Reza Hasmath

Reza Hasmath
University of Alberta | UAlberta


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Reza Hasmath (Ph.D., Cambridge) is a Full Professor in Political Science at the University of Alberta. His award-winning research looks at: (1) the life course experiences of global ethnic minorities; (2) state-society relationships in China, and how emerging actors affect international development; (3) the behaviour of policy actors and citizens in authoritarian regimes; (4) global sustainability and ESG principles/practices; and, (5) the essentialist qualities of the self, community and state.


Publications (128)
Technical Report
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China’s relationship with Western jurisdictions have suffered from greater bi-directional tensions in the last year. This trend is exemplified by China’s tacit support for Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, its ongoing trade disputes with the United States and the European Union, disputes in the South China Sea, and its reliance on dual-use technolog...
Technical Report
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The National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s national legislature, met in early March 2024 to chart its annual policy direction. Following a period of uneven economic recovery, characterized by a multitude of challenges such as tepid consumer demand, a faltering property market, mounting deflationary pressures and a tense geopolitical environment,...
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This article discusses the conceptual underpinnings and performance of Han Chinese privilege in the People’s Republic of China. It suggests that Han Chinese privilege has gained salience from specific public policies and philosophies of governance. This is aptly viewed across a range of sites, including the labour market and media, and involves sta...
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In diesem Artikel werden die begrifflichen Grundlagen und die Wirkung der Sonderrechte der Han-Chinesen in der Volksrepublik China erörtert. Es wird behauptet, dass das Privileg der Han-Chinesen durch spezifische öffentliche Maßnahmen und Regierungsphilosophien an Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Dies lässt sich an einer Reihe von Schauplätzen beobachten, d...
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Refugees face distinct challenges and are often subject to dehumanization by politicians, media, and the public. In this context, Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees provides urgent insights and policy relevant perspectives to improve refugees’ social well-being and integration. Taking a transdisciplinary approach, scholars from the social sci...
Conference Paper
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In response to increasing socio-economic inequalities, the Chinese state has promoted preferred qualities of a model citizen in the domain of philanthropy and volunteerism. This study examines why some individuals in China choose to be ‘bad citizens’ and not donate or volunteer. Leveraging data from three waves of the Civic Participation in China S...
Conference Paper
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The Civic Participation in China Survey (CPCS) is a nation-wide, randomized online survey of urban residents that looks at charitable giving and volunteering, and perceptions of citizenship and civic engagement. The survey ran between 2018 and 2022 in three waves. This article describes the general methodological approach and the broad trends obser...
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This study examines potential variations in everyday Chinese citizens’ support for two prevailing economic governance forms in contemporary China: the regulatory and statist approaches. Leveraging the Chinese Citizens Expectations of the State Survey, it argues that the current support for either forms of economic governance fall within a distinct...
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This article discusses the main determinants of the European Union’s strategic engagement with China with reference to three theoretical claims: an institutional perspective, a values-based approach, and a realpolitik dimension. It examines the utility of each theoretical position, and outlines complementary and diverging essential characteristics...
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In diesem Artikel werden die wichtigsten Determinanten des strategischen Engagements der Europäischen Union gegenüber China mit Bezug auf drei theoretische Ansätze diskutiert: eine institutionelle Perspektive, einen wertebasierten Ansatz und eine realpolitische Dimension. Es wird untersucht, welchen Nutzen die einzelnen theoretischen Positionen hab...
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Cet article examine les principaux facteurs déterminants de l’engagement stratégique de l’Union Européenne avec la Chine en se référant à trois théories: une perspective institutionnelle, une approche fondée sur les valeurs et une dimension de realpolitik. Nous allons examiner l’utilité de chaque position théorique en soulignant les caractéristique...
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This chapter looks at a Maoist era thought-reform model through the experiential prism of Deng Kesheng’s ‘Report Back’ – a series of confessional writings crafted from 1966 to 1969. The chapter analyzes the language utilized by Deng with reference to three main facets that continues to hold contemporary resonance in the Xi Jinping era: (1) the trus...
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This article explores how discourse, deliberation and difference functions in an authoritarian environment, with an emphasis on the experiences of contemporary China. The article articulates why authoritarian discourse and deliberation is more limited than its Western democratic counterpart. It further suggests that the incorporation of difference...
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Cet article explore le fonctionnement du débat, de la délibération et de la divergence dans une société autoritaire, en mettant l’accent sur le fonctionnement de la Chine contemporaine. L’article explique pourquoi le débat et la délibération dans un contexte autoritaire sont plus limités que dans un contexte démocratique occidental. Il laisse égale...
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В этой статье исследуется, как дискурс, дискуссия и различия функционируют в авторитарной среде, с акцентом на опыте современного Китая. В статье объясняется, почему авторитарный дискурс и дискуссия более ограничены, чем их западный демократический аналог. Это также предполагает, что включение различий в авторитарный дискурс и дискуссию затруднено...
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In diesem Artikel wird untersucht, wie Diskurs, Deliberation und Differenz in einem autoritären Umfeld funktionieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Erfahrungen im heutigen China liegt. Der Artikel legt dar, warum Diskurs und Deliberation autoritärer Art eingeschränkter sind als ihre westlich-demokratischen Gegenstücke. Ferner wird vorgebracht, dass...
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Technical Report
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The rising tension between China and Western nations in the 2020s has centered on China using its growing economic and political power to assert its influence worldwide, often contra to Western nations’ interests. For example, Western jurisdictions have repeatedly accused China of stealing and exporting potential dual-use technologies abroad. This...
Conference Paper
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This study looks at the efficacy of the Chinese Communist Party’s messaging on common prosperity and tertiary distribution for philanthropic and voluntary activities in mainland China between 2018 and 2022. The analysis points to evidence that this messaging has a marginal effect on Party members. Party members are donating and volunteering more, a...
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Foreign affairs policymaking inputs by think tanks are one of the most difficult analytical characteristics to disaggregate and analyze. This is further compounded when examining an authoritarian regime such as China with limited publicly accessible information. Using novel text analytical techniques, this study examines (dis)similarities in foreig...
Technical Report
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The European Union’s (EU) relationship with China is rapidly changing. China is currently perceived in the EU and its constituent member states as a negotiating partner on select issues; a competitor in economic, technological and security terms; and, a systemic rival promoting alternative models of governance To wit, there have been hawkish calls...
Conference Paper
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China has have witnessed phenomenal economic growth in the 21st century. In sharp contrast to this wealth expansion, the nation has consistently ranked as one of the world’s least generous in terms of domestic charitable giving. Seemingly, while individuals are getting wealthier they do not show a higher level of charitable giving. This study draws...
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Chinese citizens are relatively happy with the state’s management of national disasters and emergencies. However, they are increasingly concluding that the state alone cannot manage them. Leveraging the 2018 and 2020 Civic Participation in China Surveys, we find that more educated citizens conclude that the government have a leading role crisis man...
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Contemporary European Union (EU) and China relations are marked by a simultaneously beneficial, conflictual and competitive partnership. This is aptly evident in the cyber technology realm. This paper contends that the European Union’s gestaltian approach towards China can be understood with the aid of three theoretical positions: (1) an institutio...
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Les relations contemporaines entre l'Union européenne (UE) et la Chine sont marquées par un partenariat à la fois bénéfique, conflictuel et compétitif. Ceci est parfaitement évident dans le domaine de la cybertechnologie. Cet article soutient que l'approche gestaltiste de l'Union européenne envers la Chine peut être comprise à l'aide de trois posit...
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Die heutigen Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union (EU) und China sind durch eine gleichzeitig vorteilhafte, konfliktreiche und konkurrierende Partnerschaft gekennzeichnet. Dies zeigt sich besonders deutlich im Bereich der Cybertechnologie. In diesem Beitrag wird die These vertreten, dass die gestaltorientierte Herangehensweise der Europäisch...
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Current policies to manage ethnic minority unrest in Xinjiang are not working, and they do not address the core root causes behind ethnic tensions. Drawing upon lessons learned from global approaches to improve inter-ethnic relations, and factoring China’s institutional behaviour and norms, this essay looks at policy responses that can be entertain...
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Die derzeitigen Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung der Unruhen ethnischer Minderheiten in Xinjiang funktionieren nicht und gehen nicht auf die eigentlichen Ursachen der ethnischen Spannungen ein. Ausgehend von den Lehren, die aus globalen Ansätzen zur Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen den Volksgruppen gezogen wurden, und unter Berücksichtigung des insti...
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Les politiques actuelles visant à gérer les troubles des minorités ethniques au Xinjiang ne fonctionnent pas et ne s'attaquent pas aux causes profondes des tensions ethniques. En s'appuyant sur les leçons tirées des approches mondiales visant à améliorer les relations interethniques, et en tenant compte du comportement et des normes institutionnell...
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Citizenship education has been an explicit part of the universal education system in contemporary China. Using data from an original nationwide survey conducted in 2018, we test the hypothesis that the longer the intensity of exposure to citizenship education, the more citizens are influenced by a state-led conception of citizenship characterized b...
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This article argues that policymakers' individual attributes influence their willingness to engage in policy innovation, and that this influence is responsive to, but not determined by, changes in the institutional structure. We derive these findings by employing principal component analysis of original data from surveys of local policymakers in Ch...
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Extant literature on civic participation in Western democracies demonstrates a linear relationship between increased civic participation and a stronger democracy. In general, the scholarly debate revolves around the precise causal mechanisms for this relationship: holding government accountable; citizens learning ‘democratic skills’, such as collec...
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公民身份教育已成为当代中国全民教育体系中的一个明确组成部分。本文基于 2018年进行的一项全国性调查,检验了以下假设:接受公民身份教育的时间越长,公民受国家主导的公民身份概念影响越大,国家主导的公民身份的显著特点是被动地服从国家并对国家忠诚。研究发现,当公民受教育程度较低时,公民身份教育是有效的;但当公民受教育程度较高时,公民身份教育效果较差,而且可能会促进(或至少不会妨碍)更积极的公民身份观念。
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Conference Paper
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This article argues that white privilege is salient in non-diverse societies, and can be an effective analytical tool to understand the relationship and life course variances – inclusive of the institutional and socio-economic inequalities – amongst ethno-racial groups. Using the experiences of Norway, Poland and the Polish diaspora in Western Euro...
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The concept of global civil society arose out of a language, culture and definition influenced by mainstream Western political philosophy and discourse, and the behaviour of Western NGOs that proliferated in the latter part of the 20th century. The recent rise of Chinese social organizations internationally – who were born, developed and prospered...
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Autocrats typically seek public support on the basis of economic growth-promotion and redistribution policies, and China is no exception. As important as these factors are for authoritarian resilience, we argue that economic legitimation is a more complex phenomenon than has previously been acknowledged. Beyond improvements in material well-being,...
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This book analyses the behaviour of ethnic minority groups in China using the first comprehensive national dataset dedicated to capturing the socio-economic profile of ethnic minorities: the China Household Ethnicity Survey (CHES). Managing ethnic diversity in China has become an increasingly important subject, especially against the backdrop of t...
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Концепция глобального гражданского общества возникла из языка, культуры и определения, на которые повлияли основная западная политическая философия и дискурс, а также поведение западных НПО, которые получили распространение во второй половине 20-го века. Недавний подъем китайских общественных организаций на международном уровне, которые родились, р...
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Der Begriff globale Zivilgesellschaft hat ihren Ursprung in einer Sprache, Kultur und Definition, die vom Mainstream westlicher Staatsphilosophien und Diskurse sowie vom Verhalten westlicher Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die sich in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts stark vermehrten, beeinflusst wurde. Der jüngste, auf internationaler Ebene...
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La notion de société civile mondiale est née d'un langage, d'une culture et d'une définition influencés par la philosophie et le discours politiques occidentaux dominants, ainsi que par le rôle des ONG occidentales qui ont proliféré dans la dernière partie du XXe siècle. La récente montée en puissance des organisations sociales Chinoises au niveau...
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グローバル市民社会の概念は、主流の西洋の政治哲学と談話および20世紀の後半に急増した西洋のNGOの行動の影響を受けた言語、文化、定義から生じました。最近の中国の社会組織の国際的な台頭は – 彼らの西洋の対応する組織とは異なった価値と規範を持ち、国内の権威主義的な組織化された環境で生まれ、開発され、繁栄しました – グローバル市民社会がどのように受け取られているかを再考するよう示唆しています。すなわち, それらは、中国の社会組織が国際化するにつれて、最終的にホスト国に彼らの最良/最悪の慣行、運営モード、組織的行動、およびその価値観と規範を輸出しています。この記事では、中国の社会組織の国内外における経験を見て、彼らの活動や行動が、グローバル市民社会の現代的な概念的理解をどのように確認し、修正し、...
Conference Paper
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Most state apologies are qualitatively about rehumanizing the apologizer and seldom the apologized social group, such as Indigenous, immigrant or ethnic minority cohorts. That is to say, the apology generally redeems, atones and/or restores trust in the state (the apologizer). Using historical and contemporary global case studies, this study bridge...
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Most scholars credit policy experimentation with China’s successful economic reforms and continued authoritarian resilience. This article contributes to this policy experimentation literature by providing a systematic overview of the motivations incentivizing Chinese policy entrepreneurs to experiment at local levels. This article traces the evolut...
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A community of practice represents an important resource for the sharing of sector-specific knowledge. It is a mechanism for Chinese NGOs to learn from each other, and collaborate. Drawing upon original data elicited from over 100 NGOs, this article examines the organizational capacity for Chinese NGOs to cultivate a mature community of practice. W...
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Since 1949, China has tried a large number of successful and not-so-successful corporatist experiments. What these phases have in common is a ‘state corporatist’ (top-down) approach, albeit with shifting degrees of state involvement; and in the present era, a snail’s pace effort towards building a ‘societal corporatism’ (bottom-up). Over the same t...
Conference Paper
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This study tests whether Chinese citizens have a consistent ideological orientation across multiple and related political and policy issues. Using a representative online survey, we find relatively weak evidence that Chinese citizens have a consistent ideological orientation towards general and specific issue questions. These findings suggest that...
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С 1949 года Китай провел большое количество успешных и не очень успешных корпоративистских экспериментов. Общим для этих этапов является «государственный корпоративистский» (нисходящий) подход, хотя и с изменяющейся степенью государственного участия; а в нынешнюю эпоху - медленными темпами попытка построить «социальный корпоративизм» (снизу вверх)....
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China hat sich seit 1949 an zahlreichen erfolgreichen und nicht so erfolgreichen korporatistischen Experimenten versucht. Wenngleich der Grad der staatlichen Beteiligung jeweils unterschiedlich ausfiel, haben diese Phasen etwas gemeinsam, nämlich einen „staatskorporatistischen“ (top-down) Ansatz sowie – in der gegenwärtigen Ära – im Schneckentempo...
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Eine Community of Practice stellt eine wichtige Ressource für den Austausch von sektorspezifischem Wissen dar. Es ist ein Mechanismus, mit dem chinesische NGOs (dt. NRO) voneinander lernen und zusammenarbeiten können. Auf der Grundlage von Originaldaten, die bei über 100 NGOs erhoben wurden, untersucht dieser Artikel die organisatorische Fähigkeit...
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Depuis 1949, la Chine a tenté un grand nombre d'expériences corporatistes réussies et moins réussies. Ces phases ont en commun une démarche "corporatiste d'État" (descendante), bien qu'avec des degrés variables de participation de l'État, et dans l'ère actuelle, une évolution à pas de tortue vers un "corporatisme sociétal" (ascendant). Au cours de...
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Une communauté de pratique représente une ressource importante pour le partage de connaissances spécifiques au secteur. C'est un mécanisme qui permet aux ONG Chinoises d'apprendre les unes des autres et de collaborer. S'appuyant sur des données originales obtenues auprès de plus de 100 ONG, cet article examine la capacité organisationnelle des ONG...
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Si bien algunos estudios observan que las minorías étnicas urbanas en China perciben salarios más bajos que la mayoría han, otros no constatan la existencia de esa brecha. Para resolver esta contradicción, los autores proponen desglosar las experiencias laborales por grupo étnico minoritario. El análisis de las minorías étnicas sobre un amplio conj...
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The literature on ethnic minorities in China has a significant puzzle: in some studies, urban minorities perceive lower wages relative to the majority Han, while in other studies there is little to no evidence of this wage gap. There is not a clear theoretical expectation as to how these findings could simultaneously be true suggesting that new the...
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Dans la littérature existante, les conclusions sur l’effet de l’appartenance à une minorité ethnique sur le salaire en Chine urbaine sont contrastées. Pour en savoir plus, les auteurs décident d’examiner la situation en tenant compte plus précisément du groupe d’appartenance, exploitant pour ce faire une volumineuse série de données sur les minorit...
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Why do local officials in an authoritarian bureaucracy experiment with policy, even when directed not to do so by central-level officials? This study suggests that policy experimentation in this institutional environment can best be understood as an interaction between the structure in which local officials are embedded, and individual-level person...
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This article offers a conceptual framework to identify and analyse the contemporary behaviour of the paradoxical government organized, non-governmental organization (GONGO). We discuss how GONGOs’ activities fit within mainstream civil society theories and traditions. Furthermore, we compare and analyse GONGOs and NGOs in terms of their sources of...
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In the past few years there has been a rise of inter-ethnic violence in China. While ethno-cultural repression and ineffective state policies are correctly attributed as key culprits behind this reality, this article suggests that socio-economic factors play a fundamental contributory role as well. Using the Xinjiang case, the article maps ethnic t...
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Studies looking at gender and ethnic minority outcomes in China’s labour market have generally suggested that women and minorities are separately experiencing a wage disadvantage relative to males and the Han majority respectively. But, what is the experience of this combined cohort, ethnic minority women? Using data from China’s 2005 one percent m...
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В данной статье предлагается концептуальная основа для определения и анализа современного поведения парадоксальной неправительственной организации, организованной правительством (правительски-организованных неправительственных организаций - ПОНПО). Обсуждается, как деятельность ПОНПО вписывается в основные теории и традиции гражданского общества. К...
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本文提供了一个概念框架来识别和分析看似矛盾的由政府组织的非政府组织(GONGO)的当代行为。我们讨论了GONGO 的活动是如何与主流公民社会理论及传统相适应。此外,我们还比较和分析了GONGO 和NGO 的权力来源、主要活动和职能以及面临的困境。最后,我们推论了GONGO 的成长对世界上的国家与社会关系的影响与意涵。 [Available in English, Chinese and Russian]
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Dieser Artikel bietet einen konzeptionellen Rahmen für die Identifikation und Analyse des zeitgenössischen Verhaltens der paradoxen staatlich organisierten, nichtstaatlichen Organisation (GONGO). Wir diskutieren, wie die Aktivitäten der GONGOs in die Theorien und Traditionen der Mainstream-Zivilgesellschaft passen. Darüber hinaus vergleichen und an...
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Au cours de ces dernières années, on a assisté à une augmentation de la violence interethnique en Chine. Alors que la répression ethnoculturelle et les politiques inefficaces de l'État sont à juste titre attribuées comme les principaux responsables de cette réalité, cet article suggère que les facteurs socio-économiques jouent également un rôle fon...
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In den letzten Jahren hat die interethnische Gewalt in China zugenommen. Als Hauptursache für diese Realität werden zwar zu Recht die ethnisch-kulturelle Unterdrückung und eine ineffektive staatliche Politik angesehen, jedoch zeigt dieser Artikel, dass auch sozioökonomische Faktoren eine wesentliche Rolle spielen. Anhand des Fallbeispiels Xinjiang...
Technical Report
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An increasing number of educated mainland Chinese have been migrating to Australia. In the past decade alone, the 606,450 mainland Chinese-born population living in Australia have doubled; and, by the end of June 2017, they were the second largest cohort (8.5 percent) amongst the overseas-born population. This was largely due to the liberalization...
Conference Paper
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This study argues that a generalized attitude about government performance provides significant structure to citizens’ political opinions in China. However, there does not appear to be any evidence that Chinese citizens hold consistent opinions on economic policy issues, suggesting that citizens do not have a well-ordered ideological mental structu...
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The social welfare of ethnic minorities is a contested subject with a deep politicalized history in contemporary China. This article uses a new large dataset solely looking at ethnic minorities in China, to analyze the impact and outcomes that new urban social and welfare schemes – with notable attention to the basic medical insurance, and the mini...
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Despite playing a key contributing role in China’s economic reforms and the Party’s regime durability, there has been a noted reduction in local policy experimentation. Using semi-structured interviews with policymakers in Beijing, Zhejiang and Shenzhen, we find that although recentralization efforts at the central-level are impacting local officia...
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The liberalisation of China’s welfare system, coupled with state decentralization from the late 1970s to 1990s, have fostered an environment for novel methods to deliver welfare assistance by both state and non-state stakeholders. This chapter explores the behaviour of the latter actor, the non-governmental organisation (NGO) in this process. It lo...
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This article suggests that Chinese NGO do not have the conviction that they are part of an epistemic community in mainland China. Interviews conducted in four cities, Chongqing, Kunming, Nanjing and Shanghai, suggests that this can be attributed to a lack of set standards and professionalization governing their sector of operation. Further, the stu...
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This article evaluates the effectiveness of two major European Union technical assistance programmes, IPR2 and IP Key, in shaping China’s regional intellectual property (IP) enforcement. It argues that although technical assistance programmes have been effective in influencing the national IP legal framework, it has been less successful in assistin...
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This study argues that different cities in China have different resource environments available for NGOs. Organizations react to these resource environments by constructing appropriate resource strategies, which in turn shape the characteristics and structures of the NGOs of that city. It further examines how these characteristics and structures in...
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Received wisdom views political humor, viz. egao, in the Chinese cyber public sphere as a form of resistance. This study creates and tests a framework that best conceptualizes how different functions of egao are connected with one another: to analyze the patterns of ties that link the different facets of the phenomenon together. The study contends...
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本文旨在审视欧盟两大科技援助项目IPR2和IP key项目对中国地区性知识产权执法的影响。本文论述了科技援助项目在影响中国知识产权法律体制等方面卓有成效,但在地区性政策实施方面却并不成功。主要原因是中国各区域经济发展重心各有差异。本文针对未来知识产权科技援助工作重点做进一步的讨论和研究。[提供中英文]
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The Beijing Consensus represents a philosophical movement towards an ultra-pragmatic view of conducting policy deliberation. Contrary to models of development which provide a subset of policy prescriptions for the policymakers’ disposal or a fundamentalist adherence to a particular economic tradition, the Beijing Consensus inherently recognizes tha...
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本文认为在中国不同的城市里,NGO 所处的资源环境也是不一样的。为应对不同的资源环境,NGO 需要因地制宜制定合适的资源策略,这又反过来塑造了NGO 的特征和结构。本文还进一步探讨了这些特征和结构是如何影响专制主义环境公下民身份的构建和表现。特别是,某些类型的NGO 鼓励人们采取消极态度,而其他NGO 则为公民提供了主动参与社会事务的方式。通过对中国四个城市(北京、上海、昆明和南京)的NGO 进行分析,揭示了三种不同类型资源环境和行为模型,本文的研究结果很好地证明了这个观点。本文也讨论了每种模型对于公民参与的影响。[提供中英文]
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本文认为中国的非政府组织并不确信自己是内地认知共同体的一部分。根据本文作者在重庆、昆明、南京和上海四个城市进行的访谈,这主要是由于缺乏一套专业性的管理标准和规范。另外,研究显示中国NGO 不认为其首要任务是在自身组织发展生命周期内产出知识。这意味着中国民间团体走的是一条不同的发展道路,中国非政府组织的组织发展过程不符合现存NGO 文献中的描述。[提供中英文]
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“北京共识”是一场用超实用观点进行政策审议的哲学运动。和给政策制定者解决问题或原教旨主义者坚持特定经济传统提供政策配方集的发展模式不同,“北京共识”本身承认,每个发展情境中都有一组独特和/或试验性的解决方法,需要将当下的政治、经济和社会环境考虑进去。这种超实用主义需要政策制定者进行更大规模的政策试验,并具有更大的风险弹性。此外,该哲学通过总结近些年中国政策试验中的实践和教训,恰当了表达了其本身的含义。不过讽刺的是,这种哲学也给分析 “北京共识”和中国发展模式之间的差异带来了潜在困惑。本文概述了这种区分,并进一步理论化了以“北京共识”的意向性为支撑,运用超实用主义观进行政策审议的潜在后果。
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Dieser Artikel bewertet die Effektivität zweier großer technischer Hilfsprogramme der Europäischen Union, IPR2 und IP Key, bei der Gestaltung Chinas regionaler Durchsetzung von geistigen Eigentumsrechten (IP). Es wird argumentiert, dass technische Hilfsprogramme zwar effektiv bei der Beeinflussung des nationalen IP-Rechtsrahmens gewesen sind, diese...
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Cet article évalue l'efficacité de deux grands programmes d'assistance technique de l'Union européenne, IPR2 et IP Key, à façonner l'application régionale de la propriété intellectuelle (PI) en Chine. Il soutient que si les programmes d'assistance technique ont réussi à influencer le cadre juridique national de la PI, ils ont moins bien réussi à ai...
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In dieser Studie wird argumentiert, dass chinesische Städte unterschiedliche Ressourcenumgebungen für NRO (NGOs) zur Verfügung haben. Organisationen reagieren auf diese Ressourcenumgebungen, indem sie geeignete Ressourcenstrategien entwickeln, die wiederum die Merkmale und Strukturen der NRO der betreffenden Stadt prägen. Ferner wird untersucht, wi...
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Dieser Artikel legt nahe, dass chinesische NRO nicht der Überzeugung sind, Teil einer epistemischen Gemeinschaft in Festlandchina zu sein. In den vier Städten Chongqing, Kunming, Nanjing und Shanghai durchgeführte Interviews deuten darauf hin, dass dies auf das Fehlen einheitlicher Standards und die mangelnde Professionalisierung in ihrem Tätigkeit...
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This article examines the overseas behaviour of Chinese non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in two African nations, Ethiopia and Malawi, with varying political regime types. Our findings suggest that, irrespective of regime type, Chinese NGOs have yet to make a substantial impact in either nation. We argue that, despite the strength of the Chines...
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As China becomes increasingly integrated into the global system there will be continuing pressure to acknowledge and engage with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Suffice to say, without a clear understanding of the state’s interaction with NGOs, and vice versa, any political, economic and social analysis of China will be incomplete. This book...
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This article estimates wage differentials between ethnic minorities and the Han majority in China. While Han-minority wage differentials estimated with regression analysis demonstrate little evidence for ethnic minority disadvantages, evidence looking at the process of ethnic minority job acquisition and retention suggests that minorities perceive...


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