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Assessment trace elements concentrations in tissues in Caspian Pond Turtle (Mauremys caspica) from Golestan province, Iran

Assessment trace elements concentrations in tissues in Caspian Pond
Turtle (Mauremys caspica) from Golestan province, Iran
Reza Yadollahvand
, Haji Gholi Kami
, Abdulreza Mashroofeh
Alireza Riyahi Bakhtiari
Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, PO Box 64414-356, Noor, Mazandaran, Iran
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Golestan University, PO Box 49138-15759, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran
Environmental Forensic Laboratory, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resource, Tarbiat Modares University, PO Box 64414-356,
Noor, Mazandaran, Iran
article info
Article history:
Received 9 July 2013
Received in revised form
24 December 2013
Accepted 28 December 2013
Caspian Pond Turtle
Mauremys caspica
Different Organs
Trace metals
Concentrations of cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper were measured in different organs and tissues of 15
Caspian Pond Turtle (Mauremys caspica) collected from Gharehsu River, Golestan province, Iran in June and
July 2012. Mean concentrations (dry weight) of zinc and copper were 66.9 and 6.7 mgg
in liver, 147 and
3.4 mgg
in heart, 93.2 and 4.9 mgg
in shell, and nally 150.7 and 4.5 mgg
in muscle, respectively.
Mean concentrations of cadmium and lead were 5.8 and 32.4 mgg
in liver, 2.9 and 20.9 mgg
in heart,
3.5 and 21.5 mgg
in shell, and nally 2.5 and 27.5 mgg
in muscle, respectively. On average, lead,
cadmium, copper and zinc concentrations in the analyzed tissues were much higher than those reported in
Pond Turtle was extremely high. To our knowledge, this is the rst report into metal accumulation in tissues
and organs of Caspian Pond Turtle from of the Gharehsu River in Golestan province, Iran.
&2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Metals enter the aquatic environments by atmospheric deposi-
tion, by erosion of the geological matrix due to rain, or from
anthropogenic sources, such as agriculture drainage, municipal,
residential, industrial efuents, and mining wastes (Al-Yousuf et al.,
2000; Mashroofeh et al., 2012). They are a serious threat because of
their high toxicity, long persistence, bioaccumulation, and biomagni-
cation in the food chain (Papagiannis et al., 2004), as well as metals
are causing cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in animals
(More et al., 2003). Metal toxicity occurs when toxic elements
displace nutrient elements from their metabolic site (Guirlet and
Das, 2012). In addition, they are not biodegradable through bacterial
metabolic pathways in a short period of time. Trace metals such as
cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are non-essential elements to all living
organisms and exhibit toxic effects at low concentrations, whereas
zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) are biologically essential elements in
organism nutrition and fulll many biochemical functions in organ-
ism metabolism, and exhibit toxic effects at high concentrations
(Mashroofeh et al., 2012). Both essential and non-essential metals
can be taken up or ingested by aquatic organisms and then
accumulated in their tissues (Anan et al., 2001).
The Mauremys caspica (Gmelin, 1774), belongs to the order
Testudines, suborder Cryptodira, family Geoemydidae and sub-
family Geoemydinae (Rhodin et al., 2010). It is distributed from
central Anatolia east- and southeastwards across Syria and the
Caucasus region to Iraq and Iran; isolated relict populations are
known from Bahrain and adjacent Saudi Arabia (Vamberger et al.,
2013). In Iran the Caspian Pond Turtle, is widely distributed in
Golestan, Mazandaran, Guilan, Ardebil, East and West Azarbaijan,
Kordestan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, Ilam, Khouzestan and Fars
provinces (Kami et al., 2006). Major threats to the survival of
freshwater turtles predominately are anthropogenic, including loss
of nesting habitat, illegal harvest (over-harvest) of eggs and meat,
infectious disease such as Fibropapillomatosis, and serious chemi-
cal pollution (Lutcavage et al., 1997; Spotila et al., 2000; Barreiros
and Barcelos, 2001; Bugoni et al., 2001; Lam et al., 2006). Among
these, pollution and pollution-related diseases seems to be one of
the most signicant factors inuencing the freshwater turtle
population. Unfortunately, there is no published information on
pollution levels and their effects in freshwater turtle populations
in Iran, particularly the Caspian Pond Turtle.
Turtles are useful as biomonitors of environmental contami-
nants because they are widely distributed, occupy a variety of
s types, feed a wide range of trophic levels, are long-lived,
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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
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Corresponding author. Fax: þ98 122 6253499.
E-mail addresses: (R. Yadollahvand), (H.G. Kami), (A. Mashroofeh),, (A.R. Bakhtiari).
Fax: þ98 122 6253499.
Fax: þ98 171 2245964.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 101 (2014) 191195
allowing for long-term exposure to contaminants and have suf-
cient tissue mass for multiple endpoint measurements (Meyers
Schöne et al., 1993; Kami et al., 2006; Andreani et al., 2008).
In addition, carnivorous species may accumulate greater concen-
trations of hazardous chemicals through trophic transfer, and
some species are relatively sedentary, making them useful for
monitoring contaminants within a specic area (Yu et al., 2011).
The use of biomonitors serves an important function from the
ecotoxicological point of view. This is due to the fact that they
provide integrated measures of the bioavailable metals which are
of ecotoxicological signicance in a habitat (Yap et al., 2006).
Despite this, there are only a few studies that focus on the
accumulation of metals and other environmental contaminants
in freshwater turtles.
Knowledge of trace element concentrations in freshwater
turtles is important both with respect to nature management
and human consumption of freshwater turtles. The objectives of
present study were to evaluate the accumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb and
Cd in different tissues and organs from Caspian Pond Turtle from
the Golestan province (Islamic republic of Iran). The study also
compares the distribution of the trace elements in different body
tissues and compares these data with those reported from other
2. Material and methods
2.1. Sample collection and pretreatment
15 Caspian Pond Turtles were collected from Gharasu River in Golestan province
(Fig. 1), during June and July 2012. The turtles were transported alive to the laboratory,
and kept in a vivarium before analysis. They were dissected with laboratory set, and
different tissues of liver, heart, muscle and shell were quickly removed, washed with
distilled water and stored on 20 1C until chemical analysis. The biological data of the
specimens are shown in Ta ble 1.
2.2. Analysis procedure
The procedure used for measuring trace elements concentrations in turtle
samples has been described previously (Mashroofeh et al., 2013) with minor
modications. Approximately 1 g of the homogenized powder from each dried
sample was added to 8 ml of concentrated (65 percent) supra-pure HNO
Darmstadt, Germany) in a closed cell, polytetrauoroethylene (Teon) lined
digestion vessel and incubated for 1 h at 40 1C in a hot block digester, followed by
heating at 140 1C for 3 h. Then samples were left to cool for half an hour, after
which 2 ml of H
(Supra-pure (96 percent), Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was
added, and the beaker was returned to the hot block for another hour for lipid
digestion. Upon cooling, extracts were diluted to 25 ml with ultrapure Milli-Q
quality water. Samples were ltered through Whatman No. 1 lter paper, and then
analyzed. Concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were measured using an atomic
absorption spectrometer (Shimadzu, AA-670, Kyoto, Japan) with an air/acetylene
ame. Quality assurance was assessed for each batch of 20 digested samples by
inclusion of two blanks and reference materials SRM1577b (Bovine liver; National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and DORM2
(Dogsh muscle; National Research Council Canada). Recoveries of all elements
ranged from 92.5 percent to 106 percent. In this study, trace elements concentra-
tions are expressed as mgg
of tissue on dry weight basis.
2.3. Data analyses
All data were tested for goodness of t to a normal distribution with Shapiro
s test. Data were analyzed using parametric procedures after log
mation of trace element concentrations. To test the statistical differences of trace
element concentrations among different tissues, Duncan
s method, along with one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA), were carried out using the SPSS version 17 (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A probability value of less than 0.05 was considered to
indicate statistical signicance.
3. Results and discussion
Concentrations of trace elements in different tissues and organs
of Caspian Pond Turtle are shown in Table 2. The analysis has
shown that Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd were detected in all the samples
analyzed. Zinc concentrations were highest among the trace
elements examined, while concentrations of Cd were generally
the lowest in the analyzed tissues and organs of our specimens
(Table 2 and Fig. 2). The comparison of the extent of trace element
accumulation in analyzed tissues showed that the differences in
distribution among different tissues were statistically signicant
for all assessed trace elements (po0.05). In general, different
tissues and organs showed different capacities for accumulating
trace elements. Trace element levels were generally low in muscle,
except for Zn which exhibited the highest mean level in this tissue.
Liver displayed the highest Pb, Cd and Cu levels, reaching 32.41,
5.80 and 6.74 mgg
dry weight, respectively. Similar distribution
pattern of trace elements has been reported for marine turtle
species as well (Sakai et al., 2000; Maffucci et al., 2005; Storelli
et al., 2005; García-Fernández et al., 2009; Jerez et al., 2010).
The difference in accumulation potential between the four ana-
lyzed tissues can be explained by the activity of metallothioneins,
proteins that are present in liver but not in the muscle and other
tissues and organs, which have the ability to bind certain trace
elements and thus allow the tissue to accumulate them at a high
degree (Barbieri, 2009; Mashroofeh et al., 2013). Metallothioneins
play an important role in trace element homeostasis and in protec-
tion against trace element toxicity (Papagiannis et al., 2004). More-
over, the differences in levels are at least one order of magnitude and
originate from differences in physiological functions of different
tissues and organs (Mashroofeh et al., 2013).
Fig. 1. Map of sampling location of Caspian Pond Turtle in the Gharasu River, Iran.
Table 1
Biometry data of Caspian Pond Turtle from Golestan Province, Iran.
Specimen Sex Size (mm) Weight (g)
1 Male 214.35 1157
2 Male 143.40 351
3 Female 211.66 1265
4 Male 103.09 120
5 Female 153.72 473
6 Male 197.66 878
7 Male 154.56 466
8 Male 166.61 490
9 Male 144.15 348
10 Female 198.12 985
11 Male 233.71 1351
12 Male 166.87 523
13 Female 224.80 1467
14 Male 111.51 174
15 Male 205.47 978
R. Yadollahvand et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 101 (2014) 191195192
3.1. Comparison of trace elements concentrations in different organs
of Caspian Pond Turtle
Zinc is an essential element for human nutrition and good health
but very high intakes can cause acute adverse effects and health
problems (Mashroofeh et al., 2013). In the present study, mean Zn
concentrations of different tissues varied from 66.89 to 150.67 mgg
dry weight in Caspian Pond Turtle and the distribution patterns
concentrations of Zn follows the order: muscle 4heart4shell 4liver
(Table 2). No signicant differences were found between muscle and
heart (p40.05). Zinc revealed the highest concentrations in Caspian
Pond Turtle muscle followed by the heart (Fig. 2). Zinc concentrations
in muscle were about two-fold higher than those in the liver. Zinc
had the highest concentration in the muscle, which is in line with
ndings of Maffucci et al. (2005) and Gardner et al. (2006),butwhich
differs from ndings of other studies, suggesting the liver as the
centre of their accumulation (Torrent et al., 2004; García-Fernández
et al., 2009). Zinc concentrations obtained in the liver were higher
than those reported in the literature (Albers et al., 1986). On the other
hand, the data would seem to indicate that Zn is regulated through
homeostatic processes, maintaining a balance between metabolic
requirements and prevention against toxic effects, which has been
suggested recently by Maffucci et al. (2005).Inthissense,onecould
consider the Zn levels detected to be physiological; and presuming
so, this element is actually not a problem on the health status of
these Caspian Pond Turtles.
Copper is an essential element but toxic for turtles above thresh-
old concentrations (Franzellitti et al., 2004). Copper mean concentra-
tions of different tissues varied from 3.37 to 6.74 mgg
dry weight
in Caspian Pond Turtle. The accumulation patterns of lead following
the sequence: liver4shell 4muscle4heart (Table 2). No signicant
differences were found between muscle, shell and heart (p40.05).
The highest concentrations of Cu was found in the liver (po0.05),
whichisinlinewithpreviousndings of Xu et al. (2006) and Storelli
et al. (2005). Nevertheless, it reached about 1.4 to 2-times higher
concentrations than it is in other tissues and organs. Copper
concentrations in liver tissue in our study is lower than the
concentrations found in liver tissue of Trachemy scripta elegans
(Yu et al., 2011), but the Cu concentrations in the muscle tissue is
higher than the levels reported (Yu et al. , 2011). Unfortunately, the Cu
concentrations in the heart and shell did not measure. High Cu levels
in freshwater turtles, including the Caspian Pond Turtle of the
present study, are likely to have arisen from species-specicbioac-
cumulation, and unlikely to reect pollution or higher natural back-
grounds of Cu in their habitats. As an essential element, Cu is a
component of some enzymes and may play an important role in
immunefunction (Yu et al., 2011). However, little is known about the
effect of Cu on immunity in wildlife, and further studies are
recommended to determine the role of Cu in the immune function
of turtles and other reptiles (Yu et al., 2011).
Cadmium is a nonessential element to all living organisms, and
it has several toxic effects including suppression of the immune
system (Bishop et al., 2010; Okocha and Adedeji, 2011). The Cd
concentrations in Caspian Pond Turtle were found to be in ranged
of 2.515.80 mgg
dry weight, and the distribution patterns of Cd
concentrations follows the sequence: liver4shell 4heart4mus-
cle (Table 2). Cadmium concentrations in various tissues of the
Caspian Pond Turtle were signicantly different (po0.05). Cad-
mium revealed the highest concentrations in Caspian Pond Turtle
liver (Fig. 2). Cadmium concentrations in liver were approximately
two-fold higher than those in the muscle and heart. However, the
average concentrations of Cd in liver of Caspian Pond Turtle from
Golestan province were high compared to previously reports for
freshwater turtle tissues (Albers et al., 1986). Elevated Cd concen-
trations in Caspian Pond Turtle are worrying, especially consider-
ing the fact that it could be one of the most toxic metals, even at
relatively low concentrations (Rie et al., 2001). Accumulation of Cd
in living organisms is a major ecological concern, especially
because of its ability of fast accumulation and slow process of
cadmium excretion from living organisms (Rie et al., 2001).
Lead is one of the most ubiquitous of toxic metals and has no
known biological necessity; at high levels it is lethal for most living
organisms (Goyer, 1993; Bishop et al., 2010). Lead mean concentra-
tions ranged from 20.86 to 32.14 mgg
dry weight in Caspian Pond
Turtle. The distribution patterns of lead were following the sequence:
liver4muscle4shell4heart (Table 2). The concentrations of Pb in
different tissues of the Caspian Pond Turtle were signicantly
different (po0.05). Lead concentrations in liver were about 1.5-fold
higher than those in other tissues and organs (Fig. 2). In general, the
Pb concentrations obtained in the analyzed tissues were higher than
those reported previously (Albers et al., 1986; Overmann and
Krajicek. 1995; Bishop et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2011). The maximum
Pb concentrations was observed inliverandshellofCaspianPond
Turtle, reaching 46.59 and 34.75 mgg
dry weight, respectively.
Elevated Pb levels in the Caspian Pond Turtle are worrying, especially
considering the fact that it could be one of environmental contami-
nants which can promote serious damage to species health (Bishop
et al., 2010). The majority of the Pb burden existed in bones (Sakai
et al., 2000). In the body, 95 percent of Pb is sequestered in bone as in
soluble phosphates with an expected half-life of 2030 years
(Baldwin and Marshall, 1999). Accumulation of Pb brings about a
multitude of effects in animal skeletal systems (Pounds et al., 1991).
These effects include disruption of bone development, formation and
resorption, as well as interference with the function of bonecell
hormones. Lead also reduces levels of the hormonal form of vitamin
Table 2
Concentration (μgg
dry weight) of metals in different organs of Caspian Pond
Tissues Zinc Cadmium Lead Copper
Liver Mean7S.D. 66.89 722.59 5.8072.32 32.41 76.22 6.7473.89
Median 59.96 6.79 30.56 6.10
Minmax 40.75120.83 2.488.96 26.4946.59 1.8213.15
Heart Mean7S.D. 147.02756.56 2.9870.30 20.86 74.16 3.3770.84
Median 159.63 2.96 22.29 3.26
Minmax 19.93217.04 2.543.57 11.7427.02 2.154.99
Muscle Mean7S.D. 150.67735.49 2.5170.24 27.4573.69 4.50 71.09
Median 156.98 2.53 25.99 4.33
Minmax 77.32188.05 2.173.04 20.8732.93 3.137.4 8
Shell Mean7S.D. 93.23 732.34 3.5471.06 21.5477.15 4.8671.82
Median 94.27 3.83 24.65 5.15
Minmax 3.23126.86 0.824.65 8.1134.75 1.057.87
Fig. 2. Comparison of trace element concentrations in different tissues and organs
of Caspian Pond Turtle. Concentrations with different letters are signicantly
different (po0.05, Duncan
s method, along with one-way ANOVA). Each point
and bar indicates the mean and standard deviation (S.D.), respectively.
R. Yadollahvand et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 101 (2014) 191195 193
D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D), which is necessary in the regulation of
serum calcium and phosphorous levels, and controls bone growth
and mineralization (Fullmer, 1997; Goyer, 1993; Pounds et al., 1991).
It has been demonstrated that bioavailability and toxicity of Zn,
Cu, Cd and Pb in aquatic organisms depend on the total concen-
tration of each metal in the water (Papagiannis et al., 2004).
Concentrations of persistent toxic substances in different tissues
and organs reect discharges of these substances into receiving
aquatic environments, bioaccumulation through the food web, and
chemical partitioning and kinetics in the turtles. Many researchers
indicated that different marine and freshwater turtle species from
the same area contained different trace elements levels in their
tissues (Storelli and Marcotrigiano, 2003; Maffucci et al., 2005;
Barbieri, 2009; García-Fernández et al., 2009; Jerez et al., 2010).
Trace element bioaccumulation of turtles is species-dependent
(Sakai et al., 2000). Further, concentrations of metals in tissues and
organs of turtles depend upon many different factors including
body size, biotransformation and excretion, organismal trophic
position and physiological adaptations (Rainbow, 2002; Luoma
and Rainbow, 2005). Therefore, exposure and accumulation can
vary greatly across geographical areas and among species, espe-
cially between taxa with different foraging behaviors and life
histories (Luoma and Rainbow, 2005).
4. Conclusions
This study determined the trace element concentrations in
different tissues and organs of the Caspian Pond Turtle for the rst
time. Trace elements are taken up through different organs of the
turtle because of the afnity between them. In this process, many
of these metals are concentrating at different levels in different
tissues and organs at the turtle body. Among the metal contami-
nants, high concentrations of Cd, Cu and Pb were found in Caspian
Pond Turtle liver, Therefore, liver in this species does serve as an
indicator for this elements whereas the high accumulation of Zn in
Caspian Pond Turtle muscle was remarkable and muscle can be an
suitable indicator for Zn. Concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb in
most tissues of the Turtle, measured in the current study, were
generally high and do appear to have adverse effects on turtles
inhabiting rivers. In addition, serious contamination of Caspian
Pond Turtle by organochlorine and metallothionein compounds
was recently reported (Alam and Brim, 2000; Gardner et al., 2003;
Andreani et al., 2008). Thus, further studies are needed to reveal
the possible adverse effects of harmful substances on turtles, as
part of restoration programs of the freshwater turtle populations.
We thank Mrs. Okhli and Mr. Boroughani from Golestan
University for their help in sample collection. We are grateful to
our laboratory staff at the Tarbiat Modares University including
Mrs. Afshar and Mrs. Haghdoost.
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... Environmental contamination by trace elements is an important threat due to their high toxicity, long persistence, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification in the food chain (Mashroofeh et al. 2012). In addition, these trace elements may have cytotoxic, mutagenic, or carcinogenic effects in animals (Yadollahvand et al. 2014), being potentially toxic even in low concentrations when ingested over long periods of time. However, essential elements may also result in toxic effects when ingested in excess (Mashroofeh et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). ...
... In addition, these trace elements may have cytotoxic, mutagenic, or carcinogenic effects in animals (Yadollahvand et al. 2014), being potentially toxic even in low concentrations when ingested over long periods of time. However, essential elements may also result in toxic effects when ingested in excess (Mashroofeh et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). Therefore, either essential or non-essential elements may be ingested and accumulate in animal tissues (Mashroofeh et al. 2013). ...
... Average concentration of Cu in rattlesnakes in this study was 3.27 ± 3.14 ppm, which is similar to levels previously reported in marine snakes (Lapemis curtus) (Sereshk and Bakhtiari 2015). It is unlikely that the levels of Cu found in rattlesnakes in this study are associated to pollution since this is an essential element, required for good health and for a normal immune system (Yadollahvand et al. 2014). However, the effects of Cu on the immune system of rattlesnakes are poorly known, but there are a few studies assessing accumulation of Cu in tissues. ...
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Anthropogenic activities are the main sources of soil, air, and water pollution by metals, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), the metalloid arsenic (As), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu). The goal of this study was to assess the presence and concentration of toxic (As, Cd, Pb, and Cr) and essential metals (Mg, Zn, and Cu) in the liver and kidneys from 96 free-ranging rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus) from Minas Gerais (Brazil). Bioaccumulation of Cd and Pb were significantly higher in males and heavier rattlesnakes (those with body weight above the average of the study population). Average ± standard deviations of Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Mg, Zn, and As in the general population (n = 96) were 3.19 ± 2.52; 5.98 ± 8.49; 0.66 ± 1.97; 3.27 ± 2.85; 776.14 ± 2982.92; 27.44 ± 29.55; and 0.32 ± 1.46; respectively. Bioaccumulation of some metals correlated positively with changes in hematologic and serum biochemical parameters. Results of this study were contrasted with previous studies assessing metal bioaccumulation in other species of terrestrial or aquatic snakes. Considering their position in the food chain and the broad range of bioaccumulation of both toxic and essential metals observed in this study, rattlesnakes may function as highly relevant biological sentinels for environmental pollution.
... Heavy metals become stable after entering the aquatic system and may undergo bioaccumulation in an ecological community (Yipel et al. 2017;Smith et al. 2016). Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with heavy metals has irreversible negative effects on organisms; hence, the study of these metals in the organs and tissues of aquatic organisms is of utmost importance due to the toxic effects and high potential of bioaccumulation in many aquatic species (Yadollahvand et al. 2014;Adel et al. 2015Adel et al. , 2017. ...
... In an aquatic ecosystem, cadmium is highly toxic for animals inhabiting these habitats (Papathanassiou 1983;Dos Santos et al. 2021). Although zinc is essential for organism nutrition, excessive zinc intake can cause acute adverse effects (Mashroofeh et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). Lead is a ubiquitous toxic metal and has no known biological function; it is lethal to most living organisms (Bishop et al. 2010;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). ...
... Although zinc is essential for organism nutrition, excessive zinc intake can cause acute adverse effects (Mashroofeh et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). Lead is a ubiquitous toxic metal and has no known biological function; it is lethal to most living organisms (Bishop et al. 2010;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). ...
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In the present study, the cadmium, lead, and zinc levels in the blood and shell of Caspian pond turtles (Mauremys caspica) were investigated at five stations in Zarivar International Wetland in Kurdistan Province. All specimens were released at their capture locations within 2 h of capture. Water samples were collected at each station. Heavy metal concentrations were determined using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The mean cadmium, lead, and zinc concentrations were 0.04, 32.10, and 11.45 mg/l in blood samples; 1.82, 16.91, and 89.22 mg/l in shell samples; 0.005, 1.30, and 0.07 mg/l in water samples, respectively. In this study, the highest metal adsorption was zinc and was observed in shell. According to the results of this study, the shell of the Caspian Pond Turtle can be used to estimate the concentration of heavy metals. Our results suggest that Caspian pond turtle can be used as a biological indicator to estimate heavy metals.
... Freshwater turtles are suitable organisms to survey contamination levels in complex aquatic ecosystems (Overmann and Krajicek 1995;Ayub et al. 2001;Nagle et al. 2001;Bergeron et al. 2007;Yu et al. 2011;Malik et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014;Allender et al. 2015;Slimani et al. 2018). First, they are widely distributed and occupy a variety of habitats. ...
... Most trace elements concentrations did not correlate with body size suggesting that E. orbicularis does not bioaccumulate these contaminants with age as showed in other turtle species (Allender et al. 2015;Yadollahvand et al. 2014). Yet, and similarly to other studies (Overmann and Krajicek 1995;Nagle et al. 2001;Bergeron et al. 2007;Yu et al. 2011), we found two notable exceptions to this trend: Zn concentrations (in muscle, r s = 0.49, p < 0.05; Fig. 1) and Hg concentrations (in liver, skin and claws) were correlated with body size (respectively r s = 0.56, p < 0.05; r s = 0.44, p < 0.05; r s = 0.40, p < 0.05; Fig. 2). ...
... Future investigations on metallothioneins in E. orbicularis would be needed to validate this hypothesis. In addition, the values we report are substantially higher than those reported for other species of turtles (Malik et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014), and the potential effects of such high values of Zn should be investigated. ...
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We assessed trace elements concentration in European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) from Brenne Natural Park (France). We sampled road-killed turtles (N = 46) to measure the concentrations of 4 non-essential (Ag, Cd, Hg, and Pb) and 10 essential (As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se, V, and Zn) elements in muscle, skin, liver and claws. Body size or sex did not influence the concentrations of most elements; except for Hg (liver, skin and claws) and Zn (muscle) which increased with body size. We found relatively high concentrations of Hg and Zn, possibly linked to fish farming. This result deserves future investigations to evaluate possible ecotoxicological effects on E. orbicularis.
... Les reptiles sont largement distribués, et présents dans une grande variété d'habitat (Yadollahvand et al., 2014). Ils sont également relativement sédentaires, et ne se s'éloignent souvent pas plus de quelques kilomètres de leur domaine vital durant leur vie. ...
... Freshwater turtles are suitable organisms to survey contamination levels in aquatic ecosystems (Nagle et al. 2001;Yu et al. 2011;Malik et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014;Allender et al. 2015). First, they are widely distributed and occupy a variety of habitats (Yadollahvand et al. 2014). ...
... Freshwater turtles are suitable organisms to survey contamination levels in aquatic ecosystems (Nagle et al. 2001;Yu et al. 2011;Malik et al. 2013;Yadollahvand et al. 2014;Allender et al. 2015). First, they are widely distributed and occupy a variety of habitats (Yadollahvand et al. 2014). Second, they have a long life expectancy, which allows studying bioaccumulation processes and long-term trends of contaminants (Allender 2015). ...
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Le développement des activités industrielles et agricoles du siècle dernier a eu pour conséquence le rejet de substances chimiques dans l’environnement, qui contaminent les écosystèmes, et peuvent s’accumuler dans les plantes, les sédiments, et le long des chaînes alimentaires. Il apparait primordial d’effectuer une évaluation du risque écologique associé à la présence de ces composés dans les milieux naturels et les espèces sentinelles sont des outils judicieux pour déterminer l’exposition des individus et évaluer les conséquences sur les organismes. Les amphibiens et les reptiles possèdent des caractéristiques écologiques et biologiques qui les rendent potentiellement intéressants en tant qu’espèces sentinelles. L’objectif des études présentées dans cette thèse est de déterminer la disponibilité de certaines substances dans l’environnement, et d’évaluer les effets de la contamination environnementale sur les organismes en utilisant plusieurs espèces de reptiles et d’amphibiens, (i) en mesurant les niveaux de polluants accumulés dans les tissus d’espèces de reptiles ; (ii) en évaluant l’influence d’un habitat contaminé sur la morphologie d’adultes de crapaud commun (Bufo bufo) ; (iii) en mesurant de manière expérimentale l’impact d’une molécule fréquemment retrouvée dans l’environnement sur le développement de têtards de crapaud commun. Nos résultats montrent d’une part que les reptiles accumulent efficacement les polluants organiques et les éléments traces métalliques dans leurs tissus, et permettent d’évaluer efficacement la contamination globale d’une zone, mais aussi de mettre en évidence des pollutions ponctuelles localisées. D’autre part, nos travaux montrent une influence de l’habitat agricole sur la morphologie du crapaud commun, potentiellement causé par la présence de contaminants dans ces milieux. Enfin, nous avons pu mettre en évidence un effet de concentrations faibles d’AMPA, métabolite principal du glyphosate, sur le développement de têtards de crapaud commun. Les amphibiens constituent donc des organismes efficaces pour étudier l’impact de la contamination de l’environnement sur les caractéristiques individuelles. Nos travaux montrent ainsi l’utilité de certaines espèces de reptiles et d’amphibiens comme espèces sentinelles de la présence de contaminants dans l’environnement et de leur impact potentiel sur les organismes. Les travaux en écotoxicologie qui portent sur ces organismes restent trop rares, et il est impératif de développer la recherche dans ce domaine, pour participer de manière efficace à l’évaluation du risque environnemental.
... 14 Major anthropogenic sources of Cd include smelter fumes and dusts, non-ferrous metal mining and refining, incineration and disposal of Cd containing waste and fossil fuels, fertilizers and municipal as well as sludge discharges. 15 Cadmium values in sampled tissues are lower than those reported by Macêdo et al. in green sea turtles from cost of Bahia (18.8 ± 10.6 μg g -1 ), 16 green sea turtle from Yaeyama Island (18.2 ± 9.7 μg g -1 ) and red eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) from Kentucky 17 and higher than capian pond turtles in surveys of Adel et al. 19 in North of Iran. However, it remains unidentified whether this difference is due to the exposure history, ontogenetic change and linked lower Cd consumption in the carnivorous life stages or an associated change in physiology/metallothionein production capacity of European pond turtle. ...
... This trend of accumulation has been reported in Caspian pond turtels by Adel et al. and Yadollahvand et al. too. 18,19 Although, Kidney Cd levels were higher than livers and carapace samples which has been similarly reported in red eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) from Kentucky. 17 Actually, tissue Cd accumulation pattern in this study was in line with known Cd tendency to bind with metallothionein and accumulate preferentially in kidneys and liver of mammals and turtles 22,25,26 It has been suggested that such pattern in Cd accumulation reveals chronic exposure to Cd. Metallothionein is synthesized in liver, then transported in the bloodstream to the kidney, where it accumulates at higher levels than liver following long-term exposure. ...
... Similarly, Yaddolahvand et al. detected higher Pb concentration in kidney tissues than liver tissues of Caspian pond turtles. 19 On the contrary, Yu et al. found highest concentration of Pb in liver tissues of red eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). With regard to these results, it could be assumed that Pb tissue tendency depends on the species. ...
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Anthropogenic environmental changes are hypothesized as main reasons for animal species population declines. Heavy metals contamination is one of the worst threats to animals among human-caused threats. As most of the heavy metals bioaccumulate in organisms, analyzing concentrations of heavy metals in long living animals, such as turtles, would be very useful for biomonitoring of environmental quality. The European pond turtle is classified as a Near Threatened in the red list of International Union for Conservation of Nature. The objective of this study was to obtain information on heavy metals contamination in this species, as a sentinels, to evaluate the overall health of both the European pond turtles and their ecosystem in Golestan and Mazandaran provinces. Biological samples of 10 living and 15 dead European pond turtles were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer for Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd contaminations. Highest concentration of Zn (202.6 ± 58.5 μg g-1), Cd (4.4 ± 1.3 μg g-1) and Cu (3.8 ± 1.7 μg g-1) was detected in livers and the highest accumulation of Pb (45.6 ±16.3 μg g-1) occurred in kidneys. Positive correlations were detected among Zn, Pb and Cd tissue concentrations and carapaces curve length. Heavy metal levels were higher in males than females. Heavy metals contamination of sampled turtles stood in high degree. However, there is clearly a need to evaluate heavy metals physiologic effects on European pond turtles.
... Our study found that in diamondback terrapins, the mean Zn concentrations in the carapace and muscle tissue were greater than those found within the liver tissue. Similar accumulation patterns have been observed in Caspian pond turtles, which had the highest mean concentrations in the muscle followed by the heart, carapace, and the liver [27]. Hg accumulated at higher concentrations in the liver and carapace. ...
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Trace elements in aquatic environments pose a risk to biological communities; this study investigates the total concentrations of arsenic (As), silver (Ag), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) within muscle, carapace, liver, and adipose tissues of diamondback terrapins and common snapping turtles in New Jersey. The effects of tissue type, sex, size, and location upon trace element accumulation were studied. The data obtained indicates that within diamondback terrapins and common snapping turtles, trace element accumulations displayed a significant difference among tissue types and sex (p < 0.005). The data indicates that Ag, Cd, Cu, and Hg can accumulate within the liver of diamondback terrapin. Se was found to accumulate in the livers of both diamondback terrapin and common snapping turtles. The highest mean concentrations of Co, Cr, Ni, and Pb were found in the carapace of both turtle species. Sex was found to have an impact on As, Hg, and Zn accumulation within different tissue types of diamondback terrapins. Diamondback terrapin males were found to have higher concentrations of As within the carapace. Diamondback terrapin females possessed higher concentrations of Hg in muscle tissues and Hg and Zn in the carapace. Turtle size and collection location land type and land cover did not display any correlation with trace element bioaccumulation for either species.
... In Kemp's ridleys, red blood cell Cd concentrations positively correlate with the level of SOD, while Cd negatively correlates with ROS (Perrault et al. 2017). However, information on freshwater turtle toxicology associated with environmental Cd is limited (Smith et al. 2016;Elodie and Krishna 2012;Huo et al. 2017A;Huo et al. 2017B;Yadollahvand et al. 2014;Yu et al. 2013). ...
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Cadmium (Cd) has been recently found in high concentrations in the aquatic environment. This study was designed to examine the effects of Cd on the oxidative stress activities in plasma of freshwater turtle Chinemys reevesii. Experimental turtles were exposed to Cd at the concentration of 15 mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection, and redox status was investigated. Compared to the controls, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activities in plasma of the treated animals significantly decreased in week 1, week 2, and week 4. However, SOD activities gradually increased from week 4 to week 8. The treated animals had higher content of MDA and lower content of GSH in plasma over the observation period. In conclusion, our results showed that Cd decreased the antioxidant capacity and increased the level of oxidative damage product in plasma, which suggest that Cd causes oxidative stress and damage in the animal under the experimental conditions.
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Despite the general lack of studies that use reptiles as bioindicators, the value of freshwater turtles and crocodilians in ecotoxicology has been proven, due to their importance as sentinel species. The aim of this study was to compile information on the use of freshwater turtles and crocodilians as environmental biomonitors of inorganic element contamination. We searched for articles in databases using specific keywords. A total of 104 studies published between the years 1970 and 2020 were collected. We noted a general increase in the number of studies involving turtles and crocodilians during the study time period. The Order Testudines were the subjects of 46% of the analysed publications, and the Order Crocodylia accounted for 54%. Within these studies, we counted 39 species (turtles n=29 and crocodilians n=10). Forty chemical elements were evaluated in the analysed articles, of which the majority represented non-essential elements (Hg, Cd, Pb). Although internal organs constituted the main biological matrix chosen for each group (37%), we observed an increase in the use of non-destructive matrices in both groups (scale, blood, tail muscle, carapace). The majority of analysed studies used HNO3 for the sample decomposition, with the majority of analyses being per- formed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (53%). Mainly blank controls (19%), analyte recovery (18%) and replicates (18%) were used as methods of validating analytical procedures. Furthermore, the studies used certified reference materials, which measure the accuracy of the methods used. We conclude that the increase in the use of aquatic reptiles in environmental monitoring research is mainly due to their ability to reveal integrated changes in ecosystems, aiding in environmental public policy decision-making and effective management plans.
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Background and aims: Antioxidant defense plays a vital part in organism protection against oxidative stress which is produced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Oxidative stress represents a serious threat to the animals facing with heavy metals. This study was designed to analyze the habitat suitability for Caspian pond turtles, namely, Mauremys caspica in Mazandaran province by measuring lead (Hg) and mercury (Pb) tissues concentrations and heavy metals’ effects on the health status of Caspian pond turtles through quantifying the oxidative stress factors. Methods: Hg and Pb were measured in kidney and liver tissues of 20 sampled Caspian pond male turtles (treatment group) using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and a Caspian pond male turtle was included in the control group. Moreover, glutathione (GSH) level, catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were investigated in kidney and liver tissues. Results: The mean (SD) concentration of Pb and Hg were 35.83 (4.20), and 0.604 (0.03) mg/kg for the sampled livers and also 31.01 (3.42) mg/kg and 0.316 (0.04) mg/kg for the sampled kidneys, respectively. Levels of trace elements, CAT, and SOD activities were found to be higher in the liver. Totally, GSH levels, as well as, CAT, and SOD activities were found to be higher and lower, respectively, in the control turtle as compared with the contaminated Caspian pond turtles. Trace-element levels had a positive correlation with CAT and SOD activities while having a negative association with GSH levels in contaminated Caspian pond sampled turtles. Conclusion: According to the results, it was inferred that high Hg and Pb concentrations in the turtles were due to the heavy metal contamination of their habitat in Mazandaran province. Based on the positive correlation between the heavy metal concentration of the tissue and dysfunction of oxidative stress defense markers, it can be concluded when the Caspian pond turtles are faced with heavy metal contamination risk, these markers can act as a bioindicator of their health status. No doubt, more studies are required to prove this hypothesis.
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Thirty specimens (15 adults and 15 juveniles) of Chelonia mydas found in the Cananeia estuary in the state of Sao Paulo on the southeastern Brazilian coast between January 2005 and September 2006, were analyzed The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn and Ni in liver and kidney samples of adult and juvenile green turtles were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The average Cd concentration found in adult livers (0.57 mu g.g(-1)) was significantly higher than that in juveniles (0.279 mu g.g(-1)). Cu concentrations were significantly higher in the liver than in the kidney, and significantly higher in adults (39.9 mu g.g-1) than in juveniles (20.7 mu g.g(-1)). Average Mn concentrations in liver and kidney did not differ between adults (4.32 and 4.17 mu g.g(-1)) and juveniles (4.81 and 3.82 mu.g(-1)), whereas Ni concentrations in adults (0.28 and 0.19 mu g.g(-1), respectively) were significantly higher than in juveniles (0.13 and 0.089 mu g.g(-1), respectively). Pb concentrations in liver were significantly higher in adults (0.37 mg.g-1) than in juveniles (0.06 mu g.g(-1)). The concentrations of essential trace elements in Chelonia mydas were generally comparable to values reported in other, similar studies. With respect to non-essential metals (Cd, Pb and Ni), Chelonia mydas presented lower values than those reported for their northern Atlantic counterparts.
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Discharge of heavy metals into aquatic environment from various sources, even below permissible levels, creates health hazards in aquatic organisms. The persistence and ubiquitous nature of these pollutants coupled with their tendency to accumulate in organisms ultimately produce toxic reactions in aquatic biota, especially fish. This document gives a brief overview of the heavy metal, cadmium, considered as one of the most toxic heavy metals. The overview deals among other issues, the toxic effects of cadmium on the aquatic biota with emphasis on fish and the public health implication.
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The morphology, morphometry, parasitology, diet, reproduction and behaviour of Mauremys caspica caspica and Emys orbicularis persica was compared in northern Iran. In E. orbicularis, the colour of the carapace is dark olive with yellow spots, the bridges between carapace and plastron are cartilaginous and the interabdominal suture is shorter than the interanal suture. Females lay on average 7 eggs per year, and as such much less than European populations. In M. caspica, the colour of the carapace is dark olive with yellow stripes, the bridges are bony and the interabdominal suture is longer than interanal suture. Females lay on average 4-5 eggs per year. The position of the cloacal opening is statistically different between males and females. 91.0% of the morphological characters studied show sexual differences in E. orbicularis, whereas this value is 77.5% in M. caspica.
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Thirty specimens (15 adults and 15 juveniles) of Chelonia mydas found in the Cananéia estuary in the state of São Paulo on the southeastern Brazilian coast between January 2005 and September 2006, were analyzed The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn and Ni in liver and kidney samples of adult and juvenile green turtles were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The average Cd concentration found in adult livers (0.57µg.g-1) was significantly higher than that in juveniles (0.279µg.g-1). Cu concentrations were significantly higher in the liver than in the kidney, and significantly higher in adults (39.9µg.g-1) than in juveniles (20.7µg.g-1). Average Mn concentrations in liver and kidney did not differ between adults (4.32 and 4.17µg.g-1) and juveniles (4.81 and 3.82µg.g-1), whereas Ni concentrations in adults (0.28 and 0.19µg.g-1, respectively) were significantly higher than in juveniles (0.13 and 0.089µg.g-1, respectively). Pb concentrations in liver were significantly higher in adults (0.37µg.g-1) than in juveniles (0.06µg.g-1). The concentrations of essential trace elements in Chelonia mydas were generally comparable to values reported in other, similar studies. With respect to non-essential metals (Cd, Pb and Ni), Chelonia mydas presented lower values than those reported for their northern Atlantic counterparts.
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The West Asian stripe-necked terrapin Mauremys caspica is widespread throughout the Middle East—a region for which only few phylogeographic studies are available. Due to landscape alteration, pollution and intensification of water management, M. caspica is increasingly threatened. However, genetic diversity among and within populations is poorly known, impeding the identification of management units. Using a nearly rangewide sampling, we analyzed 14 microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequences in order to gain insight into the population structure and history of M. caspica. In agreement with a previous study, we found two clusters of mitochondrial haplotypes, with one cluster distributed in the east and the other in the west of the range. However, our microsatellite data suggested a more pronounced geographical structuring. When null alleles were coded as recessive with STRUCTURE 2.3.2, three clusters were revealed, with one cluster matching roughly the range of the western mitochondrial cluster, and the composite ranges of the two other microsatellite clusters correspond to the distribution of the eastern mitochondrial cluster. Naïve STRUCTURE analyses without correction for null alleles were congruent with respect to the two eastern microsatellite clusters, but subdivided the western cluster into two units, with an additional geographical divide corresponding to the ‘Anatolian diagonal’—a wellknown high mountain barrier impeding exchange between western and eastern taxa. In naïve analyses, the westernmost microsatellite cluster (from Central Anatolia) is quite isolated from the others, and its distinctness is also supported by fixation indices resembling the values among the other three clusters. One of the two eastern clusters is distributed in the Caucasus region plus Iran, and terrapins from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain constitute the second eastern cluster, supporting the view that these endangered populations are native. Coalescent-based analyses of our microsatellite data reveal for all four clusters bottlenecks 4,000–20,000 years ago, suggesting that climatic fluctuations of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene played an important role in shaping current genetic diversity. We propose that each of the four identified clusters, including the Central Anatolian one, should be treated as a distinct management unit. The presence of non-native terrapins in the animal trade of Bahrain highlights the danger of genetic pollution of the endangered Arabian populations. Further sampling is needed to elucidate the situation in southern and central Iran and Iraq. Our results confirm that genetic data do not support the validity of any of the three morphologically defined subspecies of M. caspica, and we propose that their usage be abandoned.
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Concentrations of Zn, Cu and Mn were examined in caviar and muscle of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) collected from coastal waters of south Caspian Sea during March and April, 2011. Mean Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations in caviar samples were 21.48, 2.05 and 1.66 μg g(-1) wet weight basis, respectively. The mean Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations in muscle tissues were 7.49, 1.00 and 0.34 μg g(-1) wet weight basis, respectively. The mean concentrations of Zn and Cu in caviar and muscle samples were under the permissible limits proposed by the United Kingdom's Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (2000).
In the present investigations, impact of heavy metals on DNA content was studied. The DNA content of Lamellidens marginalis after acute and chronic exposure showed a decrease in all the three tested heavy metals. HgCl2 was found to be more toxic as compare to CuSO4 and CdCl2. The heavy metal pollutants caused metabolic disarrangement in the living system. The potential toxicity of heavy metals produce bio-chemical changes in the organs of animals and continuous exposure may alter genetic composition.