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Overcoming the Stratum Corneum: The Modulation of Skin Penetration


Abstract and Figures

It is preferred that topically administered drugs act either dermally or transdermally. For that reason they have to penetrate into the deeper skin layers or permeate the skin. The outermost layer of the human skin, the stratum corneum, is responsible for its barrier function. Most topically administered drugs do not have the ability to penetrate the stratum corneum. In these cases modulations of the skin penetration profiles of these drugs and skin barrier manipulations are necessary. A skin penetration enhancement can be achieved either chemically, physically or by use of appropriate formulations. Numerous chemical compounds have been evaluated for penetration-enhancing activity, and different modes of action have been identified for skin penetration enhancement. In addition to chemical methods, skin penetration of drugs can be improved by physical options such as iontophoresis and phonophoresis, as well as by combinations of both chemical and physical methods or by combinations of several physical methods. There are cases where skin penetration of the drug used in the formulation is not the aim of the topical administration. Penetration reducers can be used to prevent chemicals entering the systemic circulation. This article concentrates on the progress made mainly over the last decade by use of chemical penetration enhancers. The different action modes of these substances are explained, including the basic principles of the physical skin penetration enhancement techniques and examples for their application.
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Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
DOI: 10.1159/000091978
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
A Review
H. Trommer R.H.H. Neubert
School of Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Martin Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg, Halle , Germany
tion reducers can be used to prevent chemicals entering
the systemic circulation. This article concentrates on the
progress made mainly over the last decade by use of
chemical penetration enhancers. The different action
modes of these substances are explained, including the
basic principles of the physical skin penetration enhance-
ment techniques and examples for their application.
Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
Structure of the Stratum Corneum and Drug
Options to Overcome the Barrier
The skin is the largest human organ. It ensures that
harmful substances and drugs released from topically ap-
plied formulations cannot intrude into the organism off-
hand [1] . The evolutionary development of the human
skin as a potential protective barrier keeping water in and
noxious substances out of the human body was a require-
ment for terrestrial life [2] . Figure 1 illustrates the com-
plex structure of the human skin and the several layers
schematically [3] .
The outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum,
is of particular interest as it determines this barrier func-
tion [4] . The qualifi cation for this is the unique physico-
chemical composition of the stratum corneum [5]
. The
‘brick and mortar model’ is applied to describe the struc-
ture of the horny layer. Corneocytes are the ‘bricks’ em-
Key Words
Skin penetration Stratum corneum Transdermal
drug delivery Penetration enhancers Penetration
retarders Sonophoresis Iontophoresis
It is preferred that topically administered drugs act either
dermally or transdermally. For that reason they have to
penetrate into the deeper skin layers or permeate the
skin. The outermost layer of the human skin, the stratum
corneum, is responsible for its barrier function. Most top-
ically administered drugs do not have the ability to pen-
etrate the stratum corneum. In these cases modulations
of the skin penetration profi les of these drugs and skin
barrier manipulations are necessary. A skin penetration
enhancement can be achieved either chemically, physi-
cally or by use of appropriate formulations. Numerous
chemical compounds have been evaluated for penetra-
tion-enhancing activity, and different modes of action
have been identifi ed for skin penetration enhancement.
In addition to chemical methods, skin penetration of
drugs can be improved by physical options such as ion-
tophoresis and phonophoresis, as well as by combina-
tions of both chemical and physical methods or by com-
binations of several physical methods. There are cases
where skin penetration of the drug used in the formula-
tion is not the aim of the topical administration. Penetra-
Received: November 1, 2005
Accepted: January 27, 2006
Published online: May 9, 2006
Dr. H. Trommer
Bernhard-Kellermann-Strasse 16
DE–04279 Leipzig (Germany)
Tel./Fax +49 341 330 320 2
© 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
Accessible online at:
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 107
bedded in an intercellular lipid matrix of mainly fatty
acids, ceramides, cholesterol and cholesterol sulfate [6] .
In 1994 a more differentiated variation of this model, the
domain mosaic model, was introduced by Forslind [7] .
Recently, Norlen postulated two new models for stratum
corneum characterization. For skin barrier formation a
membrane-folding model was proposed [8] and skin bar-
rier structure and function was simplifi ed by a single gel
phase model [9] .
Three different functions may be achieved when ap-
plying drugs to the human skin. Firstly, it may be desir-
able to have the active remaining on the surface of the
skin, e.g. for skin disinfection, dermal insect repellents
and cosmetics for skin decoration. These pharmaceuti-
cals or cosmetics are called epidermal formulations.
The second function is when formulations for topical
administration are designed to allow the dermal penetra-
tion of their actives into the deeper regions of the skin
such as the viable epidermis and the dermis. These are
endodermal or diadermal formulations. The absorption
into the systemic circulation is not the aim of these for-
mulations. If partial absorption was to occur it could lead
to adverse side effects after extensive use of these formu-
lations [10] .
Thirdly, the systemic action of drugs by transdermal
application can be the aim of the topical therapy. Local
reactions are undesired in this case.
All three kinds of administration are controlled by the
anatomical properties of the skin (e.g. skin type and ac-
tual skin condition), drug features (e.g. lipophilicity, par-
ticle size, protein binding capacity) and the formulation
features (e.g. vehicle composition, rheological proper-
There are two general options for drug substances to
permeate the stratum corneum: the transepidermal route
and the route via pores. Figure 2 illustrates these drug
permeation options [10] . The transepidermal route can
be divided into the transcellular and the intercellular
route. The more direct route is the transcellular. Here the
drug has to cross the skin by directly passing through both
the lipid structures of the stratum corneum and the cyto-
plasm of the dead keratinocytes. This is the shortest route
for the drug substance, but the substances encounter sig-
nifi cant resistance to permeation because they have to
cross both lipophilic and hydrophilic structures. The
more common route for drugs to permeate the skin is the
intercellular route [11] . Here the permeant overcomes the
stratum corneum by passing between the corneocytes.
Since the skin appendages (glands and hair follicles) oc-
cupy only 0.1% of the total human skin surface, the con-
tribution to the pore route was primarily considered to be
small [12] . A theoretical system validation approach has
been applied for shunt route analysis [13] . Recently, it
was shown that follicular penetration may also be an im-
portant pathway for the penetration of topically admin-
istered substances [14] . The follicular apparatus of hair
follicles, the sweat glands and microlesions in the interfol-
licular horny layer were introduced as theoretical vertical
pathways for percutaneous penetration [15] . The penetra-
tion of microparticles into the hair follicles and the result-
ing opportunities, e.g. for the transport of UV protective
agents in sunscreens, have been illustrated [16] .
Stratum corneum
Stratum basale
Stratum granulosum
Stratum spinosum
Blood vessel
Sebaceous gland
Hair papilla
Perspiratory gland
Adipose tissue
Hydrolipid film
Fig. 1. The human skin schematically. Adapted from Skin Care
Forum [3] .
Transepidermal Via pores
Hair papilla Corneocytes
intercellular transglandulartranscellular transfollicular
Fig. 2. Options of drug penetration across the stratum corneum
schematically. Adapted from Lippold [10] .
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
Modulation of Skin Penetration
Penetration Enhancers
A penetration enhancement of drugs after topical ap-
plication can be achieved by several compounds which
are able to promote the transport of actives across the skin
barrier. There are a variety of mechanisms for penetra-
tion enhancement by these substances [17] . One possibil-
ity is the interaction of the enhancers with the polar head-
groups of the lipids. The lipid-lipid headgroup interac-
tions and the packing order of the lipids are thus dis-
turbed. The result is the facilitation of the diffusion of
hydrophilic drugs [18] . By the increased fl ow the content
of free water molecules between the bilayers is increased,
which leads to an augmentation of the cross-section for
polar drug diffusion. Simple hydration can be used in
structure modifi cation which results in changes to drug
penetration [19] . Water is one of the most effective and
safest penetration enhancers. By hydration of the stratum
corneum, the penetration of most drugs can be increased.
Normally in the stratum corneum the water content is
5–10%. The water content can be increased up to 50%
under occlusive conditions (e.g. by use of impermeable
foil or by application of occlusive vehicles) [10] . Further-
more, moisturizers such as urea can be used to increase
the hydration of the stratum corneum and in consequence
to improve the diffusion of hydrophilic drugs.
The headgroup disturbance of lipids by polar enhanc-
er substances can also affect the hydrophobic parts of the
lipids and leads to rearrangements in these bilayer areas
[20] . This also explains the penetration improvement for
lipophilic drugs by use of lipid headgroup-infl uencing hy-
drophilic penetration enhancers [17] .
Another possibility is the interaction of lipophilic pen-
etration enhancers with the hydrocarbon chains of the
bilayer lipids. The penetration of lipophilic drugs is fa-
cilitated this way by packing order disturbance due to an
increased fl uidization of the hydrocarbon chains. These
changes also infl uence the order of the polar headgroups,
which explains the penetration enhancement of hydro-
philic drugs by use of a lipophilic enhancer substance
[21] . Figure 3 illustrates the infl uence of penetration en-
hancers on both the lipophilic pathway and the hydro-
philic pathway of drug penetration.
Some of the chemical enhancer substances (structures
of the frequently used substances are shown in gure 4 )
need suitable vehicles or cosolvents (e.g. propylene glycol)
to reach the polar lipid parts and exert their functions
[22] . The increase in the drug solubility and the improve-
ment of its partition coeffi cient (skin/vehicle) is another
mechanism explaining the action of penetration enhanc-
ers [23] .
Additionally, the stratum corneum can be made more
permeable for drug substances by the extraction of its lip-
ids as the result of an interaction with chemical penetra-
tion enhancers [17] .
Ethanol is the most intensely investigated penetration
enhancer in relation to penetration behavior and its in-
teraction with human skin. It is most commonly used in
many transdermal formulations and also in patches.
There are several mechanisms for the permeation-en-
hancing action of ethanol and higher alcohols [17] . As a
solvent, ethanol is able to increase the solubility of the
drug already in the formulation. Furthermore, the solu-
1. Hydrophilic
2. Lipophilic
Skin penetration
of drugs
Action of penetration
less polar
Hydrophobic region
Aqueous region Polar headgroup interaction
Lipid chain interaction
Fig. 3. Hydrophilic and lipophilic pathways
of drug penetration and action mode of pen-
etration enhancers.
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 109
bility properties of the tissue can be optimized for the
drug after the penetration of ethanol into the stratum cor-
neum. Alcohols are able to extract lipids and proteins and
thereby increase the porosity of the stratum corneum
[19] . Thus, the penetration of hydrophilic drug substanc-
es is facilitated. The penetration enhancement of lipo-
philic drugs by alcohols is due to the higher solubility of
the drug substances in the lipophilic areas of the stratum
corneum because of the presence of alcoholic enhancers.
For water soluble drugs a minimum amount of water is
necessary for an optimal penetration enhancement by al-
cohols [17] .
The length of the alkyl chain is important for the skin
penetration-enhancing action of alcohols. Up to six car-
bon atoms the enhancement can be increased by use of
alcohols with more carbon atoms. The use of alcohols
with higher carbon atom numbers showed a decrease in
the penetration rate during experiments with indometha-
cin as a model drug [24] .
Recently, Krishnaiah et al. [25] tested the effects of
several solvent systems on the in vitro permeability of
nicardipine hydrochloride through excised rat epidermis.
They found that the use of the binary solvent system,
ethanol and water in the ratio of 70: 30 v/v, is an effective
vehicle for the development of a transdermal therapeutic
system for nicardipine hydrochloride. A linear relation-
ship between ethanol concentration and a surrogate
marker of lipid removal and disorganization in the stra-
Fatty acids
Oleic acid
Sodium dodecyl sulphate
Propylene glycol
Urea and derivatives
Terpenes and terpenoids
Azone® and derivatives
Fig. 4. Categories of frequently used chemical skin penetration enhancers and the chemical structure of one typ-
ical example of each group.
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
tum corneum has been found by means of corneoxenom-
etry, a bioassay where interactions between xenobiotics
and corneocytes are assessed using refl ectance colorime-
try [26] . The more lipophilic monoethylether of the biva-
lent alcohol diethylene glycol (Transcutol
) has been a
frequently used skin penetration enhancer in recent years.
Transcutol was shown to effectively enhance the trans-
port of the broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent ivermectin
through porcine skin [27] . Harrison et al. [28] investi-
gated the synergism of Transcutol and Azone
on perme-
ant diffusivity and solubility in human stratum corneum.
It was shown that Azone reduced diffusional resistance
of the stratum corneum and Transcutol increased the sol-
ubility of a model penetrant in this barrier. Mura et al.
[29] evaluated Transcutol as a clonazepam transdermal
penetration enhancer and showed in the experiments an
increase in drug permeation as a function of Transcutol
content in the formulation. Furthermore, a synergistic
enhancement of the clonazepam fl ux was shown after the
use of a combination of Transcutol and propylene glycol.
The percutaneous penetration of nimesulide formulated
in carbopole 934 gels was signifi cantly increased com-
pared with a control formulation after the application of
a combination of oleic acid (3%) and Transcutol (30%)
[30] . The incorporation of diethylene glycol monoethyl
ether into a microemulsion resulted in an optimized for-
mulation for the topical administration of the poorly wa-
ter soluble drug vinpocetine [31] . This ether was also used
to increase the skin accumulation of the UV absorbers
oxybenzone and cinnamate [32] .
Among the sulphoxides, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO)
and decylmethylsulphoxide (DCMS) are frequently used
as skin penetration enhancers. There are several mecha-
nisms accountable for the enhancing effects of sulphox-
ides. DMSO is a powerful aprotic solvent with a high
dielectricity constant because of the S-O-bond polarity.
The dissolving power of DMSO for salts and polar com-
pounds is very high and may lead in some cases to a com-
plete ionization of salts at concentrations below 1 m M
[19] . Because of its outstanding dissolving properties
DMSO is able to generate solvent-fi lled spaces in the stra-
tum corneum where the solubility of the drug substances
is increased. Furthermore, the organization of the barrier
lipids of the stratum corneum is disturbed by DMSO
when administered in concentrations above 60%. A de-
naturation of intercellular structural proteins of the stra-
tum corneum by DMSO and DCMS has been postulated
as an additional reason for the promotion of skin penetra-
tion when using sulphoxides as enhancers. DMSO is able
to change the intercellular keratin confi rmation from an
alpha helix to a beta sheet [19] .
There are many studies described in the literature il-
lustrating the penetration-enhancing effects of DMSO for
both hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The fl ux of
azathioprine studied using a Franz diffusion cell and rat
skin was increased by DMSO by 20.7% [33] . Signifi cant
enhancement of the permeation of prazosin hydrochlo-
ride through full-thickness skin of Swiss albino mice was
measured by use of 5% DMSO [34] . DCMS showed the
highest enhancing effect on the fl ux of isosorbide dinitrate
from acrylic adhesives [35] .
The problem with DMSO, as with many potent chem-
ical skin penetration enhancers, is the skin irritating ef-
fects the substance may cause when used in the concen-
tration required for skin penetration enhancement. Ery-
thema, scaling, contact urticaria, stinging, burning and
systemic symptoms are described after DMSO applica-
tion [36] . Due to its potential toxicity and the possible
side effects, other enhancers with similar effects could be
a better choice [37] .
Azone and Derivatives
Azone (laurocapram) and its derivatives are the fi rst
molecules which were specifi cally designed as penetration
enhancers. Azone is a highly lipophilic liquid with an oc-
tanol/water partition coeffi cient of 6.21 [17] . It is a chem-
ically stable compound and an excellent solvent for many
drugs. The substance has a low irritating potential, a very
low toxicity and nearly no pharmacological activity.
Azone and its derivatives were heavily investigated in the
1980s. They can be used as penetration enhancers for hy-
drophilic and lipophilic substances and for peptide mol-
ecules as well, e.g. insulin and vasopressin. Interestingly,
Azone and derivatives are effective penetration enhanc-
ers when used in low concentrations (1–5%). Their activ-
ity can be increased by the addition of co-solvents like
propylene glycol or ethanol. Azone derivatives are soluble
in these liquids and compatible with most organic sol-
vents, and these are other advantages of this type of arti-
cial enhancers [19] .
Although Azone and its derivatives have now been in
use as penetration enhancers for over 20 years, their
mechanism of action is under ongoing research. The pen-
etration-enhancing effects of these compounds are prob-
ably due to an intercalation into the structured lipids of
the stratum corneum and the disturbance of the lipid
packing order. The carbon chain of the Azone molecule
consists of 12 carbon atoms. The dimensions of this chain
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 111
are comparable with the dimensions of the cholesterol
skeleton. A decrease in the cholesterol-cholesterol inter-
ferences and the cholesterol-ceramide interactions can be
assumed in the presence of Azone derivatives. The fl uid-
ity of the hydrophobic stratum corneum regions is in-
creased and the permeation resistance of the horny layer
against drug substances is reduced by Azone [17] .
Among the large number of investigated Azone de-
rivatives, the compounds with a chain length of 12 carbon
atoms were the most effective ones independent of the
ring dimensions.
The penetration behavior of sodium naproxen was de-
termined recently by formulating the active in Pluronic
F-127 gels containing Azone and the powerful solubiliz-
ing agent Transcutol. It was found that the combination
of Azone and Transcutol enhanced sodium naproxen
penetration, with enhancement ratios of up to 2-fold com-
pared with the formulation containing only Transcutol
[38] .
Pyrrolidones and related compounds have been inves-
tigated as penetration enhancers. As with many other
penetration enhancers, pyrrolidones are able to promote
both the penetration of hydrophilic drugs and the pene-
tration of lipophilic drug substances. N-Methyl-2-pyrrol-
idone (NMP) and 2-pyrrolidone (2P) as well as 2-pyrrol-
idone-5-carboxylic acid are the most widely used enhanc-
ers of this group. NMP was shown to increase the skin
permeation of estradiol in Yucatan micropig epidermis
using a modifi ed Franz-type diffusion cell when added at
a concentration of 10% to an oily gel formulation consist-
ing of isocetyl stearate and hydrogenated phospholipids
[39] . More recently, the role of NMP as an enhancer for
permeants delivered from an aqueous phase was investi-
gated in the transdermal delivery of the local anesthetics
lidocaine free base, lidocaine hydrochloride and prilo-
caine hydrochloride [40] . A fl ux increase of all compounds
tested in the study was measured, demonstrating the ca-
pability of NMP to enhance hydrophilic and lipophilic
drugs from an aqueous phase. An improvement in the
skin permeation of griseofulvin, a drug with poor solubil-
ity in both water and oil, was shown by use of NMP as a
penetration enhancer as well [41] .
Hydrophilic pyrrolidones primarily enhance penetra-
tion via the polar route, whereas more lipophilic pyrrol-
idone derivatives like NMP are able to penetrate into the
hydrophobic regions of the stratum corneum and reduce
the barrier function in these areas. The more lipophilic
derivative N-dodecyl-2-pyrrolidone has been evaluated
as a transdermal penetration enhancer using a novel skin
alternative for the test and showed a statistically signifi -
cant higher skin content of the model drug hydrocorti-
sone in comparison with the control [42] . The effects of
NMP and 2P on the release and skin permeation of bu-
pranolol from reservoir-type transdermal delivery sys-
tems have recently been investigated. A 3-fold higher pen-
etration rate was shown for 2P and a 1.5-fold higher pen-
etration rate was measured in the case of NMP when
using the pyrrolidones at a concentration of 5% in bu-
pranolol polymer gels [43] . 1-octyl-2-pyrrolidone was
used as a penetration enhancer for model analysis of cor-
ticosterone fl ux enhancement across hairless mouse skin
using a one-layer and a two-layer model [44] .
However, the clinical use of pyrrolidones as skin pen-
etration enhancers is limited because of adverse reactions
to these compounds. Erythema and other irritant cutane-
ous reactions were observed after pyrrolidone use on hu-
man skin [45] .
Urea and Derivatives
Urea is an odorless and colorless crystalline solid. It is
a slightly hygroscopic substance with good water solubil-
ity and weak alkaline properties. It is prone to hydroly-
Urea is used in dermatology as a hydrating agent for
the treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis and other hy-
perkeratotic skin conditions. As a moderate keratolytic
substance, it infl uences the stratum corneum keratino-
cytes with species-specifi c percutaneous absorption rates
[17] .
The keratolytic properties of urea and its derivatives
are one reason for the modest penetration enhancement
achieved by use of these compounds. The other reason
for the enhancing effects of urea derivatives is the in-
crease in the stratum corneum water content by these
moisturizing agents. This may lead to hydrophilic diffu-
sion channels within the barrier [19] .
In a trial involving over 200 patients suffering from
various skin disorders, urea was suggested as an effective
moisturizer and an enhancer of hydrocortisone penetra-
tion into the skin [46] . A nonirritating chemical enhanc-
er system containing ethanol, menthol, camphor, methyl
salicylate and urea in a hydrogel was shown to strongly
enhance the skin penetration of the nonapeptide leupro-
lide [47] . In a study on the percutaneous absorption of
progesterone, the most effi cient skin penetration enhanc-
er besides Azone was urea in polyethylene glycol bases.
The diffusion was enhanced 2.5-fold compared with the
pure base [48] .
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
However, the application of urea and its derivatives
as penetration enhancers is limited by their inadequate
chemical stability, the proteolytic properties and the skin
irritating effects connected with these properties [17] .
To reduce skin irritation and increase skin penetration
enhancement, cyclic urea analogues were synthesized.
These was then tested using snake skin and hairless mouse
skin with indomethacin as a model drug. The idea was to
have more effective penetration enhancers which are de-
composed by skin esterases after drug penetration promo-
tion. Wong et al. [49] synthesized urea derivatives with
enhancing effects comparable to Azone.
Alkyl-N,N-Disubstituted Aminoacetates
As long chained alcohols, fatty acids and esters were
used for skin penetration enhancement, disubstituted
aminoacetates were introduced as skin penetration en-
hancer substances. Representatives of this group of pen-
etration enhancers are dodecyl-N,N-dimethylaminoace-
tate and dodecyl-2-methyl-2-(N,N-dimethylaminoace-
tate) (DDAIP). These substances are not soluble in water,
but soluble in most of the organic solvents and in water
and alcohol mixtures. The skin penetration promotion
potential of these substances is in the same dimension as
Azone or even higher. The penetration enhancing activ-
ity is decreased by the increase in the N,N-dialkyl carbon
chain. The skin-irritating potential of the aminoacetates
is very low [17] . This is due to the biological decomposi-
tion of these enhancers by the skin enzymes to N,N-di-
methylglycine and the corresponding alcohols. They en-
hance skin penetration by the interaction with stratum
corneum keratin and the increase in the hydration effi -
ciency resulting from these interactions.
In 1989 Wong et al. [50] introduced the newly synthe-
sized alcohol derivatives of N,N-disubstituted amino ac-
ids with low toxicity, and evaluated the derivatives for
their transdermal penetration-enhancing effects on the
transport of indomethacin from petrolatum ointments
across the shed skin of black rat snake (Elaphe obsolete) .
The penetration fl uxes of indomethacin increased linear-
ly as the concentration of DDAIP increased from 2.5 to
15%. Snake skin pretreatment experiments indicated that
the application of DDAIP signifi cantly increased skin
permeability. Electron micrograph studies showed clear-
ly that the enhancer was able to interact with both lipid-
rich layers and keratin-rich layers. Later, the effectiveness
of DDAIP was tested using the above-mentioned snake
skin, rabbit pinna skin and human skin for penetration
experiments with the drugs indomethacin, 5-fl uorouracil
and propranolol-HCl [51] . With all skins and all model
drugs, DDAIP increased drug permeability at least as well
as Azone. In most cases it was the more effective penetra-
tion enhancer. The electrochemical investigation of hu-
man cadaver skin by impedance spectroscopy with and
without penetration enhancers (DDAIP and Azone were
used) revealed new insights into the mechanism of action
of the enhancers [52] . The enhancers appeared to open
new penetration routes and increased the ohmic resis-
tance, capacity properties and fractal dimension of the
skin. By fl uorescence spectroscopic studies dodecyl-N,N-
dimethylaminoacetate was shown to alter molecular
movement on the surface of the bilayers, resulting in a
decrease in anisotropy of 19% [53] . By use of DDAIP as
an enhancer in penetration studies of miconazole through
shed snake skin, the permeation increased 11-fold com-
pared with that of the suspension without DDAIP pre-
treatment [54] . The concentration of the azole in the skin
increased 8-fold, indicating that the enhancement effect
is connected with high partition of miconazole into the
skin. Recently, Wolka et al. [55] studied the interaction
of DDAIP with a phospholipid model membrane by dif-
ferential scanning calorimetry for further clarifi cation of
the mechanism of action of this skin penetration enhanc-
er. The results suggested that drug transport is enhanced
by DDAIP by interaction with the polar regions of the
phospholipid bilayers and also by increasing the motion-
al freedom of lipid hydrocarbon chains.
Propylene Glycol
Among the polyvalent alcohols, propylene glycol is the
most frequently used co-solvent in dermatology. The ac-
tion as a real penetration enhancer is debated controver-
sially in the literature. Penetration and permeation en-
hancement was shown as well as the opposite effects
when using propylene glycol in formulations for topical
administration. Thus, the action as a co-solvent seems to
be in the foreground [17] . The activity of propylene gly-
col as a co-solvent is restricted to the formulation. How-
ever, it is able to penetrate and thereby can transport
lipophilic substances or other enhancers via solvent drag.
This may account for the synergistic action of propylene
glycol and Azone and propylene glycol and oleic acid.
The action of propylene glycol as a penetration enhancer
seems to be the mechanism of action only for the skin
penetration of drugs which are better soluble in alcohol
than in water. The solvation of keratin within the stra-
tum corneum by competition with water for the hydro-
gen bond binding sites and the intercalation in the polar
headgroups of the lipid bilayers by propylene glycol are
postulated as mechanisms of action for the penetration-
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 113
enhancing effects of propylene glycol in the literature as
well [19] .
Recently the in vitro percutaneous penetration of acy-
clovir from solvent systems and from carpopol 971-P hy-
drogels was studied regarding the infl uence of propylene
glycol [56] . It was shown quantitatively that the enhancer
effect of propylene glycol in the permeation of acyclovir
across human epidermis depends on the concentration of
the alcohol. The concentrations of propylene glycol used
in this study varied between 0 and 70% w/w. In the sol-
vent systems a maximum enhancement ratio was deter-
mined for the system containing 70% propylene glycol.
On the other hand, carbopol 971-P gels containing 50%
of propylene glycol provided the highest enhancer effect
for acyclovir skin penetration.
Funke et al. [57] investigated the transdermal delivery
of highly lipophilic antiestrogens by in vitro permeation
studies through excised skin of hairless mice. Several pen-
etration enhancers were tested in this study. It was shown
that an outstanding permeation enhancement can be
achieved for the highly lipophilic drugs by the combina-
tion of propylene glycol and lauric acid. Furthermore, the
group demonstrated that the mechanism of the observed
effects is the mutual permeation enhancement of these
two penetration enhancers and their synergistic lipid-fl u-
idizing action in the stratum corneum.
Increased drug skin penetration after the use of pro-
pylene glycol and fatty acid combinations was also ob-
served by Larrucea et al. [58] . The combination of oleic
acid with propylene glycol led to a greater absorption of
tenoxicam formulated in carbopol 940 gels. The fl ux val-
ues studied using Franz-type diffusion cells gradually in-
creased with increasing concentrations of both com-
pounds, showing the synergistic effects again.
Surfactants are frequently used as emulsifi ers in for-
mulations for dermal application. They are added in or-
der to solubilize lipophilic actives within the formula-
tions. The improvement of the drug solubility can be
achieved, for example, by the formation of micelles by
the surfactant molecules in the formulation. Surfactants
have the potential for the solubilization of the stratum
corneum lipids and thus act as penetration enhancers.
Keratin interactions are also thought to explain the
penetration-enhancing effects of surfactants. Normally,
cationic surfactants are more effective as penetration
enhancers than anionic or nonionic compounds. The po-
tential for skin irritation is connected with the penetra-
tion-enhancing effects of the surfactants. Therefore, in
formulations for dermal application, mostly nonionic
surfactants are used, which tend to be widely regarded as
safe. Surfactants with an analogue structure to the stra-
tum corneum bilayer lipids have low skin-irritating po-
tentials, but also low skin penetration-enhancing effects.
This is due to surfactant monomer integration into the
bilayers instead of micelle formation of the lipids.
Among the nonionic surfactants, sucrose fatty acid es-
ters have been shown to temporarily alter membrane bar-
rier properties. These substances show many advantages
as penetration enhancers, e.g. biodegradability and lack
of toxicity. Sucrose oleate and sucrose laureate were
shown to promote the in vivo percutaneous penetration
of the model permeant 4-hydroxy-benzonitril. The effects
were monitored by attenuated total refl ectance Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy in conjunction with tape
stripping [59] . In another study, the effects of sucrose es-
ters on the permeation of lidocaine were investigated as
a function of vehicle pH. The results suggested that su-
crose laureate enhanced the penetration of the ionized
form of the drug (12-fold greater fl ux than control), where-
as sucrose oleate was more effective in promoting the
nonionic species. Transcutol was used additionally as a
solubilizer in both experiments [60] .
Besides the sugar-based surfactants, the fatty alcohol
ethers of polyoxyethylene are frequently used as nonion-
ic surfactants for the promotion of the skin penetration
of drug substances. Shin et al. [61] showed the best en-
hancing effect of polyoxyethylene-2-oleyl ether for en-
hanced transdermal delivery from bioadhesive carbopol
gels containing tretinoin, among various enhancers tested
in the study. The ether was also able to increase the trans-
dermal delivery of the antihistaminic tripolidine from an
ethylene vinyl acetate matrix system in rabbits and rats
[62] . In a former study of the same research group, poly-
oxyethylene-2-oleyl ether also showed the best enhance-
ment among several enhancers tested for the atenolol
transdermal drug delivery from an ethylene vinyl acetate
matrix [63] . Another group of nonionic surfactants which
can be used for skin penetration enhancement are the
partial fatty acid esters of sorbitan. Sorbitan monolaurate
20 (Span 20) has been tested as a potential skin penetra-
tion enhancer in transdermal matrix type patches using
diclofenac diethylamine as the active agent [64] . With
Span 20, an enhancement of skin permeation of the drug
of up to 30% was measured with rat skin using a modifi ed
Keshary-Chien diffusion cell.
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
Terpenes and Terpenoids
Terpenes and related substances are highly lipophilic
compounds and have high octanol/water permeation co-
effi cients. Terpenes are nonaromatic ingredients of essen-
tial oils and consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen at-
oms only. As penetration enhancers, they interact with
intercellular lipids and infl uence the nonpolar penetra-
tion route. Co-solvents like propylene glycol or ethanol
have synergistic effects when added to the terpenoids.
Godwin and Michniak [65] studied the infl uences of
drug lipophilicity on terpenes as transdermal penetration
enhancers. The drugs caffeine, hydrocortisone and tri-
amcinolone acetonide in propylene glycol were investi-
gated. Their results showed that the percutaneous pene-
tration of hydrocortisone and caffeine can be signifi cant-
ly enhanced using a combination of terpenes and
propylene glycol. Geraniol was the most effective com-
pound for caffeine penetration enhancement, and alpha-
terpineol the most effective for hydrocortisone penetra-
tion enhancement. For triamcinolone acetonide no sig-
nifi cant enhancement effects by terpene derivatives were
Terpenes extracted from plants are good candidates
for permeation enhancers because of their relatively low
irritation potential. They are designated as ‘generally rec-
ognized as safe’ by the FDA. The alcohol-type terpene
p-menthane-3,6-diol, originating in the leaf of Eucalyptus
citriodora , was tested for its enhancement effect on in
vivo permeation of the hydrophilic drug antipyrine and
the lipophilic drug indomethacin through Yucatan mi-
cropig skin [66] . The permeation of antipyrine was in-
creased 3-fold by the terpene. Skin concentration of in-
domethacin was increased about 11-fold.
Unjacketed Franz diffusion cells were used by Ota et
al. [67] to study the enhancing effects of terpenes on per-
cutaneous absorption of the highly lipophilic drug mid-
azolam. Among the terpenes tested (geraniol, limonene,
menthol and citronellol) only limonene was able to en-
hance midazolam penetration through rat skin, and pro-
vided useful information to develop a new dosage formu-
lation for midazolam. Limonene also showed the greatest
ability to enhance the fl ux of sumatriptan succinate in a
study where several chemical penetration enhancers were
tested. A 22-fold higher fl ux than the control was mea-
sured [68] .
The combination of terpenes (5%) and ethanol was
able to increase signifi cantly the ux of the luteinizing
hormone-releasing hormone through porcine epidermis.
Consecutive iontophoresis synergistically enhanced the
permeability of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
through terpenes/ethanol-treated epidermis [69] . Limo-
nene oxide and pinene oxide were used to study the pen-
etration of haloperidol from ethanol and propylene glycol
and to carry out haloperidol-stratum corneum binding
studies. It was shown that the mode of interactions of ter-
penes with the stratum corneum is different in two dif-
ferent solvent systems [70] . Essential oils from Ocimum
basilicum containing terpenes with various carbon num-
bers effectively accelerated indomethacin permeation
across the skin and caused no or negligible irritation [71] .
In search of more effective and safer compounds for skin
penetration enhancement, Takanashi et al. [72] synthe-
sized thiomenthol derivatives and introduced them as
novel percutaneous absorption enhancers providing both
enhancement factors and skin irritation factors.
Fatty Acids
The penetration-enhancing effects of fatty acids have
been described many times in the literature. The mea-
sured effects are strongly infl uenced by the fatty acid
structure and the vehicles used for the formulations. The
most frequently used compound in this fi eld and the most
investigated substance is oleic acid. Generally, saturated
fatty acids are less effective than their unsaturated de-
rivatives. The more double bonds there are in the mole-
cules, the more effective are unsaturated fatty acids . Fur-
thermore, fatty acids with cis confi gurations are more ef-
fective penetration enhancers than fatty acids with trans
confi gured double bonds. The cis unsaturated compounds
have more potential for disturbing the lipid packing order
within the bilayers. Spectroscopic investigations with
deuterated oleic acid have revealed that oleic acid mole-
cules at higher concentrations are able to form separate
phases within the bilayer lipids. This would lead to per-
meability defects within the bilayers and facilitate the
permeation of hydrophilic compounds through the stra-
tum corneum.
The transdermal delivery of the nonsteroidal anti-in-
ammatory agent ketorolac tromethamine was investi-
gated studying the effects of vehicles and penetration en-
hancers [73] . For the study, fi ve fatty acids (caprylic, cap-
ric, lauric, oleic and linoleic acid) were added to propylene
glycol at concentrations of 1, 3, 5 and 10%. The highest
enhancing effect was attained with 10% caprylic acid in
propylene glycol.
The effects of oleic acid on the ultrastructure of the
stratum corneum lipids of rat skin were examined by elec-
tron microscopy using osmium or rhutenium tetroxide
postfi xation and lanthanum tracer studies. The results
showed that oleic acid might increase the epidermal per-
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 115
meability via a mechanism involving perturbation of
stratum corneum lipid bilayers and lacunae formation as
penetration enhancing effects [74] . Butyl paraben, meth-
yl paraben and caffeine were used as model penetrants to
test the effects of unsaturated fatty acids in benzyl alcohol
on percutaneous drug permeation. The permeation of bu-
tyl paraben was enhanced to a similar extent by all three
fatty acids tested (oleic acid, palmitoleic acid and linole-
ic acid), whereas palmitoleic acid caused a signifi cant
greater enhancement in the fl ux of both methyl paraben
and caffeine compared with the oleic and linoleic acid ef-
fects and with the control. It was proposed that the syn-
ergetic mechanisms of fatty acids and benzyl alcohol were
augmenting the polar penetration route by interactions
with both polar and nonpolar stratum corneum lipids
[75] .
Even the in vitro permeability of the peptide drug in-
sulin was increased by the use of fatty acids as skin pen-
etration enhancers. The 3-fold unsaturated linolenic acid
produced greater permeability through porcine epidermis
than the other fatty acids tested using Franz diffusion
cells. The fl ux of the derivative lispro insulin was also
signifi cantly higher by use of linolenic acid compared
with the control [76] .
Again, the skin-irritating potential of fatty acids when
used at higher concentrations is the disadvantage of their
Alkyl esters and fatty acid esters are also frequently
used skin penetration enhancers. Ethylacetate, methylac-
etate, butylacetate and methylpropionate are used as well
as isopropyl-n-butyrate, isopropyl-n-decanoate, isopro-
pylmyristate and isopropylpalmitate for example. Ethyl
acetate was found to be the best penetration enhancer for
the transdermal delivery of the contraceptive levonorg-
estrel [77] . The ester was able to speed up absorption 17-
fold in rat skin. Using excised hairless rat skin, the skin
permeation enhancement of papaverine hydrochloride
by monoglycerides and caprylic acid esters was evaluated
and compared with the enhancement effects of free fatty
acids [78] . It was shown that free fatty acids mainly af-
fected the diffusion of the drug, and the monoglycerides
affected the partition. Enhancement was marked in the
case of glyceryl monocaprylate. A linear relationship be-
tween the fl ux of papaverine hydrochloride and the
amount of enhancer in skin was established.
Glycerol monooleate in the presence of propylene gly-
col was able to enhance the 5-aminolevulinic acid in vitro
skin penetration and the in vivo protophorphyrin IX ac-
cumulation in hairless mouse skin. These are important
factors for the success of the photodynamic therapy in
skin cancer [79] . Porcine ear skin mounted in a Franz-
type diffusion cell was used to investigate the topical de-
livery of cyclosporin A. The drug is of great interest for
the treatment of autoimmune skin disorders, but is fre-
quently ineffective due to poor drug penetration in the
skin. Glycerol monooleate at concentrations of up to 10%
in propylene glycol formulations enhanced both the top-
ical and the transdermal delivery [80] .
By synthesis of esters with more optimized penetra-
tion-enhancing action, several research groups tried to
nd novel ester penetration enhancers. The facilitated
transport of the two model steroids hydrocortisone-21-
acetate and betamethasone-17-valerate by several synthe-
sized esters and amides of clofi bric acid was shown by
Michniak et al. [81] . The amide analogues were more ef-
fective in this study than the equivalent ester compounds
of the same carbon chain length. Lactam-N-acetic acid
esters were synthesized and showed signifi cantly higher
enhancement ratios for hydrocortisone-21-acetate in
hairless mouse skin than the ratio found when using
Azone as an enhancer [82] . The addition of an N-acetyl-
prolinate ester with an alkyl length of 16 carbon atoms
signifi cantly increased the fl uxes of benzepril and hydro-
cortisone compared with the control [83] . Franz diffusion
cells were used for the experiments, and hairless mouse
skin was used as the penetration barrier. Differential
scanning calorimetric studies suggested that the synthe-
sized enhancer may be acting on the stratum corneum
lipids with a similar effect to that of Azone. The corre-
sponding membrane/vehicle partition coeffi cient studies
indicated an increase in the benzepril partition coeffi cient
with enhancer treatment compared to the control.
Cyclodextrins are cyclic nonreducing maltooligosac-
charides. They are able to form inclusion complexes with
lipophilic drugs and increase their solubility, particularly
in aqueous solutions. Cyclodextrins are not comparable
with the other penetration enhancers concerning their en-
hancing effects because they are not able to penetrate the
skin under normal conditions. In combination with lipo-
philic enhancers (fatty acids, Azone) a synergistic effect
can be achieved.
Uekama et al. [84] observed an improved transdermal
delivery of prostaglandin E1 through hairless mouse skin
from an ointment by use of carboxymethyl-ethyl-beta-cy-
clodextrin and Azone as a penetration enhancer. Further-
more the cyclodextrin was able to markedly improve the
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
stability of the prostaglandin in the fatty acid/propylene
glycol ointment. An in vivo transdermal absorption rat
model was used to study the percutaneous absorption en-
hancing effects of 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin
and 2,6-dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin [85] . The transder-
mal absorption of the cytochrome P450 inhibitor liaro-
zole was increased signifi cantly. The results from differ-
ential scanning calorimetry and those from permeability
experiments revealed that 2,6-dimethyl-beta-cyclodex-
trin acted by modifying the stratum corneum barrier,
whereas 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin infl uenced
the partition behavior of the drug in the skin. Williams
at al. [86] investigated the transdermal permeation mod-
ulation by cyclodextrins in a mechanistic study. The test
drugs were 5-fl uorouracil and estradiol. Permeation mod-
ulation by beta- and 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrins
alone and in combination with terpenes was tested. The
cyclodextrins did not enhance the fl ux of the test drugs.
Complexation of the terpenes resulted in reduced enhanc-
er effi cacy. The incorporation into a barrier cream re-
tarded toluene permeation through the skin, and it was
concluded that cyclodextrins themselves are not penetra-
tion enhancers for the test substances but can be useful
to reduce percutaneous absorption of toxic materials on
occupational exposure. Ventura et al. [87] studied the
percutaneous absorption of papaverine through rat skin.
A 10% aqueous solution of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodex-
trin was suggested to be the most suitable transdermal
penetration enhancer for papaverin. Recently Babu and
Pandit [88] showed the effects of cyclodextrins on the
complexation and transdermal delivery of bupranolol
through rat skin. They used side-by-side diffusion cells
and pH 7.4 phosphate buffered saline. Both cyclodextrins
investigated, hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin and par-
tially methylated cyclodextrin, were found to be suitable
for improving the solubility, and showed penetration en-
hancement of the beta-blocking agent bupranolol when
used in certain concentrations.
Novel Penetration Enhancers and Novel Discovery
The research work to fi nd novel skin penetration en-
hancers with higher enhancement action and less irrita-
tion potency is still going on. Iminosulfuranes are syn-
thetically designed DMSO-related compounds which can
be synthesized by DMSO treatment with trifl uoroacetic
anhydride. An enhancement activity has been achieved
for some of the compounds without any toxicity [89] .
Ascorbic acid has been tested for its penetration enhance-
ment properties using haloperidol as a model drug and
amber glass Franz-type diffusion cells for the permeation
studies. Ascorbic acid did not increase the permeation of
the drug but increased the haloperidol solubility in the
vehicle, which leads to a concentration-dependent in-
crease in the haloperidol fl ux [90] . The primary capsa-
icinoid capsaicin was tested to compare its skin penetra-
tion-enhancing effects with those of Azone. It was found
that capsaicin caused stratum corneum alterations and
that the capsaicinoid was able to enhance the penetration
of the model drug naproxen studied by use of the isolated
perfused rabbit ear model and full-thickness human skin
[91] .
As the topical therapy with peptides would be useful
for the treatment of cutaneous diseases, a comparative
study was carried out to test the skin penetration of pro-
tein transduction domains and a conjugated peptide. The
two protein transduction domains tested in this study
were able to penetrate the porcine ear skin and carried a
conjugated model peptide with them. The normally used
chemical penetration enhancer oleic acid had no addi-
tional penetration enhancing effect in this study [92] . It
was able to increase the topical delivery of a nontransduc-
ing peptide investigated as a control substance in this
To evaluate the effects of penetration enhancers on
drug delivery through skin and to be able to predict the
enhancing power, the quantitative structure-activity re-
lationship (QSAR) technique is used more frequently in
this fi eld. For 5-fl uorouracil and diclofenac sodium the
resulting QSARs indicated that less hydrophobic enhanc-
ers were the most active. In contrast, for skin permeation
promotion of hydrocortisone, benazepril and estradiol, a
linear relationship between enhancement activities and
octanol/water partition coeffi cients of enhancers were ev-
ident [93] . Santos-Filho et al. [94] used molecular similar-
ity and QSAR analyses to develop compact, robust and
defi nite models for skin penetration of organic com-
pounds. It was found that a combination of nonmem-
brane interaction QSAR descriptors and membrane-in-
teraction QSAR descriptors yielded the optimum models
regarding both the statistical measures of fi t and model
An experimental tool, in vitro impedance-guided high-
throughput screening (INSIGHT), was used by Karande
et al. [95] for the discovery of transdermal penetration
enhancers. The group reported an over 100-fold greater
effi ciency compared with current tools. In another study
by the same group, more than 300 potential skin penetra-
tion enhancers were designed by reengineering the knowl-
edge on these compounds back into the molecular struc-
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 117
ture. The molecules found in his study were screened in
silico and subsequently tested in vitro for molecular de-
livery [96] .
Penetration Reducers
Under specifi c conditions the penetration of the epi-
dermis by xenobiotics is undesired. In these cases it has
to be inhibited or retarded that compounds (e.g. pesti-
cides or other harmful substances) will reach the system-
ic circulation. For these applications, skin penetration
reducers or retarders are used. Another domain for these
substances used to restrict the dermal and the transder-
mal penetration route are topically administered formu-
lations where the actives should only act locally. The ex-
periences on the mechanisms of skin penetration on a
molecular level gathered by penetration enhancement ex-
periments established the basis to design compounds
with the opposite effect. However, the knowledge of the
exact mechanisms of skin penetration retardation is quite
limited up to this point, and there are only a few studies
reporting experiments on this topic.
Freeman et al. [97] observed the failure of topical
drugs for herpes simplex treatment formulated in oint-
ments to penetrate human skin. They studied acyclovir
and idoxuridine. The delivery of these drugs from poly-
ethylene glycol ointments was very slow for both human
and guinea pig skin. A change of the formulation to a
modifi ed aqueous cream and to DMSO resulted in an 8-
and 60-fold increase in the fl ux of acyclovir. The retar-
dant effect of polyethylene glycol may be due to its in-
ability to hydrate the stratum corneum or to a relative
osmotic effect which tends to dehydrate the stratum cor-
Fatty acids have the ability to act as skin penetration
retarders as well. The capability is dependent on their
structure and on the vehicles used for the formulation
[98] . The skin permeation of the highly lipophilic model
permeant pyrene butyric acid was decreased or not af-
fected when using unsaturated branched fatty acids in
95% propylene glycol compared with the pure vehicle.
The use of the enhancer oleic acid instead of the branched
fatty acids used for the retardation study led to a signifi -
cant increase in skin penetration [99] .
Skin barrier creams and protective gloves were devel-
oped for topical skin protection from exposure to chemi-
cal agents [100] and for the reduction of percutaneous
absorption of industrial solvents [101] .
Further Possibilities to Modulate the Skin Penetration
of Drugs
Besides chemical skin penetration enhancement and
altering the barrier properties by hydration of the horny
layer, there are several physical skin penetration enhance-
ment techniques which can be used to overcome some of
the limitations of the chemical skin penetration enhanc-
Phonophoresis or sonophoresis uses ultrasound energy
for the skin penetration enhancement of drugs [102] .
Here, the ultrasound waves propagate in the skin and
cause effects that increase skin penetration of various
drugs, including macromolecules, via enhanced diffusion
or enhanced convection [103] . For sonophoresis, ultra-
sound at various frequencies in the range of 20 kHz–
16 MHz has been used to increase skin permeability.
Low-frequency sonophoresis which is conducted at fre-
quencies between 20 kHz and 100 kHz has been found
to be more effective in transdermal transport enhance-
ment than the techniques operating at high-frequency ul-
trasound [104] . As the mechanism of the enhancing effect
of ultrasound, a phenomenon called acoustic cavitation
is assumed. This is when gas bubbles are formed and sub-
sequently collapse, which leads to the formation of holes
in the corneocytes, an enlargement of intercellular space
and the perturbation of the stratum corneum lipids (il-
lustrated schematically in gure 5 ). Another effect is the
temperature increase by which the fl uidity of the stratum
corneum lipids is increased [105] . The application of low-
frequency sonophoresis in dermatocosmetology has been
reported by Santoianni et al. [106] . Ultrasound waves at
25 kHz were used for the treatment of alopecia arata us-
ing a methylprednisolone ointment and a cyclosporine
solution. Furthermore, melasma and solar lentigo were
treated by azealic acid and kojic acid and low-frequency
The iontophoresis technique applies a small electric
current to the skin, providing the driving force to enable
the penetration of substances into the skin. Transdermal
drug transport enhancement by iontophoresis is caused
via direct electrophoresis, electroosmosis or enhanced
diffusion [107] . When using direct electrophoresis, an ac-
tive iontophoresis electrode is placed above a drug reser-
voir on the skin having the same charge as the penetrant.
Another indifferent counter electrode is placed elsewhere
on the skin (illustrated schematically in gure 6 ). The ac-
tive electrode transports the drug into the skin by the
mechanism of repulsion of equally charged carriers [108] .
Electroosmosis results when the electric fi eld of the hu-
man skin is superimposed by the artifi cial electric fi eld of
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121
the iontophoretic device. A solvent fl ow across the skin
is caused which is able to transport uncharged and larger
molecules [109] .
Like iontophoresis, electroporation enhances the
transdermal drug transport through enhanced diffusion,
electrophoresis and electroosmosis. In contrast to the ion-
tophoretic techniques, electroporation uses a large volt-
age treatment for a short period of 10
s to 100 ms. The
short pulses of high voltage current produce temporary
hydrophilic pores as aqueous pathways where drug sub-
stances, e.g. macromolecules, can pass through the skin
[110] .
Recently, the use of radiofrequency-driven skin micro-
channeling as a new way for electrically assisted transder-
mal delivery of hydrophilic drugs was introduced. Sintov
et al. [111] showed penetration enhancement by radiofre-
quency microchanneling for the drugs granisetron hydro-
chloride and diclofenac sodium.
The microneedle technique uses small needles (10–
m height and 10–50
m width) which are connect-
ed with the drug reservoir. The microneedle delivery de-
vice is applied to the skin surface without reaching the
nerve endings of the upper dermis. The actives are able
to overcome the stratum corneum without causing pain
[103] .
Power Supply
Gas Bubble
Drug Formulation
Device Stratum Corneum
and Cavities
Fig. 5. The principle of sonophoresis sche-
matically. Adapted from Daniels [103] .
Drug Formulation
Power Supply
= Drug substance = Indifferent lon
Fig. 6. The principle of iontophoresis sche-
matically. Adapted from Daniels [103] .
Overcoming the Stratum Corneum:
The Modulation of Skin Penetration
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006;19:106–121 119
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By combination of physical methods for skin penetra-
tion enhancement or by combination of physical methods
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view, synergistic effects for transdermal drug delivery can
be obtained [112–115] .
There are permanent efforts to improve dermal and
transdermal drug delivery into and across the human
skin. One main focus in this fi eld of research is the evalu-
ation of chemical substances for their skin penetration-
enhancing properties in topically administered formula-
tions. Potential substances used for this purpose need to
have both features, i.e. drug penetration-promoting ef-
fects and a low or no skin irritating potential. To obtain
substances which fully meet these requirements, one ap-
proach is to synthesize penetration enhancers with the
desired properties. Modern discovery techniques, e.g.
QSAR and high-throughput screening, are applied for the
development of novel dermal and transdermal penetra-
tion enhancers. Besides the skin penetration enhance-
ment by chemically defi ned compounds, several physical
methods are employed to improve transdermal drug de-
livery. Synergistic effects were determined by combina-
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... Another name for these formulations is endodermal or dermal. Systemic medication absorption is the third ideal attribute to have (Trommer and Neubert, 2006). ...
... It is a well-structured organ that preserves organism against environmental factors and regulates heat and water loss from the body [8]. Due to its ease in approachability and large surface area, it plays a major role in drug delivery [16]. TDDS is generally preferred for delivering those drugs through skin which shows hepatic first pass effect and are unstable in gastrointestinal (GI) system [17]. ...
The new scientific innovation of engineering nanoparticles (NPs) at the atomic scale (diameter<100nm) has led to numerous novel and useful wide applications in electronics, chemicals, environmental protection, medical imaging, disease diagnoses, drug delivery, cancer treatment, gene therapy, etc. These ultrafine particles are capable of entering the body through skin pores, debilitated tissues, injection, olfactory, respiratory and intestinal tracts. Drug crystallization in transdermal patches is still a major challenge, confronting the formulation development of topical drug delivery systems. In this review, we describe the specific advantages and disadvantages of TDDS, characterization methods, and potential of each method. The influence of using nanoparticles in TDDS has become a topic of interest and is expected to find applications in a wide range of fields.
... Most drugs pass through human skin so slowly that they cannot exert a sufficient systemic effect (3). The stratum corneum is the main limiting layer for topical drug delivery. ...
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Background: Caffeine is an edible chemical compound obtained from various plants, such as tea and coffee. Caffeine is an alkaloid that is highly hydrophilic and has limited skin permeability. The lipophilic nature of the stratum corneum is a major barrier to the passage of this substance through the skin. Topical drug delivery systems can effectively transfer caffeine to the skin. Objectives: This study investigated the effect of pretreatment time with chemical enhancers on caffeine's skin permeation. Methods: The skin was subjected to additives such as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl ethyl sulfate, tynoline, nanoxinol, and lecithin for 5, 15, and 30 minutes. Then, the parameters of caffeine permeability and structural changes in the skin due to additive adsorption were studied using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry. Results: The enhancers increased the permeation of caffeine through the skin. There are different mechanisms for penetration enhancers, including lipid liquefaction, disruption of lipid bilayers, and irreversible denaturation of intracellular keratin. Conclusions: Sodium lauryl sulfate can affect the skin permeability of caffeine.
... The transcellular pathway entails travelling across corneocytes with their keratin-enriched intracellular macromolecules matrix and directly traversing the lipid structures of the interlamellar region of the skin. Transcellular diffusion includes increased resistance to the passage of substances since they must cross both lipophilic and hydrophilic structures, and although this route is thought to be shorter than intercellular routes, it is not typically used for drug penetration [14]. Overall, it seems likely that the transcellular route serves as the primary conduit during percutaneous absorption, at least for polar medicines. ...
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Psoriasis is an autoimmune systemic chronic inflammatory disease that exhibits characteristic detrimental effects on the skin, often leading to infections or comorbid conditions. The multifaceted nature of psoriasis has made it very challenging to treat, especially with current chemotherapy options. Therefore, it is essential to consider phytoconstituents as novel alternatives. However, despite demonstrating higher anti-inflammatory, anti-psoriasis, and immunomodulatory potential, their clinical usage is hindered due to their poor physicochemical properties. To address these drawbacks, nanoparticulate drug delivery systems have been developed, helping to achieve better permeation of phytoconstituents through topical administration. This has breathed new life into traditional systems of medicine, particularly in the context of treating psoriasis. In this current review, we present a detailed, comprehensive, and up-to-date analysis of the literature, which will contribute to affirming the clinical role of phyto-nano interventions against psoriasis.
A method of drug delivery that could provide control over medicine reaching the bloodstream for systemic circulation would be of immense importance. This work presents a comparative study of the temporal and spatial variation of drugs diffusing passively through two separate routes of human skin, namely intercellular (ICR) and sweat duct route (SDR). An analysis is carried out for two age groups (young < 40 years and old > 60 years of age). Governing equations based on Fick’s law for mass transfer have been solved numerically using an in-house developed code. The code has been validated thoroughly with numerical and experimental work from the literature. Each skin route is modeled into three compartments sandwiched between the donor and receiver compartments. To understand the role of diffusion and partition coefficient on drug permeation, four drugs, namely hydrocortisone, trans-cinnamic acid, caffeine, and benzoic acid, are considered. The drug diffusion rate is found greater through ICR as compared to SDR. Further, the amount of drugs diffusing through both routes increases with age. Desirable drug characteristic is inferred to be a lower value of partition coefficient and a higher value of diffusion coefficient. This study could lead to real-time assessment of drugs reaching the bloodstream and beyond.
This study aimed to investigate the efficiency of extraction procedures for Mitragyna speciosa Korth (M. speciosa) as well as the anti-inflammatory, cytotoxicity, and transdermal delivery potential of M. speciosa ethanolic extract. Extraction of M. speciosa leaves was conducted using three different methods: maceration, ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE), and UAE with maceration. The extraction yields obtained were 9.3–23.1% with a mitragynine content of 7.9–10.2%. Mitragynine remaining of M. speciosa extracts was greater than 97% after 30-d storage at various conditions. Cytotoxicity study towards various skin cells reveals that cell growth half inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of M. speciosa extract ranged from 1.4 ± 0.0 to 2.5 ± 0.2 mg/mL. M. speciosa extract exhibited dose-dependent inhibitory effects on nitric oxide production (IC50 = 147.8 ± 9.0 µg/mL) and suppressed pro-inflammatory cytokine expression levels. Ex vivo assessment using porcine ear skin reveals that skin permeation of mitragynine from M. speciosa extract was restricted with permeation flux ranging from 0.4 ± 0.1 to 11.6 ± 1.1 µg·cm−2·h−1 and skin deposition at 24 h ranged from 8.7 ± 2.6 to 60.5 ± 16.2 µg·cm−2. Vehicle composition and lipophilicity were found to be determinants of mitragynine permeation. The mixture of hydrophilic chemical enhancers—propylene glycol and diethylene glycol monoethyl ether—as M. speciosa extract vehicle yielded the highest skin permeability coefficient of mitragynine. These findings offer valuable information that can be utilized for the transdermal and/or topical product development of mitragynine and M. speciosa extract.
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The peroxovanadium compound VO(O2)2, 1,10 phenanthroline (bpV (phen)) is capable of lowering blood glucose levels. It is not available in oral form, but it is effective when delivered transdermally. Iontophoresis can significantly reduce the lag time of this response in vivo when compared with passive penetration. To better mimic in vivo insulin release, we explored the effects of various iontophoretic current durations on dermal penetration of bpV(phen). Iontophoretic transport was not related to total applied charge, as steady-state flux was equivalent for current durations ranging from 15 minutes to 9 hours. We hypothesized that the unexpectedly large transport after just 15 minutes of current was caused by an increase in passive penetration of bpV(phen) induced by iontophoresis. Iontophoretic pretreatment with the chelating agent 1,10 phenanthroline increased passive penetration of bpV(phen), whereas neither the nonchelating isomer 1,7 phenanthroline nor the less potent chelator EDTA were effective. The use of 1,10 phenanthroline as a penetration enhancer for other chemicals was examined with the amino acids alanine and leucine. Fifteen minutes of 1,10 phenanthroline iontophoresis enhances alanine transport 11.4-fold over passive, whereas the 1,7 phenanthroline increased transport by a factor of 4.6 and the iontophoretic control of ethanol by 1.9. Surprisingly, phenanthroline did not enhance 3H leucine penetration. The reasons for this selectivity are not clear and warrent further investigation. Overall, the data suggest that chelating agents, specifically 1,10 phenanthroline, may be used as penetration enhancers for the delivery of certain compounds.
The purpose of the present manuscript is to review the chemical and physical properties of epidermal lipids and to relate these properties to the formation and function of the permeability barrier of the skin. Lipids accumulate in small organelles known as lamellar granules as epidermal keratinocytes differentiate. This lipid is extruded into the intercellular spaces where it undergoes enzymatic processing to produce a lipid mixture consisting of ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids. This intercellular lipid is uniquely organized into a multilamellar complex that fills most of the intercellular space of the stratum corneum. The barrier properties of the stratum corneum are related to the phase behavior of the intercellular lipids. It has been proposed that a structurally unusual acylglucosylceramide is thought to be involved in assembly of the lamellar granules, and a related acylceramide may have a major influence on the organization of the lamellae in the stratum corneum.
During last years interest was focused on the development of modifiers and vehicle system to influence drug penetration into the skin. It was searched for enhancers to specifically increase uptake either via the hydrophilic or via the lipophilic pathway through the stratum corneum. It has also been started to synthesize specific compounds (retaders/reducers) to decrease the penetration of lipophilic drugs with a high rate and extent of uptake into the skin to reduce systemic side effects. Furthermore, a lot of research work has been done to design new effective vehicle systems in order to modify drug penetration into the skin. These studies were started using liposomes. In the last years colloidal vehicle systems such as microemulsions, nanoparts and -capsules were included in the spectrum of dermal therapeutics. For this purpose, lyotropic mesogenic phases also are to be used.
Die Effektivität der Penetration von Mikropartikeln in die menschliche Haut hängt in entscheidendem Maße von ihrer Größe und der Art der Formulierung ab, in der sie appliziert werden. Mikropartikel von >1 µm dringen kaum in die Haut ein und sind an der Oberfläche lokalisiert. Sie eignen sich daher sehr gut zum Abdecken von Hautoberflächen, wie z. B. bei der Camouflage oder beim Schutz vor UV-Strahlung mit Sonnenschutzmitteln. Während die Penetration der Mikropartikel in die Lipidschichten des Stratum corneum begrenzt ist, konnte eine Penetration bis zu einer Tiefe von >2 mm in die Haarfollikel nachgewiesen werden. Hierfür eignen sich besonders Mikropartikel mit einem Durchmesser von Keywords: Camouflage; Haarfollikel; Hair follicles; Microparticles; Mikropartikel; Penetration; TiO2 Document Type: Research Article DOI: Affiliations: 1: Bereich Hautphysiologie der Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité, Email: 2: Bereich Hautphysiologie der Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité, Publication date: December 1, 2004 $(document).ready(function() { var shortdescription = $(".originaldescription").text().replace(/\\&/g, '&').replace(/\\, '<').replace(/\\>/g, '>').replace(/\\t/g, ' ').replace(/\\n/g, ''); if (shortdescription.length > 350){ shortdescription = "" + shortdescription.substring(0,250) + "... more"; } $(".descriptionitem").prepend(shortdescription); $(".shortdescription a").click(function() { $(".shortdescription").hide(); $(".originaldescription").slideDown(); return false; }); }); Related content In this: publication By this: publisher By this author: Lademann, J. ; Schaefer, H. ; Otberg, N. ; Teichmann, A. ; Blume-Peytavi, U. ; Sterry, W. GA_googleFillSlot("Horizontal_banner_bottom");
Textbooks describe percutaneous absorption through normal skin as diffusion through the stratum corneum barrier, i.e., in a simplified view, as a physiochemical interaction of a penetrating compound with the horizontal multilayer lipid structures and the underlying corneocytes within the horny layer. Hair follicles and sweat glands are vertical structures and are considered of little importance since ‘they represent a small and insignificant percentage of the skin surface’. To this integral view, a differentiated hypothesis is proposed: the more perfect the barrier function of the horny layer, the greater the relative role of the imperfections within the skin as a defence organ. Three kinds of imperfections should be taken into account: (1) the follicular apparatus of hair follicles; (2) the sweat glands, and (3) microlesions in the interfollicular horny layer. Each of these can theoretically represent a vertical pathway for percutaneous absorption, i.e. a ‘shunt’.
As the outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum (SC) is continuously exposed to an oxidative environment, including air pollutants, ultraviolet radiation, chemical oxidants, and aerobic microorganisms. Human SC reveals characteristic antioxidant and protein oxidation gradients with increasing antioxidant depletion and protein oxidation towards the outer layers. SC antioxidants, lipids, and proteins are oxidatively modified upon treatments with ultraviolet A/ultraviolet B, ozone, and benzoyl peroxide. α-Tocopherol represents the predominating SC antioxidant with respect to its concentration and its unique susceptibility to the various oxidative challenges tested. In sites rich in sebaceous glands, α-tocopherol is physiologically delivered to the surface via secretion of sebum. Oxidative damage in the human SC represents an early pathophysiological event preceding barrier disruption and inflammation in environmentally challenged skin. Furthermore, oxidative gradients in SC proteins may have implications for the process of desquamation in human skin.
The objective of our present work was to prepare transdermal matrix patches containing the drug,diclofenac diethy- lamine with various polymeric combina- tions of polyvinylpyrrolidone and ethylcellulose and to study the mecha- nism of release of the drug from the patches and its skin permeation. Sorbitan monolaurate 20 (Span 20),a non-ionic surfactant was added to the concentrations (0.1% wt/vol),as a skin permeation enhancer to the drug,
Transdermal drug delivery offers an attractive alternative to injections and oral medications. However, applications of transdermal drug delivery are limited to only a few drugs as a result of low skin permeability. Application of low-frequency ultrasound enhances skin permeability, a phenomenon referred to as low-frequency sonophoresis. In this method, a short application of ultrasound is used to permeabilize skin for a prolonged period of time. During this period, ultrasonically permeabilized skin may be utilized for drug delivery. In addition, a sample of interstitial fluid or its components may be extracted through permeabilized skin for diagnostic applications. In this paper, we report our in vivo studies that demonstrate the principles of both of these concepts. Detailed studies on drug delivery are performed using inulin and mannitol as model drugs. Studies on diagnostics are performed using glucose as a model analyte. Applications of this technology to drug delivery and diagnostics are discussed.
Fatty acids play a central role among the epidermal lipids because of their considerable contribution to structural and functional features of the epidermis. They are important components of cell membranes, the intercellular stratum corneum lipids and the hydro-lipid skin surface film. Additionally, endogenous fatty acids act as mediators of the epidermal cell proliferation and differentiation and therefore, lipid synthesis and also as mediators of inflammatory and immunological processes. The topical application of certain fatty acids leads to interactions at the structural and functional level. On the one hand, fatty acids may be of importance to restore a disturbed stratum corneum barrier. On the other hand, fatty acids are able to modulate dermal and transdermal drug transport. Mechanisms of the interaction between exogenous fatty acids and epidermal cells, especially keratinocytes, and effects on their proliferation and differentiation are currently under investigation or largely unknown, respectively.
It is clear that scientists are now only beginning to comprehend the complexity of transdermal drug delivery. Elucidation of the biochemical composition and functioning of the intrinsic diffusional barrier of the stratum corneum has prompted investigation of chemical and physical means of enhancing the percutaneous penetration of poorly absorbed drugs. Chemical enhancers that aid absorption of co-administered moieties are currently believed to improve solubility within the stratum corneum or increase lipid fluidity of the intracellular bilayers. Alternatively, the use of ionto- or phonophoresis may facilitate the absorption of some drug molecules by physical alteration of the barrier. The role of penetration enhancer inclusion in topical formulations has been well documented and will undoubtedly, in the future, permit the delivery of broader classes of drugs through the stratum corneum.