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Mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension

  • Universidade Federal de Goiás, Regional Jataí, Brazil

Abstract and Figures

Obesity is strongly associated with high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions synergistically increase the risk of cardiovascular events. A number of central and peripheral abnormalities can explain the development or maintenance of high blood pressure in obesity. Of great interest is endothelial dysfunction, considered to be a primary risk factor in the development of hypertension. Additional mechanisms also related to endothelial dysfunction have been proposed to mediate the development of hypertension in obese individuals. These include: increase in both peripheral vasoconstriction and renal tubular sodium reabsorption, increased sympathetic activity and overactivation of both the renin-angiotensin system and the endocannabinoid system and insulin resistance. The discovery of new mechanisms regulating metabolic and vascular function and a better understanding of how vascular function can be influenced by these systems would facilitate the development of new therapies for treatment of obesity-associated hypertension.
Putative mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension. Decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability as a consequence of uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), a process in which eNOS generates superoxide (O 2-) instead of NO when the concentrations of either L-arginine (L-arg), the substrate of NOS, or tetrahydrobiopterin (BH 4 ), a cofactor of the enzyme, are depleted, may mediate endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension. Increased reactive oxygen species generation as a consequence of increased NF oxidase and NFκB activity and reduced superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity also contribute to decreasing NO bioavailability in this situation. Increased production of endothelium-derived contractile factors (EDCFs), including prostanoids (PGF 2α and TX 2 ), angiotensin II (Ang II) and endothelin I (ET-1) constitute additional mechanisms involved in endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension. A potential role for perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) in the vascular dysfunction of obesity has also been proposed. PVAT can reduce adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation and increase the NAD(P)H oxidase-induced O 2-production leading to reduced NO production. AA = arachidonic acid; ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; COX = cyclooxygenase; EC = endothelial cells; ECE = endothelin-converting enzyme; NF-kB = nuclear factor κB; pET-1 = pro-endothelin 1; PGI 2 = prostaglandin I 2 ; VSMC = vascular smooth muscle cells; WAT = white adipose tissue.
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ISSN 0100-879X
Volume 45 (5) 376-472 May 2012
Braz J Med Biol Res, May 2012, Volume 45(5) 392-400
doi: 10.1590/S0100-879X2012007500058
Mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated
N.S. Lobato, F.P. Filgueira, E.H. Akamine, R.C. Tostes, M.H.C. Carvalho and Z.B. Fortes
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In Proteomics & Metabolomics
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2012) 45: 392-400
ISSN 0100-879X Review
Mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction
in obesity-associated hypertension
N.S. Lobato1,3, F.P. Filgueira1, E.H. Akamine1, R.C. Tostes2,
M.H.C. Carvalho1 and Z.B. Fortes1
1Departamento de Farmacologia, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas,
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
2Departamento de Farmacologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto,
Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil
3Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Jataí, GO, Brasil
Obesity is strongly associated with high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions synergistically
increase the risk of cardiovascular events. A number of central and peripheral abnormalities can explain the development or
maintenance of high blood pressure in obesity. Of great interest is endothelial dysfunction, considered to be a primary risk
factor in the development of hypertension. Additional mechanisms also related to endothelial dysfunction have been proposed
to mediate the development of hypertension in obese individuals. These include: increase in both peripheral vasoconstriction
and renal tubular sodium reabsorption, increased sympathetic activity and overactivation of both the renin-angiotensin system
and the endocannabinoid system and insulin resistance. The discovery of new mechanisms regulating metabolic and vascular
function and a better understanding of how vascular function can be inuenced by these systems would facilitate the develop-
ment of new therapies for treatment of obesity-associated hypertension.
Key words: Hypertension; Obesity; Endothelial dysfunction; Oxidative stress; Renin-angiotensin system; Nitric oxide
Introduction J Med Biol Res 45(5) 2012
Correspondence: Z.B. Fortes, Departamento de Farmacologia, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, USP, 05508-900 São Paulo, SP,
Brasil. Fax: +55-11-3091-7317. E-mail:
Received July 13, 2011. Accepted April 2, 2012. Available online April 13, 2012. Published May 7, 2012.
Obesity is a major worldwide public health problem
(1,2), especially in the United States, where approximately
300,000 deaths each year have been attributed to over-
weight or obesity. The worldwide prevalence of obesity has
rapidly risen to epidemic proportions in the past decades, not
only in industrialized nations but also in developing countries
(1,2). Current estimates indicate that more than 1 billion
people in the world are overweight or obese, compared to
850 million who are underweight (3). In the United States,
obesity continues to be a leading public health concern. At
least 65% of adults are overweight, and approximately one-
third of adults are obese with a body mass index (dened
as kg weight/m2 height) of more than 30 (1). An alarming
increase in the prevalence of obesity has also been observed
in Brazil. When data from the 1970s showed undernutri-
tion as the main nutritional problem in Brazil, obesity was
still considered a minor issue. With time, this scenario has
changed dramatically, with a strong reduction of undernu-
trition and the prevalence of obesity constantly growing in
the Brazilian population: from 5.7% in 1974/1975 to 9.6%
in 1989, to 11.4% in 2006, and then to 13.9% in 2009
(4,5). Changes in the quality, quantity and source of food
consumed, combined with a decrease in levels of physical
activity among the genetically predisposed population, have
led to the increased prevalence of obesity (3).
Associated with obesity is hypertension, considered as
the primary mediator of the development of obesity-induced
cardiovascular diseases (6). Clinical and experimental
studies have consistently indicated that excess weight
predicts the development of hypertension (7,8). Although
the importance of obesity as a cause of hypertension is well
established, the excess weight-induced physiological and
molecular mechanisms that mediate high blood pressure
are only beginning to be elucidated. Several mechanisms
with therapeutic implications as potential causes of obesity-
induced hypertension have been identied in the last few
years. Of great interest are observations on endothelial
dysfunction in obesity, which could contribute to hyperten-
Endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension 393 Braz J Med Biol Res 45(5) 2012
sion. It is well established that obesity impairs the vasodi-
lating properties of the endothelium leading to endothelial
dysfunction (9), which in turn can be considered to be the
rst step in the progression of cardiovascular disease (6).
Additional mechanisms, still related to endothelial dys-
function, have been proposed to mediate hypertension in
obese patients. These include: increase in both peripheral
vasoconstriction and renal tubular sodium reabsorption,
increased sympathetic activity, overactivation of the renin-
angiotensin system (RAS), and insulin resistance (Figure
1). The intra-abdominal visceral deposition of adipose tissue
is also considered to be a contributor to the development of
hypertension in obese individuals (7,8). In addition to these
advances, a revolution in our understanding of mechanisms
regulating appetite, metabolism, and adiposity has occurred
since the discovery of the endocannabinoid system more
than 10 years ago (10,11). This system is activated in obese
individuals and might mediate the effects of obesity on the
development of the metabolic and vascular alterations of
If these advances can translate into safe and effective
pharmacological treatment of obesity, this would also greatly
impact the management of obesity-associated hyperten-
sion. Considering this, in the present section, an overview
of the advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology
of obesity-associated hypertension, focusing on the role of
endothelial dysfunction, will be addressed. We also outline
the function of the main modulating systems of the develop-
ment of hypertension and obesity. A better understanding
of how the vascular function can be inuenced by these
systems would facilitate therapeutic approaches to the
treatment of obesity-associated hypertension.
Endothelial dysfunction: linking obesity
and hypertension
The vascular endothelium plays an important role in
the control of vascular homeostasis. Besides providing a
physical barrier between the lumen and the vessel wall,
the endothelium actively regulates the basal vascular tone
and reactivity in physiological conditions (12). Endothelial
dysfunction, represented by an altered ability of the endothe-
lium to maintain vascular homeostasis through the release
of endothelium-derived relaxing factors and endothelium-
derived contracting factors, is present in human obesity
and associated comorbidities (12), promoting changes in
pressure and ow patterns and, consequently, resulting in
obesity-associated hypertension. Even in normotensive
subjects, endothelial function progressively deteriorates
as blood pressure rises (13).
Endothelial dysfunc-
tion is an important risk
factor for hypertension
because it leads not
only to functional altera-
tions, represented by the
impaired control of the
vascular tonus, but also
to structural changes,
such as thickening of
the intima and media
of the vessel wall. The
association between en-
dothelial dysfunction and
increased blood pres-
sure in obesity comes
from studies showing
that obese individuals
display blunted vasodi-
latation in response to
classical endothelium-
dependent vasodilators
such as acetylcholine in
resistance arteries, as
well as reduced capillary
recruitment in response
to reactive hyperemia
and shear stress (13,14)
and that the severity of
endothelial dysfunction
Figure 1. Mechanisms involved in obesity-associated hypertension. WAT = white adipose tissue; SNS
= sympathetic nervous system; RAS = renin-angiotensin system.
394 N.S. Lobato et al.
Braz J Med Biol Res 45(5) 2012
correlates with the degree of visceral adiposity (14).
Although the mechanisms linking obesity with endothe-
lial dysfunction have not yet been fully claried, several
factors have been proposed to mediate this process (Figure
2). Results obtained with experimental models of obesity-
associated hypertension indicate a potential role for vascular
proinammatory factors and oxidative stress on endothelial
dysfunction in this condition. Mice with high-fat diet-induced
obesity display increased blood pressure and impairment
in the relaxation of the aorta in response to acetylcholine,
an endothelium-dependent vasodilator. The endothelial
dysfunction in this model has been proposed to be a con-
sequence of the reduced antioxidant defense and the local
activation of the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway (15). In
a model of hypertension without obesity, high activation of
NF-κB and increased su-
peroxide (O2-) generation
are observed in the vascu-
lar wall (16), indicating that
these two factors may be
the link between obesity
and hypertension.
Decreased nitric oxide
(NO) bioavailability has
been reported to play a
major role in endothe-
lial dysfunction in obesity-
associated hypertension
(17,18). High O2- levels
as a consequence of in-
creased generation of reac-
tive oxygen species (ROS)
or reduced antioxidant
defense contribute to de-
creasing NO bioavailability.
Endothelial nitric oxide syn-
thase (eNOS) uncoupling,
a process in which eNOS
generates O2- instead of
NO when the concentra-
tions of either L-arginine,
the substrate of NOS, or
tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4),
a cofactor of the enzyme,
are depleted, may also
mediate decrease in NO
bioavailability (19). The
crucial role of uncoupled
eNOS as a O2- producing
enzyme has been reported
in hypertension (19) and
diabetes (20). In a model of
obesity without high blood
pressure or hyperglycemia,
the detrimental impact of
obesity on endothelial function in the microvasculature is
also attributable to the reduced NO bioavailability as a con-
sequence of uncoupled eNOS (21). These ndings indicate
the presence of uncoupled eNOS in obesity as a primary
event before the establishment of comorbidities.
Another factor that has been suggested to be associ-
ated with the increased generation of ROS in obesity and
hypertension is the enzyme NAD(P)H oxidase (the main
source of O2- in the vasculature). Excessive O2- generation
from AT1-dependent overexpression of NAD(P)H-oxidase
subunits was demonstrated in spontaneously hypertensive
rats (22). In a similar way, increased O2- derived from
NAD(P)H oxidase was found to impair the endothelial func-
tion of the aorta from Zucker fa/fa rats, a model of obesity
and insulin resistance (23).
Figure 2. Putative mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension. De-
creased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability as a consequence of uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide syn-
thase (eNOS), a process in which eNOS generates superoxide (O2-) instead of NO when the concen-
trations of either L-arginine (L-arg), the substrate of NOS, or tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a cofactor of
the enzyme, are depleted, may mediate endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension.
Increased reactive oxygen species generation as a consequence of increased NF oxidase and NF-
κB activity and reduced superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity also contribute to decreasing NO bio-
availability in this situation. Increased production of endothelium-derived contractile factors (EDCFs),
including prostanoids (PGF and TX2), angiotensin II (Ang II) and endothelin I (ET-1) constitute
additional mechanisms involved in endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension. A po-
tential role for perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) in the vascular dysfunction of obesity has also been
proposed. PVAT can reduce adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation
and increase the NAD(P)H oxidase-induced O2- production leading to reduced NO production. AA =
arachidonic acid; ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; COX = cyclooxygenase; EC = endothelial
cells; ECE = endothelin-converting enzyme; NF-kB = nuclear factor κB; pET-1 = pro-endothelin 1;
PGI2 = prostaglandin I2; VSMC = vascular smooth muscle cells; WAT = white adipose tissue.
Endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension 395 Braz J Med Biol Res 45(5) 2012
An additional mechanism involved in vascular dysfunc-
tion in obesity is the disturbance in the vascular prole
of prostanoid release. Overproduction of vasoconstrictor
prostanoids has been reported in obesity-associated co-
morbidities such as diabetes (24). In addition, thromboxane
A2 and prostaglandin H2 (TXA2/PGH2) receptor expres-
sion is enhanced in obesity-associated hypertension (25).
A reduced balance of PGI2 and TXA2 release as a result
of the increased TXA2 and decreased PGI2 levels was
recently reported in obese rats (21). This alteration has
been proposed to be associated with increased conversion
of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins by cyclooxygenase-2
(COX2), an isoform of COX described to be induced speci-
cally under inammatory conditions (21).
Increased production or activity of other vasoconstrictor
substances, such as endothelin-1 (ET-1) and angiotensin
II (Ang II), is also implicated in endothelial dysfunction in
obesity and hypertension (26,27). In hypertensive patients,
increased body mass is associated with enhanced ET-1-
induced vasoconstriction (17), suggesting that this abnor-
mality is a potential mechanism for endothelial dysfunction
and may play a role in the pathophysiology of obesity-related
A potential role for perivascular adipose tissue in the
vascular dysfunction occurring in obesity has also been
proposed. Recent studies have demonstrated that the
adipose tissue surrounding blood vessels is a functional
component of the vasculature, modulating vascular reactiv-
ity and proliferation (18,28,29). It has been demonstrated
that, under physiological conditions, the perivascular fat
attenuated the vascular responsiveness to several con-
strictor agonists, including serotonin, phenylephrine,
and ET-1. This effect was attributable to the activation of
voltage-dependent, delayed-rectier K+ (Kv) channels that
hyperpolarize the vascular smooth muscle cell membrane
(18). Furthermore, it has been shown that perivascular
adipose tissue releases relaxation factors in different vas-
cular beds (18,30). Although these ndings do not provide
an explanation for the association between obesity and
hypertension, recent studies have shown that the ability
of the perivascular adipose tissue to release relaxation
factors is impaired in experimental models of obesity (31).
Additionally, it has been shown that perivascular adipose
tissue impacts vascular function and remodeling through
impairment of both eNOS-mediated vasodilatation and
the AMP-activated protein kinase/mammalian target of
rapamycin (AMPK/mTOR) pathway in rats with high-fat
diet-induced obesity (32). Perivascular adipose tissue has
also been shown to enhance the contractile response of
superior mesenteric arteries from Wistar-Kyoto rats through
the production of superoxide mediated by NAD(P)H oxidase,
and this enhancement involves activation of tyrosine kinase
and the MAPK/ERK pathway (33). On this basis, perturba-
tions in perivascular adipose tissue regulation of vascular
reactivity may contribute to blood pressure elevation in
obesity-related hypertension.
Based on the observations discussed above, it is clear
that the endothelium is a major regulator of vascular reac-
tivity, maintaining the balance between vasodilatation and
vasoconstriction. Disturbance in this balance leading to
endothelial dysfunction is considered an early marker for the
development of cardiovascular diseases. Not surprisingly,
this integral role of the endothelium in vascular health and
endothelial dysfunction in obesity has generated consid-
erable interest in its potential role for the development of
obesity-associated hypertension. Of relevance, although the
effects of perivascular adipose tissue on the vasculature
in the presence of obesity still constitutes a major chal-
lenge, it is well known that this tissue is implicated in the
regulation of vascular function in the physiological state.
Thus, the perivascular adipose tissue also provides an
opportunity to understand how changes in the regulation
of vascular function can contribute to the development of
hypertension in obesity.
Role of insulin resistance in endothelial
dysfunction in obesity-associated
Obesity is frequently associated with insulin resistance
and compensatory hyperinsulinemia. Clinical and experi-
mental studies suggest a potential cause-effect relationship
between obesity and insulin resistance, since weight gain
or weight loss is closely correlated with reduction/increase
in insulin sensitivity, respectively (34,35). Insulin resistance
in obesity contributes to a range of metabolic and cardio-
vascular alterations, which would favor the development
of hypertension (36).
Insulin is essential for normal tissue development, main-
taining glucose homeostasis and regulating carbohydrate,
lipid, and protein metabolism (37). This hormone also has
important vascular actions, which include the stimulation of
endothelium-dependent NO release, leading to vasodilata-
tion and increased blood ow, favoring glucose uptake by
skeletal muscle. Another distinct insulin-signaling pathway
in the endothelium is the regulation of the release of the
vasoconstrictor peptide ET-1 (38). The vascular actions of
insulin play a central role in the control of metabolic and
hemodynamic homeostasis under healthy conditions.
The role of insulin resistance in the physiopathology
of hypertension was conrmed by studies showing that
non-obese insulin-resistant patients display the same
prevalence of hypertension when compared to obese
individuals (36,39).
The inuence of insulin on endothelial function has been
extensively studied. It was demonstrated that the effect of
vasodilating agents on endothelial cells depends on a direct
facilitator action of insulin and that in insulin-decient states,
early alterations of the effects of insulin on endothelial cells
might contribute to the impaired reactivity of the microves-
396 N.S. Lobato et al.
Braz J Med Biol Res 45(5) 2012
sels (40). Consistent with these results are the observations
that treatment with either insulin (20) or the insulin sensitizer
metformin (41) corrects the reduced endothelium-depen-
dent vasodilatation without fully improving the metabolic
parameters of experimental models of diabetes. Impaired
arteriole and venule responses to endothelium-dependent
vasodilators in type 2 diabetes are also corrected by both
acute and chronic insulin treatment (42).
Decreased sensitivity of resistance vessels to endothe-
lium-dependent vasodilatation induced by insulin has also
been observed in obese individuals (43). Clinical studies
have demonstrated a 40 to 50% reduction in endothelium-
dependent vasodilatation induced by insulin in non-diabetic
and diabetic obese patients. This alteration was attributed
to the impaired ability of insulin to stimulate NO produc-
tion by endothelial cells (44). These observations indicate
that obesity and insulin resistance, independently of other
risk factors, are associated with impairment of endothelial
Among the mechanisms proposed to mediate the role of
insulin in the association between obesity and hypertension
is insulin resistance in vascular smooth muscle cells, with
impairment of insulin-mediated ion exchange processes
(Ca2+-ATPase and Na+, K+-ATPase), leading to Ca2+ and
Na+ accumulation on the vascular wall (45,46). This altera-
tion facilitates the action of vasoconstrictor agents such as
Ang II and norepinephrine (47). Insulin resistance in ex-
perimental models of hypertension is also accompanied by
endothelial dysfunction in resistance vessels with impaired
PI3-kinase-dependent NO production and enhanced ET-1
secretion, which may combine with elevated peripheral
vascular resistance and contribute to hypertension in this
model (38). Taken together, these ndings support a role
for several related mechanisms by which insulin resistance
might contribute to the development of endothelial dysfunc-
tion in obesity-associated hypertension.
Sympathetic nervous system and endothelial
dysfunction in obesity-associated
The overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system is a
common feature of obesity, and is closely associated with
the cardiovascular and renal alterations observed in this
condition (48). A number of factors may account for this,
including baroreex dysfunction, hypothalamus-pituitary
axis dysfunction, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia,
hyperleptinemia, and overactivity of the RAS. Weight loss
reduces blood pressure and the activity of the sympathetic
nervous system (49), conrming that long-term sympatho-
activation is the link between obesity and the increase in
blood pressure (Figure 1).
Leptin has emerged as a link between excess adiposity
and increased cardiovascular sympathetic activity. Besides
having an effect on appetite and metabolism, leptin acts
on the hypothalamus to increase blood pressure through
activation of the sympathetic nervous system (50). Obe-
sity is usually associated with selective leptin resistance,
a condition characterized by resistance to the feeding
and weight reducing effects of leptin, but preservation
of the renal sympathoactivation by this hormone (51).
Hyperinsulinemia may also play a role in the overactivity
of the sympathetic nervous system in obesity. Insulin, like
leptin, causes sympathetic activation in different tissues,
including the kidney (52). The ability of insulin to stimulate
renal sympathetic outow is preserved in experimental
models of obesity, despite the insulin resistance observed
in this condition (53). The elevated circulating levels of
non-esteried fatty acid (NEFA) from visceral fat depots
in obese subjects appear also to mediate the increased
sympathetic activity and, ultimately, the raise in blood pres-
sure (54). Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies also
indicate a role for some newly discovered peptides such
as ghrelin (55) and adiponectin (56), as independent risk
factors for hypertension in obese patients via modulation
of the sympathetic nervous system.
Interactions between autonomic nervous system regula-
tion and endothelial function may provide a mechanism to
explain the endothelial dysfunction occurring in obesity and
hypertension (Figure 1). The sympathetic nervous system
may directly inuence the endothelium. Endothelial cells
possess both α2-adrenoceptors and β-adrenoceptors (57).
Given that activation of endothelial adrenergic receptors
releases endothelium-derived relaxant factors like NO
and endothelium-derived contracting factors such as ET-1
(57,58), disturbances in the balanced release of these fac-
tors as a consequence of altered activity of the sympathetic
nervous system may explain the role of this system in
abnormalities of endothelial function in obesity-associated
hypertension (44). The best evidence of this comes from
studies showing that exaggerated sympathetic nervous
system activation may impair endothelial function and
enhance an endothelium-mediated atherogenic process
(59). Increased levels of catecholamines are also postulated
to induce macrophages into the vessel (60) and increase
uptake of low-density lipoproteins by endothelial cells (61).
Despite this evidence, it is unclear whether the sympathetic
nervous system and endothelial systems are negatively af-
fecting one another, or whether both systems are affected
as a consequence of obesity and hypertension.
Endothelial dysfunction and the RAS
The RAS is another important system involved in hy-
pertension in obesity (Figure 1). Increased activity of the
RAS, represented by increased circulating angiotensinogen,
renin, aldosterone, and angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) activity has been demonstrated in obesity, both
systemically and within adipose tissue, and was directly
related to the mass of adipose tissue (62,63). The signicant
Endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated hypertension 397 Braz J Med Biol Res 45(5) 2012
role for Ang II in stimulating sodium reabsorption, impair-
ing renal-pressure natriuresis and causing hypertension
in obesity is supported by studies showing that a modest
reduction in body weight can lead to a meaningfully re-
duced RAS activity in plasma and adipose tissue, which
parallels a reduction in blood pressure (64,65). A dietary
intervention study in menopausal women showed that a
5% weight loss resulted in a 7-mmHg reduction of blood
pressure. This decrease was accompanied by signicant
declines of serum angiotensinogen (27%), renin (43%) and
ACE activity (12%), as well as angiotensinogen expression
in adipose tissue (20%) (64).
Under physiological conditions, infusion of Ang II causes
redirection of blood ow between different vascular beds
and within the vascular bed of skeletal muscle. This effect
leads to an increase in total muscle blood ow and capillary
recruitment with a consequent increase in insulin-induced
glucose uptake (66). However, in obesity, the RAS seems
to have a detrimental effect on insulin-induced glucose
uptake (65). Additionally, Ang II has been reported to impair
insulin stimulation of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1)
tyrosine phosphorylation and coupling of the insulin receptor
pathway to PI3-kinase in the vasculature, suggesting that
activation of the RAS may contribute to insulin resistance
in the vasculature (67).
The activation of the RAS may also mediate endothelial
dysfunction in obese individuals. Ang II activates recep-
tors located on either endothelial or smooth muscle cells.
The activation of endothelial receptors is linked to the
production of the contractile peptide ET-1 and ROS. The
effects of Ang II on smooth muscle cells involve contrac-
tion and proliferation (68). The role of the RAS as an
independent factor involved in endothelial dysfunction
in hypertension was conrmed by the observation that
treatment of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats with an ACE
inhibitor corrected the decreased endothelium-dependent
relaxation in response to acetylcholine in aortic rings,
independently of normalizing blood pressure levels (69).
In addition, it was demonstrated that the free fatty acids
(FFA)-induced impairment of endothelial function in obese
individuals was completely prevented by either the AT1
receptor blocker or the ACE inhibitor, which suggests that
an elevation of FFA induces endothelial dysfunction through
activation of the RAS (70). Chronically elevated Ang II can
also increase ROS generation (16,71). ROS generation
can reduce the endothelium-dependent vasodilatation by
impairing NO bioavailability (72). Therefore, these ndings
indicate an important role for the RAS providing another
potential link between obesity and hypertension.
Endocannabinoid system: cardiovascular
effects in obesity and hypertension
The endocannabinoid system has emerged as a highly
relevant topic in the scientic community because of its
important role in the central and peripheral regulation of
food intake and energy balance (73). In fact, it has been
demonstrated that increased activity of the endocannabinoid
system contributes to the increased food intake and the de-
velopment of the cardiovascular risk factors that accompany
weight gain (11). Since increased visceral adiposity can be
considered to be the link between overweight and hyper-
tension, a dysregulated, overstimulated endocannabinoid
system in visceral adipose tissue could indirectly contrib-
ute to visceral obesity-associated hypertension (74,75).
However, endogenous cannabinoid ligands reduce blood
pressure and heart rate and are potent vasodilators in a
number of isolated vascular preparations of normotensive
non-obese animals, which involve endothelium-dependent
and -independent mechanisms (76-79). Thus, the direct
involvement of an overstimulated endocannabinoid system
in the endothelial dysfunction and hypertension occurring in
obesity is not clear. Indeed, the implication of the endocan-
nabinoid system in the vascular dysfunction of hypertension
is controversial. In fact, since increased hypotensive and
vasodilator effects of cannabinoids have been reported in
hypertension (80,81), this system could represent a com-
pensatory mechanism to counteract the increase in arterial
pressure and vascular resistance in hypertension.
The implication of the overstimulated endocannabinoid
system in the endothelial dysfunction and obesity-associ-
ated hypertension has not been claried. A dysfunctional
activity of the endocannabinoid system in obesity could
nullify its compensatory effect to counteract the increase
in arterial pressure and endothelial dysfunction as that ob-
served in hypertension. Therefore, a direct involvement of
the overstimulated endocannabinoid system in endothelial
dysfunction and obesity-associated hypertension cannot
be ruled out and further studies are necessary to clarify
this point.
Reduced NO availability as a consequence of uncou-
pled eNOS and increased NAD(P)H oxidase activity, and
increased production of endothelium-derived contracting
factors (EDCFs) (prostanoids, Ang II, and ET-1) are im-
plicated in endothelial dysfunction in obesity-associated
hypertension. Visceral adiposity and/or perivascular
adipose tissue dysfunction are directly involved in NO/
EDCFs imbalance by promoting a chronic inammatory
state. Moreover, disorders promoted by visceral adiposity
dysfunction can individually impair endothelial function.
Insulin resistance is the most common obesity-promoted
disorder and this condition is characterized by impaired
PI3-kinase-dependent NO production and enhanced ET-1
secretion, which impair the capacity of insulin to promote
a facilitator action of vasodilator agents. Compensatory
hyperinsulinemia due to insulin resistance, hyperleptinemia,
increased activity of the RAS, among other factors, are
398 N.S. Lobato et al.
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responsible for the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous
system in obesity-associated hypertension. Disturbances in
the balanced release of NO and constrictor factors stimu-
lated by activation of endothelial adrenergic receptors con-
tribute to the endothelial dysfunction of obesity-associated
hypertension. Besides promoting endothelial dysfunction
through sympathetic overactivation, increased RAS activ-
ity also has a direct impact on endothelial function. Ang II,
by activating receptors located on endothelial or smooth
muscle cells, produces ET-1 and ROS. Finally, increased
activity of the endocannabinoid system contributes to the
pathophysiology of obesity; however, its contribution to the
endothelial dysfunction of obesity-related hypertension has
not been elucidated.
In conclusion, the mechanisms involved in the endothe-
lial dysfunction of obesity-associated hypertension are
various and not mutually exclusive, and in some way they
are redundant (Figure 1). The relative contribution of any
of them is not easily dened. The important advances in
understanding the pathophysiology of obesity-associated
hypertension that have been achieved in the last years
can greatly impact the prevention and the management of
obesity-associated hypertension. Any intervention able to
prevent or reverse obesity-related endothelial dysfunction
might represent a major tool to improve the cardiovascular
outcome of obese patients.
The authors are grateful to Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) for research
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... Sarcopenic obesity shares common etiological mechanisms with CVD, including the imbalance between pro-inflammatory adipokines and antiinflammatory myokines, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction [7,22]. These factors can contribute to insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and hyperinsulinemia, which can lead to vascular remodeling, endothelial dysfunction, and hypertension [23]. Subsequently, chronic CVD, like HF and coronary artery disease (CAD), can exacerbate muscle wasting [24][25][26]. ...
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Purpose of Review Sarcopenic obesity (SO), defined as the coexistence of excess fat mass and reduced skeletal muscle mass and strength, has emerged as an important cardiovascular risk factor, particularly in older adults. This review summarizes recent findings on the diagnosis, prevalence, health impacts, and treatment of SO. Recent Findings Growing evidence suggests SO exacerbates cardiometabolic risk and adverse health outcomes beyond either condition alone; however, the heterogeneity in diagnostic criteria and the observational nature of most studies prohibit the evaluation of a causal relationship. This is concerning given that SO is increasing with the aging population, although that is also difficult to assess accurately given wide-ranging prevalence estimates. A recent consensus definition proposed by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism and the European Association for the Study of Obesity provides a framework of standardized criteria to diagnose SO. Summary Adopting uniform diagnostic criteria for SO will enable more accurate characterization of prevalence and cardiometabolic risk moving forward. Although current management revolves around diet for weight loss coupled with resistance training to mitigate further muscle loss, emerging pharmacologic therapies have shown promising results. As the global population ages, diagnosing and managing SO will become imperative to alleviate the cardiovascular burden.
... Endothelial dysfunction (EDys) is an inflammatory state of the endothelial cells in the arteries (i.e., into blood vessels) characterized by micro-and macro-vascular damage in vessels and their progression to platelet accumulation or atherosclerosis (Lobato et al., 2012). Hypertension (HTN) is a common risk factor associated with EDys and is highly associated with the future development of cardiovascular disease (Whelton et al., 2018). ...
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Existe limitada información respecto a la reducción de la rigidez arterial entre sujetos con hipertensión y factores de riesgo para enfermedades vascular-metabólicas (i.e., de los vasos sanguíneos), donde el ejercicio induce un rol fisioterapéutico y preventivo. El objetivo del estudio fue 1) testear los efectos de 6 semanas de ejercicio concurrente de tipo alta intensidad interválico y de fuerza (CTHIIT+RT) en la la rigidez arterial de sujetos con diferente control de presión arterial y 2) comparar la magnitud de estas adaptaciones al ejercicio en diferentes variables secundarias de presión arterial y vasculares. Estudio clínico experimental aleatorizado desarrollado en seis categorías (3 controles y 3 experimentales) de adultos; controles hipertensos (CG-HTN, n=10), control presión elevada (CG-ELE, n=10), controles normotensos (CG-NT, n=10), o experimental hipertensos (ExG-HTN, n=10), presión elevada (ExG-ELE, n=10), o normotensos (ExG-NT, n=10). Los sujetos desarrollaron 6 semanas de CTHIIT+RT, donde la velocidad de onda de pulso de la arteria braquial (PWVba) (resultado primario) y variables de presión arterial, composición corporal y vasculares (resultados secundarios), fueron medidas antes y después de 6 semanas de intervención. Posterior a 6 semanas de CTHIIT+RT se observaron diferencias significativas en la magnitud de reducción de ΔPWVba en el grupo ExG-HTN versus grupo ExG-NT (diff. 0.86 m/s-1) y entre el grupo ExG-ELE vs. ExG-NT (diff. 0.76 m/s-1). En conclusión, 6 semanas de CTHIIT+RT reducen la rigidez arterial en adultos con diferente control de presión arterial, con una magnitud superior en pacientes hipertensos. Beneficios adicionales se encontraron en cese de la presión arterial elevada en los pacientes hipertensos. Palabras claves: Hipertensión arterial; Disfunción endotelial; Velocidad de onda de pulso; Índice de aumentación; índice tobillo-braquial. Abstract. There is limited information regarding the arterial stiffness decrease in subjects with hypertension and risk factors to vascular-metabolic (i.e., of blood vessels) where the exercise induces a therapeutic and preventive role. This study aimed 1) to test the effects of 6 weeks of concurrent exercise including high-intensity interval plus resistance training (CTHIIT+RT) on the arterial stiffness condition of individuals with different blood pressure controls, and 2) to compare the magnitude of exercise adaptations among different blood pressures and vascular characteristics. An experimental clinical randomized study was conducted in six categories (three controls and three experimental groups) of adults who were divided into six groups: control hypertensive (CG-HTN, n=10), control elevated blood pressure (CG-ELE, n=10), control normotensive (CG-NT, n=10), experimental hypertensive (ExG-HTN, n=10), elevated blood pressure (ExG-ELE, n=10), or normotensive (ExG-NT, n=10). The participants underwent 6 weeks of concurrent training with 5 min of high-intensity interval plus 5 min of resistance training (CTHIIT+RT), where systolic pulse wave velocity of the brachial artery (PWVba) (primary outcome) and additional secondary blood pressure, body composition, and vascular outcomes were measured before and after 6 weeks of intervention. After 6 weeks of CTHIIT+RT, significant reductions in ΔPWVba were reported in ExG-HTN vs. ExG-NT (diff. 0.86 m/s-1) and between ExG-ELE and ExG-NT (diff. 0.76 m/s-1). In conclusion, 6 weeks of CTHIIT+RT reduced arterial stiffness in adults with different blood pressure controls, but with a superior magnitude in HTN patients. Additional benefits include remission of high blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Keywords: Arterial hypertension; Endothelial dysfunction; Pulse wave velocity; Augmentation index; Ankle brachial index.
... DR results from glucose intolerance and the consequent damage to endothelial cells (ECs) integrity, leading to retinal microvascular leakage and an increased amount of damaged retinal cells [2][3][4]. Numerous studies have provided insight into the injury of capillary ECs and its contribution to vascular complications in DR [5,6]. One characteristic of impaired EC function is the increased production of cytokines and cellular death [7]. ...
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Objectives Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a retinal disease that arises from impaired glucose tolerance and leads to retinal microvascular leakages. Recent studies have indicated that DR pathogenesis is linked to dysfunctional retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Methods Investigating the potential interplay between endothelial cells (ECs) and RPE cells by treating ECs with high glucose (HG) and evaluating the function of cytokines released from ECs on the growth of RPE cells. Results The results revealed that high glucose-stimulated Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) activated the NF-κB signaling pathway, increased intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and expression of caspase 3 while also elevating HUVECs delivery of cytokines such as VEGF, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β. Conclusions As a result of our study, cytokines released from HG-treated HUVECs impede the growth of ARPE-19 in vitro , highlighting the importance of functional ECs for exploring the underlying mechanisms of vascular-associated retinal dysfunction. Inflammatory factors secreted from endothelial cells induced by high glucose impair human retinal pigment epithelial cells.
... Increased NO levels may promote lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation in fat cells, resulting in the inflammatory cascade that leads to insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction (Hong et al., 2015;Jobgen et al., 2006). Due to a lack of NO substrate that decreases NO bioavailability by activating NADPH oxidase activity, upregulation of endothelium iNOS in obese rats may be related to O 2 production (Lobato et al., 2012). Our result showed that Zingiber extract downregulated iNOS compared to the HFD group, and the combination of the extract with simvastatin showed a downregulation of 32.12% compared with the group treated with SIM group. ...
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Obesity became a serious public health problem with enormous socioeconomic implications among the Egyptian population. The present investigation aimed to explore the efficacy of Zingiber officinale extract as a hypolipidemic agent combined with the commercially well‐known anti‐obesity drug simvastatin in obese rats. Thirty‐five male Wister rats were randomly divided into five groups as follows: group I received a standard balanced diet for ten weeks; high‐fat diet was orally administered to rats in groups II–V for ten weeks. From the fifth week to the tenth week, group III orally received simvastatin (40 mg/kg B.W.), group IV orally received Z. officinale root extract (400 mg/kg B.W.), and group V orally received simvastatin (20 mg/kg B.W.) plus Z. officinale extract (200 mg/kg B.W.) separately. Liver and kidney function tests, lipid profiles, serum glucose, insulin, and leptin were determined. Quantitative RT‐PCR analysis of PPAR‐γ, iNOS, HMG‐CoA reductase, and GLUT‐4 genes was carried out. Caspase 3 was estimated in liver and kidney tissues immunohistochemically. Liver and kidney tissues were examined histologically. The administration of Z. officinale extract plus simvastatin to high‐fat diet‐fed rats caused a significant reduction in the expression of HMG‐coA reductase and iNOS by 41.81% and 88.05%, respectively, compared to highfat diet (HFD)‐fed rats that received simvastatin only. Otherwise, a significant increase was noticed in the expression of PPAR‐γ and GLUT‐4 by 33.3% and 138.81%, respectively, compared to those that received simvastatin only. Immunohistochemistry emphasized that a combination of Z. officinale extract plus simvastatin significantly suppressed caspase 3 in the hepatic tissue of high‐fat diet‐fed rats. Moreover, the best results of lipid profile indices and hormonal indicators were obtained when rats received Z. officinale extract plus simvastatin. Z. officinale extract enhanced the efficiency of simvastatin as a hypolipidemic drug in obese rats due to the high contents of flavonoid and phenolic ingredients.
... Arterial hypertension (HTN) is a common risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Whelton et al., 2018). HTN has been linked to various functional and structural disorders, including endothelial dysfunction (EDys), atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, micro−and macro−vascular damage in vessels, and the development of arterial atherosclerosis (Lobato et al., 2012). EDys is characterized by inflammation of the endothelial cells and decreased arterial vasodilation, which can be measured using gold standard methods such as flow-mediated dilation (FMD) measurement (Heiss et al., 2022;Thijssen et al., 2019), pulse wave velocity of the brachial artery (PWV ba ), which is a marker of arterial stiffness, and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT). ...
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There is limited information regarding heart rate (HR) response from predictive formulae and actual exercise tests between arterial hypertension (HTN) and normotensive adults, as well as about vascular similarities or differences between samples of different blood pressure control. This study aimed 1) to describe and compare the HR during exercise between HTN and normotensive adults and 2) to describe the endothelial function and related vascular parameters in both groups. A descriptive clinical study was conducted with 64 adults (men and women) who were divided into three groups: arterial hypertension (HTN n=26), elevated blood pressure (Ele n=16), or normotensive control (CG n=22). The participants underwent an incremental cycling exercise test of 5 stages, where HR (primary outcome) was measured, and secondary vascular outcomes (percentile classification of the pulse wave velocity (%ILEP-WVba), maximum carotid intima-media thickness (cIMTmax), and arterial age among others were measured. In stage 2 of the test (50-100 watts), the HTN group showed significantly higher HR vs. CG (+14 beats/min; p<0.05) and vs. Ele group (+15 beats/min; p<0.05), and in stage 5 (125-250 watts), HTN group showed higher HR vs. CG (+22 beats/min; p<0.05). HTN group showed a higher arterial stiffness by %ILEPWVba classification and arterial age estimation than the CG group. In conclusion, HTN patients reported a higher HR response only in two out of five (monitored) stages of the Astrand cycling exercise test than normotensive peers. Moreover, all groups showed a higher HRpredicted than real HRpeak obtained from the exercise test. These results are displayed with more altered vascular parameters in the HTN group.
... These consistent findings suggest that obesity can pathophysiologically contribute to hemodynamic abnormalities, including an increase in BP and a higher resting HR (47,54). Furthermore, numerous potential mechanisms that underlie the associations between obesity and high BP and HR include the overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system, endothelial dysfunction, and dysregulated production of specific adipokines have also been reported (40,60). ...
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Khamsuk K, On-Ong-Arj P, Chaisawang P, Promsrisuk T. Evaluation of the Performance Capacity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Using the 6-Minute Walk Test in Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Female Adolescents. JEPonline 2023;26(2): 1-13. The purpose of this study was to assess the performance capacity and cardiorespiratory fitness in female adolescents who were normal weight and overweight/obese, using the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT). Thirty adolescents (15 normal weight and 15 overweight/obese) participated in this study. Anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured. All participants performed the 6MWT on a 30-meter walkway at a self-selected pace. The subject's walking distance was used to estimate metabolic equivalents (METs) and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max). The values were then calculated and recorded. The findings indicate that anthropometric indices, including weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-hip ratio values were significantly higher in the Overweight/Obese Group vs. the Normal Weight Group. Also, the Overweight/Obese Group had significantly higher systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure vs. the Normal Weight Group. We also found that the 6MWT distance, VO2 max, and METS were lower in the Overweight/Obese Group vs. the Normal Weight Group. This study demonstrated that adolescents who were overweight or obese had lower performance capacity and lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. Furthermore, the results indicate that the 6MWT is useful for the assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescents.
... (g) Liver weights normalized to the animal's body weight (n = 7-8). (h) Blood glucose measurements in awake non-fasted (n = 8-9) and (i) fasted mice (n = [12][13][14][15][16]. (j) Systolic and diastolic blood pressure measured in awake mice (2-way ANOVA) and (k) heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) measured in awake mice (n (control) = 4 mice, 4 measurements per mouse; n (obese) = 3 mice, 4 measurements per mouse, color coded by mouse). ...
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Obesity affects millions of people worldwide and is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline. The glymphatic system is a brain-wide metabolic waste clearance system, dysfunction of which is linked to dementia. We herein examined glymphatic transport in mice with long-term obesity induced by a high-fat diet for 10 months. The obese mice developed hypertension and elevated heart rate, neuroinflammation and gliosis, but not apparent systemic inflammation. Surprisingly, glymphatic inflow was globally unaffected by the high-fat diet except for the hypothalamus, which displayed increased influx and elevated AQP4 vascular polarization compared to the normal weight control group. We propose that a long-term high-fat diet induced metabolic alteration of hypothalamic neurons and neuroinflammation, which in turn enhanced glymphatic clearance in the effected brain region.
... Physical inactivity, which refers to not following the international physical activity guidelines of 300 min per week of low-moderate physical activity or at least 150 min per week of vigorous-intensity physical activity [11,12], is more prevalent in sedentary, obese, and hypertensive populations, as well as those with dyslipidemia or metabolic syndrome, and is associated with negative effects on both functional and structural vascular parameters, such as flow-mediated dilation (FMD), pulse wave velocity of the brachial artery (PWVba), and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) [10,[12][13][14]. Several expert panels have recommended moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) for 30-60 min per session most days of the week for individuals with elevated blood pressure or hypertension [15]. ...
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Background: A progressive volitional cycling test is useful in determining exercise prescription in populations with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. However, little is known about the association between heart rate during this test and endothelial dysfunction (EDys) parameters in hypertensive (HTN) patients. Objective: To investigate the association between EDys markers (flow-mediated dilation [FMD], pulse wave velocity of the brachial artery [PWVba], and carotid-intima media thickness [cIMT]) and heart rate during a cycling test in HTN adults. A secondary aim was to characterize cardiovascular, anthropometric, and body composition outcomes in this population. Methods: This was a descriptive clinical study in which adults (men and women) were assigned to one of three groups: HTN, elevated blood pressure (Ele), or a normotensive control group (CG), and completed a progressive cycling test. The primary outcomes were FMD, PWVba, cIMT, and heart rate (HR) at 25-50 watts (HR25-50), 50-100 watts (HR50-100), and 75-150 watts (HR75-150) of the Astrand test. Secondary outcomes included body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, body fat percentage (BF%), skeletal muscle mass (SMM), resting metabolic rate (RMR), and estimated body age, as measured by a bio-impedance digital scale. Results: Analyses of the associations between FMD, PWV, and HR25-50, HR50-100, and HR75-150 watts revealed no significant association in the HTN, Ele, and CG groups. However, a significant association was found between cIMT and HR75-150 watts in the HTN group (R2 47.1, β -0.650, p = 0.038). There was also a significant trend (p = 0.047) towards increasing PWVba in the CG, Ele, and HTN groups. Conclusion: Heart rate during a progressive cycling test is associated with the EDys parameters cIMT in HTN patients, with particularly strong predictive capacity for vascular parameters in the second and third stages of the Astrand exercise test compared to normotensive control.
... The excessive adiposity increases the metabolic request of the body, resulting in an increased blood volume and preload of the heart [13]. Moreover, the increased peripheral vasoconstriction and renal tubular sodium reabsorption, together with the augmented sympathetic activity and the overactivation of the reninangiotensin system, contribute to vascular alterations such as increased arterial stiffness and resistance [14]. Those alterations lead to an augmented afterload of the heart, to both concentric and eccentric hypertrophy and to the obesity-related hypertension with arterial wall damage [15]. ...
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Abstract: Physical activity (PA) is a crucial factor in preventing and treating obesity and related complications. In this one-arm pre-post longitudinal prospective study, we evaluated the effects of a 12-week online supervised training program on cardiac morphology, function and blood pressure (BP) in children with obesity. The training program consisted of three sessions per week, each lasting 60 min. Advanced echocardiographic imaging (tissue Doppler and longitudinal strain analysis) was used to detect subclinical changes in heart function. Categorical variables were described as counts and percentages; quantitative variables as the mean and standard deviation (SD) as they were normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilks test). Pre-post comparisons were made with a paired t-test. A total of 27/38 (71%) enrolled patients (18M/9F, 11 ± 2 years) completed the training protocol and were considered in the analysis. At baseline, no hypertensive patient was noted; all echocardiographic variables were within the normal range. After training, we observed a significant reduction in BP parameters, including systolic BP values and Z-score, diastolic BP values, centiles and Z-score, and mean arterial pressure (all p < 0.05). Significant variations in echocardiographic interventricular septum (IVSd) thickness (p = 0.011), IVSd Z-score (p = 0.001), left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic diameter (p = 0.045), LV posterior wall thickness Z-score (p = 0.017), and LV global longitudinal strain (p = 0.016) were detected. No differences in LV diastolic function and right ventricular strain were noted. PA plays a decisive role in improving BP control and has benefits on left ventricle systolic function, representing a strategic approach to limit CV risk. Online exercise could be an excellent method of training in children with obesity.
... As a scavenger molecule, NO facilitates the elimination of ROS [56]. It has also been observed that high concentrations of ROS (>30 nmol/30min) directly inhibit the activity of eNOS, and therefore, reduce the synthetic capacity of NO by the endothelium in response to the stimulus of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDL) or hyperglycemia, which are both central to the pathogenesis of T2DM and MetS [57,58]. In addition, metabolic diseases are characterized by a phenomenon of eNOS uncoupling, resulting in the generation of O 2 instead of NO. ...
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Endothelial dysfunction is a crucial physiopathological mechanism for cardiovascular diseases that results from the harmful impact of metabolic disorders. Irisin, a recently discovered adipomyokine, has been shown to exert beneficial metabolic effects by increasing energy consumption, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing the proinflammatory milieu. Multiple preclinical models have assessed irisin's possible role in the development of endothelial dysfunction, displaying that treatment with exogenous irisin can decrease the production of oxidative stress mediators by up-regulating Akt/mTOR/Nrf2 pathway, promote endothelial-dependent vasodilatation through the activation of AMPK-PI3K-Akt-eNOS pathway, and increase the endothelial cell viability by activation of ERK proliferation pathway and downregulation of Bad/Bax/Caspase 3 pro-apoptotic pathway. However, there is scarce evidence of these mechanisms in clinical studies, and available results are controversial. Some have shown negative correlations of irisin levels with the burden of coronary atherosclerosis and leukocyte adhesion molecules' expression. Others have demonstrated associations between irisin levels with increased atherosclerosis risk and higher carotid intima-media thickness. Since the role of irisin in endothelial damage remains unclear, in this review, we compare, contrast, and integrate the current knowledge from preclinical and clinical studies to elucidate the potential preventive role and the underlying mechanisms and pathways of irisin in endothelial dysfunction. This review also comprises original figures to illustrate these mechanisms.
. Angiotensin II (Ang II) enhances insulin sensitivity in humans, and this is associated with a paradoxical increase in skeletal muscle blood flow. It is unclear whether these effects are mediated via subtype 1 receptors of Ang II, because these receptors are thought to mediate vasoconstriction. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (euglycemic clamp technique) and leg muscle blood flow (plethysmography) were measured in nine healthy male volunteers (mean age, 24 ± 2 yr) on three occasions using a double-blind, placebo-controlled study design. The subjects were allocated in random order to ( 1 ) placebo premedication per os plus placebo infusion, ( 2 ) placebo premedication per os plus infusion of 5 ng Ang II/kg per min, and ( 3 ) premedication with 300 mg of the angiotensin II-1-receptor antagonist irbesartan per os plus infusion of 5 ng Ang II/kg per min. In addition, GFR and effective renal plasma flow were assessed using the steady-state inulin- and paraaminohippurate clearance. Insulin sensitivity ( i.e. , M value) and muscle blood flow after infusion of Ang II (9.3 ± 1.8 mg/kg per min; 17.7 ± 2.1 ml/100 g per min) were significantly higher than after placebo infusion (7.2 ± 1.6 mg/kg per min, P < 0.02; 13.5 ± 1.8 ml/100 g per min, P < 0.01). In contrast, after premedication with irbesartan, they were not significantly different (7.5 ± 1.7 mg/kg per min; 14.3 ± 1.9 ml/100 g per min) as compared with placebo infusion. Mean GFR and effective renal plasma flow were significantly lower ( P < 0.01), and renal vascular resistance was significantly higher ( P < 0.01) with Ang II infusion as compared with the placebo infusion study. Premedication with irbesartan almost completely blocked the vasoconstrictive effect of Ang II on renal vasculature. Under hyperinsulinemic euglycemic conditions, infusion of Ang II has opposing effects on regional arterial blood flow, i.e. , an increase in skeletal muscle blood flow, but vasoconstriction of renal vasculature. Both effects are antagonized by blockade of subtype 1 Ang II receptors.
A complex chain of events leads to the development of end stage heart disease (fig 1). It starts with seemingly normal subjects with certain risk factors, such as high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes. Atherosclerosis is the final common pathway, affecting blood vessels in the brain, the coronary circulation, and the peripheral circulation. What determines the prognosis for these patients is not the presence of myocardial ischaemia or angina pectoris, but the development of myocardial infarction—a complex disease involving coronary thrombosis, plaque rupture and vasospasm. As cardiac remodelling occurs in heart failure, other mechanisms also come into play. Throughout these stages of heart failure development, the renin-angiotensin system plays an important role and provides a valuable target for therapeutic intervention. Figure 1 Chain of events leading to end stage heart disease. Ten to 20 years ago the cardiovascular system was thought to be controlled by circulating factors such as the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system which were able to regulate the heart, the kidney, and the blood vessels. More recently, however, it has become evident that the blood vessel itself plays an important role that involves many factors including nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator, and endothelin, a vasoconstrictor. In fact, the endothelium is altered morphologically as a result of coronary artery disease. Interestingly, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is expressed at the endothelial cell membrane. As angiotensin II is created it may activate endothelial receptors or those expressed on smooth muscle cells. The receptors found on the endothelium are linked to the production of endothelin, a coagulation factor, and many other molecules including free radicals. The action of angiotensin II on smooth muscle cells produces contraction and also …
The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of the adrenergic system in mediating hypertension in obese and lean patients. Thirteen obese, hypertensive patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥28 kg/m² (obese) and nine lean patients with a BMI ≤25 kg/m² (lean) were recruited. After a 1-week washout period, participants underwent daytime ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Participants were then treated with the α-adrenergic antagonist doxazosin, titrating to 4 mg QHS in 1 week. In the next week, the β-adrenergic antagonist atenolol was added at an initial dose of 25 mg/day and titrated to 50 mg/day within 1 week. One month after the addition of atenolol, all patients underwent a second ABPM session. There were no differences between the obese and lean subjects in baseline systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), or mean arterial pressures (MAP) measured by office recording or ABPM. However, obese subjects had higher heart rates than lean subjects (87.5 ± 2.4 v 76.8 ± 4.9 beats/min). After 1 month of treatment with the adrenergic blockers, obese patients had a significantly lower SBP (130.0 ± 2.5 v 138.9 ± 2.1 mm Hg, P = .02) and MAP (99.6 ± 2.3 v 107.0 ± 1.5 mm Hg, P = .02) than lean patients. Obese patients also tended to have a lower DBP than lean patients (84.3 ± 2.5 v 90.9 ± 1.6 mm Hg, P = .057), but there was no significant difference in heart rate after 1 month of adrenergic blockade. These results indicate that blood pressure is more sensitive to adrenergic blockade in obese than in lean hypertensive patients and suggest that increased sympathetic activity may be an important factor in the maintenance of hypertension in obesity. Am J Hypertens 2001;14:694–698 © 2001 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd.