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Epidemiology of sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome and sleep disordered breathing


Abstract and Figures

Epidemiological studies have revealed a high prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in the community (up to 20%). A subset of these patients has concurrent symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness attributable to their nocturnal breathing disorder and is classified as having obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (4-5% of the middle-aged population). There is strong evidence for an association of sleep apnoea with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity, as well as adverse public health consequences. Treatment and diagnosis have remained largely unchanged over the past 25 yrs. In moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, treatment with continuous positive airway pressure has been shown to be effective. Questions remain as to how to screen patients with sleep-disordered breathing. Should time-consuming diagnostic procedures with high sensitivity and specificity be employed, or should simpler methods be applied for screening populations at risk, e.g. in the primary care sector?
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Edited by R.L. Riha and W.T. McNicholas
Number 3 in this Series
Epidemiology of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea
syndrome and sleep-disordered breathing
P. Jennum* and R.L. Riha
ABSTRACT: Epidemiological studies have revealed a high prevalence of sleep-disordered
breathing in the community (up to 20%). A subset of these patients has concurrent symptoms of
excessive daytime sleepiness attributable to their nocturnal breathing disorder and is classified
as having obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (4–5% of the middle-aged population).
There is strong evidence for an association of sleep apnoea with cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular morbidity, as well as adverse public health consequences. Treatment and
diagnosis have remained largely unchanged over the past 25 yrs. In moderate-to-severe
obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, treatment with continuous positive airway
pressure has been shown to be effective. Questions remain as to how to screen patients with
sleep-disordered breathing. Should time-consuming diagnostic procedures with high sensitivity
and specificity be employed, or should simpler methods be applied for screening populations at
risk, e.g. in the primary care sector?
KEYWORDS: Epidemiology, sleep apnoea, sleep-disordered breathing
The epidemiology of obstructive sleep apnoea
(OSA)/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) has
been described in a significant number of
studies. OSAHS affects ,2–4% of the middle-aged
population and is defined on the basis of symptoms
of daytime sleepiness and objective measures of
disordered breathing during sleep. Obstruction of
the upper airway during sleep, resulting in
repetitive breathing pauses accompanied by oxy-
gen desaturation and arousal from sleep, is
characteristic of OSAHS. This results in diurnal
sleepiness leading to cognitive impairment. Sleep-
disordered breathing (SDB; snoring and associated
apnoeas) is common and affects up to 20% of the
OSAHS is common in adults and children. OSAHS
is an independent risk factor for hypertension and
is associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovas-
cular morbidity. OSAHS has consequences for
public health (driving, accidents at work) and the
economy. The benefits and effects of continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment have
been described in prospective studies. Despite
increasing awareness of the condition and
improved diagnostic procedures, most patients in
the community remain undiagnosed and
untreated. This is especially true of patients who
may be at high risk for additional complications,
e.g. those with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or
cardiac, cerebrovascular or other neurological
diseases. Few or no public health programmes
have included systematic screening for OSAHS.
Traditionally, OSAHS is diagnosed using in-hospi-
tal, supervised overnight polysomnography (PSG)
followed by manual titration of CPAP. This is
costly, both time-wise and economically, and since
the capacity of this procedure is limited, waiting
lists tend to lengthen. This calls for discussion of an
organisational model not only for the identification
and management, but also for the prevention, of
OSAHS and its consequences. The present article
focuses on the epidemiological aspects of OSAHS
and SDB, risk associations, socioeconomic conse-
quences and organisational aspects of diagnosing
and managing sleep apnoea.
*Danish Centre for Sleep Medicine
Glostrup, Denmark.
Dept of Sleep Medicine
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK.
P. Jennum
Danish Centre for Sleep Medicine,
Dept of Clinical Neurophysiology,
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Glostrup Hospital
DK 2600 Glostrup
Fax: 45 43233933
November 27 2008
Accepted after revision:
January 13 2009
None declared.
European Respiratory Journal
Print ISSN 0903-1936
Online ISSN 1399-3003
Previous article in this series: No. 1: MacLeod AK, Liewald DCM, McGilchrist MM, Morris AD, Kerr SM, Porteous DJ. Some principles and practices of
genetic biobanking studies. Eur Respir J 2009; 33: 419–425. No. 2: Riha RL, Gislasson T, Diefenbach K. The phenotype and genotype of adult obstructive sleep
apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome. Eur Respir J 2009; 33: 646–655.
Eur Respir J 2009; 33: 907–914
DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00180108
CopyrightßERS Journals Ltd 2009
Sleep apnoea has been recognised throughout human history,
dating as far back as the 4th century BC. Numerous reports
throughout the 19th century and the early part of the 20th
century AD gave way to systematically conducted studies on
patients with OSAHS and related syndromes [1].
OSAHS was first properly documented in neurophysiological
sleep laboratories using techniques developed for the investi-
gation of other conditions such as depression and narcolepsy.
OSAHS was first described as such in 1965 [2] and there has
since been an explosion in the facilities for its diagnosis and
treatment as well as a rapid advancement in the understanding
of its far-reaching consequences.
Reporting of OSAHS was initially confined to case series, but
more recently, large-scale epidemiological studies have
attempted to answer questions on the incidence and preva-
lence of OSAHS. However, few of these have used ideal
methods and it is therefore difficult to draw firm conclusions
from them.
Generally, the best-conducted studies, in terms of method and
rigour of technique employed, have found a prevalence of
OSAHS in the middle-aged male population of up to 4% [3].
The study showing the lowest quoted prevalence may have
underestimated the occurrence of OSAHS in the population by
using oximetry alone, with more than five 4% dips in pulse
oximetry-measured arterial oxygen saturation per hour, as an
initial screening measure [4], while those studies showing the
highest prevalences may have overestimated the prevalence by
including central apnoeas and breath-holds occurring during
wakefulness [5] using inductance plethysmography at home.
Assessment of sleepiness differed between the studies on
account of using self-devised questionnaires specific to each
study. Fewer studies exist examining the prevalence of OSAHS
in females but it is probably half that of males, at 0.5–1% [5].
OSAHS occurs throughout the entire lifespan, from neonates to
the elderly. In adults, the frequency of disordered breathing
during sleep increases with age and is poorly associated with
an increased incidence of daytime sleepiness or other
symptoms of OSAHS [6–10].
As discussed above, a definitive diagnosis of OSAHS requires
objective recording and measurement of sleep and breathing
during the night in addition to a measure of daytime sleepiness
(objective or subjective) and other symptoms.
An objective measure of SDB at night is generally required to
confirm the diagnosis of OSAHS. The method most widely
used, and which is considered by some to be the ‘‘gold
standard’’ for diagnosis despite limited evidence, is overnight
PSG. An American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Task
Force published indications for PSG in 1997 [11] and
measurement techniques and syndrome definitions in 1999
[12]. Most PSG studies monitor the following routinely: nasal
and/or oral airflow; thoracoabdominal movement; snoring;
electroencephalogram (EEG); electro-oculogram; electromyo-
gram; and oxygen saturation. Signal collection and interpreta-
tion is usually computerised, but manual scoring of the trace
should still be performed using guidelines for interpretation of
the EEG published in 1968 by RECHTSCHAFFEN and KALES [13],
and the 1999 AASM criteria [12].
Full-night PSG is generally performed, but split-night studies
are also used [14], in which the first half of the study night is
used for diagnosis and the second half to monitor treatment
response using CPAP.
Cardiorespiratory monitoring alone can also be used. This
involves the measurement of airflow, respiratory effort,
oxygen saturation and cardiac frequency, but not EEG. The
great advantages of these systems are price, portability and the
ability of patients to monitor themselves at home. FERBER et al.
[15] reviewed seven studies of portable ambulatory monitoring
systems and reported a sensitivity of 78–100% and a specificity
of 67–100% in comparison with in-lab PSG, although ambula-
tory monitoring is of course not a gold standard.
Overnight oximetry is sometimes used as a screening test for
identifying patients who are at risk of significant OSAHS, but
this should never be seen as a substitute for in-lab PSG or
home cardiorespiratory monitoring. There are severe limita-
tions inherent in this technique used in isolation, including the
inability to detect apnoeas or hypopnoeas not associated with
oxygen desaturation and the upper airway resistance synd-
rome. Furthermore, nocturnal oxygen desaturation may be
related to sleep hypoventilation without associated upper
airways obstruction, e.g. in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), severe kyphoscoliosis, muscular dystrophy
and morbid obesity, and in the setting of periodic breathing
associated with severe heart failure.
Daytime sleepiness
Sleepiness is difficult to define (see [16] for a review).
Sleepiness can be regarded as ‘‘normal’’ sleepiness (a result
of the normal circadian rhythm) and ‘‘pathological’’ sleepiness
(a result of altered sleep scheduling). Pathological sleepiness
can be further subdivided into ‘‘habitual’’ (e.g. as the result of
recurring precipitants of sleepiness such as OSA) or ‘‘occa-
sional’’ (e.g. as the result of jet lag or medication).
As proposed by CLUYDTS et al. [16], sleepiness can be
recognised using a number of different measures. 1) Inferring
sleepiness from behaviour, e.g. observation of yawning
frequency, actigraphy, facial expression or performance tests
such as the driving simulator, psychomotor vigilance tests and
reaction time tests. 2) Self-evaluation of sleepiness using rating
scales, e.g. the Stanford Sleepiness Scale to measure sleepiness
at a given instant, and the Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS) to
measure sleepiness averaged over a month. 3) Direct electro-
physiological measures, e.g. multiple sleep latency test and
multiple wakefulness test [17], pupillometry and cerebral
evoked potentials.
In respect to the diagnosis and monitoring of OSAHS, probably
the most widely used and best-validated scale assessing
daytime sleepiness is the ESS, first devised in 1991 [18]. Its
advantages include ease of administration and low cost.
It assesses global level of sleepiness and is independent of
short-term variations in sleepiness with the time of day and
also of inter-day variations [19]. The ESS aims to measure the
general level of daytime sleepiness as a stable individual
characteristic and has satisfactory test–retest reliability [20].
The ESS is also able to discriminate between normal and
pathological sleepiness [20]. The accuracy of the ESS depends
on the awareness of subjects falling asleep, which may not
always be the case [21]. Rating of the subject’s sleepiness by
another person may be more precise [22]. The ESS does not
correlate strongly with more objective measures of daytime
sleepiness such as the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) or
maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT) [23], but this is in
keeping with the fact that sleepiness is not a unitary concept.
ESS reproducibly reflects changes in sleepiness with therapy in
OSAHS [24]. Because of its reliability and its ability to
differentiate between abnormal and normal levels of sleepi-
ness, as well as for its ease of administration, the ESS is one of
the most widely used measures of sleepiness.
In summary, self-reporting of snoring, nocturnal gasping or
apnoeas and measures of sleepiness (e.g. ESS) correspond
relatively poorly with objective measures, such as sound
recording, apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) and MSLTs/
MWTs [25]. Any relationship between these factors depends
on the standardisation and the value of the reference test/gold
standard and is subject to high variability in the validity of
questionnaire and test evaluation. Complaints of sleepiness
and/or other indications of hypersomnia are related to many
other conditions, not just SDB, which weakens the relationship
Epidemiological studies have used a variety of methods to
measure OSA, including self-reported markers such as snor-
ing, apnoeas, daytime sleepiness, in-laboratory PSG, unat-
tended in-home PSG, and unattended polygraphic or other
recordings of a few physiological parameters. Studies using
objective measures of apnoea and hypopnoea have employed
variable respiratory event definitions. Moreover, there has
been no standardisation of the method used to quantify
airflow, with methods such as thermistry, inductance plethys-
mography and nasal cannula/pressure transducer systems
providing different sensitivities to changes in airflow. Like
other conditions based on a severity continuum, the definition
of the units of the continuum and the ultimate thresholds used
to designate the presence of OSA will affect the magnitude of
prevalence and estimates of associations with risk factors and
outcomes. The use of more-restrictive definitions of apnoea
and hypopnoea, higher AHI cut-off points, or an additional
requirement for symptoms of sleepiness, will obviously lower
prevalence estimates and affect values expressing associations,
such as odds ratios. Like other conditions, OSAHS presents a
severity spectrum which affects the estimates of prevalences.
Studies have consistently found that symptomatic OSAHS
occurs in o2–4% of the adult population. Studies evaluating
the occurrence of SDB, independently of symptoms, show a
much higher prevalence of 6–24% among adults (tables 1–3).
OSAHS is more common in males than in females, with a ratio
of 2:1. Menopause is a risk factor for sleep apnoea [26]. OSAHS
prevalence increases in mid-life, but the existence of OSAHS in
childhood, adolescence and older age means that there is no
simple positive correlation of OSAHS with age [27]. A multi-
modal distribution of prevalence by age is often indicative of
distinct disease subtypes with different aetiologies and health
consequences. SDB occurs commonly in populations aged
.65 yrs (tables 1–3), but there is controversy regarding its
significance in older people and its relationship to OSAHS that
occurs in middle age [28, 29].
Smoking is one of the strongest risk factors for cardiovascular
disease. The association with OSAHS is relatively weak, but
smoking may interact with and add to the cardiovascular risk
associated with OSA [30].
Genetics/family history
Reports published in the 1990s suggested a relationship
between self-reported snoring and familial occurrence of
snoring and sleep apnoea, with a relative risk association of
3–5 [31–33]. The risk has been demonstrated to increase if both
parents are affected. A number of studies have documented
this association. A recent review of this evidence has evaluated
this relationship [34]. In addressing this topic, future studies
should address the hereditary components of OSAHS by
subdividing the disease according to different subgroups, e.g.
sleep apnoea with age of onset of disease, hypertension,
metabolic syndrome, propensity to cerebrovascular disease
and other risk associations.
TABLE 1 Age- and sex-specific prevalence rates of the
apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) based on
polysomnographic (PSG) results for a sample of
1,050 males and 1,098 females from the Vitoria-
Gasteiz region of Spain
Age yrs AHI
o5o10 o15 o20 o30
30–39 9.0 (2–16) 7.6 (0–15) 2.7 (1–5) 2.1 (0–4) 2.1 (0–4)
40–49 25.6 (14–37) 18.2 (9–27) 15.5 (7–24) 10.1 (5–15) 7.0 (3–11)
50–59 27.9 (17–38) 24.1 (15–34) 19.4 (11–27) 14.7 (8–21) 11.4(6–17)
60–70 52.1 (33–71) 32.2 (17–48) 24.2 (12–37) 15.0 (8–22) 8.6 (4–14)
30–39 3.4 (0–7) 1.7 (0–4) 0.9 (0–2)
40–49 14.5 (3–25) 9.7 (0–19)
50–59 35.0 (20–50) 16.2 (5–27) 8.6 (1–17) 8.3 (0–16) 4.3 (0–10)
60–70 46.9 (31–63) 25.6 (13–38) 15.9 (6–26) 13.0 (3–22) 5.9 (0–13)
Data are presented as % (95% confidence interval). Data were collected as
follows. The MESAM IV portable recording system (Medizintechnik fu
Patient, Munich, Germany) was used overnight. PSG was recorded using Alice 3
(Respironics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Manual scoring using conventional criteria
was employed. An abnormal breathing event was defined as complete cessation
of airflow for o10 s (apnoea) or a discernible 50% reduction in respiratory airflow
accompanied by a decrease of o4% in arterial oxygen saturation measured by
pulse oximetry and/or electroencephalogram arousal (hypopnoea). Arousals
were defined according to American Sleep Disorders Association criteria [15].
Reproduced from [6], with permission from the publisher.
Obesity and metabolic syndrome
There is strong epidemiological and clinical evidence for a
relationship between sleep apnoea, central obesity and meta-
bolic syndrome. Despite the lack of controlled studies, several
studies have presented data showing that weight reduction
through dieting or bariatric surgery is followed by a reduction
in AHI and incidence of diabetes, improved glucose control
and reductions in hyper-triglyceridaemia [35–37]. This impor-
tant area will be discussed further in the last paper in the
current series.
Polycystic ovary syndrome
There is some evidence that sleep apnoea is associated with
polycystic ovary syndrome [38, 39]; however, no epidemiolo-
gical, cross-sectional or prospective studies have addressed
this important issue.
Morbidity and mortality associated with OSAHS
Untreated OSAHS can contribute to the development or
progression of other disorders. OSAHS has now been shown
to be a cause for systemic hypertension [40] and there is some
evidence suggesting that it can also cause pulmonary
hypertension [41, 42]. OSAHS is also associated with ischaemic
heart disease.
SDB has been found to be a significant clinical feature in a
proportion of patients with cerebrovascular disease: stroke and
transient ischaemic attacks [40]. However, published results are
contradictory, with some showing no increase in OSAHS in those
with transient ischaemic attacks [43], while others show a high
prevalence of OSAHS in those with stroke (see [44] for review).
Treating OSAHS in stroke is also controversial. Some studies
show a significant reduction in SDB and improvement in quality
of life, while others do not [45, 46]. Patients with OSAHS and
moderate-to-severe coexistent lung disease, such as COPD, are
more likely to develop type II respiratory failure that will
improve with treatment of the obstructive apnoeas [47, 48].
Likewise, nocturnal asthma may be worsened by sleep apnoea
and treatment may lead to improvement [49].
OSAHS leads to neuropsychological impairment that includes
deficits in attention, concentration, vigilance, manual dexterity,
visuomotor skills, memory, verbal fluency and executive
function [50]. Perhaps the most important complication of
OSAHS, and the one that has the greatest impact from the
public health perspective, is driving accidents. More than one-
third of patients with OSAHS report having had an accident or
near-accident on account of falling asleep while driving [51].
There is also objective evidence of 1.3–12-fold increases in
accident rates among those with sleep apnoea, and accident
rates in OSAHS patients have been found to be 1.3 to seven
times higher than those in the general population [52–54].
Vigilance testing and driving simulators in studies assessing
driving performance in patients with OSAHS reveal that
performance is markedly reduced and the impairment is not
limited to periods when patients actually fall asleep but also
occurs when they are awake, owing to reduced vigilance.
There is also evidence that OSAHS patients have a 50%
increased risk of workplace accidents [55, 56].
OSAHS thus leads to several complications, including:
impairment in education, quality of life and work capacity;
traffic accidents; cardiac and cerebrovascular morbidity and
mortality; and increased economic burden.
A relationship between sleep apnoea, snoring and hypertension
was proposed in the first half of the 1980s. This relationship was
TABLE 2 Age- and sex-specific prevalence rates of the
apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) based on
polysomnographic (PSG) results for a sample of
352 males and 250 females from Wisconsin, USA
Age yrs AHI
o5o10 o15
30–39 17.0 (9.6–25) 12.0 (5.4–19) 6.2 (1.9–10)
40–49 25.0 (18–32) 18.0 (11–24) 11.0 (6.7–16)
50–60 31.0 (21–40) 14.0 (7.5–20) 9.1 (5.1–13)
30–39 6.5 (1.4–11) 4.9 (0.6–9.8) 4.4 (1.1–7.3)
40–49 8.7 (4.2–13) 4.9 (1.7–8.1) 3.7 (1.0–6.5)
50–60 16.0 (5.2–26) 5.9 (0.0–12.0) 4.0 (0.0–10)
Data are presented as % (95% confidence interval). Data were collected as
follows. Overnight in-lab PSG recording was carried out in sound-attenuated,
light- and temperature-controlled rooms using standard set-up and a 16-
channel polygraph (Model 78d; Grass Instrument, Quincy, MA, USA). Manual
scoring using conventional criteria was employed. An abnormal breathing event
was defined as complete cessation of airflow for o10 s (apnoea) or a
discernible 50% reduction in respiratory airflow accompanied by a decrease of
o4% in arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry. Reproduced
from [3], with permission from the publisher.
TABLE 3 Prevalence rates of the apnoea and hypopnoea
index (AHI) by age based on polysomnographic
(PSG) results for a sample of 741 males from
two counties in Southern Pennsylvania, USA
Age yrs Subjects AHI
o5o10 o20
20–44 236 7.9 (5.0–12.1) 3.2 (1.6–6.4) 1.7 (0.6–4.4)
45–64 430 19.7 (16.2–23.7) 11.8 (9.1–15.3) 23.9 (15.7–34.9)
65–100 75 30.5 (21.1–41.7) 23.9 (15.7–34.9) 13.3 (7.3–23)
Data are presented as n or % (95% confidence interval). Data were collected as
follows. Overnight in-lab PSG recording was carried out in sound-attenuated,
light- and temperature-controlled rooms using standard set-up and a 16-
channel polygraph (Model 78d; Grass Instrument, Quincy, MA, USA). Manual
scoring using conventional criteria was employed. An abnormal breathing event
was defined as complete cessation of airflow for o10 s (apnoea) or a
discernible 50% reduction in respiratory airflow accompanied by a decrease of
o4% in arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry. Reproduced
from [7], with permission from the publisher.
initially supported by epidemiological studies using self-
reported snoring as a surrogate marker for sleep apnoea [55,
57]. Later follow-up studies suggested that sleep apnoea was
correlated with increased cardiovascular risk [58]. Although
snoring is associated with hypertension, several studies ques-
tioned the link, taking other risk factors into consideration [59].
This is due to the problem with self-reported snoring: it shows
only a partial relationship to sleep apnoea, with moderate
sensitivity and specificity. Since then, several studies have
shown a relationship between sleep apnoea, apnoea severity
and the occurrence of hypertension, independently of risk
factors, such as age and obesity [40].
Cardiac disease
Over the past 25 yrs, several studies have documented snoring
and OSAHS as risk factors for cardiac disease (artherosclerotic,
acute myocardial infarction, arrhythmias). Morbidity and
mortality risk is increased in the context of SDB, even when
taking other risk factors into consideration [40].
Sleep apnoea and stroke
Based on cross-sectional epidemiological studies primarily
using self-reported snoring, a relationship between snoring
and stroke was proposed in the mid-1980s. Prospective studies
have supported this relationship. The drawback of these
studies, however, was the inaccuracy of the report of snoring
due to the sensitivity, specificity and the individuality of this
symptom, which weakens a potential relationship between
sleep apnoea and stroke. Case–control studies suggest a
potential relationship based upon historical report of sleep
apnoea and PSG findings in stroke patients compared with
control groups [60, 61]. There are, however, several issues in
these patients, especially patients with stroke and sleep-related
breathing problems. These include selection problems and
stroke-induced SDB (e.g. pseudo-bulbar OSA, central apnoea
and hypoventilation) which may add to the occurrences of
sleep-related breathing disorders [62].
Traffic accidents
Noncommercial drivers with sleep apnoea are at a statistically
significant increased risk of having a motor vehicle crash.
Magnitude of daytime sleepiness and the severity of SDB were
correlated with crash risk, while full treatment of sleep apnoea
improves driver performance [63]. Untreated OSAHS increases
societal costs due to traffic accidents and their consequences
Socioeconomic consequences
The social and cardiovascular consequences of OSAHS seem
most pronounced among patients of low socioeconomic status.
This was found to be the case in a clinic population [67], but in
a discharge register study from Sweden, socioeconomic status
had a minor effect on the likelihood of hospitalisation and it
was suggested that other factors, e.g. smoking and obesity, may
influence this observed relationship [68]. It should be noted,
however, that there is a tendency towards lower screening and
diagnostic activity among people of lower social status.
OSAHS presents a significant socioeconomic burden due to
comorbidity, healthcare utilisation in the primary and second-
ary healthcare sectors, use of medication, effects on employ-
ment and lost income. Treatment of OSAHS causes reduced
morbidity, mortality and hospitalisation rates and this has
been demonstrated to be cost effective [69–73].
Undiagnosed OSAHS is likely to be highly prevalent, even in
countries where diagnostic facilities have been available for a
long time. A significant proportion of the potential for
improved diagnosis is in the primary care sector, and in
high-risk groups, e.g. patients with acute and chronic cardio-
vascular or cerebrovascular disease, or diabetics. There is a
need to evaluate the optimal organisational model for patient
identification and management. Few studies have presented
the optimal economic model for the evaluation of OSAHS. In a
Danish Health Technology Assessment, the use of ambulatory
portable diagnostic procedures using partial polygraphy
followed by auto-adjusted CPAP was superior to the use of
in-hospital, supervised PSG (which is time consuming and
costly) and oximetry (which has low sensitivity and diagnostic
accuracy) among patients without major comorbidity in the
primary care sector [74]. Similar results have been obtained by
others, who found oximetry to present low diagnostic
accuracy, but also pointed out the use of split-night PSG
studies as an alternative diagnostic and therapeutic approach
[75]. Thus, there is a need to evaluate the organisation of
diagnosing and managing patients with OSAHS, with and
without major comorbidities. In patients without major
comorbidity suspected of OSAHS, a portable study approach
is possible [76], whereas in patients with significant neurolo-
gical, cardiac or pulmonary disease it is likely that a supervised
study is desirable [77].
In conclusion, it is impossible, in view of the vast quantity of
literature that has burgeoned in the field of obstructive sleep
apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, to present an exhaustive over-
view of all its aspects. However, the following main messages
remain: obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and
sleep-disordered breathing are very common, affecting a
significant proportion of the population and, when untreated,
cause significant increased social, cardiac and cerebrovascular
morbidity and mortality; a significant proportion of patients
with obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome remain
undiagnosed and untreated due to inadequate resources for
case detection and investigation. There is a need to identify
optimal organisational and economic models to identify
patients at risk for additional screening and management,
especially in ‘‘at-risk’’ populations.
Thanks to S. Rafferty (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK) for her help in the preparation of the present
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... Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) can lead to significant health issues in both children and adults [1][2][3]. SDB is linked to a variety of detrimental effects, including intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, sleep fragmentation, high blood pressure, and heart disease [4][5][6][7]. ...
... As a systematic method to assess the risk of bias in observational epidemiological studies, we utilized the ROBINS-E (Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies -of Exposure) tool [31]. The 5 questions in these tools meticulously assessed the methods and results of the studies, providing ratings of "High", "Some concerns" or "Low".. ...
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Additionally, the characteristics of inhaled corticosteroids (inhaled particle sizes) may influence the risk of sleep apnea. In children, the severity of asthma plays a crucial role in influencing the prevalence of sleep apnea, while using inhaled corticosteroids seems to be a less relevant risk factor compared to adults. The overall risk of bias was categorized as high or with some concerns in 100% of the studies analyzed. Each study identified at least one form of bias that raised significant concerns. Studies showed a complex relationship between inhaled corticosteroids use, asthma severity, and the onset of sleep apnea. Further studies are needed.
... Current evidence indicates that around 2 to 4% of the middle-aged population may be affected by obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnea (OSA) syndrome [1]. OSA is more prevalent in men and in individuals who are older than 65 years [1]. ...
... Current evidence indicates that around 2 to 4% of the middle-aged population may be affected by obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnea (OSA) syndrome [1]. OSA is more prevalent in men and in individuals who are older than 65 years [1]. There is a recent interest in this potentially treatable condition because of its potential association with disorders such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases [2,3]. ...
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Purpose To provide updated evidence on the association of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)/sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) with risk of all-cause cognitive impairment/dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Methods A systematic literature search was done in PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus databases for cohort studies (retrospective or prospective) that documented the association of SDB/OSA with the risk of cognitive impairment or all-cause dementia or AD. Only studies that were published in the year 2000 and onwards were included. The random-effects model was used for all the analyses and effect sizes were reported as hazards ratio (HR) with 95% confidence intervals. Results Of 15 studies were included in the meta-analysis, SDB/OSA was diagnosed with at-home polysomnography in six studies, while five studies relied on self-report or questionnaires. In the remaining studies, International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes determined the diagnosis of SDB. The overall pooled analysis showed that patients with SDB/OSA had higher risk of cognitive impairment and/or all-cause dementia (HR 1.52, 95% CI: 1.32, 1.74), when compared to patients without SDB/OSA. However, when studies with diagnosis of SDB based on polysomnography were pooled together, the strength of association for all-cause cognitive impairment was weaker (HR 1.32, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.74). Conclusion Findings suggest a possible association of SDB/OSA with risk of all-cause cognitive impairment and/or dementia. However, careful interpretation is warranted as the majority of the studies did not rely on objective assessment based on polysomnography.
... Then, the physiological recordings need to be manually annotated and interpreted to ensure detailed and precise results, which limits PSG's utility outside of a laboratory setting [15]. Other factors limiting the wide adoption of PSG include its extensive duration of recording and substantial cost, and the patients are prone to feel uncomfortable due to multiple sensors attached to their skin [16]. In contrast, the increasing utilization of auto-scoring home sleep monitoring devices, characterized by their wearability and portability, has the potential to help mitigate the physician shortage in hospitals while offering enhanced convenience and comfort to patients [17], [18]. ...
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Sleep Apnea (SA) is a prevalent sleep disorder with multifaceted etiologies that can have severe consequences for patients. Diagnosing SA traditionally relies on the in-laboratory polysomnogram (PSG), which records various human physiological activities overnight. SA diagnosis involves manual scoring by qualified physicians. Traditional machine learning methods for SA detection depend on hand-crafted features, making feature selection pivotal for downstream classification tasks. In recent years, deep learning has gained popularity in SA detection due to its capability for automatic feature extraction and superior classification accuracy. This study introduces a Deep Attention Network with Multi-Temporal Information Fusion (DAN-MTIF) for SA detection using single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. This framework utilizes three 1D convolutional neural network (CNN) blocks to extract features from R-R intervals and R-peak amplitudes using segments of varying lengths. Recognizing that features derived from different temporal scales vary in their contribution to classification, we integrate a multi-head attention module with a self-attention mechanism to learn the weights for each feature vector. Comprehensive experiments and comparisons between two paradigms of classical machine learning approaches and deep learning approaches are conducted. Our experiment results demonstrate that (1) compared with benchmark methods, the proposed DAN-MTIF exhibits excellent performance with 0.9106 accuracy, 0.9396 precision, 0.8470 sensitivity, 0.9588 specificity, and 0.8909 $F_{1}$ score at per-segment level; (2) DAN-MTIF can effectively extract features with a higher degree of discrimination from ECG segments of multiple timescales than those with a single time scale, ensuring a better SA detection performance; (3) the overall performance of deep learning methods is better than the classical machine learning algorithms, highlighting the superior performance of deep learning approaches for SA detection.
... Advanced age, male sex, obesity, and smoking have been proposed as risk factors for OSA (1,2,10). The prevalence of OSA increases with age. ...
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Background Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), obesity and sarcopenia are issues have been attracting increasing attention. The associations between OSA, obesity and sarcopenia have rarely been investigated in previous studies. Methods We invited healthy adults aged 60 years or older who lived in Chang Gung Health and Culture Village in Taoyuan or Songshan District in Taipei city between September 2019 and October 2020 to participate in this study. Demographics were collected from the electronic medical records of our hospital or statements of the participants. Full-channel home polysomnography (PSG), handgrip strength, the 4-meter walk test, and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) were used to evaluate OSA and sarcopenia. Results A total of 96 participants were included. Considering the small number of sarcopenia participants and the pathophysiology of OSA, we included presarcopenia participants in the sarcopenia group. The severity of OSA and BMI increased with age, and the peak values were observed between 70 and 80 years of age. A delayed increase in the severity of OSA in females was observed. Males were more likely to be obese than females. The prevalence of sarcopenia increased with age and was greater in females. In those without sarcopenia, a positive correlation was observed between the severity of OSA and obesity (p = 0.043). Conclusions Sarcopenia and low muscle mass may be confounding factors when evaluating the relationship between OSA and obesity in elderly individuals.
... The asymptomatic course of OSA enhances the role of screening tests for OSA. Daily symptoms are not specific, and objective recording and measurement of sleep and breathing during the night are essential for the diagnosis with objective tools [32]. Patients with OSA who have no symptoms or whose symptoms are minimally troublesome can receive preventive procedures, and exercise and weight loss can help to prevent OSA development. ...
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Background: The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is suggested to differ according to different age groups. While its prevalence has been extensively investigated among middle-aged and old individuals, very few studies have summarized its prevalence among young adults. The present study aimed to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of OSA prevalence among healthy adults aged 18-30 years in the general population. Methods: A search of Embase, Medline, and Web of Science databases for articles reporting the prevalence of OSA among young adults confirmed by objective diagnostic methods was completed by two reviewers. Studies identified and included in the review were summarized qualitatively. Additionally, a meta-analysis of prevalence rates was conducted using a random effects model. Results: 11 articles out of 5898 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. The diagnostic thresholds, scoring criteria, and the type of used device varied substantially among all the studies. We found that the pooled prevalence of OSA among young adults was 16% (CI 95%, 8-29%, I2 = 92%, τ2 = 1.47). Conclusion: The prevalence of OSA among young adults was found to be ~16%. However, a few factors diverged prevalence between the studies, such as hypopnea definition, AHI threshold, and type of device. Most of the studies included examined healthy volunteers, suggesting that the disease burden may be underestimated. Findings from our review highlight the need to include OSA-related assessment and intervention in the overall health care of young adults. By early detection and offered treatment, further complications related to comorbidities may be omitted.
... The prevalence of OSAHS in the United States of America (USA) is 9%-24% for men and 4%-9% for women who are not obese (body mass index <30 kg/m 2 ) and aged between 30 and 60 years, and it is estimated that approximately 25 million adults have some form of OSAHS, with the prevalence increasing with age (4). European countries have prevalence rates of 17%-30% in men and 5%-15% in women, with higher rates in older age groups (5), and it is estimated that millions of patients suffer from OSAHS in the Middle East and Arab countries (4). OSAHS is also common in Asian countries, particularly in China and India. ...
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Background Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a common sleep disorder. The lower atmospheric pressure and decreased oxygen levels of high-altitude areas can exacerbate the severity of OSAHS, but research into OSAHS in high-altitude areas remains limited. This study, from June 2015 to January 2020, involved 4,667 patients with suspected OSAHS and 38 healthy volunteers. The non-OSAHS group (AHI <5/h) had 395 patients, while the larger OSAHS group (AHI ≥5/h) comprised 4,272 patients. The significant size difference between the groups emphasized the study’s focus on OSAHS, using the non-OSAHS mainly for comparison. Methods Sleep technicians monitored the OSAHS patient group overnight by polysomnography (PSG), the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), the mean oxygen saturation (MSpO2), lowest oxygen saturation (LSpO2), the oxygen desaturation index (ODI) and the total sleep time with oxygen saturation less than 90% (TST-SpO2 <90%). Healthy volunteers self-monitored sleep patterns at home, using the CONTEC RS01 respiration sleep monitor with a wristwatch sleep apnea screen meter. The RSO1 wristwatch-style device has already been studied for consistency and sensitivity with the Alice-6 standard multi-lead sleep monitor and can be used for OSAHS screening in this region. Results LSpO2 recordings from healthy volunteers (86.36 ± 3.57%) and non-OSAHS (AHI <5/h) cohort (78.59 ± 11.99%) were much lower than previously reported normal values. Regression analysis identified no correlations between AHI levels and MSpO2 or TST-SpO2 <90%, weak correlations between AHI levels and LSpO2 or MSpO2, and a strongly significant correlation between AHI levels and the ODI (r = 0.76, p < 0.05). The data also indicated that the appropriate clinical thresholds for OSAHS patients living at mild high altitude are classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on LSpO2 saturation criteria of 0.85–0.90, 0.65–0.84, or <0.65, respectively. Conclusion The study findings suggest that individuals with an AHI score below 5 in OSAHS, who reside in high-altitude areas, also require closer monitoring due to the elevated risk of nocturnal hypoxia. Furthermore, the significant correlation between ODI values and the severity of OSAHS emphasizes the importance of considering treatment options. Additionally, the assessment of hypoxemia severity thresholds in OSAHS patients living in high-altitude regions provides valuable insights for refining diagnostic guidelines.
... Because the prevalence of OSA 28,29 and PLMS increases with age, and age is associated with the primary outcome, 30 we assessed whether age is an important modifier in the exposure's association with the primary outcome. We analyzed the main model 2 in individuals older or younger than the median age at baseline (57.5 years) and as an interaction. ...
Background Obstructive sleep apnea is a well‐established risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Recent studies have also linked periodic limb movements during sleep to CVD. We aimed to determine whether periodic limb movements during sleep and obstructive sleep apnea are independent or synergistic factors for CVD events or death. Methods and Results We examined data from 1049 US veterans with an apnea‐hypopnea index (AHI) <30 events/hour. The primary outcome was incident CVD or death. Cox proportional hazards regression assessed the relationships between the AHI, periodic limb movement index (PLMI), and the AHI×PLMI interaction with the primary outcome. We then examined whether AHI and PLMI were associated with primary outcome after adjustment for age, sex, race and ethnicity, obesity, baseline risk of mortality, and Charlson Comorbidity Index. During a median follow‐up of 5.1 years, 237 of 1049 participants developed incident CVD or died. Unadjusted analyses showed an increased risk of the primary outcome with every 10‐event/hour increase in PLMI (hazard ratio [HR], 1.08 [95% CI, 1.05–1.13]) and AHI (HR, 1.17 [95% CI, 1.01– 1.37]). Assessment associations of AHI and PLMI and their interaction with the primary outcome revealed no significant interaction between PLMI and AHI. In fully adjusted analyses, PLMI, but not AHI, was associated with an increased risk of primary outcome: HR of 1.05 (95% CI, 1.00–1.09) per every 10 events/hour. Results were similar after adjusting with Framingham risk score. Conclusions Our study revealed periodic limb movements during sleep as a risk factor for incident CVD or death among those who had AHI <30 events/hour, without synergistic association between periodic limb movements during sleep and obstructive sleep apnea.
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Obstructive Sleep apnea (OSA) affects approximately 1%-5% of children. There is an increase in the risk of cardiac arrhythmias, stroke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, and altered immune function due to this disorder, which profoundly affects various body systems. Overnight polysomnograms are increasingly used to diagnose conditions and implement therapy more quickly at a lower cost. Various surgical and non-surgical interventions are available for treating pediatric OSA. This review will focus on adenotonsillectomy and positive airway pressure therapy for pediatric OSA. Furthermore, we also discussed non-surgical and surgical interventions for managing pediatric OSA. Additionally, we discussed current research efforts exploring newer diagnostic techniques and experimental treatment modalities. Healthcare professionals can effectively address the challenges of pediatric OSA with advancements in diagnostic tools and treatment approaches.
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Background-Since times known Polysomnography has been the only standard means to detect obstructive sleep apnea. Polysomnography interprets the results in various indices, among which apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) has been used to access the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) commonly. Here in our study, We aimed to evaluate the correlation of the all oxygenation indices like mean duration of de-saturation, lowest de-saturation, mean de-saturation, mean saturation and minimum saturation with the severity of OSA as assessed by AHI, because it is known that hypoxia plays an important role in morbidity and complications of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Methods: We reviewed the data and poysomnogram of diagnosed OSA patients who presented to both outpatient and inpatient units of Respiratory Medicine, Neurology and ENT department, Velammal medical college & Research institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu between April 2020 and March 2022. The minimum sample size is calculated as 56 patients. Age, gender, height, weight, BMI, AHI, RDI, ODI, SI, mean duration of desaturation, mean desaturation, mean saturation. minimum saturation, lowest desaturation were recorded. The severity of the patients was analysed and correlated. Results: A total of 101 patients were divided into three groups, according to AHI as follows: 19 (18.82%) mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 29 (28.71%) moderate OSA, and 53 (52.47 %) severe OSA. There was a positive correlation between AHI and RDI and it was significant. As the severity of OSA increases, oxygen desaturation index increases and they are statistically significant. There was a positive correlation between AHI and the Snoring index which is statistically significant. As the severity of OSA increases, oxygen desaturation index increases and they are statistically significant. The duration of snoring time in seconds has a positive correlation with OSA severity and statistically significant. There were negative correlation between AHI and the following parameters like mean duration of desaturation, lowest desaturation, mean desaturation, mean saturation, minimum saturation. Conclusion: Hypoxia being an important cause determining the severity and complication in case of obstructive sleep apnea, importance can be given equally to Oxygen desaturation index similar to Apnea-hypopnea index .Though snoring parameters are not much emphasized in the diagnosis of OSA, snoring time and snoring index seem to be equally important in diagnosis of OSA. There by we would also like to emphasise the importance of level 1 polysomnography through our study. we suggest that Oxygen desaturation index, snoring time , snoring index are as valuable as Apnea Hypopnea index in diagnosing and as well as grading the Obstructive sleep apnea in clinical setting where infrastructure of Sophisticated Polysomnogram is lacking.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects more women than men, with women throughout the menopausal transition potentially being the most under researched and at-risk group. Sleep disruptions, which are an established risk factor for AD, increase in prevalence with normal aging and are exacerbated in women during menopause. Sex differences showing more disrupted sleep patterns and increased AD pathology in women and female animal models have been established in literature, with much emphasis placed on loss of circulating gonadal hormones with age. Interestingly, increases in gonadotropins such as follicle stimulating hormone are emerging to be a major contributor to AD pathogenesis and may also play a role in sleep disruption, perhaps in combination with other lesser studied hormones. Several sleep influencing regions of the brain appear to be affected early in AD progression and some may exhibit sexual dimorphisms that may contribute to increased sleep disruptions in women with age. Additionally, some of the most common sleep disorders, as well as multiple health conditions that impair sleep quality, are more prevalent and more severe in women. These conditions are often comorbid with AD and have bi-directional relationships that contribute synergistically to cognitive decline and neuropathology. The association during aging of increased sleep disruption and sleep disorders, dramatic hormonal changes during and after menopause, and increased AD pathology may be interacting and contributing factors that lead to the increased number of women living with AD.
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This investigation examines how the sleep propensity (SP) in one test situation, such as the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), is related to sleepiness in daily life, as assessed by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). This is a self-administered questionnaire, the item scores from which provide a new method for measuring SPs in eight different real-life situations. The ESS item scores were analyzed separately in four groups of subjects: 150 adult patients with a variety of sleep disorders, 87 medical students who answered the ESS on two occasions 5 months apart, 44 patients who also had MSLTs and 50 patients whose spouses also answered the ESS about their partner's sleepiness. The ESS item scores were shown to be reliable (mean rho = 0.56, p < 0.001). The SP measured by the MSLT was related to three of the eight item scores in a multiple regression (r = 0.64, p < 0.001). The results of nonparametric ANOVA, Spearman correlations, Wilcoxon's t tests, item and factor analysis suggest that individual measurements of SP involve three components of variation in addition to short-term changes over periods of hours or days: a general characteristic of the subject (his average SP), a general characteristic of the situation in which SP is measured (its soporific nature) and a third component that is specific for both subject and situation. The SP in one test situation, including the MSLT, may not be a reliable indicator of a subject's average SP in daily life. Perhaps we should reexamine the current concept of daytime sleepiness and its measurement.
To investigate the association between sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) and automobile accidents, and to evaluate potential underlying mechanisms, we prospectively recruited 60 consecutive patients with SAS (apnea-hypopnea index, 58 +/- 3 h(-1)) and 60 healthy control subjects, matched for sex and age. The number of automobile accidents during the past 3 yr was obtained from participants and insurance companies. We quantified the degree of daytime sleepiness (Epworth scale), anxiety and depression (Beck tests), and we assessed the level of vigilance (PVT 192) and driving performance (Steer-Clear). Patients had more accidents than control subjects (OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 0.97 to 5.33) and were more likely to have had more than one accident (OR: 5.2; 95% CI: 1.07 to 25.29, p < 0.05). These differences persisted after stratification for km/yr, age, and alcohol consumption. Patients were more somnolent, anxious, and depressed than control subjects (p < 0.01), and they had a lower level of vigilance and poorer driving performance (p < 0.01). Yet, we did not find any correlation between the degree of daytime sleepiness, anxiety, depression, the number of respiratory events, nocturnal hypoxemia, level of vigilance, or driving simulator performance and the risk of automobile accidents among SAS patients. In conclusion, patients with SAS have an increased risk of automobile accidents. None of the clinical or physiological markers commonly used to define disease severity appear able to discriminate those patients at higher risk of having an automobile accident.
A task force to develop guidelines for diagnostic evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders in degenerative neurologic disorders and stroke was initiated by the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS). The aims were to provide evidence‐based recommendations in the management of sleep disorders associated with degenerative neurologic disorders and stroke. Neurological patients often have significant sleep disorders like sleep‐related breathing disorders (SBD), insomnia, sleep‐related motor and rapid eye movement behavioral disorders affecting nocturnal sleep and daytime function. A polysomnography (PSG) is usually a diagnostic minimum for the diagnoses of the most commonly reported sleep disorders in patients with neurologic diseases. A full video‐PSG/video‐EEG‐PSG should be considered in patients with nocturnal motor and/behavior manifestations. Respiratory polygraphy has a moderate sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of SBD without neurologic diseases, but its value in patients with neurologic diseases has not been evaluated. Oximetry has a poor sensitivity‐specificity for the identification of SDB. Continuous and bi‐level positive airway pressure devices are the most effective treatment of SDB in patients with neurologic diseases. There is a need for further studies focusing on the diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities in patients with sleep disorders and degenerative neurologic diseases and stroke.
Snoring is an inspiratory sound caused during sleep by vibration of different parts of the upper airways. It is one of the main symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea in addition to excessive daytime sleepiness. This review asks what the clinician should know about snoring and considers the following aspects: mechanism, prevalence, significance in cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, association with psychosocial problems, diagnosis and treatment.
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), namely hypoventilation and obstructive sleep apnoea, occur in about 50% of patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Previous studies that have investigated the reversal of SDB in such patients with nasally applied intermittent positive airway pressure have reported a fall in PaCO2 but little change in airflow obstruction. We reasoned that the lack of improvement in airflow obstruction may be due to insufficient expiratory pressure. Accordingly, we sought to determine the effects of chronic nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), at highest tolerable levels, upon blood gases and airflow obstruction in patients with severe COPD and SDB. Fourteen patients were studied, ten of whom were able to tolerate CPAP (10.2 +/- 0.9 cmH2O) for at least 3 months. Within the CPAP compliant group, there was a fall in PaCO2 (58.0 +/- 3.5 to 48.0 +/- 0.9 mmHg, P = 0.015) associated with a rise in PaO2 (54.8 +/- 3.8 to 63.2 +/- 1.8 mmHg, P = 0.015) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (0.95 +/- 0.13 to 1.10 +/- 0.13 L, P < 0.005). Concurrent with these improvements was a substantial fall in hospitalization rates (from 3.85 to 0.73 admissions per annum). Improvements in gas exchange, airflow obstruction and hospitalization rates were observed in patients with COPD and SDB treated with nasal CPAP during sleep.
SUMMARY Several epidemiological studies have estimated the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). As many of those suffering from sleep apnoea may be asymptomatic, the occurrence of sleep apnoea may be underestimated. The epidemiology of self-reported snoring, sleep apnoea and OSAS, and their relationships with various symptoms, were evaluated in 1504 randomly selected males and females, aged 30, 40, 50 and 60 years. Nocturnal respiration was determined in 748 participants using inductive plethysmography. Habitual snoring was reported by 19.1% (9.2–24.2%, age 30–60 years) of the males and 7.9% (3.8–11.7%, age 30–60 years) of the females. Respiratory Distress Index (RDI) was calculated as the number of apnoeas and hypopnoeas per hour lasting longer than 10s. RDI≥5 per hour was found in 10.9% (7.1–18.3%, age 30–60 years) of the males and in 6.3% (5.3–7.6%, age 30–60 years) of the females. Hypersomnia increased with the severity of sleep apnoea (P< 0.005) and was reported by 15.9% of those with RDI≥5. The prevalence of OSAS (hypersomnia and RDI ≥5) was 0.9% in the females, 1.9% in the males, and in total 1.4% of all aged 30–60 years. The sensitivity was 70.8% and the specificity was 47.7% for self-reported snoring predicting RDI ≥5. The following factors were associated with RDI ≥5: age (P<0.05), gender (P< 0.0001), BMI (P< 0.0001), tobacco (P<0.02) and alcohol (P<0.05) consumption. Snoring correlated with age (P<0.02), gender (P<0.001), BMI (P<0.0001) and alcohol consumption (P<0.05). We conclude that sleep apnoea is common and many of those with sleep apnoea are asymptomatic. Self-reported hypersomnia and snoring are not sensitive enough alone to identify those with sleep apnoea. Sufficient control of the questionnaire is thus essential in studies on snoring and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.