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Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain: A Secure Recommender System for e-Commerce


Abstract and Figures

In collaborative filtering approaches, recommendations are inferred from user data. A large volume and a high data quality is essential for an accurate and precise recommender system. As consequence, companies are collecting large amounts of personal user data. Such data is often highly sensitive and ignoring users' privacy concerns is no option. Companies address these concerns with several risk reduction strategies, but none of them is able to guarantee cryptographic secureness. To close that gap, the present paper proposes a novel recommender system using the advantages of blockchain-supported secure multiparty computation. A potential costumer is able to allow a company to apply a recommendation algorithm without disclosing her personal data. Expected benefits are a reduction of fraud and misuse and a higher willingness to share personal data. An outlined experiment will compare users' privacy-related behavior in the proposed recommender system with existent solutions.
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Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain
Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016 1
Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain:
A Secure Recommender System
for e-Commerce
Emergent Research Forum papers
Remo Manuel Frey
ETH Zurich
Dominic Wörner
MIT Media Lab
Alexander Ilic
University of St. Gallen
In collaborative filtering approaches, recommendations are inferred from user data. A large volume and a
high data quality is essential for an accurate and precise recommender system. As consequence,
companies are collecting large amounts of personal user data. Such data is often highly sensitive and
ignoring users’ privacy concerns is no option. Companies address these concerns with several risk
reduction strategies, but none of them is able to guarantee cryptographic secureness. To close that gap,
the present paper proposes a novel recommender system using the advantages of blockchain-supported
secure multiparty computation. A potential costumer is able to allow a company to apply a
recommendation algorithm without disclosing her personal data. Expected benefits are a reduction of
fraud and misuse and a higher willingness to share personal data. An outlined experiment will compare
users’ privacy-related behavior in the proposed recommender system with existent solutions.
Recommender system, collaborative filtering, e-commerce, blockchain, privacy, security.
Today, recommender systems are everywhere in people’s daily life and support them to make decisions in
time. Especially in e-commerce, a reliable and efficient recommender system is essential. Vendors quickly
realized the power and the importance for their own business. Over the last two decades, the usage of such
systems changed from a trial balloon to a serious business tool (Sivapalan et al. 2014). There is an
increasing expectation of user-tailored recommendations, often referred to as mass personalization
(Kumar 2007). Several marketing studies proved that personalization improves the revenue thereby the
satisfaction of the customers increases (Chen and Hsieh 2012; Smutkupt et al. 2010; Zhang and Wedel
2009). As a consequence, companies are creating detailed user profiles for a better understanding of
customer behavior, needs, and habits. Unfortunately, privacy concerns prevent users to share data
generously with interested companies, even if the quality of the recommendations would be improved.
They mainly fear fraud and misuse of their data and a loss of control (Van Dyke et al. 2007). A novel
blockchain-based approach (Zyskind et al. 2015a) is able to cryptographically guarantee the proper usage
of personal data. The core component is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that allows storing
encrypted data in a tamper-proof way and runs secure computations while no one but the data owner has
access to the raw data. In the present paper, we propose to implement that approach in recommender
systems. In doing so, a potential costumer is able to allow a company to apply a recommendation
algorithm without disclosing her profile. She never loses control of her data and is able to terminate the
business relationship at any time. Fraud and misuse is no longer possible, because the involved company
never gets the raw data. We speculate that such a system could become a standard for future
recommender systems.
Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain
Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016 2
Literature Review
Recommender Systems and Data Privacy
A good definition of recommender systems in literature is provided by Encyclopedia of Machine Learning
(Melville and Sindhwani 2010): “The goal of a recommender system is to generate meaningful
recommendations to a collection of users for items or products that might interest them”. There are two
well-known approaches to accomplish that goal: collaborative filtering (Goldberg et al. 1992) and content-
based filtering (Pazzani 1999). Content-based Filtering tries to match knowledge of a single user with
knowledge of available items while collaborative filtering tries to build recommendations based on
knowledge of a collection of users. In order to get the advantages of both approaches, recommender
systems in practice are typically a hybrid (Burke 2002). However, a content-based system may run on
customer’s computer or mobile device. Sharing personal data with a company is not required and thus, a
secure recommender system is easily achievable. In contrast, the case of collaborative filtering is different
because a big collection of customers has to be considered to create one single recommendation. As a
consequence, companies maintain huge databases for user data. They collect data like shopping history,
shopping frequency, basket size, and redemption rate of coupons. Big Datain e-commerce is reality
today. The downside contains several dimensions of concerns: unauthorized secondary use (internal and
external), improper access, and collection in general (Smith et al. 1996). Until now, there is no adequate
solution in practice.
Data Privacy
Companies gather user data to create individual profiles and use it to predict consumer needs, favorite
products, and preferred services. Moreover, sensors from the ‘Internet of Things’ starts to infuse people’s
everyday life and companies are highly interested to receive such data from their customers. Sharing
private data with a company might be a benefit for both the company and the customer. Obviously, the
nature of gathering personal data provoke questions about privacy protection. Who collects data and why?
Is it protected against unauthorized access? Researchers investigated several factors, which have an
influence on consumers’ privacy concerns, such as perception of risk (Mort et al. 2006), desire for control
(Van Dyke et al. 2007), lack of trust (Roussos and Moussouri 2004), Anxiety and loss of comfort (Earp et
al. 2005). Companies address these concerns with a wide arsenal of actions. For instance, they present a
privacy policy to reduce the perception of risk and improve the transparency; and they provide an opt-out
option as a kind of customer empowerment. However, none of these risk reduction instruments is able to
cryptographically guarantee the anonymity of a customer, the secureness, or controllability of her data
Privacy-preserving Computation
There has been a lot of effort to ease the tension between data mining and privacy. In principle there are
two general approaches to store and mine data while preserving the privacy of individual users. On the
one hand there is fully homomorphic encryption (Gentry 2009), which allows running computations on
encrypted data and returning encrypted results on a central server. However, even for simple
computations on small data the computational overhead is significant. Complex computations on large
data sets, as typically needed for recommender systems, remain prohibitive. On the other hand there is
secure multiparty computation (Lindell and Pinkas 2009). In this scheme data are encrypted, split into
pieces, and shared among a distributed network of nodes. Computations are performed interactively and
collaboratively on the network. Thereby, individual nodes do not get access to meaningful raw data, but
only on encrypted shards. It is however essential that individual nodes are truly controlled by different
stakeholders that will not collude. While a greater number of nodes would increase the protection against
collusion, the performance decreases dramatically because of the increased communication complexity.
Blockchain-supported Secure Multiparty Computation
A blockchain is an open, immutable, append-only transaction log replicated among a network of nodes.
Each block of transactions cryptographically references its predecessor and new blocks have to provide
proof-of-work in order to be acknowledged by other participants in the network. Such a blockchain builds
Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain
Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016 3
the basis of Bitcoin, the first peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Indeed every open (permissionless)
blockchain is intertwined with a token of value i.e. a (crypto-) currency in order to provide economic
incentives to follow the underlying protocol and extend the blockchain. The main features of a blockchain,
an immutable public log, and a programmable token of value, have been used to advance secure
multiparty computation systems in terms of fairness and operational efficiency (Andrychowicz et al. 2014;
Bentov and Kumaresan 2014; Kiayias et al. 2015; Kumaresan and Bentov 2014). Enigma (Zyskind et al.
2015a, 2015b) implements those advancements in order to provide an open decentralized network for
encrypted data storage and secure multiparty computations. Identity, access and contract management is
facilitated by the underlying protocol. Private contracts provide the programming interface to access
private and public data and to specify the computations. Thereby end users can permit and audit the
usage of their data in fine granularity. Moreover they can revoke the permission at any time.
Proposed Solution
To sum up the literature review, recommender systems bring benefits to customers and companies as
well. But, these systems rely on highly sensitive user data and ignoring users’ privacy concerns is no
option. Existent approaches are not able to cryptographically guarantee the right on privacy. To address
that gap, we outline a secure recommender system using the advantages of blockchain-supported secure
multiparty computation. Technical Insights of the underlying system (hereinafter referred to as
‘Blockchain System’ or ‘BS’ respectively) are described in the paper of Zyskind et al. (2015b). Customers
are able to receive personalized recommendations without disclosing their data to anyone. What sounds
like a contradiction, is becoming reality. We explain the interaction between customer, company, and
system. To the best of our knowledge, a recommender system like this was never before described in
literature. Our proposed solution is presented in three subsections.
Data Storage
A customer can use the BS to store personal data relevant for recommender systems. For instance,
demographic attributes, favorite products, habits, special needs, and digital inventories. The data is fully
encrypted and not accessible without explicit permission of the customer. More interesting data for
recommender systems is typically collected by the companies itself, because their data reflects the real
shopping behavior, not just an intention or consumer characteristics. For instance shopping history, and
credit card data. To prevent hacker attacks and other risks, such data is stored in the BS (1) and not in the
company anymore, as shown in Figure 1. The BS allows to handout such data on a trusted and encrypted
way to the customer (2, 3). That means full transparency about companies’ data collection activities for
the customer. The data is visible for her at any time.
Figure 1. Data storage and handout.
Data Agreement Process
A company may use the BS for transparently defining contracts about how and what customer data are
used in their recommender algorithms, as shown in Figure 2. First, the contract is stored in the BS (1). A
new customer can get a company’s contract by requesting it from the BS (2, 3). If the customer agrees
with the provided contract, she can give access (4). Access means that the company is allowed to read
and/or compute what is defined on the contract. The customer keep full control on her data and is able to
terminate the contract at any time. A notification is sent to the company (5). A company may offer two
kinds of incentives for sharing data with a company. First, sharing data can be set as a precondition to get
personalized recommendations. Second, companies can pay money or offer discounts to get the desired
data. As side effect, the well-known cold-start problem could be overcome.
Blockchain System
1. Store Customer Data
2. Give Customer Access
3. Notification
Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain
Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016 4
Figure 2. Data agreement process.
Collaborative Filtering
The strength of the BS is the possibility to do computations without disclosing the input data. As shown in
Figure 3, the customer wants to get a recommendation for her (maybe confidential) shopping list (1). The
company receives a notification (2). Since the company has now contracts with thousands of other people,
their data can be used as input variables for a collaborative filtering algorithm to find out the optimal
recommendation (3). Note that the company neither see customer’s shopping list, nor the data from the
thousand other people, nor the result because the whole computation is done in the BS. Finally, the
customer receives a notification and gets secure access to the resulting recommendation (4).
Figure 3. Collaborative filtering.
Research Methodology
We develop a prototype of the presented recommender system. Besides the technical challenges, the
research focus lies on the impact of the system on customers’ privacy-related behavior. We will test the
following hypothesis: Compared to existent risk reduction strategies, the usage of blockchain technology
reduces customer’s perceived risks when sharing personal data in recommender systems.
There are several existing risk reduction strategies. We intend to compare our approach with two well-
established ones: customer empowerment (Van Dyke et al. 2007) and information transparency (Awad
and Krishnan 2006). To test our hypothesis, we conduct an experiment with a questionnaire and form
one test group per strategy. ‘Strategy’ is the independent variable. First, we explain to each group under
which strategy their personal data from the questionnaire is handled. Then, we display the questionnaire
where we ask all participants to enter several personal data items, namely from different levels of
confidentiality (Victor et al. 2016): non-sensitive attributes (e.g. favorite color), sensitive attributes (e.g.
income, illnesses), quasi identifiers (e.g. gender, age), and explicit identifiers (e.g. name, phone number).
All answers are marked as optional. The number of entered data items per confidential level is used as
dependent variable. We expect that participants in the blockchain group provide significantly more data
items than in the other groups because the perceived risk is expected to be significantly lower. The results
of the experiment will be analyzed using a one way independent ANOVA.
Discussion and Conclusion
Recommender systems may have a strong influence on the profitability of a company and they are often
an integral part of companies’ sales strategy. How to deal with customer profiles with respect to people’s
right on privacy is still a challenge in e-commerce. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time a
solution is described which cryptographically guarantees customer’s privacy in recommender systems. We
outline a secure and powerful system, which has the potential to overcome customers’ fear of fraud and
misuse of their data. A secure handling of sensitive data is crucial for motivating people to share their
1. Store Contract
5. Notification
2. Request Contract
3. Get Contract
4. Give Company Access
Blockchain System
3. Start Computations
1. Store Request for
4. Notification and
2. Notification
Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain
Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016 5
consumption data and enables companies to create personalized recommendations. Moreover,
comprehensive data access leads to new opportunities for researchers as well.
There are some limitations on the proposed system. First, we admit that the system does not prevent
companies to collect customer data without permission. Second, manipulation of a fully anonymized
recommender system like ours could be getting easier. A typical fraud is conducted by creating dummy
profiles with the aim to manipulate the desirability of items and products. Either the rating of the own
products is raised (push attack) or the rating of competing products is lowered (nuke attack). Third,
Massa and Avesani (2007) proposed a network of trust to overcome the problem of data sparsity. Again, if
the customers are completely anonymous, such concepts are difficult to realize. Finally, the solution has
still to prove its computational performance. While its virtual machine is in principle able to do execute all
kinds of computations, complex algorithms of modern recommender systems and large amounts of data
might still be prohibitive. However, increasing power of computers and tailored implementations of
algorithms will mitigate these problems. Until then, our system can at least provide limited
recommendations based on simple algorithms for the privacy-concerned user who wouldn’t give up her
data for recommendations.
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... Exploiting correlative relationships is advantageous, as demonstrated by experimental findings on three open real-world datasets. According to the research in [18,11], it is possible to attain almost the same accuracy as centralized procedures while using a blockchain's entirely decentralized nature. The techniques also enable user privacy protection, a feature not offered by the other examined approaches. ...
... Consequently, ignoring the privacy of patients with unique needs is unwise. Recently, several suggested techniques failed to effectively integrate cryptography [18] through [11]. ...
... The PCA matrix factorization works best in conjunction with a K-Means clustering technique. This result demonstrates that the superior performance of a matrix factorization technique is not an absolute case as shown in Fig. 10 (a) and (b) [25,9,18]. Additionally, to run the experiment, we must provide our model with certain parameters such that some of the datasets can be used for training and the remaining piece can be utilized to evaluate the model's performance. But how should a dataset be split into training and test sets? ...
Intuitive context-aware algorithms called "Next Basket recommender systems" improve con-sumers' decision-making by offering suggestions for potential products they might like to buy next based on their past behaviour. Even though it is now well-known, this field is still young. Many different industries, such as e-commerce and healthcare, employ recommender systems. Even though these datasets frequently contain sensitive data, most recommender systems place a greater emphasis on the models' accuracy than on their security and privacy. We investigate this concept in the context of the sequential recommendation job known as Next Basket Recommendation (NBR), whose objective is to provide a user with a selection of goods based on their purchasing behaviour. A recent state-of-the-art technology is blockchain. Blockchain creates a trusted environment without the involvement of a third party, thus ensuring privacy and security. It is designed in such a way that it is enough in itself to create trust. In this paper, we propose and assimilate an authentic blockchain privacy system for a fortified user recommendation system for the Next Basket Recommendation. With next basket proposals based on blockchain for safe transactions and distributed context-based processing, this suggested system enables the development of decentralized RSs. Through the use of atomic swaps on the blockchain, this effort aims to provide viable solutions that can lead to fair procedures. It places a focus on effective data deletion procedures that preserve user privacy and transfers the issue of decremental learning to the Next Basket system, a more secure and wise recommendation. By incorporating blockchain into recommender systems (RSs), which contain smart contracts in the main blockchain-based RS protocol, it is feasible to create safe trust-based systems with the benefit of multi-party computation backed by blockchain. Additionally, it aids in protecting user information since blockchain enables the secure processing of customer data in online portals.
... They use a variety of techniques, such as collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid methods that combine different approaches. Collaborative filtering [2], for example, is based on the idea that people who have similar preferences in the past will have similar preferences in the future. Content-based filtering, on the other hand, uses the characteristics of the items being recommended to make suggestions. ...
... Content-based filtering, on the other hand, uses the characteristics of the items being recommended to make suggestions. They are commonly used in e-commerce, peer-to-peer systems [3,4], online media and other industries to improve user engagement and increase sales [2,5]. ...
... Current studies on blockchain-based recommender systems mainly focus on enhancing personal information security [49] and privacy protection [50] by implementing blockchain schemes on the computation of recommendation results based on data from E-commerce, IoT networks, E-learning and social networks [16]. In the decentralized recommender systems, several efforts have been made to achieve traceability by using blockchains. ...
Federated recommender systems have been crucially enhanced through data sharing and continuous model updates, attributed to the pervasive connectivity and distributed computing capabilities of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Given the sensitivity of IoT data, transparent data processing in data sharing and model updates is paramount. However, existing methods fall short in tracing the flow of shared data and the evolution of model updates. Consequently, data sharing is vulnerable to exploitation by malicious entities, raising significant data privacy concerns, while excluding data sharing will result in sub-optimal recommendations. To mitigate these concerns, we present LIBERATE, a privacy-traceable federated recommender system. We design a blockchain-based traceability mechanism, ensuring data privacy during data sharing and model updates. We further enhance privacy protection by incorporating local differential privacy in user-server communication. Extensive evaluations with the real-world dataset corroborate LIBERATE's capabilities in ensuring data privacy during data sharing and model update while maintaining efficiency and performance. Results underscore blockchain-based traceability mechanism as a promising solution for privacy-preserving in federated recommender systems.
... The data encryption of records is considered an essential feature of blockchain technology because it needs to protect the recommender systems method's processed data from embarrassing challenges [28]. A record is linked to a business process and integrated into a "block" of data which includes the hash of the most recent block inside the sequence, which a clustering procedure encryption keys enhance that as well. ...
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Recently, blockchain technology has caused considerable interest in academic research in the recommendation system domain. These records frequently contain encryption to achieve a comprehensive and reliable recommendation system. These records frequently contain encryption keys. Additionally, recommendation systems concerning suitable evaluation metrics are crucial to providing an accurate recommender system. Despite the attempts to address these issues through various strategies, very few researchers have considered a success in encrypting, especially in safeguarding the subscribers’ data. Currently, blockchain technology has drawn a lot of interest amongst several researchers, including in the area of recommendation system. To define these gaps, the current study aims to review the adoption of blockchain as one significant upside plan to increase data protection in recommendation systems. The systematic literature review (SLR) method was used to analyze publications from different electronic databases and documents of studies from 2019 to 2022. This research contributed to an in-depth comprehension of blockchain-based security techniques for recommending systems in addition to offering an overview of currently available blockchainbased programs within industries. The report emphasizes and examines significant facts and information about the blockchain depends security techniques for recommendation networks. Researchers highlight interest in a higher rate of security data and highlight noteworthy elements determined by an independent evaluation technique
... Occasionally, conventional e-commerce is susceptible to user data leakage. Therefore, leveraging blockchain to enhance the security of e-commerce platforms is a pressing issue [12]. A blockchain-distributed ledger ensures the integrity and veracity of transactions and eliminates the potential for tampering [13]. ...
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E-commerce platforms enable companies of all sizes to sell their items and promote their brand to a broader audience. The e-commerce sector is continually developing, as new technology and methods of purchasing and selling services and items are developed. The traditional e-commerce system is plagued with problems, such as payment disputes, chargebacks, fraud, and a lack of transparency; however, blockchain can transform e-commerce by making transactions more efficient and safer. Blockchain can be used to build a decentralized network that allows people to securely store and share digital assets. This would enable buyers to access product details such as the product’s origin and source, as well as reduce the risk of fraud. Although the application of blockchain in e-commerce remains in its early stages, this review paper examines research on blockchain-based e-commerce, focusing on applicability and problems in the context of the available literature from 2017 through 2022.
... Blockchain can support faster data collection, storage, and management, supporting significant product and supply chain information (Saberi et al., 2019). Blockchain has been used to combat information asymmetry through facilitating efficient information management (Turk and Klinc, 2017) and can be used to improve customer service through the implementation of advanced data analytics (Frey et al., 2016). Blockchain helps to perform swift transactions of information, goods, and money without the third party at reduced transaction cost. ...
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Blockchain has been widely acknowledged as a disruptive technology to improve supply chain performance. For achieving operational efficiency and quality excellence, organizations need the underlying supply chain capabilities. Supply chain capability is considered a higher-level capability to reconfigure various capabilities to achieve excellence in supply chain operations. Blockchain deployment in supply chains enhances operational and strategic capabilities that ultimately lead to better supply chain performance. The study investigates the blockchain from Resource-Based View (RBV) perspectives as an enabler of various capabilities that disrupt supply chain operations. RBV theory explains how a firm can achieve a competitive advantage by transforming its unique resources into capabilities. The prime focus of the study is to demonstrate the capabilities and benefits of blockchain deployment in the supply chain based on RBV perspectives and provide various frameworks to emphasize supply chain transformations on blockchain deployment.
Conference Paper
Recommender systems (RS) have been around us since the beginning of the new age of technology, consisting of artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of things (IoT), etc. The RS provides a personalized touch to the customers, thus helping them in decision-making. It also helps the business improve sales; hence, big tech companies like Netflix, amazon, etc. rely hugely on their RS to gain more sales. Many studies are focused on improving the accuracy of the RS but little on the security aspects of RS. Blockchain technology is the epitome of security and privacy. Hence, this research focuses on integrating blockchain with recommender engines and their advantages and challenges.
Cross-border E-commerce (CBEC) currently faces a significant trust problem among merchants. Existing research in this field mainly focuses on addressing intra-platform trust issues, while little attention has been given to resolving inter-platform trust challenges. The advent of blockchain technology, with its features of decentralization, transparency, autonomy, and security, offers promising potential for the advancement of cross-border e-commerce while also presenting its own set of challenges. To address this research gap, this paper proposes a trustworthy blockchain-based cross-border B2B e-commerce platform (referred to as BCBEP) based on blockchain technology. Firstly, various sources of distrust are analyzed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. Building on this analysis, blockchain-enabled smart contracts are employed to address the decentralized benefit distribution issue. Secondly, a credit-based incentive mechanism is introduced to attract merchant interest and facilitate timely connections between merchants and their target customers. Thirdly, several key mechanisms are developed to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed platform. To demonstrate the practicality and feasibility of BCBEP, we conduct a case study evaluating an existing cross-border B2B e-commerce platform, “TradeIndia.” The findings from this study provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and applicability of the proposed BCBEP platform in addressing inter-platform trust issues and enhancing cross-border e-commerce operations.
Blockchain technology is gaining immense popularity in the realm of online e-commerce, advertising, and consumerism. This study aims to develop a model that comprehends how blockchain can act as a significant disruptor for various functions and applications related to e-commerce. The research explores the possibility that this technological advancement has the potential to revolutionize the core operations of e-commerce industry by providing trade connections devoid of trust or need for specialized intermediaries or central authority in case of permission less blockchains. Furthermore, it could facilitate equitable access to immutable data across supply chains which may result in a major reorganization pertaining to information and value exchanged between businesses involved in electronic commerce and their customers.
Federated recommender systems have been crucially enhanced through data sharing and continuous model updates, attributed to the pervasive connectivity and distributed computing capabilities of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Given the sensitivity of IoT data, transparent data processing in data sharing and model updates is paramount. However, existing methods fall short in tracing the flow of shared data and the evolution of model updates. Consequently, data sharing is vulnerable to exploitation by malicious entities, raising significant data privacy concerns, while excluding data sharing will result in sub-optimal recommendations. To mitigate these concerns, we present LIBERATE, a privacy-traceable federated recommender system. We design a blockchain-based traceability mechanism, ensuring data privacy during data sharing and model updates. We further enhance privacy protection by incorporating local differential privacy in user-server communication. Extensive evaluations with the real-world dataset corroborate LIBERATE’s capabilities in ensuring data privacy during data sharing and model update while maintaining efficiency and performance. Results underscore blockchain-based traceability mechanism as a promising solution for privacy-preserving in federated recommender systems.
Conference Paper
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Internet is speeding up and modifying the manner in which daily tasks such as online shopping, paying utility bills, watching new movies, communicating, etc., are accomplished. As an example, in older shopping methods, products were mass produced for a single market and audience but that approach is no longer viable. Markets based on long product and development cycles can no longer survive. To stay competitive, markets need to provide different products and services to different customers with different needs. The shift to online shopping has made it incumbent on producers and retailers to customize for customers' needs while providing more options than were possible before. This, however, poses a problem for customers who must now analyze every offering in order to determine what they actually need and will benefit from. To aid customers in this scenario, we discuss about common recommender systems techniques that have been employed and their associated trade-offs.
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Recommender systems represent user preferences for the purpose of suggesting items to purchase or examine. They have become fundamental applications in electronic commerce and information access, providing suggestions that effectively prune large information spaces so that users are directed toward those items that best meet their needs and preferences. A variety of techniques have been proposed for performing recommendation, including content-based, collaborative, knowledge-based and other techniques. To improve performance, these methods have sometimes been combined in hybrid recommenders. This paper surveys the landscape of actual and possible hybrid recommenders, and introduces a novel hybrid, EntreeC, a system that combines knowledge-based recommendation and collaborative filtering to recommend restaurants. Further, we show that semantic ratings obtained from the knowledge-based part of the system enhance the effectiveness of collaborative filtering.
A peer-to-peer network, enabling different parties to jointly store and run computations on data while keeping the data completely private. Enigma's computational model is based on a highly optimized version of secure multi-party computation, guaranteed by a verifiable secret-sharing scheme. For storage, we use a modified distributed hashtable for holding secret-shared data. An external blockchain is utilized as the controller of the network, manages access control, identities and serves as a tamper-proof log of events. Security deposits and fees incentivize operation, correctness and fairness of the system. Similar to Bitcoin, Enigma removes the need for a trusted third party, enabling autonomous control of personal data. For the first time, users are able to share their data with cryptographic guarantees regarding their privacy.
Conference Paper
Recommender Systems based on Collaborative Filtering suggest to users items they might like. However due to data sparsity of the input ratings matrix, the step of finding similar users often fails. We propose to replace this step with the use of a trust metric, an algorithm able to propagate trust over the trust network and to estimate a trust weight that can be used in place of the similarity weight. An empirical evaluation on dataset shows that Recommender Systems that make use of trust information are the most effective in term of accuracy while preserving a good coverage. This is especially evident on users who provided few ratings.
Advertising media are a means of communication that creates different marketing and communication results among consumers. Over the years, newspaper, magazine, TV, and radio have provided a one-way media where information is broadcast and communicated. Due to the widespread application of the Internet, advertising has entered into an interactive communications mode. In the advent of 3G broadband mobile communication systems and smartphone devices, consumers' preferences can be pre-identified and advertising messages can therefore be delivered to consumers in a multimedia format at the right time and at the right place with the right message. In light of this new advertisement possibility, designing personalized mobile advertising to meet consumers' needs becomes an important issue. This research uses the fuzzy Delphi method to identify the key personalized attributes in a personalized mobile advertising message for different products. Results of the study identify six important design attributes for personalized advertisements: price, preference, promotion, interest, brand, and type of mobile device. As personalized mobile advertising becomes more integrated in people's daily activities, its pros and cons and social impact are also discussed. The research result can serve as a guideline for the key parties in mobile marketing industry to facilitate the development of the industry and ensure that advertising resources are properly used.