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Abstract and Figures

Objective To assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods and analyse its association with the content of added sugars in the Chilean diet. Design Cross-sectional study of national dietary data obtained through 24 h recalls and classified into food groups according to the extent and purpose of food processing (NOVA classification). Setting Chile. Subjects A probabilistic sample of 4920 individuals (aged 2 years or above) studied in 2010 by a national dietary survey (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo Alimentario). Results Ultra-processed foods represented 28·6 ( se 0·5) % of total energy intake and 58·6 ( se 0·9) % of added sugars intake. The mean percentage of energy from added sugars increased from 7·7 ( se 0·3) to 19·7 ( se 0·5) % across quintiles of the dietary share of ultra-processed foods. After adjusting for several potential sociodemographic confounders, a 5 percentage point increase in the dietary share of ultra-processed foods determined a 1 percentage point increase in the dietary content of added sugars. Individuals in the highest quintile were three times more likely (OR=2·9; 95 % CI 2·4, 3·4) to exceed the 10 % upper limit for added sugars recommended by the WHO compared with those in the lowest quintile, after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. This association was strongest among individuals aged 2–19 years (OR=3·9; 95 % CI 2·7, 5·9). Conclusions In Chile, ultra-processed foods are important contributors to total energy intake and to the consumption of added sugars. Actions aimed at limiting consumption of ultra-processed foods are being implemented as effective ways to achieve WHO dietary recommendations to limit added sugars and processed foods, especially for children and adolescents.
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Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the
Chilean diet (2010)
Gustavo Cediel
, Marcela Reyes
*, Maria Laura da Costa Louzada
Euridice Martinez Steele
, Carlos A Monteiro
, Camila Corvalán
and Ricardo Uauy
Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil:
Center for
Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil:
Institute of Nutrition and
Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile, El Líbano 5524, Macul, Santiago, Chile:
Department of Nutrition and
Public Health Intervention Research, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
Submitted 30 October 2016: Final revision received 10 April 2017: Accepted 8 May 2017
Objective: To assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods and analyse its
association with the content of added sugars in the Chilean diet.
Design: Cross-sectional study of national dietary data obtained through 24 h recalls
and classied into food groups according to the extent and purpose of food
processing (NOVA classication).
Setting: Chile.
Subjects: A probabilistic sample of 4920 individuals (aged 2 years or above)
studied in 2010 by a national dietary survey (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo
Results: Ultra-processed foods represented 28·6(
SE 0·5) % of total energy intake
and 58·6(
SE 0·9) % of added sugars intake. The mean percentage of energy from
added sugars increased from 7·7(
SE 0·3) to 19·7(SE 0·5) % across quintiles of the
dietary share of ultra-processed foods. After adjusting for several potential
sociodemographic confounders, a 5 percentage point increase in the dietary share
of ultra-processed foods determined a 1 percentage point increase in the dietary
content of added sugars. Individuals in the highest quintile were three times more
likely (OR =2·9; 95 % CI 2·4, 3·4) to exceed the 10 % upper limit for added sugars
recommended by the WHO compared with those in the lowest quintile, after
adjusting for sociodemographic variables. This association was strongest among
individuals aged 219 years (OR =3·9; 95 % CI 2·7, 5·9).
Conclusions: In Chile, ultra-processed foods are important contributors to total
energy intake and to the consumption of added sugars. Actions aimed at limiting
consumption of ultra-processed foods are being implemented as effective ways to
achieve WHO dietary recommendations to limit added sugars and processed
foods, especially for children and adolescents.
Food processing
Ultra-processed foods
Energy intake
Added sugars
Ultra-processed foods are rapidly dominating the global
food system
. These products are formulated and man-
ufactured industrially employing processes and ingre-
dients not commonly used in traditional culinary
. Studies from Canada, Brazil and the USA
describe these products as being high in energy density
and high in free/added sugars content, with low bre and
micronutrient densities, compared with unprocessed or
minimally processed foods (even when the latter are
combined with salt, sugar or fat used as culinary ingre-
. Cross-sectional and cohort studies have shown
signicant positive associations between ultra-processed
food consumption and obesity
and other diet-related
non-communicable diseases
Several reports have concluded that a high intake of
added sugars increases the risk of weight gain
excess body weight
, obesity
, type 2 diabetes
, higher serum TAG
, dyslipidae-
, high blood cholesterol
, higher blood pres-
, hypertension
, stroke
and dental caries
. In fact, the WHO
guidelines recommend limiting free sugars intake to less
than 10 % of total energy intake to prevent excess body
weight and dental caries, and to less than 5 % for
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Public Health Nutrition: page 1 of 9 doi:10.1017/S1368980017001161
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additional health benets
. Free sugars include sugars
added to foods by the manufacturer, cook and consumer,
plus sugars naturally present in honey, syrups and fruit
. A recent report using nationally representative
dietary data from the USA (population aged >1 year)
showed a strong association between the consumption of
ultra-processed foods and the intake of added sugars,
suggesting the need to limit consumption of ultra-
processed foods as an effective way of reducing exces-
sive intake of added sugars
. Yet, these estimates are a
conservativeway to assess compliance with WHO dietary
goals as added sugars include sugars added to foods or
beverages during processing, preparation or at the table,
but exclude naturally occurring sugars in fruit juices
In Chile, a study based on data collected by a national
household food budget survey undertaken in 20062007
showed that ultra-processed foods and free sugars repre-
sented 52·8 and 16·1 % of total purchased energy,
respectively, but no analyses of the association between
these two variables were performed
. Information on
the intake of ultra-processed foods and added sugars and
on the association between these two variables is parti-
cularly relevant in Chile, given the large-scale food poli-
cies being implemented in this country such as an increase
in taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages and the law
regulating food labelling and advertising
. To address
this gap, we used intake data from the most recent
national dietary survey undertaken in Chile to assess the
consumption of ultra-processed foods and to analyse its
association with the dietary content of added sugars.
Data source and sampling
The data were obtained from the National Dietary Survey
(Encuesta Nacional de Consumo Alimentario, ENCA)
performed between November 2010 and January 2011.
The survey used probability sampling by clusters, with
stratication and multiple lottery stages, allowing it to
represent the Chilean population aged 2 years or above in
urban and rural areas of every geographic region: North,
Center, South, South (Austral) and Metropolitan. The sur-
vey response rate was 85·5 % for a total of 5753 individuals
excluding pregnant women and individuals who showed
signs of altered mental status. A nal sample of 4920
individuals was studied
Dietary intake
All individuals were eligible for one 24 h dietary recall
interview, conducted using the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Automated Multiple-Pass Method
For children under 12 years of age, an adult caregiver
responded the interview. Adolescents aged between
13 and 18 years answered in the presence of the
caregiver. Individuals provided information on quantities
(using home measurements) and preparation methods of
each consumed food item, assisted by a photographic
atlasof typical Chilean foods and recipes specically
designed for this survey. Each home measurement was
converted to grams or millilitres using a standardized
conversion table. All reported values (n150 156) were
double checked and inconsistencies were veried by
telephone, resulting in no missing values
Food classication according to processing
Every reported food item was classied according to the
extent and purpose of food processing, following the
NOVA procedure
. Food items were sorted into mutually
exclusive food subgroups within: (i) unprocessed or
minimally processed foods (eleven subgroups: e.g. fresh
meat, roots and tubers, cereals, vegetables, legumes,
fruits); (ii) processed culinary ingredients (four subgroups:
e.g. plant oils, table sugar, animal fats); (iii) processed
foods (ve subgroups: e.g. unpackaged fresh bread,
cheese, ham and salted meat, vegetables and fruits pre-
served in brine or sugar syrup); and (iv) ultra-processed
foods (seventeen subgroups: e.g. carbonated soft drinks,
sweet or savoury snacks, confectionery, industrial des-
serts, reconstituted meat products, shelf-stable or frozen
meals, industrial packaged bread)
. Details are displayed
in Table 1.
Assessing total energy and added sugars intakes
Energy and total sugars contents of reported food items
were calculated using the US Food Composition Table
(USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Release 28)
. For each reported food item, a USDA food
code was assigned, taking into account the nutritional
information in the Chilean Food Composition Table
and in the Nutrient Fact Panels obtained from Chilean
packaged foods (80120 % agreement in macronutrient
and energy contents was required in order to assign a food
code). Data on added sugars per food code were obtained
by merging the USDA database on added sugars (Food
Patterns Equivalents Database 20092010)
. For Chilean
food items not found in the USDA database, added sugars
were calculated using the algorithm proposed by the
nutrient prole model launched by the Pan American
Health Organization
Data analysis
First, we described the contribution of each of the NOVA
groups and subgroups to total energy intake and to total
added sugars intake for the overall sample. Thereafter,
we analysed the average energy contribution of ultra-
processed foods according to sociodemographic variables,
namely sex, age group (219, 2049, 5046, 65 years),
geographic region (North, Center, South, South (Austral)
and Metropolitan), urban or rural setting, family income
(1, 2, 35, 6 minimum wages) and years of schooling
of the head of the family (8, 911, 12 years),
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using unadjusted and adjusted Gaussian regression
analyses. For ordinal sociodemographic variables (age
group, family income, years of schooling), tests of linear
trend were performed. For categorical variables (sex,
geographic region, urban or rural) and ordinal variables
with no statistically signicant linear trend, Wald tests were
used to identify signicant differences between categories.
Gaussian regression analyses were also used to estimate
the association between the dietary contribution of ultra-
processed foods and the dietary content of added sugars
(both as proportions of total energy intake). The dietary
share of ultra-processed foods was transformed using
restricted cubic spline functions with knots at 5th, 27·5th,
50th, 72·5th and 95th percentiles, to allow for non-linearity
(the Wald test was used to assess non-linearity). We used
Poisson regression models to analyse the proportion of
individuals consuming more than 5 % and more than 10 %
of total energy from added sugars
across quintiles of
the dietary share of ultra-processed foods. We also repe-
ated these analyses stratifying by age group. Regression
models evaluating the association between ultra-
processed foods and added sugars were adjusted for
sociodemographic variables associated with dietary intake
of ultra-processed foods. Tests of linear trend were per-
formed to evaluate the effect of quintiles as a single con-
tinuous variable. The ENCA sample weights were used in
all analyses
. The Taylor series linearization variance
approximation procedure was used for variance estima-
tion in all analyses, in order to account for the complex
sample design and the sample weights. Data were ana-
lysed using the statistical software package Stata
version 14.
Distribution of total energy intake by food group
The mean per capita daily energy intake among Chileans
aged 2 years or above was 7611 kJ (1819 kcal). One-third
(33·8 %) of the total energy intake came from unprocessed
or minimally processed foods and 11·0 % came from
processed culinary ingredients. The remaining energy was
nearly equally distributed between processed foods
(26·6 %) and ultra-processed foods (28·6 %; Table 1).
Within unprocessed or minimally processed foods, meat
was the leading contributor (7·3 % of total energy), fol-
lowed by roots and tubers, cereals, vegetables, legumes
and fruits (each subgroup contributing more than 2 % of
total energy intake). Among processed culinary ingre-
dients, plant oils (6·1 %) and table sugar (4·0 %) were the
most consumed; while within processed foods, fresh
bread provided the largest contribution to total energy
intake (22·0 %). Among ultra-processed foods energy
came from a diverse range of products (seventeen sub-
groups), led by carbonated soft drinks; cakes, cookies and
pies; sauces, dressings and gravies; reconstituted meats;
milk-based drinks; fruitdrinks/sweetened waters; and
salty snacks, each one contributing more than 2·0% of
total energy.
Distribution of energy intake from added sugars by
food groups
The mean per capita daily intake of energy from added
sugars was 1017 kJ (243·0 kcal) or 13·2 % of total energy
intake (Table 1). The group of ultra-processed foods
contributed more than half of total added sugars con-
sumption (58·6 %) mainly through soft drinks (24·1 %),
fruit and water drinks (8·8 %) and cakes, cookies and pies
(7·3 %). Processed culinary ingredients contributed 33·6%
of the total added sugars intake, mainly through table
sugar consumed as part of home-made drinks, desserts or
other preparations. A further 7·5 % of total added sugars
came from processed foods, mainly from fresh bread
(6·3 %).
Intake of ultra-processed foods according to
sociodemographic variables
As shown in Table 2, individuals who were younger, living
in urban areas, residing in the metropolitan region and
with a higher income presented a signicantly higher
intake of ultra-processed foods, in both unadjusted and
adjusted models. A signicant inverse linear trend was
observed between age and ultra-processed food con-
sumption, while a signicant positive linear trend was
observed between family income and consumption of
ultra-processed foods. Even though an increased intake of
ultra-processed foods was observed among females and
heads of families with higher schooling, differences were
not statistically signicant.
Crude and adjusted associations between
dietary share of ultra-processed foods and
added sugars intake
In unadjusted restricted cubic spline Gaussian regression
analysis, a direct linear association was found between the
dietary share of ultra-processed foods and the dietary
content of added sugars (coefcient for linear term =0·22;
95 % CI 0·08, 0·34; Wald test for linear term, P=0·001;
Wald test for all non-linear terms, P=0·07; Fig. 1). The
linear association remained fairly unchanged after adjust-
ing for several potential sociodemographic confounders:
age, urban or rural setting, geographic region and family
income (coefcient for linear term =0·20; 95 % CI 0·07,
0·34). Thus, a 5 percentage point increase in the dietary
share of ultra-processed foods determined a 1 percentage
point increase in the dietary content of added sugars. As
shown in Table 3, the dietary content of added sugars
increased signicantly from 7·7 % in the lowest quintile of
the energy contribution of ultra-processed foods to 19·7%
in the highest quintile. After adjusting for potential socio-
demographic confounders, individuals in the highest
quintile of dietary share of ultra-processed foods had 50 %
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Ultra-processed foods and added sugars 3
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Table 1 Distribution of total energy intake and energy intake from added sugars according to NOVA food group, and mean content of added sugars of each food group, in the diet of the Chilean
population aged 2 years or above (2010)*
Mean energy intake Mean energy intake from added sugars Mean content of added sugars
(% of total energy intake)
Relative (% of total energy
from added sugars)
% of energy from
added sugars
NOVA food group Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
Group 1: Unprocessed or minimally processed foods 579·17·933·80·40·00·00·0
Meat 129·54·07·30·20·00·00·0
Roots and tubers 71·12·34·20·10·00·00·0
Cereals 69·72·84·20·20·00·00·0
Vegetables 65·62·03·80·10·00·00·0
Legumes 38·61·52·30·09 0·00·00·0
Fruits 37·91·72·30·10·00
Eggs 29·21·61·60·08 0·00·00·0
Milk and plain yoghurt 25·51·61·60·10·00·00·0
Fish and seafood 9·71·20·50·08 0·00·00·0
Natural fruit juices 1·80·20·10·02 0·00·00·0
Other unprocessed or minimally processed foods100·54·85·60·20·00·00·0
Group 2: Processed culinary ingredients 192·84·111·00·269·32·433·60·831·70·7
Plant oils 105·02·56·10·10·00·00·0
Table sugar 69·42·44·00·169·12·433·50·899·30·1
Animal fats 17·81·30·90·05 0·00·00·0
Other processed culinary ingredients0·70·10·04 0·08 0·20·05 0·10·04 31·54·3
Groups 1 + 2 771·912·044·80·669·32·433·60·89·90·3
Group 3: Processed foods 501·212·726
Breads (fresh unpackaged) 405·99·522·00·44·90·16·30·31·10·02
Cheese 48·12·32·60·10·20·20·05 0·0
Ham and other salted, smoked or canned meat or fish 7·91·00·50·05 0·00·00·0
Vegetables, fruits and other plant foods preserved in brine or syrup 3·20·90·20·07 0·80·20·60·229·43·0
Other processed foods§ 36·27·21·30·20·80
·20·40·07 8·20·7
Group 4: Ultra-processed foods 545·512·828·60·5167·56·058·60·930·40·6
Soft drinks, carbonated 88·34·04·50·284·43·824·10·895·50·09
Cakes, cookies and pies 86·65·24·30·223·71·67·30·431·30·4
Sauces, dressings and gravies 55·32·12·90·09 3·30·32·10·112·20·7
Reconstituted meat 55·13·02·70
·11·10·07 0·80·07 2·10·07
Milk-based drink 48·74·42·60·29·21·04·60·319·40·8
Fruit drinks/sweetened water44·42·92·50·119·41·58·80·645·11·5
Salty snacks 37·82·62·10·10·00·00·0
Ice cream and ice pops 28·92·51·50·110·50·94·10·341·50·9
Breads (packaged) 28·22·21·50·11·20·10·90·14·30·3
Sweet snacks 16·93·80·70·16·61·31·90·246·31·1
Sandwiches & hamburgers on bun (ready-to-eat/heat) 10·62·00·60·10·05 0·09 0·01·40·02
Breakfast cereals 8·81·00·50·06 2·30·31·10·226·61·5
Desserts 8·71·60·50·09 3·10·61·00·166·93·0
Instant and canned soups 8·03·70·40·20·10·05 0·10·03 10·91·9
Pizza (ready-to-eat/heat) 3·30·50·20·03 0·00·00·0
Frozen and shelf-stable plate meals 3·20·50·20·03 0·20·03 0·09 0·03 5·40·02
Other ultra-processed foods12·81·30·70·07 2·30·31·70·225·60·9
Total 1819 22·4100·0243·05·7 100·013·20·2
To convert to kJ, multiply kcal value by 4·184.
*National Nutrition Examination Survey 2010, n4920.
Other unprocessed or minimally processed foods: chilli pepper, garlic, basil, cinnamon, cumin, curry, merken, chamomile, oregano, plain water, coffee, tea, mate, noodles and powdered milk.
Other processed culinary ingredients: table salt, honey and vinegar.
§Other processed foods: chilli paste, wine and beer.
Other ultra-processed foods: dehydrated soup, artificial sweeteners and distilled liqueurs.
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greater probability of exceeding the 5 % added sugars
cut-off compared with those individuals in the lowest
quintile (adjusted prevalence ratio =1·5; 95 % CI 1·4, 1·6).
Similarly, those individuals in the highest quintile of
dietary share of ultra-processed foods were three
times more likely to exceed the 10 % cut-off compared
with those individuals in the lowest quintile (adjusted
prevalence ratio =2·9; 95 % CI 2·4, 3·4; Table 3).
Public Health Nutrition
Table 2 Dietary share of ultra-processed foods according to sociodemographic variables in the diet of the Chilean
population aged 2 years or above (2010)*
% of total energy intake from ultra-processed foods
Variable nMean 95 % CI Adjusted mean95 % CI
Women 2988 29·127·9, 30·429·428·1, 30·6
Men 1932 28·126·6, 29·627·826·5, 29·2
Age group (years)
219 1374 37·635·7, 39·438·636·7, 40·6
2049 1668 27·726·2, 29·126·725·2, 28·2
5064 948 21·519·5, 23·621·819·7, 24·0
65 930 17·415·9, 18·918·316·8, 19·8
Residential area
Rural 610 22·5
20·7, 24·323·7
21·9, 25·5
Urban 4310 29·5
28·4, 30·629·3
28·3, 30·4
Geographic region
North 531 27·7
24·7, 30·727·5
24·4, 30·6
Center 1001 27·8
26·0, 29·628·5
26·8, 30·3
South 901 25·7
23·7, 27·726·7
24·8, 28·6
South (Austral) 535 26·6
23·6, 29·527·3
24·2, 30·4
Metropolitan 1952 31·1
29·4, 32·830·2
28·6, 31·8
Family income
1 minimum wage 1019 24·222·4, 26·125·824·0, 27·6
2 minimum wages 1319 28·827·2, 30·428·727·2, 30·3
35 minimum wages 871 30·828·5, 33·230·027·8, 32·2
6 minimum wages 922 30·828·9, 32·730·128·3, 31·9
Years of schooling of head of family
8 years 2420 28·527·0, 30·128·727·3, 30·1
911 years 1340 27·625·8, 29·327·425·7, 29·1
12 years 1160 29·928·2, 31·729·828·0, 31·6
Total 4920 28·627·7, 29·628·627·7, 29·6
Mean values within the residential area (a, b) or geographic region (ce) column with unlike superscript letters were significantl y
different (P<0·05).
*National Nutrition Examination Survey 2010, n4920.
Performed with a multiple linear regression model, averaging or otherwise integrating over the covariates (remaining variables in the table).
P0·001 for linear trend.
% of total energy intake from added sugars
0 20406080100
% of total energy intake from ultra-processed foods
Fig. 1 Association between the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and the dietary content of added sugars in the diet of the
Chilean population aged 2 years or above (2010)* determined by unadjusted restricted cubic spline Gaussian regression analysis
(, predicted value; , 95 % CI). *National Nutrition Examination Survey 2010, n4920
Ultra-processed foods and added sugars 5
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Similar associations between the dietary contribution of
ultra-processed foods and the dietary content of added
sugars were seen in all age groups, being more pro-
nounced among children and adolescents (see online
supplementary material, Supplemental Tables 1 to 3). For
instance, children and adolescents in the highest quintile
of ultra-processed food consumption were four times
more likely to exceed the 10 % added sugars cut-off than
those in the lowest quintile (adjusted prevalence ratio =
3·9; 95 % CI 2·7, 5·9). The same prevalence ratios were 2·7
(95 % CI 2·2, 3·3) among adults and 2·3 (95 % CI 1·8, 3·0)
among the elderly.
In the Chilean diet, ultra-processed foods provided 28·6%
of total energy intake and contributed more than half of
total added sugars intake. A strong association was found
between the consumption of these products and the
dietary content of added sugars. After adjusting for several
potential sociodemographic confounders, a 5 percentage
point increase in the dietary share of ultra-processed foods
determined a 1 percentage point increase in the dietary
content of added sugars. The association between ultra-
processed food consumption and the dietary content of
added sugars was present in every age group, being more
pronounced among children and adolescents.
The estimated dietary share of ultra-processed foods in
Chile in 2010 was similar to that found in Mexico in 2012
(29·8 % of total energy intake; JA Marron, T Sánchez, ML
et al., unpublished results), lower than those found in
national surveys of industrialized countries such as the
USA (57·9%)
and Canada (47·7%)
, but greater than in
Brazil (21·5%)
. A higher share of ultra-processed foods
in Chile (52·8 % of total energy) was estimated for 2006
2007 by Crovetto et al.
. Two differences may explain
this discrepancy relative to our study: the origin of their
estimate was based on household food purchasing data
and the fact that all bread was classied as ultra-processed.
As in our study, recent evidence from the USA showed
that a 5 percentage point increase in the dietary share of
ultra-processed foods determined a 1 percentage point
increase in the dietary content of added sugars
. The US
data also showed that the mean percentage of total energy
intake from added sugars rose from 7·5 % in the lowest to
19·5 % in the highest quintiles of dietary share of ultra-
processed foods
. Similar results to our own were
obtained by two studies quantifying free sugars. In
, the mean percentage of total energy intake from
free sugars increased from 10·9 % in the lowest to 20·2%in
the highest quintiles of dietary share of ultra-processed
foods; while in Canada
, free sugars increased from 7·7to
19·4 % across these quintiles.
Our study showed that the content of added sugars in
the Chilean diet (a total of 81·2 and 57·0 % of all individuals
Public Health Nutrition
Table 3 Indicators of the dietary content of added sugars according to the dietary contribution of ultra-processed foods in the diet of the Chilean population aged 2 years or above (2010)*
Indicators of the dietary content in added sugars
Dietary contribution of ultra-processed foods
(% of total energy intake) % of total energy from added sugars
Individuals with 5 % of total energy
from added sugars
Individuals with 10 % of total energy
from added sugars
Quintile Mean Range Mean SE %PR95 % CI PR
§95%CI % PR95 % CI PR
1st (n1095) 3·809·37·70·360·31·01·027·51·01·0
2nd (n979) 14·49·319·910·20·377·41·31·2, 1·41·31·2, 1·445·01·61·4, 2·01·61·3, 2·0
3rd (n989) 25·719·931·713·60·487·61·41·3, 1·61·41
·3, 1·664·02·32·0, 2·72·31·9, 2·7
4th (n981) 39·231·747·414·90·588·01·41·3, 1·51·41·3, 1·566·92·42·1, 2·92·42·0, 2·8
5th (n876) 60·147·5100 19·70·592·81·51·4, 1·71·51·4, 1·681·73·02·6, 3·52·92·4, 3·4
Total (n4920) 28·60100 13·20·281·2–– – –57·0–––
PR, prevalence ratio; PR
, adjusted prevalence ratio.
*National Nutrition Examination Survey 2010 (n4920).
Cut-offs recommended for total energy intake from added sugars by WHO
PR estimated using Poisson regression.
§PR adjusted for age group (219, 2049, 5064, 65 years), residential area (urban and rural), geographic region (North, Center, South, South (Austral) and Metropolitan) and family income
(1, 2, 35, 6 minimum wages).
P0·001 for linear trend.
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exceeded the 5 and 10 % WHO cut-offs, respectively) was
closely associated with the consumption of ultra-
processed food. Indeed, individuals with the highest
consumption of ultra-processed foods (>47·5 % of energy
intake) were three times more likely to exceed the 10 %
cut-off compared with those having the lowest consump-
tion (<9·3 % of energy intake). Even though ultra-
processed food consumption was lower in Chile than in
the USA for all quintiles, this prevalence ratio was exactly
the same in both countries. Considering the evidence
relating consumption of added sugars to risk of chronic
and the current high prevalence of chronic
disease-related risk factors in the Chilean population
these results have important implications for the public
health agenda. This is especially true if we consider the
rapid increase in the consumption of selected ultra-
processed foods according to annual national food and
drink sales data collected between 1999 and 2013
according to household food expenditure data collected in
the Santiago metropolitan area between 1986 and 2007
Furthermore, our results support the regulations recently
implemented by the Chilean Government to improve
dietary quality, especially those targeting children and
According to our study, almost 70 % of individuals in the
lowest quintile of dietary share of ultra-processed foods
met the <10 % cut-off for added sugars, even when the
intake of table sugar as culinary ingredient in the Chilean
population was comparatively high (33·5 % of total added
sugars intake v.8·7 % in the US population). This suggests
that in Chile, promoting diets based on unprocessed or
minimal processed foods, complemented with small
amounts of processed culinary ingredients and processed
foods (e.g. fresh bread), as recommended by recently
launched food-based dietary guidelines in Brazil
, would help achieve the WHO added sugars
and the FAO advice for food secur-
. Despite the cultural differences, this is also true in
countries such as the USA where more than 70 % of
individuals in the lowest quintile of dietary share of
ultra-processed foods met the <10 % cut-off for added
The present study is not without limitations. Even
though dietary data obtained by 24 h recalls are imperfect,
electronic surveys and the multiple-pass method were
used to prevent the interviewer from forgetting items fre-
quently omitted by interviewees
. In addition, although
information indicative of food processing such as place of
meals or product brands was collected, these data were
missing for some food items and thus may have led to
errors in food classication. Since Chile does not have an
updated Food Composition Table
, the intakes of
energy and total sugars were calculated using information
from the US Food Composition Table (USDA National
Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28)
For foods lacking information on added sugars, the
algorithm proposed in the nutrient prole model launched
by the Pan American Health Organization
was used.
Therefore, the consumption of ultra-processed foods or
added sugars could be slightly under- or overestimated.
Evidence suggests that some people may under-report
consumption of foods with caloric sweeteners
. If so,
this bias may lead to underestimation of the overall intake
of added sugars or the dietary contribution of ultra-
processed foods, but may less likely affect the association
between these variables.
The present study has several strengths. It is based on a
large, nationally representative sample of the Chilean
population with data on individual consumption rather
than on market or household purchases, which do not
account for the fraction of wasted food. It is also the rst
study to examine the contribution of ultra-processed foods
to total energy and added sugars intakes in the Chilean
diet, providing updated and relevant results for informing
the public health agenda. These may also serve as baseline
results to measure the impact of a set of regulations being
implemented by the Chilean Government aimed at
improving diets
We have documented that ultra-processed foods represent
close to one-third of total energy intake and contribute
more than half of total added sugars in the Chilean diet.
Developing strategies to limit and decrease the con-
sumption of ultra-processed foods is a potentially effective
way to achieve WHO dietary recommendations on added
sugars and to promote eating in accordance with food-
based dietary guidance in Chile, especially for young
children and adolescents.
Acknowledgements: The authors thank the Ministry of
Health of Chile for supplying the database (Chilean National
Dietary Survey, 2010) and the International Development
Research Center for its support in obtaining information from
Nutrient Fact Panels from packaged foods in 2015. Financial
support: The analyses were supported by the Fundaçâo de
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). G.C. is
abeneciary of a Postdoctoral Fellowship from FAPESP
(grant number 2016/13522-3). FAPESP had no role in the
design, analysis or writing of this article. Conict of interest:
The authors declare no conict of interest. Authorship:
C.A.M., M.R. and G.C. designed the research. G.C., M.L.d.C.L.
and E.M.S. took care of data management and analyses.
G.C., M.R., C.C. and R.U. interpreted the data. G.C. and M.R.
wrote the rst draft of the manuscript. All authors read,
edited and approved the nal manuscript. Ethics of human
subject participation: Verbal consent was formally recorded.
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Supplementary material
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... An estimated 390 million children ages 5-19 years around the world were classified as 34 overweight or obese in 2022an increase from roughly one in 12 children in 1990 to one in 35 five today (10,11)and prevalence among preschoolers has risen over 60% since 1990 (12). 36 Well-designed school feeding programs and school food policies can ideally limit overnutrition 37 while also mitigating undernutrition, particularly in places where stunting and micronutrient 38 deficiencies are prevalent. 39 The World Health Organization (WHO) has offered guidance for developing regulatory 40 interventions to influence the school food environment, which encompasses all the spaces and 41 conditions inside and around schools where food is available, obtained, or consumed (13,14). ...
... policies being implemented before the concept and potential health harms of ultra-processing 291 became more mainstream. Given children's increasing intake of ultra-processed foods worldwide 292(4,(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43) and mounting observational, epidemiological evidence of their association with 293 numerous negative health risks(44), the lack of explicit limitations on ultra-processed foods in 294 the school environment represents a significant area for future improvement in policy design.295 Several countries (e.g., Mexico, Brazil, the United States) have integrated or are considering 296 including avoidance of ultra-processed foods into their national dietary guidelines, which could 297 lead to more restriction of ultra-processed product availability in schools that align their food 298 provision with dietary guidelines.(45-47) ...
... La única encuesta de consumo de alimentos (ENCA) con representatividad nacional es del año 2010. En esa fecha ya se reportaba que el consumo de alimentos ultra procesados alcanzaba casi un tercio (28,2%) del total de las calorías consumidas; cifras que en estudios no representativos de niños del área Suroriente de Santiago llegan a elevarse hasta casi la mitad de las calorías consumidas diariamente (49,2%) (9) . Como resultado de esta alimentación, la gran mayoría de los chilenos y chilenas excede las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en cuanto a sodio (83,2%), y un porcentaje importante lo hace también para azúcares (58,7%), grasas totales (42,1%) y grasas saturadas (27,1%) (10) . ...
Poor nutrition is currently the leading cause of death and disability in Chile and worldwide. Interventions based solely on behavioral changes have shown limited impact unless accom­panied by changes in individuals’ environments. Food environments are defined as the places and conditions where people access food and make decisions about their diet, including as­pects such as physical and economic availability, promotion, and nutritional content of food. Research on the role of food environments in population health is relatively recent and has primarily focused on developed countries. However, in Chile, relevant information has been generated in the last decade, enabling the formulation of public health promotion policies. In June 2019, the implementation of the Chilean Food Labeling Law was completed, inter­nationally recognized as an innovative policy that integrates improved information actions with restrictions on the promotion of unhealthy foods and measures favoring healthier school environments. Evaluations conducted so far show that the law was successfully implemented and has led to modifications in both consumer behaviors and the food industry, promoting healthier food environments, especially for children. Nevertheless, the mere implementation of this law is insufficient, and it is necessary to continue complementing these actions with others that promote healthier environments to advance in improving the nutrition and health of the entire population.
Technical Report
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El Ministerio de Salud de Chile ha presentado la Estrategia para Detener la Aceleración del Sobrepeso y Obesidad en la Niñez y Adolescencia 2023-2030, enfocada en abordar las alarmantes cifras de prevalencia de obesidad infantil y juvenil. Según datos del sistema público de salud, el sobrepeso afectó al 22,44% y la obesidad al 14,06% de niños menores de 6 años en 2022, marcando un aumento significativo respecto a años anteriores. La estrategia surge como respuesta a proyecciones que indican un crecimiento anual del 2,7% en la prevalencia de obesidad infantil hasta 2035 según el Atlas Mundial de la Obesidad 2023. Reconociendo que los primeros años de vida son críticos para establecer hábitos alimentarios y de actividad física, se han delineado 29 líneas estratégicas intersectoriales. Estas incluyen medidas como promoción de actividad física, educación alimentaria, acceso a alimentos saludables, fomento de entornos laborales sanos y regulación de la publicidad de alimentos poco saludables. El enfoque intersectorial busca asegurar un cambio sostenible, basado en los determinantes sociales y la variedad de entornos alimentarios en Chile. La estrategia se fundamenta en directrices internacionales como las de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Política de Nutrición y Alimentación del Ministerio, apuntando a revertir las tendencias actuales y cumplir con metas ambiciosas de reducción de obesidad infantil para el año 2030.
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Objective: To assess the energy contribution of ultra-processed foods (UPF) and its association to sociodemographic and anthropometric factors in 6-35 months old children in the databases of national surveys carried out in 2008-2010, 2015-2016 and 2019. Methods: All surveys were stratified multi-stage random samples. Sub-samples had 24-hr food recall on a random day for each child, using a modified multiple step method with visual aids and scales. UPF were defined based on the Nova 4 classification system. Factors were evaluated with two generalized linear models (binomial for the percentage of UPF consumers and normal for the mean UPF energy contribution among UPF consumers only). Estimations and models were adjusted by the sampling design. Results: 2887 children were included. UPF contributed 29% [CI95 27 to 31] of the total energy intake. UPF contributed 31% [30 to 33%] of energy intake among UPF consumers, decreasing with age, increasing with height-for-age and showing seasonal variation. UPF were consumed by 86% [84 to 89%] of children, increasing with age and height-for-age, slightly increasing over the years and decreasing with poverty. UPF energy contribution comes mainly from milk and derivatives 19% [17 to 20] and cereals 5% [4 to 6]. Conclusions: The mean UPF energy contribution and the percentage of UPF consumers vary with age, height, poverty and survey year in 6-35 months old children in Peru. Keywords: Peru; Children; Food Intake; Energy Intake; Ultra-processed Foods.
Objetivo: Caracterizar o consumo alimentar, segundo grau de processamento, de mulheres com câncer de mama com verificação de possíveis fatores associados ao hábito de fumar. Método: Estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte de mulheres recém-diagnosticadas com a doença, em um hospital público. Os dados foram coletados entre 2014 e 2017. Foi realizada a caracterização sociodemográfica, bem foram levantadas variáveis sobre estilo de vida (presença ou ausência de tabagismo e etilismo). Para caracterização do consumo alimentar foram aplicados três recordatório de 24 horas e a quantidade e qualidade da alimentação foram calculadas pelo programa Nutrition Data System for Research. Após obtenção dos dados de consumo, os alimentos foram classificados segundo a NOVA. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 114 mulheres, com idade média de 51,25±11,52 anos, 7,99±4,26 anos de estudo e 0,80±0,72 salários-mínimos per capita, maioria de raça parda/preta (56,14%; n=64); com companheiros (57,89%; n=66); sem casos de câncer de mama na família (80,70%, n = 92). Quase 40,00% eram tabagistas e ex (9,65% e 29,82%) e majoritariamente não consumiam bebidas alcoólicas (96,46%). Em relação ao consumo de alimentos, aqueles in natura/minimamente processados representaram 61,87(±13,91)% das calorias ingeridas, 11,54(±8,16)% de ingredientes culinários, 12.19(±10.07)% de alimentos processados e 14,21(±11,80)% de ultraprocessados. Dentre o grupo in natura/minimamente processados, carne bovina (11.54±10.76%), arroz (9.86±8.10%) e frutas (9.37±9.57%) foram os que mais contribuíram energeticamente. Em relação aos ultraprocessados, refrigerantes e sucos industrializados (4.22±5.03%) e bolachas salgadas e salgadinhos (2.20±4.17%) foram os de maior contribuição energética. Conclusão: Mulheres com câncer de mama apresentaram ingestão energética menor que o padrão brasileiro, e aquelas que fumavam apresentaram 2,20 vezes mais chances de terem um consumo elevado de alimentos ultraprocessados. O consumo de ultraprocessados deve ser evitado, uma vez que estes relacionam a maior mortalidade pela doença.
Background: The imminent increase in overweight and obesity prevalence constitutes a pervasive concern for the adult and pediatric Colombian population. Nonetheless, the unequal distribution across distinct social groups limits the imple- mentation of public health policies targeting these escalating rates. Aim: This study aimed to compile existing evidence regarding the prevalence of overweight and obesity in relation to the socioeconomic status (SES) of the Colombian popu- lation. Methods: A scoping review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews parameters in MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, and LILACS databases for inclusion of investigations published up to January 2024. Results: Twenty-two cross-sectional studies were included. A higher prevalence of overweight and obesity was documented in adults with lower SES defined by social stratum and monetary income, while in particular for nonpregnant adult women, the prevalence of excess weight was higher in the medium-low socioeconomic stratum. In the pediatric population, higher SES defined by social stratum was directly related to an increased prevalence and risk of overweight and obesity. The ownership of household assets, however, was posi- tively related to the risk of overweight in both adult and pediatric populations. Conclusion: The findings of this inves- tigation disclose a socioeconomic gradient in overweight and obesity in Colombia that resembles the epidemiological distribution in high-income countries for adults, though similar to low-income countries for the pediatric population. Further intersectoral interventions aimed at the most vulnerable groups are imperative to mitigate the inequalities that condition their predisposition to overweight and obesity.
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Background & aims Ultra-processed food (UPF) intake has increased sharply over the last few decades and has been consistently asserted to be implicated in the development of non-communicable diseases. We aimed to evaluate and update the existing observational evidence for associations between ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption and human health. Methods We searched Medline and Embase from inception to March 2023 to identify and update meta-analyses of observational studies examining the associations between UPF consumption, as defined by the NOVA classification, and a wide spectrum of health outcomes. For each health outcome, we estimated the summary effect size, 95% confidence interval (CI), between-study heterogeneity, evidence of small-study effects, and evidence of excess-significance bias. These metrics were used to evaluate evidence credibility of the identified associations. Results This umbrella review identified 39 meta-analyses on the associations between UPF consumption and health outcomes. We updated all meta-analyses by including 122 individual articles on 49 unique health outcomes. The majority of the included studies divided UPF consumption into quartiles, with the lowest quartile being the reference group. We identified 25 health outcomes associated with UPF consumption. For observational studies, 2 health outcomes, including renal function decline (OR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.18, 1.33) and wheezing in children and adolescents (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.34, 1.49), showed convincing evidence (Class I); and five outcomes were reported with highly suggestive evidence (Class II), including diabetes mellitus, overweight, obesity, depression, and common mental disorders. Conclusions High UPF consumption is associated with an increased risk of a variety of chronic diseases and mental health disorders. At present, not a single study reported an association between UPF intake and a beneficial health outcome. These findings suggest that dietary patterns with low consumption of UPFs may render broad public health benefits.
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NOVA is the food classification that categorises foods according to the extent and purpose of food processing, rather than in terms of nutrients. In recent decades some attention has been paid to the increasing importance of food processing in global food supplies and dietary patterns, and its role in the pandemics of diet-related non-communicable diseases. But the specific types of processing that modify food attributes and risks of disease – either negatively or positively – have not been precisely defined. Food processing has remained a side issue. Set out here in its adjusted and refined form, NOVA (a name, not an acronym) classifies all foods and food products into four clearly distinct and in our view meaningful groups. It specifies which foods belong in which group, and provides precise definitions of the types of processing underlying each group. NOVA is now recognised as a valid tool for nutrition and public health research, policy and action, in reports from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Pan American Health Organization. We owe thanks to many colleagues throughout the world for support in the work set out here, for responses to our papers and other publications published since 2009, and for discussions during conferences and other meetings at which NOVA and its implications have been presented.
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Background Recent population dietary studies indicate that diets rich in ultra-processed foods, increasingly frequent worldwide, are grossly nutritionally unbalanced, suggesting that the dietary contribution of these foods largely determines the overall nutritional quality of contemporaneous diets. Yet, these studies have focused on individual nutrients (one at a time) rather than the overall nutritional quality of the diets. Here we investigate the relationship between the energy contribution of ultra-processed foods in the US diet and its content of critical nutrients, individually and overall. Methods We evaluated dietary intakes of 9,317 participants from 2009 to 2010 NHANES aged 1+ years. Food items were classified into unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients, processed foods, and ultra-processed foods. First, we examined the average dietary content of macronutrients, micronutrients, and fiber across quintiles of the energy contribution of ultra-processed foods. Then, we used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify a nutrient-balanced dietary pattern to enable the assessment of the overall nutritional quality of the diet. Linear regression was used to explore the association between the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and the balanced-pattern PCA factor score. The scores were thereafter categorized into tertiles, and their distribution was examined across ultra-processed food quintiles. All models incorporated survey sample weights and were adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, family income, and educational attainment. ResultsThe average content of protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, D, and E, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium in the US diet decreased significantly across quintiles of the energy contribution of ultra-processed foods, while carbohydrate, added sugar, and saturated fat contents increased. An inverse dose–response association was found between ultra-processed food quintiles and overall dietary quality measured through a nutrient-balanced-pattern PCA-derived factor score characterized by being richer in fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, and having less saturated fat and added sugars. Conclusions This study suggests that decreasing the dietary share of ultra-processed foods is a rational and effective way to improve the nutritional quality of US diets.
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Background: Some available evidence suggests that high consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) is associated with a higher risk of obesity. Collectively, this association and the nutritional characteristics of UPFs suggest that UPFs might also be associated with hypertension. Methods: We prospectively evaluated the relationship between UPF consumption and the risk of hypertension in a prospective Spanish cohort, the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra project. We included 14,790 Spanish adult university graduates who were initially free of hypertension at baseline who were followed for a mean of 9.1 years (SD, 3.9 years; total person-years: 134,784). UPF (industrial formulations of chemical compounds which, beyond substances of common culinary use such as salt, sugar, oils, and fats, include substances also derived from foods but not used in culinary preparations) consumption was assessed using a validated semi-quantitative 136-item food-frequency questionnaire. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for hypertension incidence. Results: During follow-up, 1,702 incident cases of hypertension were identified. Participants in the highest tertile of UPF consumption had a higher risk of developing hypertension (adjusted HR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.06, 1.37; P for trend = 0.004) than those in the lowest tertile after adjusting for potential confounders. Conclusions: In this large prospective cohort of Spanish middle-aged adult university graduates, a positive association between UPF consumption and hypertension risk was observed. Additional longitudinal studies are needed to confirm our results.
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Background: Ultraprocessed food consumption has increased in the past decade. Evidence suggests a positive association between ultraprocessed food consumption and the incidence of overweight and obesity. However, few prospective studies to our knowledge have investigated this potential relation in adults. Objective: We evaluated the association between ultraprocessed food consumption and the risk of overweight and obesity in a prospective Spanish cohort, the SUN (University of Navarra Follow-Up) study. Design: We included 8451 middle-aged Spanish university graduates who were initially not overweight or obese and followed up for a median of 8.9 y. The consumption of ultraprocessed foods (defined as food and drink products ready to eat, drink, or heat and made predominantly or entirely from processed items extracted or refined from whole foods or synthesized in the laboratory) was assessed with the use of a validated semiquantitative 136-item food-frequency questionnaire. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted HRs and 95% CIs for incident overweight and obesity. Results: A total of 1939 incident cases of overweight and obesity were identified during follow-up. After adjustment for potential confounders, participants in the highest quartile of ultraprocessed food consumption were at a higher risk of developing overweight or obesity (adjusted HR: 1.26; 95% CI: 1.10, 1.45; P-trend = 0.001) than those in the lowest quartile of consumption. Conclusions: Ultraprocessed food consumption was associated with a higher risk of overweight and obesity in a prospective cohort of Spanish middle-aged adult university graduates. Further longitudinal studies are needed to confirm our results. This trial was registered at as NCT02669602.
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Background: Poor lifestyle behaviors are leading causes of preventable diseases globally. Added sugars contribute to a diet that is energy dense but nutrient poor and increase risk of developing obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity-related cancers, and dental caries. Methods and results: For this American Heart Association scientific statement, the writing group reviewed and graded the current scientific evidence for studies examining the cardiovascular health effects of added sugars on children. The available literature was subdivided into 5 broad subareas: effects on blood pressure, lipids, insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and obesity. Conclusions: Associations between added sugars and increased cardiovascular disease risk factors among US children are present at levels far below current consumption levels. Strong evidence supports the association of added sugars with increased cardiovascular disease risk in children through increased energy intake, increased adiposity, and dyslipidemia. The committee found that it is reasonable to recommend that children consume ≤25 g (100 cal or ≈6 teaspoons) of added sugars per day and to avoid added sugars for children <2 years of age. Although added sugars most likely can be safely consumed in low amounts as part of a healthy diet, few children achieve such levels, making this an important public health target.
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Objectives To investigate the contribution of ultra-processed foods to the intake of added sugars in the USA. Ultra-processed foods were defined as industrial formulations which, besides salt, sugar, oils and fats, include substances not used in culinary preparations, in particular additives used to imitate sensorial qualities of minimally processed foods and their culinary preparations. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009–2010. Participants We evaluated 9317 participants aged 1+ years with at least one 24 h dietary recall. Main outcome measures Average dietary content of added sugars and proportion of individuals consuming more than 10% of total energy from added sugars. Data analysis Gaussian and Poisson regressions estimated the association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and intake of added sugars. All models incorporated survey sample weights and adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, family income and educational attainment. Results Ultra-processed foods comprised 57.9% of energy intake, and contributed 89.7% of the energy intake from added sugars. The content of added sugars in ultra-processed foods (21.1% of calories) was eightfold higher than in processed foods (2.4%) and fivefold higher than in unprocessed or minimally processed foods and processed culinary ingredients grouped together (3.7%). Both in unadjusted and adjusted models, each increase of 5 percentage points in proportional energy intake from ultra-processed foods increased the proportional energy intake from added sugars by 1 percentage point. Consumption of added sugars increased linearly across quintiles of ultra-processed food consumption: from 7.5% of total energy in the lowest quintile to 19.5% in the highest. A total of 82.1% of Americans in the highest quintile exceeded the recommended limit of 10% energy from added sugars, compared with 26.4% in the lowest. Conclusions Decreasing the consumption of ultra-processed foods could be an effective way of reducing the excessive intake of added sugars in the USA.
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Background: Processed foodstuff may have a lower nutritional value than natural products. Aim: To analyze the impact of ready-to-consume products on diet quality of Chilean households. Material and Methods: A national representative sample of 10,096 households, based on the 6th Survey on Household Budget and Expenses (VI Encuesta de Presupuestos y Gastos Familiares, 2006-2007), was studied. Foodstuffs were classified as follows: 1) Unprocessed foods or minimally processed foods (G1); 2) Processed culinary ingredients (G2); and 3) Ready-to-consume products (G3). Calorie contribution and energy availability of each household food group, was calculated. The nutritional profile of the national food basket was calculated and compared with two simulated baskets (G3 vs G1+G2), based on international nutritional recommendations. Results: Overall energy availability was of 1,885 kcal per capita/ day; 24% derived from unprocessed foods (G1), 21% from processed culinary ingredients (G2) and 55% from ready-to-consume products (G3), whose proportion increased along with income level. The 2007 national food basket contained an excess of total fat (34% vs 30%), free sugars (16% vs 10%), energy density (2.1 vs 1.3 kcal/ gram) and a low amount of fiber (8.4 vs 12.5 g/1,000 kcal). The basket consisting in ready-to-consume products (G3) had a higher percentage of carbohydrates (61% vs 46%) than the basket consisting in unprocessed foods and ingredients (G1 + G2). It also had a higher percentage of free sugars (17% vs 15%), less dietary fiber (7 vs. 10 g/1,000 kcal) and, above all, a higher energy density (2.6 vs 1.6 kcal/g). Conclusions: The Chilean dietary pattern, based on ready-to-consume products (G3), is affecting the nutritional quality of the diet.
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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the micronutrient content of the Brazilian population’s diet. METHODS This cross-sectional study was performed using data on individual food consumption from a module of the 2008-2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. A representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over was assessed (n = 32,898). Food consumption data were collected through two 24-hour food records. Linear regression models were used to assess the association between the nutrient content of the diet and the quintiles of ultra-processed food consumption – crude and adjusted for family income per capita. RESULTS Mean daily energy intake per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% coming from natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% from processed foods and 21.5% from ultra-processed foods. For sixteen out of the seventeen evaluated micronutrients, their content was lower in the fraction of the diet composed of ultra-processed foods compared with the fraction of the diet composed of natural or minimally processed foods. The content of 10 micronutrients in ultra-processed foods did not reach half the content level observed in the natural or minimally processed foods. The higher consumption of ultra-processed foods was inversely and significantly associated with the content of vitamins B12, vitamin D, vitamin E, niacin, pyridoxine, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc. The reverse situation was only observed for calcium, thiamin and riboflavin. CONCLUSIONS The findings of this study highlight that reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods is a natural way to promote healthy eating in Brazil and, therefore, is in line with the recommendations made by the Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population) to avoid these foods.
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OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil. METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted with data from the module on individual food consumption from the 2008-2009 Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF – Brazilian Family Budgets Survey). The sample, which represented the section of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over, involved 32,898 individuals. Food consumption was evaluated by two 24-hour food records. The consumed food items were classified into three groups: natural or minimally processed, including culinary preparations with these foods used as a base; processed; and ultra-processed. RESULTS The average daily energy consumption per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% being provided by natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% by processed foods and 21.5% by ultra-processed food. The nutritional profile of the fraction of ultra-processed food consumption showed higher energy density, higher overall fat content, higher saturated and trans fat, higher levels of free sugar and less fiber, protein, sodium and potassium, when compared to the fraction of consumption related to natural or minimally processed foods. Ultra-processed foods presented generally unfavorable characteristics when compared to processed foods. Greater inclusion of ultra-processed foods in the diet resulted in a general deterioration in the dietary nutritional profile. The indicators of the nutritional dietary profile of Brazilians who consumed less ultra-processed foods, with the exception of sodium, are the stratum of the population closer to international recommendations for a healthy diet. CONCLUSIONS The results from this study highlight the damage to health that is arising based on the observed trend in Brazil of replacing traditional meals, based on natural or minimally processed foods, with ultra-processed foods. These results also support the recommendation of avoiding the consumption of these kinds of foods.
This study describes food consumption patterns in Canada according to the types of food processing using the Nova classification and investigates the association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and the nutrient profile of the diet. Dietary intakes of 33,694 individuals from the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey aged 2 years and above were analyzed. Food and drinks were classified using Nova into unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients, processed foods and ultra-processed foods. Average consumption (total daily energy intake) and relative consumption (% of total energy intake) provided by each of the food groups were calculated. Consumption of ultra-processed foods according to sex, age, education, residential location and relative family revenue was assessed. Mean nutrient content of ultra-processed foods and non-ultra-processed foods were compared, and the average nutrient content of the overall diet across quintiles of dietary share of ultra-processed foods was measured. In 2004, 48% of calories consumed by Canadians came from ultra-processed foods. Consumption of such foods was high amongst all socioeconomic groups, and particularly in children and adolescents. As a group, ultra-processed foods were grossly nutritionally inferior to non-ultra-processed foods. After adjusting for covariates, a significant and positive relationship was found between the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and the content in carbohydrates, free sugars, total and saturated fats and energy density, while an inverse relationship was observed with the dietary content in protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, D, B6 and B12, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Lowering the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and raising consumption of hand-made meals from unprocessed or minimally processed foods would substantially improve the diet quality of Canadian.