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AI-based Authentication System in IoT environments -A Systematic Review



Cybersecurity is essential for a solid foundation in the age of digital. The advancement of recent technologies including Internet of Things (IoT) environments has brought the world to a new level of interconnection. However innovative technologies always come with a new kind of vulnerability. An IoT device can integrate with various devices through internet connections to provide intelligent services and must protect its user privacy. It also has to provide security against various attack schemes in the authentication system. To improve the security of IoT authentication system, various research has been conducted in AI based IoT authentication domain. The study tries to address the following research questions: 1) What are the common challenges in an IoT environment, especially related to authentication problems? ; 2) How could AI help IoT devices secure the authentication process? ; 3) How is the recent research trend in AI to solve the authentication problems?.
AI-based Authentication System in IoT environments A Systematic
Rifan Kurnia
King’s College London, UK
Cybersecurity is essential for a solid foundation in the age of digital. The advancement of recent
technologies including Internet of Things (IoT) environments has brought the world to a new level of
interconnection. However innovative technologies always come with a new kind of vulnerability. An IoT
device can integrate with various devices through internet connections to provide intelligent services and
must protect its user privacy. It also has to provide security against various attack schemes in the
authentication system.
To improve the security of IoT authentication system, various research has been conducted in AI based IoT
authentication domain. The study tries to address the following research questions: 1) What are the common
challenges in an IoT environment, especially related to authentication problems? ; 2) How could AI help
IoT devices secure the authentication process? ; 3) How is the recent research trend in AI to solve the
authentication problems?.
To address the questions, systematic review of articles published in articles, conference proceedings, and
journals for the period of 20172022 is conducted.
Index Terms
AI-based IoT, IoT cyber-attacks, Cybersecurity, Anomaly detection, Authentication
I. Introduction
A. Background on IoT
Over the past two decades, the Internet has been constantly evolving. The beginning of the Internet
was marked by the World Wide Web (www) development, a network of linked web pages which are HTML
formatted on the internet. This network of static HTML pages has gradually evolved into Web 2.0, where
two-way communication has become ubiquitous, allowing users to participate, collaborate, and interact.
Whitmore et al. [4] explained that While Web 2.0 currently dominates the Internet, researchers say
they are working toward another objective, commonly cited as the Semantic Web or Web 3.0. The goal of
Web 3.0 is to make web content machine readable and marked up in a way that makes search engines and
machines work more intelligently. By tagging web content in a standardized format, machines can process
and share data without the need for human intermediaries. Along with the development of Internet
technology, the technology of short-range wireless communication using sensor networks and RFID tags
has also been developed. The fusion of his two technologies, the internet and sensor network, brings new
possibilities and perspectives. The framework’s ability to enable direct machine to machine communication
over the internet has prompted researchers to consider the benefits of connecting more machines to the
network, allowing them to connect to the internet as a giant network. This concept has spawned a paradigm
called the Internet of Things (IoT).
Kornaros et al. [3] discussed that IoT devices are mostly restricted devices, with poor tamper-proof,
for example, allowing modified firmware to access authentication data so that connected devices cannot
access personal data. may be leaked. With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and
cloud systems, the attack surface area of most cyber-physical systems is expanding rapidly, so there is little
that can be done to prevent the increasing volume and complexity of attacks.
As shown in Figure 1, IoT-enabled cyber-physical systems (CPS) for factories, smart grids, and
automobiles come with various communication interfaces and remote monitoring capabilities. Industrial
IoT networks have a large attack surface, making covert channels more difficult to detect. As a result, most
intrusion detection systems rely on the uniqueness of signatures or untampered signatures.
McNett et al. [7] showed in their journal that the number of internet-connected devices in the
industrial environment and their high-speed connections lead to countless network intrusion opportunities,
the threat is real. Altman Vilandrie and Company, a strategy consulting firm, reported in a 2017 survey that
46% of IoT security buyers have experienced an IoT-related security breach or breach in the past two years.
As nearly half of the organizations surveyed were affected by an IoT-related security breach, addressing
the issue became a top priority. The monetary impact of these offenses must also be understood. In the same
release, the firm researched that the average financial loss of an IoT security breach for a company valued
at less than $5 million was 13.4% of the company's revenue. The impact of an IoT security breach grows
with the size of the business affected.
Figure 1. An illustration of threat model in IoT infrastructure that involves a wide spectrum of cyber-attacks
Since their introduction in the late 1990s, IoT devices have been manufactured without much
attention to security. The indivisible problem of the absolute nature of end devices remains the biggest
bottleneck to achieving security in IoT. Security is a well-known challenge in IoT, especially in
authentication and authorization, and it remains one of the biggest security problems due to the limited
computation, storage, and control issues of end devices. secure and adaptive verification and approval
systems in. On the other hand, artificial cognition and machine learning are known to solve customization
and execution problems in the computing world. This white paper systematically reviews existing
documents that attempt to solve the verification security problem using AI and machine learning
Figure 2. Authentication framework based on behavioral signals [11].
As shown in Figure 2, authentication framework in IoT can be categorized into four layers as follows.
1. Behavioral signals. These are a set of characteristic behavioral patterns or features that a decision-
making system can use to determine an individual's identity.
2. Unobtrusive sensing. This summarizes viable acquisition strategies for capturing available sensor
and behavioral cues.
3. Continuous computing highlights the workflow for authentication. This is to determine if the user
is authorized to access the IoT device (authentication) and to identify who the current user is.
4. Applications. These are typical scenarios where behavioral biometrics-based authentication is
B. Contribution of Paper
One of the exciting developments in technology is IoT. The usage trend of IoT devices is increasing
both in daily life and in industrial applications. While the development is massive, one of the biggest
concerns and challenges is how the IoT environment can secure user data.
This study is intended to identify what are the common cyber-attacks in IoT environments and will
focus on the authentication aspect. Other than that, the study aims to answer how AI can effectively help
IoT devices to secure the authentication process. For this purpose, readers will have an idea about IoT
security aspects and AI that can help quickly detect the attack. In addition, opportunities for future research
are also discussed to expand the perspective on the technological advancement in the area.
C. Paper Outline
This systematic review is structured as follows. In Section I the paper shares the introduction of IoT
to give the reader general insights on IoT development, importance, and trend. In Section II the paper
describes the methodology used in this systematic review, which consists of research questions, selection
methodology, and screening process. In Section III the paper discusses the analysis and results from the
systematic review. The readers will have a general idea of IoT security risks, challenges with previous
studies on IoT authentication, general AI process, and recent studies in AI-based IoT authentication. In
Section IV the paper will discuss the research questions based on the selected literatures. In Section V the
paper will discuss promising future research directions before concluding the review in Section VI.
II. Literature Review Methodology
A. Research Questions
The PICO(C) framework is used to help with the search strategy.
Population: the type of Internet of Things
Interventions: the AI methods to detect cyber-attacks in IoT
Comparison: the difference if IoT infrastructure does not occupy with security detection aspects
Outcomes: the opportunity to advance IoT with AI based cyber-attacks detection systems and the
potential future research in the area
Context: the different research between academia on how to handle security challenges in IoT using
Based on this method, the following research questions are constructed to further review collected
1. What are the common challenges in an IoT environment, especially related to authentication
2. How could AI help IoT devices secure the authentication process?
3. What are the recent research trends in AI to solve authentication problems?
To address these research questions, a set of keywords are constructed to discover related
cybersecurity challenges in IoT environment and how AI could help to solve the challenges. The search
queries used are: IoT cyber-attacks, IoT security, IoT authentication, AI, machine learning.
B. Selection Methodology
The search methodology follows the steps proposed in:
1. Define the research questions. This is defined in the previous section based on PICO(C).
2. Break research questions into key phrases. The research questions can be broken down into
phrases such as IoT cyber-attacks, IoT security, IoT authentication, AI, machine learning., etc.
3. Identify the type of literature you require. The search focused on journals, conference
proceedings, books, and magazines as literature materials.
4. Define search criteria. The key phrases can be the search criteria to further sharpen the search.
5. Identify the most appropriate data sources. This research uses various literature databases, such
as IEEE, ACM, and Springer.
6. Combine the key phrases to automatically identify from Titles and Abstracts. Boolean
operator AND/OR is used to search the relevant literature.
7. Apply the search.
8. Analyse the result. From the search result, the truly relevant literature was analyzed and included
in the study, while excluding the others.
9. Document the search. Since systematic literature cannot be done in a night, a good documentation
of literature list based on the search is essential.
As well as the inclusion criteria, I also used the following exclusion criteria (EC) to help with the
search. The paper can be excluded if one of following criteria is satisfied.
EC 1: the paper older than 2017.
EC 2: the paper has no title nor abstract.
EC 3: the paper is not presented in English.
EC 4: the paper full text is not accessible.
C. Screening Process
This section is intended to elaborate the detailed process on the literature search and screening into
the refined list of literature that is truly relevant for the systematic review.
1. Papers identified from the KCL library search based on keywords (n = 153)
2. Papers identified from the manual screening (n = 57)
3. Papers identified that can be accessed in full text (n = 45)
The search was primarily performed in the KCL library database which taps into major literature databases
such as IEEE, ACM, and Springer.
Chart 1 depicts the research trend in the relevant topics. It can be concluded that the topic is getting
popular and is an interesting topic to explore further in the coming years.
Chart 1. Research trend of AI-based authentication on IoT
III. Analysis and Results
A. Cyber Attacks on IoT
For each layer in IoT, the need for security is very important and should consider the requirements
of the situation. The well-known CIA triad is the foundation security framework that can be used in any
environment, including the IoT environment. This framework helps to ensure responsible implementation
in the context of IoT security. The CIA triad framework is as follows.
1. Confidentiality. The access of information in the IoT environment needs to be limited to the user
and responsible agent.
2. Integrity. The data is not changed and manipulated. This involves ensuring that the data is accurate
and unchanged.
3. Availability. The information and system need to be available and not disrupted. This is to ensure
that authorized users have access to the data and information associated with it.
Figure 3. An illustration of threat model in IoT [2].
McNett et al. [7] suggested that holistic threat model should be constructed first, before implementing
any IoT solution. Threat modeling consists of six steps and is a great way to ensure that stakeholders
understand where their network's weaknesses lie. The threat modeling process follows these steps.
1. Asset identification
2. IoT system overview development.
3. Categorization of the IoT system.
4. Threat identification
5. Threat documentation
6. Threat rating
Xiao et al. [2] mentioned that IoT systems are vulnerable to physical, software, and network attacks
as well as privacy leakage. As shown in the Figure 3, some of the IoT security threats are as follows.
1. DoS attackers. Attackers send unwanted requests to targeted servers in order to prevent IoT devices
from obtaining services. One of the most dangerous kinds of DoS attacks is when a DDoS attacker
uses thousands of internet protocol addresses to request IoT services, and the servers have
legitimate access to IoT devices and attacks. Decentralized IoT devices with lightweight security
protocols are particularly vulnerable to DDoS attacks.
2. Jamming. The attacker sends fake signals to interrupt the ongoing radio transmissions of IoT
device, and during a failed communication attempt, the attacker can control the bandwidth, power,
central processing unit (CPU)of the IoT device or sensor.
3. Spoofing. A spoofing node uses an identity such as a MAC (Medium Access Control) address or
RFID tag to spoof his legitimate IoT device to gain unauthorized access to the IoT system and
launch further attacks such as DoS and man-in-the-middle attacks.
4. Man in the middle attack. The attackers send jamming and spoofing signals to stealthy monitor,
spy, and modify private communications between IoT devices.
5. Software attacks. Mobile malware such as worms and viruses can lead to financial losses, power
outages, and privacy leaks of IoT systems.
6. Privacy leakage. IoT systems should protect user privacy when caching and exchanging data.
Wearable devices that collect users' personal information, such as health and location data, create
a higher risk of privacy exposure.
B. Challenges with Previous Research
Conventional authentications are known for some critical challenges to solve. Due to its limitation in
hardware and firmware deployment, IoT may suffer to the complex environment, especially in a large scale
IoT network. Moreover, the key may leak in the security management procedures (for example in key
generation and distribution). Fang et al. specifies three significant challenges in supporting large scale IoT
applications that are as follows.
1. Long security induced latency. Traditional encryption methods require huge overhead and lengthy
processes to increase security levels, resulting in high communication and computational overhead
and, more importantly, high communication latency. As a result, large-scale IoT applications
require new authentication methods that are fast and lightweight.
2. Ineffective adaptation to dynamic IoT environment. Traditional security solutions rely on static
binary authentication process, which have difficulty learning and adapting to the dynamic IoT
environments they encounter, fail to continuously protect legitimate communications, and suffer
from poor security performance in addressing various security risks. Therefore, the new concepts
of continuous authentication and progressive authorization are very useful for optimizing the
overall system in a dynamic IoT environment.
3. Potential key leakage in the security procedures. Traditional cryptography requires proper key
management procedures to generate, distribute, update, and revoke security digital keys, which can
lead to key loss. This leads to huge attacker loopholes and pervasive security threats in large IoT
Debak et al [28] discuss that traditional IoT systems and computing platforms are not able to handle huge
data generated by the devices as well as harden the security layers. As a result, there is a significant loophole
in the security.
C. General AI Solution Process
The main task of device authentication is the classification task, to be more specific in classifying
legitimate users to access IoT devices. The AI solutions need to be able to accurately classify authorized
and unauthorized devices. Figure 4 shows the summary of the general AI solution process.
1. Data collection.
2. Data exploration and pre-processing.
3. Model selection.
4. Data conversion.
5. Training and testing.
6. Model evaluation and deployment.
Figure 4. General development process of AI or ML solutions
D. Recent Studies in AI based Authentication on IoT
Table 1 summarizes the studies based on the AI algorithms used in the IoT authentication system.
The table includes article or paper authors, year, title, review, and algorithms used. Some of the research
used the lightweight AI approach to overcome limited resource availability in an IoT environment. Certain
studies use various AI algorithms, and even combined with other highly researched domains such as
Table 1. Summary of recent research related to AI-based authentication on IoT environments based on the
algorithm used.
[8], [17]
To overcome limited authentication and
authorization privileges for mobile users, this paper
proposes a lightweight method using smartcard
based to secure authentication process using neural
network model.
Neural Network
[10], [15]
To enhance the execution and encryption for
contractual agreements that solve security issues,
this paper discusses a blockchain based remote
mutual authentication that applies on smart devices
and cloud networks. Also, to overcome the risk of
leaking user privacy and data privacy risk, the paper
introduces a new technique, using a hashing
algorithm in signature verification scheme to
improve the security against insider attacks.
Blockchain based RMA
[14], [11]
To overcome IoT resource limitation and reliance
challenges, the paper proposes holistic
authentication and authorization techniques, where
machine learning based solution is adopted to
achieve adaptive access control. This is an
Support Vector Machine
interesting paper to discuss since it combines
theoretical and practical consideration.
To reduce human involvement as much as possible
as well as to standardize the development of
authentication agents without compromising the
robustness, security, and response time. This paper
presents an AI-enabled IoT based authentication
Local Binary Pattern
Histogram based classifier
Some IoT authentication solutions are not practical
due to the small size of edge devices of IoT or not
cost efficient enough for mass adoption. This paper
proposes the use of Artificial Intelligence or
machine learning to address the issue of
authentication and authorization in edge devices
using fog computing model, with the application in
smart house problem. Considering multi-layer of AI
models and the complexity of the algorithm, this
might not be too practical in real IoT application
with limited resources.
Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), training
model is not specifically
IoT applications may cause serious challenges in
securing networks and data in transit. The paper
proposes a framework for a cloud based lightweight
cancelable biometric authentication system. This
paper is interesting to deep dive since it is quite
practical with current challenges by focusing on
biometric to authenticate.
IV. Discussion
This paper already discussed the common security challenges in IoT environment, which are device
authentication interception, DDoS attack, lack of intrusion detection, and lack of malware detection.
Agreeing to Fang et al., specific to authentication problems there are some main challenges due to current
technical limitation in resources. Therefore, lightweight AI based authentication is getting popular in recent
studies to overcome the security problems in IoT authentication.
The room for innovation in this domain is also huge. One of the interesting innovations is to combine
AI & blockchain technology to create a robust authentication system. Some of the reviewed literatures try
to build lightweight blockchain based system which is deployed on top of authentication system to
overcome the resource limitation on IoT.
Based on the literature review presented in this work, it can be concluded that most of the initial
research questions are answered. The summary of the analysis findings can be reviewed in Table 2.
Table 2. Summary of the analysis findings based on the research questions.
Research Question
What are the common challenges
in an IoT environment,
especially related to
authentication problems?
Due to its rapid development and resource limitation, IoT is known
for some security risks. Several security risks that are discussed in
this paper are device authentication interception, DDoS attack, lack
of intrusion detection, and lack of malware detection.
In this paper, specific to the authentication problems, there are four
main challenges with common IoT environment, which are as
1. Limited resources on IoT devices
2. Traditional encryption that impacts on latency
3. Difficulty in adapting to dynamic IoT environments
4. Potential key leakage in the procedures
How could AI help IoT devices
secure the authentication
Recently AI has been known to be a solution for certain problems,
including to solve authentication problems. Lightweight AI is used to
create a biometric model for IoT devices to authenticate and authorize
users, as there is a limitation of resource in IoT device.
Reviewed papers discuss the use of face recognition, signature
verification, as well as smart card-based authentication. Along with
AI, improvement in encryption and hashing algorithms are also
discussed in the paper to protect confidentiality.
How is the recent research trend
in AI to solve the authentication
In authentication problems, the trend in practical study is to reduce
human involvement and effort as much as possible, as well as to
improve the authentication security without compromising the
response time, and robustness.
Another exciting research domain is the combination of AI and
blockchain to solve the authentication problem. The combination of
both is intended to provide robust level of encryption and execution
for contractual agreement that resolves interoperability and security
issues in IoT devices.
V. Conclusion
In this paper, literature on topics related to AI based authentication in IoT environments is studied.
One of the most common security challenges in IoT is authentication, where the risks of tampering,
counterfeiting, interception, and destruction in the process of information interaction and data transmission
between IoT nodes happen. Over the years, especially in the 2010s IoT technology is rapidly developing,
methods in improving IoT authentication security are also progressing significantly, and a lot of them are
involving AI as the solution.
From this literature review, it is understood that there are three main problems with the conventional
IoT authentication system, which are long security-induced latency, ineffective adaptation to dynamic IoT
environment, and potential key leakage in the security management procedures. From the reviewed studies
it is concluded that authentication systems that involve AI provide more robust security than conventional
authentication methods. This is reflected by the multi-layer security that is provided by the biometric-based
AI in the authentication services that prevent illegal access.
Moving forward, applicable research related to scalable authentication systems in IoT edges is
essential to solve IoT resource limitations. Moreover, the combination of AI and blockchain in
authentication system is an exciting topic to explore. This can be seen from the trend in recent papers, which
the combination of AI and blockchain provides robust level of encryption and execution that resolves
growing security issues.
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As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity and sophistication, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity has emerged as a critical frontier for enhancing threat detection, response, and mitigation strategies. This research paper provides a comprehensive examination of the current state of AI applications in cybersecurity, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and potential impact on the evolving threat landscape. The study employs a multidimensional methodology, incorporating a thorough literature review, case studies, interviews with cybersecurity experts, and analysis of real-world incidents
Conference Paper
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Security and trust of Information Systems are critical in its design as they directly influence users' view and acceptance of such systems. Security can be said to be a contextual and dynamic term as there has not been a holistic, universal, and eternal security measure to date. Recent years have seen a lot of confidential and sensitive information being sent, received, and analyzed on the Internet, and a plethora of investigations on ways of developing comprehensive security solutions like encryptions, pattern recognition, and anomaly detection. This work reviews the human inspired algorithms that are particularly employed in pattern recognition and anomaly detection problems. The work discusses the components of the immune system that inspired the artificial Immune System (AIS) based algorithms for pattern and intrusion detection (IDS) problems. A detailed comparison is made between negative selection, clonal selection, and dendritic cell algorithms (danger theory) which are the three major AIS algorithms. AIS is ubiquitous in computer and information security because it is based on the theories developed through years of study and understanding of the human immune system by immunologist. The strengths and weaknesses of these algorithms are also discussed, and possible improvement suggested.
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As the Internet of Things (IoT) technology advances, billions of multidisciplinary smart devices act in concert, rarely requiring human intervention, posing significant challenges in supporting trusted computing and user privacy, as well as protecting against attacks such as spoofing, denial of service (DoS), jamming, and eavesdropping. To tackle attacks on the IoT and cyber-physical ecosystem, many intrusion detection and security approaches have been presented in the literature. Machine learning (ML) based intrusion and anomaly detection has lately gained traction due to its capacity to cope with encrypted and rapidly developing threat techniques. This work investigates into machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methodologies for IoT device security and examine the benefits, drawbacks, and potential. To protect an IoT infrastructure, various solutions look into hardware-based methods for ML-based IoT authentication, access control, secure offloading, and malware detection schemes. This review aims to illuminate the value of various approaches for addressing IoT security in a truly effective, flexible, and seamless manner, as well as to provide answers to questions about tradeoffs in integrating accelerators and customizing embedded device architectures for effective use of ML-based methods.
While recent developments in The Internet of Things (IoT) present an infinite number of new possibilities for smart factories, the rapid expansion of this technology in industry presents an unprecedented security concern. Implementing IoT solutions in industrial environments must be accomplished smartly by creating a comprehensive threat model of existing and future network infrastructure, and then by utilizing standard information security controls followed by the application of an industry-appropriate risk management framework. Approaching the problem of IoT security methodically will allow smart factories to benefit from IoT solutions while mitigating all associated risks.
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and wireless technology are driving forward the large deployment of interconnected smart technologies that constitute cyber–physical systems (CPSs) and Internet of Things (IoT) for many commercial and military applications. CPS is characterized by communication, computing, and control engineering based on a large volume of data originating from various devices, plants, sensors, etc. Wireless technologies have enabled the ease of networking and communications for both CPS and IoT, by providing massive and critical connectivity and control mechanisms. However, they are prone to challenges, such as low latency, throughput, and scheduling. Recent research trends focus on how to intelligently use data from CPS units to enhance wireless connectivity in CPS. AI tools, particularly AI systems and machine learning (ML) algorithms, have been widely applied in the literature to develop efficient schemes for wireless CPS/IoT. This article presents a review on the role of AI in wireless networking for CPS and IoT. In particular, we focus on ML paradigms, such as transfer learning (TL), distributed learning, and federated learning, that have evolved as building blocks for the utilization of large data for learning, adaptation, and predictions in CPS and IoT systems that leverage wireless networking. Furthermore, we also highlight challenges faced by current and future wireless networks pertaining to CPS/IoT, which are yet to be addressed.
Cloud-edge-end collaboration enables harmonious and efficient resource allocation for the Power Internet of Things (PIoT). However, the security and complexity issues of computation offloading evolve into the main obstacles. In this article, we first propose a blockchain and AI-based secure cloud-edge-end collaboration PIoT (BASE-PIoT) architecture to ensure data security and intelligent computation offloading. Its advantages in flexible resource allocation, secure data sharing, and differentiated service guarantee are elaborated. Then the adaptability of three typical blockchains with PIoT is analyzed, and some typical application scenes of BASE-PIoT including computation offloading, energy scheduling, and access authentication are illustrated. Finally, we propose a blockchain-empowered federated deep actor-critic-based task offloading algorithm to address the secure and low-latency computation offloading problem. The coupling between the long-term security constraint and short-term queuing delay optimization is decoupled by using Lyapunov optimization. Numerical results verify its excellent performance in total queuing delay and consensus delay.