Ricardo Gomes

Ricardo Gomes
University of Brasília | UnB · Gestão de Políticas Públicas


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May 2009 - December 2018
University of Brasília
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (107)
Public Management Review: INTERMUNICIPAL AND REGIONAL COOPERATION AND COMMUNITY BASED OUTCOMES We invite paper proposals for this special issue in the Public Management Review. This special edition aims to advance the discussion on how intermunicipal and regional cooperation can generate community-based outcomes. Public cooperation has become the...
O artigo tem como objetivo trazer uma revisão bibliométrica sobre o campo de estudos de Pensões dentro da área de Administração Pública. Para alcançar tal objetivo foram pesquisadas as bases Web of Science e Scopus que após refinamentos apresentaram um total de 733 artigos e reviews publicadas nos anos de 2013 a fevereiro de 2022. Da análise desses...
Purpose This paper aims to present a situation that Brazil is coming to terms with the creation of football companies. The solution is to sell football clubs to investors that can solve any inherited financial crisis and provide the players the clubs need to improve the situation. As clubs are now managed by investors, board members, society and su...
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Introdução: O conjunto de regras, procedimentos, mecanismos e instituições que organiza o processo de elaborar, aprovar e executar os orçamentos caracteriza a estrutura de governança orçamentária adotada em determinado país. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, as tarefas de elaborar, aprovar e executar o orçamento ficaram muito mais difíceis e mais co...
Conference Paper
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As regras fiscais são restrições duradouras à política fiscal e visam reduzir a discricionariedade dos atores que participam do processo de alocação dos recursos públicos. Embora haja muitos estudos sobre orçamento público e sobre o impacto das regras fiscais na gestão das finanças do país, o processo de construção do arranjo institucional subjacen...
Resource allocation is paramount to local government strategic planning. There is, however, a gap in studies examining the determining factors of resource allocation decisions in the public sector. This study contributes to the public management literature by providing additional theories for explaining local government resource allocation in a ver...
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The fiscal governance framework includes the rules and regulations that discipline the preparation, approval, and implementation of public budgets. It results from the power struggle of the actors that participate in the process of allocating public resources. Despite relevant studies published on the subject, this study aimed to provide background...
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Introdução A aprovação de regras fiscais visa reduzir a discricionariedade dos atores que participam do processo de alocação de recursos públicos, ampliando, assim, a previsibilidade da ação governamental e despolitizando a formulação de políticas públicas (Kopits, 2001). Poucos estudos investigaram o processo de elaboração e aprovação dessas regra...
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Não há evidência clara de como o ambiente democrático afeta os resultados sobre corrupção a partir da transparência fiscal. Este estudo objetiva verificar a influência do fator democracia nos resultados de combate à corrupção a partir da perspectiva da transparência fiscal. A revisão de literatura sobre governança pública focou sobre os temas trans...
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Although stakeholder theory has been on the academic agenda for more than 30 years, empirical evidence is still scant about stakeholders' influence as determinant factors of local governments' performance. Evidence from 82 empirical studies on stakeholder influence as a source of local government effectiveness is assessed in this article. The choic...
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This article classifies and assigns degrees of influence to the stakeholders involved in the implementation of strategic planning at a Brazilian higher education institution. In order to test the stakeholder influence theory, we carried out a case study of a Brazilian university based on qualitative methods. The models of Frooman (Academy of Manage...
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Although stakeholder theory has been on the academic agenda for more than 30 years, empirical evidence is still scant about stakeholders’ influence as determinant factors of local governments’ performance. Evidence from 82 empirical studies on stakeholder influence as a source of local government effectiveness is assessed in this article. The choic...
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Brazil has one of the most extensive and effective sets of deforestation control policies in the world. One of the main deforestation control policies implemented by the Brazilian government over the last 15 years has been the creation of an extensive system of protected areas, including extractive reserves. Our study addresses the challenges of re...
O presente estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver uma revisão teórica da literatura sobre o conceito de governança pública. Nesse sentido, obtiveram-se as principais contribuições teóricas nacionais e internacionais relacionadas ao tema. A metodologia utilizada foi a de revisão de literatura em bases de periódicos nacionais e internacionais. O result...
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Este artigo propõe novos parâmetros e indicadores para avaliar os níveis de independência formal e de facto dos órgãos reguladores. O alvo são as agências dos setores de eletricidade, telecomunicações e petróleo no Brasil. O estudo é orientado por duas perspectivas teóricas: a da necessidade de independência dos órgãos reguladores, uma vez que a in...
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Este artigo contribui para a compreensão de fatores que podem afetar a efetividade de reformas administrativas baseadas na quebra do monopólio estatal na prestação de serviços públicos. O foco é o alcance das medidas para fomentar a entrada de novos empreendedores. O estudo compara os setores de eletricidade (segmento de geração de energia), teleco...
Conference Paper
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Introdução O processo orçamentário público evoluiu para abranger novos e diferentes objetivos e envolve, pelos menos em sistemas democráticos, a preparação da proposta pelo governo, a aprovação por um parlamento e a execução por uma burocracia (Guess & LeLoup, 2010). As decisões orçamentárias são afetadas e restringidas por um amplo e complexo ambi...
Purpose This paper aims to demonstrate how public procurement can be strategic. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted following the protocol from Pagani, Kovaleski and Resende (2015), called Methodi Ordinatio, to select the relevant literature on this topic. The analysis of papers selected was carried out f...
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Developing practical performance measurements is one of the toughest challenges public managers face in order to ensure their organizations ' Effectiveness Despite the number of tools and techniques available for assessing organizational performance, public organizations are still struggling to figure out performance indicators that are relevant to...
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Developing practical performance measurements is one of the toughest challenges public managers face in order to ensure their organizations ' Effectiveness Despite the number of tools and techniques available for assessing organizational performance, public organizations are still struggling to figure out performance indicators that are relevant to...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo central verificar se variáveis relacionadas com participação política e gestão fiscal explicam significativamente o desenvolvimento social nos municípios. Para tanto, observa-se que o processo participativo fortalece a promoção de iniciativas inclusivas, enquanto a gestão fiscal garante o cumprimento em especial da fun...
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Resumo Este artigo analisa as coalizões de advocacia (meio ambiente e agricultura) estabelecidas durante a revisão do Código Florestal brasileiro e as principais estratégias de negociação adotadas. Entrevistas, análise de documentos e notícias de jornais de grande circulação possibilitaram captar como os gestores do Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA...
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O presente ensaio buscou comparar as perspectivas teóricas próprias da análise de políticas públicas de meados dos anos 1980 e início dos anos 1990, com as novas teorias da área, buscando identificar diferenças ou semelhanças quanto à incorporação de aspectos próprios da teoria da complexidade e dos sistemas complexos, especificamente os conceitos...
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Este ensaio tem como objetivo identificar as dimensões e os pontos de interseção entre a teoria institucional e a teoria do poder nas organizações para a governança orçamentária pública, apoiado na definição proposta por Couto e Cardoso Jr. (2018) e com a justificativa de que há escassa literatura que trata especificamente dessa relação no âmbito d...
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As crises do Brasil, tanto no governo como na sociedade, vêm exacerbando nos últimos anos os problemas sociais, ambientais e econômicos. Para além das questões econômicas (taxa de juros, inflação etc.) e da “reforma política”, que estão no foco da mídia e dos debates políticos e acadêmicos, há muito pouca discussão aprofundada sobre as razões de nã...
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Resumo Em todos os estágios do ciclo de políticas públicas pode se verificar a importância de diversos stakeholders, seja aprovando, influenciando, implementando, monitorando ou ajudando a modificar ações e decisões. Considerando que a análise dos stakeholders tem como objetivo determinar sua relevância em um projeto ou política, o objetivo deste a...
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The objective of this article is to broaden the understanding about the policy process from the systematization of its main constructs, presenting some theoretical reflections and a research agenda. The literature review is based on three international models: the Multiple Streams, The Advocacy Coalitions Framework, and The Punctuated Equilibrium T...
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As definições de poder de Foucault, Elias e Bourdieu, representam o ponto de partida teórico deste trabalho, na medida em que consideram o poder como algo que depende das relações estabelecidas, e que é simbólico. Assim, parte-se do pressuposto que o poder pode ser exercido pela linguagem, e neste caso, a análise crítica do discurso pode ser um mét...
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Collaborative stakeholder influence and open budget actions are important elements in governance in order to promote social development (Ansell and Gash, 2008). However, it is important to clarify how to measure these supposedly independent elements. The aim of the article is to identify ways to measure the influence of collaborative stakeholders a...
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O objetivo é analisar os recursos possuídos, interesses e os conflitos estabelecidos entre os atores de forma a compreender o processo de formulação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Foram retomados os aportes teóricos sobre o papel desempenhado pelos atores e seus recursos no processo de políticas públicas. Foram analisadas notas taquigráf...
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O objetivo é analisar os recursos possuídos, interesses e os conflitos estabelecidos entre os atores de forma a compreender o processo de formulação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Foram retomados os aportes teóricos sobre o papel desempenhado pelos atores e seus recursos no processo de políticas públicas. Foram analisadas notas taquigráf...
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Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir com o entendimento do processo das políticas públicas a partir da sistematização de seus principais con-strutos, apresentando reflexões teóricas e apontamentos para uma agenda de pesquisa. Optou-se pela revisão bibliográfica de 3 modelos teóricos conhecidos na literatura, múltiplos fluxos, coalizões de ad...
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O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir com o entendimento do processo das políticas públicas a partir da sistematização de seus principais construtos, apresentando reflexões teóricas e apontamentos para uma agenda de pesquisa. Optou-se pela revisão bibliográfica de 3 modelos teóricos conhecidos na literatura, múltiplos fluxos, coalizões de advocacia...
This study aims to understand the implications for strategy and organizational structures of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) facing chaotic events. Applying chaos theory, this case study focuses on Petrobras, a listed corporation controlled by the Brazilian government, in its role of implementing the national energy policy. The main findings of semi...
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This paper aims to broaden the understanding about the policy process from the systematization of its main constructs, presenting theoretical reflections and suggesting a research agenda. The literature review is based on international models: Multiple Streams Model, Advocacy Coalitions Framework, and Punctuated Equilibrium Model, which have been i...
No contexto atual emerge a Governança Responsiva, modelo orientado por princípios de responsabilização, transparência e participação, em que a efetividade se vincula a seu atributo-chave: a responsividade. Portanto, torna-se fundamental aprofundar o entendimento dessa mudança de paradigma, em particular no que tange ao papel desempenhado pelo gover...
Esse livro está incluído no campo de políticas públicas ambientais, ao abordar o tema controle do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira. O contexto que o envolve tem relação com as dificuldades do país em conseguir reduzir o desmatamento na Amazônia já que, desde 2012, as taxas medidas e auditadas pelo governo federal demonstram recorrentes aumentos...
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We test the influence of managerial quality on organizational performance using a panel data set on 827 (out of 853) Brazilian municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais over a six-year period (2005-2010). The intra-country and intra-state comparison controls for potential institutional, historical, and cultural variables. Local managerial quality...
The paper analyses governance in the parliamentary boards using a quali-quantitative research. The analysis is based on corporate governance to identifying differences and similarities on public governance in the Legislative Power. We collected data from several different types of parliamentary boards. A quantitative and comparative model is presen...
The resource-based view supports the idea that firms that make better use of their existing resources have superior performance, which depends on organizational processes and routines to lower organizational costs and prices to customers. By applying this approach to the Portuguese water industry based on a cross-sectional research strategy, the fi...
Private-sector participation in public services delivery has been criticized due to unfulfilled expectations. In response, joined-up government is being introduced as an alternative approach to providing water and wastewater services. This approach involves the establishment of horizontal (i.e. inter-municipal cooperation) and vertical (i.e. public...
Conference Paper
Strategic management processes have been increasingly seen as essential to the effectiveness of public organizations. In the context of the Brazilian public management, the administrative reforms that undertook efforts to transform strategic management processes, usually, show little institutional sedimentation. The objective of the research was to...
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Brazil is known to have one of the most efficient deforestation control policies in the world. However, the deforestation rates have continuously increased from 2012 on, fact that demonstrates the need to rethink the institutional strategies to control the deforestation in Amazon region. Thus, the aim of the current study was to analyze the associa...
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Purpose Corporate social responsibility (CSR) departments are often involved with civil society organizations (CSOs) through partnerships in order to develop projects. There are valuable exchanges and adaptation experiences involved in the process that goes beyond a project’s expected outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to show how knowledge sha...
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Although the open budget issue is receiving growing attention in the recent academic literature, it continues to be a topic whose consequences need careful investigation. This study aims to verify whether better social development occurs when open budget institutional changes are in place and whether open budgeting and social development are relate...
The findings of this study make a timely contribution to the development of public services. Based on the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework, this study analyzes under which institutional settings state-owned enterprises (SOEs) can be social and financial options for public service provision in Brazil. Applying a multi-case rese...
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At the dawn of the XXI century, traditional models are no longer able to give satisfactory answers to the society demands, precipitating a new reinvention of the State. This corresponds, on the one hand, to the emergence of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), ubiquitous and interactive. On the other hand, this phase is marked b...
This study explores the relationship between economic regulation and user prices in the Portuguese water industry. The empirical analysis demonstrates that economic regulation based on the rate of return model is attached to higher user prices in a comparison with the other organizations that are directly dependent on political decisions. Moreover,...
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Embora alguns relatórios e trabalhos científicos associem características do governo eletrônico com o desenvolvimento econômico e humano, estudos empíricos que comprovem essas correlações são exíguos, evidenciando uma lacuna que este artigo buscou preencher. Para tanto, lançou-se mão de uma abordagem dedutiva e objetiva da qual derivou uma estratég...
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Comparative studies show significant results when compared with fiscal transparency social indicators in the framework of democratic processes. However, careful analysis of the consequences associated with fiscal transparency are still surprisingly scarce. The aim of this research is to verify the existence of relationship between fiscal transparen...
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This paper aims to contribute to the extant stakeholder theory by providing some first steps and guidance about the importance of the external environment in the decision-making of third sector organizations. Resource dependence, institutional theory and stakeholder theory provides the analytical basis for the investigation. A constructivist ontolo...
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Electromyographic (EMG) signals play a key role in many clinical and biomedical applications. They can be used for identifying patients with muscular disabilities, assessing lower-back pain, kinesiology and motor control. There are three common applications of the EMG signal: (1) to determine the activation timing of the muscle; (2) to estimate the...
Conference Paper
The development of new resources in the medical field, such as wearable sensors, allowed the improvement of biosignals monitoring. Acquired data is then an important source of information to clinicians and researchers. Thus, extracting useful information from data is a task of the greatest importance that involves a variety of concepts and methods,...
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No atual debate sobre mudança institucional, percebe-se uma lacuna teórica a ser preenchida já que os mecanismos que caracterizam a ação de grupos de interesse e coalizões de advocacia são pouco explorados. Este ensaio analisa então a mudança institucional gradual e transformativa articulada por esses atores, contrapondo a literatura predominante,...
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Although the relationship between managerial capacity and local government performance is well established, research into the direct effect of population size on performance has yielded mixed findings. Using data for 787 municipalities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, this article examines the direct and nonlinear effects (moderating and cur...
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This article was born of a reflection of members of the Scientific Committee of the Academic Division of Public Administration of the National Association of PostGraduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD) — from his work in the period 2009 to 2012 — on the development of this field of knowledge in Brazil. The text describes and analyze...
This paper investigates evidence for a relationship between public expenditure and the effectiveness of basic schools in developing countries, a relevant subject at the time the Brazilian National Congress discusses a National Education Plan (PNE 2011–2020). This paper also aims to challenge the current approach of assessing educational performance...
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Balanced Scorecard has not yet been tested in Brazilian small-scale municipalities. The BSC is based on dimensions of Learning and Growth, Internal Processes Business, Financial and Customer. In order to fit to public organizations it needs some adjustments due to these organizations’ objectives. This paper presents a case study focusing on municip...
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In this chapter the authors explore the adoption of e-government strategies in three South American countries. To do so, they collect information from national e-government policies and analyze two comparable agencies in each country, which have implemented information and communication technologies (ICT) to increase transparency and accessibility....
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This essay describes the process for consolidating the Republic in Brazil, showing that the case illustrates the transformative change of political institutions through the action of interest groups. We intend to contribute to bridge two important theoretical gaps. On the one hand, the lack of theorizing about the Brazilian public administration wi...
Purpose – Much has been done in the public organization performance management field and there are some established theories that account for what would improve performance, but there is little strong empirical evidence about the determinants factors to performance in developing countries. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge in this area...
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Este artigo tem como finalidade analisar a formulação de estratégia no orçamento público sob a perspectiva do planejamento emancipatório e desenvolvimentista. Além disso, busca-se descrever a reforma gerencial da administração pública federal e identificar quais as respectivas contribuições para o aprimoramento da gestão estratégica do orçamento pú...
Conference Paper
The demand for objectivity in clinical diagnosis has been one of the greatest challenges in Biomedical Engineering. The study, development and implementation of solutions that may serve as ground truth in physical activity recognition and in medical diagnosis of chronic motor diseases is ever more imperative. This paper describes a human activity r...
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Municipality size has become an issue since the New Public Management doctrine of disaggregating structures into manageable units. In some countries, this doctrine led to the creation of small-scale agencies relying heavily upon transfers from upper-level governments. This paper aims to contribute to performance management literature by providing e...
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The role of societal culture affecting bureaucratic processes is often suspected and asserted, but seldom researched in comparative ways. This article provides a general framework and systematic, comparative evidence showing societal values permeating organizational practices relating to performance. This study examines effects of work ethic, group...
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After the adoption of New Public Management (NPG), the search for mechanisms to measure performance of public organizations, which often provide heterogeneous services and intangibles, became widespread. However, many of the tools used come from the for-profit administration domain and therefore are not completely adapted to the changing political...
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The Asia-Pacific region is known for examples of public managers taking initiative for addressing large challenges and opportunities, but recent concerns are that public leadership is greatly reduced in the new democratic and media-conscious era. Comparative data from South Korea, Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the United States, India, Brazil,...
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With the adoption of accrual accounting as the basis for accounting records applied to accounting in the public sector of many countries, governments have to decide between keeping a cash basis for the preparation of budget documents and broadening the spectrum of chan-ge to include the field of public budget generation. This subject has been studi...
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The idea of knowledge as a currency of exchange in interorganizational relations is growing in the international and national literature. This study analyzes some of the interorganizational relations of Petrobras, as an exclusive locus in the UN-ES, seeking to identify and understand aspects that could facilitate a sharing of knowledge between the...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the Brazilian budgetary process from the perspective of the emancipatory planning. For this purpose, the theories used are strategy formulation, public budget, emancipatory planning and developmentism. The methodology employed to analyze the case is of the qualitative nature for the des...
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A finalidade do presente trabalho é analisar as características do processo orçamentário brasileiro diante da perspectiva do planejamento emancipatório. Para tanto, são utilizadas as teorias sobre formulação estratégica, orçamento público, planejamento emancipatório e desenvolvimentismo. A metodologia utilizada para o estudo do caso em questão é do...
Purpose – This chapter aims to provide an overview of public administration practices in Brazil for the last 200 years, highlighting its main characteristics and the relationship between state and society. The chapter begins with the arrival of the Portuguese Crown in Brazil in 1808 and describes the main events up to the end of the President Lula'...
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Purpose This paper seeks to extend the analysis of performance management regimes by Bouckaert and Halligan to other countries in order to contribute to the developing theory of forms and challenges in public sector performance management. Design/methodology/approach The state of performance management and the context in which it has evolved is as...
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The stakeholder theory has been in the management agenda for about thirty years and reservations about its acceptance as a comprehensive theory still remains. It was introduced as a managerial issue by the Labour Party in 1997 aiming to make public management more inclusive. This article aims to contribute to stakeholder theory adding descriptive/e...
Performance assessment in profit and not-for-profit organizations has been on the agenda for scholars and practitioners for the last thirty years or so. Despite this effort we still do not have a comprehensive model of organizational performance for all kinds of organizations. This paper aims to contribute to this field by presenting findings from...
Performance assessment in profit and not-for-profit organizations has been on the agenda for scholars and practitioners for the last thirty years or so. Despite this effort, a comprehensive model of organizational performance for all kinds of organizations does not exist. This paper aims to contribute to this field by presenting findings from a con...
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This article aims to contribute to stakeholder theory by comparing the arena in which public managers make decisions. The description is based on a cross-national investigation carried out in England (2002) and in Brazil (2006). It offers descriptive and normative contributions about how Brazilian and English public sector managers perceive stakeho...
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This article analyzes the logic behind human resources management in primary health care from the perspective of municipal health systems administrators in Brazil, rethinking the decentralization process based on mediation between Federal government guidelines and the health services' daily practice. This was a cross-sectional study using a semi-st...
The purpose of this article is to present an empirical, descriptive contribution to the literature on stakeholder management in the area of local government decision making. The research presented here examines the web of interactions, inter-connections and influences on local government authorities in Brazil and England. It provides a cross-cultur...
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The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theory of public management by presenting empirical evidence ofusing the Balanced Scorecard for third sector organizations. The research was conducted within an interpretive paradigm using an action research strategy. Data was collected through focus group and individual interviews and analyzed using in...
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This article aims to analyze the Alpha Company and its stakeholders, attempting to find ways to contribute to better stakeholder management, bringing positive changes to the corporate sustainability process. To achieve this objective, two previously tested international methodologies are employed in the Brazilian context: Venn's diagram from Mitche...
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This article aims to analyze the Alpha Company and its stakeholders, attempting to find ways to contribute to better stakeholder management, bringing positive changes to the corporate sustainability process. To achieve this objective, two previously tested international methodologies are employed in the Brazilian context: Venn’s diagram from Mitche...
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Democracy should work towards satisfying diverse interests (for the common good), which is indispensable for establishing consensuses between the various stakeholders whenever possible. Since the mid-1970s, Brazil has undergone important political and democratic changes, making this a period of fundamental transformation in the country's health par...
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A democracia deve promover a satisfação de interesses diversos (o bem comum), o que é imprescindível à construção dos consensos, quando possível, entre os distintos atores. A partir de meados da década de 1970, o Brasil passa por importantes transformações político-democráticas, configurando-se em anos de mudanças nos paradigmas da saúde. Com a Con...
Purpose The aim of this paper is to describe the arena in which managers of small size Brazilian municipalities make decisions as constrained by stakeholder influence. Design/methodology/approach Four case studies were carried out with municipalities in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The investigation was carried out using grounded theory. Dat...
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There has been a global movement that has changed the nature of the state and its administration. Reforms have been implemented in Brazil, as they have in many other countries. This article aims to examine some profound changes in Brazilian public administration that have taken place during the last century, focusing on the modifications introduced...
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This paper presents the results of an ongoing investigation, whose main aim is to analyze the network in which public organizations make decisions. The findings presented here resulted from a cross-sectional survey carried out with Municipal Districts from the State of Minas Gerais. Data was analyzed through statistical techniques, employing the SP...
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O trabalho estabelece a relação entre as diretrizes das políticas públicas de saúde brasileiras e os critérios adotados pela Anvisa para aprovação das alegações de propriedades funcionais e, ou, de saúde para alimentos e para substâncias bioativas e probióticos isolados. Comenta a legislação brasileira sobre alimentos com alegações de propriedades...


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