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Investigation and Minimization of Underfill Delamination in Flip Chip Packages

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Abstract and Figures

A generalized plane strain condition is assumed for an edge interfacial crack between die passivation and underfill on an organic substrate flip chip package. C4 solder bumps are explicitly modeled. Temperature excursions are treated as loading conditions. The design factors studied include underfill elastic modulus, underfill coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), fillet height, and die overhang. Varying underfill modulus and CTE produces a different stress field at underfill/die passivation interface, different stress intensity factor (SIF), and phase angle (ψ) even under the same loading condition. The baseline case uses underfill with elastic modulus of 6 GPa, CTE of 36 ppm/°C and fillet height equal to half die thickness. Four more cases involving underfill material properties are investigated by varying elastic modulus between 3 and 9 GPa, and by varying CTE between 26 and 46 ppm/°C. The effect of fillet height is also studied by assuming no fillet and full fillet, i.e., fillet height equal to die thickness. Finally, two cases concerning the influence of die overhang, defined as the nominal distance between outermost solder joint and die edge, are investigated. Fracture parameters, including energy release rate (G) and phase angle (ψ), are evaluated as a function of dimensions. Underfill material properties (elastic modulus and CTE), fillet configuration, and die overhang can be optimized to reduce the risk of underfill delamination in flip chip or direct chip attach (DCA) applications.
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Investigation and Minimization of Underfill
Delamination in Flip Chip Packages
Charlie Jun Zhai, Sidharth, Richard C. Blish II, and Raj N. Master
Abstract—A generalized plane strain condition is assumed for
an edge interfacial crack between die passivation and underfill on
an organic substrate flip chip package. C4 solder bumps are explic-
itly modeled. Temperature excursions are treated as loading con-
ditions. The design factors studied include underfill elastic mod-
ulus, underfill coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), fillet height,
and die overhang. Varying underfill modulus and CTE produces
a different stress field at underfill/die passivation interface, dif-
ferent stress intensity factor (SIF), and phase angle even under
the same loading condition. The baseline case uses underfill with
elastic modulus of 6 GPa, CTE of 36 ppm/ C and fillet height equal
to half die thickness. Four more cases involving underfill material
properties are investigated by varying elastic modulus between 3
and 9 GPa, and by varying CTE between 26 and 46 ppm/ C. The
effect of fillet height is also studied by assuming no fillet and full
fillet, i.e., fillet height equal to die thickness. Finally, two cases con-
cerning the influence of die overhang, defined as the nominal dis-
tance between outermost solder joint and die edge, are investigated.
Fracture parameters, including energy release rate and phase
angle , are evaluated as a function of dimensions. Underfill ma-
terial properties (elastic modulus and CTE), fillet configuration,
and die overhang can be optimized to reduce the risk of underfill
delamination in flip chip or direct chip attach (DCA) applications.
IT IS WELL known that underfill has significant impact on
flip chip package reliability. Organic substrate flip chip tech-
nology with underfill provides a cost effective solution to the
demands of electronic packaging industry for increased relia-
bility. Underfill protects solder bumps by considerably reducing
the stress. However, underfill itself is subject to shear or peeling
stress, so it may induce additional failure modes. For instance,
imperfect underfill with voids or microcracks produces cracks
or delamination under temperature cycling conditions. Delam-
ination, driven by coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mis-
match between organic substrate and silicon die, at bi-material
interfaces such as underfill and die passivation or underfill and
substrate solder mask, is one of the dominant failure modes,
particularly if underfill is imperfect. Delamination behaves as
a mixed mode interfacial fracture. Mode mixity is characterized
by phase angle , which is determined by the loading configu-
ration and thermal mismatch. Unlike fracture toughness for ho-
mogeneous materials, interfacial fracture toughness is depen-
dent on both interfacial adhesion property and phase angle.
Suo et al. [1] measured interfacial fracture toughness as
a function of phase angle for a specific Epoxy/Plexiglass
interface. Fig. 1, extracted from [1], shows that interfacial
Manuscript received July 18, 2003; revised October 28, 2003.
The authors are with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
94088-3453 USA (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TDMR.2003.822339
Fig. 1. Interface toughness versus mode mixity [1].
fracture toughness increases monotonically with phase angle,
as the crack mode shifts to Mode II from Mode
I. Clearly, interfacial fracture toughness, , at pure opening
mode is much lower than at pure shear mode .
Although Fig. 1 is based on data for a specific interface, the
general trend observed is valid for other interfaces.
The three-dimensional (3-D) junction at die corner and under-
fill is a potential failure site due to the presence of split singu-
larity [1], [2]. Singularity strength depends on associated mate-
rial properties and geometry. A delamination initiated from the
die edge takes the form of an interfacial microcrack. In addition,
initial delamination may also be caused by formation of micro-
cracks or voids during dispensing process or surface contamina-
tion. As some initial underfill flaws are unavoidable, preventing
flaw propagation as an unstable crack is important.
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of various
design variables including underfill material properties, fillet di-
mensions, and die overhang on underfill delamination fracture
parameters. Since a bi-material interfacial crack is fundamen-
tally a mixed mode, fracture parameters must include both en-
ergy release rate and phase angle.
Unlike cracks in homogenous materials, bi-material interfa-
cial cracks exhibit a different behavior. In isotropic homogenous
materials, cracks tend to grow along the path where the frac-
ture mode is purely opening mode (i.e., Mode I). However, a
weak bi-material interface normally prompts the crack to prop-
agate along the interface. As a result, interfacial cracks exhibit
mode mixity with coupling between mode I (opening mode) and
mode II (shear mode). By introducing a characteristic length,
, a loading phase angle can be defined to characterize mode
1530-4388/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Ahead of crack tip,
where is the distance from crack tip in polar coordinates,
and are stress components normal and parallel to crack sur-
face, respectively, and and are stress intensity factors in
mode I and II, respectively. The oscillatory index, , is a func-
tion of the material properties:
where is the shear modulus and for plane strain
or for plane stress. The subscripts 1 and 2
for , , and are associated with the two different materials
on either side of the interface.
In this study, m is chosen as the characteristic length
because the focus is on the area near the crack tip. The choice of
is arbitrary. If the same characteristic length is used to study a
particular effect (e.g., fillet height variation), the difference be-
tween the results of calculated phase angles will be independent
of characteristic length [1].
Energy release rate can be written as
The failure criterion for delamination growth is
Interfacial toughness, , is a function of phase angle ,
as illustrated by the trend in Fig. 1 for a different material set.
In order to improve flip chip package reliability, it is neces-
sary to conduct interfacial fracture mechanics analysis, in ad-
dition to conventional finite element analysis (FEA), to char-
acterize interfaces. Two numerical methods to compute frac-
ture parameters are: virtual crack growth method and crack tip
opening displacement (CTOD) method. While these methods
can use energy release rate results from commercial FEA soft-
ware, such as ANSYS or ABAQUS, adequately refined finite
element mesh and complicated extrapolation algorithms are re-
quired near the crack tip region to calculate the stress intensity
factor (SIF) and the phase angle [3]–[6]. In this paper, a dif-
ferent strategy is used to implement fracture analysis. ANSYS
is used to build the solid model for a flip chip package. Frac3D,
developed by Lehigh University, is employed to conduct frac-
ture mechanics analysis. FRAC3D incorporates enriched crack
tip elements that contain analytic asymptotic displacement field
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic illustration of a flip chip package. (b) FEA mesh of a
3-D flip chip model.
and stress field. FRAC3D is highly efficient for computing the
required fracture parameters for thermomechanical problems by
using relatively small number of finite elements [7], [8].
Enriched crack tip elements as formulated for 3-D problems,
contain a closed form asymptotic field for crack tip displace-
ments, in addition to the usual polynomial interpolation func-
tion. Detailed description of numerical implementation proce-
dure is shown in Appendix A and in [7] and [8]. Once SIF’s
, and are obtained, energy release rate and phase
angle are calculated by using (3) and (4). It is noteworthy that
and do not identify with loading modes, i.e., tension and
shear are not separable near an interface. For instance, a negative
value does not necessarily indicate a compressive stress state
around a crack tip. In fact, the normal and shear stress compo-
nents and oscillate near crack tip if the oscillatory index
is nontrivial.
Since temperature cycling is the cause of failures studied in
this paper, thermal excursion from 165 C to room temperature
25 C is used as the temperature loading. The assembly is as-
sumed to be in stress free state at 165 C, which is a typical
curing temperature of epoxy underfill.
Most material properties are assumed to be isotropic linear
elastic. Substrate material, BT (Bismaleimide Triazine), is as-
sumed to be linear, orthotropic, and elastic. Although high-Pb
or eutectic solder mechanical properties are rate- and temper-
ature-dependent, material nonlinearity is not the focus of this
work and will not be considered. Underfill material is assumed
to behave linear elastically.
As illustrated in Fig. 2(a), a pre-existing crack is inserted
along the interface between silicon die and underfill with one
crack tip pinned at the die corner. The crack replicates the sit-
uation where a microcrack is initiated from the die edge or an
existing flaw due to nonclean surface. Since delamination usu-
ally initiates from die edge and then propagates toward the die
center, we will focus on fracture behavior at the crack tip far
from die edge. Fig. 2(a) explains the definitions of fillet height
and die overhang size .
Frac3D requires geometric finite element data as input.
ANSYS is a powerful modeling tool that provides great
flexibility of parametric modeling. In this study, a parametric
flip chip model with capability of automatic crack generation
was generated. Fig. 2(b) shows finite element mesh of a 3-D
strip model. A strip parallel to the length of the square die
is considered. The geometrical model includes silicon die
(10.2-mm wide, 0.8-mm thick), BT substrate (1.2-mm thick),
solder bumps (0.1-mm thick with 0.36-mm pitch) and underfill
(0.1-mm thick). Fillet shape is assumed to be right-angled
isosceles triangle, which implies that fillet width is equal to
fillet height. Material properties used are given in Table I.
The finite element mesh consists of two layers of 20-node
solid elements in the Z-direction [see Fig. 2(b)]. The mesh was
generated through an extension of a 2-D mesh in the Z-direc-
tion in two steps. The first step is to extend the 2-D mesh with
a length equal to half the solder joint diameter, followed by a
second step to extend elements to half the solder pitch. Both
layers of elements consist of silicon die, BT substrate and un-
derfill, but the first layer of elements also includes solder bumps.
The geometric model describes a representative slice of flip chip
module applying all existing symmetry conditions. Although a
complete 3-D model would provide more accurate stress/defor-
mation results, the 3-D slice model is adequate for a first-order
solution. Only half the strip of the package is modeled because
of symmetric geometry and loading conditions.
A fine mesh is used near crack tip regions. The finite
element mesh is exported to a Frac3D format file. Input files
to run Frac3D also include a definition of material properties,
boundary conditions, and temperature profile. A generalized
plane strain condition, which specifies a coupled degree of
freedom in the Z-direction, is applied to the model. While the
generalized plane strain condition requires the front surface to
deform by the same magnitude in the Z-direction, it does not
assume vanishing normal stress as for a plane stress condition
or vanishing normal strain as for a plane strain condition.
Hence, the generalized plane strain condition, to a large extent,
accommodates the actual deformation state without going
further into complicated full 3-D model. At the die corner, the
crack is modeled as an edge-through crack and not a full 3-D
crack. The design factors studied in this paper are:
1) underfill material properties (elastic modulus and CTE);
2) underfill fillet height;
3) die overhang (nominal distance from outermost solder
joint to die edge).
A full factorial design of experiment (DOE), which
consists of three levels of elastic modulus and three levels of
Fig. 3. Contour plot of after temperature drop (Deformation is
exaggerated 20 ).
CTE values for underfill material, is implemented through
modeling. The baseline case assumes an
GPa, ppm/ C for the underfill and
mm. A crack length of 0.1 mm is a conservative
estimate for initial defect size. The elastic modulus values used
are 3, 6, and 9 GPa. The CTE values used are 26, 36, and
46 ppm/ C. The full factorial DOE allows full characterization
of individual as well as coupled (interactive) effects of underfill
mechanical properties on fracture parameters.
Next, the influence of fillet size up the die edge upon under-
fill delamination is investigated by varying the baseline case,
which assumes a fillet height of half the Si chip thickness, to
comprehend two more configurations, namely, zero height and
full height. These three fillet configurations are intended to
mimic properly encapsulated, under encapsulated, and over en-
capsulated situations resulting from variable underfill dispense
Finally, the overhang issue is investigated by varying over-
hang from its baseline value (0.3 mm) to 0.2 and 0.4 mm, re-
Fig. 3 shows contour plots for stress component obtained
after ANSYS post-processing. Near the crack tip the normal
stress is tensile, which implies an opening mode at crack
tip. The package is warped in a convex shape as temperature is
dropped to room temperature. Fig. 4 clearly demonstrates that an
originally closed crack surface tends to open at both crack tips.
However, conventional stress analysis (FEA) is unable to reveal
asymptotic stress field at crack tip without introducing singular
elements. Fracture analysis is conducted using Frac3D instead.
It is important to understand the change of fracture parame-
ters including both energy release rate and phase angle, during
crack propagation, i.e., increase of crack length. Fig. 5 plots the
energy release rate as a function of crack length, for the baseline
case. The strain energy release rate for different temperature ex-
cursions can be readily obtained from the fact that energy release
rate is proportional to . As shown in Fig. 5, the strain en-
ergy release rate G increases with increasing crack length.
Fig. 6 shows that phase angle de-
creases with crack length, indicating an increasing contribution
Fig. 4. Crack opening after loading.
Fig. 5. Energy release rate versus crack length.
Fig. 6. Phase angle versus crack length.
from mode I. As the crack mode shifts from mode II to mode I,
interfacial fracture toughness decreases as seen from trends in
Fig. 1. Therefore, according to the failure criterion for delam-
ination growth, i.e., , the delamination may grow
unstably because of decreased toughness , and increased
crack driving force versus crack length.
was found to be significantly smaller than or .
Hence, its contribution is negligible.
The effects of underfill properties on fracture parameters are
shown in Figs. 7 and 8. As shown in Fig. 7, energy release rate
increases with underfill modulus, which indicates that stiffer un-
derfill encapsulation will generate a larger crack driving force
and accelerate crack propagation once the crack is initiated.
Fig. 7. Effects of underfill properties on energy release rate.
Fig. 8. (a) No delamination at package with moderate fillet. (b) Underfill
delamination at package with low fillet.
However, this result does not necessarily imply that more com-
pliant underfill material would reduce the risk of overall flip
chip package reliability. Excessively compliant underfill fails
to support stress, loading the solder bumps to a greater degree,
which may lead to solder bump cracking prior to underfill de-
lamination. An appropriate choice of underfill modulus should
consider reliability associated with various failure mechanisms
including underfill delamination and solder bump (under bump
metallization) cracking.
The effect of underfill CTE on the energy release rate, as
shown in Fig. 7, clearly demonstrates that, in addition to a global
CTE mismatch between silicon die and organic substrate, the
Fig. 9. (a) Effect of fillet height on energy release rate. (b) Effect of fillet size
on phase angle.
local CTE mismatch among silicon die, underfill, and solder
bumps also play an important role in determining fracture
behavior for underfill delamination. For example, energy release
rate increases by nearly 20% if underfill CTE varies from
26 ppm/ C to 36 ppm/ C. It is shown that a lower CTE value,
closer to that of solder bumps, produces a smaller energy
release rate. The result suggests that underfill delamination can
decrease by reducing underfill CTE to match solder CTE.
Cross-section pictures [Fig. 8(a) and (b)] from failure anal-
ysis of post-temperature cycling parts, under 0 C to 100 C,
show that fillet height has an impact on underfill delamination.
While a nominal fillet height does not suffer a visible delamina-
tion/crack after 500 cycles [Fig. 8(a)], the part with smaller fillet
causes delamination between die and underfill [Fig. 8(b)]. This
indicates that fillet configuration influences the delamination of
die/underfill interface.
Different fillet sizes arise from variation of underfill volume
and process control during dispensing. As seen in Fig. 9(a) and
(b), it is noteworthy that both high and low fillet, i.e., over en-
capsulated and under encapsulated fillet, produce a larger en-
ergy release rate. This indicates that fillet size needs to be prop-
erly controlled during underfill dispense. There exists an op-
timal range of fillet size to minimize energy release rate and de-
sign rules must be derived from specific package configuration
and dimensions.
The die overhang, i.e., the distance between outmost solder
bump and die edge, is an important factor in the package de-
sign. Since overhang is directly associated with the usable area
for I/O footprint, it is desirable to have a short overhang to max-
imize useable area. Fig. 10(a) shows that energy release rate al-
most remains constant with decreasing overhang while phase
angle [Fig. 10(b)] shifts from mode II to mode I, i.e., shear mode
Fig. 10. (a) Effects of die overhang on energy release rate. (b) Effects of die
overhang on phase angle.
to open mode. It is noted that interfacial fracture toughness is
usually smaller for the opening mode than for the shear mode.
Therefore, it is not beneficial that the mode mixity shift be domi-
nated by the open mode. This indicates that overhang needs to be
maintained within a certain critical range to avoid crack growth.
The comparison study of fillet height and overhang size is
based on the assumption that initial crack length is 0.1 mm, and
the general trend presented is valid for other choices of crack
length, as discussed in Section IV.
It has been demonstrated that it is possible to optimize de-
sign factors to reduce the risk of underfill delamination. The
design factors studied in this paper involve material properties
including elastic modulus and CTE, underfill fillet size and die
overhang. We find that underfill delamination for this partic-
ular flip chip configuration exhibits instability as the energy re-
lease rate increases with crack length. It is clear that increasing
underfill modulus and CTE will increase energy release rate.
Fillet optimization is proven to be an effective way to prevent
underfill delamination. Moderate fillet height is demonstrated
to generate the least energy release rate. Lower fillet (under en-
capsulation) has the highest probability of causing underfill de-
lamination because it results in higher energy release rate and
small phase angle. From fracture analysis, we also found that an
excessively small die overhang will shift the crack mode from
mode II dominated to mode I dominated, reducing the interface
fracture toughness substantially. As a consequence, die over-
hang needs to be controlled to be above a certain critical value,
which will depend on the configuration analyzed.
The enriched element displacements , , and take the form
[7], [8]
In (A1)(A3) and represent the unknown nodal
displacements and are the conventional element shape func-
tions in terms of the elements local coordinates. and
represent the mode I, II, and III stress intensity factors
varying along the crack front defined by the interpolation func-
tions . The contributions from these stress intensity fac-
tors are then assembled into the global stiffness matrix in the
same manner as for regular elements. The function is a ze-
roing functionthat provides inter-element compatibility be-
tween the enriched crack tip elements and the elements that sur-
round the enriched elements.
The auhtors would like to thank Dr. H. Nied and X. Hu of
Lehigh University for many helpful discussions on Frac3D.
They would also like to acknowledge contributions from
D. Natekar when he was at AMD.
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[8] R. Pearson, A. Ayhan, and H. Nied, Modeling the mechanical behavior
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Charlie Jun Zhai received the Ph.D. degree in me-
chanical engineering with a focus on solid mechanics
from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, in
He worked in the Personal Communicational
Sector, Motorola, Inc., from 2000 to 2001, where
he conducted research on advanced packaging and
assembly technology development for telecommu-
nication products. Since 2001, he has been with
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, in
the reliability modeling group. His research interests
are in FEA modeling, fracture mechanics, IC back-end reliability, and advanced
packaging. He has more than 20 publications.
Sidharth received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical
engineering with a focus on electronic packaging and
reliability from the University of Maryland, College
Park, in 1995.
Since 1995, he has been with Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc. (AMD), Sunnyvale, CA, as a Senior
Member of the Technical Staff in the Reliability
Modeling Group. He has served as Co-Chair of
the IRPS Packaging and Assembly Committee for
the past several years. His research interests are
in electronic packaging, numerical modeling, and
product quality and reliability.
Richard C. Blish II received the B.S. degree in
physics and the Ph.D. degree in materials sci-
ence from the California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, in 1963 and 1967, respectively.
He was with Bell Laboratories from 1967 to 1969
correlating electrical properties of diode arrays to
crystalline damage detected by X-ray topography.
From 1969 to 1980, he was with Signetics, working
on XRF, SEM, microprobe, metallography, chro-
matography, and plasma etching. From 1980 to
1994, he was with Intel in a variety of management
roles in package reliability. From 1995 to the present, he has been with
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD), Sunnyvale, CA, currently as an AMD
Fellow in Reliability Modeling. He has 36 patents and 31 publications.
Dr. Blish has won awards for paper quality at IRPS and ECTC. He is a past
General Chair and Chairman of the Board of IRPS, chaired the SEMATECH
RTAB for 2000, and was appointed to the Program Committee for IEDM in
Raj N. Master joined AMD in 1996. At AMD, Raj
is Senior AMD Fellow. Senior Fellow is the highest
technical position at AMD. There are only 6 Senior
Fellows. He was responsible to successfully transfer
the IBM C4/BGA technologies to AMD and set up
high volume manufacturing in Penang which has to
date produced more then 100 million flip chip as-
semblies. He led the Organic packaging development
and manufacturing which is now in high volume pro-
duction. He provides technical guidance for equip-
ment and processes for C4/BGA manufacturing lines
in Penang and Singapore. He also provides technical expertise and guidance
to product lines, Failure analysis, reliability and quality organizations within
AMD. He manages advanced packaging group involved in developing strategic
enabling technologies in the area of materials, process, thermal and electrical
performance. He is also manager of the Lead Free program of AMD. Raj joined
AMD after spending 21 years at IBM. He was Senior Technical Staff member
at IBM prior to joining AMD. He was technically responsible for packaging de-
velopment and manufacturing as related to C4, Ball Grid Array, Column Grid
Array, Board Level Reliability and Multi Layer Ceramic Substrate. Raj has 32
U.S. patents issued to him and has published over 60 technical papers.
... The simulations showed that the dominant strain component in the corner is shear strain. This finding coincides with previous studies [6,7]. Die size effect was shown to have quantifiable impact on the corner strain. ...
... Shear strain is highest in the edges if the die and under the bumps. The other vertical component of shear strain, not shown, is symmetric on the other edge.Those results show that the dominant strain component in the corner is shear strain coinciding with previous results suggesting that mode II is the common corner failure mode[6,7]. ...
Modeling and theoretical prediction of thermal expansion property of particulate reinforced polymer composite are important hot issues in composite science and engineering. In this article, the thermomechanical interaction between spherical particle and polymer matrix and its contribution to the thermal expansion behavior of spherical particle reinforced polymer composite have been studied theoretically. A mechanical interphase resulted from the thermomechanical interaction is observed in radial distribution of effective coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) around the particle with an isotropic assumption of the particle and polymer matrix, and with necessary simplification of the thermomechanical interference among particles, an analytical equation for predicting the CTE of the composite has been proposed. Compared with other models, good fits by this model with finite element (FE) simulated CTE value of particle reinforced composite and previously reported CTE data of particulate reinforced epoxy composites with particle size from micron to nanometer scale are observed. This study would deepen the understanding of the interphase in particle reinforced composites and be favorable for mechanism analysis of other physical properties of polymer composites. Highlights Thermomechanical interaction between spherical particle and matrix is studied A new model for the CTE of particle reinforced polymer composite is proposed FE simulation been carried out to examine the reasonability of the proposed model Present model well fits the reported reinforced epoxy composites CTE data A new perspective for analyzing other properties of reinforced composites
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Polymer materials attract more and more interests for a biocompatible package of novel implantable medical devices. Medical implants need to be packaged in a biocompatible way to minimize FBR (Foreign Body Reaction) of the implant. One of the most advanced implantable devices is neural prosthesis device, which consists of polymeric neural electrode and silicon neural signal processing integrated circuit (IC). The overall neural interface system should be packaged in a biocompatible way to be implanted in a patient. The biocompatible packaging is being mainly achieved in two approaches; (1) polymer encapsulation of conventional package based on die attach, wire bond, solder bump, etc. (2) chip-level integrated interconnect, which integrates Si chip with metal thin film deposition through sacrificial release technique. The polymer encapsulation must cover different materials, creating a multitude of interface, which is of much importance in long-term reliability of the implanted biocompatible package. Another failure mode is bio-fluid penetration through the polymer encapsulation layer. To prevent bio-fluid leakage, a diffusion barrier is frequently added to the polymer packaging layer. Such a diffusion barrier is also used in polymer-based neural electrodes. This review paper presents the summary of biocompatible packaging techniques, packaging materials focusing on encapsulation polymer materials and diffusion barrier, and a FEM-based modeling and simulation to study the biocompatible package reliability.
Microelectronic packages continue to become smaller and more complex. Interfacial delamination is a common failure mechanism present in microelectronic packages due to the mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between different materials. Epoxy Molding Compound (EMC)/copper is a common interface found in microelectronic packages and is susceptible to delamination due to CTE mismatch. This work analyzes interfacial delamination of an EMC/copper interface and the impact of temperature and humidity conditioning on interfacial fracture energy using a double cantilever beam test. The critical interfacial fracture energy is obtained for as-received, thermally-aged, and humidity-conditioned samples. These experimental results can be used in models to predict delamination in an EMC/copper interface and how these interfaces are affected by factors such as time, temperature, and humidity conditioning.
In a flip chip package, the chip corner areas which are embedded in the underfill material are often critical to the damage initiation, since a stress concentration usually exists at these locations. A high level of stress concentration often promotes crack initiation from the chip corner. In order to better understand the local deformation around chip corners and crack tips, a method based on laser scanning confocal microscopy combined with the digital image correlation (confocal-DIC) was developed to measure local strain directly in deformed, transparent objects. A transparent epoxy resin with alumina particle fillers was used in four different types of samples, which were fabricated for the purpose of validation. A non-constrained sample and a thin-layer sample were used to verify the isotropic thermal expansion and the strain gradients with respect to the depth, respectively. Results from both samples were in good agreements with the calculation from the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and FEM simulations. Furthermore, the confocal-DIC technique was applied to measure the strain distribution near the chip corner area of a third sample replicating the geometry of a flip chip package. The measured maximum first principal strain was located at the chip corner, reaching 0.9 % at 60 ∘C, in a good agreement with the simulation results. The strain in front of the crack tip was also evaluated by a three-point bending test in a fourth test sample. The measured maximum strain was 5.8±0.7 %, corresponding to a relative error of only about 5 % compared to simulations for a round crack tip configuration. The averaging used in DIC lowers its spatial resolution and makes it difficult to capture higher strain gradients in small regions. However, the confocal-DIC approach appears to be able to provide reasonable results for evaluating the maximum strain and the full field strain distribution in tri-dimensional volumes with geometries, materials and dimensions which are very similar to those of actual flip chip microelectronic packages.
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A Brazil-nut-sandwich with a crack on a substrate/interlayer interface is developed for fracture testing. The fracture loading phase is controlled by the angle of diametral compression. Interfacial fracture mechanics is summarized and adopted in reporting data. Experiments are conducted with aluminum, brass, steel and plexiglass as substrates and epoxy as interlayer. Interfacial toughness curves are measured for large range of loading phase. Effects of the roughness of the surfaces prior to bonding on the interfacial toughness are demonstrated. Failure patterns for the adhesive structure under different loading modes are observed with a scanning electron microscope. For the metal/epoxy systems, when the remote loading is predominantly mode I, cracks tend to kink out of interfaces and run within the epoxy layer, although the bulk epoxy fracture energy is much higher than the interfacial toughness. At large loading phases, abnormally high apparent toughness is measured. These observations are discussed in the light of crack path selection criteria in adhesive joints and large scale contact zone of crack faces.
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In this paper, a numerical model for flip-chips in electronic packaging is constructed referring to existing experimental observation. The finite element (FE) simulation of interfacial crack propagation has been carried out along the interface between underfill and silicon chip without crack and with an initial crack, and the symmetric Galerkin multi-zone boundary element (BE) analysis has been also developed to calculate the same models as FE ones. In FE simulation, a critical stress criterion is adopted as the fracture criterion for the crack propagation. The normal and shear stress distributions along the interface are obtained from numerical analyses. The relation of load line deflection and crack length, and energy release rate vs. crack extension curve are also calculated from numerical results. On the other hand, the thermal stress field resulting from the difference of the coefficient of thermal expansions (CTEs) for different layer materials is investigated by increasing temperature from 20 to 100 degrees. FE results indicate that stress concentration occurs near the interface between underfill and silicon chip. Numerical results from FE and BE analyses show to be in good agreement with experiment ones.
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The application of enriched crack tip finite elements for the prediction of interface fracture parameters, e.g., strain energy release rate and mixed mode stress intensity factors, is presented. Of particular interest, is the comparison between fracture results obtained from two-dimensional (2-D) models and related three-dimensional (3-D) (generalized plane strain) calculations. These results show that for thermal cycling problems, one cannot anticipate 3-D fracture results based on 2-D calculations alone, i.e., plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric models. On the other hand, it is shown that the 2-D models are quite adequate for modeling interface fracture in the case of pressure loading on the interface, e.g., pressure due to water vapor expansion during solder reflow. The fracture results presented in this paper were obtained using special enriched crack tip elements that contain the analytic asymptotic displacement and stress field. Enriched crack tip elements for 2-D and 3-D elements are shown to provide highly accurate results for simulating debonding in semiconductor packages subjected to thermal cycling and/or moisture absorption
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Electronic packages usually consist of bonded materials with different thermal and mechanical properties. The bonding interfaces of such devices near the free edge or near the junction of dissimilar materials suffer from high stress gradients due to the presence of thermal and stiffness mismatch of bonded materials. These high stress gradients may initiate cracks at such locations. Also, minor impurities or dust particles embedded between the die and the substrate are pyrolyzed during bonding, leading to formation of gas bubbles in the die-attach. In addition, moisture may enlarge these defects. Therefore, interfaces of dissimilar materials are prone to crack initiations, which lead to delaminations. Such defects result in an increase in thermal resistance from the chip to the substrate. It is therefore necessary to develop an in-depth understanding of the analytical modeling of the interface separating two dissimilar materials. Predictions of the location and onset of failure could then be made through a more accurate stress analysis in conjunction with the application of fracture mechanics concepts. In this study, in lieu of postulating the existence of a crack at an arbitrary location, the possible failure sites are determined by applying a theory that examines the local strain energy density field. The singular fields associated with junction(s) of materials or a bimaterial interface with a free edge including cracks are accurately represented by developing a global element. The global element captures the singular behavior of stress fields near the crack tips exactly. Since the stress intensity factors for a bimaterial interface do not have a simple physical interpretation, as in the homogeneous case, a more meaningful parameter for the present case is the energy release rate computed using its J-integral representation within the global element of global-local finite element analysis
Conference Paper
A number of analytical models exist that can predict the effect of filler content on the mechanical behavior of filled epoxy resins. Such models can predict increases in viscosity, strength, fracture toughness, and modulus as well as the decrease in the coefficient of thermal expansion with increasing filler content. In this paper we will couple these analytical models that predict the mechanical behavior of filled epoxy resins with our FEM analyses of the thermal cycling behavior for flip-chip assemblies. Such an exercise should identify the effect of filler content on flip-chip performance
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The 97Pb/3Sn solder bump flip chip metallurgy based on evaporative technology is one of the driving factors of miniaturization in portable electronic products, due to its size and its compatibility with surface mount technology. However, it is a relatively high cost IC packaging option due to the inherently expensive bumping cost, coupled with the high PCB cost which requires 63Sn/37Pb eutectic bumping. Various low cost bumping options have therefore been developed: printed solder bumping, electroplated eutectic solder bumping, gold stud bumping and electroless Ni/Au bumping. The bumping methods and assembly methods for these flip chips on to substrates are described and presented. The gold (Au) stud bump, which is based on wire bonding technology, offers a low cost flip chip solution for low I/O count ICs. The unconventional method of assembling this Au stud bump flip chip on a substrate based on direct thermocompression technology is presented in detail. Finally, the electroless Ni/Au bump, used in conjunction with anisotropic conductive paste or film, is also presented. This combination is expected to yield the lowest cost flip chip option
Conference Paper
In this paper, finite element analyses of delamination in flip chip assemblies are described. The objectives of this study were to investigate delamination at the encapsulant/chip interface along the thickness of the chip under thermal loading, and to determine the potential for interconnection failures resulting from this type of delamination. Under operating conditions, the mismatch in thermal expansion between the silicon chip of a flip chip assembly and an organic substrate subjects the solder joints to extremely large strains, which may result in premature failure of the solder connections. Although underfill encapsulation can reduce the strains in the solder joints, it results in the potential for cracking at the chip-underfill-substrate interfaces during temperature cycling. Due to the CTE mismatch, a strong interfacial shear stress concentration develops near the free edge; when this stress exceeds the bonding strength between the encapsulant and the silicon, an interface crack will initiate, may further propagate toward the encapsulated corner of the chip, and then continue along the active face of the chip. Once this adhesion is lost, the solder joints are subjected directly to the strain resulting from the CTE mismatch, and are likely to crack under thermal cycling conditions. In the model, a crack was introduced along the chip edge/encapsulant interface. The crack tip driving force was studied for chips of different sizes. The finite element method was used in the analyses in conjunction with the theory of interfacial fracture mechanics
Increasing die size and large coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch in flip-chip plastic ball grid array (FC-PBGA) packages have made die fracture a major failure mode during reliability testing. Most die fracture observed before was die backside vertical cracking, which was caused by excessive package bending and backside defects. However, due to die edge defects induced by the singulation process and the choice of underfill material, an increasing number of die cracks were found to initiate from die edge and propagate horizontally across the die. In order to improve package reliability and performance, die edge cracking has to be eliminated. An extensive finite element analysis was completed to investigate die edge cracking and find its solutions. A fracture mechanics approach was used to evaluate the effect of various package parameters on die edge initiated fracture. Strain energy release rate was found to be an effective technique for evaluating die edge initiated fracture from singulation-induced flaws. The impact of initial flaw size and a variety of package parameters was investigated. Unlike in die backside cracking, the dominant parameters causing die edge horizontal fracture are more closely related to local effects.
Interfacial delamination, due to the presence of dissimilar material systems, is one of the primary concerns in electronic package designs. The mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the different layers in the package can generate high interfacial stresses upon heating or cooling of the structure during fabrication, assembly, or in field use. These stresses, if sufficiently large, can compromise the adhesive integrity of the interface. The propagation of the resulting delamination along an interface can degrade or completely destroy the functionality of the system. The focus of this study is to examine the potential for interfacial delamination propagation in current and future versions of a novel peripheral array package. Two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) numerical models were constructed of this package with cracks embedded along a critical interface. The energy release rate associated with interfacial fracture was determined by employing the global energy balance and the crack closure technique. The fracture mode mixity was determined using the crack surface displacement method. These critical fracture parameters were compared with experimentally determined interfacial fracture toughness data to determine the possibility of delamination growth. A material parametric study was also completed using the numerical models with pre-existing delaminations to identify material property trends that would lower the potential for failure. Also, the effect of plastic behavior on interfacial crack growth was studied through J-integral calculations
Low Cost Flip Chip Technologies
  • J Lau
J. Lau, Ed., Low Cost Flip Chip Technologies. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.