Renato D'Alençon

Renato D'Alençon
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | UC · Escuela de Arquitectura

Doctor of Engineering


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Renato D’Alençon Castrillón is an Architect by Universidad Católica de Chile, Masters by Cornell University and Dr. I.g. by Technische Universität Berlin. His fields of scholarly work include environmental design and performance of buildings; recovery and development of heritage building systems; and habitability in social housing and informal settlements. Experience in teaching and research at Technische Universität Berlin, Politecnico di Milano, and P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Additional affiliations
January 2016 - present
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Professor
April 2011 - August 2015
Technische Universität Berlin
  • Lecturer


Publications (51)
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En este trabajo, abordamos los inicios de la construcción en altura en Chile, desde el punto de vista del proceso de innovación técnica y cambio social en Santiago y Valparaíso durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Nos enfocamos en la consolidación en la práctica constructiva de las nuevas técnicas de construcción en hormigón armado, así como...
Conference Paper
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Una serie de condiciones urbanas locales tales como la impermeabilización del suelo, la pérdida de áreas verdes o la concentración de la radiación por reflexiones en fachadas, se hacen cada vez más presentes, e imponen fenómenos climáticos cada vez más difíciles al confort urbano, que es necesario comprender y documentar desde el punto de vista med...
Conference Paper
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Reversible Design leads to efficient use of raw materials, as well as, a CDW reduction by: making flexible and adaptable designs favourable for new uses and programs; and recovering both the built surface and its construction components for new uses, in order to create a materials reserve. At the same time, a Reversible Design also has several rest...
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La industria de la construcción es actualmente la mayor consumidora de recursos y materias primas, y genera un 35% de los residuos a nivel mundial. Esto puede ser contrarrestado con la implementación de estrategias que estén en línea con los principios de la economía circular, motivo por el cual el sector de la construcción es considerado uno de lo...
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El manejo de Residuos de la Construcción y Demolición (RCD) se está abordando en Chile hoy en etapas iniciales a través del trabajo conjunto de Ministerios, los gremios, la academia, CORFO y otras instituciones. Ellas, en un esfuerzo común, han desarrollado la 'Estrategia de construcción sustentable' y la Hoja de ruta RCD economía circular en const...
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crises require us to take notice of the tension, of the existing problems in a broken system. We are interested in these underlying risk factors -- how different hazards attack the same problem and the same vulnerabilities. We want to understand how these underlying factors are conditioning our behavior.
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La industria de la construcción es actualmente el mayor consumidor de recursos y materias primas y genera un 35% de los residuos a nivel mundial. Esto puede ser contrarrestado implementando estrategias que estén en línea con los principios de la economía circular, motivo por el cual el sector construcción es considerado uno de los sectores claves p...
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Taller Organizado por el Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, con el objeto de discutir la pertinencia del tema y del foco de la investigación, en conjunto con invitados de los ámbitos público y privado
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La recurrencia de los desastres naturales en las últimas décadas en Chile y en todo el mundo, exacerbados por los patrones urbanos actuales, requieren estrategias integrales para promover acciones a largo plazo hacia la resiliencia a nivel local y nacional. Chile tiene una experiencia ampliamente reconocida en la reducción del riesgo de desastres,...
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Taller Organizado por el Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, con el objeto de discutir la pertinencia del tema y del foco de la investigación, en conjunto con invitados de los ámbitos público y privado
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Green screen façades (GSF) remain an unexplored field of study in warm-summer climates with Mediterranean conditions. This research aims to establish whether or not these thermal comfort façade systems are worth developing in cities with dry summers and a high range of thermal oscillation. A comparative study of four buildings´ green screen façade...
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The resilience of communities in their built environment facing natural and human-made hazards is consolidating worldwide as a critical requirement in the field of urban planning and design. Current studies and measures in this regard open an array of opportunities for articulating beyond sectorial and scale boundaries by emphasizing an integrated,...
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In the face of a natural catastrophe, resistance is a necessary but not sufficient condition. A building can withstand an earthquake or a flood, but that does not mean that the life it held will go back to be developed in a normal way. Hence, based on the experience after the 2010 earthquake, this text advocates resilience as a key concept, a scope...
Conference Paper
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In this article, we propose the correspondence of Construction and Demolition Waste, CDW reduction and architectural design as a central concept to redefine the role of Architecture in the context of the Circular Economy, as applied to the construction process. To raise this question, 1) a State of the Art discussion was elaborated, a series of int...
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Transizioni Conoscenza e progetto climate proof a cura di Valeria D'Ambrosio Marina Rigillo Enza Tersigni Il volume Transizioni. Conoscenza e progetto climate proof affronta il tema del progetto di adattamento climatico secondo una visione multidisciplinare, individuando la scala del distretto urbano come dimensione di riferimento per un efficace c...
Conference Paper
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Chile es uno de los miembros de la OCDE cuya economía presenta una mayor intensidad en el uso de recursos. Durante el período 2000-2010, el consumo interno de materiales (CIM) creció un 36%, en comparación con un descenso promedio del 7% en el conjunto de los países de la OCDE. Al mismo tiempo, la producción de residuos ha crecido desde unos 12 mil...
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La exposición solar es un fenómeno variable que obliga a concebir las fachadas de los edificios como un componente arquitectónico que debe adaptarse a esta variación. Sobre esta premisa se han desarrollado varios conceptos que apun-tan a dar un carácter dinámico a la relación interior-exterior que las fachadas deben mediar. En este artículo se prop...
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Since Kahn proposed the separation between servant and served spaces - transforming the former into the invisible infrastructure that allows the splendor of the latter - the distinction has remained valid as a design tool. But when servant spaces happen to contain the building’s own systems, such segregation becomes problematic: the building no lon...
Conference Paper
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Chile has experienced two of the world’s ten strongest earthquakes in recorded history. Building codes are revised after large seismic events have led to safer behavior of buildings, especially in urban areas, and have significantly reduced the number of casualties. However, strong earthquakes continue to cause large-scale destruction, especially t...
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No Chile, o processo de proporcionar habitação foi realizado por um sistema de subsídio orientado pela demanda considerado bem-sucedido de modo geral. Em termos quantitativos, isto pode ser verdade, porém não em termos qualitativos. Áreas pequenas, baixa qualidade de construção, infra-estrutura insuficiente são as críticas recorrentes, junto de um...
Conference Paper
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Sun exposure is a variable phenomenon that forces to conceive building façades as an architectural component that must vary accordingly. On this premise several concepts have been developed that aim to give a dynamic character to the interior-exterior relationship that façades must mediate. In this line, the concept of a Variable Facade is proposed...
Conference Paper
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La Historia de la Construcción se ha constituido como una disciplina independiente en los últimos 20 años, en base al trabajo de investigadores en Europa y Norteamérica, llegando a realizarse el año pasado en Segovia el 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Construcción organizado por la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción. La...
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San José de Chamanga, afectado por el devastador terremoto de magnitud 7.8° en abril de 2016, como muchos otros poblados de la costa de Esmeraldas, sufrió la destrucción generalizada de su tejido edificado, hasta el punto de hacerse difícil localizar un punto de partida desde el cual iniciar la reconstrucción. En este artículo intentamos, a partir...
Over the last 20 years, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, has witnessed unprecedented urbanisation. Nomadic families from the rural provinces of the country have been pouring into the city and developing the so-called 'ger settlements'. The traditional mobile dwelling, the ger (Mongolian for 'yurt'), forms the nucleus of semi-formal settlement...
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Currently the disaster risk management framework is overcoming the purely technical and financial dimension in order to include the social, cultural and environmental spheres. This shifting towards a more holistic perspective calls to develop strategies of emergency and reconstruction management that consider the social acceptance of the interventi...
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En este trabajo se discuten estas cuestiones y se presenta un estudio piloto cuyo objetivo es desarrollar indicadores para evaluar la sustentabilidad de los barrios residenciales en Chile, con la intención de transformarse en una herramienta de trabajo tanto para los vecinos de los barrios, como para actores externos que estén interesa-dos en inter...
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This paper presents a pilot study that aims to establish indicators of sustainability for residential neighborhoods in Chile, with the intention of becoming a working tool for residents and for external actors that are manage social intervention programs. A list of 85 sustainability indicators was prepared based on a literature review, Chilean poli...
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verything is discarded in the culture we live in: packaging, mobile phones, clothes, cars, water, all in the same way. Apparently we either think there is more than enough of everything, or that they are available in infinite abundance to us. We know this is not true, but we act as if we didn’t know and keep discarding everything. Nothing is being...
Conference Paper
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In Chile, non-residential buildings are not subject to regulations in regard of energy consumption or indoor environmental quality. With the exception of urban aspects related to volume and sun obstructions, other aspects such as energy performance or façade performance are left to the market's ability to define without any standards or models of a...
Conference Paper
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Some 25 years ago, the development of Double-skin Glass façades (DSFs) grew in Germany as a promising alternative to address the well-known problems of curtain walls, particularly heat loss, over-heating and noise, by combining a thermal buffer and sun protection in a ventilated glass chamber. The introduction and spread of DSFs was not only based...
Conference Paper
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En esta ponencia se documentan y discuten las características constructivas, la distribución geográfica y los orígenes del sistema constructivo conocido como madera maciza, Blockbau o Blockhaus, utilizado por los colonos alemanes del sur de Chile durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Este sistema se presenta hoy casi desaparecido en Chile, a pesa...
Conference Paper
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Paper accepted without presenting as a personal protest against the registration fee of Cogreso. PLEA 2015 as registration charges 595 euros so it follows that this is a commercial event.
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This paper presents an analysis of the energy performance of office buildings built in Santiago between 2005 and 2011. Based on information collected in-situ with facility managers and municipal archives, a database was developed, focused on characterizing the shape, façade systems and energy consumption of the buildings. Statistical techniques wer...
Technical Report
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On April 6th 2009, the city of L'Aquila, 120 km north-east of Rome, was hit by an earthquake of intensity between VIII and IX on the Mercalli scale, widely destroying both the traditional, non-monumental architecture that characterizes a majority of residential buildings in the historic center and the considerable monumental architecture. The rebui...
Technical Report
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The Ger settlement of Yarmag is situated in the southwestern fringe of Ulaanbaatar on the way to the International Airport. The highway corridor is one of the main transformation areas of Ulaanbaatar today. Gated communities are sprouting up at phenomenal speed, catering for the expectations and status aspirations of the upwardly mobile Mongolians...
Conference Paper
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In Chile, the process of providing housing has been undertaken by a demand‐oriented subsidy system claimed to be successful for the most part. In quantitative terms this can be granted, while not in terms of quality. Small areas, poor construction quality, insufficient infrastructure are the recurrent criticisms, along with urban‐scale spatial segr...
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Die deutsche Besiedlung des südlichen Chile, die in den 1850er Jahren begann, führte zur Entstehung eines bedeutenden architektonischen Erbes, das in Chile als deutsche Architektur bekannt ist. Bis heute ist nicht ganz klar, inwieweit die Kolonistenbauten des südlichen Chile durch den Import von architektonischen Modellen aus Europa beeinflusst wur...
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During the period of immigration of the German settlers in southern Chile organized by the Government between 1852 and 1875, a total of 6952 people settled in unique locations at the shore of Lake Llanquihue and in the cities of Osorno and Valdivia. This led to the construction of a vast architectural heritage, which is recognized in the country as...
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Starting from the “double skin façade” model, two design strategies applied on glazed façades offer a wide range of solutions to the demands that overheating and solar gain generate.
Conference Paper
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and there is extensive documentation of the built heritage, emphasizing the achievements of the settlers. The work of Pater Gabriel Guarda compiled in his La Tradición de la Madera (Guarda 1995) and that of Professor Hernán Montecinos, Arquitectura Tradicional de Osorno y La Unión (Montecinos 1981), among others, helped to preserve them through val...
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Begun in 1850 under the lead of Bernardo Philippi and Vicente Pérez Rosales, the German colonization in the south of Chile had as a main ob/ective to unify a part of the country until then separated by the Mapuche people. Starting then, the German culture spread in southern Chile in different areas, one of the most representative of these being arc...
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Begun in 1850 under the lead of Bernardo Philippi and Vicente Perez Rosales, the German colonization in the south of Chile had as a main objective to unify a part of the country until then separated by the Mapuche people. Starting then, the German culture spread in southern Chile in different areas, one of the most representative of these being arc...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we explore an integrated approach blending active, mechanical systems in whole, comprehensive façade systems. To do so, we draw a state of the art of these technologies and analyze their performance in several cases of study built in Germany the last years. We conclu de outlining the key elements an integrated façade should consider,...
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El segundo volumen de la serie Arquitectura y técnica de Ediciones ARQ introduce los diferentes aspectos que en arquitectura deben considerarse para hacer del edificio un lugar adecuado para el desarrollo de la vida. La calidad ambiental de los interiores y la mediación con la intemperie que resuelven las envolventes, incluyendo muros, fachadas, ve...
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En este trabajo se propone un conjunto de parámetros y estándares de calidad para la vivienda formal e informal en Chile. La propuesta toma como marco conceptual la definición de habitabilidad, cuyos alcances ampliados incorporan nuevos elementos que van más allá de la idea de confort (comodidad), con énfasis en los elementos relativos a los condic...
Conference Paper
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In this work, we examine the set of habitability parameters and standards currently being used for both slum management and formal housing provision in Chile, as a specific approach regarding quality in the current context. The notion of habitability goes beyond conventional quality assessment based on comfort (higro-thermal, acoustic, lighting), i...
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Los tres componentes básicos de la Política Habitacional chilena son el ahorro, el subsidio estatal a la demanda y el crédito hipotecario. Los equilibrios entre ellos varían de acuerdo a los grupos objetivos que atienden y a los énfasis de la política. El gran cambio propuesto por la política de vivienda vigente, que atiende a los sectores más care...


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