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A Systematic Comparison of Designs to Study Human Fecundity

  • Inserm and Université Grenoble Alpes

Abstract and Figures

Background: Several epidemiologic designs allow studying fecundability, the monthly probability of pregnancy occurrence in non-contracepting couples in the general population. These designs may, to varying extents, suffer from attenuation bias and other biases. We aimed to compare the main designs: incident and prevalent cohorts, pregnancy-based, and current duration approaches. Methods: A realistic simulation model produced individual reproductive lives of a fictitious population. We drew random population samples according to each study design, from which the cumulative probability of pregnancy was estimated. We compared the abilities of the designs to highlight the impact of an environmental factor influencing fecundability, relying on the Cox model with censoring after 12 or 6 months. Results: Regarding the estimation of the cumulative probability of pregnancy, the pregnancy-based approach was the most prone to bias. When we considered a hypothetical factor associated with a hazard ratio (HR) of pregnancy of 0.7, the estimated HR was in the 0.78-0.85 range, according to designs. This attenuation bias was largest for the prevalent cohort and smallest for the current duration approach, which had the largest variance. The bias could be limited in all designs by censoring durations at 6 months. Conclusion: Attenuation bias in HRs cannot be ignored in fecundability studies. Focusing on the effect of exposures during the first 6 months of unprotected intercourse through censoring removes part of this bias. For risk factors that can accurately be assessed retrospectively, retrospective fecundity designs, although biased, are not much more strongly so than logistically more intensive designs entailing follow-up.
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120 | Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019
Background: Several epidemiologic designs allow studying fecund-
ability, the monthly probability of pregnancy occurrence in noncon-
tracepting couples in the general population. These designs may, to
varying extents, suffer from attenuation bias and other biases. We
aimed to compare the main designs: incident and prevalent cohorts,
pregnancy-based, and current duration approaches.
Methods: A realistic simulation model produced individual repro-
ductive lives of a fictitious population. We drew random population
samples according to each study design, from which the cumulative
probability of pregnancy was estimated. We compared the abilities of
the designs to highlight the impact of an environmental factor influ-
encing fecundability, relying on the Cox model with censoring after
12 or 6 months.
Results: Regarding the estimation of the cumulative probability
of pregnancy, the pregnancy-based approach was the most prone
to bias. When we considered a hypothetical factor associated with
a hazard ratio (HR) of pregnancy of 0.7, the estimated HR was in
the 0.78–0.85 range, according to designs. This attenuation bias was
largest for the prevalent cohort and smallest for the current duration
approach, which had the largest variance. The bias could be limited
in all designs by censoring durations at 6 months.
Conclusion: Attenuation bias in HRs cannot be ignored in fecund-
ability studies. Focusing on the effect of exposures during the first 6
months of unprotected intercourse through censoring removes part of
this bias. For risk factors that can accurately be assessed retrospec-
tively, retrospective fecundity designs, although biased, are not much
more strongly so than logistically more intensive designs entailing
Keywords: Cohort; current duration; fecundability; fecundity; preg-
nancy; prevalent cohort; simulation; time to pregnancy.
(Epidemiology 2019;30: 120–129)
Fecundity, the biologic ability to obtain a live birth, is mark-
edly less efficient in humans than in most other mamma-
lian species.1,2 Studies reported a temporal decrease in sperm
parameters in some areas of industrialized countries,3–6 to an
extent that may impact couples’ fecundability, the probability
for a pregnancy to start during a menstrual cycle with inter-
course.7 Toxicologic and epidemiologic studies suggest that
specific environmental8–11 lifestyle and behavioral factors can
influence fecundity,12–14 but evidence from human studies is
missing for many environmental factors. Therefore, there is
a need for efficient approaches allowing monitoring of time
trends in human fecundity and characterization of the influence
of environmental and sociodemographic factors on fecundity.
The assessment of couples’ fecundity can rely on sev-
eral epidemiologic designs,15–18 and to our knowledge, no
quantitative comparison of their efficiency is available. The
case–control design has strong limitations when it comes to
studying fecundability,19,20 and will not be considered further
here. The remaining designs can be distinguished accord-
ing to the time when couples are sampled with respect to the
period of unprotected intercourse (eFigure 1; http://links.lww.
com/EDE/B404 and Table 1): if recruitment takes place after
the end of this period, then the design usually corresponds
to a pregnancy-based approach (if only periods of unpro-
tected intercourse followed by a pregnancy are identified and
recruited, as would be done in a study conducted in a mater-
nity clinic).21 If recruitment takes place before the start of the
period of unprotected intercourse and if couples are followed
up, then the design corresponds to an incident cohort.22 From
a cross-sectional sample of couples recruited during the period
of unprotected intercourse, one can collect the time elapsed
between the start of the period of unprotected intercourse and
inclusion, from which the distribution of the underlying total
duration of unprotected intercourse and the effect of covari-
ates on fecundity can be estimated, which corresponds to the
current duration approach, an approach that does not require
follow-up.17,18,23 From the same population, if couples are
Submitted December 25, 2017; accepted September 3, 2018.
From the aJulius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Department of
Biostatistics and Research Support, University Medical Center, Utrecht,
The Netherlands; bDepartment of Public Health, Erasmus MC, University
Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; cINED (French Institute for
Demographic Studies) and French Academy of Sciences, Paris, France;
dDepartment of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
Denmark; and eTeam of Environmental Epidemiology Applied to Repro-
duction and Respiratory Health, U1209, Inserm, CNRS and University
Grenoble-Alpes Joint Research Center (IAB), Grenoble, France.
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
The computing code can be obtained by request to the first author.
Supplemental digital content is available through direct URL citations
in the HTML and PDF versions of this article (
Correspondence: Rémy Slama, Inserm, IAB Research Center, Team of Envi-
ronmental Epidemiology, Allée des Alpes, Site Santé, 38700 La Tronche,
France. E-mail:
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1044-3983/19/3001-0120
DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000916
A Systematic Comparison of Designs to
Study Human Fecundity
Marinus J. C. Eijkemans,a,b Henri Leridon,c Niels Keiding,d and Rémy Slamae
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Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019 Comparison of Four Designs to Assess Fecundity
© 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. | 121
followed up to monitor the time from inclusion until a pos-
sible pregnancy, then this corresponds to a prevalent cohort
design, which is for fecundability studies generally restricted
to couples who have initiated the period of unprotected inter-
course a few months before inclusion.24–26
These designs differ in many aspects. First, regarding
the targets of inference, the pregnancy-based design can be
considered as being biased in terms of estimation of fecund-
ability, in that infertile couples are not included. The current
duration approach targets the duration of the period of unpro-
tected intercourse, corresponding to the minimum of time to
pregnancy (TTP) and time to stop the period of unprotected
intercourse. Second, the designs also strongly differ in terms of
eligibility rates.18,22,23 Third, because the sampling takes place
at different times with respect to the start of the at-risk period
for various designs, the proportions of subjects with long dura-
tions (e.g., 1 year or more) differ between designs. This may
have consequences in terms of attenuation bias if no censoring
is applied.27,28 In our context, attenuation bias relates to the fact
that, in a population that is heterogeneous in terms of fecundity,
at each time, the most fecund couples are more likely to con-
ceive a pregnancy, and hence to exit the population at risk of
pregnancy, than less fecund couples. Consequently, in a study
of the effect of a factor decreasing fecundability, as times goes
by, the group not or least exposed to the factor (where fecund-
ability is initially higher than in the exposed group) is more
strongly depleted than the most exposed group. This leads to
an attenuation over time of the time-specific ratio of the prob-
ability of pregnancy between the exposed and the unexposed
groups.27 Because of these and other differences between these
designs, they may differ in terms of bias.
So far, comparisons between designs only considered
the pregnancy-based and the incident cohort designs.29,30 They
indicate that the pregnancy-based and the incident cohort
designs differ in terms of ability to highlight the impact of a
factor on fecundity.30 To our knowledge, there is no system-
atic comparison taking into account more recently proposed
approaches such as the prevalent cohort25,31 and current dura-
tion17,18,32,33 designs.
Our aim was to systematically investigate the amount
of bias in the four designs mentioned, in terms of estima-
tion of the cumulative probability of pregnancy and also in
terms of ability to highlight the impact of an exposure factor
influencing fecundity. We used a realistic simulation of the
general population with age dependency and heterogeneity in
Study Population
We adapted a simulation model previously developed
by Leridon.34
The model simulates life histories of 1,000,000 women
by randomly generating events during their life following real-
istic distributions. For each woman, age at onset of permanent
sterility is drawn, and fecundability is assumed to vary with
age (eFigure 2;
Starting from the age of 18 years, the model draws for
each subject the emergence of a stable relationship, the start
of attempts to become pregnant among those in a relation-
ship, conception following the attempts and the pregnancy
outcome, which can be a live birth or a miscarriage. Monthly
TABLE 1. Characteristics of the Main Study Designs Considered
Study Design Timing of Inclusion
of Inclusion Follow-up Outcome of Interest Censoring
Handling of Infertility
1) Incident cohort Before the start of the
Couple starts a PUI Yes Time until pregnancy min(C, treatment,
time gives up)
Censoring of duration at
the treatment start
2) Prevalent cohort During PUI Couple is currently
during a PUI
Yes Time until pregnancy min(C, treatment,
time gives up)
Censoring of duration at
the treatment start
3) Prevalent cohort
with delayed entry
limited to 6 months
During PUI 2) + PUI started <6
months ago
Yes Time until pregnancy min(C, treatment,
time gives up)
Censoring of duration at
the treatment start
4) Current duration During PUI 2) No Time until end of PUI At time C
5) Current duration,
treatments excluded
During PUI 4) + Couple has not
started treatment at
No Time until end of PUI min(C, time
gives up)
Couples with treatment
before inclusion are
6) Pregnancy-based
After pregnancy
A pregnancy started
and was detected
No Time until pregnancy in
fecund couples
min(C, treatment) Censoring of duration at
the treatment start
7) Pregnancy-based
design, treatments
After pregnancy
A pregnancy started
without treatment
and was detected
No Time until pregnancy in
fecund couples not
resorting to medical
min(C) Exclusion of couples with
C was set to 12 months in the main analysis and to 6 months in the secondary analysis.
C indicates censoring duration; PUI, period of unprotected intercourse.
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Eijkemans et al. Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019
122 | © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
chances of these events, of the number of desired children
and the distribution of birth spacing intervals, were drawn
from distributions based on demographic data from France.
Intervening events are also modeled: becoming widowed or
becoming divorced.34 Fertility treatments were also incorpo-
rated into the simulations. We assumed that couples start treat-
ment in a deterministic way when they were not pregnant after
a duration depending on the woman’s age: 48 months before
age 30 (i.e., an assumption that 100% of couples not pregnant
within 4 years resort to infertility treatment), declining to 36
months at age 35, 24 months at age 40, and 12 months at 45.
Irrespective of age, the duration before treatment start was 12
months for women sterile when trying to become pregnant,
assuming that a clinical examination would be performed and
would allow diagnosing sterility.35
The main extensions to the original demographic simu-
lation model34,35 were (1) couples would not persist indefi-
nitely in their pregnancy attempt. A 10% yearly stopping
rate (including divorce, modeled separately, see above) was
assumed, independently of age.36 (2) For each woman, date of
birth has been defined, drawn uniformly between 1 January
1955 and 31 December 1999.
The reproductive life of each woman was divided into
consecutive episodes, which were saved. Each episode was
characterized by five attributes: its end-date; the matrimo-
nial situation (single, married/having a stable relationship,
widowed, divorced); the intention with respect to reproduc-
tion (not trying to become pregnant: no partner; not trying:
enough children; not trying: too soon; trying; pregnant); the
outcome in case of pregnancy (miscarriage or live birth); and
the treatment status (yes/no). For each woman, a new episode
is created when any one of these attributes changes owing to a
randomly drawn variable.
Sampling According to the Compared Designs
From the simulated population of 1,000,000 individu-
als, we drew women according to each of the four study
designs that we considered (eFigure 1;
EDE/B404 and Table 1). The actual sampling was supposed to
take place or start on one specific day.
The pregnancy-based approach focused on all women
who had had a planned pregnancy (leading to a live birth
or a spontaneous abortion) in the 15-year period before the
inclusion date (assumed to be 1 July 2015); the outcome
was TTP of the most recent pregnancy, defined as the dura-
tion elapsed between the start of the period of unprotected
intercourse and date of conception. We did not consider
unplanned pregnancies because their TTP is not defined.
Some couples would retrospectively describe these preg-
nancies as planned in a pregnancy-based study, and possibly
assign them a (short) TTP, which corresponds to pregnancy
planning bias.37 By ignoring these unplanned pregnancies,
our model essentially assumes that there is no planning bias
that would occur if the probability of having an unplanned
pregnancy was related to fecundability, which would influ-
ence all designs.
The current duration design corresponded to a cross-
sectional sampling of all women having unprotected inter-
course at the inclusion date (eFigure 1;
EDE/B404, and Table 1). The outcome was the current dura-
tion of unprotected intercourse, corresponding to the duration
elapsed between the start of the pregnancy attempt and the
inclusion date.
The prevalent cohort design relied on the population
sampled in the current duration design, except that in this
case it was followed up; the outcome was time to pregnancy,
defined as the time elapsed between the start of the period
of unprotected intercourse and the date of conception. We
also implemented a prevalent cohort approach in which only
couples with a current duration of less than 6 months at inclu-
sion (the “recent initiators”) were eligible, a restriction used in
several prevalent cohort fecundity studies.25,38
The incident cohort study sampled all women wishing
to start a period of unprotected intercourse within an accrual
period of 12 months starting from the sampling date. For the
prevalent cohort and incident cohort designs, length of fol-
low-up was assumed to be 12 months, or less if a pregnancy
occurred before this duration.
We assumed a lack of any measurement error for all
four designs.
Estimation of the Cumulative Probability of
The eligibility rate of each design was defined as the
ratio of the number of eligible women to the total number of
women 18–44 years of age in the population (here, 1,000,000).
The cumulative probability of pregnancy was estimated
using the Kaplan-Meier approach for the pregnancy-based
and incident cohort designs, and Kaplan-Meier approach with
left truncation (i.e., delayed entry) at the date of inclusion for
the prevalent cohort design. For the current duration design,
we used a parametric approach assuming an underlying gen-
eralized gamma distribution with censoring at 36 months.39,40
TTP was in addition right censored at the date of occur-
rence of an infertility treatment in the pregnancy-based and
in the two cohort designs; for the current duration analysis,
we provide estimates in which couples with treatment were
either excluded or included, as previously done23; we have
also repeated the pregnancy-based analysis excluding couples
with treatment, instead of censoring them, to mimic what
would happen in a society where fecundity treatments are not
widespread. Pregnancy rates were provided at 3, 6, and 12
months and compared taking the incident cohort estimate as
a reference.
As a basic test of the validity of our approach, we also
simulated a population without fecundability heterogeneity,
age dependence of fecundity, sterility, and stopping behavior.
We estimated the corresponding survival curves, expecting
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Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019 Comparison of Four Designs to Assess Fecundity
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that, in this homogeneous population, all sampling designs
would give identical results.
Estimation of the Impact of a Risk Factor on
We assumed the existence of a risk factor A that
impacted on fecundability without affecting the proportion of
sterile couples; fecundability was multiplied by 0.7 in sub-
jects exposed to A. The prevalence of exposure to factor A
was assumed to be independent of all characteristics of the
subjects and corresponded to 20% of the whole population.
We drew subjects from a new simulated population accord-
ing to each study design as indicated above, the probability of
inclusion being independent of exposure status.
The impact of the risk factor was estimated using the
Cox proportional hazard model, with delayed entry for the
prevalent cohort analysis. The Cox model estimates hazard
ratios (HR) of pregnancy, a value below one indicating that
the probability of pregnancy is decreased in exposed com-
pared with nonexposed subjects. For the pregnancy-based,
incident, and prevalent cohort designs, we used a continuous
Cox model with the Efron method to handle ties. Note that
though the simulation is in units of months, the data are in
units of days, because we generated birth dates with a resolu-
tion at the level of days. For the current duration approach, we
used a modification of the “semiparametric” adaptation of the
Cox model proposed by McLain et al.41 Observations were
censored at 12 months for the incident and prevalent cohort
designs (which was the maximum length of follow-up we
assumed). The Cox proportional hazards model is known to
suffer from attenuation bias.27,28 We tried to limit the atten-
uation bias identified in early simulation runs by censoring
observations at 6 months. For the current duration design, this
was done by right-truncating the observed distribution at 6
months before applying the McLain algorithm. Models were
run without and with adjustment for age.
Study Population
The eligibility rate was highest for the pregnancy-based
design (35% of women 18–44 years of age were eligible,
Table 2) and lowest for the current duration and prevalent
cohort designs (about 2% of women). The current duration
and prevalent cohort designs over-represented sterile couples
(2.5% sterility for the current duration design), compared with
an incident cohort (1.0% of couples were sterile, Table 2),
an overrepresentation that is corrected for in the statistical
Cumulative Probability of Pregnancy
In the situation without sterility, age dependency, or
any other source of heterogeneity in fecundability and with-
out stopping behavior, all four designs showed as expected
TABLE 2. Eligibility Rate, Sample Composition, and Number of Events in the Population Studied According to Each of the Four
Considered Study Designs: Simulation of 1,000,000 Women
Study Design
Prevalent Cohort
<6 MonthsaPregnancy-based
Number of eligible women (%) 43,024 (4.3) 20,396 (2.0) 20,396 (2.0) 14,620 (1.5) 345,035 (35.0)
Age at start of attempt (years)b26.8 (24.3, 29.9) 27.5 (24.7, 30.9) 27.5 (24.7, 30.9) 27.4 (24.7, 30.7) 27.8 (25.1, 30.8)
Number of children at inclusion
No child 47.4% 49.1% 49.1% 48.3% 36.3%
1 38.7% 37.3% 37.3% 37.9% 44.9%
2 11.7% 11.4% 11.4% 11.6% 15.7%
>2 2.1% 2.2% 2.2% 2.2% 3.2%
Proportion of couples sterile
at start of pregnancy attempt (n)
1.0% (460) 2.5% (513) 2.5% (513) 1.9% (285) 1.0% (3,556)
Fecundability of nonsterile
couples at start of attemptb
0.22 (0.14, 0.31) 0.15 (0.08, 0.25) 0.15 (0.08, 0.25) 0.18 (0.11, 0.25) 0.22 (0.14, 0.29)
Exposure monthsb2.2 (0.9, 4.5) 3.3 (1.3, 6.5) 3.3 (1.4, 6.4) 4.0 (1.5, 7.7) 3.1 (1.2, 7.3)
Proportion of couples with a
pregnancy during follow-up (n)
60.0% (25,793) 0 (0) 57.1% (11,642) 69.6% (10,169) 85.0% (293,340)
Proportion of couples treated for
infertility (n)c
0.8% (337) 0.5% (109) 1.3% (273) 1.3% (197) 5.9% (20,499)
aPrevalent cohort approach restricted to recent initiators, i.e., to couples who have started the period of unprotected intercourse for less than 6 months at the time of inclusion.
bMedian and (25th–75th) percentiles.
cProportion of couples treated for involuntary infertility during the period “at risk of pregnancy”, i.e., between inclusion and end of follow-up (incident and prevalent cohorts);
between start and end of the last period of unprotected intercourse leading to a pregnancy (pregnancy-based design) or between the start of the current period of unprotected intercourse
and inclusion (current duration design).
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Eijkemans et al. Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019
124 | © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
very similar results (eFigure 3;
B404). When we considered a more realistic population with
age dependence of fecundity, with additional heterogene-
ity in fecundability, with sterile couples and including stop-
ping behavior, the cumulative pregnancy rates after 6 and 12
months of unprotected intercourse were 68.3% (95% confi-
dence interval [CI], 67.9, 68.8) and 83.1% (95% CI, 82.7,
83.5, Table 3 and Figure 1) for the incident cohort design. The
absolute bias in the estimated rate of 12-month involuntary
infertility (the incident cohort being taken as a reference) was
close to or below 2% for most designs, but for the pregnancy-
based analysis in which couples with an infertility treatment
were excluded; in this case, the rate of 12-month involuntary
infertility was underestimated by 7% (estimated rate, 10%,
compared with 17% for the incident cohort). Including treated
couples (with censoring) limited the bias of the pregnancy-
based design (Table 3).
Impact of a Risk Factor on Fecundity
The HR associated with factor A tended to be attenu-
ated (biased toward one) in all designs, the bias being lowest
for the current duration design (age- and parity-adjusted HR,
0.78, 95% CI, 0.73, 0.84, compared with a theoretical value
among fecund couples of 0.70) and highest for the prevalent
cohort design (HR, 0.85, 95% CI, 0.81, 0.89, Table 4). The
plot of the hazard rates allowed investigating the origin of
this bias and showed that, both for the incident and prevalent
cohort designs, the hazard ratio associated with exposure to A
attenuated over time to reach a value close to 1.0 after 10–15
months of unprotected intercourse (Figure 2A). The number
of subjects still trying to become pregnant was, as expected,
maximum during the first month of unprotected intercourse in
the incident cohort design, whereas it was lowest during the
first month of unprotected intercourse and increased to reach
a maximum for a follow-up of about 6 months in the prevalent
cohort design, after which the number decreased because of
the restriction to recent initiators (Figure 2B).
Censoring at 6 months led to decreases in the num-
ber of observations in the current duration design and in the
prevalent cohort design without restriction to recent initiators
(in which many couples were included after more than 6
months of unprotected intercourse) but not for the other
designs (Table 4). HRs of pregnancy were all further away
from the null value and closer to the theoretical value of 0.70
after censoring at 6 months: for example, the HR of pregnancy
associated with factor A was 0.78 in the incident cohort design
after censoring at 6 months, compared with 0.79 when censor-
ing at 12 months (Table 4). The HR of pregnancy estimated
by the pregnancy-based design decreased from 0.82 to 0.79,
while that of the prevalent cohort decreased from 0.85 to 0.77,
reaching a value very close to the incident cohort estimate
TABLE 3. Bias of Estimates of the Cumulative Pregnancy
Rates at Various Follow-up Times for Each Study Design,
Including Couples Treated for Infecundity, Unless Stated
Otherwise: Simulation of 1,000,000 Women
Study Design
% (95% CI) Biasa
Incident cohort
At 3 months 48.1 (47.7, 48.6) 0 (ref)
At 6 months 68.3 (67.9, 68.8) 0 (ref)
At 12 months 83.1 (82.7, 83.5) 0 (ref)
Current durationb
At 3 months 49.1 (46.1, 53.2) 0.010
At 6 months 68.6 (66.9, 70.4) 0.003
At 12 months 83.6 (82.8, 84.4) 0.005
Current duration, excluding treated couplesb
At 3 months 49.4 (46.0, 52.6) 0.013
At 6 months 69.3 (67.3, 71.0) 0.009
At 12 months 84.8 (84.0, 85.6) 0.018
Prevalent cohort
At 3 months 47.7 (45.8, 49.6) 0.004
At 6 months 67.9 (66.6, 69.1) 0.005
At 12 months 83.2 (82.5, 83.9) 0.002
Prevalent cohort <6 monthsc
At 3 months 47.7 (45.8, 49.6) 0.004
At 6 months 67.9 (66.6, 69.1) 0.005
At 12 months 83.4 (82.6, 84.1) 0.003
At 3 months 49.0 (48.9, 49.2) 0.009
At 6 months 69.8 (69.6, 69.9) 0.014
At 12 months 85.4 (85.3, 85.5) 0.023
Pregnancy-based, excluding treated couples
At 3 months 52.1 (51.9, 52.3) 0.040
At 6 months 74.1 (73.9, 74.2) 0.058
At 12 months 90.4 (90.3, 90.5) 0.073
aDifference between the design-specific estimate and the reference value, as
estimated by the incident cohort for the same duration of follow-up.
b95% CI for the current duration design were estimated by bootstrapping.
cPrevalent cohort approach restricted to recent initiators, i.e., to couples who have
started the period of unprotected intercourse for less than 6 months at the time of
FIGURE 1. Cumulative pregnancy chances by four sampling
approaches, on simulated data, in the simulation run including
heterogeneity in fecundability, age dependency, and sterility.
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Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019 Comparison of Four Designs to Assess Fecundity
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(HR, 0.78). The current duration estimate was the least biased
(HR, 0.72), but had by far the widest confidence interval (0.57,
0.92, compared, e.g., with 0.75, 0.80 for the incident cohort).
This study is to our knowledge the first systematic compar-
ison of most available models for the analysis of human fecund-
ability in the general population. Within a realistically simulated
population, we have applied four main different study designs
to describe the fecundity level of the population and the impact
of a risk factor on fecundity. In terms of ability to describe the
fecundity level of the population, the pregnancy-based design
tended, as expected, to over-estimate the fecundity level of the
population, which was particularly obvious if couples with infe-
cundity treatment were excluded or, equivalently, in populations
where efficient infecundity treatments are not widely available.
Regarding the ability to highlight the impact of a risk factor on
fecundity, all four designs analyzed by proportional hazards
regression suffered from attenuation bias. The attenuation was
reduced by censoring analyses at 6 months follow-up.
Our approach was based on a carefully simulated popu-
lation that had many of the features of a real population.7,34,42
The model assumed that it is possible to identify and
recruit a random subsample of women before they start a
period of unprotected intercourse (in the incident cohort
design), which is something that not all couples plan long in
advance.43 We also assumed that one was able to identify and
recruit all couples starting a period of unprotected intercourse
within a 1-year period, which may also be practically very
challenging. For these reasons, the eligibility rate of the inci-
dent cohort approach is probably strongly overestimated. As
an illustration, in Denmark, screening among 52,255 women
members of a trade union, living as a couple, and 20–35 years
of age allowed to recruit and follow-up 430 women, a rate
of 0.8% encompassing ineligibility and refusals. This rate is
much lower than the rate of 4% of women assumed to be eli-
gible in the incident cohort design in our simulation.
More generally, we assumed a lack of selection bias,
with the exception of the fact that the pregnancy-based design
excluded infertile couples. This is optimistic; indeed, couples
with long TTP might be more prone to participate in fecundity
studies with collection of biological samples, compared with
couples with shorter TTP.44,45
We did not consider a retrospective design in which one
would attempt to collect the TTP of unsuccessful attempts at
pregnancy, in addition to that of periods of unprotected inter-
course leading to a pregnancy. Identification of such unsuc-
cessful attempts at pregnancy has been advocated16 and
attempted.46,47 This corresponds to the so-called historically
prospective cohort, which we expect to be less biased than the
pregnancy-biased design implemented here. To efficiently con-
sider the historically prospective cohort design in our simula-
tion study, one would have needed realistic information on the
structure of recall error of unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy
and their duration. In practice, it seems relevant to try collect-
ing information on these unsuccessful attempts in retrospective
studies, if only to use them in sensitivity analyses.16,46,47
TABLE 4. Estimates of the Effect of a Risk Factor A on the Probability of Pregnancy
Study Design
Number of
Prevalence of Risk
Factor A (%)
Hazard Ratio (95% CI)b
Not Adjusted Adjusted
Censoring at 12 months
Incident cohort 43,523 25,345 20.2 0.79 (0.76, 0.81) 0.79 (0.76, 0.81)
Current durationc21,431 - 23.1 0.78 (0.73, 0.84) 0.78 (0.73, 0.84)
Current duration, excluding treatmentsc20,825 - 23.0 0.78 (0.73, 0.84) 0.78 (0.73, 0.84)
Prevalent cohort 20,825 11,593 23.0 0.86 (0.82, 0.90) 0.85 (0.81, 0.89)
Prevalent cohort, entry<6 monthsd14,725 10,037 22.1 0.85 (0.81, 0.89) 0.85 (0.81, 0.89)
Pregnancy-based 348,268 292,564 20.5 0.82 (0.81, 0.82) 0.82 (0.81, 0.83)
Censoring at 6 months
Incident cohort 43,523 23,394 20.2 0.77 (0.75, 0.80) 0.78 (0.75, 0.80)
Current durationc15,048 - 22.0 0.77 (0.68, 0.89) 0.72 (0.57, 0.92)
Current duration, excluding treatmentsc14,725 - 22.1 0.75 (0.65, 0.86) 0.73 (0.58, 0.91)
Prevalent cohort 14,725 6,248 22.1 0.77 (0.73, 0.82) 0.77 (0.73, 0.82)
Prevalent cohort, entry<6 monthsd14,725 6,248 22.1 0.77 (0.73, 0.82) 0.77 (0.73, 0.82)
Pregnancy-based 348,268 236,556 20.5 0.79 (0.78, 0.80) 0.79 (0.78, 0.80)
A hazard ratio of pregnancy below one indicates reduced fecundability. Simulation of 1,000,000 women, assuming that factor A reduced fecundability by a multiplicative factor 0.7.
aEvents correspond to pregnancies. The “-” for the current duration approach indicates no pregnancies as in this design women are recruited during the period of unprotected
intercourse without follow-up.
bHazard ratio of pregnancy, as estimated from Cox proportional hazards model. Adjusted hazard ratios have been adjusted for woman’s age at the start of the period at risk and parity.
cThe hazard ratio in the current duration approach is derived from McLain’s method.41 Observations with current duration above 12 (or 6) months are excluded instead of censored.
dPrevalent cohort in which only couples who have been trying for less than 6 months at inclusion are recruited.
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Eijkemans et al. Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019
126 | © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Measurement Error and Confounding
We assumed that time to pregnancy was assessed with-
out error, which is clearly optimistic for the pregnancy-based
approach. Indeed, although the distribution of retrospectively
assessed TTP has been shown to be relevant at the population
level,48 recall error exists at the individual level.49 Such errors
are likely to lead to decreased power in studies aiming at char-
acterizing the effect of exposures on fecundity.50 A simula-
tion study characterized measurement error on TTP from the
differences in TTP reported using a simple questionnaire and
a more refined one taken as a gold standard (thus probably
underestimating measurement error compared with a perfect
measure of TTP). Measurement error entailed a decrease in
power by about 0.2 for a given population size and a bias in
the estimated fecundability ratio by one fifth in the estimated
fecundability reduction associated with exposure.50 If applied
to our data, this bias would increase the HR associated with
factor A in the pregnancy-based design from 0.79 to 0.84,
starting from a theoretical value of 0.70. In other words, with
these assumptions, the pregnancy-based design would only
see half of the real effect of the risk factor (a 16% instead of
a 30% decrease).
Furthermore, we assumed a lack of misclassification
for the exposure factor considered. Measurement error will
generally be higher for the designs in which there is some ret-
rospective component in the assessment of the exposure, such
as the pregnancy-based and the current duration designs. This
will, for example, be the case if exposure is assessed from a
biospecimen, which can be collected at the start of the fol-
low-up period in incident and prevalent cohorts designs but
is collected retrospectively for the pregnancy-based and cur-
rent duration designs. Biomarkers of many currently produced
chemicals have short-term variations,51 which would preclude
reliance on the pregnancy-based and current duration designs.
Depending on the structure of the error, bias in the dose–
response function can be expected as a result of exposure mis-
classification (e.g., in the case of classical-type error52) and
loss in statistical power (e.g., in the case of classical-type and
Berkson-type errors).
Bias due to reverse causality can also be expected in
these retrospective settings if one does not make efforts to
assess exposure at the start of the period of unprotected inter-
course; for example, couples may modify behaviors associated
with exposure to factors suspected to alter fecundity after a
long period of unprotected intercourse.37 Bias may also exist
in the case when there are time trends in exposure,53 as may
happen for behaviors recently identified as possibly harmful or
beneficial or for contaminants with changing regulatory levels,
such as atmospheric pollutants. This bias is of particular con-
cern for designs in which the date of the start of the period of
follow-up varies with time to pregnancy, which is the case for
the pregnancy-based and current duration designs, but it can be
avoided in incident and prevalent cohort designs. Our simula-
tion assumed a lack of such temporal trends in exposure.
We adjusted for age and parity. The estimated effect of
the risk factor was unaffected by controlling for effect of age,
which is explained by the fact that we assumed independence
of age and risk factor in the simulation. In real life, there
will be more confounders. Again, designs in which confound-
ers need to be assessed retrospectively may be more prone to
residual confounding than designs in which confounders can
be assessed prospectively such as the incident and prevalent
cohort designs. This is all the more a concern since, in the set-
ting of survival analyses, bias in the dose–response function
FIGURE 2. Comparison of the incident and prevalent cohort
designs. (A) Hazard of pregnancy and (B) Number of women
at risk of pregnancy among subjects exposed (dots) and not
exposed (continuous curves) to factor A for the incident (thin
lines) and prevalent (thick lines) cohorts designs. Exposure
prevalence was assumed to be 20% in the source population.
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Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019 Comparison of Four Designs to Assess Fecundity
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is expected not only if factors simultaneously associated with
exposure and outcome are not adjusted for, but also if fac-
tors only associated with the outcome but not with exposure
at the start of follow-up are not considered, or are measured
with error.54
Handling of Infertility Treatments and Other
Censoring Events
The main censoring events considered were fecundity
treatments and couples stopping the period of unprotected
intercourse before the occurrence of pregnancy. One can
adhere strictly to the original “fecundity” purpose of TTP
studies—to obtain estimates of human (biological) fecundity
in the absence of medical intervention—or take a pragmatic
“fertility” view of just estimating ability to conceive in today’s
society where fertility treatment is a reality. In this article,
we presented results relating to both of these views. In the
“fecundity” view, fertility treatment would be considered an
endpoint competing with giving up and with becoming preg-
nant and they would need to be taken into account (by censor-
ing as we did or using competing risk models).
Ability to Describe the Frequency of
Involuntary Infertility
The comparison of the various designs should be done
keeping in mind that there are differences in the outcomes
assessed by each design (the targets of inference, Table 1). The
incident and prevalent cohort designs focus on the occurrence
of pregnancy; in the pregnancy-based design, the outcome
is the occurrence of pregnancy in couples who eventually
become pregnant. The current duration approach estimates
the minimum of TTP and time to give up. This is shorter than
TTP; a similar phenomenon is present in the pregnancy-based
For the pregnancy-based design, the estimated probabil-
ity of involuntary infertility was, as expected, biased toward
lower values; indeed, the conditional distribution of TTP, given
that it is shorter than the time of giving up, is stochastically
smaller than the marginal distribution of TTP. For the current
duration design, our expectation was to see shorter estimates
of the distribution of “length of trying” than those of TTP
from the prospective designs, because of the couples giving
up the pregnancy attempt. This is not apparent from Figure 1
and Table 3, where the differences are small so that this issue
does not seem to entail consequences with the hypotheses on
which our simulation relied.
Ability to Highlight an Effect of Risk Factors on
When we simulated the impact of a risk factor influenc-
ing fecundability, the most striking feature of our results was
the attenuation bias, which impacted all four designs. This
was obvious from the fact that the estimated hazard ratios
of pregnancy associated with the risk factor were generally
in the 0.8–0.9 range while the theoretical value was 0.7, an
underestimation by one-third to two-thirds. Attenuation bias is
a serious issue in survival analysis, and a rich literature exists
for what we here describe as incident cohorts27,28 (see refer-
ence 56 for references). After a very long duration, the ratio of
the hazard rates of pregnancy between exposed and unexposed
subjects converges to one (i.e., a lack of observed effect of
exposure), which is a manifestation of attenuation bias. This
situation is obvious from Figure 2A, showing that, with the
hypotheses of our study, this convergence of the hazard ratio
to one is reached after about 10 months of unprotected inter-
course. This suggests that durations longer than 9–10 months
do not provide any information in terms of the possible effect
of the exposure considered. Consequently, authors should see
censoring not as a procedure entailing a loss of information
but rather as an efficient way to limit bias. The fact that the
attenuation was larger in the prevalent cohort than in the inci-
dent cohort can be explained by the fact that the number of
subjects at risk was largest at the start of the period of unpro-
tected intercourse for the incident cohort, when attenuation is
weakest, while for the prevalent cohort, the number of sub-
jects at risk was highest around month six, when attenuation
bias was large (Figure 2B); because the overall estimate is a
weighted average of the estimates based on the numbers at
risk during follow-up, the prevalent cohort will give an esti-
mate that is more biased than that of the incident cohort. Some
studies relying on the prevalent cohort design have restricted
eligibility to couples who have started the period of unpro-
tected intercourse for 3 months or less, thus further limiting
the oversampling of couples with a long duration at inclusion
and the resulting attenuation bias.24
Focusing on the start of the period at risk through cen-
soring is a known28 simple cure for attenuation bias. The con-
vergence of the hazard ratio to one around 10 months led us
to censor observations around month 6, but shorter censor-
ing duration can be considered to further limit bias. For most
designs but the current duration one (for which there were
convergence issues with the estimator57), further censoring
at durations shorter than 6 months tended to slightly further
reduce bias, at the cost of increases in the width of confi-
dence intervals (not detailed). Following this logic, a study of
atmospheric pollution effects on fecundability has focused on
the first month of unprotected intercourse, disregarding later
months.11 Most pregnancy-based studies censor observations
after 12 months, which on the basis of our simulation may not
be enough.
We have used validated statistical approaches to analyze
data. Other approaches are possible, including combining the
data collected by different designs. For example, it may be
possible to make use of the information of the current duration
(elapsed between the start of the period of unprotected inter-
course and the time of inclusion) when analyzing prospective
TTP data from a prevalent cohort. An estimator allowing to
combine prospectively collected and retrospectively collected
time-to-event information, collected in the same subject, has
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Eijkemans et al. Epidemiology Volume 30, Number 1, January 2019
128 | © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
been proposed and applied in a study of pneumonia occur-
rence in HIV subjects.58 To our knowledge, a similar approach
has not been implemented in the field of fecundity studies yet.
In conclusion, the compared study designs show little
bias in assessing the level of infertility in a population (with
the exception of a pregnancy-based design excluding cou-
ples with infertility treatment), but require special care (e.g.,
through censoring analyses at 6 months or possibly earlier) to
limit attenuation bias when analyzing the effect of an environ-
mental risk factor using standard regression modeling. Dis-
regarding other sources of bias, many previously published
studies not censoring observations at short durations may
have underestimated the effect, if any, of risk factors. Overall,
if issues related to recall error and exposure misclassification
due to a retrospective assessment of exposures are ignored,
there appear to be no strong differences between designs in
terms of bias. The current duration approach was, with our
assumptions, the least biased in terms of estimation of the
effect of a factor influencing fecundability; however, it was
also the one with the largest variance. For factors that are likely
to vary strongly over periods of several months (as would, e.g.,
be the case for many currently produced chemicals or biologic
parameters such as hormonal levels) and in the absence of
modeling approaches that would allow efficiently predict the
level of these factors back in time, incident or prevalent cohort
designs should be preferred; these are to be used with careful
sensitivity or fine-tuning analyses to quantify and if possible
remove attenuation bias.
The authors thank Jean Bouyer (Inserm) for useful
discussions at the initiation of this project.
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... Infertility is de ned as "a disease of the reproductive system de ned by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse" by the World Health Organization (WHO) 32 . However, measuring the TTP can be challenging regardless of epidemiological study design 33 . Pregnancy-based retrospective TTP measurement could miss the women who never get pregnant, while prospective cohorts could miss unplanned pregnancies as the women without pregnancy attempts would not join the cohort. ...
... It can include couples without pregnancy attempts and couples that will never get pregnant. The e ciency of the CD approach has been validated when compared with the retrospective and prospective designs 33 . Previous studies 22,23 have applied the CD approach in the DHS data to estimate the TTP and reported that it was a cost-effective method for measuring infertility in LMICs. ...
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The estimated infertility prevalence in South Asia was among the highest in the world, however, epidemiological study concerning the effects of particulate matter exposure was absent in this region. Utilizing the well-adopted Demographic and Health Survey data, 27,462 eligible women were included to estimate fecundity and its association with particulate matter exposure in South Asia. The couple’s fecundity, including time to pregnancy and infertility prevalence, was estimated to be from 5.53 to 11.57 months, and from 26–49%, respectively. An overall association of reduced fecundity with increased particulate matter exposure was identified, with adjusted fertility time ratios (95% confidence intervals) being 1.05 (1.04, 1.06), 1.04 (1.03, 1.05), and 1.01 (1.01, 1.02) per 10 µg/m ³ increment in PM 1 , PM 2.5 , and PM 10 , respectively. Furthermore, millions of months’ delay in achieving pregnancy might be attributed to particulate matter exposure. Here, our findings suggest that human fecundity is threatened by ambient particulate matter in South Asia.
... Given that exposure data were collected only at baseline from males, but follow-up could continue for up to 12 total menstrual cycles, we performed a sensitivity analysis restricted to the first three cycles of follow-up (i.e., the approximate duration of spermatogenesis) (Misell et al., 2006). In addition to reducing exposure misclassification, truncating followup time may reduce attenuation of FRs in time to pregnancy studies (Eijkemans et al., 2019). We also conducted two analyses to limit potential reverse causation (i.e., to ensure that we estimated the effect of pre-existing depression on subsequent fecundability). ...
... To address this limitation, we restricted the incident period to the first 3 cycles of follow-up. This method of restriction can reduce attenuation of FRs in time-to-pregnancy studies (Eijkemans et al., 2019). We observed similar results for most associations; however, the association between history of diagnosed depression and fecundability was attenuated. ...
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We examined the associations of male depression and psychotropic medication use with fecundability in a North American preconception cohort study (2013–2020). Men aged ≥21 years completed a baseline questionnaire with questions on history of diagnosed depression, the Major Depression Inventory (MDI), and psychotropic medication use. Pregnancy status was updated via bimonthly female follow-up questionnaires until pregnancy or 12 menstrual cycles, whichever occurred first. Analyses were restricted to 2,398 couples attempting conception for ≤6 menstrual cycles at entry. We fit proportional probabilities models to estimate fecundability ratios (FRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusting for age (male and female), education, (male and female), race/ethnicity, physical activity, alcohol intake, body mass index, smoking, and having previously impregnated a partner. Nearly 12% of participants reported a depression diagnosis; 90.6% had low depressive symptoms (MDI <20), 3.5% had mild symptoms (MDI: 20–24), 2.7% had moderate symptoms (MDI: 25–29), and 3.3% had severe symptoms (MDI: ≥30). A total of 8.8% of participants reported current use of psychotropic medications. History of depression was associated with slightly reduced fecundability, although this result was also reasonably compatible with chance (FR = 0.89; 95% CI: [0.76, 1.04]). FRs for mild, moderate, and severe compared with low depressive symptoms were 0.89 (95% CI: [0.66, 1.21]), 0.90 (95% CI: [0.62, 1.31]), and 0.88 (95% CI: [0.65, 1.20]), respectively. This indicates little evidence of a dose–response relationship for depressive symptoms with fecundability, although estimates were imprecise. Current psychotropic medication use mediated 44% of the association between depressive symptoms and fecundability.
... For studies of pregnancy or preconception, another challenge is to account for the possibility of more than 1 pregnancy and the varying times between exposure assessment and pregnancy. Prospective studies of reproductive-age women usually enroll either individuals who are actively planning to conceive or individuals regardless of pregnancy intention (10). Enrolling individuals regardless of pregnancy intention allows capture of the natural history of reproductive events but creates more variability in exposure assessment relative to pregnancy, while in studies recruiting pregnancy planners only, participant eligibility may depend on time to pregnancy and fertility treatments (11)(12)(13)(14). ...
Background: The PrePARED consortium creates a novel resource for addressing preconception health by merging cohorts. We describe our data harmonization methods and results. Methods: Individual-level data from 12 prospective studies were pooled. The crosswalk-cataloging-harmonization procedure was used. The index pregnancy was defined as the first post-baseline pregnancy lasting more than 20 weeks. We assessed the heterogeneity across studies by comparing preconception characteristics in different types of studies. Results: The pooled dataset included 114,762 women, and 25,531 (18%) reported at least one pregnancy lasting more than 20 weeks of gestation during the study period. The index pregnancies were delivered between 1976 and 2021 (median=2008), at the mean age of 29.7±4.6 years. Before the index pregnancy, 60% were nulligravid, 58% had a college or higher degree, and 37% were overweight or obese. Other harmonized variables included race/ethnicity, income, substance use, chronic conditions, and perinatal outcomes. Participants from pregnancy-planning studies had more education and were healthier. The prevalence of pre-existing medical conditions did not vary substantially based on whether studies relied on self-reported data. Conclusions: Harmonized data presents opportunities to study uncommon preconception risk factors and pregnancy-related events. This harmonization effort laid the groundwork for future analyses and additional data harmonization.
... In addition, retrospective studies may enroll couples who experienced an unplanned pregnancy, and self-reported preconception data may be of uneven quality, as couples with unintended pregnancies may less accurately recall exposures during the preconception period compared with pregnancy planners, and time 'at risk' may be less precise. Nevertheless, simulations have found that while some bias may be created in a retrospective design, it is likely minor (Eijkemans et al., 2019). Within the studies we reviewed, there was no identifiable trend in results with respect to prospective versus retrospective studies, i.e. both kinds of studies presented evidence for longer TTP as well as evidence for no association with TTP. ...
BACKGROUND Air pollution is both a sensory blight and a threat to human health. Inhaled environmental pollutants can be naturally occurring or human-made, and include traffic-related air pollution (TRAP), ozone, particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds, among other substances, including those from secondhand smoking. Studies of air pollution on reproductive and endocrine systems have reported associations of TRAP, secondhand smoke (SHS), organic solvents and biomass fueled-cooking with adverse birth outcomes. While some evidence suggests that air pollution contributes to infertility, the extant literature is mixed, and varying effects of pollutants have been reported. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE Although some reviews have studied the association between common outdoor air pollutants and time to pregnancy (TTP), there are no comprehensive reviews that also include exposure to indoor inhaled pollutants, such as airborne occupational toxicants and SHS. The current systematic review summarizes the strength of evidence for associations of outdoor air pollution, SHS and indoor inhaled air pollution with couple fecundability and identifies gaps and limitations in the literature to inform policy decisions and future research. SEARCH METHODS We performed an electronic search of six databases for original research articles in English published since 1990 on TTP or fecundability and a number of chemicals in the context of air pollution, inhalation and aerosolization. Standardized forms for screening, data extraction and study quality were developed using DistillerSR software and completed in duplicate. We used the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale to assess risk of bias and devised additional quality metrics based on specific methodological features of both air pollution and fecundability studies. OUTCOMES The search returned 5200 articles, 4994 of which were excluded at the level of title and abstract screening. After full-text screening, 35 papers remained for data extraction and synthesis. An additional 3 papers were identified independently that fit criteria, and 5 papers involving multiple routes of exposure were removed, yielding 33 articles from 28 studies for analysis. There were 8 papers that examined outdoor air quality, while 6 papers examined SHS exposure and 19 papers examined indoor air quality. The results indicated an association between outdoor air pollution and reduced fecundability, including TRAP and specifically nitrogen oxides and PM with a diameter of ≤2.5 µm, as well as exposure to SHS and formaldehyde. However, exposure windows differed greatly between studies as did the method of exposure assessment. There was little evidence that exposure to volatile solvents is associated with reduced fecundability. WIDER IMPLICATIONS The evidence suggests that exposure to outdoor air pollutants, SHS and some occupational inhaled pollutants may reduce fecundability. Future studies of SHS should use indoor air monitors and biomarkers to improve exposure assessment. Air monitors that capture real-time exposure can provide valuable insight about the role of indoor air pollution and are helpful in assessing the short-term acute effects of pollutants on TTP.
... Thus, cohorts likely contained samples with a heterogenous number of prior pregnancy attempts at baseline. If the dietary pattern under study is a cause of improved fertility, then women with higher adherence to the dietary pattern will have higher underlying fertility and will be less likely to be included in the study, resulting in a selection bias (left truncation) that could attenuate associations toward the null [89,90]. To minimize (but not eliminate) bias from left truncation, future studies examining associations between dietary patterns and IVF outcomes could, at the very least, enroll and follow women from their initial consult at an infertility treatment center. ...
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Background Infertility affects up to 15% of couples. In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment has modest success rates and some factors associated with infertility and poor treatment outcomes are not modifiable. Several studies have assessed the association between female dietary patterns, a modifiable factor, and IVF outcomes with conflicting results. We performed a systematic literature review to identify female dietary patterns associated with IVF outcomes, evaluate the body of evidence for potential sources of heterogeneity and methodological challenges, and offer suggestions to minimize heterogeneity and bias in future studies. Methods We performed systematic literature searches in EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials for studies with a publication date up to March 2020. We excluded studies limited to women who were overweight or diagnosed with PCOS. We included studies that evaluated the outcome of pregnancy or live birth. We conducted an initial bias assessment using the SIGN 50 Methodology Checklist 3. Results We reviewed 3280 titles and/or titles and abstracts. Seven prospective cohort studies investigating nine dietary patterns fit the inclusion criteria. Higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet, a ‘profertility’ diet, or a Dutch ‘preconception’ diet was associated with pregnancy or live birth after IVF treatment in at least one study. However, causation cannot be assumed. Studies were potentially hindered by methodological challenges (misclassification of the exposure, left truncation, and lack of comprehensive control for confounding) with an associated risk of bias. Studies of the Mediterranean diet were highly heterogenous in findings, study population, and methods. Remaining dietary patterns have only been examined in single and relatively small studies. Conclusions Future studies with rigorous and more uniform methodologies are needed to assess the association between female dietary patterns and IVF outcomes. At the clinical level, findings from this review do not support recommending any single dietary pattern for the purpose of improving pregnancy or live birth rates in women undergoing IVF treatment
Objective: To assess the association between preconception antibiotic use and fecundability, the per menstrual cycle probability of conception. Design:, a Danish prospective cohort study of women trying to conceive (2007-2020). Subjects: 9,462 female participants, median age 29 years at enrollment. Exposure: Antibiotic use was defined by filled prescriptions retrieved from The Danish National Prescription Registry, using Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical codes, and modeled as time-varying (menstrual cycle-varying) exposure. Main outcome measures: Pregnancy status was reported on female follow-up questionnaires every 8 weeks for up to 12 months or until conception. Fecundability ratios (FR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were computed using proportional probabilities regression models, with adjustment for age, partner age, education, smoking, folic acid supplementation, BMI, parity, cycle regularity, timing of intercourse, and sexually transmitted infections. Results: During all cycles of observation, the percentage of participants filing at least one antibiotic prescription was 11.9%; 8.6% had a prescription for penicillins, 2.1% for sulphonamides, and 1.8% for macrolides. Based on life-table methods, 86.5% of participants conceived within 12 cycles of follow-up. Recent preconception antibiotic use was associated with reduced fecundability (≥1 prescription vs. none: adjusted FR= 0.86, 95% CI: 0.76-0.99). For participants using penicillins, sulphonamides, or macrolides, the adjusted FRs were 0.97 (95% CI: 0.83-1.12), 0.68 (95% CI: 0.47-0.98), and 0.59 (95% CI: 0.37-0.93), respectively. Conclusion: Preconception use of antibiotics, specifically sulphonamides and macrolides, was associated with decreased fecundability compared with no use. The observed associations may plausibly be explained by confounding by indication, as we lacked data on indication for the prescribed antibiotics. Consequently, we cannot separate the effect of the medication from the effect of the underlying infection.
STUDY QUESTION To what extent is socioeconomic status (SES), as measured by educational attainment and household income, associated with fecundability in a cohort of Danish couples trying to conceive? SUMMARY ANSWER In this preconception cohort, lower educational attainment and lower household income were associated with lower fecundability after adjusting for potential confounders. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Approximately 15% of couples are affected by infertility. Socioeconomic disparities in health are well established. However, little is known about socioeconomic disparity and its relation to fertility. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION This is a cohort study of Danish females aged 18–49 years who were trying to conceive between 2007 and 2021. Information was collected via baseline and bi-monthly follow-up questionnaires for 12 months or until reported pregnancy. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS Overall, 10 475 participants contributed 38 629 menstrual cycles and 6554 pregnancies during a maximum of 12 cycles of follow-up. We used proportional probabilities regression models to estimate fecundability ratios (FRs) and 95% CIs. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE Compared with upper tertiary education (highest level), fecundability was substantially lower for primary and secondary school (FR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.62–0.85), upper secondary school (FR: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.79–1.00), vocational education (FR: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.75–0.89), and lower tertiary education (FR: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.80–0.95), but not for middle tertiary education (FR: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.93–1.03). Compared with a monthly household income of >65 000 DKK, fecundability was lower for household income <25 000 DKK (FR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.72–0.85), 25 000–39 000 DKK (FR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.82–0.94), and 40 000–65 000 DKK (FR: 0.94, 95% CI: 0.88–0.99). The results did not change appreciably after adjustment for potential confounders. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION We used educational attainment and household income as indicators of SES. However, SES is a complex concept, and these indicators may not reflect all aspects of SES. The study recruited couples planning to conceive, including the full spectrum of fertility from less fertile to highly fertile individuals. Our results may generalize to most couples who are trying to conceive. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS Our results are consistent with the literature indicating well-documented inequities in health across socioeconomic groups. The associations for income were surprisingly strong considering the Danish welfare state. These results indicate that the redistributive welfare system in Denmark does not suffice to eradicate inequities in reproductive health. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) The study was supported by the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (RO1-HD086742, R21-HD050264, and R01-HD060680). The authors declare no conflict of interest. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER N/A.
Objective: To evaluate the associations between preconception sleep characteristics and shift work with fecundability and live birth. Design: Secondary analysis of the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction study, a preconception cohort. Setting: Four US academic medical centers. Patient(s): Women aged 18-40 with a history of 1-2 pregnancy losses who were attempting to conceive again. Intervention(s): Not applicable. Main outcome measures(s): We evaluated baseline, self-reported sleep duration, sleep midpoint, social jetlag, and shift work among 1,228 women who were observed for ≤6 cycles of pregnancy attempts to ascertain fecundability. We ascertained live birth at the end of follow up via chart abstraction. We estimated fecundability odds ratios (FORs) using discrete, Cox proportional hazards models and risk ratios (RRs) for live birth using log-Poisson models. Result(s): Sleep duration ≥9 vs. 7 to <8 hours (FOR: 0.81, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.61; 1.08), later sleep midpoints (3rd tertile vs. 2nd tertile: FOR: 0.85; 95% CI, 0.69, 1.04) and social jetlag (continuous per hour; FOR: 0.93, 95% CI: 0.86, 1.00) were not associated with reduced fecundability. In sensitivity analyses, excluding shift workers, sleep duration ≥9 vs. 7 to <8 hours (FOR: 0.62; 95% CI, 0.42; 0.93) was associated with low fecundability. Night shift work was not associated with fecundability (vs. non-night shift work FOR: 1.17, 95% CI, 0.96; 1.42). Preconception sleep was not associated with live birth. Conclusion(s): Overall, there does not appear to be a strong association between sleep characteristics, fecundability, and live birth. Although these findings may suggest weak and imprecise associations with some sleep characteristics, our findings should be evaluated in larger cohorts of women with extremes of sleep characteristics. Clinical trial registration number: NCT00467363.
Background: Several studies indicate adverse effects of selected heat exposures on semen quality, but few studies have directly evaluated fertility as an endpoint. Objective: We evaluated prospectively the association between male heat exposures and fecundability, the per-cycle probability of conception. Materials & methods: We analyzed data from 3,041 couples residing in the United States or Canada who enrolled in a prospective preconception cohort study (2013-2021). At enrollment, males reported on several heat-related exposures, such as use of saunas, hot baths, seat heaters, and tight-fitting underwear. Pregnancy status was updated on female follow-up questionnaires every 8 weeks until conception or a censoring event (initiation of fertility treatment, cessation of pregnancy attempts, withdrawal, loss to follow-up, or 12 cycles), whichever came first. We used proportional probabilities models to estimate fecundability ratios (FR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association between heat exposures and fecundability, mutually adjusting for heat exposures and other potential confounders. Results: We observed small inverse associations for hot bath/tub use (≥3 vs. 0 times/month: FR = 0.87, 95% CI: 0.70-1.07) and fever in the 3 months before baseline (FR = 0.94, 95% CI: 0.79-1.12; 1 cycle of follow-up: FR = 0.84, 95% CI: 0.64-1.11). Little association was found for sauna use, hours of laptop use on one's lap, seat heater use, time spent sitting, and use of tight-fitting underwear. Based on a cumulative heat metric, FRs for 1, 2, 3, and ≥4 vs. 0 heat exposures were 0.99 (95% CI: 0.87-1.12), 1.03 (95% CI: 0.89-1.19), 0.94 (95% CI: 0.74-1.19), and 0.77 (95% CI: 0.50-1.17), respectively. Associations were stronger among men aged ≥30 years (≥4 vs. 0 heat exposures: FR = 0.60, 95% CI: 0.34-1.04). Conclusion: Male use of hot tubs/baths and fever showed weak inverse associations with fecundability. Cumulative exposure to multiple heat sources was associated with a moderate reduction in fecundability, particularly among males aged ≥30 years. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The application of simulated data in epidemiological studies enables the illustration and quantification of the magnitude of various types of bias commonly found in observational studies. This was a review of the application of simulation methods to the quantification of bias in reproductive and perinatal epidemiology and an assessment of value gained. Methods: A search of published studies available in English was conducted in August 2020 using PubMed, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and Scopus. A gray literature search of Google and Google Scholar, and a hand search using the reference lists of included studies was undertaken. Results: Thirty-nine papers were included in this study, covering information (n = 14), selection (n = 14), confounding (n = 9), protection (n = 1), and attenuation bias (n = 1). The methods of simulating data and reporting of results varied, with more recent studies including causal diagrams. Few studies included code for replication. Conclusions: Although there has been an increasing application of simulation in reproductive and perinatal epidemiology since 2015, overall this remains an underexplored area. Further efforts are required to increase knowledge of how the application of simulation can quantify the influence of bias, including improved design, analysis and reporting. This will improve causal interpretation in reproductive and perinatal studies.
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Background: Toxicology studies have shown adverse effects of developmental exposure to industrial phenols. Evaluation in humans is challenged by potentially marked within-subject variability of phenol biomarkers in pregnant women, which is poorly characterized. Objectives: We aimed to characterize within-day, between-day, and between-week variability of phenol urinary biomarker concentrations during pregnancy. Methods: In eight French pregnant women, we collected all urine voids over a 1-wk period (average, 60 samples per week per woman) at three occasions (15±2, 24±2, and 32±1 gestational weeks) in 2012-2013. Aliquots of each day and of the whole week were pooled within-subject. We assayed concentrations of 10 phenols in these pools, and, for two women, in all spot (unpooled) samples collected during a 1-wk period. We characterized variability using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) with spot samples (within-day variability), daily pools (between-day variability), and weekly pools (between-week variability). Results: For most biomarkers, the within-day variability was high (ICCs between 0.03 and 0.50). The between-day variability, based on samples pooled within each day, was much lower, with ICCs >0.60 except for bisphenol S (0.14, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.00, 0.39). The between-week variability differed between compounds, with triclosan and bisphenol S having the lowest ICCs (<0.3) and 2,5-dichlorophenol the highest (ICC >0.9). Conclusion: During pregnancy, phenol biomarkers showed a strong within-day variability, while the variability between days of a given week was more limited. One biospecimen is not enough to efficiently characterize exposure; collecting biospecimens during a single week may be enough to represent well the whole pregnancy exposure for some but not all phenols.
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Background: For chemicals with high within-subject temporal variability, assessing exposure biomarkers in a spot biospecimen poorly estimates average levels over long periods. The objective is to characterize the ability of within-subject pooling of biospecimens to reduce bias due to exposure misclassification when within-subject variability in biomarker concentrations is high. Methods: We considered chemicals with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.6 and 0.2. In a simulation study, we hypothesized that the chemical urinary concentrations averaged over a given time period were associated with a health outcome and estimated the bias of studies assessing exposure that collected 1 to 50 random biospecimens per subject. We assumed a classical type error. We studied associations using a within-subject pooling approach and two measurement error models (simulation extrapolation and regression calibration), the latter requiring the assay of more than one biospecimen per subject. Results: For both continuous and binary outcomes, using one sample led to attenuation bias of 40% and 80% for compounds with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.6 and 0.2, respectively. For a compound with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.6, the numbers of biospecimens required to limit bias to less than 10% were 6, 2, and 2 biospecimens with the pooling, simulation extrapolation, and regression calibration methods (these values were, respectively, 35, 8, and 2 for a compound with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.2). Compared with pooling, these methods did not improve power. Conclusion: Within-subject pooling limits attenuation bias without increasing assay costs. Simulation extrapolation and regression calibration further limit bias, compared with the pooling approach, but increase assay costs.
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Background: No uniform data which give basic information on the societal burden of infertility and subfecundity: exists in Europe. Methods: in a population-based survey the prevalence of subfecundity was ascertained by means of a standardized interview with women in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Italy and Spain. The time of unprotected intercourse (TUI) either leading or not leading to pregnancy was applied as a uniform measure of fecundity. Population-based samples of women 25-44 years of age were recruited. Results: Altogether 6,630 women participated in the study. With regard to the first pregnancy, 19% of all couples had a TUI of more than 12 months, which is within the range of most previous findings. Regarding the most recent and first TUI in individual lives, if it had occurred within previous 5 years, 23.4% overall did not conceive within 12 months (in Poland 33.3%, in north Italy and Germany 26.2%, in Denmark 23.3%, in Spain 18.6% and in south Italy 14.8%). Secondary subfecundity was more prevalent in Poland. When stratifying for planning of a pregnancy, the differences between countries diminished, particularly for the most recent TUI. However, the pattern of a higher prevalence of subfecundity in Poland, north Italy, Denmark and Germany and a lower prevalence (<20%) in Spain and south Italy remains. Conclusions: Important differences in the prevalence of subfecundity exist between the six European regions investigated. Comparisons should first consider TUIs or planned TUIs to reduce the impact of distorting factors, which are mainly due to differing cultures of family planning in Europe.
Background: Dietary factors, including sugar-sweetened beverages, may have adverse effects on fertility. Sugar-sweetened beverages were associated with poor semen quality in cross-sectional studies, and female soda intake has been associated with lower fecundability in some studies. Methods: We evaluated the association of female and male sugar-sweetened beverage intake with fecundability among 3,828 women planning pregnancy and 1,045 of their male partners in a North American prospective cohort study. We followed participants until pregnancy or for up to 12 menstrual cycles. Eligible women were aged 21-45 (male partners ≥21), attempting conception for ≤6 cycles, and not using fertility treatments. Participants completed a comprehensive baseline questionnaire, including questions on sugar-sweetened beverage consumption during the previous 4 weeks. We estimated time-to-pregnancy from follow-up questionnaires completed every 2 months by the female partner. We calculated adjusted fecundability ratios (FR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) according to intake of sugar- sweetened beverages using proportional probabilities regression. Results: Both female and male intakes of sugar-sweetened beverages were associated with reduced fecundability (FR = 0.81; 95% CI = 0.70, 0.94 and 0.78; 95% CI = 0.63, 0.95 for ≥7 sugar-sweetened beverages per week compared with none, for females and males, respectively). Fecundability was further reduced among those who drank ≥7 servings per week of sugar-sweetened sodas (FR = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.59, 0.95 for females and 0.67, 95% CI = 0.51, 0.89 for males). Conclusions: Sugar-sweetened beverages, particularly sodas and energy drinks, were associated with lower fecundability, but diet soda and fruit juice had little association.
Background: Vitamin D insufficiency is associated with subfertility and prolonged estrus cycles in animals, but humans have not been well studied. Methods: A prospective time-to-pregnancy study, Time to Conceive (2010-2015), collected up to 4 months of daily diary data. Participants were healthy, late reproductive-aged women in North Carolina who were attempting pregnancy. We examined menstrual cycle length as a continuous variable, as well as in categories: long (35+ days) and short (≤25 days). Follicular phase length and luteal phase length were categorized as long (18+ days) or short (≤10 days). We estimated associations between those lengths and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) using linear mixed models and marginal models. Results: There were 1278 menstrual cycles from 446 women of whom 5% were vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D <20ng/ml), 69% were between 20 and 39ng/ml, and 26% were 40ng/ml or higher. There was a dose-response association between vitamin D levels and cycle length. Compared with the highest 25(OH)D level (≥40ng/ml), 25(OH)D deficiency was associated with almost three times the odds of long cycles (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) (95% confidence interval (CI)): 2.8 (1.0, 7.5)). The aOR was 1.9 (1.1, 3.5) for 20-<30ng/ml. The probability of a long follicular phase and the probability of a short luteal phase both increased with decreasing 25(OH)D. Conclusions: Lower levels of 25(OH)D are associated with longer follicular phase and an overall longer menstrual cycle. Our results are consistent with other evidence supporting vitamin D's role in the reproductive axis, which may have broader implications for reproductive success.
Background: There is a well-documented decline in fertility treatment success with increasing female age; however, there are few preconception cohort studies examining female age and natural fertility. In addition, data on male age and fertility is inconsistent. Given the increasing number of couples attempting conception at older ages, a more detailed characterization of age-related fecundability in the general population is of great clinical utility. Objective: To examine the association between female and male age with fecundability. Study design: We conducted a web-based preconception cohort study of pregnancy planners from the United States and Canada. Participants enrolled between June 2013 and July 2017. Eligible participants were aged 21-45 years (females) or ≥21 years (males), and not using fertility treatments. Couples were followed until pregnancy or for up to 12 menstrual cycles. We analyzed data from 2,962 couples who had been trying to conceive for ≤3 cycles at study entry and reported no history of infertility. We used life-table methods to estimate the unadjusted cumulative pregnancy proportion at 6 and 12 cycles by female and male age. We used proportional probabilities regression models to estimate fecundability ratios, the per-cycle probability of conception for each age category relative to the referent (21-24 years), and 95% confidence intervals. Results: Among females, the unadjusted cumulative pregnancy proportion at 6 cycles of attempt time ranged from 62.0% (age 28-30 years) to 27.6% (age 40-45 years); the cumulative pregnancy proportion at 12 cycles of attempt time ranged from 79.3% (age 25-27 years) to 55.5% (age 40-45 years). Similar patterns were observed among males, although differences between age groups were smaller. After adjusting for potential confounders, we observed a nearly monotonic decline in fecundability with increasing female age, with the exception of 28-33 years, where fecundability was relatively stable. Fecundability ratios were 0.91 (95% confidence interval: 0.74-1.11) for ages 25-27, 0.88 (95% confidence interval: 0.72-1.08) for ages 28-30, 0.87 (95% confidence interval: 0.70-1.08) for ages 31-33, 0.82 (95% confidence interval: 0.64-1.05) for ages 34-36, 0.60 (95% confidence interval: 0.44-0.81) for ages 37-39, and 0.40 (95% confidence interval: 0.22-0.73) for ages 40-45, compared with the reference group (ages 21-24 years). The association was stronger among nulligravid women. Male age was not appreciably associated with fecundability after adjustment for female age, although the number of men over age 45 years was small (n=37). Conclusion: In this preconception cohort study of North American pregnancy planners, increasing female age was associated with an approximately linear decline in fecundability. While we found little association between male age and fecundability, the small number of men in our study over age 45 years limited our ability to draw conclusions on fecundability in older men.
Objective To validate two versions of a short self-completion questionnaire on time-to-pregnancy. Design Information from the questionnaire was compared with concurrently collected data from the same individuals. Population Questionnaires were sent to 1,647 women who continue to be followed up by the Oxford Family Planning Association Contraceptive Study. Replies were received from 1,498, a response rate of 91.0%. Successful matching was achieved with 1,392 pregnancies that met the study criteria and that had values of time-to-pregnancy in both data sources. Median recall time was 14years (interquartile range, 11 to 16years). Main Outcome Measures At the group level, the frequency distributions of time-to-pregnancy from the two sources are presented as cumulative percentages. At the individual level, the distribution of discrepancies between the sources is tabulated separately for each value of time-to-pregnancy, and accuracy of detection of clinical subfertility is presented (sensitivity and specificity). Results At the group level, remarkably good agreement was found between the two sources of information. Digit preference was present to a limited degree. There were no important differences between the two questionnaire versions. At the individual level, some misclassification was evident. For the detection of clinical infertility, sensitivity was 79.9% and specificity was 94.9%. Conclusions Short, self-completion questionnaires are remarkably accurate for assessing time-to-pregnancy at a group level. Individual-level misclassification is frequent, but detection of clinical subfertility is fairly accurate.