Ridha Derrouiche

Ridha Derrouiche
Ecole de Management Strasbourg | EM Strasbourg · School of Business

Associate Professor of Supply Chain & Operations Management EM Strasbourg Business School


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Ridha DERROUICHE is currently Assistant-Professor of Supply Chain Management and Operations Management at EM Strasbourg Business School, University of Strasbourg. He is a member of the HUMANIS laboratory. He got a PhD in Industrial Engineering in 2007 at the University Lumière Lyon II. His research interests are mainly related to Supply Chain Management, Performance and Value Creation through Collaborative.
Additional affiliations
September 2010 - May 2015
  • Professor
October 2008 - October 2009
Chiang Mai University
  • Lecturer in Knowledge Management Departement & Director of the Franco-Thai ITC
October 2008 - October 2009
Chiang Mai University
  • Lecturer


Publications (92)
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Le rejet d'un article soumis à une revue, avant même qu'il ne soit examiné par des évaluateurs, peut être extrêmement frustrant et décourageant pour le chercheur. Cependant, ce processus est également essentiel et chronophage pour l'équipe éditoriale, dont la tâche consiste à sélectionner les soumissions qui répondent aux critères requis pour une r...
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Le projet des « Collectors de la RFGI » a été initié dès avril 2022, avec l’activation du comité élargi dès juin 2022. En juillet 2022, le comité scientifique élargi a identifié les critères de sélection, pour ensuite aboutir à une première sélection d’articles en novembre 2022. Sur cette base, en janvier 2023, le comité restreint a arrêté une list...
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Smart technologies have dramatically improved environmental risk perception and altered the way organizations share knowledge and communicate. As a result of the increasing amount of data, there is a need for using business intelligence and data mining (DM) approaches to supply chain risk management. This paper proposes a novel environmental supply...
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Ce numéro suscite la curiosité tant par les thématiques abordées que par les théories mobilisées ou bien encore les secteurs d’activités étudiés. Cinq articles composent ce numéro 36.2.
Purpose There have been several reviews of green, ecological and sustainable innovations, but a thorough assessment of green innovation (GI)'s mechanisms in a supply chain setting has not been attempted yet. The purpose of this paper is to review how GI was investigated in supply chains through the lens of a multilevel framework of innovation mecha...
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Au cours des 30 dernières années, la Supply Chain a subi des changements fondamentaux. Avec l’avènement de la révolution numérique à l’ère de l’Industrie4.0 également connue sous le nom de 4e révolution industrielle, un tout nouveau paradigme est né. Il s'agit de nouveaux dispositifs qui servent à augmenter les ventes, à créer plus de valeur et à l...
Despite the increasing academic interest in Industry 4.0, only a minority of studies has examined the antecedents and outcomes of sustainability-oriented Industry 4.0 initiatives. In this paper, the authors investigate how sustainability drivers might be taken into account in Industry 4.0 technologies' implementation. Industry 4.0 sustainability dr...
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En 1982 nait la revue française de gestion industrielle (RFGI). Année après année, ce ne sont pas moins de 132 numéros et 667 articles qui sont publiés, et plus de 150 analyses d’ouvrages interrogeant les vastes champs en Gestion et en Génie Industriel sans en privilégier aucun et avec des approches innovantes en termes de nouvelles méthodes et out...
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The transition to modern and ecologically oriented industries requires the application of new approaches and advanced models of logistics management. In this context, horizontal collaboration has recently become a promising and emerging practice for companies intending to improve their freight transportation efficiency and achieve environmental sus...
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In the last few years, competitiveness, problems of globalization and concerns about sustainability require new approaches and models for the planning of transport networks. Horizontal logistics cooperation has been considered an emerging and innovative approach in the design and management of sustainable supply chains. This approach is based on th...
Conference Paper
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RESUME : La collaboration horizontale est devenue l'une des stratégies les plus émergentes et innovantes dans la conception et la gestion des chaînes logistiques. Cette approche est basée principalement sur le partage des ressources et des moyens entre deux ou plusieurs acteurs de même niveau qui coopèrent conjointement pour améliorer l'efficacité...
Conference Paper
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RESUME : La collaboration horizontale est l'une des solutions innovantes pour améliorer les trois principaux aspects du développement durable. Cependant, le problème du partage des coûts représente un des principaux facteurs qui peuvent bloquer la réussite d'une telle collaboration. La littérature propose deux types de méthodes pour résoudre ce pro...
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IEEE ICALT 2020 will be hosted on 8-10 July 2020 by EM-Strasbourg (Strasbourg University), in collaboration with University of Sfax (Tunisia), Taif University (KSA), University de Picardie Jules Verne and the University Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France). IEEE ICALT 2020 aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working in indust...
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Strong competition is imposing to enterprises an incessant need for extracting more business values from collected data. The business value of contemporary volatile data derives from the meanings mainly for market tendencies, and overall customer behaviors. With such continuous urge to mine valuable patterns from data, analytics have skipped to the...
Ce numéro spécial « Supply Chain 4.0 » de la revue Logistique & Management présente un aperçu tant académique que managérial des changements induits par la prise en compte du concept de l’Industrie 4.0 dans la Supply Chain. Les sept articles retenus pour ce numéro sont complémentaires et représentatifs des travaux de recherche sur des nouveaux conc...
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With the proliferation of Data-driven information systems that are empowered by the Big Data and Cloud Computing paradigms, industries are targeted by disasters than ever. Therefore, enterprises have more motives to cooperate in developing robust risk management approaches. To help finding the way in facing downtimes, this paper proposes an approac...
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When supply chain management (SCM) intersects with Big Data Analytics (BDA), uncountable opportunities for research emerge. Unfortunately, how analytics can be applied to supply chain processes is still unclear for both academics and industries. To better connect SC processes needs and what BDA offer, we present a structured review of academic lite...
Research Proposal
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Big data analytics (BDA) is a new scientific field that gathers all analytic approaches for the processing of huge amounts of data by extracting hidden insights that would not be attainable using traditional approaches. In management, the key use of BDA by organizations is to acquire significant information that allows them to better assess, foreca...
Conference Paper
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Strong competition is imposing to enterprises an incessant need for extracting more business values from collected data throughout the supply chain. The business value of contemporary volatile data derives from the meanings mainly for market tendencies, and overall customer behaviours. With such continuous urge to mine valuable patterns from data,...
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When supply chain management (SCM) meets Big Data Analytics (BDA), innumerable openings arise in academic research. Unfortunately, how analytics can be applied to supply chain processes is still unclear for both academics and industries. For that reason, the main goal of this study is to provide a clear understanding of the countless number of meth...
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In the current era of Big Data, mutations in Business Process Management (BPM) remain poorly understood where organizations are confronted with the growing complexity of Business Processes (BP). Due to continuous and incessant of unexpected changes, Unstructured Business Processes (UBP) become the most crucial issues in the area of Big Data busines...
Supply chain planning consists of managing a request, a capacity and a performing process. This task is not easy. Indeed, it involves the existence of parameterization rules of the planning process. A parameterization rule describes a causal relationship between management parameters and performance indicators. The academic bibliography brings a si...
Conference Paper
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Companies must meet customer requirements in product quality improvement to increase their competitiveness and survive. While meeting the customer demands, taking into account the costs of the product besides the design is a critical rule of competition. Companies use different methods on each product in order to reduce product cost under the level...
Research Proposal
Chers collègues, J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer l'appel à soumission ci-dessous (suite à MOSIM 2018) : Revue Logistique et Management – Numéro Spécial «Supply Chain 4.0 » ; Vol 27 -4 – 2019 ; Date de parution : déc. 2019 ; soumissions jusqu'au 30/03/2019 sur la plate-forme https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tlam Nota. Ce call (en pièce-jointe) est...
The low economic growth and competition among neighbouring countries has caused Foreign Direct nvestments (FDIs) to relocate their businesses. In order to prevent further business relocation, this aper proposes an integrated framework based on the supply chain to help analyse decision making for plant situations and enhance manufacturing perrforman...
Conference Paper
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Collaboration between partners has been covered extensively in the strategic management literature. In fact, several research surveys have shown that improvement of inter-enterprise collaboration is one of the major issues in Supply Chain Management. Recently, the integration of other corporate performance factors, linked to ethics, sustainable dev...
The general context of this paper is the strategic planning of distribution centre warehouses. The idea is to anticipate changes in the warehouse based on objectives and issues generally linked to market (e.g.: electronic trade, etc.) and environmental developments (e.g.: last-mile logistics, etc.). Planning requires overcoming the consequences of...
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With the advent of Big Data, and the propagation of multiple business activities into supply chains, organizations are more attentive to disasters than ever. It is nearly impossible to predict their happening and the amount of the caused damages. Therefore, organizations try to cooperate in incorporating risk management in their information systems...
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With the Big Data management, and the propagation of business lines into complex networks, activities are ever more subject to disasters than ever. It is nearly impossible to forecast their happening and degree of related costs. Accordingly, organizations try to collaborate in risk management. This paper outlines and discusses a generic approach ba...
Conference Paper
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Manifestement, le Big Data (BD) est en train de devenir un facteur incontournable de la compétitivité entre les entreprises dans leurs Supply Chains. Dans cet article, nous développons une méthodologie structurée, capable de fournir une analyse approfondie des méthodes analytiques dans le contexte du Big Data, appelées Analytiques des Big Data (ABD...
Conference Paper
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Several research surveys have shown that improvement of inter-enterprise processes is one of the major issues in Supply Chain Management. In this context, some researchers have examined the theoretical implications of supply chain collaboration through unilateral supply policies, while others have used theoretical models to examine bilateral inform...
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Today, Big Data Analytics (BDA) are definitely the key basis of competitiveness for enterprises in their Supply Chains. The outburst of data captured, accumulated and analyzed is impacting the value-added-chain at all levels from manufacturers to customers. In this paper, we develop a structured methodology to provide a deep analysis of Big Data An...
By supporting trading activities urban freight distribution contributes to the dynamism of the cities. But policy makers have now to develop new logistics scheme that can minimize its negative impacts. This paper focuses on the consolidation of goods flows by using a Distribution Center. It appears to be a good solution to meet the new objectives o...
Conference Paper
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In Virtual Enterprise, Business Processes Management is regarded as one of the most concerns of managers and academic researchers. Managing flows complexity and actors requirements in terms of high quality in less time, make this management more and more complex and push specialists to explore new promising ways. Like these researchers, we present...
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In Virtual Enterprise, Business Processes Management is regarded as one of the most concerns of managers and academic researchers. Managing flows complexity and actors requirements in terms of high quality in less time, make this management more and more complex and push specialists to explore new promising ways. Like these researchers, we present...
Conference Paper
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Pour une entreprise manufacturière, passer de la vente d’un bien à la vente d’une fonction est un processus appelé « servicisation », aboutissant à la proposition d’une offre orientée fonctionnalité que l’on appelle plus communément un Système Produit-Service (PSS). L’entrée dans un tel processus nécessite, pour une entreprise, d’avoir une vision r...
Conference Paper
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L’optimisation des circuits de distribution des marchandises, longtemps basée sur une approche économique, se traduit aujourd'hui par l'intégration des préoccupations environnementales. Dans le cas des petites et très petites entreprises, ces objectifs ne peuvent être atteints individuellement, et ces entreprises doivent trouver des solutions colle...
Conference Paper
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Freight transport optimization, long based solely on an economic approach, happen today through the integration of environmental and/or social concerns, in line with the objectives of sustainable development. In the case of Small and Very Small Enterprises, these objectives cannot be reached individually, and these companies have to join their effo...
Conference Paper
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For a manufacturing company, moving from selling a product to selling a function is a process called "servitization", leading to the suggestion of an offer oriented functionality that is more commonly called a Product-Service System (PSS). This process requires for a company to have a relatively clear vision of possible scenarios. Under the ServINN...
Conference Paper
To balance a fragmented logistics organization, Small and Medium Enterprises have to find collective solutions to decrease their environmental impact. Especially when the demand at each producer takes the form of small packages and low quantities this paper examines the effect of the introduction of a consolidation center on the environmental issue...
Conference Paper
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By supporting trading activities urban freight distribution contributes to the dynamism of the cities. But policy makers have now to develop new logistics scheme that can minimize its negative impacts. This paper focuses on the consolidation of goods flows by using a Distribution Center. It appears to be a good solution to meet the new objectives o...
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Alors même que la création de valeur pour davantage de parties prenantes est quasiment devenu une injonction sociétale, quel manager peut aujourd’hui définir ce qu’est une entreprise, en tracer les contours, les modèles opérationnels ? Définir des modèles conceptuels et opérationnels de création de valeur pour l’entreprise elle-même dans une conjon...
Conference Paper
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A travers des retours d’expériences et des témoignages recherche/industrie concernant l’évolution des pratiques d’achat, et à travers la confrontation de points de vue d’acheteurs, d’offreurs de solutions, et aussi des fonctions méthode et administratives et financières, l’atelier visera à identifier des verrous sur l’évolution des pratiques d’acha...
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L’analyse et la caractérisation des relations qui se sont développées dans les chaînes logistiques collaboratives font l’objet d’une littérature abondante. Nous proposons dans cet article une analyse détaillée et pluridisciplinaire des principaux travaux de recherche dans ce domaine. Nous abordons cette littérature de deux manières complémentaires....
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L’importance des relations intra et interentreprises dans la dynamique des tissus industriels fait l’objet depuis de nombreuses années de rapports (ADEME, ACFCI, DGCIS, CCIP, CESR, CGPME, Ernst & Young, ORSE, SYNTEC…) et de programmes de politiques publiques : SPL, Clusters, Pôles de compétitivité, Pôles d’Innovation, programmes d’aides et d’invest...
Les questions de relocalisation et de compétitivité des entreprises font l'actualité. Dans un environnement concurrentiel exacerbé par la mondialisation et la stagnation économique, les entreprises sont à la recherche de nouveaux modèles de création de valeur. Dans ce contexte, cet article interroge les approches stratégiques et les objectifs des e...
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This paper presents an innovative approach to improve sustainability of pooling logistics strategy by reducing CO2 emissions and social incidents. Our approach aims to by enhancing improveincrease the collaborative network physical process efficiency in the context of distribution agri-food SMEsnetworks of agri-food SMEs. The combination of discret...
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After decades of industrial decline, the models of firm competitiveness, green economy, green growth, are making the news. Indeed, there is a growing trend in the reversal of outsourcing or offshoring production of goods and services while inter-firm relationships are under scrutiny. A trend being reinforced by the global awareness on resources sca...
Conference Paper
This paper presents an innovative approach to improve sustainability of logistics pooling strategy by reducing CO2 emissions and social incidents. Our approach aims to increase the collaborative network efficiency in the context of agri-food SMEs. The combination of discrete event simulation and analytical optimization approaches enables to analyze...
Conference Paper
After decades of industrial decline, the models of firm competitiveness, green economy, green growth, are making the news. Indeed, there is a growing trend in the reversal of outsourcing or offshoring production of goods and services while inter-firm relationships are under scrutiny. A trend being reinforced by the global awareness on resources sca...
The overall context of this paper is the parameterisation of the material requirement planning method. It is crucial to be able to evaluate the potential effects of the parameters on the production system’s performance indicators (PI). This evaluation is generally the result of the combination of an experimental design with a production system simu...
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Pour accompagner les entreprises dans la mise en œuvre de schémas logistiques collaboratifs, de nouvelles stratégies ont été développées et mises en place ces dernières années. Dans cet article, nous présentons un modèle de mutualisation logistique qui prend en compte les spécificités des flux logistiques des PME agroalimentaires de la Loire et qui...
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À l’heure ou l’on parle de relocalisation et de la compétitivité des entreprises, les relations interentreprises font l’objet d’une attention toute particulière : la culture et la structure même du tissu industriel français font que ces relations ont longtemps été et restent majoritairement dans des rapports de force. Dans un contexte concurrentiel...
Conference Paper
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Dans le cadre d'une chaîne logistique, une entreprise doit non seulement intégrer ses objectifs locaux au sein de ses décisions, mais également considérer ceux de ses partenaires. Les entreprises sont ainsi amenées à collaborer pour définir des stratégies globales dans les chaînes auxquelles elles appartiennent. En effet, les aspects de collaborati...
Conference Paper
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Dans le cadre d'une chaîne logistique, une entreprise doit non seulement intégrer ses objectifs locaux au sein de ses décisions, mais également considérer ceux de ses partenaires. Les entreprises sont ainsi amenées à collaborer pour définir des stratégies globales dans les chaînes auxquelles elles appartiennent. En effet, les aspects de collaborati...
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This paper proposes an integrated novel framework between B2B-SCM using data mining techniques such as K-Means based on particle swarm intelligence (particle swarm optimisation) and association rule. It constructs relationship rules of holistic performance enhancement road map. The data-set of relationships between enterprise and its direct custome...
Conference Paper
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To support companies in collaborative supply chain, new strategies have been set up and developed in the past years. In this context, the first aspect of this paper is to provide an overview of these different collaborative strategies either in vertical or horizontal level. We further develop literature-based constructs for both types of collaborat...
Conference Paper
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La spécialisation des entreprises sur leur cœur de métier et le recours à un nombre important de fournisseurs a entrainé une forte augmentation des interactions dans les chaines logistiques. Les processus d’externalisation des activités trouvent leur origine dans la recherche de valeur apportée par des ressources externes à l’entreprise. La notion...
Conference Paper
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Une littérature abondante s’est développée pour analyser et caractériser la nature des différentes relations qui peuvent exister dans la chaîne logistique collaborative. Nous proposons dans cet article une analyse fine pluridisciplinaire des principaux travaux dans ce domaine. Nous abordons cette littérature de deux manières complémentaires. Tout d...
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This paper proposes an integrated novel framework between B2B-SCM using data mining techniques such as K-Means based on particle swarm intelligence (PSO) and association rule. It constructs relationship rules of holistic performance enhancement road map. The data set of relationships between enterprise and its direct customers of the case study org...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes an integrated framework between B2B supply chains (B2B-SC) and performance evaluation systems. This framework is based on data mining techniques, enabling the development of a predictive collaborative performance evolution model and decision making which has forward-looking collaborative capabilities. The results are deployment...
Conference Paper
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Recently, due to the financial crisis all over the world, the intensive competition in global market, lack of government and financial support, and non-using advanced technology, many small and medium sized ceramic enterprises (SMEs) in Lampang, Thailand have been closed down dramatically. This paper deals with the upgrading of Thai SMEs in order t...
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Presently, modern B2B supply chain management (B2B-SCM) equipped with semi-automated data logging systems accumulate large volumes. However, each SC unit in B2B-SC still individually develops their performance. Besides, their linkages of performance attributes between SC units still lack vital information extraction to improve theirs. Therefore, th...
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The present paper aims to propose an integrated framework, based on two levels, able to characterize collaborative relation between two or more partners in a Supply Chain, evaluating their related performances. In the first level, related to the context point of view, the most common parameters, identified from a literature review, characterizing a...
Conference Paper
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Industrial cluster has become the strategic approach for SMEs’ competitiveness and regional economic growth. The key success factor is the dynamism of cooperative linkages among local firms and their partners. Knowledge Management System (KMS) in virtual Communities of Practice (vCoPs) is recognized as a useful tool for cluster that enables knowled...
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This paper proposes a Cooperative Education Learning Framework for developing the necessary competencies of undergraduate student before entering a workplace. The framework structure is incorporated with the Personal and Professional Project (PPP) of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie Lumière. It is also formulated with the competencies gap...
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The present paper aims to propose an integrated framework, based on two levels, able to characterize collaborative relation between two or more partners in a Supply Chain, evaluating their related performances. In the first level, related to the context point of view, the most common parameters, identified from a literature review, characterizing a...
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Nous proposons dans cet article une méthode pratique pour le déploiement de l’approche processus dans une chaîne logistique. Basée sur la classification et la valorisation des livrables de la chaîne logistique, elle propose un formalisme clair et précis pour sa modélisation. Elle préconise ensuite une démarche simple et facile à déployer pour l’éla...
Conference Paper
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The low economic growth and competition among neighbouring countries has caused Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) to relocate their businesses. In order to prevent further business relocation, this paper proposes an integrated framework based on the supply chain to help analyse decision making for plant situations and enhance manufacturing performa...
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The current intense competition forces enterprises to pay attention to supply chain collaboration with their upstream and downstream partners. Different collaborative strategies such as quick response (QR), efficient consumer response (ECR), vendor managed inventory (VMI) or collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) have already...
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Ce papier propose une méthode d'analyse et de caractérisation des relations dyadiques entre partenaires de la chaîne logistique. Des attributs de caractérisation ont été définis à partir d'une revue de la littérature : le degré d'engagement des partenaires dans leur relation ; l'échange et le partage d'information entre partenaires; le degré d'inte...
L'utilisation des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (NTIC) dans les milieux industriels a changé certaines données et certains comportements, aussi bien dans les processus internes des entreprises, que dans les relations inter-entreprises. Désormais incon¬tournables, ces technologies sont cependant de plus en plus compl...
Thèse de doctorat, Université Lumière Lyon 2, soutenue le 25 septembre 2007 (274 pages).
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L’utilisation des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (NTIC) dans les milieux industriels a changé certaines données et certains comportements, aussi bien dans les processus internes des entreprises, que dans les relations inter-entreprises. Désormais incon¬tournables, ces technologies sont cependant de plus en plus compl...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes an analysis Supply Chain Collaboration. Starting with a study of some proposals on Supply Chain Collaboration, the paper presents a new framework that has two levels. The first level corresponds to a managerial vision and the second level corresponds to an information system vision. This latter level uses a modeling approach ma...
Conference Paper
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Ce papier propose une méthode d’analyse et de comparaison entre différentes Stratégies de Collaboration dans les Supply Chains (SCSC). Nous avons défini pour cela quelques critères d’analyse de la collaboration, tel que son étendue, son contexte, les niveaux et horizons décisionnels, etc. Ces critères, introduits dans une grille, permettent une rep...
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This paper concerns a comparison between different Collaborative Supply Chain Strategies (CSCS). After a study of some CSCS (as CRP, VMI and CPFR) and classification methodologies, the paper suggests a new framework based on a detailed comparison grid. For a better understanding, this framework is then applied to the CPFR CSCS context and permitted...
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Cet article a pour but de présenter une modélisation d’une nouvelle approche de planification collaborative entre plusieurs niveaux d’une même chaîne logistique, baptisée le Collaborative Manufacturing Resource Planning (C-MRP). Une classification des solutions proposées dans ce contexte sont rappelées dans les deux volés : intra-entreprise (APS, E...
Conference Paper
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Dans cette communication, nous présenterons la complexité de la Supply Chain liée aux différentes sources d’incertitudes. Nous proposerons aussi une formulation mathématique des différentes interactions entre l’entreprise et ses partenaires (Client, Fournisseur). L’objectif de notre formulation est de planifier l’activité interne de l’entreprise en...
Conference Paper
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This present paper makes a contribution to the development of multi agent systems for supply chain management applications. The aim is to propose an optimized architecture based on layers and agentmanagers to model the supply chain structure as a complex system. Some strategic issues to manage different activities between the supply chain actors em...


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