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Emotion Regulation Regulates More Than Emotion: Associations of Momentary Emotion Regulation With Diurnal Cortisol in Current and Past Depression and Anxiety



Maladaptive emotion regulation and dysregulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning are characteristic of depression and anxiety. However, little research examines whether and how emotion regulation affects HPA axis functioning. We utilized an experience sampling methodology to examine associations between three emotion regulation strategies (problem solving, disengagement, and emotional expression/support seeking) and diurnal cortisol rhythms and reactivity in everyday life. Participants were young adults with current, past, or no history of internalizing disorders (depression or anxiety; N = 182). Across participants, problem solving was associated with an elevated cortisol awakening response (CAR), whereas disengagement was associated with a steeper cortisol slope. Only for individuals with internalizing disorders was momentary problem solving and emotional expression/support seeking associated with higher cortisol reactivity and emotional expression/support seeking associated with a flatter diurnal slope and blunted CAR. Results provide insight into associations between emotion regulation and day-to-day HPA axis functioning.
Emotion Regulation Regulates More than Emotion: Associations
of Momentary Emotion Regulation with Diurnal Cortisol in
Current and Past Depression and Anxiety
Kirsten Gilbert1, Susan Mineka2, Richard E. Zinbarg2, Michelle G. Craske3,4, and Emma K.
1Department of Psychiatry, Washington University in St. Louis
2Department of Psychology, Northwestern University
3Department of Psychology, University of California Los Angeles
4Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California Los Angeles
5School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University
6Cells to Society Center, Institute of Policy Research, Northwestern University
Maladaptive emotion regulation and dysregulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
functioning are characteristic of depression and anxiety. However, little research examines whether
and how emotion regulation affects HPA axis functioning. We utilized an experience sampling
methodology to examine associations between three emotion regulation strategies (problem
solving, disengagement, and emotional expression/support seeking) and diurnal cortisol rhythms
and reactivity in everyday life. Participants were young adults with current, past, or no history of
internalizing disorders (depression or anxiety;
= 182). Across participants, problem solving was
associated with an elevated cortisol awakening response (CAR) while disengagement was
associated with a steeper cortisol slope. Only for individuals with internalizing disorders was
momentary problem solving and emotional expression/support seeking associated with higher
cortisol reactivity and emotional expression/support seeking associated with a flatter diurnal slope
and blunted CAR. Results provide insight into associations between emotion regulation and day-
to-day HPA-axis functioning.
cortisol; emotion regulation; diurnal; depression; anxiety
*Corresponding Author: Kirsten Gilbert, Department of Psychiatry, Washington University, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, Suite 2100, St.
Louis, MO 63108, Phone: (312) 286-0918,
R.Z, M.C., S.M. and E.K.A. developed the study concept and contributed to the study design. Testing and data collection were
performed by R.Z., M.C., S.M. and E.K.A. K.G. performed the data analysis and interpretation under the supervision of E.K.A. K.G.
drafted the paper, and E.K.A. and R.Z provided critical revisions. All authors approved the final version of the paper for submission.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Clin Psychol Sci
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 January 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Clin Psychol Sci
. 2017 January 1; 5(1): 37–51. doi:10.1177/2167702616654437.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
In the presence of an emotional response, emotion regulation is often employed as a way to
modulate that response. Difficulties with regulating emotions, or maladaptive types of
emotion regulation, have repeatedly been associated with the onset and maintenance of
internalizing disorders such as depression and anxiety (e.g., Aldao, Nolen-Hoeksema, &
Schweizer, 2010; Kring & Sloan, 2009). Although much is known of how emotion
regulation regulates emotions, less is known about how emotion regulation exerts its effects
on biological stress processes, particularly hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
functioning in the context of everyday life. HPA axis dysregulation is consistently
demonstrated in major depression (for review see Cowen, 2010; Thase, 2009) and emerging
evidence implicates HPA dysregulation in anxiety disorders (e.g., Adam et al., 2014;
Yehuda, 2001). It is not yet understood, however, whether or how maladaptive emotion
regulation that is characteristic of internalizing disorders is associated with HPA axis
functioning. The current study aimed to assess the effects of naturalistic emotion regulation
use on momentary cortisol responding and diurnal cortisol rhythms in both healthy and
clinical samples with current and past internalizing disorders.
The HPA axis plays a central role in the body's response to stress and cortisol is the primary
hormone released from the HPA axis (Kirschbaum & Hellhammer, 1989). Cortisol increases
in response to acute stressors and also follows a circadian or diurnal rhythm. Upon
wakening, normative levels of cortisol are elevated and increase 50-70% to peak during the
first 30 to 40 minutes after waking. This post-awakening surge in cortisol is also known as
the cortisol awakening response (CAR). After this peak, cortisol quickly declines over the
next couple of hours and continues to gradually decline until the nadir is reached at about
midnight, resulting in a negative diurnal cortisol slope from waking to bedtime (Adam &
Kumari, 2009; Pruessner et al., 1997).
Disturbances in diurnal HPA axis functioning have repeatedly been implicated in major
depressive disorder. Individuals with depression demonstrate elevated cortisol throughout
the day and a flatter diurnal cortisol slope (Cowen, 2010; Doane et al., 2013; Knorr, Vinberg,
Kessing, & Wetterslev, 2010). Moreover, elevated morning cortisol and an elevated CAR
prospectively predict the onset of depression (Adam et al., 2010; Harris et al., 2000). Mixed
results are reported for current depression though as some work indicates a blunted CAR
(Huber, Issa, Schik, & Wolf, 2006) while other findings indicate an elevated CAR (Dienes,
Hazel, & Hammen, 2013). Although less work has examined the role of HPA axis
dysregulation in anxiety disorders, in the presence of depression, anxiety is independently
associated with a flatter diurnal cortisol slope (Doane et al., 2013). Anxiety disorders are
also associated with HPA axis underactivity (Yehuda, 2001) and an elevated CAR predicts
the onset of anxiety disorders (Adam et al., 2014). We know that HPA axis alterations are
characteristic across depression and anxiety, yet we know little about the factors that
contribute to these HPA axis alterations. Gaining insight in these factors may provide a
better understanding of how this biological functioning goes awry and potentially how these
alterations may link aberrant emotion regulation to internalizing disorders.
Individual emotion regulation strategies are often referred to as adaptive or maladaptive
depending on outcomes. Adaptive emotion regulation has repeatedly been linked with
positive mental health outcomes (John & Gross, 2004) while maladaptive emotion regulation
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has consistently been associated with psychopathology (e.g., Aldao et al., 2010; Gross &
Jazaieri, 2014; Kring & Sloan, 2009). Problem solving is an approach-focused strategy
typically linked with adaptive outcomes and positive psychological health (Zeidner &
Saklofske, 1996). Problem solving focuses on changing the stressor itself and a lack of
problem solving is strongly associated with both depression and anxiety (Aldao et al., 2010)
while training in problem-solving is a major component of cognitive behavioral therapies
(e.g., Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). A lack of problem-solving may also create gaps in
ways to deal with stressors and subsequently lead to more opportunities for maladaptive
emotion regulation (Aldao et al., 2010). A second form of regulation, namely
disengagement, involves disengaging from and avoiding emotional stimuli. Disengagement
has typically been conceptualized as maladaptive as it has repeatedly been associated with
depression and worse mental health (Aldwin & Revenson, 1987; Rohde, Lewinsohn, Tilson,
& Seeley, 1990). In fact, avoidance and suppression—two forms of disengagement from
emotional stimuli (Borkovec, Alcaine, & Behar, 2004; Gross & Levenson, 1997) have
demonstrated in a meta-analysis to be highly implicated in internalizing disorders (Aldao et
al., 2010). A third type of regulation emphasizes engaging with an emotional experience
internally or externally by allowing oneself to experience the emotion and process it with
others (e.g., emotional expression and emotional processing; Endler & Parker, 1990;
Stanton, Kirk, Cameron, & Danoff-Burg, 2000). The (mal)adaptiveness of emotional
expression shows less conclusive evidence. In some cases it is associated with increased
depression and decreased life satisfaction (Stanton et al., 2000) while others speculate that
experiencing and expressing emotions (rather than suppressing or avoiding them) is adaptive
(e.g., Gross & Levenson, 1997; Smyth & Pennebaker, 1990; Thompson, 1994). Moreover,
multiple therapies (e.g, mindfulness and acceptance based approaches) emphasize training in
emotional experiencing and expression (e.g., Hayes, Wilson, Gifford, Follette, & Strosahl,
1996; Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002).
We know that various emotion regulatory strategies are associated with adaptive and
maladaptive outcomes, including psychopathology, yet we know little of the underlying
biological processes, especially those implicated in stress responding (i.e., HPA axis
functioning), that might be associated with these outcomes. With regards to problem solving,
some work finds no statistically significant association with cortisol (M. A. Hoyt et al.,
2014; Koh, Choe, Song, & Lee, 2006; O'Donnell, Badrick, Kumari, & Steptoe, 2008).
Conversely, problem-solving has been associated with lower levels of average daily cortisol
output (M. A. Hoyt et al., 2014; O'Donnell et al., 2008) and treatments aimed to increase
problem solving (i.e., cognitive behavioral therapy) show longer-term effects by buffering
cortisol reactivity (Gaab et al., 2003). However, a similar approach-related emotion
regulation strategy, reappraisal, has been associated with increased momentary cortisol
response (Lam, Dickerson, Zoccola, & Zaldivar, 2009) and individuals who reappraised a
stressor had greater peak cortisol responding to the stressor (Denson, Creswell, Terides, &
Blundell, 2014). Although problem-focused engagement has been linked with lower cortisol
levels in the longer term, there is some indication that in the moment, approaching a stressor
is associated with increased cortisol responding.
Disengagement with emotional stimuli shows more consistent results, indicating overall
maladaptive profiles of cortisol responding. Disengagement is associated with a slower
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cortisol decline following a stressor (Nicolson, 1992), flatter cortisol slopes in cancer
survivors (M. A. Hoyt et al., 2014) and higher cortisol responding to an acute stress of knee
surgery (Rosenberger, Ickovics, Epel, D'Entremont, & Jokl, 2004). However, it should be
noted that some researchers find that emotional disengagement shows no statistically
significant association with cortisol output, CAR or diurnal slope (O'Donnell et al., 2008).
Research examining emotional expression in relation to cortisol demonstrates that on the one
hand, expressing emotions and seeking support is associated with greater cortisol responding
in men dealing with relationship stress (Gunlicks-Stoessel & Powers, 2009). On the other
hand, emotional expression has been associated with lower cortisol output levels over the
course of the day in healthy older adults (O'Donnell et al., 2008). Emotional expression and
seeking support have also both been repeatedly shown to be statistically unrelated to various
cortisol indices, including slope, CAR, and reactivity (M. A. Hoyt et al., 2014; Master et al.,
2009; O'Donnell et al., 2008).
Present Study
It appears HPA axis functioning and emotion regulation are associated with each other,
however it appears the findings are quite disparate. One reason may be that many of the
above studies examined trait self-report measures or standardized lab measurements of
emotion regulation. Recent work emphasizes the importance of examining emotion
regulation outside the lab in order to provide a more ecologically valid assessment that better
captures daily life and decreases self-report biases (Myin-Germeys et al., 2009). Moreover,
the above studies often only examined the influence of
strategy on cortisol responding.
In fact, when O'Donnell and colleagues (2008) examined multiple regulation strategies
together, emotional expression no longer remained significantly associated with cortisol, as
problem-solving appeared to account for cortisol findings. It is now understood that multiple
regulation strategies are employed in the context of lab procedures (Aldao & Nolen-
Hoeksema, 2012) and daily life (Heiy & Cheavens, 2014). Thus, the present study aimed to
address these issues by examining the association of multiple emotion regulation strategies
in day-to-day life with diurnal cortisol responding. Furthermore, we wanted to examine how
these processes might differ in individuals with current internalizing disorders, individuals
with a history of internalizing disorders, and individuals with no history of internalizing
disorders. By examining the influence of momentary emotion regulation on cortisol
responding, we hope to gain insight into how emotion regulatory responses may be
associated with cortisol responding in internalizing disorders of depression and anxiety.
Participants included emerging adults (age range 21-23 years old) originally recruited from
two large public high schools in suburban Chicago and suburban Los Angeles for a
longitudinal investigation of risk for mood and anxiety disorders (Youth Emotion Project;
see Zinbarg et al., 2010). The Youth Emotion Project (YEP) was approved by the two
respective locations' institutional review boards. Over 1900 juniors in high school were
screened for neuroticism using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R-N;
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Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975) and given that neuroticism is a risk factor for mood and anxiety
disorders (Kendler, Kuhn, & Prescott, 2004), individuals scoring in the top third on this
measure were oversampled (59%). This was done to increase the proportion of students in
the sample at high risk for onset of mood and anxiety disorders. The full study sample
included 627 individuals who consented to the longitudinal study and completed the baseline
assessment. Approximately 6 months later, 491 youth were randomly selected and invited to
participate in a follow-up diary study and cortisol assessment, and 344 completed the first
diary and cortisol assessment. The current analyses used data from the fourth follow-up
dairy and cortisol assessment, approximately 6 years after their individual baseline (this is
when emotion regulation items were added to the protocol). Insufficient cortisol data to
compute cortisol indices and insufficient dairy data due to attrition in the study at this fourth
follow-up assessment resulted in a final sample of 182 youth (134 Female, 74%), average
age of 22.78 (SD = 0.79) and with a racial/ethnic distribution of 54% Caucasian, 7% African
American, 13% Hispanic, 6% Asian, 21% Multiracial/other. Higher sampling of females is
due in part to the oversampling of high neuroticism (see Zinbarg et al., 2010) given that, on
average, females score higher on this personality trait (Costa, Terracciano, & McCrae, 2001)
and also are at greater risk for unipolar mood disorders and anxiety disorders (e.g., Craske,
2003; Nolen-Hoeksema & Hilt, 2008).
Participants were interviewed at baseline for lifetime Axis I psychopathology using the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders (First, Spitzer, Gibbon, &
Williams, 2002) to diagnose current and past mood and anxiety disorders. Participants also
self-reported basic demographic data including age, gender, race/ethnicity, and employment,
and socioeconomic status was coded using the Hollingshead system (Hollingshead, 1975).
Participants were then interviewed yearly for the next 6 years to assess development of any
mood or anxiety disorders since baseline. At approximately the 6-year point, participants
were invited to participate in the fourth follow-up cortisol assessment. Using ecological
momentary assessment, participants completed diary and salivary cortisol samples six times
a day for three consecutive weekdays during the school year. We asked participants to avoid
important days such as during exams, birthdays or vacations. Participants received a study
packet including a programmed digital wristwatch, three diary books, straws and 18 vials
and labels for saliva sampling. Individuals received $60 for their participation in the fourth
cortisol follow-up. Participants who completed all four waves received a $30 bonus.
Cortisol assessment
The cortisol collection procedure has been described in detail previously (e.g., Adam et al.,
2010). Cortisol was assessed via passive drool six times over the course of three weekdays:
upon awakening (S1), 40 minutes after waking (S2), three semi-random times throughout
the day using a programed watch beep (approximately 3h post-waking (S3), mid-afternoon
8hrs post-waking (S4), and mid-evening (12hrs post-waking (S5)) and immediately before
bedtime (S6). For scheduled samples participants were asked not to eat, drink, or brush their
teeth 30 minutes prior to sampling. Participants were instructed to label and refrigerate
completed samples until samples were returned to the lab. At this point samples were stored
at -20°C at the lab until they were shipped to Trier, Germany where they were assayed in
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duplicate using a time-resolved immunoassay with flourometric detection (DELFIA)
(Dressendörfer, Kirschbaum, Rohde, Stahl, & Strasburger, 1992). Intra-assay variation
ranged between 4.0% and 6.7% and inter-assay variation was 7.1% to 9.0%. Raw cortisol
data were transformed with a natural logarithmic transform to correct a positive skew prior
to use in analyses.
Momentary stressors and emotion regulation
Prior to completing each saliva sample, participants completed a short (5 min) diary report
regarding their location, activities, and the most stressful situation or event they encountered
in the past hour. Participants were then asked to describe the stressful event in a free
response (93% of samples included descriptive stressor information) and these were coded
as one the following: performance related (y/n) (e.g., academic, work, study participation,
extracurricular, schedule), interpersonal (y/n) (e.g., peer, friend, family, romantic), self (y/n)
(e.g., mental state, identity, well-being, future plans, past actions), sleep (y/n) (e.g., waking
up, tired, alarm, groggy), daily hassles (y/n) (e.g., household issues, lost item, waiting for
someone, errands), other (y/n), (e.g., money, general or unspecified, world events), and no
stress (y/n) (e.g., not stressed, relaxing, n/a). Participants also provided the perceived
severity of stress elicited by each reported stressor by rating how stressful each event was
from 0 (
not at all
) to 3 (
a lot
). Participants were then asked how much their response to the
stressor included a series of coping and emotion regulation strategies from 0 (
not at all
) to 3
a lot
). Questions queried about included eight items, seven modified from the daily coping
inventory (Stone & Neale, 1984) and one from the Brief-COPE (Carver, 1997). Data were
factor analyzed using principal axis factoring with an oblimin rotation of the items averaged
across moments for each person.
Factor analyses revealed three distinct emotion regulation factors: problem solving
thinking of a solution or gathering information
” and “
doing something to solve the
α = 0.90); expressing emotion and seeking support (“
expressing my feelings to
reduce tension
” and “
seeking emotional support from others
α = 0.81) and disengagement
giving up trying to deal with it
,” “
accepting it, there is nothing to be done
” and “
myself with thoughts or activities
α = 0.71). An item assessing relaxation (“
something to relax
”) did not load on any factors and so was omitted from analysis. These
same factors were obtained at the momentary (Level 1), day (Level 2) and average (Level 3)
levels. Both expressing emotions/support seeking and disengagement factors were mildly
positively skewed and the square root transformation was used for all analyses. Momentary
use (L1), average daily use (L2), and average use (L3) of emotion regulation over the course
of the three days were used in analyses.
Diagnostic assessment
The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID; First et al., 2002) was administered to
assess lifetime psychiatric diagnoses. Interviewers were extensively trained and supervised,
included graduate students or BA level research assistants, and all diagnoses were finalized
by consensus meetings (see Zinbarg et al., 2010). Inter-rater reliability was assessed for a
subset of interviews (approximately 10%) and Kappa values assessing aggregated disorders
were on average 0.82. The current study focused on internalizing disorders, including major
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depressive disorder (MDD), (but not dysthymia, minor depressive disorder or depressive
disorder NOS) and anxiety disorders, including specific phobia, generalized anxiety
disorder, social phobia, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, obsessive compulsive
disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Participants were classified as having a past
internalizing disorder and/or having a current disorder at the time of the cortisol and emotion
regulation momentary assessment.
Demographic, health, and stressor covariates
Demographic variables were included as covariates, including age, gender, and ethnicity.
Ethnicity was first included as dichotomous race variables with each ethnicity (e.g.,
Caucasian as the excluded group compared individually with African American, Hispanic,
Asian, Other), however because the number of variables saturated the models and ethnicity
did not appear to influence outcomes, race was dichotomized as Caucasian (0) versus
Minority (1) status. Health behaviors were reported in the diary booklet at each time point a
saliva sample was taken. We focused on variables previously shown to influence HPA axis
functioning (Adam & Kumari, 2009), including time of waking, hours of sleep, recent sleep,
eating, alcohol intake, caffeine intake, subjective pain, and medication use. Time of waking
and hours of sleep were continuous, the other health behavior variables were dichotomous.
Health behavior covariates were only retained in final models if they showed significant
associations with the cortisol outcome. We also examined qualities of the stressful situations
as covariates (perceived severity of stress dichotomized as high/low and the dichotomized
types of stressor experienced). Lastly, given the sample was recruited based on neuroticism
and neuroticism has been shown to influence emotion regulation tendencies (John & Gross,
2007), we also used neuroticism, as measured by a composite variable described in detail in
Zinbarg (2010), as a covariate. The Cronbach's alpha for the neuroticism composite was
Data Analytic Plan
Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations were examined between key dependent and
independent variables. The main analysis tested associations among emotion regulation,
cortisol, and diagnoses of current and past internalizing disorders using three-level
hierarchical linear modeling that is able to account for the nesting of moments within days
and days within persons (Byrk & Raudenbush, 1992). We used the software HLM
7.01(Raudenbush, Byrk, Cheong, Congdon, & du Toit, 2011). In these growth models, level
of cortisol for each person at each moment was the outcome variable and cortisol was
regressed on time of day variables as well as moment-level predictors (Level 1), day-level
predictors (Level 2) and stable person-level predictors (Level 3).
Models—We analyzed two hierarchical linear models. In the first model (Model 1) we
analyzed the basal cortisol rhythm within each individual by including, at Level 1, a time
variable indicating how long since waking the sample was given (growth parameter
indicating slope over course of day), a time since waking squared variable to capture the
quadratic curvilinear change in cortisol over the course of the day, and a dummy variable
representing the CAR (cortisol value at 40 min post-wake). In this model (Model 1), the
intercept π0ij, represented each person's average cortisol level at wake-up, π1ij reflected the
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CAR, and π2ij and π3ij reflected the average linear and quadratic slope across the day from
the waking sample to the bedtime sample, excluding the CAR. We then added demographic
(age, gender, and race) covariates at Level 3 and momentary health behavior covariates at
Level 1 to assess whether these variables influenced cortisol outcomes. The only variables
that influenced cortisol measures were Level 1 sleep and exercise and Level 3 age, gender
and ethnicity, thus only these variables were included in all final models, in addition to the
neuroticism covariate at Level 3. Adding Level 1 stressor quality variables, neither the
severity of stress nor type of stressor showed significant associations with the cortisol
outcome and thus were not retained in the final models.1 Of note, the sleep stressor type was
highly correlated with the above mentioned recent sleep health covariate and thus was
unable to be modeled. We then added the three emotion regulation factors at all levels to
assess the effects on cortisol outcomes: momentary emotion regulation (Level 1), average
use of emotion regulation across the day (day-level; Level 2) predicting Level 1 coefficients
for the Level 1 waking cortisol (intercept), CAR, slope and quadratic slope, and average
emotion regulation use across the three diary days of sampling (average use; Level 3)
predicting the Level 1 waking cortisol, CAR, slope, and quadratic slope.
In the second model (Model 2), all of Model 1 predictors were identical and we added
dichotomous variables assessing past and current internalizing disorders (depression and
anxiety disorders) at Level 3 predicting Level 1 coefficients for waking cortisol, the CAR,
and cortisol slope, and Level 1 and Level 2 coefficients for the impact of momentary
emotion regulation on cortisol. Level 3 internalizing disorder variables were also tested as
modifiers of the effects of day-level (Level 2) emotion regulation on cortisol outcomes.
Descriptive Statistics
In the analytic sample of 182 participants, 92 (50.5%) had no current or past diagnosis of
internalizing disorders, 19 (10.4%) participants had current diagnosis of an internalizing
disorder and 71 (30.0%) had a past diagnosis of an internalizing disorder. Of those 19
participants with current internalizing disorders, 3 (16%) were experiencing a current major
depressive episode and 16 (84%) met criteria for a current anxiety disorder. For those 71
participants with past internalizing disorders, 62 (78%) had a past major depressive episode,
45 (56%) had a history of anxiety disorders, and 27 (34%) experienced both a history of
major depression and an anxiety disorder. There were 10 participants (5%) who met for both
a current and a past internalizing disorder. These participants were included in both groups
in order to examine the independent influences of having current and past pathology. See
Table 1 for descriptive statistics by diagnostic group and within the full sample. There were
no differences on age, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status (
> .05) between the
diagnostic groups
> .05. Not surprisingly, the diagnostic groups differed on neuroticism,
F(2,179) = 17.16,
< .001, with the current and past internalizing groups showing higher
1Although the ‘no stress’ category did not show significant associations with momentary cortisol, we ran our final Model 1 and Model
2 covarying for this variable to consider whether a lack of stress reported influenced the relationship between emotion regulation and
cortisol responding. Results were parallel when including this covariate and a lack of stress experienced demonstrated no significant
association with cortisol outcomes.
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neuroticism than the group with no internalizing disorders; the current and past internalizing
groups did not significantly differ from each other. There were also no differences by age or
individual ethnicities on average emotion regulation use of any of the three strategies across
the days of cortisol sampling. However, it should be noted that when minority ethnicities
were combined to create a dichotomous Caucasian vs. Minority ethnicity variable,
Caucasians demonstrated reliably greater use of disengagement
(180)= 2.05,
= .04 but no
significant differences emerged for the other two regulation strategies. Lastly, females
engaged in significantly more expressing emotion and seeking support
(180) = 2.72,
= .
007 and problem solving
(180) = 2.07,
= .04 compared with males. The sexes did not
differ reliably on disengagement. Moreover, there were no differences by internalizing group
on average emotion regulation use for any of the three strategies.
For daily stressor qualities, the groups differed on the severity of perceived stress reported,
(2, 2913) = 18.42
< .001 with all three groups significantly differing from each other:
individuals with current internalizing disorders reported significantly higher stress severity,
followed by individuals with past internalizing disorders, followed by those with no
internalizing disorders (
's, < .003). For type of stressor reported, the only omnibus group
difference was on whether no stress was reported,
(2,2913) = 11.30,
< .001. Bonferroni
post-hoc tests revealed that individuals with a history of internalizing disorders reported
significantly fewer instances when they experienced no stress compared with both
individuals with current internalizing disorders (
= .001) and individuals no internalizing
disorders (
< .001).
Given the significant group difference in perceived stress severity we wanted to examine
whether this was specific to some types of stressors versus others (e.g., interpersonal stress
severity). To examine this, we multiplied the stress severity rating by each stressor category
to assess group differences in the degree to which each stressor category was reported to be
stressful. We found a significant effect for severity of performance stress,
(2,2905) = 3.20,
= .04, however Bonferroni post-hoc tests revealed no significant group differences. We
also found a significant difference for severity of interpersonal stress,
(2,2909) = 7.95,
< .
001, and Bonferroni post-hoc tests revealed that current internalizing disorders (
= 0.26
= .073) reported interpersonal stress to be significantly more stressful compared with
those with a history of internalizing disorders (
= 0.17
= 0.58) and no internalizing
disorders (
= 0.13
= 0.47); the latter two groups did not differ significantly from each
Intercorrelations among independent variables and cortisol
As seen in Table 2, lower waking cortisol was associated with significantly greater
likelihood of having a current internalizing disorder (
= -0.22,
= .002) whereas an elevated
CAR was significantly associated with past internalizing disorders (
= 0.15,
= 0.04) and
being Caucasian (
= -0.15,
= 0.04). Current (
= 0.19,
= 0.01) and past (
= 0.15,
0.04) internalizing disorders were reliably associated with a flatter slope. All three regulation
strategies were significantly associated with each other (
's < .0001) indicating that
participants often employed multiple strategies at each time point. Interestingly, increased
use of expressing emotion and seeking support (
= 0.19,
= 0.01) and disengagement (
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< 0.001) were both significantly associated with neuroticism while problem solving
showed no reliable association. Similar to findings above, males used significantly less
expressing emotions and support seeking (
= -0.20,
= 0.01) and problem solving (
= 0.04) and Caucasians used significantly more disengagement compared with all
other ethnic categories (
= -0.15,
= 0.04).
Multilevel models of emotion regulation, cortisol, covariates and psychopathology
Cortisol diurnal rhythm—Model 1 illustrates the diurnal rhythm of cortisol with the
intercept representing average wake-up cortisol at π0 = -1.44, indicating a waking cortisol
level of .24 μg/dl and a significant and positive CAR, π1 = 0.50,
= .001, indicating
individuals experienced a 64.8%2 increase in cortisol on average from the first to the second
(40 minutes later) sample (see Table 3). The time since waking slope variable demonstrated
a significant negative slope across the day, π2 = -0.17,
= .001, demonstrating a 15.6%
decrease per hour on average at the time of waking as well as a significant positive quadratic
slope, π3 = 0.003,
= .001.
Multivariate associations between cortisol and emotion regulation—Model 1
indicated that across all participants, higher average use of disengagement was significantly
associated with about 23% higher waking cortisol and on average and about 7% steeper
slopes (see Table 3 for results). For problem solving, higher average problem solving was
significantly associated with, on average, about 15% greater CAR. Expressing emotion and
seeking support was not related to diurnal or momentary cortisol in Model 1.
Multivariate associations between cortisol, emotion regulation and
psychopathology—Model 2 added associations between current and past history of
internalizing disorders and all cortisol indices. All main effects of emotion regulation on
diurnal cortisol from Model 1 remained3 (see Table 3 for results). With regards to the
influence of psychopathology on cortisol responding, individuals with current internalizing
disorders exhibited 29% lower waking cortisol compared to individuals without current
internalizing disorders. Moreover, on days when these individuals engaged in more
expressing emotions and support seeking, they also experienced even lower waking cortisol
—approximately 63% lower waking cortisol compared with individuals without current
internalizing disorders. Related, on days when expressing emotions and seeking support,
individuals with current internalizing disorders demonstrated approximately a 13% flatter
slope than individuals without current internalizing disorders. On days when engaging in
more expressing emotions and seeking support (Level 2), individuals with a history of
internalizing disorders (but not current internalizing disorders) demonstrated a 48% smaller
CAR. Individual differences in momentary effects of emotional regulation on cortisol
responding occurred for both expressing emotions/seeking support and problem solving.
Specifically, individuals with a history of internalizing disorders had about 7% higher
cortisol levels when engaging in momentary emotion expression and support seeking
compared with individuals without past internalizing disorders while individuals with
2The dependent variable (cortisol) has been log transformed, thus we can interpret the coefficients as percentage change per unit
change in the dependent variable using the calculation of
%change = exp(
3The association of average problem solving with a higher CAR dropped to p = .050.
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current internalizing disorders demonstrated about 12% higher cortisol responding when
engaging in momentary problem solving compared with individuals without current
internalizing disorders.
As a follow up, we also completed identical Model 2 analyses replacing dichotomous (y/n)
ratings of experiencing current or past internalizing disorders with dimensional current and
most severe past clinical severity rating (CSR) scores for internalizing disorders. CSR
ratings were coded for all participants during the diagnostic interview and ranged from 0 to
8 with ≥ 4 denoting clinical significance. Results from this Model 2a were identical to those
reported using dichotomous ratings, with these noted exceptions: a higher current CSR
rating was no longer associated with lower waking cortisol, a higher current CSR rating was
no longer associated with higher momentary cortisol when problem solving, nor was a
higher past CSR rating associated with higher momentary cortisol when expressing
emotions or seeking support. As was found in Model 1, average levels of problem solving
were still associated with a higher CAR (this finding dropped to
= .050 in the original
Model 2).
Exploratory Influence of Stressor Qualities—Although different stressor types or
stressor severity did not appear to significantly influence cortisol responding when entered
individually into the model (see Descriptive Statistics Results section), there were group
differences on the interaction between perceived stress severity and interpersonal stress type
(severity × interpersonal stressor), indicating that those with internalizing disorders
experienced their interpersonal stress to be more severe. Given that interpersonal stress
demonstrates strong associations with cortisol responding (e.g., Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004;
Kirschbaum, Pirke, & Hellhammer, 1993) we wanted to further explore how this type of
stressor in particular might influence the relationship between emotion regulation and
cortisol. To do this, we first tested whether the severity of interpersonal stress variable
influenced cortisol responding when only Level 1 diurnal cortisol modeling variables (CAR,
slope, quadratic slope) were included, and it was in fact associated with elevated cortisol
(γ400 = 0.07, SE = 0.03, p = .01). Next, we entered this variable into a model that again
included the cortisol modeling variables at Level 1, Level 3 covariates (age, sex,
neuroticism, ethnicity) modeled onto L1 cortisol variables, and with added Level 2 and
Level 3 emotion regulation, Level 3 covariates, and Level 3 current or past internalizing
disorders modeled only onto this Level 1 interaction term. The average influence of the
interpersonal stress severity variable on momentary cortisol was no longer significant, (γ600
= -0.02, SE = 0.03, p = .56) and none of the day (Level 2) or average (Level 3) emotion
regulation variables or current or past internalizing disorders interacted with interpersonal
stress severity to influence cortisol responding (
p's > .05). The only significant interactive
associations with cortisol were among the covariates: females experienced 18% higher
cortisol when experiencing a interpersonal stressor (γ606 = -0.21, SE = 0.06, p < .001) while
individuals higher in neuroticism experienced 9% higher cortisol when experiencing an
interpersonal stressor (γ600 = 0.10, SE = 0.04, p = .02). Lastly, we also completed identical
Model 1 and Model 2 analyses covarying for the interpersonal stress severity rating (within
the subset of the sample that completed descriptions of their stressor) with demographic and
emotion regulation variables again modeled onto this variable. Results were parallel to
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original findings and the interpersonal stress severity rating similarly was not associated
with cortisol responding in Model 1 (Intercept γ900 = -0.02, SE = 0.03, p = .61) or Model 2
(Intercept γ900 = -0.02, SE = 0.03, p = .56), except for the interaction with sex. Thus, it
appears that although interpersonal stress severity appears to play a role in cortisol
responding, this association is no longer significant when emotion regulation and covariates
are entered into the model, possibly indicating that emotion regulation is detracting from or
decreasing associations between momentary interpersonal stress and cortisol outcomes.
Results of the current study demonstrate the importance of assessing purported adaptive and
maladaptive emotion regulation strategies with diurnal cortisol and also shed light on how
the use of emotion regulation is differentially associated with diurnal cortisol in individuals
currently experiencing internalizing disorders, those with a history of internalizing disorders,
and individuals without any history of internalizing disorders. We found that across all
participants, average tendencies to problem solve were associated with an elevated CAR
while average use of disengagement was associated with a steeper slope and higher waking
cortisol. We also found that expressing emotions and seeking support was especially
implicated in divergent diurnal cortisol rhythms in individuals with internalizing disorders.
Lastly, the only associations between momentary emotion regulation and cortisol responding
were in individuals with internalizing disorders: those experiencing current internalizing
disorders demonstrated elevated cortisol when engaging in momentary problem solving
while those with past internalizing disorders demonstrated elevated cortisol when engaging
in momentary emotion expression and support seeking. Moreover, all results replicated
(except for momentary cortisol responding) when utilizing dimensional assessments of
depression and anxiety. Together these findings illustrate the importance of studying the
nuances of
(e.g., being able to flexibly utilize strategies depending on context) and
, (e.g., with or without internalizing disorders) emotion regulation may be associated
with differential HPA axis functioning.
Without taking into consideration the role of psychopathology, the tendency to engage in
more problem solving over the course of the three days was associated with an elevated
CAR across participants. On first pass, this finding appears somewhat counterintuitive as
problem-solving is associated with adaptive outcomes and lower psychopathology (Aldao et
al., 2010; Zeidner & Saklofske, 1996) while an elevated CAR is associated with onset of
depression (Adam et al., 2010) and anxiety (Adam et al., 2014). However, the CAR itself has
been hypothesized to be an adaptive response to the environment such that it provides a
“boost” in energetic resources to help take on the upcoming demands of the day (Adam,
Hawkley, Kudielka, & Cacioppo, 2006). The current findings support the boost hypothesis
such that those individuals who tended to engage in more problem solving over the course of
the three days also appeared to display a corresponding elevated CAR. This increase in
biological resources may be associated with actively engaging with and tackling daily
stressors head on in the short term of the three-day study. This is similar to recent work
demonstrating that a higher CAR on specific days is associated with better cognitive and
executive performance that day (Law, Evans, Thron, Hucklebridge, & Clow, 2015).
However, in the current study we are unable to draw causal conclusions, so it may be that
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actively approaching and engaging with stressors is associated with a subsequent increase in
the CAR. Either interpretation, our findings indicate that approaching and engaging with the
stressors via the use of problem solving is associated with increased cortisol responding in
the short term of three days (i.e., the “
). It has been hypothesized that it is a
elevated CAR over time that contributes to maladaptive outcomes as over time it leads to
changes in glucocorticoid receptors via an allostatic load mechanism (McEwen, 1998).
Interestingly, individuals with current internalizing disorders experienced elevated cortisol
responding when engaging in momentary problem solving, although this finding did not
replicate when utilizing dimensional assessments, so findings should be interpreted with
caution. Other research indicates that cognitive reappraisal (a similar approach-focused
regulatory strategy) is associated with higher peak cortisol reactivity, hypothesized to be due
to the novelty of the instructed regulation paradigm requiring more effortful control during
the stressor (Denson et al., 2014). Although speculative, the current findings may similarly
indicate that for individuals who are currently depressed or anxious, problem-solving may
require more cognitive effort, and thus higher momentary cortisol, while engaging in
problem solving. Conversely, problem solving may be more automatic for those individuals
who are not currently depressed or anxious, and thus fewer biological resources are
Interestingly, those individuals with internalizing disorders demonstrated divergent cortisol
outcomes especially when engaging in another emotion regulatory strategy, expressing
emotions and seeking support. Replicating previous work (Adam et al., 2010; Knorr et al.,
2010), current findings indicated that individuals with internalizing disorders demonstrated
lower waking cortisol. Moreover, on days when these individuals engaged in expressing
emotions and support seeking, they exhibited even lower cortisol at waking. Lower waking
cortisol predicts greater fatigue and lower perceived energy over the course of the day
(Adam et al., 2006). This lower perceived energy and fewer coping resources may be
associated with more emotional expression and support seeking that day as a way to
counteract a perceived fatigued state. Related, individuals with current internalizing
disorders exhibited flatter diurnal slopes on days when engaging in more emotional
expression and support seeking. The lower waking cortisol and flatter slopes in individuals
with current internalizing disorders might be associated with less preparatory biological
mobilization, which might lead to (or be due to) less active and approach-focused (i.e.,
problem solving and reappraisal) regulation. Additionally, on days when experiencing a
lower CAR, individuals with a history of internalizing disorders engaged in more expressing
emotions and seeking support. This lower CAR may indicate a lack of a “boost,” of
energetic resources (Adam, Hawkley, Kudielka & Cacioppo, 2006), which then may be
associated with more passive and automatic emotion regulation (i.e., emotional expression
and support seeking) rather than adaptive, approach-focused problem-solving strategies.
Lastly, individuals with a history of depression experienced elevated momentary cortisol
when engaging in emotional expression and support seeking, although this finding did not
replicate in analyses using dimensional measures of pathology.
It should be noted that the above findings only emerged for individuals with current or past
internalizing disorders, indicating that expressing emotions and seeking support may operate
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differently in these individuals compared with individuals without psychopathology. These
findings may clarify previous discrepant findings on this type of emotion regulation by
shedding light on how the use of this strategy may vary across individuals (i.e., the “
”). Emotional expression and support seeking on the one hand demonstrates
maladaptive relationships with mental health and on the other hand is purported to be an
adaptive way to deal with stress (e.g., Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002; Stanton et al.,
2000). Although speculative, individuals without internalizing disorders may utilize
emotional expression and seeking support by effectively leaning on social supports and
allowing themselves to experience their emotions mindfully while individuals with
internalizing disorders may be using a superficially similar strategy, but in fact may be
engaging in something more akin to passively co-ruminating with others or excessively
seeking support or reassurance. Co-rumination, or excessively discussing problems while
focusing on negative emotions, has been associated with increased depressive and anxiety
symptoms (Rose, Carlson, & Waller, 2007) while excessive reassurance is associated with
depression (Joiner & Metalsky, 2001) and anxiety (Joiner, Katz, & Lew, 1999). These
different types of emotional expression and support seeking may be associated with
divergent cortisol patterns evidenced among those with and without internalizing disorders
in the current data.
Lastly, the only association between disengagement and cortisol responding was somewhat
perplexing: average use of disengagement was associated with steeper cortisol slopes across
all participants. Steeper slopes have been linked with adaptive outcomes (e.g., Adam, 2012)
while flatter slopes are indicated in disorders such as depression and chronic fatigue (Doane
et al., 2013; Nater et al., 2008). Disengagement is often purported to be maladaptive (e.g.,
Borkovec et al., 2004; Rohde et al., 1990), however some research indicates that in the
, distraction and disengaging from stressors may be adaptive as a way to gain distance
from ones' emotions prior to attempting to solve them (Nolen-Hoeksema, Wisco, &
Lyubomirsky, 2008). It appears in the current sample disengagement is associated with a
purportedly more adaptive cortisol profile. However, we are unable to disentangle the
temporal precedence concerning whether flatter slopes contribute to higher use of
disengagement, whether disengagement contributes to a flatter diurnal slope, or whether a
third unknown variable contributes to this association.
One hypothesized third variable could be the type of stressor or the severity of perceived
stress experienced. However, in the current sample, we surprisingly saw no significant
influence of the severity of perceived stress or the type of stressor experienced in relation to
the associations between cortisol and emotion regulation. We did find that by itself in the
model, the severity of perceived momentary
stress was significantly associated
with elevated momentary cortisol, but this was no longer significant once momentary
emotion regulation strategies were accounted for. Thus, the impact of emotion regulation
strategies on cortisol did not appear to strongly depend on stressor type or severity, and
indeed, may reduce the impact of interpersonal stress severity on momentary cortisol. Future
work would greatly benefit from further exploring the interactive roles between stressor
type, emotion regulation use and cortisol patterns.
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Taken together, the current findings provide potential clinical implications for teaching
of emotion regulation use to individuals experiencing internalizing disorders.
First, findings indicated that problem solving was associated with an elevated CAR across
all individuals and increased cortisol mobilization in the moment for individuals with current
internalizing disorders. These elevations in cortisol responding may indicate that problem
solving may be adaptive, but only to a certain extent. Thus, emphasizing
in using
emotion regulation strategies, rather than always turning to approach-focused problem-
solving, may be warranted. Further, findings surrounding the strategy of expressing
emotions and seeking support shed light on how an emotion regulation strategy is associated
with differential cortisol patterns once an individual has experienced an internalizing
disorder. Findings will need to be replicated and future work would benefit from elucidating
how and why expressing emotions and seeking support operates differently in individuals
with internalizing disorders. Gaining a better understanding of what contributes to these
associations may help these individuals flexibly utilize this strategy as part of their emotion
regulatory repertoire.
Findings from the current study should be interpreted within a few limitations. First, our
groups of current and past internalizing disorders included individuals with both major
depressive disorder and a variety of anxiety disorders. Due to small sample sizes within each
diagnostic category, we were unable to test the independent effects of emotion regulation
and diurnal cortisol within depression and anxiety. Moreover, even when combining
depression and anxiety into one category of internalizing disorders, only 19 (10%) of
participants met criteria for a current internalizing disorder. Thus, our results (especially
concerning current internalizing disorders) should be interpreted with caution. Future
research would benefit from utilizing larger sample sizes experiencing current pathology to
disentangle how various emotion regulation strategies may be associated with cortisol
dysregulation across different forms of psychopathology. Second, we didn't use objective
compliance monitoring of cortisol samples, which has been found to influence cortisol
estimates (Kudielka, Broderick, & Kirschbaum, 2003). Third, we did not assess whether the
emotion regulation strategies used in response to daily stressors were subjectively reported
as effective. Without knowing whether or not emotion regulatory efforts were successful, we
are unable to determine whether associations of emotion regulation strategies and cortisol
responding are truly adaptive or maladaptive. Fourth, given that this study was part of a
larger project and was assessed as part of a six year follow up, selection bias could be
occurring and might be influencing findings. We are unable to determine how participants
who dropped out of the study might have differed on cortisol indices, psychopathology, or
emotion regulation measures, and future research may wish to examine research naïve
individuals who have not previously undergone multiple clinical assessments and previously
participated in momentary assessment protocols.
The current study was unable to assess causal relations between HPA axis functioning and
emotion regulation and a pressing unknown in the field is 1) how emotion regulation
causally influences HPA axis functioning and vice versa and 2) how these transactions
contribute to the initial onset of psychopathology. This first point is ripe for future research
and could be examined with increased intensity of salivary cortisol and emotion regulatory
sampling to examine a more precise temporal relationship between emotion regulation and
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cortisol. For instance, rather than including six daily cortisol/emotion regulation
assessments, hourly assessments from waking to bedtime would allow for time series
analyses to be employed. This would utilize ecologically valid assessments to provide
insight into how emotion regulation strategies may be associated with subsequent rises or
drops in cortisol responding at a later time point in the day (or conversely increases in
cortisol in response to stress may predict the use of specific forms of emotion regulation at a
later point in the day). Recent research has used a similar protocol assessing emotion and
cortisol and found that increases in momentary cortisol are associated with increases in alert,
active, and relaxed self-reports one hour later (L. T. Hoyt, Zeiders, Ehrlich, & Adam, in
press). Understanding how HPA axis functioning may influence later use of emotion
regulation (or vice versa) may provide one pathway by which emotion regulation leads to
psychopathology through a biological mechanism.
Addressing the second above point, the current study was unable to draw causal conclusions
due to it's cross-sectional nature and thus it is unknown whether divergent HPA-emotion
regulation patterns are a cause or consequence of internalizing disorders. An area ripe for
future research would be to assess how trajectories of diurnal cortisol patterns and emotion
regulatory use change longitudinally prior to the onset of psychopathology. With repeated
momentary assessment protocols (e.g., a 3 day assessment every 6 months for 2 years in a
high-risk sample) growth curve modeling could provide a better understanding of the bi-
directional and causal nature of cortisol and emotion regulatory relationships. Furthermore,
in conjunction with clinical assessments, assessing trajectories of cortisol-emotion
regulation relationships may help shed light on how their interactive effects relate to the
onset of psychopathology.
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Table 1
Demographic/Descriptive Statistics (N = 182)
Variable Full Sample (n = 182) No Internalizing
Disorders (n=92) Current Internalizing
Disorders (n = 19) Past Internalizing
Disorders (n = 71)
Age 22.78 (0.79) 22.66 (0.55) 22.78 (0.75) 22.93 (1.02)
Gender (
% Female)
134 (74%) 66 (71%) 12 (63%) 56 (80%)
African American 12 (7%) 8 (9%) 2 (11%) 2 (3%)
Hispanic 24 (13%) 11 (12%) 1 (5%) 12 (17%)
Asian 10 (5%) 5 (5%) 1 (5%) 4 (6%)
Caucasian 98 (54%) 50 (54%) 10 (53%) 38 (54%)
Other 38 (21%) 19 (20%) 5 (26%) 14 (20%)
Socioeconomic status 49.26 (12.35) 48.69 (12.33) 50.83 (11.08) 49.56 (12.83)
Problem Solve 1.37 (0.66) 1.30 (0.67) 1.38 (0.54) 1.47 (0.66)
Express/Seek Support 0.41 (0.43) 0.39 (0.41) 0.33 (0.25) 0.46 (0.48)
Disengagement 0.75 (0.44) 0.71 (0.41) 0.75 (0.42) 0.80 (0.47)
Neuroticism 56.39 (10.17) 52.73 (9.77)
58.83 (7.87) 60.58 (9.51)
Daily Stressor Qualities
Severity of stressor 1.18 (0.49) 1.08 (0.89)
1.41 (1.01) 1.21 (0.90)
Performance (%) 782 (27%) 377 (26%) 81 (26%) 373 (27%)
Interpersonal (%) 320 (11%) 140 (10%) 43 (14%) 155 (11%)
Self (%) 172 (6%) 80 (5%) 16 (5%) 83 (6%)
Sleep (%) 367 (12%) 185 (13%) 30 (10%) 173 (13%)
Daily hassles (%) 751 (26%) 367 (26%) 73 (24%) 365 (27%)
Other (%) 112 (4%) 54 (4%) 9 (3%) 52 (4%)
No stress (%) 410 (14%) 232 (16%)
56 (18%) 159 (12%)
: Mean(SD) unless otherwise noted as N(%). Socioeconomic status (SES) measured by Hollingshead system. Other ethnicity included Pacific
Islander, Native American, multiracial or if participants indicated ‘other’. Daily stress rated as ‘other’ included money, general or unspecified stress
or other.
< .05; current & past internalizing > no internalizing.
< .05; current internalizing > past internalizing > no internalizing
< .05; current & no internalizing > past internalizing
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Table 2
Intercorrelations of independent variables, covariates and cortisol (N = 182)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Waking cortisol 1.0
2. CAR -.39
3. Cortisol slope -.70
4. Express/seek support factor .03 -.72 -.72 1.0
5. Problem solving factor -.03 .12 .26 .39
6. Disengagement factor .10 -.74 -.21 .51
7. Neuroticism -.03 .15 .14 .19
.14 .22
8. Past internalizing disorder -.13 .15
.02 .11 .06 .41
9. Current internalizing disorder -.22
-.00 .19
-.05 .00 -.00 .08 .06 1.0
10. Sleep -.02 .11 -.13 -.01 .13 .03 .03 .03 -.13 1.0
11. Exercise .07 -.07 -.07 .05 -.11 .01 .07 .12 -.04 -.11
12. Age -.01 .09 .02 .00 -.07 .04 .08 .19
.02 -.06 .08 1.0
13. Gender (Male = 1) -.14 -.14 .09 -.20
.01 -.14 -.08 .08 -.07 -.08 .02 1.0
14. Ethnicity (Minority = 1) .12 -.15
-.07 .11 .03 -.15
-.00 -.04 .01 -.15
.02 -.00 -.08 1.0
Emotion regulation factors are averaged across individuals (Level 3), CAR = Cortisol awakening response, sleep and exercise measured at the moment (Level 1), ethnicity measured as Caucasian vs.
Minority status.
< .05
** p
< .01.
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Table 3
Cortisol predicted by emotion regulation and psychopathology (N = 182)
Model 1 Model 2
Variable Coefficient SE p-value Coefficient SE p-value
Level 1 intercept: Wake-up cortisol level π0
Level 1 Intercept γ000 -1.44
0.04 <.001 -1.44
0.04 <.001
Level 2 Day disengagement β03 0.04 0.09 .67 0.03 0.09 .75
Level 2 Day express emotion/seek support β01 0.07 0.10 .49 0.03 0.11 .81
Current internalizing γ015 -- -- -- -1.00
0.42 .02
Past internalizing γ016 -- -- -- 0.23 0.17 .18
Level 2 Problem solve β02 0.07 0.06 .24 0.10 0.07 .16
Average Disengagement γ001 0.20
0.09 .03 0.20
.09 .02
Average Express emotion/seek support γ002 -0.09 0.12 .46 -0.13 0.11 .25
Average Problem solve γ003 -0.07 0.06 .27 -0.05 0.06 .35
Current internalizing γ008 -- -- -- -0.34
0.12 .004
Past internalizing γ009 -- -- -- -0.11 0.07 .13
Cortisol awakening response π1
Level 1 Intercept γ100 0.50
0.04 <.001 0.49
0.04 <.001
Level 2 Day disengagement β13 -0.12 0.11 .28 -.011 0.11 .30
Level 2 Day express emotion/seek support β11 -0.05 0.11 .66 0.04 0.11 .72
Current internalizing γ115 -- -- -- 0.53 0.41 .20
Past internalizing γ116 -- -- -- -0.66
0.25 .009
Level 2 problem solve β12 0.00 0.09 .99 -0.03 0.08 .76
Average disengagement γ101 -0.16 0.10 .10 -0.15 0.09 .10
Average express emotion/seek support γ102 -0.17 0.13 .20 -0.15 0.13 .25
Average problem solve γ103 0.14
0.06 .03 0.13
0.06 .05
Time since waking (Slope) π2
Level 1 Intercept γ200 -0.17
.01 <.001 -0.17
0.01 <.001
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Model 1 Model 2
Variable Coefficient SE p-value Coefficient SE p-value
Level 2 Day disengagement β23 0.00 0.03 .96 -0.00 0.03 .96
Level 2 Day express emotion/seek support β21 0.00 0.03 .94 0.01 0.03 .78
Current internalizing γ215 -- -- -- 0.12
0.04 .007
Past internalizing γ216 -- -- -- -0.02 0.03 .38
Level 2 Day problem solve β22 -0.03 0.02 .07 -0.04 0.03 .06
Average disengagement γ201 -0.08
0.03 .01 -0.08
0.03 .009
Average express emotion/seek support γ202 0.00 0.04 .95 0.01 0.04 .90
Average problem solve γ203 0.04 0.02 .06 0.04 0.02 .08
Momentary disengagement intercept γ600 0.01 0.01 .36 0.01 0.01 .41
Momentary express emotion/seek support intercept γ400 -0.00 0.02 .87 -0.00 0.01 .86
Current internalizing γ405 -- -- -- 0.03 0.05 .56
Past internalizing γ406 -- -- -- 0.07
0.03 .03
Momentary problem solve intercept γ500 0.03 0.02 .09 0.03 0.02 .10
Current internalizing γ505 -- -- -- 0.12
0.04 .03
Past internalizing γ506 -- -- -- -0.02 0.03 .57
Internalizing= major depressive disorder and anxiety, Model 1 and 2 also controlling for sleep and exercise at Level 1, wake-time at Level 2, and age, gender, ethnicity, and neuroticism at Level 3,
only significant results presented for internalizing disorders (above model was run and findings were similar to original models).
= .050
< .05
** p
< .01.
Clin Psychol Sci
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 January 01.
... Adam et al., 2017, while both blunted and elevated levels of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) have been reported (cf. Gilbert et al., 2017). With respect to the stress-reactive component of cortisol, previous research has primarily focused on cortisol reactivity following lab-induced (Gu et al., 2022;Zorn et al., 2017) or daily life stressors (cf. ...
... We further tested for the context effect of the Covid-19 pandemic (pre pandemic versus during pandemic participation). None of the listed confounders were retained in our models, since they showed no significant association with cortisol release in daily life (for a similar approach see Gilbert et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
Habitual modes of thinking such as repetitive negative thinking (RNT), but also momentary cognitive processes such as mindwandering could be vulnerability factors for the course of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). On the physiological level, cortisol represents an important biological stress marker of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Being a dynamic and non-invasive measure, salivary cortisol can be assessed in daily life via Ambulatory Assessment (AA). So far, consensus exists on a dysregulation of the HPA axis in MDD. However, findings are ambiguous and AA-studies examining both trait and state level effects of cognitive processes on cortisol release in daily life in patients with recurrent major depression (rMDD) and healthy controls (HCs) are lacking. A sample of 119 (nrMDD=57, nHCs=62) participants underwent a baseline session, including self-rated questionnaires (RNT, mindfulness) followed by a 5-day AA, where participants indicated the occurrence of mindwandering and levels of mentalshift problems ten times per day via smartphone, and collected saliva cortisol samples five times per day. Via multilevel models, we found habitual RNT, but not mindfulness, to predict higher cortisol levels, with the effects being stronger in rMDD patients. State mindwandering and mentalshift problems predicted increased cortisol 20 min later across groups. State cognitions did not mediate the effects of habitual RNT on cortisol release. Our results suggest independent mechanisms of action for trait and state cognitions on cortisol activity in daily life and indicate a greater physiological vulnerability toward trait RNT and the tendency to experience mentalshift problems in patients with recurrent major depression.
... Recent research has highlighted the importance of understanding links between momentarily experienced emotional states (i.e., positive and negative affect) and stress responsive systems, including dynamic associations with the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA axis; see Doane and Zeiders, 2014;Nealis et al., 2020;Jacobs et al., 2007;Smyth et al., 1998; for a meta-analysis see Chida and Steptoe, 2009). However, the majority of studies on this topic have focused on dispositional susceptibility to experiences of negative states (Madsen et al., 2012), specific dimensions of affective experiences, such as anxiety (e.g., Walker et al., 2011;Vreeburg et al., 2010), or on emotion regulation strategies (Gilbert et al., 2017), leaving the understanding of emotion dynamics and physiological stress activity largely unexplored. Focusing on physiological responses associated with typical emotion dynamics, as observed during daily experiences, may contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms linking emotional consequences of individuals' daily experiences to their later psychosocial adjustment (Romeo and McEwen, 2006). ...
... Previous studies have found individual differences in each of these indicators to be associated with subsequent mental and physical health outcomes. For example, flatter diurnal cortisol slopes have been associated with poor mental and physical health outcomes concurrently and prospectively in adulthood (see Adam et al., 2017, for meta-analysis), and increased AUC has been prospectively linked with worse physical health in older adults with sleep problems and affective vulnerabilities (Wrosch et al., 2008). Greater CARs have been linked to anticipation of upcoming demands and found to increase in response to prior day emotions and stressors (e. g., Doane and Adam, 2010). ...
Emotional inertia refers to the extent to which emotional states are predictable over time and are resistant to change. High emotional inertia, characterized by emotional states that carry over from one moment to the next, has been linked with both psychological maladjustment and impaired emotion regulation abilities. However, little research has examined the psychobiological correlates of emotional inertia. As such, in this study, we examined the association between inertia of negative emotions with cortisol, the end product of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, one of the body's primary stress response systems. Participants were 76 college students (24% male, Mage=18.53, SD=0.37), who completed five corresponding daily diaries and salivary samples to ascertain cortisol per day for 3 consecutive days. Hierarchical linear models indicated that greater inertia of negative emotion across the three days was associated with smaller cortisol awakening responses (CAR) and lower AUCg, even when controlling for average negative emotion and momentary stress perception. There were no associations with the diurnal cortisol slope. These findings shed light on the neurobiological mechanisms involved in emotion dynamics.
... It has become increasingly clear that disruptions in positive emotion regulation also play a contributing role in psychopathology (Gilbert, 2012;Werner-Seidler et al., 2013). In particular, PA dampening has been concurrently and prospectively linked to worsening depressive symptoms and anhedonia (Bean et al., 2022;Gilbert et al., 2017), anxiety disorders (Eisner et al., 2009), and post-traumatic stress (Boelen, 2021). A recent meta-analysis found that dampening predicted later depression symptoms in cross-lagged analyses, even when controlling for baseline depression (Bean et al., 2022). ...
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Maladaptive emotion regulation (ER) strategies are important predictors of stress generation—the process by which individuals with certain traits are likely to experience higher levels of dependent (self-generated), but not independent (fateful), stressful life events. Positive affect (PA) dampening, the tendency to downregulate positive moods by reducing their intensity and duration, may weaken interpersonal ties and therefore increase vulnerability to stress generation, particularly in the interpersonal domain. The present study examined longitudinal associations between PA dampening and stress generation in an adolescent sample (N = 241, Mage = 15.9, 51.8% female) assessed at baseline and at follow-up 1.5 years later. Dampening was assessed with a self-report questionnaire and stress exposure was assessed using contextual threat-based interview methods. Preregistered analyses revealed that PA dampening did not prospectively predict episodic interpersonal or non-interpersonal dependent stress; instead, dampening was associated with greater episodic independent stress, inconsistent with the stress generation model. Higher dampening at baseline also predicted increases in chronic stress in both interpersonal and non-interpersonal domains over follow-up. Findings suggest that PA regulation strategies may contribute to sustained stressful contexts, rather than discrete life events.
... Patients with a current anxiety disorder had higher awakening cortisol concentrations than the control group, particularly patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia and anxious patients with (Vreeburg et al. 2010). While extensive literature links major depressive disorder to HPA activity, the association between anxiety disorders and the HPA is not well established (Gilbert et al. 2017;Vreeburg et al. 2013). ...
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Background: Texting has become central to social life, with adverse effects on physiological functioning. Research into the impact of texting on cortisol secretion is limited. Aim: Thus study aimed to determine how receiving mobile text messages affected salivary cortisol concentrations and investigate the moderating effects of stress, anxiety and depression on cortisol secretion. Setting: Undergraduate physiology students attending physiology lectures at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, 2016. Methods: An experimental, crossover, quantitative design was used. Participants were involved over two consecutive days, receiving mobile text messages (intervention) on one day and acting as their own control on the other. Self-reported data on stress, anxiety, depression and subjective experience of the study, and saliva samples were collected. Text frequency and wording (neutral, positive, negative) were varied among participants. Results: Forty-eight students participated in the study. Salivary cortisol concentrations did not differ significantly between the intervention and control days. High anxiety levels were associated with increased cortisol concentrations. No associations with cortisol concentrations were documented in low to moderate anxiety, stress, depression or how participants experienced the intervention. There were no significant differences between text frequency, text emotion and change in cortisol concentrations on the intervention day. Conclusion: Receiving mobile text messages did not elicit a significant cortisol response in participants. Contribution: Findings added to the body of knowledge about the effect of texting on student learning by measuring salivary cortisol concentrations in a lecture setting, with investigation into the moderating effects of stress, anxiety, depression and participants’ subjective experience.
... The absence of such regulatory control could force the system to extremely high levels of stress. This is the main reason why emotional self-regulation has the potential to ameliorate stress and partially control the activity of the HPA axis (Gilbert et al., 2017). ...
Abstract Given the extensive neural networks connecting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) with other subcortical regions, the DLPFC has been implicated in a wide range of psychological and physiological functions during execution of movements. The main objective of this narrative review is to provide a solid theoretical foundation to deepen our understanding of the functional significance of the DLPFC during exercise. Given the limited scientific evidence in this field of scientific enquiry, this review was primarily focused on fatiguing and exhaustive exercise modes. The authors reviewed the anatomical structure of this region, as well as its functional importance for physical tasks performed mainly at moderate and high intensities. The majority of the studies employed noninvasive brain assessment techniques, such as electroencephalography, functional near-infrared spectroscopy, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Six main DLPFC functions were identified: 1) exercise tolerance, 2) executive function, 3) attention allocation, 4) emotion regulation, 5) reward seeking, and 6) memory formation. The most important neuromodulatory function exerted by the DLPFC pertains to the inhibitory influence of this region over the amygdala and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. This inhibitory function appears to be the primary possibility and is generally reliant upon connectivity with other subcortical regions. During exhaustive exercise, stress hormones appear to have an inhibitory effect on the DLPFC and hippocampus. The present authors hypothesize that the use of cognitive strategies to partially neutralize the amygdala may rely on the presence of rewards, which are then translated into motivation to action through the mesolimbic and mesocortical dopamine systems. Keywords amygdalacognitive functiondorsolateral prefrontal cortexemotional regulationexercise tolerancemotivation
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Background: Teachers' stress, affect and general occupational well-being influence their teaching and their students. However, how teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect are related in the classroom is unknown. To reduce teachers' stress and enhance their positive affect, it is crucial to understand how occupational well-being relates to stress and affect. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in authentic classroom settings and the roles played by teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, perceptions of school climate and burnout symptoms in daily stress and affect. Sample: The sample consisted of 45 classroom teachers. Method: Daily physiological stress was assessed by measuring salivary cortisol levels three times in two days. Positive affect was reported by experience sampling at the same time that cortisol was collected. Questionnaires were used to assess self-efficacy beliefs, perceptions of school climate and burnout symptoms. Three-level modelling with random intercepts and slopes was used to analyse the relationships between daily stress and affect and the effect of teachers' general occupational well-being on stress and affect. Results: No relationships were evident between teachers' physiological stress and positive affect or between daily changes of stress and affect. Self-efficacy beliefs were related to lower stress and higher affect in the middle of the school day. Having sufficient school resources were related to higher positive affect. Teachers' burnout symptoms were associated with lower positive affect. Conclusions: We emphasize the potential for self-efficacy and perceptions of school resources as targets for intervening in teachers' stress and affect.
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Emotional regulation in early infancy develops mainly through social interactions with caregivers and is a key process in socioemotional functioning. The use of physiological measures such as vagal tone and cortisol can help researchers understand what underlies this association between parent–infant interaction, emotion regulation, and socioemotional functioning. This review integrates 39 studies from four databases. We first examine associations between parent–infant interactions and physiological measures of emotion regulation in children aged 0–24 months. We then examine the association between these physiological measures and children’s socioemotional outcomes. The results provide insights into which aspects of parent–infant interactions are associated with the physiological functioning of infants and which socioemotional outcomes in infants may be influenced by this functioning.
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The cortisol awakening response (CAR) refers to a sharp rise in cortisol concentrations within the 45 min following morning awakening. Alterations in CAR have been associated with various internalizing symptoms and brain function. The current study aimed to investigate the association between CAR and neural activity in response to unpleasant emotional pictures. A total of 46 healthy adults (22.55 years ± 1.69) collected saliva samples at 0, 30, and 45 min post-awakening on two days to assess the CAR. In the afternoon after CAR measurement on the first day, electroencephalograms were recorded when the participants completed a passive viewing task. The results showed that a greater CAR was associated with a decreased late positive potential difference score between unpleasant and neutral stimuli. This finding indicates that a larger CAR may be associated with decreased attentional engagement to unpleasant emotional information in healthy adults.
Aberrant patterns of diurnal cortisol, a marker of stress reactivity, predict adverse physical and mental health among adolescents. However, the mechanisms underlying aberrant diurnal cortisol production are poorly understood. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate, for the first time, whether the core emotion regulation (ER) strategies of rumination (brooding, reflection), reappraisal, and suppression were prospectively associated with individual differences in diurnal cortisol during the COVID-19 pandemic, a period of significant stress. A community sample of 48 early adolescents (Mage=13.45; 60% males) was recruited from British Columbia, Canada. Participants completed ER measures before the pandemic, and diurnal cortisol was assessed by collecting eight saliva samples over two days during the first COVID-19-related lockdown in the region. As expected, brooding predicted elevated waking cortisol and a blunted cortisol awakening response (CAR), whereas reflection predicted lower waking cortisol and suppression predicted a steeper CAR. Unexpectedly, reappraisal was not associated with diurnal cortisol production. Results indicate that ER strategies may represent a mechanism underlying individual differences in biological markers of wellbeing during stress.
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Secondary analyses of Revised NEO Personality Inventory data from 26 cultures (N = 23,031) suggest that gender differences are small relative to individual variation within genders; differences are replicated across cultures for both college-age and adult samples, and differences are broadly consistent with gender stereotypes: Women reported themselves to be higher in Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth, and Openness to Feelings, whereas men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas. Contrary to predictions from evolutionary theory, the magnitude of gender differences varied across cultures. Contrary to predictions from the social role model, gender differences were most pronounced in European and American cultures in which traditional sex roles are minimized. Possible explanations for this surprising finding are discussed, including the attribution of masculine and feminine behaviors to roles rather than traits in traditional cultures.
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Cortisol, the major physiological end product of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, is usually associated with stress and negative affect. However, a new body of research highlights the complex, adaptive significance of elevated cortisol within individuals in everyday life. Whereas most studies do not have the power to test the dynamic transactions between cortisol and affect within a person throughout the entire waking day, we employed an intensive study protocol analyzing hourly diary reports of affect in relation to hourly salivary cortisol samples among 24 healthy adults from morning to bedtime, across 2 consecutive weekdays (N = 862 total samples). Utilizing multileveling modeling and focusing on within-person effects, we examined whether momentary increases in cortisol could be mood protective, or energy enhancing, in everyday life, supporting the cortisol boost hypothesis. Results revealed no significant associations between cortisol and current affective state; however, within-person increases in cortisol were significantly associated with subsequent rises in activeness, alertness, and relaxation, and trend-level reductions in stress and nervousness. This study adds to growing evidence that cortisol plays a positive role in regulating affect in everyday life. (PsycINFO Database Record
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Many psychiatric disorders are widely thought to involve problematic patterns of emotional reactivity and emotion regulation. Unfortunately, it has proven far easier to assert the centrality of “emotion dysregulation” than to rigorously document the ways in which individuals with various forms of psychopathology differ from healthy individuals in their patterns of emotional reactivity and emotion regulation. In the first section of this article, we define emotion and emotion regulation. In the second and third sections, we present a simple framework for examining emotion and emotion regulation in psychopathology. In the fourth section, we conclude by highlighting important challenges and opportunities in assessing and treating disorders that involve problematic patterns of emotion and emotion regulation.
Even a casual observer of human behavior can see that there are profound differences in how individuals regulate their actions. Some individuals doggedly pursue a single goal or ideal for many years, making many personal sacrifices and at great personal cost. Others seem to give in to their immediate impulses with barely a thought for the consequences. Some students earn their highest grades under severe stress and in the face of adversity. The same levels of stress and adversity may lead other students to drop out and abandon their academic goals altogether. Indeed, many students seem to perform best under more relaxed conditions. At the workplace, some employees demonstrate high levels of initiative and set their own agenda, regardless of what others may think. Others prefer to follow the instructions of their superiors, and are eager to learn what is expected of them. These and other individual differences in self-regulation are the central focus of the present chapter. The following sections offer some preliminary reflections on the neglect of individual differences in psychological research. Next, the chapter considers individual differences in motives and needs, and how global notions of self-regulation and the will can be decomposed into more specific psychological functions and mechanisms. Finally, this chapter shows how this functional analysis of the will can be used to understand a wide array of effects of individual differences in affect regulation (i.e., action vs. state orientation).
A relationship between individual differences in trait estimates of the cortisol-awakening response (CAR) and indices of executive function (EF) has been reported. However, it is difficult to determine causality from such studies. The aim of the present study was to capitalise upon state variation in both variables to seek stronger support for causality by examining daily co-variation. A 50 days researcher–participant case study was employed, ensuring careful adherence to the sampling protocol. A 24-year-old healthy male collected saliva samples and completed an attention-switching index of EF on the morning of each study day. Subsidiary control measures included wake time, sleep duration, morning fatigue, and amount of prior day exercise and alcohol consumption. As the CAR preceded daily measurement of EF, we hypothesised that, over time, a greater than average CAR would predict better than average EF. This was confirmed by mixed regression modelling of variation in cortisol concentrations, which indicated that the greater the increase in cortisol concentrations from 0 to 30 min post-awakening (CAR) the better was subsequent EF performance at 45 min post-awakening (t = 2.29, p = 0.024). This effect was independent of all potential confounding measures. Results are discussed in terms of implications for the understanding of the relationship between the CAR and the cognitive function, and the previously suggested role of the CAR in “boosting” an individual’s performance for the day ahead.