig. 2 EectoftemperatureonA U
, B T-U
,andC D
adult African clawed frogs (X. laevis) acclimated to either 10 °Cor
25 °C for 6 weeks (n 10). An asterisk denotes a statistically
signi®cant dierence between acclimation groups at a particular test
temperature. Signi®cance level at P<0.05
parameters at the cooler temperatures relative to the
warm-acclimated animals (Figs. 3±4). Although relative
twitch force produced by the isolated gastrocnemius
muscle did not dier between acclimation groups be-
tween the test temperatures of 5 °C and 25 °C, the
25 °C-acclimation group possessed a signi®cantly higher
than the 10 °C group at the highest test temperature
of 30 °C (Fig. 3A; P<0.05). At 10 °C, the F
muscle from the 10 °C-acclimated animals was
84.6 1.8% of it s maximum, which was signi®cantly
higher than the 25 °C group with only 77.6 2.3% of
its maximum (P<0.05). Similarly , at a test tempera-
ture of 5 °C, the 10 °C-acclimated animals produced
72.6 3.2% maximum relative twitch force, while the
25 °C group only produced 61.9 2.7% of maximum
(P < 0.05). There was no signi®cant dierence between
the acclimation groups in F
produced by the isolated
muscle when tested at temperatures greater than 10 °C.
The mass of several of the isolated muscle preparations
was recorded to determine the tetanic stress production
of the muscles, which was approximately 250±
275 kN m
at 25 °C.
There was no signi®cant dierence between the two
experimental groups in the eect of temperature on TPT
(Fig. 4A; P>0.05). TPT was greater than 120 ms for
both groups at 5 °C and less than 30 ms when tested at
30 °C. Relaxation rates were greater in the 10 °C group
than the 25 °C-acclimation group at the lower test
temperatures, with RT
signi®cantly greater for the
25 °C-acclimated animals between the test temperatures
of 5 °Cand15°C(P<0.001; Fig. 4B). There was no
dierence in RT
between the two acclimation groups
between the temperatures of 20 °Cand30°C.
The Q
and R
values for the isolated muscle per-
formance parameters between the test temperatures of
10 °C and 25 °C were compared between the 10 °C- and
25 °C-acclimation groups (Table 1). Only the R
diered between the acclimation groups, with
Table 1 Q
and R
values for burst swimming parameters be-
tween the test temperatures of 12 °C and 30 °CinXenopus laevis
tadpoles acclimated to either 12 °Cor30°C for 4 weeks (n = 12),
and values for burst swimming (n = 10) and isolated muscle per-
formance (n = 9) between 10 °C and 25 °C in adult X. laevis
acclimated to either 10 °Cor25°C for 6 weeks. Burst swimming
parameters include maximum swimming velocity (U
), time
taken to reach maximum velocity (T-U
), and distance moved
after 200 ms (D
), while isolated muscle performance parameters
include maximum relative twitch (F
) and tetanic (F
) force, and
the time from last tetanic stimulus to half relaxation (RT
Tadpoles acclimation group Adults acclimation group
12 °C30°C10°C25°C
1.30 0.05** 1.96 0.16 1.11 0.02* 1.61 0.04
1.02 0.09 0.76 0.10 0.88 0.04* 0.65 0.03
1.32 0.08 1.86 0.20 1.19 0.06* 1.69 0.1
1.11 0.02 1.17 0.02
1.04 0.02 1.05 0.03
0.53 0.01* 0.46 0.02
An asterisk denotes a statistically signi®cant result between accli-
mation groups; *P<0.05, **P<0.01
Fig. 3 EectoftemperatureontheA relative twitch force, and B
relative tetanic force, of isolated gastrocnemius muscle from adult
X. laevis acclimated to either 10 °Cor25°C for 6 weeks (n 9). An
asterisk denotes a statistically signi®cant dierence between acclima-
tion groups at a particular test temperature. Signi®cance level at
Fig. 4 Eect of temperature on A thetimetopeaktwitchforce
(TPT), and B time from last stimulus to 50% tetanic relaxation (RT
of isolated gastrocnemius muscle from adult X. laevis acclimated to
either 10 °Cor25°C for 6 weeks (n 9). An asterisk denotes a
statistically signi®cant dierence between acclimation groups at a
particular test temperature. Signi®cance level at P<0.05
values of 0.53 0.03 for the 10 °C group and
0.46 0.03 for the 25 °C-acclimation group
We found that both tadpoles and adults of the African
clawed frog (X. laevis) possessed the ability to acclimate
their locomotor performance to low temperatures. After
acclimation to 12 °C for 4 weeks, tadpoles of X. laevis
had a U
that was 38% greater at 12 °C than tadpoles
acclimated to 30 °C. Furthermore, X. laevis adults ac-
climated to 10 °C for 6 weeks had a U
that was 67%
faster at 10 °C than animals acclimated to 25 °C. This is
the ®rst study to report an adult amphibian possessing
the capacity to compensate for low temperatures by
thermal acclimation of locomotor performance. Wilson
and Franklin (1999) reported that tadpoles of the striped
marsh frog (L. peronii) acclimated to 10 °C for 6 weeks
had a U
that was 47% greater and a maximum
acceleration 53% greater at 10 °C than tadpoles accli-
mated to 24 °C. Unlike tadpoles of L. peronii, warm-
acclimated X. laevis tadpoles also improved their
performance at higher temperatures in comparison with
the cold-acclimat ed animals.
Improved escape speed following thermal acclimation
re¯ects phenotypic modi®cations of the muscle proper-
ties (see Johnston 1993). Several parameters of muscle
performance were altered following thermal acclimation
in adult X. laevis. Isolated gastrocnemius muscle ®bres
from adult X. laevis acclimated to 10 °C produced
higher relative tetanic tensions and decreased relaxation
times at 10 °C in comparison with animals acclimated to
25 °C. Isometric muscle tension was also aected by
temperature acclimation in carp (Johnston et al. 1985),
gold®sh (Langfeld et al. 1991), and the short-horned
sculpin (Beddow and Johnston 1995). Although muscle
activation rates were unaected by temperature accli-
mation in X. laevis, half-relaxation times were reduced
by approximately 30% at low temperatures after long-
term exposure to 10 °C. Half-relaxation times were also
reduced by thermal acclimation in gold®sh (Langfeld
et al. 1991), but unchanged in the short-horned sculpin
(Beddow and Johnston 1995). Changes in relaxation
rates in gold®sh were associated with an increase in
-ATPase activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(Fleming et al. 1990). Changes in relaxation rates asso-
ciated with thermal acclimation in adult X. laevis also
probably aected maximum stroke frequency during
burst swimming. However, due to the enormous be-
havioural variation exhibited by adults in the length of
the gliding phase during swimming (following propul-
sive leg extension and before the onset of active leg
¯exion), an accurate measure of maximum stroke fre-
quency could not be obtained.
Although few modi®cations in isolated muscle per-
formance were observed following thermal acclimation
in adult X. laevis, these changes most likely underlie at
least some of the alterations in whole-animal locomotor
performance. Another possible mechanism underlying
modi®cations in swimming performance with cold ac-
climation is a change in the proportion of muscle ®bre
types that dier in their thermal sensitivity, i.e. aerobic
to anaerobic. However, maximum escape speed is pow-
ered by the recruitment of anaerobic ®bre types
(Wakeling and Johnston 1998). Aerobic ®bres with their
slower contraction speeds will not make a signi®cant
contribution to power output under conditions of
maximal eort as the in vivo speed will exceed or at least
be a signi®cant proportion of the Vmax of the red ®bres.
Thus, even if there was a shift in ®bre types this would
not result in a change in the thermal dependence of
maximum locomotor performance or be relevant to the
behaviour measured in this study. A more detailed
analysis of the changes in muscle properties associated
with thermal acclimation in X. laevis would involve an
examination of the changes in the maximum power
output of the hindlimb muscles. Total muscle power
output limits the hydrodynamic power output in ®sh
(Wakeling and Johnston 1998) and is also likely to be
the most critical determinant of maximum swimming
performance in amphibians. Johnston et al. (1995)
measured the changes in average power output per
stimulation cycle in short-horned sculpin (M. scorpius)
muscle following thermal acclimation with the work-
loop technique. At 15 °C, isolated muscle from short-
horned sculpin acclimated to 15 °C for extended periods
produced average power outputs of 23.8 W kg
, while
animals acclimated to 5 °C produced only 6.3 W kg
Thermal acclimation of locomotor performance
in amphibians
Clearly, some amphibians possess the ability to accli-
mate their locomotor performance to dierent temper-
atures, but why do some species and not others? As
thermal acclimatory capacity has been recorded in both
larval and adult stages of amphibians (Table 2), it is not
likely to be directly related to ontogenetic dierences.
Similarly, as both the inability and capacity to acclimate
locomotor performance has been recorded in a diverse
array of amphibians (Table 2), it is not likely due to
phylogenetic eects alone. Moreover, it is also unlikely
due to the type of locomotor performance assessed in
each study. Altho ugh several modes of locomotion were
assessed across these studies (i.e. jumping, swimming, or
running), `burst' type locomotor performance was used
in each study and is thus unlikely to underlie dierences
in acclimatory ability. However, an examination of the
relationship between acclimatory capacity of amphibi-
ans and their aquatic or terrestrial habits reveals a clear
division between aquatic life stages that possess the
capacity to acclimate their locomotor performance and
the predominantly terrestrial life stages that do not
(Table 2). Both Renaud and Stevens (1983) and Rome
(1983) found no evidence for thermal acclimation of
locomotor performance in the predominantly terrestrial
adult Rana pipiens to low temperatures. Similarly, adult
spotted marsh frogs (L. tasmaniensis) did not exhibit an
acclimatory response in maximum jump distance to
dierent constant-temperature regimes (Whitehead et al.
1989). The thermal dependence of the muscle and lo-
comotor performance in the terrestrial adult stage of the
salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, was also
unchanged by exposure to low temperatures (Else and
Bennett 1987). Furthermore, the locomotor perfor-
mance of the toad Bufo americanus (Putnam and Ben-
nett 1981) and the frogs R. sylvatica and Pseudacris
triseriata (Knowles and Weigl 1990) is unaected by
long-term exposure to dierent temperatures. However,
tadpoles of the frog L. peronii (Wilson an d Franklin
1999), and tadpoles and fully aquatic adults of X. laevis,
possess the ability to acclimate their locomotor system
to cool temperatures. Thus, thermal acclimatory
capacity may be directly related to the aquatic habits of
amphibians. A further test of this hypothesis would be
an examination of the thermal acclimatory capacity of
adults of the striped marsh frog (L. peronii). As adults of
L. peronii are predominantly terrestrial, we would pre-
dict that unlike the tadpoles of this species the adults
would not possess the ability to acclimate their loco-
motor system to dierent temperatures.
Large daily ¯uctuations in temperature are often as-
sociated with reduced thermal acclimatory abilities of
ectotherms (Sidell et al. 1983; Temple and Johnston
1998). Thermal acclimatory ability of amphibians may
also be dependent on whether they come from an envi-
ronment that experiences large daily ¯uctuations in
temperature. Aquatic habitats are generally more ther-
mally buered and stable than terrestrial environments
and thermal acclimation of locomotor performance has
only been found among the aquatic amphibian life
stages. Fish from habitats with large daily ¯uctuations in
temperature possess a reduced, or no thermal acclima-
tory response of their locomotor performance. For ex-
ample, Temple and Johnston (1998) found long-spined
sea scorpions (Taurulus bubalis) and juvenile short-
horned sculpins (M. scorpius), that occur in habitats
with large daily ¯uctuations in temperature, do not
exhibit an acclimatory response of their locomotor
system to dierent temperatures. However, adult
M. scorpius that live in deep thermally stable environ-
ments that vary in temperature only across seasons ex-
hibited an acclimatory response over a temperature
range of 5±15 °C (Beddow et al. 1995; Temple and
Johnston 1998). Similarly, the killi®sh (Fundulus he-
teroclitus) which lives in salt-marsh habitats that expe-
rience rapid daily changes in temperature of up to 14 °C
in an hour (Sidell et al. 1983) exhibit a reduced accli-
matory response of their locomotor performance in
comparison to gold®sh (Carassius auratus) that often
live in more thermally stable environments (Johnson and
Bennett 1995). Although signi®cant shifts occurred in
the expression of the myosin heavy chain (MHC) iso-
forms with thermal acclimation in the gold®sh, MHC
expression in the killi®sh was unaected (Johnson and
Bennett 1995). The killi®sh also did not exhibit any ac-
climation of the myo®brillar ATPase activity between
5 °C and 25 °C (Sidell et al. 1983).
Why ectotherms from environments with large daily
¯uctuations in temperature possess a reduced acclima-
tory capacity has not been directly investigated. One
suggestion is that the acclimatory capacity of ectotherms
from these environments has been reduced, or lost be-
cause these environments do not provide a stable cue for
acclimation (Temple and Johnston 1998). Alternatively,
a thermally variable environment may lead to selection
for thermally independent physiological traits which
may in turn result in a reduced acclimatory ability.
Clearly, if a physiological trait is thermally independent
over the range of temperatures experienced throughout
dierent seasons then there would be no necessity for
acclimation. A correlation between a reduced acclima-
tory capacity and low thermal sensitivity of performance
may be evidence for a trade-o between a thermal gen-
eralist strategy (reduced acclim atory capacity and low
thermal sensitivity) and specialist (readily undergoes
acclimation and highly sensitive to temperature). If this
trade-o exists then it could be predicted that a reduc-
tion in acclimatory capacity would be associated with an
increase in the relative thermal independence of a trait.
Interestingly, killi®sh not only possess a reduced accli-
matory capacity of their locomotor performance in
comparison to gold®sh but their locomotor performance
is more thermally independ ent (Johnston and Bennett
1995). A narrower thermal performance range was also
Table 2 The pattern of thermal acclimatory capacity of locomotor and muscle performance in amphibians and its relationship to life
stage, and aquatic or terrestrial habits
Species Life stage Aquatic or terrestrial Acclimation Study
Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum Adult Terrestrial No Else and Bennett (1987)
Bufo americanus Adult Terrestrial No Putnam and Bennett (1981)
Pseudacris triseriata Adult Terrestrial No Knowles and Weigl (1990)
Limnodynastes peronii Tadpole Aquatic Yes Wilson and Franklin (1999)
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Adult Terrestrial No Whitehead et al. (1989)
Rana pipiens Adult Terrestrial No Renaud and Stevens (1983); Rome (1983)
Rana sylvatica Adult Terrestrial No Knowles and Weigl (1990)
Xenopus laevis Tadpole Aquatic Yes Present study
Xenopus laevis Adult Aquatic Yes Present study
associated wi th an increase in the magnitude of an acc-
limatory response in tadpoles of the striped marsh frogs
(L. peronii) when acclimated to 10 °C for an extended
period (Wilson and Franklin 1999). However, evidence
for such a trade-o is scant and based on poor corre-
lations rat her than direct experimental evaluation. Fur-
ther study of the role of short-term ¯uctuations in
temperature on the acclimatory capacity of ectotherms
will clearly improve our understanding of the ecological
and evolutionary signi®cance of physiological plasticity
in nature, both in terms of the limitations imposed by
the ¯uctuating environment on the expression of accli-
mation and also the trade-os associated with dierent
Acknowledgements RW was a recipient of an Australian Post-
graduate Scholarship. We thank Keith Sillar for providing many of
the animals used in this study and Eleanor Hartis for her generous
assistance with many aspects of Xenopus husbandry. We also thank
Mr. Iain Johnston, G. Temple, J. McDearmid, N. Cole and S. Butt
for their invaluable assistance in the lab.
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... In ectotherms with complex life cycles, some stages have a greater ability to acclimate locomotor performance to thermal change. For example, in amphibians, performance of primarily terrestrial adults showed limited plasticity to recurrent temperature change (Wilson et al., 2000), whereas, the fully aquatic tadpole stages can acclimate their locomotor performance (Wilson et al., 2000;Laugen et al., 2003). For tadpoles, maximum burst velocity (Umax) and maximum acceleration (Amax) are commonly used as a measure of locomotor performance (e.g. ...
... In ectotherms with complex life cycles, some stages have a greater ability to acclimate locomotor performance to thermal change. For example, in amphibians, performance of primarily terrestrial adults showed limited plasticity to recurrent temperature change (Wilson et al., 2000), whereas, the fully aquatic tadpole stages can acclimate their locomotor performance (Wilson et al., 2000;Laugen et al., 2003). For tadpoles, maximum burst velocity (Umax) and maximum acceleration (Amax) are commonly used as a measure of locomotor performance (e.g. ...
... Seebacher & Grigaltchik, 2014). These parameters describe the burst swimming escape of tadpoles that is used to evade an attack of a predator (Wassersug, 1989;Wilson et al., 2000). However, these parameters alone might not be effective if the tadpole is disorientated and swimming in circles, which may happen at temperature extremes. ...
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The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802) is native to southern Africa but is invasive on four different continents. This study aimed to understand four major aspects of the African clawed frogs’ invasion in western France. Firstly, I assessed for the level of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation of X. laevis tadpoles from the two contrasting rainfall regions in the native range, as this could provide information on the level of phenotypic plasticity in the French invasive range. The winter rainfall region is characterised by colder temperature and a winter rainfall pattern whereas the summer rainfall region is characterised by warmer temperatures and a summer rainfall pattern. I performed a reciprocal exchange experiment using outdoor mesocosms. I found that both phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation determined the tadpole phenotype in the winter and summer rainfall regions. I also identified a survival cost in individuals translocated to the other region. However, the cost was lower for winter rainfall tadpoles. Thus, the interaction between phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation likely explains the persistence of this species in contrasting environments. Secondly, in amphibians, tadpole phenotypic traits can be coupled or decoupled to dispersal traits in adults. Spatial sorting has been observed in adults of X. laevis in western France. Thus, I tested whether spatial sorting altered the morphology and life-history traits of tadpoles due to the coupling of traits between stages. I conducted common garden experiments in laboratory microcosms and outdoor mesocosms. I compared body size, timing of metamorphosis and survival between tadpoles from the core and from the periphery of the invasive range but found no effects of the position in the invasive range on tadpole phenotype. The only difference in both the outdoor and laboratory experiments was the larger body size of post-metamorphic individuals at the periphery. These findings support the hypothesis of decoupling between adult traits and tadpole phenotypic traits. Decoupling can allow each stage of the complex life cycle to respond independently to environmental conditions. Thirdly, I assessed whether the degree of phenotypic plasticity changed between the core and the periphery during the expansion process. I tested this hypothesis for invasive X. laevis in western France. I measured the critical thermal limits and modelling the thermal performance curves of the burst swimming performance (velocity, acceleration, and sinuosity) of core and periphery tadpoles reared at three developmental temperatures (low, intermediate, and high). I found that both the position in the distribution (core/ periphery) and the developmental temperature was significant in determining burst swimming performance. However, no differences were identified between the performance of core and periphery tadpoles reared in the same developmental temperature. Tadpoles reared at the high temperature acclimated their performance to warmer temperatures, however, tadpoles displayed limited acclimation to cooler temperatures. Finally, I tested whether tadpoles identified and responded to novel predators in their invasive range. In western France, X. laevis can encounter novel aquatic predators. I tested whether naïve tadpoles from the invasive French population exhibited anti-predator response to local predators, and whether the response depended on the degree of relatedness with predators in the native range. I exposed naïve lab-reared tadpoles to a non-predatory water snail, Planorbarius corneus, a native predatory beetle, Dytiscus dimidiatus, and an invasive predatory crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. I found that tadpoles innately reduced their activity when exposed to beetle and crayfish olfactory cues, but not to snail cue. This demonstrates that invasive tadpoles respond to known and novel predators regardless of the evolutionary history of the prey-predator interaction
... channel properties likely reflect the optimal temperatures to which the two species have adapted 55 . Indeed, the two species show dependence of temperature for the locomotor performance; 13,56 . The optimal temperature range for motor activity in X. laevis is 16-22°C and for X. tropicalis is 22-28°C 57 . ...
... Locomotor performance. Two species from the Xenopus genus, X.tropicalis and X. laevis, show alterations in their locomotor response to temperature changes 13,56 . To determine if the rapid changes in locomotory response to cooling required Trpm8 channel function we performed temperature-dependent movement assays. ...
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Thermoregulation is a homeostatic process to maintain an organism’s internal temperature within a physiological range compatible with life. In poikilotherms, body temperature fluctuates with that of the environment, with both physiological and behavioral responses employed to modify body temperature. Changing skin colour/reflectance and locomotor activity are both well-recognized temperature regulatory mechanisms, but little is known of the participating thermosensor/s. We find that Xenopus laevis tadpoles put in the cold exhibit a temperature-dependent, systemic, and rapid melanosome aggregation in melanophores, which lightens the skin. Cooling also induces a reduction in the locomotor performance. To identify the cold-sensor, we focus on transient receptor potential ( trp ) channel genes from a Trpm family. mRNAs for several Trpms are present in Xenopus tails, and Trpm8 protein is present in skin melanophores. Temperature-induced melanosome aggregation is mimicked by the Trpm8 agonist menthol (WS12) and blocked by a Trpm8 antagonist. The degree of skin lightening induced by cooling is correlated with locomotor performance, and both responses are rapidly regulated in a dose-dependent and correlated manner by the WS12 Trpm8 agonist. We propose that TRPM8 serves as a cool thermosensor in poikilotherms that helps coordinate skin lightening and behavioural locomotor performance as adaptive thermoregulatory responses to cold.
... The spatial heterogeneity in temperature and rainfall in each area may have driven further genetic differentiation within either region (Grohovaz et al. 1996;Measey and Channing 2003). However, evidence of both local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of tadpole locomotor traits (burst swimming speed) has been found in natural and captive bred populations of X. laevis (see Wilson et al. 2000;Wagener et al. 2021). Walsh et al. (2008) found a plastic response of metamorphic climax duration to environmental temperature in captive-bred X. laevis. ...
... We predicted that body size, and time to metamorphosis display a combination of phenotypic plasticity, as seen elsewhere in this species (Wilson et al. 2000;Walsh et al. 2008), and local adaptation, because this finding has been observed in the larval traits of amphibians where temperature and precipitation vary between populations (Ficetola and Bernardi 2005; Amburgey et al. 2012;Orizaola et al. 2013), and because the climatic differences between the two regions are large. Additionally, we predicted survival to be higher in tadpoles reared in their home environment than translocated individuals from the other population (Hereford 2009). ...
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Phenotypic variations between populations often correlate with climatic variables. Determining the presence of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation of a species to different environments over a large spatial scale can provide insight on the persistence of a species across its range. Amphibians, and in particular their larvae, are good models for studies of phenotypic variation as they are especially sensitive to their immediate environment. Few studies have attempted to determine the mechanisms that drive phenotypic variation between populations of a single amphibian species over a large spatial scale especially across contrasting climatic regimes. The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, occurs in two regions with contrasting rainfall regimes in southern Africa. We hypothesised that the phenotypic variation of life-history traits of X. laevis tadpoles emerges from a combination of plastic and genetic responses. We predicted that plasticity would allow the development of tadpoles from both regions in each environment. We also predicted that local adaptation of larval traits would drive the differentiation of reaction norms between populations and lower survival in tadpoles reared away from their home environment. We measured growth, time to metamorphosis, and survival in a reciprocal transplant experiment using outdoor mesocosms. Supporting our prediction, we found that the measured variation of all traits was explained by both adaptation and plasticity. However, the reaction norms differed between populations suggesting adaptive and asymmetric plasticity. All tadpoles experienced lower survival when translocated, but only translocated tadpoles from the winter rainfall region matched survival of local tadpoles. This has implications for the dynamics of translocated X. laevis into novel environments, especially from the winter rainfall region. Our discovery of their asymmetric capacity to overcome novel environmental conditions by phenotypic plasticity alone provides insight into their invasion success.
... Locomotor performance has been commonly used to assess the thermal sensitivity of various ectotherms (e.g. Bennett, 1980;Wilson et al., 2000;Chen et al., 2003;Li and Wang, 2005). Besides the necessity of locomotion for survival, the locomotor performance of flies can also be directly linked to their reproductive success (Partridge et al., 1987;Long and Rice, 2007;Clusella-Trullas et al., 2010). ...
... Locomotor ability is one of the most often used traits to study the effect of temperature on animal performance (e.g. Bennett, 1980;Wilson et al., 2000;Chen et al., 2003;Li and Wang, 2005). Firstly, we found that thermal conditions during development strongly influenced overall activity. ...
In their natural environments, animals have to cope with fluctuations in numerous abiotic and biotic factors, and phenotypic plasticity can facilitate survival under such variable conditions. However, organisms may differ substantially in the ability to adjust their phenotypes in response to external factors. Here, we investigated how developmental temperature affects the thermal performance curve for locomotor activity in adult fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). We examined the thermal dependence of spontaneous activity in individuals originating from two natural populations (from tropical (India) and temperate climate zone (Slovakia)) that developed at three different temperatures (19 °C, 25 °C, and 29 °C). Firstly, we found that developmental temperature has a significant impact on overall activity – flies that developed at high temperature (29 °C) were, on average, less active than individuals that developed at lower temperatures. Secondly, developmental acclimation had a population-specific effect on the thermal optimum for activity. Whereas the optimal temperature was not affected by thermal conditions experienced during development in flies from India, developmental temperature shifted thermal optimum in flies from Slovakia. Thirdly, high developmental temperature broadened performance breadth in flies from the Indian population but narrowed it in individuals from the Slovak population. Finally, we did not detect a consistent effect of acclimation temperature on circadian rhythms of spontaneous activity. Altogether, our results demonstrate that developmental temperature can alter different parameters (maximum performance, thermal optimum, performance breadth) of the thermal performance curve for spontaneous activity. Since adult fruit flies are highly vagile, this sensitivity of locomotion to developmental conditions may be an important factor affecting fitness in changing environments.
... Whilst thermal acclimation effects have been found to occur in skeletal muscle of many fish, the reverse is true for amphibians. Only the aquatic African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, has been found to acclimate in terms of locomotor performance and lower-level muscle mechanics traits (isometric properties, as no work loop tests were undertaken) of those species tested (Wilson et al., 2000). ...
Anthropogenic climate change and pollution are impacting environments across the globe. This Review summarises the potential impact of such anthropogenic effects on animal tissue mechanics, given the consequences for animal locomotor performance and behaviour. More specifically, in light of current literature, this Review focuses on evaluating the acute and chronic effects of temperature on the mechanical function of muscle tissues. For ectotherms, maximal muscle performance typically occurs at temperatures approximating the natural environment of the species. However, species vary in their ability to acclimate to chronic changes in temperature, which is likely to have longer-term effects on species range. Some species undergo periods of dormancy to avoid extreme temperature or drought. Whilst the skeletal muscle of such species generally appears to be adapted to minimise muscle atrophy and maintain performance for emergence from dormancy, the increased occurrence of extreme climatic conditions may reduce the survival of individuals in such environments. This Review also considers the likely impact of anthropogenic pollutants, such as hormones and heavy metals, on animal tissue mechanics, noting the relative paucity of literature directly investigating this key area. Future work needs to determine the direct effects of anthropogenic environmental changes on animal tissues and related changes in locomotor performance and behaviour, including accounting for currently unknown interactions between environmental factors, e.g. temperature and pollutants.
... On the other hand, the presence of marked phenotypic differences along a colonisation route suggests a role for past dispersal processes in shaping the spatial pattern of phenotypic variation in background matching. Indeed, range expansions represent a major challenge for organisms as they have to cope with new environmental conditions and, in turn, new eco-evolutionary constraints (Wilson et al. 2000;Sakai et al. 2001;Johnston & Temple 2002;Steinhausen et al. 2008). Accordingly, density-dependent traits, like components of anti-predatory strategies, are expected to vary as a consequence of changes in the cost-benefit trade-off between safety and foraging, which depends on prey and predator densities (McNamara & Houston 1987;Jeschke 2006;Tollrian, 2015). ...
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Late Pleistocene climate changes have deeply impacted the range dynamics of temperate species. While the genetic legacy of these dynamics has been widely investigated, little is known about their phenotypic consequences. Anti-predatory strategies offer intriguing opportunities to study phenotypic evolution in response to dispersal dynamics since the ability to avoid predation can be pivotal for populations colonising new environments. Here we investigated the spatial differentiation of background colour matching strategies along a Late Pleistocene range expansion route of a temperate species, the Tyrrhenian tree frog Hyla sarda. Using common-garden experiments, we tested whether individuals from the source area (Sardinia) and individuals from the newly founded area (Corsica) differ in two components of the camouflage strategy: colour change abilities and background choice behaviour. We found a remarkable spatial structure in both colour change abilities and background choice behaviour, across the expansion range. Tree frogs from the source area displayed higher colour change abilities and a more pronounced preference for a greener background, with respect to tree frogs from the newly colonised area. Our results support the intriguing hypothesis that Late Pleistocene biogeographic history might be an overlooked major player in shaping current spatial patterns of phenotypic traits variation across animal populations.
... As found in most frogs and toads (Knowles and Weigl, 1990;Wilson and Franklin, 1999;Wilson et al., 2000;Padilla et al., 2019), the locomotor performance of highland N. pleskei was also affected by the acclimation temperature. Compared with the field group, the total time of jumping to exhaustion significantly decreased while the burst swimming speed of the frogs was significantly increased after the acclimation to high temperatures and heat wave. ...
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Investigating how highland amphibians respond to changes in ambient temperature may be of great significance for their fate prediction and effective conservation in the background of global warming. Here, using field individuals as the control group, we investigated the influence of high temperatures (20.5 and 25.5°C) and heat wave (15–26.6°C) on the thermal preference, critical thermal limits, locomotor performance, oxidative stress, and antioxidant enzyme activities in high-altitude frog Nanorana pleskei (3,490 m) endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). After 2 weeks of acclimation to high temperatures and heat wave, the thermal preference (Tpref), critical thermal maximum (CTmax), and range of tolerable temperature significantly increased, while the critical thermal minimum (CTmin) was significantly decreased. The total time of jump to exhaustion significantly decreased, and burst swimming speed significantly increased in frogs acclimated in the high temperature and heat wave groups compared with the field group. In the high temperature group, the level of H2O2 and lipid peroxide (malondialdehyde, MDA), as well as the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) significantly increased in the liver or muscle. However, in the heat wave group, the MDA content significantly decreased in the liver, and antioxidants activities decreased in the liver and muscle except for CAT activities that were significantly increased in the liver. These results indicated that N. pleskei could respond to the oxidative stress caused by high temperatures by enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The heat wave did not appear to cause oxidative damage in N. pleskei, which may be attributed to the fact that they have successfully adapted to the dramatic temperature fluctuations on the QTP.
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In the Grinnellian niche concept, the realized niche and potential distribution is characterized as an interplay among the fundamental niche, biotic interactions and geographic accessibility. Climate is one of the main drivers for this concept and is essential to predict a taxon’s distribution. Mechanistic approaches can be useful tools, which use fitness-related aspects like locomotor performance and critical thermal limits to predict the potential distribution of an organism. These mechanistic approaches allow the inclusion key ecological processes like local adaptation and can account for thermal performance traits of different life-history stages. The African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis, is a highly invasive species occurring on five continents. The French population is of special interest due to an ongoing expansion for 40 years and a broad base of knowledge. We hypothesize that (1) the French population exhibits increased activity time in the invasive European range that could be devoted to fitness-relevant activity and (2) tadpoles may have less activity time available than adult frogs from the same range. We investigate how thermal performance traits translate into activity time budgets and how local adaptation and differences in the thermal responses of life-history stages may boost the European Xenopus invasion. We use a mechanistic approach based on generalized additive mixed models, where thermal performance curves were used to predict the hours of activity and to compare the potential activity time budgets for two life-history stages of native and invasive populations. Our results show that adult French frogs have more activity time available in Europe compared to South African frogs, which might be an advantage in searching for prey or escaping from predators. However, French tadpoles do not have more activity time in Europe compared to the native South African populations suggesting that tadpoles do not suffer the same strong selective pressure as adult frogs.
Predicting temperature effects on species interactions can be challenging, especially for parasitism, where it is difficult to experimentally separate host and parasite thermal performance curves. Prior authors proposed a possible solution based on the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), using MTE-based equations to describe the thermal mismatch between host and parasite performance curves and account for thermal acclimation responses. Here, we use published infection data, supplemented with experiments measuring metabolic responses to temperature in each species, to show that this modeling framework can successfully describe thermal acclimation effects on two different stages of infection in a tadpole-trematode system. All thermal acclimation effects on host performance manifested as changes in one key model parameter (activation energy), with measurements of host respiration generating similar MTE parameter estimates and acclimation effects compared with measurements of the host's ability to clear encysted parasites. This result suggests that metabolic parameter estimates for whole-body metabolism can sometimes be used to estimate temperature effects on host and parasite performance curves. However, we found different thermal patterns for measurements of host prevention of initial parasite encystment emphasizing potential challenges when applying MTE-based models to complex parasite-host systems with multiple distinct stages of infection.
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Comparative phylogenetic studies of adaptation are uncommon in biomechanics and physiology. Such studies require data collection from many species, a challenge when this is experimentally intensive. Moreover, researchers struggle to employ the most biologically appropriate phylogenetic tools for identifying adaptive evolution. Here, we detail an established but greatly underutilized phylogenetic comparative framework - the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process - that explicitly models long-term adaptation. We discuss challenges in implementing and interpreting the model, and we outline potential solutions. We demonstrate use of the model through studying the evolution of thermal physiology in treefrogs. Frogs of the family Hylidae have twice colonized the temperate zone from the tropics, and such colonization likely involved a fundamental change in physiology due to colder and more seasonal temperatures. However, which traits changed to allow colonization is unclear. We measured cold tolerance and characterized thermal performance curves in jumping for 12 species of treefrogs distributed from the Neotropics to temperate North America. We then conducted phylogenetic comparative analyses to examine how tolerances and performance curves evolved and to test whether that evolution was adaptive. We found that tolerance to low temperatures increased with the transition to the temperate zone. In contrast, jumping well at colder temperatures was unrelated to biogeography and thus did not adapt during dispersal. Overall, our study shows how comparative phylogenetic methods can be leveraged in biomechanics and physiology to test the evolutionary drivers of variation among species.
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Live slow fibre bundles were isolated from the superficial region of the pectoral fin abductor superficialis muscle of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) acclimated to either 8 or 20°C. The maximum tetanic tension (P0) of fibre bundles was similar when measured at the acclimation temperature of each group. However, at 8°C, P0 was significantly higher in 8 °C-than in 20°C-acclimated fish (202 ±8 versus 153±4kNm−2, respectively). For isometric tetani at 8°C, the times to 50% peak force and from peak force to 50 % relaxation were 15–20 % faster in preparations from cold-than from warm-acclimated carp. Force-velocity (P–V) curves were fitted using a hyperbolic-linear equation. The curvature of the P–V relationship was found to be independent of acclimation temperature. Unloaded contraction velocity (Vmax) was 17 % higher at 8°C in fibres from fish acclimated to 8°C than in fish acclimated to 20°C (1.18±0.04 and 0.98±0.04 muscle lengths s−1, respectively). Calculated values for maximum power output at 8°C were 26.5 W kg−1 for cold-acclimated and 18.0 W kg−1 for warm-acclimated fish. Native myosin was purified from isolated fibre bundles using sodium pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis. The mobility of myosin heavy chains on 8% SDS– PAGE gels was similar for both acclimation groups. Myosin light chain subunits were separated on 15% SDS–PAGE gels. Fibre bundles from warm-acclimated fish contained almost exclusively slow myosin light chains (LC1S and LC2S). Preparations from cold-acclimated fish contained a significant proportion of fast myosin light chains (LClf and LC2f) in addition to LC1S and LC2S. Histochemical studies revealed no differences in the fibre composition of preparations from warm- and cold-acclimated fish: both contained an average of 3% fast oxidative fibres in addition to slow fibres. It is concluded that cold-acclimation results in modest improvements in the contractile performance of slow muscle fibres at low temperatures. The mechanism may involve the expression of myosin light chain isoforms normally associated with faster-contracting fibre types.
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Summary Fast muscle fibres were isolated from the abdominal myotomes of the short- horned sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius L. Sinusoidal length changes were imposed about resting muscle length and fibres were stimulated at a selected phase during the strain cycle. The work output per cycle was calculated from the area of the resulting force-position loops. The strain amplitude required for maximum work per cycle had a distinct optimum at ±5 % of resting length, which was independent of temperature. Maximum positive work loops were obtained by retarding the stimulus relative to the start of the length-change cycle by 30° (full cycle=360°). The maximum negative work output was obtained with a 210° stimulus phase shift. At intermediate stimulus phase shifts, work loops became complex with both positive (anticlockwise) and negative (clockwise) components. The number and timing of stimuli were adjusted, at constant strain amplitude (±5 % of resting muscle length), to optimize net positive work output over a range of cycle frequencies. The cycle frequency required for maximum power output (work per cycle times cycle frequency) increased from around 5-7 Hz at 4°C to 9-13 Hz at 15°C. The maximum tension generated per cycle at 15 °C was around two times higher at all cycle frequencies in summer- relative to winter-acclimatized fish. Fast muscle fibres from summer fish produced consistently higher tensions at 4°C, but the differences were only significant at 15 Hz. Acclimatization also modified the relationship between peak length and peak force at 4°C and 15 °C. The maximum power output of muscle fibres showed little seasonal variation at 4°C and was in the range 20-25Wkg~ 1 . In contrast, at 15°C, maximum muscle power output increased from 9 Wkg"1 in the winter- to 30Wkg -1 in the summer-
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Plasticity in developmental time and size at metamorphosis were studied in natural and experimental populations of natterjack toad tadpoles (Bufo calamita), a species which breeds in temporary ponds of variable duration. Amount of rainfall directly affected pond hydroperiod and larval density through an increase in the number of spawning females. As both factors directly affected larval period and thus metamorphic success, we performed a factorial field experiment to examine the response of developmental rates to drought regime and its interaction with population density, by controlling pond duration, larval density and food level. Timing of metamorphosis was affected by larval density and food level. However, the response among larvae due to pond duration was not additive. At low larval density, tadpoles raised in short duration ponds exhibited shorter larval periods than in long duration ponds. In constrast, plasticity in developmental rates due to pond duration was less marked at high larval densities and no difference in length of larval period was found. This may be the result of higher competition levels in short duration ponds through an increase in actual larval density because of decreasing water level and lower metamorphic rates. This higher competitive stress was also evident by smaller metamorphic size in short ponds. At low densities tadpoles in longer duration ponds exhibited no additional growth, indicating that tadpoles that remained for a longer period did not achieve larger metamorphic size. This outcome does not support an adaptive explanation of developmental plasticity that merely may be the consequence of expressing a single program of development in different habitats.
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During the month of February 1979, several hundred hatchling land iguanas (Conolophus pallidus) were observed emerging from their natal burrows in a 2 ha communal nesting area on Isla Santa Fe, Galapagos Islands. During this emergence, as many as nine Galapagos hawks were observed to patrol the nesting area and attack hatchling iguanas.The hypothesis that the ability of hatchling land iguanas to escape predation could be influenced by the interaction of the physiological state of the lizards and the thermal environment was analyzed using (1) empirical data on the effect of body temperature (T b) on locomotory ability of iguanas and (2) biophysical modeling of the T b's of hatchlings under natural conditions. This hypothesis was tested by assessing the success of natural hawk attacks on lizards exposed to different thermal environments.During those periods when predicted T b's of hatchlings were always T b's of hatchlings were always 32 C, hawks were successful on only 19% of observed attacks. During periods when hatchling T b's could be These data indicate that the physical environment, as mediated through the physiological state of the lizards and to correlated locomotary abilities, significantly affects the ability of hatchling land iguanas to escape predation.
Jump performance in the frog Limnodynastes tasmaniensis was measured over body temperature range () of 2° to 37° C after acclimation at 9° and 30° C. Horizontal jump performance increased linearly with between 7° and 30° C but declined markedly outside this range. There was no performance "plateau" over which jump distance was relatively temperature-independent. The scale of the thermal response ( = 1.56) was similar to temperature effects on locomotor performance in other amphibians and reptiles. Acclimation regime did not significantly influence jump distance within the range of at which L. tasmaniensis is normally active. The optimal performance temperature, between 30° and 33° C, was avoided in a thermal gradient. None of the descriptors of thermal sensitivity examined (optimal temperature, optimum performance breadth, preferred temperature, and acclimation response) correlates with the observed thermal niche of L. tasmaniensis. Successful exploitation of temporally variable thermal environments by anurans need not be associated with temperature independence of locomotor performance around ecologically relevant .
This study was performed to determine whether frogs modify the mechanical properties of their muscles during long-term exposure to different temperatures. Rana pipiens were exposed to 12 C and to 28 C for 8 mo. Sartorius muscles were removed from these animals and tested at three temperatures: 5 C, 15 C, and 25 C. No differences were found in the shortening velocity, power output, or isometric force at a given temperature between muscles taken from frogs exposed to 12 C and to 28 C. Shortening velocity and power output were found to increase three- to fivefold between 5 C and 25 C, whereas isometric force increased by less than 20%.
Five species of anuran amphibians with different thermal ecologies, representing two families, were tested for thermal sensitivity of maximum jump distance. Experimental temperature significantly affected the maximum jump distance of all species, and the hypothesis that anuran burst locomotor performance is thermally independent was rejected. The optimal temperature range varied among species: Rana clamitans and R. sylvatica (family Ranidae) had narrow thermal optima, whereas Acris crepitans, Hyla femoralis, and Pseudacris triseriata (family Hylidae) showed performance plateaus over a 10 C temperature range. Additionally, chronic effects of acclimation at 5 and 22 C were assessed for R. sylvatica and P. triseriata. Two compensatory responses occurred: inverse compensation of locomotion in R. sylvatica, and no compensation in P. triseriata. Quantitative ecological data, especially regarding variation in active field body temperatures, as well as further comparative physiological studies are required to assess adaptive patterns for the thermal sensitivity of anuran burst locomotion.
Thermoregulation in 3 populations of Colias butterflies along an elevation gradient in Colorado was studied in relation to the fluctuating meteorological environment. Heat shocks at 45oC significantly decrease survivorship and fecundity. Short-term variation in wind speed and air temperature under sunny, midday conditions is significantly greater at higher elevation sites. Negative cross-correlations between wind speed and air temperature at certain time scales amplify the probability of overheating. Colias from higher elevation populations are more sensitive, in terms of body temperature response, to a given level of wind speed variability, because of their higher wing solar absorptivities. Variation in body temperature under sunny, midday conditions is significantly greater for butterflies in higher elevation populations, regardless of behavioral thermoregulation. While mean body temperatures under these conditions are 2-3oC higher for low elevation than for high elevation Colias, the maximum body temperatures experienced in these populations are similar. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that microevolution of thermoregulatory characteristics in Colias is constrained by the need to avoid high body temperatures. The differences in mean body temperatures which follow from this constraint and the elevational differences in meteorological variation may be a major factor in the elevational patterns of daily flight activity time.-from Authors
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were acclimated to either 5–8°C or 20–25°C for a minimum of 1 month, and the twitch contraction kinetics of a myotomal nerve-muscle preparation were investigated. A significant compensation for the acute effects of temperature was achieved in twitch kinetics by acclimation to 8°C. An acute drop in temperature from 20 to 8°C in preparations from warm-acclimated fish led to approximately two- to three-fold increases in the half-times for activation and relaxation. At 8°C, values were 50% faster in 8°C- than in 20°C-acclimated fish, indicating a partial capacity adaptation in rates of both twitch activation and relaxation. The mechanisms underlying temperature compensation of twitch contraction kinetics were investigated. A quantitative ultrastructural study was performed on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (S.R.) of fast and slow myotomal muscles. No differences were found in the surface and volume densities of the S.R. in fast-twitch fibres between cold- and warm-acclimated fish. The surface densities of terminal cisternae and S.R. were higher in slow-twitch fibres from the warm-acclimated fish. Parvalbumin concentration in fast fibres was found to be independent of acclimation temperature (0.61–0.68 mmol/kg wet weight). Although the relative proportions of parvalbumin isoforms (I–IV) showed considerable individual variation this was not correlated with environmental temperature. The Ca2+-ATPase activity of S.R.-enriched microsomes prepared from fast myotomal muscle was 60% higher at 8°C in cold- than warm-acclimated carp. This suggests that changes in the kinetics and/or density of Ca2+ pumps contribute to the observed capacity adaptation in relaxation rate with temperature acclimation. Other possible mechanisms underlying the plasticity of twitch contraction kinetics in carp are briefly discussed.