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DGridSim: a multi-model discrete-event simulator for real-time data grid systems

  • Eskisehir Technical University

Abstract and Figures

Data grid systems are utilized to share, manage, and process large data sets. On the other hand, an increasing number of applications with real-time constraints arise in several disciplines of science and engineering. The performance of a data grid system for real-time applications is highly dependent on the underlying job scheduling, data scheduling, and data replication algorithms and advance reservation mechanism. Thus, in the literature, there are numerous studies that propose solutions to the job/data scheduling, data replication, and advance reservation problems. In these studies, a number of simulators, emulators, or test beds have been used to evaluate the proposed algorithms. Furthermore, these simulators/emulators usually adopt fixed-grid models, which in turn dictate specific job/data scheduling and data replication mechanisms. In the literature, there is no unified framework for modeling grid systems with different architectures, which can allow researchers to develop new grid system models and evaluate them in a flexible manner. This paper presents a unique framework for modeling real-time data grid systems that attempts to unify a large class of job scheduling, data scheduling, and data replication algorithms based on several system services. Then, in order to enable the development of these algorithms under different system models, DGridSim is realized to be a multi-model discrete-event simulator, and its capabilities are exemplified by means of a set of simulation results. The main contribution of the research is DGridSim, which can model and simulate a variety of different data grid system models by means of several system services and their interactions.
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Simulation: Transactions of the Society for
Modeling and Simulation International
2014, Vol. 90(11) 1209–1230
Ó2014 The Author(s)
DOI: 10.1177/0037549714545415
DGridSim: a multi-model
discrete-event simulator for
real-time data grid systems
Atakan Dog˘an
, Mustafa Mu
¨jdat Atanak
, Safai Tandog˘an
Reha Og˘uz Altug˘
and Hakan Gu
¨ray Sxenel
Data grid systems are utilized to share, manage, and process large data sets. On the other hand, an increasing number of
applications with real-time constraints arise in several disciplines of science and engineering. The performance of a data
grid system for real-time applications is highly dependent on the underlying job scheduling, data scheduling, and data
replication algorithms and advance reservation mechanism. Thus, in the literature, there are numerous studies that pro-
pose solutions to the job/data scheduling, data replication, and advance reservation problems. In these studies, a number
of simulators, emulators, or test beds have been used to evaluate the proposed algorithms. Furthermore, these simula-
tors/emulators usually adopt fixed-grid models, which in turn dictate specific job/data scheduling and data replication
mechanisms. In the literature, there is no unified framework for modeling grid systems with different architectures,
which can allow researchers to develop new grid system models and evaluate them in a flexible manner. This paper pre-
sents a unique framework for modeling real-time data grid systems that attempts to unify a large class of job scheduling,
data scheduling, and data replication algorithms based on several system services. Then, in order to enable the develop-
ment of these algorithms under different system models, DGridSim is realized to be a multi-model discrete-event simula-
tor, and its capabilities are exemplified by means of a set of simulation results. The main contribution of the research is
DGridSim, which can model and simulate a variety of different data grid system models by means of several system ser-
vices and their interactions.
Modeling, job scheduling, data scheduling, data replication, grid systems, real-time systems
1. Introduction
Data grids are envisaged to run real-time, data-intensive
applications emerging from many disciplines of science
and engineering, such as geographic information science,
high-energy physics, and remote instrumentation.
example, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle
accelerator used to perform four major physics experi-
ments. These experiments together will produce nearly 15
petabytes of experimental data each year. The data are ini-
tially stored at CERN and made available to scientists
across the globe. In order to deliver these data through
high bandwidth links and to execute data intensive jobs, a
grid system called the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid
(WLCG) has been built.
On the other hand, in climate
research, climate simulations and observations studies will
produce hundreds of petabytes of data. Based on such a
massive data set, climate scientists strive to advance their
understanding of phenomena such as climate variability,
water cycle, sea-level rise, etc., which requires the use of
peta-scale computing power and advanced networking and
analysis infrastructure.
Fortunately, there is a variety of
operational grid computing systems, e.g. EGI (European
Grid Infrastructure),
Open Science Grid,
(South Eastern European Grid-enabled e-Infrastructure),
EELA-2 (E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anadolu
University, Turkey
Department of Computer Engineering, Dumlupınar University, Turkey
C Tech Informatics, Turkey
Department of Computer Engineering, Anadolu University, Turkey
Corresponding author:
Atakan Dog
˘an, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Anadolu University, 26470 Eskisxehir, Turkey.
XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering
Discovery Environment),
with a support for running
compute- and data-intensive applications.
The data grid applications are typically composed of a
number of jobs, each of which is associated with a real-
time requirement as well as a demand for access to tera-
bytes/petabytes of data. Thus, these jobs must be executed
in compliance with their real-time requirements, which
further require the real-time dissemination of job data, on
a data grid infrastructure. In order to successfully complete
the execution of real-time, data-intensive applications
before their deadlines, a data grid infrastructure that man-
ages all of its resources in a way to support the real-time
operation, which will be referred to as a real-time data
grid, must be architected. Unfortunately, in the literature,
there is no such model available that thoroughly describes
how a real-time data grid system should be built based on
a set of commonly known grid services.
Based on the fact that the execution of jobs with data
and deadline must be supported, a real-time data grid sys-
tem model should at least include a job scheduling
mechanism to find out computing elements to run jobs, a
data scheduling means to discover storage and networking
elements to retrieve job data, and a reservation method to
guarantee the exclusive use of system resources to meet
the associated deadlines. All three mechanisms, as well
as data replication, as shown in the literature, are also cru-
cial to boosting the system performance in terms of
maximizing the number of jobs completed before their
Thus, a real-time data grid system model
must accommodate job and data scheduling, data replica-
tion, and advance reservation mechanisms based on com-
monly known grid services, e.g. scheduling, replica
location, reservation services, etc.
On the other hand, fine-tuning a data grid system, which
also includes the development of job and data scheduling,
data replication, and advance reservation algorithms, is a
non-trivial task because of its highly sophisticated, distrib-
uted, dynamic, and heterogeneous nature. In order to miti-
gate such a complex task, according to the literature
studies related to data grids have been generally carried
out through simulators, such as Optorsim,
and SimGrid.
Optorsim is a simulator designed by the European Data
Grid Project.
Its design derives directly from the archi-
tecture of the data grid project. Authors state that the main
focus of Optorsim is ‘to study the complex nature of a typ-
ical Data Grid and evaluate the effectiveness of replica
optimization algorithms within such an environment’. It
provides users with simulated architecture and program-
ming interfaces of a data grid to evaluate and validate their
replication strategies. The main advantage of Optorsim is
that it performs two-stage optimization. Scheduling deci-
sions are based on both the location of data and the status
of network links between grid sites, while (re)optimization
during the run-time of a job takes into account dynamic
variations in the distribution of data and in the behavior of
network resources.
The GridSim simulation tool is implemented in Java
and employs a discrete-event simulation infrastructure
named SimJava2.
It is implemented in layers for extensi-
bility. GridSim allows the modeling of different resource
characteristics and types. It supports a reservation-based
mechanism for resource allocation and its computing
nodes can run jobs in both space- or time-shared mode.
GridSim has the ability to schedule compute- and/or data-
intensive jobs. GridSim is very detailed in its simulation
of the components of a Grid and introduces an economic
model to manage the use of Grid resources through the
buying and selling of resources. It is designed primarily to
study job scheduling algorithms. GridSim was later
extended to handle the simulation of data grids.
SimGrid is a simulator designed with the intent of
studying job scheduling algorithms in heterogeneous plat-
Starting from version 2, SimGrid has started to
use analytical models in the data transfers in favor of the
wormhole models used previously. SimGrid by default
uses the flow level analytical TCP model MaxMin sharing
strategy. With version 3.3, it has also implemented Vegas
and Reno analytical TCP models. With pseudo-model
integration of GTNets, it enables packet level simulation
of data Grid networks as well.
A comparison of simulators, emulators, and experimen-
tal platforms for grid systems, including Optorsim,
GridSim, SimGrid, ChicSim,
and Grid’5000,
can be found in the literature.
addition to these simulators, in this study DGridSim, a
discrete-event simulator, is introduced. The main motiva-
tion behind DGridSim is to provide an all-in-one platform
that enables the simulation of popular data grid system
models, decoupled job and data scheduling,
data organization,
hierarchical job scheduling,
etc., and
the development of real-time job and data scheduling and
data replication algorithms for these system models.
Fortunately, this initial motivation has led to the develop-
ment of a simulator that has contributed to the literature
on the simulation of data grids in the following ways:
a. DGridSim is capable of simulating different data
grid system models based on several well-defined
which is really unique among the
simulators in the literature with respect to the best
knowledge of authors. Most simulators typically
adopt a fixed (grid) system model and this pre-
determined model is used in the development of all
related algorithms.
b. DGridSim allows the simulation of job scheduling,
data scheduling, and data replication algorithms
altogether for its grid models so that a real data grid
system with all relevant services can be simulated.
1210 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
To the best knowledge of authors, no other simula-
tor has ability to evaluate job and data scheduling
and data replication algorithms simultaneously for
different scheduling and replication models avail-
able in the literature.
c. DGridSim focuses on real-time data grid systems
that require the completion of all jobs before their
deadlines. In order to provide such a guaranteed
real-time service with jobs, all computing/network-
ing/storage resources simulated in DGridSim must
be reserved through a reservation mechanism by
either a job scheduling or data scheduling mechan-
ism. To the best knowledge of authors, the simula-
tion of real-time data grid systems in which both
job executions and data transfers must be com-
pleted before their deadlines has not been attempted
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
defines what grid computing is and its concepts. Section 3
presents the fundamentals of a data grid system model in
DGridSim. Section 4 describes four different data grid sys-
tem models supported by DGridSim. Section 5 explains
the software architecture in addition to the conceptual
aspects of DGridSim. Section 6 introduces DGridSim GUI
to highlight its unique features. Section 7 shows some
simulation results related to different DGridSim models
and provides the related analyses. Finally, Section 8 con-
cludes the study.
2. Grid computing
According to Foster et al.,
a ‘grid is a system that coordi-
nates resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic,
multi-institutional virtual organizations’. The term grid is
chosen as an analogy to an electrical power grid, since
these two concepts are similar in the following respects,
namely a network infrastructure reaching almost everyone,
generation of (electrical or computing) power in large
installations, and simple integration of additional distribu-
ted providers (solar or wind energy, or special hardware).
It should be noted that the roots of grid computing could
be tracked back to the late 1980s. Yet, the Globus Toolkit,
a general middleware for grid systems, has popularized
grid computing. After the introduction of grid computing,
a variety of grid systems have been proposed, which
include computational grids, e-science grids, desktop grids,
data grids, etc.
Within the grid computing framework, a virtual organi-
zation is a collaboration of users or organizations to share
resources in a controlled fashion, so that members may
collaborate to achieve a shared goal.
Virtual organiza-
tions define the resources available for its collaborators
and the policies for sharing the resources in addition to the
protocols and mechanisms for applications to determine
the suitability and accessibility of available resources. For
example, a virtual organization may be composed of a
hierarchy of regional, national, and international virtual
organizations and sharing of data collections is governed
by the relationship among these organizations in data grid
A grid can also be viewed as a seamless computing
environment in which a wide variety of resources, includ-
ing supercomputers, storage systems, and scientific instru-
ments that are geographically distributed and owned by
different organizations, are shared in order to solve large-
scale computational and data intensive problems in sci-
ence, engineering, and commerce.
In order to build such
a computing environment, a grid infrastructure must have
a number of capabilities, including discovery of resources,
uniform access to remote computational and data
resources, job and data request submission, monitoring,
steering of job execution, job scheduling, publication and
replication of data sets, etc. These and other related cap-
abilities are provided by various grid components that are
grouped into four layers:
grid fabric (all resources
that are accessible from anywhere on the internet), core
grid middleware,user-level middleware (application
development environments, programming tools, and
resource brokers), and grid applications and portals.
Among the four layers, the grid middleware is software
that plays a prominent role in turning a radically heteroge-
neous environment into a virtually homogeneous one. It
should be emphasized here that DGridSim follows this
layered architecture in its design to closely mimic grid
systems, as will be explained in the next section.
3. Data grid system in DGridSim
DGridSim mimics a layered grid architecture composed of
four layers, namely grid fabric, communication, grid ser-
vices, and applications, which were inspired by previous
DGridSim implementations of each layer are
explained below in a bottom-up fashion.
3.1. Grid fabric
DGridSim models a data grid system by a collection of
sites (virtual organizations) interconnected by an internet
network. A site, on the other hand, is composed of com-
puting elements to run user jobs, storage elements to keep
job data, and a local area network to provide a connection
between computing and storage elements.
A site with
only computing elements or only storage elements (net-
work attached storage) is also possible. Among grid sites,
DGridSim designates one of them as grid management site
where several grid level services are hosted. Furthermore,
a computing element in every site is allocated to provide a
variety of site level services.
˘an et al. 1211
Local area network in a site is composed of a gateway
router and dedicated links between gateway router and
every computing and storage element, which results in a
local area network with star topology. Internet, on the other
hand, is a network that provides communication among
computing and storage elements of different sites. In the
internet network, there are edge routers to which site gate-
way routers are connected and core routers to which edge
or core internet routers are attached by dedicated links.
There is a random network topology to form the connec-
tions among edge and core routers in the internet.
Within the scope of the grid fabric, DGridSim needs to
simulate the use of resources, computing and storage ele-
ments, and network links that will be shared by the appli-
cations running on the system, which will be further
elaborated in Sections 4 and 5.
3.2. Communication
In order to support real-time computing on a data grid, the
network infrastructure must be capable of assuring end-to-
end delay bounds for the data transfers. The problem of
providing end-to-end delay bounds (or QoS guarantees in
general) for applications has been the subject of many
studies in the grid community,
as well as the net-
work community.
In DGridSim, the data transfers occur either between
two storage elements to replicate data, or from storage ele-
ments to computing elements to simulate the data accesses
from respective jobs. Moreover, all data transfers are asso-
ciated with a deadline. Based on previous and the related
when a job data with deadline needs to be
moved from a source to destination, DGridSim either
ensures the timely delivery of data, or rejects the related
data transfer request by means of its data scheduling
mechanism, which will be explained in detail Sections 4
and 5.
3.3. Grid services
In DGridSim, simulation of job scheduling, data schedul-
ing, and data replication are all defined based on a set of
services. These services are split into two groups, namely
grid level services (e.g. grid job submission service, grid
data scheduling service, etc.) provided by grid
management site and site level services (e.g. site job sub-
mission service, site data scheduling service, etc.) sup-
ported by site management computing element. All
DGridSim services are split into five groups, which are
job scheduling, data scheduling, data replication, advance
reservation, and information, according to their main role
during a simulation.
3.3.1. Job Scheduling. According to several comprehensive
a grid job scheduler can be organized in
three different ways: centralized,hierarchical,anddistrib-
uted. Consequently, DGridSim is implemented to support
these three job scheduling models, as indicated in Table 1.
It should be emphasized that supporting multiple job sche-
duling models is a unique feature of DGridSim among the
simulators in the literature.
In order to uniformly model the job scheduling models,
DGridSim includes three grid level services—grid job sub-
mission service, grid job scheduling service, and grid job
dispatch service—and three site level services—site job
submission service, site job scheduling service, and site
job dispatch service. Note that these services (and all other
services) will be software components in a real Grid imple-
mentation, and the scheduling services will be all together
in charge of mapping jobs to Grid resources under multiple
criteria and Grid environment conditions.
3.3.2. Data Scheduling. Within the framework of data grids,
the design of data-aware job scheduling algorithms has
become an important problem.
In addition, with the
advance of the next generation networks with bandwidth
several centralized data scheduling algo-
rithms are proposed to schedule the data transfers with
deadline on such networks.
Based on the studies related to the data-aware job sche-
duling and data scheduling in the next generation net-
works, DGridSim is designed in such a way that it can
provide the simulation of job and data scheduling algo-
rithms together. According to Table 1, there are two differ-
ent data scheduling models supported by DGridSim,
namely centralized and hierarchical.
That is,
DGridSim allows a data-aware job scheduling algorithm
to make use of both data scheduling models in a decoupled
fashion in Model I, II, and IV. However, in Model III, a
Table 1. Data grid system models supported by DGridSim.
Job Scheduling Data Scheduling Coupled Data Replication
Model I Hierarchical (Grid=Yes, Site=Yes) Hierarchical (Grid=Yes, Site=Yes) No Distributed-Pull/Push, Centralized-Push
Model II Centralized (Grid=Yes, Site=No) Centralized (Grid=Yes, Site=No) No Centralized-Push
Model III Centralized (Grid=Yes, Site=No) Centralized (Grid=Yes, Site=No) Yes Centralized-Push
Model IV Distributed (Grid=No, Site=Yes) Hierarchical (Grid=Yes, Site=Yes) No Distributed-Pull/Push, Centralized-Push
1212 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
single coupled job and data scheduling algorithm will be
in charge of producing both job and data scheduling
Similar to the modeling of job scheduling, DGridSim
includes three grid level services, grid data submission
service, grid data scheduling service, and grid data dis-
patch service, and three site level services, site data sub-
mission service, site data scheduling service, and site data
dispatch service.
3.3.3. Data replication. Different data grid system models
exist with respect to the organization of data sources.
According to available surveys,
federative and hierarch-
ical data organization models are the most prevalent ones,
and most of the dynamic data replication algorithms in the
literature assume either of the two models.
supports both the federative and hierarchical, which is a
multi-tier computing model inspired by the WLCG,
organization models.
Independent from the data organization model, the data
replication algorithms in the literature can be grouped into
two main classes, namely centralized and distributed
(decentralized), with respect to the organization of replica-
tion decision-making authority.
Furthermore, centra-
lized data replication algorithms are naturally push-based
and distributed data replication algo-
rithms can be implemented in either push-based or pull-
based (receiver-driven) fashions.
Consequently, in order
to encompass most of the data replication algorithms,
DGridSim is realized to support the simulation of centra-
lized and distributed data replication algorithms for both
hierarchical and federative data organization models,
which is a unique capability among the simulators,
shown in Table 1.
In order to model such different data organization and
data replication architectures, DGridSim consists of two
grid level services, grid data replication service and grid
replica location service, and two site level services, site
data replication service and site replica location service.
3.3.4. Resource reservation. In the real-time data grid sys-
tem, the key to providing performance guarantees with the
real-time applications is the resource reservation model
and related services that implements this reservation
model. Fortunately, in the literature, a wealth of studies
has addressed the advance reservation of computing, net-
working, and storage elements.
Inspired by
these studies, an advance reservation model is realized in
DGridSim for the reservation of computing bandwidths in
the computing elements, storage space and read/write
bandwidths in the storage elements, and bandwidths in the
network links. In DGridSim, there are two services related
to the reservation of all grid resources, namely grid reser-
vation service and site reservation service.
3.3.5. System information. The grid or site level job and
data scheduling algorithms need the system information.
The required information can be static (computing element
powers, link bandwidths, etc.) as well as dynamic (avail-
able link bandwidths, network topology, etc.). In order to
provide such static and dynamic information about various
resources, grid information service for the whole grid and
site information service for every site are realized by
DGridSim. These information services are also standard in
typical grid systems.
3.4. Applications
The data grid systems are typically deployed to run the
application models of independent tasks, bag of tasks, and
Among these three models, DGridSim cur-
rently supports the data intensive applications that can be
considered as a collection of independent tasks (jobs), each
of which requires multiple job data, similar to the astron-
omy image-processing application.
In the literature, there
are numerous studies that address the scheduling problem
of independent jobs on grids.
4. System models in DGridSim
DGridSim supports the four different system models listed
in Table 1, all of which are inspired from the studies in the
literature, as explained in the previous section, so as to pro-
vide a unified and unique platform for the simulation of
job scheduling, data scheduling, and data replication algo-
rithms proposed or to be developed for the most common
Data Grid system models in the literature.
In DGridSim, there are two fundamental mechanisms,
namely job scheduling and data scheduling. Furthermore,
both job and data scheduling mechanisms should exist at
both grid level and site level. Consequently, these schedul-
ing mechanisms will be elaborated separately at the grid
level and site level in detail in the following sections. On
the other hand, the data replication is complimentary to
both job and data scheduling, and it is built on top of the
data scheduling mechanism.
Thanks to the design of DGridSim, in which the modu-
larity and reusability of its components are highly
regarded, a single figure (Figure 1) is considered to be suf-
ficient to describe all grid/site level job/data scheduling
mechanisms. With respect to Figure 1,
a. All grid/site level job/data scheduling mechanisms
can be completed in six steps, which are
Submission (1), Enqueue/Notification (2),
Scheduling Initiation (3), Scheduling (4-a, 4-b, and
4-c), Scheduling Completion (5), and Dispatching
b. All star-labeled services will always be at the same
level, that is, they are either all grid level or site
˘an et al. 1213
level services. For example, while the grid level
job/data scheduling mechanism is described, they
will be all grid level services, such as Grid Job/
Data Submission Service, Grid Job/Data
Scheduling Service, Grid Information Service,
Grid Reservation Service.
c. Submission, Scheduling, and Dispatch Service
components are all deployed for either the job or
data scheduling mechanism regardless of grid or
site level. For example, while the grid/site level
data scheduling mechanism is explained, they will
become Grid/Site Data Submission Service, Grid/
Site Data Scheduling Service, and Grid/Site Data
Dispatch Service.
d. Interactions between the services of different levels
are possible: Grid Job Dispatch Service to Site Job
Submission Service in Models I, II, and III and Site
Data Scheduling Service to Grid Data Submission
Service in Models I and IV.
e. The solid lines represent the service interactions
common to all system models, e.g. User/Service
submits its job and data request through a
Submission Service component; while the dashed
lines show optional interactions, e.g. a grid level
job scheduling algorithm in Grid Job Scheduling
Service may obtain reservation tables from Grid
Reservation Service.
The way DGridSim implements these radically distinct
system models on a set of common services is further ela-
borated in the following sections.
4.1. Model I grid systems
According to Table 1, DGridSim realizes hierarchical job
and data scheduling mechanisms that enable decoupled
job and data scheduling for Model I. Decoupling job and
data scheduling results in employing different algorithms
to schedule job and data separately.
4.1.1. Job scheduling. DGridSim instantiates a single grid
level job scheduling mechanism for whole system (indi-
cated as Grid=Yes in Table 1) and a site level job
scheduling mechanism for each site (marked as Site=Yes
in Table 1). In Model I, Grid Job Scheduling Service
Figure 1. Job and data scheduling and data replication mechanisms supported by DGridSim.
1214 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
uses a job scheduling algorithm so as to assign submitted
jobs to grid sites, while Site Job Scheduling Service calls
for a site level job scheduling algorithm in order to find
out computing elements on which the job deadlines will
be met. Specifically, Figure 1 shows how DGridSim
implements the proposed grid/site level job scheduling
1. [Submission]: Grid/Site Job Submission Service
receives jobs from User/Grid Job Dispatch Service.
2. [Enqueue/Notification]: Grid/Site Job Submission
Service places any incoming job in a job queue and
informs Grid/Site Job Scheduling Service.
3. [Scheduling Initiation]: Grid/Site Job Scheduling
Service calls for a job scheduling algorithm which
can be either an online or offline algorithm.
a. Online job scheduling algorithm: All incoming
jobs are immediately scheduled.
b. Offline job scheduling algorithm: Job queue is
periodically checked and retrieved for job
4. [Scheduling]: Job scheduling:
a. Based on the information required by the job
scheduling algorithm, Grid/Site Job
Scheduling Service may query one or more
services or no service at all. For example, Grid
Job Scheduling Service may interact with Grid
Information Service for system-wide informa-
tion, Grid Replica Location Service for job
data locations, or Grid Reservation Service for
resource reservation tables.
b. Once all required information are obtained, a
hierarchical grid level job scheduling algorithm
determines a site for each submitted job, which
completes the job scheduling phase at the grid
level. On the other hand, a site level job sche-
duling algorithm tries to discover a computing
element and a deadline-satisfying reservation
window on this computing for every submitted
job to its site. If the job scheduling algorithm
cannot find out a deadline-satisfying reserva-
tion window, Site Job Scheduling Service
deletes this job from the queue.
c. Otherwise, Site Job Scheduling Service (SJSS)
submits a reservation request with reservation
window for the chosen computing element to
Site Reservation Service. If Site Reservation
Service notifies SJSS about the failure of com-
puting element reservation, SJSS deletes the
job from the queue.
d. Otherwise, SJSS submits a data transfer
request to Site Data Submission Service,
where the request consists of information
related to job data, a deadline for all data
transfers, and a computing element on which
the related job is assigned. If SJSS is notified
about a failed data transfer request by Site
Data Submission Service, SJSS cancels the
computing element reservation and deletes the
corresponding job from the queue. Otherwise,
such a job is now guaranteed to finish before
its deadline.
5. [Scheduling Completion]: Grid/Site Job Scheduling
Service sends a successfully scheduled job to Grid/
Site Job Dispatch Service and removes it from the
job queue.
6. [Dispatching]: Grid Job Dispatch Service forwards
a scheduled job to the respective Site Job
Submission Service, while Site Job Dispatch
Service invokes the job on the chosen computing
element according to the related reservation. Note
that all job data will be available at this computing
element before the job execution starts, as guaran-
teed by Site Data Submission Service.
4.1.2. Data scheduling. With respect to Table 1, DGridSim
includes a single grid level data scheduling mechanism for
whole system (indicated as Grid=Yes in Table 1) and a site
level data scheduling mechanism for every site (marked as
Site=Yes in Table 1). In Model I, Grid Data Scheduling
Service runs a data scheduling algorithm in order to com-
pute deadline-satisfying paths for the inter-site data trans-
fers. On the other hand, Site Data Scheduling Service
performs the task of scheduling in-site data transfers for
the job data that are available within site and submitting a
data transfer request to Grid Data Submission Service for
inter-site data transfers for those job data that cannot be
retrieved within site. Grid/site level data scheduling
mechanism realized by DGridSim for Model I in Figure 1
works as follows:
1. [Submission]: Grid/Site Data Submission Service
receives data transfer requests from Site Data
Scheduling Service/Site Job Scheduling Service.
2. [Enqueue/Notification]: Grid/Site Data Submission
Service inserts any incoming data request in a
queue and informs Grid/Site Data Scheduling
3. [Scheduling Initiation]: Since the paths over which
job data will be transferred have not been deter-
mined for any data request in the queue yet, Grid/
Site Data Scheduling Service calls for either an
online or offline data scheduling algorithm to
schedule inter-site/in-site data transfers.
4. [Scheduling]: Data scheduling:
˘an et al. 1215
a. Grid/Site Data Scheduling Service queries
Grid/Site Replica Location Service in order to
obtain the source storage elements for job data.
In addition, with respect to the information
required by the data scheduling algorithm,
Grid/Site Data Scheduling Service may query
Grid/Site Information Service or Grid/Site
Reservation Service.
b. After having all related information, a grid/site
level data scheduling algorithm attempts to
determine all inter-site/in-site paths and related
storage and network elements with available
reservation windows in order to meet the job
deadline. If the data scheduling algorithm fails
in finding such path(s) based on the available
storage and link bandwidths, Grid/Site Data
Scheduling Service deletes this data request from
the queue. Furthermore, Grid Data Scheduling
Service notifies Site Data Scheduling Service
through Grid Data Submission Service
c. Otherwise, Grid/Site Data Scheduling Service
submits a reservation request to Grid/Site
Reservation Service only for those reservation
windows and resources that are determined by
the data scheduling algorithm. If the reserva-
tion service is unable to honor this reservation
request, Grid/Site Data Scheduling Service
deletes the data request from the queue.
Otherwise, all inter-site/in-site job data are
now guaranteed to be at its target computing
element to meet the job deadline. Grid Data
Scheduling Service notifies Site Data
Scheduling Service via Grid Data Submission
Service whether or not this data transfer
request succeeds, which completes the grid
level data scheduling. Note that the site level
data scheduling needs for the following extra
phase for the inter-site job data, which really
initiates the grid level data scheduling.
d. If there are some job data (inter-site data) that
cannot be found within site, after running the
site level data scheduling algorithm and suc-
ceeding in making all reservations related to
the in-site data transfers, Site Data Scheduling
Service submits a data transfer request for the
inter-site data to Grid Data Submission
Service so that they can be transferred to the
target computing element in this site. If Grid
Data Submission Service notifies Site Data
Scheduling Service about the failure of its data
transfer request, Site Data Scheduling Service
cancels all in-site storage and network element
reservations for the in-site data transfers and
deletes the data request from the queue.
5. [Scheduling Completion]: Grid/Site Data Scheduling
Service sends a successfully scheduled data transfer
request to Grid/Site Data Dispatch Service and
removes it from the queue.
6. [Dispatching]: Grid/Site Data Dispatch Service is
responsible for completing all data transfers for a
job, each of which starts from a source storage ele-
ment, finishes at target computing element, and
uses network elements between them. Note that
the usage of all storage and network elements dur-
ing a data transfer by Grid Data Dispatch Service
conforms to the related reservations made by the
scheduling service.
4.2. Model II grid systems
From now on, instead of describing job and data schedul-
ing mechanisms in detail for each supported model, the
differences from the respective Model I mechanisms will
only be highlighted. As will be clear in the following ela-
borations, regardless of job or data scheduling at grid or
site level, the fourth step (job or data scheduling phase)
mostly needs to be modified with respect to the model.
In Model II, DGridSim instantiates a grid level job
scheduling mechanism in which Grid Job Scheduling
Service (GJSS) employs a centralized job scheduling algo-
rithm, which is opposed to the hierarchical one in Model I.
The centralized job scheduling algorithm determines a
computing element (instead of a site) and a deadline-
satisfying reservation window on this computing element
for every job. Once such a reservation window is found,
GJSS will reserve it through Grid Reservation Service,
and then submit a data transfer request to Grid Data
Submission Service to make the job data available before
its deadline at the computing element. It should be empha-
sized that, in Model II, job scheduling is completely
decoupled from data scheduling. That is, a grid level data
scheduling mechanism will be responsible for making data
scheduling decisions and making job data available at a
specific computing element.
DGridSim sets up a site level job scheduling mechan-
ism for every site in which Site Job Scheduling Service
runs a dummy scheduling algorithm that basically corre-
sponds to repeating the scheduling decisions made by the
grid level centralized job scheduling algorithm.
Similar to Model I, Model II instantiates a grid level
data scheduling mechanism. The main difference between
Model I and Model II is due to the source of data transfer
request. In Model I, Grid Data Submission Service
receives data transfer requests from Site Data Scheduling
Service in Step 1, and Grid Data Submission Service noti-
fies Site Data Scheduling Service in return whether or not
this data transfer request succeeds in Step 4-c. However,
in Model II, Grid Job Scheduling Service submits all data
1216 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
transfer requests, and Grid Data Submission Service
informs Grid Job Scheduling Service accordingly.
Since Grid Job Scheduling Service submits all data
transfer requests, and they are all scheduled by a centra-
lized data scheduling algorithm for every job submitted to
the system, DGridSim does not instantiate a site level data
scheduling mechanism for Model II.
4.3. Model III grid systems
Among the four different models, Model III is the only
one with the coupled job and data scheduling. Model III is
quite similar to Model II, so it will be compared against
Model II. In Model III, DGridSim creates a grid level job
scheduling mechanism with coupled job and data schedul-
ing algorithm, which is different from Model II with a
centralized, decoupled job scheduling algorithm As a
result, the centralized,coupled job and data scheduling
algorithm not only discovers a computing element and a
deadline-satisfying reservation window on this computing
element for every job, but also determines reservation win-
dows on storage element(s), from which job data will be
fetched, and on network elements to be used during job
data transfers to this target computing element. Provided
that a set of reservation windows that guarantee the timely
completion of job are found, Grid Job Scheduling Service
will reserve all of them together through Grid Reservation
Service, and then submit a data transfer request to Grid
Data Submission Service to start both in-site and inter-site
data transfers according to the related data transfer
Different from Model II with a centralized, decoupled
data scheduling algorithm, Model III instantiates a grid
level data scheduling mechanism with dummy data sche-
duling algorithm. That is, the grid level data scheduling
mechanism of Model III has the sole task of carrying out
the already scheduled either in-site or inter-site data trans-
fers, and all the scheduling of data transfer requests are
handled by Grid Job Scheduling Service.
Similar to Model II, DGridSim sets up a site level job
scheduling mechanism with dummy job scheduling algo-
rithm for every site and it does not foster a site level data
scheduling mechanism at all.
4.4. Model IV grid systems
Common to Model I, II, and III is a single grid level job
scheduling mechanism. However, in Model IV, there is no
grid level job scheduling mechanism since Model IV sche-
dules jobs in a distributed fashion without the coordination
of a central authority.
In Models I, II, and III, there is a site level job schedul-
ing mechanism. However, Model II and III employ a
dummy job scheduling algorithm, while Model I requires a
site level job scheduling algorithm to assign incoming jobs
to computing elements within its site. On the other hand,
Model IV needs a site level job scheduling mechanism
with distributed job scheduling algorithm. In the distribu-
ted job scheduling, Site Job Submission Service receives
jobs only from User within this site or from Site Job
Dispatch Service of another buddy site of this site. Then,
the job scheduling algorithm first tries to determine a com-
puting element within its site and a deadline-satisfying
reservation window on this computing element for every
job. If it succeeds, the rest of the site level job scheduling
process is the same as that of Model I. Otherwise, instead
of immediately deleting such a job from the queue as in
Model I, Model IV uses a distributed scheduling algorithm
so as to possibly migrate this job to one of its buddy sites.
All related details about the buddy set based distributed
real-time task scheduling could be found in Shin and
Model IV requires a single grid level data scheduling
mechanism and a site level data scheduling mechanism for
every site. These data scheduling mechanisms in Model IV
are exactly same as that of Model I.
4.5. Data replication
Another unique feature of DGridSim is its ability to sup-
port the simulation of various data replication algorithms
proposed for both federative and hierarchical data organi-
zation models. As shown in Table 1, DGridSim supports
the simulation of distributed-pull/push and centralized-
push data replication algorithms for Model I and IV,
centralized-push data replication algorithms for Model II
and III. The realization of data replication algorithms in
DGridSim can be split into three phases, and these phases
are briefly elaborated in the following:
a. Collecting statistical information using data trans-
fer requests: In order to obtain some statistical
information related to the inter-site data transfer
requests that are required by the data replication
algorithm of interest, Grid Data Replication
Service coordinates with Grid Data Scheduling
Service in the centralized-push model. On the
other, Site Data Replication Service interacts with
Site Data Scheduling Service in the distributed-pull
model and Grid Data Scheduling Service in the
distributed-push model.
b. Running data replication algorithm: Grid Data
Replication Service runs an offline centralized-
push based algorithm, while Site Data Replication
Service calls for an online distributed-pull/distribu-
ted-push based algorithm. In general, a data repli-
cation algorithm uses the statistical information
collected so far and decides on possible job data
replications, each of which is composed of a partic-
ular job data to replicate and source and/or
˘an et al. 1217
destination sites of this replication with respect to
the data organization model.
c. Initiating data transfers between source and desti-
nation sites for data replication: In order to realize
the replication decisions made by a data replication
algorithm, Grid Data Replication Service submits a
data transfer request to Grid Data Scheduling
Service in the centralized-push model, while Site
Data Replication Service informs Site Data
Scheduling Service, which in turn sends a request
to Grid Data Scheduling Service in the distributed-
pull/distributed-push models. It should be empha-
sized that Grid Data Scheduling Service takes cares
of regular inter-site data transfer requests together
with the ones due to the data replication.
4.6. Advance reservations
As a real-time data grid system simulator, DGridSim
allows the advance reservation of computing elements,
storage elements, and links. Specifically, Grid/Site
Reservation Service keeps track of all reservations that
have been made for those resources under its control in a
reservation table. In the reservation table, for every
resource, there exists an exclusive row into which reserva-
tion objects are inserted. Each reservation object, on the
other hand, is defined by a quartet: reservation ID, reserva-
tion start time, reservation finish time, reservation size.
In DGridSim, Grid/Site Job Scheduling Service and
Grid/Site Data Scheduling Service components can query
a Grid/Site Reservation Service for obtaining its reserva-
tion table and later submit one or more reservation requests
to them so as to guarantee the exclusive use of some
resources. The details of advance reservation mechanism
are explained below:
a. Querying reservation service: A scheduling service
sends a reservation query message to a reservation
service, where a reservation query message is com-
posed of resource IDs or resource type, reservation
start time, reservation finish time, and reservation
size. Upon receiving such a query message, a reser-
vation service looks up those rows in its reservation
table that correspond to resource IDs or resource
type in order to find one or more reservation win-
dows in each row, where any window must fit in
between reservation start time and reservation fin-
ish time while providing at least reservation size.
All such reservation windows found and the related
resource IDs are returned in a query response mes-
sage to the related scheduling service.
b. Making a reservation: After receiving query
response message and then discovering one or
more windows to meet job/data transfer deadline, a
scheduling service needs to send a reservation
message composed of one or more reservation
creation objects of the form {resource ID, reserva-
tion start time, reservation finish time, reservation
size}. After successful insertion of all reservation
objects into the reservation table, a reservation ser-
vice returns a reservation ID for the further inqui-
ries to scheduling service.
c. Canceling a reservation: When a scheduling service
decides on cancelling some reservations, it sends a
cancel reservation message to a reservation service
where the message consists of the reservation ID of
those reservations to be canceled. Once a cancel
reservation message has been received, this reser-
vation service removes those reservation objects
from its reservation table.
5. Software implementation
DGridSim is a simulator that has been designed to achieve
three main objectives: modularity, extensibility, and
layered architecture. Modularity in this study is defined as
the ease of modifying algorithms in existing services.
Extensibility is defined as adding new services without
burden. Layered architecture means that DGridSim is built
in layers where the higher layers make use of the function-
alities provided by the lower layers.
DGridSim is written in C++ programming language
using C++SIM20 discrete-event simulator library.
C++SIM20 library allows the development of process-
oriented discrete-event simulation programs. A program
using C++SIM20 library models a system as a collection
of C++SIM20 processes which interact with each other by
using the C++SIM20 structures. In the following, the soft-
ware implementation details of DGridSim using
C++SIM20 (CSIM shortly) are briefly explained.
5.1. System architecture
DGridSim has a layered system architecture with a well-
defined object hierarchy. The hierarchy between objects is
established using interfaces (Abstract Base Classes in
C++), which provides a flexible and expandable environ-
ment for researchers.
DGridSim has four different layers: at the bottom, Base
Layer has been developed using C++SIM20 library and it
contains low level simulation utilities, such as registering
events, advancing simulation time, etc. In the middle, Grid
Component Library (GCL) Layer defines interfaces and
contracts for all grid services. Furthermore, all four system
models have been established by means of these grid ser-
vices in this layer. User Code Layer at the top consists of
the standard and specialized implementations of the inter-
faces defined in GCL Layer and it is the layer into which
researchers can inject their own implementations of differ-
ent grid algorithms. Finally, Graphical User Interface
1218 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
Layer interacts with GCL Layer and User Code Layer to
set up the current simulation scenario as explained in the
next section.
If the predefined service contracts or grid models are
not adequate, new interfaces should be defined in GCL
Layer. It is expected that no intervention should be neces-
sary to Base Layer.
5.2. Resource components
In DGridSim, grid fabric is composed of three types of
resource components: computing elements, storage ele-
ments, and network links. These components have some
definite properties, but they do not have any business logic.
For example, a storage element has properties such as stor-
age space and read/write bandwidth. Consequently, the
resource components are passive in nature, and resource
managers are required to perform necessary operations on
them. In DGridSim, there is a single Computing Resource
Manager,Storage Resource Manager,andLink Resource
Manager in order to manage the related computing, stor-
age, and network resources, respectively. It should be
noted that these resource managers are not shown in
Figure 1, since they are included in Grid Reservation
Service and Site Reservation Service.
DGridSim adopts the style of space-shared computing
for its computing elements, that is, a computing element
can run a single job at any given time. It associates a com-
puting bandwidth parameter in terms of MIPS (Millions of
Instructions Per Second) rating with every computing ele-
ment so as to enable a job scheduling algorithm to com-
pute how much time it will take the execution of and the
reservation size of a job on a particular computing ele-
ment. Specifically, DGridSim simulates the space-shared
use of computing elements for running jobs as follows:
a. In order to ensure that whole computing bandwidth
of a computing element is used up by an individual
job, Grid/Site Reservation Service with the help of
Computing Resource Manager always reserves a
reservation window on any computing element for
the execution of a single job.
b. A job is assigned different states, namely JOB_
SUBMITTED, JOB_RUNNING, etc., to keep track
of its life cycle during the simulation of its execu-
tion in the system. When a job is scheduled to a
computing element, its state is set to JOB_SCHED
c. Once the state of a job is JOB_SCHEDULED_
TO_PROCESSOR, Site Job Dispatch Service waits
until the scheduled start time of this job, and simu-
lates its execution on the related computing ele-
ment by means of passing the simulation time as
much as the job execution time on the computing
In DGridSim, there are one or more storage elements
within a site, and every storage element and job data are
accompanied by storage capacity and job size parameters
in megabytes (MB). During a simulation, storage elements
keep master and replica copies of job data: Master job data
are created on the storage elements depending on the data
organization model chosen at the start of simulation, and
exist until the end of simulation. They do not consume any
storage space, that is, a storage element can keep as many
master job data as required by the simulation scenario. On
the other hand, there is no replica job data on the storage
elements at the start of simulation. While simulation pro-
gresses, jobs start submitting data transfer requests.
Meanwhile, Grid/Site Data Replication Service may call
for a data replication algorithm according to the data repli-
cation model of simulation scenario. If this algorithm
determines that a job data must be replicated on another
storage element, the related replication service initiates a
data transfer request with source and destination sites and
job data to be replicated. Then, upon receiving such a
request, Grid Data Scheduling Service carries out an inter-
site data transfer to copy this job data to the remote desti-
nation storage element. In this way, the number of replica
job data starts from zero and increases till the end of simu-
lation. Different from the master copies, the replica job
data consume storage space, so each storage element can
keep a limited number of them. Furthermore, they can be
deleted for opening some space for the new replica job
data, as it will be explained shortly.
Based on the aforementioned explanations, the only
way of consuming the storage space on storage elements
in DGridSim is to copy replica job data on them through
inter-site data transfers by means of Grid Data Scheduling
Service. Specifically, DGridSim simulates the use of stor-
age elements for storing replica job data as follows:
a. During an inter-site data transfer, a replica job data
must not be deleted from the source storage ele-
ment until the end of transmission. In order to
ensure this, Grid Reservation Service is inquired to
put a lock on this job data before the start of data
transfer with the help of Storage Resource
Manager. Note that it is possible put multiple locks
on the same job data for securing different data
transmissions. Once the data transfer is completed,
Grid Reservation Service is asked to remove a lock
on the job data.
b. After having a lock on the source job data and find-
ing a path to the destination storage element, Grid
Reservation Service is queried if the destination
storage element has enough available capacity to
keep this new replica job data. Grid Reservation
Service returns one of the possible three results
according to the reply from Storage Resource
Manager: (i) There is sufficient unused storage
˘an et al. 1219
space. (ii) The amount of unused storage space plus
the total size of currently unlocked replica job data
is equal to or greater than the size of new replica.
In this case, Storage Resource Manager calls for a
data replacement algorithm to delete one or more
replica job data to free enough unused space for
new replica. (iii) The difference between the capac-
ity of storage element and the total size of currently
locked replica job data is less than the size of new
replica. In case (iii), Grid Data Scheduling Service
drops the related data transfer request, so there will
be no change in the status of destination storage
element. In the first two cases, however, just
enough storage space on the destination storage
element is initially reserved, so unused storage
space cannot be used for keeping any other job data
than the current one. Then, at the end of data trans-
fer, this reservation is cancelled, and its unused
storage space is decreased accordingly.
It should be emphasized that DGridSim instantiates
Grid and Site Replica Location Service components to
keep track of the current locations of all master and replica
job data available on the storage elements throughout the
In addition to the storage elements, every computing
element is further equipped with a storage device with vir-
tually infinite capacity so that it can provide enough stor-
age space to store any job data temporarily during its
execution. Furthermore, this storage device can be written
at the maximum speed of device write bandwidth in MB/s
during a data transfer from a source storage element. Note
that there is no read to be performed from any storage
device, which implies that a computing element cannot be
the source of any data transfer. On the other hand, every
storage element can be read and written at the maximum
speeds of storage read bandwidth and storage write band-
width in MB/s, respectively. In DGridSim, in order to
simulate the use of these read and write bandwidths, com-
puting element-gateway links and storage element-gateway
links within sites are used, so the simulation of read/write
bandwidths is no different than that of link bandwidths, as
it will be explained below.
As a real-time data grid simulator, DGridSim provides
end-to-end guaranteed network service for all data trans-
fers. In order to provide such a service, first of all,
DGridSim associates a bandwidth parameter in MB/s with
every network link, and models any data transfer as a flow
with source and destination elements, start and finish
times, and job data size. Note that modeling the data trans-
fers by flows is due to the fact that the connection-oriented
next generation networks provide flows with bandwidth
guarantees as well.
During the simulation of execu-
tion of data-intensive jobs, a number of flows will be
simultaneously scheduled on the network, so they all share
the bandwidth of network links. Specifically, DGridSim
simulates the use of network links for transferring job data
as follows:
a. Grid Reservation Service and Site Reservation
Service manage the sharing of links with the help
of Network Resource Manager. These components
ensure that the amount of flow traversing a link
never exceeds its bandwidth in any reservation
b. Grid Data Scheduling Service and Site Data
Scheduling Service components are in charge of
computing the bandwidth requirements of flows via
the related data scheduling algorithms. While an
inter-site flow is being scheduled, Grid Reservation
Service is queried to provide all links with reserva-
tion windows that meet the reservation constraints,
e.g., reservation start and finish times and reserva-
tion size. Based on the returned set of links, a data
scheduling algorithm attempts to find out a path
from a source storage element to either another
storage element or computing element. When a
path is found, Grid Reservation Service is asked to
insert a reservation creation object for every link on
this path.
c. After successfully establishing a path, Grid Data
Dispatch Service waits until the scheduled start
time of data transfer, and simulates the use of net-
work links by means of passing the simulation time
as much as the data transfer time of the related job
data on this path.
5.3. Service components
DGridSim simulates the function of each grid service, such
as submission, scheduling, replication, etc., by means of a
distinctive CSIM process. It should be noted that a CSIM
process is not a real UNIX process; it is rather like a forked
child thread in UNIX terminology. The main properties of
CSIM processes pertaining to the modeling Grid services
are as follows: (i) A CSIM process can be either active or
suspended. When it is active, it continues to be active until
it suspends itself by executing either a hold statement to
advance the simulation time (e.g., waiting for the start time
of a scheduled job) or a wait statement to wait for an event
to occur (e.g., waiting on the global done event). Note that
when a process is active, no simulated time passes. Once
the time specified in a hold statement elapses, a suspended
process becomes active again. (ii) Processes appear to
operate simultaneously with other active processes at the
same points in simulated time. This enables the illusion of
all Grid services in a chosen simulation scenario running
in parallel. Consequently, when processes (or services) are
active, they will be performing their related functions that
are described in the previous section in a parallel fashion
1220 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
in the simulated time. (iii) DGridSim empowers its pro-
cesses to interact with each other through static function
calls, so their relatively complicated interactions can be
adequately modeled.
With the start of simulation, the main simulation
process, namely sim, first becomes active. Inside of this
process, all Grid services are started to set up the simula-
tion environment. For example, initialization of all Model
I services is shown in Figure 2. In this figure, Construct
Simulation step creates sim process, which will further
instantiate a few simulation primitives such as Grid
Builder,Management Site Builder,Site Builder, and Grid.
After its creation, sim process invokes Grid Builder first.
Grid Builder yields and configures a user process, grid
fabric, including routers, links, etc., and reservation ser-
vice. Next, Grid Builder asks Management Site Builder to
create a management site, and sets this management site.
Then, Grid Builder inquiries Site Builder to create all
other sites, and adds each of them to the grid. Finally,
Grid Builder notifies Grid primitive to run all processes
that correspond to all grid sites, reservation service, and
user, which completes the initialization of the simulation
6. DGridSim GUI
DGridSim has a graphical user interface (GUI) that greatly
facilitates the use of simulator and further highlights its
unique features. An example snapshot of DGridSim for
General tab is given in Figure 3. In order to create a simu-
lation scenario, a user should first set the system model
using Grid Model segment under General tab, which will
make GUI show all currently implemented algorithms with
respect to the chosen model.
In order to simulate data grid systems (Figure 3),
Model I has been chosen. In Model I, the job scheduling is
carried out in a hierarchical fashion. In DGridSim, seven
different grid level online/offline scheduling algorithms
are realized: Random, EDF (Earliest Deadline First),
MCTF (Minimum Completion Time First), MCTFwDP
(Minimum Completion Time First with Data Present),
MMwDP (MinMin with Data Present), RT MCTFwDS
(Real-Time Minimum Completion Time First with Data
Staging) and RT MMwDP (Real-Time MinMin with
Data Present), where EDF, MMwDP, and RT MMwDS
are examples of offline scheduling algorithms. It should
be emphasized that some job and data scheduling algo-
rithms in DGridSim have been already proposed in the
literature, e.g. Random, EDF, MCTF, etc. Yet, the
others are developed to guide researchers how to imple-
ment sophisticated algorithms, e.g. RT MCTFwDS and
RT MMwDS, based on some grid services implemented
in DGridSim. In addition to seven grid level job
scheduling algorithms, DGridSim offers an online site
scheduling algorithm, namely RT Max Max (Real-Time
Figure 2. Starting all grid services for Model I.
˘an et al. 1221
Similar to the job scheduling, in Model I, the data sche-
duling is carried out in hierarchical fashion as well.
DGridSim currently supports three different grid level off-
line data scheduling algorithms: MinDelay/FPF (Minimum
Delay Feasible Path First), MinDelay/FPF + MOFF
(Minimum Delay Feasible Path First, Maximum Outgoing
Flows First), and kDP + BSMP (k-shortest Disjoint Paths,
Balanced Share Multi Path). On the other hand, because of
the star connected local area network topology, there is
always a single path between any storage and computing
elements within a site. As a result, an online, built-in site
level data scheduling algorithm easily identifies such
unique paths whenever a job data needs to be retrieved
from in-site storage elements. This built-in algorithm,
however, is not shown in GUI.
In all four models, data organization can be either fed-
erative or hierarchical. Regardless of the chosen data orga-
nization model, DGridSim offers four options for the data
replication: None (no data replication), MRD (Most
Requested Data, pull-based and distributed), RT DIW
(Real-Time Distributed Weighted, push-based, distribu-
ted), and RT CENT (Real-Time Centralized Weighted,
push-based, centralized).
In all system models, two options are provided for Data
Replacement if a data replacement algorithm is chosen:
(1) None: Storage elements reject the replication of job
data if they do not have enough storage space to keep
them. (2) Least Recently Used (LRU): If a replica job
data needs to be copied into a storage element and this
storage element does not have enough storage space to
keep it, it calls for Least Recently Used algorithm to find
out some erasable job data. If LRU algorithm succeeds,
those job data as determined by LRU are deleted before
the replication.
As shown in Figure 3, DGridSim GUI has other tabs in
addition to General. Under Sites,Jobs,Network, and
Custom tabs, a user can set all related simulation para-
meters. For example, Sites tab include such parameters as
site count, min/max storage element, min/max storage ele-
ment capacity, min/max computing element, min/max
computing element capacity, etc. All user settable para-
meters will be revealed in Simulation section. In order to
start a simulation, Start button under Execute tab must be
pressed. Simulation will be repeated as many times as the
number specified by Re-run Count cell and will automati-
cally use one or more CPU cores as indicated by
Concurrent Instances cell under Execute tab. Since the
snapshots of DGridSim GUI for the other system models
are very similar to Figure 3, they are not included in this
7. Simulation experimentation
In this section, a set of simulation results will be presented
to highlight some unique capabilities of DGridSim.
DGridSim creates a new data grid system based on the
simulation parameters under Sites, Jobs, Network, and
Custom tabs when a new simulation has been started. The
data grid system created will be composed of sites, and
Site Count parameter determines the number of sites for
Figure 3. A snapshot from DGridSim GUI for Model I.
1222 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
the simulated Data Grid system. Remember that sites are
split into Tier-0, Tier-1, and Tier-2 sites in the hierarchical
data organization model. As a result, in order to control
the structure of site hierarchy, DGridSim uses Tier 1 Site
Count parameter. That is, DGridSim divides Site Count
number of sites into a single Tier-0 site, Tier 1 Site
Count number of Tier-1 sites, (Site Count -Tier 1 Site
Count - 1) number of Tier-2 sites. Furthermore, it ensures
that every Tier-1 site has at least one child Tier-2 site.
Regardless of the data organization model, every site is
equipped by a set of computing elements, storage ele-
ments, and a local area network. The parameters related to
forming a site except its local area network are as follows:
Min/Max Computing Element denotes the minimum/maxi-
mum number of computing elements within a site, where
every computing element is associated with a computing
power in terms of MIPS rating between Min CE Capacity
and Max CE Capacity.Min/Max Storage Element shows
its minimum/maximum number of storage elements, where
every storage element has a storage capacity in terms of
MB between Min SE Capacity and Max SE Capacity.In
the simulation results presented, data grid systems are
formed with respect to the data organization model as
Data grid systems with federative data organization:
DGridSim creates a data grid system of Site Count=20
sites, each of which includes U~[Min Computing
Element=24, Max Computing Element=36] heterogeneous
computing elements and a single U~[Min Storage
Element=1, Max Storage Element=1] storage element. The
computing elements have MIPS rating of U~[Min CE
Capacity=8000, Max CE Capacity=12,000] and storage
elements have storage capacity of U~[Min SE
Capacity=80,000, Max SE Capacity=120,000] MB. Note
that U~ means uniformly distributed. It should be empha-
sized that similar input data modeling can also be found in
other grid system simulators,
and the related
research studies.
Data grid systems with hierarchical data organization:
DGridSim forms a data grid system of Site Count=25 sites,
which correspond to one Tier-0 site, Tier 1 Site Count=4
Tier-1 sites, and (25-1-Tier 1 Site Count)=20 Tier-2 sites.
Remember that Tier-0 and Tier-1 sites have only storage
elements, while all Tier-2 sites own both storage and com-
puting elements. Consequently, deploying twenty Tier-2
sites in this organization equals the total computing power
of sites in the federative data organization model. Every
Tier-1 site is equipped with a single storage element
U~[Min Storage Element=1, Max Storage Element=1]
whose storage capacity is U~[Min SE Capacity=200,000,
Max SE Capacity=300,000] MB, while Tier-0 site is
assumed to have an infinite storage capacity. Every Tier-2
site, on the other hand, has U~[Min Computing
Element=24, Max Computing Element=36] heterogeneous
computing elements with computing power U~[Min CE
Capacity=8000, Max CE Capacity=12,000] MIPS, and a
single storage element U~[Min Storage Element=1, Max
Storage Element=1] whose storage capacity is determined
based on the total storage capacity of all Tier-1 sites and
Tier SE Capacity Ratio parameter (0 \Tier SE Capacity
Ratio 41.0). That is, the mean total value of Tier-1
storage capacity is equal to the mean total value of Tier-2
storage capacity times Tier SE Capacity Ratio. As a result,
the mean total value of Tier-2 storage capacity is
(250,000 34) 30.5 = 500,000 MB, if Tier SE
Capacity Ratio = 0.5, which results in the mean storage
capacity value of 500,000/20 = 25,000 MB per site.
In a data grid system established by DGridSim, there
are two types of networks: a local area network for every
site and a single inter-site (internet) network that connects
all local area networks. Similar to the studies in the litera-
ture, these networks are defined based on a few parameters
related to routers and links as follows.
In DGridSim, a local area network consists of a single
gateway router, links (gateway-computing element) that
connect this router to computing elements, and links (gate-
way-storage element) that connect it to storage elements
within this site in a star topology fashion. Thus, the num-
ber of links is equal to the number of computing and stor-
age elements in total. In the star connected network, Min/
Max CE Link Bandwidth and Min/Max SE Link Bandwidth
denote the minimum/maximum value of gateway-
computing element and gateway-storage element link
bandwidths in terms of MB/s, respectively, while the delay
of any in-site link is between Min Site Link Delay and Min
Site Link Delay seconds. In addition to these six para-
meters that are sufficient to define a local area network
with star topology, DGridSim needs some other para-
meters for the generation of an inter-site network: Min/
Max Routers is the minimum/maximum number of inter-
site network routers (core routers), Min/Max Internet Links
is the minimum/maximum number of links that are
between core routers and between core and gateway rou-
ters, and Min/Max Internet Link Bandwidth and Min/Max
Internet Link Delay are the related bandwidth and delay
values of these links. It should be emphasized here that
DGridSim generates a random internet network topology
by means of an in-house topology generation algorithm.
This algorithm first randomly determines the number of
routers and links according to the aforementioned para-
meter values, and then creates a connected, random net-
work topology.
During the simulations, the following network para-
meter values are used. For the local area networks,
gateway-computing element links have bandwidth of
U~[Min CE Link Bandwidth=400, Max CE Link
Bandwidth=600] MB/s; gateway-storage element links
have bandwidth of U~[Min SE Link Bandwidth=800, Max
SE Link Bandwidth=1200] MB/s; all in-site links have
delay of U~[Min Site Link Delay=0.008, Max Site Link
˘an et al. 1223
Delay=0.0012] sec. In the internet, on the other hand, there
are U~[Min Routers=8, Max Routers=12] core routers and
U~[Min Internet Links=16, Max Internet Links=24] links
whose bandwidths are U~[Min Internet Link
Bandwidth=120, Max Internet Link Bandwidth=180] MB/s
and delays are U~[Min Internet Link Delay=0.0025, Max
Internet Link Delay=0.0075] sec. Site and Network tabs
together have all of these parameters.
After the data grid system fabric has been formed, jobs
start coming into the system according to Poisson process
with Inter-arrival Time=5 sec. DGridSim will create Job
Count=2000 number of independent jobs until the end of a
simulation run. Each job is modeled by means of a size
(Min/Max Job Size) in terms of MI (Million Instruction) to
determine its computing time on any computing element,
a deadline (Min/Max Deadline) by which it must be com-
pleted, and a number of randomly assigned job data (Min/
Max Job Data) with respect to a job data access pattern
that must be present at the computing element before its
execution starts. During the simulations, job sizes are
U~[Min Job Size=4,800,000, Max Job Size=7,200,000]
MI; their deadlines are U~[Min Deadline=400, Max
Deadline=600] sec; their number of job data are U~[Min
Job Data=2, Max Job Data=4]. Finally, DGridSim
instantiates Data-item Count=10,000 different job data,
each of which has a size of U~[Min DI Size=800, Max DI
Size=1200] MB. It should be noted here that job data are
randomly distributed to all sites in the federative data
organization, while they all are initially stored in Tier-0
site in the hierarchical model. Furthermore, they are not
deleted during the simulation, and they do not occupy any
storage space, whereas their replicas consume it. Jobs tab
in GUI has all these job related parameters.
Finally, Custom tab has several user-adjustable simula-
tion parameters that set a) periods for the offline job/data
scheduling services and data replication services, and
information services b) replication thresholds for the data
replication algorithms, c) a data access pattern among ran-
dom, geometric, and Zipf for jobs, d) buddy set size and
the related computing load threshold values.
Because of the space limitations, it is impossible to
demonstrate all features supported by DGridSim. As a result,
for each system model, a representative set of simulation
results are included here to report the satisfiability (the ratio
of number of jobs finished before their deadlines to total
number of jobs) under varying simulation parameters. In
these simulation studies, MinDelay/FPF was chosen as the
grid level data scheduling algorithm because of its lower
running times; RT CENT was selected as the data replica-
tion algorithm since it can be used for all models; LRU was
used to complement the data replication algorithm.
All representative sets of simulation results are sum-
marized in Tables 2, 3, and 4. The reported satisfiability
data in these tables are average satisfiability figures that
are obtained when the following simulation stopping cri-
teria are all achieved: a) Simulation is repeated at least 10
times for the current scenario. b) Relative statistical error
(the ratio of the half-width of the confidence interval to
the mean of satisfied jobs) for 90% confidence interval is
less than or equal to the accuracy value of 0.05.
Table 2. Performance of job scheduling algorithms with the increasing number of jobs.
Algorithm Number of Jobs vs. Satisfiability (%)
2000 3000 4000 5000 10,000
Model I MCTF Federative 0.48 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.38
Hierarchical 0.46 0.39 0.39 0.37 0.37
MCTFwDP Federative 0.72 0.58 0.53 0.50 0.48
Hierarchical 0.47 0.41 0.40 0.38 0.38
MMwDP Federative 0.48 0.49 0.47 0.48 0.47
Hierarchical 0.52 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.42
Model II FACEF Federative 0.46 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46
Hierarchical 0.46 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48
FACEFwDP Federative 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.47
Hierarchical 0.47 0.47 0.44 0.45 0.46
bFACEFwDP Federative 0.30 0.27 0.22 0.20 0.16
Hierarchical 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.19 0.17
Model III FACEF Federative 0.35 0.24 0.19 0.15 0.10
Hierarchical 0.16 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.04
FACEFwDP Federative 0.43 0.39 0.25 0.21 0.11
Hierarchical 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.07 0.03
bFACEFwDP Federative 0.28 0.21 0.18 0.11 0.08
Hierarchical 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.07 0.03
Model IV RT Min Max Federative 0.66 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.53
Hierarchical 0.44 0.38 0.26 0.23 0.19
1224 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
7.1. Results for Model I
Three Grid scheduling algorithms are chosen for Model I
simulation studies: MCTF, MCTFwDP and MMwDP.
MCTF and MCTFwDP are online algorithms, while
MMwDP is an offline one. Different from MCTF,
MCTFwDP and MMwDP algorithms take into account the
location of data (with the extension wDP) while choosing
a site for every submitted job. In Table 2, the performance
of these algorithms is reported with respect to increasing
Job Count, while keeping all other aforementioned simula-
tion parameters unchanged. According to Table 2, the per-
formance of these Model I algorithms slightly decreases as
Table 3. Performance of job scheduling algorithms with the increasing mean number of job data.
Mean Number of Job Data vs. Satisfiability (%)
Model I MCTF Federative 0.60 0.52 0.48 0.48 0.47
Hierarchical 0.52 0.48 0.46 0.46 0.45
MCTFwDP Federative 1.00 0.93 0.72 0.62 0.58
Hierarchical 0.52 0.49 0.47 0.47 0.46
MMwDP Federative 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.46 0.48
Hierarchical 0.67 0.57 0.52 0.50 0.48
Model II FACEF Federative 0.45 0.48 0.46 0.46 0.44
Hierarchical 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.45
FACEFwDP Federative 0.47 0.50 0.46 0.46 0.46
Hierarchical 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.45 0.47
bFACEFwDP Federative 0.42 0.42 0.30 0.23 0.17
Hierarchical 0.42 0.41 0.29 0.23 0.18
Model III FACEF Federative 0.47 0.45 0.35 0.26 0.21
Hierarchical 0.44 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.10
FACEFwDP Federative 0.47 0.47 0.43 0.35 0.31
Hierarchical 0.44 0.26 0.18 0.12 0.10
bFACEFwDP Federative 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.25
Hierarchical 0.30 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.09
Model IV RT Min Max Federative 0.98 0.73 0.66 0.61 0.58
Hierarchical 0.66 0.49 0.44 0.42 0.40
Table 4. Performance of job scheduling algorithms with the increasing storage capacity.
Storage Capacity vs. Satisfiability (%)
Low Medium High
Model I MCTF Federative 0.48 0.48 0.54
Hierarchical 0.46 0.46 0.49
MCTFwDP Federative 0.59 0.72 0.91
Hierarchical 0.46 0.47 0.51
MMwDP Federative 0.47 0.48 0.50
Hierarchical 0.49 0.52 0.56
Model II FACEF Federative 0.45 0.46 0.46
Hierarchical 0.45 0.46 0.48
FACEFwDP Federative 0.48 0.46 0.47
Hierarchical 0.46 0.47 0.47
bFACEFwDP Federative 0.21 0.30 0.39
Hierarchical 0.20 0.29 0.40
Model III FACEF Federative 0.17 0.35 0.46
Hierarchical 0.08 0.16 0.33
FACEFwDP Federative 0.26 0.43 0.48
Hierarchical 0.08 0.18 0.33
bFACEFwDP Federative 0.19 0.28 0.38
Hierarchical 0.08 0.15 0.30
Model IV RT Min Max Federative 0.56 0.66 0.83
Hierarchical 0.39 0.44 0.52
˘an et al. 1225
the number of jobs increases, which can be elaborated as
follows. Increasing the number of jobs also inflates the
number of data transfers that must be completed before
the start times of related jobs. On the other hand, when the
network reaches a saturation point due to the already
scheduled data transfers, it becomes much harder to sched-
ule new jobs due to the scarce network bandwidth, which
can lead to dropping more jobs than before. In Table 2,
the best performance is obtained by MCTFwDP, which is
followed by MMwDP and MCTF in federative model. In
hierarchical model, however, the best results are obtained
by MMwDP, which is followed by MCTFwDP and
In Table 3, the mean number of job data is increased
from one (U~[Min Job Data=1, Max Job Data=1]) to five
(U~[Min Job Data=4, Max Job Data=6]) for Job
Count=2000. As far as the performance of Model I algo-
rithms is concerned, they all demonstrate a deteriorating
performance with the increasing number of job data. This
performance loss can be explained as follows. Increasing
the number of job data results in more network contention.
That is, in order to complete the execution of 2000 jobs,
the mean number of data transfers required is 2000 and
10,000 if the mean number of job data is one and five,
respectively. Such an escalated contention in the network,
on the other hand, makes more jobs miss their deadlines,
since a job is deemed to be failed even if one of its job
data cannot be delivered on time. In Table 3, MCTFwDP
and MMwDP are the best performing algorithms for the
federative and hierarchical models, respectively.
In Table 4, the mean total storage capacity is varied
among Low,Medium, and High, where Low halves Min/
Max SE Capacity values, while High doubles them for Job
Count=2000 and U~[Min Job Data=2, Max Job Data=4].
All Model I algorithms tend to increase their real-time per-
formances with the increasing storage capacity. This per-
formance gain can be attributed to the fact that the
increasing storage capacity boosts the efficiency of the
data replication algorithm. That is, the more the storage
capacity of a site is, the more replicas can be stored within
this site, which increases the temporal data locality in the
site. Increasing the temporal data locality, on the other
hand, not only reduces the number of costly inter-site data
transfers, but also allows more jobs to be completed before
their deadlines. Similar to the results in Table 2 and Table
3, MCTFwDP and MMwDP are superior for the federative
and hierarchical models, respectively.
7.2. Results for Model II
Three Grid scheduling algorithms, namely FACEF,
FACEFwDP, and bFACEFwDP, are selected for the simu-
lations of Model II. FACEF and FACEFwDP are online
algorithms, while bFACEFwDP is the offline version of
FACEFwDP. With respect to Table 2, both FACEF and
FACEFwDP algorithms retain their performance values,
while bFACEFwDP experiences performance loss while
the number of jobs increases. It is interesting to note that
FACEF and FACEFwDP are the only algorithms among
all algorithms that show a stable performance against the
inflated number of data transfer requests. This capability
of FACEF and FACEFwDP is further supported by the
results in Table 3 and in Table 4 in which they continue to
show a stable performance with the increasing number of
job data and the increasing data replication efficiency,
respectively. The reason behind this phenomenon is that
FACEF and FACEFwDP algorithms reject too many jobs
due to the unavailability of computing elements, which
results in scheduling a relatively small number of data
transfer requests, and creating an illusion of the indepen-
dence from the increasing number of job data.
In all three tables, FACEF and FACEFwDP show a
very similar and stable performance, which is always
superior to bFACEFwDP, regardless of the data organiza-
tion model. In addition, the performance results related to
bFACEFwDP in Tables 2, 3, and 4 are similar to those of
Model I algorithms in the respective tables. Thus, they are
not repeated here.
It is also imperative that Model I and Model II algo-
rithms are compared against each other. In the tables,
Model I algorithms generally perform better than Model II
ones. The performance of Model I algorithms is mostly
limited by the data locality and available network capac-
ity. On the other hand, Model II algorithms are mainly
bound by the computing capacity as compared to the job
data related mechanisms.
7.3. Results for Model III
Similar to the Model II simulation studies, FACEF,
FACEFwDP, and bFACEFwDP grid level job scheduling
algorithms are chosen for the simulations of Model III. It
should be emphasized that even though Model II and
Model III algorithms share the same names, they are
essentially different algorithms. This is also evident from
the simulation results presented for Model II and Model
III systems.
The performance of Model III algorithms with respect
to the increasing job size, the increasing number of job
data, and the increasing storage capacity is very similar to
that of Model I algorithms, which is why it is not elabo-
rated further here. In addition, neither FACEF nor
FACEFwDP shows a noticeable performance similar to
Model II FACEF and FACEFwDP algorithms. Among
Model III algorithms, FACEFwDP is the best one, fol-
lowed by FACEF and bFACEFwDP regardless of the data
organization model.
When Model I, II, and III algorithms are compared,
Model III algorithms are inferior to both Model I and
Model II algorithms. It should be also noted that Model III
1226 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
algorithms, different from Model II algorithms, are
affected by the data locality and available network capac-
ity similar to Model I algorithms. Finally, decoupling job
and data scheduling, Model II vs. Model III algorithms,
boosts the real-time system performance, which is consis-
tent with the previous results in the literature.
7.4. Results for Model IV
In Model IV, job scheduling is distributed among the site
level schedulers, for which DGridSim supports RT Min
Max algorithm. During the simulations, Buddy Size=5 and
buddy-sets are randomly formed.
Similar to the previous results, the performance of RT
Min Max gets worse with the increasing number of jobs
and number of job data, and with the decreasing storage
capacity. Furthermore, RT Min Max is mostly bound by
the data locality and available network capacity similar to
Model I algorithms.
Among all algorithms, it is compelling to observe that
RT Min Max is the second best algorithm after Model I
MCTFwDP for the federative model and the third best
after Model I MMwDP for the hierarchical model. Thus,
RT Min Max is superior to Model II and Model III algo-
rithms in general.
In order to complement all simulation results presented
in Table 2, 3, and 4, the mean running times of DGridSim
are reported in Tables 5 and 6, which are obtained on a
computer with Intel i7 2.00 GHz processor, 1.5 GB of
RAM, and 64-bit Windows 7 operating system. According
to Table 5, the running times of DGridSim rises with the
increasing number of jobs. It should be noted that increas-
ing the number of jobs causes the number of job data to be
scheduled to increase as well. As a result, taking both
the increased number of job and job data into account, the
running times of DGridSim grow mostly linearly with the
number of jobs. In Table 6, the number of jobs is fixed at
Job Count=2000, and the number of sites is varied from
Site Count=20/25 to 100/125 for the federative and hier-
archical data organization models, respectively. Increasing
the number of sites rises the computation times of the
respective job scheduling algorithms. Since Model II and
Model III grid level scheduling algorithms try to find out
computing elements for the submitted jobs, their running
times are affected the most, as it was observed in Table 6.
Once again, there is mostly a linear relationship between
the number of sites and the running times of DGridSim.
8. Conclusions
This study presents a framework for modeling real-time
data grid systems based on a set of well-defined service
descriptions and their interactions, which can be used by
researchers to create their own data grid simulators, emu-
lators, or real life implementations. This framework fur-
ther provides an infrastructure in which a wide range of
real-time job scheduling, data scheduling and data replica-
tion algorithms from the literature, or new algorithms can
be embedded. Within this framework, DGridSim, which is
a multi-model, discrete-event simulator, is developed.
DGridSim embodies many unique features compared to
similar simulator studies in the literature. The most distin-
guished features of DGridSim can be listed as follows: It
supports four different data grid system models. All com-
puting, storage, and networking resources are reserved by
a reservation mechanism before they are used. DGridSim
is designed in a modular and flexible fashion so that the
researchers can add their own job scheduling, data sche-
duling, and data replication algorithms to any of the four
models. DGridSim includes the source codes of many job
scheduling, data scheduling, and data replication algo-
rithms to help the researchers to write their own codes.
Furthermore, it has a GUI that makes it easy to use and
create a desired simulation environment.
According to the presented simulation results, it is evi-
dent that the grid system model, which is defined by the
job and data scheduling and data replication mechanisms
to be deployed, has a profound impact on its real-time per-
formance. The hierarchical and distributed job scheduling
models together with a hierarchical data scheduling
Table 5. The running times of DGridSim with the increasing number of jobs.
Number of Jobs vs. Running Time (s)
2000 3000 4000 5000 10,000
Model I Federative 23 39 57 79 254
Hierarchical 25 33 41 55 105
Model II Federative 17 24 34 43 100
Hierarchical 79 98 134 154 333
Model III Federative 18 27 36 48 104
Hierarchical 115 189 284 334 676
Model IV Federative 37 63 100 186 416
Hierarchical 50 102 188 312 658
˘an et al. 1227
mechanism have mostly provided the best results. The
scalability of these approaches as compared to Model II
and Model II with the centralized grid level job scheduling
further makes them more appealing for the real Grid
implementations. In addition, decoupling job and data
scheduling mechanisms should be strived for, since it
boosts the real-time performance in parallel to the previ-
ous work in the literature. Finally, the data organization
model of Data Grid system determines the way jobs access
their related data under the control of a data scheduling
and data replication algorithms, which greatly affects the
system performance.
As a future work, other types of applications including
bag-of-tasks or workflows in addition to independent tasks
will be supported; other known job/data scheduling and
data replication algorithms from the literature will be
included in order to provide an all-in-one platform to study
all aspects of real-time data grid systems
This work was supported by the Institute of Scientific and
Technological Research of Turkey (grant number 108E232).
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Author biographies
Atakan Dog˘an received his PhD degree in electrical
engineering from The Ohio State University in 2001. He
is currently an associate professor in the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Anadolu
University. His current research interests include modeling
and simulation of computer systems, grid computing, par-
allel computer architecture, embedded systems, and recon-
figurable computing.
Mustafa Mu
¨jdat Atanak received his PhD degree in elec-
trical and electronics engineering from Anadolu University in
2012. He is presently working as an assistant professor in the
Department of Computer Engineering of Dumlupınar
˘an et al. 1229
University. His current research interests include grid
computing, embedded systems, and mobile programming.
Safai Tandog˘an is presently a PhD student in computer
engineering of Eskisxehir Osmangazi University and he is a
senior software developer in C Tech Informatics. His current
research interests include grid computing, grid system simula-
tion, and resource management in data grid systems.
Reha Og˘uz Altug˘ is currently working towards his PhD
degree in computer engineering of Eskisxehir Osmangazi
University and he is a senior software developer in
Computer Center of Anadolu University. His current
research interests include hardware acceleration on
FPGAs, grid system simulation, and software engineering.
Hakan Gu
¨ray Sxenel received his PhD degree in electri-
cal and computer engineering from Vanderbilt University
in 1997. He is currently an associate professor in the
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
of Anadolu University. His current research interests
include embedded system design, computer vision,
image processing, and software engineering.
1230 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 90(11)
... Several surveys are conducted on data replication and replica selection strategies (Amjad et al., 2012;Grace and Manimegalai, 2014b;Ma et al., 2013;Mokadem and Hameurlain, 2015). Some other works have been mainly interested in studying experimental performances of a small subset of strategies of distributed systems, like Bautista Villalpando et al. (2014), Doğan (2009), Doğan et al. (2014), Grossman and Gu (2008), and Malik et al. (2015). Our Contents lists available at ScienceDirect journal homepage: ...
Full-text available
Mining grid data is an interesting research field which aims at analyzing grid systems with data mining techniques in order to efficiently discover new meaningful knowledge to enhance grid management. In this paper, we focus particularly on how extracted knowledge enables enhancing data replication and replica selection strategies which are important data management techniques commonly used in data grids. Indeed, relevant knowledge such as file access patterns, file correlations, user or job access behavior, prediction of future behavior or network performance, and so on, can be efficiently discovered. These findings are then used to enhance both data replication and replica selection strategies. Various works in this respect are then discussed along with their merits and demerits. In addition, we propose a new guideline to data mining application in the context of data replication and replica selection strategies.
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de simulação a eventos discretos para análise do processamento de um servidor de email. São analisados o envio e o recebimento de mensagens, levando em consideração o período do lead time dos mesmos. O modelo de simulação considerou todo processamento do servidor, desde a chegada de emails até o envio para os destinatários. Assim, o modelo proporcionou a visualização dos tempos gastos em cada processo, a utilização dos recursos e, em especial, o principal problema enfrentado pela empresa, que é o alto lead time das mensagens no servidor. As simulações foram realizadas utilizando o software livre de simulação Ururau. Os resultados mostraram que o software livre obteve resultados equivalentes aos de outro software comercial tradicionalmente utilizado, sem diferença estatística significativa entre eles.
"Grid" computing has emerged as an important new field, distinguished from conventional distributed computing by its focus on large-scale resource sharing, innovative applications, and, in some cases, high-performance orientation. In this article, we define this new field. First, we review the "Grid problem," which we define as flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources-what we refer to as virtual organizations. In such settings, we encounter unique authentication, authorization, resource access, resource discovery, and other challenges. It is this class of problem that is addressed by Grid technologies. Next, we present an extensible and open Grid architecture, in which protocols, services, application programming interfaces, and software development kits are categorized according to their roles in enabling resource sharing. We describe requirements that we believe any such mechanisms must satisfy, and we discuss the central role played by the intergrid protocols that enable interoperability among different Grid systems. Finally, we discuss how Grid technologies relate to other contemporary technologies, including enterprise integration, application service provider, storage service provider, and peer-to-peer computing. We maintain that Grid concepts and technologies complement and have much to contribute to these other approaches.
Data-aware scheduling in today’s large-scale heterogeneous environments has become a major research issue. Data Grids (DGs) and Data Centers arise quite naturally to support needs of scientific communities to share, access, process, and manage large data collections geographically distributed. Data scheduling, although similar in nature with grid scheduling, is given rise to the definition of a new family of optimization problems. New requirements such as data transmission, decoupling of data from processing, data replication, data access and security are to be added to the scheduling problem are the basis for the definition of a whole taxonomy of data scheduling problems. In this paper we briefly survey the state-of-the-art in the domain. We exemplify the model and methodology for the case of data-aware independent job scheduling in computational grid and present several heuristic resolution methods for the problem.
Abstract This article describes the Open Science Grid, a large distributed computational infrastructure in the United States which supports many different high-throughput scientific applications, and partners (federates) with other infrastructures nationally and ...
Grids designed for computationally demanding scientific applications started experimental phases ten years ago and have been continuously delivering computing power to a wide range of applications for more than half of this time. The observation of their emergence and evolution reveals actual constraints and successful approaches to task mapping across administrative boundaries. Beyond differences in distributions, services, protocols, and standards, a common architecture is outlined. Application-agnostic infrastructures built for resource registration, identification, and access control dispatch delegation to grid sites. Efficient task mapping is managed by large, autonomous applications or collaborations that temporarily infiltrate resources for their own benefits.
Data Grid is a geographically distributed environment that deals with large-scale data-intensive applications. Effective scheduling in Grid can reduce the amount of data transferred among nodes by submitting a job to a node, where most of the requested data files are available. Data replication is another key optimization technique for reducing access latency and managing large data by storing data in a wisely manner. In this paper two algorithms are proposed, first a novel job scheduling algorithm called Combined Scheduling Strategy (CSS) that uses hierarchical scheduling to reduce the search time for an appropriate computing node. It considers the number of jobs waiting in queue, the location of required data for the job and the computing capacity of sites. Second a dynamic data replication strategy, called the Modified Dynamic Hierarchical Replication Algorithm (MDHRA) that improves file access time. This strategy is an enhanced version of Dynamic Hierarchical Replication (DHR) strategy. Data replication should be used wisely because the storage capacity of each Grid site is limited. Thus, it is important to design an effective strategy for the replication replacement. MDHRA replaces replicas based on the last time the replica was requested, number of access, and size of replica. It selects the best replica location from among the many replicas based on response time that can be determined by considering the data transfer time, the storage access latency, the replica requests that waiting in the storage queue and the distance between nodes. The simulation results demonstrate the proposed replication and scheduling strategies give better performance compared to the other algorithms.
Grid infrastructures are becoming the largest and most complex distributed systems ever built. Because of their size and complexity, they raise many algorithmic challenges for security, fault tolerance, faire share and performance. When investigating a research issue, researchers are using different methodologies and different tools. Most of the pub- lished Grid studies were conducted on real production in- frastructures or simulators. There are others research tools such as mathematical models, emulators and large scale experimental testbeds. In this paper we present a survey of existing tools and methodologies to investigate Grid re- search issues. We describe the some mathematical mod- els, the main generic simulators (Bricks, SimGrid, GridSim, GangSim and OptorSim), a couple of emulators (MicroGrid and Grid eXplorer) and a couple of experimental testbeds (DAS2 and Grid'5000). We briey discuss their respective advantages and limitations and present the validation ap- proach used by their authors.